Divine Mercy Parish December 21, 2014 4th Sunday of Advent Christmas Schedule Saturday Dec. 20 and Sunday Dec. 21 Regular Mass and confession schedule (see front cover) Tues., Dec. 23 7:00—8:00 pm, Confessions Wed., Dec. 24 (Christmas Vigil) No morning Mass 4:00 pm (vigil) 6:00 pm (vigil) 8:00 pm (Span. • Español) Thurs., Dec. 25 (Christmas) (holy day of obligation) 12:00 midnight, preceded by free concert at 11:30 pm 8:30 am 10:30 am Saturday, Dec. 27 & Sunday, Dec. 28 (Holy Family) Regular Mass and confession schedule (see front cover) Wed., December 31 Make an end of the year Christmas gift to God and to your parish community — try out online giving through the parish website www.divinemercyparish.org Offertory Giving Capital Campaign No morning Mass 4:00 pm, (vigil) 7:00 pm (Span. • Español) Thurs., Jan. 1 (Mary, Mother of God) (holy day of obligation) 8:30 am 10:30 am Saturday, Jan. 3 & Sunday, Jan. 4 (Epiphany) Regular Mass and confession schedule (see front cover) Divine Mercy Parish Page 2 St. Joseph Sunday Missal Today’s Readings: Next Sunday: p. 684 p. 691 To purchase a Sunday Missal for $20, please see an usher. L Family Prayer oving and faithful God, through the years the people of our archdiocese have appreciated the prayers and love of Our Lady of Prompt Succor in times of war, disaster, epidemic and illness. We come to you, Father, with Mary our Mother, and ask you to help us in the battle of today against violence, murder and racism. We implore you to give us your wisdom that we may build a community founded on the values of Jesus, which gives respect to the life and dignity of all people. Bless parents that they may form their children in faith. Bless and protect our youth that they may be peacemakers of our time. Give consolation to those who have lost loved ones through violence. Hear our prayer and give us the perseverance to be a voice for life and human dignity in our community. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. Mother Henriette Delille, pray for us that we may be a holy family. Remember Your Parish in Your Will To arrange for a deferred or special gift to Divine Mercy Parish, or to remember the parish in your will, contact parishioner Michael Britt at (504) 441-8660 or Peter Quirk (Archd. Dept. of Development) at (504) 596-3063 or [email protected]. 4:00 pm Mass Entrance On Jordan's Bank/Prepare the Way 1. For thou art our salva on, Lord, Our refuge, and our sure reward; Shine forth and let thy light restore Our souls to heav’nly grace once more. 2. Then cleansed be every soul from sin; Make straight the way for God with in, Prepare we in our hearts a home, Where such a mighty guest may come. Refrain Oh prepare the way! Oh prepare the way! Oh prepare the way! Oh prepare the way of the Lord! 3. On Jordan's bank the Bap st's cry announces that the Lord is nigh; Awake and hearken for he brings glad dings of the King of kings. Refrain (2X) By: C. Coffin, G. Miles, J. Chandler. ©Public Domain. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI License #11201196. Song #27790. Guitar accompaniment and refrain by Karl Zimmerman©2004. Offertory Creator of the Stars of Night 1. Creator of the stars of night, Your people's everlas ng light, O Christ, Redeemer of us all, We pray you hear us when we call. 2. In sorrow that the ancient curse Should doom to death a universe, You came, O Savior, to set free Your own in glorious liberty. 3. When this old world drew on toward night, You came; but not in splendor bright, Not as a monarch, but the child Of Mary, blameless mother mild. “God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4 4. At your great Name, O Jesus, now All knees must bend, all hearts must bow: All things on earth with one accord, Like those in heav'n, shall call you Lord. 5. Come in your holy might, we pray, Redeem us for eternal day; Defend us while we dwell below From all assaults of our dread foe. 6. To God Creator, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Praise, honor, might and glory be From age to age eternally. Public Domain©2003. GIA Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. License # A-722878 Communion (Instrumental) Sending Forth The King of Glory Refrain The King of glory comes, the na on rejoices. Open the gates before him, li up your voices. 