Advanced Materials Research Vol. 983 (2014) pp 246-250 Online available since 2014/Jun/30 at © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/ Gas Permeation Properties and Characterization of Polymer Based Carbon Membrane N. Sazali1,a, W.N.W. Salleh2,b, Zawati Harun1,c and A.F. Ismail2,d 1 Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Centre (AMMC Department of materials and Design Engineering, Faculty of Maechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia. 2 Advanced Membrane Technology Research Centre (AMTEC), Faculty of Petroleum and Renewable Energy Engineering (FPREE), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia. a [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Keywords: Polymeric precursor, heat treatment process, Permeation, carbonization, carbon membrane, gas separation. Abstract. Membrane gas separation is a forthcoming technology that advertised a great commercial potential in diverse industrial applications. Consequently, membrane-based natural gas processing has been among the fastest growing segments of the economic growth. The turbostratic structure of carbon membranes has been affirmed to accommodate with good separation selectivity for permanent gases. With that, the most auspicious technique acquired is by controlling the carbonization temperature during the carbon membrane fabrication. In this study, polymer-based carbon tubular membranes have been fabricated and characterized in terms of its structural morphology and gas permeation properties. Polyimide (Matrimid 5218) was used as a precursor for carbon tubular membrane preparation to produce high quality of carbon membrane via carbonization process. The polymer solution was coated on TiO2 –ZrO2 tubular tubes (Tami) by using dip-coating method. The polymer tubular membrane was then carbonized under Nitrogen atmosphere at 600, 750, and 850 ◦C. The structural morphology of the resultant carbon membranes was analyzed by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM). Pure gas permeation tests were performed using CO2 and N2 gases at 8 bars and room temperature. Based on the results, the highest CO2/ N2 selectivity of 79.53 was obtained for carbon membrane prepared at 850 oC. Introduction In the past recent years, many efforts have been made to develop effective ways to separate the impurities in natural gases. Consequently, natural gas must designate cleansed to raise its fuel heating cost, decrease transport expenses, pipeline erosion besides atmospheric contamination [1, 2]. High permeation flux and high selectivity are essential requirements for a successful membrane [3]. Several methods assumed towards development of polyimide membranes involve tailoring molecular structure to achieve an innovative materials plus altering current polyimide materials through cross-linking method, grafting side groups on polymer backbone also heat treatment process [4].Various structures of polyimide have remained established in literatures thru changing the monomer structures [5,6]. It is well known that the membrane performance appears to be a tradeoff between selectivity and permeability, i.e. a highly selective membrane tends to have a low permeability [7]. Previous researcher stated that when the driving force (pressure ratio) was lower, the selectivity results was higher and the separation process said to be more appropriated; in fact, the operating costs for the separation system also lower [8]. Previous membrane researchers mention that membranes which have the potential to exceed such upper bound were inorganic membranes. Therefore, ultramicroporous (0.3–0.5 nm) membranes such as zeolite and carbon membranes have shown their performance [9]. The use of carbon membrane technology for the separation of CO2 from light gases such as N2 is still in the research stage. In fact, the carbon membranes are seemly for CO2/N2 All rights reserved. No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of TTP, (ID:, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia-27/08/14,04:42:05) Advanced Materials Research Vol. 983 247 separation [10]. Furthermore, former reports comprising the use of polymide precursor for carbon membrane synthesis were also stated by Tanihara et al. [11], and Tin et al. [10]. Material and Method In this study, a commercially available Matrimid 5218 was selected as a main precursor polymer. It was dried overnight at 80 oC prior to be used. N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) was purchased by Merck (Germany) and used as solvent polymers. Methanol was used as a solvent exchange during post treatment step for polymeric flat- sheet membranes. Matrimid 5218 was prepared by dissolving 15 wt. % of Matrimid 5218 in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) for 7 hours with mechanical stirring. The mixture was maintained under a controlled vacuum to remove all bubbles from the solution. Polymer supported membranes were prepared by dip-coating a uniform layer of the polymeric solution over the external surface of a tubular ceramic supported (1kD membrane of 6cm in length x 13mm outer radii; Tami). The ceramic tube consisted of TiO2 structure that supported a ZrO2 membrane located on the inner part of the tube. The support was dip-coating horizontally during the deposition of polymer solution. After 15 minutes coated, the membranes were then aged at 80 oC for 24 hours. The membranes next immersed with methanol for 2 hours and then placed at 100 oC for 24 hours inside oven to allow slow removal of the solvent. The same procedure was used to fabricate flat sheet membranes for characterization purposes. The supported carbon membranes were prepared after the polymer supported membranes had been placed inside Carbolite horizontal tubular furnace, where polymeric membranes were placed in the center of the ceramic tube. The polymer carbonization was performed following a temperature program up to 600, 750 and 850 oC. Normally, the final carbonization temperature will be reached in several steps; the polymeric membranes were heated at 300 oC from room temperature at a heating rate of 3 oC/min under Nitrogen gas (200 ml/min) flow. Subsequently the temperature was raised to final carbonization temperature with the same heating rate. At 300 oC and final carbonization temperature, the membrane were held for 30 minutes before proceed to the next step. After completing each heating cycle, membranes were cooled naturally to room temperature. The detailed carbonization protocol is illustrated in Fig 1. The