CALIFORNIA TELEHEALTH NETWORK 2014 ANNUAL REPORT CALIFORNIA TELEHEALTH NETWORK 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2 line The mission of the California Telehealth Network is to promote advanced information technologies and services to improve access to high quality healthcare focusing on medically underserved and rural Californians. Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs counter with the pr ty. message mission Side bar Sto Hea a p ct d, ur n- y ell r- MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT eric brown, president and ceo During the fiscal year ending June 2014, California Telehalth Network (CTN) continued to make meaningful progress towards our mission of utilizing broadband and advanced information technology to expand access to quality healthcare. CTN now provides subsidized broadband connections to over 270 clinics and hospitals all over California with an additional 300 sites filing Letters of Agency with us to receive subsidized broadband services. As a result, CTN is poised to double in size over the next twelve to eighteen months. Photo Caption Just as importantly, over the past year working closely with our California Telehealth Resource Center (CTRC), we have assisted over 400 California healthcare providers with technical and programmatic assistance. The combination of broadband and CTRC assistance enables healthcare providers to bring telemedicine specialty care and other services into communities that otherwise would not have it. Our staff is committed to ensuring that rural and urban safety net healthcare providers in California are not left behind as the transition to technology enabled healthcare delivery continues. CTN and its stakeholders understand that as healthcare delivery models continue to evolve, successful implementation of meaningful use, cloud based electronic health records and other applications all require secure, reliable and affordable broadband. We continue to advocate at the federal, state and regional levels based on our interactions with our member sites, to better inform policy makers and elected officials about the needs of safety net healthcare providers. As Covered California and Medi-Cal expansion continue now, more than ever the demand for reasonable access to physician care in rural and medically underserved communities continues to be a challenge that telehealth can help address. CTN also continued to make meaningful progress towards economic sustainability over the past year doubling non grant related revenues from $348,000 to $685,000. In the year ahead we look forward to continued partnerships with our existing telemedicine specialty care and cloud based applications partners while also forging new business relationships with healthcare plans, technology and service providers that are committed to expanding access to quality healthcare. We thank all of our participating CTN Board stakeholders, sites, funders, and partners for your continued support of our vital organization. We urge you to continue to work with us to identify and leverage new opportunities to meet the unique healthcare needs of rural and underserved Californians. Sincerely, Eric P. Brown, President & CEO California Telehealth Network 4 line 1247 # OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE HOURS Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs counter with the pr ty. resource center PROVIDED TO 2,301 RECIPIENTS The mission of the California Telehealth Resource Center is to be an objective source of information for health systems developing telehealth programs, to provide technical assistance and program support, to provide up to date information on policy, emerging trends and concerns, reimbursement, operations and other key topics and to provide leadership in the development of telehealth systems. Side bar Sto Hea a p ct d, ur n- CALIFORNIA TELEHEALTH RESOURCE CENTER kathy chorba, executive director We are pleased to contribute to the CTN annual report by providing an activity update on the continued progress of the California Telehealth Resource Center (CTRC). The role of the CTRC is to advance the utilization and integration of telehealth in California. To that end, we’ve continued our multi-faceted approach to providing technical assistance for clinics, hospitals and health systems throughout California. y ell r- Our website,, houses resources, guides, templates, toolkits, courses and videos for those wishing to conduct their own research and learn at Photo Caption their own pace. The most popular downloads are the Telehealth Reimbursement Handbook and the Program Developer Kit. Our annual statewide and regional workshops are available to those seeking best practices and tips for telehealth implementation and overcoming integration barriers. Our statewide workshop this year was attended by 85 individuals. Our regional Telehealth Implementation Workgroups are designed to facilitate planning sessions for small groups of clinics in their efforts to implement telehealth. We completed five workgroups this year, from prison, rural, urban and Native American Health - each with their own interesting and unique set of needs and challenges. Our outreach goals of increasing awareness of telemedicine and program development resources were met by attending and exhibiting at 17 conferences, and delivering invited presentations at 14 national, statewide and regional conferences. As a team, the CTRC provided 1,247 hours of technical assistance to 2,301 individuals via 516 separate events over this past year. And finally, with funding from UC Davis and the Broadband Technology Opportunity Program as well as the Blue Shield of California Foundation (BSCF), we have been able to provide on-site, hands-on telemedicine equipment, operations and implementation training for 34 safety net clinics state-wide, reaching 351 attendees. Next year we expect to reach another 30 clinics with the remainder of our BSCF grant award. This is an exciting time for telehealth as we continue to grow and adapt, exploring new ideas and innovations that enable us to deliver healthcare in a more efficient, economical and effective manner. As