REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN “And let them make for me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.” EXODUS 25:8 VOLUME 75 NO. 4 KISLEV / TEVET 5775 DECEMBER 2014 CONCERT CELEBRATING CHANUKAH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21ST 2:30 P.M. Starring BASYA SCHECHTER AND HER BAND “PHARAOH’S DAUGHTER” Exotic Sounds of Flute - Guitar - Drums - Bass “Learning………….. that is the secret of Jewish survival” TORAH BRUNCH On behalf of Jewish Theological Seminary SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2014 Crystal Ballroom Plus a Traditional Latka Party In Advance $10 At Door $12 In Honor of Barbara Arion REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER 97-30 Queens Boulevard, Rego Park, NY 11374 Telephone: (718) 459-1000 Fax: (718) 459-0431 Website: Samuel Waidenbaum..........................................Rabbi Josiah Derby, M.A*............................Rabbi Emeritus Sisterhood President Ruth Loewenstein Ruth Loewenstein....................Chairman of the Board of Trustees Sunday Breakfast Club & Learn-In President Romiel Daniel Rabbi Romiel Daniel.....................................President Men’s Club President Jack Alkana Robin Diamond………...Hebrew School Coordinator Yiddish Vinkel President Mildred Pelton * deceased MEETING WITH RABBI WAIDENBAUM Rabbi Waidenbaum will always be available for your needs. However, to ensure that the Rabbi is here, it is preferable that you set a definite appointment in advance so that you will not find the Rabbi otherwise engaged and so that you may be better assured of his undivided attention. Please call the office at 718-459-1000. The direct line to the Rabbi is 718-459-1047. Special Events Group Lee Lobel-Zwang IMPORTANT! If you are celebrating a simcha, please notify the Center office so that we may announce it in our Bulletin and also so that Rabbi Waidenbaum can announce it on Shabbat. If you are ill, please have someone notify Rabbi Waidenbaum or the office and let us know if you would like it announced. Please don’t assume that the office or Rabbi will “hear about it.” Please have someone close to you phone the Rabbi or Lynne in the Center office directly to let them know. The Rego Park Jewish Center Bulletin is published 9 times/year (Sept. - June) Page 2 REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN FROM THE RABBI’S DESK Chanukah marks a special type of miracle. It marks those rare occurrences when we witness G-d’s intervention in history. “Nes Gadol Hayah Sham,” we say, “A great miracle happened there.” During the week of Chanukah we recite Al Hanisim, Hallel, and thank G-d, “For the miracles and the salvation which occurred for our ancestors in other days and in our time.” We tell the story of a small cruse of oil that burned for eight days. When we look back at our history, we recognize that there have been moments when we were keenly aware of G-d’s presence in our lives. From the Exodus to the founding of the State of Israel, we have been able to say, time and again, great miracles have occurred. That we are here today is one of them! On a personal level, we experience such occasions as well. Someone who has overcome a serious illness or survived a life threatening accident comes to synagogue and recites the Gomel blessing, a B’racha in which he /she says, “Hagomel Lichayavim Tovot Shegemalani Kol-Tov.” “Thank You G-d, for graciously bestowing Your favor upon me even though I’m unworthy of such kindness.” At such times we ask ourselves, “Why am I here? Why did I deserve to survive?” The congregation responds, “May the One who has been gracious to you continue to favor you with all that is good.” On such occasions it’s easy to say, “Thank G-d.” When our lives hang in the balance, it’s not hard to look back and acknowledge that we’ve been given a precious gift. Unfortunately, such feelings of gratitude are often short lived and quickly forgotten. The sad truth is, most of us live on a “what have you done for me recently” philosophy of life. It’s easy to say thank you in the thick of the moment. It’s much harder to hold on to our gratitude once we’ve already received what we want. It’s much easier to celebrate holidays. They only occur once a year. They mark dramatic, memorable events. Almost all of them include delicious food. It’s easy to be thankful when you’re keenly aware of G-d’s blessings, because you’ve been the recipient of them. It’s harder to express gratitude on a daily basis as part of your life. So Chanukah is all about gratitude. We need to celebrate the dramatic moments in our lives, but