WORKPLACE FURNISHINGS LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. HALTON SERIES BENEFITS AND FEATURES ■■ The rich look of wood with a durable, lowmaintenance, thermally fused wood-grain laminate surface. ■■ Durable scratch- and dent-resistant edges provided by 2 mm matching PVC edge on all horizontal and vertical surfaces and fronts. ■■ For quick and easy filing, file drawers open with side pull and are mounted on steel ball bearing slides to accommodate letter or legal files. ■■ Easy access and tidy appearance obtained by rectangular wire management on returns and credenzas allowing electrical cords to be routed to power source. ■■ Drawer contents are secure with locking pedestals. ■■ Case pieces remain level on uneven surfaces with leveling glides on all floor units. Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. DK12-024 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. HALTON SERIES OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON SERIES OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON SERIES SERIESSERIES OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON SERIES COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON SERIES COMPLETE LINE: OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON SERIES OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON SERIES OFFICE FURNISHINGS/DESKS/HALTON SERIES COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: Open Hutch 48” Bookcase 72” Bookcase 6205077 15 x 66 x 36 48” Bookcase 6205078 36 x x4848" 72” Bookcase 6205079 12 x 36 x 72 15" xOpen 66"Hutch x 36" 48" Bookcase 12"12x x36" 6205079 72" Bookcase 48” Bookcase6205078 6205077 15 x 66 x 36Hutch 72” Bookcase 6205079 12 x 36 x 72 6205078 12 x 36 48 Open 48”x Bookcase 72” Bookcase 15 x 66 x 36 Open Hutch 12 x 36 x 48 6205078 48” Bookcase 6205079 12 x 36 x 72 72” Bookcase 6205077 15 x 66 x 36 6205078 12 x 36 x 48 6205079 12 x 36 x 72 6205077 15 x 66 x 36 6205078 12 x 36 x 48 6205079 12 x 36 x 72 6205077 OpenOpen Hutch Hutch 6205077 Open Hutch 6205077 15 x 66 x 36 48” Bookcase 6205078 12 x 36 x 48 12" x 36" x 72" 72” Bookcase 6205079 12 x 36 x 72 Conference Table Executive Desk Conference Table 6665531 36 x 72 x 29 Table 6665531 36 x 72 x 29 6665532 48 x 96 x 29 Executive Desk 6004297 36 x 72 xConference 29 Conference Table Kneespace48” Credenza Open Hutch Bookcase Open Hutch Open Hutch 48”6665531 Bookcase 36 x 72 x 29 Bookcase 72” Bookcase Executive Desk 6004297 48” 72” Bookcase Conference Table 72” Bookcase 36 x 72 x 29 Desk 6014307 30 x 60 x 29 6665532 6665531 48 x 96 x 2936 x6665533 Executive 72 x 29 48 x 120 x 29 Kneespace 20 x 6004297 661215 x x29 6205077 Credenza 15 x 66 x 366104488 6205077 x3666x 36 x4836 6205077 15 x 66 x 36 6205078 x3636x 48 x7248 6205078 x 36 x 72 x 72 x6014307 29620507830 x1260x x3629x 48 6205079 6665532 x 96 x6665533 296205079 Executive 6665531 12 36 x 36 72 x 72 29 6205079 1212x Desk 48 x12 120 x 29 Kneespace Credenza 6004297 36 x 72 x 29 6665532 48 x 96 x 29 6104488 20Kneespace x 66 x 29 Credenza 6014307 30 x 60 x 29 6665533 x 120 x 29 6004297 36 x 72 48 x 29 6665532 48 x 96 x 29 6104488 20 x 66 x 29 Kneespace Credenza 6014307 30 x 60 x 29 6665533 48 x 120 x 29 6104488 20 x 66 x 29 6014307 30 x 60 x 29 6665533 48 x 120 x 29 6104488 20 x 66 x 29 6104488 Kneespace Credenza 20" x 66" x 29" 6004297 Executive Desk 6014307 Jr. Executive Desk 36" x 72" x 29" 30" x 60" x 29" 6665531 Conference Table 6665532 Conference Table 6665533 Conference Table Conference Table 6665531 36 x 72 x 29 6665532 48 x 96 x 29 6665533 48 x 120 x 29 Executive Desk 6004297 36 x 72 x 29 6014307 30 x 60 x 29 Kneespace Credenza 6104488 20 x 66 x 29 36" x 72" x 29" 48" x 96" x 29" 48" x 120" x 29" Halton Series Typical “L” Configuration Jr. Right Pedestal Desk 6044565 Table30 x 66 x 29Series Typical Halton “L” Configuration (right) 6044554 and 6044566 Jr. Left Pedestal Desk Conference Table Conference Table Conference Series Typical Right 6044565 30 x 66 6665531 x 29Halton Sales DeskDesk Right Pedestal 6054180 24 x “L” 45 Configuration x 296044554 (right) 6044566 (left) and 6044567 Jr. Left Pedestal Desk 6044554 30 x 66Jr.x Desk 29 Pedestal Desk Executive 6665531 36 xTypical 72 x 29 Haltonand Series “L” 6044565 Configuration Executive Desk 6665531 36 x 72 x 29 Executive 36 x 72 x 29 30 x 66 x 29 (right) 6044554 and(left) 6044566 Halton Series Typical “L” Configuration Jr. Left Pedestal Desk6044554 30 x 66 x 29 Jr. Right Pedestal Desk Sales Desk6044565 Right Pedestal 6054180 24 x 456665532 x6004297 29 6044565 6044567 Jr. Right Pedestal Desk 30 x 66 48 x36 29 6004297 36 x 726044565 x 29 6665532 48 x 96 and x 296044566 (right) and 6044554 x2929 Jr. Credenza Left Pedestal Desk 6665532 48 x 96 x 29 36 Credenza x 72 x6054180 29 x x9672x and Kneespace Kneespace Credenza30 x 66 x 29 Kneespace Sales Desk6004297 Right 24 x 45 x 29Jr. Right Pedestal Desk 6044565 30 x 66 x 29 (left) 6044565 6044567 (right) 6044554 and 6044566 6044554 Jr.Pedestal Left Pedestal Desk Sales Desk Right Pedestal 6054180 24 x 45 x 29 6014307 30 x 60 x 29 6665533 48 x 120 x 29 (left) 6044565 and 6044567 6014307 4830 x 60xx29 29 x 66 x 29 6665533 48 x 120 x 29 6014307 30 x x6066x x2929 6665533 x 120 61044886044554 20 x 66 30 x 29 6104488 6104488 20 x 66 x 29 Sales Desk Right Pedestal 6054180 24 x 45 x 29 (left) 6044565 and 6044567 6044554 20 30 x 66 x 29 Jr. Right Pedestal Desk Sales Desk Right Pedestal Jr. Left Pedestal Desk 6044554 30 x 66 x 29 6044554 Jr. Left Pedestal Desk 30" x 66" x 29" 6044565 Jr. Right Pedestal Desk 6054191 Sales Desk 6044565 6054180 30 x 66 x 29 24 x 45 x 29 Halton Series Typical “L” Configuration (right) 6044554 and 6044566 (left) 6044565 and 6044567 6044554 Typical “L” Configuration (right) 6044566 Typical “L” Configuration (right) 6044565 Typical “L” Configuration (left) 48” Round Conference Table 2 Drawer Lateral File Junior Pedestal Return 6044566 24 x 42 x 29 Halton Series Typical “L” Right Configuration Halton Series Typical “L” Configuration Halton Series Typical “L” Configuration 6044567 Typical (left) 48” Round Conference Table 2 Drawer Lateral Pedestal 6044566 x 42 xReturn 29 6665530 48 x 29 Jr. Right Pedestal Desk 6064269 x 29 Junior Right(right) Junior Left 24 Pedestal 6044567 “L” 24 x Configuration 42 x 29 6044565 30 xDesk 66 x20 29x 366044565 and 6044566 Jr.File Right Pedestal 30 x 66 6044554 xReturn 29 Jr. Right Pedestal Desk Jr. Left Pedestal 6044565 30File x 66 x 29 Jr. Left Pedestal Desk Desk Jr. Left 48” Pedestal Desk Round Conference Table 2 Drawer Lateral 6665530 x 29Conference Table 6064269 48” 48 Round Sales Desk Right Pedestal 6054180 24 45 30 x 66 x 29 6044554 30 Sales x 66Desk xTable 29 6044554 30 x 66 x 2948 x 29 6044554 6665530 20 xRight 36 xxPedestal 29 x 29 48” Round6064269 Conference 6665530 48 x 29 6665530 48 x 29 48” Round Conference Table 6665530 48 x 29 30" x 66" x 29" 30" x 48" x 29" (right) 6044554 and 6044566 (right) and Return 6044566 Junior6044554 Right Pedestal 24 x 42 x 29 2026054180 x Drawer 36 x 29 Junior6044566 Left (left) Pedestal Return 6044567 x 42 x 2924 x 42 x 29 Lateral File Right Pedestal Return 24 6044566 24 x 45 x 29 6044565 Sales Desk Right Pedestal 6054180 24Junior x 45 x x29 (left) Pedestal 6044565 604456724 x 42 x 29 (left) 6044565 and 6044567 Junior Left Pedestal Return 24 42 x 29and 6044567 2 Drawer Lateral File6044567 Junior Right Return and 6044566 6064269 20 x 36 x 29 Junior Left Pedestal Return 6044567 24 x 42 x 29 6064269 20 x 36 x 29 Junior