St. Augustine, St. Benedict the Moor & St. Mary Churches: Pastoral Region One Dec.28, 2014 CHRISTMAS MESSAGE TO PARISHIONERS GOD’S GIVEN GIFTS It is the time of the year that we look back to reflect on what God has done in our life in order to give our gratitude to the Lord and to those who have been instrumental for the changes in our life. Looking back on your life I believe there have been moments that you wonder you were going to make it through to the year. It is also certain that there were some people who sat on this pew who are no longer with us, but whatever misfortune and frustrations came our way we know one thing, that we are alive and blessed by God to be alive. I am grateful to God for blessing me with wonderful Parishioners like you, with a great spirit of volunteerism, the dynamic Parish and Finance Council, the hard working staff and marvelous groups of individuals who step in to help here and there. Working hard with various ideas of fundraising. Occasionally, of course, some will get on my nerves, but they too are a blessing, Praise God. Thank you my parishioners for your good spirit of community, in living together as a family, your spirit of given financially and in kind. Remember what the second book of Samuel says, “I will not offer to God which cost me nothing” (24:24) and keep in mind what St. Paul told the church in Corinth. “Each man (person) should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for the Lord loves a cheerful giver.” (2Cor.9:7). I encourage all of you to do the best that you can to keep our Regional Parishes open. In the coming year all of us should contemplate on how we are our going to work on our stewardship of treasure. St. Benedict is thinking about replacing their air and heat units the parking lot was done last year. Yes there is something each time but God has been good to us and we are grateful to him. My gratitude would not be complete without thanking the Organizations, Foundations, other parishes and churches, the individuals outside our parishes who helped us make it through this year, to all of you out there I say thank you. You are indeed a blessing to me and to the entire parish. I appreciate you sharing with us God’s given gift. As we contemplate on our faith journey as a Region, parish and as individuals; as we continue to collaborate as a Region in our deanery, I will like you at this Christmas to think about what God has done for you through others, as an individual or a family, pray about this gift(s) and reflect on how best you can share this God given gift with others and with God. As you were opening the boxes and Parcells under the Christmas tree did you think about what you have for God under the tree? As we celebrate this feast of the Holy Family another way of being thankful and grateful to God is to keep in mind those who are raising their children in a difficult situation remembering that God was once a refugee. Today’s readings reveal to us that in the midst of all trials, the Holy Family maintained their bond of unity. Can we learn from their examples in the scripture readings today? I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Good New Year! View this bulletin online at Have a Wonderful Week. REGION ONE LITURGICAL SCHEDULE [SA] = St. Augustine [SB] = St. Benedict [SM] = St. Mary Wed. Dec. 31 7pm Spanish Mass [SM] Fri. Jan. 2 8am [SM] Audrey Kirby Sat. Jan 3 4:30pm [SB] SB Parishioners 4:30pm [SM] John W. Jones The Epiphany of the Lord Sun. Jan 4 8:15am [SA] Alma & Don Emrick, Sr. 9:45am [SM] Ethel Drummer 11am [SB] SB Parishioners 1:15pm [SM] Spanish Mass WORLD DAY OF PEACE MASS Representatives of agencies working to end human trafficking in the Dayton area and a Sudanese family whose home country has a saint who had experienced slavery will participate in a Mass Jan. 1 at Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, 2300 S. Smithville Road, Dayton, at 10 a.m. Bishop Joseph Binzer will preside at the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, Mass when we will also celebrate the 48th anniversary of the World Day of Peace. Pope Francis’ World Day of Peace Message is “No Longer Slaves, but Brothers and Sisters.” Archbishop Dennis Schnurr will preside at an 11 a.m. Mass at the Cathedral, Eighth and Plum St. Please come to either of the Masses and begin the New Year in peace, especially praying for those caught in slavery throughout the world. A reception with light refreshments will follow