FAX: 080 28094180 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF SPACE INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION (ISRO) CONSTREUCTION AND MAINTENANCE DIVISION ISRO TELEMETRY TRACKING AND COMMAND NETWORK (ISTRAC) PEENYA INDUSTRIAL ESTATE BANGALORE. Ph: 080 28094541, 08028094195 NIT NO. No. ISTRAC/CMD/A.c/IRCDR/Jodhpur /Main/TN-50 / 14-15 Dt:18.11.2014 On behalf of President of India, Sealed item rate tenders are invited in “ Two cover system “for the following works from contractors with registration of appropriate class in Civil Engineering Division (CED) Department of Space, CPWD, MES, Railways and State PWDs and/ or contractors having executed similar nature and magnitude of work and maintaining high quality. NAME OF WORK NIT No and Date Approximate Estimated Cost 1 Annual Contract for Operation of Electrical and Air-conditioning installations including housekeeping at IRCDR building, RRSC new Campus, Jodhpur No. No. Rs: ISTRAC/CM Lakhs D/ELE/IRCD R/Jodhpur /Maint/TN5014-15 Dt:18.11.2014 Cost of tender Sale document period (NonRefundable) Rs: 500/= 24.11.2014 To ST : Rs 65 /= 08.12.2014 Total:Rs565 /= Period of Comple tion Sl No 11.69 Twelve Months EMD (RS) Due Time & Date of receipt Rs: 23380 /* Up to 1430 (Valid for Hrs On six 15.12.2014 months) * EMD in the form of Bank Guarantee / Term Deposit / Demand Draft / Bankers cheque / Call Receipt shall be drawn in favour of Senior Accounts Officer, ISTRAC, Bangalore Cont-2 -2Similar work means a) Operation and maintenance of substation, Operation of UPS and DG sets b) Operation of package air-conditioning units split units and water cooler. Tender document will be issued only to the intended tenderers who have furnished the following minimum documents a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Work experience of similar in nature as explained above and should have successfully completed such similar nature of works during last 7 years ending of 31.03.2014. A copy of Work orders with schedule of quantities indicating the scope of work for having executed similar work and magnitude shall be submitted. Valid Electrical license completion certificate & performance certificate for having executed similar work and magnitude PAN details valid VAT registration ESI & PF registration Complete documents of settlement of ESI / EPF of previous year for completed works Contd…..3….. -3Interested tenderer may submit a request for issuing of tender document along with demand draft towards the cost of tender document. Tender documents, terms and conditions can be had from the office of Construction and Maintenance Division, Department of Space, ISRO TELEMETRY TRACKING AND COMAND NETWORK (ISTRAC) Plot No 12 & 13, 3rd Main, 2nd PHASE PEENYA, INDUSTRIAL AREA, BANGALORE-560-058 and Engineer In Charge G/S IRCDR building at RRSSC new Campus, Sector -9 Kuribhagtasani Housing board, Jodhpur – 342 003. on any working days from Monday to Friday between 1000 hours and 1600 Hours. The tenderers are requested to go through the booklet bearing NO.ISRO-CED-SP-71-02 of tender document which is kept in the office of HEAD, CMD (ISTRAC) Bangalore and understand the contents before quoting. Application for tender document may be submitted in person or through duly authorized person at least a day in advance for issue of tender document. Postal requisition shall be accompanied by Demand draft for the cost of tender document plus Rs. 100/- drawn in favour of “Accounts Officer, ISTRAC, Bangalore – 560 058”. Later duly filled up tender document shall be submitted at office of HEAD, CMD (ISTRAC), Bangalore on or before 15.12.2014. Department reserves the Right to reject any application without assigning any reason. The Department will not be responsible for non/late receipt due to Postal transit. Tenders will be opened at 1500hrs onwards on 15.12.2104 in the presence of attending tenderers or their authorized representatives at Head CMD office , ISTRAC, Bangalore. For further details detailed tender notice on this behalf available in the office of the HEAD, CMD (ISTRAC), Bangalore may be perused. The tender notice can be down loaded from web site www.isro.org. के.जी.श्रीनिनि/K.G. SRINIDHI प्रिाि (सी एम डी)/HEAD (CMD)
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