we learn from everyone we meet, we appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge and experience with the telehealth learning community. And finally, we look forward to our continued partnership with our colleagues at the California Telehealth Network, the infrastructure that supports all current and future telehealth technologies! Sincerely, Kathy Chorba, Executive Director California Telehealth Resource Center 6 line 760 HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs counter with the pr ty. leadership CONNECTED TO THE NETWORK Over 760 healthcare providers have access to California Telehealth Network primarily in rural and medically underserved communities. Side bar Sto Hea a p ct d, ur n- y ell r- BOARD OF DIRECTORS Co-Chairs: Tom Andriola* Vice President, Information Technology Services and Chief Information Officer University of California Office of the President Steven Henry* Senior Director, Treasury Investment Management UnitedHealthcare, West Region Carol Brown Chief of Staff, Office of President Peevey California Public Utilities Commission Photo Cap- Jeff Locketz* Partner Lurie Besikof Lapidus & Company, LLP James Foxe, M.D. F.A.A.F.P. California Medical Association Representative Sunne Wright McPeak President and CEO California Emerging Technology Fund Marta Green* Chief Deputy Director Department of Managed Health Care Michael Minear Chief Information Officer UC Davis Health System Mario Gutierrez* Executive Director Center for Connected Health Policy; CSRHA Board Delegate The National Telehealth Policy Resource Center Andie Martinez Patterson Deputy Director of Regulatory Affairs California Primary Care Association Patrick Johnston President and CEO California Association of Health Plans Pamela Lane Deputy Secretary, HIE California Health & Human Services Patrick Soon-Shiong Chairman & CEO All About Advanced Health & the Health Transformation Institute Peggy Wheeler* Vice President, Rural Health & Governance California Hospital Association Jonathan Lehrman M.D.* Medical Director & Chairman Access El Dorado (ACCEL) *indicates CTN Executive Committee Member 8 line Side bar Sto Hea Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. CTN Map of FCC Funded Member Sites table of contents For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs counter with the pr ty. a p ct d, TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 | Message from the CTN President 5 | Message from the CTRC Executive Director ur n- 7 | 2014 Board of Directors y ell 8 | CTN Member Site Map r- 10-13 | Strategic Initiatives 14-17 | Achievements Photo Caption 18-21 | Grant Awards 22-23 | Funders 24-25 | Financials 26-27 | 2014 Excellence in Telehealth Award Winners 28-29 | Top 10 Telemedicine Performers 30-35 | CTN Member Site List 36 | Share Your Story 10 line 272 TOTAL NUMBER OF FCC FUNDED Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs counter with the pr ty. our goals MEMBER SITES ON THE NETWORK CTN is the leading agency in California focusing on increasing access to healthcare through the innovative use of technology which includes telehealth, telemedicine and health information exchange. Side bar Sto Hea a p ct d, ur n- y ell STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Broadband Adoption r- Photo Caption California Telehealth Resource Center (CTRC) CTN serves as the healthcare consortium for nonprofit, public and tribal healthcare providers in California, facilitating access to FCC Rural Health Care Pilot Program and Healthcare Connect Fund broadband subsidies. In this effort, CTN has expanded its array of broadband providers to include AT&T, Charter Communications, and Time Warner Cable. During the year ahead CTN will also pursue collaboration with the California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) to expand HCF funded broadband into underserved broadband communities. CTN will continue to operate the CTRC collaborating on site outreach, technical assistance and programmatic assistance. As one of thirteen regional telehealth resource centers funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), CTRC supports telehealth adoption among all California healthcare providers. CTN and CTRC collaborate to assist healthcare providers with telehealth adoption through implementation workgroups, direct training/assistance, and the annual CTN Telehealth Summit which brings together over 300 telehealth practitioners, health plans, policy makers, and service providers. “We are witnessing changes in the regulatory environment increase that will reimbursement and also more physicians are supporting the idea behind telehealth.” - Bruce Japsen, Healthcare Contributor, Forbes 7 TELEMEDICINE SPECIALTY CARE 12 line Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs counter with the pr ty. our goals PROVIDER PARTNERS All CTN specialty care partners have experience providing services to clinics and primary care providers in rural and medically underserved communities. Side bar Sto Hea a p ct d, ur n- y ell STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Telemedicine Specialty Care Providers CTN has conducted competitive selection reviews to identify preferred partners to provide telemedicine specialty care to support CTN member site needs. These partners include: r- Photo Caption Web Based Health IT Applications and Services 1. CTN Connect Powered by Vidyo 2. Eceptionist 3. eConsult 4. MediTouch CTN Connect is a web-based, HIPAA compliant video conferencing platform provided to all CTN member site locations at no charge. It includes an online directory of all participating CTN Connect sites that can be accessed from any web-enabled device. Eceptionist is a web-based patient referral and scheduling tool solution that enables CTN member healthcare providers to schedule appointments with primary care doctors and clinical specialists from any broadband enabled device. eConsult is a web-based direct messaging system that allows PCPs and specialists to discuss patient care and obtain electronic second opinions by securely sharing patient information and images. MediTouch offers an integrated EHR/PM system that is web-based, affordable, and