Jefferson United Methodist Church 125 East Jefferson Street Jefferson, OH 44047 440-576-4561 [email protected] ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Non Profit Org US POSTAGE PAID Jefferson, OH 44047 Permit #7 LOVE GOD LOVE OTHERS SERVE THE WORLD HELP US SAVE POSTAGE! If you’d like to receive this newsletter by e-mail, Please contact us at [email protected] DECEMBER 18, 2014 Issue 12 Volume 40 CELEBRATE JESUS' BIRTH! Please join us in a joyous time of celebration and worship. We will sing all the beautiful carols, laugh together, pray together, and listen to the Bible story retold as we open our hearts to allow Jesus to be born into our lives. Christmas Eve 6:30 p.m. Joyous carols, scripture, the Lighting of the Christ Candle – We’ll celebrate the birth of our Lord! This is a great family celebration! Kinderchoir and the Children’s Choir will sing, and the Children’s Bells will play. 9:00 p.m. Carols, Candlelight and Communion Come with quiet joy to hear scripture, sing carols and usher in Christmas Day with Candlelight and Holy Communion. The Chancel Choir and Harmony Ringers will share music. Late December, 2014 PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE OF OUR Carols, Candlelight & Communion service 9 p.m. instead of 11 p.m.!! FROM PASTOR DAN Christmas Day will soon be upon us and the New Year will come rushing in. The 12 days of Christmas are a time to savor the meaning of Jesus’ birth. God made flesh…God dwelling in life with us…God coming into our space to redeem, to win back what was lost and in darkness. Because of Jesus we can have new life, abundant life, eternal life, and the creation will be made new! Wow! As we move into the New Year, how will you respond to this good news of Jesus? Benignly ignore him or actively pursue him? Here’s a potential tool that can help you pursue Jesus in 2015: A Disciple’s Journal: A guide for daily prayer, bible reading, and discipleship by Steve Manskar. Steve is the director of Wesleyan Leadership for the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church. Check the tool out on Amazon or Cokesbury. See if it might the right tool for your 2015 journey in discipleship. I already have my copy! Peace and Joy, Pastor Dan GROW YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD: A Small Group Experience The Bible is the bestselling book in history and yet it often remains confusing, misunderstood, and misapplied. The Bible is a beautiful book and is beloved by millions yet it is also filled with violence and uncomfortable texts and stories that become a barrier to the Christian faith. Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today by Adam Hamilton seeks to help us…make sense of the Bible. This DVD-based book study will meet for 6-weeks on Wednesday mornings and Thursday evenings beginning January 14th and 15th concluding on February 18th and 19th. The Wednesday group will meet from 10 – 11:30 a.m. The Thursday group will meet from 6:30 to 8pm. Cost: $18.00 book (a kindle version is available for 11.99 on Amazon) Registration: email Pat Crammer at [email protected] or use the Church Life Servant Sheet Registration deadline is December 31st For more information go to Making Sense of the Bible by Adam Hamilton THANK YOU Our Friends at Jefferson United Methodist Church, We would like to thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time for our family. Thank you, too, for allowing us to use the church as a place of gathering. We are blessed to be a part of such a great church. Sincerely, Becky & TJ Furman Dear Church Family, Mary and I want to thank you for the prayers and cards. God bless, Lee & Mary Daubenspeck Thank you to all who have expressed your care & concern for me in my recent diagnosis & I appreciate the cards & prayers I’ve received. God and the medical team are in control—how can that go wrong? God bless all of you. Mary Howe THANK YOU, TOO! Dear Church Family, David and I want to thank you for the prayers, good wishes, phone calls and cards during David's illness the past couple of weeks. It meant a lot to know you all were there, and with us in prayer. He is doing well now, according to his doctor. We are hoping it is the last time he has to