GLOW 2014 Inside this issue: 80 and Over 3 Contact the Council 3 Christmas Worship 5 Sunday School 6-7 Ruth’s Pantry 7 Council Highlights 8 Notes from Becky 9 Dear Friends in Christ, Few comments create as much conflict in families as, “Aren’t you ready, yet?” Especially if you’re waiting for the one who announced 15 minutes earlier, “It’s about time we got ready to go.” Waiting is hard enough when you know what you’re waiting for—a spouse, a promotion at work, a traffic jam to start moving, a political dynasty to come to an end. It’s harder when you don’t know what you’re waiting for, but you have to wait for it anyway. But that is, I suggest, the proper exercise of the traditional Advent season. Advent begins on November 30 this year. These four Sundays of Advent begin a new year in the Christian church calendar. Advent ends with Christmas, itself. Symbolically, it represents the thousand-year wait of the Hebrew people for their long-promised Messiah. They were waiting for the wrong thing, unfortunately. They were looking for Superman. Perhaps not in blue tights with a big red letter on his chest, but still a Superman who could drive the hated Romans out of their lands. The Jews were supposed to be God’s chosen people, the nation who set an example for all other nations. But what kind of example constantly gets stomped on by the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Macedonians, and now the Romans? The Hebrew people certainly weren’t looking for a helpless, crying infant, who wasn’t even born to a properly married couple in a proper home, for heaven’s sake, but in a stable! Who had to be parked in a feed trough instead of a crib. No, that was definitely not what they were looking for. But it’s what we expect, isn’t it? We know already, because the Bible tells us so, that Advent ends with the birth of a baby we know as Jesus. He’s often invisible in the kaleidoscope of lights and decorations, the piles of gift-wrapped presents, the overloaded dinner tables, the aromatic evergreen trees, but he’s there somewhere—the baby in the manger. “Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus lays down his sweet head . . . .” We’re just as sure of how our waiting will end as the ancient Hebrews were sure that Superman was coming. I wonder if we might be equally mistaken. The whole point of the Christmas story, it seems to me, is that what you get isn’t what you were looking for. A humiliated people weren’t looking for a baby in a manger, or for an itinerant artisan from the boonies, a wizard who performed magic tricks with jugs of water and loaves of bread, or a wimp who rode into Jerusalem on a donkey instead of a mighty war-horse. They wanted him to throw out the Romans, not to offend their own religious leaders by turning the Temple into mass chaos. That act was equivalent to shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theatre. Hey, people could get hurt in the panic to escape . . . But we’re sure that each time the Wheel of Fortune rolls around, it will al- Page 2 ways stop at the same place. The winning number always offers a free trip to Bethlehem. What makes us so sure God will always do the same thing, again and again? Maybe Advent is supposed to be waiting for something unexpected. Waiting is never easy. You sit in the dark, staring, eyes wide open, unable to see anything. But you know, you just know, that something’s coming. Is it Peter Pan’s Tinker Bell? Or Maurice Sendak’s Wild Things who “roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws? Is it a bright, new day, tip-toeing toward the eastern horizon? Or is it poet W.B. Yeats’ “great beast, slouching towards Bethlehem to be born”? When we know exactly what we’re looking for, we’ll miss every other possibility. Too bad Advent lasts less than four weeks. The Jewish people spent centuries waiting for a Messiah. If we were seriously re-enacting their experience, we should spend our entire lives in an attitude of eager anticipation. For what? For mystery with a capital M. For something we can’t possibly know about in advance. For something that we might not even recognize when it happens. But one thing’s for sure—if we don’t keep looking for it, we won’t see it. “Ever.” The whole point of Advent is to keep looking, keep waiting, and keep hoping for something that may be quite unexpected. Have a very Blessed Advent and Christmas! Yours in Christ, P. S. See you at Worship! Gifts for Our Members 80 and Older — On Sunday, December 7, at both services we will be Blessing and Sending out our gifts for our senior members. We invite everyone to help us in delivering these gifts. Come and help! If in the past you have not received a gift at