1. Who is the King of glory; how shall we call him? He is Emmanuel, the promised of ages. 2. In all of Galilee, in city or village, He goes among his people curing their illness. 3. Sing then of David’s Son, our Savior and brother; In all of Galilee was never another. 4. He gave his life for us, the pledge of salva on, He took upon himself the sins of the na on. December 21, 2014 4th Sunday of Advent Page 3 5. He conquered sin and death; he truly has risen, And he will share with us his heavenly vision. 3. Renunciemos las envidias, odios, celos y rencor. Perdonemos al hermano como Dios nos da el perdón. By: R. Proulx©1971. GIA Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. License # A-722878. 4. Hay que construir el reino de jus cia, paz y amor, construyendo un mundo nuevo mientras vuelva el Redentor. Misa - 6:30 pm Entrada Cantemos Todos, Cantemos Estribillo Cantemos todos, cantemos, cantemos con entusiasmo, cantemos al rey del cielo que pronto vendrá a salvarnos. (bis) 1. Señor: tu pueblo te espera, te espera con alegría; preparándonos estamos para cuando llegue el día. 2. Señor: aquí estamos todos, de rodillas hoy estamos, pidiéndote, Señor nuestro, que vengas pronto a salvarnos. Cantemos todos, cantemos. Por: B. Núñez; A. Morales©1979. OCP. Todos los derechos reservados. Usado con permiso. Licencia # 608353. Ofertorio Preparen el Camino Estribillo Preparen el camino del Señor. Preparen el camino del Señor. 1. Juan proclama en el desierto; ya se oye su pregón, “Cambien todos hoy sus vidas que ya viene el Salvador”. 2. Voz de Juan que clama fuerte, “Vengan a pedir perdón, dejen todos su pecados y reciban al Señor”. Por: F. Rodriguez©1989. OCP Publicaons. Todos los derechos reservados. Usado con permiso. Licencia # 608353. Comunión Arriba los Corazones Estribillo Arriba los corazones vayamos todos al pan de vida que es fuente de gloria eterna, de fortaleza y de alegría. 1. A acudimos sedientos: Ven, Señor. Tenemos fe en tu misterio: Ven, Señor. Queremos darte la vida: Ven, Señor; con sus dolores y dichas: Ven, Señor. 2. Queremos ser más hermanos: Ven, Señor. Que nunca nos olvidamos: Ven, Señor. En hallaremos la fuerza: Ven, Señor, para olvidar las ofensas: Ven, Señor. 3. Que no haya luchas fraternas: Ven, Señor, ni esclavitud, ni miserias: Ven, Señor. Aparta el odio del mundo: Ven, Señor, que exista un orden más justo: Ven, Señor. Tradicional©OCP Publica ons. Todos los derechos reservados. Usado con permiso. Licencia # 608353. Canto Final Cristo está Conmigo Estribillo Cristo está conmigo, junto a mí va el Señor, me acompaña siempre en mi vida hasta el fin. 1. Ya no temo, Señor, la tristeza, ya no temo, Señor, la soledad, porque eres, Señor, mi alegría, tengo siempre tu amistad. 2. Ya no temo, Señor, a la noche, ya no temo, Señor, la oscuridad, porque brilla tu luz en las sombras ya no hay noche, Tú eres luz. 3. Ya no temo, Señor, los fracasos, ya no temo, Señor, la ingra tud, porque el triunfo, Señor, en la vida Tú lo enes, Tú lo das. 4. Ya no temo, Señor, los abismos, ya no temo, Señor, la inmensidad, porque eres, Señor, el camino y la vida, la verdad. 5. Ya no temo, Señor, a la muerte, ya no temo, Señor, la eternidad, porque Tú estás allá esperando que yo llegue hasta Ti. Por: J. Espinosa©1973.OCP. Todos los derechos reservados. Usado con permiso. Licencia # 608353. Mass Intentions Thursday, Dec 25, 2014 8:30 AM Lloyd Stockfleth Thursday, Dec 25, 2014 10:30 AM Darvis Phillips Friday , Dec 26, 2014 7:30 AM For all parishoners Saturday, Dec 27, 2014 8:00 AM Kayla Breaux “Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4 Divine Mercy Parish 8:30 am Mass Entrance Come, Lord Jesus Refrain Come, Lord Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus. Veni, Jesus Domine. Come, Lord Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus. Veni, Jesus Domine. 1. Come, Lord Jesus. Gather with us, li us from sin, raise in your mercy, lead us to your kingdom. Be with us today. Refrain. 2. Come, Lord Jesus. Speak to us, announce a year of favor. Proclaim your gospel, peach your kingdom. We listen your voice. Refrain. Bridge Come, O come, Emmanuel. Come, O come, Emmanuel. Come, O come, Emmanuel. Final Refrain Come, Lord Jesus. Come Lord Jesus. Veni, Jesu Domine. (4X) By: J. Ango ; F. Annie©2009 World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. License # ALC1102091. Offertory O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 1. O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom cap ve Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here Un l the Son of God appear. Refrain Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to you, O Israel. 