25-27 Walker Street, North Sydney 2060 Phone: 02-9955 5752 Fax: 02-9925 0064 Email: [email protected] www.royalart.com.au 1st term 2015 Term:1 Monday 26th January Complete form and send with payment BEFORE Monday 26th January RECEIPTS ISSUED ONLY ON REQUEST. NAME_____________________________________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________ POST CODE:___________PHONE NUMBER:_____________________ DIRECT DEPOSIT. For those wanting to pay their art school fees by direct deposit. BSB 062-217. Account No: 0000 0203. You must quote your name as a reference and email to Christine the enrolment form and which class has been paid for. NO CONCESSIONS, NO REFUNDS STUDENTS CAN JOIN THE RAS AS STUDENT MEMBER FOR THE SPECIAL PRICE OF $25 (RECEIVE NEWSLETTERS, EXHIBITION INVITATIONS EMAIl_______________________________________________________ An all-inclusive price of $2,000 per term enables the student to attend any classes during the term. Certain conditions do apply. MONDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 9.30AM12.30PM 9.30AM12.30pm 1pm.pm – 3.30pm 1.30pm-4.30pm 10am – 1pm 2pm – 5pm JODIE GRAHAM 6pm – 8pm PETER DORAHY 10am-1pm BARBARA DUCKWORTH BARBARA DUCKWORTH YVE CLOSE 1.15pm-4.15pm 7pm – 9pm FRIDAY 9.30am – 12.30pm 9.30am – 12.30pm 1.15pm – 4.15pm 6.30pm-8.30pm SUNDAY PAUL MCCARTHY FRAS GREG HANSELL FRAS PETER DORAHY PATRICK BLAKE SKETCH CLUB $10 10am – 1pm SKETCH CLUB $15 1.30pm-4.30pm JULIE SIMMONS ARAS PAMELA IRVING FRAS JOSEPH BEZZINA FRAS PAUL MCCARTHY FRAS PETER DORAHY 1.30pm-4.30pm SATURDAY MARILYN HAY FRAS JOSEPH BEZZINA FRAS JODIE GRAHAM 1.15pm-4.15pm THURSDAY JOSEPH BEZZINA FRAS MARILYN HAY FRAS 9.30am-12.30 Noon 1pm – 4pm 10- 12 Noon √please tick class. Figure Drawing and Paint from Model Exploring Drawing $275 $275 Watercolour (beginners and advanced) Plein-Air & Studio $275 Life Drawing (from model) Life Painting (from model) The Classic Principles of Drawing and watercolour step by step $275 Botanical drawing and painting Botanical drawing and painting Portraiture or Still Life (oils or pastels) Beginners Oil Painting $275 $275 $260 (beginners & advanced students welcome) $275 $275 $275 $260 Pastel (indoors and on occasions outdoors) Beginners Drawing and Watercolour Life Drawing $270 Supervised by Pamela Irving Supervised by Pamela Irving FRAS Landscape/Cityscape) $10 (cash only) PAINTING PORTRAITS $275 Landscape (plein air) $275 Translation into acrylics $275 Landscape (plein air) $265 $270 $275 $15 (cash only) $275 PLEASE NOTE: enrolment forms must be completed and returned with payment to the Secretary.Payments can be made by Direct Depost, Visa or Master Card. BAY ART SUPPLIES: drawing pads, brushes, oil and watercolour paints, watercolour blocks, pencils, erasers on sale at competitive prices. 1. Workshops are held throughout the year please phone office for information on what is available. 2. We offer a Diploma Course – please phone for information. 3. Art School Exhibition is held the first week of November each year in the beautiful RAS Lavender Bay Gallery rooms. All students invited to submit works. 4. The Art School is a two minute walk from the North Sydney Station and our carpark (at the rear of the school) can take about 14 cars. RAS DIPLOMA The RAS Diploma is for the student wishing to achieve a higher level of artistic expression. The Diploma is achieved by submitting works in four tasks: Drawing (folio) Still Life (3 works) Landscape (3 works) Portraiture (3 works) Credits for each task are gained over at least 3 years until the final assessment where the student, if successful, can be awarded the RAS Diploma Certificate. This enables the successful student to be automatically awarded “Exhibiting Member” status and to use the letters “Dip. RAS”. Assessments will be judged by the Royal Art Society teachers in March and November each year. Each work should be professionally framed and drawings in a quality folio. Enrolments can be made when enrolling at the start of each term. There is no extra charge for undertaking the Diploma. The RAS Art School Exhibition will be held Friday 6th November 2015 until Sunday 29th November 2015.. All students are invited to submit works for this exhibition and the works are hung on the gallery walls of the Lavender Bay Gallery. We have a “works in progress” section which display the works of the various classes throughout the year. The Allan Hansen Memorial Art School Award is announced on the night and there are numerous other prizes. It ‘s a great night for the students, their family and friends and the teachers. The art school is open for inspection. 2015 TERM DATES: 1st Term 2nd Term 3rd Term 4TH Term 10 WEEK TERM Tuesday 27th January until Sunday Sunday 5th April, 2015 Monday 20th April until 5 th July, 2015 Monday 20th July until 27th September 2015 Monday 5th October until Sunday 13th December 2014.
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