East Woods Orchestra Handbook 2014-2015

East Woods !
Orchestra Handbook!
Christina Spackey !
Orchestra Director!
East Woods School!
[email protected]!
330-653-1256 x4168!
Music Courses!
4th Grade: Students may choose to participate in Choir, General Music, and Orchestra in the
fourth grade. During the first few weeks of school, students will be introduced to all of the
different instruments they may learn.!
5th Grade: Students may choose to participate in Band, Choir, and Orchestra- or any
combination of the three! During the first few weeks of school, students will be introduced to all
of the different instruments they may learn.!
The remainder of this packet pertains to the String Orchestra program at East Woods Elementary. !
Students may choose between violin, viola, cello, and double bass. Instruments may be rented
from the music store of your choice. Selecting a quality instrument will provide your child with
the tools for success in orchestra! Be careful when renting or purchasing “discount” or bargain
instruments, which may be lower in quality. If you already have an instrument, please bring it
into school. I will check to ensure it is the proper size and in working order. Setting up students
with correctly sized and high quality equipment will maximize learning and enjoyment in
strings class! !
The East Woods Orchestra Open House on Thursday, August 28th from 6-7pm in the EW
Commons will provide families the opportunity to shop for instrument and equipment
rentals. !
Required Supplies for Fourth Grade!
Violin: Essential Elements 2000 Book 1 for Violin (with DVD and CD), cleaning cloth, music
folder, shoulder rest (soft, shaped sponge), inexpensive music stand, one pack of corn pads
(unmedicated), and a pencil. !
Viola: Essential Elements 2000 Book 1 for Viola (with DVD and CD), cleaning cloth, music
folder, shoulder rest (soft, shaped sponge), inexpensive music stand, one pack of corn pads
(unmedicated), and a pencil. !
Cello: Essential Elements 2000 Book 1 for Cello (with DVD and CD), cleaning cloth, music
folder, rock stop, inexpensive music stand, one pack of corn pads (unmedicated), and a pencil. !
Bass: Essential Elements 2000 Book 1 for Bass (with DVD and CD), cleaning cloth, music folder,
rock stop, inexpensive music stand, one pack of corn pads (unmedicated), and a pencil. !
Required Supplies for Fifth Grade!
Violin: Essential Elements 2000 Book 2 for Violin (with DVD and CD), cleaning cloth, music
folder, shoulder rest (soft, shaped sponge), inexpensive music stand, and a pencil. !
Viola: Essential Elements 2000 Book 2 for Viola (with DVD and CD), cleaning cloth, music
folder, shoulder rest (soft, shaped sponge), inexpensive music stand, and a pencil. !
Cello: Essential Elements 2000 Book 2 for Cello (with DVD and CD), cleaning cloth, music
folder, rock stop, inexpensive music stand, and a pencil. !
Bass: Essential Elements 2000 Book 2 for Bass (with DVD and CD), cleaning cloth, music folder,
rock stop, inexpensive music stand, and a pencil. !
Music stands are to be used at home, and do not need to be brought to school unless otherwise notified. !
Instrument rentals typically include instrument, bow, case, Essential Elements 2000 Book 1, and
music folder. Cleaning cloth, rosin, corn pads, music stand, and pencil may need to be
purchased separately. !
Music Stores in the Hudson Area!
Listed alphabetically!
Central Instrument Companyhttp://www.cicmusicstore.com!
739 Portage Trail, Cuyahoga Falls, 800-442-6000 !
Cleveland Violins http://www.clevelandviolins.com/home/htm!
2917 Mayfield Road, Cleveland Heights, 216-932-9310!
Musicians Repair Service http://www.mrsakronohio.com/!
871 Moe Drive #A-11, Akron, 330-633-3631 (Call for appointment)!
Stearn’s Violins http://stearnsviolins.com/!
10341 Middlebranch Ave, NE, Hartville 888-642-2579 (Call for appointment) !
Studio Strings http://www.studiostringsonline.com/!
118 Main Street, Wadsworth, 330-336-1644!
Western Reserve Music http://westernreservemusic.com/!
