WE LISTEN TO THE WORD THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF AUBURN Sunday, October 26, 2014 ACT OF PRAISE: WE GATHER FOR WORSHIP PRE SERVICE MUSIC: Psalm 90 (w/Response) OLD TESTAMENT LESSON: Organ Selections ‘Praise Medley’ SERMON: Matthew 22:34-46 UMH Page 809 NT Page 24 ‘How Do I Love Thee: Let Me Count the Ways’ ‘The Gift of Love’ HYMN: WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: (Please indicate your presence by signing the pew pad. Your comfort is important to us, please choose to sit or stand as you able) UMH Page 408 WE RESPOND IN FAITH A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT ‘The Blessing’ QUIET PRELUDE: Auburn Bell Ringers *CALL TO WORSHIP: Leader: Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. People: In you, we come home-to rest, to wrestle, to love, to be loved. We dwell in you. Leader: Before the mountains were born, before you delivered the whole world, from everlasting past to everlasting future, you are God. People: In you, we are home-we dream, we flourish, we fade, we rejoice. We dwell in you. *HYMN OF PRAISE: ‘Lord, I Want to Be a Christian’ UMH Page 402 *PRAYER OF INVOCATION: Loving God, you not only welcome us, you receive us into yourself. Give us courage to be so open to others, to let them become so dear to us, that we might share not only your gospel but also our lives, through Christ, who makes room for us all. *GLORIA PATRI UMH Page 71 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. ANTHEM: ‘We Can Share His Love’ TIME WITH THE CHILDREN Wesleyan Singers/Children’s Choir THE SERVICE OF GIVING: PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS THE OFFERTORY ‘Recessional’ *DOXOLOGY: Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. R. Hughes UMH Page 95 *PRAYER OF DEDICATION: Holy God, we offer these gifts to you. May your favor be upon them and prosper the labor of our hands, that your glorious power may be manifest to all, through Christ, our Lord. Amen. THE SERVICE OF PRAYER SHARING OUR JOYS AND CONCERNS PASTORAL PRAYER/LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen CHORAL RESPONSE *CLOSING HYMN ‘Pass It On’ UMH Page 572 WE DEPART TO SERVE BENEDICTION CHORAL BENEDICTION *POSTLUDE: (Please be seated) ‘God Be with You’ ‘Trumpet Piece’ THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF AUBURN *A Reconciling Congregation Wesleyan Singers D. Callender ******************************************************************************* *CONGREGATION STANDS - if you are physically able UMH = The United Methodist Hymnal (red) TFWS = The Faith We Sing (black) Large print hymnals and bulletins along with assisted-listening devices are available at the Visitor’s Booth, or an usher would be glad to provide you with either or both. Contact Information for Pastor Jackie: Pastor Jackie has Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 to noon for office hours unless a district meeting is scheduled on one of those particular days. Please note that the email address for Pastor Jackie here at the Church will be: [email protected] Home Phone No.: 753-1275 and Cell: 2422770. Parts of the Liturgy this morning was taken from ‘Feasting on the Word’, Editor Kimberly Bracken Long MEDITATION Where has God seemed to lead you to the edge of your ‘promised land’ and then appeared to be holding you back from entering? Why would God hold you back? The United Methodist Church of Auburn is an intergenerational Christian Community whose mission is to embody Christ’s love through a commitment to serve God by fulfilling the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of our congregation and of our local and global communities. Rev. Jacquelyn Brannen, Pastor Worship Service Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Sunday. 10:00 a.m. Staff Directory email: [email protected] Web Site: auburnmethodist.org Pastor: Rev. Jacquelyn Brannen Parsonage: 753-1275 Cell: 242-2770 email: [email protected] Secretary: Joan Spitzform Church Office: 782-3972 Organist: Norma Rice-Gould Choir Director: Kary Coffin WELCOME TO ALL Welcome to our church! We are so glad you decided to worship with us this day. We are a Reconciling United Methodist Church that is passionate about serving God. We love inspiring worship services and are committed to diversity. We believe that all persons are of sacred worth. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we covenant to follow his example of unconditional love, compassion and justice in our mission and ministry. Therefore, we welcome and nurture the full participation of people of every age, heritage, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, economic status, faith background, family structure, gender identity, marital status, race, social standing and varying capability. We strive to fully embody the mission of the United Methodist Church to open hearts, minds and doors to everybody. We invite you to worship with us knowing that you are loved exactly as you are. THIS WEEK IN OUR CHURCH SUNDAY, October 26th – Potluck Luncheon 9:45 a.m. Prayer Circle 10:00 a.m. Worship 12:00 p.m. OT Bible Study 1:30 p.m. Fall Festival 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Serenity Group AA/Alanon TUESDAY, October 28th 6:00 p.m. Girl Scout Troop 1606 6:00 p.m. UMW Potluck THURSDAY, October 30th 10:00 a.m. Faith Journey 6:00 p.m. Boy Scout Trp 121 FRIDAY, October 31st 10:15 a.m. Music Together 5:45 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 111 WEDNESDAY, October 29th 9:30 a.m. Music Together 6:00 p.m. Wesleyan Singers 6:00 p.m. Boy Scout 121 Committee 