FRIDAY, July 10, 2015 8:30 9.45 9.50 – 10.00 10.00 10.15 10.1512 Keynote address- Plenary session Judith Kesserű Némethy – Book presentation Coffee break Room 1 Hungarian Communities in the USA Chair: Nora Deak Room 2 Literature - I Room 3 Borders and Identities Chair: Eniko Basa Chair: Agnes Huszár Várdy Fodor, Mónika. U. of Pécs Deczki, Sarolta. Institute for Literary Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Aladžić, Viktorija. U. of Novi Sad, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Subotica Twice Told Tales—Narrative and discourse features of ethno-cultural identity construction in re-storied life episodes Mak, Viktor. Colgate U. An Invisible Border: The Reduced Identity of Poor People, Novels of Sándor Tar Varga, Adriana. Butler U, Indianapolis The History of Jászberény in 1944: Dezső Kosztolányi, Miroslav Krlezsa and Mateiu How Hungarian History Molded my Caragiale: Modernist Perspectives on the Hungarian-American Identity European East and West Szabó, Miklós and Juhász, Anna Mária. ELTE. He, Who Is Also Far, Is Actually Near – Hungarian Communities in the San Francisco Bay Area Hegedűs, István. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Role of the St. Ladislaus Church in New Brunswick's Hungarian Community Gárdosi, Rita. Cleveland State U. Hungarian Language Maintenance in Cleveland, Ohio Hetényi, Zsuzsa. ELTE Parallels in Difference – A Typological Comparison of Isaac Babel and Károly Pap as Two Cases of Jewish Writing in Different Languages Civic Participation in Saving Szabadka’s (Subotica) Building Heritage Haba, Kumiko. Aoyama Gakuin U., Tokyo Hungarian Minorities in Borderlands: Transylvania and Ukraine Várnai, Pál. Carleton U, Ottawa Canada (Retired) Identitások határon innen és túl Molnár, Eszter. ELTE Boda Székedi, Eszter. Babes-Bolyai U. Mágikus kép és mágikus nyelv a két világháború közötti magyar irodalomban és képzőművészetben Az óceán közepén. Wim Wenders amerikanizálódó európaisága Ajtony, Zsuzsanna. Sapientia U. Hajdú, Zoltán, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Images of Armenians in Hungarian Literature Kárpát-medence vs. Történelmi Magyarország a határon túl élő magyarság identitás1 viszonyulásában 12.0013.00 13.0014.30 LUNCH Issues in Culture and Politics in Hungary Today Chair: Klara Papp The Effects of War and Postwar in Hungarian History Chair: James Niessen The Holocaust and Its Aftermath, I. Szántó, Ildikó. Independent scholar Murádin, János Kristóf. Sapientia U. Varga, Zsuzsanna. U. of Glasgow Declining Hungarian Birth Rate seen in Hungarian Literature Hungarian-Romanian Political Relations in Northern Transylvania Between 1940 and 1944 from the Perspective of the Transylvanian Party The Politics of Textuality: Fenyő Miksa’s Wartime Memoirs in 1946 and 1986 Nagy-Zekmi, Silvia. Villanova U. Balogh, Róbert. Institute of History, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Lo Bello, Maya J. ELTE - BTK “End the University as We Know It”: Global – Tech – Academe Shortage as Experience in the 1940s and 1950s in Hungary and Transylvania Szilágyi-Gál, Mihály. ELTE Várdy, Steven Béla and Várdy, Huszár Ágnes. Duquesne U. Jablonczay, Tímea. King Sigismund College Hungarian Gymnasiums in Postwar Germany Liberated Women Survivors (?) Effects and After-effects of the Holocaust in women’s narratives (Teréz Rudnóy and Boris Palotai) Kissné, Novák Éva, U. of Szeged Lénárt-Cheng, Helga, Saint Mary's College of California Friedmann, Robert. Georgia State U. Történelem és nemzettudat Hamvas Endre vívódásai Online Political Radicalism in Hungary 14.3014.45 14.45 16.15 Chair: Ilana Rosen Observation as Action: the Holocaust Journal of Miksa Fenyő Personal Letters as Historical Data Sources Coffee Break Hungarian Emigré Artists The Holocaust and Its Aftermath, II. Chair: Kenneth Nyiradi Chair: Susan Glanz Innovative Teaching Methodologies in Hungary Today Chair: Borbala Zsemlyei Kádár, Judit. U. of West Hungary, Szombathely Rosen, Ilana, Ben Gurion U. of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel Huszti, Judit. U. of Pécs, Foreign Language Centre Ways of Losing Identity: Emigré Women Writers from the AustroHungarian Monarchy The Poetry of 1.5 and Second-Generation Israelis of Hungarian Origin Diaspora Program - Outline of a Project at the University of Pécs Pavelka, Orsolya-Petra. Babes- Bock, Julia. Long Island U. The Changing Perception of the History of Bolyai U. Hoffmann, Rita. Independent Scholar Teaching Diversity in Hungary 2 Writing in Exile. The Value of Work of a Mid-Nineteenth Century Hungarian Novelist Holocaust in Hungary Domokos, Johanna. Karoli Gaspar U. of the Reformed Church in Hungary Faragó, Borbála. St Patrick's College, Dublin City U. On Literary Translingualism by Terézia Mora 16.15 16.30 16.30 – 18.00 Moving Silences: Holocaust Trauma Memory in Hungarian Women’s Poetry Lugossy, Réka. U. of Pécs, Hungary Research into young EFL learners’ and their teachers’ beliefs about stories Corbett, Joyce Berczik, Mingei International Museum Flamich, Mária, Vocational School of the Blind, Budapest "It's Not Enough To Have Talent": Hungarian Women Emigré Designers Music for Everyone Coffee Break Teaching Hungarian Inside and Outside Hungary Chair: Judith Kerekes Hungarians in the USA Chair: Judith Olson Maróti, Orsolya. Balassi Intézet, Niessen, James P., Rutgers U. Why Did They Leap? Crossing Borders after the Budapest Mid19th to 20th century Players on the Economic Stage Chair: Julia Bock Bodnár, Éva. Independent scholar "Nem sokat tud csinálni?" A nyelv megőrzésének lehetőségei szórványés diaszpóraközösségekben 1956 Revolution The Charitable Bank: Fáy András and the First Domestic Savings Bank of Pest Szécsi, Tünde, Florida Gulf Coast U. Deák, Nóra. ELTE SEAS Library Rab, Virág. U. of Pécs. Refugee Registration Process: From Cards to Camp Kilmer Refugee Research Database The Originality of Loránt Hegedüs Kádár Lynn, Katalin. ELTE Glanz, Susan. St. John's U. The Cold War Intelligence Activites of Hungarian Émigrés in the West Nicholas L. Deak, the Hungarian “James Bond of the World of Money” Kovács, Ilona. Hungarian National House Wade, Susan. Independent Hungarian-American Families’ Perception on Heritage Language Literacy Practices through Media Technologies Nyikos, Martha and Nyikos, Katalin. Indiana U. Vitalizing a Minority Language: A Study of Critical Family Bilingual Strategies Forintos, Éva. U. of Pannonia 3 Parallel Processes in Canadian/American-Hungarian Language Contact Situation Library (OSzK), Budapest scholar The Perspectives and Features of Second Generation American Hungarian Veterans’ Readjustment to their Home Society Returning from WWII; New Brunswick, NJ 1946-1960 Imre Kiralfy and the 1910 Japan-British Exhibition at the White City, London 4 SATURDAY, July 11, 2015 8.309.00 9.00 – 10.30 BUSINESS MEETING Room 1 Transylvanian Issues, I Room 2 Hungarian Cultural Influences Beyond the Borders of Hungary Chair: Katalin Kadar Lynn Room 3 Teaching Hungarian Molnár, Erzsébet. U. of Miskolc Rácz, Edit. U. of Debrecen Brassai Sámuel, the polymath On the Cultural Aspect of Teaching Hungarian as a Foreign Language Nyírády, Kenneth. Library of Congress Wéber, Katalin. U. of Pécs Francis Bowen, "War of Races in Hungary," and a Lost Harvard Professorship Identities Between the Lines Zach, Lili. National U. of Ireland, Galway Albert, Sándor. Felnőttképzési Intézet, Komárom, Szlovákia Irish Images of Hungarian National Identity in the Interwar Years Magyar nyelvű közoktatás és felsőoktatás a Felvidéken Sárosi-Márdirosz, KrisztinaMária. Sapientia U. Nagy, Adrienn. National Archives of Hungary Szaffkó, Péter, U. of Debrecen, Debrecen Summer School The Role of Terminology in Keeping our Identity as Hungarian Professionals Magyar tannyelvű oktatás megszervezése egy soknemzetiségű kikötővárosban, Fiumében a 19-20. század fordulóján A Debreceni Nyári Egyetem helye és szerepe a változó világban Chair: Judith Kesserű Némethy Fazakas, Noémi. Sapientia Hungarian U. of Transylvania The construction of a new minority: language and