YOGA Sisterhood Yoga will resume in January. Please join us for stretching, breathing and relaxation. call Ellen 514-849-6776. Sponsor a Kiddush Since medieval times, Jews have acknowledged lifecycle events with special prayers, learning, schnapps and a celebratory seudah –meal. There is no better way to recognise a milestone whether it is a yarzheit, birthday, anniversary, or simply to give thanks for the good in your life than by sponsoring a Kiddush. Please contact Nelly, our Executive Director, at 514-484-1122 ext 105, to sponsor a Kiddush fully or partially. TORAH CLASS with Elizabeth will resume on Wed. Jan 7 at 10 AM. SING WITH YOSI will resume on Tuesdays at 8:45 AM in Mid Feb. THE BOUTIQUE Visit the boutique on the main floor and view new and interesting items for sale. TORAH FUND Your Torah Fund contribution strengthens and perpetuates Visit us at our website: Shabbat Schacharit 9:15 AM Mincha Immediately following Kiddush SHABBAT CANDLES Sunday Schacharit 8:45 AM Mincha, Maariv 6:00 PM Monday thru Friday Friday, December 19 @ 3:55PM Friday, December 26 @ 3:59PM Schacharit Conservative/Masorti Judaism throughout the world. Every gift counts! Any amount is welcome! Become a BENEFACTOR with a contribution of $180.00 and in recognition of your generous :בָּ רּוְך אַ ָּתה יְ הוָּה אֱ להינּו מֶ לְֶך ָּהעוֹלָּם אֲ ֶשר ִק ְד ָּשנּו בְ ִמצְ וֹתָּ יו וְ ִצּוָּנּו לְ הַ ְדלִ יק נֵר ֶשל חֲ נֻכָּ ה support, receive the 5775 (2014-2015) pin as our gift to you. For further information, please contact Torah Fund Co-Chairs Dorothy Tonchin at 514487-3234 or Lorna Gerson-Goldig at Blessed are you, Lord, our God, king of the universe who has sanctified us with His com- 514-481-6904. DAILY MINYAN Our daily Minyan service, both mornings and evenings, is in need of your participation. Please make every effort to attend as much as you can. Not only is it a great mitzvah to support those members who have Yahrzeit but it’s also a reminder to keep our traditions alive and to start or finish your day on a wonderful high. Our morning services, are followed by a healthy breakfast and great camaraderie. Looking forward to seeing you at services soon. Ron Silverstone, President MISHA BERACH We ask our congregants to kindly notify the office of the names of any members who are not well or in the hospital, in order that we may say a Misha Berach for them. Thank you. FACEBOOK Our facebook page is new and improved!! It will have all of the latest goings on right there at your finger tips. Don’t miss out!!! Be “a friend’ of Shaare Zedek. Visit us at: shaarezedekmtl TREE OF LIFE Our Tree of Life is growing...there are rocks and leaves waiting to be inscribed. Please call Gertie Zlatkin 514-933-7555 or the synagogue office for further details. Sisterhood Book Discussion Group SYNAGOGUE OFFICE: 514-484-1122 #101 OR #104 Blessings and directions for lighting the Menorah Barukh atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melekh ha-olam, asher keed'shanu b'meetzvotav v'tzeevanu l’had’lik neir shel Chanukah (Amen) :נִסים לַאֲ בוֹתֵ ינּו בַ יָּ ִמים הָּ הֵ ם בַ זְ מַ ן הַ זֶה ִ בָּ רּוְך אַ ָּתה יְ הוָּה אֱ להֵ ינּו מֶ לְֶך ָּהעוֹלָּם ֶשעָּ ָּשה Barukh atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melekh ha-olam she-asah neeseem la-avotaynu bayameem ha-heim ba-z'man ha-zeh (Amen) Blessed are you, Lord, our God, king of the universe who performed miracles for :בָּ רּוְך אַ ָּתה יְ הוָּה אֱ להֵ ינּו מֶ לְֶך ָּהעוֹלָּם ֶשהֶ חֱ יָּנּו וְ ִקיְ מָּ נּו וְ ִהגִ יעָּ נּו לַזְ מַ ן הַ זֶה Barukh atah Adonai, Elohaynu, melekh ha-olam she-hecheeyanu v'keey'manu