THE MISSION The Newsletter of Saint Marys United Methodist Church December 10, 2014 “Try Again” One of the malls in the Atlanta area has always displayed a huge Christmas Tree on the top of one of its buildings. On one occasion the tree broke while the crane tried to lift it into place. When asked what was going to be done a spokesperson for the mall replied, “We will try again. We always have a second tree scouted out. We will have a tree up and decorated in time for the lighting ceremony.” In the season of Advent we are provided with numerous opportunities to join in the celebration of Christ’s birth. While many of us find it easy to sing of peace on earth and joy to the world, for others the lights of Christmas don’t seem as bright as they once were and the carols are not as joyful. On Wednesday, December 17, at 7:00 PM, in the Chapel, we are offering a “Longest Night Service.” It is a service for everyone, but it is especially for those who are hurting, lonely, and struggling for whatever reason to embrace the joy of Christmas. The service provides us with an opportunity to try again. To try again to make something special out of broken hopes and dreams; to try again to mend broken relationships; to try again to fill the empty places of broken hearts with the peace and hope of Christmas. God realized that for him to have the personal relationship he desired with his people he would have to try again - he would have to become one of us. And so he came to us, to be born in a manger, to live among us, to experience our highs and lows, to be broken and die for the forgiveness of our sins, and to raise victorious over death to offer us eternal life. In our times of discouragement, when it feels like our world is breaking in two, God invites us to try again. He understands our cares and concerns. He will provide the guidance we need to mend our broken dreams. He will give us courage to take the first steps toward renewing broken relationships. He will fill us with hope to help us experience joy even through the pain and emptiness of a broken heart. God said, “Behold, I make all things new!” (Revelation 21:5) He has promised to give us the strength we need - to try again. I look forward to seeing you in worship this Sunday and at the “Longest Night Service” on December 17! 106 East Conyers Street, St. Marys, GA 31558 (912) 882-5505 Opportunities for the Week Sunday, December 14th 8:30 A.M. Traditional Worship 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Praise & Worship 12:00 P.M. Good Timers Christmas Luncheon 6:00 P.M. Youth & Children’s Choirs Musical (Sanctuary) Tuesday, December 16th 7:00 A.M. High School Breakfast Club (Chick-Fil-A) 6:30 P.M. Rock Bible Study (WECC) Wednesday, December 17th 6:45 A.M. Middle School Breakfast Club (Hardees) 5:15 P.M. Hand Bell Choir Practice 5:30 P.M. Children’s Choir Practice 7:00 P.M. Longest Night (Chapel) Please join us on Thursday, December 18th at 7:00pm for the St. Marys Community Christmas Concert At First Baptist Church, St. Marys Choirs scheduled to attend include Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church First Baptist Church, St. Marys New Praise Women’s Ensemble from KFUMC FBC Silver Saints First African Baptist Church St. Marys United Methodist Church Admission is free and open to the public. Please bring a canned good for local food pantries. Come out and enjoy the beautiful music of the season as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ together! Advent Offering Christmas is a wonderful season of giving of expressions of love. One cannot help but be caught up in the music and the festive lights and decorations that celebrate the season. The Advent Season that precedes Christmas is a time of preparation as we anticipate the coming of the Christ child once again. We have traditionally given a special offering for mission needs during Advent. The Mission Committee has designated this year’s offering to be divided between Heifer International, a charity organization working to end hunger and poverty around the world, as well as to our Community Youth Choir, & our Youth Missions. Envelopes for your contribution are available in the pews on Sunday. Checks should be made out to the church and marked “Advent Offering”. This year’s Offerings at the Christmas Eve services will also be contributed to these mission programs. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Please continue to pray for … Fay Lentz, Betty Woodward, Bob Deen, Waldene Lassiter, Kenneth & Jean Harrison & Family, Helen DeVries, Dottie West, Betty Hart, Tommy Bean, Lynn Goff, Carolyn Long, Eloise Thompson, George Turner, Pat Williams, Faye Howard, Bob Manley, Richard Pippin, Ivan Stratton Extended Family and Friends Freddie Pilgrim (Barbara Smith’s son); Diana Peeples, Douglas Peeples & Sons (Carolyn Asaro’s sister & nephew); Gene Simpson (Amos & Dottie Simpson’s son); Mary Carrig (Mary Sue Michael’s mother); Vickie Bielling (Nancy Boone’s friend); Lois Hall (Barbara Hall’s mother); Ann & Jim Buskirk (former member); Winifred Boykin, Yolanda Mirarchi, Keith Smith, Myra Howard (relatives & friends of Dale & Karen Hoylman) Coastal Assisted Living Residents Bettye Howard Senior Care Center Residents (St. Marys) Betty Hart Magnolia Manor Residents Margaret Eddinger (SM), Wylidean Wynne (SSI) Deployed & Injured Military Family & Friends Joanna Bailey, Kyle Carpenter, Brandi Bryant Bold indicates a new addition** Names will be removed after two weeks unless otherwise requested. Please call the Church Office at 882-5505 ext. 0 for any Pastoral concerns or needs. We also have a Pastoral concern line for after hours & weekend emergencies. Call 882-5505 ext. 8, leave a message & your call will be returned as quickly as possible Children’s Ministry Parent’s Day Out: Saturday, December 20th from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. This is an opportunity for you to get some shopping or decorating done Kid free. We will be playing, watching a movie, doing some crafts, and having fun. Children must be signed up by Sunday, December 14th in order to attend. I am also on the lookout for some volunteers that could help for an hour or two. Children’s Christmas Party/ Church Wide Christmas Party- will be held on Sunday, December 21st at 5:00 pm. Contact me for more details. Children’s Church- thank you to everyone that has been helping! I appreciate you very much. If you are interested helping, please let me know and we can work you into the rotation. Helping is a great way to see the scriptures from a different point of view. In Him ~ Tina 912-674-8839 [email protected] Youth Corner Here's what we have coming up! Sunday 6:00pm Youth and Children's Musical in the Sanctuary Tuesday 7:00am High School Breakfast Club at Chick-Fil-A Tuesday 6:00pm Rock Bible Study at WECC Wednesday 6:45am Middle School Breakfast Club at Hardees * Wednesday Night Bible Studies are postponed until next school semester * Thursday 5:00-9:00pm meet at K-Mart for Salvation Army Bell Ringing! I'll bring hot chocolate :) Looking ahead: - December 20 10:00am-1:00pm Crooked River State Park Service Day - December 20 5:30pm- Mike's Chair Christmas Concert at The Warehouse $20 for concert and $10 for quick food on the way. Hope you all have a great week. See you soon! ><> Jeremy The People in God’s Christmas Story Advent Sermon Series During this Advent Season you are invited to be in worship each week as we look at “The People in God’s Christmas Story.” This sermon series will help us explore the joys and the challenges faced by those who had key roles in God’s Christmas story, and how their individual stories remain relevant to each of us in our individual faith journeys. The last two in this series are December 14 - Joseph December 21 - Mary The series concludes as we celebrate the birth of Jesus at our Christmas Eve Services. The 5:00pm service in the Sanctuary will be more casual and have a family-friendly feel to it. The 11:00pm service will be held in the Chapel. Both services will end with communion and candlelight. Extend an invitation to others to join you in worship as we begin our journey to Bethlehem! Longest Night Service at St. Marys UMC The Christmas season can be a painful time for some. It may be the first Christmas without a loved one. It may be a time that has always been difficult or is especially difficult this year. The anguish of broken relationships, the insecurity of unemployment, the weariness of ill health, the pain of isolation - any type of loss can make individuals feel very alone in the midst of the celebrating, parties, and spending that are so much a part of the Christmas season. For these reasons, St. Marys United Methodist Church will hold a Longest Night Service on Wednesday, December 17, at 7:00pm in the historic Chapel. The service is for those who have experienced loss, and the feelings of grief, loneliness, and hurt that are amplified in the long nights just before Christmas. All are invited to