ll NEYVELI LIGNITE CORPORATION LIMITED (“Navratna”- Govt. of India Enterprise) Neyveli, Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, India CIN: L93090TN1956GOI003507 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER, (7X210MW)Thermal Power Station – II, NEYVELI – 607 807. Fax: 91 – 4142 –252688 Phone: 04142 – 252611, Extn: 817 E. mail: [email protected] (CONTRACT SECTION) PRESS TENDER NOTICE (TWO COVER SYSTEM) Dt.20/12/2014 Sealed quotations in single cover consisting of two inner sealed covers (containing Technical cover as Part I and price cover as Part II) super scribing the Name of work, Part Number and Tender reference will be received by General Manager/Maintenance, Thermal Station-II, NLC Ltd at this office in Neyveli up to 2.30 PM on the date indicated below and Part I cover will be opened at 3.00 PM on the date indicated below. Necessary Schedule may be obtained from the office of the General Manager/Maintenance/TPS-II on payment of the cost of the Tender Document by Cash / DD drawn in favour of Director/Finance, NLC Ltd., Neyveli, Payable at Neyveli or contact through E mail [email protected]. Tender schedule will be issued only up to 4.00 PM on the date as indicated for sale of tender documents. The tender documents are also available in the Web Site of NLC www.nlcindia.com. Those who wish to download the same may do so. While submitting the tender documents, a demand draft towards cost of tender document should be enclosed. The tender documents downloaded from the website or received through E-mail without demand draft for the specific value will be summarily rejected. The sealed covers should be addressed to General Manager/Maintenance/TPS-II . Quotations are to be valid for 3 months from the date of opening. The bidders should enclose a declaration regarding relatives employed in the Corporation along with the tender and tenders not accompanied by this declaration are liable to be rejected. Successful bidders who employ (or) who have employed on any day of the preceding 12 months 20 or more workmen will have to produce a valid labour license issued by Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central) Chennai, under Contract labour (regulation and Abolition ) Act and rules at the time of entering in to agreement with NLC. Signature of the Contractor Page 1 of 4 GM/Maintenance/TS-II DETAILS OF THE BID a) Technical Cover (Part I): Part I of the bid should contain EMD, Documentary evidences for pre-qualification requirements (PQR) in detail and Commercial terms if any and Tender documents duly filled & signed. Any bid without proper documentary evidences will not be considered for further evaluation. Documents in original have to be submitted for verification on demand, failing which the offer is liable for rejection. b) Price cover (Part II)- Part II should contain only tender schedule with price duly filled & signed. The technical cover only will be opened on due date and time and Date & time of opening of price cover shall be intimated only to the bidders qualified for the work. NOTE: (To be read along with pre qualification) All the PQR Works for the above said tender should have been Undertakings in carried out in Government/Quasi-Government/ Public Sector bidders own name / Partners name in case of partnership firm and documentary evidences in the form of Copy of Letter of intent / Agreement / Work Order and Work Completion Certificate issued are to be furnished along with Part I of the bid. If work completion certificate is not enclosed the bid is liable for rejection. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to prove that they are qualified for the work and no further details will be received after opening the Tender. Tender No. Name of Work Cost of Document EMD 770 “Civil works in Plant & Non-Plant Buildings, Roads, Drains, Cooling Towers & Pressure Tunnels-Part-I and Civil works in Plant & non plant Buildings - Part II for the year 2015 - 17” Rs.5,000/- Rs.1,59,000/- Period of Contract : 731 days from the date of handing over of site Last Date for Sale of Document : 05/01/2015 up to 04.00 PM. Last Date of Receipt of Bids : 06/01/2015 up to 02.30 PM Date of Opening of Bids : 06/01/2015 @ 03.00 PM : PRE-QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENT: “The bidder should have executed any civil mtce. / Construction work for a minimum value of Rs. 27.47 lakhs in a single agreement in the name of the bidder within the previous five years. The documentary evidence in the form of Completion certificate for the prescribed PQ value has to be enclosed with tender documents. Note: The work will be split into two portions and L1 will be awarded Part II work and L2 will be awarded Part I work, upon matching their rate with that of L1. If L2 declines to agree for such matching of rate with L1, their offer will be passed over and L3 will be awarded part-I work upon matching that of L1 and so on.” Signature of the Contractor Page 2 of 4 GM/Maintenance/TS-II : OTHER CONDITIONS: 1. The PQR works should have been satisfactorily completed within the last 5(Five) years, from the original scheduled date of tender opening. 