v'heegeeyanu la-z'man ha-zeh (Amen) Blessed are you, Lord, our God, king of the universe who has kept us alive, After reciting the blessings: 1) Use the shammus to light the Chanukah candles from left to right Shabbat Annual Selection: Miketz: Genesis 41.1-44.17 page 250. Holiday Selection: Hanukkah IV Numbers 7.30-41 page 808. Congregational Kiddush on Shabbat is being held in the Naomi and Richard Davine Hall on the Upper Level. The synagogue office will be closed on Thursday December 25, 2014. UPCOMING SIMCHAS AT SZC SIMCHA Bar Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah DATE Sun. Dec. 21 Sun. Dec. 21 CELEBRANT David Cobrin son of Jody & Joel Cobrin. Tamir Ben-Eli son of Roee Ben-Eli & Orit Shtevi. On Shabbat morning January 31, 2015, Join us when we honor Dr. Earl Karanofsky Choir Director along Join us on Friday February 6, 2015 WE EXTEND BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO: Lil Bonder, Ruth Chaimberg, Matthew Cudzinowski, Joshua Fagan, Debbie Gencher, Benjamin Katsof, Joshua Hodess, Gregory Kobernick, Barry Lackman, Israel Marovitch, Zachary Ornstein, Ross Paperman, Selena Paperman, Rochelle Ross, Joshua Schwartz, Edythe Shore, Michael Shulman, Andrew Zeidel. WE EXTEND ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS TO: Arlene and Maxwell Brotman, Lorna and Stanley Clamen, Marilyn and Avner Cobrin, Barbara and Stephen Coplan, Louise and Herb Finkelberg, Dr. Joyce Zucker-Fuchs and Dr. Aaron Fuchs, Malvina and Harold Greenspon, Regina and Nahum Halpern, Harriet and Harry Horlick, Bonnie and Bart Kitner, Bonnie and Mark Merson, Sarah and Dr. Danny Samra, Sylvia and Charles Serchuk, Beverly and Ronald Silverstone, Carole and Richard Venor, Deborah and Manny Vineberg, Marion and Howard Wolfe, Chainie and Bruce Zikman. WE WISH A SPEEDY RECOVERY TO THE FOLLOWING: Fraida bat Chana Kraizel, Ha' Rav Ronnie David Zishe HaCohen ben Hinda Alizah, Myrna Kagan, Miriam bat Shoshana, Bernard Bratz, Burt Spector, Chaim David ben Rivka, Claire Beer, David Rubinstein. We look forward to welcoming them back among us completely recovered. WE EXTEND OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY TO: Elizabeth and Rabbi Alan W. Bright and Haley, Ben, Gabby and Haya Bright on the loss of their mother, mother-in-law and grandmother, Nancy Shanken z”l. Marilyn Fisher, Shelley and Ken Finkel, Randee Fisher and Trevor Wieskopf, Hindi Fisher and Ken Kates, Jordan Litwin, Samantha Wieskopf, Jaimey, Ashley and Sean Finkel on the loss of their husband, father, father-in-law and grandfather, Issie Fisher z”l. Adeline Bratz, Belinda Bratz, Adina and Jeff Schwartz and Mariah and R.J. Schwartz on the loss of their husband, father, father-in-law and grandfather, Bernard (Bernie) Bratz z”l. Frances Fogel and Joseph Sonnenschein on the loss of their sister and wife, Terry Sonnenschein z”l. The seder will be followed by SHAARE ZEDEK CEMETERY At a recent meeting, the Board of Directors has voted to increase the cost of a cemetery plot at Eternal Gardens, Shaare Zedek Section, from $1800 to $2000, effective April 1, 2015. In order to take DISCLAIMER: We sincerely regret and apologize for any errors and/or omissions in this publication. Kindly advise the synagogue of important life cycle events. WE EXTEND A HEARTY MAZAL TOV TO: Sandra and Jeff Wolff on the birth of their granddaughter, daughter of Samarra and Daniel Wolfe and great-granddaughter of the late Sybil and David Wolff z”l. YAHRZEITS יארצײטן Esther Berish, Rose Friedman, Abe Lubin, Mendy Solak, Morris Fishman, Pauline Krupp, Zelda Posman, Gerald Brownstein, Alex Carin, YOGA