I used to seek out an old monsignor wherever he

Special Christmas Projects
My mother used to say “the silent priest never gets a
parish!” (There were many priests competing for parishes
in her day!). So, I have the audacity to make a request,
since we are in the Thanksgiving-Christmas period, and
some parishioners may be contemplating donating towards
a worthy cause. Let me suggest a few causes close to home
that will greatly benefit our parish and/or school.
MONDAY, December 15
8:00 AM
Marie Flatley
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Louis Caserio
TUESDAY, December 16
8:00 AM
Richard G. Alworth
12:00 PM (Chapel)
M/M Anthony Dottrina
1. Installation of 24 hour HD Video streaming
from St. Catharine Church to the internet,
and HD video distribution in the lower
church. This will benefit elderly and sick
parishioners who cannot travel to church or
are confined to their homes. It will also
improve security for the church.
WEDNESDAY, December 17
8:00 AM (Chapel)
Vincent Festa
Msgr. Billy Hatcher
Raymond W. Schrader
Stella Perkowski
Donald J. Fitzmaurice, Jr.
Raymond Schrader
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Frank Pizzitola
THURSDAY, December 18
8:00 AM
Gussie May Crafton
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Konen & Black Family
2. Installation of a STEM Lab in St. Catharine
Engineering and Math lab will benefit
students from Pre K through 8th Grade, and
contribute to the goal of making St.
Catharine the pre-eminent Catholic School in
the Diocese of Trenton.
FRIDAY, December 19
6:45 AM
Joseph & Mary LoBuono
8:00 AM
Al Oltremare
Annette Milano
Edward P. Kelly
Mai T. Nguyen
Richard Heine
Ribert Minzer
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Paul Edly
SATURDAY, December 20
6:45 AM
Daphne Galligan
8:00 AM
Sarah Ix Stephens, 3rd Ann
5:00 PM
Dec’d Mbrs of the Brown Family
Establishment of a Pre-Kindergarten class
room and program in St. Catharine School –
to open Sept 2015.
If you have the ability, or are in a mind to help
us with any of these projects, I would love to
hear from you. Email me at
[email protected] or call me (Fr Cullen)
732 449 5765.
SUNDAY, December 21
7:00 AM
People of the Parish
9:00 AM
Donald Robinson
10:30 AM
Margaret Butler Rosa
12:00 PM (Chapel)
Sarah & William Schuren
SATURDAY, December 20
4:30 PM
Michael Clayton
SUNDAY, December 21
8:30 AM
William Sorber
10:00 AM
Anthony S. & Marion A. Amos
11:30 AM
George Reidy
Please remember our sick:
Members of our Parish who have family or
friends in the service have given us their names
which can be found in our Remembrance books
in both churches in front of one of the side
altars. We encourage you to stop there, say a
prayer for those listed and for all our service
To add a name to our prayer list, please call
Barbara 732-449-5392 or Karen 732-685-7065
or [email protected].
Brian Cahill, Robert Cox, Baby Max Pogers, Sr. Janet Dolan, Florence
McElroy, Mary Foley, Alida Scheuermann, Fr. John McGovern, David
Stevens, Jane Magovern, Tiffany Hanke Benner, Bob Patrignelli**
Please pray for the deceased:
Marie Wingard, Baby Cahill, Ann Courtemanche, Armand Grez, Pamela
Pullano, Tony Margadonna, Bridget Marie Boyland, Dennis J. Piatkowski,
Ellen Venables, Michael Giorgio, Pamela DiSalvo, Charles Perkins, John
Naughton, Tom Steets, Charles (Chuck) McMahon, Eileen Kadzielewski,
Florence Aaronson, Gayle Britt, John Carlin, Paul Hanke, John “Jack”
Please Note:
There will be no Eucharistic
Adoration on Wednesday, December 24th or Wednesday
December 31st.
