PPROVFD OR RELEASE 30 OCTOBER 20i3 HR 70-141 HiAnTY STATES MNITEI t Lzw*Ua P.U7 LAWnnA. Mo EXC ? -~e Q. MENHEati, PR~fIDElfr .N. DULDDYarf AM~ 00W N~~~ CIVIL S .ICE 1942 *CML """"""" =DMCC C"Umm WASHINGTON.D.C. monu " KKAMINM ,s Ia JB C COM M IS SION 1 HSL~a March 6, 1942 r Mr. James B. Opsata, Personnel Officer, Office of Coordinator of Information, 25th and E Streets N. W., Washington, D. C. L Dear Mr. Opsata: As a result of investigation the following person has been rated -- . rligible on sn.tabliity, subject to arrrrn :clearance.of Federal Bureau of Investigation records including fingerprints. Name and Address . Position "'2' Mrs. Margaret Adelaide Hawkins 8211 Grove St. Silver Spring, Maryland Junior Cryptanalyst Executive Order 8564 Office of Coordinator of Information By direction of the Commission: Tory respectfully -.... SE- BUY .. A. Moyer Executive Director and Chief Examine PPRCVED FOR RELEASE 0 OC OBER 2013 R 70- 4 AFFIDAVIT STRIKING AGAINST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP (DEPT. OR _ ESTAB.) - (BUREAU OR OFFICE) WASHINGTON, D. C. (PLACE OF ADELAIDE THAT I STATES OF AM NOT AND THE UNITED MENT EMPLOYEES THE I THAT SUCH IN ANY DO HEREBY STRIKE AGAINST WILL. NOT SO ENGAGE STATES: UNITED STATES, A MEMBER OF . HAWKINS, ENGAGED THAT EMPLOYMENT) THAT ASSERTS AND' THAT I GOVERNMENT OF AN EMPLOYEE OF (OR AFFIRM) THE UNITED THE GOVERNMENT AM NOT A MEMBER OF AN ORGANIZATION OF GOVERN. THE i WHILE THE SWEAR RIGHT TO STRIKE.AGAINST WILL NOT WHIL-E THE GOVERNMENT A GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE OF BECOME AN ORGANIZATION. (SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE OR APP FNTEE) Cg SUBSCRIBED AND July SWORN TO BEFORE ME 28thDAY THIS ,1947 AT Washington . F DCs STATE OF (, - Iu nat e ee 0 Act c 7,1ne 26, 194) l Appointment Clerk i/ FORM NO SEP 1946 - 3 5.4 (1590 (Approved y th r'e, May 2, 1925 OATH OF OFFICE Prescribed by Section 1757, Revised Statutes of the United States -. .iQAnffin Coordinator of Information. (Department or Establishnent) I, f Adelaide Hawkins ~(Name (Bureau or Offce) - -u-,--------- n inflprinted or typed) solemnly swear (or affirm)-. that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I. will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reserva- tion or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So HELP ME GOD. (signature of Appointee) Subscribed and sworn to before me this -.. 6th._ day of at ...aing Daneinbar A.D. 19 41 C (city or place) (State) -- [SEAL] I , _______, I otary Public NoTE.--If the oath is taken before a Notary Public the date of expiration of his commission should be shown. -- 'A'COfmissiQnQ~lireatsiPosition to which appointed __AssstalltCryphag Date of entrance on duty --- aker -4/ s _C ,_1941-------------------------- .B.GOVEBuEarN PRINTINGOFFICE 10--1689 -'-------------------C 6 - Annum Standard Form No. 4T Approved by the Bureau of the Budget May 15, 1941 PERSONNEL AFFIDAVIT Coordinator of Information __-aison_0ffjoa (Department or agency) (Bureau or division) . aPhingtAn;A P (Place of employment) Name ------ AdelaideHawkins_----------------(Given name, Initial or. Initials, if any, and last name. Print or type) Section 9A of Public 252-76th Congress, approved August 2, 1939, otherwise known as the "Hatch Act," provides: "(1) It shall be unlawful for any person employed in any capacity by any agency of the Federal Government, whose compensation, -or any part thereof, is paid from funds authorized or appropriated by any Act of Congress, to have membership in any political party or organization which advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of government in the United States. "(2) Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be immediately removed from the position or office held by him, and thereafter no part of the funds appropriated by any Act of Congress for such position or office shall be used to pay the compensation of such person;" It is provided in various appropriation acts that no part of the funds so appropriated shall be used to pay the salary or wages of any person who advocates, or who is a member of an organization that advocates, the overthrow of the Government of the United States by-force or violence, and that an affidavit-shall be- considered prima facie evidence that the person making the affidavit does not advocate; and is.not a member of an organization that advocates, the overthrow of the Government of the United States by force or violence. Such acts provide further that any person who advocates, or who is a member of an organization that advocates, the overthrow of the Government of the United States by force or violence and accepts employment, the salary or wages for which are paid from any such appropriation, shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than 1 year, or both, and that the above penalty shall be in addition to, and not in substitution for, any other provisions of existing law. I,-- --------------------, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have read and understand the foregoing; that I do not advocate the overthrow of the Government of the United States by force or violence; that I am not a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States by force or violence; and that during such time as I am an employee of the Federal Government, I will not advocate nor become a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States byforce or violence. (Signature of employee) Subscribed and sworn to before me this at - day of December ----- Washington,. De C---------------------(City or place) [sEAL] 16th(State) --U. S. GOVENRENTIPRINYNS OF/ICE: 1940-O Notary Public _ A. D., 1941 , PHYSICAL QUALI1FICATION RECORD N"AME OF ACTION INATURE HAWI$, ADELAIDE M. TITLE OF POSITION 3.0. D. , s GRADE yptographer -. . P 4 DEPARTMENT,0R FIELD' Ems'. Departmental, I -- - *K. t SuJec wsfnd physically ffit unf itfor .dty 'in.the above^grade= and oiion.: 11 Avgt 9947 . . . . . * -with .this. organi.zationI:;A RECCMh1NDATIONS:. ., I > 1aI wY f. D/TRr .t. ", 'Nfr . S. F.R 7 , r I I.. s < rJ ' .. 7 Y , ,' T I ! /2 ;Y . r 5 d 1. M 4. e 98 '. -t /1 J ri1H Y . . . . . 1,9,4 . , i . n .) i§ . 1 :1, . . . . . 4 r . t .. .... + a- 5 . h . -- 54 . . t . y . 4ari . } " } - L a . PPR VED FOR RELEASE -1 30 OC OE ER2013 R 70- 4--PLEASE BAD INhTRUCION SUER? B8FOR PREPARING THTS FORM OFFICE j TATE61|ENT OF FEDERAL CIVILIAN AND MILITARY SERVICE 7 TMSTI I"FEDERAL CtIVILIAN SERVICE (BEGIN-WITH THIS AGENCY -ANO FOLLOW IN REVE AGENCY AGENCY LOCATION_ NHO QOGICAL ORDE)lH"i FROM LOCATION ____ DIviSION _ DA. MO. TO --- - YR. DA. - MO. - YR. TOTAL SERVICE DA. . YR. - I. d Total Civilian Service Ii MILITARY SERVICE (INCLUDE ONLY PERIODS OF ACTIVE DUTY; DO NOT. INCLUDE TERMINAL LEAVE) - BR -F FROM DA. MO. TO YR. DA. MO. TOTAL SERVICE, YR. DA. MO. Total Military Service III CERTIFICATION - - I hereby certify that the above Civilian and Military service is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 19 _ aramhaQr 'i- DATE IV REMARMS SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE (CONCERNING ABOVE SERVICE) s.~ ( .. " V FOR PERSONNEL OFFICE USE ON TOTAL CREDITABLE SERVICE NONTH S ,AYS MAY BE CONTINUED ON NON-DETACN BLE REVERSE- ID ., ... ; LY YEARS YR. i, ! D ;. j, l "tL;s b Y '' * , ,. a Lne fA ..Y 1,:.ln" .. . .i O : 0, , . c n. !' : . r: ," ~ " ' L i "ND, 1- a iS _ P Jr b :: Y r7G., ' . : ,7. J- ""33PPIIFF 7wvF^ N T., E " ' iT "f~ e7p" b P t d ,y r. t ^y't 4r.1 a ir' ."=l ti ti) . S }t .. Y+ K' ; ,f . ' +-,C; r ;; . "" W '' 1" 'lt ''L a"-.}::F 5°r pyt .ls y py+,"S' ,,.. ki'y 1. ''' ; i x[, Y:++"3. j a CD? ,t~_. yi. r "', F Lrk "Jr1, j T-ry.. ,:, 9 v. - ' E4r j; Y°"} . 'i?{;'c...'ti7 : rr. "c s ?Jtp .l+t' k y {"i IY¢ +i.l, 'A'T a,, ;, , -,- . i .i k b yY" " :.rca ' -" j . , ,~ f"d. ;,i a Y *" r.r ,f 'r"" 'Ja r yry~ . CENTRAL s yj h rr' / f h , {!:'. j ,'.? :; ';:{:!;,. , - y f " r Tp' 4 7 "+' 6nt..;y' yam" Ir .F MOr , FitabL NCE QR P "s .ryY ?%-__;, eatl ir Y . tE J _ 1 ,- ^« ' > ., r 'rr sr".}{-c NO,_Ol'9*h, j '...y - pc 1!" 3 pk. x- f r''I y,:r . .k oik :S- ' by paah ; ' " " fill .. r) Mc "y'_,'{tS+77 . rar t.l.. F, } .1 1: \ 7 ";,-.'+?J' ,"l:;yCJAfi..Ary. r u i 1.c a. _, .C , ," C _fta_ _ y' '_._ii_. S BLS ! t ulor. lvldcaJ r 6?1}fy + '" .4"" fRE 3 '. 'S r wxHI T N '_ " Exy itr- v .. i _., ------------ -_ o "ry C _"' d",.:1rF1 ."yF!s._a' _ _ ''. ({ f. !. ": ' ";3?'u..... "h.. -r' Fi ? L..-Y,S's' .vr" t2 b u sss t k's . Ky:x'in " e 7,+ ly s a. 'or affi D i x!St+it3FF3f1J Yom, y " n '. «'?OFFIC tFie ,CAns tiuhon ,df th@ nited; ' ."ic - tates5ag M a+ MI6 insjt '>r ; ,, "' ix'-r.._;:F;:Y,, t'! ; ".L-', " ar. Gr rt. 4>: an ,CaCa9I ' + ":.....'J. 'rz< dllenemiea, toVreigrrIM47do1. stc 'tha t xI r ear t ua faitY and "O.y.tir Cl. @1"1.:$'.1C ,f ? Cti r" . r r ,, ^9 lf. t}k.yt+,.." 4t bn freetil, withoutan. :... w w _ ,r: @ .YkI; leI1tC11?reServation O.,p 8r r a",. 9' i '?aa.,56' r' ."tz,sr., Y E ,''"_'.Zrrr'1? ,s ,'.>"?y n ys,+ s nVr a'y 1 wr'" ±r j ', s tiw± tuaRM ¢ 4F : v+v' d i flr '-F'' '+a,, ., ' .-i ' yI "gsr, _: _.,.; LF''2vIE GOD:" S0 i-± ur; boutcto, en er., n s }. +rt . ati+3 .11 ' C' pC 'r'r'f y 1:1 t s, s' '"t; v,} , y -&.;.---- ^ °8,* ( r , +h. Ar: ' '' 5 ;"# ! i aer Vlca U.S. C Y:, t , - *3a , rIrrs+ l s ? r9 5SY r s4hscarge i >i. ! l'ty t E' { y &;g Y t T w u i+ rjg "r fw + . rS ., ' ;ti1rY -r-v .: >.l '.pi+r+. t ' ",Y wr.4 norr i i'. riot tidvocate t'cu )that~I do I T'eofficeon;whi esof >y!r°+y !t'L ... wf.4lafiit 1 asmef Of QT1yrpOllt CaI4. Tty4sZt{ n.rr,;:: ov' C ;g 1 AFF T fi' or organizationtu t"advocat s'the ovTt 1rompivttl@ Fk1tn AUnit@dsSta the R' t${t II ' i "' V@ ' F T1G ,v. ri w s , w 5i'r ' c a+ f a u : @8 b i0 Ce.yw .or- vio knee, and thattdur. - iZRMAJ,'s uoh & e a 1 I ' rarn wi 'x9e to eneeof tlie k " PIT1Tklei,"I."Wll" t :: ' " +Z.." s ,"7iTi^rvs't"-.itw','''.Y-'. iC 'F 3;f) n"_,;S'a."'l' ' . ' . .' " ".',Yij. 'a'a. .' c'.r',F".', ,Lnotpadvocate or laeoomeatim ber df BE polibea"1 ;or"rgnatro n .'T> < at at' ', v.afi uSw'. c'& k! 5 t q z" ir, leEt* n':mv = + 4fyr ':3YL'v .. yet: °overMT-MT theFG-vrnment hF' ~re United7Statesf i ,a _ °~ r i =a + ^"!, Y!+', > ,,sA} ' . } Yr X r +., r. . . ri ra"n-+ Yry+ t. .. r v,.. or by foroe or"violence: cd l:, w't Yr'. . ".t}: +iyFe :," '_,3 > ':5 .. ", wr' i.'ll m'"a xj , r", , n'}:, !' MIM d: zrpo, furtlie ' Sa rr.5 s, "§wearE.i'o i' M° DAVI TTIl t dw?" 