designed for full use on the iPad. 14 line 300 OVER 300 Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs counter with the pr ty. success LETTERS OF AGENCY SUBMITTED In addition to the over 270 sites currently being served, CTN submitted over 300 additional Letters of Agency on behalf of California healthcare providers to participate in the Healthcare Connect Fund (HCF). Side bar Sto Hea a p ct d, ur n- y ell r- MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS Broadband Adoption CTN completed the year ending June 30, 2014 with over 270 member sites receiving FCC broadband subsidies. CTN maintains interconnections with other broadband networks to a total of over 760 locations and is one of the largest statewide telehealth networks in the nation. SustainabilityPhoto Caption CTN continues to make progress towards reaching economic sustainability nearly doubling non-grant related revenue over the past year to $685K. Project U Project U was initiated to document telemedicine activity occurring on the CTN network. CTN is one of the first statewide telehealth networks to compile this information on a monthly basis and will use the information collected to better inform healthcare organizations and policy makers about emerging trends. Telehealth Summit The second annual Telehealth Summit brought together over 300 attendees from as far as Saudi Arabia to as near as Newport Beach. The summit included a plethora of sessions, including state and national policy trends, telemedicine from the community partners perspective, the CTRC’s telehealth coordinator workshop and others. Sunne Wright-McPeak, CEO, CA Emerging Technology Fund Steven Henry, Senior Director, UnitedHealthcare, West Region Eric Brown, President & CEO, CTN “We are pleased that we can be part of the CTN mission of providing advanced information technologies and services for its members in order to provide high quality healthcare focusing on medically underserved and rural Californians.” Lizerbram, - Dr. Sol Chairman co-founder of HealthFusion. 11.8% % MORTALITY RATE DROPPED and 16 line Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs counter with the pr ty. -Journal of American Medical Association success AFTER TELE-ICU IMPLEMENTATION Mortality rate dropped from 13.6% to 11.8% after tele-ICU was implemented, and length of stay in the ICU fell from 13.3 days to 9.8. Side bar Sto Hea a p ct d, ur n- y ell r- MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS CTN Telehealth Outreach CTN staff continue to spread the message of how broadband and telehealth adoption can help address existing healthcare disparities in underserved communities. Over the past year CTN and CTRC staff partnered with many organizations and participated in numerous events to advocate for telehealth and broadband adoption, including: Photo Congresswoman Maxine Waters, D-CA 43rd District Sandra Simpson, Assistant to the CEO, CTN Danielle Smith, Communications Director, CTN Affordable Care Act Preventative Healthcare Session California Community Clinic Association of San Bernardino County American Telemedicine Association Annual and Mid-Year Conferences California Emerging Technology Fund Regional Broadband Consortia Meetings Rural Regional Consortia Forum California Association of Health Plans Annual Meeting California Hospital Association Rural Health Symposium Sacramento Black Chamber’s Annual Women’s Conference California Black Health Alliance Annual Meeting California Primary Care Association Annual Meeting State of California Broadband Council Meetings California Black Health Network Policy Summit Congressional Black Caucus, Annual Legislative Conference Greater Sacramento Healthy Communities Summit Universal Service Administrative Company Quarterly Board Meetings Training and Development The California Telehealth Resource Center recently completed its second year of a four year grant cycle, funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). CTRC provided 1,247 hours of technical assistance to 2,301 recipients via 516 separate events such as telephone consultation, webinars, group meetings and conference presentations and delivered presentations at 14 national, statewide and regional conferences, including five regional telehealth implementation workgroups in California. CTRC also provided 34 on-site, hands-on telemedicine training sessions in California, reaching 351 attendees. 18 line 15% 15% MATCH FUNDING Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs counter with the pr ty. support PROVIDED BY CETF California Emerging Technology Fund is providing the 15% match funding for the $22.1 million FCC Rural Health Care Pilot Program award which pays 85% of the cost to provide broadband service to safety net healthcare providers in rural and medically underserved communities. Side bar Sto Hea a p ct d, GRANT AWARDS ur n- y ell r- California Emerging Technology Fund The California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) continues to provide match funding for the FCC Rural Health Care Pilot Program (RHCPP) broadband subsidies utilized by CTN sites. Over the past year, over $900,000 in CETF match funding was utilized. Photo Caption California Teleconnect Fund The California Teleconnect Fund provides additional RHCPP match funding in the form of a 7.5% credit on all monthly recurring RHCPP expenses. UnitedHealthcare UnitedHealthCare provided $1.5 million in grant funding completing their $5.0 million total grant commitment to CTN. UC Davis Health System UC Davis Health System provided CTN $625,000 in grant funding from the Broadband Technology Opportunity Program (BTOP) through the U.S Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration. Health Resources and Services Administration CTRC completed year two of a four year $1.3 million grant award to operate the California Telehealth Resource Center. 