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
By now we are more than half ways through the
Advent season. We are approaching the end of the
As Catholics here at St. Catharine-St. Margaret, and
as Catholics around the world, we live lives that are
very much in contrast to, and in opposition to the
spirit of the times. Advent is all about waiting,
waiting, waiting. Advent is all about not rushing
into Christmas without intense preparation of your
heart and your soul. Advent is all about savoring
and relishing the precious moments of this season.
Advent is all about calling us beyond the
commercialization and the hurry that robs us of the
joy and peace that this season heralds.
Waiting is not something that we do easily or
automatically. We hate to stand in line, we honk our
horns as we wait in traffic, we shuffle our feet in line
at the supermarket, we resent the wait in the doctor’s
office. But always remember this, when it comes
to matters of the soul, the waiting is part of the
journey. Just like your appetite is heightened by
waiting for, and smelling the flavor of the dinner on
the stove, waiting for the coming of our God
sharpens our spirit to become more sensitive, our
souls to become more robust and strong.
Slowing down and waiting during Advent helps us to
slow down the hectic Christmas rush. And slowing
down allows us to listen to the music of Christmas
better, to cherish and enjoy your children longer, to
cherish the smells and the memories of this blessed
and holy season. This Advent, learn again to wait
patiently, to listen carefully, to pray thoughtfully
and to watch closely. What your parents taught you
is true: “Good things come to those who wait.”
Fr Harry Cullen
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
Pastoral Council
By the time that you are reading this bulletin, we will
have completed the discernment process and selected
the members of the parish pastoral council. We will
publish the names of the council in the weeks ahead.
As mentioned already, through a process of prayer
and discernment, the 8-15 members of the council
were called forth from the parish at large. They do
not necessarily represent certain ministries or groups
that already exist in the parish, They were selected
through a process of prayer and reflection and
discernment. The aim of the process is to call forth
those who are able and willing to commit to the time
needed for prayer, study and the work of the council.
There are some criteria that were applied. These
include: being a baptized practicing Catholic; being a
member of the parish; participating in the life of the
parish, especially Sunday Eucharist.
Some characteristics that are of value in a
Christian leader , and were considered also were:
a willingness to listen; honesty; enthusiasm about
the future of the parish; a commitment to work
towards consensus; a desire for personal spiritual
growth and the growth of the community;
flexibility; openness to new ideas, etc.
In the coming weeks, an annual calendar of meetings
will be established for the council. The members,
working with the pastor will decide upon when,
where, and how often to meet in order to fulfill its
duties. It is recommended that the council should not
meet less than four times a year, but I would envisage
us meeting once a month formally, with
subcommittees meeting more often.
Social Concerns Corner
The Center in Asbury Park
Get meal containers on Sunday, December 21st and
return filled meal containers on Sunday, December
Please, if you don’t want to contribute frozen meals to
the Center, remember, we need non-perishable toiletry
items as well. The Center provides "Hygiene Bags" for
our clients to assist them with their basic needs. Many of
these items are things that cannot be gotten with food
stamps and yet they are necessary items. If you can help
The Center with these items we would be most
appreciative. The basic needs items are: Shaving Cream,
Deodorant, Hand Lotion, Hypo-Allergenic Body Lotion,
Mouth Wash, Body Soap, Band-Aids, Hair Conditioner,
Shampoo, Toothpaste, & Toilet Paper. Containers for this
collection are given out on the 3rd week-end of every
month. On the 4th weekend frozen meals and the above
mentioned articles are returned
and delivered to the Center.
For more info call 732-7743416
These people are our brothers
and sisters in need. Please
help them.
The Christmas Giving Tree
Our Christmas "Giving Tree," here in the Church has tags
requesting items of clothing and toys for children and/or
adults. Please select a tag, buy the item or gift certificate
and return it gift wrapped with the tag attached to the
outside of the gift. Some agencies have requested that
gifts not be wrapped and this is indicated on the tag. If
you would rather not shop you may make
a donation for sneakers and for senior
citizens gifts. Please place all monetary
gifts in the collection box by the tree with
the tag attached to the envelope.
Gifts must be returned by Sunday,
December 14th in order for the last
distribution to be delivered to the
agencies during the week of December
15 in time for Christmas.