Christmas, please let Sheri in the church office (836-2382) know so you may be added to our list of members over 80 years of age. Men’s Breakfast Bible Study — On Monday, December 8, we will have our monthly meeting of the Men’s Bible Study at Oinks. We meet for breakfast or coffee, conversation and a time of Bible Study. We are currently studying the Book of Mark. Please join us when you can! If you have GLOW any questions, please contact Pastor Dan. Hope to see you on December 8 at 8:30 a.m.! OWLS - Older, Wiser, Lutheran, Seniors — Our OWLS group will meet on Thursday, December 11, at noon. We will gather in the dining room for a potluck meal and some Christmas carols. Come and enjoy the afternoon. Please bring a dish to pass, and remember to invite all your friends. Hope to see you on Thursday, December 11, at noon. Come and join with old friends and make some new friends. Birthday Party for Jesus — All children are invited to this year’s Birthday Party for Jesus. The party will be on Sunday, December 21, at 9:45 a.m. Come and make a craft to take home. Come and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus! Come and enjoy some birthday cake and a beverage. The party will be in the dining room. There will be Sunday School classes on December 21 and then the party! Confirmation Schedule — December 3 Coveting 10 10 C Review 17 Our Father 24 No Confirmation Christmas Break 31 No Confirmation Christmas Break January 7 Hallowed and Kingdom Come 14 Will Be Done 21 Daily Bread 28 No Confirmation Giving Tree — We invite you to help some families in our area have a happier Christmas. Please take a tag off the Christmas Tree in the hallway and return the box wrapped with the tag on it. Please have the packages under the tree after worship on December 21. Share your Christmas Spirit with families who are in need. Thanks! Thank You to Joanie Johnson — We thank Joanie Johnson for teaching for many, many years. Her time of teaching did not receive the proper thank you. We will be adding her name to the plaque hanging outside the Nancy Collins Room. We are also looking for others who have not had their names included on the plaque who have taught fifteen years or more. Please let Pastor Dan or Kate Christianson know about these oversights. Thank you to Joanie Johnson for all your years of spreading God’s Word to our young people! Page 3 GLOW 80 and Over December 30 Ardis Peterson 2850 E. Shady Lane Neenah WI 54956 Acolytes — December 2014 7 14 21 28 8:15 Lora Korth Ashley Wisnefske Carter Danke Abby McNamee Contact the Council Key Contacts 10:30 Cooper Jenkins Madelyn Schleicher Seth Schnell Noah Bramer Kate Christianson, President 379-4937 [email protected] Pete Uvaas, Vice President 470-1714 [email protected] Karen Bramer, Secretary 707-1537 [email protected] Jean Thyssen, Treasurer 836-3183 [email protected] Linda Breaker 859-0032 [email protected] Eugene Doell 734-9662 [email protected] Paula Nyback 836-1950 [email protected] Pastor Dan L. Luett 594-2015 [email protected] Other If you or someone you know is or will be 80 or over, please call the church office so we may include him or her on the birthday list. Sheri, Church Secretary 836-2382 [email protected] Becky Luett, AIM 594-2016 [email protected] Building & Grounds, Rob Nelson 470-2574 (Chairperson) Alissa Olson, Financial Clerk 836-2382 [email protected] Ruth’s Pantry 475-9639 [email protected] 15 9:00-11:30 Ruth’s Pantry 10:00 The Story 4:30-7:30 Ruth’s Pantry 5:00-9:00 G.L.O.W. Bugs Program 22 9:00-11:30 Ruth’s Pantry 10:00 The Story 4:30-7:30 Ruth’s Pantry 29 9:00-11:30 Ruth’s Pantry 4:30-7:30 Ruth’s Pantry 14 Team 4 8:15 Traditional Worship 9:20 Education Hour 9:30 Adult Forum 10:30 King’s Kids Message 21 Team 5 8:15 Joyful Noise Message 9:20 Education Hour 9:30 Adult Forum 10:30 Joyful Noise Message 2:00 Fact or Fiction 28 Team 1 9:00 Worship Service 30 8:00 a.m. Weigh-In Group 23 8:00 a.m. Weigh-In Group 4:30 Hand Bell Choir 6:00 The Story 16 8:00 a.m. Weigh-In Group 4:30 Hand Bell Choir 6:00 The Story 9 8:00 a.m. Weigh-In Group 4:30 Hand Bell Choir 6:00 The Story 6:30 Lioness in the Choir Room 2 8:00 a.m. Weigh-In Group 4:30 Hand Bell Choir 6:00 The Story 1 8:30 Men’s Bible Study at Oinks 9:00-11:30 Ruth’s Pantry 10:00 The Story 4:30-7:30 Ruth’s Pantry 6:00 Building & Grounds 8 9:00-11:30 Ruth’s Pantry 10:00 The Story 4:30-7:30 Ruth’s Pantry 6:00 8:00 Crafts Small Group 8:00-9:00 Conversations in Scripture Tue Mon 7 Team 3 8:15 Traditional Worship 9:20 Education Hour 9:30 Adult Forum 10:30 Rejoice Worship 2:00 It’s A Wonderful Life Sun 31 No Worship Service 24 4:00 Family Worship with Communion, Candlelight, Carols, and Choirs 7:00 Worship with