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"rat". sr @R x 2 i i"-i's",.Ti'Sr.t ?° of erse ., S rev e} +,.,d 4. Wyk y, r[,ra"±" iE-'qyni "M1atC * yt. uKa..'t.,r3a cq - aie;tr-ue~> and cor estzasrof +" ;;TCi ."p w y.': i' ; rry,'} LusE"c -, ?n;'qr 'Arf' ,". v °r-z ;' = -, , y-ta"5". 5 ak a. 't +{ > -Ya Ka . es , , G'i <t Y"'}'rr+F; /-.. wtx "s"''is].; '''". "a)'t = +,'°,"r'.. 8t ' f03" Federag&ph s^ _7n" ems~ , Yavelreview, ,, i+. y t t;, t 7er, .. ? .." " ',,t ,11y . .'t;G R{" V tp. k ., d' " Y Ilk rt 91 37 ? t t7, f ,2 ° ow tiy :. ' Enttnnoe X, t r:: _ Y kl.rF 4 M; y .[, cr- ,oNilaorYlFr . r3! 6 " ':., r" Y 7 .s " ,. tl Z" C!!n:,-r si.', 'x',.',4 1t J. r y4' yx,': z ,,,t,. 4,1'! i "- dz;r '3. t" ,{ r ___Rwa"u::r ' r .:r"+ J.. °. v " " " ry :ey ' ' ,.. ,? , jJR' r 'e < a' % :" ,,,.,', Z ' " jh f p --- " Eaha r", ^'^ t',!" 'e{al1 ti"C ;er "an '' j;S'f'i b_ ''.V t'j"- ° k° ,s+ + yy.,, ea the'Ziateo 'i,+r4-" 1;... h, - ay" z! r' - ,. 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'4 ;' yr ' T ""d ,ti; , 1, LLB t v" y tud v 'Y i +CK"fY.", 4 "r Ltd, w y FVyl, tZ w Aj-1zh 1' ^" hvth" ,"rx ,N 4 -ry.'7 $"LYI.."f ' _::iF" r 'r: t Y .14'y=Ayuc'','s;;: iyi, ,S:Y c{"v Lyr 1=.t, '+ cP " " ii:; be)1S", iha" d- rh6 " NAAR t pai oi offer (.) ZArT@Ct; t ' 4' rc?: c" r spa r ffAA rv Ly. x.. .i;+.°r31y>; " a^"4 c y ,r' iMQr,.etQb 4 =?!+'r55'r ei i o'>';i->,.y;:::'t .), f t pa .:. ; .:; +_z'm' ,,f for.: ~a t. o lOwY F ..G'-e',r' :: ;cept F(ifgAeCessclr h --- ; R -ray } '6Cllt@d _l " .. g Yiz.- ' v , " a bler-rrttnpne, / : j '" w,, r 3)L :+.:J,,".. t 'si L a a )$}F{r. > '; ' ) S'ir ? ( QTB; t ".i '1+"7; ? , ¢ dl? i (4 the Fx .F 4 t, -ntt^ 'rfL r ,, - .a 't:; 1.._ ht" y'" b'2 ?., t;. C -{.c" = yu" ,rmeet, 2 It wil'l.inforrn'm alof flie ro v . sionsoftheCivilServi : b1'w yb$ a Fa lL T3 +v. 7iA " 3 a w t1 d>okiserve . /' rt Y 8,' c6ild"' ;r OT': dLExeciiOe orders>"concL-gym z3ER(3) . 11 cal m{mmse$.smen y llon r .' eeg iIltpoliticalNactianty Ci'l y-zP OtAe au zt nyf O l ."r.4 :l a r.;'ti. °' -. ' ,... ,,11+*! 4<n. + +r} cned "fn{O i'tll@' Q o A po,, a."tlix ' lu,-x.?, and strr outeither (; ?~aa m_ : t z. m e nth t 4.A ant 3thesanv ra vt of, t3 PPmee do the. reverse : f te" L a r .u , e< d "RY lleS t ji+g vi'+ lath °a;further C@ TiION sa +o valutanprsrifi'rn, ()'._ QINTEE i a JFAP . lJ i Vr..r" at :. + J r< r. . t rM $" .rep, ----,s._" , .. a . .i : Z:_ .{ . "',. "t+ i " Vi? s s Z" y'3*y* ON' ... r 1$jew ^"[-C "y ' . ;y forq ri NyV." . 'A "! ,r "^" gyF r}'t"> "'-"iY ; , . $iyi t" L-ROM titJa Sall. /'a? 2e irJ'e it r"'3,3r: $;'r,"P -=rn f(r, 's° reA 1 t a' ola on a ag1 y yrv ,r7. " ,2, ,, rlf F a .°Pt rnr "es"z°a."c e' f < r.t if.w". " ,i . s 'iS' w !! Ri4° open'eE3dt fil 'Lrj4bSr 4 a 'rti} iz+YTf' .y'Y' " 'mo w '3; ~,"rt = . :F uatorad8cwaLf J oeooueadraeooldiupl ,,[:.. he kby . 1.0. i f v [atoa i r } vf,) fed y.'f3} efa{4me6C<tn t'>,. ;}-"G'tiA" j ;'? , c 7C r". !'°i":rG 4+ b" ' ;='wPr' .> ar ti:.. T + s - h.f{! ; Y . "%Y < ) -Y .. v 'y r .,Zs' 6 / /1 .} t" >/ ' .s- i sS s iun ' zr e a e *1S:4T,: , t r sN 3 z " -"t. uX"a \a{r+ ) ,_ A:,j, ,' S' :rGH" f -+'.'t.+a. ,F, . Ri°."vr R M. s T r °".i wX_ < cT."s.'t'b .. ):."± :e8'fy .ta 9F _l7ta. t 'rStSl' ; .,''a - Y, F'' # LtJski.. t rib tp o .y. .'F:t 9, s'a £t t; s', 4y ',j ,1...dq'tsD a " t" '. _ , K._ G , '' u-... c,r,>,;}ys. 1l'3't .t' ° , a .,:tfs.;-;S 5; " i .b'!'. 'st _ K...i. ,,,k' "d ;? " r: +p.-.p Jr E1=..vT-/E- ;>1 _ .k .a_.4 prt'.l4. - ar >. [ "3 -v.,,.K . ,}, "rr4.,r m , s? ,~j aY {r Fr' iYr 1 x ,r S:" y -y f tfi: -t . S.. f o "* 1s' 2r{' f i ;' Y '1r<' fled ;jr 2 t4 hoaku)d:6e5tn -h 1 Qa 0m6T5 8fiCy7 fJ {.. . l Y ft N b K J l.Y J" C;7 r..a o tJ :r ' ) - ,tTS rL '. r j °5=., ur 4-ya re yr-. r a. Fr \ t G?.=' y k4YP ~P S ? S is:. # 1. ' tJ hf to r ,s., T rt';,+ s t' {Y. rr 1-+ r f ? O ? z 'iv .(BelatlcYtslilp}2;7i3!"od- + r a :. "k ""tr i "a s,., i =>; "l .c-r~ .,zt"t, -'t rt?.A'," . ":: 3' .)"c ° ,p ; c"."i:.i1i)t -'4 v; ':.,,"-..,v ia. ., tn .: Vii?; 1,' i' -t7 ., d,! rri.°": ,'rtt .ty Lp!. ' , ~F.:t";;"Qr"ti a')Lfy'''°i'y;4i r i r"4 ;r',: r r Z yr d y . . r ism ;zir'z;r> 'ti e"P ' 1, _ _ _ _ v L3(I a _ i ' rr" .^' ' ii r e, S.x y' . 1 :A: Y , -'S Ft t d. r n."s i. ';.t.t ) ?r _;1' ° : ry^.. "' e ,3.r _,:{. ,R:,,1.1' . ... .,. 1 r.>l,, y eY,) w ,, ." C"Nd-^ k' r r ,Y " t ''"and !fie ; Y-" > - ;gft ''ft + 'C?', id'NGmberTt jf .wc ,.rx 1 -c{.i SSheat)aF . Z esk r 'n "v _ k'dtI' -.. <u; t .rte i X-.) -,'a :*r,,r r'.:, :,rl..n' , f4''Y ° a -F . ' -3 ?' C-2> .a;" . s5zr' t {4Gpvemm a" r, Lt13eEV; e' 3 Does ,{" E;om lo .,Intadv ll Si rn gg dtylan { r 'relative:. YouYs (rf rrla er i b cwt st 9 _; "honrt Ifv ' vettved 2Jj Q 9[nr i (C ' 1f t 'r, .": >s"montba? eYes'oztiyNo? "i"frq- isofor ecClito 7olatlve fill 1Q2he.lSfanke Telorv- 1Caddlno 4 aP'bela « '' pf "\ %Ir-. f'iP° ,,,. ' e:)2. ; >r t « ." K,. . x J. "S"- r ss 't r . ,r Pa e rY"}mm _e}eunderrltem yy. ' " iF[i ,' !: . " ,-. Yrv , tiT - t ~a- x r ~'S+"rc'l "4a .,pis":/'' r. 1 l; ) Cir t...t Ttlr " .t a 'S. t 4l'r _ " f , ti? 5 " sv .r" .,k+Y'PbaboffCaegddresairi r r - F1): Po4itlan and 2)+rI' _ _ >'t" .'S "Siiti ."" l or naf - \ t+h ? U- n 1. ,"'sy t zt-' ,* . r\s- i T. F , .r .?FJ. \Rhla rir:. y Z "if.9an it De t and 1Ncme a? i,)'trr c ,.a .1 t' _(G1ve s. ttitres! r __rtumiier z° Jt. .... "if s. ,,rt.zt' I:' "_ tip. :, '. ,{,, ,, ,; tor, ce 5 n evtu -+ } (3) ' ,"" T YT^.it ! .ylxi ien+ gg //ar.r.Y r g. y . u L ,+' t ' t a i y r. i" o ed?'t : _ "F"'. .. , 2ft fr ,.1. o t ship ro i em « r t^r". ) . z [ -. :z ;,,- >r Y .. . "1 .t xi. .,ct' rs i ey t t't 'tc c's . c .. "4. t, L'i C . a. >r ., ,,,w -1 Q .:}._ a°r r ., ' : '7 -9 a rf ..- -Z 1)' F 4 ''v 4. } yy t'Y1 sltrl >: y :, {.1;=;"c: { - " t yy^^. Wt ,{S 4'S' v,'<'tri, t' y It gj-'r l T rt/ .'_' Pt4 ^,"r -).. s S .'{4' y s4 C Vf y -.! .r+ ",,^ '<\."4...:'I.: . };, ' u f .! FR3'' y Yt.. ''r ('^ v= ). '9f "L .r t -r i r 1 'yt++ t ">,,,r r "_r ~Lt s Rra XcT:!:r- {', u£Y5 it - R-,t r' r t 1 ivsi. <f ''r...)4 t yam,^,3.4:::"K i iVC j {+ .r q 1 - t Yt :e:"'} r . +i;t s : f Yi x r t t -t r< s' fa " iv. s'k: t I , S , ..;. . r p ti U. 1 ytl" S;""" v rr ') yb Z cg z{ i;_Y a j. ;;+s* "/ ft } t t..5.-ss 'Y- Jr ' .- t n! a- y , rc ar -, rte('. i._ ¢.'a it< VCtbe:FTnltedfStatrsaA ut" i + .ft' ,.a i,1* xt r' iL:' s ya 6oin" lidep ou .1v usrif'ehaod DriOOC m ro eys-=P 6a,( :tl.&A rr.'s"Giri1 iaA 1 ,. . r t ,[! ? r:c t '°tl~" t " rsS a:°"S ' ' ,pn 3n YrYolntee'v, V:If"'.J"eo;, Sta theD " IiritefE t; r 1b" r + t F yr, c. ) ~- / 'r".. u YX ¢ :ni~a' > r h* tsta+:.f r: Yt .. Act?'i+ r CitY: __-. r ',l. } , f T , i "wlie ='aiT' :I2,!!e!o .,Urreogtvejdetoils::und'errlk -e " ta! L.._#.?1ea' , .!fete i'Atl 'ed £ t*;d . tit(derenwyt}s of:aiir;vloe3 o 'EtlaafilUtYC? Q d'a!3 .%"J i i?". 4_i ,' ar oLlnt, retlSeiriegt ty+d haitrediemeatsactiini e z, mrnav6FtarrriNae i'""((ttyy °'y'. y},-.{( +,),r y "lm y."k 'rs'"sa 4' Cf v6'L3 y r'7T i' A° t . ..... ^ t uL+i sH^"t" MSC ^:i i G' *i.' i'- } ' Wiz.-n t YF Aartvv rt x. t'., tdf'.tv2."r~ Ott i1QSincelYou\81e ;Jagp11cyaon _1ea'ultt a In., [a1 "kk887"'ihk 7 y . Iment K r, uct o _ araedo y k{tkfiove yout;b"ena'dl U\?a ralc hozlc oe"dctijir e lc f3on a"n! ign2sii ;uodei;Itemm'} i.vrH erri . fdu9 "-^'taFrd dam,. r N;; u ep :SA C(fatcnppaor mkedeie me)Y/k 'Jr'r r3"' rt 'ryY_ - 's _ ?1 ?.!o-ar V y .' ttiid, U etai (o* eaoliY " e"ti'§e'91v'bFr <n..q,6ses p)."" P Iteia:l2 l Ethe:d4 Ith'.nYi(LTra.a:lAeoKan6e"izinylolatla i'i" i flo :° 7Fr. l: Rfovt d'g k.jRl.-M a .r;, 6onct;ttiacouli, -5rdoc 'aand,(OTa 6?Penillty . L " .Z 'hf V airy' ' .:, rfsc s c t .Lf i fi -- "r-.,x 3s .,. u c,: , 1 : 3f a S;Y" irf* reaegrixf?!c c,. f ?-*' 'wplbydrandrlhe ,s; :y ...2t>~." .i".} .:}s'i.c~".C -: it..Y"t, )t an-"ti y, ,f' x ' ,;( iif r"r; d;frc«tav ihy R«.N.':u.. k.M.=- .+..,"-;. ,. .i".-"Y..w :. ' ii .'; 3;$P' =-.t.x; "" -ti tS>ribe "RVfi.Wod oppif" r ,eau)tlp rl hle tm4fT!"ift hnv oubeenarcaeCed, sropr,t'!o eilnto.an ,t l oo-mlIItta p,, 'br r o t S' f If 'Ql~ PF)Ff lyFi 2 g af" a:'. ;.r1? 7 t C4.y' 1 .'C ?kj j, "'ayt Xt K 'xy, . -i3 , -. ,7 i Jry i7 r. rB y1t>;j;-. _ c ' ru r'iSfi' f } f= ti Tw . , 6nSZaa};hT*T i .+ 1'. +" "! ,l nt3a" )t r5 a t:"rn "' 8 Y +h, r ,t t ti., 'w Aar~ L r .. 'The a}spoititlag." >f m e16 t ietetiniif .tw'.E!'e3o} g etidafa t 19 ent tbeiltrooiito}nuiftce" w ( s au '"bSlrtiV tri sr tWar i Zh Y vrf t}iefr)vfl.SerefoeSAet cPpItca tetcivlf, ^' JP CohgtrLj ok 2 '1tftWfS a and.Xrie! L: P-111 ii. er ",',° o N t kv}P ¢t J.a k..: pUbiY Mkdfp k D ;d o Q° ;O6f ' n ' t)! af(u8t; i4 Rt eL o Cbt 1 pic a _ Qg T.L 'FP. a1r" r.Jutrd ro D,.",yr'r heY. wii '?. ° °atlfY tek' - 4. tilt"99w1 a 5.,, e; ,Yv r{E.° d as}a y . .S 1 t,,, ,r"," _ w { ! ,l axi ;1. di n 1,r, dt .i aT_r X L - r - F to g aL +-"''): f 'd _. _, S.+r. t r}4". ,{ ra'a r_ t y i - . 7 u r,,c: _e "t ".'{ 4 s c n_c_ r ' . {t Yl T {)' '({I-rY3 _ :Any t t .sr ' r '''-"' 1V 1._ I 'cA ' i t4.. n . L H'. t? : -. C t'. ";=i; {-%-: 2 "rK j x3' +srsJCj ri4",i" ; ; , c. , vrfl. d'+ "" , ,crLc. -i5J 3 "" ,C { z+- c 8 Sr di .. d'....'X., _ t s a a yr e,, r' . k Yr3 tr t "1ru ltro' ;K,;!ulTvA r(y. " C" t. :'grt ,ttk"_x ki___ r> o R~ u tL k rLFyxj il..irv rT :: "{"' ii Y ""_5_'tc--------"---4 ,. xa'; t' J r ) " fs ' t - h ,.. "k3.,ctfi7' _ _ > ''i r k#1 ?fir t vii$'+ 1 F41 nv a S s' > _S F. aL°tiD _3}t _ t {TJ'Fi:X x !'+- 'aS -tJt= r{i sY,:) < '' - 5.":4 'xst )s i \r ti_ - x i. Ly , + pt :j,} + eti@ to Y ' r' 7 ) 1 \ .2 9m, .. ' '4 , '4 ." Ibll iCSe 7' r ) X . 13 p'6XS ges}t tts;du -f-" Its'' t f 2refi(reiid" sraM Y? . t,- .{ "k 'Cri - Li "e 1. lyvti i + ""sS"-,R k t..s' / 9 rh ot} n'rk6!Y,.,i- h t " V l u0l16d Si u ry4tQ1 .,f ML ucUt silil R r'r+,",r- r r 7 f r Y'rV "r lp iilebl (y "02 + ;' t{4} , ptgg? 1)"i":a,. fl ?Zfjof'thep vti"c( atiw t7 ao)htw s }t Onett s3{)i ?.edCo rdhe dn !Y x ° -- Y" Csiai ". X ilt vt" '1N.V' + sY s s '^t k,...l.."" . ap-f x-f n"". [ officef The SefFtSeavtwCoaimi p m6ir I ortt+ eh Rael}glbles beefi,.wFlded s of cltlibnsBlp1+}dfcfitea;on py92 thaoet3iari .1 r aasTEivasP.hYs!Fa t T4eR .. w.' n ks ' }ttb ha t)jdf1 U "Ja- u '1..2_ v, '1- t'f~ l xlt i wiT r x . j l s. ' z r.?fr \s[- t'' attd6 p catl i Corot"'.a rThe lhb C eor tk Llette rgo # nL itharl y r y Setifae{Begat l 6idse iahtP!!{tt6e 1llltSCtoE, oe tul°e a., .'t " ; ,y 4 ty:, ,.,tif oa_(celheya'}3 ttahnt' eUb(k to: t dDDlla6 :6; oi' r1::,n th WWII eel"rafUce eCgi1T1 .r -'x ? iaKli te £a Niaic( y tfl°; et e 1 a nyy33rrrr wPromtsbfto a elf Ft q'. Y9 V rRo-s , t ++~_ r. CE irt n ir >' Js i .x tk° .