we also need to take the time to give thanks for the small miracles that we receive each day. It’s great to celebrate Chanukah once a year. On Tuesday night, the 16th of December, as we light the first Chanukah candle, may we take the time to count our blessings. We like to give gifts at this time of year. Maybe we should ponder the gifts we have already received. Only then will we come to realize that great miracles occurred to us, not only long ago, but even today, and every day! May your Chanukah candles shine brightly in your home - Amen!! “AH FREILECHEN CHANUKAH!” B’Shalom Rabbi Samuel Waidenbaum RABBI’S ADULT EDUCATION CLASS PARASHAT HA’SHAVUA - Weekly Torah Portion Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8:00 P.M. December Dates: December 3, 10 There is no charge and everyone is welcome. REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN Page 3 IN THE BEGINNING….A VIDEO PRESENTATION OF REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER If anyone missed seeing the repeat of the history of our shul during the past 75 years, all I can say is you missed a wonderful event. On Sunday afternoon, October 19th, Sandy and Martin Novzen set up the screen in the Chapel. Our audience first heard Sandy Novzen giving a most interesting and informative history of our borough and specifically of Rego Park and Forest Hills. She spent hours researching the fantastic facts she told us about and if anyone wants a copy, I’m sure she will have a copy for you. This is a history that goes back to the late 1600s when our area was first discovered by English and Dutch farmers. As Sandy spoke about the many years from then to the present, it was unbelievable how much we didn’t know about our borough and the land on which our beautiful synagogue was built. Then it was time for the presentation. Even those of us that attended the June Journal Dinner Dance event and saw the presentation for the first time, were absolutely riveted by the people and events of the RPJC family. Starting with the breaking ground of our shul and the 75 years of our history, this wonderful pictorial event presented in black and white and color, nestled in the arms of both soft and cheery background music, brought many of us to tears. As we recalled our history of events, Hebrew School, Bat and Bar Mitzvahs, weddings, meetings, parades, our various club events, barbeques, Journal Dinners and where possible, religious events, we went back in time to our younger selves. And when the reverent Remembrances part was shown, many of us just cried whether openly or in our hearts, remembering the memories and wonderful times we had share with those no longer with us. This remarkable event made possible by an idea of mine that never could have been realized had it not been for the work of Sandy Novzen and Lynne Goldwaser. This was indeed a labor of love; hours spent scanning the remarkable precious photographs sent in by many of you, and some which were as old as our synagogue - putting it all together according to years and then finding and inserting the right music so that each part of the movie was made even more wonderful - the days and nights spent working on this cannot be measured by time alone because it was done with the knowledge that we were going to present something very wonderful - to keep always - and to add to - a legacy of us so that whoever comes in the future will know what a wonderful awesome group of people they are a part of. Yes, it was a different time than the rushed days of the present - but it was more. We were indeed a family of Jews, interacting, enjoying each other, and being happy and part of a very historic and wonderful synagogue. There are no words I can think of to say to Sandy and Lynne - other than thank them for taking my idea and making it a reality - indeed, turning it into something that will be there for others to enjoy in the future. And to Martin Novzen, who was our “go to” person, helping us with the organization of the wonderful photographs and knowing just when and where the music should go - and just being there for us to talk to when we were stumped - mere thanks is not enough and we hope he knows how much we all appreciated his help and advice. We hope that this pictorial history of our RPJC will be an ongoing legacy - whenever we have an affair where we can take photos, please be sure to send us a copy or bring it into the office - we will make it part of the next presentation - and the next - so that we will never forget the memorable times and remarkable people that make up the RPJC. Sandi Goodman EVERYONE HAS A