Sisterhood Yoga will resume in January. Please join us for stretching, breathing and relaxation. call Ellen 514-849-6776. Sponsor a Kiddush Since medieval times, Jews have acknowledged lifecycle events with special prayers, learning, schnapps and a celebratory seudah –meal. There is no better way to recognise a milestone whether it is a yarzheit, birthday, anniversary, or simply to give thanks for the good in your life than by sponsoring a Kiddush. Please contact Nelly, our Executive Director, at 514-484-1122 ext 105, to sponsor a Kiddush fully or partially. TORAH CLASS with Elizabeth will resume on Wed. Jan 7 at 10 AM. SING WITH YOSI will resume on Tuesdays at 8:45 AM in Mid Feb. THE BOUTIQUE Visit the boutique on the main floor and view new and interesting items for sale. TORAH FUND Your Torah Fund contribution strengthens and perpetuates Visit us at our website: Shabbat Schacharit 9:15 AM Mincha Immediately following Kiddush Sunday Schacharit 8:45 AM Mincha, Maariv 6:00 PM Monday thru Friday Conservative/Masorti Judaism throughout the world. Every gift counts! Any amount is welcome! Become a BENEFACTOR with a contribution of $180.00 and in recognition of your generous SHABBAT CANDLES support, receive the 5775 (2014-2015) pin as our gift to you. For further information, please contact Torah Fund Co-Chairs Dorothy Tonchin at 514487-3234 or Lorna Gerson-Goldig at Friday, December 26 @ 3:59 PM Friday, January 2 @ 4:04 PM 514-481-6904. DAILY MINYAN Our daily Minyan service, both mornings and evenings, is in need of your participation. Please make every effort to attend as much as you can. Not only is it a great mitzvah to support those members who have Yahrzeit but it’s also a reminder to keep our traditions alive and to start or finish your day on a wonderful high. Our morning services, are followed by a healthy breakfast and great camaraderie. Looking forward to seeing you at services soon. Ron Silverstone, President MISHA BERACH We ask our congregants to kindly notify the office of the names of any members who are not well or in the hospital, in order that we may say a Misha Berach for them. Thank you. FACEBOOK Our facebook page is new and improved!! It will have all of the latest goings on right there at your finger tips. Don’t miss out!!! Be “a friend’ of Shaare Zedek. Visit us at: shaarezedekmtl TREE OF LIFE Our Tree of Life is growing...there are rocks and leaves waiting to be inscribed. Please call Gertie Zlatkin 514-933-7555 or the synagogue office for further details. Sisterhood Book Discussion Group SYNAGOGUE OFFICE: 514-484-1122 #101 OR #104 8:45 AM Schacharit Shabbat Annual Selection: Vayigash: Genesis 44.18-47.27 page 274. Ezekiel 37.15-28 page 290. Congregational Kiddush on Shabbat is being held in the Naomi and Richard Davine Hall on the Upper Level. UPCOMING SIMCHAS AT SZC Mazal Tov to each of the Celebrants and their Families SIMCHA DATE CELEBRANT Wedding Call Up Sat. Feb. 7 Thurs. Feb. 12 Maria Campos & Myles Schechter. Joshua Messer son of Dan & Andrea Messer. Bar Mitzvah Fri. Feb. 20 Jacob Levine son of Jason & Brenda Levine. Bar Mitzvah MM Sat. Feb. 28 Jesse Etinson son of Lynn & Kenny Etinson. The synagogue office will be closed on Thursday January 1, 2015. On Shabbat morning January 31, 2015, Join us when we honor Dr. Earl Karanofsky Choir Director along WE EXTEND BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO: Cathy Abourbih, Ted Adler, Michael Aronoff, Philip Aspler, Orly Bensoussan, Sheila Fishman-Booth, Chaya Bright, Phyllis Brull, Sandy Dichter, Simona Duceac, Sean Finkel, Sheila Gradinger, Gralnick, Franki