join with us in sharing and hearing prayers, scripture, candlelight, and music that acknowledge God’s desire to shine light into our darkness. Everyone, regardless of church background is welcome. Welcome to our Newest Members! Tom & Beverly Cyphers 206 W. Bryant St., St. Marys, GA 31558 A Celebration of Christmas Jason & Jennifer McRae & Family 102 Woodhollow Rd., Kingsland, GA 31548 Introduce yourself to them or send them a card & welcome them to our church family! The Youth Department is In Need of Some Extra High School Sunday School Teachers. If you feel the call on your heart to serve in this area of youth ministry please contact Jeremy at [email protected] or 912-227-0976. Thank you so much for your prayerful consideration. You are invited to worship with us on Christmas Eve. There will be two services offered: 5:00pm - A family-friendly service held in the Sanctuary 11:00pm - A traditional service held in the Chapel. Both services will include communion and candlelight. Invite your family and friends to join with you as we gather to celebrate Christmas in these two special services. The celebration of Christmas continues on Sunday, December 28th, with one service of worship at 11:00am. Robert Bennett will preach. Sunday School will be held at 9:45am. LOOKING AHEAD Those Who Serve in Special Ways December 28 , 2014 One Service at 11:00am Sunday School at 9:45am Altar Flowers: Children’s Church: 11:00 Acolytes: 11:00 Greeters: Poinsettias Tina Bense Mikayla Boyd Judy Goodson & Bonnie Taylor Head Offering Counter: Diane Isernhagen Offering Counter: Martha McGhin Sound System: Roy Bauers 11:00 Head Usher: Don Petrie 11:00 Usher: David Shoemaker December 24, 2014 Greeters: 5:00pm - Bridget Bennett & Linda Victory Greeters: 11:00pm - To Be Announced Ushers: 5:00pm - Head Usher: Ray O’Banion Usher: To Be Announced 11:00pm - Head Usher: Don Petrie Usher: Jeff Barker Women's Retreat at Epworth by the Sea February 6 - 8, 2015 Cost of $85 includes lodging and all meals from Friday dinner through Sunday lunch. Scholarships are available for those in need. This will be an exciting weekend with your sisters in Christ that will have a lasting impact on your faith and relationships! Contact Stacy Kiernan at [email protected] or 882-7508 with any questions or to inquire about additional lodging options if needed. Sign ups are now open, and payments can be made to SMUMC to reserve your spot. Many prayers have gone out for people who have had immediate critical prayer needs, as well as people with illnesses, families who have lost loved ones, people who have faced surgeries, and people who are struggling. Below is a list of Prayer Partners who are committed to pray for your prayer needs. If you have a special prayer request please contact one of the ladies & all of these ladies will be praying for you. You do not have to be specific & all information will be kept confidential. All it takes is a single phone call to anyone on the list and the prayer chain will be set in motion. Kathryn Wyler, Chair [email protected] cell 330-546-6955 Bea Crouse [email protected] 882-6260 Wanda Bennett [email protected] 882-4688 Audrey Clark [email protected] 882-2125 Donna Franklin [email protected] 882-6802 Adell Hamilton [email protected] 882-4867 Karen Hoylman [email protected] 673-6546 Toni Hoylman [email protected] or [email protected] 882-2440 or cell 912-227-8664 Joan Seal [email protected] 576-1247 or cell 814-360-5685 Linda Victory [email protected] 882-8655 THE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS: Please check out the SMUMC Family Resource Center for a wide selection of great Christmas materials for all ages. Let us not forget the meaning of this season, the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. There are a number of wonderful Christmas stories to read to young children & selections of these materials will be on display beginning December 1st on the shelves under the window. We have much to be thankful for at Christmas. I will be in the Family Resource Center between the two services on Sunday and Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 7:15 whenever there are church activities. For assistant contact Kathryn Wyler by e-mail: [email protected] or by my cell 330-546-6955. The Chronological Bibles are here! The Chronological Bible in the New International Version will be available before & after each service this Sunday. A table will be set up outside the church parlor where you can purchase your Bible for $12. You may also pick one up at the church office during regular office hours. Join us as we read through the Bible in a year in 2015. Church - Wide Christmas Party December 21st. All members of the church are invited to Dara & Howard Davis’ home as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ with a Church-Wide Christmas Party. The festivities will begin at 5pm. Contact Dara at [email protected] or 912-409-0379 for more info. SMUMC STAFF Tom Jones Senior Pastor [email protected] 912-882-6194 Tina Bense Director of Children’s Ministries [email protected] Stewardship of Presence Money Matters As of 11/14/2014 YTD Budget Income $394,747.68 YTD Budget Expenses $397,582.17 ( $2,566.80 ) November 30 8:30 am 88 11:00 am 100 Worship Total 188 Sunday School 85 December 7 113 134 247 98 Missions Planning Team: We want to expand our already outstanding mission ministries to include service beyond our local community. If you have a passion for missions and want to be a part of the group that helps organize new opportunities for our church to serve, please contact Dave Peterson at [email protected] or Tom Jones at [email protected]. Tricia Perrine Church Secretary [email protected] 2015 ALTAR FLOWER SCHEDULE The following dates are available for those wishing to honor a special person or their memory by providing altar flowers in 2015. There are many ways for you to sign up - send an email to [email protected], call Tricia at 882-5505 ext. 0, stop by the office, or simply circle the date below, write your name on this slip and drop it in the offering plate on Sunday! January 4, 11, 18, 25 February 1, 8, 15 April 12, 19, 26 May 3, 10, 17, 24 June 14, 21, 28 July 5, 12, 19, 26 August 2, 9, 16, 23 September 6, 13, 20, 27 October 4, 11, 18, 25 November 1, 8, 15, 22 December 13 Sandra Nihiser Financial Secretary [email protected] Did You Know … Jeremy Cole Director of Youth Ministries [email protected] Dara Davis Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Ginna E. Stein Director Happy Apple Academy [email protected] Church Office Hours: Mon., Wed., & Thur. = 8:00am-3:00pm Tue. = 8:00am-2:30pm Fri. = 8:00am-Noon Helping Hands Ministry/Food Pantry Hours: Mon. thru Thurs. = 9:00am - 11:45am Fri. = Closed can contribute to SMUMC by shopping online? With the holiday season coming up, be sure to go to UMC Marketplace & sign up. A portion of what you spend can be automatically designated as a contribution to SMUMC. HOLIDAY HOURS: The Church Office & Helping Hands Ministry Food Pantry will close at Noon on Christmas Eve & will resume regular operating hours on December 29th. The Church Office & Helping Hands Ministry Food Pantry will be closed on New Year’s Day & will resume regular hours on Friday, January 2nd. If you have information that you would like in the next newsletter, please send it to [email protected] no later than Noon on Monday, December 29th. St. Marys United Methodist Church 106 East Conyers Street St. Marys, Georgia 31558 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid St. Marys, GA PERMIT NO. 8 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED A child is born to us, a son is given to us, and authority will be on his shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor; Mighty God, Eternal Father; Prince of Peace. There will be vast authority and endless peace for David’s throne and for his kingdom, establishing and sustaining it with justice and righteousness now and forever. The zeal of the Lord of heavenly forces will do this. Isaiah 9:6-7 Those Who Serve in Special Ways December 14 , 2014 Altar Flowers: Carol B. Moore, Jr. Children’s Church: Tina Bense 8:30 Acolytes: Ayden Wills 11:00 Acolytes: Wills Chapman 8:30 Greeters: Diane Isernhagen & Bob Thomas 11:00 Greeters: Kathleen Duddleston & Carolyn Kacedon Head Offering Counter: Diane Isernhagen Offering Counter: Yamy Bauers Sound System: Cathy Barker 8:30 Head Usher: Dale Hoylman 8:30 Usher: Tom Headlee 11:00 Head Usher: Don Petrie 11:00 Usher: Chip Hollis December 21, 2014 Altar Flowers: Poinsettias Children’s Church: Tina Bense 8:30 Acolytes: Kayleigh Brandon 11:00 Acolytes: Kaitlyn Boyd 8:30 Greeters: Linda Victory & Donna Franklin 11:00 Greeters: Linda Grooms & Cheryl Doster Head Offering Counter: Diane Isernhagen Offering Counter: Julie McCullough Sound System: Roy Bauers 8:30 Head Usher: Dale Hoylman 8:30 Usher: Charlie Smith, Jr. 11:00 Head Usher: Don Petrie 11:00 Usher: Diane Isernhagen
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