I .. ".$ g.t.to -sF-.rSLF) ^.O> *\'^€Y a*'vr- v' THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CXYI-No.151 NAIROBI, 24th December, 2014 Price Sh.60 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES PAGE The Kenya Information and Communications ActTransition Period... County Government Notices........... The l-and Registration 34o.2-3430 Act-Issue of Provisional 34*-3438 Certificates. etc... The East Afrrcan Communlty Customs Management Appointment, etc The Companies SUPPLEMENT Nos. 165 and 166 34p.2 Act-Winding-up,etc. The Mining Act-Application for a Licence......................... The Environmental Management and Co-ordination PAGE 170-The Foreign Investment Protection ActDeclaration of Special Arrangements for the 343&-3439 Investments...... 3439-34q l7l -The Public Private I 185 Patnerships Regulations, 201 4 .................. The Ethics and Anti{orruption Commission-Code for State Officers LEGALNOTICENO. Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Act- .. ............................. lz gislative Supplement I 195 3440-3443 172-The customs and Excise Act-Mutual Tarriff 34411444 Concession-Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) .......... ...... t2t8 Act- Environmental Impact Assessment Study Reports ......... 3444-3446 Party of Democratic Unity-Financial Staternent...... . ... .... 3446 [-oss of Policres.. 3446 Change of Names ........................ 3447 SUPPLEMENT No.167 Acts.2Ol4 PAcE The Security Laws (Amendment) Act,2014 317 I i i i [:+or i r ii t E I ; THE KENYA GAZETTE 3402 CORRIGENDUM IN Gazette Notice No. 7039 of 2014, CAUsE No. 232 oF 2013, amend the petitioner's name printed es "Peter Nathan" to read "loseph Kitheka Muindi" and the deceased's name printed as "Muindi Kimweli Mailu" to read"Muindi Kimweli Malu". 24th December.2014 Berhard Anemba Ombele Violet Iminza Kagasi Nathaniel Mutiva Alu Manyasi Nakhanu Celestine Prrncrpal Bukura Agricultural Tralning Centre Sub-county Livestock Member Member Member Member Secretary I l productron Ex-officoMember Officer Lurambi GAZETTENoTIcE No.9I94 Sub-county Vetennary TTIE KENYA INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ACT Offrcer Ex-ffico Member Lurambr The appointment takes effect from 5th January,20l5 for a term (No.2 of 1998) of three (3) years. TRANSITIoN PERIoD FoR BRoADCASTING PERMITS GRANTED BY THE MINISTRY oF INFoRMATIoN, CoMMUNICATIoNS AND TEcHNoLoGY IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by Paragraph 2 of the Fifth Schcdule to the Kenya Informahon and Communicatrons Act, 1998 as amcnded in the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act No. I of 2012, the Cabinet Secretary, Mrnrstry of Information Communications and Technology notifies the public of the transition period for broadcasting permits to licences as below- l. All permits. 2. All holders of radio broadcastrng permits from the Minrstry of Information, Communications and Technology are granted a further two year period effectrve 2nd January, 2014 during which they are deemed to have contlnued to operate in acctrrdance with therr existrng permrts. 3. During this period the said broadcasters shall be requred to apply to the Authority for rssuance of a hcence. rnterested partres are notifred. W. A. OPARANYA, MR/6724125 Governor, Kakamega. GAZETTE NoTICE No.9196 COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF KAKAMEGA of television broadcasting permits from the Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology are granted a further one and a half year perrod effectlve from 2nd January, 2014 during whrch they are deemed to have contrnued to op€rate in accordance wlth their existrng holders All COUNTY MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD APPOINTMENT PURSUANT to the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution 2010 od by Gazette Notice No. l17 of 2O13. and for effective service delivdry of Health Servrces as a devolved function, transferred to Couaty Government of Kakamega, The Governor of the County Govemmant of Kakamega appoints the under listed as additional members of ire Medical Advisory Board for Health Services. Mrrriam K. Were (Prof.), Wilberforce O. Wanyanga (Dr.), Everline Ashiono (Dr.), Charles K. Maringo (Dr.), Dated the l5th December,2014. F. C abine t S e <' re tary, C omrn urucat MATIANG'I, the apporntment takes effect as of the date of this Gazette notice for for I nfu rmat io n, term endrng 25th ions and Te c htly, 2017 hno lo g1'. W. A. OPARANYA, Governor, Kakamela. MR.t6724125 GAZETTE NoTICE No.9I95 COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF KAKAMEGA GAZETTE NoTIcE No.9197 COUNTY BUKURA ATC BOARD OF GOVERNORS COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF KAKAMEGA APPoINTMENT TASKFORCE ON COUNTY LAND PURSUANT to the Fourth Schedule of the Constrtutron 2010 and by Gazette Notice No. ll'7 of 2O13, and for effectrve servrce delivery of Agricultural Services as a devolved function, transferued to County Government of Kakamega, the Governor of the County Government of Kakamega appoints the under listed as Board of Governors for Bukura Agricultural Training Center. The Board of Governors will be an Oversight body, and its main role in regard to the institutlon will APPoINTMENfT include; l. To link the ATC wlth the communrty wrthrn the catchment area 2. To offer advisory services to the ATC management. 3. pfogrammes. l. partner. Establish the boundanes sanctroned by the survey and physioal I planning departments that detemined the exact parcDls i earmarked for acquisrtion in Mumias Township. : 2. Establish the precise list of parcels, owners, sizes, part or whole, earmarked for acquisition. 3. Estabhsh the current ownershrp status as per the land registry records and confirms any change of user from the origital To market ATCs products and services to the public. 6. To mobilize resources from stakeholders and development I PURSUANT to the powers conferred to the Governor under lte County Government Act, 2O12, the provisions of the Lands Act, he Urban Areas and Cities Act, the Transition to Devolved Govemmeits Act and in execution of the functions of the Executive Committee, fte Governor of the County Government of Kakamega establishes a Taskforce on lands and specifically on the parcels of Land in Mumhs Townshrp commonly referred to as the Mumlas Trrangle, under trc followrng Terms of reference: To facilitate acquisrtion and safeguarding of ATCs properties. 4. To encourage stakeholders participation in the ATC 5. I . I status. { 7. To review property and security status of ATC and make recommendations. Establish the mode 8. Any other duties assrgned by the County Minister for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and co-operatives. Name Designation Aquinata Murunga Clarrc Musumba Shiatr Chairperson Member of land acqursition/how the I land was I acquired. Estabhsh from the Govemment Chief Valuer any record of acquisition includrng, Kenya Gazette notrce number that sanction the process, any awards, statements and notices of taking possessron. I l { J I I l ! THE KENYA GAZETTE 24th December,2Ol4 I of 6. Establish the then valuation 8. acquisition and whether or not the valuer included development thorein. Establish whether or not the Govemment componsated th€ owners for the acquired land, the modc of componsation and the p€rson wto was responsible. Establish whcther thore existcd an appmvod Physical t cach parcel mappcd for Dcvelopmcnt Plan of thc trianglc area by the Director of Physical Planning prior to allocation by the dcfunct Mumias Municipal Council. 9. Establish whcther plot allocations by the defunct Mumias Municipal Council followed due proccss. current land ownership ttatus of beneficiarios of the defunct Mumias Municipal Council allotment poccrs and developments theroln. 10. Establish the The Taskforce l. will Rehcc*a Chcpkemboi 10760488 Lllian R. Chcsikaw Lilian J. Sadalla 0338567 1,1003, Nakuru Member M74123 53 - Member p&rccl ownors affectcd Kipurgo 22570299 66, Eldama Ravine Member kntupuru 10081612 53 - 30,$o, Kabarnet Member Evans Kandic Caroliire N. Julius Tarus Runo 6597513 380, Kabarnet. Member Reubcn Chcpkonga 4548281 KonmSub. location Member 16058922 Barwesa sub Member Joscph Kiptala 4543755 Katibel Sub location Samson Komcn Contacts Currenl 12852257 Kaptilomwo sub Member Musq Sumukwo 454379o Keturwo location Francis Chcmp 45498M Muchukwo sub-. Member Clwirperson Rctirod Senlor 248fiM7 Joshua Chclanga Administrative Officor Land Surveyor. Member O?2i285871 Physical Planncr Membcr Admlnistrativc Joint Lands Officcr Advocate Secretary Chcplogoi Simion 12852509 Bowcn Charler Joan Komcn Ialnt 0sodo Memher All partieo interertcd are accordingly hcrcby notifiod, Kamnarok National Res€rvc, Datcd the l9th November,2014. Task Forcc membon r Govarnor, Kakamegq. No.9198 Address No. lncation Arccrtain the gcnuinc houscholds existing within the reserye as 0t l4th Juncl983 from cxisting documcnts and the cunent occuPants. Obtain, peruse and vcrify tho lnnd adjudications map I Posltion Prof. Daniel Chcbutuk Rotich 10080052 8352 - 30100, Chalrman Eldoret Michacl Kipkurui Kangogo I I 187861 of Univcmity Eldoret. Box Member Kipkoros 97"183(,0 3210 - Nakuru z0l0fJ, of l9E0 snd subrequent years. Obtain and sook any neccsrary information, opinions, documcntr that shall bc of usc to tho taskforce ar well as advicc frorn ministrier and govcrnmont Bgettcias. Comc up with comprchensivc and practical recommendations bclng guided by thc rclevant land laws and input ftom the public. a All conrspondcnccs shall bc official. to Chief Executive Committec Momber for Tourism and Entcrprise Dcvclopmont. t The Tark Force shall be reporting Thc tcam shall bc engagcd for a poriod not cxce.€ding 30 working days and report within 2 months as from the dalc of I 125. Eldoret Rev. William C. the a IT IS notificd for public information that Bcnjamin Chcboi. thc Governor, Baringo County, in exorciac of thc powcn vortod in him undcr section 30 (2) of thc County Govcrnmolt Act hfls diebandcd tho original membcrship of Kamnamk Tarkforcc and har rcconatitute.d thc samc by appointment of tho following new membcn to rerve with effect from 29th Decembcr,2014, ld of trad all public consultation activities; T^sKFoRcE MEMBERS LAKB KAMNARoK NATIoNAL G^ME RESERVE Name will: Design a public cngagemcnt stratcgy to seek the views local community on the mattsr at hand. a BARINGO COUNTY OOVERNMENT \ Member MANDATE THB COUNTY GOVBRNMENTS ACT F 5307479 Kapluk 23557097 Katibcl Thc purposc of the Task Forcc is to carry out rcs€arch and consultations to develop detailcd rEcommcndations on boundary, componsstion and resottlement of affccted hourcholds in thc Lake GAZETTE NoTIcE I 299, Member The Taskforcc rhall finrlizo ih task within a periad of thrcc (3) months with effert from 24th Novembcr,2014 and shall expirc upon submission of a written report prcecntcd to thc appointing Authority. MP,t6724t2s t Kcturwo TERMS OFREFERENCE Secrctary W. A. OPARANYA. t sub- Member Kabamet Patrick 0720209008 Khamsal Winfridah 0722679382 I KuiKui location Mwarangu i Member location Wctungu Kcvin sub- Johana.K. Chcpkonga lon 0727069829 Member Designition ProJessionlOccupat Peter - -location The following is a Schedule of the nominees: 0720862762 3O,lO0. Kabarnet by town expansion acquisition restrictions, Solomon Ouko Member Locaiion How to handle the indigonous trianglc claimanls and allcged alloteos/purchaser of the same plots. Name 22-30/00, Kabamct make rccommendations on the following: 2. How to handle thc rest of the indigcnous I 34p3 taking thc oath. Member Thc Finol roporr shall bo prcrontcd to H.E. Govcmor by the Tark Folpc, THE KENYA GAZETTE 3404 GAZETTE NoTICE No. g I 99 JOINT SECRETARIAT TO THE TASK FORCE James . Position THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT (No. 53 - 30400. C. Kabamet. K. I THE CONSTITIJTION OF KENYA ID Address/ Number Location No Name 24th December,2014 Chetalam 10376679 Aengwo I Luka (legul Adyisor) 17 of2ol2) THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF KIRINYAGA STANDING ORDERS 90-3040 I . SPECIAL SITTINC oF TIIE CoUNTY ASSEMBI-Y 2 D. Jomt 3 Joel C 53-30400. Chongwo 202@420 Kabamet, Secretary NOTICE rs grven to all Members of the County Assmbly of Krrinyaga, that pursuant to Standing Order 26 (3) of the Standrng Orders of the County Assembly of Krrinyaga, a Specral Sittrrg shall be 4 Titus 53-30400. Amdany 20689662 Kabarnet Joint held at the County Assembly Chamber on Wednesday, 2014, at 9.00 a.m. 14564359 Kabartongo, (Coorduruto') Dated the l9th December,20l4. ANNA WANGECHI GITHINJI, Governor, Boring,o GAZETTENoTICENo st December, Secretar,- BENJAMIN CHEBOI. MN6724tt2 3 I MRt6124205 Speaker, Counry Assemb It,. 92OO THE PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT ACT (No l8 ry'2012) THE GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (HOSPITAL SERVICES) REGULATIONS, 2OO9 1 APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE COLINTY HEALTH CENTRES AND DISPENSARIES MANAGEMENT COMMITEES 1 PURSUANT to the provislons of the Pubhc Finance Management Act,20l2. the Govemment Frnancral Management (Hosprtal Servrces) Regulations. 2009, the Executrve Commrttee Member rn-charge of Health Servrces of the County Government of Kakamega, appornts the under hsted as members of the County Health Centers and Drspensarres Management Commrttees. to hold office for a perrod of three (3) years wlth effect from 3rd November. 2014. HEALTH CENTRES MALAVA SUB COUNTY Name oJ Destgnolrcn Ward Alphews B Masrnde Danrel Ondenyr Beatrice Mmbosa Jorna Andanle Churnnun Treasurer Member Member Shrrugu/Mugar Benson Malovr Menber Laban Chiluvi Muchika Chatrnnn Chrbeu Shamala Imboso Thomas Muslva anenher Wart (lvnthra Aneke!a Treasurer Member Mcmber Mentber Festus Lltah Mayrkuma Clntrman Shrkuku K. Wanyama Dorrce K Shrbweche Eliminah A Ingutia Tom Tali Mbova Treas Facrlt4' Chombeh Kuvasali Shivanqa u re Kabras East Manda,/Shrvansa r Member Member Member MUMIAS WEST SUB COUNTY Bukava PhrLp Makokha Sheunda Anne Muns'onr Sahm Munvendo Valerv Akrnvr Joseoh Otieno Charrman Treosurer Member Member Member Etente Ward Mumias Model Gerald Were Drckson Okwako Mbatr Francrs Swasa Washrka Mrrram Maluma Juma Mrvanamrsr A Sulerman Chairman Treasurcr Mentber Mentber Mumras Central Monrca Radolo Murenga Chatrperson Wrlliam Alal Juhus 0guna Treusure Bunsasr Gladys Oluoch Joseph Omusinde Omusula Menher Musanrla Ward r Mcmber Member Member MLIMIAS EAST SUB COUNTY Makunea RHDC Hellen Lukoko Chutroerson Malaha/lsonco I I , ! THE KENYA GAZETTE 24th December,2014 Nyaporo Lusheya 3405 Beatrice A. Okutoyr Peter Waka James Oluve Malala Protus Omarr Treasurer Mentber Member Member Bruno Anel.eya Marsaret Khamala Oronrc Gabriel Shiere Maktubu Chrispinus C)kombo Sakwa Eclav Makokha Chairner.vn Cvnrian Inzofu Chairnprson Treasurer Member Mcmber Mentber [-usheva/Luhinu Charnnun Trea,turer Member Member Member Khalaba Ward Malaha/Isongo Treasurer Member Member Member Prus Lrhendr Lrnda Manon Namachl Pauhnea Ifere Josephrne Were MATUNGU SUB COUNT Khalaba Harrison Barasa Anne Barasa Mercelne Osanya Ramadhan Watako Joel Muchatrkha LIKUYANI SUB COUNT Mabusr Patrick G. Wanvama Marsaret Wambulwa John Shikanea Georse Srmrvu Khaemba Truohosa Avreta Chainnan Treasurer Member Member Memher Nzora Ward Kongoni Mr.Andrew Wanyonyr Chainnan Treasurer Member Member Member Kongoni Ward Mrs. Gladys Nekesa M. Akhandia Mr.Paul Buluma Mr.David Mukide Mrs. Lrlhan Adhrambo NAVAKHOLO SUB COUNTY Srvrlie Kharanda Bonface Ukhevr Mayende Florence Nvongesa Ramadhani Munyanya Vivian W. Waomba Stanlev W Onvrmbo Chairman Member Jotham Wamae Wrlson Wakhove Clruinnatt Tulirrs Wasrke Mernber Membet Mentber Member Member Mentber Samuel Robert Omumia Francrs Shrkanda Chanrnran Menber KHWISERO SUB COUN] Wellinstone Ineutia Sarah Adonso Lvdia C)tieno Kisa West Krsa West Maurice 0oivo Echonvi ALce Ibarabara Maetilda Apiyo Ambale Chainnan Treasurer Member Member Member Iov Minavo C hairoersott Kisa North Joshua Aduvu Shrroko Jaohred M Kutswa John Crrsouas Were Florence Adhrambo Treasurer Member Member Mentber Drck Z. Nandwa Winfred Asumwa Joseph Tabu Emali ChatrDerson Treasuret Member Evans Ambetsa Ernest Wafulu Jemrma Mukolwe Ambale Khwrsero Mundobelwa ,Y Charrman Treasurer Mentber Memher Member C)wanse C)siro Ebuhala Insotse/Mahha Treasurer Mentber Member Herman Agoi Repher Managala Emrly Lumbugu Ikomero Bunvala Wesl Treaytrer Mary Waswa Nelly Muhati Bushirr Bunyala East Klsa North l. THE KENYA GAZETTE 3406 Priscah Andeso Samrrcl Werc Eshinutsa Member Mcmber Clwirpermn Victorine Oyolo EbY Chiniili lfu*l*r Membet Manhr Jacob Emmbo Pamcla Mutasia Chairperson Treasurer Membcr Memher Beatrice Muchelule lob Okumali Mamboleo Omulema David Shitr*e Eshiabwali Kise East Trcasuret Mourice Ramoya Eliia Nambina Elwansale 24th December,lZOta Kisa Easi *lcnber Cluir*rson Rosc Asiko Florence Nvamula Kisa East Treasurer Member Mentber Mcmber Ochicns'Edwerd Zablon Andnfu Chri<nrc Ahumoi BUTERE SUBCOUNTY Shikunca Jryrd Aura Omamo Risoah Lvlien Olusakha Menin Ahhiti 0dirxl,o Phclesie Andicic Matika hckline N. Eshikumo Mabolc Imancr Shitsitswi Shiraha Eshibimbi Lukohe Eshimukoko Iranda Claintun Maenwn/Shirarh Treasurer Me*fur Melltsr,r trtkmber Jered Akondo Clg,ilmn Lilian Awour Mrmaret Akinvi lleasarer tlae&er Rodrcrs Etemcsi Neondo Mertcr Devid Mutulis Olutcvo Manhr Merenvo/ShiaMa Manma Central Jeckson Odenca Philemoil Nvonccsa Lormh Kcve lilaahr Elinah Afanrde lemes Katimi Mettber Treasarer lilen$cr larcd Mukmvi Cllr'irnrrt Robcn Wamevo Treesarcr Flortnce Nescnro llet*er Jenet Ashuma Llea$er Richard Nzabanvi Me*ber Morice Namai Chairmaa Surolrin Andabwa Tta+*,rer Patroba Meia Irlprdter Muicc Andala Np*blr Gladvs Kwac-h Itlanlnr Petcr Raiab Manso Rose Okute Cluirtsn Flora Oluoch fkn&r Jacob Omolo N.rrDrt Enock Khamala lletttber Marama Central Marama Nirnh Marama Nonh Trasr,rer Salomc Shikanda Clmimmn John Insansa Trwsarer Abreham Sino Menbr Geoffrcv Ongoma Nenfuv Florida Omwava It/e*tur Abiud Niirimani Clmirnan Marcaret Makale Robai Lubansa Andrew Shikhulc Fadhil Chibole Tledsurer ltlellnlxt Manber Billv Owabucheri Cluinwn Philio Wetaba Treararer Charles Ambunva Esther Nvanpweso Florence Olaka Member Marama North Merama Nofth Met*l*r Menber Llenilxr Matama West THE KENYA GAZETTE 24th December,2014 Shisaba JoseDhat Waswa 3407 Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Marama West Chatnnan Treasurer Member Member Member Chevavwa Ward Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Chekalini Ward David Muliru Lisamula Phanice Yavatsa Alhrna Inzero Shrsakha Julius Luseka Khasolo Loice Debeko Charrman Treasurer Mpmher Member Member Idakho North Wilson Peru Charrman Treasurer Member Member Member Idakho South ward Ruth Andati Mukhwana Selioher B. Omumia Everlvne Asrhkwa Suleiman A. Amunsa LUGARI SUB COUNTY Matete Geoffrey Bukah Mtrsa Maina Khavakali Shem Wanvama Walela Sinsona Kevan Brrdsit Namachanra Chekalini Model Samson Toywa Murabwa Tisa Juxton Janet Mukhonra Siear Lucv K Kanseleha Elias Imbavi Savavi IKOLOMANI SUB COUNTY Shiseso Kilinsili Sonhie Oranoa Erick Lumati Consolata Kola Frlward Muns'ahu SHINYALU SUB COUNTY Kambiri Charles Ikanzo Sumbati Kutoto Florence Lumumba James Otleno Rose Imbuve Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Isukha North Shikusa Josphat Muchiti Chainnan Treasurer Member Member Mernber Isukha North Chnirner.tnn Isukha Central Boaz Matemba Phelistus Imala William Miheso Rosemary Imbalasi Shinvalu i I I t Shamakhubu Clement Mate Jeremiah Shikunzi Georse Mudopo Jennioher Wansusi Sophia Mushira Mathew Mwabali Reuben Chumba Edith Musoea Beatrice Moffat Elwesero Austine Mukunga Richard Muchiti Manoa Ingosi Azbeta Osembo Fanuel Maliach Amina Muvonsa Bukura RHDC Emusanda Alfred Sonsa Nathaniel Omutimu Felistus Namukuru Gavos Khainsa Levrnorah Musungu Stanlev I Bushuro Judith Owano Omari David Makare Chibole Stephen A. Mbai F It I t'. Dorcus Simiti Treasurer Member Member Member Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Murhanda Ward Chairmn Butsotso South Shirerc Ward Treasurer Member Member Member Chairman Treavtrer Member Member Member Butsotso Central THE KENYA GAZETTE 3408 24th December,2Ol4 DISPENSARIES MALAVA SUB COUNTY Facility Name Designation Ward Simeon W. Muchania Chairman ShirueuMusai Johnstone L. Chitiavi Margaret Khasewa Pamellah J. Masitsa Saul Kovola Chilali Treasurer Member Member Memher Inhn Mnnandi Sindcni Chanrmn Werasumbati Tisa Asachita Mrriam Naluende Namasaka Monica Shilisia Muchite Peter Jumaa Murambi Treasurer Member Member Member Mutins'ons'o Tomothin B. Mmini Wilson Ndunde Epustus K. Chitavi Robai N. Apala Alice Lucheli Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Chemuche Ward Kimanseti Troni Shiundu Chairmn Chemuche Ward Joice Isaya Esther Job Tamata Mmasi Shilunii Mmasi Treasurer Member Member Member Malichi David Mmasi Lunani Makokha Evans Mmera Justine Khakali Robati Pepela Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Chemuche Ward Ichina Were Kutralo Susan K. Amalemba Iatavo (1. Sindabi Jovce S. Mmbava Timoth T. Imboeo Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Chemuche Ward Imbiakalo Simeon J. Indwale Jack V. Mufwolovo Chairnan Kabras East Name oJ Malekha Rvdon O. Liwa Jesca R. N. Wawire Linet M. Wechuli Namasara Mr.Nelson Masinva Musunsu Fridah Shamala Ausustus Nsaira Ruth Muvekho Manda/Shivansa Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Manda/Shivansa Chairman Treasurer Memher Member Member Butali./Cheeulo South Kabras Sarah Libuyi Joseph Asirikwa Owino Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Peter Luther Chairmn South Kabras Everlvne Chiluvi Sallv O. Oketch Josiah M. Musakhulu Treasurer Member Member Philin Mhowa Sanwa Eunice Mmbone Jaohather K. Kutsishi Jovce Amaemba Asievela James Mulati Chesulo Shem Mulunda Zipporah Obuya Aineah Musunsu Rukia Mukutoo Jeffrevs Mahelo Shihome Chevoso Treasurer Member Member Member Chairman Treasurer Member Member Meruber Rose Atieno Manda Shinrou/Mrroai Donald Ashitiva Marv Kakai Elly Lambala I I I I I I 24th December,2014 Name of Facilt\' Shamberere Ikhanvi THE KENYA GAZETTE Name Destgnatnn lsaiah Sindani James Member Alfavo Frchingo Lorna Asiko Amunsa Clrutrman Treasurer Ward South Kabras Franzlna Nvamd Menber Joyce Ingutra Janie Barasa Picho Member Member Joram Ons'anvo Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member South Kabras Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member South Kabras Clnirman Luandeti Habert Burudi Ezakiel Butiya Esther Kutondo Joseph Nasong'o Shianda 3409 Shadrack Oloo Ibrahrm Konzonr Annah Mbonso Waniia Beniamin S. Kuta Joseohine Tindi LUGARI SUB COUNTY Augustrne Wetundu Iane Mafunga Jesca Tondo Simiyu Macheso Briand Milianso Treasurer Member Member Member Maturu Mrs. Aenes Siandavi Jumba SammvWambia Ruth K. Mukhrvana Eliud L. Yaura Moses Sitati Chatroerson Treasurer Member Member Member Luandeti Lwandeti SDA Alfayo Murambwa Judith Khauka Luandeti Mary Srrengo Mark Mukolwe Timothv Barasa Chairman Treasurer Member Memher Member Mahansa Tom Luvingo Everlvne Mumalo Mary Nvaoika Joseph Chesoh David Sifuma Wanyama Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Luandeti Lusarr Forest Loice Ambovi Dickson Wasilwa Hassan Hamisr Hawkns Indusa Grace Nabukwangwa Chairnerson Treasurer Member Member Member Lunvrto Mrchael Kungunr Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Lugarr Clmirman Lueari Nzoia Matete Reuben Akolo Pius Simivu Sebencra Namwenva Pamela Nekesa Marakusi Kennedv Bulimo Penrna Lrtala Samuel Kevolwe Anastancra Ngumbi Joseph Sande Munvukr Mark Mrlimo Loice Nvonsesa Julius Ohndo Felix Lrmo Salome Isavarr Maienso Fred Okwomr Patrick Musosa Henrv Ananda Be[na Obanda Hellen Wawire Treasurer Member Member Member Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Lumakanda Ward Chairman Treasuret Member Member Member Lrrmakanda Ward THE KENYA GAZETTE 3410 Name oJ Facility Mapcngo Name Designation Ward Jackson Agala Lumakanda Ward Fred Mulindi Rosc Wanvama Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Marv Barasa Arthur i.