KABARAK UNIVERSITY 5TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CALL FOR PAPERS GENERAL THEME: RESEARCH, INNOVATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND A SECURE WORLD DATES: 14TH-17TH JULY 2015, VENUE: Kabarak University Main Campus OBJECTIVES OF THE CONFERENCE 1. To interrogate reforms and innovations that should spur quality and equity for sustainable development. 2. To create a forum for discussion and exchange of current research findings among researchers, professionals and policy makers. 3. To provide a forum for industry players to show case their products and services. 4. To provide a forum for university students to showcase their research and innovations. SUB-THEMES 1. Symposium 1 a. Business Innovation for Secure World b. Agribusiness for Sustainable Development c. Business Opportunity in Challenging Security Environments d. Government Policies and Business Environment e. Trade and Regional Development f. Emerging Economies and Regional Development g. Governance and Leadership h. Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development 2. Symposium 2 a. ICT Innovation in Research, Science and Secure Sustainable Development. b. Security in the Built Environment for Innovation and Industrial Development. c. Research Innovation and Sustainable Development in a Secure World. d. Climate Change, Security and Energy Development. e. Security and Biodiversity Conservation for development. f. Water Resources Security and Environmental Management. g. Advancement of Research and development in Pure and applied Sciences h. Engineering Science and Technology Innovation in a Secure World i. Security , Information and Communication in Development 1 3. Symposium 3 a. ICT, Education, Quality and Excellence b. Managing Change in Classroom Practice c. Education, Leadership and School Improvement d. Curriculum for Sustainability and a Secure World e. Integrating Gender and Disability for Development f. Integrating Biblical Faith and Learning for Sustainable Development g. Guidance and Counseling for a Secure World h. Ethical and Legal Practices in Research 4. Symposium 4 a. Governance under the New Constitutional Dispensation b. Law, Innovation and Economic Development c. Legal Education, Training and Research d. Constitutional Reforms for Development e. ICT and Law f. Law and Environment g. National Reconciliation, Cohesion and Integration h. Civic Education, Gender Equality and Justice i. The Judiciary, Human Rights and Corruption 5. Symposium 5 A) MDG goals: Reflection on progress so far in 2015 and way forward a. Improve Maternal Child Health b. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases c. Developing a global Partnerships for development d. Reduce Child Mortality B) Public & Environmental Health a. Non-communicable diseases/chronic diseases b. Emerging and re-emerging diseases c. Evidence-base practice for quality health care d. Innovation in health care system IMPORTANT DATES: Submission of Abstracts: Submission of Full Papers: Submission of Student Exhibition: Conference Dates: 27th March, 2015 29th May, 2015 12th June 2015 14th to 17th July, 2015 2 SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Abstracts (in soft copy not exceeding 300 words, and 1.5 line spacing) should be submitted not later than 27th March 2015 for paper and poster presentations. Abstracts should clearly state the problem, methodology, key findings, conclusions, recommendations and key words (not exceeding six). Abstract should also include the names of the authors, their affiliations and addresses (postal, e-mail and telephone numbers) The complete paper not exceeding 20 pages, A4 size, MS-Word format, Times New Roman with heading in Font Size 14 and the body text Font Size 12 with 1.5 line spacing and PowerPoint presentations should be submitted through the conference website http://eserver.kabarak.ac.ke/ocs on or before 29th May 2015. All the references used in the paper should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) format. Papers previously published elsewhere or currently under review for publication should not be submitted. 3 Student Exhibition: This will be held on the first day of the conference, 15th July, 2015. For more details kindly refer to the Student Exhibition poster and the Kabarak university website. Exhibitors Exhibitors are welcome to exhibit products and services relevant to the conference theme. Conference Registration Fees Kenyan Participants All other participants Kabarak University Students Students from other universities External Exhibitors Fees KES US$ KES KES KES 6,500 150 3,000 3,500 20,000 All fees must be deposited in any of the following university bank accounts: Standard Chartered Bank- 0104-943637-01 Nakuru Trans National Bank- 0040503005 Nakuru Commercial Bank – 1109663161 Nakuru Equity Bank- 0310294445167 *Kindly note that the participation fees will cover coffee/tea, lunch and conference materials only. Accommodation Limited accommodation is available at Kabarak University Guest House at KES 2,100 bed and breakfast. Other accommodation venues are available in Nakuru Town. To plan for accommodation contact: Kabarak University Guest House Telephone: +254 717 680 113 or +254 722 867 398 e-mail: [email protected] Enquiries For further information and clarifications kindly contact us or visit the conference website; The Conference Secretariat Kabarak University Private Bag – 20157 Kabarak, NAKURU Telephone: 0773265999 Email: [email protected] OR Visit: http://www.kabarak.ac.ke/ocs 4
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