Foodbank’s New BackPack Program For most of us, skipping

Foodbank’s New BackPack Program
Targets School Children Most at Risk
The Los Angeles Regional Foodbank
has launched its new BackPack
Program. The program is designed to
provide balanced meals to very low
income school children. The children
in this program are on the free school
lunch program during the week, but
during the weekends they are left
without access to nutritious food.
The back packs are distributed
every other Friday. The children
for the program are chosen by the
school principals based on need and
recommendations from teachers.
The BackPack Program provides
enough food for six meals to help
ensure the children have access to food
over the weekend. Items in the back
pack usually include a grain cereal,
peanut butter, granola bars, fruit juice
and coupons for free milk, produce,
and bread.
Many studies show that lack of
(Continued on page 2)
American Idol’s Simon Cowell visits the
Foodbank as part of “Idol Gives Back”
April 24, 2007 was the launch of
American Idol’s “Idol Gives Back”
charity campaign. The number one
ranked TV show chose hunger relief in
America as one of its beneficiaries of
the nearly $70 million in funds it has
raised to date.
Los Angeles
Foodbank, an affiliate member of
America’s Second Harvest - the
Nation’s Foodbank Network, was one
of the facilities that American Idol
judge Simon Cowell visited to see firsthand the efforts being made to fight the
growing hunger problem in the United
Cowell was awestruck by the
enormity of the need and he stated that
he “had no idea this kind of problem
existed in America.”
For most of
us, skipping
a meal is a
choice. For
of other Los
a meal is a decision
beyond their control not just once in a while,
but every day.
To help, the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank
provides food for over
500,000 meals each
So if you want to free
local families and individuals from hunger,
support the Foodbank’s
“Freedom From Hunger”
campaign today.
The summer is a time
of year when the Foodbank receives less support than necessary
to meet the need for
emergency food assistance. So your participation in this campaign
is especially critical.
To donate, visit us at
and then click on the
Freedom From Hunger
Simon Cowell at the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank
Shelf Life
Mission Statement
The mission of the Los Angeles Regional
Foodbank is to mobilize resources to fight
hunger in our community.
Board of Directors
Donald Goodman, Don Lee Farms
Robert W. Kelly, Capital Guardian Trust Co.
Corporate Secretary
Karen E. Pointer, Lerman & Pointer LLP
Immediate Past Chairman
Richard S. Wolf, Sotheby’s
Nishat Ahmed, Michael Hopkins, Inc.
Roy L. Allen
Karl Block, Loeb & Loeb LLP
Bernice F. Burns, Los Angeles Business Journal
Sherry Dewane, Northern Trust
Susan K. Leonard, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Rosey T. Miller, Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.
Nancy J. Monk, PacifiCare Health Systems
Kenneth A. Pickar, Ph.D.,
California Institute of Technology
Mark A. Stegemoeller, Latham & Watkins LLP
Michael Flood
Advisory Board
Tim Lappen, Chairman
Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Marmaro LLP
Bruce Corwin
Metropolitan Theatre Company
Larry Nicola
- A Note from the Foodbank President/CEO During the summer months, the from the Goodman Family Foundation,
Foodbank gears up to meet the needs the Foodbank hopes to raise enough
of the many school age children who funds to keep many of these school age
face hunger when school out. In the children fed throughout the summer.
summer months, many children
June was Hunger Awareness Month
who would normally receive a free and I’d like to thank everyone that
or reduced price lunch at school participated in events throughout June.
will have to
My thanks go
look elsewhere
out to Kraft
for food.
Foods, the L.A.
While some
Galaxy, Ralphs,
schools and
Food 4 Less, the
youth centers
L.A. Avengers,
participate in
Tyson Foods,
the summer
f e e d i n g
L.A. Avengers,
program, many
do not, leaving
Vons and the
other numerous
families with
donors and
children to face Simon Cowell (left) toured the Foodbank with Michael volunteers that
the hardship of Flood. Hunger was one of the causes supported by made hunger
providing these American Idol this season.
awareness a
lost meals.
priority issue
The Foodbank helps many of this June.
these families and children by
And finally I’d like to thank
making sure that our Kids Cafe everyone involved with American
programs get more resources Idol’s “Idol Gives Back” campaign,
during these high volume summer which brought a great deal of attention
to the growing hunger problem in Los
As part of the Foodbank’s Angeles County and across America.
efforts to bring in more funding for
acquiring food during the summer,
- Have a wonderful Summer.
the Foodbank is again proud to
announce our Freedom From
Hunger campaign. Once again
through a generous matching grant
Nic’s Restaurant
Nick Saggese
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Dennis Winston
Moskowitz, Brestoff, Winston & Blinderman LLP
Shelf Life is published quarterly. If you are
receiving multiple copies, please call us at
(323) 234-3030 ext. 146.
We welcome questions, comments and ideas.
Please address all correspondence to:
Los Angeles Regional Foodbank
1734 East 41st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90058
Tel: (323) 234-3030
Fax: (323) 234-0943
Visit us on the web at:
Please share this copy of Shelf Life with a
friend when you are finished reading it.
New Backpack Program (Continued from page 1)
nutritious food during a child’s
development can affect their ability
to learn.
Currently there are two schools
participating in the program. Both
schools selected to participate
in the program are in the most
impoverished parts of Los Angeles
The program is supported by
private and corporate donations.
Donors include Ralphs, County
Supervisor Yvonne Burke’s office
and an anonymous foundation.
The BackPack Program is
scheduled to increase its enrollment
at current schools and then expand out
to other high risk schools throughout
the county. Many schools are
excited about the prospect of the
program expanding through the
For more information about
the program or to help fund the
expansion of the BackPack Program,
please contact our Development
Department at 323-234-3030
extension 146.
Shelf Life
How to Make a Good Gift Better
More and more people are taking advantage of the many
gift-planning options available today. These include bequests
by will, revocable trusts, gift annuities, charitable trusts, gifts
of securities and real estate, in-kind gifts, endowment giving
and other possibilities.
Some gifts can be made to benefit the Foodbank now
(current gifts) and others can be made now to benefit the
Foodbank later (deferred gifts). Some gift arrangements
are revocable (you can change your mind); others are
A planned gift usually requires more thought than a quick
check written against monthly income. These gifts often
come out of estate assets. You have to consider the impact
of your gift on your overall financial condition. Can you
afford a sizable gift at this time, or should you make it later
by will? What is the best way to make this gift? Do you need
temporary or lifetime income from your gift arrangement?
What are the tax implications?
Careful planning can actually make a good gift better.
Consider these potential benefits of planning your gift:
• Maximize the size of your gift.
• Obtain life income from your gift.
• Optimize the tax-related benefits.
• Tailor your gift to a specific need.
• Protect yourself from hasty decisions.
• Increase your personal satisfaction.
Help For You
The Foodbank wants to help you make a good gift better.
Our Development Director, Nancy S. Nagel, can assist you
in finding the best gift plan for your needs.
For further information about charitable gift planning, call
Ms. Nagel in the Foodbank’s Development office at (323)
234-3030 extension 147. You can also request information
by email at [email protected]. For more information
about the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank and our
programs, visit our web site at
The information in this article is believed to be accurate and
is provided for general informational purposes only. The Los
Angeles Regional Foodbank is not engaged in rendering legal
or tax advice. The application of any laws discussed herein may
vary from state to state. Consulting with independent counsel is
recommended for individual applications.
I would like more information about making gifts to
Los Angeles Regional Foodbank.
Please send me a copy of your complimentary estate
planning brochure, “Will an End to Hunger”
I would like information about including LA Regional
Foodbank in my Will/Trust
I have already included LA Regional Foodbank in my
I would like information about making a gift to LA Regional
Foodbank that will return income to me
Name: ___________________________________________
Mailing address: ____________________________________
City: _____________________ State: ____ Zip: __________
Email Address: _____________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________________
Place the completed form in an envelope and mail to:
Nancy S. Nagel, Development Director
Los Angeles Regional Foodbank
1734 E. 41st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90058
Or call 323-234-3030 Extension 147
Partners Preventing Hunger - Million Meal Challange
It’s a challenge some may believe impossible. We know with
your help this is possible.
We ask you to become a member of Partners Preventing
Hunger today. With your membership commitment over the
next few months, we can most assuredly meet this year’s
Partners challenge - One Million Meals in 2007.
We know meeting this challenge is possible because we’ve
done it before.
Though many of the families and individuals we helped last
year are now back on their feet, others have fallen on hard times.
That means the time is now to renew our commitment to those
who are going to need help in the challenging months ahead.
You can help by joining Partners Preventing Hunger
Every $1 of support you commit to helps the Foodbank
distribute enough food for 5 full meals! That’s thanks to
our other valuable partnerships with surplus food donors,
enabling us to acquire food at a fraction of what it would
cost in a store.
With resources like that, the “million meal” mark is most
certainly within our reach.
For more details or to join Partners Preventing Hunger,
please contact our Development Director, Nancy Nagel at
(323) 234-3030 extension 147 or [email protected].
Shelf Life
Foodbank’s 4th Annual Wine Tasting a Success
Raising over $160,000.
The Foodbank’s annual wine tasting was once again
held at the beautiful Greystone Mansion in Beverly
Hills. This year’s sold-out event was a success due in
large part to help and sponsorship from Ralphs. Ralphs
brought in representatives from some of the best wineries in California and throughout the world, plus many
specialty food items.
