Department of Computer Engineering University of California at Santa Cruz Epipolar Geometry and the Eight-Point Algorithm CMPE 264: Image Analysis and Computer Vision Hai Tao Department of Computer Engineering University of California at Santa Cruz Camera motion estimation and 3D reconstruction Q Q Q Problem statement: Given multiple images of a static scene and the camera parameters, recover the camera motion and the 3D structure of the scene The image feature points corresponding to a set of 3D points are first detected in these images. Then the camera motion and the 3D coordinates of these points are estimated based on multiple view geometry. We will focus on multiple view geometry first and then discuss how to find feature correspondences across images Department of Computer Engineering University of California at Santa Cruz Two view geometry Q Notations Pl = [ X l , Yl , Z l ]T - the 3D coordinates of a point P in the left camera coordinate system Pr = [ X r , Yr , Z r ]T - the 3D coordinates of a point P in the right camera coordinate system T pl = [ xl , yl ,1] - the coordinates of p in the left image pr = [ xr , yr ,1]T - the coordinates of p in the right image Pr = R( Pl − T ) - the transformation between the two camera coordinate systems Department of Computer Engineering University of California at Santa Cruz Two-view geometry Q Fundamental matrix Since Ol P , Ol Or , and Or P are coplanar, therefore (Or P)Tl (Ol Or × Ol P) = (Or P)Tl (T × Pl ) = 0 According to the transformation between the two camera frames therefore (Or P )l = ( Pl − T ) = ( R −1Pr + T − T ) = RT Pr PrT R(T × Pl ) = PrT ( RT× ) Pl = 0 0 T× = Tz − Ty − Tz 0 Tx Ty − Tx 0 so that T × P = T× P −1 Since K −1 pl ≅ Pl and K pr ≅ Pr PrT ( RT× ) Pl ≅ prT ( K −T RT× K −1 ) pl = prT Fpl = 0 Department of Computer Engineering University of California at Santa Cruz Fundamental matrix Q Q F = K −T RT× K −1 is called the fundamental matrix. It links correspondences in two images through a linear relation prT Fpl = 0 . E = RT× is called the essential matrix Properties of the fundamental matrix • F is defined up to a scale factor and is rank 2 – because T× is rank 2 • If el is the image of Or in the left image, then el is called the left epipole and vice versa • The plane formed by Ol , Or , and P is called epipolar plane • The intersection of the epipolar plane and an images plane is called epipolar line. • All epipolar lines passing through the epipoles. • Except epipoles, only one epipolar line passing through each image point • Corresponding points must lie on conjugated epopolar lines • Fel = 0 and F T er = 0 (Homework) • el is the null space of F • Fpl is the epipolar line in the right image; F T pr is the epipolar line in the left image (Homework) Department of Computer Engineering University of California at Santa Cruz Computing F and E – the eight-point algorithm Q Q Each pair of correspondences gives one constraint. To recover the fundamental matrix up to a scale factor, we need eight constraints, i.e. eight pairs of correspondences. For the ith correspondence priT Fpli = 0 ⇔ [ xri xli , xri yli , xri , yri xli , yri yli , yri , xli , yli ,1][ f11, f12 , f13 , f 21 , f 22 , f 23 , f31, f 32 , f33 ]T = 0 Q With N ≥ 8 correspondences, we have a linear system Af = 0 Q Q where A is formed by stacking the data vectors as indicated above The solution is the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue of AT A To compute the essential matrix, use the relation E = K T FK To make the algorithm numerical stable, normalize image coordinates so that RMS is 2 Department of Computer Engineering University of California at Santa Cruz From essential matrix to camera motion R and T Q Q Theorem 1. A 3 by 3 real matrix Q can be factored as the product of a rotation matrix and a non-zero skew symmetric matrix iff Q has two equal non-zero singular values and one singular value equal to 0 Theorem 2. Suppose Q can be factored into a product RS where R is orthonormal and S is skew symmetric. Let the SVD of Q be Q = UDV T. Then up to a scale factor the factorization is one of the following S = VZV T R = UGV T or R = UGTV T Q = RS where 0 − 1 0 Z = 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 G = − 1 0 0 0 0 1 since Sv 3 = VZV T v 3 = [ v 2 ,− v1 ,0][ v1, v 2 , v 3 ]T v 3 = v 2 v1T v 3 − v1vT2 v 3 = 0 therefore T = λv 3 = λ[0,0,1]V , where λ is an arbitrary scale factor Department of Computer Engineering University of California at Santa Cruz From essential matrix to camera motion R and T Q Algorithm From_E_to_RT • Find the singular value decomposition E = UDV T • The (R,T) pair is one of the following four solutions (UGV T , λV [0,0,1]T ) (UGV T ,−λV [0,0,1]T ) (UGTV T , λV [0,0,1]T ) (UGTV T ,−λV [0,0,1]T ) • Based on the constraint that scene points are in front of both cameras, a single pair of correspondences can be used to find the correct solution Department of Computer Engineering University of California at Santa Cruz Linear triangulation Q Q After estimating the projection matrix M l = K [I ,0] and M r = K [ R,− RT ] , 3D coordinates of feature points can be computed from their 2D projections pl ≅ M l Pl Since pr ≅ M r Pl iT if we denote ml and mriT as the rows of M l and M r , then xl ml3T − ml1T 3T 2T y m − m l l l P = AP = 0 xr mr3T − m1rT 3T 2T y m − m r r r The solution is the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue of of AT A Department of Computer Engineering University of California at Santa Cruz Bundle Adjustment Q Gradient methods such as the Levenberg-Marquardt method is then employed to refined the result by minimizing the “reprojection error” 2 M min ∑ ∑ pij − pˆ ij ˆ 2 R ,T, Pj =1,... M i =1 j =1 pˆ 2 j pˆ1 j p1 j p2 j
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