2. O come, O Wisdom from on high, Who orders all things migh ly; To us the path of knowledge show, And teach us in her ways to go. 3. O come, O come, great Lord of might, Page 4 Who to your tribes on Sinai's height In ancient mes once gave the law, In cloud, and majesty and awe. 4. O come, O Rod of Jesse's stem, from every foe deliver them That trust your mighty power to save, And give them vict’ry o’er the grave. 5. O come, O Key of David, come, And open wide our heavenly home; Make safe the way that leads on high, And close the path to misery. 6. O come, O Dayspring from on high And cheer us by your drawing nigh; Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, And death’s dark shadow put to flight. 7. O come, Desire of na ons, bind In one the hearts of humankind; O bid our sad divisions cease, And be for us our King of Peace. Tr. by: J. Neale; Adapt. by T. Helmore; acc. by R. Proulx©1975. GIA Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. License # A-722878 Communion Jesus, Hope of the World Refrain Jesus, hope of the world, Jesus light in our darkness Here we await you, O Master Divine Here we receive you in bread and in wine. Jesus, hope of the world. 1. Cantor: Come to us, O son of God! All: "Come, Lord Jesus" Come to us, O son of man! All: "Come Lord Jesus" Come son of God! Come son of man! Shepherd your people in love! 2. Come to us, O promised King! All: "Come, Lord Jesus" Come to us, O promised Peace! All: "Come Lord Jesus" Come promised King! Come promised Peace! “God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4 Come and be Lord of our hearts 3. Come to us, O Rising Sun! All: "Come, Lord Jesus" Come to us, O Endless Light! All: "Come Lord Jesus" Come Rising Sun! Come Endless Light! Sha er the darkness of death! 4. Come to us, O Heart’s Desire! All: "Come, Lord Jesus" Come to us, O Saving Love! All: "Come Lord Jesus" Come Heart’s Desire! Come Saving Love ! Banish our doubt and our fear! By: D. Light; P. Tate©2001.World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. License # ALC1102091 Sending Forth The King of Glory (See 4 pm Mass – Sending Forth) 10:30 am Mass Entrance O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (See 8:30 am Mass – Offertory) Offertory This is Your JusƟce Refrain Prepare ye the way of the Lord. Prepare ye the way of the Lord. Cantor: And the kid and leopard shall play. This is Your Jus ce. All: (This is your jusƟce) Cantor: And the lion shall lie down with the lamb This is Your Jus ce. All: (This is your jusƟce) Cantor: And the poor shall receive from the hand of the rich. This is Your Jus ce. All: This is your jus ce, O God. Cantor: And the blind regain their sight. December 21, 2014 4th Sunday of Advent Page 5 This is Your Jus ce. All: (This is your jusƟce) Cantor: And the lame shall walk and the lepers are cleansed. This is Your Jus ce. All: (This is your jusƟce) Cantor: And the deaf shall hear and the dead are raised. This is Your Jus ce. All: This is your jus ce, O God. Refrain Cantor: In the womb of a virgin you were conceived. This is Your Jus ce. All: (This is your jusƟce) Cantor: Born in a manger, lowly and dark. This is Your Jus ce. All: (This is your jusƟce) Cantor: Sent to die on a cross of wood, This is Your Jus ce. All: This is your jus ce, O God. Bridge And the first shall be last and the humble shall be exalted. And the first shall be last and when become like a li le child the kingdom of God shall be ours. Cantor: This is Your Jus ce. All: (This is your jusƟce) Cantor: This is Your Jus ce. All: (This is your jusƟce) Cantor: This is Your Jus ce. All: This is your jus ce, O God. Refrain "Prepare ye the way!" (Prepare ye the way!) Make straight a highway for God and prepare ye the way! (Prepare ye the way!) Every valley shall be raised and every mountain be maid low Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed. Refrain shall come to thee, O Israel, 2. O Zion, go up on the mountain, and herald the news! (And Herald the news!) Say to the ci es of Judah, "Prepare ye the way!” (Prepare ye the way!) Here is God who comes with power and he rules with his strong arm. Like a shepherd he will lead the flock he gathers. Refrain and holy is His name! Ending Prepare ye the way of the Lord! Prepare ye the way of the Lord! Prepare ye the way of the Lord! By: L. Hess; J. Diliberto©2012. World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. License # ALC1102091. 