This year’s silent auction at the wine tasting provided
some great items including celebrity autographed items,
original paintings, and reserve lots and vintages, plus
impressive magnums from the wineries.
This year’s
tasting also saw
of a few new
event site was
expanded to include a larger
portion of the
grounds to make room for more wineries and the addition of select champagnes, port, and two micro brew
(continued on page 5)
Thanks to all of our wine tasting sponsors
Shelf Life
(Wine Tasting continued from page 4)
beers. Another addition this year was the “Champagne
and Diamonds” raffle, where entrants’ odds were 1 in 50
to win a half carat diamond, valued at $3,000.
Over 40 wineries participated, with passed
hors d’oeuvres created by
Larry & Melissa Nicola
of Nic’s Restaurant and
Martini Lounge and specialty cheeses and chocoFoodbank CEO Michael Flood (l) with Dave
lates provided by Market
Hirz, President, Ralphs Grocery Co.
Thanks to everyone who attended, participated and volunteered to make this year’s wine tasting such a great event.
Mark your calenders for June 7, 2008 to be a part of next
year’s wine tasting at the historic Greystone Mansion.
Avengers and Galaxy players go head-to-head in
“Dash for the Hungry” race at Albertsons
On June 26, players from the Los Angeles Galaxy Major
League Soccer team and the Los Angeles Avengers Arena
Football League competed against each other in a benefit
for the Foodbank. The dash, which was part of Hunger
Awareness Month events held throughout June, took place
at an Albertsons store in
San Pedro. The
object of the
“Dash for the
Hungry” is for
each team to
push shopping
carts through
the aisles to
collect as much
food as possible in a five
minute time period. The team
the most food
included Los
Angeles Galaxy
goalkeeper Joe
Cannon, forward Landon Donovan, midfielder
Cobi Jones and midfielder Kyle Martino versus
Los Angeles Avengers
Craven, wide receiver/
Flowers, offensive lineman Matt McGhghy, and
defensive back Arnold
After the dust settled
in the five-minute race,
the Avengers football
players had collected $3,590, while the Galaxy’s soccer players collected $5,563 worth of groceries to win
the dash. The Avengers players requested a rematch for
next year.
Albertsons added $30,000 to the total collected to
bring the amount of the donation to the Foodbank to
The event also brought media attention to the growing hunger problem in Los Angeles County. The event
was covered by KNBC, KCAL, KMEX and the Daily
To see some video highlights from the “Dash for the
Hungry,” go to the Foodbank web site at www.
Shelf Life
Feeding America’s Families Act (H.R. 2129)
The McGovern/Emerson “Feeding America’s Families Act”
(H.R. 2129) would make a significant difference for families
facing a constant struggle against hunger by improving access
to the Food Stamp Program, increasing the adequacy of food
stamp benefits, and bolstering the emergency food assistance
system. It invests $20 billion in new five-year funding.
Below are some of the items the new act would address:
Increase Food Stamp Benefit Levels
1) Rolls back the two significant across the board cuts
enacted in 1996. 2) Help vulnerable people stuck at the
monthly minimum benefit level (raising it from $10 to $32)
Emergency Feeding and Other Programs
1) Increase to $250 million a year and index for inflation
mandatory funding for The Emergency Food Assistance Program
(TEFAP); provide extra money for transportation of perishable
2) Reauthorize the Commodity Supplemental Food Program
(CSFP), reauthorize the Food Distribution Program on Indian
Reservations (FDPIR); authorize and fund the Bill Emerson
National Hunger Fellows and Mickey Leland International
Hunger Fellows Program; reauthorize and index for inflation
Community Food Security project grants; establish grants for
community-based anti-hunger efforts.
Please call your local member of congress and ask them to
support the Feeding America’s Families Act.
Remember to check our web site at for postings of Hunger Action Updates
Our Wish List
The Los Angeles Regional Foodbank relies
on support from the community in the form of
donations. Not only do we need food, funding and
volunteers to help those in need in our community,
but we have specific items we need to operate as
an effective and efficient organization.
Gifts-in-kind are donations of goods and services
in support of the Foodbank’s efforts to fight hunger.
In addition to writing a check, holding a food drive,
or volunteering, individuals and businesses further
our mission by making in-kind donations.
The Los Angeles Regional Foodbank can utilize
all sorts of donations. Whether incorporating new
technology or expanding our storage space, our
‘Wish List’ items would allow us to increase our
efficiency and ability to distribute food to children,
seniors and people in need through our network of
charitable agency sites.
If you have items that you think might make
good donations for the Foodbank or our programs,
please contact us. If we cannot take the donations,
we will do our best to direct you to a program that
will put them to good use!
Here is a list of items which we currently need.
If you would like to donate any of the following
items, please contact our Product Donations
Director Jeanna Kindle at (323) 234-3030 x129 or
email her at [email protected].
Items Needed
TV/DVD Combo
DVD Recorder or DVR
Automatic Paper Folder
Automatic Envelope Sealer
Heavy Duty Paper Shredder
Award and Certificate Supplies
General Office Supplies
Copy Paper
Colored Paper
Batteries (AA, AAA)
Blank CD-R & DVD-R Media
High Quality Color Laser Printer
Oversized Color printer/plotter
Flat Screen Monitors (17” inch or larger)
Digital Video Camera
Gifts to recognize the hard work of our
volunteers such as movie tickets, special
discounts and gift certificates
Shelf Life
Volunteers Needed!
High demand for food this season means we’ll need more
volunteers. We need your help to sort incoming food
donations from food drives and to assemble 7,000 food
packages a month for our Commodity Supplemental Food
Program which helps feed senior citizens, women with
infants, and children throughout Los Angeles County.
Our Food Rescue Program is located at the Los Angeles
Regional Foodbank, 1701 East 41st Place, Los Angeles,
CA 90058.
We need volunteers for the following dates:
Saturday, July 28th
Saturday, October 6th
Saturday, August 11th
Saturday, October 27th
Saturday, August 25th
Saturday, November 10th
Saturday, September 8th
Saturday, November 17th
Saturday, September 29th
Saturday, December 1st
CONTACT: Ana Martinez
Volunteer Manager
Tel (323) 234-3030 Ext. 144
Email: amartinez @
Minimum age requirement is 14 years old.
Actors Scott Wolf (r)(Everwood, The Nine, Party of Five) and Jimmy JeanLouis (Heroes) volunteered at the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank as part of
Hunger Awareness Day events that went on throughout the nation in June.
Thanks to all the groups below who have
volunteered since our last newsletter.
20’s & 30’s, AARP, AeroTek, Alhambra High School
- Key Club, Alhambra High School - Leo Club, Alhambra High
School - Shoshoni Club, All Saints Episcopal Church, Alpha
Kappa Psi-Mu Pledge, Ascension Lutheran Church, Ashley Hull’s
Group, Baldwin Park High School, Bel Air Presbyterian Church,
Big Sunday, Bruin Belles Service Association, California State
University Los Angeles, Beta Alpa Psi, California State University,
Long Beach, Foodservice Hotel Management Association,
California State University, Los Angeles, Student Affairs Office,
Carson High School, National Honor Society, Casa Christian
School, Center for Student Mission, Central Peninsula Church
CIT Commercial Services Inc., College Church of Nazarene,
Community of Christ Church, Culver Palms Church of Christ,
DACOR, Department of Social Services, G.A.I.N., Department of
Social Services, Workfare Project, East Los Angeles Community
College, El Camino College, Emmanuel Church, Emmanuel
Episcopal Church, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Environmental
Charter School, Evergreen Baptist Church, First Baptist
Church, First Evangelical Church Association, L.A. Galaxy,
Genisis Church, Genworth Financial, Girl Scout Troop 474,
Glen A Wilson High School, Hazel’s Group, High School Girl
Scout, Infinity Insurance, Kaiser Permanente, Katz-Radio Los
Angeles, Keri Haarhoff Group, L.A. Works, La Casa De Cristo
Lutheran Church, La Salle High School, LA Works, Long Beach
Residential, Lyndsey Christoffersen’s Group, Macy’s, Magnolia
Avenue Baptist Church, Marine Education Center, Mattel, Mesa
State Christian Fellowship, MMBA, Mountain View Presbyterian
Church, Murphy O’Brien Public Relations, Music Choice,
National Youth Leadership Forum, NBC , Universal Asian Pacific
American Forum, NBC Telemundo LA Stations, NEMCO, New
Song Community Church, Occidental College - Alumni, Primera
Iglesia Bautista, Prince of Peace Church, Project 6, Raytheon
River of Life Community Church, San Antonio High School, San
Marino Church, SAP, SER Jobs Service, Shinhan Bank America,
Shoshoni Club, Singer Lewak Greenbaum & Goldstein LLP, South
Bay Workforce Investment Board, Southeast Baptist Church, St.
Jerome Church, St. Joseph High School, St. Louise De Marillac,
St. Verena Church-Youth Group, Sunland Neighborhood Church,
Teach4America, The First Filipino American United Methodist
Church, The Help Group, TMP World Wide Advertising, U.S.
Coast Guard, UCLA Anderson Business School, UCLA Bruin
Corps, UCLA, Alpha Kappa Alpha, United States Air Force, Los
Angeles Base, USC - Sigma Alpha Lambda, Valley Village High
School, ViaCommunity Paramount Pictures, Village Glen High
School, Volunteer Center of Los Angeles, Community Service, Walter Hoving Home, Westchester United
Methodist Church, Woodland Park Community Church, XL
Insurance, YMCA, - Aokwakya Club, YMCA - Soshoni Club, Zeta
Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Gamma Lambda Chapter
Shelf Life
Foundation, Organization and Corporate Donors
Thanks to our generous donors for their support. (Contributors through April 30)
Aidlin Foundation
Albertsons, Inc.