{abule flqvirl Inoai Milka Kulai Chairoerson Treasurer Member Memhpr Chckalini Ward Leonard Tambasi Member Francis Namisi Kutondo Mulleee J. Watambamala Chairperson Mary N. Barasa Member Member Member Jacklvne Nvota Richard Khaemba Musembc Lumani Marsaret Mudembei Dishon Odonso Sarah Otundo Ainea B. Ekhubi Chevavwa Ward Mautuma Ward Treasurer Member Member Member Alfrcd Kilonei Protus Malala Mukuyu i I Trca.curer Wvcliffe Shievanda Mbasara 24th December,2Ol4 Mark Milimo Mulati Loice N. Wamukota Felix Limo Mudukiza Julius Olindo Chairperson Treasurer Member Member Member Mautuma Ward Chairman Treasuret Saneo Ward Michael Kiboi Patrick Muchelesi Dinah Ayako Amudako Catherine Luvandwa Member Memher Salome Isavri LIKUYANI SUB COUNTY Sovsambu Sanqo Dismas Wafula Mulati Enock Wachiva Desterio Odwori konita Malesi Deri Okova Morris Antonett Mukasa Manyali Chniman Sanso Treasurer Member Memher Member Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Likuvani Ward Likuvani Ward Lenah K. Onzere Jotham Kisenso Lawrence KiDveso Chairoerson Treasurer Member Member Mcmber Festus Okila Chairmn Likuvani Ward AIcx Masika Maximilla K. Okonca Victor Mbirika Johnstonc O. Jomo Treasurer Mcmber Member Member Lumino Humohrcv S. Malcs Harrison Amuli Eunice Khaikata Beatricc Madctc Laban Mwashi Charmin Treasurer Member Member Member Likuvani Ward Ichina Ahdul Wanpara Moreen Odoyo Raiab Ondwasi Sarah Rshid Amzia Abdallah Chnirmn Likuvani Ward Treasurer Member Member Member Godfrev Kavosi Jemima Okumu Chairman Treasurer NYS Disp Philio Maoesa Peter G. Macharia Silah M- Kamau Soohia Adema Onesmus K. Maina j I i Turbo Forest Sereseva Milimani Brisid Shivina Judith M.Indoshi Sinoko Ward I i I 24th December,2014 Name of Factlity Sinoko 34tt THE KENYA GAZETTE Name Desi Rnation John Mandu Membcr 14ard Catherrne Wafula Menber Daniel Mwansr Member Paul O. Aooollo Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Sinoko Ward Chatnnan Treasurer Member Member Member Sh Chavman Treasurer Bunvala East Beatrice Naliaka Juma Andrew Oouka Jackline Nafula Wycliffe Okoko NAVAKHOLO SUB COUNTY Fshihnnon Joseoh Jack Indrmulr Protus Nanzushi Beatrice Anvona Elphas Tindi Margaret Tindr Namirama Natunyr Alfred N. Waiswa Esther Okwisia Mounzone Mrzrgo Eric Juma Masika Francis Otoya ' Juma Trndr Member Member Bunyala Easl Memher Member Member Nvonsesa Frankline Nsiiave Marv Bomet Budonsa Menber Chatrnnn Menber Prus Okumu Otunga Judith Wachakana inovi/Shikomari Chatman Samuel Wasrka Sarah Namukhole Protus Masanvr Bunvala Wesl Treasurer Member Member Mentber Thomas Okwako Matrlda Omutanyr Hassan W. Erima Chainnan Treasurer Menrher Member Member Bunyala West Cheirnerson Treasurer Member Member Memher Bunvala West Bonface Sisansa Dismas Oteng'o Christine Ndombi Norad Mbavakr Butinso Vrncent Wamoi Fridah Munabi Purity B. K. Muluta Moses Onino Patnck Okoyana Chatrman Treasurer Member Member Member Bunvala West Eshikulu Simon Utondo Incenh Shi<ia Chatrman Treasurer Member Member Member Bunvala West Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Insotse/Matiha Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Butsotso East Charrman Treasurer Metnber Shrrere Ward Kisembe Amrna N. Masrna Patrick O Wekesa Carolvne N. Natense John Pohnsa Sisokhe t i : I Sehna Atako Georse Owichr Nancv Mwachi Consolata Aori Ematiha Mnrrrine And Joan Makokha Bendict Juma Barnaba Shivuka Asnes Atswenie LURAMBI SUB COUNTY Emukaba i t Georse Tindi Rapando Alucho Eddah Khachina Janet Aluisola Samson Otatwa l GK Prison Drckson Omrnde Javan Barasa t I if i I \ Emest Krmutar 24th December.20l4 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3412 Ward Name Designation Harriet Muhindi Janes Musambar Member Member Joseph Mbwavr Caroline Kadamba [.eah Kamau Julius Kalami Zaitun Adda Assutsi Chaiman Rose Asare John Murenva Shieywe Ward Damaris Webo Zablon Mboeo Carolvne Muchere Chairperson Treasurer Member Member Member Fralcis Mulusa Priscilla Mukoya Chorman 'l'reLlurer Shrevwe Ward Cleonhas Ocholla Byson Museve Beatrice Okusimba Member Member Member Jared Muchesia Mahiakalo Ward Reuben Alusiola Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Isumha Kennedy Mulima Albert Ombayi Priscah Anvembe Charles Makokha Esther Munala Chairman Treasurer Member Memher Member Butsotso South Eshirembe Moses Tsuma Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Butsotso South Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Butsotso South Butsotso South Marparet Insutia Ruth Wemali Charles Odoneo Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Habakkuk Khamala Chairmn Butsotso Central Marv Musunsu Likhotio Treasurer Member Member Member Name of Faciliry AP Line Aooroved School Nabongo Sakali Nancv Imbudila Atieno Munira Christopher Matindu Ibrahim Tunsani Scholastica Ambuli Eunice Mukana Javan Alukhaba Elukhambi Alfred Mukhonii Dorcas Anvanso Jared Ambunva Charles Namale Joyce Lukoye Matioli Eshikhuvu Shirere Ward Treasurer Member Member Member Ramadhan Mwalo Herbert Ondere Ernet Z. Ndetta Chnstrne N. Alwans'a Bonface Anganva . { KHWISERO SUB COUNTY Jared Odinsa Chairmn Clementina Ovanso Domnrca Odhrambo Treasurer Member Member Member Emutsesa Kennedy Epiche Martha Oloko Assrev Olando Francis Amwavi Carolyne Kochwa Clruirman Treasurer Member Member Member Krsa Central Mulwanda Mourice Omulindi Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Kisa Central Muhaka Jane Atulo Pamela Onvaneo Ehzaobeth Anzia Christine Alobe Raydon Amboka Daniel Okallo Kisa West I { i I > l i 7 \ THE KENYA GAZETTE 24th December,2014 3413 Name of Facilirr* Name Designatrcn Ward Mwitseshe Julius A. Akens'o Violet A. Okonda Sehpher B. Omumra Everlvne Asilikwa Sulerma A. Amunga Chtirman Kisa North i r Shisaba Treasurer Member Member Member Josepha Waswa Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Marama West Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Mumias North East Wansa Andrew Munyendo Haeeai Khuvira Marv Kisiansani Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Michael Opaki Wawire Chairmtn East Wanga Peris Nieht Omutinvu Treasuret Member Member Member Ruth Andati Mukhwana Sulerman C)tinsa Moses O. Amakohe Julia Otsola MUMIAS EAST SUB COUNT] Ich inoa Abdul Wansara Moreen Odovo Raiab ondwasi Sarah Rashrd Amzia Abdallah Shianda Ali M. Naniira Phanice Mandu I I I I I I Khaunqa Manuel Shikuku Manyasa Susan Makokha Musungu William Were Malala Muns'ans'a Eluche Mukhwana Walumasi Marcrana Ateva Godfrev Mukolwe Risoar Nvanre Simon Barasa Jonnes Salasya Mutimba Elwasambi I i t i East Wanqa Conseota W. Madibira Phanice P. S.Mandu Paul Khanda Namatsi Washrnston Washika Clnirmn East Wansa Fatuma Omwavi Salome Aoondi Felesia Nvanqweso Treasurer Member Member Member Joseph Olando Buchangu Stanlev Owuouri Nakholi Everlvne Otwisa Mwana Idi Juma Godfrev Mapesa Mark M. Wekesa I Kamashra Svlvester Kwevu Lutomra Philicc B. Mandale Jared Omuhmba Festus Okutovi Ramadhan Shisrenva Malaha Musanqo East Wansa Treasurer Member Member Member Choirperson Treasurer Member Member Member Samuel Sakwa i Chaiman Benard W. Tlemeri Rose K. Ndakalu Ruth Anta Musanda Gresorv Kansu John Kutondo Johnstone Taula Ogutu Isaac Wesamba Maneo Sheilla Nvende Aneose Iafred Emitaro Mukuketi Susan Anvonie Abuli Chairmn Bunvala Central Treasurer Member Member Member Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Lusheva/Lubinu Chairmn Malahaflsonpo Treasurer Member Member Member Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Malaha./Isongo I \ 4 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3414 24th December,2Ol4 Destgnatton MUMIAS WEST SUB COUNTY Jeskah Lutta Indieche MATUNGU SUB COUNTY Beatlct Mu Habil Mukhwana Namamah Ward Harrrson Ouma Makokha Mrs. Jackhne Nabrswa Namamah Ward Edward Makokha C)mina SHINYALU SUB COUNTY l Peter Shrvachi Charles Kerr Nathan Alubisia Mr.Andreww Lumala I { I 't I THE KENYA GAZETTE 24th December,2Ol4 Name oJ Faciliry Name Designation Joseohine Imbavi Member Member Member Botomlev Mudanva Emily Barusi Eliud Witaba Vincent Shiansuva Shikusi 3415 Ward Isukha South Philice Shilwatso Sheila Kwasila Jenipher Milimu Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Jacob Amahwa Chairmn Isukha South Mercv Alfavo Mseshi Janet Avuma Alphonce Muchalwo Treasurer Member Member Member Musembe Gabriel Masaria Ruth Bunoro Alphoncc Muhanda Saul Vuselitsa Olvver Imbavi Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Isukha Central Kakamesa Forest Joshua Musunsu Chairman Treasurer Mernber Memher Member Isukha Central Chief Milimu Stephen Mate Bernard Mmudi Grace Mmudi Oscar Lumiti Mercv Likalama IKOLOMANI SUB COUNTY Beatrice M. Ambevi Henro Shiluli Savane Chairperson Treasurer Memher Member Member Idakho East Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Idakho North Chairman Treasurer Member Member Member Idakho Central Chairman Treasurer Member Memher Member Idakha Central Ruth Lukhavo Rose Muhenie Stenhen Ashono Lucv Odero Judith Luyundi Chairn Idakho Central Albert Ikolomani Treasurer Memher Member Member Josohat Shikokoti Marv Amiani David Shivachi Imulama Shlkanea Simon Florcnce Amava Seth Khavimba Rosemaru Khahavi Nathan Lanva Buvemi Joseohat Muliru Lucv Anvanso Jafred Nakoche Bishop Simon Makovi Anne Mahekhu i i i Aecrev Museti Shikumu Shihalia i Readon Masheti Aerioina Amukaka Isaac Bitienvi Dated the I lth November,2014. E,MUHANDA, County Executive Committee Member, Health Services, Kakame ga County. MRJ6724126 GAZETTE NoTIcE No.92OI THE GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ACT THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF SIAYA APPoTNTMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by Regulation (5) of the Government Financial Management Act, Hospital Management Committees Regulations 2fi)9, the County Executive Committee Member in charge of Health, Siaya County, appoints the persons named in the Schedule as members of Health Facility Management Boards whose composition and functions are as specified in the Schedule and whose tenure runs for three (3) years from the date Gazeftement. of The following are the board members for the seven hospitals in Siaya County: Hospital Board Members Bondo Sub- Joseph Kwaka County Tindi Felrx Hospital Petronilla Okoth Domnic Owigo Angeline Apondi Tawo Father Omogo M. David Otieno Owiti Finance - (Chair) Secretary Women Representative Members Member Fbo Youth THE KENYA GAZETTE 3416 Diemo Florence Ex-Officio Ogola Vitahs S. C County Fanuel O.;wang Pamela Juma Ouma Prisca Anyango Ndeka Secretary Benard Onyango Mark Yamo Richard Otieno Youth Hospital MAWERE DISPENSARY Frnance (Charr) Albert Oluoch Okoth Tobra Owino ouko Priscilla Cheptoo Phrlip mango Chunga Aloyce nyamulo Ngonga Wilfred Ogada Oyaya Fbo Women Group Rep. Member Sub County Admin. County Hospital Clarice Achieng Okonyo Elijah Osadho Stephen Ogango Phrlipa Nyamul Got Agulu Sub Martin O. Oprata Samson Ombaso County Hospital William Ochieng Ogola Winnre Auma Owuor Samson Oyuda Mrldred Atieno William Oloth Ambira SubCounty Querius Oluoch O. Richard O. Okoth Hospital Benta Amenya Mary Odote Domnic Gangla Opany Richard Omondi Benard Odhiambo Jane Anyango Opiyo Madiany Sub- Wicliff O. Otieno Ajwang Erick Ochung County Rebecca A. Opondo Hospital Alphonce O. Uyara Mark O. Ayalo Fred O. Ogude Caleb Olale Ooro Margaret A Odundo Moses Olwang Audr G. M. Onyango Siaya County Referral Fwaya Hospital Samuel Okello Ajwang Ambrose Mrsore Women Group Rep Disabled Rep. Youth Member Agnes Odenyo Ven. Simion Otiang' MN6'72400t OGAM DISPENSARY - Charrman - OI/C Secretary - Chief - Member - Member - Member - Member - Member - Member Macbean Odongo Margeret Grchuhl Wanyku Margaret A. Odunga Ochrga Finance (Chair) Secretary Member Women Rep Fbo Youth Chairman Secretary Member Member Member Member S.C.Admin Member Member Chairperson Jane Oon.;e Michael Obiero Millicent Atieno Onyango Samuel 0nyuka Francrsca Ayrmba Nobert Juma MABINJU DISPENSARY - Charrperson ( for vulnerable) - OVC Secretary - Provrncral Administration Rep. - Drsabled Rep. Herbert Onyango Evelyne Srvachi Patrick Obillo Roselne Ayanga Sarah Okuma Lydra Agolla Julhus Ondong Peter Omuko Odero Josephrne Afande Secretary Sub County Admrn groupReffiX,lil: women - Youth Rep. - Experience rn finance - Rep. communrty unit Member Member USIGU DISPENSARY Frnance Gilbert Olulo Daglas Malowa Fbo Women Rep Youth (Alego Usonga)Chairman (AC Medsup) Secretary Member (Rarieda) Member (Bondo) Wrlson Osoyo - Charrperson - OI/Secretary - Member - Member - Member - Member - Member - Member - Member Anatacia Nyajur Nyajur Jackline Auma Odhiambo JulLus Odongo Agot Frnance - Charr Enck Buyu Collins Oginga Secretary Rev. Apollo Moyi Ondiege Fbo Yalla Sub- - Member Selestrne Achieng Oduor Admrnistrator Ukwala Sub- - 24th December.2014 - Chairman - OI/C Secretary - ACC Usigu - Member - Member - Member - Member - Member - Member Simon Mokua Florence Achreng Owrno Sospeter Obumba Otreno Dorothy Ouya Charles Ogola Solomon Opisi Beatnce Okello - County Rep (Gem) Women Rep (Ugenya-Ugunja) - Fbo EDWARD OWILLAH, Counfi Executiye Commiltee MemberJor Health. ANYT]ONGI DISPENSARY James Abrdha - Charrperson. - OI/C secretary Mrlhcent Atreno Magaret Amala Dorcus Oyolla - Women Rep. - Youth Rep. - F.B.O Rep. - Communlty Unrt Rep. Caleb Odede Florence Ogunda - Special intrest group Vincent Osewe Mirasi Raffer Omari Shiyuka GAZEI.IE NoTIcE No. 9202 THE GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ACT KAMBAJO DISPENSARY THE COLINTY GOVERNMENT OF SIAYA Joab Okoth HEALTH FACILITIES MANAGEMENT BOARD FOR BONDO SUB-COUNTY IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by Regulatron (5) of the Government Financial Management Act, Hosprtal Management Committees Regulations 2009, the County Executive Commrttee Member in charge of Health, Siaya County, appolnts the persons in the Schedule as members of Health Facrlrty Management Boards whose composition and functions are as specified in the Schedule and whose tenure runs for three (3) yezus from the date of named Gazettement. Vrcklice Oprl Rabrt Michael Rotich Risper Atieno Amos Wakwaya Margarte Auma Amos Machra Jasinter Ombidhi Florence Aketch Thomas Indeere Patrick Okeyo Charles Achieng Community Unit Rep. Lrncolin Osewe Special Interest Group. Emelda Otieno Jacrnter Angawa Agrrpa Oluoch OI Secretary Chief l GOT MATAR DISPENSARY Chairman PhiLp A. Goro OVC Secretary Walter E.O. Ajing Member Julrus Owuor Provincial Administrahon Dinnah A. Opondo Member Rev. Elkana Ochreng Ogutu Member Francisca A. Lunda Member Caroline A. Owlti Member Pauhne A. Onyango Memher Samson F. Oyuda ULUNGO DISPENSARY John Okuogo I Finacial knowledge Chairperson Youth Rep FBO. Rep. - Chairman - Chref -OVC Secretary - Member - Members - Member - Member - Member lI I THE KENYA GAZE'|'|E 24th December,2Ol4 MAGETA ISLN ND DISPENSAR}' Kennedy Jrmmy f)treno Arvclo Charrnran Irene Omollo OI/C Secretary AmbroseOgemah Geofrey Samson 3417 Wrllram Okan Wanjare Nrcholas Ochung Odrrvuor Mrs. Florence Atieno Okech ProvrncralAdminrstratlonRep. NDEDA ISLAND DISPENSARY Opondo Charrperson HFMB Youth Member Arnnolda Ajwang Okwach Member Milla Nakhumrtsa Abeb Member Josephat Ouma OtLmo Mcnrber Me mber Chrisprnus Adrpo George Omkok Odongo Member Danrel Alwang Arthur Odaa Moses Otreno Mary Martrna Opryo Japhcth Odck Mary Ojango UYAWI DISPENSARY Meshack Otieno Frdah Joshua Ochreng Janet Omollo Frnance knowledge representative Peter Otieno Onyango Jullrus Nyerere Ogam Maurice Haya Owega Johnes Omolo Ayreko Charrperson Milhcent Akoth Owaga Sylvester Okech Abongo Male Female specral rnterest group specral rnterest group OYAMO ISLAND DISPENSARY Danrel Ochreng Owrno Charrperson Amos Ochieng Opiyo Ol/scretary Mark Onyango Chref Geaorge Opondo Member Paulne Andrtr Member Mary Opondo Member Everlyne Adhiambo Member Flora Nyawade Member Chief F.B.O Rep. Communrty Unrt Rep. SERAWUONGO DISPENSARY Chairman Frnance and Administration Women Re-p Dorothy Malowa Youth Rep Cathenne Khadonyl Annhrlda Akoth FBO Rep Odongo Judith Akrnyi Orrva Debora Abwao Juhus Nyerere Ogam John Gadi John Akal Membcr KAPIYO HEALTH CENTRE George Nyambara Peter Atego Jane Odwar Everlyne Onyango Drckens Au,ala Pnsca Apata CBO Rep Special interest group OI Secretary Chief. GOBEI DISPENSARY Augo Awuro Anastacla Everlyne Owrti Jeremiah Akach Chairperson Ol/Secretary Duncan Ochreng Ochanda Finance and administration Richard Ajwang Communrt Unit Rep. Jared otieno Lwandha Youth Rcp Keneth Ouma Ogolla FBO Rep Ruth A. Odhiambo Represcnt minonty / Drsability Martin Nyakunc Emily Awrmbo Odumo Chief OI/ Secretary Women Rep Youth Rep FBO Rep Oracho Chairperson/ disabled and magrnalised group Ol/Secretary Finance and adminrstratron Women Rep Sarah Denga Srdwaka Dorine Achieng Okoth Rachel Atreno Amimoh Tobias Odhrambo Ohrra FBO Rep. Margaret Achreng Okumu Youth Rep. Rachel Arubi Ochreng Community Unrt Rep. Anne Achreng Olrma Specral Interest group Success Clement/ Mancc Omondr Oguna Chref Rep. Charrperson Ol/secretary Member Member Member Member Mr. Danrel Ochieng Okoth Member Member Mrs. July Okello RADIER DISPENSARY Charrperson and frnance manager Willrs Ochieng Olwang FBO Rep. Lucy Ocdhiambo Marvrra Youth group Rep. Mr Agrey Samo Otila Washingtone Ochiam Marginalised Group Rep. Celestine Arvrno Odhrambo Women Group Rep Judith Nyathodo Communrt Unrt Rep. Disabled Rep. Gcorge Omollo Robert Kemor OI/secretary Ass Chref Joseph O. Owrgo OUYA DISPENSARY Peter Paul kisienya Charrperson/ Frnance and Admrnrstratlon Joshua Osore Akusama OI/secretary Youth Rep Pauirne Atieno Onyango CU Rep Jane O.;waka Josephrne Achieng Aballa Women Rep. Pamela Akinyi Kwanga Minority Group Rep FBO Rep Grdeon Aoma NYAGT]DA DISPENSARY Cyprian Okrvach Luke Kiptanur Alphonce Malorva Hezbon Ragwel Ruth Odero Silvanus Oketch Catherine Odongo OTHACH DTSPENSARY Caleb Ochieng Matewa Frednck Otieno Odera Patrick Ocholla Oremo Francis Owrno Dolwa Jane Akrnyi Onyango Chanty Kyaleche Dero Chref NYENYE MISORI DISPENSARY Frednck Otieno USENGE DISPENSARY Ochuoyo Moses Oswago Mrs. Emelda Aoko Mr. Cyprran Opiyo Mrs. Janc Anynago Mrs. Chriatrne Achieng Charrperson Communrty Unrt Rep. Specral group Rep Specral group Drsabled Asha Chacha John Mr. Charles OI/Secretary Fnance and adnrnrstratlon Women Rep. FBO Rcp. Communrty Unrt Rep. Specral Croup Rep Specral Group PWD's Mark Onyango Ondongo Chief Agripina Khalihi muyeku OI/C Secrctary Women Rep Monica Abanga Leonard Aoko Mrlla Domrnrc Akello Ogot Member Member Memher Chairperson OI/secretary Chref Member Member Member Joyce Juma Char4rerson and FBO Relr OI/Secretary Admlnrstratlon and frnance Vulne r.rble Rep Wonren Rep Youth Rep. Minorrty Rep. Communlty Unit Rep EDWARD OWILLAH. MR/6724001 County Executtve Contmiltee Member fttr Health G^ZETTE NoI'ICE No. 9203 THE GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ACT THE COI.]NTY GOVERNMENT OF SIAYA APPOINTMENT IN EXERCISE of the porvers conferred by Regulation (5) of the Government Frnancial Management Act. Hosprtal Management Committees Regulatrons 2009, the County Executive Committee Member in charge of Health, Sraya County, appornts the persons named tn the Schedule as mernbers of Health Facrlity Management Boards whose composition and functions are as specifred in the Schedule and whose tenure runs for three (3) years from the date of Gazettement. I F i I I THE KENYA GAZET'fE 2-trth December. l0 l+ RARIEDA SUB.COUNTY Name of Health Facility Health Centre Nante und OlJtLe of (7-9) Conililttt(t.\ Walter Akech 0dundo Collrns A Or,rondr Ale randel Wanga Ongudr Joseph Omonor tltrrero Jecintcr AJhrarnbo Pa:nela Atreno Okong'o rul@-Member l,4embers Chi,,man Secletal _Mcmhcr Me,nbei Member - Member - Pamela Ouma Tina Meshack An John Ooko Achola Secretar - N4t-nrhcr - Mr-nrhcr -l\4enrh.- r C)dede I'[err rber Teresa Omondr Josel - lllemtrer Member i I i t 24th December,20l4 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3-t Nancv Owrtr Menrher - Char - Secrr-t.r ('risno W Selrne Jane Okelo Ai'allo Bakr Orvrla DorcusAWason-rla _ Rose Atreno Krch James Gogi Odhiro JcnrphcrA Oula Samrr'el Odera Gordon Obara Dickens Odrndo Adenr Charles Okelkr Odhrambo Muthonr Grtonga Wrlberlbrce C)vucho Jane -CharrDerson Secret -Member - Membcr - Menrber -N{enther - Memher - Secrctary Merrber NyrkwaLa Jostnter ( )servc Lucv Achren Menrher Menrber John Fred Obrla Orurc Judrth Cheruto I-rlian Adhrambo Chacha Ambrose Ochreng Radol - Mentber Lrvers Hezron Nyangor Ou,rno Okelo ALce - Mcmber - Mcmber Bar Aluru Drsoensar Mark Busuru Lrhan Akello - Member Ogam James Omolo Omollo Jackhne - Charmerson Ogutu O - Membcr Adhrambo Francrscn A. Osula Anvanso Grlo Pamella Osumba Davrd Asembo C'aren Krtts Amol Janet Mrra Ooro :r Apryo Ndon Health Centre Apryo Alred Otreno Oyoyo Charles Auma Srmeon Obara Caleb Crace Ongene Bcnta Wandugu Okal Adenr Wrlson Hastr - Membcr - Me-mber - Membcr - Mcmber - Member - Scc - Member Kolo [Jdrvrn Member - Member Ochrero John - Mcmber Asernho -MCA -Member - Asst Chrr-f - Clrarrman - Member - Mcnrbcl - Mcmber - Mcmber - Mcmber ('lrrrrmarr l9 / I I I THE KENYA GAZETTE Jane 24th December,2014 Kaloo - Mentber Arek Robert Martrn Orvano - Member Adhola - Chatrman Phelister A. Ondeeo Erick Otreno Onvwera Nooh Jeconia Ven. James C)orvo Omuva Mbulo Charles Wilham Jared - Member - Member - Member - Chairman C)mbewa Odhrambo Danrel Habil - Member - Member O - Member O O Obaeo Justus -Member -Member Asembo Roseleene Juma -Mcmber -Mcmber -Member C)podo Rose A Atreno Walter A. Davrd C)treno -Secretar Judrth Onuko -Membcr Hellen C)treno -Membcr Okevo Member Okumu Anne Ndere - Member Thomas Marv Fabran Denis -Member Olala Yalo - Menrber -Member uanda Health Centre Nyaboga Oringo Secretar! Menrber (FBO Srlas Nyamosr Okach Zrloa Aruwa J Barrack J. C)gweno Elrzabeth Wasamha Godfrev Odhrambo Oscar Arvuolra Dorcas Oluoch - Member Member Memher (Youth) - Menrber (Chtefl - Member (Women) EDWARD OWILLAH. County Et<,tutrye Conmittee Member for Health- MR/6724001 GAZETTE NoTICE No 9204 THE GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL MANACEMENT ACT THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF SIAYA APPoIN,IMENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by Regulatron (5) of the Act, Hosprtal Management Committees Regulatrons 2009, the County Executlve Commtttee Member rn-charge of Health. Sraya County. appornts the persons named in the Schedule as members of He-alth Facrlrty Management Boards whose compositron and functrons are as specrfred rn the Schedule and whose tenure runs for three (3) years from the date of Gazettement. Covernment F'rnanctal Management I SIAYA SUB.COLINTY NAMES OF NEWLY ELECTED HEALTH FA('ILTIES MANAGEMENT BOARD MEMBERS FOR RURAL HF,AI-T}{ FACII,ITIES llealth Facrltn, Nyathcngo Drspensary Nume Joshua Ambago Odhorr Stella Jepkurur ('heboswonv Cieorsc Anrdr Ycwa eresa (Jduor Salomc Atreno C)kevo Joyce Achreng ( )dhiarnbo Po.tttttn Chrcf Secretary Charrman 24th December.20l4 'I'rng'wang' r Health Cenre Uomtrltar Ubrero Vrncent Mwalo Meshack G. Otieno Josenh Furah ELas Okcllo Ondrasa Iohn ()lam ()rnrtrr Aggrey Mwanda Ehzabeth Au,our Ounra Patnck C)drno Lenva l.llzabeth Uyreko Rwambwa Health Centre Benard Koech Area ward ren Aggrey Ogutu Nianiom Monrca Ochrcns Margaret Akoth Patncia Olela Paul Orruo Joseoh Orrvans John Okello Kaluo f)rsocnsan Mrchael Andere Paskalia Onvanqo Tobras Nyon;e Odero Carolvne Achrens Joachrm Odrno Patrrcra Adhrambo George opivo olombe Aggrey Ochtcng Okumu Florence Akoth Otreno .lones Otrcno Konvanso Maru C)kumu Thomas Ochrcng Benta -Iunra Omondi Vrctorra Akura Rt Malor Gen. Charrman Bardins Disoensaru Moses Busolo John Odongo Adero Monrca Achiens Rado L harrnan Chrrshne Akrnyr Odino Charles Anyango Owera Mtlhcent 0sola Secretary Nduru Drspensary Odhrambo SecretarV John C)owaoo C)bala Hane Adhiambo Opondo Beatnce Akinyr Mthrsa Everlyne Achieng Otieno Emtlv Nafula Wafula James O Obalo I{enrv Onvaneo Nasfia Area chref Charman Millrcent C)nsavo Umala Dlspensary Charrman Secretaru l Tobras Odredo Julran Abonso Georse Owino Osansa Kadenge Ratuoro Health Centre uhalrperson Juhus Aqwans'a Kose Akoth Cathenne Nvans'or Nrcholas 0dhrambo Peter Ouma Osodo Bar Olenso Drsoensaw Secretary charqe /ln- Chief Lawrence Owrno Charles Okola secretarv Enck Machosu Jonn uDrlo Clans Akrnvr Dorcas Shrkuku Samuel Nvanola Lawrence Okoth ()nroro Chaimerson Secretaru Chief ullben ubare Eltzabeth Atreno \Mukandr Maurrne Awrno Owrnt Joseph Odhiambo Odtcro Andreu,Okich Wrnfred Ogutu Samwel Oriaro Hnck Oduor Eunice Awtno C)wrra Secretary Orrambo Karuoth Drsnensaru Ass. chref Jackson Ouma Rawedr Sara Lusweti secretary Janet Akrnyi Sumba Drspensary Secretarv Charmerson Everlyne Achieng Amuok Yunra Adhrambo Samuel Odhiambo Paul Onvanso Kanot Godfiey Odhiambo Otreno Benard Gunvr Asre Charles OJrambo Paul Otreno Raphael Oduor Ondrcnge Sara Achrenc Keta Ons'ala Marv Adhrambo Ouma Sylvester Otreno Rrchard Oiwans Treza C)nvango Fredrick Orwans Paschal Abanla Veronica A. Otieno Daniel Onvanro Elrzabeth Odongo Jared Otreno Adit Joshua samuel Chref Omollo Mulaha DrsDcnsary Musa O Okelo Secretarv Mtllrcent Aoko Benga Drsnensarv Secretaru Omrrva Ass Chref Samuwal Suero Odhiambo Paul Oorvo Owrro l-rancrs OduorRang'er Jovce Wanvonvi Vrncent O Ogola Domnic. O Annidah Athony O. Osrana Matv Awrno Osutu Agnes Anyango Krhana Pamcla A Ocutu Mercelhne Alreno Judrth Wasrke Pascalia Sakwa Rose Oorvo Phihn Furah Steptren Utleno I Onvanqo Beatrice Janet Akinyr Charles Oduor Omond Esther Aheno Ogolla Simon Onvanso Osutt Mrchael Onyango Shrkuku Rrsoer Awuor Otrcno Jamcs Luka Maheva Secretar! Augustine Owallo C)qola Grace Akrnvr C)kumu Randaqo Drsoensarv 3421 Jultrrs C)rihtarrho Caren Atreno Otreno John Omondi Nyahew NIur I\{alanga Drspensary i THE KENYA GAZETTE Uhembo Drspensary Charrman Beartrce Aluoch Otieno Atpnonce Joanes othim c)chiens Paskaha Achreng Okudo -( THE KENYA GAZETTE 3422 24th December,2Ol4 Jarcd ()ketclr Odrrol Mrlhcent Srambe Drckson Onl,ango Oduor f)anrel ( rambo Bar Asrrlu Dr OrLndo Gcofticy Ochola Ode ro Phehx Dan Odon Caroline Ourna Kogelo DrspcnsarJ Nlanrnr Olah Georse Okoth Otreno James obalo Oiwa EDWARD OWILL,AH, MR/6724001 Count)' Executrve Committee Member for Health. Kennedv Okello GAZETiL NoI.ICE No, 9205 THE GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ACT THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF SIAYA APPOINTN{ ENT IN EXERCISE of the polers conferred by Regulation (5) of Marsaret Odhrarnbo Mrlka Owrno Member rn-charge of Health. Siaya County. appoints the persons named rn the Schedule as menrbers of Health Facrlity Management Boards rvhose composrtton and functrons are as specified rn the Schedule and whose tcnure runs tbr three (-3) years from the date of Gazettement. Anne OIuoch GE]\{ SUB-COUNTY Allovs Ndauu FA('ILITY IlLECTIONS RERA I{/C H.rrvrnga HcJlth EdwarJ Onrondr Ongoro Mrurrce Onrondi Wangil Mrrgarct Atre no Obondo ( cntrc Paul Dundos l\lrllicent Araba Srnrtrn Ols,cndo Ilrlltrc'nt Atreno Anros ( )wrro Plrrhn ()montlr Kaburr D t:pcns.r11 Sellvn.