0 Acadbmie des sciences / Elsevier, Paris Paleontology / Pal6ontologie (Human paleontology / Palkonfologie humaine) UR 501, the Plio-Pleistocene Malawi. Analysis of the microanatomy hominid of the enamel UR 507, /‘hominid6 du Plio-PEistocSne Analyse de la microanatomie de I’kmail Fernando 1 V. RAMIREZ ROZZI,’ Chnire depak?oanthropologie ou Laboratoire ’ Department ’ Department d‘anthropologie. Tim BROMAGE~ et pr@histoire. Call&e musBe de I’Homme. of Anthropoloo% Hunter of Geoloe)? Paleontology and Friedemann de France, from du Malawi. SCIIRENK~ station Marcelin-Berthelot, 30, au. Marcelin-Berthelot, 92360 Meudon-la-For@< 17, place du Trocadho, 75016 Paris. France; College, CUM and Mineralogy, 695 Park Ave, New York. NY 10021, Hessisches Landesmuseum LISA: Darmstadt, Friedensplatz 1, D-6106 Darmstadt, German?? ABSTRACT The study of enamel microstructure characteristics was carried out in a mandible of a Plio-Pleistocene hominid (UR 501), found in Chiwondo Beds at Uraha (northern Malawi), dated around 2.5-2.3 Myrs, and attributed to Homo rudolfensis. It indicates that UR 501 dental development shares many patterns with other Plio-Pleistocene hominids, i.e. similar crown formation time in premolars and molars. Nevertheless, differences were found, especially in the lateral enamel thickness. In premolars, lateral enamel is as thin as in early Homo, and in molars it is as thick as in robust australopithecines from East Turkana. The difference between enamel lateral thickness in premolars and molars in UR 501, which is not found in another specimen attributed to H. rudolfensis (KNM-ER 1802), may indicate inter-populational variation in H. rudolfensis. Keywords: Striae of Reizius, Crown formation time, Enamel thickness, H. rudolfensis L&de des caracthistiques de I’&nail a &t& effect&e dam une mandibule d’un hominid6 pliopl&sto&ne (UR 501) trouu@ dans les couches de Chiwondo d Uraha (nerd du Malawi), dat6 d ‘environ 232,3 Ma et attribuk d Homo rudolfensis. Elle indique que plusieurs aspects du dheloppement dentaire de LIR 501 sont semblables d ceu.x d’autres hominidt%plio-plCstoc&es, par exemple la durie semblable deformation de la couronne despr@molaires et molaires. Cependant, des d@rences ont &tt?obse&es dans I’kpaisseur laterale de 1’6mail. Dans les prtimolaires, lZmai1 est aussi mince que chez lespremiers Homo, tandis que, dans les molaires, il est aussi 6pais que chez les australopithGques robustes de 1’Est Turkana. La di@rence dans 1’6paisseur Iat&-ale de /‘@mail entre pr6molaires et molaires d’lJR 501, qui n’a pas Bt@ observ&e chez d’autres specimens attribuh ti H. rudolfensis (XNWER 1802), peut indiquer une variation inter-populationnelle au sein de cette espe‘ce. Mots cl& : Stries de Retrius, Durke de formation de la couronne, ipaisseur latkale, H. rudolfensis Note pr&sent& par YvesCoppens Note remix le 3 f&rier 1997,accept& aprCls r&vision le 7 awil 1997 C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences 1997, 325,23 l-234 de la terre et des plan&es / Earth & Planetary Sciences 231 F.V. Ramirez Rozzi et al. Introduction The importance of Malawi was pointed out by Clark et al. (1966) and Tobias (1971) for its geographic placement between the two regions arboring Plio-Pleistocene fossil hominids, East and South Africa. During the 1991 and 1992 field seasons, carried out by the Hominid Corridor Research Project, a mandible of a Plio-Pleistocene hominid was found in Chiwondo Beds at Uraha (Bromage et al., 1995). The mandible came from Unit 3A (Betzler and Ring, 1995) and was dated around 2.5-2.3 Myrs by means of fauna1 correlation to radiometrically dated biostratigraphic horizons in eastern Africa (Bromageet al., 1995). The description of the mandible, the paleobiogeographic context as well as the paleoecology of this region and the biogeographic implication of this finding for hominid evolution and its relation with climate change were discussed elsewhere (Bromage et al., 1995). Total or partial left and right P3-M2 crowns are preserved in the mandible. The presence of some naturally broken crowns in UR 501 enables the study of deeper layers of enamel. Dental enamel reveals two kinds of incremental lines, i.e. cross-striations and Striae of Retzius, with a circadian and an approximately circaseptan periodicity, respectively. Hunter Schreger bands are also revealed as an optical phenomenon related to prism decussation (Boyde, 1976; Dean, 1989). The characteristics of the incremental lines and bands are the results of processes implicated in tooth formation. Therefore, enamel microanatomy reflects patterns of dental development (Ramirez Rozzi, 1992, 1993a, b). Mandible and tooth morphology of UR 501 is a mosaic of characteristics shared by several Plio-Pleistocene hominid species. However, UR 501 morphology is close to that of KNM-ER 1802, which was attributed to Homo rudolfensis (Wood, 1991). Bromage et al. (1995) has thus assigned UR 501 to H. rudolfensis. There are