Gralnick, Myrna Kagan, Maya Katsof, Annette Ludwick, Cynthia Melamed, Estelle Ramelson, Nadine Rappaport, Ariel Saidov, Charles Serchuk, Lilian Shaffer, Avrum Stark, Dr. Mark Steinman, Stephanie Wiseman. WE EXTEND ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS TO: Fayla Vinebaum and Michael Heitner, Lil and Jack Margolis, Denise and Leonard Miller, Diane and Arthur Newman. Join us on Friday February 6, 2015 The seder will be followed by WE WISH A SPEEDY RECOVERY TO THE FOLLOWING: Fraida bat Chana Kraizel, Ha' Rav Ronnie David Zishe HaCohen ben Hinda Alizah, Myrna Kagan, Miriam bat Shoshana, Burt Spector, Chaim David ben Rivka, Claire Beer, David Rubinstein. We look forward to welcoming them back among us completely recovered. YAHRZEITS יארצײטן Reuben Gordon, Fischel Guberek, Doba Weinstein, Clara Baitel, Louis Eisenstat, Rae Lang, Mary Tonchin, Jack Deitcher, Miriam Grzeda, Jack Mindlin, Samuel Nadel, Pese Orzeck, Jack Rapoport, Avrom Sher, David Bernstein, Rebecca (Tanny) Brasloff, Fay Greenfield, Beccie Kasner, Leslie Kaufer, Harry Sol Wexler, Sylvia Chalouh, Honnie Dalfen, Rose Orbuch, Moe Smith, Anna Weider, Leah SHAARE ZEDEK CEMETERY At a recent meeting, the Board of Directors has voted to increase the cost of a cemetery plot at Eternal Gardens, Shaare Zedek Section, from $1800 to $2000, effective April 1, 2015. In order to take advantage of the current price, please call Nelly Kadoch, Executive Director at DISCLAIMER: We sincerely regret and apologize for any errors and/or omissions in this publication. Kindly advise the synagogue of important life cycle events. Ginsbarg, Faigel Guberek, Pesah Guberek, Shoshi Guberek, Yankl Guberek, Ray Lurie, Jacob Mandelbaum, Sheindle Mandelbaum, John Silverman, Alex Bernstein, Jacob Bloomfield, Ann Schwartz. YOGA Sisterhood Yoga will resume in January. Please join us for stretching, breathing and relaxation. call Ellen 514-849-6776. Sponsor a Kiddush Since medieval times, Jews have acknowledged lifecycle events with special prayers, learning, schnapps and a celebratory seudah –meal. There is no better way to recognise a milestone whether it is a yarzheit, birthday, anniversary, or simply to give thanks for the good in your life than by sponsoring a Kiddush. Please contact Nelly, our Executive Director, at 514-484-1122 ext 105, to sponsor a Kiddush fully or partially. TORAH CLASS with Elizabeth will resume on Wed. Jan 7 at 10 AM. SING WITH YOSI will resume on Tuesdays at 8:45 AM in Mid Feb. THE BOUTIQUE Visit the boutique on the main floor and view new and interesting items for sale. TORAH FUND Your Torah Fund contribution strengthens and perpetuates Visit us at our website: Shabbat Schacharit 9:15 AM Mincha Immediately following Kiddush Sunday Schacharit 8:45 AM Mincha, Maariv 6:00 PM Monday thru Friday Conservative/Masorti Judaism throughout the world. Every gift counts! Any amount is welcome! Become a BENEFACTOR with a contribution of $180.00 and in recognition of your generous SHABBAT CANDLES support, receive the 5775 (2014-2015) pin as our gift to you. For further information, please contact Torah Fund Co-Chairs Dorothy Tonchin at 514487-3234 or Lorna Gerson-Goldig at Friday, January 2 @ 4:04 PM Friday, January 9 @ 4:12 PM 514-481-6904. DAILY MINYAN Our daily Minyan service, both mornings and evenings, is in need of your participation. Please make every effort to attend as much as you can. Not only is it a great mitzvah to support those members who have Yahrzeit but it’s also a reminder to keep our traditions alive and to start or finish your day on a wonderful high. Our morning