We need help to sort and bag gifts after the last masses at
St. Margaret Church at St. Catharine Church on
Monday, December 15th at 2:00 pm to sort and deliver
Please call Maureen O'Reilly at 732-449-8285 if you
can help on even one of these occasions
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
Advent Prayer
Lord Jesus, you have told us to stay awake and keep
watch for your coming. Help us this Advent to be
alert to the many ways you enter our lives: through
prayer, through Scripture and through one another,
especially those in need. Strengthen our hope in you
so that we can persevere in times of trouble and
frustration. Give us the trust we need to wait
patiently when it seems that you are delaying. Fill us
with your love as we strive to serve your people for
love of you. Amen.
Would you consider sponsoring a
Mother of Mercy family for
Last year, for the first time, families from our parish
sponsored a needy family for Christmas. 10 families from
Holy Spirit (now part of Mother of Mercy Parish) were
sponsored by our parishioners. This effort was in addition
to the Christmas giving tree program. Sponsoring a
family involved purchasing a Christmas gift for each
member of the family, wrapping it and delivering to the
parish for distribution. The families were selected by
Father Paul Janvier of Holy Spirit Parish. Most requested
gifts were for clothes although toys for younger children
also were on the list. This was a very successful effort
and not only helped needy families enjoy Christmas more
fully but also gave the sponsoring parishioners a filling of
joy and fulfillment.
This year, we have asked the St. Vincent de Paul Society
of Mother of Mercy Parish to identify families who have
desperate needs who could benefit from this program. We
have asked that the families selected for sponsorship list
the ages of the family members, their clothing sizes and
type of apparel or toy requested.
We plan on delivering the wrapped gifts on December 20.
Anyone interested in sponsoring a family can contact Dave Wright
at [email protected] or call 732-282-1998 with any questions
Breakfast with St. Nick
Please join us Next Sunday,
December 21 from 8am-10am at
Applebee's (2007 Highway 35 in
Wall Township) for breakfast.
Children, parents, grandparents
and friends are all welcome.
Breakfast will include 2 scrambled
eggs, 2 pancakes, 2 sausages, a
beverage .and a visit with St. Nick, of course! Breakfast
will be served by the 8th Grade Students and their
parents. Funds raised will be used to offset the cost of
graduation activities for the SCS Class of 2015. Tickets
must be purchased prior to the breakfast and are $12
Tickets will be on sale at all the masses the weekend of
December 13th-14th and may also be obtained by
contacting Maureen Martin at 732-233-7961.
St. Nick Visits SCS
The students at St. Catharine's had a special visit from St. Nick.
No, not Santa Clause, St. Nicholas! In honor of the Feast of St.
Nicholas on December 5, the students placed their shoes outside
of their classroom in the hope that St. Nicholas would pay them
a visit. Much to their surprise, he did! They found traditional
treats of fruit and sweets in their shoes.
Kindergarteners at St. Catharine School show off treats they received
from St. Nicholas.
Retirement Fund for Religious:
Annual Appeal
This Weekend, Saturday & Sunday, December 13th and 14th,
the Annual collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious will
take place in all the churches in the Trenton Diocese. Our
diocese through parochial and individual donations continues its
outstanding generosity for the retired sisters, brothers, and priest
religious. The Diocese of Trenton offered $333,746.09 in 2013,
and increment of $43,000 over the previous year.
The contributions of our people to this collection speak loudly
of their appreciation for the witness and service of our women
and men religious over many years. Apparently, people in
dioceses across the country replicate this loving concern for
religious, since the Bishops of the USA mark this collection as
one of the largest in our country.
The Office of Clergy and Religious Life want us to advise our
parishioners that less than 5% of the collection goes to the
stipends of those working in the National Office and the posters
advertising the collection. Also, they want you to know that the
monies collected are distributed according to the needs of the
religious institutes.
Daughters of St. Catharine and
St. Margaret
“The daughters of St. Catharine-St. Margaret are women
empowering women to trust in Jesus as Mary did – to share
triumphs and tragedies, to learn with and from each other, to
make our journey on this earth peaceful.”