STORY TO TELL AND WE ARE INTERESTED IN HEARING YOURS Early next year I will be meeting with people who want to share the story of their journey and all the joys and unfortunate tears that got them to where they are today. In the meantime gather your favorite photos, newspaper clippings, letters and memories that will assist in telling your story. Once this project is completed we will all have a beautiful, insightful story of how each of our lives has intertwined with the Rego Park Jewish Center. Sandy Novzen Page 4 REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN FOCUS ON SISTERHOOD “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” Zachariah 46, Haftorah Chanukah The lights of the Chanukah Menorah stand for all three of the above. The burning candles are a reminder of Judah Maccabee’s fight for religious freedom and Jewish survival. The result of the Maccabee’s struggle was more than a military victory; it was an uplifting of the Jewish spirit and it was a rededication. This is the season to rededicate. The very name Chanukah means “rededication”. Sisterhood has two dedications in the months of Kislev/Teves (December). On Sunday morning, December 28, at our Annual Torah Brunch, we shall celebrate a double Simcha and promise you a great day. Sisterhood will honor and pray tribute to Barbara Arion. Barbara will be our Woman of Achievement, our inspiration for our campaign on behalf of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, & the Schechter School of Rabbinic Studies in Jerusalem. A relative newcomer to the Rego Park Jewish Center, Barbara Arion has become an integral part of our RPJC family. She is on the Sisterhood Board and is our Recording Secretary. Barbara is co-chair for the monthly film project and organized a successful Yom Kippur Break the Fast supper. She was born in New Haven, CT, moved to NYC in 1947 to attend NYU, where she met her husband, & they moved to Queens in 1952. She raised two sons - one is an astrophysicist and the other is a veterinarian – both are married and there are two granddaughters – one is employed by the Nature Conservancy, and the other one works in the Los Angeles TV industry – and there is a very proud Mother and Grandmother. As a youngster, Barbara loved Hebrew School and enjoyed going to Shabbat services. At NYU she joined the Jewish Culture Organization & today she still marvels how meaningful and appropriate our sacred writings are in our current, daily lives. Barbara worked as a statistician at the Plaza Hotel & Lever Brother and also as a docent at the Bronx & Central Park Zoos. After receiving her M.A. in Math, she taught at Russell Sage J.H.S. Watch the mail for your invitation & make your reservation to honor Barbara Arion on December 28, 2014. Secondly we are rededicating ourselves to J.T.S., the Ziegler School and the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem. In Hebrew the same root is in the words for “dedication” as in “education.” Our dedication to education, “hinukh”, REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN comes naturally. Our institutions are training rabbis, cantors, teachers and lay leaders to serve Jewish communities worldwide. Women like us are the backbone of these institutions, supporting their efforts to spread Torah to all that will listen. Thus we are ensuring our legacy to future generations of Conservative Jews. Our pre-Torah meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 23, at 12:15 P.M., will be dedicated to our upcoming Torah Brunch, to Mishpacha, and as we are celebrating the 7th day of Chanukah, we are asking you to share your Chanukah remembrances with us. Bring a dairy sandwich and of course we shall serve latkes and applesauce. Our Shabbat Dinner was a huge success. It was such a pleasure and delight to be together as one big Mishpacha. All were thrilled as Reina Goodman’s granddaughter, Pnina Lanxner’s great grandson, Aviva & Yafa Daniel, Jacob & Aaron Zucker , were blessed by their respective parents and grandparents – this is our future. We ate – everything was delicious, we prayed and we sang Zemirot led by Rabbi Samuel Waidenbaum and Rabbi Romiel Daniel (we missed Noreen). We thank our “helping hand” ladies – Mollie Alkana, Ruth Kaplan, Elaine Spodick, Ruthe Unger, as well as Jack Siegel & his helpful grandsons. Thanks to Lynne Goldwaser for her help in so many ways. But we would not have been able to be so successful without Robin Basdeo’s tremendous help, advice and care. Thank you Alvin Saywack. Our cosponsored kiddush on Shabbat was most unusual and enlightening. We were very privileged