differences in dental development between Plio-Pleistocene hominid species (Beynon and Wood, 1987; Grine and Martin, 1988; Ramirez Rozzi, 1992, 1994). The taxonomic value of these differences remains, nevertheless, uncertain because previous taxonomic attributions need to be reconsidered in light of new discoveries and reinterpretation of fossils from East Africa. Although enamel microstructural characteristics could be used to define hominid taxa, the lack of comparative studies between great apes and modern humans prevents us from knowing which enamel microstructural characteristics have high taxonomic valency. The aims of this study are to estimate dental developmental patterns in UR 501 and to compare them to those found in other Plio-Pleistocene hominids given our current understanding. Materials and methodology Right and left P3, Ml and M2 present postmortem broken lateral tooth faces. The strong wear in Ml and the condi- 232 tion of left M2 prevent an accurate measurement of the enamel thickness. Deeper layers of the enamel have been analysed in mesial and distal faces of left P3, and in lingual and distal faces of right M2. The cervix is preserved only in the mesial face of right M2, thus the fracture plane in this face was used to count the imbricational striae. Several enamel microstructural characteristics were analysed. The Striae of Retzius were counted from the apparent dentine horn to the cervix. The arrangement of striae in the enamel enables us to divide the crown into an appositional stage, where striae do not reach the enamel surface, and an imbricational stage, where s(triae reach the enamel surface and form perikymata (Beynon and Wood, 1987). The first stria reaching the enamel surface was identified and the number of striae of each crown stage was obtained as well as the proportion of the imbricational striae in the enamel. An estimation of seven crossstriations between adjacent striae was assumed in calculations of crown formation time (Ramirez Rozzi, 1992, 1995). The slope of striae to the enamel-dentine junction (EDJ) (Beynon and Wood, 1986) was obtained in the occlusal, middle and cervical one third of the lateral enamel. The characteristic of the course of the striae was described (e.g. Ramirez Rozzi, 1992). The lateral enamel thickness (Beynon and Wood, 1986), the heights of the apparent dentine cap as well as the heights of each crown stage measured (e.g. Ramirez Rozzi, 1992:, 1993~). The curvature of Hunter Schreger bands was calculated (e.g. Beynon and Wood, 1986). These characteristics enable us to estimate the following aspects of dental development: the active life of the first ameloblasts, the transition to a higher activity of the enamel organ, the activity of ameloblasts, the extension rate, the number of ameloblasts active at a given time, the shape of the matrix forming front of enamel (Ramirez Rozzi, 1992, 1993c), and the prism decussation (Beynon and Wood, 1986). Results Results are presented in table I. In M2, the fracture plane of the distal face is also passing through the hypoconulid dentine horn. In this cusp, eight striae of Retzius were formed before the enamel was secreted on the distal border. The corrected number of appositional striae corresponds to the striae counted in the lateral fracture plane plus the eight striae in the hypoconulid. We have assumed that a similar number of striae were formed in the premolar cusps before enamel secretion in borders. The slopes of striae to the ED] as well as the Hunter Schreger band curvature are presented in table II. The fracture planes are rarely perpendicular to the EDJ; for this reason, attention was given not to absolute angles but to the variation of angles along the EDJ (Ramirez Rozzi, 1992). The angles of the striae to the EDJ become more obtuse toward the cervix. Nevertheless, the last striae in the distal face of left P3 show a slope more acute (32”) than that of the other C. R. Acod. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la terre et des plan&tes / E&h & Plonefary Sciences 1997.325.231-234 UR 501, Table .:’ I. Enamel microstructural Caract&istiques characteristics de /a microstructure LP3 RM2 de /‘6mai/ ISr No Sr 45 53 66 119 60 LJ Tfm 2.28 Angles striae-/ED and et courbure Hunter 124 Schreger des bandes band de Hunter 2.38 Sr-EDJ df If 13 31 34 30 40 39 44 df 16 30 45 2-3 Sr-EDJ: angle stria-enamel-dentine band curvature. %-ED] : angles stries-jonction courbure des bandes de Hunter junction; de /‘@mail Schreger. 