144 N. Main St., Hudson 330-342-7317!
Woodsy’s Music http://www.woodsys.com!
135 S. Water Street, Kent, 330-673-1525!
You may rent from any store of your choice. Hudson Schools does not endorse any specific music store. !
Concert Dates!
Students will be assigned a concert time based on class schedule and expected to arrive 45
minutes prior to the concert start. Students are required to attend all dress rehearsals and concerts. If a
student is unable to attend a dress rehearsal or performance, a written note from the parent/
guardian must be submitted two weeks in advance. In the event of illness, if the child is on the
school absence list they are also excused from that days rehearsal/performance.!
Concerts demonstrate the hard work and dedication each student puts into learning how to
play an instrument as well as the ability to play with an ensemble. Each member of the
ensemble has a critical role in a successful performance, and is an outstanding opportunity to
showcase the semesters work. Audience attendance encourages and supports the development
of young musicians and performers! !
Dress Rehearsals: December 15th and 16th 3:45-5:15 (EW Orchestra Room)!
Winter Concert: December 17th, 2014 6:00 and 7:30pm (HS Auditorium)!
Dress Rehearsals: May 11th and 12th 3:45-5:15 (EW Orchestra Room)!
Spring Concert: May 13, 2015 6:00 and 7:30pm (HS Auditorium)!
Concert Dress!
4th Grade: White shirt, black pants or skirt. You may wear an orchestra polo instead of a white
shirt. Black socks or tights, and black shoes. !
5th Grade: Orchestra polo (more information coming soon!), black pants or skirt. Black socks or
tights, and black shoes. !
Class Schedule and Attendance!
Both fourth and fifth grade students attend orchestra class with their homerooms two days a
week. Large group rehearsals occur during recess twice a week. All classes are mandatory! Part
of being a musician is being prepared for class with all needed materials- this includes the
instrument, music, and a pencil! I strongly encourage each student to be responsible for his/her
own materials. If a child forgets an item necessary for class, they still must attend that day so
that they can keep up with the group. !
Cello and bass players do not need to bring their instruments to the small group classes. Cellists
are asked to bring their instruments in one of the two large ensemble rehearsals. This allows the
instrument to be tuned, and helps students learn the proper technique on their specific
instrument. !
Grades in orchestra are assigned on an individual basis and are based on rehearsal
participation, technique, and written assignments. Rehearsal participation includes being
prepared with materials and active engagement in class. Technique includes how the
instrument held and played, as well as specific benchmarks related to playing. Written
assignments assess comprehension of notes, rhythms, and other musical knowledge. !
Practicing and written homework assignments will be assigned in orchestra. Being prepared for
class means knowing your part! All students are encouraged to practice, and play at home on a
regular basis. In addition, occasional written homework assignments will be given. Any
playing or written assignments are included in the orchestra grade.!
Private Lessons!
Enrolling in private lessons provides students with many positive opportunities that
supplement what happens in the school ensembles. Teachers are available at many local music
schools. There are also independent contractors who teach in the area. Contact Miss Spackey for
more information. !
Instrument Repair!
Although students are taught how to properly maintain the equipment and keep the instrument
safe, accidents do happen. For any repair (string, bridge, bow, etc), please bring the instrument to
me first. I am able to complete small, routine repairs. The rental shop can complete all other
repairs. Please do not try to repair instruments at home, as it may cause further damage. If a
student has a broken instrument, they are still expected to attend orchestra class or it will be
considered an unexcused absence. !
Email, Website, Twitter!
The best way to reach Miss Spackey is via email, [email protected] or you may also call
330-653-1256 x4168. Forms, schedules, and updates are regularly included on the EW Orchestra
website http://www.hudson.edu/sites/spackeyc. You can also follow @ewstrings on Twitter to
see what is happening with the EW Orchestra! !
Please confirm that you have read this handbook, and agree to participate in orchestra by !
visiting the following website: goo.gl/Y0zWRz!
You can also find the confirmation page from the EW Orchestra website.