BOARD MEETING AGENDAS AGENDA BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2014, AT 9:00 A.M. LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1800 E. WARDLOW ROAD LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Public Comment: GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS CONCERNING NON-AGENDA ITEMS AND OTHER ITEMS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE BOARD. EACH PERSON WILL BE ALLOWED FIVE MINUTES UNLESS EXTENDED BY THE BOARD. 3. Approval of Minutes – November 20, 2014 and December 4, 2014 4. Review Board Meeting Schedule for January 2015 Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners 5. President’s Report Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners 6. General Manager’s Report Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 7. Consent Calendar: a. Approval of Transfer of Funds by Journal Entry Dated December 18, 2014 b. Adopt Specifications WD-27-14 for the Large Potable Water Valve Replacement Projects – 2014, Willow Street and Adriatic Avenue, Loma Avenue and 8th Street (EO-3258) and authorize the General Manager to sign a construction contract with Stephen Doreck Equipment Rentals, Inc., in the amount of $965,165.00 8. Adopt Resolution No. WD-1335 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a purchase agreement with Silsbee Ford, under the purchase conditions specified in the existing HGACBuy Cooperative Purchasing Agreement, for the purchase of three (3) F-250 pickup trucks, in an amount not to exceed $89,016.00 Tai Tseng, Director of Operations 9. Adopt Resolution No. WD-1336 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a purchase agreement with Chastang Ford, under the purchase conditions specified in the existing HGACBuy Cooperative Purchasing Agreement, for the purchase of one (1) 2015 Ford F-450 Truck With a 2/3 Yard Dump Bed Installed for an amount not to exceed $44,978.00 Tai Tseng, Director of Operations December 18, 2014 Page 2 10. Report of the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Board Meeting on December 9, 2014 11. Legislative/Public Affairs Issues Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 12. New Business 13. CLOSED SESSION: The possibility of initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 (one matter) 14. Adjournment to the next Special Meeting, Friday, January 9, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. in the Board Room at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA. Written materials relating to any item on the Commission's agenda which are submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection at the Water Department Administration Offices located at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA 90807. December 18, 2014 Page 3 If language interpretation for non-English speaking persons is desired or if a special accommodation is desired pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Charter Commission meeting. Kung ang pasalitang pagsasalin-wika para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles ay hinahangad o kung ang isang natatanging kaluwagan ay hinahangad alinsunod sa Batas sa mga Amerikanong May Kapansanan, mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon sa Karta. Si desea una interpretación en otro idioma para las personas que no hablan inglés o si se desea una adaptación especial de acuerdo con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidad, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión de Estatutos. If language translation of the Commission agenda and minutes for non-English speaking persons is desired please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Commission meeting. Kung ang pagsasalin-wika ng adyenda at mga katitikan ng Komisyon ay hinahangad para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 pitong oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon. Si desea obtener la traducción lingüística de la agenda y las actas de la Comisión para las personas que no hablan inglés, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 20, 2014 The Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Long Beach met in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, California, on November 20, 2014. The meeting was called to order at 9:02 a.m. by President Saltzgaver. PRESENT: Harry Saltzgaver Frank Martinez Arthur Levine Robert Shannon Richard Anthony Kevin L. Wattier Sandra L. Fox B. Anatole Falagan Paul T. Fujita Matthew P. Lyons Eric Leung Monya Hawkins Robert Verceles Abelardo Rendon Jennifer Rojas Kaylee Weatherly Melissa L. Keyes Dynna Long Joyce Barkley Kyra Barboza Michael Mori Brianna Pagan Evana Gendron Sean Fitzgerald ABSENT: 1. John Allen Tai Tseng Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Deputy City Attorney General Manager Secretary to the Board of Water Commissioners Assistant General Manager Director of Finance Director, Planning & Conservation Director of Engineering Manager Information Technology Division Engineer Division Engineer Sewer Superintendent Assistant to the General Manager Administrative Analyst III/Special Projects Coordinator Office Administrator Water Conservation Specialist Conservation Intern Conservation Intern Planner II – Non-Career Business Systems Specialist V Vice President, Sales & Strategic Development – Discovery Science Foundation Commissioner (EXCUSED) Director of Operations PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Sandy Fox led the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Board of Water Commissioners November 20, 2014 Page 2 2. PUBLIC COMMENT President Saltzgaver opened the public comment period. As there were no requests to address the Board on non-agenda items, the public comment period was closed. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 6, 2014 Commissioner Levine made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 2, 2014. Commissioner Shannon seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for comments, questions and public comments. Hearing none, President Saltzgaver called for the vote. The minutes were approved unanimously. 4. REVIEW BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE FOR DECEMBER 2014 Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners The Board discussed the proposed meeting schedule for the month of December 2014. President Saltzgaver noted the possibility of a conflict on December 4, 2014 for those Board members planning to attend the ACWA Fall Conference in San Diego. Commissioner Martinez advised he would be absent from the December 4, 2014 Board meeting. Commissioner Levine advised he would be in attendance at the December 4, 2014 meeting. It was determined the meeting schedule for December would be: Thursday, December 4, 2014 – Regular Meeting Thursday, December 18, 2014 – Regular Meeting 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners President Saltzgaver noted the Aquarium of the Pacific had held an event on Friday, November 14, 2014 regarding El Niño, and had weather experts from NOAA and JPL who took part in the event. He advised that the Aquarium now has a new “Weather on the Sphere” presentation specifically regarding El Niño. He reported there was no good news regarding El Niño, and the forecast made by the NOAA weather expert was for average precipitation. President Saltzgaver reported that he and Mr. Wattier had met with Mayor Garcia and his Chief of Staff on Monday, November 17, 2014 regarding various water issues. He advised he expected the Mayor to be engaged in raising awareness regarding water matters. He also reported the Mayor was expected to take part in the Aquarium of the Pacific Water Forum on November 24, 2014. Board of Water Commissioners November 20, 2014 Page 3 Commissioner Levine complimented the Board and staff for partnering with the Aquarium of the Pacific regarding the upcoming scheduled Water Forum. 6. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager WATER SUPPLY REPORT Mr. Wattier provided a brief update on water supply conditions affecting the Long Beach Water Department. He summarized the importance of Lake Oroville to the Urban Southern California water supply. He reported on the current trends in Oroville’s storage, noting that currently it was trending to a possible historic low level, previously set in 1977. He advised the Department of Water Resources (DWR) was expected to announce their initial water allocation before Wednesday, November 26, 2014. He stressed that recent precipitation had been rainfall, with no snowfall accumulation. He reported that precipitation continued to trend at just over 50% of average for the State Water Project watershed. He advised that local precipitation to date was trending at 25% of average. Commissioner Shannon asked for greater detail on the interaction between Shasta and Oroville reservoirs. Mr. Wattier provided an overview of the infrastructure and operations that distribute supplies for both reservoirs. He reviewed operations for both the State and Federal water projects and noted they share the San Luis Reservoir. He noted the two agencies use a Coordinated Operations Agreement for the Bay Delta in order to comply with mandated regulations; which also include releases related to high tides to stem seawater intrusion in the Delta. There was a brief report made by Mr. Wattier, and general discussion regarding local reservoir levels for Pyramid Lake; Lake Castaic; Lake Matthews and Diamond Valley Lake. He noted these reservoirs do not create water supplies, but are used as vehicles for storing and moving water from the State Water Project and the Colorado River aqueduct. Mr. Wattier reviewed and provided a summary of the November 20, 2014 Los Angeles Times editorial entitled “Super Secret Water Talks”, which criticized Senator Feinstein and State Republicans on their closed door negotiations on legislation that intends to bypass endangered species regulations to provide water supplies for the California Central Valley. Board of Water Commissioners November 20, 2014 Page 4 7. CONSENT CALENDAR President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions or discussion regarding the Consent Calendar items. Commissioner Martinez made a motion to adopt the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Levine. President Saltzgaver asked if any of the bidders mentioned in Consent item 7a. were currently in litigation with the Long Beach Water Department. Mr. Leung responded no. Commissioner Shannon requested that a mechanism be put in place to advise the Board if any of the companies that bid on future projects have been in litigation, or are currently in litigation with the Long Beach Water Department. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any other questions; he then asked if there was any public comment on Consent Calendar item 7a. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 7a. Adopt Specifications WD-26-14 for the Alamitos Tank No. 12 Rehabilitation Project and authorize the General Manager to sign a Construction Contract with Blastco, Inc. in the amount of $996,938.00 A communication was presented to the Board from Eric Leung, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 8. Adopt Request for Proposal (RFP) and authorize the General Manager to execute an Agreement with the Discovery Science Center to Design and Implement a Water Educational Program for grades 4th and 5th at a cost of $111,300; for 6th grade at a cost of $50,000, totaling $161,300 for one year, with the option for two annual renewals subject to performance B. Anatole Falagan, Assistant General Manager President Saltzgaver noted this was an idea that the Board had discussed prior to Commissioner Shannon and Levine joining the Board. Mr. Falagan provided a briefing noting the following components of the Request for Proposal (RFP) – Water Education Program: 1) Long Beach Water Department (LBWD) focused education message; 2) Aligned with educational standards set for schools; 3) Goal – engage 4th, 5th and 6th grade students and families for a deeper public understanding of water, impacts of human behavior and intrinsic value of water as a resource. Mr. Falagan reported the RFP was advertised and pre-submittal questions answered; submitted proposals were reviewed (two) proposals were submitted – one nonresponsive. Discovery Science Center proposal was deemed responsive. Board of Water Commissioners November 20, 2014 Page 5 Deputy City Attorney, Richard Anthony pointed out that there was an error in the Option 1 language and it should read “…not to exceed a 5% increase of the total authorized amount for the previous year. President Saltzgaver asked Mr. Falagan to explain how this program would be funded. Mr. Falagan explained that the source of funds related to the additional funding received from MWD for turf replacement projects, which allowed LBWD to rededicate a portion of its funds for this type of needed education programs. Mr. Falagan acknowledged and thanked Melissa Keyes for her work on the entire RFP process for the project. He also acknowledged Sean Fitzgerald of Discovery Science Center who was in the audience. President Saltzgaver called for a motion. Commissioner Levine made a motion to adopt the Request for Proposal (RFP) and authorize the General Manager to execute an Agreement with the Discovery Science Center to Design and Implement a Water Educational Program for grades 4th and 5th at a cost of $111,300; for 6th grade at a cost of $50,000, totaling $161,300 for one year; and, at the General Manager’s discretion and subject to available funds, to extend for two additional years at an amount not to exceed a 5% increase of the total authorized amount for the previous year with the option for two annual renewals subject to performance. Commissioner Martinez seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for any public comment on agenda item 8. He also acknowledged Mr. Fitzgerald from Discovery Science Center and asked the Board if they had any questions for Mr. Fitzgerald. Commissioner Levine commented on the fact that the Discovery Science Center is located in Orange County and inquired how local school students would benefit. President Saltzgaver advised that this program occurs in the local class rooms. Commissioner Shannon inquired about the non-responsive bid. Mr. Falagan advised that the bid was deemed non-responsive since respondent had placed requirements on the Long Beach Water Department that were not in conformance with the RFP requirements. President Saltzgaver asked Mr. Fitzgerald if his firm had experience in providing water education programs before responding to this bid. Mr. Fitzgerald advised that his firm had extensive experience with the development of these types of programs. Board of Water Commissioners November 20, 2014 Page 6 Commissioner Shannon asked if it would be a wiser course of action to have the motion include the statement that the General Manager would bring back each extension to the Board for approval in subsequent years, thus allowing the opportunity to evaluate the program, to see how it is going, and then make the decision to continue the program at that time. President Saltzgaver asked the maker of the motion if he would accept that amendment. Commissioner Levine responded yes. Deputy City Attorney Anthony clarified the amended motion to read: Adopt Request for Proposal (RFP) and authorize the General Manager to execute an Agreement with the Discovery Science Center to design and implement a Water Educational Program for grades 4th and 5th at a cost of $111,300; for 6th grade at a cost of $50,000 totaling $161,300 for one year. The General Manager will bring back each extension to the Board for approval in subsequent years. Mr. Levine commented that he assumed the funding for this project would be covering personnel costs for administration of the program, rather than for use in creating the program that is obviously in existence at other schools. Mr. Fitzgerald confirmed that assumption. President Saltzgaver called for any additional questions or comments. Hearing none he called for the vote on the amended motion. The motion carried unanimously. 9. Consider declaration of Water Conservation and Water Supply Shortage Plan (Plan) Stage 1 Water Supply Shortage Matthew P. Lyons, Director of Planning and Conservation Mr. Lyons reviewed the previously approved Water Supply Shortage Plan; and the objectives of the plan. He summarized the conditions that support the proposed action to move to Stage 1 in the Water Supply Shortage Plan, and reviewed the additional water restrictions in the Plan. President Saltzgaver advised the Board that a copy of the original resolution related to Agenda item 9. was at their places when they arrived at the meeting. He called for a motion on Agenda item 9. before any questions or comments were to take place. Commissioner Levine made a motion to adopt a resolution declaring a Stage 1 Water Supply Shortage in accordance with Resolution WD-1331, said Resolution to be effective five (5) days after publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Long Beach. Commissioner Shannon seconded the motion. Board of Water Commissioners November 20, 2014 Page 7 President Saltzgaver asked if there was anyone from the public who had any questions or comments regarding Agenda item 9. Hearing none, he called on the Board for questions or comments. Commissioner Martinez requested an update on the status of the Central Basin Municipal Water District’s (CBMWD) request for replenishment water from the Metropolitan Water District (MWD). Mr. Wattier advised the status of the request is unknown; and it was unclear whether any progress had been made on the issue. He noted that MWD had rejected in the writing the request from CBMWD to provide replenishment water. Commissioner Martinez asked what the LBWD policy was to disseminate Water Supply Plan information to the public, and inquired if additional budget needs were identified for this issue. Mr. Lyons advised that budget funds exist to provide the necessary outreach. President Saltzgaver clarified that under a Stage 1 Water Supply Shortage the additional restrictions was going to a two day watering schedule (reduction from the current three day watering schedule) and the restriction on filling swimming pools and hot tubs. Commissioner Martinez advised the reason he had inquired about public outreach was that he thought staff had done an excellent job in disseminating the message, but he was wondering if there was a new plan in place. Mr. Falagan described the LBWD plan for public outreach. He noted that each conservation message piece provides an opportunity to reinforce the Department’s ongoing conservation message. He advised that the Department’s partnership with the Aquarium of the Pacific for the upcoming Water Forum was another way to reach out to the public. Mr. Wattier commented on opportunities, such as the upcoming State Water Project allocation announcement to create a media piece to educate the public regarding the serious nature of the water shortage crisis. Commissioner Martinez further inquired about LBWD new messaging regarding water conservation. Mr. Wattier responded that there is currently no new messaging, but that shortly the message that will be distributed will be more dire regarding the water shortage crisis. There was discussion regarding the timing of sending out the press release regarding the Stage 1 Shortage Declaration. Board of Water Commissioners November 20, 2014 Page 8 Commissioner Shannon inquired how the LBWD Stage 1 Shortage compares with Los Angeles. Mr. Wattier advised that Los Angeles is currently on a three-day watering schedule for the public; but pointed out that when Mayor Garcetti made his recent water conservation proclamation he had strongly suggested that Los Angeles City departments immediately adopt a two-day watering schedule. Commissioner Levine asked if staff had an estimate of the water savings that would be realized by declaring the Stage 1 shortage. Mr. Lyons responded the focus was to improve public awareness to urge behavioral changes that would result in water savings. He advised estimated savings would be difficult to calculate. President Saltzgaver inquired if GPCD included industrial usage. Mr. Lyons responded yes, and noted GPCD was calculated by dividing all of the water that goes into the department’s water system by the city’s population. President Saltzgaver asked for the rationale for ending the Stage 1 Shortage in March 2015. Mr. Lyons explained that there was less chance for landscapes to be stressed in the winter months by a two-day watering scheduled, than in the spring/summer months that are historically drier. President Saltzgaver asked Mr. Lyons to briefly outline what a Stage 2 declaration would entail. Mr. Lyons advised that in a Stage 2 shortage declaration that irrigating landscapes with potable water any day other than Monday or Thursday, except for very short periods of time for the expressed purpose of adjusting or repairing the irrigation system; and other prohibited uses as determined by the Board, in its discretion after notice to its customers. Commissioner Shannon inquired about Stage 3 restrictions. Mr. Lyons advised that under a Stage 3 shortage, additional restrictions or prohibitions on the use of water may be imposed by the Board at its sole discretion. President Saltzgaver called for any additional questions or comments. Hearing none he called for a Roll Call vote. A Roll Call vote was taken as follows: Board of Water Commissioners November 20, 2014 Page 9 AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: FRANK MARTINEZ; ARTHUR LEVINE ROBERT SHANNON; HARRY SALTZGAVER NONE JOHN ALLEN NONE The motion carried unanimously. 10. Follow-up discussion regarding creation of one or more Board of Water Commissioner standing committees Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners. Deputy City Attorney Anthony reviewed the draft resolution establishing the following Standing Committees: (I) A Finance Committee; (II) A Conservation Committee; (III) A Government Affairs Committee; and (IV) an Infrastructure Committee; their focus and proposed participation. President Saltzgaver summarized his objectives for the proposed standing committees, noting that they should meet only if they had a reason to meet. He recommended that the terms be for one year, and the appointments to the committees occur with the annual election of the Board officers. He mentioned proposed scheduling times for the committees to meet. Commissioner Shannon concurred with the commission responsibilities as outlined in the draft resolution and agreed that the President would make the committee assignments. He advised he did not believe that the committees should have regular meeting times. He suggested the language in the resolution should be amended as follows for each committee: (as currently outlined in Section 3, 4 and 5: The committees may review, and would be required to review all of those items that are referred to it by the full Board and that are within their jurisdiction, but also shall consider items within their jurisdiction at their discretion. He commented on the problems in setting regular meeting times for committees, which would probably lead to a lot of canceled meetings. There was additional discussion regarding setting meeting times for the standing committees. It was determined that the best course of action would be to have them called as special meetings when required, that require a 24-hour notification. There was also discussion regarding adjusting Board meeting times to accommodate the standing committee meetings. It was decided that this could be handled on an as-needed basis. Commissioner Martinez advised he was against moving the Board meetings to 10:00 A.M. as this carved too much time out of a Board member’s day. He recommended adding language to the resolution that the committees meet at least once each quarter. Board of Water Commissioners November 20, 2014 Page 10 Commissioner Shannon advised that under section 6. that subsection D. (regular meeting times) in the draft resolution would be deleted from the resolution. President Saltzgaver provided a closing summary on the committee resolution noting that language regarding meeting at least once each quarter be added to the resolution, or as directed by the President or the Committee Chair. Commissioner Shannon also noted that a committee could be required to meet by the direction of the whole Board. Mr. Anthony summarized the actions requesting committees to meet as follows: (1) Committee required to meet at the direction of the whole Board; (2) Chair of Committee schedules a meeting; and (3) As set by staff to comply with quarterly meeting requirement. President Saltzgaver directed Deputy City Attorney Anthony to prepare a revised draft resolution for consideration and action. Mr. Anthony requested clarification on committee member appointments. It was decided the President shall appoint committee members when the President takes office (which it was pointed out is usually the next meeting after the President has been elected). 11. Report of the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Board Meeting on November 18, 2014 Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Mr. Wattier advised that the MWD Board had approved the proposed terms for Purchase Orders with Member Agencies and had authorized their General Manager to execute Purchase Orders with the Member Agencies. Mr. Wattier noted that staff would be bringing this item to them for action at a December 2014 meeting. Mr. Wattier reported the MWD Board had taken action on agenda item 8-8 requesting authority to initiate an administrative claim or other appropriate action regarding illegal diversion of State Water Project stored water. Mr. Wattier provided a brief summary on this matter. He reported that at the MWD Board Water Planning & Resource Committee they had received a staff update regarding the Water Supply Allocation Plan. He advised that MWD staff would be taking an action item regarding this matter to the MWD Board at their December meeting to adopt changes to the plan, and probably activate the plan in January or February 2015 (depending on the weather) with it taking effect in spring of 2015. He advised this was a change from previous announcements that had mentioned activating the plan in the spring of 2015 and having it take effect in July of 2015. He noted the following items were going to be included in the revised plan: 1) The 100 GPCD minimum floor; and 2) water for groundwater basin replenishment (strongly opposed by Los Angeles). Board of Water Commissioners November 20, 2014 Page 11 12. Legislative/Public Affairs Issues Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager No report. 