to listen to Dr. Leslie Lobel teach, explain and clarify the latest findings about the Ebola outbreak – it was fascinating. As usual we are very thankful to Mollie Alkana for the erudite book discussion about “A Guide to the Perplexed”. It was a wonderful meeting and encouraged stimulating discussion. Mazal Tov to Rabbi Samuel & Rebbetzin Susan Waidenbaum on the birth of a granddaughter who was named in our Shul on Shabbat Vayera. May she bring you much joy. L’Hitra’ot V’Shalom Ruth Loewenstein Page 5 SPECIAL EVENTS GROUP NEWS - REVIEWS WISHING ALL A HAPPY CHANUKAH Lee Lobel-Zwang, Coordinator REVIEW REVIEW SIMCHAT TORAH IN THE INDIAN JEWISH TRADITION OUR TRADITIONAL SIMCHAT TORAH HIGHLIGHT Simchat Torah in the Jewish Indian tradition was celebrated on Sunday, October 19, 2014 by the Indian Jewish Congregation of the U.S.A. It was a joyous, emotionally stirring experience. Of all the festivals on the Jewish calendar (Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot) Simchat Torah is the mitzvah to rejoice. The 48 hours of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah should be highly treasured! Every moment is an opportunity to draw bucket and barrelful of material and spiritual treasures and it is accomplished through dancing. Torah enjoins us that only Sukkot is described as “the season of our rejoicing, “Rejoice on your festivals!” The highlight of this day are the hakafot; on Simchat Torah the Torah scrolls wish to dance, so we become their feet. It was so uplifting to be part of the youthful energy and melodious prayers performed by the Indian Jewish community and it also provided a source of comfort and joy especially in these times of turmoil around the world. It is a joy and a wonderful feeling to celebrate such a meaningful holiday and to realize that in so many various Jewish traditions around the world the faith of the Jewish people is so vibrant and alive. The young men dancing with the Torah and passing the Torah to the women was also moving as it is the only holiday when women are allowed to hold the Torah. It is a kid-friendly event and the children added to the spirituality of Jewish faith and tradition to be continued to the next generation. (L’dor v’dor) On a more modern note, the ladies wore gorgeous saris; the preparation of the various Jewish Indian dishes, although somewhat spicy, was delicious. Rego Park Jewish Center is honored to have such an event and credit is due to our distinguished Rabbi Romiel Daniel and Noreen Daniel. Until next year, Rebecca Katz Page 6 Mazal Tov to Hasan Torah, Rabbi Donald Weinberg, and Hasan Bereishit, Jeffrey Cohen. It was a heart-warming and spiritual delight to see you separately proceeding to the Bima, under a wedding chupah, while the congregation chanted Simcha Tov and Mazal Tov. Hasan Torah, Rabbi Weinberg read the last ending passage from the Torah. Hasan Bereishit, Jeffrey Cohen read the beginning of the Torah anew! It was a special honor for these two valued congregants. What a wonderful way to encompass this in the joyous holiday of Sukkot. PARK HILLS CHAPTER OF HADASSAH TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16TH at 1:00 P.M. Celebrating Chanukah featuring A FESTIVE WELCOME TO HADASSAH’S NEW HOME 40 WALL STREET You Can Underwrite a Mezuzah to grace a doorpost with your name Come gather together with friends to light the first Chanukah candle Delicious refreshments served Florence Cohen - President 718-275-0636 REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN SPECIAL EVENTS GROUP NEWS - REVIEWS COME PARTICIPATE IN THIS FASCINATING DISCUSSION Lee Lobel-Zwang, Coordinator PARASHAT & HAFTARAT CLUB SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13th at 12:30 P.M. BEREISHIT VAYESHEV 37.1 - 40.23 Jacob favored his son Joseph, for he was the child of his old age. He made him a coat of many colors. The jealous sons hated Joseph. Joseph had dreams foretelling that his parents and others would bow down to him. His brothers plotted to kill him - they threw him in a pit and stained his coat with blood and told Jacob he was devoured by a beast. Jacob rent his clothes and went into mourning. The sons sold Joseph to a caravan of Ismaelites who carried Joseph to Egypt, and sold him to Potiphar. Joseph was falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife and thrown into prison. Joseph became overseer of all prisoners. He interpreted the dreams of the chief baker and the cupbearer for Pharaoh - death for one, freedom for the other. It became true. HAFTARAT AMOS 2.6 - 3.8 The Lord said: “For the three transgressions, for four I