20 line $486,132 CTN SECURED ITS FIRST Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs counter with the pr ty. support USDA GRANT AWARD “USDA’s investments in projects like this are critical to ensuring that people who live and work in rural communities have access to specialized healthcare without having to travel long distances...,” said USDA Rural Development State Director Glenda Humiston. Side bar Sto Hea a p ct d, GRANT AWARDS ur n- y ell r- Blue Shield of California Foundation Blue Shield of California Foundation awarded the California Telehealth Network $300,000 to assist the California Telehealth Resource Center to provide on-site, hands-on telemedicine training sessions to hospitals and clinics throughout California. Photo Caption California HealthCare Foundation The California HealthCare Foundation supported participation of over 50 telemedicine coordinators and clinicians from rural and medically underserved CTN communities to attend the 2014 summit through scholarships and provided funding for inside wiring and resources to capture utilization data for a total grant award of $230,000. US Department of Agriculture The US Department of Agriculture, Rural Utility Service Grant awarded CTN a Rural Development Distance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT) grant award for $486,132 over 36 months to provide telemedicine and video conferencing equipment to five participating CTN member organizations including: Ampla Health Northeastern Rural Health Clinic Redwoods Rural Health Center Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health Southern Inyo Health Clinic 22 line 2.5 $2.5 MILLION IN GRANTS Side bar Sto Hea Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs counter with the pr ty. FOR 2013-2014 support The California Telehealth Network received grants totaling $2.5 million during the 2013-14 fiscal year. a p ct d, ur n- y ell FUNDERS thank you to our funders for your ongoing leadership, guidance and support. r- Financial Supporters Photo Caption Blue Shield of California Foundation Federal Communications Commission California Emerging Technology Fund Health Resources and Services Administration California HealthCare Foundation UnitedHealthcare California Public Utilities Commission, California Teleconnect Fund University of California Davis Health System Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration University of California Office of the President Universal Service Administrative Company Stakeholder Partners California Association of Health Plans California Rural Indian Health Board California Department of Managed Health Care California State Rural Health Agency California Health and Human Services Agency Center for Connected Health Policy California Hospital Association Corporation for Educational Network Initiatives In California (CENIC) California Medical Association California Primary Care Association Inland Empire Health Information Exchange 24 Statement of Financial Position line Side bar Sto Hea Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. Grants and Contracts Membership Dues Registration and Sponsorships - Summit Other income financials For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs counter with the pr ty. a p ct d, FINANCIALS Statement of Activities Year Ended June 30, 2014 Audited Financial Record Revenues: ur n- y ell r- Grants and Contracts $ 2,520,464 Membership Dues $ 573,569 Registration/Sponsorships - Summit $ 111,232 Other Income $ 897 $ 3,206,162 Program Services - 90% $ 3,587,912 General and Administrative - 10% $ 408,437 $ 3,996,349 Expenses: Photo Caption ““I was extremely honored to be chosen as an awardee. 26 Our success is attributed to CTN and CTRC.” - Karen Davis, MD, Clinical Services Director, Riverside Bernardino Health, Inc. 3 EXCELLENCE IN TELEHEALTH AWARD WINNERS The Excellence in Telehealth Award categories I nclude: Successful Multi-Site Integration, Technology Innovation and Board Stakeholder of the Year. Kathy Chorba, Executive Director, CTRC Jim Sorg, Ph.D, Director of Information Technology, Tarzana Treatment Centers Steven Henry, Senior Director, UnitedHealthcare Karen Davis, MD, Clinical Services Director, Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc. Eric Brown, President & CEO, CTN County San Indian line Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs coun with prop excellence in telehealth the support given to us by Side bar Sto Hea a p ct d, ur n- y ell . 2014 EXCELLENCE IN TELEHEALTH AWARDEES congratulations to the 2014 award winners for their commitment to telehealth excellence. Awards are presented each spring during the annual Telehealth Summit. Photo Caption Tarzana Treatment Centers Technology Innovation Award Tarzana Treatment Centers was awarded the Technology Innovation Award for their innovative use of CTN Connect to expand treatment to their patients in need of behavioral health and other services. Accepting the award: Jim Sorg, Ph.D., Director of Information Technology UnitedHealthcare Board Stakeholder of the Year UnitedHealthcare received the CTN Board stakeholder of the year award based on their timely and significant financial support that has allowed CTN to continue on the path to sustainability. Accepting the award: Steven Henry, Senior Director, UnitedHealthcare, West Region Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health Successful Multi-Site Integration Award Riverside San Bernardino Indian Health, Inc. received the successful multi-site integration award recognizing their ability to progress from initial introduction to telehealth to multi-site implementation in less than six months. Accepting the award: Karen Davis, MD, Clinical Services Director 28 line Side bar Sto Hea Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. top 10 sites For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs coun with prop a p ct d, ur n- y ell TOP 10 TELEMEDICINE PERFORMERS CTN is pleased to recognize the top 10 performing CTN telemedicine activity sites based on self reporting through the Project U survey from March through July 2014. Thank you to all the sites that continue to participate in the survey on a monthly basis. CTN keeps all site specific information confidential and uses the information in aggregate to better inform CTN funding agencies, elected and public policy officials about actual telemedicine trends. If you are a CTN member site, please participate in the Project U survey which can be found at: . Congratulations toPhoto theCaption Top 10 Sites! Rank Site City 1 Ampla Health Yuba City 2 Tarzana Treatment Centers, Inc. Tarzana 3 Shasta Community Health Center Redding 4 Eastern Plumas Health Care Portola 5 Ridgecrest Regional Hospital, Rural Health Clinic Ridgecrest 6 Catalina Island Medical Center Avalon 7 Modoc County Health Services Alturas 8 The Venice Family Clinic Venice 9 Barton Health South Lake Tahoe 10 Mountains Community Hospital, Rural Health Clinics Lake Arrowhead MEMBER SITES line City Chico Colusa Oliverhurst Orland Oroville Yuba City Los Angeles Los Angeles El Monte Los Angeles Lemoore Avenal South Lake Tahoe Big Bear Lake Big Sur Sacramento Canby Avalon Santa Catalina Island Los Angeles Los Angeles Long Beach Bellflower Shoshone Brawley Brawley Calexico Blythe Coachella Brawley El Centro Mecca Niland Salton City Winterhaven Oxnard Fillmore Oxnard Moorpark Oxnard Oxnard Ojai County Butte Colusa Yuba Glenn Butte Sutter Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Kings Kings El Dorado San Bernardino Monterey Sacramento Modoc Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Orange Los Angeles Inyo Imperial Imperial Imperial Riverside Riverside Imperial Imperial Riverside Imperial Imperial Imperial Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs counter with the pr ty. member sites (listed alphabetically by site name) Site Name Ampla Health Chico Medical & Pediatrics Ampla Health Colusa Medical & Dental Ampla Health Lindhurst Medical Ampla Health Orland Medical & Dental Ampla Health Oroville Medical & Dental Ampla Health Yuba City Medical Asian Pacific Health Care Venture, Inc. Asian Pacific Health Care Venture, Inc., Belmont Health Services Asian Pacific Health Care Venture, Inc., El Monte/ Rosemead Health Center Asian Pacific Health Care Venture, Inc., John Marshall Highschool Health Center Avenal Community Health Center, Aria Community Health Center - Lemoore Avenal Community Health Center, Avenal Community Health Center Barton Memorial Hospital, Barton Memorial Hospital Community Clinic Bear Valley Community Health Care District Big Sur Health Center CA Rural Indian Health Board (CRIHB) Data Center Canby Family Practice Clinic Catalina Island Medical Center Catalina Island Medical Center's West End Clinic CENIC POP Central City Community Health Center, Los Angeles Clinic Children's Dental Health Clinic Children's Dental Health Clinic, Bellflower Civic Center Clinica Sierra Vista, Death Valley Health Center Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc., Brawley Clinic Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc., Brawley Dental Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc., Calexico Clinic, Dental & WIC Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc., Clinicas de Salud Blythe Clinic Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc., Coachella Clinic Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc., Ehman Women's Center Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc., El Centro Clinic & WIC Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc., Mecca Health Clinic & Dental Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc., Niland Clinic Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc., West Shore Clinic Clinicas de Salud del Pueblo, Inc., Winterhaven Clinic Clinicas del Camino Real, Incorporated, Clinicas del Camino Real, El Rio Clinicas del Camino Real, Incorporated, Clinicas del Camino Real, Fillmore Clinicas del Camino Real, Incorporated, Clinicas del Camino Real, Maravilla Clinicas del Camino Real, Incorporated, Clinicas del Camino Real, Moorpark HC Clinicas del Camino Real, Incorporated, Clinicas del Camino Real, No. Oxnard Clinicas del Camino Real, Incorporated, Clinicas del Camino Real, Ocean View Clinicas del Camino Real, Incorporated, Clinicas del Camino Real, Ojai 30 Side bar Sto Hea a p ct d, ur n- y ell r- Site Name Clinicas del Camino Real, Incorporated, Clinicas del Camino Real, Oxnard Clinicas del Camino Real, Incorporated, Clinicas del Camino Real, Santa Paula Clinicas del Camino Real, Incorporated, Clinicas del Camino Real, Simi Valley HC Clinicas del Camino Real, Incorporated, Clinicas del Camino Real, Ventura Clinicas del Camino Real, Incorporated, Newbury Park Colusa Indian Health Clinic, Colusa Indian Community dba:Colusa Indian Health Clinic Communicare Health Centers, Davis Community Clinic Communicare Health Centers, Salud Clinic Community Health Alliance of Pasadena, CHAP - Fair Oaks Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC Arroyo Grande Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC Atascadero Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC Cambria Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC Guadalupe Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC Lompoc Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC Morro Bay I Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC Oceano Community Health Centers of the Central coast, CHC San Miguel Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC Santa Maria Dental Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC Santa Maria I Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC Santa Maria II Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC Santa Maria III Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC SLO I Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC SLO II Specialty Services Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC Templeton (Los Robles Community Medical Center) Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC, Cuyama Valley Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, CHC, San Luis Obispo Casa Street Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, Healthcare for Homeless Program Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, Nipomo Community Medical Center Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, The Doctor's Office/Fair Oaks MC Community Health Systems, Fallbrook Family Health Center Community Health Systems, Inland Empire Community Health Center Community Health Systems, Magnolia Comunity Health Center Community Health Systems, Moreno Valley Clinic Community Health Systems, University