Bank of the West
The Saul Brandman Foundation
Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation
The Joyce and Ben Eisenberg Foundation
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
The Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation
Food For All, Inc.
Hilton Hotels Corporation
Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation
L.A. County Board of Supervisors
John and Maria Laffin Trust
Needham Family Fund
Ralphs/Food 4 Less Foundation
Tim Allen Foundation
Union Bank of California
The Wyss Foundation
Product Donors
(Contributors since our last newsletter)
7-Eleven Inc.
99 Cent Only Stores
A & D Christopher Ranch
AA Grocery
Acadian Fish Co.
Agoura Calabasas Community Ctr
American Commissary Corp.
American Martyrs School
AMI Brands, LLC
Amped-Up Marketing
Annie’s Home Grown
Ardella’s Pizza
Ashley Lim
Asian Fresh Produce
AT&T Pioneers - Alhambra
Aztlan Cold Storage Inc.
Bank Produce
Bay Valley Foods
Bechtel Communications, INC.
Best Buy Foods
Best Oriental Produce
Big Lots
Bon Appetit Danish
Borders - Arcedia
Breadworks Bakery
Brent - Redmond Logistics
Brooklyn Bagel Co.
California School of Culinary Arts
Caliman International
Camille Goulet for Kiwanis
Cargil Salt
Cargill Logistics INC
Carmenita Middle School
CarSan Distribution
Cesar Chavez Food Drive (CCFD)
CCFD - Alt. Public Defender
CCFD - Animal C&C
CCFD - Assessor’s Dept.
CCFD - Auditor Controller
CCFD - Beaches & Harbors
CCFD - Board of Supervisors
CCFD - Chief Admin Office
CCFD - Chief Info Office
CCFD - Child Support Services
CCFD - Children & Family Svcs.
CCFD - Comm & Senior Svcs
CCFD - Consumer Affairs
CCFD - Coroner’s Department
CCFD - County Police Dept
CCFD - District Attorney
CCFD - Fire Department
CCFD - Health Services
CCFD - Internal Services Dept
CCFD - Mental Health
CCFD - Military & Vet. Affairs
CCFD - Office of Education CIS
CCFD - Office of Public Safety
CCFD - Ombudsman Dept.
CCFD - Parks & Recreation
CCFD - Probation Department
CCFD - Public & Special Events
CCFD - Public Defender
CCFD - Public Library
CCFD - Public Social Services
CCFD - Public Works
CCFD - Regional Planning
CCFD - Registrar Recorder
CCFD - Risk Management Office
CCFD - Superior Court
CCFD - Treasurer/ Tax Coll.
Cedarlane Foods
Certified Dairy
Chameleon Beverage Co.
Check Free
Chef America / Nestle
Chris Varthalamis
Church of Jesus Christ L.D.S
Ciao Bella
Clarissa Velasco
Colonial Dames
Columbia Fresh Produce
Commodity Forwaders Inc.
Community Biyur Chametz
Conagra Foods
Concept Food Brokers
Cookes Market
Country Eggs Inc.
County UCLA Harbor General Medical Cneter
Crazy Cookies
Creative Juice
CVS Pharmacy
D & F Trucking
Dalit Berkowitz
David Erlich Food Distributor
Del Monte Company
Del Rey Nuts
Devine Pasta
Diamond Delight Pastry
Discovery Communications
Dreyers Grand Ice Cream
DSI Drink Specialty
Earth Island
Eastern Foods
Eco Lab
EDD - W.LA Branch
El Burrito Mexican Food
El Dorado Mexican Products
Elat Market
Eurofresh Inc.
Evan Chen
Farmland Foods
Federal Cafe
FFE Transportation
Flanigan Farms Natural Foods
Florence Dist.
Flying Food Group
FoodAmerica L.L.C.
Foster Farms
Fresh Food Concepts
Fusion Gourmet
G&G Sugar Works
Gavina Coffee
Gelson’s Supermarket
(Continued on page 9)
Shelf Life
Product Donors
(Continued from page 5)
General Mills
Girl Scout Troop 1889
Go Fresh
Gold Kist
Gold Star Foods
Goldberg & Solovy Foods
Golden State Foods
Goldman Sachs
Gordon’s Fish Emporium
Gourmet Imports
Goya Foods
Grace Arroyo
Grant High School
Great Earth Produce
Harvest Farms
Hayden Farmer
Heart Of Compassion
Helen Grace Chocolates
Hershey’s Chocolate
Heyl Trucking
Hidden Villa Ranch
Hip Hop Beverage Corp.
Homemade Baby
Honey Baked Ham
Hormel Foods Corp.
IHOP Corp.
Individual Group
Intermex Foods
IRS Foods
J. C. Produce
J.M. Smuckers
Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
Jack in the Box
Jacobs Farms - Del Cabo
January Freeze Relief
Jesus Romero
JKC Trucking
Jody Maroni’s
John Morrell & Company
Johnson & Johnson
Jons Market
Josdan Scott
Josie Neglia Dance Academy
Julio’s Picciotto Produce
Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity
Keith Bailey
Kelloggs Company
King Meat Company
Kiwanis Club
Kiwi Distributing Co.
Kraft Foods INC.
L.A. County Board of Agriculture
La Barca Tortilleria
La Brea Bakery
LA Casa
La Mixteca Tortilleria
Latino Family Media
Lee Fish
Lets Buy British
Lightning Media - Santa Monica
Linda A. Furse
Litehouse Salad Dressing
Lloyd Hamrol
M & M Distributors
M.C. Produce
Majestic Spice Company
Maria Mazariegos
Marquez Brothers Enterprises
Mattel Toy Store
Maui Fresh International
Mayfair Market
Melissa’s World Variety Prod.
Mike Campbell & Associates
Milani Cosmetics
Miller Toyota
Miramar Tortilleria
Mission Foods
Monaco Baking
Monterey Mushroom Co.
Morita Produce Co.
Morrison Health Care Food Ser
Mr. Willie Guyton
Mrs. Cubbison
Ms. Helfrich
Ms. Lada Boder
National Cold Storage
Natural Produce
Naturally Fresh
Nemco Food Products
Nestle USA, Inc.
New Zealand Natural Goods
Northern Refrigerated Trans.
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Ocean Spray
Olympic Fruit & Vegetable Dist
Omaha Steaks
ONE World Enterprises
Original Jacks Bakery
O’Tasty Foods
Pacifico Distributors
Pactiv Corporation
Pactiv Corporation
Patty’s Presto Pizza, Inc.
Pepperidge Farms
Phi Upsilon Omicron - Cal Poly Pomona
Piccadilly Imports
Pilot Brands Cold Storage
Procter & Gamble
Professional Produce
Q&B Foods
QSI Produce
Quaker Oat Company
Quality Glatt Meats
Radex Distribution
Rainbow Gift Baskets
Ralphs Grocery Company
Ramirez Bros.
Rancho Foods
RC Provisions
Red Island Austraila
S & W Foods
San Miguel Meat & Poultry
Santa Monica Distributors
Sav-On Stores
Sea Fare Group
Season Produce Co., Inc.
Shasta Beverages
Shawnalyn Smith Thomas
Shea Homes
Sierra Cheese MFG Co. Inc.
Smart & Final
Snack King
Snack Source
South Bay Cold Storage
Stephanie Rutherford
Sugar Foods Corp.
Sunny Delight -Anaheim
Sunny Fresh Foods
Sunrise Produce
Sur La Table
Tapatio Hot Sauce
Target Stores
Tavilla Sales Co.
Tenet Health
TFA - Gage Middle School
TFA - Gompers Middle School
TFA - Johnnie Cochran M.S.
TFA - KIPP Academy
The Breadbar LLC
The Clorox Company
The English Pudding Co.
The Keefe Group
The Newman Nutrition Center
The Rogers Group
Tim Sanders Candy
Tomahawk Produce
Trader Joe’s
Triton Fresh
Triunfo-Mex INC.
Tropicana North America
Tropicana Products
True Buddha CA E-Rooh Society
Tumaros, Inc.
TVT Produce
Tyson Foods, Inc.
U.S. Growers Cold Storage
Unified Western Grocers
Unilever Food Solutions
Universal Studios Child Care
Urban Forage
USC School of P P & D
Valley Fruit & Produce
Vedanta Society of Southern Ca
Virgil Middle School
Vitamin Relief USA
Watson & Associates
Welby Way Elementary School
Welch Foods Inc.
West Pico Foods, Inc.
Western Gourmet Foods
White Wave - Horizon Organic
Whole Foods Market
Wilson-Patiz Boarder Line FB
World Harvest
YHS Trading USA, Inc.
You Name It Products
Product Donor
The Foodbank would like to
thank the National Association
of Letter Carriers and the
US Postal Service for their
continued support of our
The NALC/USPS annual food
drive brought in over 70 million
pounds of food nationwide this
year. The NALC food drive is
the largest in the nation and
takes place in over 10,000
U.S. cities. Thanks also to
everyone who donated food
to the food drive.