13. NEW BUSINESS President Saltzgaver advised he had been made aware of an emergency item that needed to be added to the agenda. The item would authorize the General Manager to sign the In-Lieu Replenishment Agreement (FY’s 2014-2015) with the Water Replenishment District of Southern California. He advised this item had arose after the meeting agenda had been posted. Mr. Anthony clarified the process for adding a need to take action item under the Brown Act. He noted Section 549542B says that a non-agendized item may be heard, and action may be taken on that item if by a 2/3 vote the Board makes the following findings: 1) 1st voted – Board determines the need to take immediate action exists; and 2) the item came to the attention of the agency after the agenda was posted. Mr. Anthony advised in his opinion it would be difficult for the Board to make that determination before hearing the General Manager’s report on the item. He then advised they would take two votes. He noted if the Board voted down the need to take action all discussion would be discontinued and they would move onto the next item on the agenda. Mr. Wattier summarized the letter received from the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) on refusal of delivering replenishment supplies. He advised staff had approached the Water Replenishment District (WRD) to discuss an alternate plan to deliver replenishment to the basin in-lieu with WRD. Commissioner Shannon made a motion to declare the need to take action on the item that arose after the meeting agenda was posted. Commissioner Martinez seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for questions or comments. Commissioner Levine inquired when do Board of Water Commissioner agendas have to be posted. Mr. Anthony advised they need to be posted with at least a 72 hour notice. But noted that most agencies post their agendas in advance of that timeframe. He confirmed with the Board Secretary that she normally posts the agendas online late Thursday evening before the next Board meeting. Board of Water Commissioners November 20, 2014 Page 12 Commissioner Levine requested clarification on when the emergency arose. Mr. Wattier advised that they had received the letter after the agenda had been posted; and before staff had an opportunity to develop any alternative replenishment plans. President Saltzgaver called for any additional questions or comments. none he called for a vote on the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Hearing Mr. Wattier gave a brief overview of how in-lieu replenishment works to replenish the basin. He summarized the amounts being suggested in the letter, and timing of the options. He noted that in terms of economics, it is in the interest of both agencies to split the difference between the proposed LBWD price and WRD’s break even price (he clarified the rates in the original board letter would be revised to read: WRD will pay LBWD the in-lieu rate of $463 (instead of $493 as noted in the letter) per acre-foot in calendar year 2014 and $494 (instead of $524 as noted in the letter) per acre-foot in calendar year 2015. President Saltzgaver called for a motion for approval. Commissioner Shannon made a motion to authorize the General Manager to sign the In-Lieu Replenishment Agreement (FY’s 2014-15) with the Water Replenishment District of Southern California (WRD). Commissioner Martinez seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called from public comment. comments from the Board. Hearing none he called for Commissioner Martinez inquired on how the recommended loss in revenue would affect the budget. Mr. Falagan responded that no significant impacts would be anticipated; he noted there was sufficient revenues to sustain the budget impact. President Saltzgaver noted that if we were to continue to pump down the basin groundwater without sufficient replenishment we would be risking permanent damage to the aquifer. President Saltzgaver called for additional questions. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. President Saltzgaver called for a motion to excuse Commissioner Allen from the November 20, 2014 Board meeting. Commissioner Shannon made a motion to excuse Commissioner Allen from the November 20, 2014 Board meeting. Commissioner Levine seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Board of Water Commissioners November 20, 2014 Page 13 President Saltzgaver asked if there was any more new business. Commissioner Shannon noted that at the previous Board meeting it had been agreed that a Closed Session would be scheduled for the November 20, 2014 Board meeting. He noted that for some procedural reason this session had not been noticed so the Board could not meet in closed session. He recommended that that same closed session language be included on all future Board agendas until the dispute as discussed in the previous closed session is resolved. Mr. Shannon made a motion that for the immediate future that a closed session item be included on future agendas with the possibility of initiating litigation under the government code. President Saltzgaver advised there was no need for a motion, but that this would be a directive from the Board to staff. President Saltzgaver reminded the Board members about the November 24, 2014 Water Forum being held in partnership with the Aquarium of the Pacific. He noted the media portion of the event would be taking place at 1:00 P.M. 14. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Saltzgaver adjourned the regular meeting at 10:44 a.m. to the next regular meeting for the Water Commission to be held December 4, 2014, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, in Long Beach, California. _______________________________ Arthur M. Levine, Secretary Attest: ___________________________ Harry M. Saltzgaver, President MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 4, 2014 The Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Long Beach met in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, California, on December 4, 2014. The meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. by President Saltzgaver. PRESENT: Harry Saltzgaver Arthur Levine Robert Shannon John Allen Richard Anthony Kevin L. Wattier Sandra L. Fox B. Anatole Falagan Tai Tseng Paul T. Fujita Matthew P. Lyons Eric Leung Robert Katzenberger Robert Verceles Abelardo Rendon Jennifer Rojas Kaylee Weatherly Dynna Long Joyce Barkley Michael Mori Brianna Pagan Evana Gendron Jerry Schubel ABSENT: 1. Frank Martinez Kaylee Weatherly Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Deputy City Attorney General Manager Secretary to the Board of Water Commissioners Assistant General Manager Director of Operations Director of Finance Director, Planning & Conservation Director of Engineering Water Superintendent Division Engineer Division Engineer Sewer Superintendent Assistant to the General Manager Office Administrator Water Conservation Specialist Conservation Intern Planner II – Non-Career Business Systems Specialist V President and CEO of the Aqaurium of the Pacific Commissioner (EXCUSED) Assistant to the General Manager PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Michael Mori led the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 2 2. PUBLIC COMMENT President Saltzgaver opened the public comment period. As there were no requests to address the Board on non-agenda items, the public comment period was closed. Note: Commissioner Allen joined the meeting at 9:03 A.M. 3. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners President Saltzgaver introduced Mr. Jerry Schubel, President & CEO of the Aquarium of the Pacific who commented on the recent Aquarium of the Pacific Water Forum held on November 24, 2014 in partnership with the Long Beach Water Department. He provided an overview of the event, which focused on the effects of the drought and action that Long Beach could take to mitigate these effects. He noted the comments were favorable from the press coverage of the event. He advised the event produced a report that would be shared with the Board when finalized. President Saltzgaver complimented Mr. Schubel on bringing together a group of highly respected water experts to participate in the forum. He thanked Mr. Schubel and Mr. Wattier for their leadership at the forum. Commissioner Levine reported he had attended the media portion of the event and advised he was impressed with the participants at the forum. President Saltzgaver advised he will be attending the Colorado River Users Association Conference in Las Vegas, NV December 10-12, 2014, and would be reporting back to the Board at the next meeting regarding this conference. 4. General Manager’s Report Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager STATE WATER PROJECT INITIAL WATER ALLOCATION Mr. Wattier reported that the Department of Water Resources (DWR) announced on Monday, December 1, 2014 the initial water allocation had been set at 10%. He noted many felt it could have been in the 0 – 5% range. He advised that as part of the announcement DWR advised they were hoping they would have a good year. He noted that the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) would need at least a 40% allocation to have their reserve “balance” to meet demands in 2015. Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 3 OCTOBER 2014 CALIFORNIA URBAN WATER CONSERVATION UPDATE Mr. Wattier referred to a PressTelegram article dated December 3, 2014 which reported on the recent State Water Resources Control Board monthly report on water conservation. He noted the report indicates the state’s residents are going backward when it comes to water conservation. He advised it was a very disappointing report. He noted there was 6.7% statewide conservation in the month of October 2014 (compared to the previous year). He advised that there was only a 1.4% Southern California conservation statistic which included the following data for the largest three cities in Southern California: 1) Los Angeles a minus 2.4% conservation level; 2) San Diego +2.6% conservation and 3) Long Beach a -6.9% conservation level. He reported the State Board has set a special meeting to take place at the Metropolitan Water District headquarters on December 17, 2014 to discuss efforts that may be instituted to increase water conservation in Southern California. Mr. Wattier advised he had spoken with Felicia Marcus, the chairwoman of the State Water Resources Control Board and asked her why there is such a delay in the monthly statistics being reported by the agencies before it is published. He advised she said they were working on improving the time lag for future reports. He advised this would give agencies more time to put pressure on the agencies who are not doing a better job at implementing conservation. NOVEMBER 2014 WATER SALES REVIEW Mr. Wattier noted the conservation levels for November were closed to record lows, and that year-to-date conservation is 16.1% below the historical average. EXECUTION OF IN-LIEU AGREEMENT WITH WATER REPLENISHMENT DISTRICT (WRD) OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Mr. Wattier reported that the WRD Board had approved the in-lieu agreement that the LBWD Board had approved at their November 20, 2014 meeting, and that beginning on December 4, 2014 LBWD would begin operations supporting these efforts. He noted this type of operation was scheduled to last through April of 2015. President Saltzgaver asked if the Board had any questions for the General Manager. Commissioner Allen asked what this would do for the water table. Mr. Wattier advised that there would be a dramatic recovery in Long Beach groundwater levels in the basin as a result of this operational change. Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 4 Commissioner Shannon asked the General Manager to comment on the recent rainstorm. Mr. Wattier advised that he had been pleased with the media coverage noting that this was a “drop in the bucket” storm, and that it would take at least ten storms like the recent rain event to recover from the recent drought. He noted that Lake Oroville is still at an almost record low level. Commissioner Levine asked the General Manager to comment on why Long Beach does not use catch basins for storm water capture. Mr. Wattier advised this question always comes up during a rain storm. He advised that the groundwater geology beneath Long Beach is very complex, and the aquifer LBWD draws from is several hundred feet below the surface, and between that and the aquifer are several thick impervious clay layers that prevent anything from the surface getting down to the Long Beach aquifer. He noted the good news is as the result of this the Long Beach aquifer is not contaminated by runoff, as is the condition in other areas. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions or discussion regarding the Consent Calendar items. Commissioner Shannon asked to have Consent item 5b. pulled for a separate discussion and vote. Commissioner Allen made a motion to adopt Consent Calendar item 5a. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Shannon. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions or public comment regarding Consent item 5a. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 5a. Approval of Transfer of Funds by Journal Entry Dated December 4, 2014 A communication was presented to the Board from Paul Fujita, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. President Saltzgaver called on Commissioner Shannon regarding his question on Consent Calendar item 5b. Commissioner Shannon requested clarification on the staff recommendation. Mr. Wattier pointed out that the recommendation was at the bottom of the board letter. Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 5 Commissioner Shannon made a motion to adopt Consent Calendar item 5b. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Allen. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions or public comment regarding Consent item 5b. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 5b. Adopt Specifications WD-22-14 for the Cathodic Protection Improvement of Water and Recycled Water Systems Project – Phase 2 (EO-3238) and Authorize the General Manager to Sign a Construction Contract with Mike Prlich and Sons, Inc., in the Amount of $414,700.00 A communication was presented to the Board from Eric Leung, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 6. Adopt Resolution No. WD-1332 naming Chandler’s Sand and Gravel, LLC as a sole source vendor to provide a site for disposal of construction materials, and authorize the General Manager to enter into a Sole Source Contract with Chandler’s Sand and Gravel, LLC (Chandler’s) to provide a site for disposal of construction materials, not to exceed $370,000 for a oneyear period with option to extend for two (2) additional one-year periods, subject to a maximum increase of 5% for each renewal period Tai Tseng, Director of Operations Mr. Tseng provided an overview on the use of the disposal for disposition of construction materials, and the justification for a Sole Source Contract. President Saltzgaver called for a motion on the Resolution. Commissioner Levine made a motion to adopt Resolution No. WD-1332 naming Chandler’s Sand and Gravel, LLC as a sole source vendor to provide a site for disposal of construction materials, and authorize the General Manager to enter into a Sole Source Contract with Chandler’s Sand and Gravel, LLC (Chandler’s) to provide a site for disposal of construction materials, not to exceed $370,000 for a one-year period with the option to extend for two (2) additional one-year periods, subject to a maximum increase of 5% for each renewal period . The motion was seconded by Commissioner Shannon. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions or public comment regarding agenda item 6. President Saltzgaver requested an explanation why this agenda item required a resolution for approval. Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 6 Mr. Tseng advised that any sole source contract over $100,000 required approval by the Board by a Resolution. President Saltzgaver called for a Roll Call vote. A Roll Call vote was taken as follows: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: ARTHUR LEVINE; ROBERT SHANNON JOHN ALLEN; HARRY SALTZGAVER NONE FRANK MARTINEZ NONE The motion carried unanimously. 7. Adopt Resolution No. WD-1333 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a Purchase Agreement with Haaker Equipment Company (Haaker), under the purchase conditions specified in the existing HGACBuy Cooperative Purchasing Agreement, for the purchase of one (1) complete Vactor Ramjet Truck Mounted Jetter, mounted on a 2014 Freightliner 114SD LNG chassis, in an amount not to exceed $360,000.00 Tai Tseng, Director of Operations Mr. Tseng provided a staff report regarding agenda item 7. President Saltzgaver called for a motion on the Resolution. Commissioner Shannon made a motion to adopt Resolution No. WD-1333 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a Purchase Agreement with Haaker Equipment Company (Haaker), under the purchase conditions specified in the existing HGACBuy Cooperative Purchasing Agreement, for the purchase of one (1) complete Vactor Ramjet Truck Mounted Jetter, mounted on a 2014 Freightliner 114SD LNG chassis, in an amount not to exceed $360,000.00. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions or comments from the public regarding agenda item 7. Hearing none he asked if the Board had any questions or comments. Commissioner Levine inquired what this type of truck is used for. Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 7 Mr. Tseng advised that the truck equipment is inserted into the pipeline to scrape any accumulated grease or oil from the pipe to prevent sewer overflows. President Saltzgaver called for a Roll Call vote. A Roll Call vote was taken as follows: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: ARTHUR LEVINE; ROBERT SHANNON JOHN ALLEN; HARRY SALTZGAVER NONE FRANK MARTINEZ NONE The motion carried unanimously. 8. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Purchase Order for System Water to be provided by The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (WD-xxxx) B. Anatole Falagan, Assistant General Manager Mr. Falagan provided a historical overview of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) purchase order for system water, which included commitment to purchase a set amount during the term; ability to access MWD tier 1 rate for purchases; purchase order history and the previous two-year extension. He also reviewed the terms of the new purchase order with MWD. Mr. Wattier commented on the difficult decision that existed to meet the commitment for the purchase order. He complimented Mr. Falagan for developing the LVL (Leo Vander Lans) provision that would now protect LBWD. President Saltzgaver called for a motion on agenda item 8. before the Board continued any further discussion. Commissioner Levine made a motion to authorize the General Manager to execute the Purchase Order for System Water to be provided by The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (WD-xxxx). Commissioner Shannon seconded the motion. Commissioner Levine commented that this purchase order commits the LBWD to purchase a set amount of water in a ten-year period. He asked if it also committed MWD to supply this water. Commissioner Shannon requested that the Board receive the exact language in the contractual agreement pertaining to this issue. Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 8 Deputy City Attorney Anthony advised he could send a copy of that part of the agreement to the Board. Mr. Wattier asked Mr. Falagan to pull the agreement from his office and read that section into the record. There was discussion regarding holding the item over to the next meeting. Mr. Wattier recommended that they table the item for about fifteen minutes to allow Mr. Falagan to retrieve the agreement from his office. Mr. Anthony advised this would be a technical table and advised the language for the motion to table. Commissioner Shannon made a substitute motion to table agenda item 8. Until later in the agenda. Commissioner Levine seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for the vote on the substitute motion. The motion carried unanimously. 9. Authorize the General Manager to enter into an agreement with Lagerlof, Senecal, Gosney and Kruse, LLP, for special counsel services to represent the interests of the City of Long Beach in legal matters and related actions concerning the Central Groundwater Basin and City’s water rights in an amount not to exceed $100,000 Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Mr. Wattier provided background information for the request to establish a new agreement with Lagerlof, Senecal, Gosney and Kruse, LLP. He noted the previous agreement was a cost-sharing agreement with the City of Lakewood for the law firm to provide special counsel services related to the negotiations related to the adjustments to the Central Basin and West Coast Basin judgments. He advised this new agreement would allow LBWD to call on Lagerlof, Senecal, Gosney and Kruse, LLP for special legal work on an as-needed basis. Commissioner Shannon commented for the record that he wanted to confirm that the City Attorney reviews all billings from the special counsel. Mr. Anthony advised yes, that was the case. Mr. Shannon went on to clarify that this subjects the law firm to the established billing requirements imposed by the City Attorney. Mr. Anthony advised yes, the Attorney’s standard professional contract was used in this type of contract. Commissioner Levine asked if there was a time limit to this contract. Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 9 Mr. Anthony advised that the normal contract usually states the contract remains in place until the matter is completed; but he noted in this case the matter was not well defined – it is for services as needed. So it is open ended. He advised a time limit could be added if the Board wished, but he noted often times a time limit can cause unintended problems, such as if a matter is ongoing and there are still sufficient monies in the contract, but you would then run up against an arbitrary time limit, causing the item to be brought back to the Board to extend the term. President Saltzgaver called for a motion. Commissioner Shannon made a motion to authorize the General Manager to enter into an agreement with Lagerlof, Senecal, Gosney and Kruse, LLP, for special counsel services to represent the interests of the City of Long Beach in legal matters and related actions concerning the Central Groundwater Basin and City’s water rights in an amount not to exceed $100,000. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for public comment or any additional Board questions or comments on agenda item 9. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. TABLED AGENDA ITEM 8. WAS CONTINUED AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING. 8. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Purchase Order for System Water to be provided by The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (WD-xxxx) B. Anatole Falagan, Assistant General Manager Mr. Falagan read the paragraph (that had previously been requested) into the record from the Metropolitan Water Agreement under water services as follows: In accordance with its Administrative Code, Metropolitan shall use its reasonable best efforts to supply System Water in the quantities requested by the Purchaser, but is not obligated to dedicate any portion of System capacity for the conveyance, distribution, storage or treatment of System Water for the benefit of the Purchaser or any other member agency. Metropolitan shall use its reasonable best efforts to deliver the System Water when needed by the Purchaser during the Term; provided however, there shall be no default under this Purchase Order if Metropolitan fails to deliver water to the Purchaser in accordance with any such schedule of deliveries during the Term. Commissioner Shannon advised that this “sounded like a contract of adhesion. He noted the last sentence was very puzzling – they shall not be in default under the contract if they do not produce, even though they have to use their best, reasonable efforts.” He went on to say “that there were no consequences for them not using their best, reasonable efforts” – he further stated “this was ridiculous.” Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 10 Mr. Falagan advised this language is not particular to the City of Long Beach, but is included in all MWD agreements for this type of contract with all twenty-six MWD member agencies. Mr. Wattier advised that the Board could choose to sign or not choose to sign the purchase order agreement. Commissioner Shannon recommended that this item be reviewed in the closed session scheduled for later in the meeting. President Saltzgaver called for a motion to have agenda item 8. reviewed in closed session. Commissioner Shannon made a motion to have agenda item 8. reviewed in closed session. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. Commissioner Shannon mentioned that there was the understanding that the Board may be prepared to come out of closed session and take action on agenda item 8. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any further questions related to this matter. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Note: Commissioner Shannon left the meeting at 9:40 A.M. Note: Commissioner Shannon returned to the meeting at 9:42 A.M. 10. Information item: potential for utilizing the City’s new Customer Care and Billing (CC&B) system to incentivize water conservation Matthew P. Lyons, Director of Planning & Conservation Mr. Lyons provided a briefing on dedicated irrigation accounts and how water-budget based water rates might be set for these types of accounts. He began the presentation by reminding the Board there are, for water rate and billing purposes, several kind of customer types. One of those types being “dedicated irrigation accounts.” Under the current billing system, irrigation accounts are charged a flat rate for each billing unit of water they consume (same as other non-residential customer types); however, unlike other customer types, they are not charged for sewer because they use no water indoors. There are approximately 1,200 irrigation services, which together represent about 4.9% of the demand for water placed on LBWD. Mr. Lyons stated that irrigation services are different from every other type in that it is possible to calculate how much water each irrigation service should have used during each billing period, in turn making it possible to charge one rate for the “reasonable use of water” and another rate for water use beyond that point. The water industry refers to rates that charge customers in this manner as “water-budget based rates”. The calculation of what Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 11 constitutes a reasonable use of water is based on a widely accepted methodology that uses both weather data and the size of each landscaped area. Mr. Lyons explained that staff will explore the feasibility of creating water-budget based rates for irrigation services, working with the utility billing staff, and the department’s water rate consultants, and others; and will report back to the Board on this matter during the Board’s annual rate and budget setting process. Note: Commissioner Shannon left the meeting at 9:55 A.M. Note: Commissioner Shannon returned to the meeting at 9:56 A.M. Note: President Saltzgaver left the meeting at 10:02 A.M. Note: Commissioner Levine left the meeting at 10:03 A.M. Note: President Saltzgaver returned to the meeting at 10:04 A.M. Note: Commissioner Levine returned to the meeting at 10:07 A.M. Mr. Falagan gave an overview of the legal basis for equitably and proportionately assigning costs of service based on customer class, ensuring that established rate structures appropriately deliver an estimated revenue amount commensurate with the costs of service associated with that customer class. For the proposed concept of budget based rates for irrigation customer accounts, the basic principles of cost of service analysis would be applied to assure revenue neutrality. He explained that revenue neutrality would assure that based on past consumption estimates, the proposed rate structure would deliver an estimated revenue that was consistent with the revenue derived from the customer class under the current rate structure. There was extensive discussion and comments made by the Board regarding water-budget based rates. 