Communion, Candlelight, Carols, and Choirs 9:00 Worship with Communion, Candlelight, Carols, and Choirs 17 11:45 Conversations in Scripture 6:30 Worship Service 7:00 Confirmation 7:15 Christmas Choir 10 9:30 Mary/Rebekah at Henrietta 11:45 Conversations in Scripture 1:00 Martha/Naomi/Esther Circle 6:30 Worship Service 7:00 Confirmation 7:15 Christmas Choir 3 11:45 Conversations in Scripture 6:30 Worship Service 7:00 Confirmation 7:15 Christmas Choir Wed December 2014 25 9:00 Communion and Carols Christmas Day Worship Service 18 6:00 Meals Ministry Fact or Fiction Rehearsal 11 Noon OWLS 6:30 Cackles and Cards 6:45 Council Meeting 4 2:00 Yarn Ministry 7:00 It’s A Wonderful Life Thu 26 19 7:00 Fact or Fiction 12 5 7:00 It’s A Wonderful Life Fri 27 20 8:00 a.m. Meals Ministry — Kitchen 2:00 Fact or Fiction 7:00 Fact or Fiction 13 9:00 Cackles and Cards 6 1:00 It’s A Wonderful Life 6:00 It’s A Wonderful Life Dinner Show Sat GLOW Page 5 2014 Advent and Christmas Worship Schedule November 30 8:15 a.m. First Sunday of Advent - Traditional Worship Service 10:30 a.m. First Sunday of Advent – Blended Worship Service December 3 6:30 p.m. Advent Mid-week Service – Advent Lessons and Carols December 7 Blessing and sending of the gifts for our members 80 and above 8:15 a.m. Second Sunday of Advent - Traditional Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Second Sunday of Advent – Rejoice Worship Service December 10 6:30 p.m. Advent Mid-week Service – Advent Lessons and Carols December 14 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Third Sunday of Advent – Traditional Worship Service Third Sunday of Advent – Rejoice Worship with King’s Kids, God Gave Us Christmas December 17 6:30 p.m. Advent Mid-week Service – Advent Lessons and Carols December 21 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Fourth Sunday of Advent – Worship with Joyful Noise, On Our Way to Bethlehem Fourth Sunday of Advent – Worship with Joyful Noise, On Our Way to Bethlehem December 24 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service for Families with Children with Carols, Hand Bell Choir, Candles, Communion Traditional Christmas Eve Service with Christmas Choir and Carols, Candles, Communion Traditional Christmas Eve Service with Special Music and Carols, Candles, Communion 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. December 25 9:00 a.m. Christmas Morning Worship December 28 9:00 a.m. Lessons and Carols December 31 No Worship This year for our midweek Advent services we will be using a series of Advent Lessons and Carols. In the Advent season of hope and expectation, the whole word awaits the coming of the Savior. We will hear the words of the prophets. We will sing of God’s promises. We place our hope in God. Join us on Wednesdays at 6:30 for worship! Sunday School Christmas Messages! King’s Kids December 14, 10:30 p.m. Nursery through Grade 1 present God Gave Us Christmas Joyful Noise Sunday, December 21, 2014 8:15 and 10:30 a.m. Grades two through six present On Our Way to Bethlehem MUCH Music in December ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ December 7 at 8:15 — Christmas Choir December 14 at 8:15 — Christmas Choir December 14 at 10:30 — Kings’ Kids Christmas Message December 21 at 8:15 & 10:30 — Joyful Noise Christmas Message December 24 at 4:00 — Special Prelude Music & Hand Bell Choir December 24 at 7:00 — Christmas Choir December 24 at 9:00 p.m. — Christmas Ensemble & Special Music Page 7 GLOW Sunday School Notes The Acts of Grace Youth Here’s what to expect this month: December 7 – Angels Visit – God became human for us as the baby Jesus. December 14 – Jesus Is Born – Jesus’ birth fulfilled prophecy and showed God’s unconditional love. December 21 – Wise Men – Through the wise men, Herod learned about the Messiah’s birth. December 28 – NO SUNDAY SCHOOL (due to Christmas) Ruth’s Pantry Basket Dates: December 7 – 3rd grade December 14 – PreK/K & 4th grade December 21 – 1st grade & 5th/6th grade December 28 – congregation (no Sunday school) **Don’t forget that the King’s Kids present their Christmas message on December 14 at the 10:30 service. The Joyful Noise choir presents their Christmas message the following week, on December 21, at BOTH services. There will be a rehearsal on Saturday, December 20 from 9 – 11 a.m., in the sanctuary, for ALL of the Joyful Noise kids. Please plan on bringing your children to these very important rehearsals and presentations!! We hope to hear all of their beautiful voices sharing God’s word! Drama Troupe is presenting Fact or Fiction: The Christmas Edition. Performances will be on Friday, December 19, 7:00 p.m., Saturday, December 20, 2:00 and 7:00 p.m., and Sunday, December 21, 