Left Pedestal Return 6044567 24 x 42 x 29 2 Drawer Lateral File 6064269 20 x 36 x 29 Junior Right Pedestal Return Junior Left Pedestal Return 6044566 6044567 24 x 42 x 29 24 x 42 x 29 Not all cities carry all skus. Not all cities carry all skus. Not all cities carry all skus. Not all cities carry all skus. Not all cities carry all skus. 48” Round Conference Table 48” Round Conference Table 48 x 29 6665530 6665530 48 x 29 6665530 48" Round Conference Table 48” Round Conference 2 Drawer Lateral File Table 6665530 20 x48 36xx29 29 48" x 29" 6064269 2 Drawer Lateral Junior File Right Pedestal2 Return Junior Return Drawer 6044566 Lateral File 24 Right x 42 Pedestal x 29 6064269 20 x 36Junior 29Left Pedestal 6064269 36 xJunior 29 Return 20 6044567 xLeft 42Pedestal x 29 Return 6064269 2 DrawerxLateral File 20" xx 36" x2429" 6044566 x 42 x 29 Return Junior24 Right Pedestal 6044567 x 42 x 29 Return Junior24 Left Pedestal 6044566 24 x 42 x 29 24 x 42 x 29 6044566 Jr. Right6044567 Pedestal Return (right) 6044567 Jr. Left Pedestal Return (left) Not all cities carry all skus. Not all cities carry all skus. ©2013 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. Not all cities carry all skus. Not all cities carry all skus. 24" x 42" x 29" 24" x 42" x 29" HERMAN MILLER OFFICE SYSTEMS Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. DK12-025 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. HERMAN MILLER OFFICE SYSTEMS CORT Furniture Rental is the national rental resource of Herman Miller Office Systems. n One source is all you need to meet corporate national standards and furnish all of your offices coast to coast. Customized panels, work surfaces and components create comfortable, flexible work stations that meet employee needs as well as space requirements. n Using a steel rod the height of the panel, panel connectors create a tight and secure fit. n 600-lb. test panels and 250-lb. test work surfaces are among the most durable available today. W ork stations are fast and easy to assemble, disassemble or reconfigure as needs change. All hanging components, including primary work surfaces, keyboard trays and corner work surfaces adjust in 1” increments. n n Employees n are more efficient, satisfied and productive. Less wasted space means more money saved. Panel connector’s unique design aligns panels automatically. mployees can customize their E environments to maximize comfort, efficiency and safety. stations meet ADA (American Disabilities Act) requirements and can easily accommodate wheelchairs. n Panels help create a private work environment and promote productivity by reducing visual and audio distractions. Herman Miller products meet all ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and BIFMA (Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association) standards. n Work stations will be safe, durable and comfortable. n Work Work stations come complete with fully articulating keyboard trays, wrist guards and mouse trays for left- or right-handed employees. n Ergonomic design helps prevent workrelated injuries and can reduce workers’ compensation liability. Powered panels supply four circuits (eight wires), including one dedicated circuit for sensitive equipment. Clearly labeled, interchangeable receptacles determine which circuits are being accessed. This energy system can support highly sophisticated technology and the specialized power it requires. 1. Clearly labeled, interchangeable receptacles simplify installing equipment and protect special equipment. 2. A hinged base cover makes maintenance or changes easy and safe, saving on installation costs and downtime. 3. Electrified panels can handle twenty 25-pair cables. Non-electrified panels can accommodate forty 25-pair cables. 