- ,sw " t3?; t t w' °s' ' \. .iC'J 1'rs"t7Mf .s, i __ a i<3 - es 4 e43 . f Y_; _t,.cfi" : 7tS.?rl t .. T ,c ;i ti ':1Y . " . : r .t <' rr r i} ?TS rat sre t xR 7 si l Yet rT' ct .. x - t. z ) G.Y ^+:- ------------x y, y f,£± t!t ' ' - r r.- ,r1y. {.:.7. 5,,: t f - y , y, f y y. °" . "''. t''rf it pF5 am" : Ly. t i" -y : f'daR-n. ,P:_ 7 ... s 4 :s -s f'r !*' i _ 'llFtrt y - 1* " e J dr CJt +... ' Rat( G{fit:. 4:.'C3Cui -y'T';r,i r"a+ '<" ,i= Gi: +.i 't -yV+.. r,. . .t A:ce'.4,r! Y , , . ---y 7 2-'1 rS Y y _ r. r : f ~ 2, xl ~ c1. k . -Y. r --- r.,:y :r: aff'vut'i' td+.ty.""rYl.ss s){i y Xr t - E.> . t "x x19 .CJQ32 Yt:'"'cc a1. ,..s,. _,.? -d:" , +. 1 ., -¢ t7s'' 1 a' J "Il Zy i zvhrtcr r". tK R 15 7tK'A G Y;:'4'i u ' +t - "s k3C"3 "t.s' Z"".s73"ia tdl f i1Y C r d'" r r i:v +R."i ".y'°' tz.ry\ T t .Vii, :'Stmt . a'."S' RAr ."FAO 441,11'.. ~ , n... t IYYrf ^ tlie""Fed'diatF" tltm +.L , #4 ' crt eaaa{ty, o'diz2_ taoeder) f -f s a t. _ ky K R7{ ; f. -vx+'Ft It + rtt >f W141.-5, , "r. . It ,,wi's' 'ri tY: '. "+'R , yr ,L. RCD3yau recetvehn3 pa foni oa~jtot er. beneUbtConaflUtarl/r 7 .1,iix t s t',e " 'r"' '4 -1....c:vAnis r yi t x nt, c. . s' {navataervkce',roYYanSnoutty;froint!{ at}.$,*pRCk, vernmert sunder any'Ret[rem9nt' r t-? t "" " g'.. C- f_ . 4 , , m4c ,^.e""'I 4 ° r'x' r ,+"t:- tii "ioiif4sa!trY1T °ry's;x~t." trrta,.£°.d")' rsE ,y1 'S!+N r a A7 "."s"i r " a}u,. ' f r rr x dbi t K rY're,' ri . 7: NF.";..5:; L lr f + .Y ' °rrt ' ' }i.3r' ., tp "I 3 Y n}oft60me o- rhtchdb v. t 4i v" +"---$ aDPtA".'a:.t5r e"t sr-l y. T . '.z Lx .T S r i+wa , C4 r p±> F t nF ,, t'-}st' ' ti a t-C tt,,- y, r" i !t ",;... 9*.3 eCa i , G t t _ °1 . < Y = jr T "k-''"^ r .,.-. 1 w A e fi f fi 1y -Y ti4y ry, .a t t '6 v : + L yt t,"&^ WKr}H L° : t SfI a t _ F :<I . - y y-- . r .7°+ 3Jf ... F ., ?« - 1 ',.V2L' l >y,. ".a' 'f'r - li, }""'Z.t F'R"'R* .:} t,. m ',§v f ,, aY"a __ yL: rf I. v F i L C i t ' ='t -): - _r F'. r F ti: ' " as . - +! '} fir ,.- 4 '- tT . -. a",, - 7_ , , - , . 1 "4$ t -5 .s ia's k "rl ' _ , .L. s( 't: - k r;: Tr v s, 'S'; "i- e; 2 ai> \ 1,-""rtr and _ SPIOs : {(r.?i . J _ ' '_ r.St '='n )"s i 1' r 7 1{ A ri c.,. 7. 3!)'h4 t F1 --- t _e N.. T F. f73R, 'i f 't 'r f ti - w r 5 "Y"r - ts' ,7, F Yea., r 4 tNa,1v 't . - 1_- i I Y2. . l#OBytar ^'S" "C^' rx",. _, 7 Mty { WE .i t 'i 3r" -'fi" t sr " . +' -- It 's 1 ' xtcf rX of ;t:, ; ^ ,,"" ,. a' yi Wtaa "$ :posttloltjbi erxt'"1r7 ",i\- ;... Maufe!' ?"ar thoSETnltgd rat k :21 :y t9 .tDOat mdenlorrp-'unaeY lLam 12 "T' ' T cal },.§ y-. t 3. L' - iE - a t, '" b - 6Ll t x _ !'", e r b . r Rl'atlle'cgen 9;:ta';oonnecltonx. thtt5te .l *F.F:.t i.. !" "i5'i Ca Yy t ,,c3u.P, rF {i rC uTttng r ' -'T:'eYou;fAe09 t''fIa'rtiii&a"°".C o'Sz /- ,trlthere ".,. , ..r,,,,q Vi tbsougR i- yrhomaXoa?4a!J1adY yy2 .,°dr'., ,t}se-petpona o"8Ea y4 .n8titp uic aktlzenahkp . 'tb"£ fit 7 , 4 -k ? ai. ft ^ r-L -tYi o'k p ^' :, ° t - ,,t ia i"':':<'Tm )k L f r°y' : '' ; p x n i °"./ 'x-ry:. tr Y r:. \.tY c , rxrtFt"2' z h S ,_.i w-ny f:= .r . K_ )ih , 8° .1. ;.. r R .u.: y' u-0 1 't " y r: -~(""=. 4szi;,-fi; 2c,..:;s"';f ti. : ..2.S.k."kJ« sl i v .s .,, + i r < r e ) }; \. Z\ ' - .. N( (' .yCr l../4 Lt\ i +,k t h ,:'v. 'i .y [ .. i 5 t r7 l + . r'siq - \ -;. crr Y ti a - YO ";dr fir. tic tf \-. - 1 3'WL'' a ''", ": 's Y \_ -t", ,c R J - ".:1 = Yi't' r y 'iy !' - ixc ai' ,ittrr t L ar F [ Ai 4p,)9'l '' J h ' r xF3',XYLY 'v"-.lrip ;.'3.- ; Tr Y ''}+'-""')3:' vi'2v'?c;. ': k?' i r 1" x, i) ..1« "i. '. r+ x, Xe+'. A -! { r mac: 1 !L .rwr ^t^i i ,a i ^) f vSt . 5R4Vf^i SST r )s £! i...:5i .a:;n.rr_ ., +vE~ .tgt '"!. 3 t .,tlnaiba@ yea'±"\,9 Or lion -or"r.rs+'" siae ." ",. , N 'U\' 'S" r y is 4,n ! 5s. a 7 f {b¢ty aaing 8")"n }ao"per L f t P k > i .. i,'t.c F \Fi' ,,.J:..c y. C" A . - . tdxra.::" 5.n 'YL ?, F,:r 1"_rt "7y1 " r'iJ'3.'!M"' l ."?.,. r .f +tf' i tt w r ,vl2) - a.. carii a r Jl}k. 3.r .i. t 'b x K r J t.z d a r r) .' ':'e;; ."y,-: n 't :t^ :i 2"c .:+aF-;,::.. r.: "?.; r) _, ?'..l-:!c. sti ' i L ? r.t T, Y - 4YYJ t Y )- %.4t t . Tt :.',+,q '" tie n .t.r ? -ziX. .,13.5 y"za' t . R {} fi xf T Fr t Ta J£h,.. r' x ^-'Ci 3 jil_Padozen i V>,+s y'e _ 7 x r.,iT.> .. ,,a ,i .'fry. =y''k 'F ... A s ° ^a? ar R(t lac } '' . . n. Mt ;tY,. V , " y2 '_ tc .""°Y;.? r ,gQ . r«.- 'p e$4a aftbr,: i S i s=n J azs;,: MO i . r c . e Y q Wl'.y r trig iA _ ab i v 12 t tba k" § it ' t17eftnlIp (cec 1Zs'te?}t 1+nthht'¢Bivt"capt s .-. addreae'4aeaeSea. Yttom i ttrt 1r eric dulr7F ) ta .' ty ' r ' e a S vt" 1QCs t '' r )a 3 3 )LJ,.t 4 a Y i .. y t r eatU t(n PlCR$0NNEL EVALUATION REPORTMeme 1 threuSah ' 111 be'eemplee-d 1. NAME Last) (First) HAWKN by Adanieotrive or Peraenn.J Office, (Middle) 2. GRADE 3. POSITION TITLE Adela de V.:OFFICE ' M STAFF OR DIVISION . GS-12 to Dp BRANCH Conmo 5. PERIOD COVERED BY REPORT. 10-28-"51 T 10-28-52 Items 7 thrrough IF-FIELD, SPECIFY STATION FIELD 6. TYPE OF* REPORT '"Int'a' ' C - PEn DEPT'L. Arfnul; Q Reassignment , Sp"'al Reassignment of Supervisor 10 willJ be oompfe ted by the paesn evaluaed 7. LIST YOUR'NA'JOR DUTIES IN 'APPROXIMATE'ORD.ER OF IMPORTANCE, WITH A BRIEO"DESCRIPTION OF EACH:. .OMI-T MINOR DUTIES. An 4oti g hie, .0$A:g raoh-I im'a3espoaible for-ag guida'sy ition Chefs in: e dveopet of new estoytms ed/or the a'atation of eisting syitem to meet speoifpW CI&A rquirementaj (2)msin7itan g a oonstadtv iglanoe ovee the pourity of. IA oryptosystems; (3) atudying, analyzing and keepiig abreast of developments'in the an4 oryptiaalyss; :Lad .(4) 6onducting a oontinuous progum of 4,44 o arpt phy weahrog and deeelopment in the orypologio ield. L Est laintai.An Na ith other o ve> enitageRoeu I aI ged :U 'paslle1 duties and render professional advice conerning oryptologo -matters whenever necessary. . - S )' 8. LIST COURSES OF INSTRUCTION COMPLETED DURING REPORT PERIOD. Name of Course Location Length- of Course -- Elmentar7y andAdvanced. Cytography :zA. sub8aise' Niliteiry cryptanalYsis,Parts I thru -4SA subeourse Traffic 1 aalygi .. ASA suboeurse n to sign lnter e4iate Russian CC 9. IN WHAT TYPE OF WORK - -Date Completed 1940 1940-1952 1952 1952 ontin RE .YOU.PR.IMARILY INTERESTED? present w4or# IF DIFFERENT FROM YOUR PRESENT JOB,.EXPLAIN-TOUR QUALIFICATIONS ' .. .. Iteme 1 throudh; . - 11. BRIEFY, DESCRIBE (APTITUDE, KNOWLEDGE, SKILLSI. DATE- .. H A. c.bpe tqd be'upe,.ig T'HS P.ERSON'S.PEREQRMANCE - ON; THE. AJ OR DUTIES LISTED UNDER.%I TEM. 7.AbOV;;'. If H&'ij2ns2 anstant;r strives to improve the 'security. of :: ha liedma~years of."vTor1ing OPr ~ne in Yie~.Se Xi 0 __hi {ogt~yt lyts, et;t 'and work . ofhen branch in a ealm tnreff3ed, orderly manner and bas achieved exoelle. . eepit de gorps among members of the branch. She conducts liaison in a pleasant sbeinesaiike manner. --- FOR MO. MA 195.1 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE 30 OCTOBER 2013 R 70-14 .. .. .. (04avr I iu"." .. N WHAT RESPECT 15 .. T CURNATION .... . . . . . . . . . THIS PERSON'S PERFORMANCE ON PRESENT JOB MOST NOTICEABLY G000 OR OUTSTANpINGY Mrs "Hawkins enthusiasm for he work and her continued efforts at gainin r her aas evidenoed 13. ON WHAT'ASEC' OF outside studies, are noticeably EA'O'RMAM'CE SNDUO6 THIlPERSQN-'CONCENTRATe.,EFFORT ~ '~iih~{~soeoua~ to FOR'SELF-.INPROEMENT Laeoat f .0eBU-OW1tU1 ona-ion D.evelopmnt .of this ability resalts in assuring staff :qurk wil sber of the braich organ 14. COMMENT ON'TH S'PESON:S"ABITITTY' T.0 HANDLE, GREATER RESPONSIB'ILI'TIES NOW OR...IN THE o a leted FUTURE. -- Aa a braneh scier Mfrs. Hawld sns has considerable responsibility' Her background in her spoialty qualifies her to continue to act in that capaoilq. 1.5. ARE THERE OTHER DUTIES WHICH BETTER SUIT THIS PERSON'S QUALIFICATIONS? possibIe. 16. WHAT-RIKNINGFOR.;ROTATION DO YOI'fRECQMMEND FORsH IS PERSON? . oatinn~u optologic 7. 4,*OE:RFORMA J PERSO. (Recommend appropriate reassignment, If , dlaaggag: d'ies, MENEUN lSFACTORY, THERE IS ATTACHED CE DUR NG REPOR:T-ES.AD PERFORMA CE ~~~~~~~. COPY OF MEMORANDUM NOTIFYING THIS . . . .. _.. . ........ . .. .. :8 .TH' VS3,PR-DNN-! EVAtLUATI-ON. REPORT.NAS.OEEN DISCUSSEO.WITj THE.PER60N EVASUAT.EDIHTNA -E 8.0 * ARESHON BELOWUMO0 ITEM 26. ZEMS,.ND ,COIM-NTQN L . 1~~. .n- DATE 19."I" HAVE REVIE 4 D TH l0VE REPORT. 20. . ... ,.. .... iComments If GATE COMMENTS,litnecessary 'ma be continued 4 a e. sr1 "y 4o 'A O. l or' 4 Ma ,a.O ntA~~ati I~n6Iw vC M YPIr1 "18TQ ;. N S - NCLUDING. - , ... any, -/ are 'shown SIGNATURE OF SUPERSR 50 In Item 20. SIGNATU E OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL on r vearse aideof' over l. ala~ 0 y(.cy4A 4V ;'r.:,. "'RC 1 111%D . wg sa a e 1Ms .Jt. M he't.) o AK4,.m ' t. n4Pfu..et t%16 A6% T.° T1 -- N 'i.. tAlci . a .h-" it 4 fl A o ,,Q1 I -- pf 1,eM 1 PPROVED FOR RELEASE 30 OCTOBER 2013 R 70-14 Mrs. Adelaide M. Hawkins Washington, D.C. Dear Mrs. Hawkins: For the first time in the history of the United States, the service of intelligence in the interest of national security has been recognized as a profession in its own right. You, and others, who have served with various elements of U. S. intelligence for ten years or more, can take pride in the knowledge that the CIA career program and the present stature of the organization itself are in large measure due to the character and quality of your service. Without your understanding and appreciation of the importance of intelligence to our national welfare, and your devotion and perseverance, I doubt if the concept of career intelligence would ever have been realized. It is for this reason that I send you this personal message in recognition of effective service to your country as exemplified in your long and faithful duty in our profession. Sincerely, Walter B. Smith Director PERSONNEL EVALUATION REPORT Items 1 through 6 will be completed by Adminietretive or Personnel Oflicer 1. NAME (LastI (FirsEl HAWKINS 4. OFFICE. M. TITLE C C to De DEPT'L. to Dev Br Chief ) IF FIELD, SPECIFY STATION FIELD 6. TYPE OF REPORT =Initial ®x Reassignment Items 3. POSITION BRANCH Security Div PERIOD COVERED BY REPORT From -10-28-52 To 7-28-53 2. GRADE GS-12 STAFF OR DIVISION Commo 5. (Middle) Adelaide i Anual Spel Reassignment of Supervisor 7 through 10 will be completed by the person evaluated 7. LIST YOUR MAJOR DUTIES IN APPROXIMATE ORDER OF IMPORTANCE, WITH A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF EACH. OMIT MINOR DUTIES. As Depulty Chief and Acting Chief of CY/DEV Branch, I am responsible for and guide section chiefs in: (1) the development of new cryptosystems and/or existing systems to meet specific CIA requirements; (2) maintaining the adaptation of a constant vigilanc over the security of CIA cryptosystems; (3) studying, analyzing and keeping abreast of developments in the field of cryptographs and cryptanalysis; and (4) conducting contin uous program of research and development in the cryptologic field .As.a.