\heno Fbo\ Representatrve (lelestrnc Akrrrvr Mrtp George Ont aneo Okallo Rosemarv Adhtambo Mulo Gabrrel Oderr Adede Pul Orrcth Ofutu Conrmunrty Unrt Rcpresentatlve Youth RcprescutatlYe Soccral Groun SDeclal (rrouD Calleb Arnrnro Jrrrlrth Ahrvao Anylnuo Omontlr Consoidta Atrcno C)nror Assrstant Chrcl Post Mrrw rsca Nonrrnatcd Charrpcrson, Finance And Admlnrstratron. Facrlrtv Incharse/Secretar Women ReDresentatrve LI}IANDA It,iC Stephcn Otrcno Pr d Petcr Ramb.rya Martin Ornhuor Rose Mary Wasonga r N'[rlhccnt Alvrno Nonrrnltcd Clrurflrcrson Wonten Representatrve Youth Rcprescutatrve Fho Joltn Rangala Conrmunrtv Unrt RcDrescntatrve Snecral Grou An;elrnc Atrcno Rosc L)h.ire Socc ral 9.-l,,els )rge( -itorqc S.rlul.r ()rlrror Lle Jtncq A(lhlaurl)(, t i.,gIL"_L q t"ylllp,I,d,l (iroun rty I ncher gr'/Srerctrr y Assrstant Chrel Faer I Nl)ERlr H/( Pott Charrperson. .\dmrrrrstratron and Nlu cr I)tspr.irvrn t,,l,,or n,*orS,tat r i,ir"i' Nt., g.,r.t ( )wr tr the Governlnent Frnancral Management Act, Hosprtal Management Commrttees Regulatrons 2009, the County Executrve Committee l- Jarcti Arcmo Susan Otumc Jor am (Jketch Jrrscph ()drdc Konrolo Enrka Mrdrl.r lri.rr v Olre n,, Frnance Wonren Rr'prcsentatrve Disabled ReDresentatlvc Nl'abeda Communltv Min()rrl\ C'olnnrunrlt (Wnser(' Fbo ) 24th December, 2014 THE KENYA GAZETTE Youth Representative Assistant Chief Facility Incharge/Secretary Cynthia Awuor Gabriel Wasonga Alando Anthony Name Post Name Paul Otieno Nyajure Paul Okinyo Caleb Mboya Lucy Odhiambo Chief Fbo Finance and Administration Community Unit Representative Women Representative, Nominated Chairperson Vulnerable and Maginalised Vulnerable and Maginalised Facility Incharge/Secretary Jeremy Otieno Tom Aruwa Fredrick Ogutu DIENYA H/C LIDHA DISP Mildred Ogonya Maurice Ongare Prisca Oyoya Erick Omollo WAGAI DISP Name J.0 Kodindo Rosemary Anyango Olwande Fredrick Minuda Owuor Tobias Omuonya Philip Sogo Millicent A. Muga Margaret A. Malaki Fred Samo Warinda Post Chairperson, Finance and Administration Women Representative Disabled Representative Youth Representative Fbo Minority Representative Facility Incharge/Secretary Assistant Chief RAMULA H/C Name Jotham Obiero Rose Achieng Michael Odhiambo Wagongo Emmanuel Adol Joyce Mbuchu Ochieng Owegi Joshua Erick Omondi Odhiambo Waore Sameul Nyawalo Beryl Otieno Special Interest Groups Special Interest Groups Facility Incharge/Secretary Post Chairperson Finance And Administration Women Representative Antony Onyango Florence Onyango James Oketch Fanuel Nyabar Dickson Nyagudi George ong'anga Sapia Phylis Nono Virginia Muchela Joseph Odimo Post Chairperson Finance And Administration Women Representative Youth Representative Fbo Community Unit Representative Social Groups Disabled And Maginalised. Social Groups Disabled And Maginalised. Facility Incharge/Secretary Area Chief ONDING DISP Name Post Edward Okumu Phelister Akinyi Amos Adongo James Ogwang Caroline Ochanda Finance And Administration Women Representative Youth Representative Fbo Community Unit Representative Special Interest Groups Nominated Chairperson Special Interest Groups Facility Incharge/Secretary Area Chief CarolineOlwanda Martin Ogutu Christine Asuna Maurice Odine MASOGO H/C Name Post Nominated Chairperson Women Representative Youth Representative Fbo Vulnerable And Maginalised Assistant Chief Facility Incharge/Secretary Apollo 0. Amatta Prez A. Odhiambo George 0 Ogando James Ogwang Martine 0 Ominde Gedfey Wambida Pamela E. Ayiego Otieno Lenox Jowi Simeon 0. Obiero Name Post Name Post Simon Okoth Elsa Swero Omondi Chief Facility Incharge/Secretary Chairperson Finance And Administration Youth Representative Fbo Community Unit Representative Special Interest Groups Special Interest Groups Women Representative Gordon Ochieng Ogonji Florence Anyango Odhiambo David Omondi Mulefu Leonard Osino Ouko Pamella Atieno Otieno Naftali Ohuthu Owuor Lilian Ongoma Lynet Kosey George Anyinyo Finance And Administration Name Post Name Margaret kangai Odenyo Athur Wamalwa Fbo Facility Incharge/Secretary Chairperson Finance And Administration Youth Representative Community Unit Representative Special Interest Groups Special Interest Groups Women Representative Youth Representative Fbo Community Unit Representative Vulnerable And Maginalised GONGO H/C Caren Atieno Ouma George Enos Ouma Edwin Odyembo Oloo Teresa Anyango Akumu Peter Okello Ogumba Janet Adhiambo Odumo Christine Atieno Ondiek Special Interest Groups Special Interest Groups Facility Incharge/Secretary Area Chief ASAYI DISP SIREMBE DISP Peter C. Wanjavva Calleb Aduda Otiato Peter Were Ogwang Susan Millicent Agak Shem David Odhiambo Juanita adhiambo Opot Community Unit Representative Women Representative Youth Representative FBO And Chairperson Community Unit Representative Special Interest Groups Special Interest Groups Facility Incharge/Secretary Area Chief MARENYO H/C Pauline Arunga Mary Akinyi Nyariro Vincent Otieno Kasmir Owino Onjak Benard Otieno Juma Achianja Akombo Olari Samuel Otieno Oloo Anam Odongo Post (Nominated Chairperson] And Community Unit Representative Women Representative Youth Representative ' Fbo Finance And Admninistration Special Interest Groups Special Interest Groups.' Facility Incharge/Secretary Area Chief GOGO DISP Name Post AKALA H/C William Amondo Ajigo Bentet Mululu Charles Ondera Meshack Ngesa Nyanjom George Owi Chairperson Women Representative Youth Representative Fbo Community Unit Representative Name Post Elijah Misita Mary Otieno Jackline Ochieng Solomon Juka Chairperson Women'Represernative Youth Representative.. Fbo . -------1, THE KENYA GAZETTE 3424 Florence Okango Joash Odera Leomadia Otrvando Anam Odongo Chrrs Ooatr Communitv Unrt Representative Specral Interest Groups Specral Interest CrouDs Area Chlel F:rcrlrtv Incharsc/Secrctarl SIAI,A KADI]OI, Posl Finance And Admnrnrstratron Women Representative And Natne Adoniia Kctta Behnder Nyanga Shem Osrelo Mrllicent Ochiens Grace Akrnvr Georse Aduol Consolata Adida Oscar Bichanq'a Kennedv Avreko Charrperson Youth Renresentative Fbo Communitv lJnrt Reoresentative Soecral Interest Grouos Soecial Interest Grouos Facrlrtv Incharce/Secretarl Assrstant Chief NYAWARA H/C Name John Owende Jane Odhuong Emrlv Aoko Mrchael Tanya Judith Owele Phelsona Arvuor Henrv Oswel Lucy Wanqare Davrd Otieno Post Finance And Admninistratron, Nominated Charmerson Women Representative And Chairperson Youth Representative Christine Ocutu Moses Pudo Margaret OAutu Philip Oeada Joshua Otreno Onvango Elidah Asolla Pamela Amboko Michael Atreno Joan Avesa Donngton Oduor Marcaret Owino Youth Representatrvc Lilian Shisra Community Unlt ReDresentatlve Janet Mudhune James Odumo Rebecca C)tieno Austrn C)wino Ouma Soecral Interest Grouos Soecial Interest Grouos SDeclal Interest GrouDs Facrl itv Incharse/Secretarl Assistanr Chref OGERO DISP Post Paul Awuor Odiembo Frnance And Admninrstration Women Representatlve And Chairnerson Everlyn A. Odhrambo Benson Onvanso Nvabende Youth Rerrresentahvc Fbo Herine A. Owensa Perez Anvanso 0iwans Communltv Unit ReDresentatlv€ Jane Akrnvi Asala Snecral Interest Grouos Special Interest Groups (Nominated Chermerson Maurrce Aduda Okuku Mrllrcent Murusi machana Facrlrtv Incharse/Secretarv Wrlliam Okrnso Owitr Assistant Chref EDWARD OWILLAH, Coun\' Esecutit e Conttttittee Membcr Jor Health MR/6724ff)r GAZETTE NoTIcE THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF SIAYA APPoINTMENI. pou,ers conferred by' Regulatron (5) oi the Act, Hosprtal Managenrcnt Commlttees Regulatrons 2009, the County Executrve Commrttee Member in-charge of Health. Sraya County, appornts the persons named ln the Schedule as members of Health Facility Management Boards whose composition and functions are as specified in the Schedule and whose tenure runs for three (3) ycars from the date of Gazettement. IN EXERCISE of the Goyernment Frnancral Management LIS'T OF SELECTED HEAI,TH FACIT-ITY MANAGEMENT BOARD MEMBERS-UGUNJA SUB-COUNTY Ambrose Abado Frnance And Admninistratron Nellv Obrero Women Representative And Charmerson Youth Renresentative Community Unrt Representative Special Interest Groups Soecial Interest Grouos Facilitv Incharse/Secretarv Assistant Chief Wychfe Ochreng Thomas WilLam Opondo Mbune Florence Akinyi Lawr Ochieng Appollo Odera Maloba Caroline Atieno Benter Atieno Ouma Fred Camilus Owinla George Mburie Okumu Phennics Oswavo Ann Ndukwe .e.-rp.* Name Area Ass Chref Youth Rcp FBO Rep Special Interest Group Chairman Women Representative Special Interest Group CU Rep Facility In-charge LIGEGA HEALTH CENTRE Chairperson, rinance And Admnini',a-ation Won- n Rcprescntative And BAR SAURI UHUYI DISPENSARY l'ost Nume MAI-ANGA H/C llslpth (s!44rc No.9206 THE GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL MANAGEME}IT ACT Post Charmerson Women Representative And Chaimerson Yourh Renresentatrve Fbo Community Unit Representative SDeclal Interest GrouDS Soecial Interest Grouos Facilrtv Incharee/Secretarv Assrstant Chref Post Alice Nqosha Nacumba Soecial Interest Grouos Facil itv Incharse/Secretarv Assrstant Chref Fbo Name Nrcholas lvtudaho Awuor Dorine Anvanco Ochienl Jovcc Avavo Odcdc Samwel C)vier Okeuh aqleh 6vier Olanol Fbo Name KAMBARE DISP Ombok Damianus C)luoch Willis Oeale Beatrice Aloo Opondo Elizabeth Obonvo Zadock Obrero Ben Ochiens Sarah Abonv December.2014 Clrairperson, Finance And Ad lnn rnlstration Women Representatlve And Davrd Omayo Communitv Unrt Representative MIDHINE DISP Natne Evans Odhrmbo Awevo 2-1th Youth Rcprcscntativc Fbo C0mmunity Unit RcDrcsentative Socciul Intcrcst Gmrrns Socoial Interest Grouos Faci I itv Incharsc/Secretarv Assismnt Chief Name Post Ambrose Okoth Chairman Ajode Antony Owino Auma Selline A, Oringo Joscph Onyongo Owiso Samwcl Opflndo Obonvo Person With [,'rnarrcial Knowledge Special Group Representative Spccial Group Representative CU Representative Milti;eil Algt.|h Women Representative Okumu Michael O*slf: Arnna Youth Representative Joanes Ng*te Area Chief Odundo FVC Post AngelineKogweno Facilityln-charge I i ! 24th December.2Ol4 THE KENYA GAZETTE RAMBULA DISPENSARY Facrlrty In-charge Chatrman Oruoch Jenrpher Onyango Patrrcra Were Charles Otreno Lukas Odrnga Wrlliam t CU Rcprcsentatrve WonlcnRcpr!'seutatlvc Person Wrth Frnartcral Knorvledge Youth Representatrve Specral Croups Rep. Area Chre l' Specral Croups Rep. GOT OSIMBO DISPENSARY SIKAI-AME DISPI]NSARY Nane Post Kezra Arvrno Meso Women Rep Srmon Olvang Obura Frnance And Adrn/Charrman George Okoth Wasrvala Specral Interest Croup Jenipher Odero Facrhty Incharge/Scc Chnstopher Otreno Area Chref Mulrro Phrlrp Mrlton Ndala FBO Rep Ignatius Otreno Special Interest Groups CU Representatlve Youth Rep Nane Post Teresra Were Zadok J Malowa Pamella A Otrcno Apollo O- Opondo Antony Odongo Rosehda Otrn Jacob O. Ma..;rwa Rebecca Gangla Chlspine Srjeny Brigid Akinyi Ogutu Charrman Facrlrty Incharge FBO Reprcsentatrve George Omollo Youth Rcprescntatrve CU Represcntatrvc MR/672400 Specral Group Representatlve Women (iroup Representatlve Area Chref Specral Group Representatlve Name P0sI Rose Mosonik Facrlity ln-Charge Christopher Muliro Aineah Ayamba Opryo Margaret Sewe Janres Harun Oduor Bishop Lukas Oduor WrlLam Oduol Warcl Representatrve Chairnran Spccial Intercst Group Specral Interest Croup Fbo Rep Cu Representative Aclhaya Angira Ger Women Rep Youth Represl'ntatrve Gabriel Okumu SIGOML,RE HEALT}I CENTRE Nante Phrhp Ornwaru Benson Ourra Mrs Elrzabeth Aunra GAZETTE NoTICE No, 9207 THE, GOVI]RNMENT Odhrambo Enoch Alreth Everline Akoth Alex Otreno John Vrctor Opondo Cecrla Moyr Nyaondo FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ACT THE COUNTY COVERNMENT OF SIAYA APPOINTMTN Member in-charge of Health, Siaya County, appornts thc pcrsons nanrcd in the Schedule as members of Health Facrlrty Managcnrcnt Boarcls whose composrtion and tirnctions are as spr-crlred rn thc Schcdulc and rvhose tenure runs for three (3) years from the (late ol'Gazettement GEM SUB-COUNTY TIRIRI DISPENSARY HEALTH MANAGEMENT BOART) Person Wrth Knowledge Experrnce rn Frnance and Admrnrstration (Nomrnated Charrperson) W0men Representative Youth Representatlve Anrbrose Oketch Rtenr ('hnstrne Osure Sandra I' Kachrcng Davrd Odhrambo Fbo Representatrve Fbo Reprcsentatrve Community Unit Representatrve Special Interest Youth Rcprescntatrve Women Rcpresentatrve Charrman Cu Representatlve Specral Interest Group Spc'cral lnterest Group Area Chref Facrlrty In-Charge ULIJTHE DISPENSARY Phone Chref North East Gem. Matthews Asuner Unrr Drspensary I/C GOT REGEA DISPENSARY Person Wrth Knori ledge Erperrence rn Frnance And Admlnrstratron Women Representative Youth Representative FBO Representative Post Paul Odima Charrman Community Unit Representative: Balbina Okoth Women Reprcscntatrvc Specral Interest Mourine Odrnga Youth Rep Flnos Omamo FB0 Representative Gerald Odinga CU Represclltatlvc Special Intcrcst (iroup Spccial Intcrest Group Facrlity Inchargc Arca Chre I ,fINGARE DISPT]NSARY Nante Post Odhiambo Milhcent O<longo Margaret Onyango Vrncent Omollo Drsmas Okumu Olirva Eddah Ochreng Steven Itlaura Frnance And Admrn Raphacl Worncn RcJr Spe-cral Intcrcst Groups Spccral Intcrcst (iroups FB{) Rep Cu Rep Youth Rep/Charrman John Ogada Alrcc Awuor Kcvrn Onwo Hrllary Odhrambo 7213r9r10 Nome Letesia Apondr Ayub Odhrambo Beatrice Omoro Victor Opondo T IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by Regulatron (5) o1'thc Govcrnnrent Financial Management Act, Hosprtal Managcment Committees Regulatrons 2009, thc County Exccutrvc Conrnrttce Posl Opany Mr Ayub EDWARD OWILLAI], llltntbtr futr Ht'olllt Coutl^, Executtye Contnutlce r SIMENYA DISPENSARY Doris Atreno Area Chref Facrlity Incharge Post TeresaTagoonyango t P Sylvester 0mondi Joseph Mukoya Name Lity Okedi Herman Opondo Augustrne Onrondr t 3425 Jarcd Okong'o Arua Prrsca Apondr Lowo Solomon Ontlrkr Joel Odrala (Nomrn"icd Charrperson) Wrllrce Agot Okcllo Agness Okong'o Nclson Radrng Mwalo Jane N. Okrnyo Jamcs Aggrey Ouma Got Regea I/C Assistant Chref EDWARD OWILLAH, CounN E.tec ut i r,( i|4Rl6724001 GAZETTE NoTICE C (\ttrrt t I t.'e Mt nt lrc r lor I I<'a II h No. 9208 THE GOVERNMENT FINANCIAI- MANAGEMENT ACT THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF SIAYA APPoINTMENT powers conferred by Regulatron (5) of the Government Financial Management Act, H()spital Mxnagement Commrttees Regulatrons 2009, the County Executrve Commlttee Member in-charge of Health, Sraya County, appornt\ the persons named rn the Schedule as members of Health Facrlrty Managcnrent Boards IN EXERCISE of the THE KENYA GAZETTE 3126 2-lth Decenrher'. l0 1 -l f)nrondr (\!.rd rr,hose composrtron and functtons are as spccrfred tu the Suhcdulc and whose tenure runs Ior three (3) ycars fronr the date ofGxzcttcnrcnt Bcnson ()n1.rngo Lrst ol'Healtlr Mtnagement Conrnlttces rn Ugenya Sub County (icorgc ()bwar Charnlatt Nrcholrrs R.ihrn A*.intlu Wrll'rrtr-r Olrattr Nrcholrs Onrondr .lohn ()trc-no Sccrcttt y Nlcmbcr Charrnran Edrvard Iunur Masrka Sectetan Menrbcr Member Member Member Member Member (Ward Rcp North Ugenya) Paulrne Onrondr Maunce Okunru Consolarta Aurna Ann Onyango Julius Ng'onga Bob Ertck Ndcrrlr Andrcri,Nlryaua Aggrey Obel Monica Omondr Abraham Omollo Secretary Peres Otreno Michael Omolo John Mboto Manin Kangrchu Benson 0nyango Omondi Member Member Member Dcrrrs Otrcno Nlega I)arnclr ( )koth Stephen Katlera SIFIIYO HIlAI-TH CENTRE Mcmber r Fho ) Mentber (Warcl P.cp Furr Ugenyr I Menrber' Alice Otreno Mcnrbcr Marfrn Kangrclru Gladys Adhr.rrnb,r Charrman Serl e tJry Menrber Membcr Menrber Mernber Mernber ML'rrber (Ward Rep. North Ugcn) a) Mernber (Pho) l,'lember C'harrman SL'cretdry Ehzabethbakhahc'nd.r Joal.rr;3rlo iudrth Aw rno ()n_vango El'erll'n Kerubcr Mc-rnLrer Mernber Mernher Mcnrbcr Member Mcrnber Nlcurber (W.rrd Rcp Wcst Henry Wcrc Stephen K,rdcr.r LT!enva I t II{ENGA DISPITNSARY Caleb Ochreng Agola Ceciha Chclangat Mrlgo Martrn Kauglchu Michael Odhranrbo Henry Olrcno Solonron t )ttcno Bob Ertc Ndonlr BeneJtct ( )tlhrarr rhtr ChiLrlcs Onyrngo Otttno St'crc'tary rrrr l' ' r:'ra Zrlpa .r\uma Oduor .lutlrth Arv rno Onyango Jared Meso Jlmes Okoth Trna Ooko Everlyh Oltxr Bc-nson Onyango Omondl Secretarv Menrber (Pho) Member Nlember Menrber Member Member (Ward Rep East Ugenya) T]KW,ALA SUB COIINTY HOSPITAL (,'h.rtrman (N{ed Sup Fanucl Olurng Paulrnc r\chreng Opondo GAZT1].TT. N0IICTj 1 Secretar\'([Iospltdl Admlnrstrator ) Mornber ( Ph;rrnracrst ) Member (Plro) Member (Nurrrrc C)l'f rccr In Courtt:l',tt'r u t r \' ( ) EDWARD L)\\ II-I,I\H, altlt (' t,r t ttlt t tt(' ? it fu t tt h o t t I I t Jt No 9209 I-{)REW( )Rt) ()n hch.rll ol the Pubhc Serr rcc Bo.rrcl of Kranrbu. I .rrn plcasr'd to subrnrt thrs Countr Assenrblv rcp()lt ,rr ller See tr()n 5t) ( I ) ,r,rd i5) of the Cr)unt\' (itrvcrrtntent 1.1 ll) | 2 prov Memher (Pho) Mcrnber lvlcmber Me nrber (\\ artl Rr-p N,rrth Membcr a Mcnrbcr Mcrn[rer ('harr m.rn Judtth Otre rro Rtchard Os'uot Rose Atrcrto Alak.r Pascal Nyantlo lvlcrrber Mcnrber Mcmber Mcmbcr Mcrnhei' Is t()t Is 'l-he lJoard rcmans purp()\clirllv nrrutled rn carr) rnlJ otrt rls role in ste.rdf.t\t (()rnplr.rncc lo thc lJ\\. rnsprred at alJ trnrcs 1r e\cruling drlrqcnt. .rctountlrhle and ttrnsp.u ent \el \ lee to thu' pLrlrlrc TAi]I-TJ OII T'ONTIJNTS Sc( r(-Lar Y N4eniber t Pho the Tht- []o.rrd 1\ aogntzdnt thr( lLs l()lc rs rrtcgr.rl ro,rr0lrtlrrrg the hur,rarr resorrrcc s(rltwarc to llrrrpcl iirc coLlnty lo i-i!.,'lcr tr,,'rSlrts W.rrrll,un (l('rllc.rtL'd t0 ttrls ttobls ealirrt;g t I,IGAT-A DISI,IINSARY AIice Arrr Conrhe K Stcphert \\'c h.rrc spclt out thc clcr',i.irrtl.rtlrtLlres tl)dl lr.rrc cntlrgrtl John Bosco r\ntl.rre' Jane Odtal" Chnsprrr ()dhranrbo Dr I Brurul rri tlrc .ourse of lhe ycar .u)d tlre steps tal-cn to corrrply rvrth our mandatc as requrrecl by the Countl' (iovernment Acr arl(l ('ol)strtutional ('harrman Ugcny Ni anla Charl, , Orr'rc l\IR'671-1(X)l Peter C)kok Stephen Kadcr.r Member (Pho) Member Menrber Mcmber Member Mcmber Member Member (Ward Rep West Ugenya) Chargc Mcmber Mc'mber (Pho) Member Frednck Ogs,el Mrhcent Anyango Charles Onyarrgo Denrs Otreno Njega Alrcc Omondr Vrncent Wangrra Selrn,-'O*'rntr Elras Joscph Onyngo Calhcrrr rc Akoth Orlunrhc CuroI rnc Arryan-uo Adenr BAR ACHUTH DISPENSARY Remlrus Oduor Sccretary SECA DISPENSARY UMER DISPENSAR\' Patrick Odhrambo Denrs Onyango Akanga George Otreno Monrca Akrnyr George Pamha John Ogola John Oloo Bob Errck Ndonlr { CirJll man Prrsctlra Onyango GeL,, ,gc I\,1ember Sylvesta Ong'rven I\{enrbcr Menrbcr Menrbcr (Pho) Member Member (Ward Rep iVcrt Ugen) a) Wilhlnr Omondr JERA DISPENSARY Charrman Nlenrhcr Menrber Drut Okonya N{ember (Pho) Danrel Mrvansa l<ctl irtrst ) NYANti' Ll l)ISPIINSARY BAR NDEGE DISPT,NSARY John Orvrno Menrbcr Ugenya ) {'{rlltcnt\ N0 1 [-orcurrr.i ll'on.i rhe Charrrnur I IlLrrxirrcir,rri 3 ('orrrposrtron o1'the Courity Puhlrc Scrvicc 4- Furlcrr()ils ol thc Board 5. Sr,1,s.,rrtl l)ccisrons nrarli bv rhc llo;r-ci Boar,l THE KENYA GAZETTE 24th December.20 l-l 6 Recotnrnendattons tn Thc Promotton and Protectton of Value s and Prrnc rples 7 8 Actilitres catrrcd out b1'thc Board Partrculars of I'ersons rvtro lrave Vrolated Valucs and Governance 9 Pr ncrples ot 59 t I t Thc functrons of the County Puhlrc Servrce Buard shall lre. on behalf of thc county (;o\ crnment to (a) (b) establrsh and abolrsh otfrces rn the county publrc servrce. (c) cxerclse drscrplrnary control over, and remove, persons holdrng or actn)g rn those offices as provrded {irr under thts Impedrments ln thc Pr()rnolron of Nal.ronal Values and PrtncrpL-s l0 Programmes the Board rs Undefiaklrig or has Planned to Undertake Torvards Pnrntotton of the Values and Princrples I 12 I (d,t Conclusron INTRODLICTION (e) Arrrcle 59 which provrtJes that functions of the County Publrc Service Board shall be, on behalf of the County Government to: (d) prepare regular repons fbr submission to the The County Covernment Act in Article 59 (5) further states rnter alia that. The report by the County Public Servrce Board under (l ) (f) shall (a) be delivered each December to the County Assembly, (b) include all the steps taken and decisions made by the board, (c) include specrfrc recommendations that require to be implemented in the promotron and protection and prtnctplesi of the submrssron of the to thc County o[ the functrons promotc ln the county public servrce the values and principles referred to rn Anicles l0 and 232 of the evaluate and report to the County Assembly on the extent to whrch the values and princrples referred to tn Artrcle l0 and 232 are comphed within the county public servrce; (g) facilitate the development of coherent, intcgrated human resource plannrng and budgetrng for personnel emoluments on counties. (h ) advise the county managementand government on human resource developmentl (i) advrse the county government on implementatron and monltonng of the natronal performance management systems in countres, 0) make recommendations Commrsston on behalf to the Salaries and Rcmuncratron of the County governmcnt, on remuneratron, penslons and gratuities for county the publtc service employees STEPS AND DECISIONS MADE BY THE BOARD include specrfrc decrsrons on particulars of persons of publrc body rvho have vrolated the values and princrples. rncludtng actrons taken or recommended agalnst them: (e) rnclude any lmpedlments ln the promotlon of the values and princrples. and (f) rnclude the proSrammes the Board is undertaktng or has planned to undertake ln the medium term towards the promotron of the values and prrncrples. This second report of the Kiambu County Publc Servrce Board to the Krarrbu County Assembly covcrs a period of The Board has hcld regular Board meetrngs and drscussed agcnda that focused on rmplementatron of the Board's mandate Thc' Board has cstablrshed four functronal commlttees rn older to effrcrently corcr all areas of operatrons wlthln rts mandate l-{ere belou are the dri}'ere nt Conlmlttees formed by the Board to en\ure that every spherc' of lts r)randate is covered bl the mcnrbcrsComtntttee Recruitment Selection Commrttee S<'tt1tc & eleven months fiorrr January 2014 to November.20ll I Analyze repofls and proposals ou cstablrshment and abolrtion of ofTrccs Proccss requests for advertrsenlcllls II- of l aclncres COMPOSITION OF THE COUNTY PLTBL]C SERVICE BOARD III The composrtron o1'the' Kranrbu County Publc Servrcc Boards ts rn accordancc rvrth the provl\rolls of the County Govcrnment ALt Scrutrnrze the lndents to be adl'ertrsed IV Sectron 58 Prr-parrngrntervle\\'toolsand c0ordrnate rntervle$'s Analyze and make rccomnrendatrons on rcquests on V The Kiambu County Pubhc Servrce Board comprlses Mr Justrn Ndungu Krnranr, thr- Charrman, Mrs, Lucy Wanlrku K. Kanrau. the Vrce Charrperson, Mr Enc Mwaura Krnko, Memher, Dr, Braham D Vasrsht, Menrber and Mrs. Alexandrrah Muhanlr, Member. The Board sccrctary restgned on lst Seprember, 2014. The Kiambu County Government advertised for a centfred publtc secretary to fill rn thc posrtron of secretary to the Boartl 'I'his rvas done rn accorrl.rncc rvrth thc County Government Act 20l2 .tl]Dr)lntlnents and Dromotrons Pensrons PubLc Relatlons & Staff Welfare Commrttee (l) (ll) (rrr) Capiicrty burldrng and trarnrng Rcsearch and advrse on pcnsron anr gratuity matters Advice and grve recommendatron: k) Salanes and Remuneratror Commrssrou (SRC) on behall'ot lhr county on Sectron 58 rvhrch provrdcs (I) Thc Countl l'ublrc Scrl'rcc Board shall conrpr',e(c) a certrllctl pttttlre sccrctart of good prolc\sr,)n.rl for executlon (f) values (d) 20ll the Constitution County Assembly on the execution of the functions of the Board subsectron prepare regular rcports Assembly on Board. This annual Report has been prepared by the Kiambu County Pubhc Service Board for presentatlon to the Krambu County Assembly rn accordance wlth the requlrements of County Government Act 2012 (l) appolnt pcrsons to hold or act ln offlces of the county publrc servrce rncludrng ln the Boards of cltles and urbln arcas wlthirl the county .rnd t0 confirm appolntments, Part; Way Forward ANNUAL COUNTY PL]BLIC SERVICE BOARD REPORT I 3421 the rcmuncratr()n pcn\lon:, an(l gratulty for Counlt Puhlrc Scl\ rce emplote,-'s ( sLandtttg The functrons ol'thc ('ounty Publtc Servtce Board arc spclt out Section 59 of the County (iovernment Act as folkrivs rrilllrlprlrjtt for lhc coull,t, dn, publtt scrvrce emplovees (! Iluman Resourct' tn ) (',ucer tlc'relopntent nomrn.rted .rntl apporntcd by the governor u rth the appror.rl of the Countl'Asscmblv. s'ho shall he the lccr!