11. Water Supply Update B. Anatole Falagan, Assistant General Manager Mr. Falagan provided a Water Supply update which included the following components: 1) Exceptional statewide drought; 2) Water supply “balance” – resources and demand; 3) Statewide conservation calls; 4) MWD demands; 5) Review of LBWD Water Conservation and Water Supply Shortage Action Plan – moved to Stage 1 on November 20, 2014; 6) Imported Water Supplies; 7) Local Weather; 8) Weather Outlook Mr. Wattier reported on the recent MWD WSDM (Water Supply and Drought Management) report which indicated that MWD had used 50% of its storage in 2013-2014. Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 12 12. Legislative/Public Affairs Issues Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager No report. 13. NEW BUSINESS President Saltzgaver advised he had been made aware of an emergency item that needed to be added to the agenda. He called on the General Manager for a briefing on the item. Mr. Wattier advised that the emergency item arose after the agenda had been posted. He advised that staff had been contacted by the Water Replenishment District to take over the commissioning of their expanded Leo J. Vander Lans water treatment facility. He advised they had a contractor who had worked on the expansion, but they were now having difficulty in starting up the plant for various reasons. WRD advised that they would discharge the contractor if the Long Beach Water Department (LBWD) would be able to assist in starting up the expanded plant. Mr. Wattier advised that LBWD already has an agreement in place to operate the plant for WRD. This request would be a separate agreement for the start-up operations. Mr. Anthony clarified the process for adding a need to take action item under the Brown Act. He reminded the Board they would be taking two actions – one to find the need to take action on an emergency item; and then to take action on that item. He noted the item would authorize the General Manager to execute an Agreement with the Water Replenishment District of Southern California (WRD) to provide assistance in testing and commissioning of the Leo J. Vander Lans Water Treatment Facility Expansion. Commissioner Shannon made a motion to declare the need to take action on the item that arose after the meeting agenda was posted. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. Commissioner Levine inquired if LBWD would be fully reimbursed by WRD for any costs related to this item. Mr. Wattier advised this matter would be discussed when the matter was later brought to the Board for action. President Saltzgaver called for further questions or comments. Hearing none he called for the volte. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Wattier advised that the LBWD already operates the Leo J. Vander Lans water treatment facility for them under a separate agreement. He noted that WRD had Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 13 been attempting to start up the expanded plant since August but had been experiencing numerous problems with the contractor and their inability to successfully start up the plant. He advised that LBWD probably could have taken on this suggested operation under the scope of the existing operating agreement between WRD and LBWD but he advised he thought it was important for the Board to be made aware of the liability and that all of LBWD costs related to this start-up operation be fully reimbursed. He advised this new agreement would be asking LBWD to start up the expanded plant; working with some new equipment that staff is not that familiar with. President Saltzgaver called for a motion. Commissioner Shannon made a motion to authorize the General Manager to execute an Agreement with the Water Replenishment District of Southern California (WRD) to provide assistance in testing and commissioning of the Leo J. Vander Lans Water Treatment Facility Expansion. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for any questions. Commissioner Shannon advised it was very important that LBWD be fully reimbursed, and not assume any liability related to the fired contractor. Mr. Anthony advised he had been working closely with LBWD staff in doing analysis regarding the current WRD/LBWD operating agreement determining if it could cover this takeover of the startup of the expanded plant. He advised that the current agreement clearly states that any costs incurred by LBWD in operating the plant are fully reimbursable. He did note that the new agreement contains a clause that makes LBWD liable for any negligent acts it may make that cause WRD a loss. He advised he saw this as fair since WRD is paying LBWD to act as their contractor. He recommended increasing the scope of indemnification by taking on the actions that are outside of the existing contract. He advised he would recommend making a simple amendment to the existing agreement that clearly allows LBWD to act as previously described. President Saltzgaver requested that Mr. Anthony clarify that explanation. President Saltzgaver further explained that he had concerns that when LBWD went into the plant to take over the start-up operations that LBWD not be liable for a problem created by the previous contractor (that has not yet been discovered). Mr. Anthony advised that factual analysis could prove this was a pre-existing condition; and that LBWD was not on scene at the time or be responsible for whatever had gone wrong. Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 14 Commissioner Shannon advised he was very concerned, and that the agreement should have WRD agree to defend and indemnify LBWD for any damage caused by their requesting LBWD assume takeover of testing and commissioning of the plant. Mr. Anthony advised that they would be asking WRD to put in writing their request for LBWD to take over the testing and commissioning of the plant; he advised the language suggested by Commissioner Shannon would be included in the agreement. Commissioner Shannon asked Mr. Wattier what was the downside of LBWD saying no to this request made by WRD. Mr. Wattier responded it was in the best interest for LBWD to do the takeover since they had staff capable of handling this type of work. He advised it would take WRD several months to find a replacement contractor to come in and complete the testing and start-up operations. He noted with the ongoing drought, and the likely possibility that MWD would be declaring a water shortage in the next few months it would be beneficial to have this plant up and operating. He noted there is also a financial benefit for the plant to be operating as LBWD sells recycled water to WRD. Mr. Shannon inquired if there was a time constraint in having the new agreement in place; or could Mr. Anthony be given time to work out further details on this new agreement, and then bring it back to the Board in two weeks. Mr. Wattier noted that WRD had requested that LBWD actually start the work on Monday, December 1st. Mr. Shannon asked Mr. Anthony if he felt LBWD would be protected without this request coming back to the Board. Mr. Anthony advised yes, he was. President Saltzgaver asked if there were additional questions regarding this matter. Commissioner Levine inquired if existing staff would be asked to provide the labor for this requested action. Mr. Wattier responded yes; he went on to say that it was very good timing since the Treatment Plant would be going into in-lieu operations, the LBWD treatment plant would ramping down with minimal flows. He noted those same operators could be used at the Leo J. Vander Lans plant to provide the testing and commissioning operations. Commissioner Levine asked what was the best guesstimate on how long it would take for the testing to take place, and what would be the cost. Mr. Tseng advised he felt it would take about three months to establish the draft standard operating procedures (SOP) for the expanded plant; and then systematically Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 15 go through the unit processes to make sure they are operating, and then test the alarm states of each unit process, and then go through a testing period to make sure the SOP is indeed working correctly. Mr. Tseng advised that under the existing agreement with WRD the cost of operating the plant was about $500,000 for six months. He guesstimated that the costs could possibly double for the next six months. President Saltzgaver called for additional questions or comments. He called for any public comment on the issue. Hearing none he called for a vote on the motion on the floor. Commissioner Levine requested clarification on the motion. President Salzgaver advised the motion was to authorize the General Manager to execute an Agreement with the Water Replenishment District of Southern California (WRD) to provide assistance in testing and commissioning of the Leo J. Vander Lans Treatment Facility Expansion (WD-XXXX). Commissioner Shannon asked if the Agreement was approved what were the next steps. Mr. Anthony advised a Letter Agreement would be developed signed by the LBWD General Manager and WRD’s signatory laying out the actions that they are directing LBWD to take, and acknowledging and agreeing that those actions will be subject to the contractual protections already provided in the previous LBWD/WRD agreement (WD-2848) to operate the plant; and in connection with said actions LBWD will be held harmless by any actions the previous contractor may have taken, and WRD will undertake a duty to defend and indemnify LBWD against any losses they may incur for the work LBWD is providing on behalf of WRD. President Saltzgaver inquired if the Board members understood the requested motion. Commissioner Levine called for a statement by the General Manager or Counsel regarding LBWD’s liability position. Mr. Anthony advised that he felt that LBWD was sufficiently protected against potential liabilities associated with the extra work. He again spoke regarding the liability if LBWD were to act negligently in providing the requested work, but he advised this potential was no greater than what exists under the current agreement WD-2848. Commissioner Levine inquired was he to understand that WRD would indemnify LBWD against any liability that LBWD incurs in assuming these new responsibilities. Mr. Anthony advised not necessarily; WRD is indemnifying LBWD against any liability that incurs because of the previous contractor, or WRD’s actions. Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 16 Commissioner Shannon pointed out that WRD has not assumed any obligation yet because they had not yet responded to the letter agreement that had not yet been sent to WRD. Commissioner Shannon said there is the possibility that WRD could say they would indemnify LBWD but not defend LBWD. Commissioner Anthony advised that WRD could reject any of the terms that were presented to them, in which case LBWD would not take over the testing and commissioning of the Leo J. Vander Lans plant. Commissioner Shannon once again asked what would be the downside of holding this item over for two weeks to determine what WRD’s response would be. President Saltzgaver asked how the Board could enter into an Agreement without the Attorney not having sent the letter. Commissioner Shannon said the Attorney could send the letter with the proposed terms to WRD and when LBWD was satisfied with their response; staff could then come back to the Board with the final Agreement. Commissioner Levine suggested amending the original motion to include the language that WRD indemnify and defend LBWD as part of the new agreement. Commissioner Allen clarified the Board’s offer that WRD defend and indemnify LBWD. He noted if WRD did not accept these terms that staff would return to the Board in two weeks with an adjusted agreement. He noted the Board was not authorizing the Attorney or the General Manager to negotiate these terms; this is the Board’s offer – take it or leave it. President Salzgaver asked Commissioner Levine to clarify his proposed amended language to the motion. Commissioner Levine stated that approval of the agreement was conditional on WRD agreeing to defend LBWD for any liability they assume in taking of the work at the Leo J. Vander Lans plant. Commissioner Shannon advised the words and indemnify needed to be included in the amended motion. President Saltzgaver asked the maker of the original motion if he would accept the amended motion. He agreed. President Saltzgaver called for any other comments; additions, amendments to the motion. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 17 President Saltzgaver advised the only other item he had under new business was a request to excuse Commissioner Martinez from the December 4, 2014 board meeting. He called for a motion. Commissioner Allen made a motion to excuse Commissioner Martinez from the December 4, 2014 Board meeting. Commissioner Shannon seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 14. CLOSED SESSION: The possibility of initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 (one matter). President Saltzgaver read the closed session language. He asked if there was any public comment regarding the closed session item. Hearing none, he adjourned the Board to closed session at 11:07 A.M. President Saltzgaver reconvened the Board meeting at 11:35 A.M. and advised that the Board was now prepared to take action on agenda item 8. TABLED AGENDA ITEM 8. WAS CONTINUED AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING. President Saltzgaver read the title of agenda item 8. into the record as follows: Authorize the General Manager to execute the Purchase Order for System Water to be provided by The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (WD-xxxx). President Saltzgaver called for a motion on agenda item 8. Commissioner Allen made a motion to authorize the General Manager to execute the Purchase Order for System Water to be provided by The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (WD-xxxx). Commissioner Levine seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for questions, comments or public comments. Hearing none he called for the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Board of Water Commissioners December 4, 2014 Page 18 15. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Saltzgaver adjourned the regular meeting at 11:37 a.m. to the next regular meeting for the Water Commission to be held December 18, 2014, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, in Long Beach, California. _______________________________ Arthur M. Levine, Secretary Attest: ___________________________ Harry M. Saltzgaver, President ITEM 3. THE DECEMBER 4, 2014 MINUTES FOR APPROVAL WILL BE MAILED SEPARATELY FROM THE AGENDA PACKET JANUARY 2015 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 NEW YEAR’S FRIDAY SATURDAY 2 3 9 10 HOLIDAY ADMIN OFFICES CLOSED 4 5 6 7 8 9:00 A.M. SPECIAL BOARD MTG. ABSENT: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 30 31 MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY ADMIN OFFICES CLOSED 25 26 9:00 A.M. SPECIAL BOARD MTG. ABSENT: 27 28 29 ITEM 5. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING PRESIDENT’S REPORT ITEM 6. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT 7a. TRANSFERS OF FUNDS BY JOURNAL VOUCHER AUTHORIZATION BY THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS December 18, 2014 Transfer No. From Fund,lndex Sub-Object, User To Fund,lndex Sub-Object Description Amount Waler B!ve!!!!! Eund 19 310-WAUNAL-290010 100-XCRVGF-522005 To City's General Fund for Water Pipeline Permit Fee for 1st quarter ending 12131/14. $ 1,448,517.50 21 310-WAUNAL-310004 390-XCGLPY-805004 To City's Insurance Fund for general liability costs for the 1st quarter ending 12/31/14. 171,169.25 22 31 0-X131 0001-330001 31 0-X131 0001-330006 100-XI10oo1-330001 1OO-XI1 0001-330006 To City's General Fund for general city overhead charges for the month of December, 2014. 72,962.17 23 310-WAEWGtIWAIM WAUNAL-30oo25 3000261300035 385-TSBISGSrrSBISHR- To City's Technology Services Department for the 800025/800026/800035 Business Information System charges for the month of October, 2014. 39,259.00 24 310-WAEWGIIWAIM WAUNAL-3OO025 300026/300035 385-TSBISGSrrSBISHR- To City's Technology Services Department for the 800025/800026/800035 Business Information System charges for the month of November, 2014. 39,259.00 25 310-WAUNAL-310014 100-FM421301-813001 To City's Commercial Services for billing and collection charges for the month of November, 2014. 46,416.28 26 310-WAUNAL-310019 390-HRINSUR-805002 To City's Insurance Fund for the Water Dept.'s share of property, honesty bond and travel insurance for the 1st quarter ending 12131/14. 17,038.00 27 31D-WAIM-300023 385-TSISOCDC-8ooo23 To City's Technology Services Department for the Data Center charges for the month of October, 2014. 16,757.50 28 310-WAIM-300023 385-TSISOCDC-B00023 To City's Technology Services Department for the Data Center charges for the month of November, 2014. 16,757.50 29 310-WAIM-300031 385-TSBITCO-800031 To City's Technology Services Department for the Email and Web Services charges for the month of October, 2014. 9,723.50 30 310-WAIM-300031 385-TSBITCO-800031 To City's Technology Services Department for the Email and Web Services charges for the month of November, 2014. 9,723.50 31 310-WAUNAL-300014 385-FM250385IXCSPAQ· To City's General Fund for share of Accounting System operating expense for the month of 795006 December, 2014. 5,555.25 32 31 D-WAPOFS-271 001 386-FM930003-791009 To City's Fleet Services for Unleaded. Diesel, & LNG fuel eslimated charges for the month of November, 2014. 4,658.05 33 310-WAPOFS-300oo3 386-FM92ooo1-791004 To City's Public Works for miscellaneous fleet work order charges for the month of November, 2014. 1,447.93 34 310-WAIM-300532 385-TSISTNIF-835002 To City's Technology Services Department for share of fiber optic equipment maintenance cha.rges for the 1st quarter ending 12131/2014. 2,745.60 Page 1 TRANSFERS OF FUNDS BY JOURNAl VOUCHER AUTHORIZATION BY THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS December 18, 2014 Transfer No. From Fund, Index Sub-Object, User To Fund, Index Sub-Object Descrll!tlon Amount $ 35 310-WAIM-300001 385-TSISWP-800002 To City's Technology Services Department for the Wireless and Radio Communication charges for the month of October, 2014. 36 310-WAIM-300001 385-TSISWP-800002 To City's Technology Services Department for the Wireless and Radio Communication charges for the month of November, 2014. 833.33 37 310-WAETCN-235002 105-PR14oo2-763003 To City's Department of Parks, Recreation and Marine for charges on water programs advertisement published on the Winter 2014 Recreation Connection issue. 640.00 38 31 O-W AADAS-300007 385-TSCSME-791 006 To City's Technology Services Department for the Messenger Services charges for the month of October, 2014. 550.00 39 310-WAADAS-300007 385-TSCSME-791006 To City's Technology Services Department for the Messenger Services charges for the month of November, 2014. 550.00 833.33 $ 1,905,396.69 Total Water Revenue Fund Sewer Revenue Fund 40 311-WASUNAl-290010 100-XCRVGF-522006 To City's General Fund for Sewer Pipeline Permit Fee for the 4th quarter ending 1213112014. 1,112,187.25 41 311-WASUNAl-310004 390-XCGLPY-805004 To City's Insurance Fund for general liability costs for the 1st quarter ending 12131114. 35,058.75 42 311-XI311001-330001 311-XI311oo1-330006 100-X11 0001 -330001 100-XI10oo1-330006 To City's General Fund for general city overhead charges for the month of December, 2014. 15,156.17 43 311 -WASUNAL3000261300035 385-TSBISHR-800026 To City's Technology Services Department for the Business Information System charges for the month of October, 2014. 18,879.75 44 311-WASUNAl3000261300035 385-TSBISHR-800026 To City's Technology Services Department for the Business Information System charges for the month of November, 2014. 18,879.75 45 311-WASUNAl-31OO14 l00-FM421301-815001 To City's Commercial Services for billing and collection charges for the month of November, 2014. 48,886.82 46 311 -WASUNAL-310019 390-HRINSUR-805002 To City's Insurance Fund for the Water Dept.'s share of property, honesty bond and travel insurance for the 1st quarter ending 12131114. 270.50 47 311-WASUNAl-300023 385-TSISOCDC-800023 To City's Technology Services Department for the Data Center charges for the month of October, 2014. Page 2 of 3 3,540.00 TRANSFERS OF FUNDS BY JOURNAL VOUCHER AUTHORIZATION BY THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS December 18, 2014 From Fund,lndex Transfer Sub-Object, User No. 311-WASUNAL-300023 48 To Fund, Index Sub-Object 385-TSISOCDC-800023 Description To City's Technology Services Department for the Data Center charges for the monlh of November. 2014. $ Amount 3.540.00 49 311-WASUNAL-300031 385-TSBITCO-800031 To City's Technology Services Department for the Email and Web Services charges for the month of October. 2014. 2,054.08 50 311-WASUNAL-300031 385-TSBITCO-800031 To City's Technology Services Department for the Email and Web Services charges for the month of November, 2014. 2,054.08 S1 311-WASUNAL-300014 385-FM2503851XCSPAQ· To City's General Fund for share of Accounting System operating expense for the month of 795006 December,2014. Total Sewer Revenue Fund 1,280.92 1,261,788.07 Total Fund Transfer (Transfers 19 through 51) $ 3,167,184.76 Page3of3 8. Long Beach Water Department The Standard in Water Conservation & Environmental Stewardship Board of Water Commissioners December 18, 2014 Board Meeting KEVIN L. WATIIER, General Manager Subject: Adopt Resolution WD-1335 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a Purchase Agreement with Silsbee Ford, under the purchase conditions specified in the existing HGACBuy Cooperative Purchasing Agreement, for the purchase of three (3) 2015 Ford F-250 SuperCab trucks for an amount not to exceed $89,016.00 Executive Summary: The Long Beach City Charter provides an alternative procurement method by permitting the Board of Water Commissioners to purchase or otherwise obtain services, supplies, materials, equipment and labor with other governmental agencies by purchasing under their contracts on a voluntary and selective basis when authorized by a Resolution of the Board of Water Commissioners. As part of the Board action adopted during the January 20, 2011 meeting, the General Manager was authorized to enter into an agreement with HGACBuy, which is a cooperative purchasing program set up for governmental agencies. These three (3) vehicles will be replacement vehicles in the Water Operations Division. Silsbee Ford, participating through the HGACBuy program, has agreed to provide the requested three (3) vehicles for a total amount not to exceed of $89,016.00, which includes vehicles, fees and freight charges. Board Options/Fiscal Impacts Option #1: Adopt Resolution WD-1335 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with Silsbee Ford, under the purchase conditions specified in the existing HGACBuy Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for the purchase of three (3) 2015 Ford F-250 SuperCab trucks for an amount not to exceed $89,016.00. Fiscal Impact: Funding for this purchase has been included in the FY 2015 Water Operations budget. Option #2: Reject the Cooperative Agreement and bid the Specification. Fiscal Impact: Advertising costs and staff time to manage the Specifications and bid process. The bids received may not be lower than Cooperative Agreement. Staff Recommendation Option #1: Tai Tseng Director of Operations Date / l. Kevin L. Wattier General Manager ~l:. Date Attachment 1800 E. WARDLOW ROAD ' LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90807-4931 • PHONE (562) 570-2300 ' FAX (562) 570-2306 . WWW.LBWATER.ORG RESOLUTION NO. WD-1335 1 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF WATER 4 COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF LONG BEACH 5 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF THREE (3) 2015 6 FORD F-250 SUPERCAB TRUCKS FROM SILSBEE FORD 7 THROUGH 8 PURCHASING PROGRAM THE HGACBUY COOPERATIVE 9 - ~ ,..~ zCl)u..~ 1I:~5 10 WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Long Beach, Section 1802, penn its 11 the Board of Water Commissioners ("Board") to purchase services, supplies, materials, 12 equipment, and labor with other government agencies by purchasing under their 0=::.,1= < -N 13 <~~g ~u>o _ " en z3 0 - - 0 lS contracts on a voluntary and selective basis when authorized by resolution; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to purchase three (3) 2015 Ford F-250 14 ","'Ill ::c II: <"'Ii '-£1.~cu ""Ul ~ 15 w-'-o: uO::"'1: 16 WHEREAS, the Board's participation in the HGACBuy Cooperative ""UP> P> P> 17 Purchase Agreement Program will facilitate acquisition of the three (3) 2015 Ford F-250 18 SuperCab trucks, as well as provide considerable cost benefits to the Board; and SuperCab trucks; and 0", u::~~.9 o 19 WHEREAS, if the Board had to go to fonnal bid rather than participate in 20 the HGACBuy Cooperative Purchase Agreement considerably more funds would be 21 required; 22 23 24 25 26 NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Long Beach resolves as follows: Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. The Board hereby authorizes the General Manager to execute 27 an Agreement with Silsbee Ford to purchase three (3) 2015 Ford F-250 SuperCab trucks 28 and the purchase by the Board shall be on the same terms and conditions afforded to the 1 RFA:bg A14-C2408 (1219114) C.lUsenllsalo• .WO\AwOa1a\l.ocal\MlcrosoftlWondowsITempcrary Intemet FUoslContenlO.