Community Health Center Consolidated Tribal Health Project, Inc. Dameron Hospital Darin M. Camarena Health Center, Inc, Oakhurst Site Darin M. Camarena Health Centers, Inc, A Street Clinic Darin M. Camarena Health Centers, Inc, Almond Darin M. Camarena Health Centers, Inc, Central Clinic Darin M. Camarena Health Centers, Inc., Chowchilla Family Practice and Dental Care Delano Regional Medical Center, Delano Women's Medical Clinic Delano Regional Medical Center, Wasco Medical Plaza East Valley Community Health Center, Inc., Central Clinic East Valley Community Health Center, Inc., Pomona Clinic East Valley Community Health Center, Inc., Villacorta School Based Clinic Eastern Plumas Health Care, Eastern Plumas Health Care Hospital Eastern Plumas Health Care, EPHC Loyalton Campus Eastern Plumas Health Care, Graeagle Eastern Plumas Health Care, Indian Valley Medical Clinic Eisner Pediatric & Family Medical Center EMQ FamiliesFirst, Sacramento Family Health Care Centers of Greater Los Angeles, Bell Gardens Family MC Family Health Care Centers of Greater Los Angeles, Hawaiian Gardens Health Center Glenn Medical Center Healdsburg District Hospital, Healdsburg District Hospital Healdsburg District Hospital, Outpatient Services - Physical Therapy Clinic Health and Life Organization, Inc, dba Sacramento Community Clinics; Sacramento Community Clinic- Assembly Court Health and Life Organization, Inc. Health and Life Organization, Inc., Sacramento Community Clinic City Oxnard Santa Paula Simi Valley Ventura Newbury Park Colusa Davis West Sacramento Pasadena Arroyo Grande Atascadero Cambria Guadalupe Lompoc Morro Bay Oceano San Miguel Santa Maria Santa Maria Santa Maria Santa Maria San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo County Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Colusa Yolo Yolo Los Angeles San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara Santa Barbara San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo Templeton Cuyama San Luis Obispo Grover Beach Nipomo Arroyo Grande Fallbrook Bloomington Riverside Moreno Valley Riverside Redwood Valley Stockton Oakhurst Madera Madera Madera Chowchilla Delano Wasco West Covina Pomona La Puente Portola Loyalton Graeagle Greenville Los Angeles Sacramento Bell Gardens Hawaiian Gardens Willows Healdsburg Cloverdale San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo San Diego San Bernardino Riverside Riverside Riverside Mendocino San Joaquin Madera Madera Madera Madera Madera Kern Kern Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Plumas Sierra Plumas Plumas Los Angeles Sacramento Los Angeles Los Angeles Glenn Sonoma Sonoma Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento MEMBER SITES line City Oakland San Jose San Jose Banning San Bernardino San Bernadino San Bernardino Mariposa Mariposa Happy Camp Orleans Yreka Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield Wasco Bakersfield Lake Isabella Hoopa Livingston Palo Alto Angels Camp Mariposa San Andreas County Alameda Santa Clara Santa Clara Riverside San Bernardino San Bernardino San Bernardino Mariposa Mariposa Siskiyou Humboldt Siskiyou Kern Kern Kern Kern Kern Kern Humboldt Merced Santa Clara Calaveras Mariposa Calaveras Sonora Georgetown Placerville Fall River Mills McCloud Fort Bragg Fort Bragg Fort Bragg Alturas Alturas Hayfork Weaverville Bieber Lake Arrowhead North Hollywood Canoga Park Valencia Sylmar Tuolumne El Dorado El Dorado Shasta Siskiyou Mendocino Mendocino Mendocino Modoc Modoc Trinity Trinity Lassen San Bernardino Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs counter with the pr ty. member sites (listed alphabetically by site name) Site Name Healthy Communities Inc, Oakland-Save a Life Wellness Center Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley, Indian Health Med/Dental Center Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley, Indian Health Wellness/Counseling Inland Behavioral and Health Services, Inc., Banning Inland Behavioral and Health Services, Inc., IBS Community Health Care Clinic Inland Behavioral and Health Services, Inc., Inland Family Community HC Inland Behavioral and Health Services, Inc., Whitney Young Family HC John C. Fremont Healthcare District, Rural Health Clinic #1 John C. Fremont Healthcare District, Rural Health Clinic II Karuk Tribal Health, Happy Camp Karuk Community Clinic Karuk Tribal Health, Orleans Health and Wellness Center Karuk Tribal Health, Yreka Karuk Tribal Health Clinic Kern County Mental Health College Ave. Kern County Mental Health Department, Oswell Kern County Mental Health Department, Stockdale Kern County Mental Health Department, West Kern Kern Medical Center, Sagebrush Plaza Kern Valley Healthcare District K'ima:w Medical Center Livingston Medical Group Lucile Packard Children's Hospital MACT Diabetic Telehealth Center MACT Health Board, Mariposa Indian Health Clinic (Medical) MACT Health Board, San Andreas Community Clinic (Medical) Maripos, Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne Health Board, Inc. (MACT Health Board), Sonora Indian Health Clinic (Medical) Marshall Medical Center, Divide Wellness Center - Georgetown Marshall Medical Center, Marshall Hospital Mayers Memorial Hospital, Mayers Mem Hosp District Clinic McCloud Healthcare Clinic, McCloud Healthcare Clinic Mendocino Coast Clinics, Inc., Sequoia Street Mendocino Coast Clinics, Inc., South Street Mendocino Coast District Hospital Modoc County Health Services Modoc Medical Center Mountain Communities Healthcare District, Hayfork Community Health Clinic Mountain Communities Healthcare District, Weaverville Mountain Valleys Health Centers, Big Valley Health Center Mountains Community Hospital Northeast Valley Health Corporation, Homeless Health Care Program Northeast Valley Health Corporation, LAC - Canoga Park Northeast Valley Health Corporation, LAC - Valencia Health Center Northeast Valley Health Corporation, Los Angeles Mission College Student HC 32 Side bar Sto Hea a p ct d, ur n- y ell r- Site Name Northeast Valley Health Corporation, Maclay HC for Children/ Middle School Northeast Valley Health Corporation, Mobile Clinic Northeast Valley Health Corporation, San