EXPLICIT FORMULAS FOR MEIXNER POLYNOMIALS DMITRY V. KRUCHININ, YURIY V. SHABLYA Abstract. In this work, using notions of composita and composition of generating functions, we show an easy way to obtain explicit formulas for some current polynomials. Particularly, we consider the Meixner polynomials of the first and second kinds. Keywords and phrases. composita, generating function, composition of generating function, Bessel polynomials, Meixner polynomials. 1. Introduction There are many authors who have studied polynomials and their properties (see [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]). The polynomials are applied in many areas of mathematics, for instance, continued fractions, operator theory, analytic functions, interpolation, approximation theory, numerical analysis, electrostatics, statistical quantum mechanics, special functions, number theory, combinatorics, stochastic processes, sorting and data compression, and etc. The research area of obtaining explicit formulas for polynomials has received much attention by Srivastava [11, 12], Cenkci [13], Boyadzhiev [14], Kruchinin [15, 16, 17]. The main purpose of this paper is to obtain explicit formulas for the Meixner polynomials of the first and second kinds. In this paper we use a method based on a notion of composita, which were presented in [18]. P f (n)tn is the generating function, in Definition 1.1. Suppose F (t) = n>0 which there is no free term f (0) = 0. From this generating function we can write the following condition X [F (t)]k = F (n, k)tn . n>0 The expression F (n, k) is the composita [22] and it is denoted by F ∆ (n, k). Below we show some required rules and operations with compositae. P Theorem 1.1. Suppose F (t) = f (n)tn is the generating function, and n>0 F ∆ (n, k) is the composita of F (t), and α is constant. For the generating function A(t) = αF (t) the composita is equal to A∆ (n, k) = αk F ∆ (n, k). P Theorem 1.2. Suppose F (t) = f (n)tn is the generating function, and (1) n>0 F ∆ (n, k) is the composita of F (t), and α is constant. For the generating 1 2 DMITRY V. KRUCHININ, YURIY V. SHABLYA function A(t) = F (αt) the composita is equal to A∆ (n, k) = αn F ∆ (n, k). P P Theorem 1.3. Suppose F (t) = f (n)tn , R(t) = r(n)tn are generat- (2) n>0 n>0 ing functions, and F ∆ (n, k) , R∆ (n, k) are their compositae. Then for the composition of generating functions A(t) = R(F (t)) the composita is equal to n X (3) A∆ (n, k) = F ∆ (n, m)G∆ (m, k). m=k P Theorem 1.4. Suppose F (t) = f (n)tn , R(t) = n>0 P r(n)tn are generating n>0 functions, and F ∆ (n, k) is the composita of F (t). Then for the composition of generating functions A(t) = R(F (t)) coefficients of generating functions P A(t) = a(n)tn are n≥0 (4) a(n) = n X F ∆ (n, k) r(k), k=1 a(0) = r(0) P P r(n)tn are generating Theorem 1.5. Suppose F (t) = f (n)tn , R(t) = n>0 n>0 functions. Then for the product of generating A(t) = F (t) R(t) P functions coefficients of generating functions A(t) = a(n)tn are n≥0 (5) a(n) = n X f (k) r(n − k) k=0 In this paper we consider an application of this mathematical tool for the Bessel polynomials and the Meixner polynomials of the first and second kinds. 