will not revoke it. They have sold for silver whose cause was just, and the needy for a pair of sandals - you trample heads of the poor - make the humble walk a twisted course.” Presenters: Rabbi Samuel Waidenbaum, Rabbi Romiel Daniel, Charles Lehat DR. LESLIE LOBEL SPEAKS ON EBOLA - “VIRUSES DON’T SLEEP” At the November 8th Shabbat Sisterhood kiddush, our congregation had the unique privilege to hear Dr. Leslie Lobel, (M.D./Ph.D) speak to us on the subject of Ebola and the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. Dr. Lobel is a world-renowned research scientist in virology. He heads a contagious diseases lab at Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva. His research takes him five times a year to laboratories in East Africa, with which he has a longstanding collaborative relationship. This year Dr. Lobel has been called upon to share his deep knowledge of Ebola and the study of virology with major world organizations, such as the European Union, the U.S. Dept. of Defense and Agriculture and the National Institute of Health. He pointed out that past successes in research dating back as far as the end of the Cold War have led to a general sense of complacency. He stressed that government must serve its central role, that it must resume investing in medical virology research and public health study. Furthermore, intergovernmental sharing of knowledge in these fields must be implemented in order to maximize success. He cautioned “viruses do not sleep.” Happy Chanukah Host Joyce Fefferman SPECIAL EVENTS GROUP PERSONALS It’s a mitzvah to be a host at one of the Parashat & Haftarat Club sessions - donating a lite, delicious repast gives you the opportunity to share your birthday or happy events with us or memorialize your loved ones. REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN Page 7 SPECIAL EVENTS GROUP NEWS - REVIEWS Lee Lobel-Zwang, Coordinator COMING ATTRACTIONS FILM FESTIVAL SUNDAY AT THE MOVIES January 18, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. “SAVING MR. BANKS” Starring Tom Hanks February 22, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. “THE JEWISH CARDINAL” With Outstanding Cast March 29, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. “WHEN COMEDY WENT TO SCHOOL” Jewish Comics and the Catskills April 19, 2015 at 2:30 P.M. “WALK ON WATER” Thriller with a Mossad Agent SUNDAY BREAKFAST CLUB & LEARN-IN WITH THE RABBI This past month, five new attendees were welcomed to our group, making for greater camaraderie and lively discussions. In addition to Rabbi Waidenbaum, we heard from three guest speakers, who each filled in on a moments notice: Rabbi Romiel Daniel, Rabbi Donald Weinberg and Mark Hochberg. The topics presented were diversified and inspirational: 1. The Torah - its existence before creation as a reflection of G-d’s wisdom, spirituality and will vs. after Mount Sinai, as a series of commandments to be obeyed. 2. Noah - compared to Abraham...self-centered man vs. unifier and “blessing to all nations.” 3. The Greatest Mitzvot - acts of loving kindness. Importance of being the best you can be. 4. Judaism in relation to environmentalism from the Bible’s earliest admonitions to todays most scientific methods for preserving the planet. Where else can you learn so much and be with friends on a Sunday morning? Join us soon! Elaine Spodick $5.00 Each Film Refreshments Served THE KNITTING CIRCLE SPENDING THE WINTER IN FLORIDA? THURSDAYS, DECEMBER 4th and 18th at 2:00 P.M. Come share a cozy, warm time together, learning and sharing ideas in knitting and crocheting. The afghan blanket we are all working on together needs to now come together. Please come, bring your knitting and enjoy a friendly, creative afternoon. PLEASE NOTIFY THE CENTER OFFICE Lite Refreshments Served REINA GOODMAN - INSTRUCTOR Page 8 REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN December 2014 KISLEV / TEVET 5775 Sun Mon 1 KISLEV 9 M.S. 7:00 A.M. E.S. 6:15 P.M. Tue 2 KISLEV 10 N.M.S. E.S. 6:15 P.M. Wed 3 KISLEV 11 N.M.S. Y.V. 12:30 P.M. E.S. 6:15 P.M. R.C. 6:30 P.M. Thu 4 KISLEV 12 M.S. 7:00 A.M. KNITTING 2 PM E.S. 6:15 P.M. Fri 5 KISLEV 13 N.M.S. E.S. 4:15 P.M. C.L. 4:10 P.M Sat 6 KISLEV 14 M.S. 9:00 A.M. B.B. E.S. 4:15 P.M. S.E. 5:13 P.M. “VAYISHLACH” 7 KISLEV 15 M.S. 8:45 A.M. B.C.L.I. 9:30 A.M. NO EVENING SERVICE 8 KISLEV 16 M.S. 7:00 A.M. E.S. 6:15 P.M. 9 KISLEV 17 N.M.S. E.S. 6:15 P.M. 10 KISLEV 18 N.M.S. Y.V. 12:30 P.M. E.S. 6:15 P.M. R.C. 6:30 P.M. 11 KISLEV 19 M.S. 7:00 A.M. E.S. 6:15 P.M. 12 KISLEV 20 N.M.S. E.S. 4:15 P.M. C.L. 4:10 P.M. 13 M.S. P.C. E.S. S.E. KISLEV 21 9:00 