nomenclature of the resultant carbon tubular membranes is given in the form of CM-Carbonization Temperature. Membranes Characterization The cross section morphologies of the precursor membrane were observed under JEOL JSM-5610LV scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The performance of the membrane can be characterized into two important parameters which are permeance and selectivity. Temperature, T (°C) Temperature, T (°C) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 Time, t (min) Figure 1: Carbonization protocol 200 250 248 Advanced Materials and Engineering The carbon tubular membranes were tested in pure gas system. The 8 cm carbon tubular was placed inside the tubular module. Pure CO2 and N2 were fed into the module at a trans membrane pressure of 8 bars. A tubular stainless steel module of 14 cm in length was used to contain the tubular ceramic membrane. The membrane was fitted with rubber O-rings that allowed the membrane to be housed in the module without leakages. The permeance, P/l (GPU) and selectivity, α of the membranes were calculated using equations below: Permeance, P: (P / l )i = Qi Q = ∆p. A ηπDl∆P (1) Selectivity, α: α A/ B = PA ( P / l ) A = PB ( P / l ) B (2) Where P/l is the permeance of the tubular membrane, Qi is the volumetric flow rate of gas i at standard temperature and pressure (cm3 (STP/s), p is the pressure difference between the feed side and the permeation side of the membrane (cmHg), A is the membrane surface area (cm2), n is the number of fibers in the module, D is an outer diameter of carbon tubular membrane (cm) and l is an effective length of carbon tubular membrane (cm). Result and Discussion Gas Permeation properties. Carbonization process plays an important role in tuning the gas permeation performance of carbon membranes, while the carbonization temperature is one of the process parameters that significantly affect the gas separation performance of carbon membranes. The carbonization process was performed by heating the Matrimid-based polymeric membrane under Nitrogen flow from room temperature to final carbonization temperature of 600, 750 and 850oC. The permeance was measured using gas permeation test apparatus at 8 bars and room temperature. The different final carbonization temperatures would result in different structure and permeation properties. The results of the permeation performance of the carbon membrane prepared from different final carbonization temperature shown in Table 1. The permeance of CO2 will increase while N2 permeance significantly decreased with the increase of final carbonization temperature. This indicates that pore and carbon structure of the carbon membrane become rigid, compact and some of the pores might change into closed pores during the carbonization process. Moreover, the CO2 permeance is consistently higher than that of N2. With the expected of high temperature, it will induce the higher porosity. Polyimides are known to exhibit high permselectivity for various gas pairs, especially for CO2 /N2 [13], and high chemical resistance, thermal stability and mechanical strength [12]. Many researchers reported polyimide of Matrimid 5218 as one of the best material choices for membrane based CO2 /N2 separation, due to its attractive combination of gas permselectivity and high Tg [13, 14]. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 983 249 Table 1 Gas Permeation Properties of the Matrimid/NMP –Based Carbon Tubular Membrane. Permeability (GPU) Carbon Membrane CM-600 CM-750 CM-850 CO2 81.29 364.30 400.06 Selectivity CO2/ N2 10.09 64.41 79.53 N2 8.06 5.66 5.03 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 CO2 Permeance N2 Permeance 600 750 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 N2 Permeance (GPU) CO2 Permeance (GPU) According to gas permeation results, it is indicates that the transport mechanisms of the prepared carbon membrane are not dominant by Knudsen diffusion. The trend is indicative of molecular sieving, as the kinetic diameter of CO2 is substantially smaller than N2. A continuous increase of selectivity is observed with the rise of the carbonizations temperature from 600- 850 oC. The selectivity of CO2/ N2 increased approximately 6 times from the carbon membrane carbonized from 600 to 750oC. The highest selectivity of 79.53 was achieved of carbon membrane carbonized at 850oC. The result shows that Matrimid–based carbon tubular membrane with more selective behaviors’ can be obtained at high carbonization temperature. Figure 3 shows comparison between CO2 permeance readings with N2 permeance readings. It was known that membranes that carbonized with 600 oC will have big pore size; therefore N2 can go through more compared to the carbon membranes with higher temperature. Therefore, when the porosity was low, it will limit the N2 permeance. In the nutshell, to gain the highest separation efficiency of carbon tubular membrane derived from Matrimid, the final carbonization temperature of around 750 to 850 oC are the best conditions for CO2/ N2 separation at room temperature. 850 Temperature (°C) Figure 3: Comparison between CO2 permeance readings with N2 permeance readings Summary From this study, the result shows that Matrimid 5218 is a good candidate precursor for carbon membranes applied in gas separation system. The morphological structure properties together with the gas permeation of the Matrimid-based polymeric and carbon membrane are reported. It is indicated that the gas separation properties of Matrimid carbon membranes are depends on the carbonization temperature during the heat treatment process. The results reveal that an excellent CO2/ N2 separation of 79.53 was obtained for carbon membranes carbonized at 850oC. It is because a high compactness of carbon membrane structure was produced at high temperature and it leads to the increase in selectivity. 250 Advanced Materials and Engineering Acknowledgment The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Research University Grant Scheme (GUP) (Vot No: Q.J130000.2542.05H08) from The Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) to University Technology Malaysia (UTM). References [1] R.W. Baker and K. Lokhandwala: Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. Vol.47 (2008), p. 2109-2121 [2] Y.Xiao, B.T.Low, S.S.Hosseini, T.S.Chung and D.R.Paul:A review, Prog. Polym. Sci. Vol.34 (2009), p.561-580 [3] T.S.Chung, J.J.Shieh, W.W.Y.Lau, M.P.Srinivasan and D.R. Paul:J. Membr. Sci. 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