6:00 pm Mass Entrance O come, O come, Emmanuel By: C. Colson©2013. World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. License # ALC1102091. O come, O come, Emmanuel, Communion un l the Son of God appear. Jesus, Hope of the World (See 8:30 am Mass – Offertory) Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Sending Forth Prepare Ye Refrain Prepare ye, prepare ye, prepare ye the way of the Lord. (2X) and ransom cap ve Israel that mourns in lonely exile here shall come to thee, O Israel. O come Thou Wisdom from on high, who orders all things migh ly. To us the path of knowledge shall come to thee, O Israel. Rejoice, again I say rejoice! For unto us is born the Savior of the world. Take heart, O weary soul, take heart, for help is on its way, Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel. Public Domain©GIA Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. License # A-722878 Offertory Holy Is His Name 1. My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit exalts in God my Savior. For He has looked with mercy on my lowliness, and His name will be forever exalted. For the mighty God has done great things for me, and His mercy will reach from age to age. Refrain And holy, holy; Holy is His name. 2. He has mercy in ev'ry genera on, He has revealed His power and His glory. He has cast down the mighty in their arrogance, and has li ed up the meek and the lowly. He has come to help His servant Israel, He remembers His promise to our fathers. show and teach us in her ways to go. 1. A voice cries out in the desert, Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel “Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4 Divine Mercy Parish By: J. Talbot©1980. OCP Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Licensing # 608353. Communion Sacred Silence Refrain Sacred silence, holy ocean, gentle water, washing over me. Help me listen, Holy Spirit, come and speak to me. 2. God my Father, Christ my brother, Holy Spirit, sanc fying me. Lord, I'm sorry, please forgive me, come and set me free. 2. Holy Mary, gentle mother, God's pure vessel, praying for me. Saints and angels, all in heaven, come and be with me. Final Refrain Sacred silence, holy ocean, gentle water, washing over me. Help me listen, Holy Spirit, come and speak to me, come and speak to me, come and speak to me. By: T. Booth©2003. OCP Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Licensing # 608353. Breathe This is the air I breathe, this is the air I breathe: Your holy presence living in me. This is my daily bread, this is my daily bread: Your very word spoken to me. Refrain And I, I'm desperate for you. And I, I'm lost without you. Page 6 By: M. Barne ©2004. OCP Publica ons. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Licensing # 608353. Sending Forth Soon and Very Soon 1. Soon and very soon we are goin’ to see the King, Soon and very soon we are goin’ to see the King, Soon and very soon we are goin’ to see the King, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, we're goin’ to see the King! Choir Christmas Concert The choir will be giving a free concert before Christmas Midnight Mass beginning at 11:30 p.m. 2. No more cryin’ there we are goin’ to see the King, No more cryin’ there we are goin’ to see the King, No more cryin’ there we are goin’ to see the King, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, we're goin’ to see the King! 3. No more dyin’ there we are goin’ to see the King, No more dyin’ there we are goin’ to see the King, No more dyin’ there we are goin’ to see the King, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. 