Sunday, December 28, 2014 Traditional Worship 8:15 AM Sanctuary Coffee & Pastries 9:15 AM FLC Gym Contemporary Worship 9:30 AM Sanctuary Sunday School 9:30 AM FLC Building Kids Own Worship 11:00 AM FLC Traditional Worship 11:00 AM Sanctuary/Wesley Room Monday, December 29, 2014 Al Anon 7:30 PM Wesley Room Tuesday, December 30, 2014 Staff Meeting 9:30 AM Pastor's Study Girl Scout Troop 1355 6:30 PM FLC 109 I68 Covenant Group 6:30 PM FLC 206 Boy Scout Troop Meeting 7:00 PM Scout Room Scout Training 7:00 PM Picnic Shelter Basketball 7:30 PM FLC Gym Happy Destiny - AA- 9:00 PM Wesley Room Wednesday, December 31, 2014 Office Open Thursday, January 01, 2015 Office Closed - Happy New Year! Happy Destiny - AA 7:00 PM FLC 202 Friday, January 02, 2015 Office closed Saturday, January 03, 2015 Girl Scout Troop 502 10:00 AM FLC 210 Epiphany Ring Set UP/Rehearsal 12:00 PM FLC Gym & Kitchen Sunday, January 04, 015 Traditional Worship 8:15 AM Sanctuary Coffee & Pastries 9:15 AM FLC Gym Contemporary Worship 9:30 AM Sanctuary Sunday School 9:30 AM FLC Building Kids Own Worship 11:00 AM FLC Traditional Worship 11:00 AM Sanctuary/Wesley Room Young Dancers 3:45 PM Sanctuary Retreat in the Real World 4:00 PM FLC 207 Young Ringers 5:30 PM Sanctuary Epiphany Ring 7:00 PM FLC Gym/Kitchen Welcome to Aldersgate United Methodist Church DECEMBER 28, 2014 We are so glad you are here! If you are new to Aldersgate or a first time visitor, please stop by the Welcome Centers, located outside the Sanctuary and in the lobby of the Family Life Center. There you will find lots of information about Aldersgate and all the activities and worship events during this season. Don’t forget to pick up your “Welcome Bag” located at the entrances near the Welcome Center. Child care is available for children ages 2-3 years old and infants during all three Worship Services. The Nursery is located in the Family Life Center – Rooms 102 and 104 or ask any Greeter or Usher. For younger worshipers, at the 11:00 am service, we offer worship services geared toward children. This is in Room 102 (for 2-4 year olds) and Room 107 (for kindergarteners grade). Children exit the sanctuary after the Doxology and are ready to be picked up in Rooms 102 or 107 after the worship service. Parents who would like for their children to receive communion with them (the 1st Sunday of each month) should keep their children in worship. The elementary age children will receive communion during their time together. The UTH at Aldersgate UMC are a group of students in grades 6th through 12th. Our main weekly gathering is on Sunday Nights from 5:00-7:00 pm. We meet in the Family Life Center gym from 5:006:00 pm and then move upstairs to the UTH Room from 6:00-7:00 pm. What to expect: Large group games, a free dinner prepared by parents, live worship and music, and a time to speak about our lives and dig into God's Word. We are a very active youth group with many opportunities to serve God and neighbor. We hope you will join us! All are welcome! HERE’S A FEW WAYS WE SAW GOD MOVE Audrey and Jerry Neal joined our Aldersgate family at the 11:00 service last Sunday. Over three hundred and twenty five friends, families and neighbors gathered to celebrate Christmas at the Christmas Lovefeast last Sunday. On Christmas Eve we held worship at 4:00 pm, 7:00 pm and 11:00 pm to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. OUR FAITHFULNESS FOR: Worship Attendance: Offering amount budgeted weekly: Lovefeast Offering for the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund December 21st 414 $16,618.62 Received: $15,795.54 $1,194.03 HAPPENING NOW at Aldersgate…. Sunday, January 4th - Epiphany Ring Handbell Festival The annual Epiphany Ring Festival, hosted by Aldersgate, features 10-12 handbell ensembles from around the Triangle. Come celebrate the music of the season at 7:00 pm in the Family Life Center. The United Methodist Men’s Tuesday Morning Bible Class (TMBC) will begin a new study beginning Tuesday, January 6 at 6:30am. Our study will be the book of Galatians, and we will be using the book ‘Galatians for You’ by Timothy Keller as a study guide. From the author: “Galatians is all about the gospel - the gospel all of us need throughout all of our lives. It's dynamite, and I pray that its powerful message explodes in your heart as you read this book.” Please join us at 6:30 am on Tuesday mornings in the Wesley room! You can pick up a copy of the book from the church office, or contact John Hall at [email protected]. COMING SOON AT ALDERSGATE…. DivorceCare - Aldersgate is offering DivorceCare - Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 6th, 6:30 pm, Room 205 in the Family Life Center. DivorceCare is a support group that meets weekly. It is centered around a 13-week, video-based program and will appeal to those persons who are separated or divorced or who have been divorced for a while and want to strengthen their coping skills. Each session is self-contained so you may attend any week. It is led by Kathy Reeves and Jack Snyder. If you are interested in attending or have any questions, please contact: Jack Snyder: (919) 797-0882 - [email protected]. Wednesday Night Live Returns Jan. 7th - Sanctuary Prayer Time begins at 5:00 in the Sanctuary. The Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal is held in the Family Life Center from 5:30 until 6:15 pm. Immediately following the meal is Table Talk. This will be in the Family Life Center from 6:30-7:30 pm. If you had dinner, you can stay at your table! If not, please come and join us from 6:30 - 7:30 pm EXCITING NEW PROGRAM ! What if could share bible stories, What if….you could really talk with your friends about the Bible ? ...What if….the church had a program you could take home and use around the dinner table ? Come for dinner and stay for Table Talk - There will also be activities for the children. Indoor Soccer for Adult and older youth - starts January 8th! We will play "pick-up style" from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm, Thursday evenings, in the Family Life Center gym. The lower age limit is 15 years old, no upper limit. For more information, Contact: John Howe 919-3684749 or [email protected]. If you've ever played - or just interested - come join us!!
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