Mass. Feast of the Holy Family THIS WEEK'S EVENTS PASTORAL REGION ONE: [SA] St. Augustine [SB] = St. Benedict; [SM] = St. Mary Mon 12/29 Prayer Mtg 11am [SB] Tues. 12/30 Choir practice 7pm [SM] Wed 12/31 PARISH OFFICES CLOSED Fri. 1/2 Sun. 1/4 Coffee & Donuts 10:45am [SMC] WEEKLY COLLECTIONS St. Mary Weekly Goal: $4116.00 St. Benedict Weekly Goal $5,200.00 St. Augustine COLLECTION INFORMATION WILL BE IN NEXT WEEK'S BULLETIN TAKE TEN & CONNECT With God & With Others Your Faith & Daily Life Spend 10 minutes reflecting on God’s Word Next Sunday’s scripture: Isaiah 60: 1-6; Ephesians 3: 2-3, 5-6; Matthew 2: 1-12 What helps you stay focused on God's presence in everyday situations where God is usually not mentioned? Who and what on your journey has helped you to know and understand Jesus and his message better? What gifts do you being to the Christ Child? How can you find Christ and worship him? If we were called to make Jesus known to others, how do we deal with the Herod's of this world? PRAY FOR OUR PARISH MILITARY MEMBERS TSgt Timothy Scott Marcum, USAF; SSgt Justin Bentley, USAF; SrA Matthew Bauer, USAF; CPT Brian Hargis, US Army; SSG Lynn Jones, US Army; Saundra Ann Morrell, USN; Ronald Morrell Pruitt, US Army, Capt. Andrew J. Konicki, USMC.; SSgt Christopher DeWitt, USAF, Sgt Alex Zavakas, US Army, SSG Bill Himes US Army; PFC Michael V. Jackson, US Army, PVT Corey Taylor, US Army, Lt. Com. Ryan Jonathan Logan, USN, SGT Stephanie Lewis, US Army, PFC Solomon A. Smith, US Army, SrA Candice Smith, USAF, EOD3 Aaron R. Gorby, USN; Davion A. Redd, USCG, Pvt Jacob Deis, USMC, SSgt Jennifer Wagner, USAF, LCpl Jacob Deis, USMC. PRAY FOR OUR BELOVED SICK of SB In our prayers, let us remember those in need of the Lord’s healing mercy, especially: Andrew Lewis, Jackie Bristow, Brenda Lewis, Mae Wilkerson, Kenneth Bronston, Zadie Buckner, Mary Helen Spanish, Ruby Hobbs, Chuck Dewitt, Valerie Smith, Phyllis Coley, Lora Singleton, Mark Wells, Gloria Patton, Jessie Campbell, Betty Jones, Pat Bell, Janis Lowery, Myrtle Truitt, and Susie Roberts. ST. AUGUSTINE LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Lectors: Tim Pheiffer, Christine Partin Eucharistic Ministers: Ken Stewart, Marie & Randy Klotz, Liz Miller, Jim Adkins, Doug Hoog, Fran Delegato, Patrick Barnett Ushers and Greeters: Matthew Valenti, Tim Renneker, Don Hoog Servers: Joseph Barnett, Blake Setser, Aaron Valenti ST. BENEDICT LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE DECEMBER 28TH – THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH 1st Reader – Jerome Johnson, 2nd Reader – Christine Brown Petitions - Tom Hall, Extraordinary Ministers – Maxine Brooks, Sharon Hairston, Derek Arnold, Carolyn Day (R); Kim Brown, Rita Ellicott, Victor O’Basuyi, Mary O’Basuyi (L) ST. MARY LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE Jan 3 - 4:30pm [S] [L] [E] Dolora Michel, Debbie Hoover, Mary Ann Faulstick Jan 4 - 9:45am [S] [L] [E] Mark Bertolo, Lois DeShayes, Rodie Brun, Mary Jo DuPree, Peggy Falkowski, Luella McQuality IN THE NURSING HOME/ASSISTED LIVING FROM ST. BENEDICT AND ST. MARY PARISHES Eddie Weaver Ralph Reid Mary Paschal Artie Oliver Mary Scott Mary Scott Livingston Care Center Mercy Sienna View this bulletin online at St. Augustine, St. Benedict the Moor & St. Mary Churches: Pastoral Region One Dec.28, 2014 2015 CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES St. Mary 2015 envelopes are now available in the back of church. There are 128 envelopes still to be picked up. They are in ALPHABETICAL ORDER. Please pick up ONLY your envelopes. For our new parishioners, there will be a sign up sheet for your information. The parish will assign your envelopes and have them out for you the following weekend. Every box that is picked up saves us $3.00 in postage. PLEASE DO NOT USE THESE ENVELOPES UNTIL 2015. Thank you. ELIZABETH'S NEW LIFE CENTER The lives of 320 children. That's how many babies at risk for abortion may be saved if Elizabeth's New Life Center is able to accept the generous offer of an $80,000 matching gift. Because we spend $500 to save the life of one baby, with $80,000 we could save 160 children! As this is a matching gift offer, and we must first raise $80,000 in individual gifts to receive the match, that's an additional 160 babies! Goal: $80,000 Gifts: To appreciate the value of the gift of just one life, much less 320 that could be saved or the 2,000+ that Elizabeth's New Life Center helps save each