If you have food or personal
care items available for
donation and would like to
schedule a pick-up, please
contact Clarissa Velasco at
(323) 234-3030 x 130 or you
may e-mail Jeanna Kindle,
Product Donations Director at
[email protected] or call
her at extension 129.
Shelf Life
Swipe Out Hunger
With Your Club Card
When you register your Ralphs and Albertsons Club
Card with the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank, you can
help the Foodbank receive up to $3,600 per quarter!
Each time you shop at Ralphs and Albertsons, swipe
your Club Card and the Foodbank instantly earns
Do you shop at Food-4-Less? Contact the Foodbank for
your Community Rewards Card. We will register your
card and send it to you in the mail.
Registering is easy! Simply fill out the form below and
forward your information to us.
Mail to: The Los Angeles Regional Foodbank,
Attn: Development Department, Club Card Program,
1734 E. 41st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90058
Email the information to [email protected]
Home Address*: _____________________________
City*:______________ State*: ____ ZIP*:________
Phone #*: ( _____ ) ___________________________
Club Card Numbers:
Ralph’s # _________________________________
(13 digit #)
Albertsons #_______________________________
(11 digit #)
Please Send me a Food-4-Less Community
Rewards Card.
* Indicates required information
Ask your family and friends to join too! Thanks.
Don’t have a Club Card? Sign up at your local store.
For more information, questions or comments, contact Andrea at
(323) 234-3030 ext. 163 or visit
Partners Preventing
(Donors who donated $1,000 or more through April 30)
Ms. Lynn Abess
Mr. Nishat Ahmed
Mr. Mark Akita
Ms. Joyce O. Appleby
Ms. Helen A. Atherton
Ms. Barbara Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Borenstein
Ms. Bernice F. Burns
Mr. Thomas Bushman
Mr. Jeffrey Davis
Ms. Diane Isaacs Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flood
Ms. Audree V. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Glen L. Friedman
Mr. Jonathan R. Friedman
Mrs. Jacqueline M. Glass
Josh and Stephanie Goldstine
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lappen
Mr. and Mrs. David Leonard
Mr. Richard E. Lewis
Mr. Rosey T. Miller
Mr. Jonathan E. Mitchell and Ms. Gal Haas
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Money
Ms. Nancy J. Monk
Mr. Meade F. Murphy
Mrs. Doris H. Pankow
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Petrosino
Dr. and Mrs. Martin G. Rosenblatt
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl L. Schall
Mr. Kevin F. Sharkey
Ms. Amy Sherman-Palladino
Mr. Joseph F. Vaccaro
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weedman
Mr. Richard S. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson N. Wong
Shelf Life
In Honor/In Memory/ Tribute
(Gifts made between January 1 - April 30, 2007)
Carmichael Lynch Inc.
In the name of our clients headquartered
in the area you serve
DLP Cinema Products/ Texas Instruments Inc.
In Memory of Charles Swartz
Linoleum City, Inc.
In Memory of Joan Lorme
SCI Real Estate Investors
In Honor of Employees, Families and
Mr. Jehan Agrama and
Ms. Dwora Fried-Dreilinger
In Honor of Barrie Levy’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Ajemian
In Memory of Rasmik Ajemian
Ms. Emily Ajemian
In Memory of Rasmik Ajemian
Ms. Marie E. Antonio
In Memory of Dutch Chocolate
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Atkins
In Memory of Joan Lorme
Ms. Eileen F. Bagan
In Memory of Joan Lorme
Ms. Claire Barber Fenton
In Honor of Joshua Fenton
Ms. Barbara Bauer
In Honor of Donald Goodman’s B-Day
Mr. Benjamin Bell
In Memory of Martha K. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Bogue
In Memory of Joan Lorme
Ms. Brittany Bonner
On the ocassion of Christmas
Mrs. Geri Brehm
In Memory of Ship Brehm
Ms. Vivian Brown
In Honor of Barrie Levy’s Birthday
Ms. Saralynn Busch
In Memory of Charles Swartz
Ms. Patricia Chamberlain
In Memory of Nancy Beckham
Ms. Karyn R. Cheng
In honor of Leon Adams’ B-Day
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Clouse
In Memory of Joan Lorme
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Coben
In Honor of Nick Saggese
Mr. Ryan Colburn
In Honor of Joan Colburn &
Frances Perkins
Ms. Gina Cowan
In Honor of Julius Cowan
Mr. Frank Cowell
In Memory of Frank E. Cowell Jr.
Ms. Emily Dawson
In Honor of my fiance, Michael,
for Valentine’s Day
Ms. Jamie Devenport
In Memory of Grandpa Bob
Ms. Monica Faulkner
In Honor of Ed & Irene Wendell
Drs. Albert and Evelyn Freeman
In Honor of Stephanie Solomon’s 60th Birthday
Ms. Debra A. Gerod
In Memory of Dr. Benno Klank
Mr. Samuel J. Goldstein and Ms. Elizabeth Oakes
In Honor of Karl Zilles and Lyndra, Avner,
Olivia, and Lily Uzan
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gordon
In Memory of Joan Lorme
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haveson
In Honor of Martin Gales’ Birthday
Mr. Steve Hickler
In Honor of the life, death, burial & resurrection
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth
Mr. Jeffrey C. Ho
In Memory of Kevin Fu
Mr. Steven Ireland and
Mrs. Jacqueline Fernandez-Ireland
In Honor of Lucas Ireland’s Graduation
from Preschool
Mr. Jeremiah Jones
In Honor of Howard Jones for his 89th Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. Kaplan
In Honor of Mrs. Lillian Scharf’s 87th Birthday
Mr. Phillip Keys
In Memory of Charles Swartz
Mr. Andrew D. Krasnoff, M.D.
In Honor of sons, Alex and Jeff
Mr. and Mrs. Williams A. Kurtz
In Memory of Nancy Beckham
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kutzin
In Honor of Pierre R. Bohamed’s Retirement
from 33 years of Postal Service
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lee
On behalf of Paula Lee
Mrs. Shirley R. Lenihan
In Memory of Joseph W. Lenihan
Mr. Steven N. Levinson
In Memory of Jeanette Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Livker
In Honor of Shirley’s 85th Birthday
Mrs. Ruth Mand
On the Occasion of Don’s 80th Birthday
Ms. Rosalie Mandala
In Memory of Nancy Nash Beckham
Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Maness
In Memory of Joan Lorme
Janet and George McDonald
In Honor of Gail & Tim Lappen’s marriage
Mr. Myron Meisel
In Memory of Charles Swartz
Mrs. Patricia C. Mock
In Memory of Sanford J. Mock
Mr. Kenneth Mullen and Mrs. Rita E. Neumann
In Honor of MLK Jr.
Mr. Donald Nunnari
In Memory of Mr. Walter Kaye
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ostrow
In Honor of Dan Millstone’s B-Day
Mr. Ahmad Ouri
In Memory of Charles Swartz
Mr. Eric Overstreet
In Memory of Charles Swartz
Mrs. Doris H. Pankow
In Memory of Charles
Mrs. Doris H. Pankow
In Memory of Dear Husband
Ms. Joanne Park
In Memory of Mary Kate Dasaro
Mr. Adam Rabinowitz
In Honor of Debbie Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Randolph
In Memory of Nancy Nash Beckham
Mr. Justin Reese
In Honor of Maria Liszkay
Mr. Randolph Rimes
In Honor of Music Holiday Food Drive
Ms. Jeanette Rosenfeld
In Memory of Gladys Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sallus
In Memory of Betty Jacobs’ father
Ms. Cathy Sellitto
In Honor of Catherine Sellitto
Mr. Frederick J. Stifter and
Mrs. Regina Tozar-Stifter
In Memory of Joan Lorme
Ms. Geraldine S. Stifter
In Memory of Joan Lorme
Terre Thomas
In Memory of Nancy Beckham
Ms. Katie Vernoy
In Honor of Waylon Davis’ 1st B-Day
Ms. Kathleen Williams
In Honor of my niece, Lauren Cowe
For a full list of all of our donors, download our
newsletter on-line at
Shelf Life
Individual Donors
(Donors who donated $100 to $999
between January 1 - April 30, 2007)
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel M. Abrahms
Dr. Emanuel M. Abrams
Ms. Sharon Adachi
Ms. Maggie Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Adelstein
Ms. Katherine Adler
Ms. Marianne Afifi
Mr. Steven C. Afriat and Mr. Curtis Sanchez
Mr. Amir Agam
Mr. Norman I. Carnick and Ms. Sally Agel
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Aguiar
Mr. Kevin A’Hearn
Mr. Robert Ahmanson
Mr. Lawrence H. Albinski, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Albrecht
Ms. Lissa Alfred
Ms. Sandra R. Allen
Mr. Valentin Almendarez and
Ms. Barbara L. Hall
Ms. Susan Altman
Mr. Scott Altman and Ms. Laura C. Fry
Mr. David S. Alverson
Mr. Michal Amir
Mr. Duane G. Amundsen
Mr. and Ms. Bruce Anders
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Anderson
Mr. Stuart T. Anderson
Mr. Arthur E. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Anderson
Ms. Alison G. Anderson
Mr. Joseph Anthony
Mr. Jeffrey M. Moskin and
Ms. Marcia Antopol
Mr. James H. Apple
Mr. Rand S. April
Mr. Pojanaporn Arjunaka
Mr. Anthony E. Arn
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Arnold
Ms. Jean L. Aroeste
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Ashkenas
Mr. Mark Aurelius
Mr. Clarence Avant
Tobin B. Babst
Ms. Elena Baca
Mr. Sheldon J. Baer
Mr. Blane T. Baker
Ms. Debra Baker
Ms. Leslie Baker
Mr. Bruce Baltin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Banta
Mr. Todd P. Barabas
Mr. Robert M. Bard
Ms. Traci Barmen
Mr. Robert E. Barna
Ms. Lillian T. Barnes
Mr. Charlton Barnes and Ms. Amy Pucker
Mr. William R. Barrett
Mr. Paul Barrow
Ms. Leah G. Bassoni
Ms. Victoria Bates
Ms. Julie A. Battaglia
Mr. Mark Baumohl and
Ms. Carolyn Bartholomew
Ms. Jean M. Beasley
Mr. Ryan Beck
Ms. Joan Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Beesley
Mr. Joel Begleiter
Mr. Blair Belcher
Mr. Benjamin Bell
Mr. Peter Benedek
Mr. John R. Bengel
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Benoun
Mr. Leonard M. Bentel
Mr. Steven Bergman
Dr. Emil Berkanovic
Mr. James Berkus
Mr. Keith A. Berlin
Mrs. Lanie Bernhard
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelis A. Bernsen
Ms. Margaret L. Bernstein
Mr. Bill Betts
Mr. and Mrs. Ravi Bhatia
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Biderman
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Biggs
Mr. Jonathan Bines
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett P. Bingaman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Birnbaum
Mrs. M. Susan Bjerre
Ms. Kathleen Black
Mr. Bob Blair
Ms. Charmaine Blatt
Ms. Sara J. Bleick
Mr. Kenneth B. Bley
Mr. Karl E. Block
Mr. Brad Blondheim
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bloomfield, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Bluestein
Mr. John Phillip Blum
Mr. Michael S. Blum and Ms. Suju Vijayan
Mr. Paul Harris Boardman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bockman
Mr. and Mrs. James Bodnar
Mr. Steve Boehm
Mr. Peter M. Boesen, Jr.
