Workshop: Watercolour Christmas Cards Description:

Watercolour Christmas Cards
Ian Scott Massie
Duration: 1 day
Great fun for everyone
A great day out with drinks, biscuits, mince pies and homemade lunch all
A summary of how the day will run is on the next page.
A day of design and fun with different materials and techniques. Go home with a
range of your own handmade Christmas cards.
By the end of the course you will be able to:
Design and create a range of cards from simple themes
Plan for hand painted mass production
Reduce design iconography to simple effective forms
What to bring with you:
If you are already experienced in watercolour, please bring your usual
gear including:
A selection of whatever brushes you usually use including a No. 1 (very thin), a
rigger (long and thin), a medium round, size No. 4-6, and a large round or flat
A large sketch book, pencil,ruler, drawing pens and rubber
A selection of watercolours.At least five sheets of watercolour paper (no smaller
than 10” x 8”) of at least 140 lb. (The weight is usually given on the cover of a
If you are a beginner, don’t worry there will be brushes and materials
available for you to use or buy.
Please call if you have any queries –
we look forward to seeing you on the day.
A Typical ArtisOn Experience….
A great day out….
A day at ArtisOn is designed to take you away from it all and provide the
guidance, environment and the time to create. It will be a relaxed and
sociable day of learning, experimenting, picking up and sharing ideas.
There will be fresh coffee, Yorkshire tea, herbal teas and soft drinks
available throughout the day. Plus you can indulge yourself a little with
our delicious treaty cakes (including seasonal mince pies), our fresh and
varied homemade lunches and a regular favourite - the renowned local
Brymor ice cream.
A typical day would run something like this…
9:30 – 9:45am
Arrive and meet other participants over tea or
coffee and biscuits.
Workshop Session 1
Take a break, chat about your ideas over a
traditional elevenses and mince pies!
Workshop Session 2
Lunch – varies according to the season but could
be homemade soup, sandwiches with traditional
locally made bread, imaginative quiches or hot
food followed by puds or locally made Brymor ice
cream ands sometimes a selection local cheeses.
Get to know the group over the locally produced
North Yorkshire fare, take a stroll or simply chill
Workshop Session 3
Take a break for afternoon tea and refuel with
more cakes and pastries.
Workshop Session 4
Workshop wrap up
Load up and leave
Don’t forget to contact us is you have any special dietary
requirements, likes or dislikes.