-further contin- uing project, this branch evaluates, from a security standpoint, all signal plans now in use and/or contenpldted for use. I must maintain liaison with other. Government agen cies engaged in parallel duties and render professional advice concerning cryptologic matters whenever necessary. 8. LIST COURSES OF INSTRUCTION COMPLETED DURING REPORT PERIOD. Name of Course Location Elem.& Adv. Cryptography . .Lengthof Course Date Completed ASA School subcourses Military Cryptanalysis, Parts I-IV,incl.. Traffic-Analysis; Signal Communications Russian language study CIA " " 1940 1941-1952 1952 1952 9. IN WHAT TYPE OF WORK.ARE- YOU PRIMARILY INTERESTED? lt IF 10. DIFFERENT FROM YOUR PRESENT JOB, .- DATE Iteme 11 I . present work EXPLAIN YOUR QUALIFICATIONS (APTITUDE,.KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS). through 15 will - SIGNATURE be completed by Superveisor BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THIS PERSON'S PERFORMANCE ON THE MAJOR DUTIES LISTED UNDER ITEM 7 ABOVE'. Mrs. Hawkins hasdischarged her duties as Acting Branch Chief in a highly competent manner. Her .keen interest in her technical specialty and her continuous efforts at self-improvemant through outside study have.materially improved the quality of work output from hex branch. PPRO ED 30 OCTBG R 70-1 SEGRfT ETlg$E 2 -1- (Over). ....... __ .... SECURITY NFORMAT ION 12. IN WHAT RESPECT. IS THIS PERSON!S PERFORMANCE ON PRESENT JOB MOST IOTICEABLY G00 OR OUTS? - ~Mrs. Hawkins' ready willingness to tackle any and L L ac assigned her branch is outstanding. She .responds quickly to s es ti - roblems uidance, devotes muich time to "study in~Iearition..for the ob 13. ON WHAT ASPECT.OF PERFORMANCE SHOULD TH.IS PERSON CONCENTRATE EFFORT FOR'SELF-.IMPROVEMENT? - She 'should contiriue -t supplement -her knowledge of her techiical specialty with study of. related corpmunications practices, and should devote additional attention to acquir ng general marage41ent skills, which are essential in arr branch chief. 14. COMMENT ON. THIS PERSoN'S AtILITY TO HANDLE GREATER RESPONSIBILITIES NOW'OR IN TH,E.FUTURE. Mrs. Hawkins should, in time, qualify for a position as branch chief in this division, provided. she-develops the management skills referred to above. 15. ARE THERE OTHER DUTIES WHICH BETTER SUIT THIS PERSON'S QUALIFICATIONS? (Recommend appropriate reassignment, if possible She is well placed at this time. 16. WHAT TRAINING OR ROTATION DO YOU RECOMME(Q FOR.THIS PERSOMT -See items 13,- 14- 11. IF'PERFORMANCE DURING EORT PEI00 HA'SSEEN UNSATISFACTORY, THERE IS ATTACHED CDPY OF MEMORANDUM. NOTIFYING THISPERSON OF.UNSAT-ISKACTORi -PERFORMANCE.- . 18. THIS PERSONNEL EVALUATION REPORT HAS BEEN bISCUSSED.W-ITH THE PERSON EVALUATED. COMMENT ON ITEMS T,,8 AND 9, .ARE SHOWN. BELOW UNDER ITEM 20. 16 NovembAr DATE 19. I HAVE REVIEWED THE ABOVE REPORT. SI (Comments, If any, are OATE 20. COMMENTS: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS INCLUOING ATURE OF SUPERVISOR shown in Item SIGNATURE OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL (If.necessary, may be contInued on. reverse side of cover shee-t.I) Mrs. Hawkins has served as acting chief of her branch for .some time. It is believed necessary to clarify why she has not been apppinted branch chief. This position, classi fied as grade GS 14, has been held open for a person: - a. Whose cryptanalytic and mathematical background qualifies him for the GS-14 grade and position. *d b. Who has hadAexecutive and managerial experience . orgarnize and administer the work of this branch. . PPROVE FOR RELEASE 0 OCTOB R 2013' ' ' . R 7014 R 70-4 +'SECUR ET INFORMATI-ON 3 Items It 1 NAME PERSONNEL EVAL A.ti0N REPORT , .through 6 (La'st) efil BHarkins be completed by Adm/nistrative or (First(Middle) 2. Adelaide 4. OFFICE C=W eurity 3. PERIOD COVERED BY REPORT From28-Jal Items 53 T* 27 7 through.1O will - Al eI 54 ersonnel 011 RAD - POSIT M. STAFF OR DIVISION 3.- .Dep BRANCH, Chief) D T .L. .EL 6. TYPE OF REPORT Inital -r Reassignment o IF FIELD, IF FILD SPECJFY STATION S1F STATIO ( 'Special Rieassignment of Supervisor Ar~nual be completed by the person evaluated 7. LST YOUR MAJOR DUTIES IN APPROXIMATE ORDER OF IMPORTANCE. WITH A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF EACH. OMIT MINOR DUTIES. As Deputy Chief of CY/bEV Branch, I am res onsible for and guide the.Section Chiefs in: 2developmeit of new,.crypto systems and/or adaptation of }(1) existing systems to meet specific CIA requiremants; (2) maintaining a constant vigilance over the security of CIA cryptosystems; (3) studying, analyzing and keeping abreast of developments in the fileds of cryptography and cryptanalysis; (4) conducting a continuous program of research and development in the cryptologic field; (5) evaluating, from a security standpoint, all signal plans, -and (6) developing, wherever possible, new methods and/or procedures which will ,increase both the operational and security aspects of signal planning. I must maintain liaison with other government agencies engaged in parallel duites and render professional advice concerning cryptologic matters whenever necessary. 8. LIST COURSES OF INSTRUCTION COMPLETED DURING REPORT PERIOD. Name.of Course Location * I :. Radio birection Finding. Combat Intelligence,I Map and Aerial Photograph edding, I and II 9. YOUR Date Completed 1953 195 n1954 IN WHAT TYPE OF WORK ARE YOU PRIMARILY INTERESTED? IF DIFFERENT.FROM Length of Course ASA Subcourse y present work. PRESENT JOB, EXPLAIN YOUR QUALIFICATIONS (APTI.TUDE, KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS). 10. DATE - . . ... SIGNATURE Items J1 through 10 will be completed by SupertIser 11. BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THIS PERSON'S PERFORMANCE ON THE MAJOR DUTIES LISTED UNDER ITEM 7 ABOVE. Mrs. Hawkins has performed all-assigned duties .in a competent, efficient manner. FORM O. NAY92 97- 51 .. : ... _ .. ,.. . . .... -i ..... Overl . . 1 INFORMATION 'SECURITY - . .-- L2. IN WHAT. RESPECT IS THIS PERSON'S PERFORMANCE ON PRESENT JOB MOST liOTICEABLY GOOD OR OUTSTANDING? Her interest in the general subject matter covered by her work is ing. Her background is suffic - nl position she holds, in additio L3. e particularly outstand- give her excellent control of the to effectively meet the requirements ON WHAT ASPECT OF PERFORMANCE SHOULD THIS PERSON CONCENTRATE EFFORT FOR SELF IMPROVEMENT? Possibly to achieve a broader aspect of clandestine communications-by more frequent liaison with the operational elements f Ihe Agency. L. COMMENT ON THIS PERSON'S ABILITY TO HANDLE GREATER RESPONSIB.LITIES NOW OR IN THE FUTURE-... Mrs. Hawkins ability to handle greater responsibilities will be developed as she is given a broader field of control and supervision. 15. ARE THERE OTHER. DUTIES WHICH BETTER SUIT THIS PERSON'S QUALIFICATIONS? possible. J (Recommend appropriate reassignment, If No. L6. FOR -THIS PERSONWHATTR'A.INING OR. ROTATION DO YOU RECOMMEN.D' Since Mrs. Hawkins-is admirably suited to her present position, no rotation is recommended at this time. Her .rotation to other elements of the Office of CoGommunication at some future date is desirable for greater flexibility and background. 17. IF.,PERFORMANCE DURING REPORT PERIa0 HAS PERSON OF UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE. BEEN UNSATISFACTORY, THERE IS ATTACHED C09 :OF MEMORANDUM NOTIFYING THIS 16. THI.S' PERSONNEL EVALUATION REPORt HAS BEEN DISCUSSED, WITH 1HE RERSON EVALUATED, AND 9, ARE SHOWNBE.OW UNDER ITEM 20. COMMENT ON ITEMS .8 19. I HAVE DATE REVIEWED THE ABOVE REPORT. -27 20. COMMENTS: ' T iT Tri - SIGNATURE -- (Comments, /R ADOITIONAL COMI}ENTS INCLUDING. 0 SdPEVISOR If ny, are shown In item 20.1 SIGNATURE OF R V1EWING OFFICIAL (If necessary, may be continued on reverse side of cover sheet.) "~ ' ., :. i . . .T PPR VED. FOR RELEASE 30 OC OBER 4013 R 70- 4 - Memo #2385 31 January 1955 MMIOANDUM FOR: Assistant Director for Commmiwtin SUBJECT Commendation for Adelaide Hawkins : 19 January 1955 TSS would like to extend its appreciation Adelaide Hawkins of your Division for the and congratulations to Mrs. excellent tation of a code made at our request. Mrs. Hawkins analytical presennot only complied fully with our reqiest byt also calculated and submitted several possibilities for the missing links of the code. The degree of accuracy and completeness of her presentation left nothing to be desired and represents a valuable contribution. \ Chief, TSS/O - f ~ Distribution: -Addressee Di U I. I~.. . . 1st Ind. TO: FEB 1 0 1955 Mrs Adelaide Hawkins' SUBJECT: Commendation It is a great pleasure for me to forward the basic communication. It is a great satisfaction to hear of a member of the Office of Communications bringing honor to the "team. " ssistant Director for Communications cc: A/Pers I, iV I.