go through having a DVT, or blood clot! Now, to get his weight back up and his energy normal! God bless you, Deanna and David Blough Dear Methodist Prayer Warriors, Thank you for all your prayers and the cards sent with such wonderful words of encouragement. When I get a little down I reread the cards and my heart is happy. My brother Jim and I are both in treatment and trusting in your prayers and the Lord. Larry and I send you all our Very Best Wishes for a Blessed Christmas. Jean Carlson FINISHING FINANCIALLY STRONG Our 2014 General Operating Budget is $345,030.56. As of December 15th, YTD revenues received are, $316,749.81. This represents 92% of our general operating budget needs. The balance needed to meet 100% of our budget is $28,280.75. Part of this figure can be met through our Christmas Eve challenge offering for the World Service Fund. If we raise $3,000.00 an anonymous donor will provide a matching $3,000.00! This will leave a balance of $22,280.75 needed before December 31st to fully fund our budget. All this may seem a daunting task but we have seen God’s people generously meet such goals before. Please review your year-to-date giving. If you are upto-date, thank you. If you can go beyond your 2014 planned giving estimate, thank you! If you are behind, we hope you can catch up. Thank you! Together we can finish strong. IMPACT 2015 If you have submitted your Impact 2015 Pledge, thank you. If you have not had a chance to complete or submit your Impact 2015 pledge card, it is not too late. We need to hear from you as we begin the New Year. Can you prayerfully consider stepping up your giving by 10%? If you need an Impact 2015 pledge card, please contact Administrative Assistant Pat Cramer to request one. Thank you. BOOK CIRCLE NEWS The evening book circle will meet Wednesday, January 14 at 6:30 at Norma Barton’s home (201 Woodside Dr.). We’ll be discussing “Still Life” by Joy Fielding. The daytime book circle will meet Thursday, Jan. 8 at noon at Lorna Westlake’s home (1960 Dadeyville Rd.) The book to be read is Hamburgers & Hot Dogs about adult illiteracy, author Rob Schindler. Kathy Housel can connect you with a copy of the book (5769425). Both circles welcome you to join them!! OUR BEAUTIFUL ORGAN IS READY!! Chesapeake Organ Company has just been completed work on our completely refurbished organ. All components are in excellent working order (including the chimes), and there are even three more ranks added, providing a beautiful enhancement to our organ. (A rank is a complete set of pipes, with each pipe providing the pitches for each key on the keyboard.) We’re certainly blessed to have this project fully funded. As the organ “settles in” to its new surroundings, our organist, Sherry Martin, will be getting to know its capabilities. Very preliminary plans are being discussed to have a special organ concert sometime in the new year to celebrate this tremendous accomplishment. Thank you, God!! CHRISTMAS GREETING! Rev. Pat Christ and her husband, Roger, were members here at JUMC when she received her call to the ministry. A note of gratitude from them follows: Hello Friends! As these holidays have approached, we have been thinking of all the people who have journeyed with us over the years. You all hold a special place in these memories. You, though some of you cannot place us and we won't know your faces, still are our home church. You loved us, grew us, cared for us and let us care for you. You prayed us out into God's calling and supported us through seminary. You are always a part of the "team" and we offer God thanks for your presence in our lives. May Christmas renew the Light in your hearts! In Christian love, Roger and Pat Christ 177 N Firestone Blvd., Akron OH 44301 FROM THE MANNA FOOD PANTRY Greetings to all the churches! We had a successful Thanksgiving giveaway and now our needs are going away from holiday food (stuffing, turkeys, sweet potatoes, etc.) and back to the usual items. We need spaghetti, boxed dinners, dried beans, and bars of soap. These items would be greatly appreciated. Hope everybody has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Lorna Westlake Manna Food Pantry SCHEDULE FOR PREPARING FOR CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP From Mary Howe, Our Peace With Justice Rep Please help us prepare for this wonderful celebration. The Children’s Choir should be in the Angel’s Wing at the church at 6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve to practice. They’ll be able to sit with their parents for the service. Kinderchoir should be at the church at 6 p.m. They’ll also meet in the Angel’s Wing. (During the worship service they will sit together as a choir.) In all the frenzy of this Christmas season, I hope you each will be able to take time to sit and contemplate Jesus and what He means to each of us— how He spoke of and showed us the way to peace—only through justice for all of us, regardless of our place of birth, situation in life, position in the community, etc. Mary Howe POINSETTIAS Thanks to those who ordered poinsettias. Please be sure to pick them up following the 9:00 p.m. Candlelight Christmas Eve service or as soon as possible after that. 2015 FLOWER CALENDAR IS NOW POSTED In the hallway outside the offices. Just write your name down for the Sunday you’d like to provide flowers. It’s your responsibility to order/provide the flowers. The church office will call you that week to ask how you’d like it noted in the bulletin. UMW & SPIDERWEB JOIN TO CATER DINNER FOR ASHTABULA COUNTY RUNNERS’ CLUB Saturday, January 10 at 6 p.m. We’ve done this for several years, with great success, and we’re ready to step up again this year! If you can help set up Friday night, January 9, help with the cooking, serving & cleanup Saturday and/or bake a pie or two, please sign up on today’s Church Life Servant Sheet THANKS FOR HELPING CHANGE THE WORLD!! Once again, God has blessed our efforts to lift others in our community, our nation and the world IN HIS NAME! Through our Craft Sale/Soup Luncheon, Silent Auction, store, and just the generosity of people, we’ll be blessing the mission efforts of Orphan Relief and Rescue/Matthew Cramer in Liberia, CCO/Kelly Cooke at the University of Pittsburgh, Spiderweb and the H2O Mission Team. Look for updates in future newsletters about how this offering is changing lives! Events, Groups & Classes in January Sundays 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship Service Sanctuary Sundays 9:30 a.m. Sunday Hospitality Wesley Hall (gym) Sundays 9:50 a.m. Sunday School for all Throughout the church Sundays 11:00 a.m. ENCOUNTER Contemporary Worship Sanctuary Sundays 11:20 a.m. SPARK! Worship for children Angel’s Wing Sundays (beginning January 18) 2-4:30 p.m. Confirmation classs Youth Room Tues. & Thurs. 5:00 p.m. Strong Women Weights Class Angel’s Wing Wednesdays 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. Prayer Time Prayer Room Wednesdays 1-3 p.m. Mary-Martha Circle Disciples Room Wednesdays 3:30-5:15 p.m. Adventure Club Education Wing Wednesdays 6:30 – 8 p.m. Infuse – Teen Youth Group Youth Room Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir Sanctuary Saturdays 7:15 a.m. Men’s Breakfast Group Mugs Restaurant Sunday, Jan. 4 12:15 p.m. Infuse Leadership Team meets Youth room Tues., Jan. 6 & 20 4-6:00 Christian Café Wesley Hall Thurs, Jan 8 12:30 p.m. Lydia Daytime Book Circle Lorna Westlake’s home (1960 Dadeyville Rd.) Sat., Jan. 10 3:30-6:30 REAL8 Movie Day meet at the church Sun., Jan. 11 10:00 a.m. Confirmation Information meting Sanctuary Tues., Jan 13 noon Table Talk Angel’s Wing Wed., Jan 14 noon Women’s Evening Book Circle Norma Barton’s home Thurs., Jan. 15 7:00 p.m. Memory Loss Support Group Parlor Sun., Jan. 20 2-11 p.m. Teens go to Peek ‘n Peak meet at church at 2 p.m. Thurs.,Jan. 22 noon R&R Luncheon Angels’ Wing Tues., Jan. 6 Mon, Jan. 12 Tues, Jan. 20 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Boards & Committees Missions Committee Administrative Board Trustees CONFIRMATION BEGINS JANUARY 18TH: Angel’s Wing Angel’s Wing Parlor Confirmation is a journey through which youth are invited to examine the Christian faith into which they were baptized and, if they choose, to confirm, to claim, to own the Christian faith for themselves and become Professing Members in the local church and the United Methodist Church worldwide. The confirmation journey