ST. ALBERT PARISH LAND O’ LAKES ST. MARY PARISH PHELPS Parish Director, Michele Rein, P.O. Box 237, Land O’ Lakes, WI 54540 Phone 715-547-3558, Fax 715-547-3614 Email Address: [email protected] ; Website: Sacramental Minister, Fr. Randy Knauf, 5001 County Road G, Eagle River, WI 54521 Phone 715-479-8704 Deacon Norman Mesun - 2621 Willow Lane, Phelps, WI 54554 Phone 715-545-2255 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT – DECEMBER 21, 2014 LITURGIES TO BE CELEBRATED THIS WEEK Sat. Dec. 20 6:00 PM Mass (St. Albert) Ed Saad (Mike & Arlene Saad) Sun. Dec. 21 8:00 AM Mass (St. Mary) Carol Schuster (Ginny Parker) 10:00 AM Liturgy of the Word with Communion (St. Albert) Mon. Dec. 22 NO SERVICE Tues. Dec. 23 8:30 AM Communion Service (St. Albert) Wed. Dec. 24 6:00 PM Mass (St. Albert) Bill Grems (Bob Pavlack & family) Thurs. Dec. 25 8:00 AM Mass (St. Mary) Mel Rabe (Audrey Rabe) 10:00 AM Mass (St. Albert) Jim & Anne Wolter (Pat & Brenda Walsh) Fri. Dec. 26 NO SERVICE Sat. Dec. 27 6:00 PM Mass (St. Albert) Robert Allard (John & Diane Sparks) Sun. Dec. 28 8:00 AM Mass (St. Mary) Rob Klumb (Bob & Florence Klumb) 10:00 AM Liturgy of the Word with Communion (St. Albert) Confessions will be heard at St. Albert’s after the 8:30 am Mass on the third Thursday of the month and on Saturdays from 3:00 to 3:30 pm at St. Peter’s in Eagle River. You may also call Fr. Randy to set up an appointment for confession. CHURCH DECORATING FOR CHRISTMAS Join in the fun of helping prepare our churches for the celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord! At St. Albert, we decorate the church after the 10:00 am liturgy today - Dec. 21st. At St. Mary, we gather at 4:00 pm today - Sun. Dec. 21st to decorate, followed by a pot-luck supper. JOIN US AT PHELPS CARE ON CHRISTMAS DAY at 10:00 am as volunteers help celebrate Christ’s birth with the residents through prayer, scripture and song. BIBLE STUDY AT ST. MARY’S meets tonight – Sun. Dec. 21 at 6:30 pm. We will not meet on Dec.28th. THE RCIA GROUP will next meet on Monday, Jan. 5 at 4:30 pm at St. Albert. CHRISTMAS SEASON SCHEDULE FAITH FORMATION CLASSES are on Christmas break! Classes resume on Wednesday, Jan. 7. Sacrificial Offerings for Dec. 13 & 14 St. Albert St. Mary Parishioners $1,124.00 $655.00 Visitors $127.00 $467.00 $1,251.00 $1,122.00 To all who support our parish communities, thank you! Wed. Dec. 24, 4:00 pm – Christmas Eve Mass at St. Peter the Fisherman Wed. Dec. 24, 6:00 pm – Christmas Eve Mass at St. Albert Thurs. Dec. 25, 8:00 am – Christmas Day Mass at St. Mary Thurs. Dec. 25, 10:00 am – Christmas Day Masses at both St. Albert and St. Peter the Fisherman Dec. 27 & Dec. 28 – The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - regular weekend schedule New Year’s Masses as we celebrate Mary, Mother of God are 4:00 pm on Dec. 31 at St. Peter; and on Jan. 1 at 8:00 am at St. Mary, and 10:00 am at St. Albert Jan. 3 & 4 – The Epiphany of the Lord – regular weekend schedule ST. ALBERT CHOIR will present a concert of Christmas carols about 25 minutes prior to the time of the Masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Join us as we share the gift of music and the joy of Christ’s birth. “Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.” CHRISTMAS FLOWERS ARE IN LOVING MEMORY OF... At St. Albert Parish: Bill Grems by Dorothy Grems Deceased family of Penny Turnquist Marshal Plechaty by Mary Plechaty Louise & Rupert Troger by Dick & Inge Owen Tony Paalman by Norine Paalman Deceased family and friends of Tom & Judy Chase Frances Slavik by Faith & Fred Caskey Deceased family & friends of Larry & Sue McPartlin Deceased Family Members of Margaret Schiltz Newsham & LoMastro families by Joe & Mary LoMastro Frank Stefan & Katie Gruber by Mary Stefan Hucek & Rosner families by Larry & MaryAnn Rosner Brent M. Rosner by Jeff, Kyle, Branden, Grandpa & Grandma Rosner Stanley & Alice Gorski, Julius & Vernice Gorski by Beverly Callahan Mom & Dad Heroux, Mom & Dad Sitzberger