~vr I PPFOV.E 0 3 E -s- RELEASE ea.r- (When TOF Filled FITNESS REPORT In) (Part II) POTENTIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR TIlE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Consult current instructions for completing this report. FOR TILE SUPERVISOR: This report is n privileged communication to your supervisor, and to appropriate career management and personnel officials concerning the potential of the employee being rated. It is NOT to be shown to the rated employee. It is recommended that you read the entire report before completing- any question. This report is to be completed only after the employee has been under your supervision FOR AT LEAST 90 DAYS. If less than 90 days, hold and complete after the 90days has elapsed. If this is the INITIAL REPORT on the employee, however, it MUST be completed and forwnrded to the OP no Inter than 30dnys after the due date indicated in item 8 of Section '1" below. SECTION E. _GENERAL I- NAME (Last) (First) HAWKINS 5. (Middle) Adelaide OFFICE/DIVISION/BRANCH 2. DATE OF BIRTH M. OF ASSIGNMENT 6. OFFICIAL Communications/Sec Div/Crypt Dev Br. 7. GRADE B. DATE REPORT GS-13 10. DUE IN OP IN ITI X A. THIS iGNMENbT-SUPrERVISOR REASS ANNUAL . CERTIFICATION RATER: I .CERTIFY THAT REPORT R THIS THE Chief, OC-S REVIEWING OFFICIAL: TE B. I HAVE REVIEWED TYPED OR OFFICIAL ERENCE OF OPINION PRINTED C. OFFICIAL G./ 1. POTENTIAL INDIVIDUAL BEING RATED SUPERVISOR'S OFFICIAL TITLE Ag SECTION (Specify) REASSIGNMENTeEMPLOYEE AUG 0 6 1956 T _ SPECIAL DATE 2. TOR THE A. (Inclusive dates) 28 July 1955 - 28 July 1956 AL DESIGNATION POSITION TITLE THIS REPORT 9. PERIOD COVERED BY SECTION F. I. FOR THE 4. SERVICE F Crypt Chief 17 August 1956 TYPE OF REPORT (Check one) 3- SEX 6 March 1916 IN ATTACHED MEMO. TITLE OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL ESTIMATE OF POTENTIAL TO ASSUME GREATER RESPONSIBILITIES DIRECTIONS: Considering others of his grade and type of assignment, rate the employee's potential to assume greater responsibilities. Think in terms of the kind of responsibility encountered at the various levels in his kind of work. I - ALREADY ABOVE THE LEVEL AT WHICH SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE CAN BE EXPECTED 2 HAS REACHED THE HIGHEST LEVEL AT WHICH SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE CAN BE EXPECTED 3 MAKING PROGRESS. BUT NEEDS MORE .TIME BEFORE HE CAN BE TRAINED, TO ASSUME GREATER RESPONSIBILITIES 4 4 - READY FOR TRAINING INASSUMING GREATER RESPONSIBILITIES S- WILL PROBABLY ADJUST OUICKLY TO MORE RESPONSIBLE DUTIES WITHOUT FURTHER TRAINING LEVEL 6 - ALREADY ASSUMING MORE RESPONSIBILITIES THAN. EXPECTED AT HIS PRESENT RATING 7 AN EXCEPTIONAL PERSON WHO IS ONE OF THE FEW WHO SHOULD BE CONSIDERED FOR EARLY ASSUMPTION OF HIGHER NUMBER LEVEL RESPONSIBILITIES 5 2. SUPERVISORY POTENTIAL DIRECTIONS: Answer this question: Has this person the ability answer isYES, indicate below your opinion or guess of the- levef of SUITAB3LE TRAINING-. to be a supervisor? C Yes No If your supervisory 'ability this person will reach AFTER Indicate your opinion by placing the number of the descriptive rating below which comes closest to expressing your opinion in the appropriate column. If your rating is based on observing him supervise, note your rating in the "actual" column. If based on opinion of his potential, note the rating in the "potential" column. DESCRIPTIVE . I RATING 2NUMBER 3 ACTUAL HAVE NO OPINION ON HIS SUPERVISORY POTENTIAL IN THIS SITUATION BELIEVE INDIVIDUAL WOULD BE A WEAK SUPERVISOR IN THIS KIND OF SITUATION BELIEVE INDIVIDUAL WOULD BE AN AVERAGE SUPERVISOR IN THIS KIND OF SITUATION BELIEVE INDIVIDUAL WOULD BE A STRONG SUPERVISOR IN THIS SITUATION POTENTIAL DESCRIPTIVE'SITUATION A GROUP DOING BASI THE cialists of various supervisor) 2 FORM N0. FORMVN5 A GROUP A GROUP. OF kinds) SUPERVISORS WHO MAY OR .1oB WHO MAY WHERE DIRECT NOT 0 AND 2 WHEN CONTACT 2 WHEN IMMEDIATE SUBORDINATES' 2 WHEN IMMEDIATE SUBORDINATES 2 OTHER G POLICY (truck BE drivers, stenographers, CONTACT THE. WITH BASIC IMMEDIATE JOB (Second SUPERVI SORS. WHICH 15 technicians or professional SUBORDINATES line 'S FREQUENT IMMEDI SUBORDINATES ATE IS ACTI VI TIES. ARE INCLUDE MEMBERS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MAJOR OF THE AND NEED-CAREFUL OPPOSITE COORDINATION SEX ($pecify) REPLACES PLANS, FREQUENT DI VERSE PREVIOUS EDITIONS FORMS 45 AND 45 (Part Il)OF ARE OBSOLETE. 45ADIIONSWH4r rGRE-T- speline supervisors) (Executive level) WI TH (First Potential ORGANIZATION -s~eRET (When Filled 3. INDICATE THE APPROXIMATE NUMBER OFFIP in) OF MONTHS THE RATED EMPLOYEE Seven 4. COMMENTS CONCERNING i HAS BEEN UNDER YOUR Aucis3 POTENTIAL t SU EV N , 52 A ' Being a specialist she will probably spend most of her time keeping up with the "state of the art" in the cryptanalytic field. SECTION H. FUTURE PLANS 1. TRAINING OR OTHER DEVELOPMENTAL EXPERIENCE PLANNED FOR THE INDIVIDUAL Currently Subject is being rotated as a.Security Officer to one of-our overseas areas. This will broaden her and make her better able to resume her specialist duties on her return to Headquarters. 2. NOTE OTHER FACTORS. INCLUDING PERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCES, TO BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT IN INDIVIDUAL'S . FUTURE ASSIGNMENTS Subject's sex and family circumstances make her a difficult rotation assignment problem in the communications field. Although Subject is highly respected for her professional competency she does not command the confidence of others in matters other than her specialty. This I believe is not particularly abnormal for a person who devotes almost all of her time to one field, but it does limit her usefulness to the Organization to that one field. SECTION I. DESCRIPTION OF INDIVIDUAL DIRECTIONS: This section is provided as an aid to describing the individual as you see him on the job. Interpret the words literally. On the page below are a series of statements that apply in some degree to most people. To the left of each statement is a box under the heading "category." Read each statement and insert in the box the category number which best tells how much the statement applies to the person covered, by this report. X HAVE NOT OBSERVED THIS, HENCE CAN GIVE NO OPINION AS TO HOW THE INDIVIDUAL APPLIES TO THE INDIVIDUAL TO THE LEAST POSSIBLE DEGREE APPLIES TO INDIVIDUAL TO A LIMITED DEGREE APPLIES TO INDIVIDUAL TO AN AVERAGE DEGREE APPLIES TO INDIVIDUAL TO AN ABOVE AVERAGE DEGREE APPLIES TO INDIVIDUAL TO AN OUTSTANDING DEGREE sI CATEGORY NUMBER' 2 3 4 S CATEGORY STATEMENT I. ABLE TO POINT 2. . 54 4 4., CAN AI HAS OF MANE SEE CATEGORY ANO TH ER'S 4, VI EW DCI SISONS ON HI2S INITIATIVE 1ISANALYTIC IN HIS T INK' . - STATEMENT 1. II HA STRI VES NEW 6. KNOWS WHEN ASSI STANCE 7. CAN 7. C HAS A. 4 9. 4 1. CONSTANTLY FO R*. KNOWLEDGE AND IDEAS GETS GE T TO I. SHOWS 13. ACCEPTS TI3. TI ES THINGS 1 FOR WITH COPE SRI GINALI TY ADMITS . RIS RESPONDS VISION DOES ERRORS WELL TO 'SUPER. - HI S JOB WI THOUT SUPPORT COMES UP WITH PRO EM 18. I3 IS OBSERVANT 3 IS ES I 19. FACTS 3 DONE 0. WITH EMERGENCIES 4 TO THE STATEMENT 21. IS EFFECTIVE IN DI SCUSSIONS WI TH ASSOCIATES 22. IMPLEMENT S DECI SIONS RE. GA RDL ESS 0F OWN FEEL INGS 23. IS 24. WORKS 25. DI SPLAYS 26. IS SECURITY 27. IS VERSATILE 28. HI S CRI TI CI SM TRUC TI VE 29. FACILI TATES OF H 3 RESPONSI'BILI - 17. P EOPL E 20. CAN OF APPLIES THOUGHTFUL OF 0TH ERS - I6. SEER CATEGORY A RDS STRONG ALON G ATO MEMORY 4 STAN ACCOMPLISHMENT '4 5. IGH 5 DESCRIPTION BL TH INKS 4 SOLUTIONS CLEARLY COMPLETES ASSI GNMENTS WITHIN ALLOWABLE TIME LIMITS 4.TI0N WELL PRESSURE - JUDGEMENT IS 30.* DOES UNDER CONSCIOUS I-S CON- SMOOTH OF F ICE OPERA. NOT REOUI RE STRONG AND CONTINUOUS SUPERVI. SION APPROVED FOR RELEASE 30 OCTOBER 2013 AR 70-14 - 17 August 1956 1. In discussing this assignment, the Panel felt that the following were the most significant factors to be considered: a. Mrs. Hawkins is a specialist and her assignment to the more general non-specialist position of Security Officer,{ , is in a special rotation assignment category and should be considered as such. Because of her sex (which, for example, is limiting in liaison with overseas military commands) and specialty she does not fall in the category of her other contemporaries in the Security Division as a general purpose rotatable Security/Communications Officer. b. As a specialist, she has been engaged in the very narrow cryptanalytic field of endeavor and as a result has not been exposed to the broader communications problems, to the point that her effectiveness in her specialty field has been considerably lessened. c. Currently an opportunity exists in the form of the Security Officer position where she can both make a contribution because of her specialty and experience, and where in return she can be exposed to the broader problems which confront those people she normally supports through her specialty. d. She cannot do the complete Security Officer However, she will have as her very able assistant, job in who is now in and who is well qualified to perform those functions that Mrs. Hawkins cannot do such as liaison with USAF representatives. e. Before making this assignment to the m Security Officer slot, the current Chief, should be requested to comment to assure that the assignmentwill be satisfactory to the COS and to confirm that she is satisfactory to him as a member of the area staff. f. If assigned, the l wants to make 'it clear for purposes of record, that this action in no way is an indication of any automatic promotion consideration, either during her assignment, or following the assignment on her return. When considered for promotion, she, like all others, will have to fall within the best qualified category and will be considered only on that basis. 2. It is recommended that Mrs. Hawkins be tentativel d t ie, as the Communications Security Officer subject to the concurrence of the Chief, 26 September 1956 recommends on the assignment of Mrs iefc ew, concurrence that the PPROVED FOR RELEASE 30 OCTOgR 2013 R 70-14 (W SEi T n Filled In) 2. RATINGS ON PERFORMANCE OF SPECIFIC DUTIES DIRECTIONS: peid a. State in the spaces below up to six of the more important SPECIFIC dutie p rn$ tisgejhj rating Place the most important first. Do not include minor or unimportant duties. at b. Rate performance on each specific duty considering ONLY effectiveness in performance of this specific duty. c. For supervisors, ability to supervise will always be rated as a specifi uty(do not rate as supervisors those who supervise a secretary only). d. Compare in your mind, when possible, the individual being rated wiYi similar level of responsibility. e. Two individuals with the same job title may be performing different duties. duties. 