-tary (o thc Board FUNCTIONS OF T}II] B()ARD r\ Managemcrlt ) (-'rxrrdrnate Semlnars, (r) (ri) (rrrl uorkshop, and Board tnps Spcar hcad Performancc C()nlrirctrn! and Apprarsals Dcvclopment of Hunran Resottrct Polrcres, HR Managemcnt I)rscrplint' and Promotrons THE KENYA GAZETTE 3428 lv) Lltrgations and Lcgal Servrce (l) Adminrstration & Plannrng (il) Frnance, Accounts, Budgeting Adrnrnistration C()lnmrttee (lrr) (rv) Procurement & Expendrture lnformatron Technology (ICT) Board Records/Lrbrirry Senrces (a) P(r,\tIton Adverttsed Nunrber oJ Posts I Nursrng Olftcers 85 2 Regrstered Clinical Offrccrs 2l l Lahoratorv Technoloqrsts Pharmaceutrcal Technologrsts 1 .l Durrng the year undcr revrew the Board has carned out actrvltlcs that fall under rts mandate The followrng arc sonre of the actrvitre-s Recrultment The County Government Act 2012 sectron 66 provldes that: If a public offrce rs to bc frlled, the County Publrc Servrcc Board shall rnvrte apphcatrons through advertrsen)cnt and other modes of conrmunrcatron so as to reach a wide a populahon of potcntlal applrcants as possrble and cspecrally persons who fbr any reason lrave 2-lth December,20l4 5. 6. Nutntlollsts Health Records 3 1 & Inlbrmatrol 3 OfTrccrs 7. 8. Occunatronal Theraorsts Ortlronetilc Technolosr st 9 Ph vs t0 R ad II f Dcntal Technologrsts Medrcal Socral Worker Medrcal Engrneennl Technolocrsts t2 l3 otheranl sts ropranhers 2 r 3 bccn or may be drsatlvantrgutl. Subsequent to the last report rn whrch the Board reportcd advertrslng drfferent catcgones of Admrnrstrators and secretarrat stalT, the sald posrtlons have srnce been filled, (r) Adminrstrators Position Filled Number of Posls County Chief Offrccrs l0 County Secretary Countl t2 Sub Admrnrstrators Ward Admrnrstrators 46 2 3 4 Reporting Dtttt The recrurtccl health rvorkers lvere commrssioned by H E the Governor on I lth September, 201.1 Below rs a prcturc of the Governor lssulng an appolntment letter to one of the health rvorkers I-ooking on rs the Charrman of the Krambu County Pubhc Servrce Board. Mr. Krmanr (iv) 03.06.14 03.06.I ,1 Health Department. OI 10 I.1 Duh'St0tton Cadre 0t.l I 1.1 The vacant positions for Ward Admrnrstrators rn the County were 60 in total after the rnterviews. the Board observed that more than 80o/o of the candidates intervrewcd rvere from the domrnant communlty rn the Countl, ) 3 J 5 6 The Constitution of Kenya 2010 Artrcle 56 provrdes that: - Medrca Offrcers Medtca Of f rcers Mcdrca OfTrcer Medrca Offrcer Medrca Offrcers Medrca Offrcers 8 Medrcal Offrcers Medrcal OfTicers 9 Medrcal OfTicers l0 Medrcal Offrcers Medrcal Officers 7. Thc State shall put rn place affrrmative actlon programmes desrgnccl to ensure that minonties ancl rnargrnalised groups (c) The Boaril ratrfied the apporntment of 46 doctors rvho had been posted by the National Govcrnment on internshrp as rcquested by 2 Tr fon 2 Kihara Karurr Wansrcc Krambu DH Thrka L 5 Gatundu DH 8 .1 Kikuyu Mrssron Hosortal Igeganra Sub Drstrict Hosnrlal Trgonr DH Lusslgettr Sub Distnct Hosortal Rurru Sub Drstnct Hosprtal Nazarcth Mrssion Hosoital are provrded specral opportunrtres for access to employnrent, again at ArtrcJe service rncluclc 232 (I) The values ernd prrnctples of puhlrc ll - t2. Medrcal Offrcers (h) representatron oI Kenya's diverse communrties; and (i) affordrng adequate and equal opportunities firr t3 Medrcal OtTrcers t4 l5 Dental Offrcers Dental Offrcers t6 Dental C)ffrcers l'1 Dental Offrcers t8 Pharmacrst Pharmacrst appolntment, training and advanccment, at all levels of thc public servrcc, (rl (il) of- men ltnd rvomen: the nrembers of all ethnrc groups; and (iii) persons wrth drsabilities. The County Government Act Section 65 provrdes that the CPSB shall consrder, among other things, the need to ensure that at least 30 percent of the vacant posts at entry level are frlled by candidates who arc not from the domrnant ethnrc communlty in the county In observance of these provrsrons, the Board re-advertrsed l4 posrtrons for 20 Pharmacrst Ward Admrnistrators, targetlng the non-domrnant communltres. 21 Pharnrac (rr) 22. 23. Pharmacist 11 Pharmacrst Secretariat The followrng secretanat stafT reported for rvork on I 5th July, 20 Po.tttton Frlled I Head of I-esal 2. Lesal C)ffrcer t. Senior Human Resource Officer 4 Records Manaaement Officer 5. Finance Officer 6. ICT Offrcer (rrr) Health Workers - 13.1 r t9 r Wangrge Karuru Sub District Hosrrrtal Kihara Sub Drstncl Hosortal Trgonr Sub Drstrict Hosprtal Kiambu DH Rurru Sub Drstnct Hosprtal Tr gon st Pharnracist 2 l4 Nrutrber of Post.r (\') Drfferent Categones of staff rn r Thrka L.5 Gatundu DH Kihara Sub Drstricl Hosprtal Krgumo Sub District Hosortal Roads Transport & Pubhc Works Department I I Further to the request from the Minrstry of Health for vacant posltrons to be frlled rn all Counties, the Pubhc Servrce Board advertrsed and filled the followrng posltrons - Pursuant to a request from the Roads Transport and PubLc Works Department for drfferent categones of staff, the Pubhc Scrvrce Board advertrsed, shortlrsted, intervrerve-d and selected the following candldates for drfferent posltlons as rndrcated below No. Posttton Adyernsed Number of Posts 2 SuDenntendent of Works Malntenance InsDectors 6 l0 THE KENYA GAZETTE 24th December,2O74 3 Countv Electncal Ensrneer 1 Butldtng Insoectors t0 5. 6. 1 tt. Countv Enp rnecrrng Survevors Sub Countv Engrneers Asslstant Sub Countv Engrneers lounty Assrstal)t Surveyors 9. County Qualrty 1 The County Covernment Act Scctron 59 grves disciplrnary control to thc PubLc Servrce Board antl provrdes the critcria to be lirllowed. In exercrsing drscrphnary control thc Publrc Servrce Board shall ohserve the pnnciples of natural lustrce and ensure that no publc ol'ftccr may be punrshed in a nranner Lontrary to any provision of the Constrtutlon or any Act of Parllament. 1 10 6 Assurilnc( 5 Fnqrneer (b) RECOMMENDATIONS Advertrsements especlally persons rvho for any reason have been or may be drsadvantaged, Follorving approval of a formal request from thc relevant departmcnt the board advertrsed thc followrng posltions Department ol Land. Housrng Posttnn,s & Planning Nunber of posts Drrector, County Physrcal Plannrng 3 out sustalnable development. The Board durrng the year under revierv has conttnued to observe all Constrtutronal provisrons ln carrylng out tts ntandate 6 Development Control Officcrs - County Phvsrcal Plannrn g DcDartmcnt Development Monltonng & Enfbrcement Officers - County Physroal Plannrng T)enafimenl I)lrector - County Housrng & Comnrunrty Develooment DcDartment Deputy Drrcctor. County Housrng & Communrty Development Asst Director- CouDty Hou\lng & Communrtv Develonmcnt I)enartment Drrector - County Land Survey and Geo Informatrcs DeDartment Deputy Director, County Land Survey & Geo Infilrmatics DeDartment Cartographers/Draughtnran - County Land Survey & Geo Informatrcs l)epartnrcnt Director. Land Valuation and Countv ProDertv Manasement Deputy Dlrector - Land Valuatron and Coul'rtv ProDerty Managcmcnt Asslstant Director - l-and Valuation and (-ounl v Proncrlv Manascmcnt 5 6 '1 8 9. l0 il t?- l-3 t4 ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT BY THE BOARD The folloivrng are some of the activrties that the Board engaged in durrng the year under revrew 2 t2 World Bank Performance Managcmcnt Systcm The County Govemlnent through the lnstlgatron of the Governor has been cnrolled in a performance management system Thrs rs a World Bank softrvarc that was approl'ed by H.E- thc DeDartnlent 4 l5 t5 I I 2 2 Govcrnor for monrtonng effrciency and cffectiveness rn implenrentation of actlvltles withln the County dcpartmeuts and the Publrc Servicc Board as per thelr specrfrc workload. Thrs rs a vrtal tool rn cnsuring optlmum perfbrmance and servrce dchvery to the public (u) The Board putlclpated rn various tralnrng programmes, rncludrng for Sustarnable Instrtuttons Annual Internatlonal Conferencc carrred out by ICPSK. Integnty rn Pubhc Lcadcrshrp Proqram at Strathnlore Governance Centre and Capacity Developrnent Forum for Charrpcrsons and Secretarres of CPSBs at the Kenya School of Government at Strathmore Unlverslty . I I 3 secondment of staff from natronal governnlent to county governments, Scction 7-l of thc Act stipulates tlle tL.rms of servlcc rncludrng remuneratlon, allorvances, pensions and other beneflts. . (IFMIS) Secondment of drfferent categones of staff rn Finance l)epartments .l 5 ( 7 (d) DiscrpLnaryControl Trarnlng on requlsltron on e-procurcmont IFMIS- The Board mc'mbers undcrrvcnt c-procurement trarnrng by Integrated Frnancral Management Inlbrmation System 825 dated 7th February 2t)1.1 Govemnrent Act Sectlon 73 (5), consrdered and ratifred apporntments on secondnlent of thc follorvrng staff in the Department of Finance and Economrc Plannrng 3 Systenr Apphcation Product (SAP) workshop Captured herr' belorv rs a rvorkshop between Systems Applrcations The board rn cxerclslng rt's powers as provrdcd by the County 2 r & Products (SAP) and the Board T0 complrment the law the Transitronal Authorrty rssued guidelrnes for transrtron of stafT to County Governrneuts through Kenya Gazettc Postttotl As Drrector of Frnance Chret Accountant Economrst Senlor Accountant Senior Frnance Olfrccr Senror Suoplv Charn Manaqcmcnt Officer Records Manage rnent OI'[rccr a softrvare whosc product allows organrzatlons to track ernployecs performance and actlvltles geared towards making the county nlore effrcicnt and cffective It rs a system that has several nrodules nanrely personal data form, payroll. leavc applicahon forms, staff perfornrance management system, accountlng templates aniong others The Board has had a number ol'prcsentatlons fronr the servrce provrder on how lt works. It ls a system rf approved by the County would enhance performance, effrcrency aud eff'ectrveness as well as movc thc County to a paperless County offrces. The system rs strll under drscussron The Board supports approval of thrs systern Thrs rs for (i) System Applrcatron Product (SAP) The Board attendcd I 'I'he County Ciovctnment Act 2102 rn Sections I 38 creates a mechanrsnr No Trainrng Good Corporate Governance I (c) Secondments Notrce AND Chapter 232 of the Constrtutron of Kenya 20 l0 sets out the Natlonal Values and Pnncrples of publrc servtce as havrng a hrgh standard of professional ethlcs, berng efflcrent and effectlve. berng rmpartral in provrsion of servlces, being accountable and transparent and carrying (r) DeDartment Deputy I)irector. County Physrcal Plannrng Department Asst. Dlrector, County Physrcal Plannrng 2 IN THE PROMOTION PROTECTION OF VALUES AND PRINCIPLES The County Government Act Sectron 66 provrdes.- If a pubhc offrce rs to be filled, the County Publc Service Board shall invite applicatrons through advertrsement and other modes of communrcatlon so as to reach as wrde a populatlon of potentlal apphcants as possrble ancl (r) 3429 I I I l( I I I . Inductlon Training The Board rnitiated rnductron tralnlng for nerv staif e g. Ward Admlnistrator\ (rr) Board Meetrngs Tlte Board also held trvo regular nlcetlngs cach rnonth and specral board meeting rvhenever lt became necessary 6 PARTICULARS OF PERSONS WHO FIAVE VIOLATED VALUES AND PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNANCE As stated under the drscrphnary contlol, an Offrcer rn thc Dcpartment of Lands Housing and Phlsrcal Plannrng under whose wiltch two burldings that were belng constructed in Thika collapsed and krllecl sonre people rvas rnterdlcted after tnvestlgatlons revcaled that he had nrrsused his authonty and allowed sub standard burldrng matenals to be used THE KE,NYA GAZETTE 3430 7 IMPEDIMENTS IN THE PROMOTION OF (rrr) NATIONAI- VALUES AND PRINCIPLES strateglc managemcnt consultant to assrst rn thc development of a stratcglc plan antl servrce charter to gurde the Board rn thc ncxt frve years. spelt out rn section 65 ( I ) e of the County (iovernment Act whrch \tate\ in making apporntments lhere is - (rv) the nccd to ensure that at least thlrty percent of vacant posts at cntry level are ftlled by candrdates who are not from the donllnant cthnrc comnrunity ln thc county During the interview for Ward Adminrstrators, the wlthln the Krambu public service rn order to sensltlze people on Natronrl values and the provrslons of Constltutlon. legal (v) ch (vr) (a) Legal Challenges Represc-ntatron Kcnya Local Government Workers Unron vs Krambu - A contenrpt of court surt has bcen frled by 90 rvorkers *'ho wcre drsrnrssed in 2006 The contcmpt proceedings were flled further to J court order grven to rclnstate the workers (b) In our advertisements we have made conscious efTort to request PLWD to apply and also have been crrculahng Job advertrsements to the sub countres over and above crrculatron rn the mass medra. Case l'iled agalnst the Municrpal Councrl of Rurru This case frled rn July 2010 by workers rn Rurru for rvrongful terorination of employment (c) Case filed agalnst County Government of Kiatnbu for the serviccs of an officer whose gross lnterdrctlng neghgence led to the collapse of a burlding under constructlon that krlled some people The Board wrll ensure that rt sends all adverilsements lor posltrons that comc up rn the County public \ervrce to the Clerk of the County Assembly so that he can avail the advertisements to the members of thc County Assembly rn a brd to ensure that they cncourage the people ,n their wards to apply. (rr) & Count)'Secretary, PSB & others In addrtron the Board contlnues to engage rvrth PLWD through thetr umbrella organlzatlon k)gether wlth engagrng rvrth Members of the County assembly representlng thrs segment ol our populacc to find ways and means to asslrnrlate PLWD rnto our worklbrco. Hunran Resource Development rldrcn During thc ycar under rcvrew the Board has been serzed wrth crvrl surts most of whrch had been frled agarnst the delunct munlclpalltrc\ The tsoard ru seekrng to meet the 5% thrc'shold of PLWD bcrng rncluded rn the workfbrce as strpulated rn the Persons with Drsabllities Act and inclusrvrty as requrred rn the Constrtutron of Kenya the Board seeks to create and frll a substantrve posltlon to be held by a perstxr Lvrng with drsabrlity to enhance malnstreamlng of PI-WD rvrthrn thc County PubLc Servrce (l) Early Chrldhood Educatron The Board shortlrsted and rntervrewcd 2000 teachers before the Hrgh Court stoppcd the exererse countrywrde. Thrs rs a critrcal area and rve are lookrng forrvard to this ban berng Lfied to cnable the hinng of these teachcrs to help our PRoGRAMMES THI] BOARD IS TINDERTAKING OR HAS PLANNED TO IJNDERTAKE TOWARDS PROMOTION OF THE VALLIES AND PRINCIPLES WAY FORWARD 2OI5 Proruotion o1'values rn pubhc servrce- Thc Board wrll carry out a pubhc atvareness campaign rcqulremcnt of l/3 threshold of all recrurtments being from the nondomrnant cornmunlty had not been achreved. Thrs led the Bourd to rcadvertlse ln the pnnt medra and the Krantbu County websrte l-l positrons prrmanly targeting thc non-dontinant contmunrties 9. Strategrc Plan antl Servrce Charter The tsoard rs rn the process of engagtng a The Board also found that rt rvas drtTrcult meetrng the thresholcl 8 24th December,2014 (d) KNUT -vs- The tlon. Attomey General & I othcrs Pctltlon flled seeklng to stop recruitment of ECD teachers by County Governmonts In all these lnstances the County has legal representation defendrng the matters Policres IO l'he Board also rntends to complete pohcy documcnts that govern the County pubhc servrce in order to brrng about unrformity in dealtng wrth pubhc servants. The followrng ale some of the polcres.- Polict Statu.s Leave Polrcy - developed to ensure that employees take annual leav!- wlthrn set timelnes so that they can recuperate and to avord accumulatton of leavc C'ompletcd CONCLUSION The Krambu County Publrc Servrce Board seeks to deepen tles wlth the members of the Colnty Assenrbly and the natronal and regronal institutlons that fbcus on human rL'source development. KPSB looks forward to dceper lnteractlon wlth all stakeholders wrth the aim of nraking Krambu County the leadrng County rn the Republic JUSTIN N. KIMANI. Chuirnmn. GAzEmENo'ncFrNo 9210 2 Trainrng polrcy - for effrcient.rnd Completed THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2O12) effectrve scrvice delivery 3 Servrce Charter- ln progress 4 Promotron policy In progress 5 Retirement policy In progress 6. Internship polrcy In progrcss 7 Performance Contract ln progress 8 Development departments of organograms for all Drafts are ready Isst,lE ot, A PRoVISIoNAL CERTIFICATE rn the HR audrt repon To-date the tsoard has submrtted the Trarnrng and Leave polcres bcforc H E. the Governor for adoptron. WHEREAS Peter Warbochi Gitahi, of P O l)ox 12227 , Nyerr rn the Rcpubhc of Kenya, rs reglslered as propnetor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 7585/50, sltuate ln Nyeri Munrcrpalrty rn Nyerr Drstrrct, hy vlrtue of a certlflcatc of trtle reglstered as I R. 11171 lll, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the sald ceftlflcate of trtle has becn lost, notice ls glven that after the explration of srxty (60) days from the d:ite hereof, I shall rssue a provisronal ccrtifrcate of title provided that no objection has been recerved withrn that period Dated the 24th December. 201-1 J W,KAMUYU, MR/6254920 The rnternshrp, pronrotlon and retlrement polrcres arc- in progress and ive shall subrnrt them as soon as they are colnpleted- Re gnt rar of Title s, Nairobr. 2-1th Dece nrtrer {),\z.t'.l'1t. NoTICt N(] THE KENYA GAZETTE "2014 92ll .143 t Gezrr rrE Nrirr<'u No. 92 I 5 ]-HE LANI) REC;IS'I'RATION AC'ItA,p -lr,i Is.itrts \1, THE LAND RE(iISTRATION ACT l[)I]I ol. \ I)Rovtst()NAL (No 1 oJ201)) Ct,R ln,tCA ill ISSL]B OI. A PROVISIONAT- C|RTITJI('N I'E lllll{E,{S l'lanftrst In\!.stlncnt\ Lrnlted, .r lrtlrted ltabrlrtl (('rnpany rncorp()r.rfed tn Kcnya, of P.O. Bt>x l2Ol11062l, Narrobi rn tire RL'l)ublrc ol Kcrva. rs regrstercd as proprrctof lessce of all th.lt piece rrf land kno*n as L. R No 2O91311liI. \rtuatc rn the ctty of Narrobr.by \rrtuc ()l'd grant rcgrstelcd as IR 86-1-36i 1/1. and uhcreas strillcrent tvrdencc has bc'cn:rdduccd to shou,that thc s:ird grant has becn lost, llotice ls qlven th.l( after thc e\ptr.ltl()D of srrty (60) dals front the date lrcreot. I shall rssuc a prorrslonal rcrttflcatc of tttl!- fl()\,ldc(l that n0 obleciron h,rs bccn rccerl'ctl u,rthrn that perrod Daud the 2.1th I)ecernher. 101.1 C' N KIILIYI. \\'HEREAS Judrth Wanltru Nlenga, rs the admrnrstratr)r of thc estltc ()f Andrcw Nyonr Nlenga (deceased), of P O Box 44752 {0100, Narrohr in thc- Rcpublc of Kenya. ts the rcglstered proprictor lessee of all that prece of land kntxvn as L R 209/522/2, srtuate ln the clt) ()f Narrobr rn thc Nairobr Area, held under a grant regrstered as I R l, and wlrcreas sul'llctent cvrdence has been adduced to show that the gilllt rssucd thereOf has becn lost, notlce ts glven that after thc explr.rtron of \rxty (C0) days frorn thc date hercof, I shall rssue a provrsr()nal ccrtrlicate of trtle provrded that no oblectron has bcen recerved withttr that pr-nod 325,1i Datcd the l-1th Decenrber. l0l-1 R?.ttslrar ol l'rtlet, Nuttobt MR/671.1029 (i AZL't-t' ]\,i(]Trc r No. 92 I 2 ,T'HE \ Cezr, r-rg No'trc l)Rovt\t( )NAL CER t"il.tcA'fi, rncorporalcd rn Kcuya. ol Rc1;ublic of Kel;.r. r\ regl trrt ti lrs proprretol lessee of all that prece of ian<l knou,n as L R No lllll)i-3, \ltuitc ln thc clt\ oi Nztrrobr, by vrrtue of a cerlrflcate 01 trtie rcgl-tercd as I R 235 I +/ I , and rvhtreas sul'frcrent cvrdencc has becn adductd to show that thc sard certlflcate of trtle has notlcc ls grvcn that aftcr the explratlon ol srxt) (60) days I shall rssLle a provrsronal certrfrcate of trtle lrorn thc clate hereof, Datcd rhc hlrs been rcccrved wtthrn that peflod_ l4th l)ecentber.20l.l C S BIRUNDU. rl Tttles, Nurobi MR/671"t t06 No. ISSLIE .r I-rnrrrecl a lrrlrted lr.rhrlrty cr)lr)pany ['0. Box 5.16]2-{)0i00, Narrobr tn the p(rvrded that no ohlcctron 92 R<'tt.\tt'at' ) AZE'ft t: NoTI('r, N( ). 92 .1-}IE oI. /\ PRoVISIoN{L CERTIFI(.A1E WHEREAS Dramond Trust Bank Kenya Lrntrted, of P.O. Ilox 61711, Narrobr in thc Rcpublic of Kenya, rs registcred as pr()prretor ul freehold rnrercst of .rll that prece of lancl contarnrng 3-33 -5 acres or thereJbout. knorvn as -575 Mambrur, sttuatc tn M.rhndr Munrcrpalrty Krhfr Distnct, hy virtue of a certifrcate ol'ownershrp registered as C.R. l3?O1ll. and rvhe-rcas suffrcient evidencc has been adduccd to show that the satd ccrtlflcate of ownershtp has been lost. notlce ls glven that after the explratlon of srxty (60) days front the datc hereof, I shall rssue a provisional certificate of owncrship provided that no oblcction has been rccerved \\,lthln that penod Datcd thc 24th Decernber, 2() | 4 S K.MWANGI, Rt'grstrur oJ fttles, Lktmbavt I3 LAND REGISTRATI()N AC'f lNo.3 rtf2{tl)1 I\sIIE oF \ GAZI,ITE NoTI(.E lcLerYc(l \\,rthrn thf,t pefl0d ISSUE oI. A NEw CERTIFIC.Al'E oF LI.]ASE WHEREAS Margarct Warrnga Knruthra. of PO llox .172711, Narrobr rn the Republrc of Ken),a. rs rcgrstercd as propnetor ln leaseholcl lntercst of that piece of land contarning {)0190 hectare or thereab()uts, sltuate in the distrrct of Nairobr, regrstcred undcr titlc No Nairobr/Block 1517'71. and rvhcreas suffrcrent evldence has been adduced to shorv that the certrficate of lease rssued thereol' has bccn lost, notlce ls glven that afier the expiratron of srxty (60) days from the I shall rssuc a nr-rv certrficate of leasc provrdcd that no ob1ectron has heeu recerled rvrthrn that perrod. date hr'reol, DaLctl the 2.lth l)cccnrher.201-1 MR/671.1[9 RL'q.stt B, T'. ATIENO. ar of Trtles, Nutrobt 1.1 Dated the 2-1th Decc'mber.2014. GAZF-I-I-E NOTICI] lNo No 92I B K, LEITICH. Registrur, Narntbt DLstru t 13 THE LAND REGISTRATION AC'f 3 oJ2012) (No 3 ry'2012) .