6:00 p.m. Private Men’s Group SUNDAY, November 2nd 8:30 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Worship 12:00 p.m. OT Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Private Men’s Group Israel Deku Youth Sunday Private Men’s Group MONDAY, October 27th 5:00 p.m. Solutions Group 6:00 p.m. Bell Choir SATURDAY, November 1st 7:30 a.m. Men’s Breakfast This Week’s Liturgist: Next Week’s Liturgist: 6:00 p.m. HIGH STREET FOOD PANTRY: The following items are needed on a weekly basis: peanut butter, toilet paper, and pasta sauce. Please place items in the grocery cart outside the sanctuary. If you have questions about the pantry or wish to volunteer, please speak with Leroy Brown or Eric Howes. Monetary donations to the Food Pantry can be made out to and sent to: High Street Church Food Pantry, 106 Pleasant Street, Auburn, ME 04210 AUBURN PRESCHOOL COLLECTION FOR OCTOBER: We will be collecting Paper Towels and Napkins for the Preschool this month. Please put your donations in the box on the fellowship table. Thank you! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: If anyone has any musical instruments you would like to donate to the church, it would be appreciate. Please see Pastor Jackie! JEWELRY NEEDED FOR FAIR! The fair needs your ‘jewels’. They can be deposited in the designated box on the table as you enter the sanctuary. Please donate ASAP to allow time to prepare jewelry for display. Volunteers are needed to assist with sales, especially during the first two hours. Contact Wanda Sprague if you would like to participate in this ‘Jewelry Adventure”. Contact Wanda at: [email protected] or 783-2711 CHILDREN’S ROOM for the Church Fair is looking for: beads and bells for jewelry making; white paper plates; white tube socks and stuffing for snowman making; clear or solid colored ornaments for decorating – thank you! PLEASE HOLD THE DATE: Join us Saturday, November 8th for Day of Discovery. Time 9:00-3:00 at Turner Highlands Country Club. Facilitator Bonnie Marden will facilitate the day. Buffet lunch provided at a cost of $15.00/per person. Childcare and Car-pooling available. Register by Sunday October 19th using the sign-up sheet on the Fellowship Table. FMI contact Claire Cote at [email protected] FALL FAMILY FUN FESTIVAL: Today, October 26th 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Back by popular demand – Mr. Drew and His Animals Too! Fun activities and crafts for the young and young at heart. POTLUCK LUNCHEON: Today, October 26th, 11:30 a.m. Stay for lunch following worship and enjoy the leftovers from the Bean Supper! Bring a dish to add to it! UMW WORLD THANK PROGRAM AND POTLUCK SUPPER: All women of the church are invited to join us on Tuesday, October 28 at 6:00 p.m. All are asked to bring a dish to share. Deserts will be provided by the UMC Executive Committee. If you have bring saving your change for this program, please bring it with you! ADVENT BIBLE STUDY: Bible Saints of Christmas is a 4 week Study. Would you like to meet some of the faithful who prepared the way for the birth of Christ? Did you ever wonder what life was like for Mary, or how Ruth figured in prophecy? We will be studying the relevant portions of the book Christ in His Saints by Rev. Patrick Henry Reardon; he is an orthodox priest who always brings humor and insight. We start November 30th following worship (1st Sunday of Advent) and the next 3 Sundays. Bring your own lunch. Signup sheet is on the table in the Fellowship Hall, and the book will be displayed starting in November. Facilitator is Rev. Joe Beardsley. FMI call Rev. Beardsley at 441-5939. CHRISTMAS WREATHS: Orders will be taken for Christmas Wreaths beginning November 2nd after church. Cost: $9.00 – plain; $16.00 – decorated. Pickup will be December 6th. For more information, please contact Marjorie Smith at 713-8807 PAINT PARTY: The church will be hosting a paint party on Saturday, December 13th at 2:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Our instructor will provide step by step instructions to create a beautiful winter evening scene (see sample on hallway bulletin board). All supplies are included and you will bring home your masterpiece on a stretched canvas. Seating is limited, please register with Marissa Deku at 207-754-4865 or [email protected] to reserve your seat. The cost is $30.00 for a fun filled afternoon! CHRISTMAS PAGEANT: An intergenerational Christmas Pageant entitled: ‘A Simple Christmas Pageant’ will be held Sunday, December 21st during worship. Non-speaking roles for the Nativity scene, animals, angels and shepherds are needed. Please mark your calendars for special pre-pageant events: November 16th – Painting of the Scenery after Church. December 7th and 14th Rehearsals after Church. Contact: Cherie Downing WARM HANDS PROJECT: High Street Congregational Church is looking for volunteers to help make mittens for youth and children ages 5-15. They can be knitted or fleece. Please contact Jeanne at High Street Church: 784-1306 ext. 10. Also, see flyer on the fellowship table. INVITATION: The Preachers Aid Society will hold a Welcome Luncheon on Saturday, November 22 at 12:00 noon in the Community Building of our new retirement community Wesley by the Sea, 51 Charles Wesley Court, Wells, ME 04090. They will serve a light buffet lunch followed by a tour of the community. RSVP is required by November 3rd. Please see the sign-up sheet on the Fellowship Table – deadline is November 2nd for signing up as we need to contact them on November 3rd. Thank you!
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