Fernando Health Center Northeast Valley Health Corporation, Santa Clarita Health Center Northeast Valley Health Corporation, School-Based Clinic San Fernando High School Northeast Valley Health Corporation, Sun Valley Health Center Northeast Valley Health Corporation, Van Nuys Adult Health Center Northeast Valley Health Corporation, Van Nuys Pediatric Health and WIC Center Northeastern Rural Health Clinics, Northeastern Health Center Northeastern Rural Health Clinics, Westwood Family Practice Open Door Community Health Centers, Eureka Community Health Center Orchard Hospital Oroville Hospital Pacific Clinics, Asian Pacific Family Center Palo Verde Health Care District, Palo Verde Hospital Pediatric Group of Monterey Plumas District Hospital Redwood Memorial Hospital Redwoods Rural Health Center, Inc., Redwoods Rural Health Center Ridgecrest Regional Hospital Riverside County Regional Medical Center Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc., Anza Clinic Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc., Barstow CHR Office Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc., Morongo Clinic Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc., Palm Springs Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc., Pechanga Clinic Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc., San Manuel Clinic Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc., Soboba Clinic Riverside San Bernardino County Indian Health, Inc., Torres Martinez Clinic Sacramento Native American Health Center, Inc. Salud Para La Gente, Inc., Beach Flats Health Center Salud Para La Gente, Inc., Clinica del Valle del Pajaro Salud Para La Gente, Inc., Green Valley Clinic Salud Para La Gente, Inc., Main Clinic San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium, Glide Health Clinic San Joaquin County Health Care Services Agency, Adult, Crisis and PHF San Joaquin County Health Care Services Agency, HCS/BHS Adult, Crisis and PHF San Joaquin County Health Care Services Agency, HCS/CHC Honor Farm San Joaquin County Health Care Services Agency, HCS/CHC Juvenile Justice San Joaquin County Health Care Services Agency, HCS/PHS Lodi Health Center San Joaquin County Health Care Services Agency, HCS/PHS Manteca Health Center San Joaquin County Health Care Services Agency, HCS/PHS Stockton Health Center San Joaquin County Health Care Services Agency, HCS/PHS Tracy Health Center San Joaquin County Health Care Services Agency, La Familia/Black Awareness/Multicultural San Joaquin County Health Care Services Agency, Older Adult Services Clinic San Joaquin County Health Care Services Agency, San Joaquin General Hospital San Joaquin County Health Care Services Agency, Tracy Clinic San Joaquin County Health Care Services Agency, Transcultural/SE Asian Clinic Santa Ynez Tribal Health Clinic Seneca Healthcare District Seneca Healthcare District, Lake Almanor Clinic Share Our Selves, Free Medical Clinic Shasta Community Health Center, Shasta Community Health Center-Main Clinic City Pacoima San Fernando San Fernando Santa Clarita San Fernando Sun Valley Van Nuys Van Nuys Susanville Westwood Eureka Gridley Oroville Pasadena Blythe Monterey Quincy Fortuna Redway Ridgecrest Moreno Valley Anza Barstow Banning Palm Springs Temecula Grand Terrace San Jacinto Thermal Sacramento Santa Cruz Watsonville Freedom Watsonville San Francisco Stockton Lodi French Camp French Camp Lodi Manteca Stockton Tracy County Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Lassen Lassen Humboldt Butte Butte Los Angeles Riverside Monterey Plumas Humboldt Humboldt Kern Riverside Riverside San Bernardino Riverside Riverside Riverside San Bernardino Riverside Riverside Sacramento Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Solano Santa Cruz San Francisco San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin Stockton Stockton French Camp Tracy Stockton Santa Ynez Chester Chester Costa Mesa Redding San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin San Joaquin Santa Barbara Plumas Plumas Orange Shasta MEMBER SITES line City Redding Placerville Nevada City Oregon House Yreka Eureka Cloverdale Santa Rosa Point Arena Sonoma Garberville Lone Pine Lone Pine Mammoth Lakes Mad River Los Angeles Compton Compton Los Angeles County Shasta El Dorado Nevada Nevada Siskiyou Humboldt Sonoma Sonoma Mendocino Sonoma Humboldt Inyo Inyo Mono Trinity Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles E. Rancho Dominquez Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Loleta Willow Creek Alturas Alturas Cedarville Truckee Northridge Tarzana Tarzana Tehachapi Mojave California City Santa Monica Culver City Culver City Santa Monica Venice Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Humboldt Humboldt Modoc Modoc Modoc Nevada Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Kern Kern Kern Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Sidebars complem main article. Use t when you want to your main articles and information pa but you still want t share extra or sup mentary content. For example, if yo main story is abou new building plans sider using the sid to talk about the h of the land plot, or a story of your firs counter with the pr ty. member sites (listed alphabetically by site name) Site Name Shasta Community Health Center, Shasta Community Health Dental Center Shingle Springs Tribal Health Program, Placerville Sierra Family Medical Clinic, Inc. Sierra Family Medical Clinic, Sierra Family Medical Clinic at Oregon House Siskiyou Hospital Inc. dba Fairchild Medical Center Six Rivers Planned Parenthood - Eureka Sonoma County Indian Health Project, Inc., Cloverdale Dental Clinic Sonoma County Indian Health Project, Inc., Medical Clinic Sonoma County Indian Health Project, Inc., Point Arena Clinic Sonoma Valley Health Care District, Sonoma Valley Hospital Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District Southern Inyo Healthcare District, Southern Inyo Hospital Southern Inyo Healthcare District, Southern Inyo Rural Health Clinic Southern Mono Healthcare District dba Mammoth Hospital, Sierra Park Clinics Southern Trinity Health Services St. John's Well Child and Family Center, Alameda Data