2:00 p.m. at the former Winchester Elementary School. For more information contact: Amy Jo Christianson 920-470-4867 or [email protected] Ruth’s Pantry Reporter November has been a very busy month for the Pantry. In November we provided 80 families with Thanksgiving dinners. Guests had their choice of turkey or ham. Then they were given everything they needed to make a complete dinner. A big thank you to everyone who sponsored a meal. We also received a couple of loads of food from the Neenah Boy Scouts and Horace Mann. These drives give us such a big variety of food that we can’t get from Feeding America. We will be having a Christmas box at church for gently used or new toys. These will go to families who have had a hard year and could use a little help for Christmas. Marian Doehling, Communications Coordinator Thank You! I would like to thank who ever is responsible for the “Random Acts of Kindness” cards that I have been finding in the Hymnals at Church. They really lift my spirits and brighten the day. I put them back in the book so others can also enjoy the thoughtful message on the back! It’s a wonderful idea. Thanks, again! — Linda Breaker Thank you to Pastor Dan and all my friends at Grace for the cards, visits, and phone calls. I appreciate all your kind words. — Lorraine Christianson Page 8 GLOW Council Highlights Secretary's Report: (posted in 2nd floor hallway) October's council meeting minutes were approved. Treasurer's Report: (posted in 2nd floor hallway) *October net income $5,582.32. Pastor Dan's Report: (full report posted in 2nd floor hallway) *Attended Committee Meetings for October. *Attended other various meetings and events. *Becky and I are teaching Lay School classes. *Book study The Story started a Tuesday evening class. *Getting ready for holiday season and events. Becky's Report: (full report posted in 2nd floor hallway) *Working with Outreach/Evangelism. *Working with Small Groups. *Spiritual Gifts Classes. *Christmas Choir to start. *Fall shopping spree raised $826.21. New Business Christmas Tree. Holiday preparations. Thanks yous. Old Business Membership Review Committee. Visioning Committee. Performance Reviews. Council Member - Paula Nyback. Open Forum Other Sunday School teachers’ recognition. Respectfully submitted, Karen Bramer Lost and Found!!! LOST unhealthy habits LOST sedentary routines LOST pounds LOST going it alone LOST purpose in life FOUND healthier lifestyle FOUND energy to do God’s work FOUND enjoying foods that satisfy FOUND encouragement of friends FOUND strength in God’s Word Coming in 2015…a new small group opportunity!!! The Daniel Plan - 40 Days to a Healthier Life The Daniel Plan’s biblical foundation uses five essential elements of health: Faith: Nurturing Your Soul Food: Enjoying God’s Abundance Fitness: Strengthening Your Body Focus: Renewing Your Mind Friends: Encouraging Each Other Do you desire a holistic approach to a healthy life, one that will strengthen and prepare you to carry out God’s purpose in your life? Individuals, families, and yes, even whole churches are finding success with The Daniel Plan on their journey to a healthier life. For additional information, visit the website at Interested? Why not invite your family, a friend, or a neighbor to join you. Contact one of the co-leaders and pray we will be Better Together in Christ. Chris Drews — Email: [email protected] — 920.205.4618 Peggy Hoks — Email: [email protected] — 920.751.8342 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 GLOW Notes from Becky Some of the most exciting things have been happening lately in my ministry, and I really wanted to share them with you! If you’ve been faithfully reading our newsletters, you know about the spiritual gifts classes I’ve been trying to get going. What you probably don’t know is why or how exciting this really can be. I’ve completed two of these classes now, with a total of ten graduates. I will continue to offer more classes, some as five-session classes (five weeks of 90-minute classes) and some allday retreats, both types which have worked well. If you weren’t in worship on November 16 to hear my sermon, ask me for a copy or give me a call, and I’ll be happy to explain to you exactly why the Bible tells us we are responsible for knowing what our talents (gifts) are and using them. That’s a big part of the why. The other half of the why is because I believe that the ministry of Grace Lutheran Church of Winchester will be many times richer and much more rewarding if it is done by people who are doing it because they feel called to do it. If each of us are doing each activity at Grace because we are gifted in this area and called to use our gifts in