\ PRo\'l)l()N,\L CI,R t-tFICA.t t: WIIt'RiiAS S*,anya [-rnlitcd, a Irnuted lrability corlpany rncorpor,itr'tl tn Kcnla. hil\rns lts rcgl\tered olTrce tn Nlrrobr, of PO lJox 55800 {)01(X). Natrchl ll) the Republrc ol'Kenya, ls the rr.grstered Propriet()r lessec ol'all thnt prece ol Iand knorvn as t,,R 209/10669/1, srtuate ln the clt) of Narrobr rn the N.rrrobr Arca. held urrder a certrfrcate of trtle rcgrstered .rs I R .i5ll59/1. antl ir'hercas suffl.tL-nt e\ldencc has hcen addtrccd to show that thc certrfrt ate of trtlc rssuctl thereof has been lost. nolrcc rs srven that altcr the erprration of srxty (60) days lronr thc rl.rte herr'ot. I sh.rll rs:uc:r nc* l.rnd tttlc deed provtded that no oller-trtrn lras becr.t recetlr(l * rthrn th.it pe-rrod ISSL]I] )F A NEW I-AND TI TLE DEI,D ( WIIEREAS Daudr Odhrambo Mrgot, ot P.O tsox 40102-80100, Mombasa ln thD Republlc of Kcn)a. rs rcgrstercd as proprretor In absolute ownershrp rnt!'rest of that prece of land containing 0. I 3 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate tn the drstnct of Krsumu, reglstered under title No. Krsumu/Kornberva/363-1. and whereas sufflclcnt evrdence has been adduccd to show that thc land tltlc deed rssued thereof has been lost. notlcc ls given that after the explratlon of srxty (60) days from the date hereol. I shall rssue a ncw tttle decd provitletl that no ob.jectron has been recerrcd wrthln that penod I)ate-d the Datctl the 2.1th l)ccemhcr. 201"1 BF I,{Ri67l"+ll-s kttil MR/672.1t-17 TLIE LAND RECIS'I'RAI'IoN ACT rIr oF 92 I7 (No.3 ry'2012) lrrnrted lrabrliiy cornpanl, rncorporltcd in Kcnya, havrng rts rcglsteretl ol'frce rn Natrobr ol'P O Box 1.1201 {10800. Nairobr rn the Republic of Kenl'a, r\ the regr\tered pro[)rtetor lessee oI lrll that plccc of lantl knorvn as L.R 209/89(X), srtuatc rn the crty of Narrohr rn thc Narrobl Area, held under .r grant rcgistercd .rs I R. .ll69l/1, and rvhercas sufflclcnt evldence has hcen adduced to \how that the grant rssued thcrcolhas bcen lost,notrce r\ gl\!-n that aftcr the expllrtron of srrty (60t days from the datc hcreof, I shall rssur: a ncrv land tltlc deed provrded that no oblcction h.rs been lsst No THE I-AND REGISTRA]'ION ACT PRovISIoNAL CI;R.|IFICATE V!'llliRIrAS [)a Ganra Rosc (luvestmcnt\) [,rr]ltcd,.r (i \zE'rrr. Norrcr, l,i() gf Titlrt, Natrobt l6 MR/625.+928 ( N. MIJIIRU, o./ THE I-AND REGISTRA'IION ACT (No.3 of2012) THIT.REAS I,.rlcon Kcn1 bL-L'n l()s1, 11 LAND RE(]IS'IRA]'ION ACl' lNo.3 rtJ )r)11) IssLrE a)F A P, R?gtstrn MR(r72.1150 ATIENO. R(gt\t rLu of 'l ttles, Notntbt l4th Decernber, 2014. W N NYABERI. MR/615.1950 lttu.l Ragtstrur, Ktsuntu EastIWe\t D.rtr,rtr THE KENYA GAZETTE 3432 24th December,2Ol4 GAZEITE NOTICE NO.9223 GAZETTENOTICENo 9219 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ry'2012) (No.3 ry'2012) ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEW LANI] TITLE DEED WHEREAS Geoffrey Krratu Kiundu (deceased). of P.O. Box 133. Bahatr rn Kenya, is regrstered as propnetor rn absolute ownershtp WHEREAS Paul Ngome Nalianya, is registered as propri0tor tn absolute ownership interest of that prece of land containrnt 1.82 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kakamega, registered under title No. Kak/Lumakandal2740. and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thcreof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. interest of that piece of land containing O 6273 hcctare or thercabouts, situate in the drstrlct of Nakuru, regrstered under trtle No Bahatr/Bahatr Block I/l 192. and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice rs given that after the expiratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provided that no objection has been received \Yithln that peflod. Dated the 24th December, 20 I4. Dated the 24th December,2014. M.V BUNYOLI L0r1(l Regislrar, Nokuru Dmrict MR/6254959 GAZETTE No.TICE ; J. M. GA7-ETTE NoTICE No, 9224 No 9220 THE LAND RECISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ry'2012) (No.3 o/2012) IssuE oF A NEw LAND TITLU DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DIjED WHEREAS Mary Wanjrru Mrvaura (lD/5784338). rs registered as propnetor in absolute ownershrp rnterest of that prece of Iand containrns 0.4209 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate in the district of Nakuru. regrstered under trtle No Mau Summrt/Molo Block l/928 (Dagoret Nyakrnyua), and whereas suffrcrent evidence has been adduced to shorv that the land title deed issucd thereof has bcen krst, notice is grvcn that after the exprratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objectron has been recervecl rvithin that period WHEREAS (l) Joseph K Sakwa (2) Elizabeth Bcntcrnt and (--l) Joseph Lumumbir. are regrstered as propnetors tn absolute orvtrrshtp rnterest of that piece of land containing 0.09 hectarc or thcre$outs, srtuiite rn the distrrct of Kakamega. regrstered under tltlo No. Marama./Lunzal2521. and whcreas sufTrcient evrdence has been adduce<l to show that the land title deed issuetl thereof has been lost. notice rs given that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from thc date hereof, I shall issue a new title dced provrded that no ob1ectlon hai been recerved wlthin that pen()d. Dated the 24th Decernber,20l4. Dated the 24th December, 2014. M V, BUNYoLI, lnntl Regislrur, Nakuru Dtstrtct MR,t6254929 GAZETTE NoTICE No. 922 I Ittttd MR/6254981 (No ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED owncrship lnterest of that prece of land contarnrng 0.0459 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the drstrict of Nakuru, registered under tltle No Mau Summrt/Molo Block I/605 (Mutrrrthra), and whereas suffrcrent evidence has been adduccd to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notrce is glven that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new tltle deed provrded that no objectron has been received within that penod. Dated thc 24th December. 2014 S M. NABULINDO lttttd MRl6254926 Re 3 o/2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Jane Wan;rku Nlrraini (lD/16079894), of P.O Box 1370, Nakuru rn Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor in absolute grstrtrr, N aku ru Dt st rict WHEREAS Wilson Carani Chumba, is registered as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp rntercst of that piecc of land contarning 0.14 hcctare or thereabouts, srtuate ln the drstrrct of Kakamcga, registered undc title No B/Indangalxi'a12256, and rvhereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost. notrce is given that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from thc date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provrded that no ob.;ection has been recerved wrthrn thal penod. Dated the 24th December.20l4. J M FUNDIA. lnnd Registrar, Kakumega Di.ttict Ifi/{F.l6254945 GAZETTE NOTICE NO.9226 No.9222 THE LAND RECISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 o/2012) (No.3 ry'2012) ISSUE oF A NHw LAND TITLE DEED oI. A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Hezron Muhuhu Kange (IDl9l27l85), rs regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that picce of land containing 0.6910 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate rn the dlstnct of Nakuru, registered under trtle No. Solai/Kirima Block 31247, and whereas suffrcient evidence has becn adduced to shorv that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notrce ls glven that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a nerv trtle deed provrded that no objection has been recerved wlthrn that penod. Dated the 24th December,20l4. M MRt6724052 J. M. FUNDIA. gistrar, Kukame gtt Dtfirlct THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ry'2012) ISSTJE Re GAZETTE NoTICE No.9225 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAZETTE NoTICE FUNDIA, kuul Registrar, Kakumegu Distnct. MRt67240t9 WHEREAS Nrcodemus Wangata, ls reglstered as proprretor Dated the 24th December,2014. SUNGU. ktnd Regtslrar, Nokuru Drstrict rn absolute ownership interest of that piece of land contalnrng.4 0 hectares or thereabout, situate in the distnct of Busia/Teso, regrstered under trtle No. Samrir./Bukangala'A'l17 , and whereas sufficient evrdence has been ad,luced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notlce ls grven that after the e.\prration of srxty (60t tlays from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provtded that no obgectron has been recerved within that period. G, O, ONDIGO, MR/672408 I Ittnd Registrar, BusrulTeso Distrlcts I t t L THE KENYA GAZETTE 24th December,2014 GAZETTE 3433 GAZETTE NoTIcE NoTICENo.9227 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No (No 3 o/2012) 3 o/2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS (l) Beatlce Sally Osaka and (2) Joab Olusala Omuka, are registered as propnetors in absolute ownershtp interest of that plece of land containing 0.8 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate in the distrrct of Busia,/Teso, registered under title No. Bukhayo/Kisoko/3327, and whereas suffrcrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notlce ls grven that after the explration of sixty 160) days from the date hereof. I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objectlon has been recetved withtn that period. WHEREAS Mary Nyambura Kanyugr, of P.O. Box 6818, Narrobi in the Republic of Kenya, rs regrstered as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp interest of that plece of land containing 0.0375 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate in the district of Machakos, registered under title No. Donyo Sabuk/Komarock Block 116395, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is grven that after the expiratron of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new tltle deed provrded that no objectlon has been recerved wrthin that penod. Dated the 24th December, 2014. Dated the 24th December,2014. R. M. SOO, G. O. ONDIGO, l,end Reglstrar, Busia/Teso Dtstrrcts MR.t672408t No.923I ltnd MR't672401'7 GAZETTE NoTICE Re gistrar, Mar hakos District. No.9232 GAZETTENoTICENo 9228 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ry'2012) (No.3 o/2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Ibrahim Opryo Mallo, rs reglstered as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp rnterest of that prece of land contarnlng 8.2 hectares or thereabout, sltuate ln the district of Busra/Teso, registered under trtle No Samia/Bubun/93, and rvhereas sufficrent evidence has been to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, given that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been within that period adduced notrce is hereof, I received Dated the 24th December.20l4. Dated rhe 24th December,2014. Itnd MRt6724081 WHEREAS James Mwenda Riungu, of P.O. Box 2982640202, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor rn absolute ownershrp interest of that piece of land containing 0.045 hectare or thereabouts, situate ln the district of Machakos, registered under title No. Mavoko/Town Block 218256, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce rs given that afler the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. G. O, ONDIGO. Registrur, Busia/Teso Dtstrrcts. G. M. NJOROGE, Ltnd Registrar, Machakos Dbtrict. MRJ6724009 GAZETTE NoTICE GAZE.I-TE NoTICE No. 9229 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No (No.3 of2012) 3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Vrncent Ogute Ekwaro. rs registered as proprietor In absolute ownershrp interest of that prece of land containing 3.2 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Busra,/Teso, registered under trtle No. South Teso/Chakol/l 206, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been recerved wrthln that penod IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Mrchael Murru Grchuki (lD/0403044), of P.O. Box 225240600, Narrobr rn the Republic of Kenya, is regrstered as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp rnterest ofthat piece of land containing 0.81 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Ka.;iado, registered under title No. Kajiado/Kitengela/3282, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expirahon of sixty (60) days from the date hereof. I shall rssue a new title deed provided that no obJectron has been recerved wrthrn that penod. Dated the 24th December, 20 14. Dated the 24th December,201.l. G. O. ONDIGO, Ltnd RLgrstrur, BusialTeso Dtstrids. MR/6724081 P. (No.3 o/2012) . ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Atlundo Wameyo, rs reglstered as proprietor in of that prece of land contuning 26.O hectares or thereabout, sltuate in the drstrrct of Busia./Teso, registered No Marach/Kingandole/-581, and rvhereas sufftcrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notlce ls glven that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provrded that no obJectlon has been received within that period. Dated the 24th December,2014. hnd ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Major M. G. Muiru (lD/0403044), of P.O. Box 225200600, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in ofthat prece ofland containrng 0.81 hectare or thereabouts, situate ln the distrrct of Kajiado, registered under title absolute ownershrp rnterest No. Kajiado/Kitengelal7995, and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is grven that after the explratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereoi I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been recerved withrn that period. Dated the 24th December,20l4. G. O. ONDIGO. MR/6724081 No.9234 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol2Ol2) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT absolute ownership interest MAKINI, Land Registrar, Kajiado Districl MW6724074 GAZETTE NoTICE GAZETTE NoTICE No.9230 under htle No.9233 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Re gr s trar, B usia/Te so Distncts. P. MN67240't3 MAKINI, Land Registrar, Kajiado District r \ I 1 GAZETTE NoTIcE No.9235 GAZETTE NoTIcE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ot2) (No. Issur or (l) Alfred Ingida Aluvaala (1D14827138) and (2) Beatrice Asabo Aluvaala (1D10977259), both of P.O. Box 2970000200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.05 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the drstrict of Kajiado, registered under title No. Kjd/Kaputiei North/33494, and whereas sufficient. evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 24th December,2014. D. M. KYULE, Land Regtstrar, Kajiado Distnct MW6724036 GAZETTE NoTICE o/2012) New LAND TrrLE DEED WHEREAS Nancy Njeri Karuiya (ID/5993000), of P.O. Bot 4700902, Kikuyu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as propriebr in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.54O hectares or thereabout, situate in the distnct of Naivasha, regifered under title No. Longonot/Kijabe Block 4138'1, nd whereas sufflcicnt evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed itsucd thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new titlg deed proiidcd that no objection has been received within that period Dated the 24th December,2014. C.W.MWANI(I, MRt6724022 Land Registrar, Naivasha Disiict. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol2O12) (No.3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TTTLE DEED IssUE OF A NEw LAND TTTLE DEED WHEREAS Frednck Longosuan (ID/6854368), of P.O. Box 12606-20100, Nakuru rn the Repubhc of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp interest of that piece of land containing 0. I 66 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the drstrict of Kajiado, registered under title No. NgongNgong/9438, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. WHEREAS Margaret Njoki Mungai (ID/3082968), of P.O. Box 246, Uplands in the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as proprielor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.200 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Naivasha, regiltcrrd under title No. Longonot/ Block 6t2744, and whercas sufdcicnt evidcnce has been adduced to show that thc land title deed iasucd thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed pro,idcd that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 24th December,2014. Dated the 24th December,2014 GAZETTE NoTICE A 3 GAzE'rrE NorrcE No. 9240 No.9236 G. W. MUMO, Land Regrstrar, Kajiado North District MRt6724004 No.9239 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS 24th December,20l* THE KENYA GAZETIE 3434 C.W.MWANI(I, Land Registrar, Naivasha MRt6254947 Distict. GAZETIE NoTIcE No.9241 No. 9237 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJ2Ol2) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TTTLE DEED IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Eunice Muthoni Kitili (ID/169433), of P.O. Box 312, Ngong Hills in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor rn absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 4.05 hectares or thereabout, situate in the drstrict ofKajiado, registered under trtle No. Kjd/NtasharU2597, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce is given that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. WHEREAS Abraham Ng'ang'a Kimani (ID/24437512), of P.O. Box 42028-80100, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, is registercd as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land con4ining 0.04 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Naivasha, registered under title No. GilgiUKarun gaBlock9l274l (Ol-Burgef , and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that aftc the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue t ncw title deed provided that no oblection has been received withil that (No. 3 o/2012) period. Dated the 24th December,2014 c. w. MUMO, Dated the 24th December,2014. Land Regtstrar, Kajiado North District MW6'724025 C.W.MWANIII, Land Registrar, Naivasha Dislrict. MR/6254919 GAZE,I-IE NoTIcE No. 9238 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAZETTE NOTICENO,9242 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJ2Ol2) (No.3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS (l) Isaac Wamalwa Wekesa (ID/222985) and (2) Sarah Kemunto Magembe (ID12475176O), both of P.O. Box 3944, Kitale in the Republic of Kenya, are regrstered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.0147 hectare or thereabouts, sihrate in the district of Trans Nzoia, registered under title No. Kitale/lvlunicipality Block 2/Tuwan/I254, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 24th December, 2014. MR/6254985 H. C. MUTAI, Land Registrar, Kitale ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TTTLE DEED WHEREAS Minnie Gathoni Njagi (ID/l 120870), of P.O. Box 8884-00200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registecd as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land contlining in the district of Naivasha, 0.8100 hectare or thereabouts, situate registered under title No. Gilgil/Gilgil Block 1/5561, and wlcrcas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land titls dced issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiradon of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 24th December,2014. iv{Rt6254982 ltnd R' K' MARITII'I, Registrar, Naivasha Digrict. t I I I THE KENYA GAZETTE 24th December,20l4 GAZETTENOTICENO 9243 3435 No.9247 GAZETTE NoTICE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of 2012) (No.3 o/2012) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Silas Ngure Timotheo (1D1495O299), of P.O. Box 1174, Kerugoya in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 4.41 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kirinyaga, registered under trtle No. Inoi/Kamondol2l2, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice rs given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provrded that no ob..;ectron has been received wrthin that perrod. WHEREAS Rapul Abayo, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 2.6 hectares or thereabout, situate in the distnct of Sraya, registered under title No. East Alego/Ulafu/434, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notrce rs given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received wlthrn that period. Dated the 24th December, Dated the 24th December,20l4. 2O I 4. C. W. NJAGI. ktnd MRt6254916 GAZETTE NoTICE Re gi strar, Kiri nyag,a Distnct P, A. OWEYA, lnnd Registrar, Siaya Distrio MR/625491t No. 9244 GAZETIE NoTICE No. 9248 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ry'2012) (No.3 o/2012) IssUE oF NEw LAND TITLE DEEDS WHEREAS Cyrus Mucebu Irungu (IDil24090l), of P.O Box 4/9840200, Narrobr rn the Repubhc of Kenya, is regrstered as in absolute ownershrp interest of those pieces of land contaning 3.36,2.6,5.6 and 42 hectares or thereabout, situate ln the proprietor dlstnct of Krrinyaga, registered under title Nos. Kiine/Rukanga/367, Kinnyaga/Gathigiriri/ I 68, Kirrnyaga,/Gathi giriril 177 and Mwerua/Ki andail249, respectively, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deeds issued thereof have been lost, notice is given that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new title deeds provided that no obJection has been received within that period. IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Amos Okoth Odongo, is registered as propnetor ln absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0. I 7 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the district of Siaya, registered under title No. East Alego/Baraguhtll216, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received wlthin that period. Dated the 24th December,2014. P. A. OWEYA. Lantl Registrar, Sruya Dtstncl. Dated the 24th December.2014. J. K, MUTHEE. MR/625491I Itutd Registrar, Knnyaga Dtstrict MR/6722m08 GAZETTE NOTICE NO.9249 GAZETTE NoTIcE No.9245 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of 2Ol2) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED IssUE oF NEw LAND TITLE DEEDS WHEREAS Awasr Catholic Wrdows Project, of P.O. Box 94, Awasi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of those preces of land containing 0.04 and 0.04 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the distflct of Nyando, regrstered under htle Nos. KrsumuAMawrdhr A111946 and 945. and whereas suffictent evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deeds issued thereof have been lost, notice is grven that after the expiratlon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new htle deeds provided that no oblectlon has been received within that period. Dated the 24th December, 2O I WHEREAS Amos Okoth Odongo, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containlng 0.04 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Siaya, registered under trtle No. Siaya./Karapul Ramba/3332, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof. I shall issue a new tltle deed provided that no objection has been received within that perrod. Dated the 24th December. 2014. P. A. OWEYA, 4. A. G. KOMULO, Land Registrar, Siava Distnct. MR16254911 lnnd Registrar, Nyando Distnct },dRt6724007 GAZETTE NoTICE No.9250 GAZETTE NoTICE No.9246 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No.3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TTTLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Jeconia Ojwang Ogalo, of P O. Box 153, Homa Bay in the Republic of Kenya, ls regrsteled as propnetor in absolute ownersh,p interest of that piece of land containrng 1.0 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the distnct of Homa Bay, registered under tttle No. Kisumu/KamnwNKeyolOgorol28T and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deeds tssued thereof have been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new title deeds provided that no objection has been received within that penod. Dated the 24th December. 