2. Bessel polynomials Krall and Frink [19] considered a new class of polynomials. Since the polynomials connected with the Bessel function, they called them the Bessel polynomials. The explicit formula for the Bessel polynomials is n X (n + k)! x k . yn (x) = (n − k)! k! 2 k=0 Then Carlitz [20] defined a class of polynomials associated with the Bessel polynomials by pn (x) = xn yn−1 (1/x). The pn (x) is defined by the explicit formula [21] n−k n X 1 (2n − k − 1)! (6) pn (x) = xk (k − 1)! (n − k)! 2 k=1 EXPLICIT FORMULAS FOR MEIXNER POLYNOMIALS 3 and by the following generating function ∞ √ X pn (x) n (7) t = ex (1− 1−2t) . n! n=0 Using the notion of composita, we can obtain an explicit formula (6) from the generating function (7). √ For the generating function C(t) = 1− 21−4 t the composita is given as follows (see [22]): k 2n − k − 1 ∆ . C (n, k) = n n−1 √ We represent ex (1− 1−2t) as the composition of generating functions A(B(t)), where √ A(t) = x (1 − 1 − 2 t) = 2 x C(t/2), ∞ X 1 n t t . B(t) = e = n! n=0 Then, using rules (1) and (2), we obtain the composita of A(t) n ∆ k 1 ∆ k−n k k 2 n − k − 1 A (n, k) = (2x) C (n, k) = 2 x . 2 n n−1 ∞ P Coefficients of the generating function B(t) = b(n) tn are equal to n=0 1 . n! Then, using (4), we obtain the explicit formula n n X X (2n − k − 1)! k−n k pn (x) = n! A∆ (n, k) b(k) = 2 x , (k − 1)! (n − k)! b(n) = k=1 k=1 which coincides with the explicit formula (6). 3. Meixner polynomials of the first kind The Meixner polynomials of the first kind are defined by the following recurrence relation [23, 24]: (8) mn+1 (x; β, c) = (c − 1)n ((x − bn )mn (x; β, c) − λn mn−1 (x; β, c)) , cn where m0 (x; β, c) = 1, m1 (x; β, c) = x − b0 , (1 + c)n + βc bn = , 1−c cn(n + β − 1) λn = . (1 − c)2 Using (8), we obtain the first few Meixner polynomials of the first kind m0 (x; β, c) = 1; m1 (x; β, c) = x(c − 1) + βc ; c 4 DMITRY V. KRUCHININ, YURIY V. SHABLYA x2 (c − 1)2 + x((2β + 1)c2 − 2βc − 1) + (β + 1)βc2 . c2 The Meixner polynomials of the first kind are defined by the following generating function [21]: ∞ X mn (x; β, c) n t x (1 − t)−x−β . (9) t = 1− n! c m2 (x; β, c) = n=0 Using the notion of composita, we can obtain an explicit formula mn (x; β, c) from the generating function (9). First, we represent the generating function (9) as a product of generating functions A(t) B(t), where the functions A(t) and B(t) are expanded by binomial theorem ∞ t x X x A(t) = 1 − = (−1)n c−n tn , c n n=0 ∞ X −x − β −x−β B(t) = (1 − t) = (−1)n tn . n n=0 Coefficients of the generating functions A(t) = ∞ P ∞ P a(n) tn and B(t) = n=0 b(n) tn are, respectively, given as follows: n=0 x a(n) = (−1)n c−n n and −x − β (−1)n . n Then, using (5), we obtain a new explicit formula for the Meixner polynomials of the first kind: n n X X x −x − β −k n a(k) b(n − k) = (−1) n! c . mn (x; β, c) = n! k n−k b(n) = k=0 k=0 4. Meixner polynomials of the second kind The Meixner polynomials of the second kind are defined by the following recurrence relation [23, 24]: (10) Mn+1 (x; δ, η) = (x − bn )Mn (x; δ, η) − λn Mn−1 (x; δ, η), where M0 (x; δ, η) = 1, M1 (x; δ, η) = x − b0 , bn = (2n + η)δ, λn = (δ 2 + 1)n(n + η − 1). Using (10), we get the first few Meixner polynomials of the second kind M0 (x; δ, η) = 1; M1 (x; δ, η) = x − δη; M2 (x; δ, η) = x2 − x2δ(1 + η) + η((η + 1)δ 2 − 1). EXPLICIT FORMULAS FOR MEIXNER POLYNOMIALS 5 The Meixner polynomials of the second kind are defined by the following generating function [21]: ∞ X Mn (x; δ, η) n t 2 2 −η/2 −1 (11) . t = (1 + δt) + t exp x tan n! 1 + δt n=0 Using the notion of composita, we can obtain an explicit formula Mn (x; δ, η) from the generating function (11). We represent the generating function (11) as a product of generating functions A(t) B(t), where −η/2 −η/2 A(t) = (1 + δt)2 + t2 = 1 + 2δt + (δ 2 + 1)t2 , t . B(t) = exp x tan−1 1 + δt Next we represent A(t) as a composition of generating functions A1 (A2 (t)) and we expand A1 (t) by binomial theorem: ∞ X −η/2 n −η/2 A1 (t) = (1 + t) = t n n=0 and A2 (t) = 2δt + (δ 2 + 1)t2 . ∞ P a1 (n) tn are Coefficients of generating function A1 (t) = n=0 −η/2 a1 (n) = . n The composita for the generating function ax + bx2 is given as follows (see [15]): k 2k−n n−k a b . n−k Then the composita of the generating function A2 (t) equals k ∆ 2k−n 2 n−k A2 (n, k) = (2δ) (δ + 1) . n−k Using (4), we obtain coefficients of the generating function A(t) = ∞ P n=0 a(0) = a1 (0), a(n) = n X A∆ 2 (n, k) a1 (k). k=1 Therefore, we get the following expression a(0) = 1, a(n) = n X k=1 (2δ) 2k−n 2 (δ + 1) n−k k n−k −η/2 . k a(n) tn : 6 DMITRY V. KRUCHININ, YURIY V. SHABLYA Next we represent B(t) as a composition of generating functions B1 (B2 (t)), where ∞ X 1 n t , B1 (t) = et = n! n=0 t −1 B2 (t) = x tan . 1 + δt We also represent B2 (t) as a composition of generating functions x C1 (C2 (t)), where C1 (t) = tan−1 (t), t C2 (t) = . 1 + δt The composita for the generating function tan−1 (t) is given as follows (see [22]): n k! X 3n+k n−k 2j n − 1 j 2 2 , (−1) + (−1) j! j − 1 k 2k+1 j=k where kj is the Stirling number of the first kind. Then the composita of generating function C1 (t) equals n k! X 3n+k n−k 2j n − 1 j ∆ C1 (n, k) = (−1) 2 + (−1) 2 . j! j − 1 k 2k+1 j=k at is given as follows (see The composita for the generating function 1−bt [22]): n − 1 k n−k a b . k−1 Therefore, the composita of generating function C2 (t) is equal to n−1 ∆ C2 (n, k) = (−δ)n−k . k−1 Using rules (3) and (1), we obtain the composita of generating function B2 (t): n X C2∆ (n, m)C1∆ (m, k). B2∆ (n, k) = xk m=k Coefficients of generating function B1 (t) = ∞ P b1 (n) tn are defined by n=0 1 . n! Then, using rule (4), we obtain coefficients of generating function B(t) = ∞ P b(n) tn : b1 (n) = n=0 b(0) = b1 (0), n X b(n) = B2∆ (n, k) b1 (k). k=1 After some transformations, we obtain the following expression b(0) = 1, EXPLICIT FORMULAS FOR MEIXNER POLYNOMIALS n n X xk X n n−m b(n) = δ n m k=1 m=k 1 + (−1)m+k (−1) m+k −n 2 ! 7 m X 2j−k−1 m j . (j − 1)! j k j=k Therefore, using (5), we obtain a new explicit formula for the Meixner polynomials of the second kind n X Mn (x; δ, η) = n! a(k) b(n − k). k=0 References [1] R. P. Jr. Boas and R. C. Buck, Polynomial Expansions of Analytic Functions, SpringerVerlag, (1964). [2] H. M. Srivastava and H. L. Manocha, A Treatise on Generating Functions, Halsted Press (Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester), John Wiley and Sons, New York, Chichester, Brisbane and Toronto, (1984). [3] H. M. Srivastava and J. 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