Ms. Yvonne Bogdanovich
Mr. Pat Boone
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Borer
Mr. Louis L. Borick
Ms. Sylvia Boris
Mr. Christopher B. Boss and
Ms. Rosemary H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jerold E. Bowen
Mr. Bobby Bowman and Ms. Stacey
Ms. Lynn J. Brannon
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Braun
Ms. Barbara E. Brauner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brazill
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brecker
Mrs. Ernestine Brewer
Ms. Marla S. Brieby
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Brill
Mr. Richard Bronson
Mr. Geoff M. Brooks
Mr. Jeffrey E. Brothers
Ms. Carroll Brown
Ms. Mary R. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Brown
Ms. Susan V. Brown
Mr. Clemon L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis D. Brownfield
Ms. Grace Brubaker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brunette
Mr. Kristoffer N. Bruvold
Ms. Jeannette E. Bryant
Mr. Thomas A. Buckley
Mr. Barry M. Bunes
Ms. Dee Dee Burger
Mr. Roirdan Burnett and Ms. Lois Wecker
Ms. Sandra Burns
Ms. Annie L. Burns
Mr. Jason C. Burns
Mr. Josh Bushman
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Buster
Ms. Karla Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Caddell
Ms. Carla S. Calmenson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Campagnoni
Mr. Michael Camunez
Mr. Jim Canavan
Mr. Andrew Cannava
Ms. Jean Capps-Lytle
Ms. Janeth T. Carpenter
Mr. Rodger K. Carreyn
Ms. Patricia L. Casanova
Mr. Thomas L. Cash and
Ms. Danna M. Weidner
Mr. Daniel Kahsai and Ms. Jing W. Chao
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Chapman
Ms. Catherine Chavez
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen I. Chazen
Mr. Isaac C. Chen
Ms. Dina B. Chernick
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Chiarelli
Mr. William Chiu
Mr. Charles M. Chuckrow
Mr. Vincent Cirilli
Mr. Richard E. Clapp
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Cobb
Ms. Lisa Coburn
Mr. Irving Codron
Ms. Jean F. Cohen
Mr. Michael Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Colburn
Mr. Herbert Colden, Esq.
Ms. Cheryl A. Coleman
Mr. Al Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Collins
Dr. and Mrs. Lauren H. Colloff
Ms. Mary A. Connelly
Ms. Virginia A. Cook
Mr. Stephen P. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Corman
Ms. Marcia E. Cornford
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cosgrove
Mr. Fred B. Cowan
Ms. Laurie Craig
Mr. Bryan Cranston
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cronin
Mrs. Jeanne P. Crose
Mr. Claude Davis and
Mrs. Martha Cruise
Mr. Jerome Cruitt
Ms. Christine L. Cullenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Curran
Mr. and Mrs. John Curry
Ms. Shirley Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Dachs
Ms. Amarnatha R. Dadani Kasi
Mr. Ronald Dahl
Ms. Debra J. Dahlen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Daily
Ms. Cat Dale
Dr. Saralyn R. Daly
Mr. and Mrs. David Dan
Ms. Phyllis Daniel
Dr. Marcia L. Daniels
Ms. Ruth Ellen Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. D’Anna
Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Davis
Mr. Christopher Day
Mr. and Mrs. Ron De Crescent
Ms. Susan J. de Golyer
Mr. Joseph J. De Mase
Ms. Joyce Deep
Mr. James Degus
Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Deitsch
Mr. Andrew Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Demoff
Mr. Clifford R. Dernham
Ms. Myra Diamond
Ms. Patricia Diamond
Ms. Alice R. Dick
Ms. Marilynn Dierker
Mr. Robert J. Dolbinski
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Dolezal
Ms. Carol Dosaj
Mr. John Doty, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Doyle
Ms. Barbara Dreyfus
Mr. Forest Drummond
Mr. Thomas A. Duffield, Jr.
Ms. Katherine M. Dugdale
Mr. Daniel Dunber
Mr. James E. Dunham
Mr. Donald R. Dunn
Ms. Mary F. Dupart
Mr. George Duran
Ms. Margaret Ecker
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edson
Mr. Laurence P. Eggers
Mr. Paul Eggert and
Ms. Stacey Byrnes
Ms. Cara L. Eichorn
Ms. Sara Eisner
Mr. James B. Ellern
Mr. and Mrs. David Elson
Mr. and Mrs. William Elton
Ms. Judy English
Mr. Don J. Enright
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ettinger
Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle C. Eubank III
Mr. Warren J. Butterfield and
Ms. Susan E. Ewert
Mr. Daniele Facchini and
Ms. Suzanne L. Palmer
Mrs. Dorothy L. Fahrney
Ms. Pamela V. Falk
Mrs. Lucille A. Farber and
Mr. James J. Bright
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Farbstein
Mr. Thomas L. Farrell
Mr. Michael Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Fein
Ms. Gladys Fellman
Ms. Julia C. Fendrick
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Feuer
Ms. Susan E. Fickenscher
Mr. Ernest Fiedler
Mr. Joseph Field
Fierro Family
Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Fife
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Filby
Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Finch
Mr. Andrew L. Findley
Mr. Lawrence N. Fine
Ms. Marina Fineman
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Firestone
Mr. Payam E. Firouztala
Mr. and Mrs. B.D. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fitterman
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Fitzgerald
Mr. Mitchell K. Fogelman
Ms. Andrea Folprecht
Dr. Robert F. Foran
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Formaker
Ms. Judith R. Forman
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Fountain
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fowkes
Mr. David Fox
Mr. J.D. Fox
Mr. Dennis Frahmann
Mr. Vincent J. Fraumeni
Ms. Joanie C. Freckmann
Mr. Alan L. Freedman
Ms. Janelle M. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Fresco
Mr. Jonathan L. Friedman and
Ms. Andrea E. Wallace
Mr. Edward Friedman
Mr. John Fries
Mr. Gary N. Frischling and
Ms. Cindy Bauman
Mr. Phillip T. Fujii
Mr. Paul J. Fukushima
Mr. Craig L. Furst
Mr. Steven L. Horn and
Ms. Amy E. Futa
Mr. James J. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Gardner
Mr. Leonard R. Garner, Jr.