4. Soon and very soon we are goin’ to see the King, Soon and very soon we are goin’ to see the King, Soon and very soon we are goin’ to see the King, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. By: A. Crouch©1971. All rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI License #11201196. Song #11249. (repeat verse and Refrain…) “God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4 The Chapel candle burns this week In Memory of Watson Aicklen The Sanctuary candle burns this week for the Ramsey Family Sunday, December 21 • Second Collection, Debt Reduction • Mass, 8:30 am, Church • Mass, 10:30 am (with Children’s Liturgy of the Word), Church • LIFE TEEN Mass, 6 pm, Church Monday, December 22 • Legion of Mary, 7 pm, Cry Room- SEAS • RCIA, 7 pm Tuesday, December 23 • Confessions, 7-8 pm Wednesday, December 24 • Second Collection, Archdiocesan Ministries • Read Mass schedule on front cover Thursday, December 25—Christmas • Second Collection, Archdiocesan Ministries • Read Mass schedule on front cover Friday, December 26 • Saint Stephen Saturday, December 27 • Saint John • Mass, 4 pm, Church • Misa hispana, 7 pm, Iglesia • Comunidad de Jovenes RCCH, 8 pm, Centro Parroquial comunidad Sunday, December 28-Holy Family • Read Mass schedule on front cover • Handicapped Encounter Christ— Christmas party, 2 pm, Parish community center • LIFE TEEN Mass, 6 pm, Church Please pray for David Frey, husband of Barbara Frey; Sam Paul Scelfo son of Sam and Jackie Sue Scelfo; Christine Daigle sister of Francis Harvey; & Edward Mattio father of Philip Mattio. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace! • Ore por ellos. Que descansen en paz! Day Date Time Mass Intention Page 7 Divine Mercy Parish Page 8 FACILITATE Parenting and Family Life Group with Men Enthronement of the Sacred Heart “In the tender compassion of our God, the dawn from on high shall break upon us, to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace.” Luke1:78-79 This week we anticipate with joy the coming of the New Dawn – Jesus, the Prince of Peace. When the infant Jesus was born, He came into a world torn with strife. The promised Messiah arrived to set His people free as promised. But most did not understand, they thought He was bringing them an earthly kingdom. He came instead to bring them an everlasting kingdom. We live in a time when we too need a messenger of peace. But He has never left us; He points to His mother- the Bright Morning Star and says to us, “Follow her, pattern your life on hers and I will bring you home.” The Promoters of the Sacred Heart Apostolate wish you and your families all the blessings of the Christ Child. Volunteers Needed Many hands are needed to decorate for Christmas. Meeting at church for 4pm TODAY, December 21. Vocations Crucifix We are looking for volunteers to take home the Vocations Crucifix for one week and to pray for vocations. Call Bee LaJaunie at 469-6579, cell 481-6579. Christmas Poinsettias Please remember to use your Christmas flower envelope. Your contributions will help to buy the poinsettias that decorate the church so beautifully. The Archdiocese of New Orleans Prison Ministry is seeking volunteers with a passion for family life. Experience in education, social work, or a related field is helpful but not required. Volunteers facilitate parenting and family life courses at Orleans Parish Prison, two days weekly, for an hour in the afternoon. Seminar curriculum and all materials will be provided. Seminars are team facilitated. An initial 4 hour training session will be offered. If interested, contact John Messenheimer, Prison Ministry Director: Archdiocese of New Orleans, at (504) 267-9727 or [email protected]. Holy Spirit Women’s Retreat Sr. Briege McKenna, OSC and Fr. Kevin Scallon, CM will be the featured speakers at the annual Holy Spirit Women’s Retreat from January 16-18, 2015 at the Hilton Hotel in Lafayette, LA. The theme is “I Thirst”. Sr. Briege and Fr. Kevin are known worldwide for their teaching and healing ministry with laity and priests. Sr. Briege was miraculously healed of rheumatoid arthritis as a young woman and sent around the world to minister God’s healing love. Her book Miracles Do Happen is a best-seller, and Fr. Kevin is also an author of I Will Come Myself and has produced many beautiful CDs. Also on the program are Deacon Larry Oney, a dynamic preacher, author and businessman, his wife, Andi, Patti Mansfield and the CCRNO Team. This retreat is sponsored by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of New Orleans (CCRNO) and serves hundreds of women from the New Orleans area. Weekend and Saturday commuters are welcome. Register on line at www.ccrno.org or call (504) 828-1368. Teens Encounter Christ Retreat Sponsored by the Archdiocese of New Orleans, TEC is a 3 day retreat weekend of prayer, reflections/talks, discussions, and