-IZFDSYV41_ Ford Resolution doe 1 HGACBuy in an amount not to exceed Eighty-Nine Thousand Sixteen Dollars 2 ($89,016.00), including tax. 3 Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its 4 adoption by the Board, and the Secretary to the Board shall certify the vote adopting this 5 Resolution. 6 I hereby certify that this Resolution was adopted by the Board of Water 7 Commissioners of the City of Long Beach at its meeting on December 18, 2014 by the 8 following vote: 9 10 Ayes: Commissioners: Noes: Commissioners: Absent: Commissioners: 11 ~ >- ... .2 ~cuu.~ a:~= 12 o::~.,. 1=< -N 13 < ~~:il ~~~5l 14 -zS< c.J- c.J w" J:~"il 15 J-Q.~ftI "-til Ow .8 w-'-~ c.Ja: .. 16 "-c.JC') o C'C')) 17 u:~~-, Secretary Board of Water Commissioners 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 RFA:bg A14-0249. (1219114) C:IU .....lsa1ox.wOIAppDa1alloc:aIlMIcrosoftIW_ITemponoy in1emet FU ••lCootent.Ou1lookIZFOSYV41ISU,bee FOld R _.doc 9. Long Beach Water Department The Standard in Water Conservation & Environmental Stewardship Board of Water Commissioners December 18,2014 Board Meeting KEVIN L. WATTIER, General Manager Subject: Adopt Resolution WD-1336 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the HGACBuy and to enter into an Agreement with Chastang Ford for the purchase of one (1) 2015 Ford F-450 Truck With a 2/3 Yard Dump Bed installed for an amount not to exceed $44,978.00. Executive Summary: The Long Beach City Charter provides an alternative procurement method by permitting the Water Department to purchase or otherwise obtain services, supplies, materials, equipment and labor with other governmental agencies by purchasing under their contracts on a voluntary and selective basis when authorized by a Resolution of the Board of Water Commissioners. As part of the Board actions enacted during the January 20, 2011 meeting, the General Manager was authorized to enter into an agreement with HGACBuy, which is a cooperative purchasing program set up for governmental agencies. This new small dump truck is needed to replace an aged service truck in the Water Operations - Service Section. Board Options/Fiscallmpacts: Option #1: Adopt Resolution WD-1336 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the HGACBuy and to enter into an Agreement with Chastang Ford for the purchase of one (1) 2015 Ford F-450 Truck With a 213 Yard Dump Bed installed for an amount not to exceed $44,978.00. Fiscal Impact: Funding for this purchase has been included in the FY 2014-2015 Water Operations budget. Option #2: Bid the Specification. Fiscal Impact: Advertising costs and staff time to manage the Specifications and bid process. The bids received may not be lower contract price from the cooperative purchasing agreement. Staff Recommendation: Option #1 TaiTseng Director of Operations /)/. 1 U;:$ e twattier General Manager Date /;-/;.1-/14Date Attachment .......... - •••• - .. , ...... -- ~ ... . . - ......... _.o ...... ,. •• , ................................ , ,.. ............. ,,, .... , C' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. v , ..... , " .............. . .. " ....... nu,ATC'D no .... RESOLUTION NO. WD-1336 1 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF WATER 4 COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF LONG BEACH 5 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF ONE (1) 2015 FORD 6 F-450 TRUCK WITH A 2/3 YARD DUMP BED INSTALLED 7 FROM CHASTANG FORD THROUGH THE HGACBUY 8 COOPERATIVE PURCHASING PROGRAM 9 ~ 10 WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Long Beach, Section 1802, permits 11 the Board of Water Commissioners ("Board") to purchase services, supplies, materials, 12 equipment, and labor with other government agencies by purchasing under their 0 ~ ... .2 zQ)u.~ 1>:5= O"'~'f 1= < ~. '" 13 cs: ~~ ~ ... '" ~u>o -Z"Sct 0 - 0 (.) wl<:", :I: I>: • contracts on a voluntary and selective basis when authorized by resolution; and 14 WHEREAS, the Board desires to purchase one (1) 2015 Ford F-450 truck <"-5 f-a.'" 15 UJ~1ijC: 16 WHEREAS, the Board's participation in the HGACBuy Cooperative 17 Purchase Agreement Program will facilitate acquisition of the (1) 2015 Ford F-450 truck 18 with a 2/3 yard dump bed installed, as well as provide considerable cost benefits to the 19 Board; and LLcn8m Ow '" 1L:I:::..J 1Lu", o '" '" with a 2/3 yard dump bed installed; and 20 WHEREAS, if the Board had to go to formal bid rather than participate in 21 the HGACBuy Cooperative Purchase Agreement considerably more funds would be 22 required; 23 24 NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Long Beach resolves as follows: 25 Section 1. 26 herein by this reference. 27 Section 2. 28 The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated The Board hereby authorizes the General Manager to execute an Agreement with Chastang Ford to purchase one (1) 2015 Ford F-450 truck with a 2/3 1 RFA:bg A14·02490 (1219/14) C:\Users\safox.WO\AppOata\Local\M!croson\W1ndows\Temporary Internet FUes\ContenlOutJook\zFD5YV41\chastang Ford Resolution ,doc 1 yard dump bed installed and the purchase by the Board shall be on the same terms and 2 conditions afforded to the HGACBuy in an amount not to exceed Forty-Four Thousand 3 Nine Hundred Seventy-Eight Dollars ($44,978.00), including tax. Section 3. 4 This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its 5 adoption by the Board, and the Secretary to the Board shall certify the vote adopting this 6 Resolution. 7 I hereby certify that this Resolution was adopted by the Board of Water 8 Commissioners of the City of Long Beach at its meeting on December 18, 2014 by the 9 following vote: 10 11 ~ ~ »~ a:~5 Z" :8 Ayes: Commissioners: Noes: Commissioners: Absent: Commissioners: 12 o=::~ 1= « -N 13 cC:t::: >-'2 ca ~ ~o> -Z'3<e -" 14 ~2.gU. :I:~C:ii 15 .... Q.~m ", ~ Ow w~ ... g 16 ... tt~~.9 "'0(') o (') (') 17 18 Secretary Board of Water Commissioners 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 A14-024SO (1219/14) C 1UM..lHfox.WOlAppDala\locaIlM_IWonOOwsITemporary II1tome! FlleslContenl~IZFDSYV41\Cha'tang Foro ResotutJon .c!oc ITEM 11. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING LEGISLATIVE/PUBLIC AFFAIRS ISSUES AGENDA ITEM 13 Closed Session: a. The possibility of initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 (one matter) FEBRUARY 2014 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 GROUNDHOG DAY 9 6 7 8 14 15 9:00 A.M. BOARD MTG. ABSENT: 10 11 12 13 VALENTINE’S DAY 16 17 18 19 PRES. DAY HOLIDAY ADMIN OFFICES CLOSED 23 24 20 21 9:00 A.M. BOARD MTG. ABSENT: 25 26 27 ACWA LEGISLATIVE CONF. – WASH, DC ACWA LEGISLATIVE CONF. – WASH, DC ACWA LEGISLATIVE CONF. – WASH, DC 28 22 MARCH 2014 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 6 ASH WEDNESDAY 9:00 A.M. BOARD MTG. ABSENT: 12 13 7 8 14 15 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS LBWD BEACH CLEAN-UP WRD 6th ANNUAL GROUNDWATER FESTIVAL – 10 AM – 2 PM 16 17 18 19 ST. PATRICK’S DAY 23 _____________ 30 24 ____________ 31 20 21 22 28 29 9:00 A.M. BOARD MTG. ABSENT: 25 26 27 APRIL 2014 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 WEDNESDAY 2 APRIL FOOLS’ DAY 7 8 9 AMWA WATER POLICY CONF. WASHINGTON, DC AMWA WATER POLICY CONF. WASHINGTON, DC AMWA WATER POLICY CONF. WASHINGTON, DC AMWA WATER POLICY CONF. WASHINGTON, DC 13 14 15 16 GRAND PRIX PASSOVER BEGINS AT SUNDOWN 20 EASTER 21 28 SATURDAY 5 10 11 12 GRAND PRIX GRAND PRIX 17 18 GOOD FRIDAY 19 25 26 9:00 A.M. BOARD MTG. ABSENT: 22 23 EARTH DAY 27 FRIDAY 4 9:00 A.M. BOARD MTG. ABSENT: 6 PALM SUNDAY THURSDAY 3 29 30 24 MAY 2014 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 FRIDAY 2 9:00 A.M. BOARD MTG. ABSENT: 4 11 5 12 SATURDAY 3 LBWD LAWN-TOGARDEN TOUR 10:00 A.M – 2:00 P.M. 6 7 8 9 ACWA SPRING CONF. – MONTEREY, CA ACWA SPRING CONF. . – MONTEREY, CA ACWA SPRING CONF. . – MONTEREY, CA ACWA SPRING CONF. . – MONTEREY, CA 13 14 15 16 17 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: ALLEN MWD SOLAR CUP AT LAKE SKINNER MWD SOLAR CUP AT LAKE SKINNER MOTHER’S DAY 10 ARMED FORCES DAY 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 MWD SOLAR CUP AT LAKE SKINNER 25 MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY – ADMIN OFFICES CLOSED JUNE 2014 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY 1 MONDAY 2 TUESDAY 3 WEDNESDAY 4 THURSDAY 5 FRIDAY SATURDAY 6 7 13 14 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: 8 9 10 11 12 AWWA ANNUAL CONF. – BOSTON, MA AWWA ANNUAL CONF. – BOSTON, MA AWWA ANNUAL CONF. – BOSTON, MA AWWA ANNUAL CONF. – BOSTON, MA AWWA ANNUAL CONF. – BOSTON, MA 15 FATHER’S 16 17 18 19 11:30 A.M. LBWD SERVICE AWARDS LUNCHEON 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: 25 26 DAY 22 23 24 FLAG DAY AQUARIUM BLUE WHALE GALA – 6:30 P.M. 20 21 LBWD BEACH CLEAN-UP 27 28 FIRST OF RAMADAN 29 30 JULY 2014 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 WEDNESDAY 2 THURSDAY 3 FRIDAY 4 SATURDAY 5 INDEPENDENCE DAY ADMIN OFFICES CLOSED 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9:00 A.M. SPECIAL BOARD ABSENT: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 9:00 A.M. SPECIAL BOARD ABSENT: 27 28 29 30 31 AUGUST 2014 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ____________ 31 SEPTEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 2 WEDNESDAY 3 LABOR DAY ADMIN OFFICES CLOSED 7 8 THURSDAY 4 FRIDAY SATURDAY 5 6 12 13 19 20 7:00 P.M. PROP 218 PUBLIC HEARING ABSENT: 9 10 11 PATRIOT DAY 14 15 16 17 18 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: 21 22 23 24 ROSH HASHANAH BEGINS AT SUNDOWN 28 29 30 25 LBWD BEACH CLEAN-UP 26 27 OCTOBER 2014 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY 5 MONDAY 6 TUESDAY 7 12 13 14 AMWA ANNUAL MTG. – MEMPHIS, TN AMWA ANNUAL MTG. – MEMPHIS, TN AMWA ANNUAL MTG. – MEMPHIS, TN WEDNESDAY 1 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 2 3 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: YOM KIPPUR BEGINS AT SUNDOWN 8 9 10 11 AMWA ANNUAL MTG. – MEMPHIS, TN AMWA ANNUAL MTG. – MEMPHIS, TN AMWA ANNUAL MTG. – MEMPHIS, TN AMWA ANNUAL MTG. – MEMPHIS, TN 15 16 17 18 25 9:00 A.M. BOARD MTG. ABSENT: COLUMBUS DAY OBSERVED 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 HALLOWEEN NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 ALL SAINTS DAY 2 3 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS 4 5 ELECTION DAY 10 11 12 13 17 18 8 14 15 11:30 A.M. – STATE OF THE COUNTY ADDRESS VETERANS DAY 16 7 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: ALL SOULS DAY 9 6 19 20 21 22 27 28 29 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: ALLEN 23 ____________ 30 24 25 26 DECEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 2 WEDNESDAY 3 THURSDAY 4 FRIDAY SATURDAY 5 6 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 LBWD HOLIDAY LUNCH 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: 24 25 26 27 CHRISTMAS DAY HOLIDAY ADMIN OFFICES CLOSED KWANZAA BEGINS PEARL HARBOR REMEMBRANCE DAY 14 HANUKKAH BEGINS AT SUNDOWN 21 28 22 29 23 30 31 NEW YEAR’S EVE AGENDA BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2014, AT 9:00 A.M. LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1800 E. WARDLOW ROAD LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Public Comment: GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS CONCERNING NON-AGENDA ITEMS AND OTHER ITEMS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE BOARD. EACH PERSON WILL BE ALLOWED FIVE MINUTES UNLESS EXTENDED BY THE BOARD. 3. President’s Report Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners 4. General Manager’s Report Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 5. Consent Calendar: a. Approval of Transfer of Funds by Journal Entry Dated December 4, 2014 b. Adopt Specifications WD-22-14 for the Cathodic Protection Improvement of Water and Recycled Water Systems Project – Phase 2 (EO-3238) and Authorize the General Manager to Sign a Construction Contract with Mike Prlich and Sons, Inc., in the Amount of $414,700.00 6. Adopt Resolution No. WD-1332 naming Chandler’s Sand and Gravel, LLC as a sole source vendor to provide a site for disposal of construction materials, and authorize the General Manager to enter into a Sole Source Contract with Chandler’s Sand and Gravel, LLC (Chandler’s) to provide a site for disposal of construction materials, not to exceed $370,000 for a one-year period with option to extend for two (2) additional one-year periods, subject to a maximum increase of 5% for each renewal period Tai Tseng, Director of Operations 7. Adopt Resolution No. WD-1333 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a Purchase Agreement with Haaker Equipment Company (Haaker), under the purchase conditions specified in the existing HGACBuy Cooperative Purchasing Agreement, for the purchase of one (1) complete Vactor Ramjet Truck Mounted Jetter, mounted on a 2014 Freightliner 114SD LNG chassis, in an amount not to exceed $360,000.00 Tai Tseng, Director of Operations December 4, 2014 Page 2 8 Authorize the General Manager to execute the Purchase Order for System Water to be provided by The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (WD-xxxx) B. Anatole Falagan, Assisstant General Manager 9. Authorize the General Manager to enter into an agreement with Lagerlof, Senecal, Gosney and Kruse, LLP, for special counsel services to represent the interests of the City of Long Beach in legal matters and related actions concerning the Central Groundwater Basin and City’s water rights in an amount not to exceed $100,000 Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 10. Information item: potential for utilizing the City’s new Customer Care and Billing (CC&B) system to incentivize water conservation Matthew P. Lyons, Director of Planning & Conservation 11. Water Supply Update B. Anatole Falagan, Assistant General Manager 12. Legislative/Public Affairs Issues Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 13. New Business 14. CLOSED SESSION: The possibility of initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 (one matter) 15. Adjournment to the next Regular Meeting, Thursday, December 18, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. in the Board Room at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA. Written materials relating to any item on the Commission's agenda which are submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection at the Water Department Administration Offices located at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA 90807. December 4, 2014 Page 3 If language interpretation for non-English speaking persons is desired or if a special accommodation is desired pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Charter Commission meeting. Kung ang pasalitang pagsasalin-wika para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles ay hinahangad o kung ang isang natatanging kaluwagan ay hinahangad alinsunod sa Batas sa mga Amerikanong May Kapansanan, mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon sa Karta. Si desea una interpretación en otro idioma para las personas que no hablan inglés o si se desea una adaptación especial de acuerdo con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidad, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión de Estatutos. If language translation of the Commission agenda and minutes for non-English speaking persons is desired please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Commission meeting. Kung ang pagsasalin-wika ng adyenda at mga katitikan ng Komisyon ay hinahangad para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 pitong oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon. Si desea obtener la traducción lingüística de la agenda y las actas de la Comisión para las personas que no hablan inglés, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión. ITEM 3. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING PRESIDENT’S REPORT ITEM 4. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT ITEM 10. VERBAL PRESENTATION ITEM 11. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING WATER SUPPLY UPDATE ITEM 12. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING LEGISLATIVE/PUBLIC AFFAIRS ISSUES AGENDA ITEM 14 Closed Session: a. The possibility of initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 (one matter) AGENDA BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2014, AT 9:00 A.M. LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1800 E. WARDLOW ROAD LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Public Comment: GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS CONCERNING NON-AGENDA ITEMS AND OTHER ITEMS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE BOARD. EACH PERSON WILL BE ALLOWED FIVE MINUTES UNLESS EXTENDED BY THE BOARD. 3. Approval of Minutes – November 6, 2014 4. Review Board Meeting Schedule for December 2014 Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners 5. President’s Report Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners 6. General Manager’s Report Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 7. Consent Calendar: a. Adopt Specifications WD-26-14 for the Alamitos Tank No. 12 Rehabilitation Project and authorize the General Manager to sign a Construction Contract with Blastco, Inc. in the amount of $996,938.00 8. Adopt Request for Proposal (RFP) and authorize the General Manager to execute an Agreement with the Discovery Science Center to Design and Implement a Water Educational Program for grades 4th and 5th at a cost of $111,300; for 6th grade at a cost of $50,000, totaling $161,300 for one year, with the option for two annual renewals subject to performance B. Anatole Falagan, Assistant General Manager 9. Consider declaration of Water Conservation and Water Supply Shortage Plan (Plan) Stage 1 Water Supply Shortage Matthew P. Lyons, Director of Planning and Conservation 10. Follow-up discussion regarding creation of one or more Board of Water Commissioner standing committees Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners November 20, 2014 Page 2 11. Report of the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Board Meeting on November 18, 2014 12. Legislative/Public Affairs Issues Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 13. New Business 14. Adjournment to the next Regular Meeting, Thursday, December 4, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. in the Board Room at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA. Written materials relating to any item on the Commission's agenda which are submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection at the Water Department Administration Offices located at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA 90807. November 20, 2014 Page 3 If language interpretation for non-English speaking persons is desired or if a special accommodation is desired pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Charter Commission meeting. Kung ang pasalitang pagsasalin-wika para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles ay hinahangad o kung ang isang natatanging kaluwagan ay hinahangad alinsunod sa Batas sa mga Amerikanong May Kapansanan, mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon sa Karta. Si desea una interpretación en otro idioma para las personas que no hablan inglés o si se desea una adaptación especial de acuerdo con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidad, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión de Estatutos. If language translation of the Commission agenda and minutes for non-English speaking persons is desired please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Commission meeting. Kung ang pagsasalin-wika ng adyenda at mga katitikan ng Komisyon ay hinahangad para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 pitong oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon. Si desea obtener la traducción lingüística de la agenda y las actas de la Comisión para las personas que no hablan inglés, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 6, 2014 The Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Long Beach met in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, California, on November 6, 2014. The meeting was called to order at 9:02 a.m. by President Saltzgaver. PRESENT: Harry Saltzgaver Arthur Levine Robert Shannon John Allen Richard Anthony Kevin L. Wattier Sandra L. Fox ABSENT: 1. B. Anatole Falagan Paul T. Fujita Tai Tseng Eric Leung Robert Verceles Abelardo Rendon Jennifer Rojas Dynna Long Joyce Barkley Brianna Pagan Kyra Barboza Michael Mori Evana Gendron Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Deputy City Attorney General Manager Secretary to the Board of Water Commissioners Assistant General Manager Director of Finance Director of Operations Director of Engineering Division Engineer Division Engineer Sewer Superintendent Office Administrator Water Conservation Specialist Planner II – Non-Career Conservation Intern Conservation Intern Business Systems Specialist IV Frank Martinez Matthew P. Lyons Commissioner (EXCUSED) Director, Planning & Conservation PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Brianna Pagan led the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Board of Water Commissioners November 6, 2014 Page 2 2. PUBLIC COMMENT President Saltzgaver opened the public comment period. As there were no requests to address the Board on non-agenda items, the public comment period was closed. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 16, 2014 Commissioner Shannon made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 16, 2014. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. Commissioner Levine requested that the first item (the motion) under New Business (item 14) be corrected to replace the word acknowledge with the word congratulate. The corrected motion now reads: Commissioner Levine made a motion asking the Board to pass a motion congratulating Kevin Wattier on his receipt of the Southern California Water Committee’s presentation of the prestigious Honorable Harriett Wieder Leadership Award. President Saltzgaver asked if the makers of the original motion were in agreement with the correction. They responded yes. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any other comments regarding the minutes. Hearing none he called for the vote. The corrected minutes were approved unanimously. 4. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners President Saltzgaver acknowledged the recent election of Commissioner Allen as a Water Replenishment District Director and congratulated him on his win. He advised Commissioner Allen would be leaving the Board of Water Commissioners by the end of the year. He noted the Board and staff would miss Mr. Allen’s expertise. 5. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager OCTOBER 2014 WATER SALES REVIEW Mr. Wattier reviewed the water sales for October 2014, and noted there had been a significant reduction from the previous year, but was still above the record low that was set in 2010. However, he noted the weather in October 2014 was very unfavorable compared Board of Water Commissioners November 6, 2014 Page 3 to 2010. He reviewed the conservation trends, and reported that conservation was 17.3% below the historical average. STATE WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Mr. Wattier reminded the Board that as discussed at the last Board meeting the State Water Project initial allocation had to be reported by the end of November. He speculated it would come out within the next few weeks. Mr. Wattier presented information on Lake Oroville reservoir storage levels and noticed its importance as the primary reservoir on the State water project in generating the State water supply. He discussed current storage levels for the reservoir in context of its historical development. He noted the historical low for Lake Oroville reservoir was in September 1977 at 882,395 acre feet. He noted that at current trends he anticipates the reservoir could reach a new record low by the end of November 2014. Mr. Wattier advised that as staff had done in the past, beginning with the first board meeting in December 2014, monthly water supply updates would be provided to the Board. President Saltzgaver advised the Board that at 9:15 A.M. they would be adjourning to the time-certain Closed Session. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions or discussion regarding the Consent Calendar items. It was moved by Commissioner Allen, and seconded by Commissioner Levine to approve the Consent Calendar items. President Saltzgaver asked if there was any public comment regarding the Consent Calendar itemS. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion passed unanimously. 6a. Approve Retirement Order No.6123 for items that were replaced in relation to the Water Main Replacement program as of FY 2014, and authorize the removal of these items from the Department’s records. These items will not be sold at auction. A communication was presented to the Board from Paul Fujita, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. Board of Water Commissioners November 6, 2014 Page 4 6b. Approve Retirement Order No.6124 for items that were replaced in relation to the Sewer Main Replacement program during FY 2014, and authorize the removal of these items from the Department’s records. These items will not be sold at auction. A communication was presented to the Board from Paul Fujita, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 7. AUTHORIZATION TO SPONSOR AND ATTEND THE AQUARIUM OF THE PACIFIC FORUM ON THE WATER CRISIS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: ITS SEVERITY AND STEPS TO TAKE NOW TO REDUCE ITS IMPACT, AT THE AQUARIUM OF THE PACIFIC IN LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA, NOVEMBER 24, 2014 Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager It was moved by Commissioner Allen to authorize a sponsorship and attendance at the Aquarium of the Pacific Forum on the Water Crisis in Southern California: Its Severity and Steps to Take Now to Reduce its Impact, at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, California, November 24, 2014. President Saltzgaver called for a second. Hearing none he requested the General Manager provide a staff report on agenda item 7. Mr. Wattier advised that he and President Saltzgaver had recently met with Jerry Schubel, President and CEO of the Aquarium of the Pacific, on ways to address the drought crisis. He advised they came up with the concept for the Long Beach Water Department to sponsor an event to be held at the Aquarium to educate not only Long Beach residents, but all of Southern California on the approaching water crisis. He noted highly recognized water experts from UCLA, UC Irvine and other places would be invited to participate. He advised he anticipated introducing the topic; hosting discussion sessions about the crisis and possible solutions; and then he advised he anticipated a media event after lunch with speakers such as local mayors, etc. President Saltzgaver advised the event would involve a high-powered panel; and he anticipated a white paper to come out of this event that could be used for public awareness. He thanked the Aquarium for their partnership in this matter. Commissioner Allen inquired what the expenses for the event would cover. Mr. Wattier advised the sponsorship would be used to cover the event expenses of the Aquarium, such as travel and overnight lodging and meal expenses for speakers. Board of Water Commissioners November 6, 2014 Page 5 Mr. Allen inquired if the event would be recorded. Mr. Wattier advised he was not sure if the forum would be recorded, but was sure the media portion of the event would be recorded. He advised he would let the Aquarium staff know of the interest in having the event recorded. Commissioner Shannon second the motion. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any additional questions or comments. Commissioner Levine inquired if there were other sponsors. Mr. Wattier advised there were no other sponsors so that LBWD can better control the message. Commissioner Levine expressed concern with the date being so close to the Thanksgiving holiday. President Saltzgaver advised that there had been a lengthy discussion regarding the date, but he advised that he and staff had noted there was great urgency to have this event take place as soon as possible. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any additional questions, comments, or public comment. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 8. CLOSED SESSION: The possibility of initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 (one matter). President Saltzgaver read the closed session language. He asked if there was any public comment regarding the closed session item. Hearing none, he adjourned the Board to closed session at 9:16 A.M. President Saltzgaver reconvened the Board meeting at 10:19 A.M. and advised that the Board had given their attorney direction regarding potential litigation. 9. LEGISLATIVE/PUBLIC AFFAIRS ISSUES Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Mr. Wattier reported that the Water Bond had passed at the recent election. He advised he had nothing further to report. Board of Water Commissioners November 6, 2014 Page 6 10. NEW BUSINESS Board. President Saltzgaver inquired if there was any new business to come before the [Note for minutes: Commissioner Levine spoke at this point in the meeting but his comments were not able to be heard on the recording. His comments as noted here are from staff meeting notes]. Commissioner Levine acknowledged the election of Commissioner John Allen to the Water Replenishment District Board. Commissioner Shannon agreed with Commissioner Levine’s comments. Commissioner Allen thanked the Board for their compliments. He noted the efforts of the staff and the Board in providing background and education in water matters. President Saltzgaver called for a motion to excuse Commissioner Martinez. Commissioner Allen made a motion to excuse Commissioner Martinez from the November 6, 2014 Board meeting. Commissioner Levine seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Saltzgaver adjourned the regular meeting at 10:22 a.m. to the next regular meeting of the Water Commission to be held November 20, 2014, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, in Long Beach, California. _______________________________ Arthur M. Levine, Secretary Attest: _______________________________ Harry M. Saltzgaver, President DECEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY 1 MONDAY 2 TUESDAY ACWA FALL CONF. – SAN DIEGO, CA 7 PEARL HARBOR REMEMBRANCE DAY 14 8 15 9 16 HANUKKAH BEGINS AT SUNDOWN WEDNESDAY 3 ACWA FALL CONF. – SAN DIEGO, CA 10 4 THURSDAY 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: LEVINE ACWA FALL CONF. – SAN DIEGO, CA 5 FRIDAY 6 SATURDAY ACWA FALL CONF. – SAN DIEGO, CA 11 12 CRWUA CONF – LAS VEGAS, NV CRWUA CONF – LAS VEGAS, NV CRWUA CONF – LAS VEGAS, NV 17 18 19 20 26 27 LBWD HOLIDAY LUNCH 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 NEW YEAR’S EVE 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: 1:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. – WRD DEDICATION CEREMONY 25 CHRISTMAS DAY HOLIDAY ADMIN OFFICES CLOSED KWANZAA BEGINS 13 ITEM 5. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING PRESIDENT’S REPORT ITEM 6. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT ITEM 10. VERBAL DISCUSSION ITEM FOLLOW-UP DISCUSSION REGARDING CREATION OF ONE OR MORE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONER STANDING COMMITTEES REVIEW DRAFT RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING COMMITTEES RESOLUTION NO. WD-______ 1 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF WATER 4 COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF LONG BEACH 5 ESTABLISHING 6 COMMITTEES: 7 CONSERVATION COMMITTEE; (III) A GOVERNMENT 8 AFFAIRS COMMITTEE; AND (IV) AN INFRASTRUCTURE 9 COMMITTEE THE FOLLOWING STANDING (I) A FINANCE COMMITTEE; (II) A OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CHARLES PARKIN, City Attorney 333 West Ocean Boulevard, 11th Floor Long Beach, CA 90802-4664 10 11 WHEREAS, Section 1401 of the Charter of the City of Long Beach permits 12 the Board of Water Commissioners (“Board”) to establish standing committees and adopt 13 policies and procedures applicable thereto; and 14 WHEREAS, the Board desires to establish (i) a Finance Committee, (ii) a 15 Conservation Committee; (iii) a Government Affairs Committee, and (iv) an Infrastructure 16 Committee, each to be governed by the terms and conditions outlined in this Resolution 17 (collectively, the “Committees”); and 18 WHEREAS, the Committees shall generally provide advice and 19 recommendations to the Board and Long Beach Water Department staff (“Staff”), but 20 shall take no official action on behalf of the Board unless specifically authorized otherwise 21 by a resolution of the Board. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Long Beach resolves as follows: Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. The Board hereby establishes the Finance Committee, which shall review and study financial reports, revenues, fees, charges, fund transfers, 1 RFA:bg A14-01260 Y:\ADMIN\BD WEBPAGE\DOWNLOAD FOLDER\BD AGENDA PACKETS FOR POSTING\2014\11202014 Reg Mtg\11202014 Draft Standing Committee Reso for review at bd mtg.doc 1 demands and other finance-related matters, and advise and make recommendations to 2 the Board and Staff with respect to the same. 3 4 The Board hereby establishes the Conservation Committee, 5 which shall review and study water conservation policies, programs, technologies, 6 marketing strategies and other conservation-related matters, and advise and make 7 recommendations to the Board and Staff with respect to the same. 8 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CHARLES PARKIN, City Attorney 333 West Ocean Boulevard, 11th Floor Long Beach, CA 90802-4664 Section 3. Section 4. The Board hereby establishes the Government Affairs 9 Committee, which shall review and study potential and proposed local, state and federal 10 water legislation and other governmental affairs-related matters, and advise and make 11 recommendations to the Board and Staff with respect to the same. 12 Section 5. The Board hereby establishes the Infrastructure Committee, 13 which shall review and study capital improvement plans, operations and maintenance 14 policies, real property policies, safety, security, and other infrastructure-related matters, 15 and advise and make recommendations to the Board and Staff with respect to the same. 16 Section 6. 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The Committees shall be established and operate as follows. Each Committee shall be comprised of two (2) current Board members, one of whom shall be designated as the Chair of the Committee. B. The President of the Board shall initially appoint Committee members and shall designate the Chair, and thereafter shall fill vacancies as they occur. C. The term of each Committee member shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31 of the same year, regardless of the actual date of appointment. D. The Committees shall meet regularly as follows: 1. The Finance Committee regular meetings shall occur monthly, at _____ am/pm on the _______________ of each month. 2. The Conservation Committee regular meetings shall occur monthly, at _____ am/pm on the _______________ of each month. 2 RFA:bg A14-01260 Y:\ADMIN\BD WEBPAGE\DOWNLOAD FOLDER\BD AGENDA PACKETS FOR POSTING\2014\11202014 Reg Mtg\11202014 Draft Standing Committee Reso for review at bd mtg.doc 3. 1 2 occur monthly, at _____ am/pm on the _______________of each month. 4. 3 4 The Infrastructure Committee regular meetings shall occur monthly, at ______ am/pm on the ________________ of each month. E. 5 Each Committee shall constitute a standing committee and shall be 6 subject to the requirements of California Government Code Section 54950 et seq., 7 commonly known as the “Brown Act”. F. 8 9 10 The Committees shall be assisted by Staff members in preparing background information, agendas, distributing materials and performing other support functions as needed. Section 7. 11 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CHARLES PARKIN, City Attorney 333 West Ocean Boulevard, 11th Floor Long Beach, CA 90802-4664 The Government Affairs Committee regular meetings shall This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its 12 adoption by the Board, and the Secretary to the Board shall certify the vote adopting this 13 Resolution. 14 I hereby certify that this Resolution was adopted by the Board of Water 15 Commissioners of the City of Long Beach at its meeting on ___________________ by 16 the following vote: 17 Ayes: Commissioners: 21 Noes: Commissioners: 22 Absent: Commissioners: 18 19 20 23 24 25 Secretary Board of Water Commissioners 26 27 28 3 RFA:bg A14-01260 Y:\ADMIN\BD WEBPAGE\DOWNLOAD FOLDER\BD AGENDA PACKETS FOR POSTING\2014\11202014 Reg Mtg\11202014 Draft Standing Committee Reso for review at bd mtg.doc Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Meeting Schedule REVISED AGENDA Adjourned Regular Board Meeting November 18, 2014 7:00-8:00 a.m. Rm. 2-413 Dirs. Computer Training 8:30 a.m. Rm. 2-145 L&C 10:00 a.m. Rm. 2-456 OP&T 12:00 p.m. Board Room Board Meeting 12:00 p.m. -- Board Room MWD Headquarters Building 700 N. Alameda Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 1. Call to Order (a) Invocation: Denician Parrish, Administrative Assistant II, Water System Operations Group (b) Pledge of Allegiance: Director Larry McKenney 2. Roll Call 3. Determination of a Quorum 4. Opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on matters within the Board's jurisdiction. (As required by Gov. Code § 54954.3(a)) 4A. Presentation by Karen Ross, Secretary, California Department of Food and Agriculture REVISED: Date of Notice: November 12, 2014 Adjourned Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 November 18, 2014 5. OTHER MATTERS Corrected A. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting for October 14, 2014. (A copy has been mailed to each Director) Any additions, corrections, or omissions B. Report on Directors' events attended at Metropolitan expense for month of October C. Approve Resolution for Metropolitan’s Partnership with Palo Verde Irrigation District on the 10th anniversary of the Palo Verde Land Management, Crop Rotation and Water Supply Program. (Exec) D. Approve committee assignments E. Chairman's Monthly Activity Report F. Report from Executive Committee on nominations G. Approve waiving Section 2201(b) of the Administrative Code regarding the Board Secretary to serve a third full two-year term H. Nomination and election of Board Secretary for two-year term effective January 1, 2015 6. DEPARTMENT HEADS' REPORTS A. General Manager's summary of Metropolitan's activities for the month of October B. General Counsel’s summary of Legal Department activities for the month of October C. General Auditor's summary of activities for the month of October D. Ethics Officer's summary of activities for the month of October REVISED: Date of Notice: November 12, 2014 Adjourned Board Meeting Agenda Page 3 November 18, 2014 7. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS — ACTION 7-1 Appropriate $1.58 million; and authorize design and procurement to replace valves on the Palos Verdes Feeder and Middle Feeder (Approps. 15441 and 15480). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is categorically exempt, and a. Appropriate $1.58 million; and b. Authorize design and procurement to replace valves on the Palos Verdes and Middle Feeders. 7-2 Appropriate $1.95 million; and authorize: (1) design of seismic upgrades to the electrical switch houses at the Colorado River Aqueduct pumping plants; (2) agreement with Degenkolb Engineers for design services; and (3) agreement with Fugro West, Inc. for geotechnical investigations (Approp. 15438). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that this action is categorically exempt, and a. Appropriate $1.95 million; b. Authorize final design of seismic upgrades to the electrical switch houses at the Colorado River Aqueduct; c. Authorize agreement with Degenkolb Engineers in an amount not to exceed $510,000; and d. Authorize agreement with Fugro West, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $450,000. (END OF CONSENT CALENDAR) 8. OTHER BOARD ITEMS — ACTION 8-1 Approve the proposed terms for Purchase Orders with Member Agencies; authorize the General Manager to execute Purchase Orders with Member Agencies consistent with the proposed terms; and approve the Proposed Amendments to the Administrative Code. (F&I) REVISED: Date of Notice: November 12, 2014 Adjourned Board Meeting Agenda Page 4 November 18, 2014 Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is not defined as a project and is not subject to CEQA, and a. Approve the proposed terms for Purchase Orders with member agencies as outlined in Attachment 1 to the board letter; b. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Purchase Order with member agencies opting to execute the Purchase Order consistent with the proposed terms, in a form approved by the General Counsel; and c. Approve amendment of Sections 4120, 4122, 4401, 4404, and 4507 of the Administrative Code as shown in Attachment 3 to the board letter. 8-2 Authorize the execution and distribution of (1) the Official Statement in connection with the issuance of the Waterworks General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 2014 Series A; and (2) Remarketing Statements in connection with the remarketing of the Water Revenue Refunding Bonds (Index Mode), 2011 Series A-1 and A-3, and 2009 Series A-2. (F&I) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed project is not defined as a project and is not subject to CEQA, and a. Approve the draft Official Statement and draft Remarketing Statements substantially in the form attached to the board letter b. Authorize the General Manager to finalize, with changes approved by the General Manager and General Counsel, and execute the Official Statement and Remarketing Statements; and c. Authorize distribution of the Official Statement and Remarketing Statements in connection with remarketing and marketing of the related Bonds. 8-3 Appropriate $3.7 million; and authorize design to repair the pipe lining in the southern reach of the Orange County Feeder (Approp. 15377). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and a. Appropriate $3.7 million; and b. Authorize final design to repair the pipe lining in the southern reach of the Orange County Feeder. REVISED: Date of Notice: November 12, 2014 Adjourned Board Meeting Agenda Page 5 8-4 November 18, 2014 Appropriate $3.93 million; and award $2,155,000 Professional Services Agreement to Application Software Technology Corporation to upgrade Metropolitan’s Oracle Financial Application and deploy an integrated Travel Expense Reimbursement Module (Approp. 15484). (OP&T) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed actions are not defined as a project and are not subject to CEQA, and a. Appropriate $3.93 million; and b. Award $2,155,000 professional services agreement to Application Software Technology Corporation to upgrade Metropolitan’s Oracle Financial Application and deploy Oracle’s iExpenses module. 8-5 Award contract to Shared Solutions and Services, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $3.86 million to replace Metropolitan’s telephone system (Approp. 15376). (OP&T) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is not defined as a project and is not subject to CEQA, and award an agreement to Shared Solutions and Services, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $3.86 million to replace Metropolitan’s telephone system. Deferred 8-6 Authorize an increase of $40 million for conservation incentives and increase the contract capacity of the five year agreement with Electric and Gas Industries Association for Metropolitan’s regional conservation rebate program. (WP&S) Revised 8-7 Approve agreement in principle to provide up to $750,000 in funding for the Bacon Island Levee Rehabilitation Project in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta; authorize the execution of a cost-sharing agreement among participating urban water agencies. (WP&S) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is not defined as a project and authorize the General Manager, after compliance with CEQA requirements, to execute a cost-share agreement among the participating urban water agencies in accordance with the terms described in the board letter and in an amount not to exceed $750,000 for the Bacon Island Levee Rehabilitation Project in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. REVISED: Date of Notice: November 12, 2014 Adjourned Board Meeting Agenda Page 6 8-8 November 18, 2014 Report on water diversions in the Bay-Delta and request authority to initiate an administrative claim or other appropriate action regarding illegal diversion of stored water. (L&C) [Conference with legal counsel—anticipated litigation (one case); to be heard in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54956.9(d)(4)] 9. BOARD INFORMATION ITEMS None 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11. OTHER MATTERS a. AB 1234 Ethics Training 12. ADJOURNMENT NOTE: At the discretion of the Board, all items appearing on this agenda and all committee agendas, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated and may be subject to action by the Board. Each agenda item with a committee designation will be considered and a recommendation may be made by one or more committees prior to consideration and final action by the full Board of Directors. The committee designation appears in parentheses at the end of the description of the agenda item e.g. (E&O, F&I). Committee agendas may be obtained from the Board Executive Secretary. Writings relating to open session agenda items distributed to Directors less than 72 hours prior to a regular meeting are available for public inspection at Metropolitan's Headquarters Building and on Metropolitan's Web site Requests for a disability related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to attend or participate in a meeting should be made to the Board Executive Secretary in advance of the meeting to ensure availability of the requested service or accommodation REVISED: Date of Notice: November 12, 2014 ITEM 12. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING LEGISLATIVE/PUBLIC AFFAIRS ISSUES AGENDA BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014, AT 9:00 A.M. LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1800 E. WARDLOW ROAD LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Public Comment: GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS CONCERNING NON-AGENDA ITEMS AND OTHER ITEMS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE BOARD. EACH PERSON WILL BE ALLOWED FIVE MINUTES UNLESS EXTENDED BY THE BOARD. 3. Approval of Minutes – October 16, 2014 4. President’s Report Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners 5. General Manager’s Report Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 6. Consent Calendar: a. Approve Retirement Order No.6123 for items that were replaced in relation to the Water Main Replacement program as of FY 2014, and authorize the removal of these items from the Department’s records. These items will not be sold at auction b. Approve Retirement Order No.6124 for items that were replaced in relation to the Sewer Main Replacement program during FY 2014, and authorize the removal of these items from the Department’s records. These items will not be sold at auction 7. Authorization to sponsor and attend the Aquarium of the Pacific forum on the Water Crisis in Southern California: Its Severity and Steps to Take Now to Reduce its Impact, at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, California, November 24, 2014 Kevin L. Wattier, General manager 8. 9:15 A.M. - CLOSED SESSION: The possibility of initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 (one matter) November 6, 2014 Page 2 9. Legislative/Public Affairs Issues Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 10. New Business 11. Adjournment to the next Regular Meeting, Thursday, November 20, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. in the Board Room at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA. Written materials relating to any item on the Commission's agenda which are submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection at the Water Department Administration Offices located at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA 90807. November 6, 2014 Page 3 If language interpretation for non-English speaking persons is desired or if a special accommodation is desired pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Charter Commission meeting. Kung ang pasalitang pagsasalin-wika para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles ay hinahangad o kung ang isang natatanging kaluwagan ay hinahangad alinsunod sa Batas sa mga Amerikanong May Kapansanan, mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon sa Karta. Si desea una interpretación en otro idioma para las personas que no hablan inglés o si se desea una adaptación especial de acuerdo con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidad, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión de Estatutos. If language translation of the Commission agenda and minutes for non-English speaking persons is desired please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Commission meeting. Kung ang pagsasalin-wika ng adyenda at mga katitikan ng Komisyon ay hinahangad para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 pitong oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon. Si desea obtener la traducción lingüística de la agenda y las actas de la Comisión para las personas que no hablan inglés, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 16, 2014 The Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Long Beach met in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, California, on October 16, 2014. The meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. by President Saltzgaver. PRESENT: Harry Saltzgaver Frank Martinez Arthur Levine Robert Shannon John Allen Richard Anthony Kevin L. Wattier Sandra L. Fox B. Anatole Falagan Paul T. Fujita Tai Tseng Matthew P. Lyons Eric Leung Robert Verceles Abelardo Rendon Jennifer Rojas Kaylee Weatherly Melissa L. Keyes Dynna Long Joyce Barkley ABSENT: 1. Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Deputy City Attorney General Manager Secretary to the Board of Water Commissioners Assistant General Manager Director of Finance Director of Operations Director, Planning & Conservation Director of Engineering Division Engineer Division Engineer Sewer Superintendent Assistant to the General Manager Administrative Analyst III/Special Projects Coordinator Office Administrator Water Conservation Specialist NONE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Kaylee Weatherly led the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT President Saltzgaver opened the public comment period. As there were no requests to address the Board on non-agenda items, the public comment period was closed. President Saltzgaver reminded the Board members and staff to be sure that they had their microphones turned on when they were speaking so their comments would be properly recorded. Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 2 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 2, 2014 Commissioner Levine made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 2, 2014. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for comments, questions and public comments. Hearing none, President Saltzgaver called for the vote. The minutes were approved unanimously. 4. REVIEW BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER 2014 Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners President Saltzgaver noted a conversation that he had recently had with Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Director, Suja Lowenthal, regarding her meeting with the Board of Water Commissioners to provide an MWD update. He reported that she advised it was virtually impossible for her to meet on a Thursday morning due to a conflict with her work schedule in Santa Monica. He did advise that she indicated she would be happy to meet with the Board if they could schedule the meeting on a Friday morning. There was general discussion related to scheduling the special meeting with Director Lowenthal. Commissioner Shannon made a motion to move the November 6 th regular meeting to Friday, November 7th. There was additional discussion regarding Commissioner availability for a possible special meeting on a Friday in November. Commissioner Shannon withdrew his original motion, and made a motion to move the December 4, 2014 regular meeting to a special meeting on Friday, December 5, 2014 at 9:00 A.M. with MWD Director Lowenthal. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver advised there was not a need for a motion or a second as the Board can schedule/reschedule their meetings without taking action by a motion. Concurrence by all Board members was obtained to move the Thursday, December 4, 2014 regular meeting to Friday, December 5, 2014, and invited MWD Director Lowenthal to provide an MWD update. The Board discussed the proposed meeting schedule for the month of November 2014. President Saltzgaver noted Commissioner Allen’s absence on November 20 th. Mr. Wattier suggested that the Board might want to delay further discussion regarding the November 2014 board meeting schedule until after his General Manager’s report. Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 3 5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners President Saltzgaver called on Deputy City Attorney, Richard Anthony to provide an update on the Board’s request for receipt and posting availability of Metropolitan Water District (MWD) minutes. Mr. Anthony advised he had sent a letter on Monday, October 13, 2014 at the request of the Board to Marcia Scully, MWD General Counsel requesting that MWD staff deliver MWD Board meeting minutes to the Board of Water Commissioners in a more timely fashion than minutes are currently being delivered. He reported he was pleasantly surprised to receive a phone call from Ms. Scully on Tuesday morning, apologizing that MWD was not including their draft board meeting minutes in their online board agenda packets. He indicated she reported this matter would be rectified immediately, and had copied Mr. Anthony on an e-mail that she had sent to MWD staff requesting that staff begin posting draft board meeting minutes on their website. He reported that Ms. Scully advised MWD usually posts their agenda packages 7 – 8 days in advance of their board meetings. Commissioner Shannon thanked Mr. Anthony for writing the letter to MWD, and for his assistance in resolving this issue. President Saltzgaver advised he would defer the remainder of his comments for later on in the agenda. 6. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager STATE WATER PROJECT ALLOCATION Mr. Wattier advised that the State Water Project (SWP) preliminary water allocation announcement is usually made around mid-November each year. He noted that during the last drought the announcement had been made on October 29 th. He reported he expected that the Department of Water Resources (DWR) would issue their initial SWP Allocation sometime after the November 4 th election. He noted this allocation would be very low – 0% - 5%. He advised that last year’s allocation started at 5%, and storage is now lower than the start of last year. CENTRAL BASIN WATER ASSOCIATION LETTER TO CENTRAL BASIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT REGARDING REPLENISHMENT WATER Mr. Wattier noted the historical levels in the Central Basin Key Well as an indicator of the water levels, and health of the basin. He reported that currently levels are dropping below the second lowest elevation recorded. He noted the levels in the basin continue to Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 4 drop about a foot to a foot and a half per month. He also noted on a map the declining levels overall in the basin. He referenced a letter the Central Basin Water Association (CBWA) had written to the Central Basin Municipal Water District requesting an update on the letter they had written to MWD concerning replenishment water for the Central Groundwater Basin. He reported the CBWA letter noted that MWD’s refusal to meet that order request for water to replenish the basin is a violation of the law. Mr. Wattier requested that a closed session be set for the next Board meeting with outside counsel to discuss this matter. Mr. Anthony advised he would contact outside counsel to schedule the closed session for an upcoming Board meeting depending on his schedule. Commissioner Shannon inquired of the President if he felt there was an urgent need to request a special meeting be scheduled before the next Board meeting date. There was general discussion regarding setting a special meeting. President Saltzgaver asked the Deputy City Attorney to reach out to outside counsel to schedule the closed session as soon as possible, even if that meant scheduling a special meeting. It was agreed that the Deputy City Attorney would check with the outside counsel regarding his schedule and the closed session would then be set. President Saltzgaver asked the General Manager if the Water Replenishment District (WRD) could request water from MWD directly. Mr. Wattier responded no, they had to go through a MWD member agency. He advised they currently had two orders placed – one with the Central Basin Municipal Water District in February 2014, and one placed by LBWD two weeks ago. Commissioner Martinez inquired if the CBWA had received a response from MWD to their letter dated September 19th, 2014 regarding imported water deliveries for Central Basin groundwater replenishment. Mr. Wattier advised to date there had been no response – not even a phone call to his knowledge. President Saltzgaver noted for the record that the CBWA letters were dated September 19, 2014 and October 15, 2014. Commissioner Allen asked if MWD had responded to CBMWD in February. Mr. Wattier advised promises had been made but not met; such as if you wait until Fall we will make delivery. President Saltzgaver urged the Board members to retain copies of the CBWA letters. Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 5 LOS ANGELES MAYOR GARCETTI’S EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE EMERGENCY DROUGHT RESPONSE CREATING A WATER WISE CITY #5: Mr. Wattier referred the Board members to a copy in their cubby folders regarding Mayor Garcetti’s Executive Directive regarding the drought and conservation. He noted some of the requested actions in the directive: 1) Ordered all City of Los Angeles City department buildings and street medians be restricted to watering no more than two days per week; 2) Within 90 days, the General Services Department, in collaboration with Department of Recreation and Parks, shall initiate a program of turf replacement at appropriate municipal buildings using all available rebates and incentives. He noted the media coverage had highlighted an increase in their turf replacement rebate to $3.75/SF, but he noticed this was limited to the first 1,500 square feet of turf replacement, stepping down to $2.00/SF for turf removal above 1,500 SF. Mr. Wattier asked the Board to consider taking action after the SWP allocation was announced to possibly move to the next step in the LBWD Shortage Allocation Plan. Deputy City Attorney Anthony advised it was appropriate for the General Manager to advise the Board to put this consideration in their planning process, but cautioned that any discussion regarding this issue should take place at a future meeting as an agendized item. President Saltzgaver requested that a discussion regarding the level of urgency regarding a possible adjustment to the LBWD Shortage Allocation Plan be agendized for the next Board meeting. MAIN BREAK UPDATE Mr. Wattier advised that in response to an inquiry from Commissioner Allen that LBWD had experienced forty main breaks in FY 2013/2014 (a higher than normal amount – LBWD had been running about thirty per year in the past few years); twenty-four had occurred in the first quarter; and sixteen had occurred in the last of the fiscal year. Commissioner Allen asked if there was any factor leading to these breaks such as weather. Mr. Wattier said no, he could not explain the reason for the higher number of breaks. Commissioner Martinez inquired if they would be considering the November board meeting calendar dates at this time. President Saltzgaver said they could. Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 6 NOTE: BOARD RETURNED TO ITEM 4. AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING 4. REVIEW BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER 2014 Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners Commissioner Martinez advised he would be absent from the November 6 th Board meeting. Commissioner Allen noted his absence on November 20 th. The Board agreed to the following meeting schedule: November 6, 2014 November 20, 2014 9:00 A.M. – Regular Meeting 9:00 A.M. – Regular Meeting President Saltzgaver mentioned the potential for a special meeting to also be called outside of this approved schedule. There was discussion regarding days of the week that were better than others for Board members to enable scheduling special meetings outside of the regular Board meeting schedule. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions or discussion regarding the Consent Calendar items. Commissioner Shannon made a motion to adopt the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Allen. President Saltzgaver asked if there was any public comment regarding the Consent Calendar items. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 7a. Approval of Transfer of Funds by Journal Entry Dated October 16, 2014 A communication was presented to the Board from Paul Fujita, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 7b. Adopt Specifications WD-10-12 for the J. Will Johnson Tank No. 1 Rehabilitation Project and authorize the General Manager to sign a construction contract with Paso Robles Tank, Inc., in the amount of $760,680.00 A communication was presented to the Board from Eric Leung, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 7 8. Authorization to attend the sixth annual CORO Water Conference, Tuesday, November 18, 2014, at the Taglyan Complex, Los Angeles, California Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager President Saltzgaver noted this was an item that the Board had traditionally supported over the years. Commissioner Allen made a motion to determine that an invitation to participate in the sixth annual CORO Water Conference November 18, 2014 at the Taglyan Complex in Los Angeles complies with Board Policy Statement 198-31, Expenditure of Water Department Funds for Board Approved Long Beach Related Community and Civic Activities, and approve a Bronze Sponsorship (five seats) at $2,500.00 for interested board members and managers. Mr. Wattier commented if there was significant interest, that the Board consider approving a Silver Sponsorship (ten seats) at the level of $5,000.00. President Saltzgaver advised that Mr. Wattier’s comments were out of order as there was not yet a second on the motion, which was needed before discussion could take place. President Saltzgaver called for a second. Commissioner Martinez seconded the motion. Commissioner Allen amended his motion to approve a Silver Sponsorship (ten seats) at $5,000.00. Commissioner Martinez seconded the amended motion. President Saltzgaver noted he would not be able to attend the event this year. Commissioner Martinez regretfully noted he also would not be able to attend. President Saltzgaver called for public comment. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 9. Create the Synthetic Turf Pilot Program, which would provide an incentive to replace grass lawns with synthetic turf Matthew P. Lyons, Director of Planning and Conservation Mr. Lyons provided a historical overview of the Lawn-to-Garden (LTG) Program. He noted that initially the program was focused on turf replacement with live, drought-tolerant plants. He noted that the Board later created the Median Landscape Conversion (MLC) Program for large landscapes. He advised that the MLC was later amended to include synthetic turf (ST), but only for sports fields. He summarized a modification to the LTG that would allow for a larger rebate where living plants are used to replace turf. He noted the purpose of the Lawn-to-Garden program is to change the culture of landscape from turf grass to drought-friendly landscapes, and advised that landscapes that include living plants have greater widespread applicability than synthetic turf. Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 8 He noted the following drawbacks in using synthetic turf: 1) Can create a heat island: temperature above synthetic turf can be more than 50+ degrees higher than natural landscaped areas; 2) Use of synthetic turf can eliminate habitat (essentially above and below ground habitat; 3) Synthetic turf may inhibit the flow of nutrients and oxygen into the soil affecting surrounding trees and plants; 4) Synthetic turf does not bio-degrade airborne pollutants; for example does not entrain greenhouse gases (GHG) such as CO2; 5) If fill material is also synthetic (such as ground rubber), it may escape the synthetic turf and enter the environment; 6) If synthetic turf is not permeable, it may lead to urban runoff; 7) Synthetic turf may have sanitation issues, particularly if people, dogs and cats have access to the site; 8) After its useful life (10 to 15 years, depending) the material must be disposed of, but it is not biodegradable. He reminded the Board that the existing Lawn-to-Garden program requires 65% plant coverage; if the rebate for synthetic turf were the same as with LTG, it might call into question this important requirement. He noted that the Long Beach Municipal Code limits synthetic turf to a maximum of 50% of the landscaped area. Mr. Lyons reviewed the potential synthetic turf program requirements as follows: Minimum height of synthetic turf Minimum “life time” guarantee (quality) Synthetic turf must be permeable He reported the following installation procedure requirements may include the following (in addition to other requirements): Kill and remove existing grass Cap or remove existing irrigation system Remove minimum of 3” to 5” of soil Install and compact base material Attach the synthetic turf to the base Place 1” to 2” of ‘infill material’ May require certain types of infill, or exclude certain types, such as ground rubber Mr. Lyons ended his presentation by outlining the staff recommendation as follows: That the Board authorize the creation of the Synthetic Turf Pilot Program (Program): This is a one year pilot program meaning no new Program applications will be accepted beginning one year after this Board authorization Each Program application must be approved by the Board Both small projects (such as residential) and large projects may apply Rebate amount shall be MWD’s contribution to turf replacement per square foot, plus $0.50 Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 9 Not covered by this authorization are sports fields, which have been incorporated into existing turf replacement program Board authorizes staff to create rules necessary to manage the Program: To the extent feasible, the Program will be incorporated into existing LBWD turf replacement programs Rules shall be congruent with the City’s Municipal Code Acceptance of Program applications limited to available funding Commissioner Levine requested that Matt compare the LTG rebate to the Synthetic Turf rebate. Mr. Lyons explained that the LTG rebate is $3.50/square foot and the Synthetic turf rebate would be set at $2.50 square foot. Commissioner Levine commented that at the recommended funding level for the synthetic turf pilot program that approximately fifty area homes could take advantage of this program. Commissioner Allen asked about the rules administering the pilot program. Mr. Lyons advised staff was requesting the Board to authorize staff to develop the rules to administer the program. Commissioner Martinez inquired how much additional staff time would be needed to administer the pilot program. Mr. Lyons reported that additional staff time had yet been factored in. He reported that existing conservation staff would be administering this program. Commissioner Allen inquired about the amount of synthetic turf that could be used in a front yard turf replacement. Mr. Lyons advised that the Municipal Code guidelines would have to be followed to determine the quantity of ground cover that could be synthetic versus living plants. Commissioner Allen asked if LBWD staff had spoken to other City departments regarding this proposed pilot program. Mr. Lyons responded that LBWD staff had spoken with staff from the Development Services Department who had shared the information relating to the Municipal Code and synthetic turf. President Saltzgaver advised that he had in-depth conversations with two councilmembers regarding the possibility of a pilot synthetic turf program. He noted the reasoning behind these requests was for interested constituents to be able to use Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 10 something else to infill between drought tolerant plants (other than decomposed granite); and possible use of synthetic turf in the parkways during an LTG conversion project. Mr. Lyons advised that the use of synthetic turf was covered in the Municipal Code, and there was a specific reference that noted that parkways shall be landscaped primarily with live plant material; and nonliving material, permeable groundcovers that accept foot traffic, such as decomposed granite, inorganic and organic mulches, and modular paving units set on sand, are the only nonliving materials allowed in the parkway and shall not cover fifty percent or more of the total parkway area. Commissioner Levine asked if there was a significant water savings between synthetic turf and drought tolerant plantings. Mr. Lyons responded that drought tolerant plantings deliver a significant water savings, but that it would be difficult to determine the water savings by using synthetic turf as savings would be based on how often they would need to hose it off to keep it clean; clear pet debris, etc. President Saltzgaver advised that he saw the request for use of synthetic turf to enhance customer yard improvement projects. Commissioner Shannon requested that the President clarify his comments regarding conversations with councilmembers regarding this type of program. President Saltzgaver advised that his conversations with councilmembers were related to them advocating on behalf of their constituents, such as their concerns regarding deciding to switch to drought tolerant plantings, and how they might design their yard improvements, and their wishes to possibly incorporate synthetic turf in their yard conversion designs. Commissioner Shannon then inquired were these comments then passed on to staff, and that was the genesis of this program that staff acted upon. President Saltzgaver advised that staff was in the room for some of the initial conversations regarding this program idea. Commissioner Martinez advised he thought this was a good pilot program, but requested that the Board see some metrics on the staff time that would be necessary to administer this program. Commissioner Allen made a motion to authorize the creation of the Synthetic Turf Pilot Program (in accordance with Attachment A to the board letter), and authorize staff to create rules necessary to manage and implement the Program. Commissioner Allen then advised that if the SWP Allocation does in fact come in as a zero allocation he advised it would be time for the Board to take further action. He said Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 11 he agreed with Commissioner Martinez that additional information was needed regarding the administration of this program, but advised he trusted that staff would be providing this as they developed the guidelines for the program. Commissioner Martinez seconded the motion. Commissioner Levine advised he wished to follow-up on Commissioner Shannon’s comments, and wondered if a proposal like this should have appropriately first come to the Board for consideration. President Saltzgaver said no; because there is a need to continue to research many different ways and programs to assist in conservation of water. He advised he saw this program as a proactive response, rather than a reactive response. Commissioner Levine advised his comment was related to the process. Commissioner Shannon asked for clarification to see if staff was recommending option 1 (as outlined in the board letter). Mr. Wattier responded yes; and noted there were staff concerns with the project, but felt it was worthwhile to try it out with a pilot program. Commissioner Levine inquired if there was any idea how many constituents had expressed an interest in this type of program. President Saltzgaver called on the General Manager to respond. Mr. Wattier advised he did not have an exact number, but noted several councilmembers had expressed an interest in this type of program on behalf of their constituents. Commissioner Martinez commented on his recent experience at a pop-up town hall meeting that Councilmember Price held at a farmer’s market. He advised that he observed over half of the people in attendance expressing interest in this type of program. He went on to say that as the Board continues to request that constituents conserve more water, that it is helpful to have additional programs/tools available to assist them in meeting the requested conservation goals. Commissioners Martinez and Levine advised they would support the pilot program. President Saltzgaver called for any further questions comments; he then called for public comment. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 12 10. BOARD UPDATE ON LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT’S PROGRESS TOWARDS MEETING THE 20 X 2020 TARGETS IMPOSED ON RETAIL WATER AGENCIES BY SBX7-7 LEGISLATION Matthew P. Lyons, Director of Planning and Conservation Mr. Lyons provided a summary of the legislation that created the target for conservation – a 20% reduction in urban gallons per capita per day (GPCD) by 2020 and described consequences to urban retail water suppliers if they did not meet their targets. Note: President Saltzgaver left the meeting at 10:08 A.M. He provided background information on the four options that can be used by the retail water agencies to establish their 2020 targets: Reduce 20% from baseline (straightforward 20% reduction in GPCD) Efficiency option o 2020 GPCD target is the sum of i. Indoor use: 55 GPCD ii. Landscape 1. [total service area landscape] 2. Multiplied by [water allowed under the Model Landscape Ordinance per SF] iii. CII (commercial, industrial and institutional): 1. 90% of use during baseline 2. Expressed as GPCD 95% of State’s 2020 target for the hydrologic region Option to be developed by Department of Water Resources in cooperation with stakeholders o Very similar to Option 2. – efficiency method. Note: President Saltzgaver returned to the meeting at 10:10 A.M. Mr. Wattier provided background on the Long Beach Water Department’s involvement in working on the finalization of the 20x2020 legislation. Mr. Lyons advised that the Long Beach Water Department would use the stand-alone compliance: Compliance method #1, 20% reduction from baseline Baseline: 134 GPCD 2015 target: 121 GPCD 2020 target: 107 GPCD President Saltzgaver thanked Mr. Lyons for his presentation and asked if the Board had any questions or comments to make. Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 13 Commissioner Shannon inquired if the City of Los Angeles had established their 2020 target. Mr. Lyons responded yes; and noted they had used the hydrologic option for establishing their target. Commissioner Levine inquired if LBWD was on target to meet the goals as outlined in the presentation on slide 12. Mr. Lyons responded yes. 11. DISCUSSION REGARDING CREATION OF ONE OR MORE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONER STANDING COMMITTEES Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners President Saltzgaver provided background for the need in creating Commissioner standing committees. He suggested creation of the following committees: Finance Committee (to be involved during budget preparation) Government Affairs (to be involved in dealing with the Metropolitan Water District; the County, the State and City government) Conservation and Marketing of Conservation (this type of Committee would vet new suggested programs, such as the Pilot Synthetic Turf program) Infrastructure (to dig deeper into the LBWD replacement projects such as main replacement; pump station replacement, etc.). He advised with the establishment of the committees staff would have available to them the expertise of its Commission members to advise on projects and programs. President Saltzgaver recommended that the standing committees meet once a month, or as needed. Commissioner Shannon advised he agreed with the four committees mentioned, but he advised there was a need to be clear on the scope of duties for each committee. Commissioner Shannon tasked Mr. Anthony with coming up with a draft scope of duties clearly delineated for each committee. Mr. Anthony advised that there may be a need for an amendment to the Commission’s bylaws to add committees. He advised he would research this and come back to the Board with the suggested scope of duties for the committees. Mr. Shannon responded, then the Board could review and discuss the scope of duties, etc. Commissioner Martinez commented that as he and President Saltzgaver had attended various conferences they noted that other water districts and agencies all involved working with standing committees. Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 14 President Saltzgaver noted that he was surprised when he came on the Commission (a little over two years ago) that there were no committees, because every other Charter Commission in the city functions with committees. Commissioner Levine expressed his support for the President’s suggestion in establishing committees, and advised he looked forward to getting into more detail on some of the issues at a committee level. Commissioner Allen suggested that any bylaws for the committees should include the statement that the President would select the members of the committees, and that the President would also appoint the Chairs of the committees. He noted the committees should meet as often as needed. President Saltzgaver reported that in his experience with committees, that as they are shaped he would expect staff to turn to the committees for feedback (at least) on issues, and utilize the expertise of the Commissioners. President Saltzgaver advised the Board that with a Board of five members, that the committees could only be made up of two members. Commissioner Allen commented that the committees would be subject to the Brown Act, and would have to have regular meeting times, with agendas. He asked Deputy City Attorney Anthony to confirm this. Mr. Anthony answered in the affirmative. There was discussion regarding the possibility of setting established meeting times for the committees, and posting meeting agendas within the 72-hour Brown Act deadline. Mr. Anthony advised this might entail a lot of cancellation notices if the committees do not meet on a regular basis. He noted that an alternative would be that each meeting of a committee could be treated as a special meeting and noticed within the Brown Act posting guidelines. President Saltzgaver said that this could be finalized in the structure set for these types of meetings. President Saltzgaver reminded the Board that these committees would require staff time, so the Board should be cognizant of this when setting the committee meetings. President Saltzgaver asked Attorney Anthony if he would have a timeline when the Board could expect his report back to them regarding establishing the committees. Mr. Anthony advised he would try to have something for the Board by their November 6 th meeting. Commissioner Shannon requested that Mr. Anthony forward to the Board members his committee report in advance of the Board meeting discussion. Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 15 Commissioner Martinez reminded the Board he would be absent from the November 6th Board meeting. President Saltzgaver acknowledged his absence, and noted there would probably be several discussions regarding the committees before final decisions were made. 12. Report of the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Board Meeting on October 14, 2014 Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Mr. Wattier advised that MWD staff had provided their Board Finance Committee with an update on Purchase Order Agreements; and an update on the Water Supply Allocation Plan (WSAP) was given to the Planning and Water Resources Committee. He advised that MWD had set a goal of making final changes to the WSAP by their December 2014 board meeting. He reported it was unlikely that they would be able to meet this deadline. He noted they continue to have meetings with their member agencies that are acrimonious; extensive disagreement exists amongst MWD staff and member agencies over important issues such a groundwater replenishment, and how that might or might not be taken care of during a shortage allocation. Mr. Wattier advised he was following a provision in the shortage plan that acknowledges those agencies that have a GPCD of 100 or lower would not be cut. He reported that LBWD is currently at a 111 GPCD and feels that LBWD could be at 106 GPCD by June 2015. He acknowledged the great conservation efforts that are ongoing to reach this goal, and believes by the time MWD institutes their shortage plan that LBWD could be close to the 100 GPCD number. Mr. Wattier reported that MWD Purchase Order Agreements were set to expire at the end of 2014. He advised again that acrimonious discussions with MWD are ongoing regarding these agreements. He advised he is carefully monitoring what MWD is offering, and advised that so far the conditions being set do not work well for LBWD at this time. Note: Commissioner Martinez left the meeting at 10:49 A.M. 13. Legislative/Public Affairs Issues Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Mr. Wattier reported the water bond polling was going well; and it was anticipated it would pass at the November 4th election. Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 16 14. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Levine made a motion asking the Board to acknowledge the Southern California Water Committee’s presentation of the Honorable Harriett Wieder Leadership Award to General Manager, Mr. Wattier. Mr. Shannon seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any comments or questions regarding this motion. He asked if there was any public comment. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously (one absence). Commissioner Levine requested that the Board consider the feasibility and desirability to televise Board of Water Commissioner meetings. Commissioner Allen advised that he had previously been a proponent of televising the meetings; he advised the suggestion had been considered but it did not cost out. Commissioner Shannon commented on the suggestion of televising the Board meetings. He advised he was adamantly opposed to the idea. President Saltzgaver advised he would not take a stand on the matter; but did want to point out that the Board meeting audience was filled with staff members and no one from the public. Commissioner Allen advised he had also requested in the past that the Board schedule night meetings to increase public participation. He noted the night meeting schedule had lasted approximately 32 to 36 meetings, and in all of that time public attendees had numbered about three. He advised the Board had returned to a day meeting schedule. Commissioner Levine advised the comments from Commissioners Shannon and Allen were so compelling that he was withdrawing his suggestion that Board meetings be televised. Commissioner Allen requested that staff agendize an update on the $26,000 Greywater Pilot Program. President Saltzgaver asked if Assistant General Manager, Anatole Falagan could provide an update on the request to have gallons per day data be printed on the monthly utility bills. Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 17 Mr. Falagan noted that efforts were underway to have the statistic of gallons per day usage printed on the utility bill. He also noted that the efforts were focused on getting the printed statistic as quickly as possible, with a continued effort to have the recording and tracking of the statistic formally added to the CIS so future calculations could compare with prior years’ usage. He anticipated that the gallons per day statistic would be added to the printed bill within the next two months. 15. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Saltzgaver adjourned the regular meeting at 10:56 a.m. to the next regular meeting for the Water Commission to be held November 6, 2014, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, in Long Beach, California. _______________________________ Arthur M Levine, Secretary Attest: ___________________________ Harry M. Saltzgaver, President ITEM 4. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING PRESIDENT’S REPORT ITEM 5. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT AGENDA ITEM 8 9:15 A.M. Closed Session: a. The possibility of initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 (one matter) ITEM 9. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING LEGISLATIVE/PUBLIC AFFAIRS ISSUES AGENDA BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014, AT 9:00 A.M. LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1800 E. WARDLOW ROAD LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Public Comment: GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS CONCERNING NON-AGENDA ITEMS AND OTHER ITEMS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE BOARD. EACH PERSON WILL BE ALLOWED FIVE MINUTES UNLESS EXTENDED BY THE BOARD. 3. Approval of Minutes – October 2, 2014 4. Review Board Meeting Schedule for November 2014 Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners 5. President’s Report Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners 6. General Manager’s Report Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 7. Consent Calendar: a. Approval of Transfer of Funds by Journal Entry Dated October 16, 2014 b. Adopt Specifications WD-10-12 for the J. Will Johnson Tank No. 1 Rehabilitation Project and authorize the General Manager to sign a construction contract with Paso Robles Tank, Inc., in the amount of $760,680.00 8. Authorization to attend the sixth annual CORO Water Conference, Tuesday, November 18, 2014, at the Taglyan Complex, Los Angeles, California Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 9. Create the Synthetic Turf Pilot Program, which would provide an incentive to replace grass lawns with synthetic turf Matthew P. Lyons, Director of Planning and Conservation. 10. Board update on Long Beach Water Department’s progress towards meeting the 20 x 2020 targets imposed on retail water agencies by SBx7-7 legislation Matthew P. Lyons, Director of Planning and Conservation. 11. Discussion regarding creation of one or more Board of Water Commissioner standing committees Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners October 16, 2014 Page 2 12. Report of the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Board Meeting on October 14, 2014 13. Legislative/Public Affairs Issues Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager 14. New Business 15. Adjournment to the next Regular Meeting, Thursday, November 6, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. in the Board Room at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA. Written materials relating to any item on the Commission's agenda which are submitted to the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection at the Water Department Administration Offices located at 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA 90807. October 16, 2014 Page 3 If language interpretation for non-English speaking persons is desired or if a special accommodation is desired pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Charter Commission meeting. Kung ang pasalitang pagsasalin-wika para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles ay hinahangad o kung ang isang natatanging kaluwagan ay hinahangad alinsunod sa Batas sa mga Amerikanong May Kapansanan, mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon sa Karta. Si desea una interpretación en otro idioma para las personas que no hablan inglés o si se desea una adaptación especial de acuerdo con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidad, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión de Estatutos. If language translation of the Commission agenda and minutes for non-English speaking persons is desired please make your request by phone to the City Clerk Department at (562) 570-6101, 72 hours prior to the Commission meeting. Kung ang pagsasalin-wika ng adyenda at mga katitikan ng Komisyon ay hinahangad para sa mga taong hindi nagsasalita ng Ingles mangyaring gawin ang iyong kahilingan sa pamamagitan ng telepono sa Kagawaran ng Klerk ng Lunsod sa (562) 570-6101, 72 pitong oras bago ang pulong ng Komisyon. Si desea obtener la traducción lingüística de la agenda y las actas de la Comisión para las personas que no hablan inglés, realice su pedido por teléfono al Departamento de la Secretaría Municipal al (562) 570-6101, 72 horas antes de la reunión de la Comisión. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 2, 2014 The Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Long Beach met in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, Long Beach, California, on October 2, 2014. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by President Saltzgaver. PRESENT: Harry Saltzgaver Frank Martinez John Allen Robert Shannon Arthur Levine Richard Anthony Kevin L. Wattier Sandra L. Fox B. Anatole Falagan Kaylee Weatherly Paul T. Fujita Tai Tseng Matthew P. Lyons Eric Leung Robert Verceles Abelardo Rendon Jennifer Rojas Dipak Bhagat Dynna Long Joyce Barkley Brianna Pagan Evana Gendron Chris Wilkerson Kelly Wilkerson Mike Arnold ABSENT: 1. Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Deputy City Attorney General Manager Secretary to the Board of Water Commissioners Assistant General Manager Assistant to the General Manager Director of Finance Director of Operations Director, Planning & Conservation Director of Engineering Division Engineer Division Engineer Procurement & Warehouse Officer Telemetry Systems Superintendent Office Administrator Water Conservation Specialist Planner II – Non-Career Business Systems Specialist IV LBWD Retiree Spouse of Chris Wilkerson Legislative Advocacy Consultant NONE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Dynna Long led the Board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT President Saltzgaver opened the public comment period. As there were no requests to address the Board on non-agenda items, the public comment period was closed. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 2 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES September 18, 2014 President Saltzgaver instructed the Board to consider approval of the updated September 18, 2014 minutes they had received electronically. He called for comments or corrections. Commissioner Allen made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 18, 2014 meeting. Commissioner Shannon seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver called for the vote. The minutes were approved by a 4-1 vote (Commissioner Levine abstained). 4. STAFF RETIREMENT – CHRIS WILKERSON Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners President Saltzgaver acknowledged the celebration of Chris Wilkerson’s retirement after a total of 32 years and 6 months of service. He gave a summary of Chris’s service, noting his many accomplishments and plans for the years ahead. Commissioner Levine expressed his thanks to Chris for his distinguished service over the years. He noted it was people like Chris who make the Long Beach Water Department so strong. Chris commented on his career with the City and the Long Beach Water Department. Chris was presented with a retirement plaque and a resolution from the Board of Water Commissioners. Commemorative photos were taken during the presentation. The General Manager congratulated Chris on his retirement. He also reported that during the last fiscal year that there had been no category 1 or 2 sanitary sewer overflows. He noted this was a record in the history of the department since they had taken over the city’s sewer system in 1998. He attributed this to Chris’s involvement in instituting a program of the use of smart covers on problem sewer areas throughout the city. 5. ELECTION OF OFFICERS – PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, SECRETARY President Saltzgaver stated that he would accept nominations for position of President of the Board of Water Commissioners. Commissioner Martinez nominated Harry Saltzgaver to a second term as Board President. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 3 President Saltzgaver asked if there were any other nominations for President. Hearing none he closed the nominations for President and called for the vote. President Saltzgaver was unanimously elected as President to the Board. President Saltzgaver stated that he would accept nominations for position of Vice President of the Board of Water Commissioners. Commissioner Levine nominated Frank Martinez for the position of Board Vice President. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any other nominations for Vice President. Hearing none he closed the nominations for Vice President and called for the vote. Vice President Martinez was unanimously elected as Vice President to the Board. President Saltzgaver stated that he would accept nominations for position of Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners. Commissioner Shannon placed the name of Art Levine in nomination for the position of Secretary President Saltzgaver asked if there were any other nominations for Secretary. Hearing none he closed the nominations for Secretary and called for the vote. Art Levine was unanimously elected as Secretary to the Board. President Saltzgaver thanked the officers for their service in advance. 6. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Harry M. Saltzgaver, President, Board of Water Commissioners President Saltzgaver reported he had attended the Camp Fire annual benefit auction on September 25, 2014. He noted they had thanked the Long Beach Water Department for its effort in providing access to recycled water at their Camp Shiwaka. 7. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager SEPTEMBER 2014 WATER SALES REVIEW Mr. Wattier noted that water sales in September 2014 were a record low for the month of September since 1965, even with an approximate 30% increase in the population. He also commented on the higher than normal temperatures experienced in September 2014. He reviewed September 2014 water usage data which indicated it was 19.0% below the historical average. He reported the demand in the current fiscal year was 14.1% below the historical average; and twelve month demand was 14.1% below the historical average. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 4 He noted discrepancies in recent local press reports regarding gallons-per-capita per day (gpcd) usage; and noted how these statistics were computed – some for residential use only; and others for total water used within an agency’s system divided by the population statistics. He advised that this type of discrepancy had occurred in a recent LA Daily News article where they had compared Los Angeles and Long Beach usage incorrectly. He noted the newspaper had advised they would be printing a correction to this report. Mr. Wattier reported that GPCD data will be part of the State’s required information to be reported by water agencies on a monthly basis, so he noted the media would probably be using this data more often in their news articles. Commissioner Levine commended staff in getting out the need for conservation message; and the cooperation of the citizens in complying with this request which had led to this record low water usage statistic. Commissioner Allen attempted to make a comment on the record, but his microphone was not switched on. President Saltzgaver inquired what one billing unit equates to; and asked how difficult it would be to have this information added to the monthly bills. Mr. Wattier responded that one billing unit equals 748 gallons of water. He noted that staff had requested several months ago that the people who produce the monthly bills add billing units to the monthly bills. He asked Mr. Falagan to provide an update on this request. Mr. Falagan noted the request to modify the printed bill to include the conversion to gallons was part of a package of modifications that were currently being reviewed and tested prior to having the printing contractor put them into production. He anticipated the proposed package of changes to the bill would be implemented within the next two months. Mr. Wattier advised that as there is more and more focus on GPCD data it would be very useful to the consumer to have this information included on their monthly bills. President Saltzgaver inquired how the LBWD Water Waster app had been functioning; and inquired if reports had fallen off. Mr. Lyons advised that Ms. Keyes would be better able to respond to this inquiry but she was not in attendance at the meeting. He advised that the reports from the app were included in the conservation water waster database, and that these reports were continuing to come in at record levels. Mr. Wattier advised that staff would get back to the Board with the Water Waster app data. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 5 METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT (MWD) BOARD MEETING MINUTES Mr. Wattier updated the Board regarding their inquiry regarding receipt of copies of the Metropolitan Water District board minutes. He reported that MWD normally finalizes their monthly Board meeting minutes and then takes them to their Board for approval at their next Board meeting. Once their Board approves the meeting minutes, the MWD Board Secretary forwards them to the LBWD Board Secretary for distribution. He advised the September 9, 2014 MWD Board meeting minutes had not yet been received as they are scheduled for approval at the next MWD Board meeting that will not take place until October 14th. He advised that staff hoped to have these for distribution to the Board at the next board meeting following MWD’s distribution. Commissioner Shannon inquired if it is MWD’s position that draft minutes are not subject to the Brown Act. Deputy City Attorney Anthony advised he had not specifically asked MWD their opinion on minutes as it relates to the Brown Act. There was discussion regarding if MWD posts their minutes for approval with their meeting packets. Mr. Wattier advised that he does not receive their Board packets, but he advised he had not seen their minutes included in their online board packets. Commissioner Shannon made a motion to have Deputy City Attorney Anthony send a letter to the MWD Attorney asking for their official position as it relates to draft minutes. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions or comments regarding this motion. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT DIRECTOR REPORT Mr. Wattier advised that he had passed on the Board’s request to the Long Beach MWD Director, Suja Lowenthal, to come to future Board meetings to provide MWD updates. He noted that her response to this request was unclear. He advised we would have to see if she decides to attend future Board meetings. METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT SHORTAGE ALLOCATION Mr. Wattier reported that MWD plans to update their Shortage Allocation Plan before December 2014, in anticipation of activation of this plan in the spring of 2015. He noted there are ongoing conversations regarding the baseline to be used for calculations. It will change from 2004-2006 to 2013-2014 (MWD fiscal years). He Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 6 expressed concern as to how conservation responses in those years will be accounted for so as not to harm agencies that conserved water. He advised the Board that the current Plan has no provisions for replenishment water to the groundwater basins. He noted this matter is currently unresolved. He noted this was critically important to LBWD, as 60% of our water supply is from the Central Groundwater Basin. He reported that other pumpers in the basin are also concerned regarding this matter. Commissioner Allen inquired what the positions of Los Angeles and Orange County were regarding replenishment. Mr. Wattier advised that Los Angeles does not favor any form of replenishment; and the Metropolitan Water District of Orange County has a more nuanced position – they want some form of replenishment, but do not have a clear position. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WATER COMMITTEE ANNUAL MEETING & DINNER Mr. Wattier reported the Southern California Water Committee would be holding their annual meeting and dinner on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at the Sheraton Universal Hotel in Universal City. He noted as part of the department’s annual membership we have access to a table for this event. He noted the keynote speaker would be Senate President pro Tempore-elect, Kevin de Leόn, and that the Honorable Harriett Wieder Water Leadership Award Recipient would be honored that evening. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: AGENDA ITEM 8. HELD OVER FROM SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 BOARD MEETING: AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH MICHAEL J. ARNOLD AND ASSOCIATES FOR STATE LEGISLATIVE AND ADVOCACY SERVICES FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2014 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Mr. Wattier introduced Mr. Michael J. Arnold to the Board. Mr. Arnold gave a presentation highlighting the legislative activities completed by his firm on behalf of the Long Beach Water Department over the past year. He provided three handouts to the Board: 1) 2014 Legislative Highlights; 2) Legislative Status Report; and 3) Summary of Proposition 1 (the Water Bond). He noted the respect afforded the Long Beach Water Department in the legislature through the efforts of Mr. Wattier and in conjunction with his firm. Commissioner Shannon thanked Mr. Arnold for an excellent presentation, and requested that he make this a yearly presentation. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 7 Commissioner Shannon asked for an assessment of the opposition to Proposition 1. Mr. Arnold noted that opposition is primarily from the Northern California region and the interested parties in the Klamath basin. President Saltzgaver called for any further questions for Mr. Arnold. Hearing none he called on Mr. Wattier for a staff report regarding agenda item 8. Mr. Wattier advised the agreement was to continue State Legislative and Advocacy services with Michael J. Arnold and Associates for one year (October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015). Commissioner Shannon made a motion to execute an Agreement with Michael J. Arnold and Associates for State Legislative and Advocacy Services for the period beginning October 1, 2014 and ending September 30, 2015. . The motion was seconded by Commissioner Allen. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any further questions or discussion regarding the agenda item. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions or discussion regarding the Consent Calendar items. Commissioner Levine requested that item 9e. be pulled for discussion. Commissioner Allen made a motion to adopt Consent Calendar items 9a. through 9d. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Shannon. Commissioner Martinez requested clarification on the selection process for Consent Calendar item 9d. Mr. Leung noted the various actions involved in the selection process used to evaluate the proposals for Consent Calendar item 9d. President Saltzgaver called for any further questions or public comment regarding Consent Calendar items 9a. – 9d. Hearing none, he called for the vote. The motion passed unanimously. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 8 9a. Approval of Transfer of Funds by Journal Entry Dated October 2, 2014 A communication was presented to the Board from Paul Fujita, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 9b. Approve Retirement Order No.6121 for items that have become obsolete or unrepairable during the current year, and authorize the removal of these items from the Department’s fixed asset records. These items will not be sold at auction A communication was presented to the Board from Paul Fujita, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 9c. Approve Retirement Order No.6122 for items that have become obsolete or unrepairable during the current year, and authorize the removal of these items from the Department’s fixed asset records. These items will not be sold at auction A communication was presented to the Board from Paul Fujita, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 9d. Authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with HDR, Inc., to provide engineering design services for the SCADA Master Plan Study Project, in an amount not-to-exceed $228,600 A communication was presented to the Board from Eric Leung, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 9e. Authorize the General Manager to execute transfer payment(s) to the City of Long Beach Fleet Services Bureau (Fleet Services) for the removal and replacement of the emergency generator fuel tank at the Groundwater Treatment Plant, in an amount not to exceed $409,216 President Saltzgaver called on Commissioner Levine to comment on Consent Calendar item 9e. that he had requested be pulled from the Consent Calendar. Commissioner Levine requested clarification on how the process works when a LBWD repair is being made by another city department. Mr. Wattier commented on the fact that Fleet Services had been tasked with coordinating the replacement of fuel tanks throughout the city under an order that was in place. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 9 Mr. Anthony advised it is perfectly legal for city departments to contract with each other to do work on their behalf. He noted he was unfamiliar with the order in place regarding replacement of fuel tanks. Mr. Tseng provided background on the fuel tank replacement order, and how Fleet Services would be coordinating this repair for the Long Beach Water Department to ensure compliance. Commissioner Levine inquired if the Long Beach Water Department was the sole beneficiary of the replacement fuel tank. Mr. Tseng responded yes. Note: Commissioner Martinez left the meeting at 9:45 A.M. President Saltzgaver called for additional questions or comments. Hearing none he called for a motion. Commissioner Levine made a motion to approve Consent Calendar item 9e. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Shannon. President Saltzgaver called for a vote on the motion. The motion passed unanimously to approve Consent Calendar item 9e. The vote was 4 yes; 1 absent. A communication was presented to the Board from Tai Tseng, which is on file at the Long Beach Water Department. 10. APPROVAL OF SPONSORSHIP OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF LONG BEACH 19TH ANNUAL CEMETERY TOUR INCLUDING A DISPLAY INTERPRETING THE LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT’S HISTORY, AND THE ROLE OF WATER IN LONG BEACH Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Note: Commissioner Martinez returned to the meeting at 9:48 A.M. Mr. Wattier provided background on the sponsorship request for the Historical Society’s 19th annual cemetery tour. Commissioner Shannon inquired what the LBWD would receive for the sponsorship. Mr. Wattier explained the department was entitled to a booth at the event; and a historical display would be included at the event covering the history of Long Beach Water and its role in the city’s development. President Saltzgaver noted that the event location is below the hill where the first source of water for the City of Long Beach was located. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 10 President Saltzgaver asked if there were any other questions or comments regarding agenda item 10. Commissioner Levine made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Shannon that the Board approve a sponsorship of the Historical Society of Long Beach 19th Annual Cemetery Tour including a display interpreting the Long Beach Water Department’s history, and the role of water in Long Beach. President Saltzgaver called for the vote. The motion passed unanimously. 11. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. WD-1329 AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH CDWG, UNDER THE PURCHASE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED IN THE EXISTING TCPN COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT, FOR THE PURCHASE OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TO CUMULATIVELY NOT EXCEED $120,000 PER YEAR WITHOUT BOARD APPROVAL, SUBJECT TO TWO (1) YEAR RENEWALS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE GENERAL MANAGER Monya Hawkins, Manager Information Technology Mr. Falagan provided background information regarding the Cooperative Purchasing agreement process. He explained his comments would cover both agenda item 11. And 12. since they were both requests to purchase items through this type of agreement. He noted the Board approval on February 17, 2011 to allow purchases under the TCPN, cooperative purchasing network program set up for governmental agencies. He advised the purchases with both CDWG and GovConnection would be for computer equipment and peripherals to be installed at both the Treatment Plant and the Administration building. He noted that depending on pricing, availability and delivery the purchases could be made with either vendor (CDWG or GovConnection). Mr. Falagan pointed out that the board letter for this agenda item had incorrectly identified the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement as CDWG in both the title and option 1. He advised it should have read TCPN. President Saltzgaver explained that since these items were resolutions they would require a roll call vote, and would be voted on separately. Mr. Anthony reminded the President that prior to the vote on the last agenda item he had failed to request public comment. President Saltzgaver asked for questions or comments from the Board regarding agenda item 11. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 11 Commissioner Levine asked if this was a renewal of an existing agreement. Mr. Falagan advised that the department had had previous agreements with these two companies, but the requests on today’s agenda were new agreements. President Saltzgaver called for a motion. Commissioner Allen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Martinez to adopt Resolution No. WD-1329 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a Purchase Agreement with CDWG, under the purchase conditions specified in the existing TCPN Cooperative Purchasing Agreement, for the purchase of computer equipment to cumulatively not exceed $120,000 per year without board approval, subject to two (1) year renewals at the discretion of the General Manager. President Saltzgaver called for any additional questions, comments or public comment. Hearing none he called for a Roll Call vote. A Roll Call vote was taken as follows: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: FRANK MARTINEZ; JOHN ALLEN ROBERT SHANNON; ARTHUR LEVINE HARRY SALTZGAVER NONE NONE NONE The motion carried unanimously. 12. ADOPT RESOLUTION WD-1330 AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH GOVCONNECTION UNDER THE PURCHASE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED IN THE EXISTING TCPN COOPERATIVE PURCHASING NETWORK AGREEMENT (TCPN) TO PURCHASE COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TO CUMULATIVELY NOT EXCEED $120,000 PER YEAR WITHOUT BOARD APPROVAL, SUBJECT TO TWO (1) YEAR RENEWALS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE GENERAL MANAGER Monya Hawkins, Manager Information Technology President Saltzgaver advised that agenda item 12. was exactly like agenda item 11. except for the vendor name change. Commissioner Allen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Levine to adopt Resolution WD-1330 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a Purchase Agreement with GovConnection under the purchase conditions specified in the existing TCPN Cooperative Purchasing Network Agreement (TCPN) to purchase Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 12 computer equipment to cumulatively not exceed $120,000 per year without board approval, subject to two (1) year renewals at the discretion of the General Manager. President Saltzgaver asked if there were any questions, comments from the Board or the public. Hearing none he called for a Roll Call vote. A Roll Call vote was taken as follows: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: FRANK MARTINEZ; JOHN ALLEN ROBERT SHANNON; ARTHUR LEVINE HARRY SALTZGAVER NONE NONE NONE The motion carried unanimously. 13. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. WD-1331 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. WD-1315, CREATING OFFICES AND POSITIONS IN THE PERMANENT SERVICE OF THE LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION FOR SUCH OFFICES AND POSITIONS, AND RESCINDING ALL OTHER RESOLUTIONS OR ORDERS RELATING THERETO B. Anatole Falagan, Assistant General Manager Mr. Falagan advised that the presentation regarding agenda item 13. would be provided by Ken Bott, Administrative Officer and Tai Tseng, Director of Operations. Mr. Bott provided background on the Salary Resolution for the Long Beach Water Department. He gave an overview of the purpose of the Salary Resolution, and the types of changes affecting classifications that would prompt the Board’s review and consideration of changes to the resolution. He noted that two specific changes were being considered. The first was a new classification of Utility Electrician and Utility Electrical Supervisor. The second was changing the certification requirements for the Water Treatment Operator III, IV and Water Treatment Supervisor classifications. The other changes proposed were administrative corrections to the resolution. Mr. Tseng provided an overview of the challenges faced by LBWD using the current City classification of Electrician. He summarized the requirements for performing electrical work at LBWD, noted the difference in skills required when compared to the City classification, and summarized the requirements for the two (2) new classifications proposed. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 13 Mr. Tseng also gave an overview of current certification requirements for Operations staff in the Treatment Plant Control Room and in response to incidents affecting the Distribution system. He noted how incorporating certifications that are currently compensated as skill pays into the basic requirements for the Water Treatment Operator III, IV, and Water Treatment Supervisor classifications would increase staff availability for rotation assignments and operational efficiencies. Mr. Bott noted the compensation analysis that was done to establish proposed salary grades for the new Electrician positions. He also gave an overview of the proposed grade change that would reflect the incorporation of the skill pay into the base pay for the affected Water Treatment Operator classifications. Mr. Bott advised the next step would be to submit the revised Salary Resolution to the City Council for approval. Then staff would work with the City’s Human Resources Department and Civil Service Department to create/amend classifications and subsequent salary ranges. Mr. Falagan provided closing comments regarding the requested action in revising the current LBWD salary resolution. He noted that historically the City’s Human Resources Department is reluctant to increase job classifications, so explained there may be some resistance on their part to support these requested changes. Mr. Wattier advised the Board that staff had made the City’s Human Resources Department aware of these potential changes. He noted they had advised they were not supportive of this new classification. Mr. Bott explained the next step would be the LBWD would work with Civil Service on establishing this new classification. Commissioner Shannon inquired if staff expected resistance from Civil Service. Mr. Bott advised he did not. Commissioner Allen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Martinez to adopt Resolution No. WD-1331 amending Resolution No. WD-1315, creating offices and positions in the permanent service of the Long Beach Water Department, fixing the amount of compensation for such offices and positions, and rescinding all other resolutions or orders relating thereto. President Saltzgaver called for questions or comments from the Board on the salary resolution agenda item. Commissioner Shannon recommended creating an ad hoc committee to meet with the City in support of staff’s recommendation. President Saltzgaver inquired if the Port had similar concerns with electricians in their employ. Mr. Tseng advised that staff had contacted the Port and they had advised Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 14 that most of their electrical work is tenant improvements related to commercial work. He reported that ship companies hire electrical contractors to assist in their docking areas. President Saltzgaver asked how the department would assist Water Treatment Operators in obtaining their D3 certification. Mr. Tseng advised that the department offers different types of certification classes twice a year. He noted that all current Water Treatment Operators have their D3 certifications. Mr. Wattier clarified that there would be a negotiated, implemented program developed and agreed upon by the department and the bargaining unit establishing timeframes, and milestones that must be met. Those employees meeting those parameters would successfully stay in their job classifications, and there would be ramifications for those who do not. President Saltzgaver asked Commissioner Shannon if his earlier suggestion could be considered separately from the motion on the table. Commissioner Shannon agreed. There was discussion regarding the number of Grade 5 operators currently certified in the department. Mr. Tseng advised there is a total of four Grade 5 operators. President Saltzgaver asked if there was any public comment regarding agenda item 13. Hearing none he called for the Roll Call vote. A Roll Call vote was taken as follows: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: FRANK MARTINEZ; JOHN ALLEN ROBERT SHANNON; ARTHUR LEVINE HARRY SALTZGAVER NONE NONE NONE The motion carried unanimously. President Saltzgaver called on Commissioner Shannon to take the lead on establishing the previously suggested ad hoc committee. Commissioner Shannon made a motion that an ad hoc committee be appointed, to consist of two members of the Board of Water Commissioners; himself, and he called for a volunteer as the second member, and the General Manager. Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. President Saltzgaver asked for the purpose of the ad hoc committee. Commissioner Shannon suggested that the ad hoc committee meet with Human Resources Director, Debbie Mills and anyone else from her staff who she included in the Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 15 meeting to understand their position regarding adding classifications, and then to persuade them to agree with staff’s suggested position. He further explained that failing that, the ad hoc committee should meet with the chair of the appropriate city council committee to lobby them and possibly agendize an item to discuss the LBWD position, prior to going to the full city council. President Saltzgaver suggested changing the word lobby as previously mentioned to the word educate. President Saltzgaver called for questions or comments regarding forming the ad hoc committee. Hearing none he called for the vote. The motion carried unanimously. President Saltzgaver called for a volunteer to fill the second position on the ad hoc committee. Commissioner Allen agreed to be the second member. 14. LEGISLATIVE/PUBLIC AFFAIRS ISSUES Kevin L. Wattier, General Manager Mr. Wattier reported on AB2434, legislation which exempts lawn-to-garden project rebates from California state taxation. 15. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Martinez reported on his recent trip to San Antonio, Texas where he was able to tour their water system plant (SAWS). While there he was in discussions regarding sewer smart covers, and reported on the LBWD success with this type of technology. He also advised that while in Texas he had attended the Texas Association of Clean Water Agencies event, and had made a presentation regarding the Long Beach Water Department covering some of their recent milestones. He noted they were interested in the LBWD lawn-to-garden program. He advised he had extended an invitation to leaders from these agencies to come to tour the Long Beach Water Department facilities. Board of Water Commissioners October 2, 2014 Page 16 16. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Saltzgaver adjourned the regular meeting at 10:28 a.m. to the next regular meeting for the Water Commission to be held October 16, 2014, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, in Long Beach, California. _______________________________ Arthur M. Levine, Secretary Attest: ___________________________ Harry M. Saltzgaver, President NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 ALL SAINTS DAY 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS ELECTION DAY ALL SOULS DAY ____________ 30 VETERANS DAY 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: 9:00 A.M. BOARD ABSENT: ALLEN THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY 11:30 A.M. – STATE OF THE COUNTY ADDRESS DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY ITEM 5. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING PRESIDENT’S REPORT ITEM 6. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT ITEM 10. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING BOARD UPDATE ON LONG BEACH WATER DEPARTMENT’S PROGRESS TOWARDS MEETING THE 20 X 2020 TARGETS IMPOSED ON RETAIL AGENCIES BY SBX7-7 LEGISLATION ITEM 11. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING DISCUSSION REGARDING CREATION OF ONE OR MORE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONER STANDING COMMITTEES Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Meeting Schedule REVISION 2 Regular Board Meeting 7:00-8:00 a.m. Rm. 2-413 Dirs. Computer Training 8:30 a.m. Rm. 2-145 L&C 10:00 a.m. Rm. 2-456 OP&T 12:00 p.m. Board Room Board Meeting October 14, 2014 12:00 p.m. -- Board Room MWD Headquarters Building 700 N. Alameda Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 1. Call to Order (a) Invocation: Arturo Castro, Principal Auditor, Audit Department (b) Pledge of Allegiance: Director Glen Dake 2. Roll Call 3. Determination of a Quorum 4. Opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on matters within the Board's jurisdiction. (As required by Gov. Code § 54954.3(a)) 5. OTHER MATTERS A. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting for September 9, 2014. (A copy has been mailed to each Director) Any additions, corrections, or omissions B. Report on Directors' events attended at Metropolitan expense for month of September REVISED: Date of Notice: October 8, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 2 Added October 14, 2014 C. Induction of new Director, Don Calkins, from city of Anaheim (a) Receive credentials (b) Report on credentials by General Counsel (c) File credentials (d) Administer Oath of Office (e) File Oath D. Induction of new Director, Larry McKenney, from Municipal Water District of Orange County (a) Receive credentials (b) Report on credentials by General Counsel (c) File credentials (d) Administer Oath of Office (e) File Oath E. Induction of new Director, Yen C. Tu, from San Diego County Water Authority (a) Receive credentials (b) Report on credentials by General Counsel (c) File credentials (d) Administer Oath of Office (e) File Oath F. Approve committee assignments G. Chairman's Monthly Activity Report 6. DEPARTMENT HEADS' REPORTS A. General Manager's summary of Metropolitan's activities for the month of September B. General Counsel’s summary of Legal Department activities for the month of September C. General Auditor's summary of activities for the month of September D. Ethics Officer's summary of activities for the month of September REVISED: Date of Notice: October 8, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 3 October 14, 2014 7. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS — ACTION 7-1 Appropriate $700,000; and authorize two rehabilitation projects at the F. E. Weymouth Water Treatment Plant (Approp. 15477). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is categorically exempt, and a. Appropriate $700,000; b. Authorize final design to improve the domestic and fire water system at the Weymouth plant; and c. Authorize preliminary design to rehabilitate Metropolitan’s demonstration-scale testing facility. 7-2 Appropriate $960,000; and authorize three rehabilitation projects at Lake Skinner and the Robert A. Skinner Water Treatment Plant (Approp. 15485). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that this action is categorically exempt, and a. Appropriate $960,000; b. Authorize design and construction of modifications to the Lake Skinner outlet tower chlorine system and the finished water reservoir chemical mixing system; and c. Authorize design to replace the Skinner Administration Building’s HVAC system. 7-3 Appropriate $1.15 million; and award $783,333 contract to Malibu Pacific Tennis Courts, Inc. to replace equipment storage buildings at Gene Pumping Plant (Approp. 15438). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that this action is categorically exempt, and a. Appropriate $1.15 million; and b. Award $783,333 contract to Malibu Pacific Tennis Courts, Inc. to construct two storage buildings at Gene Pumping Plant. (END OF CONSENT CALENDAR) REVISED: Date of Notice: October 8, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 4 October 14, 2014 8. OTHER BOARD ITEMS — ACTION 8-1 Appropriate $3.81 million; and award $2,565,063 contract to HobbsBannerman, Inc. for improvements to the industrial wastewater handling system at the Henry J. Mills Water Treatment Plant (Approp. 15452). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action has been previously addressed in the 2010 categorical exemptions, and a. Appropriate $3.81 million; and b. Award $2,565,063 contract to Hobbs-Bannerman, Inc. for improvements to the Mills industrial wastewater handling system. 8-2 Appropriate $3.06 million; and authorize final design to rehabilitate the sump systems at each Colorado River Aqueduct pumping plant (Approp. 15438). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that this action is categorically exempt, and a. Appropriate $3.06 million; and b. Authorize final design to rehabilitate the sump systems at each CRA pumping plant. 8-3 Authorize amendment to agreement with California Department of Water Resources to purchase surface water supplies from Yuba County Water Agency; and appropriate up to $20 million for water transfer payments from the Water Management Fund. (WP&S) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action was addressed in prior environmental documentation, and a. Authorize the General Manager to execute an amendment to the agreement with DWR to purchase surface water supplies from YCWA consistent with the key terms outlined in the board letter and in Attachment 1 to the letter and in a form approved by the General Counsel; and b. Appropriate up to $20 million for water transfer payments from the Water Management Fund. REVISED: Date of Notice: October 8, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 5 8-4 October 14, 2014 Authorize refinements to the Local Resources Program. (WP&S) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is not defined as a project and is not subject to CEQA, and authorize a. Increasing the LRP maximum incentive amount to $340/AF; b. Including alternative payment structures for new local projects as outlined in Attachment 2 to the board letter and the general program information outlined in Attachment 1 of the letter; c. Including on-site retrofits as eligible costs in the LRP; d. Including seawater desalination as an eligible resource in the LRP; and e. Entering into reimbursable agreements with member agencies as outlined in Attachment 3 to the board letter. 8-5 Authorize water supply exchange agreement and amend the Coordinated Operating Agreement with San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. (WP&S) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the action is not subject to CEQA, and authorize the General Manager to enter into an exchange agreement and amend the existing COA with Valley District consistent with the terms outlined in the board letter and in a form approved by the General Counsel. 8-6 Added Appropriate $6.04 million; award $3,555,971.27 procurement contract to CDW Corporation for communication network hardware; and authorize three projects to upgrade Metropolitan’s communication network (Approp. 15487). (OP&T) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is not subject to CEQA and is categorically exempt, and a. Appropriate $6.04 million; b. Award $3,555,971.27 procurement contract to CDW Corporation to supply network switches and routers; c. Authorize final design of network room upgrades at Metropolitan’s Headquarters Building; and Authorize preliminary design and field assessments of microwave upgrades at remote sites. REVISED: Date of Notice: October 8, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 6 8-7 October 14, 2014 Authorize the General Manager to execute the Fifth Amendment to the District-Edison Service and Interchange Agreement. (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is not defined as a project and is not subject to CEQA, and authorize the General Manager to execute the Fifth Amendment to the District-Edison 1987 Service and Interchange Agreement under the terms described in the board letter to reinstate Edison Purchased Power using an hourly pricing methodology under the CAISO tariff to value the transactions. 8-8 Appropriate $2.3 million; and award $1,465,000 contract to Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. for seismic upgrades to the east washwater tank at the F. E. Weymouth Water Treatment Plant (Approp. 15369). (E&O) Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that this action has been previously addressed in the certified EIR and that no further environmental analysis or documentation is required, and a. Appropriate $2.3 million; and b. Award $1,465,000 contract to Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. for seismic upgrades to the Weymouth plant’s east washwater tank. 8-9 Report on Alameda County Water District, et al. v. Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, Sacramento County Superior Court Case No. 05CS00913; and authorize final settlement. (L&C) [Conference with legal counsel—existing litigation; to be heard in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)] Added Recommendation: Option #1: Adopt the CEQA determination that the proposed action is not defined as a project, and authorize the General Counsel to execute a settlement as outlined in the board letter. REVISED: Date of Notice: October 8, 2014 Board Meeting Agenda Page 7 October 14, 2014 9. BOARD INFORMATION ITEMS 9-1 Compliance with Fund Requirements and Bond Indenture Provisions. (F&I) 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11. BOARD INFORMATION ITEMS (Contd.) a. Discussion of General Manager’s performance goals and objectives. (No action to be taken) b. Discussion of General Counsel’s performance goals and objectives. (No action to be taken) c. Discussion of General Auditor’s performance goals and objectives. (No action to be taken) d. Discussion of Ethics Officer’s performance goals and objectives. (No action to be taken) 12. ADJOURNMENT NOTE: At the discretion of the Board, all items appearing on this agenda and all committee agendas, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated and may be subject to action by the Board. Each agenda item with a committee designation will be considered and a recommendation may be made by one or more committees prior to consideration and final action by the full Board of Directors. The committee designation appears in parentheses at the end of the description of the agenda item e.g. (E&O, F&I). Committee agendas may be obtained from the Board Executive Secretary. Writings relating to open session agenda items distributed to Directors less than 72 hours prior to a regular meeting are available for public inspection at Metropolitan's Headquarters Building and on Metropolitan's Web site Requests for a disability related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to attend or participate in a meeting should be made to the Board Executive Secretary in advance of the meeting to ensure availability of the requested service or accommodation REVISED: Date of Notice: October 8, 2014 ITEM 13. A VERBAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE AT BOARD MEETING LEGISLATIVE/PUBLIC AFFAIRS ISSUES
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