Women of the parish are invited to come for a few hours.
Varied topics. Guest Professional speakers. Come mingle,
learn and become empowered by his Word.
Meetings will be held on the last Thursday of each month at
7:00PM in St. Margaret Hall.
The next meeting will be held on Jan 29 @ 7.00PM. Fr
Padovani will return to present on the very current and
critical issue of Human Trafficking, and what it means for
women and families today.
For further information contact Gretchen Stevens
732-213-7475. [email protected]
New Altar Servers
Our new altar servers have been studying and training to
become St Catharine-St Margaret altar servers. They have
taken their exams and have been trained. They will be
officially commissioned at the 10.30 Mass at St Catharine
Church on Sunday, Dec 21, and will be presented with the
symbols of their important office in our parish. We are very
proud of, and grateful to, all our altar servers. Please do not
hesitate to thank them for their service to the Church and
for the generous spirit that they bring to this calling. When I
and the other priests arrive at the sacristy for Mass and are
greeted by cheerful and enthusiastic altar servers, it gives us
a sense of hope and confidence in the future.
St. Catharine 4th graders are surprised to find treats of fruit and
sweets in their shoes after a surprise visit from St. Nicholas.
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
MONDAY, December 15 Boy’s V Bball Game
Boy’s JV Bball
TUESDAY, December 16
Pastoral Care
Healthy Bones
Pastoral Care
CCD K-5Th Grade
CCD Christmas Play
CCD 6th -8th Grade
3:30 PM
5:00 PM
7:30 PM
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
3:30 PM
5:00 PM
7:15 PM
THURSDAY, December 18
Healthy Bones
Pastoral Care
Bereavement Session
Altar Sewing/Craft Guild
Children’s Choir
SCS Christmas Concert
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
1:30 PM
12:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
2:30 PM
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
SATURDAY, December 20
Social Concerns will be handing out frozen food containers
Boy’s V Bball
8:00 AM
Girl’s JV Bball Game
10:00 AM
Girl’s V Bball Game
11:15 AM
Boy’s JV Bball
1:00 PM
SUNDAY, December 21
Social Concerns will be handing out frozen food containers
Boys’ JV Bball Game
1:00 PM
Boy’s V Bball Game
2:15 PM
Caritas Chamber Chorale
Many parishioners will remember the wonderful
performance of the Caritas Chamber Chorale two years
ago. They are scheduled for a repeat performance here
this coming June at St Catharine
Church. This is a special group of professional grade
singers performing concerts of beautiful sacred music a
cappella style. For anyone interested in their Advent
performances in other churches entitled “Behold a
Virgin Bearing Him”, their schedule includes:
Dec 13 – St Bernard Church, Bridgewater
@ 8.00PM
Dec 14 – Plainsboro Presbyterian Church
@ 7.30PM.
Regular Collection…………$21,223.00
Second Collection
Not Available at time of printing
First Collection Summary By Mass
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
4:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
WEDNESDAY, December 17
Women’s Bible Study
Pastoral Care
Girl’s V Bball Game
Girl’s JV Bball
FRIDAY, December 19
Girl’s V Bball
Boy’s V Bball
December 6-7
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
St Margaret’s
Saturday 4.30PM
Sunday 8.30AM
Sunday 10.00AM
Sunday 11.30AM
Total St Margaret’s
St Catharine’s
Saturday 5.00PM
Sunday 7.00AM
Sunday 9.00AM
Sunday 10.30AM
Sunday 12.00PM
Total St Catharine’s Church
Contributions that come in the mail $2,354.00
Loose Cash
Total Miscellaneous
Collection for Feast of Immaculate Conception
Total Collection ………………… …$3,157.00
Poinsettia Week
We need volunteers to help deliver poinsettia
plants this week to the assisted living
facilities and the homebound. We hope to
have all the plants delivered by December 21st
If you wish to participate, please call Sr. Margaret
Tierney 732-449-5765, ext 124.