activities based on the Paschal Mystery. It begins at 9:30 am on Saturday and ends about 7pm On Monday and are held at Rosaryville Spirit Life Center just outside of Ponchatoula, LA. For further information go to www.techneworleans.com “God is rich in mercy . . .” Ephesians 2:4 December 21, 2014 4th Sunday of Advent Page 9 FACILITE un Grupo Para Hombres Entronización del Sagrado Corazón "En la tierna compasión de nuestro Dios, el amanecer de alto deberá romper sobre nosotros, para iluminar a los que moran en la oscuridad y la sombra de la muerte y para guiar nuestros pies en el camino de la paz". Lucas 1:78-79 esta semana esperamos con alegría la llegada del Nuevo Amanecer – Jesús, Príncipe de la Paz. Cuando nació el niño Jesús, él entró en un mundo desgarrado por la lucha. El Mesías prometido llegó para establecer su pueblo libre como se había prometido. Pero la mayoría no entendía, pensaron que les iba a traer un reino terrenal. En su lugar vino a traer un reino eterno. Vivimos en una época cuando necesitamos también un mensajero de la paz. Pero Él nunca se ha ido. El señala hacia su madre - la brillante estrella de la mañana y nos dice, "Seguidla, haz un patrón de tu vida como la de ella y te traeré a casa". Los Promotores del Apostolado del Sagrado Corazón le desean a usted y a su familia todas las bendiciones del Niño Jesús. Se necesitan voluntarios! Muchas manos son necesarias para la decoración de Navidad. Reúnase en la iglesia a las 4pm el dia HOY 21 de diciembre. CRUZ PARA LAS VOCACIONES Estamos buscando voluntarios llevar a casa la Cruz de las Vocaciones durante una semana y a orar por las vocaciones. Llamada Bea LaJaunie al 469-6579, célular 481-6579. Poinsettias de Navidad Por favor recuerde usar sus sobres de flores de Navidad. Sus contribuciones ayudarán a comprar las poinsettias para decorar la iglesia bellamente. Acerca de la Paternidad y la Vida en Familia El Ministerio Pastoral Penitenciario de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva Orleans está buscando a voluntarios con una pasión por la vida familiar. Experiencia en educación, trabajo social o un campo similar es útil pero no es obligatorio. Voluntarios facilitan cursos de vida padres y familiares en la prisión de Orleans Parish, dos días semanales, durante una hora por la tarde. Currículo de seminario y todos los materiales serán proporcionados. Los seminarios serán facilitados en equipo. Se ofrecerá una sesión de capacitación inicial de 4 horas. Si está interesado, póngase en contacto con John Messenheimer, Director del Ministerio de la prisión: Arquidiócesis de Nueva Orleans, (504) 267-9727 o [email protected]. Retiro para Mujeres del Espíritu Santo Sor Briege McKenna, OSC y el padre Kevin Scallon, CM serán los oradores en el retiro anual del Santo Espíritu femenino del 16 al 18 de enero de 2015 en el Hotel Hilton en Lafayette, Luisiana. El tema es "Tengo Sed". Sor Briege y el p. Kevin son mundialmente conocidos por su enseñanza y sanación Ministerio con laicos y sacerdotes. Sor Briege fue milagrosamente curada de artritis reumatoide como era una jovencita y ha recorrido el mundo para ministrar amor sanador de Dios. Su libro de Los Milagros Existen es muy exitoso, y el p. Kevin es también autor de Yo Vendre Solo y ha producido muchos discos hermosos. También en el programa estará el diácono Larry Oney, un predicador dinámico, autor y empresario, su esposa, Andi, Patti Mansfield y el equipo de CCRNO. Este retiro es patrocinado por la renovación carismática católica de Nueva Orleans (CCRNO) y sirve de cientos de mujeres de la zona de Nueva Orleans. Las personas que nos visiten el fin de semana incluyendo sábado son bienvenidos. Regístrese en línea en www.ccrno.org o llame al (504) 828-1368. Retiro Encuentro con Cristo para Adolescentes Patrocinado por la Arquidiócesis de Nueva Orleáns TEC es un retiro de 3 días en un fin de semana de oración, reflexiones, charlas, discusiones, y actividades basadas en el Misterio Pascual. Comienza a las 9:30 am el sábado y termina a las 7 de la noche el lunes. Tiene lugar en Rosaryville Spirit Life Center , en las afueras de Ponchatoula, LA. Para más infomación vaya a www.techneworleans.com “Dios es rico en misericordia . . .” Efesios 2:4 Divine Mercy Parish Page 10 Confessions • • • • Saturday 3:00—3:45 p.m. Sábado 6:15 p.m.