2014. S MPJ6724027 L WHEREAS John Mwangi Wanyeki (lD/1867121), of PO. Box 4840H010O, Narrobr rn the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp interest of that prece of land containing 0.8074 hectare or thereabouts, srrt,ate in the distnct of Thrka, registered under title No. Ruiru/Ruiru East Blcck 1164. and whereas srrfficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been recerved within that period. Dated the 24th December,2014. WERE. lnnd Registrar, Nyando Dstrtct. M.M.MUTAI, MR/6110056 ktnd Re gis trar, T h*a D i s tr ict. 1 I I THE KENYA GAZETTE 3436 24th December,2Ol4 GAZEI-TE NoTICE No. 9255 GAZE.TTE NoTIcE No. 925 I THE LAND.REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of 20t2) (No.3 ry'2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS William Ndambuki Mutio (ID/2218681), of PO. Box 51, Sh.imba Hrlls in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprretor in absolute ownership interest of that prece of land situate in the district of Kwale, registered under trtle No. Kwale/Shimba Hills/435, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new tltle deed provided that no objection has been received wilhin that period. Dated the 24th December,2014. C. K. NG'ETICH, lnnd Registrar, Kwale Dtstrict MR/6254998 GAZE.ITE NoTIcE No. 9252 WHEREAS Jeremrah Amboko Rakoli, of P.O. Box 104, Butula in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership lnterest of that piece of land contarnrng 0.39 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate tn the distrrct of Emuhaya, registered under title No. WBunyore/Ekwandall628, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show-that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratron of sixty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provided that no ob1ectlon has been received within that period. Dated the 24th December,2014. K,M.OKWARO, ktnd Registrar, Emuhaya Distrtct MRt6254963 GAZETTE NoTICE No. 9256 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No.3 of2Ol2) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Hamla Ah AMalla, of Matondoni Village in the of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor rn absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containrng 0.0469 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Lamu, registered under title No. Lamu/Block VIU56, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce ls given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received withrn that period. Republic that period. Dated the 24th December.20l4. Dated the 24th December,2014. B,M MWANGADA, land Registrar, La,mu Drstrtct. M.Rt6724026 WHEREAS Samson Kirinya Manyara, of Upper Igoki Sub-location, Meru in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate in the district of Tarta/Taveta, registered under title No. Taita Taveta./Scheme Phase 21785,and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notlce ls given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received within D. B. MWAKIO, Land Registrar, Taita/Taveta Distnct MW6',724212 GAZETTE NoTIcE No.9257 GAZEI-TE NoTIcE NO. 9253 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No.3 a/2012) ISSUL, ot.. IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Hamla Ali Abdalla, of Matondoni Village in the of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.0921 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Lamu, registered under trtle No. Lamu/Block VII/69, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that Republic the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objectron has been received withrn that period. Dated the 24th December, 2O I Dated the 24th December, 4. B. M. MWANGADA, ktnd Regtstrar, Larnu Dtstrict MN612q26 NEw LAND TITLE DEEDS WHEREAS Zachary Kingori Mwangi (ID/554578), of P.O. Box 30083-00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of those pieces of land contarning 0.045 and 0.095 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Nyandarua, registered under trtle Nos. Nya/Ol Joro Orok Salientl2824 and 2814, respectively, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deeds issued thereof have been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new title deeds provided that no objectron has been recelved within that period. MRt6724498 GAZETTE NoTIcE GAZETTE NoTIcE No,9254 2O I 4. N. G. GATHAIYA, land Registrar, Nyandarua/ Samburu Disrricts. No.9258 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) (No.3 o/2012) RECoNSTRUCTIoN oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Marsden Herman Madoka, of Tarta Taveta rn the of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership Republic of that piece of land containing 7.68 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Taita Taveta, registered under title No. RongeA.lyika/I396, and whereas suffrcrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. interest WHEREAS (l) Lawrence Kinyanjui Gitao and (2) lane Wanjiku Gitao, both of P.O. Box 49820, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors of an estate rn fee simple of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 27/69, stttate rn the city of Nairobr, by virtue ofa conveyance registered in Vol. N45 Folio 181, and whereas the land register in respect thereof rs lost or destroyed, and efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hefeof, the property register shall be reconstructed under the provisions ofsection 33 (5) ofthe Act, provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 24th December, 2014. Dated the 24th December,2014. D. B. MWAKIO, l,t|{R.l6724016 lnnd Re gistrar, Taita Taveta Dislrict. W. M. MUIGAI, MR/6255000 Land Registrar, Narobi. { { t , I I THE KENYA GAZETTE 24th December,2014 3437 I I GAZETTE NoTICE No.9259 THE LAND RECISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2Ol2) objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production ofthe sard grant and proceed wrth the registration ofthe sard instrument of discharge. Dated the 24th December,2014. B. F. ATIENO. Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. RECoNSTRUCnoN oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS (l) Anuj Jain and (2) Shivani Cupta, both of P.O. Box 27740-00506, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors lessees ofall that apartment No. 2 on fourth floor erected on that prece of land known as L.R. No 209196/6, situate in the crty of Nairobi, by vrrtue of a lease regrstered as LR. 107579/1, and whereas the land register in respect thereofis lost or destroyed, and efforts made to locate the said land regrster have farled, notrce is given that after the expiration ofsrxty (60) days from the date hereoi the property register shall be reconstructed under the provrsions ofsectron 33 (5) ofthe Act, provided that no objection has been received within that period. GAZETTE NoTICE No.9263 THE REGISTERED LAND ACT (No.3 ol2Ol2\ REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS Charles W. Mwangi Francis Gathungwa, rs the of that piece of land known as Mutara/Mutara Block 1I/1202 (Uruku), situate in Larkipia District, and whereas sufficient evidence adduced proves that the sard land trtle was erroneously issued, and whereas all efforts made to compel the registered proprietor to surrender the said land title for cancellation have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days regrstered proprietor Dated the 24th December, 2014. W. M. MUIGAI, MW6'724t48 Land Registrar, Narrobt GAZETTE NoTICE MRt6724130 No.9260 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 a/2012) OPENING OF A NEw REGISTER WHEREAS Fanuel Oluoch Onyango, of P.O. Box 105, Kisumu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.14 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the district of Krsumu, regrstered under title No. Kisumu/Konya,/1632, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land register issued thereof has been lost, notrce is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall open a new land regrster provided that no ob.;ection has been received within that period. from the date hereof, provrded no valid objection has been received, I intend to dispense with production of the said land title deed and give a new tltle deed to the rrghtful owner, Mwangr Wakaro, and upon this publicatron the land title issued earlier shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 24th December.2014 B.W.MWAI, GAZETTE NoTICE GAZETTE RECISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT G. O. NYANGWESO, ktnd Registrar, Krsumu EastlWest Distrrcts. NorrcE No.926l THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) OPENING oF A NEw REGISTER WHEREAS Kamau Muchuha (ID/0489791163), of P.O. Box 73105-{0200. Nairobi rn the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that prece of land situate in the distnct of Kwale, regrstered under trtle No. Kwale/Diani S.S./301, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land reglster issued thereof has been lost, notrce ls given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall open a new land register provrded that no oblectron has been received within that WHEREAS Peter Njomo Gachago, rs the regrstered proprietor of that piece of land known as Mutara/Mutara Block 2/694 (Uruku), sltuate in Laikipia Distrrct, and whereas sufficient evidence adduced proves that the said land title was erroneously issued, and whereas all efforts made to compel the registered proprietor to surrender the said land title for cancellation have failed, notice is given that after the explration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provrded no valid oblection has been received, I intend to dispense with production of the said land title deed and give a new title deed to the rightful owner, Margaret Wangari Muruthi, and upon this publication the land title issued earlrer shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 24th December,2014. lnnd MR/62s4980 GAZETTE NoTICE period. R e gi st B. W. MWAI, rar, Lai kipia Distric t. No.9265 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Dated the 24th December,2014. (No.3 of2Ol2) C. K. NG'ETICH. Land Regrstrar, Kwale District MR/6254960 No.9264 THE REGISTERED LAND ACT (No.3 of2012) Dated the 24th December,2014. Mp.t6254921 Land Registrar, Laikipia District MR,t6254943 REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS James Njiru Njeru (deceased), of Embu in the Repubhc GAZETTE of Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor of that piece of land containing NorrcE No.9262 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT . (No.3 of2012) REGISTRATIONOFINSTRUMENT WHEREAS Da Gama Rose (lnvestments) Limited, a hmited liabilrty company rncorporated rn Kenya, having rts registered office in Nairobi, of P.O. Box 14201--00800, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is the registered proprietor lessee of all that piece of Iand known as L.R. 209/8900, containlng 0.1063 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the city of Nairobr in the Narrobr Area. held under a grant registered as I.R. 3169lll, and whereas Guaranty Trust Bank (Kenya) Lrmited has executed an Instrument of drscharge in favour of Da Gama Rose (Investments) Limited, and whereas an affidavit has been fi[ed in terms of section 65 (l) (ft) of the said Act declarrng that the said grant I.R. 31691/l rs not available for regrstratron, notice rs given that after the expiratlon offourteen (14) days from the date hereof, provided no valid 0 l0 hectare or therabouts, known as Gaturi/Nembure/6o14, srtuate rn the district of Embu, and whereas the High Court in succession cause No. I98 of 2013 has ordered that the sard piece of land be registered rn the name of Margery Marigu Kinyua (lDl3'159149), and whereas all efforts made to recover the land title deed issued in respect of the sard prece of land by the land registrar have failed, notice is glven that after the expiratron of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objectron has been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with registratron of the said grant document and rssue a land title deed to the said Margery Marigu Kinyua (1D13759149), and upon such registratron the land title deed rssued earlier to the said James Njiru Njeru (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 24th December,2014. MR/6254915 Itnd E. W. GAKUYA, Regisn'ar, Embu Drctrict. THE KENYA GAZETTE, 3438 GAZETTE NoTIcE No,9266 . THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol20l2) REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS Kangani arap Kogo, of P.O. Box 30, Kapsabet in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as propnetor of that piece of land known as Nandi/Kapkangani/599, situate in the district of Nandi, and whereas the principal magistrate's court at Kapsabet in succession cause No.9 of 2013, has given letters of administration to Wilson Kenani, and whereas the land title deed issued earher to Kangani arap Kogo cannot be traced, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that penod, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed issued earher to Kangani arap Kogo, and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 24th December, 20 I 4. MFJ6724104 Nyahururu in successron cause Nos. 232 of 2012 and 231 of 2012 has rssued grant of letters of adminrstration in favour of Simon Mwaura Thuku, as administrators of (1) Thuku Gichau and (2) Francis Njoroge Thuku, and whereas the land trtle deed issued in respect of the said piece of land has been reported missing or lost, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the registration of the said application to be registered as proprietor by transmission R.L. 19 and R.L.7, and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said (l) Thuku Gichau (deceased) and (2) Francis Njoroge Thuku (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. Dated the 24th December,20l4. lnnd MRl6724152 GAZETIE NOTICE NO.9267 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) RECISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS Moses Otsyula, of P.O. Box 24481, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor of that piece of land known as Trans Nzoia/Srnyererel927, situate in the dlstrict of Trans Nzoia, and whereas the deputy registrar in crvil suit No. 63 of 2012, has ordered that the piece of land be transferred to Charles Okumu Onyango Akhemb, of P.O. Box 437-30200, Kitale, and whereas all efforts made to compel the registered propnetor to surrender the land title deed to the land registrar have failed, notice is glven that after the expiratron of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no vahd objection has been received within that penod, I intend to drspense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the registration of the said instrument of transfer and issue a land title deed to the said Charles Okumu Onyango Akhemb, of P.O. Box 431-3O2OO, Kitale, and upon such registratlon the land tltle deed issued earlier to the said Moses Otsyula, shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no APPOINTMENT OF VETTING COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR THE REGISTRATIoN oF BoNA FIDE MANUFACTURERS AND VETTING oF APPLICATIONS FOR THE IMPoRTATION oF INDUSTRIAL SPARES PURSUANT to the provisions of Paragraph 3l Part B of the 5th Schedule to the East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004, enacted vrde Legal Notice No. EAC|O91ZOO9 of 2nd JuIy,2009, the Commissroner, Customs Services Department, appolnts the following to be the Members of the Vetttng Commlttee for a period of three years effective - Charles Mahinda H. C. MUTAI, Land Registrar, Trans Nzoia District. GAZETTE NoTICE No.9268 Ministry of Industrralization and Enterprise Development - Chairperson Lorna Wataku - Joseph Z.-Ngugi Samuel Okello Kenya Revenue Authority - Secretary - - Bharat Shah - Natronal Treasury - Member Kenya Bureau of Standards - Member Kenafric Industries Manufacturers Betty Marna - - Kenya Associatron - Kenya Assocration of Member of Manufacturers Member - Alternate BEATRICEMEMO, PTG No. ff)01l0l GAZETTE NoTIcE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ol2) REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS William Okoma Siboyi, of P.O. Box 596, Luanda in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of that piece of land known as East Gem/lvlarenyo/l695, situate in the district of Siaya, and whereas the senior principal magistrate's court at Siaya in land case No. 17 of 2008, has ordercd the canccllation of the said land title deed, I intcnd to dispense with the said land title deed and reverse it to East Gem/'lvlarenyo/756, and revert it to its original owner, William Ojwang Omol, and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier shall bc decmcd to bc cancelled and of no effect. Commtsstoner of Customs Services No. 927 I GUIDELINES ON IMPORTATION OF INDUSTRIAL SPARE PARTS BY REGISTERED MANUFACTURERS PURSUANT to the provisions of Item 3l of Part B to the 5th Schedule of the EAC Customs Management Act,2O04 the following guidelines on importation of spare parts shall apply: l. The manufacturers shall apply to the Commissioner of Customs Services for importation of Industrial Spare Parts exclusively for machinery of Chapter 84 and 85 of the EAC Common External Tariff for their own use. 2. The commissioner shall appoint and Gazette a committee to vet thc application comprising - (aJ The National Treasuryl Datcd the 24th Deccmber,2014. P. A. OWEYA, GAZETTE NoTIcE l9th December,20l4: Dated the l6th December,20l4. Dated the 24th December,2014. Land Registrar, Siaya District. :MPU6254934 ts THE EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY CUSTOMS MANAGEMENT ACT,2004 effect. MFJ6254953 N, G. GATHAIYA, Samburu D istric Re g i strar, Nyandar ua/ No. 9270. GAZETTE NOTICE E. A. ODERO, Iand Registrar, Nandi Dtstrict \t 24th December,2014 (D) Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development; (c) The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA); (d) Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS); No.9269 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2ot2) REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS (l) Thuku Gichau (deceased) and (2) Francis Njoroge Thuku (deceased), are registercd as proprictors of that piece of land known as Ndaragwa./Ndaragwa Blrrck 2 (Wamae)/IO, situate rn the district of Nyandarua, and whereas the principal magistrate's court at (e) The Kenya Assocration of Manufacturers (KAM); (/) Any other institution as the Vetting Committee may co-opt. 3. The committee shall vet the applicahons and recommend to the Commtssioner of Customs Services for approval. 4. Upon receipt of the vetted application, the Commissioner may vrsit the applicant's premrses to verify the details of the company. I I THE KENYA GAZETTE 24th December,2014 5. The commissioncr shall approve vetted applications, register the respective manufacturers as "Registercd Manufacturers" and allow thcm to import spare parts exclusively for machinery of chapter 84 and 85 of the EAC Common Extemal Tariff under cxemption regime. 6. The commissioner shall communicate the decision to the applicant with a copy to thc National Treasury within 14 days from the date the decision is made provided that, where a visit may bc requircd to the company, then the Commissioner shall communicate the decision to the applicant within 30 calendar days. 7. The commissioner shall create and maintain a database for all the names of the under mentioned companies shall unless cause is shown to the contrary be struck off the register of companies and the company shall be dissolved. Number Name ofCompany cl Ambrosia Holdrngs Limited Aquarius Properties Limited Bantry Point Holdings Limited Brockway Investments Limited Cavalier Technologies & Consultants 11354 cPR/201 l/45570 c122664 cPN2009n42 c78060 "Registcred Manufacturers". cl l3l8l 8. Pans of general use as defined undcr note 2 of section XV of the HS nomenclature shall not qualify for exemption. c74580 9. Parts that qualify for this cxemption shall be exclusively for machinery of Chapter 84 and 85 of the EAC Common External Tariff and shall not be for rcsale or any other commercial purposes other than replacement of wom out and obsolete parts of industrial machines. 10. Disposal of the replaced spare parts (i.e. waste or scrap) and unuseable parts shall not be done without prior written authority of the the case of the parts which are Commissioner; provided that consumed through wear and tear process the manufacturers shall not be 3439 Limited Croft Holdings Limited Dayton Development Limited Ibis Properties Limited JFT Properties Limited Kinsel Holdings Limited Mathaga Limited Palazzo Properties Holdings Limited Rapid Company Limited Rozane Investment One Limited Sterling Construction Company Lrmited cl l 1359 c155070 cPRJ2009t77t2 c60013 cPN20t0t3237'l c122833 c57359 c138473 in Dated the l6th December,2014. COLLETA MAWEU, for Registrar of Companies required to account for them. 11. Customs entries for spare parts imported under this regime shall be subjected to the normal exemption entry process. 12. The manufacturers shall be required to maintain proper records of the imported spare parts under this exemption regime for verification by the Commissioner at all times. GAZETTE NoTIcE No.9274 COMPANIES ACT (Cap.486) 13. The Registration period for the importation of Industrial Spare Parts for own use shall be for three years (Calendar Year) or part DISSoLUTIoN thereof. Action shall be taken on any manufacturers who abuse the exemption provided under this arangement in accordance with the East African Community Customs Management Act. BEATRICE MEMO, PTG NO.0001101 C ommis sioner, C ustoms Serv ic e s PURSUANT to section 339(5) of the Companies Act, it is notified mentioned companies are for general rnformatlon that the under dissolved. Number Name oJCompany cPN2012t85323 Afrrca Automotrve Kenya Lrmrted CPRJ2009t6797 Akili Mali Limited 147295 Atlantis Travel Intematronal Limited Arwings Court Development Limited Balco International Limited Bannerstore Retaling (Kenya) Investment Company Limited Beacon Management Systems Limited Call Connect (EA) Limited Citadel Investment Group Lrmited Classichertz Solutions Limited Crosskey Properties Limited Doyen Intemational Limited Dove Motors Limited East African Copper Lrmited El-hamzy Transporters Limited Forecastel Limited Gimass Trust Nominees Limited Grace Investments Limited Hackbeng Investments Company Limited Highway Mattresses Limited Hilltop Holdings Limitcd Innovative Ingredient Solutions Limited Kerengedc Limited Kirangari Investments Limitcd Kitchen and Cabinct Limitcd Location Africa Safaris Limited Lifestyle Fumiture Centre Limited Lifestyle Shopping City Limited Mas Holdings Limited Mimosa Imports Limited Multiline Travels Limited Nafzaah Enterprises Limited Nakuru Mattresses (Eldoret) Limited New Nyakiambi 2007 Company Limited Pole Pole.Africa Limited Polysack Spares Limited Pumba Cottages Limited Robert ke Steere (EA) Limited Ricci (Nairobi) Limited Rware Stars Limited I 18306 GAZETTE NOTICENo.9272 75434 THE COMPANIES ACT (Cap.486) r68413 IN THE MATTER OF SIEMENS KENYA LIMITED MEMBERS' VoLUNTARY WINDING.UP NOTICE is given that at an extraordinary general meeting of the members of Siemens Kenya Limited, held on lTth November, 2014, the following special resolution was duly passed. "That the company be wound up voluntarily and that Harveen Gadhoke, of P.O. Box 40092-00100, GPO, Nairobi be and is appointed liquidator for the purpose of the winding-up." Creditors of the company are rcquired on or before Wednesday, I0th December, 2014, to scnd full particulars of all claims they may havc against thc company, to thc undersigned, the liquidator of the said company, and if so required by noticc in writing from the liquidator, pcrsonally or by his advocate to come and prove their debts or claims sct out in such noticc or in default thercof thcy will be excluded from thc bcncfit of any distribution made bcforc such dcbts are provcd. 