2-3 curv: avec Hunter la 1424 5083 2313 46 1419 4873 2364 49 df 2938 2135 4414 4779* 2218 50 62 one third. The an occluso-cervical Schreger dentine; CUN : striae present orientation. a These results enable us to suggest some patterns of dental development. The number of Striae of Retzius indicates a time of premolar crown formation very close to C. R. Acad. 1997.325,231-234 Sci. Paris, of prism decussation Sciences de la terre is low. et des plan&es ; : / Earth Ethiopia. striae contained The number of imbricational and and the total numbser of striae in within the variability observed in the appositional stage is lower in the UR 501 premolar than in the Omo premolarsfrom Member 13 to Submember G8, whereas this proportion in the UR 501 molar corresponds to the lowest limit of the variation in the Omo sample. It indicates that the number of ameloblasts active at any given time was very low. The premolar lateral enamel is thinner and the molar lateral enamel is thicker in UR 501 than the average lateral enamel for the same faces in teeth from Member B to Submember G8 from Omo. The height of the appositional stage indicates that the number of ameloblasts active at any given time was not high. The matrix forming front of the enamel presented a concave degree : nombre de stries appositionnelles corrigk la couronne ; LJ : 6paissewde /‘@mail ; Hdc de la hauteur de la partie appositionnelle molar crown formation is, respectivlely, 2.53 and 2.24-2.65 yrs, which is close to the results obtained from actual counts. Some characteristics of UR 501 are different from other Plio-Pleistocene hominids. The proportion of the height of before half of the crown was formed in premolars, whereas in molars it was registered approximately when half of the crown was completed. The extension rate decreases toward the cervix in both premolars and molars, but it is possible that it increases in the latest period of crown formation. Approximatively 50% of the proportion of the The striae corrected; ISr: number of of the apparent dentine cap; Ha: Mesures of ILT, Hdc and Ha in the Omo sample (teeth from Member B to Submember G8) (Ramirez Rozzi, 1993d, 1995). Ramirez Rozzi (1993d, 1995) suggested an algorithm to calculate the total number of striae from the number of imbricational striae. If this algorithm is applied to UR 501, the time of premolar and that for molars. The active life of the first ameloblasts is longer in molars (1.23 yrs) than in premolars (1.02 yrs), and it could be the reason for thicker enamel in molars. The strongest activity of the enamel organ took place shape. appositional Hdc: height *: estimated. 2’374 molars (Kronfeld, 1935). The interval between the beginning of enamel secretion in different cusps is not known in great apes. Therefore, it is not possible to estimate the variability in Plio-Pleistocene hominids. If we assume intervals similar to those in modern humans, the time of molar crown formation could reach 2.61 yrs. Almost all results for UR 501 are close to those for teeth from Omo, appositional UR 501 are striae of the cervical concave course with % ha the striae in the hypoconulid do not represent the first periods of crown formation. However, the largest interval between the first enamel secretion in the protoconid, i.e. the first cusp formed, and the hypoconulid is never greater than 3 months (12 striae) in modern hurnan permanent curv 23 mf 14 iHa The time of crown formation was obtained from the number of appositional striae of the hypoconulid. This cusp is almost always the last part to be formed (Kraus, 1965), thus M2 CUN Hdc Discussion curvature. Schreger. P3 Sr-EDJ Malawi df mf: mesial face; df: distal face; If: lingual face; A%: number of appositional striae; ASrc: number of imbricational striae; NoSr: total number of striae; Tfm: time of crown formation; LT: lateral thickness; height of the appositional stage; %ha: proportion of the height of the appositional stage in crown; microns. mf : face m&ale ; df : face distale ; If : face lingua/e ; ASr : nombre de stries appositionnelles ; ASrc I.% : nombre de stries imbricationnelles ; N” Sr : nombre total de stries ; Jfm : d&e de formation de hauteur de la pointe apparente de la dentine ; Ha : hauteur de la partie appositionnelle ; %ha : proportion dans /a couronne ; * : estimke. stria-EDJ from mf If Table II. Angles *, ! hominid de UR 501. ASrc 64 Plio-Pleistocene of UR 501. ASr 56 the & flonefafy Sciences 233 F.V. Ramirez Roui et al premolar lateral enamel thickness of UR 501 is close to the average lateral enamel thickness of early Homo premolars from East Turkana, but the molar lateral enamel thickness of UR 501 is close (probably higher) to the average of robust Australopithecine molars from East Turkana. Bromage et al. (1995) have attributed UR 501 to H. rudolfensis because UR 501 morphology is close to that of KNM-ER 1802. In this specimen, however, lateral enamel thickness in premolars (1.5 mm) is very close to that in molars (1.7 mm) (Beynon and Wood, 1986), while UR 501 is characterized by a discrepancy of lateral enamel thickness values. Conclusion UR 501 resembles other Plio-Pleistocene hominids in having similar premolar and molar crown formation times. UR 501 is unique, however, in having thicker molar lateral enamel than that of premolars, probably as a result of a longer active life of the first ameloblasts. 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