services, are followed by a healthy breakfast and great camaraderie. Looking forward to seeing you at services soon. Ron Silverstone, President MISHA BERACH We ask our congregants to kindly notify the office of the names of any members who are not well or in the hospital, in order that we may say a Misha Berach for them. Thank you. FACEBOOK Our facebook page is new and improved!! It will have all of the latest goings on right there at your finger tips. Don’t miss out!!! Be “a friend’ of Shaare Zedek. Visit us at: shaarezedekmtl TREE OF LIFE Our Tree of Life is growing...there are rocks and leaves waiting to be inscribed. Please call Gertie Zlatkin 514-933-7555 or the synagogue office for further details. Sisterhood Book Discussion Group SYNAGOGUE OFFICE: 514-484-1122 #101 OR #104 7:00 AM Schacharit Shabbat Annual Selection: Vayehi: Genesis 47.28-50.26 page 274. I Kings 2.1-12 page 312. Congregational Kiddush on Shabbat is being held in the Naomi and Richard Davine Hall on the Upper Level. UPCOMING SIMCHAS AT SZC Mazal Tov to each of the Celebrants and their Families SIMCHA DATE CELEBRANT Wedding Call Up Sat. Feb. 7 Thurs. Feb. 12 Maria Campos & Myles Schechter. Joshua Messer son of Dan & Andrea Messer. Bar Mitzvah Fri. Feb. 20 Jacob Levine son of Jason & Brenda Levine. Bar Mitzvah MM Sat. Feb. 28 Jesse Etinson son of Lynn & Kenny Etinson. WE EXTEND BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO: On Shabbat morning January 31, 2015, Join us when we honor Dr. Earl Karanofsky Choir Director along Nessa Blais, Michael Etinson, Michael Fagen, Dr. Howard Goldstein, Stephen Goldstein, Anne Goldberg, Marsha Milstock, Freya Gordon, Gitty Harte, Jeremy Kellner, Hope Lurie, Lisa Luxenberg, Marvin Oppen, Ellen Pesner, Daniella Rosenblatt, Abigail Schipper, Jason Schneidman, Hazel Wasserman, Daniel Wolff, Amy Zeidel. WE EXTEND ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS TO: Sheila Fishman and Billy Booth, Evelyn and Irving Rabinovitch. WE WISH A SPEEDY RECOVERY TO THE FOLLOWING: Join us on Friday February 6, 2015 Fraida bat Chana Kraizel, Ha' Rav Ronnie David Zishe HaCohen ben Hinda Alizah, Myrna Kagan, Miriam bat Shoshana, Burt Spector, Chaim David ben Rivka, Claire Beer, David Rubinstein. We look forward to welcoming them back among us completely recovered. YAHRZEITS The seder will be followed by יארצײטן Vera Herman, Sylvia Kastner, Joshua Levin, Abie Lukofsky, Paul Saks, Sybil Fine, Adolphe Hitzig, Ben Kaufman, Judel Kohen, Fella Schmerer, Abraham Theodore Sdieman, Hellen Tollinsky, Jack Wasser, Jack Brotman, Philip Chaimberg, Abraham Daniels, Rose Lipkus, Rita Nayer, Lucia Neumann, Abe Orzeck, Samuel Rosenthall, Dorothy Goldin, Esther Karanofsky, Sarah Levine, Kate Levitan, Hyman Hy Orleans, Annie Steiger, Robert Venor, Rose Zolov, Louis Greenfield, Morris Grodinsky, Oscar Kasner, Jack Levine, Mary Novolker, Marvin Howard Shanken, Edith Abramovitch, Sydney SHAARE ZEDEK CEMETERY At a recent meeting, the Board of Directors has voted to increase the cost of a cemetery plot at Eternal Gardens, Shaare Zedek Section, from $1800 to $2000, effective April 1, 2015. In order to take advantage of the current price, please call Nelly Kadoch, Executive Director at DISCLAIMER: We sincerely regret and apologize for any errors and/or omissions in this publication. Kindly advise the synagogue of important life cycle events. Canter, David Greenstone, Leah Levac, Max Rosencweig, Joseph Cooner, Lily Glazer, David Helfenbaum, Paula Kligman, Oscar Luger, Sam Lutterman, Moe Oppen, Frederica Stein.
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