will begin on Sunday January 18th and continue to meet through May 6th. Sunday gatherings will be from 2 to 4:30p.m. In addition to Sunday gatherings, Confirmands will attend a Confirmation Weekend at Camp Asbury on February 6th – 8th. This weekend experience will host Confirmands from around our East Ohio Conference. Each Confirmand will choose an adult mentor with whom they we will meet each week. Mentors will walk alongside youth as an example of Christian discipleship, offering emotional support and opportunities to discuss the Christian faith. Youth completing the confirmation journey and desiring to become Professing Members will be confirmed and welcomed as Professing Members on Pentecost Sunday, May 24, 2015. A confirmation informational meeting will be held in the Sanctuary on January 11 th, @ 10am. Additional information will be provided as well as an opportunity for questions and answers. The Prayer Closet “Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, Just as in fact you are doing.” From Paul I Thessalonians 5:11 Those in our church family: Johnathan Hodgkinson Mary Howe Bill Greenlee Julie Smith Lisa Brail Carole Wright Delores Moore Cody Ulrich Friends & Family: Julie Doll, Judi Huggins’ sister Virginia Gamble and Debbie (lifted by Heather Whetsell) Mark Reagan (lifted by Loretta Colby) Doug Stiles (lifted by Barbara Gildersleeve & Mike Fenton) George Piper (lifted by Deanna Blough) Jean Hubard (lifted by Joe & Dee Miller) John & Esther Miller, (Joe & Dee Miller’s brother and sister-in-law Dale Weir, Marilyn Weir’s son John & Esther Miller – Joe Miller’s brother Jean Hubard –(lifted by Dee Miller) Ealline Blair (lifted by Pat Cramer) Ella Lester (lifted by Jan Burgoon) Jennell & Glenn III Jackson and their unborn child, (lifted by Glenn & Danielle Jackson) Susan Hewitt (lifted by Heather Whetsell) Michael Parish (lifted by Marty Cephas) PICK UP YOUR NEXT ISSUE OF THE UPPER ROOM THIS SUNDAY!! Copies of the January & February Upper Room are available at both ends of the sanctuary, as well as the lobby area off Wesley Hall (the gym). (We will continue to mail out issues to those in college, the military and shutins. If you know someone who would appreciate receiving it, just call the church office.) Those who are mourning: The family of Ardith DeBow following her death The family of Della Smith following her death The family of John Z following his death (lifted by Lisa Ebersole) The family of Brenda K. Mizer Mahoney following her death (Tim & Sue Mizer’s niece) The family of Edward Amato following his death (Fred & Joy Ebersole’s brother-in-law) Those who are experiencing special times in their lives: Adrienne Bowers, granddaughter of Neil and Meredith Coleman, who recently graduated from basic training in the Navy and is not going to school for Nuclear Engineering at Goose Creek, SC Pastor Quincy Wheeler, who recently shared he is in a dating relationship with a young Christian woman, Audrey Pastor Dan and Gigi, as their daughter, Liz, will marry Nathan Hadley on January 1 REMEMBER OUR SHUTINS Please remember our nursing home residents and shutins by visiting, phoning or sending a card. If you know of anyone who is not on this list, please contact Barb Heath, our Senior Coordinator. Vera Brenneman and Ruby Hruska-Williams, reside at Jefferson Healthcare Center, 222 E. Beech St., Jefferson, OH 44047 Ph: 576-0060. Robert Janson and Ardith DeBow reside at the Ashtabula County Nursing Home. Kingsville, OH 44048. Ph: 1-224-2161. Eleanor Ferguson resides at Country Club Estates, 925 E. 26th Street, Ashtabula, OH 44004 Mary Russell resides at Silver Sands Shared Residence 3418 Lake Ave., Ashtabula, OH 44004 Ph 992-9773 Thelma Hoffman (536-3018) resides at Saybrook Landing, 2300 Center Rd., Ashtabula, OH 44004 SHARING THE MINISTRY IN January 2015 8:30 Service 11:00 Service Acolyte Jan. 4 11 18 25 Samuel Housel Dylan Sheldon Suzie Hall Bodey Beckwith Jan. 4 Greeters (8:30) Encounter Hospitality (11:00) Sheldon Family, Doreen Paul & Bonnie Kennedy Cole, Dave Flaum Café Hospitality (8:30) Barb Johns Tyler Buemi Lizzie Daly Josh Furman Steven Graham Café Hospitality (11:00) Jan. 4 The Steve Miller Family 11 Regina Burk 18 Marty Cephas 25 