this area, we will be richly enhanced by the work we do, and so will all those around us. We will be working to honor our God, as well as the people who need our help. In order to get this kind of ministry set up, I need YOUR help! I need you to take the Spiritual Gifts Inventory, so I can have your gifts on my spreadsheet! I’ve heard some of you say, “I’ve done that before,” and I believe you. But your gifts may have changed. And even if they haven’t, I really need your numbers on our spreadsheet to help get this up and working. The other part is the excitement part. It’s been incredibly gratifying and exciting to see people as they start to explore what they could do with a gift they never thought about possessing before . . . . Or when they considered combining two or three gifts together to achieve a new purpose . . . . Or when they considered what could happen if they collaborated with one or two others and combined their gifts to achieve something they couldn’t have done on their own. The possibilities are endless, and so are the expressions I get to see emerge on the faces of the graduates of the Spiritual Gifts class. So help us “Light the Page 9 Fire!” Let’s use the gifts God has given us and spark some awesome ministry here at Grace. Now, especially in this season leading up to the celebration of our Lord’s birth, let us all help make the love flow from Grace! Prelude Music Wanted! Each year for our 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service, we invite any of our youth to share their “gifts’ with us during the prelude time by offering a song, vocally, instrumentally. Let’s open that up a bit and make that a family offering. Any combination of individuals or family members who would like to share Christmas music with us during the prelude time (3:30 to 4:00 p.m.), please speak to Becky by Monday, December 22, so we can put together an order for our service. This is another chance to use our talents to honor our God! 2015—Get Ready—Get Set—Get Learning! Watch the announcements and the January GLOW for new Bible Studies, Book Studies, and Small Groups that will be unfolding after the first of the year. The Small Groups Committee has been working hard to get many things ready to offer you. Hopefully, you will find something that looks just perfect for you. We hope to see many new faces in the many new offerings. So get ready, and get set, because they are coming your way! Grace Lutheran Church of Winchester 8396 Steeple Hill Drive Larsen, WI 54947 * [email protected] * 920-836-2382 Cackles and Cards We are making our Christmas cards! Please feel free to call and join us; we have a lot of fun creating masterpieces. The December class will be held in the dining room on Thursday, December 11, at 6:30 p.m. The class is also offered on Saturday, December 13, at 9:00 a.m. Come a half hour before class and make some gift tags for free! The cost of the class is $15. Please email or call Sheri (836-2382) and let her know if you plan on coming. G.L.O.W. Bug Prints Hello Grace Lutheran Church Members: Another month is behind us at G.L.O.W. Bugs, and we can’t believe how quickly the year is going. We had a busy November preparing for Thanksgiving and looking ahead to Christmas. We held our first Parent/Teacher conferences for the year. Thank you to all of the parents who came! All of the kids are doing well this year – keep up the great work! We also had our annual Pumpkin Pie and Coffee Day for both classes. We held these the week of Thanksgiving to show how thankful we are to God and everything that He gives us. When we return from Thanksgiving break, we will be full steam ahead in preparing for Christmas! G.L.O.W. Bugs Christmas Program will be held on December 15 at 6:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. Please join us if you can. We’d love to see you there! We are still accepting enrollment for this year. Pre-K Class Mon./Wed./Fri., 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. $850/year plus $25 snack fee per semester Three-Year-Old Class Tues./Thurs., 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. $600/year plus $20 snack fee per semester To reserve a spot, a non-refundable $50 deposit is required, and the deposit does apply to the tuition total. G.L.O.W. Bugs Preschool tuitions cover all of the expenses for the year, so that our students’ families do not have to participate in fundraising or donate any time in the classroom. Thank you, Grace Lutheran, for your continued support of G.L.O.W. Bugs Preschool! We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Sue Schwartzbauer (Mrs. S) and Alissa Olson (Miss Olson)
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