(No Model.) B. J. COLBY. ELECTRIC LOOK. No. 446,509. - Patented Feb. 17,- 1891. Wine-675g)’: —“;_—* . (gal w MQ\QAM)VMQM A 1106'] '7' gwwwk bum? W n1: NORRiS mjfms 00., maYu-uma, wummnw, 04 c. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. EINYARD J. COLBY, OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ELECTRIC LOCK. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 446,509, dated February 1'7, 1891. Application ?led May 6, 1890. Serial No. 350,813- lNo model.) To all whom it may concern: IO tact 8, and another from contact 2 through Be it known that I, EDWARD J. COLBY, a magnet E to contact 6, and a series of cir‘ citizen of the United States, residing at Ohi cuits from contact 2 through magnet G to 55 cago, in the county of Cook, in the State of Illi contacts 3, 4-, 5, 7, and 1. nois, have invented a certain new and useful O is a battery-jar having the conductors l’ Improvement- in Electrical Safes, of which P and the terminals R and S. The use and operation of myinvention are the following is a full, clear, and exact speci~ iication. as follows: If the lid of the safe is closed, by 60 My invention relates to electrical safes or turning the knob G in the position indicated devices for locking the same, and has for its in Fig. 2 the arm 0’ will engage the end of object to provide convenient means whereby the recess (1“ and force the bolt G‘ home into a safe or receptacle may be closed, so that it can only be opened by an electrically-operat ing combination. It is illustrated in the ac companying drawings, wherein a suitable keeper on the interior of the safe. Then the bolt C“ engages the slot CF and se curely locks the bolt in its position, Revers ing the knob will have no effect upon the are rangement of the parts, as the arms can be Figure 1 is a perspective view of a safe. Fig. 2 is a reversed view of the interior of the retracted without engaging anything. At the lid, and Fig. 3 is a portion of the same with same time all of the armatures will be found parts shown in a different position. to be free or out of action, there being no Like parts are indicated by the sameletter current passing through any of the magnets, in all the ?gures. and the armature D’ will engage the slot D2. A is the body of the safe, and B the lid. If now it is desired to unlock the safe, the On the surface ofthelid are the contact-points electric battery, with its terminals, maybe em 75 l 2 3 e 5 6 7 S, and they extend through thelid ployed for that purpose. There is nothing to to like contact-points 1 r2 3 l 5 6 7 S. U is a knob projecting upon the lid and ca distinguish one of the outer contacts from another; but the person familiar with the pable of rotation, and having secured to its combination will know how to apply the bat inner end the two arms 0' 0*, adapted, re tery, and he will apply it by placing one ter~ 80 spectively, to rest in the recess 0“ on the bolt 30 01 and to engage the pin C5 on the bolt C‘). lVhen the knob is turned in the position in~ dicated in Fig. 53, the bolt is driven home, so as to engage a suitable keeper on the interior of the safe A, and it is retained in this posi tion by the bolt 0“, which passes into the slot CT in the bolt C". The bolt 0“ reciprocates through the keeper D, and is controlled by the armature D", which engages the slot D2 inthe bolt 0“, and which is itself operated by 40 the magnet E. minal on contact 2 and the other terminal on contact (3, whereupon a current will pass through the magnet E and will cause it to re» tract the armature D’, and will retract the bolt 0“ and release the bolt (3". He will now remove the terminal from the contact- 6 and place it upon contact 8, whereupon a current will pass through the magnet K and cause its armature to retract the bolt (3*. Thus it will be observed that to open the lock it is neces 90 sary‘ to know in the ?rst instance the two terminals which will complete the circuit The bolt 06 is also capable of actuation by the armature F, which is 0011 through magnet F, and in the second place trolled by the magnet G. On the end of the to know exactly the two terminals which will bolt (J4 is a knob ll, by which the armature complete the circuit through K, for if the J is connected to such bolt. Said armature wrong contacts are coupled in the first in is controlled by the magnet K. From contact stance the bolt C“ will not be retracted, and 2 leads conductors L, L’, and L2 to the three if it is retracted and the wrong pair of ter~ magnets, From contact 6 leads the conductor minals is then connected this bolt will be re If to the magnet E, and from all the other con~ turned to its position, for all the other ter tacts leads the conductor 1:‘ to the magnet G, minals are connected with the magnet G. If 50 except from contact 8, and from this the con» several of the contacts‘, are simultaneously duetor Lileads back to the magnet K. Thus connected, the various currents and magnets a circuit is made through magnet K to corn will oppose each other, so that no operation it 446,509 will be had. Of course it is apparent that the combination can be varied at will by va rying the connection of the several conduct ors with the contacts, and it will also be de sirable to so construct the several magnets IO ture adapted to lock the bolt when in posi that the operation of the parts will be prac tion, a series of contacts and conductors, a portion of which contacts only are in circuit with the magnet, a second magnet whose armature is opposed to that of the ?rst and which is connected with a portion of such tically noiseless. contacts, and a third magnet whose armature , Many variations and alterations of my de is connected with the bolt and adapted to re vice could be made without materially de tract the same, which magnet is connected parting from the spirit of my invention. with a portion of such contacts. Having thus described my invention, what I ED‘VARD J. COLBY. claim, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is as follows: The combination of a safe with a bolt se 15 cured in the lid thereof, a magnet and arma Witnesses: CELESTE P. CHAPMAN, DAVIDA J. JOHNSON. ‘
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