Center St. John's Well Child and Family Center, Compton Community Health Center St. John's Well Child and Family Center, Dominguez High School Clinic St. John's Well Child and Family Center, Dr. Louis Frayser Community Clinic St. John's Well Child and Family Center, East Compton Community HC, Casa Dominguez St. John's Well Child and Family Center, Hyde Park Clinic St. John's Well Child and Family Center, Lincoln Heights Clinic St. John's Well Child and Family Center, Magnolia Place Clinic St. John's Well Child and Family Center, Manual Arts HS Clinic St. John's Well Child and Family Center, S. Mark Taper Foundation HC St. John's Well Child and Family Center, Washington Prep Wellness Center St. Joseph Hospital, Loleta Community Resource St. Joseph Hospital, Willow Creek Community Resource Steven's Parkview Healthcare Strong Family Health Center Surprise Valley Health Care District, Surprise Valley Community Hospital Tahoe Forest Hospital District Tarzana Treatment Center, Family Medical Clinic Tarzana Treatment Center, Tarzana Treatment Center - 907 West Lancaster Tarzana Treatment Center, Tarzana Treatment Center-18646 Oxnard Tehachapi Valley Healthcare District, Hospital & Clinic Tehachapi Valley Healthcare District, Tehachapi Family Health Center - Mojave Tehachapi Valley Healthcare District, Tehachapi Family Health Center CA HC The Venice Family Clinic, Burke Health Center The Venice Family Clinic, Culver City Youth Health Center The Venice Family Clinic, Irma Colen Health Center The Venice Family Clinic, OPCC Annenberg Access The Venice Family Clinic, Robert Levine Family Health Center 34 Side bar Sto Hea a p ct d, ur n- y ell r- Site Name The Venice Family Clinic, Santa Monica High School Clinic The Venice Family Clinic, Venice Family Clinic Toiyabe Indian Health Project, Inc., Bishop Clinic Toiyabe Indian Health Project, Inc., Lone Pine Clinic Tulare Community Health Clinic, Main Clinic Tule River Indian Health Center United Health Centers of the San Joaquin Valley, United Health Centers (Corcoran) United Health Centers of the San Joaquin Valley, United Health Centers (Orange Cove) United Health Centers of the San Joaquin Valley, United Health Centers (Parlier) United Health Centers of the San Joaquin Valley, United Health Centers (Sanger) United Health Centers of the San Joaquin Valley-Earlimart Health Center United Health Centers of the San Joaquin Valley-Huron Health Center United Health Centers of the San Joaquin Valley-Kerman Health Center United Health Centers of the San Joaquin Valley-Mendota Health Center Ventura County Behavioral Health Ventura County Health Care Agency, Conejo Valley Medical Group Ventura County Health Care Agency, Employee Health Services Ventura County Health Care Agency, Family Medicine Residency Ventura County Health Care Agency, Fillmore Family Medical Group Ventura County Health Care Agency, Hillmont Mental Health Ventura County Health Care Agency, John K. Flynn Community Clinic Ventura County Health Care Agency, Las Islas, North Ventura County Health Care Agency, Las Islas, South Ventura County Health Care Agency, Las Posas Medical Group Ventura County Health Care Agency, Magnolia Family Medical Center Ventura County Health Care Agency, Mandalay Bay Women Children's Medical Group Ventura County Health Care Agency, Moorpark Family Medical Group Ventura County Health Care Agency, Neuroscience Center Ventura County Health Care Agency, Piru Clinic Ventura County Health Care Agency, Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery Ventura County Health Care Agency, Santa Paula Hospital Ventura County Health Care Agency, Santa Paula Medical Clinic Ventura County Health Care Agency, Santa Paula West Pediatric Clinic Ventura County Health Care Agency, Sierra Vista Family Medical Clinic Ventura County Health Care Agency, West Ventura Medical Clinic Vida Sana Medical Group, Inc. West County Health Centers, Inc., Occidental Area Health Center West County Health Centers, Inc., Russian River Health Center West County Health Centers, Inc., Sebastopol Community Health Center Abbreviation key: HC - Health Center MC - Medical Center City Santa Monica Venice Bishop Lone Pine Tulare Porterville Corcoran Orange Cove Parlier Sanger Earlimart Huron Kerman Mendota Oxnard Thousand Oaks Simi Valley Ventura Fillmore Ventura Oxnard Oxnard Oxnard Camarillo Oxnard Oxnard Moorpark Ventura Piru Ventura Santa Paula Santa Paula Santa Paula Simi Valley Ventura Lindsay Occidental Guerneville Sebastopol View an interactive map of CTN sites online at: County Los Angeles Los Angeles Inyo Inyo Tulare Tulare Kings Fresno Fresno Fresno Tulare Tulare Fresno Fresno Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Tulare Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma STORY Do you have an inspirational story about the impact of telehealth in your life or the lives of others? If so, we would love to hear from you! CTN has taken on the task of sharing with policy makers and others how telehealth is benefiting the delivery of healthcare to underserved and vulnerable patient populations – you can help by sharing your stories and successes around the impact of telehealth in healthcare. When you share your story you: Advocate for telehealth legislation Inform elected officials about the benefits of telehealth Raise awareness around telehealth Let others know about telehealth success There is also an opportunity to have your story featured in video format during the 2015 Telehealth Summit. Each story shared is impactful in its own way. Please take a few moments to complete the brief submission form online at: We look forward to hearing from you and sharing your story. Sidebar Story Headline Sidebars complement a main article. Use them when you want to keep your main articles direct and information packed, but you still want to share extra or supplementary content. For example, if your main story is about your new building plans, consider using the sidebar to talk about the history of share your story SHARE YOUR 36 California Telehealth Network 2001 P Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95811 855-385-5082
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