2. No extension of time shall be permitted for the sale of tender documents and date of opening of tender and NLC does not take any responsibility for delay, loss or non-receipt of tender documents sent by post either way. 3. NLC reserves the right to reject any or all tenders in part or in full without assigning any reason and also reserves the right to split up the work into convenient portions and award them to different contractors. 4. If the date of opening fixed already for tenders is declared as national holiday due to any reason, tender will be opened on the following working day. 5. Prices should be firmly quoted only once after considering all the pros and cons. The bidders in the first quotation itself, if any, should spell out alternative or rebate percentage. Offers contained in supplemental/additional cover shall be summarily rejected. 6. Offers by bidders without requisite Cost of Document and EMD (specified) will not be accepted. 7. If the bidder is registered with NSIC, they are exempted from furnishing Cost of Document and EMD provided that such small scale units are registered under single point registration scheme of the NSIC and are valid on the scheduled date of tender, with the product range mentioned in the certificate is same or similar to NLC requirements. The NSIC copies duly attested by “Notary Public or Gazetted officers or Practicing Chartered Accountant with seal & date”, should be enclosed along with the bid (Part-I). The NSIC copies duly attested by any Notary Public (or) Gazetted Officers (or) Practicing Chartered Accountant with seal and date shall only be accepted. However, the firms with valid NSIC / MSME and if they happen to be a successful tenderer, the EMD amount mentioned in the tender enquiry is to be submitted towards the initial security deposit before issue of the Letter Of Award (LOA) within 15 days from the date of intimation. Otherwise our earlier communication is liable for cancellation and non-issue of LOA. The EMD amount shall be either in the form of demand draft / Pay Order/Banker’s Cheque drawn in favour of Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited, payable at Neyveli. The security deposit will be released after successful completion of contract. 8. Tender documents in part or in full received after the date and time of tender opening will not be accepted. 9. Tenderers should possess the code number assigned by Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Trichy, if not, they should get the number assigned within one month after receipt of Letter of Intent. 10. The bidder is requested to furnish the copy of PAN Card and Bank account details (counter-signed by the Bank officials) for E-Payment as per the format enclosed. The contractor shall agree to execute the work confirming to the Invitation to tender, Instruction to the Tenderer and General and Special Conditions of Contract for works Signature of the Contractor Page 3 of 4 GM/Maintenance/TS-II June'65 (Corrected up to 31.03.1985). The quotations must be submitted in the prescribed schedule only and must accompany with necessary Earnest Money Deposit. The EMD can also be remitted in any one of the following forms: Demand Draft, Banker’s Cheque, Banker’s Pay Order or Bank Guarantee Bond from any Nationalized (or) Scheduled Bank, recognized by R.B.I. (Guarantee Bond from the Bank should be executed on a non-judicial stamp paper for a value of Rs.80.00 (Eighty Only). The Demand Draft, Banker’s Cheque, Banker’s Pay Order or Bank Guarantee Bond shall be drawn in Favour of Director / Finance NLC LTD., payable at Neyveli. No interest shall be allowed on the EMD. The EMD deposited by the successful tenderer will be retained towards Initial Security Deposit for the due fulfillment of the Contract. The rates should be free from corrections and overwriting and should be neat and legible and written in words and figures otherwise liable for rejection. The tender covers (Main, technical and Price covers) should be properly pasted before applying wax seal and any failure to do so would result in rejection of such bids. The special and general conditions and specifications should be signed at places indicated in token of acceptance. The sealed quotations will be opened in the office of the General Manager/ Maintenance /TPS-II in the presence of the tenderers who may attend in person (or) represented by authorized persons. Dy.General Manager/Contracts. (द्वितीय ताप विद्युत ् गृह)Thermal Power Station-II Enclosure: Part I Technical Cover 1) Scope of Work 2) Special Conditions 3) General Conditions 4) Details & Declaration by the bidder 5) E-payment format Part II Price Cover 1) Tender Schedule Signature of the Contractor Page 4 of 4 GM/Maintenance/TS-II
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