White Oak Baptist Church January 2015 Newsletter White Oak Baptist Church٠13943 Buffalo Road ٠Archer Lodge, NC 27527 919-553-7560 ٠ www.whiteoakchurch.us ٠ [email protected] Day One God has made everything suitable for its time, moreover, God has put a sense of past and future into their minds, yet they cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 Whenever we make an attempt at lasting change, we begin with a “day one.” For many, the first of January represents a new opportunity for setting goals and making personal improvements. But with each new calendar year, resolutions are hastily made and rapidly broken. (Why are days two and three so difficult?!) Pastoral Contacts/Schedule Reverend Todd Higginson Monday ~ 9:00am to 12:00pm Tuesday ~ 9:00am to 12:00pm Wednesday ~ 12:00pm to 3:00pm Thursday ~ 9:00am to12:00pm Friday and Saturday ~ Off/On Call Contact for appointments: [email protected] 919-553-7560 (Office) 919-537-6006(Cell) Youth Pastor Brittany Jackson 828-963-0120 [email protected] Tom Eannarino Sharon Freeman Jonathan Walker Ann Wall Dennis Durham Mark Jackson Larry Kristoff Mike Mulhollem Mike Sauls 359-6309 624-7963 749-5154 533-7187 963-9986 550-1004 901-5920 553-7307 210-6720 Bereavement Contacts Mary Lou Barnes 553-7414 Caregivers Contacts Mike & Connie Mulhollem 553-7307 Dan & Ann Wall 553-7187 It is common for people to reexamine their lives this time of year, even for a brief moment. However, fewer people make any lasting effort to create real change in their lives for the better. It is unfortunate that most people seem to dream about New Year transformations… “I wish I could lose weight.” “I wish I could stop watching so much television.” “I wish I could get into the habit of exercising.” “I wish I could quit smoking or drinking.” “I wish I could get out of debt.” Sadly, there is no “New Year’s Fairy” to come and make your New Year wishes come true. There is, however, hope in each new day we receive for us to truly achieve change in our lives. God is calling us to discipleship, which is more than just calling oneself a “Christian” or “church-goer.” Those titles are fine as long as we are striving toward a stronger relationship with the Creator who has been active in this world since Day One. Allow 2015 to become the year in which you can use words like committed, growing, improving, serving, and consistent to describe your relationship with God! My prayer is that White Oak Baptist Church can become a place where we all can powerfully love and serve God and together—cultivating stronger relationships with God, neighbor, and one another. Happy New Year! Yours in Christ, Pastor Todd Are you one of the nearly half of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions each year? If you plan on making a resolution for 2015, I hope that you’ll be among the whopping 12% of resolution-makers who succeed in seeing that commitment through for the whole year. Perhaps there is more to making a resolution than deciding it would be good to lose weight, do better with finances or control stress. Though self-improvement is great on its own, it isn’t the complete story. Paul gave us an example of one of his resolutions in 1 Corinthians 2:2-5: “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.” Though “knowing nothing except Jesus Christ” sounds a wee bit crazy, I believe that Paul is trying to tell us that it is much more important to grow in our relationship with Christ than to “better ourselves” in the standards of the world. We can be the healthiest, richest, most talented and best person we could ever be, but still miss the mark by trusting in ourselves and not in God’s power working through us. My prayer for you for 2015 is that you grow in Christ and live in his power in all parts of your life. In Christ, Brittany Jackson Calendar dates: January 4: Sunday Study 6-7:30 pm January 9-11: Youth Winter Retreat January 18: Sunday Study 6-7:30 pm January 19: Youth Game Night Thursday, 22nd Photo sessions for new directory 2:00-9:00pm Friday, 23rd Photo sessions for new directory 2:00-9:00pm Saturday, 24th Photo sessions for new directory 10:00am- 5:00pm It is not too late to sign up for a portrait session on January 22, 23, or 24th. When these slots are filled, Lifetouch will add an additional photography day. Please see a member of the Directory team after Sunday morning worship services in January or sign up online at www.whiteoakchurch.us. There is a link on our homepage to the sign-ups. Each family photographed will receive