A.M. 12:30 P.M. 4:15 P.M. 5:14 P.M. “VAYESHEV” 14 KISLEV 22 M.S. 8:45 A.M. B.C.L.I. 9:30 A.M. S.D. 2:00 P.M. NO EVENING SERVICE 15 KISLEV 23 M.S. 7:00 A.M. E.S. 6:15 P.M. 16 KISLEV 24 N.M.S. E.S. 6:15 P.M. 1ST CHANUKAH CANDLE 21 KISLEV 29 M.S. 8:45 A.M. B.C.L.I. 9:30 A.M. CONCERT 2:30 PM NO EVENING SERVICE 6TH CHANUKAH CANDLE 28 TEVET 6 M.S. 8:45 A.M. SIST. TORAH BRUNCH NO EVENING SERVICE 22 KISLEV 30 M.S. 7:00 A.M. E.S. 6:15 P.M. 7TH CHANUKAH CANDLE 23 TEVET 1 M.S. 7:00 A.M. SIST. 12:15 P.M. E.S. 6:15 P.M. 17 KISLEV 25 M.S. 7:00 A.M. Y.V. 12:30 P.M. B.D. 3:00 P.M. E.S. 6:15 P.M. 2ND CHANUKAH CANDLE 24 M.S. E.S. TEVET 2 7:00 A.M. 6:15 P.M. 18 KISLEV 26 M.S. 7:00 A.M. KNITTING 2 PM E.S. 6:15 P.M. 3RD CHANUKAH CANDLE 25 TEVET 3 M.S. 8:45 A.M. E.S. 6:15 P.M. 19 M.S. 7:00 A.M. E.S. 4:15 P.M. C.L. 4:12 P.M. 4TH CHANUKAH CANDLE 26 TEVET 7 M.S. 7:00 A.M. E.S. 6:15 P.M. TEVET 4 N.M.S. E.S. 4:15 P.M. C.L. 4:16 P.M. 20 KISLEV 28 M.S. 9:00 A.M. E.S. 4:15 P.M. S.E. 5:16 P.M. “MIKETZ” 5TH CHANUKAH CANDLE 27 TEVET 5 M.S. 9:00 A.M. E.S. 4:15 P.M. S.E. 5:20 P.M. 8TH CHANUKAH CANDLE “VAYIGASH” ROSH CHODESH 29 KISLEV 27 30 TEVET 8 N.M.S. E.S. 6:15 P.M. 31 TEVET 9 N.M.S. E.S. 6:15 P.M. REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN B.B. = BIRTHDAY BLESSSINGS B.C.L.I. = BREAKFAST CLUB LEARN IN B.D. = BOOK DISCUSSION C.L. = CANDLE LIGHTING E.S. = EVENING SERVICE M.S. = MORNING SERVICE N.E.S. = NO EVENING SERVICE N.M.S. = NO MORNING SERVICE P.C. = PARASHAT CLUB R.C. = RABBI’S CLASS S.D. = SINGLES DANCE SIST. = SISTERHOOD S.E. = SHABBAT ENDS Y.V. = YIDDISH VINKEL Page 9 T’AI CHI AND HEALTHY LIVING Can T’ai Chi help you? Yes, in certain ways. It can help you with your sense of balance, it can help you in your daily activities, and it can also help you think and concentrate more clearly. We invite you to join us. Practicing the slow fluid movements in T’ai Chi and Qi Gong helps you develop your Chi (the energy within yourself). You achieve the feeling of inner peace that helps you deal with your daily activities and chores. T’ai Chi is the slow movement of your body in a learned and practiced routine, fluid motion and peace of mind, “your body in motion while you meditate.” In the Orient, T’ai Chi and Qi Gong are practiced regularly to maintain good health. Here in the West practicing these forms twice weekly is also part of a healthy lifestyle regimen. They contribute positively to awareness, maintaining good balance, good blood pressure readings, and a peaceful mind. Come and join us and become the beneficiary of good health, spirit, and mind. We meet every Tuesday from 10:15 to 11:15 A.M. Our group members are friendly and will welcome you. Jack J. Alkana YIDDISH VINKEL Revive your Yiddish. Our Yiddish Vinkel meets every Wednesday afternoon at 12:30 P.M. We speak Yiddish, read Yiddish stories and poems and sing Yiddish songs. Coffee and delicious danish are served. So come, enjoy warm friendship and have “fargeneegen.” A very Happy Chanukah to all! BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP Cheryl Strayed is the author of “The New York Times” bestseller Wild which was chosen by Oprah Winfrey as her first selection for Oprah’s Book Club 2.0. One reviewer writes: “Why read Wild (subtitled from Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail Through California and Oregon?) It is because Cheryl Strayed is brutally honest about her weaknesses as well as her strengths, because she writes magnificently and because she speaks for so many women who have suffered similar insults and assaults and lack the skill to write as articulately as she does.” Wild is at once an adventure in world of nature as well as a meditation on the nature of grief and survival. Her mother has succumbed to lung cancer, her father is long gone, her formerly caring stepfather has abandoned the family, her siblings find it too difficult to visit their gravely ill mother and so Cheryl alone remains with her in her final days and hours. Both her difficult past and her challenging present are part of the author’s memoir. Cheryl Strayed is comforted and helped by remembering her mother’s oft-repeated saying, “I’m with you always.” If you would like to join us, or if you want more information, please call me at (718) 263-4973. We will be meeting at the Center on December 17th from 3:00 to 4:30 P.M. Mollie Alkana Mildred Pelton, President Page 10 REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN MAZAL TOV Mazal Tov to Blanche & Sol Kisloff on the birth of their great granddaughter Taylor Blake Haffner on June 26, 2014. Taylor is the daughter of Joshua & Carly