by Ralph & Jean Sitzberger Scott, Babbs, Bouza & Honomichl families by Clyde & Betty Scott My beautiful parents – Marvin & Helen Strauch by Margie Jeka Marrs At St. Mary Parish: Peggy Bonifield by Alan Bonifield Hansen & Spence Families by Andrew & Susan Hansen Tom & Florence Haarala & Mike Dravecky by Lorry & Lynn Haarala Rob Klumb by Bob & Florence Klumb Charles Apitz by Lois Apitz John & Clara Alger by Roland & Jayne Alger Haake & Parker Families by Ginny Parker Margaret Lierman by Terry & Gerianne Taylor Tom Hendrickson Sr. & Tom Hendrickson Jr. by Joan Hendrickson Dale Jenkins & Donald Kemppainen by Paul & Chuckie Kemppainen ST. MARY’S COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN through their annual Christmas Auction made a donation to St. Mary’s Haiti Fund of $339 and also put the same amount back into their checkbook which goes to help local folks in need. Many thanks to all who donated and purchased items at this fun event. ST. ANN’S ALTAR SOCIETY recently sent $100 to the Headwaters Food Pantry, $100 to Warm the Children and $230 to NATH – the homeless shelter also known as Frederick House. Thanks to all who support the Altar Society through bake sales, annual dues, other generous donations, as well as help with our various ministries. THE ANNUAL EPIPHANY GIFT COLLECTION will be held on Epiphany Sunday, Jan. 4th. New baby clothes, other baby items, clothes for young children through size 5T and personal items for mothers, and diapers in all sizes are greatly appreciated. Your unwrapped gifts, given in remembrance of the Magi to honor the Christ child, will be given to an area program that helps provide for expectant mothers who are in need. CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL – Still Going! 41 households at St. Mary have contributed to the CSA for a total of $4,954 with $4,179 yet to be raised. At Albert, 50 households have contributed to the CSA for a total of $8,735 with $4,460 yet to be raised. Your gift is so very important. Please help us with whatever amount that you are able to give. Thank you. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Olivia Allard, Judy Chase, Connie Coccia, Joy Craig, Darrell Drager, Maxine Drager, Sharon Franz, Judy Goodman, Dorothy Grems, Jim Hamann, Yvonne Heller, George Holland, Frederick Janick, Charlotte Jenkins, Karyn Johnson, Ken Kasuboski, Ed Kalupa, Jim Kestell, Barbara Larson, Michael Loesch, Ted Loesch, Katie Mayer, Cheryl Palmer, Bernice Rohlich, Kyle Rosner, Joan Saari, Bob Scheffel, Mabel Slane, Emmie Spence, Michael Spence, Diana Stefan, Angie Stopczynski, Elwyn Thorpe, John Trochlell, Penny Turnquist, Tom Walters, Robert Whiteside, Shauna Whiteside, Patty Whyte, Lorne Will. Dear Parishioners and Friends, I do love the music of the Christmas season. A favorite for me is a Cameroon carol entitled, He Came Down. The music itself has this joyous West African style of rhythm and vocal harmony in which you can’t help but move to the beat. At the same time, the simple words, “He came down that we may have ____.” Just fill in the blank with a word such as joy, hope, peace, love or life; then add an occasional, “Hallelujah forevermore,” and you have the whole text! I find myself both listening to and singing this carol not only at Christmas, but throughout the year. It seems I need to be reminded often of the tremendous impact that the coming of Jesus has made in my life and in our world. Sometimes when we listen to the news, or find ourselves facing personal difficulty, we can become cynical. We may wonder if the incarnation of Jesus, that is, Jesus coming to live among us as a real human person, has made any difference in the world. But our celebration of Christmas declares that because Jesus came down, we may have joy, hope, peace, love and fullness of life, not only at Christmas, but throughout the year. ~ Michele A BLESSED CHRISTMAS TO ALL from Fr. Randy, Deacon Norm, Darlene & Michele
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