Functionalization of Nanotubes with Azoic O

Functionalization of Nanotubes with Azoic O-glycoside
Ivan Flores Rosales, Pamela Hurtado Ponce, Marco Brito-Arias*
Biotechnology Unit
National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico (UPIBI-IPN)
Avenida Acueducto s/n, La Laguna Ticoman, Mexico City DF, 07340
Email: [email protected]
Keywords: Phenylazonaphtyl glycosides, nanotubes, TEM microscopy, azoic glycosides.
Abstract Text: This work describes the coupling reaction between an azoic O-glycoside with a single
wall nanotube acyl chloride to generate the nanotube-azoic O-glycoside complex which was analyzed by
TEM microscopy. The study showed the presence of nodules or aggregates along the cylindrical
nanotube, suggesting the functionalization through a covalent interaction.
Nanotubes are defined as coaxial cylindrical units nanoscale graphite (1 to 100 nm) with walls composed
of carbon hexagonal mesh with both ends rounded. Nanotubes have had a major impact in biomedical
areas such as molecules with potential use as drug carriers, biosensors, encapsulating enzymes, neuronal
and bone growth among others. Because of the particular importance of the coupling of carbohydrates to
nanotubes to improve solubility, increase the biocompatibility and specificity towards specific targets, we
propose the synthesis of nanotubes (SWNT) linked to azoic O-glycosides using a covalent approach. The
presence of the dye will also allow the detection of the nanotubes complex by spectroscopy or confocal
microscopy which will allow us to find the nanotubes within cells.[1]
Scheme. Synthetic approach for the preparation
of complex nanotube-azoic glycoside.
Figure 1. Non functionalized single wall nanotube.
The strategy employed for the preparation of the complex nanotube-azoic glycoside consisted in the
coupling reaction between the nanotube acyl chloride with Sudan II-β-D-galactopyranoside as depicted
in scheme. The reaction conditions used were sonication in THF at room temperature. The nanotube was
centrifuged and washed (3 x 2 mL) with THF until the solution was colorless. The nanotubes obtained as
pellet were dried in oven, suspended in isopropanol and analyzed by TEM microscopy.
Results and Discussion
The azoic glycoside was synthesized by direct coupling reaction between acetobromo glucose with Sudan
II under the Koenigs-Knorr conditions, and deprotected under Zemplen conditios.[2] The resulting azoic
glycoside was condensed with nanotube previously derivatized to the acyl chloride form. The
reaction was repeatedly washed and centrifuged to assure that the nanotubes were free of unreacted
glycoside. The suspended nanotubes were analyzed by TEM microscopy, observing for the unreacted
nanotube a uniform surface without the presence of aggregates around the cylinder. On the other hand for
the complex nanotube- azoic O-glycosides it was observed the presence of small bundles around the
cylindrical nanotubes at different resolutions in agreement with those reported by Wu et al for the
reaction with glycodendrimers [3] (figures 2 and 3).
Figure 2. Functionalized nanotube with glycoside
coating the SWNT.
Figure 3. Functionalized nanotube.
[1] H. Sun, P. She, G. Lu, K. Xu, W. Zhang, Z. Liu. Recent advances in the development of
functionalized carbon nanotubes: a versatile vector for drug delivery. J Mater Sci 2014 49:6845–
[2] Marco Brito-Arias Synthesis and Characterization of Glycosides Ed Springer 2007, 73-74.
[3] P. Wu, X. Chen, N. Hu, U. Tam, O. Blixt, Al. Zettl, and C. R. Bertozzi. Biocompatible Carbon
Nanotubes Generated by Functionalizationwith Glycodendrimers. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47,
5022 –5025.