Women's Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study Group is an opportunity for women of
all ages and all levels of Biblical knowledge to gather in
fellowship and talk about scripture and its meaning to the
challenges in our lives.
The group will be meeting on Wednesday mornings from
9:30am-11:00am in the St. Catharine’s Convent living room.
For more information about the group, please contact
[email protected].
Monmouth Coastal
Respect Life Committee
Please join us for the March for Life 2015–
Washington DC on Thursday, January 22, 2015.
Bus sponsored by St. Catharine’s and the Monmouth
Coastal Respect Life Committee. Please contact
Bob Phelan at 732-681-1126 for reservations or
[email protected] for additional information. Please send the
$10 fee to St. Catharine Church, 215 Essex Avenue, Spring
Lake NJ 07762.
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for St. Margaret Church Saturday, December 20th & Sunday, December 21st
SAT. 4:30PM
Fr Padovani
SUN. 8:30AM
Fr Gallagher
SUN. 10:00AM
Fr Gallagher
SUN. 11:30AM
Fr Dunlap
Michele McMahon
Nancy Blanchet
Diana Paradis
Ramon Cuasay
Carol Gerrard
Candace Brandmayr
Frank DeFillippo
Donna Schrader
Carl or Marie Agliozzo
Kathleen McCarthy
Lourdes Cuasay
Kay Cosgrove
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for St. Catharine Church Saturday, December 20th & Sunday, December 21st
SAT. 5:00PM
Fr Dunlap
SUN. 7:00AM
Fr Morley
SUN. 9:00AM
Fr Cullen
SUN. 10:30AM
Fr Cullen
Betsey Sheprow
Frank Ryan
Sr. Carole McKenthun
Barbara Harrigan
Matthew Sheprow
Paul Farrell
Robert or Jerelyn Dougherty
Karolee Kowal
Myles Dolan
Elaine Molen
Hugh Meehan
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for St. Catharine Chapel Saturday, December 20th & Sunday, December 21st
Fr McGovern
Rosemary Frontero
Janet Schneider
Mission of Mercy Update
Moms on a Mission organization from Westfield, NJ, hosted a
fund raiser in November to assist us in constructing a
Children's Ward in the bush area of Alanyi. An iPhoto
presentation was made by Sr. Carole as she reviewed the
progress which had been made because of their donations for
the past 7 years. Joy Foley and Dr. Laura Tesoriero were
also present and show-cased Ugandan jewelry. Moms on a
Mission was happy to report that $50,000 was raised that
Let the Christ Child into your heart!!
St. Veronica Healing Mass
4215 Rt. 9
Howell, NJ 07731
December 16, 2014 - Mass at 7:30 pm
Celebrant: Fr. Bill O’Brien
Individual Prayers after Mass
All are Welcome.
Any questions call Mary Jean @732-364-2815 or
[email protected].
If you are headed in the wrong direction,
God allows U turns.
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
Mission of Mercy Volunteers Honored
by the Rotary Club of Spring LakeBrielle
Students Alaina and Sarah
Cascarina were honored
recently honored by The
Rotary Club of Spring
Lake-Brielle for their
volunteer work in Lira,
Uganda this past summer
with Mission of Mercy
Uganda. The Cascarina
sisters were inspired by their Mother, Dr. Laura
Tesoriero, who had traveled to Uganda in 2012 to donate
her medical expertise at the Alayni Health Clinic in the
Ugandan city of Lira. Last summer, the girls were
presented with the opportunity to travel to Lira with their
Mom and the Mission of Mercy Team and happily
accepted. Alaina and Sarah spent 10 days volunteering at
the Alanyi Primary School and said the experience
changed their lives forever.
BAPTISMS: Baptisms are usually on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month at 1:30 PM.
Baptism Preparation Class must be taken before the Baptism. The next class is Tuesday,
January 6, 2015 at 7:30 PM in the Convent. We urge parents to take the class before
the baby’s birth. Please call 732-449-5765, ext 102 to arrange for Baptisms and the
Preparation Class.
CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD: All children, ages 4 and up are
invited to attend the Children's Liturgy of the Word at the 10:00 AM Mass in St.
Margaret's Church. There is no fee or registration required.
MARRIAGES: Those planning marriage should notify the pastor at least one year in
advance. The Church sees marriage in one’s own parish as the most proper arrangement,
therefore, people who reside in St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish have a right to be
married here. Others should receive the sacrament in their own parishes. The bride, the
groom, or their parents must be registered and living in this Parish for at least one year.
Pre-Cana or Engaged Encounter Weekend is required as is participation in FOCCUS; a
self-diagnostic inventory designed to help couples learn more about themselves and their
unique relationship. Please call 732-449-5765, ext. 166.
After the 8:00 AM Mass on Monday.
Sunday at 3:00 PM, St. Catharine Church.
Weekly Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held EVERY Wednesday after the
8:00 AM Mass in the Chapel, Benediction at 4:00 PM.
NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome! We encourage all new families who move
into the boundaries of St. Catharine - St. Margaret Parish to call the rectory to register in
the parish.
Parishioners are encouraged to bring the Offertory Gifts up to the
altar at the masses, especially if mass is in memory of your loved
ones. If you would like to do this please ask the ushers before the
mass begins.
St. Catharine - St. Margaret Men’s
Meets in St. Margaret Hall at 7:00 PM on the 2nd
Wednesday of the month for prayer and
discussion of the Scripture Readings for the
following Sunday Liturgy. All men are welcome.
On the Lighter Side….
Tony Soprano’s grand son was writing a letter to Jesus for Christmas.
He wrote: “Dear Baby Jesus, I have been a good boy the whole year,
so I want a new….” He looks at what he had written, crumples it up
and throws it in the thrash. He tried again, and still did not like what
he had written. Then he gets a brilliant idea. He races into his
mother’s room, takes her statue of the Blessed Mother, and puts it
under his bed. Then he takes another piece of paper, and writes: “Dear
Baby Jesus, If you ever want to see your mother again……”
There was a very gracious lady who was mailing an old family Bible to
her brother in another part of the country. “Is there anything
breakable in there?” the clerk asked
“Only the Ten Commandments”, answered the lady!
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
PASTORAL CARE: 732-449-5765
If you are going into the hospital, our priests will be happy
to anoint you by appointment before admittance.
If you are IN the hospital, please call us to let us know so
we can visit you, since hospitals no longer list patients’
If you wish someone to visit you or your loved one in your
home or assisted living, please notify us directly.
Sr. Margaret Ext. 124
Bereavement Support Group:
The next session is Thursday, December 11th at 1:30 PM in
the convent. If you have lost a loved one do not feel alone
in your journey, we are here to support you.
Call Sr. Margaret Tierney 732 449-5765, Ext. 124.
Prayer Shawl Makers:
The next session will be on Wednesday, January 14th at
7:30 PM in the convent.
Lay Carmelites
Have you ever had the desire to grow deeper in your Faith?
We offer you the opportunity to fulfill that desire. This
desire is the movement of the Holy Spirit in you to pray. Let
us be the instrument to bring this to fulfillment.
If interested in discussing or attending one of our
meetings, please call Jim Morrissey at 732-489-2031.
St. Catharine Classics News
Kent Elwell of Oppenheimer Funds will speak at our
Thursday, January 22nd meeting at St. Margaret
Church Hall at 1 p.m.
His topic, "Getting your financial house in order," will
include a worksheet and Q and A on a subject of general
interest to seniors. Coffee, tea, light refreshments and an
hour or so with friends should warm up a cold afternoon.
Welcome and bring a friend! It's FREE!
March 12: St. Patrick's Party, St. Catharine's Cafeteria.
April 14: Spiritual Day at San Alfonso Retreat House
June 14: Concert of Sacred Music St. Catharine Church.
Game Day at the Spring Lake Train Station: Second
Monday of the Month: Bridge, Mah Jung,, etc. Bring a
friend and enjoy the game of your choice and light
refreshments. It's FREE!