Debbie Bumgarner Ushers (8:30) Bill Painter, Bruce Chapman (11:00) Judi Huggins, Jim Watson Jan. Jan. Jan. 4 11 18 25 Liturgist (8:30) Ron Ensell Tom Avsec Hannah Gage Nancy Williams Nursery (11:00) Phil Spencer Courtney Leininger Nita Mountjoy Pam Gran 4 11 18 25 Techs Will & Cody Ulrich Neil Coleman & Rob Ebersole Cody Ulrich & Dan Claypool Kevin Burke Will Ulrich & Tom Avsec Rob Ebersole & Neil Coleman Cody Ulrich, Dan Claypool Neil Coleman, Buzz Sly Friday Afternoon office helpers SPARK! Helpers (11:00) 2 Sue Mizer Jan. 4 Gigi Bilkert 9 Leeanne Fasuk 11 Michael Brail 16 Madge Lehnert 18 Katy Profeta 23 Norma Barton 25 Nita Mountjoy COME TO OUR SECOND SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON JANUARY 12!! Right after the 11:00 worship service. Come share a meal and conversation! Get to know new people, share old friendships. Open to everyone in our church family, this is just a chance to relax a bit and have a good time. Bring a side dish or dessert – Martha Lamson and her team will be providing chili and cornbread! Beverages and place settings will be provided. Here’s a list of folks who have birthdays in January: (If you'd like your birthday listed, just call the church office.) Jan. 1 Kendra Rodgers 1 Michael Nelson 2 Jim Nizen 3 Dexter Norris 4 James Cramer JoAnn Jackson 5 Amanda Amsdell 8 Sue Murphy Daniel Miller Joel Nelson 9 Terra Writz 10Ruby Hruska-Williams Robert Munz 11Matthew Wagner 13Sheri Busch 14Rainey Fleming 15Ann Marrison 17Jeremy Stiles 18Betty Martin 20 Linc Jerome Mary Spencer Amelia Hodgkinson 21Nicholas Bishop 23George Smith 24Lynn Hawkins 26Dave Litwiler 27Anne Hobson 28Dan Loomis Laurie Locy Betty Johns Scott Bumgarner 31Caitlynn Leary Marty Cephas FROM FROM KELLY COOKE, in mission to students at the University of Pittsburgh Thanks so much for your support of this ministry to college athletes at the University of Pittsburgh. We deeply appreciate your partnership in this work. Students are growing as followers of Christ. They are taking up Jesus’ call to “Come, follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people. This past month in Panther Fellowship we’ve been exploring what it means to follow Christ. It has been exciting to see students grow in their faith as they learn how to follow. Recently, I asked some students about their experience this semester. “What have you been learning this semester about following Jesus? T (Gymnastics): “I’ve been learning how to glorify God through ALL aspects of my life.” H (Track): “I’ve been learning more in depth what it means to be God’s child. I’ve always known this, but now I am actually exploring what that means.” A (Volleyball): “I’ve learned that my relationship with Christ should be at the center of my life and everything I do.” A (Tennis): “I’ve been learning that I don’t follow Christ alone. There are others supporting me and reminding me to put my faith in Christ.” Please continue to pray for T, H, A and A (and other student athletes) as they grow in the knowledge and love of Christ. Dear Friends of Jefferson UMC Thank you all so much for you continued love and support for my family and our work in Liberia. The Ebola crisis forced our evacuation from Liberia in August. Through the last few months our Liberian staff have managed to keep our projects running and have kept all of the children we work with healthy and safe. As we turn our eyes to the future I will be returning to Liberia early in January to continue my work with Orphan Relief and Rescue. It is estimated that 4,000 children have been orphaned by the Ebola outbreak and Orphan Relief and Rescue is putting together another safe home where these children can come and be cared for until long term arrangements can be made. Our organization is needed now more than ever as we tend to the most vulnerable children in orphanages and support the government of Liberia in their efforts to protect children. I will be returning in late February to bring the rest of my family to Liberia. While I am home we will host a dinner at the church so that you can all be updated on Orphan Relief and Rescue’s work. Peace and joy to you this Christmas, Matthew Cramer
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