Dr. Robin L. Garrell
Ms. Melora M. Garrison
Mr. David P. Garza and
Ms. Laura De Blois
Mr. John C. Gassner
Ms. Shannon Gaulding
Ms. Debra A. Gerod
Ms. Gertrude C. Gesing
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Gill
Mr. Michael V. Gisser and
Ms. Cynthia Torres
Mrs. Sherman Given
Mr. Larry Glass
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Glasser
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Glaze
Ms. Mary P. Gleason
Ms. Freda Gleitman
Mr. Gary Glick
Ms. Carolyn Gliona
Ms. Amy L. Goetz
Mr. Israel Gold
Ms. Ann M. Goldberg
Ms. Shana Goldberg-Meehan
Dr. Joshua Goldhaber and
Dr. Michele Hamilton
Mr. David Goldstein
Mr. Don M. Goldstein
Ms. Marion Golenternek
Mr. J.P. Golio
Ms. Stephanie Gonzales
Mr. Steven C. Gonzalez
Mr. Donald S. Goodman
Mr. Paul E. Goodwin
Mr. Jeremy Gorr
Mr. Abraham Gottesman
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gottfried
Mr. Jonathan Gottlieb
Ms. R. Marcia Gould
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Gould-Saltman
Mr. Gary M. Gradinger
Ms. Laurel K. Graham
Mr. Tony Grebmeier
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Greenberg
Ms. Laura Greenlee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenspan
Mr. and Mrs. Joel C. Greenwald
Dr. Philip A. Greider
Ms. Marjorie E. Gremmel
Mr. John M. Gresham and
Ms. Susan R. Curtis
Mr. Charles A. Griffis
Ms. Patricia Griffith
Ms. Joanne Gronley
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Grossman
Ms. Denise K. Grubb
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gruber
Mr. Raymond R. Grutzmacher
Mr. and Mrs. Gudvi
Mr. and Mrs. Max Guefen
Mrs. Quitzia Guerrero
Ms. Kim Guggenheim
Mr. John C. Gunn
Ms. Olivia Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Haber
Ms. Diane Hadland
Ms. Jeannette Haley
Mr. Marshall B. Hall
Mr. Andrew Hallett
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hampshire
Mr. Daryl Han
Lee W. Hancock
Mr. Brett Hansen
Ms. Serah Hanze
Ms. Penny Haptor
Ms. Laurie Manulis Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Harris
Mr. Andrew M. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin W. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Harrison
Mr. Wayne K. Harrison
Ms. Mary Harrison
Mr. Kenneth Harstad
Ms. Hillary Hartman
Ms. Frances A. Hartman-Williams
Mr. Steve Harwood
Mr. Brian Harwood
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harwood
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Haworth
Ms. Maria Hayes-Bautista
Ms. Lisa Hazan
Mr. and Mrs. Jon C. Healey
Mr. Sean B. Hecht and
Ms. Rebecca L. Weiker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hedman
Shelf Life
Mr. Richard Heftel
Mr. John and Jeri Heiden
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Helm
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Hennigan
Mr. David Henseler
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Hergott
Ms. Janet G. Hering
Mr. James A. Herod III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heron
Mr. Joseph Herron and
Ms. Patricia Baird
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Hersch
Ms. Patricia Hicks
Mrs. Charmaine E. Hidalgo
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Hieronymus
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Higgins
Ms. Meredith Hightower
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Hillman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Hines
Ms. Jane M. Hirai
Dr. Jeffrey A. Hirsch
Mr. David Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hokoyama
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Holman
Mr. Gary Horn
Mr. Kenneth Horn
Ms. Carol Horowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Horowitz
Ms. Alston A. Horrocks
Mr. Fred L. Horton
Mr. David Hou
Mr. Duncan Howard, D.D.S.
Ms. Margaret L. Howe
Ms. Julie J. Hsieh
Ms. Joan A. Hudson-Miller
Ms. Karla Huff
Mr. Stephen Hughes
Mr. Christopher Combs and
Ms. Charlotte F. Hughes
Mr. Leroy Huling
Ms. Joyce Hunsaker
Mr. Amir Hussain
Mr. Edward Ibarra
Hyun S. Im
Ms. Stacy Ivers
Tracey Jacobs
Mr. Gary N. Jacobs
Ms. Lisa Jacobson
Ms. Judith L. Jacobus
Ms. Doris Jaffe
Ms. Gale E. Jaffe
Mr. Howard Jaffe
Mr. Douglas Jakel
Mr. Richard L. James
Mr. Bruce P. Jeffer
Ms. Sheila Jefferson
Ms. Celia Jen
Mr. Michael Jenkins
Mr. Jake Johannsen
Ms. Michelle Johnson
Ms. Lillian F. Johnson and
Mr. Charles V. Almdale
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Johnson
Ms. Carolyn Johnson
Ms. Pamela Johnson
Ms. Sharon Johnson
Mr. Thomas A. Jones and
Ms. Molly Newman
Mr. Eric Jones
Mr. James Stricks and
Ms. Ethel Jorge
Ms. Jane Kaczmarek and
Mr. Bradley Whitford
Mr. Mark A. Kadzielski
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kalfa
Ms. Murna Kalms
Ms. Rita Kamat
David L. Kamberg
Mr. David B. Kamm
Mrs. Charlotte A. Kandel
Mr. and Mrs. David Kaplan
Ms. Arlene Kardell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Karl
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Karno
Ms. Janet Kasabian
Mr. Douglas Kasai
Mrs. Sylvia Kasloff
Mr. Alan S. Katz and
Mr. Jerry M. Simmons
Mr. David Katz
Mr. Sheppard R. Kaufman
Mr. Edmond J. Kavounas and
Ms. Chung Hae Han
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kay
Mr. Stephen H. Kay and
Ms. Susan R. Bloch
Ms. Catherine Kay, Esq.
Mrs. Frances C. Keane
Ms. Catherine A. Keig
Mr. Scott Kelley
Ms. Mary B. Kelly
Mr. Dale M. Kelsey
Regan Kendle
Mr. and Mrs James Kent
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Kenzik
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Kessinger
Dr. Mha Atma S. Khalsa
Ms. Keya Khayatian
Ms. Sylvia M. Kiertscher
Ms. Jennifer Killingsworth
Mr. Robert Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Michael King
Mr. Martin Schlageter and
Ms. Karen Klabin
Ms. Kelly M. Klaus and Ms. Alison
M. Hills
Mr. Marley Klaus
Mr. Quang Q. Kleinman and
Ms. Mimi Chiang
Mr. L.L. Kline
Mr. John N. Klitsner
Mr. Richard Klubeck and
Ms. Nancy Corshen
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Mintz
Mrs. Carolyn B. Knobler
Ms. Constance R. Koenenn
Ms. Syunja J. Kook
Mr. Marc A. Korman
Mr. Michael Kostroff
Ms. Deborah Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. David Kramer
Mr. Eric Kranzler
Ms. Kristine L. Krueger
Mr. Kent Kunkel
Ms. Susan Joy Kurtz
Mr. Kai L. Kwan
Mr. Arthur Laboe
Ms. Jo Ann Lach
Mr. and Mrs. Max Lagao
Ms. Marianne D. Lakatos
Mr. Daniel Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lambert
Ms. Cindy Landon
Ms. Maxine Lapiduss
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lapota
Terry Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. James Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lassally
Mrs. Eunice K. Lau
Mr. Allen M. Lawrence
Mr. Douglas Leal
Ms. Lorriane LeBlanc and
Mr. Craig Wright
Mr. and Mrs. William Lee
Mr. Robert Lee
Ms. Tracy J. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Avon M. Leeking
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lefcourt
Mr. Harvey Lehrer
Ms. Berta M. Leon
Ms. Laurie R. Lerner
Ms. Suzanne L. Lerner
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Leserman
Mr. David Lessoff
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Letvin
Ms. Paulette A. Leu
Ms. Cynthia Leva
Mr. Robert W. Levin
Mr. Myron W. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Levine
Mrs. Maria Levonian
Ms. Barrie Levy
Dr. and Mrs. Harlan Lewis
Dr. David A. Lewis
Mr. Marty C. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leyman
Ms. Karen A. Lichtenberg
Mr. Jon K. Lieb
Ms. Elisabeth Lilly
Mr. Alex Lim
Ms. Gladys Lim
Mr. Kvit Limkrailassiri
Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Lipin
Ms. Shayne R. Lipsey
Dr. Jeffery J. Litow
Mr. Robert N. Littman CFS
Mr. James H. Locklin
Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Logan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Lohrer
Ms. Christina A. Lopez
Ms. Elaine Loring
Mr. and Mrs. Raymon G. Lorme
Mr. Brian Lowry
Ms. Mary A. Luetkemeyer
Mr. Joe Lupo
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Luskin
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Luster
Ms. Marjorie B. Lux
Ms. Julie G. Lynn
Ms. Shelley Lyons
Mr. John and Fred Macarthur
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Magness
Ms. Margaret L. Malina
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mandell
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Manegold
Mr. Michael D. Maniccia
Ms. Josephine Manzano-Stettler
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Marchewka
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Marcus
Mr. Steven H. Margolis
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marienthal
Ms. Margaret H. Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Marshall
Mr. John Martonchik
Phyllis Maslow, Ph.D.
Ms. Sharlot L. Mather
Ms. Mimi Mathies
Ms. Roberta F. Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Mayer
Mr. Mark Mazie
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McAbee
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. McAndrews
Ms. Hope McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Doug McCallie
Mr. Edward F. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Downs McCloskey, Jr.
Mr. David McClure
Joseph and Monique McCollam
Mr. Jonathan K. McCoy
Ms. Margaret McDermott
Janet and George McDonald
Mr. Warren D. McGee
Mr. Michael Milder and
Mrs. Maureen McGee
Mr. and Mrs. John McGhee
Mr. Thomas P. McGuire
Mr. Ronald McIntire
Mr. John D. Mclaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McPeak
Ms. Erika Mednick
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Meister
Ms. Lauren M. Meltzner and
Mr. Jared P. Stern
Mr. Dominic Mercado
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Meredith
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Merritt
Mr. Farshad Meshkinpour
Mr. Michael A. Messner
Ms. Carolyn Metcalf
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Metzenberg
Mr. Richard J. Meyer
Mr. Peter Mezza and Ms. Eleanor Schneir
Ms. Debra Michel
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Miller
Ms. Faye S. Miller
Mr. Jordan Miller
M. Graham Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Millstone
Mr. James B. Collier and Ms. Tanya Mink
Mr. Alan M. Mirman, Esq.