a free 8x10 and directory once they are published. Donate a canned food item on your photography day to receive an additional $5 off any photo package you wish. The church directory is a helpful resource—your participation is important! ***************************************** From the Deacons: At our December meeting, we began by sharing praises and prayer concerns. So often we forget to praise God for all the good in our lives and we only mention our concerns. Mark Jackson led our devotion time and focused on a big praise in his life: passing a math class that had been giving him fits all semester. (He did more than pass, by the way. He did very well!) Mark shared about beginning the semester with a poor teacher, who didn’t teach and yet expected his students to learn. Facing an exam, Mark was really worried he’d fail badly. He studied and got tutoring help and then, as he walked into the classroom, he put the exam results into God’s hands. A new professor entered the classroom. She informed the students that she would be replacing the old professor. She gave the exam and all the students did poorly. She used the exam results as a tool to help her know what material she needed to focus on, allowing the class the opportunity to learn and succeed. Mark shared that God’s answer to his turning the test over to God was more and better than he could have expected. So often that is true! In Philippians 4: 6-7, Paul writes that we shouldn’t worry about anything and that through prayer we can gain peace that is beyond explanation. Praise God! We spent a good bit of time reviewing the financial status of our church. Quite honestly, it is a bit scary. Our church voted to support a budget that requires $5,152 of weekly giving to the general fund. The current giving rate is $4,035 per week leaving us with a short fall of over $1,100 per week. Obviously, we will have to cut back on our plans if this trend continues. There are expenses we cannot change and must pay (like our staff and electric and gas bills) and there are places where we can scrimp or cut back (like building and grounds special projects and our supportive ministries). If we, as a church, fail to financially support the budget we passed by vote, then our mission efforts will suffer as a consequence. Please prayerfully consider supporting our general fund. Let’s not have God’s work held hostage by lack of financial support. We are making efforts to discern how to best support the spiritual health of our church. We are concerned that the poor financial status of White Oak may be symptomatic of a greater problem. We have decided to develop a tool measure the “pulse” of the congregation. We want to know what we (as a church) are doing well and where we need improvement. What are we missing and what are we doing that wastes time? How can our church leaders do a better job? What are they doing well? Ann Wall, Mike Sauls, and Jonathan Walker will be meeting to develop our “pulse-meter” and it will be presented in the very near future. We will let you know when to expect the “exam” and we encourage you to participate. Maximizing participation will help us do our job as deacons and we want to hear everyone’s voice. As we look to the future, the Deacons want to wish you all a blessed year in 2015. May each of you let God into your lives in new places. May you feel His love and grow stronger in your faith. May you experience the peace Paul promised in Philippians. DID YOU KNOW? Winter Facts According to the "Guinness Book of World Records," the biggest snowflake on record occurred in Montana in 1887. It was eight inches by 15 inches. The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was -128 degrees. The temperature was measured on Antarctica in 1983. Every snowflake has six sides. And every snowflake is different. It can be as warm as 40 degrees on the ground and still snow. The all-time world record for the largest snowfall in a single day was set in the United States on December 4, 1913, when Georgetown, Colorado received a staggering 63 inches of snow – more than five feet. The tallest snowman was built by the people of Bethel, Maine. The people of Bethel and the surrounding area worked 5 months to plan and build the 113 foot 7 inch tall snowman which broke the former record held by Yamagata, Japan of 96 feet 7 inches. Jenny Church Secretary Women on Mission – Karen Holland & Tabatha Moriarity We had an amazing time stuffing gift bags and delivering them to the girls of House of Hope. We watched