Announcements - Oak Hills Presbyterian Church

To be gathered by the Spirit as a community of faith,
to grow into the likeness of Christ,
and to glorify God every day in all we do.
Bible Centered We will pattern our actions and attitudes after Jesus
Christ and biblical values. (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12)
Prayer We will root our life together deeply in the practice of prayer,
knowing that God is present and able. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18;
Ephesians 6:18; Romans 12:12)
Missional We will reach out to our neighbors, locally and globally,
offering living proof of a loving God through our actions and words.
(Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Peter 2:9-10; Hebrews 13:16)
Empathy We will share one another’s joys and pain, throughout our
church family, our community, and in the world. (John 15:12;
Galatians 6:2; Ephesians 4:32)
Hospitality We will welcome those who walk through our doors and
treat them as family. (1 Peter 4:8-10; Romans 12:13; Genesis 18:1-8)
Generosity Together we will give our abilities, time and resources; and
we will welcome the gifts of others with gratitude. (1 Peter 4:10-11;
Proverbs 22:9)
Wholeness We will hear, understand and respect those with whom we
disagree. When relationships are broken, we will actively seek
reconciliation. (Romans 15:5-7; Colossians 3:12-14; Matthew 18:1520)
Sabbath We will practice God’s rhythm of work and rest, doing and
being, seeking balanced lives. (Exodus 20:8-11; Mark 2:27-78)
Thanks to Our Volunteers!
Worship Leader: Eddie Mensinger
Ushers: Dick & Joann Devlin
Coffee Hosts: Shannon Teel
Next Week
Oak Hills Presbyterian Church
5101 SE Thiessen Road, Milwaukie OR 97267
Gather … Grow … Glorify
Announcements - December 21, 2014
Christmas week at Oak Hills
TONIGHT, 6pm, Carols & Cocoa. Come
for Caroling, Cookies & Hot Cocoa, and a
Christmas Sweater Contest. You are invited
to bring cookies. ~Susann Smith, 503.786.3710
December 24, 11pm, Christmas Eve
Candlelight & Communion service.
December 28, 10am, “The Twelve Days
of Christmas.”
ONE Service; children remain in
the service (a nursery is available for 3 and under)..
Linda Mensinger
Dick & Joann Devlin
Val Brown & Deb McGowan
Interim Pastor Rev. Brian Craker
Worship Director Tanya Raudszus; Choir Director Gary Miille; Organist Linda Kranovich;
Nursery, Lynette Teel; Children’s Director Christy Polk; Youth Director Kevin Krieger;
Chaplain, Rev. Stasia Van Buskirk; Admin. Assistant Valerie Brumbelow
Congratulations to parents Jonathan & Raven
Scheuermann, sisters Isabella and Francis, and
Grandmother Sue, upon the birth of Elijah Jon,
December 18, 2014, 11:06pm, 8 lbs., 1 oz., 21 inches.
Upper Room devotionals and Pockets for January/February
are available in the rack in fellowship hall.
Please note your presence today on the Communication Card.
CHILDREN (3yrs—5th grade) in the CE building:
9:30am, Sacred Story; 11am, Kid Connection
~Christy Polk
YOUTH—11am, “What do you know about Jesus?”
6pm, Christmas Party & Christmas Sweater
Contest along with Carols & Cocoa event. ~Cris
ADULTS—The Journey: Walking the Road to
Bethlehem by Adam Hamilton; “Mary’s Visit to
Elizabeth.” ~Susann Smith
Adult Spiritual Nurture class at 9:30 and 11am, today in
the Latté Room. Our DVD series, The Journey: Walking the
Road to Bethlehem by Adam Hamilton, was
filmed on location in the Holy Land. Join us
as we retrace Joseph and Mary’s trip from
Nazareth to Bethlehem. ~Susann Smith, Jim
Anderson, and Eddie Mensinger, teachers
December 24, 11pm, you are invited to our
Christmas Eve Candlelight and
Communion service. We will be led in
Scripture readings and Christmas Carols to
worship our Savior, born in Bethlehem so
many years ago.
Next Sunday, December 28, we will have one combined
worship service at 10am. There will be no Sunday school
classes; the children will have opportunity to join Pastor Brian
for the sermon time about “The Twelve Days of Christmas.”
Opportunities to serve at Oak Hills are listed on the bulletin
board in the hallway. If you can help as second-service usher,
please take a notecard with instructions and let Carrie Walker
know; or you can sign up to be coffee host in January.
Please pray for ...
The family of Debby Boos, the family of Debra Hall,
Connie Franz, Beverly Nasholm, Larry & Pat O’Brien,
Sonja & Lowell Pauli, Sherry Wortman.
~Joann Devlin or Betty Wagne
This Week: December 21—27
9:30 & 11am
Iglesia Shalom prayer time
Worship services & Sunday classes
Iglesia Shalom worship service
Carols & Cocoa & Christmas Sweater
Office Closed
Iglesia Shalom worship team rehearsal
PNC meeting
Men’s Bible study & breakfast
Iglesia Shalom in CE building
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Iglesia Shalom youth in CE building
AA meeting
Candlelight & Communion Service
Office Closed
Office Closed
Iglesia Shalom worship
Iglesia Shalom Youth meeting
Please submit bulletin announcements by Wednesday each week.
January/February newsletter articles due December 23.
The office is closed this Thursday and Friday, December 25-26.
Normal office hours are Tues-Fri, 9am-2pm.
Notes of Thanks!
Thanks to all who helped make our Children’s Christmas Pageant
successful last Sunday; and a special thanks to
Gretchen Buskirk for mending some costumes.
~Christy Polk, Children’s Ministry Director
Thanks to all who helped serve Christmas dinner at
Clackamas Services Center.
~Cathy Hanson, Susann Smith and the Missions Team
Please lock ALL outside doors if you are last to leave.
If in doubt, please LOCK THEM anyway (and inside doors, too)!