identity between the two World Wars in Transylvania Zsemlyei, Borbála. Babes Bolyai U. Crossing Language Borders – as shown by the Historical Dictionary of the Hungarian Language in Transylvania Suba, Reka. Sapientia U. A romániai magyar médianyelv egyes sajátosságai 10.3010.45 10.45 12.30 Chair: Emese Fazekas Coffee Break Transylvanian Issues, II Chair: Monika Fodor Hungarian History and Artifacts Chair: Steven Bela Vardy Literature, II Chair: Zsuzsanna Varga Dani, Erzsébet. U. of Debrecen Milliman, Zachary. U. of Alaska Anchorage Papp, Judit. U. of Naples "L'Orientale" Székelymagyar nemzeti- és kulturálisidentitás-stratégiák a The Opera Erkel Should Have Written: Language as a Marker of Identity: the Diaries and Memoir of Hungary 1944-1948 of Sándor 5 trianoni határokon túl Revisionist History in Bánk bán Márai Murádin, Noémi Lovász. Apáczai Csere János Elméleti Líceum, Kolozsvár, Olson, Judith E. American Hungarian Folklore Centrum, NJ Kulin, Borbála. U. of Debrecen Mozgástér és kényszerpálya. Az erdélyi magyar képzőművészeti nevelés jelenlegi helyezete és kilátásai. Paksa, Rudolf, Institute of History of Hungarian Academy of Sciences Transzilvanizmus a tányéron avagy Miért az erdélyi konyhakultúra az egyetlen jelentős regionális konyhája a Kárpát-medencének? Hantz, Lám Irén, Independent Scholar Egy kezdeményezés kiteljesedése Seeing, and not Seeing, Borders: Hungarian Identity in Dance Quigley, Colin. U.of Limerick Abádi, Nagy Zoltán, U. of Debrecen Confronting Legacies of Ethnic-National Discourse in Scholarship and Practice: Traditional Music and Dance in Central Transylvania Identitásdráma tér és idő határain túl, kognitív narratológiai nézetben Laki, Péter. Bard College. Pataky, Adrienn, ELTE BTK Tér- és testkonstrukciók egy emigráns költő, Faludy György szonettköteteiben Bucur, Tünde Csilla. János Zsigmond Unitárius Kollégium Multilingual Soliloquies: The unaccompanied voice in the works of György Kurtág Magyar, Kálmán. American Hungarian Folklore Center, NJ Domján József and Qi Baishi, Friends Forever 12.30 – 13.45 13.45 – 16.30 The Borders of Identity in the Poetry of László Kürti Hagyomány, történelem és az én elbeszélése Závada Pál müveiben LUNCH Transylvanian Issues, III -Literature Chair: Noémi Fazakas Music and Art Chair: Peter Laki Sohar, Paul. Independent Scholar Csorba, Mrea. U. of Pittsburgh Sándor Kányádi: The Champion of Szekler Survival 'A Pot is Not a Person' and other Adages from the Ground Up Havas, Judit. Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum Kincses, Katalin Mária. Institute of Military History of Hungary Jékely Zoltán útjai -- 1913-1982 From the History of the First Hungarian Barber-Chirurg-Guild: The Chirurgs in Cluj- Film Gáti, Sally, Gati Productions CULTURE COLLECTOR Ferenc Tobak [90-min. documentary film] Ferenc Tobak, a Hungarian-American man with a passion for Moldavian folklore, a remarkable sensitivity toward the people he collected from, academic 6 Napoca T. Szabó Levente, BabesBolyai U. Rival Ethnicization of Hybrid Identities in the First International Journal of Comparative Literary Studies Nagy, Éva. Ministry of Education, Romania Templom és iskola - 200 éves a bukaresti magyar nyelvű oktatás és református egyház Tuza, Csilla. Magyar Országos Levéltár The Peregrination and Migration of the GuildFellows in the Carpathian Basin in the 18th Century Fazakas, Emese. Babes Bolyai U. Names of Musical Instruments in 16–18th century Transylvania curiosity, and a sense of adventure. In 1998, FERENC TOBAK, with cameras and bagpipes in hand, made a return visit to the Csángó areas of Romania. He has footage of himself as a bagpiper, and hours and hours of priceless videotape of the last bagpipers, folk fiddlers, flutists, singers and dancers. He also found such craftspeople as bagpipe, spoon, and flute makers, a wood-turner and a potter. N. Fodor, János. ELTE. Interlingual Characteristics of the Family Names Found in the Carpathian Basin in the 18th Century 7 8
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