Spring Lake Theater Presents
A Family Christmas Tradition for over 30
Performances through December 20th, 2014
The holidays just wouldn’t be complete without the miserable
miser, Ebenezer Scrooge. Our lavish production, filled with
beautiful moments, has been selling out for over thirty years. It
is a perfect way to get “into the spirit” of the true meaning of
Christmas. The Spring Lake Community House is never
more beautiful than at Christmastime.
There are evening and matinee performances
Contact the theatre at www.springlaketheatre.com or
732-449-4530 for tickets.
The Spring Lake Community House is handicap
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family
215 Essex Avenue
Parish Administration
Spring Lake, New Jersey 07762
Street and Telephone Numbers
Rectory, 215 Essex Avenue
Convent, 211 Essex Avenue
732-449-5765, ext 126
School, 301 Second Avenue
Religious Education Office, School 732-449-4424, ext 305, 310
St. Catharine Cemetery, W Chicago Blvd. Sea Girt 732-681-6269
St. Anne Cemetery, Allenwood Road, Wall 732-681-6269
PARISH E-MAIL: [email protected]
PARISH COUNCIL E-MAIL: [email protected]
SCHOOL WEBSITE: stcatharineschool.org
RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9 AM -4:00
PM. Evenings and Saturdays by appointment. If you wish an
appointment with a priest, please call beforehand. On Holy Days &
Holidays, the rectory office is closed.
Parish Council
Karen Tanzola
Finance Council
PJ McMenamin
Altar Sewing & Crafts Guild
Madelyn Curtis
Bereavement Group
Sr. Margaret Tierney
Children’s Liturgy
Karen Tanzola
CYO Youth Group
Mark McNulty
Health Ministry
Cathi Breslin
Marion Mullarkey
Holy Innocents Society
Tom Dorney
Joan McGurty
Knights of Columbus
Angelo Moliterno
Respect Life Committee
Barbara Griffin
School PTA
Janet Schneider
Social Concerns
Dave Wright
The Classics (over age 55)
Margaret O’Regan
Third Order of Mt Carmel
James Morrissey
732-449-5765 x124
732-449-5765 x125
Remember St. Catharine’s in Your Will
Have the following statement included in your will: “I leave to the
St Catharine School/Parish , Spring Lake, NJ, the sum of
$___________or_______ percent of the residue of my estate,
whichever is greater, for its religious, educational and charitable
works”. Stock may also be donated to the parish.
St. Catharine Church
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 7 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 8 AM
Friday, Saturday: 6:45 AM
St. Catharine Chapel
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 12:00 Noon
Wednesday: 8:00 AM, 12:00 Noon
Sunday: 12:00 Noon
St. Margaret Church
Saturday: 4:30 PM
Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10 AM, 11:30 AM
St. Catharine School
Weekday Mass for individual classes: 9:00AM
on Wednesdays and Fridays during the school year.
St. Catharine Chapel Saturday 3:30 – 4:30 PM
St. Margaret Church Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Ext 100
Ext 106
Adult Education
Ext 102
Ext 102
Ext 107
Buildings & Grounds
Ext 104
Ext 110
Envelopes, Registration
Ext 109
Ext 102/101
Music Office
Ext 103
Ext 0
Pastoral Care
Ext 124
Ext 169
Ext 100
Ext 173
Ext 166
Youth Ministry
Ext 125
Tax Letters
Ext 178
“We, the Catholic community of St. Catharine - St. Margaret, gather in Christ's name to nurture spiritual growth through the various stages and challenges of life.
We are committed through liturgy, sacraments and parish activities - to proclaim the message of the Gospel, to provide a quality Catholic education for children and
adults, to continue to build community and to serve those in need.
Rich in the traditions established in this community during the last century, we challenge ourselves to live our faith in loving service to the community's residents and
its many summer visitors.
We affirm our concern for all members of the Mystical Body of Christ everywhere and particularly those who require assistance.
And always, we seek to know and love God and to love our neighbor as Jesus taught us.”
St. Catharine – St. Margaret Parish Family