1t6976 cPR/201 l/55687 cPR/2012170838 143248 cPR/2013/9s008 I l08t I cPR/2010/34809 cPtu2o100/59814 cPR/201 l/60290 62333 I 175 l3 t15752 41741 137547 cPR/2009/14755 157380 19526 702t7 t12418 Dated thc 2lst Novembcr,2014. HARVEEN GADHOKE, Liquidator. MN6254628 159845 107674 1o7675 cPR/2010/l7l l7 cPRt20t2t735t6 17226 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9273 49581 THECOMPANIES ACT (Cap.486\ INTENDED DISSoLLnoN PURSUANT to section 339 (3) of the Companies Act, rt is notified that at the expiration of three (3) months from the date of this Gazette, 28020 137686 l5r l0l CPRJ2009t6822 cPR/2013/99s68 cPR/2013/95033 35375 4t514 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3440 24th December,2pl4 \ I l 33 190 Sanpun Enterprises Limited l 18331 Skypet Logistics Limited Sky View Bloom Limited Strand Holdrngs Lrmited Sunrose Nurseries Limited Sycamore Investments Limited Tasly Africa (Kenya) Limited Texcal Safarrs And Tours Lrmrted The Laundry Shoppe Limited Venus Air and Freight Logrstrcs Limited Vipingo Holdings Limited Xenex Supplres Kenya Limrted CPPJ20 l4l r 4063 r t20187 59912 43050 123249 9t'752 138442 cPR/2010/163 r4 cPR/201 1/56813 cPR/201 l/56554 Dated the l6th December,2014. COLLETA MAWEU, for Registrar of Companies GAZETTE NoTICE NO. 9275 THE LEADERSHIP AND INTEGRITY CODE FOR STATE OFFICERS IN THE ETHICS AND ANTI.CORRUPTION COMMISSION Code for state officers in the Ethrcs and Antr-Corruptlon Commrssron pursuant to section 37 and 38 of the Leadership and Integnty Act, No 19 of 2012 and to grve effect to Chapter Srx of the constitutlon of Kenya. The Code is intended to estabhsh standards of integrity and ethical conduct in the leadershrp of the Commissron by ensuring that the State Officers respDct the values, principles and requirements ofthe Constitution rn the drscharge ofthelr dutles PART I - PRELIMINARY 1. Citation This Code may be cited as the Leadership and Integrity Code for State Officers rn the Ethrcs and Anti-Comrptron Commrssron. 2. Interpretation In this Code, unless the context otherwrse requires "Act" 3. Apphcatron ofCode This Code applies to State Officers tn the 4. Apphcatron Commtsston I of the Constrtution. the Public Offic{ Ethrcs Act 2003 and the Ethrcs and Antr-Corruptton Commtsston Act, p0l (l) The provisrons of Chapter Six of the part ofthrs Code; I Constitution.$tl fot (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Code, the provitions of the Pubtic Officer Ethrcs Act and the Thrrd Schedute to the Etf,ics and Anti-Corruption Commissron Act shall form part of this Code fi so far as they conform to the provrsiolts of the Leadership and Integritt Act. 5. (l) State Officer to sign Code (2) A serving State Officer shall sign and commit to tlis A State Officer appointed to the Commlssron shall qign and commit to this Code at the time of takrng oath of office or withln seven (7) days of assuming office. seven (7) days after gazettment code ofthe Code. PART II - REQUIREMENTS Preamble A "Stote Officer" means a Chairperson. Member or Secretarf/ Chref Executrve Officer of the Ethics and Anti-Corruptlon Commisst rnear,s the Leadership and 6. (l) "Accounting Officer" has the meaning and role assigned under the Public Finance Management Act2012 "Bank account" means an account marntained by a bank or any other financial institution for and in the name of, or rn the name desrgnated by, a customer of the bank or other financral rnstrtutlon and rnto which money is pard or withdrawn by or for the benefit of that customer or held in trust for that customer and in which the transactlons between the customer and the bank or other financial institution are recorded: A oflaw State officer shall respect and abide by the Cootitutron and the law; (2) A State officer shall carry out the duties of hrs/ her Office tn accordance with the law: (3) In carrying out the duties of his/her office, a State officer shall not vrolate the rrghts and fundamental freedoms of any person unless otherwrse expressly provided for rn the law and in accbrdance with Article 24 of the Constltution. 7. Pubhc trust A State office ls a posrtron of public trust and the authotity and responsibrlity vested in a State officer shall be exercrsed by tfe State officer rn the best interest of the Commrsston and the people of trfenya. 8. Integrity Act,2012, Rule Responsibrlity and dutres Sub;ect to the Constrtutron and any other law, a State offiJer shall responsibrlrty for the reasonably forlseeable consequences of any achons or omissrons arising from the discfarge of the duties of his/ her office take personal 9. Performanceofduties A State officer shall, to the best ofhrs/ her ability ) (2) ( I carry out the duties of the office efficiently and honeitly; carry out the duhes "Business associate" means a person who does busrness with or on behalfofa State officer and has express or implied authonty from that accountable manner, State ollicer; functions ofthe office; and "Cabinet Secretary " means the Cabrnet Secretary for the time being responsible for matters relatrng to leadershrp and rntegnty, "Code" means the Leadership and Integrity Code for the Ethics and Anti-Comrption Commission; "Commisston" means the Ethics and Antr-Comrphon Commrssron established under the Ethics and Anti-Comrptron Commrsston Act, 2011; "General Code" means the Code prescribed under Part II of the Act: (3) (4) 10. "Regulations" means the Regulations made by the Commrssron pursuant to Sectron 54 of the Leadership and Integrity Act, 20 i 2; "Spouse" means a wrfe or husband; to the tn a man{er that report truthfully on all matters of the Commtsston. Professionahsm - carry out the dutles of hrs/trer office maintains public confidence in the integrrty ofthe office, (2) treat members ofthe public, staffand other State and Pubhc officers with courtesy and respect; (3) "Personal mterest" means a matter lh whrch a State officer has a direct or indirect pecuniary or non-pecunrary lnterest and includes the interest ofhis/her spouse, chrld, business associate or agent; transparant and keep accurate records and documents relating A State officer shall (l) of the offtce tn a to the extent to the office, maintah hrgh level of professtonaltsm wittin the approprrate standards of performance and Commissron; and (5) if the State officer is a member of a professional body, observe and subscnbe to the ethical and professional requirenlents of that body rn so far as the requrrements do not contrav4ne Constltution, any other law or this Code. 1 l. Financial Probity the I ! THE KENYA GAZETIE 24th December,2014 (1) A State officer shall not use his or her office to unlawfully or wrongfully enrich hrmselfor herselfor any other person; (2) Subject to Article 76(2) (b) of the Constitutron, a State officer shall not accept a personal loan or benefit whrch may compromise the State officer in carrying out his or her duties; (3) A State Officer shall submit an rnltial declaration of income, assets and liabilities within thrrty days of assuming office to the Accounting Officer of the Commission and thereafter biennially; (4) A State Officer shall pay any taxes due from hrm or her within the prescribed period; (5) A State Officer shall not neglect their financial or legal obligations. 12. Moral and ethical requirements (1) A State Officer shall observe and marntaln the followtng ethical and moral requirements (a) demonskate honesty rn the conduct of hrs or her public and (e) (0 (g) A State officer shall not use the office to wrongfully or unlawfully acquire or influence the acquisitron of property. 15. Conflrct ofrnterest (l) A State oflicer shall use the best efforts to avoid being srtuation where his or her personal interests conflict confltct with the State officer's officral dutres. (2) Wrthout limrting the generalrty of subsectron (l), a State officer shall not hold shares or have any other interest in a corporatron, partnership or other body, drrectly or through another person, rfholdrng those shares or havmg that interest would result in a conflict of the State officer's personal interests and the officer's official duties. (3) A State officer whose personal interests' oonflrct wrth their official duties shall declare the personal interests to the Commission. (5) Notwrthstandrng any directions to the contrary under subsection (4), a State officer shall not award or rnfluence the award of a contract to; not misuse public resources; not falsiry any records; not sexually harass or have inappropriate sexual relations with other state officers, staff of the Commission or any not commit offences and in particular, any of the offences under Parts XV and XVI of the Penal Code, sexual offences Act, 2006, the Counter Tracking in Persons Ac, 2010, and the chrldren's Act, 2008. 13. (l) A gift Gifts or benefits in Kind or donatron given to a State officer on a public or official occasron shall be treated as a gift or donation to the Commission; Nonvithstanding subsection (l), (a) (b) (c) (d) a State officer may receive - the gift is within the ordinary bounds of propriety, a usual expression of courtesy or protocol and wrthm the ordinary the gift does not exceed an amount prescnbed by a busrness associate or agent; or a corporation, private company, partnershrp or other body which the officer has a substantral or controlling interest. in before the rssue rs deliberated upon. (7) A declaration of a conflict of interest under subsection (6) shall be recorded in the mrnutes of that meeting. (8) The Commission shall mamtarn a register of conflicts of interest in the prescribed form in which an affected State officer shall register the partrculars of the registrable rnterests, statlng the nature and extent of the conflrct. (9) For purposes of subsection (8), the registrable interests shall (a) (b) The interests set out in the Second Schedule ofthe Act; the (c) Any - or sohcit gifts, hospitahty or other benehts from a (d) person who; (r) is under rnvestigation: (ii) has a contractual relationship with the Commission (iii) has any mterest that is directly or rndirectly connected wlth the State oflicer's dutles; (b) receive a gift which has the potential. of compromising his or her rntegnty, objectivity or impartralrty; or (c) (4) accept any type ofgift expressly prohibited under the Act. Subject to secIon l3(2), a State Officer who receives a gift or donation shall declare the grft or donation to the Commission within fourteen days ofreceipt ofthe gift. Any connection with a person or a company, whether by relation, friendship, holdrng of shares or otherwrse, which is subject ofan rnvestigatron by the Commission; apphcation for employment or other form of engagement wrth the Commrssion, by a family member or frrend of the State Officer or by a corporatron associated wrth the State Oflicer; Regulations under the Act or any other law. accept the State officer's spouse or child; (6) Where a State officer ls present at a meetlng, and an issue which is likely to result in a conflict of interest is to be discussed, the State officer shall declare the interest at the beginning ofthe meetrng or standards of hospitality; (3) A State officer shall not hrmselfor herself; include:- gift given to the State officer in an olficial capacity, provided that (a) a benefit; not neglect family or parental obligations as provided for (b) in or appear to writrng. (i) (a) Wrongful or unlawful acqursitron of property not engage in wrongful conduct in furtherance of personal not engage in actions which would lead to the State officer's removal from the membershrp of a professional body in accordance with the law; and (2) 14. participating rn any dehberations with respect to the matter Any direchon issued by the Commissron under this subsection shall be in under any law a gifts accurately and honestly represent rnformatron to the public; other person, j) of all not to engage in activities that amount to abuse of office; (h) ( The Commissron shall maintarn a regtster received by State Officers as provrded for rn the regulations. (4) The Commissron may glve dlrectlons on the appropriate action to be taken by the State officer to avord the conflict of rnterest and the State officer shall comply with the directions; and refrarn from pnvate affarrs; (b) (c) (d) (5) 3441 Any applicatron to the Commrssron, by a famrly member or friend of the State Officer, for clearance with respect to appointment or election to any public office; (e) Any other matter whrch, in the oprnion of the State Officer, taking rnto account the circumstances thereof, is necessary for registratlon as a conflict ofinterest. (10) The Commrssron shall keep the regrster of conflrcts of interest for five years after the last entry in each volume of the register; (ll) The Commissron shall prepare a report of the regrstered interests withrn thirty days after the close of a financial year; (12) A State Officer shall ensure that an entry of registrable interests under subsectron (7) rs updated and to notrfo the Commission of any changes in the regrshable interests, within one month of each change occurnng. t I I { I I THEKENYA GAZETTE 3442 16. (l) (4) Participation in tenders invrted by the Commission A State officer shall not participate rn a tender for the supply goods or services to the Commission. (2) Notwithstandrng subsection (l), a or company entity assocrated with the State Officer shall not be construed as trading with thc Commissron unless:- (a) Thc State officer has a controlhng shareholdrng rn the company or entrty; or, (3) from the that Subject to subsection (2), a State Officer may, with the of the Commission, participate rn a collechon rnvolving a private cause; (4) Nothing in this clause shall be constructed as prohibiting a state ofiiccr from making voluntary contribution. 18. (l) State officer who contraveneg subsoction (2) or (3) slall, in addition to any other penalties provided for under the Constitulon, the Act or any other law, be personally liable for any loss or damap to the public property. . (1) 2l Misuse of official information A State officer shall not directly or rndirectly ,r" o, ufo* any person under the officer's authority to use any informatron obtafred through or in connection wrth the office, which is not available ir{ thc otherwise. i (2) A state Officer shall not be deemed to have violated requirements ofsubsection (l), rfthe rnformation is given; State officer shall not participate in a public collection of reflects adversely on that State o{ficer's integrity, funds in a way impartiality or interferes with the performance of the official duties; approval : i A financial or Commission or any other person or enhty for a public purpose unless the President has, by notice rn the Gazefte, declared a national disaster and allowed a public collection for the purpose of the nahonal disaster in accordance wrth the law; A 24th December,2Ol4 public domain, for the furtherrng of any pnvate interest. wh{hcr (b) The State Officer rs a Director of the Company. 17. Public Collections (l) A State oflicer shall not solicit for contributions (2) i I i (a) (b) (2) A State officer who has reasonable grounds for opening or opcrating a bank account outside Kenya shall apply to the Commission for approval to open or operate a bank account; For purposes of educattonal, research, literary, screntrfiC or prohibited In compliance with Article 35 relevant law. 22. Politicalneutrality (1) A State officer, shall by law. of the Constitution and,the not, in the performance of his /hcr duties (a) act as an agent for, or further the interests or candidate in an election; or (b) manifest support for or oppositton to any political party or candidate in an election. Bank accounts outside Kenya Subject to Article 76(2) of the Constitution or any other written law, a State officer shall not open or continue to operate a bank account outside Kenya without the approval of the Commission; - Pursuant to a court order other purposes not (c) the ofa political ptrty (2) engage in any political activity that may compromise ol bc seen to compromise the political neutrality of the offrce subject to uny laws relating to elections. 23. Impartiality A State officer shall, at all times, carry out the duties ofthe ofice with impartiality and objectivity in accordance with Articles 10, 27, (3) A State officer who operates or controls the operation of a bank account outside Kenya shall submit statements of the account annually to the Commission and authorize the Commrssion to verifu the statements and any other relevant rnformation fiom the foreign financial institution in whrch the account is held; 73(2)(b) and 232 of the Constitution and shall not practice favouridsm, nepotism, tribalism, cronyism, religious bias or engage in comrf or unethical practlces. (4) Subject to subsectrons (l) and (2), a person who rs appointed as a State officer in the Commrssion and has a bank account outside Kenya shall, upon such appointment, close the bank account within six months; shatl grve ho{est (5) subsectron (4), a State Officer may open or continue to operate a bank account outside Kenya as may be authonzed by the Commission in writing. Subject to 19. Acting for foreigners (l) A State officer shall not be an agent of, or further the interests of a foreign govemment, organlzatlon or individual in a manner that may be detrimental to the security interests except when acting in the course of (2) (a) of Kenya, official duty. For the purposes ofthis section an individual is a foreigner if an organization is foreign rf or is owned or the individual is not a citizen it is established controlled by a outside Kenya forergn govemment, organizatron or individual. 20. Care ofproperty (l) A State ollicer shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that public property in tlre officer's custody, possession or control is taken care of and is in good repair and condition; (2) A State officer shall not use public property, funds or services that are acquired in the course of or as a result of the official duties, for activities that are not related to the official work ofthe State ollicer; (3) A State officer shall return to the Commissron all the public property in their custody, possession or control at the end of the appointment term; I accurate and impartial advice without fear or favour. 25. (l) Gainful employment Sub;ect to subsection (2), a full trme State officer shall not participarte in any other gainful employment. (2) In thrs sectron, "gainful employment" means work tllt a person can pursue and perform for money or other form of compensation or remuneration which rs rnherently incompatible lith the responsibrlitres of the State office or whtch results in the impaintrent of the judgement of the State officer in the execution of the functioil of the State offrce or results in a conflict of interest. 26. Offers of fuhrre employment (1) A State ollicer shall not allow himself or herself tq bc ofKenya; and (b) 24. Giving of advice A State oflicer who has a duty to gtve advtce influenced in the performance of their duties by plans or expectatlons for or offers of future employment or benefits; (2) A State officer shall disclose, in writing, to the Commisaon, all offers of future employment or benefits that could place the $ta& officer in a situation ofconflict of interest. 2'1. Former State Officer in the Commisston A former State officer shall not be engaged by the Commtssion [n a u matter in which the State Officer was originally-engaged in ^ $t"t" oflicer, for at least two years after leaving the Commission. 28. Misleading the pubhc A State Officer shall not knowingly give false or mislealing rnformation to any person. 29. Falsificationofrecords A State officer shall not falsiry any records or mrsrepr+ent information to the public. I t I THE KENYA GAZET'TE 24th December,2Ol4 34/,3 r 30. (5) Conduct ofprivate affairs A State offrcer shall conduct their private affairs in a mEnnet that maintains public confidence in the integrity of the office. 3 l. (l) Bullying A (6) State officer shall not bully another State Officer, a member of staff or any other person; (2) For purposes of subsectron offensive behaviour which is (l), "bullying" includes rep€atd vindictive, cruel, and malicious ot a percon. - appropriate body or person who action against thc State Officer; (7) is vested with such power to A penon dissatisfied with the decision allow or direct a person under their supervision or control to do anyhing that is in contmventron of this Code, the Constitution or any other law. take of thc Independent of the Panel's decision within Each state ofticer shall uke pcrsonal rcsponsibility for compliancc with the provisions of this Code 40. Review The Code shall be reviewed at such intervals as the Commission may dctermine. (2) Subsection (l) (b) shall not apply where anything is donc without the State officer's knowledge or consent or ifthe State oflicer Signed... . .. ....., . .. ..,...dated this has taken reasonable steps to prevent it. MUMO MATEMU, EBS HALAKHE D. WAQO, ACIARB (3) A State officer who acts under an unlawful direction shall bc responsible for his or her actions CHAIRPERSON SECRETARY/CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 33. Reportingimproperorders (l) Ifa State officer considers that anything required ofthem is in contraventlon of the Code or is otherwise improper or un€thical, the State officer shall report the matter to Parliament; (2) Parliament shall investigate the report and take appropriatc action within ninety days ofreceiving the report, 34. Conf,rdentiality Subject to Article 35 ofthe Constitution and any other relevant law, a State Offrcer shall not disclose or cause to be disclosed eny information rn his custody to any unauthorized person. 35. Dufy to prevent occurrence of comtption or ........,..ho|dcr A State Officer who believes or has reason to believe that 6 corrupt act or unethical malpractice has occurred or is ebout to occur in thc Commission shall take all necessary measures to prevent it from continuing or materializing in addition to any other appropriate action. in $e Commission State Officers in the Commission shall collectively and individually take measures to ensure that staff of the Commission uphold and practice the highest attarnable degree of integrity in the performance of l ) Deponcnt This..............day of.............. Before Me Commissioncr for Dated the ) Oadrs/Magistratc l l?th December, 2014. HALAKHE D. WAQO, Secretary/C hief Executive Off cer. Dress Code A State Officer shall maintain appropriate standard personal hygiene at all times. 38. (l) ;il;*,y;A;;ih"'ff*iil'*'3'H# at said their duties. 