year, or go to to watch "The Gift," the moving story of one young mom, Tiarra, and her daughter, Kennedy. Will you donate through our Match the Gift campaign? The lives of real children, such as Kennedy, hang in the balance. Give now on our website so that your individual gift can be doubled as we reach our goal. Together, we can save 320 babies at risk for abortion in 2015. FLOWERS FOR ST. BENEDICT ALTAR Altar flowers for the Christmas season were made possible by the generous donations of Ms. Sharon Hairston, Ms. Mary James, Ms. Juanita Newell, Mr. Norad, Mr. & Mrs. Orr, Ms. Deborah Vaughn, Ms. Elsie Williams, Ms. Annette Young, and the members of the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary, Fourth Degree. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, it is greatly appreciated. View this bulletin online at PAPER PLATE CAMPAIGN In 2015, Congress must rewrite the Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill within this deficitreduction political climate and hunger-relief programs are once again at risk. You can show your support by taking a paper plate and writing your response to this question, "What would you like your elected officials to know about hunger?" Then send them to or drop them off at The Foodbank, 56 Armor Place, Dayton, OH 45417 and we will deliver them to our local officials. FREE SMOKE ALARMS The Dayton Mortgage Bankers Association has donated 70 smoke alarms to the Dayton Fire Department to assist in its efforts to provide smoke alarms to residential structures throughout the city of Dayton. "We have essentially exhausted our current supply of smoke detectors, making this donation from the Dayton Mortgage Bankers Association very timely," said Fire Chief Jeffrey Payne. "A working smoke alarm in your home is the single most important step you can take to increase your family's safety from a home fire." As part of the "Safe Summer Nights" program Dayton Fire verified the installation of nearly 600 smoke detectors and installed nearly 300 smoke alarms. Residents who are in need of a smoke alarm are urged to contact the Dayton Fire Prevention Office at 937-333-4520. Due to the limited supply, alarms will be provided to those who do not have the financial or physical means to acquire them. PROLIFE ROSARY PROCESSION AND RALLY All are invited to travel by van on Saturday, January 17, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m., from the University of Dayton to City Hall in Cincinnati for the Prolife Rosary Procession and Rally. Bring or buy your lunch. The trip is sponsored by the Flyers for Life: Faculty/Staff Group. Those under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or a legal guardian. Cost is $8 per person or $3 for students; payment to "Campus Ministry" is due by Wednesday, January 14, 2015, to Gloria Dodd, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469-1390. For more information, contact Gloria Dodd at [email protected] or (937) 229-1431. Feast of the Holy Family POPE FRANCIS' WORLD DAY OF PEACE MESSAGE 2015 (excerpts) "No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters" ST. MARY CHRISTMAS FLOWERS The altar flowers at St. Mary this Christmas Season were donated by: Eleanor Eppard, Gary & Trisha Miller, Mike & Lois Snyder, Mary Lou Lubinski, Charles Jarrells, Ruth Hohl, Helen Saluke, Rose & Jack Ebel, Wallace Dillow, Al & Christine Stoff, Patti Stevens, Jo & Jerry North, Julie Moorman, Helen Gorby, Brian & Sue Brickner, Barb Wallbrown, Judith Loveall, John & Jeanne Borgert, Estelle Dryer, Beverly Wherle, Paul & Eileen Stall, Sabrina Furlow, Mary Ann Faulstick, Mark & Sue Bertolo, Jerry & Laura Woeste, James Schiml, Sr., Jim & Marilyn Buerschen, Chet Smiley, Steve Himes, Cathy Mitsoff, Steve & Kathleen Arndts, Jean Kramer, Ed & Laura Camacho, Al & Josephine Fischer, Dick & Fran Roderer, Tom & Ruth Goosman, Mary Boehmer, Tresa Duffy, Max & Joyce Meyer, Carolyn Howick, Carlene Himes, Martha Loper, Pat & Jerry Moorman. The Christmas Flowers are in honor and memory of: Florentine, Reuben and Andy Moorman, Bill Himes, Mary Candace Himes, The Duffy & Parr Families, The Spang Family, Earl Boehmer, Paul & Mary Wittman, Joseph Fischer, Frank Mayauskas, John L. Snyder, Walt & Betty Deim, Gery & Cindy Deim, JoAnn Johnson, The Bruns Family, The Stall Family, Fred & Ruth Spang, Mary Lou Rachlow, Vera & Gerald Stroup, Dorothy & Cy Borgert, Mary E. Hill, Michael & Anna Ferda, Cletus & Josephine Harrington, Isabel Harrington, Mr & Mrs. Thomas North, Sr., Joseph & Henrietta Osterfeld, Vergene Dillow, The Saluke Family, The Karst Family, The Ebel Family, The Parks Family, Tom Karst, Bob Saluke, Joseph & Luella Hohl, Ben & Mary Westbrock, Edwin & Frances Straukamp, Harry & Adalberta Snyder, Robert Lutz, Rhonda Miller, Teresa Miller, Dale Owen, Jan Knight, Wallace Wolf, Don Eppard and Gertrude Voelkl. At the beginning of this New Year, which we welcome as God’s gracious gift to all humanity, I offer heartfelt wishes of peace to every man and woman, to all the world’s peoples and nations, to heads of state and government, and to religious leaders. In doing so, I pray for an end to wars, conflicts and the great suffering caused by human agency, by epidemics past and present, and by the devastation wrought by natural disasters. I pray especially that, on the basis of our common calling to cooperate with God and all people of good will for the advancement of harmony and peace in the world, we may resist the temptation to act in a manner unworthy of our humanity. In my Message for Peace last year, I spoke of "the desire for a full life… which includes a longing for fraternity which draws us to fellowship with others and enables us to see them not as enemies or rivals, but as brothers and sisters to be accepted and embraced".1 Since we are by nature relational beings, meant to find fulfillment through interpersonal relationships inspired by justice and love, it is fundamental for our human development that our dignity, freedom and autonomy be acknowledged and respected. Tragically, the growing scourge of man’s exploitation by man gravely damages the life of communion and our calling to forge interpersonal relations marked by respect, justice and love. This abominable phenomenon, which leads to contempt for the fundamental rights of others and to the suppression of their freedom and dignity, takes many forms. I invite everyone, in accordance with his or her specific role and responsibilities, to practice acts of fraternity towards those kept in a state of enslavement. Let us ask ourselves, as individuals and as communities, whether we feel challenged when, in our daily lives, we meet or deal with persons who could be victims of human trafficking, or when we are tempted to select items which may well have been produced by exploiting others. Some of us, out of indifference, or financial reasons, or because we are caught up in our daily concerns, close our eyes to this. Others, however, decide to do something about it, to join civic associations or to practice small, everyday gestures – which have so much merit! – such as offering a kind word, a greeting or a smile. These cost us nothing but they can offer hope, open doors, and change the life of another person who lives clandestinely; they can also change our own lives with respect to this reality. We know that God will ask each of us: What did you do for your brother? (cf. Gen 4:9-10). The globalization of indifference, which today burdens the lives of so many of our brothers and sisters, requires all of us to forge a new worldwide solidarity and fraternity capable of giving them new hope and helping them to advance with courage amid the problems of our time and the new horizons which they disclose and which God places in our hands. From the Vatican, 8 December 2014 FRANCISCUS Click here for the Pope's complete message: Read more: View this bulletin online at View these Sponsors @ Rambo-Westendorf Plumbing HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INSTALLATION 24 HOUR EMERGENCY HEATING SERVICE 1853 Wayne Ave. OH Lic. # 15225 256-1661 24 Hour Emergency Service Lic.# 27849 FaLke & Dunphy, LLC fAx 253-9181 FRIDAY-ALL THE FISH YOU CAN EAT Hours: 5am-10pm Every Day John Ferneding Dan Ferneding St. anthony aLum 545 Linden • Parishioner PANCAKE HOUSE COMMERCIAL EXCAVATING 233-3081 Call for a quote! • Wills & EstatEs • MEdical MalpracticE BREAKFAST SPECIAL CARRYOUT AVAILABLE DAILY SPECIALS 1280 Brandt Pike Elsa’s Restaurants 3509 LINDEN AVE. 254-8431 Centerville • Dayton • Kettering Open 7 Days • Lunch & Dinner This Ad in Memory of & Gratitude to My Parents, Francis & Frances Hemmert Owned and Operated By William Hemmert Family 252-0351 Joe Dittenhofer 5980 Bigger Rd., Kettering Owner 1712 Wayne Ave., Dayton Our Funeral Home is proud to be family owned and operated. 937-848-6898 [email protected] JOSEPH’S 3624 Ridgeway Rd. 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