Haffner and the granddaughter of Beverly & Steven Haffner. Mazal Tov to Rabbi & Susan Waidenbaum on the birth of their granddaughter Shoshana Yaffa on Friday morning, November 7, 2014. Sara & Charles are the happy parents. MANY THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING FOR SPONSORING A CONGREGATIONAL KIDDUSH Rabbi Donald Weinberg, who was honored on Simchat Torah with the honor of Chasan Torah. DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Barbara Arion Avi Bernstein Albert Dayan Reina Goodman Malka Gross Morris Karol Sol Leibowitz Frieda Mirzoeff Rhoda Rothkopf Ken Sasmor Arthur Schwartz Lillian Smith Ruthe Unger Miriam Warmbrand DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Claire & Daniel Begalman Jeffrey Cohen, who was honored on Simchat Torah with the honor of Chasan Bereishit. Clara & Abraham Herscu, in honor of Rabbi Donald Weinberg. Sisterhood, in honor of Sisterhood Shabbaton. Lee Lobel-Zwang, in honor of her son Dr. Leslie Lobel. JEWISH WAR VETERANS LOSS IN MEMBER’S FAMILY Kathy Decker, Daughter in law of Shirley Decker We extend our deepest condolences to Shirley Decker and family. David Most, brother of Florence Most We extend our deepest condolences to Florence Most and family REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN The Kew-Forest-Woodside-Loitz Post 250, Jewish War Veterans of the USA and their Ladies Auxiliary, have announced that their next Sunday morning meeting will be held on December 21st at 9:30 A.M. The congregation is invited to attend. There is no change. For further information contact Co-Commander Sy Weber at 718-271-6015 or Past Queens County JWV Commander Kenneth Lloyd Brown at 718-297-7711. Page 11 COMMEMORATIVE FUND Blanche & Sol Kisloff, in honor of the birth of their great granddaughter Taylor Blake Haffner. Pnina Lanxner, in honor of the birth of her great grandson Charles Meir Auerbach. HEBREW SCHOOL FUND Clara & Abraham Herscu GENERAL DONATIONS MEMORIAL FUND Margie Bloomberg, in memory of Shirley Sternin. Shirley Decker, in memory of her daughter in law Kathy Decker. Luba Marcus, in memory of Irene Silfin. Dora Podziba, in memory of Irene Silfin. HIGH HOLIDAY HONORS Max Amper, in honor of aliyah on Rosh Hashanah. Barbara Arion, for honor on Shabbat. Dennis Cohen, for High Holiday honor. Shirley Decker, in honor of reading prayer on Shabbat. Harriet Goodman, for High Holiday honor. Susan Goldschmidt, in honor of reading prayer on Shabbat. Sandi Goodman, for High Holiday honor. Harriet Goodman, in honor of opening the ark on Shabbat. David Haffner, for High Holiday honor. Sandi Goodman, in honor of reading prayer on Shabbat. Joel Herbst, for High Holiday honor. Beverly Haffner, for High Holiday honor. Steven Haffner, for High Holiday honor. Elaine Spodick, in honor of opening the ark on Shabbat. Abraham Herscu, for High Holiday honor. Ruthe Unger, for Simchas Torah honor. Ruth Loewenstein, in honor of reading prayer on Rosh Hashanah. Mel Weiss, in honor of aliyah on Sukkot. YAHRZEIT FUND Pnina Lanxner, for High Holiday honor. Edit Nyiri, in honor of reading prayer on Rosh Hashanah. Claire & Daniel Begalman, in memory of son Douglas. Mel Weiss, for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur honors. Reina Goodman, in memory of husband Ira Goodman. Sam Wolfson, for Yom Kippur honor. Paul Holtzman Joel Zakoff, for High Holiday honor. Pnina Lanxner, in memory of husband Meir Lanxner. Lynne Zakoff, for reading prayer on Rosh Hashanah. Abe Miller, in memory of father Chaim Miller. Lynne & Joel Zakoff, for Elizabeth Zakoff’s honor of holding the Havdalah candle after Yom Kippur. Edit Nyiri, in memory of son George Javori. Peter Nyiri, in memory of mother Ibolya Nyiri. Jack Rothwax, in memory of brother Manny Rothwax. Donia Shwarzstein, in memory of mother Sarah Raiselle. Ava Wand, in memory of father Leon Rich. Page 12 A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR Donations received by the Center office after November 13th will be listed in the January/ February Bulletin. REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN We are grateful to all our members and friends who have given so generously during the High Holidays and Sukkot. Elaine Abend Jerrey Adler Mollie & Jack Alkana Zona & Max Amper Barbara Arion Avi Bernstein Pearl Bonkowski Julius Broner Martin Cantor Lorraine Carroll Florence Cohen Jacky Schoenfeld-Cohen Jeffrey Cohen Thomas Cunow Maria Davis Shirley Decker Evelyn Donenfeld Debby & Marc Elkin Beverly & Carl Ellman Eileen Erspamer Gregg Erspamer Sanford Ferber Susan Fischer Ronald Fishkin Kathy & George Godfried Susan