37. No. No. ,... of the Ethics and Anti.Comrption Commission, do hercby confirm thet I have read and undetstood the Leadership and Integrity Code for the Ethics and AnhComrption Commission and hereby comfirit io abide by the provisions of the Code at all times. unethical ethics, integrity and best practices Nationel lD/Pasrport and Post Office Box of ir;;td;; ^{;;; By thc of .. ,. .2014 COMMITMENT TO THE LEADERSHIP AND INTEGRITY CODE OF THE ETHICS AND ANTI-CORRUPTION COMMISSION Sworn Promotion ......... day of ,...... ETHICS AND ANTI.CORRUPTION COMMISSION practice in the Commission 36. it thc 39. lmplementation of thc Code cause aflything to be done thmugh another person that would constitute a contraventron of this Code, the Constitution or any other law if done by the State officer; or (b) to takc action or refcr the matter to Review Panel may apply for revicw fiftcen days of the decision. Acting through others A State officer shall not At the close of inquiry, thc Independent Review Ponel shall take appmpriate disciplinary action against the State Officer or whcrc does not have the power humiliating whether or not is intended to undermine 32. (l) (a) The Cabinet Sccretary shall submit the petition undcr subsection (4) to the Prcsident who shall constitutc an Independcnt Review Panel to inquirc into the allcgations contained in the petition in accordance with section 5l of the Act; of dress and Breach ofCode Any person may lodge a complaint alleging a breach of this Code by a State Ofifrcer; to the public entity and or parliament. (2) Breach of this Code amounts to misconduct for which the State Oflicer may be subjected to disciplinary proceedings including removal iiom offrce; (3) Where a breach of this Code amorrnts to a violation of the Constitutron, the State Officer may be removed from office in accordance with Article 95 (5) (a) and or 25 I of the Constitution; (4) A person alleging a breach ofthis Code, other than a breach under Article 251 of the Constitution, may submit a petition setting out the alleged vrolation to the Cabinet Secretary; CAzErrG NoncE No.9276 THE MINING ACT (Cqp.306) APPLICATION FOR AN EXCLUSIVE PROSPECTINC LICENCE NOTICE is givan thet an +plietion under section l8(2) of ttrc Mining Act has been made by Mcssrs. Rolling Hills Limittd of P.O. Box t16817-{X)1fi), Nairobi, Kenye for an exclusiw prospecting licencc to prospcct br gemstones over an.rea describcd in drc Schcdule hcrero and the said application has becn rcccptod for consideratirm. By virtue of the abovc mentioncd scctifi of ttrc Mining Act, thc said area of land is thercfore re-opcncd to prospc$ing and mining and by virhre of section 7 (l) (d) of thc samc Act, the said area of land is excluded from prospecting and or mining cxcept as regards any prospecting and mining rights grantcd in respect ofthe area or any part THE KENYA GAZETTE 3444 24th December,20l4 thereofbefore the date ofthls notice whrch are subsistrng or any nght of renewal thereof constructron phase usrng approprlate Any oblection to the grant of the sfecial licence may be made rn writing and addressed to the Commissroner of Mines and Geology, P.O. Box 30009-00100, G P O, Narrobr, Kenya to reach him withrn thrrty (30) days from the date ofpubhcatron ofthrs notrce. Formulate an emergency communlcatlon plan for alerting the local community where SCHEDULE An area of approximately ll.58kmr srtuated in Tarta Taveta County, delineated on Voi topo sheet No. SA-37-14 of scale l:250,000 and instrumentatlon. the need arises Sorl erosron and sediment generation more partrcularly as descrrbed by the following UTM ARC 1960 coordinates. The contractor must lmplement planned erosion control measures to avoid erosion rn areas that are prone to eroslon, e.g. steep slopes and drainage lines. Ensure downstream water users are Point Easting Northing tnformed about any unprecedented release of heavily silted water into the rrver A 456400 9585000 Sedrment traps and barrrers must be B 452000 452000 453000 9585000 9589300 9589300 C D employed due to steep terrain Sorl pollution GAZETTE NoTIcE vehicle/plant malntenance shall take In case of place on undesignated site. S. M. }lRt6724135 No emergency, a drip tray shall be used to avoid diesel and / or oil sprlls. KIMOMO, Ag. Commissroner of Mtnes and Geologt Concrete mixing shall not be done on bare sorl. Concrete must be mrxed on mortarboards, a large metal sheet or concrete No.8975 slab. THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND Excavated material shall be stockprled at a demarcated site, wrthin the construction CO-ORDINATION ACT (No. 8 zone. ol 1999) THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Sorl compactron PURSUANT to Regulation 2l of the Environmental Regulations, 2003, Surface and ground water pollution (SOPs) for working in Ensure that The Proponent (Athi Water Services Board) is proposing to set up a Bulk Water Supply to Nairobr City - Northern Collector Tunnel, a Raw Water Pipeline, and Treated Water Prpeline to Kabete Reservoir Phase I rn Kangema and Kigumo Sub-Countres of Murang'a County. vehrcles are serviced all constructron equipment and off site at licensed Any contamrnated sorl should be handled properly as hazardous waste and removed form site for safe disposal. Overstretching local Careful plannrng of constructlon camp. utrlities; and rncrdences of insecurity Construction of raw water gravlty marn from Thrka dam to the proposedWater Treatment Plant 6km downstream of Thrka dam; Construction of Water Treatment Plant 6km downstream of the dam; Any contractor's camp should have a comprehensive waste management and sanltation plan. Any storage tanks and equrpment should have correct labels and Material Safety Data and Construction of 44km Treated Water gravity main up to Kabete reservoirs(capacrty 1.60m3/s) vra Ngethu and Gigiri Water Treatment Plants to meet thecity's year 2017 water demand Sheets. Adequate Emergency Response Plan should be rn place in the camps. Below is a summary of the anticrpated impacts and the proposed Possiblelmpacts and garages. the mrtigatlon measures: water, includrng refuelhng protocols. Assessment Study Report for the above proposed project. Transfer of water from Maragua River, Irah River and Gikie River to Thika dam (Ndakarnr daml: on Implement Standard Operating Procedures checks on equipment condition Envrronment Management Authority (NEMA) has recerved an Envrronmental Impact following components kept possible; Rip compacted areas to reduce runoff and re-vegetate where required. the Natronal The Northern Collector Phase I (the Project) includes be existrng/designated roads/tracks where ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED NORTHERN COLLECTOR TUNNEL PHASE I IN KANGEMA AND KIGUMO SUB-COUNTIES OF MURANG'A COUNTY Management and Coordrnation (Impact Assessment and Audrt) Vehrcles must Oil spills Ming,attonMeasures Vehrcle maintenance should be done on purpose-burlt impervrous concrete platforms with oil and grease traps Impacts dunng conslructrcn phase Loss of land and resettlement; and economic displacement . skimmrng tanks. Effluent discharge shall not exceed 25 mg/lrtre or the limit specified by the construction works. of . Implement Geotechnical monitoring through other Excavatron Performance Revrew (EPR) GeologicaV seismic system to continuously monitor the hazards Geotechnical stabihty during the lncreased risks landslides and Monitor effluent discharge from the oil Implement RAP before commencement of the NEMA. Shrftrng of labour The contractor should be encouraged to from tea picking to offer wages within the prevailing rates. constructron and Increased school drop-outs Contractor must abrde by labour laws and avord any employment of children. r t I THE KENYA GAZETTE 24th December,2Ol4 . lnterference wrth migratory frshes . Riverine Thika reservoir and Loss from the outfall may help to counter the increased flow. Installatron of a gauging station after outfall, wrll help monitor the water levels changes, so as appropnate Ensure suffrcient compensation flow. measures can be taken: and microhabrtat. Ensure adequate waste management plan is rn place and rn use from the onset of alteratlons; Loss of otter dens; Ensure that the new off take is continuously operational at optimal levels to evacuate the rncreased volumes. constructlon. of breeding and nursery grounds for . and invertebrates frshes . Loss of vegetation cover and Illegal loggrng of trees Mrnrmrze activities to areas of constructron and inrtlate habltat restoratton immedrately after construction works are through 3445 of Systematic search, capture and safe release of otters inhabitrng the right of way (for the weir structures) and fish pass). for affected tea bushes and tree/woodlots before constructron works begin and allow for salvage of affected Compensate Changes rn riverine and rrparian floral timber. conservatlon significance . of conservatlon lmportance should be avorded as feasrble. Where encountered, plants . Ensure comphance wlth Wrldlrfe (Conservatlon and Management) Act, 2013 and sensitize employees on the same. and . Liaise with relevant utility service providers utrltty and roads authoritles to minimrze any servlces service disruptions Pressure on drsruptron of . Changes ln nvenne and riparian floral composrtrons compositions . Encourage reuse implement NCTI tunnel specific comprehensive O&M Safety and Health Management Plan. Monitor volumes at intakes and outfall to allow Ioss detection: and Ensure regular lnspection and maintenance of the tunnel. of sporl materials e.g. in reduce land area used for spoil storage. . Undertake contrnuous ecologrcal monitoring of hydrophytes and hrgh water specific species to track and mitigate any emerging tmpacts of the project on the plants The rrparran extent of the project affected rivers should be defined by WRMA and be enforced to prevent people farming up to the rrver banks to reduce srllatron. Review and update the existrng safety and Emergency Plan for Thika dam. safety stakeholders provrders and roads constructlon and mainlenance to landscape R Concerns of dam KTDA of any planned drsruptrons. Modification of flow after R. Maragua, R. Iratr and AWSB should establrsh and to all rncluding water servlce rntake for Gikigie. Safety risks dunng tunnel maintenance operations Loss of water Ensure advance notlce Observe the mrnimum ecological lmpeded migration of frsh Incorporate Iandscaprng at adrts and portals to camouflage the introduced concrete Spoil generahon . Test and evaluate efficacy of fish passes wlthrn the first two years of commrssronrng. Maxrmrse the re-use of excavated matenals rn the works as far as feasible. surfaces. Properly drspose of the spoil rn the approved spoil sites identified by the design team. Growthofunplanned. As much as feasible, the unskilled labour settlements should be obtained from amongst the locals. . . Destruction of unidentified physrcal cultural Liarse wrth Murang'a county government to control developments ln the area and ensure provisron of adequate services. Waste handllng challenges Final disposal of the srte waste should b,6 done at a location that shall be approved by Resident Engineer rn accordance with the Waste Management Plan after consultation with the relevant stakeholders, including the County Adminrstration and local a chance-find procedure for lmplementahon whenever any Formulate archaeologrcal sites are encountered. Impacts dunng operation phase flow (affecting . both domestic and ecologrcal needs) Ensure strrct adherence the appropnate management methods based on the three Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) resources Reduced downstream The corltractor should enforce to the proposed community. abstraction weirs operation principles. Construct frsh passes as planned and ensure they are regularly marntarned. Undertake wet season survey Liquid waste pollution All grey water runoff or discharges uncontrolled from the srte/working areas to water courses should be contained and properly channeled and subsequent annual aquatic fauna surveys to Water contarning such pollutants monrtor trends and rnform any further cements, concrete, lime, chemicals and fuels shall be drscharged into a conservancy tank for removal from site. management rnterventrons. as Conduct rouhne In-stream Flow Release compLance audrt/monitonng once operatron commences for management lntervcntlons. temperatures Encourage local communities to plant indigenous trees on the riparran lands to downstream ensure water temperatures are not increased. Reduced water . Deterioration of downstream water quality Conduct regular water sampling and laboratory analysls to monitor the water quality variations. inflow rnto . For possible increased rnundation of the Githikariverand rrverine areas, stream channel expansion Increased Dust nuisance and toxrc emrssions wlth resprratory health problems Vehrcles delivering soil materials should be covered to reduce dust emissrons. Consrder watering of the access roads dunng dry season to suppress dust. Provrde dust masks to all personnel on dustprone work srtes. All construction machinery should be maintained and serviced in accordance with the equipment specrfications manufacturer's standards. and THE KENYA GAZETTE 34,/,6 Noisc nuisancc rclatcd hcalth pmblcms and . Noiso levels shall bc kept within acceptable limits prcfcrably es stipulatcd within Envimnmental Management Coordination (Noisc and the and Exccssive Vibration Pollution) Control Regulations, 2009. Monitor noisc and vibration in sensitive locations abovc the tunncl and along the haulage routcs to ensurc thc Equipmcnt should bc maintaincd regularly to rcduce noisc resulting from friction. o I Social delinquency and sprcad of STIs . Workcrs exposod to highJevel noise must wcar penonal protcctivc cquipmcnt (PPE). Ensure usc of approvcd fucls from liccnsed supplicrs only. Ensurc that any cooling units installcd at the camps only usc ozone friendly coolants ln compliancc with NEMA guidclincs. a Localc construction camps away from . inconvcnicnccs and damagc to local roads 208,000 190,000 398,000 {63,166} t163,ooo} 651395 605,000 ISAIAH GICHU NDIRANGU, Party N ational C hairman. MR/6254991 G^ZETTE NoTICE No.9278 OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30059-O01fi), Nairobi Loss oF PoLIcY Policy No. 3701089 I in the name of Bessie Akinyi Kagonda Byakika. Thc contraclor should cnsurc that the projcct workcrs are scnsitiscd on the local culturc. Ensurc thc local roads and bridgcs to be uscd by thc projcct arc improved bcfore days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be thc sole evidence of the contract. duplicate construction works start. . 105,000 r03O00 APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issuc of of the above numbered policy, the original having been reportcd as lost or misplaccd. Notice is given that unless objection is lodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) conccntration of schools; and, a 318960 M9,727 292,684 742$tt The above statcments were approved for issue by the party National Executive Council and were signed on their behalf by; Ensure thc contmctor liaises with local projoct area in educating thc aommunity. HIV/AIDS 130,767 Total other administration expenses Tool administrative expcnse Total other operating expense: Total expenditure NET LOSS Non-Cunpnt Assets Propcrty, plant and e4uipment public heolth officials and NGO's within the including Traffic EXPENDITURE Administration expenses; NEMA rcquircments arc mct. Gcncration ofOzonc dcplcting gascs 24th December.2Ol4 Dated the be issued, which 8ti December.20l4. DAVID KOIGI, Oficer, Claims Ensure that all rcgulations relating to traffic managcmcnt are obrcrved and notify the local traffic ofFrcials and KTDA of thc will MR/6254895 construction activities; and . Install appmpriarc traffic warning signagc and cnforcc spced limits for construction GAzE'rrE NorrcE No. 92?9 KENINDIA ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED vehiclcr on thc project affccted roads. hcalth r and Safcty and risks to workcn thcgcncralpublic (Incorporated in Kenya) The contractor should cnsurc compliance with all standards and legally rcquircd hcalth and safcty procedures in line with OSHA, 2007 and associatcd rulcs and rcgulations. . - Implement the spccifiod H&S programme throughout thc construction period, Thc full rcport of thc proposcd projcct is available for inspection during working hours at: (a) Dircctor-Ocncral, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road, P.O. Box 67839-{D2I}0, Nairobi. (D) Loss oF PoLIcY Policy No. 948372 in the nqme and on the life of Ombwayo Antony Oteng'o. REPORT ft6ving been made to this company on thc loss of thc abovc life policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to this company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy (in rcspect ofthe same) will be issued and shall be considered as the solc evidcnce of contract for all future transactions. Datcd the 26th November,2014. hincipal Sccrctary, Ministry of Environmcnt and Mineral Resourccs, NHIF Building, Community, P,O. Box 30126- SUDHAKAR RAVINDRANATH, General Manager, Life Division. MR/6254869 00100, Nairobi. (c) County Dircctor of Environmcnt: Murang'a County. Thc Nrtional Environmcnt Managcmcnt Authority invircs members of thc public to submit oral or writtcn commcnts within thirty (30) days fmm thc datc of pullicuion of this noticc to thc Dircctor-Gencral, NEMA, !o assist thc Authority in thc dccision making process of thc G^zETrE NoTIcE No.9280 KENINDIA ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Kenya) plsn. MFJ6254546 ZEPHANIAH O. OUMA, Jor Director-General, National Environmcnt Management Aulhority GAzErrE NorrcENo.9277 PARTY OF DEMOCRATIC UNITY TJN- AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT 3OTH JUNE 2013t2014 20t3 INCOME Ksh. Fund Donation GROSS PROFIT 235,000 2014 LoSs oF PoLIcY Policy No.944307 in the name and on the liJe Datcd the 3rd December,2014. MR/5254869 235J00 Nelly Njeri Ngethe. REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the abovc life policy, notice is givcn that unless objection is lodged to this company within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy (in respect of the same) will be issued and shall be considered as thc sole cvidcncc of contract for all future transactions. 679245 6792/5 oJ SUDHAKAR RAVINDRANATH, General Manager, LiJc Division 1 t I t 24th December,2O14 GAZETTE NOTICE THE KENYA GAZETTE NO.928I CHANGEOFNAME NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated lOth December, 2014, duly executed and registered in the Regrstry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentatron No. 1817, in Volume Dl, Foho 4l2l39o'7, Frle No. MMXIV, by our client, Sandy Mokeira Morara, of P.O. Box 980700100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Sandy Mokeira Morara Muema, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her former name Sandy Moketra Morara Muema, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Sandy Mokeira Morara, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address her by her assumed name Sandy Mokeira Morara only. Dated the lgth December,2014. MRJ6724105 NEHESA MAINA & ASSOCIATES, Advocates Jor Sandy Mokeira Morara, formerly known as Sandy Mokeira Morara Muema. GAZETTE NoTIcE NO.9282 CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE rs grven that by a deed poll dated l0th December, 2014, duly executed and regrstered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 1818, in Volume Dl, Foho 41113892, File No. MMXIV, by our client, Sandy Morara, of P.O. Box 843-0O517, Narrobi in the Republic of Kenya, on behalf of George Justus Morara (a minor), formerly known as George Mutuku Muema, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name George Mutuku Muema, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name George Justus Morara, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, descnbe and address him by hrs assumed name George Justus Morara only. Dated the l9th December,2014. NEHESA MAINA & ASSOCIATES, Advocates for Sundy Morara, on behalf oJ George Justus Morara (minor), MN6724105 GAZETTE NoTIcE fornrerly known as George Mutuku Muema. No.9283 CHANGEOFNAME NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated l0th December, 2014, duly executed and reglstered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobl as Presentation No. 1816, in Volume Dl, Folio 4lll389l, File No. MMXIV, by our client, Sandy Morara, of P.O. Box 843-00517, Narrobi in the Republic of Kenya, on behalf of Gift Morara Moindi (a minor), formerly known as Gift Morara Muema, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Gift Morara Muema, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Gift Morara Moindi, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Gift Morara Morndi only. Dated the 19th December,2014. NEHESA MAINA & ASSOCIATES, Advocates for Sandy Moraret, on behalJ of GiJt Morara Moindi (minor), Jormerly known as GiJt Morara Muema. MN6724105 GAZETTE NoTICE No.9284 80118, Mombasa rn the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Yusuf Oreu Kasanju, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Yusuf Oreu Kasanju, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Oreu Lugogo Leunoto, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, descnbe and address him by his assumed name Oreu Lugogo Leunoto. ODERA OBAR &, COMPANY, AdvocatesJor Oreu Lugogo kunoto, lormerly known as Yusuf Oreu Kasanju. MN6724003 GAZEITE NoTICE No.9285 CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is grven that by a deed poll dated 5th November, 2014, duly executed and registered in the Registry ofDocuments at Nairobi as Presentation No. 1490, rn Volume Dl, Folio 3'1913532, File No. MMXIV, by our client, Lilian Chepkorrr Rono, of P.O. Box 2745, Eldoret in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Lilian Chepkorir klei, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of hcr former name Lilian Chepkonr Lelei, and in lieu thereof assumcd and adopted the name Lilian Chepkorir Rono, for all purposcs and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describc and address her by her assumed name Lilian Chepkorir Rono. Dated the 27th November,20l4. METTO & COMPANY, Advocates MN6254941 for Lilian Chepkorir Rono, formerly known as Lilian Chepkorir klei. GAZETTE NoTICE No.9286 CHANGEOFNAME NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 7th November, 2014, duly executed and registered rn the Registry of Documents at Naimbi as Presentation No. 742, rn Volume Dl, Folio 3'74134'79, File No. MMXIV, by our client, Elizabeth Nthenya Mutuku, of P.O. Box 431fi)518, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Hellen Nthenya Mutuku, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her former name Hellen Nthenya Mutuku, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Elizabeth Nthenya Mutuku, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all timcs to designate, descnbe and address her by her assumed name Elizabcth Nthenya Mutuku only. Dated the l8th November,2014. OCHIENG OGUTU & COMPANY, Advocates ItlP.t6724208 for EliTabeth Nthenya Mutuku, formerly known as Hellen Nthenya Mutuku. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9287 CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is grven that by a deed poll dated lst September, 2014, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi, as Presentation No.445, in Volume Dl, Folio 381/3560, Filc No. MMXIV, by our client, Lenny Ngugi Wachira, of P.O. Box 2213900400, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Leonard Ngugr Wachrra alias Leonard Ndrritu, formally and absolutcly renounced and abandoned the use of his former name Leonard Ngugi Wachira alias Leonard Ndirio, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Lenny Ngugr Wachrra, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to destgnate, describe and address him by his assumed name Lenny Ngugi Wachira only. CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE rs given that by a deed poll dated llth November,2014, duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No. 2241, in Volume Dl, Folio 38813625, File No. MMXIV, by our chent, Oreu Lugogo kunoto, of PO Box 34261- 3447 MR|67242fi KARANJA KANG'IRI & COMPANY, Advocates lor Lenny Ngugi Wachra, Jormerly known as Leornrd Ngugi Wachira alias Leonard Ndiritu. I t THE KENYA GAZETTE 3448 I 24th December,2Ol4 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS THE KENYA GAZETTE ECONOMIC SURVEY,2OII Price: KSft. 1,000 THE following notes tre for the guidance of persons submittrng "copy'' for inclusron in the Kenya Gazette, Supplement,etc : (1) THE FTNANCE BILL,20t4 Price: KSh.235 The Kenya Gazette contans Notrces of a general nature whrch ddnot affect legrslation. They ue, therefore, submltted to the Govemrfient Printer (2) drrecrly I lzgrslanve Supplement contalns Rules and Regulations whrch i are lssued by the Central Govemment Because of thrs, they musl bc submrned to the Govcmment Pnntcr through the office of the AnorfcyGeneral. 201112012 (3) Bill Supplement contarns Bllls ESTIMATES OF RECURRENT EXPENDITURE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KENYA FOR THE YEAR ENDING 30TH JUNE,2011 VOL. I Price: KSh.l,400 (4) typewritten wlth double spacing. Copy should be clcar, legrble and contard no alterahons. 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