4. All panels have a minimum of two receptacle access points per side. 5. The one-piece lower harness design requires no additional electrical components at panel corner connectors, simplifying specifications and reducing installation costs. ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. 67” high acoustical panels have an NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient) of .60 and an STC (Sound Transmission Coefficient) of 28. The powerful Z-Axis Planning Program is available. n Use it to maximize available space and reconfigure work stations quickly and easily as needs change. HERMAN MILLER TYPICALS The Herman Miller AOII System blends comfort, convenience and flexibility. Its modular components are easily changed and can be reconfigured for multiple functions. To enhance productivity, storage and tools are easily accessible and acoustic panels provide barriers from distraction. Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. DK13-038 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. HERMAN MILLER TYPICALS Work Station, #1 4' x 2', 20 sq. ft. Work Station, #2 6' x 2', 30 sq. ft. Reception Station, #3 6' x 2', 30 sq. ft. Work Station, #4 6' x 4', 30 sq. ft. Work Station, #5 6' x 4', 24 sq. ft. Reception Station, #6 6' x 6', 36 sq. ft. Work Station, #7 6' x 6', 36 sq. ft. Work Station, #8 6' x 6', 36 sq. ft. Work Station, #9 8' x 6', 48 sq. ft. L-Shaped Work Station, #10 10' x 8', 80 sq. ft. U-Shaped Work Station, #11 10' x 8', 80 sq. ft. U-Shaped Work Station, #12 10' x 8', 80 sq. ft. L-Shaped Work Station, #13 10' x 10', 100 sq. ft. Work Station, #14 6' x 2', 30 sq. ft. Work Station, #15 6' x 4', 30 sq. ft. Work Station, #16 6' x 6', 36 sq. ft. Work Station, #17 8' x 6', 48 sq. ft. L-Shaped Work Station, #18 8' x 8', 64 sq. ft. Work Station, #19 6' x 6', 36 sq. ft. Work Station, #20 12' x 6', 72 sq. ft. Work Station with Bench, #21 12' x 8', 96 sq. ft. Work Station, #22 12' x 12', 144 sq. ft. Work Station, #23 12' x 12', 144 sq. ft. ©2013 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. HON MAHOGANY 10700 SERIES BENEFITS AND FEATURES ■■ Durable and scratch-resistant for long-lasting life, high-pressure laminate (HPL) tops included on all product offerings. ■■ For easy access to all contents, file drawers are mounted on steel ball bearing suspensions for full-depth opening. ■■ Added comfort with waterfall edge style enhanced by a rich, distinctive hardwood trim stained to match. ■■ Drawer contents are secure with locking file drawers. ■■ ■■ Easily level the unit without lifting through adjustable hex leveling glides on floor-standing furniture. Thoughtfully designed three-quarter modesty panels offer flexibility in an office that cannot accept a full modesty panel due to space constraints. ■■ Simple to route cables for a neat and tidy appearance with cord management grommets on desktops, credenzas and returns. ■■ Designed and built to meet ANSI/BIFMA and ISTA performance standards that assures quality and longterm durability. ■■ Features hang rails in all file drawers to permit side-to-side letter and legal filing, and front-to-back letter filing. Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. DK12-021 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. HON MAHOGANY 10700 SERIES 6004024 Executive Desk 72" x 36" x 29" 6014024 Jr. Executive Desk 60" x 30" x 29" 6104024 Kneespace Credenza 72" x 24" x 29" 6104031 Storage Credenza 72" x 24" x 29" 6024420 Reception Station 6024420/6024024/6034717 Right Return 36" x 72" x 24" x 42" x 14" 6024421/6024055/6034716 Left Return 36" x 72" x 24" x 42" x 14" 6054175 Sales Desk 48" x 30" x 29" Executive “L” Desk 6024024/6034025 Executive Right Hand Return Desk with