Dr. and Mrs. Norman J. Mirman
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mishell
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mitchell
Ms. Leslie Mitchner
Mr. and Mrs. Chander P. Mittal
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Moak
Ms. Sima Mofidishirazi
Ms. Yvette Molinaro
Ms. Cynthia S. Monaco
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Montgomery
Mr. George Mood
Ms. Grace Moon
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mora
Mr. David Morena and Ms. Kim Clary
Ms. Elisa Morris
Mr. Patrick D. Morris
Ms. Yolanda T. Moses
Mr. Garry Moses and
Ms. Julianne DeMarco
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Mouton
Ms. Genevieve Mow
Ms. Pamela A. Muir
Mr. Martin Mullarkey
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. Arvind Murthy
Mr. and Mrs. John Musitano, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. Mutchnik
Mr. Eric Nagasawa
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nahmias
Ms. Susan Nakamura
Mr. Robert Nall
Mr. and Mrs. Isao P. Narikawa
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Nealson
Mr. Sam Neftin
Mr. and Mrs. Antionio Negrete
Ms. Janice B. Nelsen
Ms. Linda S. Nelson
Ms. Marilyn Nelson
Mr. Michael J. Neri
Ms. Susan L. Nero
Mr. Quynh Ngo
Ms. Katherine L. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nichols
Ms. Tracy C. Nickl
Mr. Richard J. Beebe and
Ms. Deanna Nielson
Mr. John Nisley
Mr. Anthony Nobuyuki and
Ms. Kori Hojo
Ms. Loretta M. Norris
Ms. Victoria Nourafchan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Novak
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bynum
Mr. Donald Nunnari
Ms. Helen Oakley
Ms. Winefred O’Brien
Mr. Alric Oishi and Ms. Linda Low
Mr. Todd Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Oliver
Mr. William Olofsson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. John Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Olympius
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Opell
Mr. Paul O’Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ortega
Ms. Sharon Osborough
Ms. Dorothy M. Osei
Mr. Steve Oshiro
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Oshiro
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ostergard
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Ostrow
Mr. Edward J. Ostrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Oury
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Overland
Ms. Sharon Oxborough
Ms. Melanie Palahnuk
Ms. Kathleen Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Palter
Mr. Edward Parker
Mr. Kelvin Parker
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Parkhurst
Mr. and Mrs. Rajesh Patel
Ms. Sandra L. Pattison
Mr. Gene Paulin
Mr. Anthony O. Payne
Mrs. Susanne S. Peace
Dr. and Mrs. Barry J. Pearlman
Ms. Florence Pearson
Ms. Patricia Pearson-Rubio
Mr. and Mrs. John Peck
Ms. Barbara L. Pederson
Mr. Raymond F. Pellegrino
Mr. Raymond M. Pennell
Mr. Piyasena Perera
Ms. Frances C. Perkins
Mr. Dana M. Perlman, Esq. and
Mr. Hugh Kinsellagh
Dr. Jacquelin Perry
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Perzik
Ms. Rachel Peterman
Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Peters III
Ms. Agnes F. Peterson
Mr. Jordan Vannini and Ms. Mindy Pfeiffer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Piantadosi
Mr. Lloyd Pilchen and Ms. Paula Swinford
Ms. Gertrud I. Pillay
Mr. Pedro J. Pizarro
Ms. Cheryl Platz
Ms. Ellen Plummer
Ms. Karen E. Pointer, Esq.
Ms. Lillian E. Pollei
Mr. Dale J. Pollekoff
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pomerantz
Ms. Ruth W. Potts
Ms. Francine E. Pradia
Mr. Stanley M. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Prindle
Mr. Jerry Prochazka
Ms. Kristin D. Puttkamer
Mr. Diarmuid Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Racine
Mr. Josh Radnor
Ms. Bonnie Raitt
Mr. and Mrs. James Ramlochan
Ms. Vicki Randle
Ms. Jeannette A. F. Rasker
Ms. Linda G. Rasmussen
Mr. John L. Raya
Mr. Danilo Razon
Mr. Edward Redd
Ms. Saroshini Reddy
Mrs. Rosemary B. Reed
Mr. Nathan Reger
Mr. Andrew Reich
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reichwald
Mr. James Reid
Mr. Kerry Reis
Mr. and Mrs. M. Freddie Reiss
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reizes, A.I.A.
Mr. Adam H. Relin
Mr. Kenneth Resser
Mr. Jeffrey W. Reyna
Mr. Matthew Rice
Mr. and Mrs. John Rich
Ms. Lise Richardson
Mr. Scott H. Richland
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Richlin
Ms. Deborah A. Ricketts
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Riek
Mr. John Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Jud O. Roberts
Mr. Edwin T. Robinson
Ms. Carole Robinson
Mr. Neil Rodger
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Rodgers
Ms. Carol Rome
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roseman
Mr. Peter Rosemark
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Garth Rosenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rosin
Ms. Elizabeth A. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ross
Ms. Lynn L. Rossi
Mr. and Mrs. Eric H. Roth
Ms. Deborah Rothman
Ms. Louise T. Rothman
Mr. Richard E. Rubenstein
Pat Rubenstein, Ph.D.
Mr. Allen M. Russak
Ms. Cecil Russell
Ms. Nancy Russell
Ms. Ann L. Rutherford
Mr. Patrick J. Ryan and
Mrs. Maye I. Fukumoto
Ms. Beverly P. Ryder
Ms. Carmen Saavedra and
Mr. Lou Lazatin
Mr. Nick P. Saggese
Ms. Susan Saikami
Mr. Michael Sakellarides
Ms. Deborah Salas
Shelf Life
Ms. Teresa Salazar-Kagan
Mr. and Mrs. Carter Sale
Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell H. Salter
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Saltzman
Mr. Laurence J. Salz
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Samulon
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sanders
Ms. Liddane Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sandrich
Mr. Bruce Sands
Ms. Irene N. Sang
Ms. Constance F. Santilli
Mr. David J. Saperia
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Sarno
Ms. Margaret Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Sax
Mr. Luke Schelhaas
Mr. Larry S. Scherzer
Dr. Donald Scheufele
Ms. Paula M. Schiffman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Schisler
J. Schlossberg
Mr. Ronald Schmidt
Ms. Betty L. Schnaar
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schnieders
Mr. Richard G. Schroder
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Schuck
Mr. Peter Schulz
Ms. Pam Schulz
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Schwartz
Ms. Susan E. Schwarz
Mr. Geoffrey Seaman
Mr. William Seaman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Seaton
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Secor
Ms. Maria Seeley
Mrs. Roland Seidler
Mr. Marc M. Seltzer
Mr. Robert D. Mare and
Ms. Judith A. Seltzer
Mr. Lorenzo Semple, Jr.
Ms. Judith Serlin
Ms. Susan K. Service
Mr. Irwin Shadrow
Ms. Beatrice Shapiro
Mr. Jason F. Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Shelley
Mr. Jeff Sherman
Ms. Muriel Sherman
Mr. Thomas M. Shery, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Chia-Tso Shiau
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Shidler
Ms. Ziba Shirazi
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Shirley
Mr. David Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Siegel
Mr. Martin Siewert
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Silbert
Mr. Ronald Silverman
Mr. Ray Simmons
Ms. Annelies Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Singleton
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Sklar
Ms. Andrea Slade, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Slaughter
Ms. Lauren Sliger
Ms. Joyce Sloan
Ms. Tami Smason
Mr. Paul Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley M. Smith
Mrs. Phyllis V. Smith
Mr. David Smith and Ms. Melanie West
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts Smith
Ms. Roxann Smith
Mr. James D. Smith
Mr. John D. Snavely
Sekartini Somali
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Sommer
Ms. Janice C. Soong
Ms. Lola Sorrells
Ms. Ramona Sotelo
Ms. Susan Southcott
Ms. Susie Spector
Mr. Scott Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Spitz
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Spong
Mr. and Mrs. Ward A. Spooner
Mrs. Richard Sprouse
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Stagg
Ms. June M. Standley
Mr. Mark Stankevich
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Statt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Stegemoeller
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Stepanian
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Stevens
Mrs. Constance J. Stewart and
Mr. Adam T. Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Max Stites
Mr. and Mrs. William Stosskopf
Ms. Bertha R. Stotz
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Strantz
Mr. Max Stubblefield
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stuhlmacher
Mr. Jinntung Su
Ms. Verna Suarez
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey B. Suddleson
Mr. Gregg Swartz
Ms. Jill Switzer
Ms. Kristi Tadakawa
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Takata
Ms. Teresa Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Taylor
Mr. Robert G. Teeter
Ms. Marsha Temple
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Tennenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Theeuwes
Mr. Mark Thomas and
Ms. Christina V. Coyle
Mr. Craig Thomas and
Ms. Rebecca Alson-Milkman
Mr. John L. Thorpe
Mr. Mark Tindle
Ms. Maria Tivyan
Mr. Steven Tobey
Mr. Christopher Toomajian
Mr. and Mrs. Tarik Trad
Mr. Ernest V. Troost and
Ms. Louise M. Hatem
Ms. Vera Tsai
Mr. Peter Tsai and Ms. Loh-Sze Leung
Drs. William P. and Susan B. Tully
Mr. Mark Turk
Mr. and Mrs. Garry L. Tye
Mrs. Gayle H. Tyerman
Mr. Kyle M. Uemura and
Ms. Margaret T. Yanase
Ms. Carole J. Unter
Mr. Ron Vacchina
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Van Atta
Mr. James M. Van Campen
Mr. Keith Van Vliet
Ms. Amber Vanderbilt
Ms. Namiko A. Vandermillen
Mr. Armen Vartian
Mr. Sean Vasquez
Ms. Eleanore Vega
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Verhoef, Jr.