—6:45 p.m. (Español) 30 minutes before Sunday Masses By appointment Masses Please pray for our parishioners • Ore por los feligreses: Rosemary Cotham, Sherrie Fernandez, Alicia Noverola, Gail Segrave, Philip Kerlec, Donald Schalck, Logan Tatar, For all of the prayer blanket receipients, Herb Schmidt, Elrsnot Glorioso, Angie Held, Jeannine Bernard, Thomas Beatty Names will remain on the list one month. Call 466-5016 to add a name. Please pray for our military and others serving overseas • Por favor, ore por los miembros del militar y por los otros que están sirviendo en otros paises: Nathan Flitcraft, Matthew Wayne Comeaux, Gabriel Padilla, Lawrence Forestier, Kyle Connell, Nolan Connell, Sean Connell, Robert “Matt” Locke, Mauricio Tábora, Chad Toledo, Joshua Mickles, Randall Brown, Derick Savery, Stewart Clark, Troy Bodenheimer, T.J. Allo, Roderick Singleton, Justin Griffin, Jimmy Chatelain Offertory Giving Capital Campaign Ava Michelle Woods & Sofia Adele Catalinotto Saturday • 8:00 a.m. (Latin on last Sat. of month) • 4:00 p.m. Vigil • 7:00 p.m. (Vigilia—Español) Sunday • 8:30 a.m. • 10:30 a.m. • 6:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday • 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday • 7:30 a.m. Contact Us Church & Parish Office: 4337 Sal Lentini Pkwy Kenner, LA 70065 Phone: 504-466-5016 Fax: 504-264-5394 Emergency: 504-444-8997 Website: www.divinemercyparish.org St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School: 504-468-3524 Staff Devotions Pastor: Fr. David Dufour Parochial Vicar: Fr. Bryan Howard Deacons: Noel Martinsen, Drea Capaci, Brian McKnight Director of Religious Education: Luke Arredondo Youth Minister: Ryan Foulon St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School Principal: Joan Kathmann Eucharistic Adoration • 24/7 in the Adoration Chapel Chaplet of Divine Mercy • • Thurs. & Fri., 3 pm, Adoration Chapel Following weekday morning Masses Rosary • • • • Monday—Friday before Mass Sat. before 8 am Mass Sun. before 8:30 am Mass Sábados, 6:30 pm (Español) Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena • Wed., following the 7:30 am Mass Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 FAMILY DENTISTRY • Heating • Welding • Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Building SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS Maintenance MOST DENTAL INS. ACCEPTED • Underground CHILDREN & ADULT MEDICAID Water Mains Se habla Español 35 Years Experience (504) 46-SMILE Roberto Llopis DDS • Philip Kahn DDS 1301 W. Esplanade Avenue • Kenner, Louisiana (next to The Esplanade Mall & Stingray’s) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA • Gas Testing • Water Heaters • Underslab Repairs • Video Inspection • Fire Hydrant Installation & Repairs • Storm Drains Over 50 Years Experience PLUMBING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. 200 N. Woodlawn Ave. • Shop - 4414 Flamingo St. 504-833-1164 WWW.CTTRAINA.COM ORTHOPEDIC CENTER High Field 3T MRI CHARLES P. MURPHY, MD 467-5900 EDDIE & PEGGY ASARO, Parishioners Hair Styles Unlimited, Inc. Salon & Spa 504.464.5949 3635 Florida Ave, Kenner A Full Service Family Salon & Spa specializing in Thinning Hair, Hair Replacement, Skin, Hair, Nail and Massage Therapies (504) 305-6224 Fax: (504) 305-6235 www.HairStylesUnlimitedInc.com 2722 Williams Blvd. • Kenner, LA 70062 www.facebook.com/HSUSalonAndSpa Personal & Business Tax LAINE H. BUQUOI Return Preparation & Problem Solving Residential Mortgage Lender 454-3600 3400 Division St. KENNER ORTHOPEDIC & SPORTS THERAPY 3921 Williams Blvd. Craig Goodwin, P.T. Also Metairie & West Bank 443-3557 LARRY JAUBERT, E.A. M.B.A. Owner • Parishioner 3317 N I-10 Service Rd. 504-833-2111 Cell: 504-583-5095 Office: 3623 FLORIDA AVENUE • www.LarrysIncomeTax.com NMLS# 90516 AMR NMLS#69528 PERRET’S ★R★ ★M★ ★Y & OUTDOOR STORES A★ 2514 Williams Blvd. 466-2532 CALL TODAY FOR YOUR HOME LOAN QUOTE! OFFICIAL UNIFORM STORE BOY SCOUTS CUB SCOUTS BROWNIE & GIRL SCOUTS FREE FRAME WITH LENS PURCHASE Hector R. Maldonado, D.D.S. Rx Optical Orthodontics for 369 W. Esplanade Ave., Kenner, LA 70065 (504) 466-5400 Robert M. Boover, Optician Children & Adults 504-455-5581 COMBINING COST AND QUALITY IS WHAT WE DO BEST TEL 504.466.8577 “The Benefits of Pre-Planning Your Final Arrangements” YOUR LIFE YOUR LEGACY Do you have a group looking for a dynamic, informative seminar? We’re available to meet