Right Hand Return 72" x 36" x 29"/48" x 24" x 29" 6024055/6034027 Executive Left Hand Return Desk with Left Hand Return 72" x 36" x 29"/48" x 24" x 29" 6034026 / 6034027 Jr. Executive Left Hand Desk with Left Hand Return 66" x 30" x 29"/48" x 24" x 29" 6034024/6034025 Jr. Executive Right Hand Desk with Right Hand Return 66" x 30" x 29"/48" x 24" x 29" 6064024 Two Drawer Lateral File Executive “U” Desk 6024024 Executive Right Hand Return Desk 72" x 36" x 24" 6024055 Executive Left Hand Return Desk 72" x 36" x 29" 6024025 Bridge 48” x 24” x 29” 6024059 Executive Left Hand Credenza 72” x 24” x 29” 6024026 Executive Right Hand Credenza 72" x 24" x 29" 6204124 Hutch 68" x 14" x 37" 6204124 Hutch ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. 68" x 14" x 37" 36" x 20" x 29" STAKS SERIES BENEFITS AND FEATURES ■■ Scaled to make smaller offices feel roomier and support active workspaces with lower height surfaces, compact storage and layered work areas. ■■ Smooth drawer sliding action provided by steel ballbearing suspensions. File drawers will accommodate letter or legal size folders. ■■ Durable and scratch-resistant laminate tops on all product offerings. ■■ ■■ Contents are secure with locking pedestals, file drawers and doors. Designed and built to withstand long-term use, meeting or exceeding all current ANSI and BIFMA performance standards. ■■ Furniture will be level on any surface with adjustable leveling glides. Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. DK12-033 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. STAKS SERIES 8411000 Rectangular Work Surface 72"x22" 8411000 Rectangular Work Surface 72"x22" 8411000 Rectangular Work Surface 72"x22" 8411001 Rectangular Work Surface 66"x22" 8411001 Rectangular Work Surface 66"x22" 8411001 Rectangular Work Surface 66"x22" 8411024 Mobile Pedestal File 8411035 Work Surface Above/Below Panel 16.125"x19.25"x20.375" 8411024 Mobile Pedestal File 54" 16.125"x19.25"x20.375" 8411035 Work Surface Above/Below Panel 54" 8411021 Low Height Door Cabinet 36"x21.875"x21.875" 8411022 Low Height Box/File 36"x21.875"x21.875" 8411000 Rectangular Work Surface 72"x22" 8411000 Rectangular Work Surface 72"x22" 8411000 Rectangular Work Surface 72"x22" 8411001 Rectangular Work Surface 66"x22" 8411001 Rectangular Work Surface 66"x22" 8411001 Rectangular Work Surface 66"x22" 8411035 Work Surface Above/Below Panel 54" 8411021 Low Height Door Cabinet 36"x21.875"x21.875" 8411022 Low Height Box/File 36"x21.875"x21.875" 8411023 Storage Tower 24"x21.875"x54" 8411023 Storage Tower 24"x21.875"x54" 8411022 Low Height Box/File 36"x21.875"x21.875" 8411021 Low Height Door Cabinet 36"x21.875"x21.875" 8411031 Round Cushion 8411024 Mobile Pedestal File 16.125"x19.25"x20.375" 20" 8411000 Rectangular Work Surface 72"x22" 8411000 Rectangular Work Surface 72"x22" 8411000 Rectangular Work Surface 8411001 Rectangular Work Surface 66"x22" 8411001 Rectangular Work Surface 66"x22" 8411001 Rectangular Work Surface 8411020 High Back Organizer Hutch With Sliding Door 72"x31" 8411023 Storage Tower 24"x21.875"x54" 8411023 Storage Tower 72"x22" 66"x22" 24"x21.875"x54" 8411021 Low Height Door Cabinet 36"x21.875"x21.875" 8411022 Low Height Box/File 36"x21.875"x21.875" 8411022 Low Height Box/File 36"x21.875"x21.875" 8411022 Low Height Box/File 36"x21.875"x21.875" 8411021 Low Height Door Cabinet 36"x21.875"x21.875" 8411021 Low Height Door Cabinet 36"x21.875"x21.875" 8411020 High Back Organizer Hutch With Sliding Door ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. 