Goldschmidt Harriet Goodman Reina Goodman Sandi Goodman Malka Gross Eugene Grozinger Beverly & Steven Haffner Charlotte Halpern Ruby Halpern Irma Hauser Joel Herbst Leonor Herbst Radu Herescu Clara & Abraham Herscu Stuart Hess William Hilfer Robin & Mark Hochberg Paul Holtzman Leon Horowitz Sheldon Horowitz Betty Hurwitz Dan Isaacs Hilda & Stanley Kalfus Howard Kaplan Rhoda Kaplan Ruth Kaplan Farshid Khoshnou Michael Kirschenbaum Blanche & Sol Kisloff Bertha Klein Shirley Klieger Dorothy Kominsky Pnina Lanxner Marina & Jonathan Lederer Florence Legler Charles Lehat Sol Leibowitz Ari Leshans Andrea Krantz Levine Anne Levner Marvin Lew Louis Lipkowicz Sonia Lishansky Ruth Loewenstein Michael Loewinger Joyce Magnus Bernice Mandell REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN Luba Marcus Betty & Harry Martell Bina Massey Carl Mautner Judith Mehlman Natalie & Ted Meisel Jill & Warren Meyers Jeanette Mildner Abe Miller Ruth Levy Milstein Frieda Mirzoeff Laurence Mirzoeff Barbara Molin Allan Morrin Rosalyn Moshman Florence Most Munia Muchnik Henry Musat Alan Naider Edit & Peter Nyiri Aida & Menashe Ovadia Rachel & Jay Parker Fani Paun Mildred Pelton Agnes Posner Lucy Preisler Sofia Roimisher Ella Rom Rhoda Rothkopf Jack Rothwax Frances & Maurice Rotkopf Sheila & Ken Sasmor Ira Schnitzler Magdalena Schoenfeld Sheila Schreiber Ida & Arthur Schwartz Melvin Schwartz Ted Scott Abraham Segal Lillian Seligson Ira Shimshi Donia Shwarzstein Linda & David Sidlow Cynthia & Jay Siegel Sonia & Jack Siegel Diane Singer Michal Sonnenthal Anne Spiegel Elaine Spodick Carol Stoller Larry Stoller Leslie & Veronica Szikla Clara & Morton Tabak Ruthe Unger Jennifer Velcoff Ava Wand Miriam Warmbrand Rochelle Wasserman Seymour Weber Leah Weinstock Marla Weiss Mel Weiss Lillian Werner Ruth Wolfson Sam Wolfson Corinne & Melvyn Wyllins Luba Yakubov Zivan Zabar Lynne & Joel Zakoff Page 13 In Memoriam The members listed below will observe Yahrzeit as indicated. Yahrzeit candles should be lit the night before. Schedule of service elsewhere in this Bulletin. Please help ensure a Minyan by attending services. Monday, December 1st Claire & Daniel Begalman - Son Edit Nyiri - Son Wednesday, December 3rd Ruth Kaplan - Brother Thursday, December 4th Sidney Rubin - Wife Friday, December 5th Jack Rothwax - Brother Sunday, December 7th Aileen Goldstein - Grandfather Elaine Spodick - Mother Edward Starer - Grandfather Jacqueline Weiss - Grandfather Monday, December 8th Florence Cohen - Husband Seymour Weber - Sister Stanley Sternin - Brother Wednesday, December 10th Shirley Decker - Sister Miriam Warmbrand - Sister Charles Lehat - Mother Friday, December 12th Lee Lobel-Zwang - Sister Sunday, December 14th Johanna Katz - Father Johanna Katz - Mother Lilliam Werner - Father Tuesday, December 16th Marion Art - Sister Jacqueline Weiss - Father Thursday, December 18th Eugene Grozinger - Wife Ken Sasmor - Father Wednesday, December 24th Paul Holtzman - Mother Thursday, December 25th Sidney Rubin - Father Saturday, December 27th Shirley Decker - Brother Miriam Warmbrand - Brother Sunday, December 28th Alex Byron - Mother Monday, December 29th Hedy Rothschild - Mother Wednesday, December 31st Claire Begalman - Mother IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT MORNING SERVICES There are no morning services on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, unless it is Rosh Chodesh, a special holiday or - if there is a yahrzeit. If you have a yahrzeit which falls on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday morning, you should inform Rabbi Waidenbaum and Rabbi Daniel if you would like to have services. Page 14 REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN PLAY BINGO AT REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER Tuesday, December 2nd, Tuesday, December 9th Tuesday, December 16th, Tuesday, December 23rd, Tuesday, December 30th Doors Open at 6:00 P.M. Early Bird Game Starts - 7:00 P.M. Regular Games Start - 7:15 P.M. All Paper Games! $4.00 Admission Includes 12 Games. Plus - Two Share the Wealth Games, Tri-Color Game, Jackpot, Progressive Jackpot Bonus, Bonus Ball Games Over $1,000 in Cash Prizes REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN Page 15 Rego Park Jewish Center 97-30 Queens Blvd Rego Park, NY 11374 Change Service Requested Non.Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Flushing NY Permit No. 686 GOURMET DELICATESSEN RESTAURANT & CATERERS Page 16 96-40 QUEENS BOULEVARD, REGO PARK, NY 11374 718-897-1700 REGO PARK JEWISH CENTER BULLETIN
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