Program - Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg

Saturday, 10. January
Diversity and Identity Jewish Communities and the Future of Europe
International Conference
Organized by the
Ignatz Bubis-Lehrstuhl, Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg and the
Institute for Jewish History and Culture, Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München.
Sponsored by SHALOM EUROPE
Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg (HfJS)
10-12 January, 2015
18:00 18:15
Hawdala, Rav Shaul Friberg, HfJS (Hannah Arendt-Saal)
Welcome, Johannes Heil, Rektor HfJS
Adresse(s), Michael Fischbaum (Munich), N.N.
Keynote by Eldad Beck (Tel Aviv)
and Discussion, led by Michael Brenner and Guy Katz:
The State of the Jewish Diaspora in Europe
Eldad Beck (Tel Aviv), Michael Fischbaum (Munich),
Sergey Lagodinsky (Berlin), Göran Rosenberg (Stockholm)
20:15 Reception (Heinrich Heine-Gewölbesaal)
Sunday, 11. January
09:00 - 10:45 Session 1: Basic issues of Diaspora Studies (Hannah Arendt-Saal)
Yehonatan Ambramson (Baltimore), Securing and Securitizing the Diaspora
Sally Berkovic (London), Philanthropy in times of chaos:
A strategic response to the changes in European Jewish life since 1945
Dani Kranz (Wuppertal), “Diasporim” – Some Insights into Israeli Jewish Life Worlds
Coffee break
11:15 – 13:00 Session 2: Western European Diasporas (Hannah Arendt-Saal)
Jonathan Boyd (London), The British Jewish population and the changing nature of British society
Samuel Ghiles-Meilhac (Paris/Rouen), A Model in Crisis? Jews in France in the 21st Century
Daniel J. Clasby (Wilkes-Barre, PA), The Ghetto and Modern Jewish Identities in Postwar Italy
11:15 – 13:00 Session 3: Jews in Germany (Ludwig Bamberger-Raum)
Alicia Brudney (Berlin), The Identity of a New Generation. Oral History Interviews with Russian- Speaking Jews in Germany
Melanie Eulitz (Leipzig), Diversity and Conflicts in Jewish Congregations in Germany after 1990
Susanne Cohen-Weisz (Jerusalem), Internal Tensions Shadowing
Jewish Communal Development in Austria and Germany
13:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:45 Session 4: The Jewish Diaspora, Russia, Ukraine, and Israel (Hannah Arendt-Saal)
Anastasia Komoliatova (Archangelsk/Heidelberg), The Jewish
Diaspora of the North-Western Federal District of the Russian
Federation: Current situation, challenges and prospects
Oleksey Salivon (Kaliningrad/Heidelberg), The Goldstone Report and
Russian Jewish mass media
Kiril Feferman (Moscow), To Moscow and Kiev… but not to
Jerusalem? The Ukrainian Crisis and the Attitudes of the Russian and Ukrainian Jewish Communities
14:00 – 15:45 Session 5: Poland Heritage and Present (Ludwig Bamberger-Raum)
Witold Wrzosinski (Warsaw), Nobody‘s Heritage – Jewish Heritage in Poland
Katharina Friedla (Basel/Jerusalem), “Living in the Land of Ashes” –
The Renewal of Jewish Life in Poland. New Challenges and
Apolonia Kuc (Kracow), Tolerance learning – Jewish Institutions in Krakow
15:45 Monday, January 12
09:00 -11:30 Session 7: Jewish Education (Hannah Arendt-Saal)
Vladislav Slepoy (Mainz/Heidelberg), Jewish education in Germany today. A report from the classroom
Sandra Anusiewicz-Baer (Berlin), „Without this school, I would be a completely different person“ - How the Jewish High School in Berlin shapes its students’ identity
Maja Nizguretski (Siegen), Jewish adolescents in Germany Identities of Jewish adolescents from the Former Soviet Union in Germany
11:30 Coffee break
Registration for public:
mailto:[email protected] (places limited; please check for confirmation mails)
A service fee (except enrolled students) for meals of € 20,- will be charged upon arrival at
the conference information desk.
Coffee break
16:15 – 18:00 Session 6: South Eastern Europe (Hannah Arendt-Saal)
Ildiko Barna (Budapest), The Jewish identity of three generations of Holocaust survivors in Hungary
Ráchel Surányi and Gergő Váczi (Budapest), Here home - back home:
The recent waves of emigration of Hungarian Jews to Israel
Tania Reytan-Marincheshka (Sofia), Balkan Perspectives on Identity
and Diversity
18:15 Plenary Lecture (Hannah Arendt-Saal)
Micha Brumlik (Berlin), Diaspora - Fields of Research and Research for the Future
Dinner (Organizers and Speakers, and Supporters)
Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg
Landfriedstraße 12
69117 Heidelberg
Tel.: (+49) (0) 62 21 / 54 192 - 00
Fax.: (+49) (0) 62 21 / 54 192 - 09
E-Mail: [email protected]