72"x31" WOOD SAMPLES Walnut Natural Cherry Oak Mahogany Tiger Fruitwood Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. DK12-017 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. ARC SERIES BENEFITS AND FEATURES ■■ Seat height easily adjusts for a variety of tasks and maximum comfort for all body types with pneumatic seat height adjustment. ■■ For most uses, proper posture supported by knee tilt mechanism and articulating mechanism supports. Helps maintain blood flow and consistent comfort. ■■ Overall user comfort enhanced by molded high-resilient foam with molded seats and back. ■■ Designed and built to withstand rigorous daily use, meeting all current ANSI and BIFMA performance standards. ■■ Maximum product strength and durability provided by seats and backs feature 1/2" thick hardwood plywood and multi-contoured panels with metal “T” nuts or steel brackets for metal-tometal connections. Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. DK12-002 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. ARC SERIES 7006000 Executive Chair 7604199 Stack Chair 27.5" x 28" x 42" 19" x 23" x 31" FABRIC OPTIONS ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. 7036001 Task Chair 20.5" x 26" x 20.5" 7056005 Banker’s Guest Chair 25" x 24" x 31" 7016000 Junior Executive Chair 7054934 Guest Chair 27.5" x 27.5" x 36" 26" x 28" x 34" GLOBAL LARIAT SERIES BENEFITS AND FEATURES ■■ Allowing you to rock comfortably without heavy pushing, the tension adjustment increases or decreases to match body weight. Helps reduce muscle fatigue. ■■ Lock your chair in a comfortable and supportive position with the chair tilt lock. The tilt movement locks in position to accommodate your working posture. ■■ Rest feet flat on the floor and avoid pressure under your thighs with the pneumatic seat height, which raises or lowers. ■■ Reduce pressure at the back of the knee and support the body effectively with waterfall seat edge and properly contoured cushions. Contributes to good circulation and allows you to sit longer without discomfort. ■■ Enhance blood flow to the feet and legs with rocking center-tilt movement from a pivot point under the center of the seat. ■■ Designed and built to withstand rigorous daily use, meeting all current ANSI and BIFMA performance standards. Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. DK12-013 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. OFFICE FURNISHINGS/CHAIRS/GLOBAL LARIAT SERIES OFFICE FURNISHINGS/CHAIRS/GLOBAL LARIAT SERIES NE: LINE 7004939 Lariat Executive Chair 26.5” x 26” x 45” GLOBAL LARIAT SERIES 7014714 Jr. Lariat Executive Chair 26.5” x 26” x 39.5” 7004939 Executive Chair 26.5" x 26" x 45" 7004939 Lariat Executive Chair 26.5” x 26” x 45” 7034598 Task Chair 7014714 Jr. Executive Chair 26.5" x 26" x 39.5" 7014714 Jr. Lariat Executive Chair 26.5” x 26” x 39.5” 7055323 Guest Chair 7055323 Lariat Guest Chair 26.5” x 27.5” x 38” 7014714 Jr. Lariat Executive Chair 26.5” x 26” x 39.5” 24" x 25" x 35" 7034598 Lariat Task Chair 24” x 25” x 35” 7055323 Lariat Guest Chair 26.5” x 27.5” x 38” ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. 7034598 Lariat Task Chair 24” x 25” x 35” 26.5" x 27.5" x 38" 7034598 Lariat Task Chair 24” x 25” x 35” SAVVY SERIES BENEFITS AND FEATURES ■■ Ergonomically correct positioning provided by pneumatically adjustable seat height. ■■ Ultimate comfort and support experienced throughout the workday with contoured seat and back foam along with contoured and padded arms. ■■ A more tailored appearance enhanced by fully upholstered back panel. ■■ Complete active ergonomic features for task-intensive operations featured in high-performance models. ■■ Choose from five different positions without leaving your seat with the patented internal lumbar support system. ■■ Adjust up, down, side to side and rotationally, including three different pivot positions, using multi-functional pivot arms. Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. DK12-009 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. OFFICE FURNISHINGS/CHAIRS/SAVVY SERIES OFFICE FURNISHINGS/CHAIRS/SAVVY SERIES OFFICE FURNISHINGS/CHAIRS/SAVVY SERIES SAVVY SERIES COMPLETE C O M P L E T ELINE: LINE COMPLETE C O M P L E T ELINE: LINE 7004886 Executive Chair 7055287 Guest Chair 7004886 Executive Chair 7004886 Executive Chair 7034608 Drafting Stool 7014693 Management Chair 7034608 Stool 7014693 Management Chair 7004886 Executive Chair 7004886 Executive Chair 7055287 Guest Chair 7055287 Guest Chair 7004886 Executive Chair 7055287 Guest Chair 7014693 Management Chair 7055287 Guest Chair 7014693 Management Chair 38" x 23.5" x 23" 28.25" x 46.5" x 24.5" 7055287 Guest Chair 44.5-50" x 27" x 26" 7014694 Conference Chair 7034608 Stool Chair 7014694 Conference 7014694 Conference Chair 7034608 Stool 25" x 26" x 20" 7034608 Stool 7034608 Stool 7014693 Management 7014693 Management ChairChair 7034591 Task Chair 7055287 G 27.25" x 42" x 24.5" 23.5" x 25" x 31.5" 7034591 Chair 7034591 TaskTask Chair 7014694 Conference Chair FABRIC OPTIONS 7014694 Conference Chair 7034591 Task Chair 7014694 Conference Chair 7034591 Task Chair 7034591 Task Chair Not all cities carry all skus. ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. 703460 Not all cities carry all skus. Not all cities carry all skus. 7034591 STACK CHAIRS 7604328 Chromcraft Syntax Chair with Arms 7604330 Chromcraft Syntax Chair without Arms 7604312 Chromcraft Vista 23.5" x 21" x 31" 23.5" x 21" x 31" 25.5" x 24.5" x 32" Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. GOFC12–017 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. CARLO RECEPTION 1006386 Carlo II Black Leather Sofa 2014752 Draycott End Table 1207452 Platform I Artwork 33" x 85" x 39" 20" x 20" x 22" 30" x 30" 1034846 Carlo II Black Leather Sleeper Sofa 2014751 Draycott Nesting Tables 1207453 Platform II Artwork 33" x 85" x 39" 27.5" x 15" x 24.25" 33" x 35" 1015685 Carlo Chair 2014535 Draycott TV Console 1207475 Red Eggs III Artwork 33" x 37" x 39" 42" x 18" x 30" 20" x 40" 1105474 Singapore Chair 1175663 Tube Lamp 1207476 Red Eggs IV Artwork 26.25" x 30" x 21.25" 31" Tall 20" x 40" 1105487 Ike Accent Chair 1123397 Tube Floor Lamp 1255107 Structures Black Area Rug 24" x 31" x 32" 57" Tall 5' x 8' 2004777 Draycott Rectangle Cocktail Table 1207444 Merlot Leaner Mirror 42" x 20" x 16" 45" x 82" Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. RP12-002 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. STONEHENGE RECEPTION 1006215 Stonehenge Sofa 1054521 Rectangle Ottoman 2004741 Colfax Cocktail Table 81” x 37” x 35” 48" x 23" x 18" 46” x 30” x 18” 1015712 Stonehenge Chair 1105473 Hobbs Accent Chair 2014722 Colfax End Table 36” x 37” x 35” 32” x 33” x 38” 24” x 24” x 23” Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. RP12-029 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. ENGINEERING & DRAFTING 6404246 Industrial Wire Shelving 48" x 24" x 72" *Holds up to 800 lbs per shelf 6404244 Industrial Wire Shelving 36" x 18" x 72" *Holds up to 1250 lbs per shelf Hanging Clamps accommodate sheet size 30”x42”. 7155026 Vertical Filing Mobile Stand Requires (2) 7155027 27" x 37" x 43.5"– 61.5" *12 pivot brackets 7034618 Drafting Height Stool 17.75" x 16" x 42" – 54" 7155027 Hanging Clamps for Vertical Stand Use with 7155026 31.25" *6 per carton Height-Adjustable Drafting Table 60" x 37" x 29.5" – 37" 6604556 Top 6604557 Base Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. DK12-006 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. HON 61000 SERIES BENEFITS & FEATURES ■■ Configure tables in angled or in-line arrangements to meet training room and office requirements with