with your group, organization, or your place of business to provide an educational and interesting twenty-five minute presentation on the benefits of pre-planning your final arrangements (funeral and cemetery property). Some groups that have benefitted from this seminar include: • Senior Groups • Company Employees • Church Groups • Retirement Groups On-Site Lunch and Learn: • Associations • Hospice-Care Workers • Lunch Provided • Community Organizations • Educational & Fun • Trivia Prizes • Public Servants (EMS, Fire, Police) • Discounts Available! • Veterans Organizations FREE DAUGHTERS OF CHARITY HEALTH CENTERS Primary Care • Dental Behavioral Health • Pharmacy Optometry • WIC • Medicaid Enrollment (504) 207-3060 Daughters of Charity: Celebrating 180 Years in Local Health Care Service A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com C y p r e s s Pe d i a t r i c s Karen Foti, MD A LIFETIME OF HEALTH STARTS WITH GREAT BEGINNINGS! 200 W. Esplanade Ave., Suite 314 Kenner, LA 70065 504.305.5500 HOST A SEMINAR TODAY! If you are interested, please contact: Lauren at 504.729.1912 515147 Divine Mercy Parish (B) 2607 W ILLIA MS B LVD . • K ENNER , LA 70062 WWW.CYPRESSPEDS.COM www.jspaluch.com Serving Residents of Jefferson Parish. JPHSA is here to help you or your family with Problem Gambling. Call 831-3809 for a FREE assessment. Free Help is Available Services include individual, group, family therapy, and a family support group, as well as referrals to Gamblers Anonymous and GamAnon. For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931 MR. PATIO CLASSIC INSURANCE AGENCY Auto - Flood - Home Commercial - Workers Comp 3130 Loyola Ave. 466-2136 PATIO COVERS • CARPORTS SCREEN & GLASS ROOMS WINDOWS • SIDING • OVERHANGS GUTTERS • HURRICANE SHUTTERS FREE ESTIMATES 4207 Williams Blvd. 467-1453 Se Habla Español Hot Plates • Donuts • Kastle Burgers KENNER SEAFOOD, INC. (504) 467-1612 SABELLA’S PLUMBING 885-0399 Small Jobs www.mrpatio.biz KELLY J. BUCKWALTER 2002 20TH STREET, STE. A 104 KENNER LA 469-4800 AUTO ◆ HOME ◆ BUSINESS ◆ LIFE Seafood Market Restaurant 3140 Loyola Dr. TAKE CONTROL NOW! Ph. 456-1300 897-5585 Accounting and Insurance Designed for Small Business Income Tax Preparation 10% disc. if mentioned at time of estimate (504) 298-2981 BACK OFFICE SOLUTIONS, LLC JEWELRY LOANS 1/2 the interest rate of pawn shops Eddie Corcoran Ins. Agency Confidential loans from $500 to $50,000 on Diamonds, Fine Jewelry & Watches 3701 Williams Blvd., Ste. #240 Auto • Home • Life We also Buy Gold, Diamonds, Fine Jewelry and Watches TOP PRICES OFFERED Retirement 469-6400 Located in the Regions Bank Bldg. • Se Habla Español LAKETOWN CAR WASH 504-488-5200 504-596-3050 MUDBUG PLUMBING REPAIR, INC Sewer & Draining Service Video Insp. & Under Slab Rep. 885-5266 $5.00 OFF 3940 Williams Blvd. GOLD CAR WASH Near Vintage Dr. Sunday - Wednesday 443-2935 Tues. - Fri. 11am to-5:30pm 3527 Ridgelake Dr., Metairie 504.831.9918 Edward N. Ameen, President TERESA FUQUA LIUZZA Office Hours By Appointment Independent Senior Sales Director 14 Everglades St., Kenner 504-450-3253, [email protected] www.marykay.com/tfuqua Call me for a complimentary makeover Leon G. Shingledecker, D.P.M. Michelle’s Restaurant & Bar Seafood & Steak Board Certified Podiatric Surgeon 2 8 4 1 L o y o l a D r . , K e n n e r , LA Board Certified Wound Care Specialist • New • Used • Cheap Repairs 515147 Divine Mercy Parish (A) w/$10 Purchase Licensed & Fully Insured Eddie Crawford 258-7686 New Orleans Archdiocesan Cemeteries Offering Mausoleum Crypts, Tombs, Inscriptions, Monuments and Repairs FREE FRY or ONION RING McKenzie Tree Experts Renovations & Repairs • Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates 1000 West Esplanade Ave. 533-5140 Kenner 466-4701 Dine In • Catering • On-Site Boiling • Take Out EC CARPENTRY LLC Danny Bolner Jr. OPEN 24 HRS. Tastee Donuts 2104 B 31st Ct. Kenner 471-3033 Telephone: (504) 888-9403 3901 Houma Blvd., Suite 204 Fax: (504) 888-2895 Mendy Robin Dunn Metairie, LA 70006 INSURANCE AGENT 712-9700 342-2290www.MendyDunn.com 401 Veterans, Ste. 101 • Metairie www.jspaluch.com Tues-Sun. 11am–10pm Take Out Available O’KEEFE ELECTRIC SERVICE, INC. Quality Wiring & Repairs Licensed and Insured (504) 345-2722 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931
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