them open their gifts and then sang some carols along with the girls. We talked about favorite Christmas memories all the while making new ones with our ladies and the girls. We also attended House of Hope’s very first Christmas Open House. We helped provide refreshments, mingled with the staff, girls and other supporters, and got a tour of their facility. This was a great way to enjoy Christmas with others! We hope you will join us at our January meeting. We will meet on January 12 at 7pm. We have lots of planning to do and can get so much more accomplished with more people involved. We hope all the girls and ladies can join us! Women on a Mission and the ASP Mission leaders will be sponsoring a church yard sale to support the church mission fund. The sale will be on April 18, 2015. Even though the sale is a few months away we are starting to collect items to sell. We are looking for clothes, shoes, baby & kids items, household items, books, furniture, home décor, etc. Please make sure that items are in saleable condition, make sure items aren't broken or missing pieces and check clothes for stains. If you have items that you would like to donate please contact Tabatha Moriarity at [email protected] or 919-9012279 or Rebecca Tanner at [email protected] or 919-366-6318 to arrange pick-up or drop-off of items. You can also contact Tabatha or Rebecca if you or your group wishes to help with the yard sale. Thank you, Tabatha Moriarity NEWS! Applause!! Applause!! Wonderful job Children of the Son and Youth Handbell Choir on your performances December 14! Ms. Carmella and I are so proud of you! You have been working so hard and it showed. You received numerous compliments so pat yourselves on the back. :) If you have enjoyed watching these choirs perform and are interested in joining you don't have to wait until September of 2015. You can join us NOW!! We will resume practices on Sunday, January 11, 2015. We will be working on new music when we resume so you haven't missed a thing. Children of the Son is for Kindergarten through 5th grade and they meet on Sunday nights from 6:30-7:30 p.m.. Youth Choir, aka Ignition, and Youth Handbell Choir is for 6th grade through 12th grade and they meet from 7:30-8:30 p.m.. Typically, Ignition will meet for about 4 weeks then perform and then Youth Handbell Choir will meet for about 4 weeks then perform. If you only want to be in Ignition or in Youth Handbell Choir, we can accommodate you. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Tricia Aman at [email protected], Carmella Williams at [email protected] or Ryan Tillerson at [email protected]. Come and make a joyful noise with us!!!! Stay Connected! Caregivers Ministry Team by Mike & Connie Mulhollem and Dan & Ann Wall White Oak offers an email mailing list open to all members and visitors. This list allows for quick communication of church information and prayer requests. If you would like to join or update your current information, please send an email to: [email protected] The Archer Lodge Community Center was filled with colorful Christmas stockings awaiting the delivery to our shut-ins and facility residents to whom we minister as we joyfully made preparations for our December meeting. Our lunch, which was coordinated by Mike and Connie Mulhollem, consisted of ham, potato salad, butterbeans, baked apples, a dinner roll and a homemade dessert with sixty plates taken to our special people. Twenty members attended our lunch/meeting with Benny Richardson leading our devotion. Just as the shepherds were the first to hear the message, each of us need a savior. Let us be reminded of the good news of great joy for all people. His prayer was preceded by a Moment of Silence in memory of Shirley Mozingo, Bill Jones and Mildred O'Neal Mozingo. We thanked Joe and Phyllis Creech for making our annual Christmas Party a success. We had thirty members and guests to gather at McCall's earlier in the month for a fine meal and enjoyable time. As we look to a new year, please remember our shut-ins and residents in special care facilities. Your cards, calls and PRAYERS are most welcome. We meet on the second Tuesday of every month. We would love for you to join us. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours and a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Adult Winter ASP Mission Trip: March 2015 If you are interested in being part of God's mission to help make homes warmer, safer, and drier in Appalachia, prayerfully consider being part of our winter mission team. We will depart for Johnson City, TN on Sunday, March 1st after the worship service and head back after breakfast on Thursday, March 5th. The cost will be about $195 per person, but this will be reduced with proceeds from fundraisers and missions funding. If you are interested, please speak with Pastor Todd. Those Scheduled To Serve For January 2015 Nursery Schedule January 4 Andy & Karen Holland Ryan & Jenna Payton Ashley Higginson January 11 Don & Carroll Pate Merrick & Pam Loveland Carmella Williams January 18 Mike & Connie Mulhollem Jimmy & Rose Toole Brooke Casper January 25 John & Tabatha Moriarity Joel & Christy Pace Jane Jackson February 1 Bonnie & Jenny Howard Matt & Andrea Koczanski Heather Moseley Children’s Sermon Leaders January 4 Mike Sauls January 11 Sandy Glover January 18 Sharon Freeman January 25 Jan Smith February 1 Sandy Pate Your commitment and willingness is a gift to our children, the parents and White Oak Baptist Church as we work together to make a difference . Thank you for your service. Birthdays & Anniversaries Happy Birthday “From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you.” Psalm 71:6 1-2 Sharon Freeman 1-12 Tim Drye 1-23 Hannah Weaver 1-4 Grace Farmer 1-12 Carolyn Pace 1-23 Tricia Aman 1-6 Peyton Richardson 1-15 Jenna Payton 1-23 Cortney Driver 1-7 Suzanne Walker 1-19 Jimmy Toole 1-25 John Moriarity 1-10 Matt Mulhollem 1-19 Bill Nolley 1-28 Katie Chalk 1-10 Deanna Pate 1-21 Musa Camara 1-29 Lynda Holland 1-10 Hope Hatcher 1-22 Jenny Howard 1-30 Blair Barnes Happy Anniversary “Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” Mark 10:9 1-6 Clyde & Mary Maybee 1-16 Ron & Donna Lassiter 1-25 Ricky & Jennifer Barrow JANUARY 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thursday 1st Church office closed Friday 2nd Church office is open Saturday 3rd Sunday 4th 9:00am Fellowship Coffee House 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service 6:30pm Children’s Choir 7:30pm Youth Choir Monday 5th 2:00pm WND Reservations Due Tuesday 6th 10:00am Worship Planning 6:30pm Cub Scouts 7:30pm Church Council meet 8:00pm Finance Committee meet Wednesday 7th 2:00pm Bulletin Info Due 6:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 7:00pm Bible Study & Prayer Time RA’s & GA’s meet Youth Group meet Children's Mission Group 8:00pm Adult Choir Practice Thursday 8th 7:30pm Deacon’s Meeting Friday 9th - Sunday 11th Youth Ski Trip Sunday 11th 8:00am Brotherhood Breakfast 9:00am Fellowship Coffee House 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service 6:30-7:30pm Children’s Choir Practice 7:30-8:30pm Youth Choir Practice Monday 12th 2:00pm WND Reservations Due 7:00pm WOM Meet Tuesday 13th 10:00am Worship Planning 11:00am Caregives 6:30pm Cub Scouts Wednesday 14th 2:00pm Bulletin Info Due 6:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 7:00pm Bible Study & Prayer Time Celebration Ringers RA’s & GA’s meet Youth Group meet Children's Mission Group 8:00pm Adult Choir Practice Thursday 15th 2:00pm “Acorn” Articles are Due Friday 16th Saturday 17th Sunday 18th 8:00am Brotherhood Breakfast 9:00am Fellowship Coffee House 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service 6:30pm Children’s Choir 7:30pm Youth Choir Monday 19th 2:00pm WND Reservations due Tuesday 20th 10:00am Worship Planning 6:30pm Cub Scouts Wednesday 21st 2:00pm Bulletin Info Due 6:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 7:00pm Bible Study & Prayer Time Celebration Ringers RA’s & GA’s meet Youth Group meet Children's Mission Group 8:00pm Adult Choir Practice Thursday, 22nd Photo sessions for new directory 2:00-9:00pm Friday, 23rd Photo sessions for new directory 2:00-9:00pm Saturday, 24th Photo sessions for new directory 10:00am- 5:00pm Sunday 25th Brotherhood Sunday 9:00am Fellowship Coffee House 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service 6:30pm Children’s Choir 7:30pm Youth Choir Monday 26th 2:00pm WND Reservations Due 7-8:00pm ALCC Meeting Tuesday 27th 10:00am Worship Planning 6:30pm Cub Scouts Wednesday 28th 2:00pm Bulletin Info Due 6:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner 7:00pm Bible Study & Prayer Time Celebration Ringers RA’s & GA’s meet Youth Group meet Children's Mission Group 8:00pm Adult Choir Practice Thursday, 29th Friday, 30th 6:00pm- Evening Deacon Retreat at church Saturday, 31st 8:00am - Morning Deacon Retreat at church WHITE OAK BAPTIST CHURCH 13943 Buffalo Road Clayton, NC 27527
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