Ms. Thresa A. Veselosky
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo S. Villa
Mr. Eric Villette
Mr. Peter G. Vincent
Dr. Clyde V. Von Der Ahe
Mr. and Mrs. Jaye M. Waas
Mr. Avi Wacht
Ms. Marta Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Wagner
Ms. Karen S. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Waldman
Mr. Matthew S. Walker
Sandra L. Wallace, M.D.
Ms. Vera Wallach
Ms. Debi L. Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ware
Mr. Jerald W. Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Eric H. Warren
Mr. Edward J. Washatka
Mr. Glenn F. Wasserman and
Ms. Allyne Winderman
Mr. and Mrs. Ivory Watson
Ms. Patricia Watts
Mr. Elliot R. Wax
Mr. Robert M. Weekley
Mr. James R. Wegge
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Weinberger
Ms. Ricki Weinberger
Ms. Lillian A. Weiner
Mr. Sheldon P. Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Brent M. Weinstein
Ms. Patricia Weinstock
Ms. Arleen Weinstock
Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Weiss
Mr. Adam B. Weissburg and
Ms. Frances L. Jones
Ms. Marjorie Weitzman
Ms. Cori Wellins Lagao
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wendt
Ms. Kari Wenger
Mr. Jeremy Wenokur
Mr. Steve Werndorf
Ms. Ruth E. Wesson
Ms. Janet West
Mr. Gregory J. Whiffen
Mr. Glenn A. Whipp
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington White
Mr. Greg Widaman
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wider
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Widzer
Mr. David Wiebe
Ms. Susan Wiener
Ms. Joan E. Wight
Ms. Macomie Williams
Dr. Paul G. Williams
Mr. Kenneth Williams
Mr. George E. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Willis
Mr. Kevin R. Windsor
Ms. Tama Winograd
Mr. Michael J. Wise and
Mrs. Gia R. Paladino-Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wishon
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Witucki
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin A. Wolf
Ms. Susan K. Wolff
Mr. Stephen Wong
Mr. David H. Wong and
Ms. June Yip
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Worley
Ms. Miriam Wosk
Mr. Jack A. Wright
Ms. Melinda Wrigley
Mr. Mathew A. Wyman
Mr. Edwin Yates
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Ybarra
Ms. Martha Yee
Mr. William Yeh and
Ms. Mel Ryane
Mr. John Yesco
Ms. Lisa Yiu
Mr. Cedric Yoshimoto
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Young
Ms. Anastasia Yuge
Mr. Bernard I. Zaia
Mrs. Joyce Zaitlin
Mr. Andrew W. Zanella
Mr. Mark Zarem
Mr. Robert Zarnegin
Mrs. Phyllis B. Zasloff
Mr. Harold Zauss
Ms. Barbara S. Zax
Mr. Joseph D. Zazzi
Mr. James G. Zeiner and
Ms. Laurie A. Groehler
Mr. James Zhu
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Zimmer
Mr. Scott Z. Zimmermann
Ms. Tina Zipper
Mr. Scott Z. Zimmermann
Ms. Tina Zipper
In Honor/In Memory/
Mr. Steven Ireland and
Mrs. Jacqueline Fernandez-Ireland
In Honor of Lucas Ireland Graduation
from Preschool
Mr. Jeremiah Jones
Carmichael Lynch Inc.
In Honor of Howard Jones for his
In the name of our clients
89th Birthday
headquartered in the area
Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. Kaplan
you serve
In Honor of Mrs. Lillian Scharf’s
DLP Cinema Products/
87th Birthday
Texas Instruments Inc.
Mr. Phillip Keys
In Memory of Charles Swartz
In Memory of Charles Swartz
Linoleum City, Inc.
Mr. Andrew D. Krasnoff, M.D.
In Memory of Joan Lorme
In Honor of sons, Alex and Jeff
SCI Real Estate Investors
Mr. and Mrs. Williams A. Kurtz
In Honor of Employees, Families
In Memory of Nancy Beckham
and Investor
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kutzin
Mr. Jehan Agrama and
In Honor of Pierre R. Bohamed’s
Ms. Dwora Fried-Dreilinger
Retirement from 33 years of
In Honor of Barrie Levy’s Birthday
Postal Service
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Ajemian
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lee
In Memory of Rasmik Ajemian
On behalf of Paula Lee
Ms. Emily Ajemian
Mrs. Shirley R. Lenihan
In Memory of Rasmik Ajemian
In Memory of Joseph W. Lenihan
Ms. Marie E. Antonio
Mr. Steven N. Levinson
In Memory of Dutch Chocolate
In Memory of Jeanette Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Atkins
Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Livker
In Memory of Mrs. Joan Lorme
In Honor of Shirley’s 85th Birthday
Ms. Eileen F. Bagan
Mrs. Ruth Mand
In Memory of Joan Lorme
On the Occasion of Don’s 80th Birthday
Ms. Claire Barber Fenton
Ms. Rosalie Mandala
In Honor of Joshua Fenton
In Memory of Nancy Nash Beckham
Ms. Barbara Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Maness
In Honor of Donald Goodman’s B-Day
In Memory of Joan Lorme
Mr. Benjamin Bell
Janet and George McDonald
In Memory of Martha K. Phillips
In Honor of Gail & Tim Lappen’s
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Bogue
In Memory of Joan Lorme
Mr. Myron Meisel
Ms. Brittany Bonner
In Memory of Charles Swartz
On the ocassion of Christmas
Mrs. Patricia C. Mock
Mrs. Geri Brehm
In Memory of Sanford J. Mock
In Memory of Ship Brehm
Mr. Kenneth Mullen and
Ms. Vivian Brown
Mrs. Rita E. Neumann
In Honor of Barrie Levy Birthday
In Honor of MLK Jr
Ms. Saralynn Busch
Mr. Donald Nunnari
In Memory of Charles Swartz
In Memory of Mr. Walter Kaye
Ms. Patricia Chamberlain
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ostrow
In Memory of Nancy Beckham
In Honor of Dan Millstone’s B-Day
Ms. Karyn R. Cheng
Have a wonderful B-Day! We love you!
In honor of Leon Adams B-Day
Mr. Ahmad Ouri
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Clouse
In Memory of Charles Swartz
In Memory of Joan Lorme
Mr. Eric Overstreet
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Coben
In Memory of Charles Swartz
In Honor of Nick Saggese
Mrs. Doris H. Pankow
Mr. Ryan Colburn
In Memory of Charles
In Honor of Joan Colburn &
Mrs. Doris H. Pankow
Frances Perkins
In Memory of Dear Husband
Ms. Gina Cowan
Ms. Joanne Park
In Honor of Julius Cowan
In Memory of Mary Kate Dasaro
Mr. Frank Cowell
Mr. Adam Rabinowitz
In Memory of Frank E. Cowell Jr.
In Honor of Debbie Harding
Ms. Emily Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Randolph
In Honor of my fiance, Michael,
In Memory of Nancy Nash Beckham
for Valentine’s Day
Mr. Justin Reese
Ms. Jamie Devenport
In Honor of Maria Liszkay
In Memory of Grandpa Bob
Mr. Randolph Rimes
Ms. Monica Faulkner
In Honor of Music Holiday Food Drive
In Honor of Ed & Irene Wendell
Ms. Jeanette Rosenfeld
Drs. Albert and Evelyn Freeman
In Memory of Gladys Ehrlich
In Honor of Stephanie Salamn’s
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sallus
60th Birthday
In Memory of Betty Jacobs’ father
Ms. Debra A. Gerod
Ms. Cathy Sellitto
In Memory of Dr. Benno Klank
In Honor of Catherine Sellitto
Mr. Samuel J. Goldstein and
Mr. Frederick J. Stifter and
Ms. Elizabeth Oakes
Mrs. Regina Tozar-Stifter
In Honor of Karl Zilles and Lyndra,
In Memory of Joan Lorme
Avner, Olivia, and Lily Uzan
Ms. Geraldine S. Stifter
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gordon
In Memory of Joan Lorme
In Memory of Joan Lorme
Terre Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haveson
In Memory of Nancy Beckham
In Honor of Martin Gales Birthday
Ms. Katie Vernoy
Mr. Steve Hickler
In Honor of Waylon Davis 1st B-Day
In Honor of the life, death, burial &
Ms. Kathleen Williams
resurrection of our Lord and Savior
In Honor of my niece, Lauren Cowe
Jesus Christ of Nazareth
Mr. Jeffrey C. Ho
In Memory of Kevin Fu
(Gifts made between
January 1 - April 30, 2007)
1734 East 41st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90058-1502
(323) 234-3030
US Postage
, CA
Permit No.
A Partner with America’s Second Harvest,
The Nation’s Food Bank Network
Shelf Life
The quarterly newsletter for supporters of the
Los Angeles Regional Foodbank
Backpack Program Launch - pg. 1
Idol Gives Back - pg. 1
President’s Note - pg. 2
How to Make a Good Gift Better - pg. 3
Wine Tasting Raises $160,000 - pg 4
Galaxy & Avengers “Dash for the Hungry” - pg. 5
Hunger Action Update - pg. 6
Volunteer Opportunities - pg. 7
Swipe Out Hunger With Your Club Card - pg. 10
Simon Cowell at the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank
as part of American Idol Gives Back