4 rrrs . same duty at a amdtat If so, rate t em on different f. -Be specific. Examples of the-kind of duties that might be rated are: MAII hA ORAL BRIEFING HAS AND USES AREA KNOWLEDGE BTIU2 INTERROGATIONS GIVING LECTURES DEVELOPS NEW PROGRAMS I PREPARES SUMMARIES CONDUCTING SEMINARS ANALYZES INDUSTRIAL REPORTS TRANSLATES GERMAN WRITING TEchNICAL REPORTS MANAGES FILES DEBRIEFING SOURCES CONDUCTING EXTERNAL LIAISON OPERATES RADIO KEEPS.BOOKS TYPING COORDINATES WITH OTHER OFFICES DRIVES TRUCK TAKING DICTATION WRITES REGULATIONS MAINTAINS AIR CONDITIONING SUPERVISING PREPARES CORRESPONDENCE EVALUATES SIGNIFICANCE OF DATA g. For some jobs, duties may be broken down even further if supervisor considers it advisable, e.g., combined key and phone operation, in the case of a radio operator. I 2 DESCRIPTIVE RATING NUMBER SPECIFIC S 4 5 - DUTY No. INCOMPETENT IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS DUTY BARELY ADEQUATE IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS DUTY PERFORMS THIS DU.TY ACCEPTABLY PERFORMS THIS DUTY IN A COMPETENT MANNER PERFORMS THIS DUTY IN SUCH A FINE MANNER THAT HE IS A DISTINCT ASSET ON HIS JOB IAs , advises PAD(I) members on problems, han es ffige manageent and acts as CPAD(I) na sence rater, SPECIrIc OUTY aO. 2 Deteriin feasihilit and indicating approval of personnel . actions affec ting ORR and OBI OUTN sLiaison with ORR and OBI re matters of personnel manageSPECIFIC RATING 7 SPECIFIC DUTY PERFORMS THIS DUTY IN AN OUTSTANDING MANNER FOUND IN VERY FEW INDIVIDUALS HOLDING SAMILAR JOBS EXCELS ANYONE I KNOW IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS DUTY NO. Advising offices NUMBER 6 RATING NUMBER 6 RATING NUMBER 7 ment 6 - serviced re application of personnel policies and procedures 5 SPECIFIC DUTY N0 a -lntervien -tsa 1 tiut . cants and employees re utilization, personal troblems, etc, 8 SPECIFiF l DUTY e No. Preparin repr memorandums ing eof letters, etc. re processing of personnel decisions 3. NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION DIRECTIONS: Stress strengths and weaknesses, particularly those which affect development on present job. OF MANNER OF JOB PERFORMANCE RATING NUMBER 6 RATING NUMBER 6 RATING NUMBER Subject has a mastery of the duties of a journeyman placement officer to a degree which is unexcelled by others knowledgeable to the rater. She combines personable characteristics, wide contacts technical know-how and breathl of experience to her performanc of uniformily higA level. Quantatively she carties the heaviest make load of work in PAD(I)OP, but she is not merely concerned w.th getting thin s done. Thoroughl conversant with regulatory standards -and adept in their application -to diverse administra tive situations and individual cases, she ably performs the principal job of advising and assisting the components re decisions of personnel management. She is widely knownthroughout ORR and OBI and has their respect. As Deputy Chief, PAD(I) she inspires loyalty and confidence within the Branch and her assistance is sought ty all of her associates. In this regard, she has been a very helpful and sincere counsel to the rater since he assumed his position. Subject has no weakmesses worthy of mention. As an b~ective she should strive in her writing for greater elucidation when necessary SECTION 0.- SUITABILITY FOR CURRENT JOB IN ORGANIZATION DIRECTIONS: Take into account here everything you know about the individual... productivity, conduct the jb, Pertinent personal characteristics or habits., special defects or talents....and how he fits in with your inteam. Con pare him with others doing similar work of about the same level. I - DEFINITELY UNSUITABLE - HE SHOULD BE SEPARATED 2 - OF DOUBTFUL SUITABILITY...WOULD NOT HAVE ACCEPTED HIM IF I HAD KNOWN WHAT I KNOW NOW 6 ACCEPTABLE TBARELY EMPLOYEE.. .BELOW AVERAGE BUT WITH NO WEAKNESSES SUFFICIENTLY OUTSTANDING TO WARH OF THE SAME SUITABILITY AS MOST PEOPLE I KNOW IN THE ORGANIZATION RATING A FINE EMPLOYEE - HAS SOME OUTSTANDING STRENGTHS NUMBER AN UNUSUALLY STRONG PERSON IN TERMS OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ORGANIZATION EXCELLED BY ONLY A FEW IN SUITABILITY FOR WORK IN THE ORGANIZATION IS THIS INDIVIDUAL BETTER SUITED FOR WORK IN SOME OTHER POSITION IN THE ORGANIZATION? Q YES No. EXPLAIN FULLY: IF YES. 4 S 6 7 - Subject is sufficiently versatile to perform well in other offices of OP or as a Personnel or Administrative Officer in the Agency. However, departure from her current assignment -would be a significant loss to PAD(I). SE ET. I-SEGRE-T- PPROVED FOR RELEASE 130 OCTOBER 2013 AR 70-14 b Filled In) (When EMPLOYEE SERIAL NUM ER FITNESS REPORT/ SECTION A GENERAL I. NAME (Leet) (Fire (Middle) 2. DATE OF BIRTH 3. SEX 4. GRADE GS-13 _ ______F 5. SERVICE DESIGNATION 6. OFFICIAL POSITION TITLE 7. OFF/DIV/BR OF ASSIGNMENT NATCA/London 8. CAREER STAFFSTATUS X NOT ELIGIBLE PENDING 9. MEMBER DEFERRED DECLINED DENIED X TYPE OFREPORT INITIAL REASSIGNMENT/SUPERVISOR ANNUAL REASSIGNMENT/EMPLOYEE 10. DATE REPORT DUE IN O.P. 11. 28 February 1959 SECTION B 'oF'bct 58 - 31 Dec 5 EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE OF SPECIFIC DUTIES REPORTING PERIOD SPECIAL (Specify) List up to six of the most important specific duties performed during the rating period. Insert rating number which best describes the manner in which employee performs EACH specific duty. Consider ONLY effectiveness in performance of that duty. All employees with supervisory responsibilities MUST be rated on their ability to supervise (indicate number of employees supervised). 1 - Unsatisfactory 2 - Barely adequate- SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 1 to Chief, 3 - Acceptable Acts as staff advisor on ComSee affairs. SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 2 4 - Competent RATING 5 RATING SPECIFIC S Conducts liaison with SECTION C RATING NO. 4-5 DUTY NO. 5 RATING NO. area ComSec matters. RATING 4.5 SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 6 RATING NO. Maintains area ComSec records and records relating to tripartite ComSec NO. ComSec experts in support of tripartite planning. 7 - Outstanding Prepares correspondence, reports, and studies on matters relating to 4.5 jcrypto material. SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 6 - Superior Supervises crypto- graphic and transmission security programs for area stations. Supervises the storage NO. assignment, distribution and accounti g of 5 - Excellent SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 4 NO. 55 matters. EVALUATION OF OVERALL PERFORMANCE IN CURRENT POSITION Tale into account everything about the employee which influences his effectiveness in his current position - performance of specific duties, productivity, conduct on job, cooperativeness, pertinent personal traits or habits, particular limitations or talents. Based on your knowledge of employee's overall performance during the rating period, place the rating number in the box corresponding to the statement which most accurately reflects his level of performance. 1 - Performance in many important respects fails to meet requirements. 2 3 4 5 6 - Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance most requirements but is deficient in one or more important respects. clearly meets basic requirements. clearly exceeds basic requirements. in every important respect is superior.In every respect Is outstanding. SECTION D 1 * RATING Ineets NO. DESCRIiPTION OF THIEMPLOYEE n the rating boxes below, check (X) the degree to which each characteristic appjles to the employee Least possible degree 2. Limited degree 3 - Norm degree 4 - Above average degree 5 - Outstanding degree CHA)RACTERISTICS.:- APPLI CABLE NOTNOTRATING OBRA SERVED 1* 2 3 GETS THINGS DONE 4 5 X RESOUJRCEFUL- -- ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILIT.IES ... -- - CAN MAKE DECISIONS ON HIS OWN WHEN NEED ARISES DOES HIS JOB WITHOUT STRONG SUPPORT - - - FACILITATES SMOOTH OPERATION OF HIS OFFICE WRITES EFFECTIVELY - - - - - SECURITY CONSCIOUS X THINKS CLEARLY DISCIPLINE IN ORIGINATING, MAINTAININGAND DISPOSING OF RECORDS OTHER (Specify): SEE SECTION *E" ON REVEl $E- SIDE.FORM 8-s8 45 -E IG OBSOLETE PREVIOUS EDITIONS.(4 I X (When Filledin) SECTION E NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF MANNER OF JOB PERFORMANCE Stress strengths and weaknesses demonstrated in current position. Indicate suggestions made to employee for improvement of his work. Give recommendations for his training. Describe, if appropriate, his potential for development and for assuming greater responsibilities. Amplify or explain, if appropriate, ratings given in SECTIONS B, C, and D to provide the best basis for determining future personnel actions. Subject is mature, capable, and imaginative. She is exceptionally well qualified in crypto analytical matters where her experience and imaginative capabilities blend to near perfect effect. Subject has been somewhat limited in experience prior to this assignment where she has broadened into general fields. The assignment here, however, has limitations which would require further assignments in general communications if further broadening is desired. Subject, however, has made the most of the opportunities afforded her at this post. Subject has family responsibilities which will continue for an indefinite period of years. Further overseas service should not be contemplated while these responsibilities remain. That she has been able to successfully meet all her official and family responsibilities in a commendable fashion is indicative of her capability and character. She is an excellent employee of considerable value to our organization. SECTION F CERTIFICATION AND COMMENTS BY EMPLOYEE 1. - I certify that I have seen Sections A, B, C, D and E of this Report. DATE. ... SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE 26' January 1959 2. BY SUPERVISOR MONTHS EMPLOYEE HAS BEEN UNDER MY SUPERVISION IF THIS REPORT HAS NOT BEEN SHOWN TO EMPLOYEE, GIVE EXPLANATION 18 months IF REPORT IS NOT BEING MADE AT THIS TIME, GIVE REASON. EMPLOYEE UNDER MY SUPERVISION LESS TH'AN 90 DAYS REPORT MADE WITH.IN LAST 90 DAYS OTHER (Specify): DATE OFFICIAL TITLE OF SUPERVISOR 16 February 1959 TYPED OR PRINTED NAME AND SIGNATURE Chief, 3- BY REVIEWING OFFICI I WOULO-HAVE GIVEN THIS EMPLOYEE ABOUT- THE- SAME. EVALUATION. 1 WOULD HAVE GIVEN THIS EMPLOYEE A HIGHER EVALUATION. IWOULO HAVE GIVEN THIS EMPLOYEE A -LOWER EVALUATION.- 1 CANNOT JUDGE THESE EVALUATIONS. I AM NOT SUFFICIENTLY FAMILIAR WITH THE EMPLOYEE'S PERFORMANCE. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL DATE - OFFICIAL TITLE OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL -SECET- TYPED OR PRINTED NAME AND SIGNATURE PPR- ED OR RELEASE 30 OC OBER 2013 R.70-14 - (When Filled In) EMPLOYEE-SERtAL.NUMBER FITNESS REPORT SECTION A 1. NAME GENERAL (Laft) (First) (Middle) i M S. SERVICE DESIGNATION DEINAIN OFFICIAL POSITION TITLE .OI7.IL iat SSIGM OF/DIVBR OF A1NMENT OC g: MEMBER PENDING DECLINED -DENIED S CN' TYPE OF REPORT REASSIGNMENT/SUPERvIS.OR.. jINITIAL. X 11. REPORTING PERIOD ANNUAL REASSIGNMENT/EMPLOYEE SPECIAL (Specify) raian 61 - 31 Jan 6 EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE OF SPECIFIC DUTIES .1962. 