160 CONTRIBUTORS CONTRIBUTORS Barát, Erzsébet is Associate Professor in the Department of English, University of Szeged and Recurring Visiting Professor at CEU since 2000. She holds a PhD in Linguistics, from Lancaster University, UK. She is director of the ‘Gender through literatures and cultures in English’ Track in the English Studies MA. She is founding Editor-in-Chief of the Hungarian journal, TNTeF: Interdisciplinary Electronic Journal of Gender Studies. She launched and has organized the annual gender studies conference in Szeged since 2005. Her research interests include feminist critical theory, relational models of identity, the relationship between language, power and ideology, the intersections of feminist and queer theories, as well as lavender linguistics. She is a regular contributor to edited volumes and journals. Her most recent work is the co-edited volume Ideological Conceptualizations of Language: Discourses of Linguistic Diversity (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2013). E-mail: [email protected] Barna, Emília is Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology and Communication, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Director of the Communication (Cultural Industries) MA programme. Her doctoral thesis (University of Liverpool, 2011) examined the relationship between music scenes, networks and the internet through a case study of contemporary Liverpool indie rock bands. Her main areas of research include the study of popular music scenes and genres; media representations and discourses of popular music; popular music and cities, and popular music and gender. She is founding member and Chair of IASPM (International Association for the Study of Popular Music) Hungary and Zenei Hálózatok Egyesület [Music Networks Association], Editor of Zenei Hálózatok Folyóirat [Music Networks Journal], Advisory Board Member of IASPM@Journal, and founding member and Vice-Chair of Nőkért Egyesület [Association for Women].E-mail: [email protected] Benkő, Krisztián is a freelance man of letters, a translator and an art theoretic. He earned both his MA degree (in Hungarian and Comparative Literature) in 2004 and his PhD in 2009 at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. He has published two collections of papers (Önkívület. Olvasónapló a magyar romantikáról. 2009, Kalligram; Bábok és automaták. 2011, Napkút). He translated into Hungarian among others The Monk by Matthew Lewis (2012) TNTeF (2014) 4.2 and Madame de Sade [email protected] by Mishima Yukio (2014). E-mail: Berán, Eszter is Assistant Professor at the Psychology Institute of Pázmány Péter Catholic University. In 2004-2006 she participated in the collection and transcription of the Budapest Psychotherapy Database. She defended her Ph.D. thesis in 2010 in psychology at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University. Her doctoral thesis topic focused on therapeutic interaction, more specifically on the regulative role of shifting narrative perspective in therapeutic discourse. Her current research includes analysis of therapeutic interaction, identity construction, ego-centered relational network, and psychology of gender and sexuality. Email: [email protected] Jablonczay, Tímea is Associate Professor at the King Sigismund College, Budapest, where she teaches gender, media and cultural studies. She earned her PhD in Hungarian Studies from Jyväskylä University, Finland in 2009. Her PhD project was concerned with the literary work of Hungarian women writers between the two World Wars. Her interest in scholarship includes narratology, gender studies, the Holocaust and Central-European Literature. Her research has focused on narrative poetics, especially the study of the figures of self-reflection in the narratives, female narratives, and transnational feminine practices of writing. Jablonczay has published a co-edited volume Narratívák 6. Narratív beágyazás és reflexivitás (2007) [Narratives 6. Embedded Narratives and Reflexivity] on narratology and her publications include various articles on literary and gender studies including “Nation, Sexuality and Gender in Literary Representations of Ilona Zrínyi”, Hungarian Studies Review (2014). Email: [email protected] Kocic-Zámbó, Larisa is an Assistant Professor at the University of Szeged, Department of English Studies, and member of the Gender Studies Research Group. Her research interests include Early Modern literature (women writers), orality and literacy of culture, literature and the religion, and theories and practices of popular culture (fandom & comics studies, digital culture). She is the Assistant Editor of the TNTeF online journal, and the Web Editor of the Gender Studies Research Group’s WEBPAGE. E-mail: [email protected] Kováts, Eszter holds an MA in French and German Studies (University of Pécs, 2008) and a BA in Sociology (University Szeged, 2013). She will defend her MA thesis in Political Science in June 2015 at King Sigismund College, Budapest. Since 2009, she has been working in the Hungarian Office of the 161 162 CONTRIBUTORS Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; and since 2012, she has been responsible for the foundation's regional programme called Gender Equality in East-Central Europe. E-mail: [email protected] Kulcsár, Zsófia completed her studies in the ”English and American Literature and Culture” PhD program, University of Szeged, Hungary in 2014. At the moment she is working on her dissertation. Her research is concerned with the history of feminism in post-socialist Hungary. She earned her BA degree in English Studies and German Studies at the University of Szeged in 2009 and her MA in English Studies in the 'Gender through Literatures and Cultures in English' track in 2011. Her main fields of interests are gender studies, cultural studies and feminist movements. Email: [email protected] Lehotai, Orsolya is currently an MA student in Political Science at Corvinus University, Budapest. She earned her BA in Political Science at University of Szeged in 2014. In her BA thesis, she examined the concept of representation in political discourses about women’s voting rights in Hungary and their preferences in the elections of 1945. Her main fields of interest are theories of democracy and concepts of representation. E-mail: [email protected] Rákai, Orsolya is a senior research fellow in the Institute for Literary Studies, Department of Modern Literature, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She received her PhD in 2004 from the University of Szeged (Hungary), and did her habilitation in 2008 at the University of Pécs. She taught from 1996 to 2009 at the University of Szeged (Department of Communication and Media Studies) and was a visiting professor at the University of Vienna in 2010. Her main research interests are: the history of media and literary criticism, social integration of literature, gender studies. Recently, she deals mostly with corporeal narratology and its adaptations for the research of strangeness. Email: [email protected] Soós, Eszter Petronella holds an MA in Political Science (ELTE, Budapest, 2009) and an MA in French Language and Literature (ELTE, Budapest, 2008). She finished her doctoral studies in the Doctoral School of Political Science at ELTE Faculty of Law. Her thesis is about contemporary gaullism; she expects to defend her thesis in 2015. Besides her research and teaching activities, she works as a political consultant. E-mail: [email protected] TNTeF (2014) 4.2 Virginás, Andrea is Lecturer at the Department of Film, Photography and Media, Sapientia – The Hungarian University of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca, where she teaches film history (classical Hollywood and contemporary mainstream cinema) and introduction to communication and film theory. She received her degrees from Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, (BA, MA), Central European University, Budapest, Hungary (MA), and Debrecen University, Hungary (PhD). Her research interests are theories of genre, gender and mediation related to the screen in a postmodern/postcommunist context. She has published the following volumes: Az erdélyi prérin. Médiatájkép. [On the Transylvanian Prairie. A Media Panorama] KOMP-PRESS-Korunk PH, Cluj-Napoca, 2008 (literary and cultural theory, literary and film criticism); Crime Genres and the ModernPostmodern Turn: Canons, Gender, Media. Scientia PH, Cluj-Napoca, 2008. Reprinted as: (Post)modern Crime: Changing Paradigms? From Agatha Christie to Palahniuk, from Film Noir to Memento. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken, 2011 (literary, cultural and film theory). She is currently working on her postdoctoral research project: The Role of Generic Panels in European Small Cinemas (CNCS-UEFISCDI – The Romanian Ministry of Education, 20132015). E-mail: [email protected] 163
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