multiple top shapes. ■■ Designed and built to meet corporate product standard programs, meeting or exceeding all current ANSI and BIFMA performance standards. ■■ Handy design has a c-leg with a vertical wire management cavity and removable pass-through cover. ■■ Cost and space efficiency with product flexibility accommodates multiple needs. ■■ ■■ Thoughtfully designed modesty panels feature a horizontal wire management trough under the work surface. Ideal for handling today’s office technology and multimedia training needs, supports technology and makes it fast and easy to install equipment. ■■ ■■ To keep work surfaces even, leveling glides provide 3/4" adjustability. Provides neat storage of power cords and maximizes equipment performance. ■■ Handle equipment with no worries about scratching due to 11/8" thick easy-care laminate tops. Specification changes that may alter these features may occur without notice. Product availability may vary by each city. DK12-022 CALL 1.888.360.CORT OR VISIT CORT.COM FOR THE SHOWROOM NEAREST YOU. LIVE. WORK. CELEBRATE. OFFICE FURNISHINGS/TRAINING TABLE ANDAND DESK/HON 61000 OFFICE FURNISHINGS/TRAINING TABLE DESK/HON 61000 OFFICE FURNISHINGS/TRAINING TABLE AND DESK/HON 61000 OFFICE FURNISHINGS/TRAINING TABLE AND DESK/HON 61000 OFFICE FURNISHINGS/TRAINING TABLE AND DESK/HON 61000 HON 61000 SERIES COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: COMPLETE LINE: 10500 Series Full Height Pedestal 10500 Series Full Height Pedestal 7156002 26.875" x 19.875" 10500 Series Full Height Pedestalx 15" 7 7 /8 x 19 /8 x7 15 26 77 26 7/ 88 x 19 /88 x 15 7156002 7156002 10500 Series Full Full Height Pedestal 10500 Height Pedestal 10500 SeriesSeries Full7 Height Pedestal 7 7 /8 x 15 26 7/26 8 x 19 /8 x 15 x 19/87/x8 19 x 15 26 7/87156002 7156002 7156002 61000 Series Training Tables Series Training Tables Sample61000 Configuration Sample Configuration 61000 Series Training Tables 61000Configuration Series Training Tables Sample Training 6100061000 SeriesSeries Training TablesTables Sample Configuration Sample Configuration Sample Configuration 61000 Series 90o Connector o 61000 Series 90 Connector oo 61000 Connector 7156001 x 24" x 33" 24 x 24 xSeries 3324"90 24 x 24 x 33 7156001 7156001 o o 61000 Series 90o Connector 61000 90 Connector 61000 SeriesSeries 90 Connector 24 x24 24xx24 33 24 x 24 x 33 x 33 7156001 7156001 7156001 61000 Series Training Tables Series Training Tables Sample61000 Configuration Sample Configuration 61000 Series Training Tables 61000 Series Training Tables Sample Configuration 61000 Series Training 61000 Series Training TablesTables Sample Configuration Sample Configuration Sample Configuration 61000 Series Training Tables 61000 Series Training 6506001 60" Tables x 24" x Tables 29.5" Training 6506001 60 x 24 x61000 29 1/2 –Series 1 6506002 48" x22 –24" x 29.5" 6506001 60 x 24 x 29 1/ 1 48 x 24 x 29 /2 – 6506002 11 48 x 24 x 29 /22 – 6506002 61000 Series Training Tables 61000 Training 61000 SeriesSeries Training TablesTables – 1/ 6506001 60 x60 24xx24 291x1/229 2 – 6506001 /21/––6506001 60 x 24 x 29 6506002 48 x48 24xx24 29 2 1/ 2 – 6506002 – 6506002 48 x 24 x 29 1/x2 29 61000 Series Training Tables Series Training Tables Sample61000 Configuration Sample Configuration 61000 Series Training Tables 61000 Configuration Series Training Tables Sample Training 6100061000 SeriesSeries Training TablesTables Sample Configuration Sample Configuration Sample Configuration Not all cities carry all skus. Not all cities carry all skus. ©2012 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. Not Not all cities carry all skus. all cities all skus. Not all cities carry carry all skus.
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