31. Ja.nuary SECTION B DEFERRED -.. 4. GRADE GS-13 | F Chief CAREER.STAFF-STATUS NOT.ELIGIBLE. 10. DATE.REPORT DUE IN O.P. S. SEX 6,March 1914 6. d..yt.. .. 2. DATE OF BIRTH .el.ide . List up to six of the most important specific dutl~s performoed uring the rating period. Ins6rt r~itjng humber,:whigh best describes the manner in which employe performs EACH specific duty. Consider ONLY effectiveness in Performance of that duty. All employees with supervisory responsibilities MUST be rated on their ability to supervise (Indicate number of employees supervised). 1 - Unsatisfactory 2. Barely adequate 3 -Acceptable 4 - Competent 5 - Excellent 6 -Superior 7 - Outstanding u se pers n RATING SPECIFIC DUTY NO.4 Edits and corrects, if engaged in the analysis of various' -necessary mnJytical reports witten kinds of data. 4 by the analysts under her supervision. SPECIFIC. DUTY NO. I SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 2 Conducts mathematical RA RATING SPECIFIC studies of cryptographic systems and. performs cryptanalytic work. SPECIFIC DUTRY NO.A Cond.cts.ison RATING NO. 4.5 DUTY NO..5 NO. RATING *NO. SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 6 RATING 6 RATING Tarious components of the Agency as w' NO. 0; o1her Govt. Agencies concerning the . 5 subject' of crbmnicatida systems: analy is pr blems. SECTION C EVALUATION OF OVERALL PERFORMANCE IN CURRENT POSITION NO. Take into account everything about the employee which influences his effectiveness in his current - performance of specific duties, productivity, conduct on lob, cooperativeness, pertinent personal traits or habits, particular position imitations or talents. Based on your kmnowledge of empioyeesaoverali performance during the rating period, place the rating number in the box corresponding to the Sstatement which most accurately refliects his level of performance. 1 - Performance in many important respects fails to meet requirements. 2- Performance meets most requirements but is deficient in one or more -important respects. RATING NO. 4- Performance clearly exceeds basic requirements. 4.5 3 - Performance clearly meets basic requirements. 5 - Performance in every important respect is superior. 6 - Performance in every respect is outstanding. SECTION D 1- DESCRIPTION OF THE EMPLOYEE In therating boxes belowycheck (X)Yhe degree to whichtea6i characterisic appiles'to the employee Least possible degree, 2 Limited degree ' 3 - Normal degree 4 - Above aerage degree - 5 =.Outstanding degree CHARAC N SNOSN SCABLE OETS THINGSODONE RESO RC.EFUL - ACCPTS RiPOSIBIITIS - -,. DOES His JOB WIT.HOUf $TROUNG SO RATING 5 -_- NEED ARISES - -. PO.t1 -" FACILITAT'ES:SMOOT-H OPERA TION .F. HIS OFPICE; WRITES EFFVCTIVELY - * CAN. MAKEdECISIaNS-ONHIS-OWNM'HEN NO SERE OB2 C - G.;. .- --- _-_- ... SECURITY CONSCIOUS THINKS CLEARLY IN ORIGINATING, .OTH.ER (Specify):. DISCPLINE MAINTAINING AND DISPOSING O ....-... . RE.:...",SmE T FORM 8-84 OBSOLETE PREVIOUS EDITIONS. RECORDS SNOC TION 5NSEEP E E O S.R S E . _ 4. . SECRET -When :FWled In) SECTION E NARRATIVE-DESCRIPTION OF MANNER OF'JOBTERFORMA4CE Strosstrengtis and weaknesses demonstrated in current position.( Indicate suggestions Madeto kxee for. r v. nt of his_. work -.Give recommendations for his training., Describe, if.appropriate, his potential for developM1i*1n& U61a= . '4 r responsibilities. Amplify or explain, if appropriate, ratings given in SECTIONS B,;cand D to provide the best basis for determining future- personnel actions. Mrs. Hawkins is performing with exceptional effectiveness i poi e is able to menta]AJy retain details ns ayarriety of complicated cryptana2 which assist her greatly in providing the guidance which analysts under her supervision reaJvre. Because of the complexity of some problems, which require l t in prdfeiorralskill-and experience, she must personally undertakem r eta ed problemsMrs. Hakins has established her professional status with important officials., and with her couinterparts, in another U.S. Goverrment Agency. She ezjoys their professional and personal respect, which is so important to the effectiveness of CIA in this specialized field. I feel that Mrs. Hawkins is now in the position from which she can best serve thi Agency and recommend that she continue in this capacity indefinitely. -n this position she is qalified and recmaended for prdmotion to the next higher grade. SEC ON.PF :.. - - CERTIFICATION AND COMMENTS ,.c' B EMPLOYEE nl certify that 1 have seen Sections A, B, C, D and E of this Report. DATE SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE BY SUPERVISOR MONTHS EMPLOYEE HAS' UNDER MY SUPERVISION ESN IF P THIS REPORT HAS NOT BEEN SHOWN TO EMPLOYEE, GIVE EXPLANATION ___________________ IFLREPORT EIYS'TIMEE ISNOT BEING EAVE MADE AT EMPLOYEE UNDER MY ST SUPERVIsEVNLass HElR (Spectly): DATE - + H REASON.- '90 DAY.SA' REPORT MADEWITHI LAST'9 AYS . OFPICIAL TITLE OF SUPERVISOR TYF E Chief, OC-SP/CMT 3. BY REV.IEWING;0FPICIAL I WO GL.D I WOULD HAVE GIYVEN THIS EMP LO YEE -ABOU T THE rSAhE.E L UA TION. HAVE GIVEN THIS EMPLOYEE:A HIGHER-EVALUATION. HAVE GIVEN THIS EMPLOYEE A I.CANNOT JUDGE TH4ESE EVALUATIONS. I WOULD LOWER EVALUATION. I AM NOT SUFFICIENTLY FAMILIAR WITH THE EMPLOYEE'S PERFORMANCE. COMMENTS OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL As the outstanding SINT specialist (Cryptology), Mrs. Ha ins i turning in a performance which clearly justiies hr. promotion to Grade QS- 1 4 now. . DATE OFFICIAL TITLE OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL 12 Feb 1962 Chief, SIGINf Programs Staff TYPE EPPRO'ED FOR 30 OCT BER 2013 R70-11-- EMPLOYEE SERIAL NUMBER FITNESS REPORT SECTION A 1. NAME GEN ERAL (Lest) (Firet) Hawkins 6. (Middle) Adelaide M OFFICIAL POSITION TITLE RESERVE TEMPORARY SPECIAL (Specify): 5. SD Headquarters I INITIAL REASSIGNMENT SUPERVISOR ANNUAL RE ASSIGNMENT EMPLOYEE SPECIAL (Specify): I . DATE REPORT DUE IN O.P. 12. REPORTING PERIOD (From- 30 April 1963 January SECTION B A GS-14 10. CHECK (X) TYPE OF REPORT CAREER-PROVISIONAL (See instructions - Section C) PERFORMANCE EVALUATION W - Weak 4. GRADE F OC-SPS/CI'r 9. CHECK (X) TYPE OF APPOINTMENT CAREER 3. SEX 6 March 1914 7. OFF/DIV/BR OF ASSIGNMENT S- CURRENT STATION Cryptanalyst - Ch q 2. DATE OF BIRTH to-) %L92 - 31 March 1963 Performance ranges from wholly Inadequate to slightly less than satisfactory. A rating in this category requires positive remedial action,.The-nature of the.action could range from counseling; to further training, to placing on probation, to reassignment or to separation. Describe action taken or proposed in Section C. Performance meets all requirements. It is entirely satisfactory and is characterized neither by deficiency nor excellence. Adequate P - Proficient Performance is more than satisfactory. Desired results are being produced in a proficient manner. Performance is characterized by exceptional proficiency. S " Strong 0 - Outstanding Performance is so exceptional in relation to-requirements of the work and in comparison to the performance of others doing similar work as to warrant special recognition. SPECIFIC DUTIES List up to six of the most important specific duties performed during the rating period. Insert rating letter which best describes the manner in which employee performs EACH specific duty. Consider ONLY effectiveness in perfo'mance of that duty. All employees with supervisory responsibilities MUST be rated on their ability to supervise (Indicate number of employees supervised). SPECIFIC DUTY NO. I RATING LETTER Chief, Analysis Branch supervising 10 personnel engaged in the analysis of various kinds of complex data SPECIFIC DUTY NO.2 LETTER Conducts mathematical studies of cryptographic systems using both manual and computer techniques and uses the results in cryptanalytic work s SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 3LTTER RATING LETTER Conducts liaison with various components of the Agency concerning the subject of Communications systems analysis problems p SPECIFIC DUTY NO.4 RATING LETTER Conducts high level liaison with her counterparts in the National Security Agency on, probems; of mutual interest & on which- NSA & CIA are joint.Iy working SPECIFIC DUTY NO. S.' - '- - - S - RATING LETTER Edits, and corrects if necessary, ana-ytical reports l*ritten by the Anal sts under her supervision SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 8 - P -RATING L-TTER OVERALL PERFORMANCE IN CURRENT POSITION Take into account everything about the employee which influences his effectiveness in his current position such as per-formance of specific. duties, productivity,. conduct on job, -cooperativeness, pertinent: personal traits or habits, and particular limitations or talents. -Based on:your knowledge. of employee's overal.l performance during the rating period, place the-letter In ox corresponding .to the statement which most accurately-reflects his, level, of performance 4-RM 45 OesO TE PREVIOUS EDITIONS. edamk RATING LETTER - (When SECTION C . dFiedIn) NARRATIVE, COMMENTS Indicate. significant strengths.or weaknesse.s demonstrated In current position keeping in- proper perspective their relationship to overall performance. State suggestions made for improvement of work performance. n ive.recommendations for training. Comment on foreign language competence, if required for-current position. Amplify or explain ratings given in Section B to provide best basis for determining future personnel action. Manner of performance of managerial or supervisory duties must.be described if applicable. Mrs. Hawkins continues to produce excellent results from every element of her Branch. She is one of those female officers who has the ability, rarely encountered in women, to effectively supervise a group of men of near equal ability, without the slightest trace of resentment in ar respect. = Because of. the complaxity of mayor oi'he analytic problems, she must personally involve herself in extensive detailed ana-lysis work, and in liaison duties directly related to these problems. Mrs. Hawkins was very reciently promoted to the grade of 3S=1l4. SECTION D 1. CERTIFICATION AND COMMENTS BY EMPLOYEE I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE SEEN SECTIONS A, B, AND C OF. THIS REPORT DA TE SIGNATURF OP PMPLOYP 2. BY SUPERVISOR MONTHS EMPLOYEE HAS BEEN UNDER MY SUPERVISION IP THIS REPORT HAS NOT BEEN SHOWN TO EMPLOYEE, GIVE EXPLANATION DATE OFFICIAL TITLE OF SUPERVISOR - Deputy Chief, OC-SPS 3. BY REVIEWING OFFICI COMMENTS OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL DATE OFFICIAL TITLE OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL Chief OC-SPS SECRET- - E PPROVED FOR RELEASE 30 OCTOBER 2013 R 70-114 (When Filled In) EMPLOYEE SERIAL NUMBER FITNESS REPORT SECTION A GENERAL 1. NAME (Lest) (First) Hawkins (Middle) Adelaide M. Cryptanalyst - Chief GS-14 5. SD | Hearduarters 10. CHECK (X) TYPE OF REPORT RESERVE TEMPORARY INITIAL Istructions - Section C) A (Specify): REASlIGNMENT SUPERVISOR ANNUAL - REASSIGNMENT EMPLOYEE SPECIAL (Speciy): 12. I1. DATE REPORT DUE IN O.P. 30 April 1964 REPORTING PERIOD (From- to-) 1 April 1963 - 31 March 1964 SECTION B W- Weak 4. GRADE F OC-SPS/CMT CAREER-PROVISIONAL (See SPECIAL SEX 7. OPP/DIV/BR OF ASSIGNMENT 8. CURRENT STATION 9. CHECK'(X) TYPE OF APPOINTMENT CAREER I. 6 March 1 6. OFFICIAL POSITION TITLE X 2. DATE OF BIRTH PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Performance ranges from wholly Inadequate to slightly less than satisfactory. A rating in this category requires positive remedial action. The nature of the oction: could range from counseling, to further training, to placing on probation; to reassignment or 'to separation. Describe action taken or proposed in Section C. It is entirely satisfactory and is characterized neither by deficiency nor A - Adequate Performance meets all requirements. excellence. P -Proficient Performance is more than satisfactory. S - Strong 0 - Outstanding Performance is characterized by exceptional proficiency. Performance is so exceptional In relation to requirements of the work and in comparison to the performance of Desired results are being produced in a proficient manner. others doing similar work as to warrant special recognition. SPECIFIC DUTIES List up to six of the most important specific duties performed during the rating period. Insert rating letter which best describes the manner in which employee performs EACH specificduty. Consider ONLY effectivenessin performance of that duty. All employees with supervisory responsibilities MUST be rated on their ability to-supervise (indiceate number of employees supervieed). SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 1 RATING LETTER.. . Supervises of data persons engaged in a wide range of analysis of various kinds S SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 2 RATING LETTER Conducts mathematical and machine studies of cryptographic systems and performs cryptanalytic work SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 3 Coiducts, Liaison with xarious-corponent of the, Agency and with, the Nationl Security Agency concerning the subject of related analysis problems SPECIIC DUTY NO.4 -. - . .. As Chief of the Analysis Section,. advises: Chief, $PS/CYE on detaild anaytic problems which arise during the planning-and implementation phass: of various overseas operations SPECIFIC DUTY NO. 6 .. : P RATING LETTER Edits and corrects, if necessary, analixic reports written by analysts under her.ssupervision SPECIFIC DUTY NO.5,- S RATING LET TER- - s P -.RATING LETTER S RATING LETTER OVERALL PERFORMANCE IN CURRENT POSITION RATING .. Take into account everything about. the.employee which Influences his effectiveness in his-current position such as per-: .LETTER formance of specific duties, productivity, conduct on -ob, cooperativeness,. pertinent, personal traits or habits, and particular limitations or talents.. ased on- your knowle go. of employees overall performance during the rating.period; place: the letter in the ting bo corresponding to the statement which most accurately reflects his .level of performance. S 4-62 45 OBSOLET PREVIOUS EDITIONS. (Whe&PAMe SECTION C;u In) NARRATIVE COMMENTS ndIcate significant strengths or weaknesses demonstratedein current position keeping -in proper perspective their-relotionship to overa.li: performance. State .suggestions made for improvement of.work performance. Give recommendations for training. Comment on'foreign language:compet.ence, if required for current.position. Amplif.yor.explain ratings given in SectionB to-provide best basis for determining future personnel action. Manner of performance of managerial or supervisory duties must..be described, if applicable. Mrs. Hawkins continues to give an excellent performance in every respect. She is highly regarded by members of her Section as well as by those for whom and with whom she works. She is a recognized authority in certain fields of analysis, both within this Agency and at the National Security Agency. Women frequently run into difficulty when.called upon tosupervise other people -particularly men. Mrs: Hawkins', Section is composed of. both sexes. Her personality and abilities are such that her Section runs harmoniously and with exceptional efficiency. I'continue topfeel that she is roperly placed in the Agency and should remain in her present position indefinitely. Though her responsibilities do not. involve the expendature of government funds, herapproach to problems clearly indicates that she is cost conscious. SECTION D 1. CERTIFICATION AND COMMENTS . BY EMPLOYEE. I CERTIFY THAT 1HAVE SEEN SECTIONS A, B, AND C OF THIS REPORT DATE SIGNATURE OF EMPLOYEE 2 . BY SUPERVISOR MONTHS EMPLOYEE HAS BEEN UNDER MY SUPERVISION IF THIS REPORT'HAS NOT BEEN SHOWN TO EMPLOYEE, GIVE EXPLANATION DATE OFFICIAL TITLE OF SUPERVISOR ND SIGNATURE Ch., COM]NT Operations, SPS 3. BY REVIEWING OFFICIAL COMMENTS OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL CONCUR DATE OFFICIAL TITLE OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL Ch.-. SIGIlT Programs Staff.O SECREf __ PPR VED*FOR RELEASE 30 OCTOBER 2013 AR 70-14 ADMINIT - INERWA.j, ONLY 16 September 1969 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mrs. Adelaide M. Hawkins THROUGH Deputy Director for Support - THROUGH Director of Communications SUBJECT Certificate of Distinction 1. The Honor and Merit Awards Board is pleased to notify you that the award named above will be conferred on you in recognition of the excellent service you have rendered this Agency. Security considerations relevant to the award are explained in the attached memorandum from the Office of Security. 2. The award will be presented to you at a ceremony to be held in the near future. Members of your family, Agency associates, and intimate friends who are aware of your Agency affiliation may attend the ceremony. 3. Invitations to the ceremony will .be extended the Secretariat, Honor and Merit Awards Board, Office of Personnel, by extension Please send to that office the names and phone numbers the guests you would like to have invited, and indicate any dates on of which you would not be available for such a ceremony. Recorder Honor and Merit Awards Board Distribution: Orig - Addressee - D/CO TL-1I/Pers Reader Chrono/OPF 1 - Sec't, . - Recorder, TIVE. A D IMINISTRE R N A U ~ iO Nc Registry -__Executive DATE REPORT OF HONuR AND MERIT AWARDS BOARD r 19 August 1969 Honor and Merit Awards Board having considered a recommendation that: N-(LastI (First) HAWKINS. (MIddle) Adelaide PRESENT GRADE. OFFICE POSITION TITLE M. Cr ASSIGNED TO OS-14 tanalyt STATION DDS/OC BE AWARDED: Certificate of Distinction FOR HEROIC ACTION, ON FOR MERITORIOUS ACHIEVEMENT OR SERVICE DURING THE PERIOD APPROVES THE RECOMMENDATION =~APPROVES, July 19 6 8-July 1969 DISAPPROVES THE RECOMMENDATION BUT IN LIEU THEREOF, RECOMMENDS THE AWARD OF: UNCLASSIFIED CITATION Mrs.. Adelaide M. Hawkins is hereby awarded the Certificate of Distinction in recognition of her superior performance in a highly - *, - specialized field. Her responsibilities are in a most sensitive area of analysis, requiring a high degree of self discipline, skill, and knowledge. Through the application of her knowledge and skills, as well as by the guidance and training she has given her staff, Mrs. Hawkins has been responsible for a series of outstanding accomplishments in the field of positive intelligence production. Her efforts over the years have been of high value to the Agency, reflecting great credit on herself and on her office. Recommendation approved byADD/S on 25 July 1969) REASONS FOR DISAPPROVAL OF RECOMMENDED AWARD APPROVED SIGNATURE isLK,- WhitE 787 Rtolert S. Wattlm TYPED NAME OF CHAIRMAN, 0-_4_^ nrr~n cr n nal _ _ irrEi r _ ernCE SIGNATURE 5 SEP 1969 TYPED NAME OF PepF DATE *.62 3 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS. HONOR AND MERIT AWARDS BOARD ROBERT S. WATTLES _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE 30 OCTOBER 2013 R 70-14 DD/M&S -- ecuiiv - DATE REPORT OF HONOR AND MERIT AWARDS BOARD 31 July 1973 The Honor and Merit Awards Board having considered a recommendat SERIAL OR C - HAWKIS, AS SO D-MQS/OC BE TYPE EMPLOYEE P M.1914 Aelaie iNMENT that: SEX BIRTHYEAR NAME (Last-First-Middle) ID ND. SC SCHEDULE GRADE GS Staff - STATION 14 AWARDED Career Intelligence Medal I ACTION ON FOR HEROIC FOR MERITORIOUS SERVICE & RECOMMENDS APPROVAL 0 RECOMMENDS AWARD OR ACHIEVEMENT DURING THE Li PERIOD September 1947 - June 1973 DOES NOT RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF UNCLASSIFIED CITATION Mrs. Adelaide M. Hawkins is hereby awarded the Career Intelligence Medal in recognition of her exceptional achievement throughout her career. A charter member of the Central Intelligence Agency and a communications specialist, Mrs. Hawkins has served in responsible positions including assignments concerned with the training and guidance of others in her specialized field. In each instance, she has demonstrated a high degree of professionalism, judgment and integrity. Mrs. Hawkins has made significant contributions to the mission of the Agency and her entire career reflects credit on her and the Federal service. REMARKS (Recommendation approved by ADD/MS on 5 July 1973) APPROVED y.tg DIRECTOR oal . OF - CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE TYPED NAME V(4 OBSOLETE HONOR AND MERIT AWARDS BOARD Signed Original SATE 382 F CHAIRMAN, SIGNATURE 1 3 AUu e/3 FORM 8B6 -aney SIGNATURE PREVIOUS EDITIONS TYPED NAME (4
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