Youths in Kissidougou involved in the construction of the CCC Guinea Ebola Situation Report *All Ebola statistics in this report are drawn from the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) Ebola SitRep #165, which reports cumulative cases as of 27 October 2014 (from 23 May to 27 October 2014). 24 Dec 2014 SITUATION IN NUMBERS HIGHLIGHTS Since last week, 176 new cases (169 confirmed) have been reported, bringing the total cases in Guinea to 2,606 (2,309 confirmed; 267 probable and 30 suspected cases). As of 22 DECEMBRE 2014* UNICEF has deployed a Rapid Response team to Kissidougou, where 38 Ebola cases and 616 contacts have been registered since last week; UNICEF has set up 111 Community Watch Committees in Kissidougou and prepositioned 21,000 hygiene kits for distribution; through community and youth strong involvement UNICEF has built a new CCC. Cases of Ebola (2,309 confirmed) UNICEF and the National Red Cross signed a Project Cooperation Agreement to provide referral teams for the CCCs. 2,606 1,630 Deaths (1,363 confirmed Ebola) 521 UNICEF in partnership with CNOCS, the largest Civil Society Network in the country has launched a social mobilization campaign in the Conakry Catchment area, involving 250 Community Watch Committees, 120 social mobilizers with the objective of stopping the spread of the epidemic in Conakry Children and youth 0-20 infected The epidemic has spread to area such as Labe (05 cases) in the North that had not notified cases until now. 139 4,105,926 Children living in affected areas Cases and 72 deaths among health care workers UNICEF funding needs until June 2015 USD 93,514,000 UNICEF funding gap USD 57,209,837 Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs In addition to Kissidougou with increased cases, the epidemic is far from being controlled in the prefectures of Conakry, Lola, Macenta, Dubreka, Coya , Kerouane; the epidemic is threatening larger cities such as Conakry, Kindia and Labe. In addition Ebola Treatment Units in Conakry, Gueckedou and Macenta have reached their maximum admissions capacity; UNICEF is gearing up its efforts to build 10 CCC by the end of the year as well as providing support to 1,400 Community Watch Committees (CWC); 2 CCCs ( Kouremale, Kissidougou) have been completed with secured referral systems in place. In order to better control the epidemic, UNICEF and its partners are rolling out a “district planning” targeting 12 prefectures at high risks: Lola, Macenta, Nzerekore, Kissidougou, Telimele, Dubreka, Siguiri, Coya, Matoto, Dixin, Matam, Kaloum, Forecariah. UNICEF and partners district planning will strengthen area of surveillance, contact tracing as well as scaling social mobilization and foster community dialogue toward greater community engagement. Summary Analysis of Programme response WASH The WASH section coordinated and facilitated more than 10 Cluster meetings. The WASH Cluster is now housed at the Office of Coordination Nationale with Government partners, WHO and other local partners. 94% representing 49 out of 52 water points in Kindia region have been rehabilitated to benefit 14,100 persons. 13 new water points were constructed in Faranah region providing improved access water to more than 4,000 persons. 13 out of 15 villages in the forest region have been identified for the construction of new water points. UNICEF is providing technical support to the Division of Prevention Lutte contre les Maladies (DPLM) by giving technical support to “Sites Sentinelles” to reinforce surveillance and preparedness for potential Cholera outbreak. Communication for Development (C4D) UNICEF facilitated the completion of the training package for the Community Watch Committees (CWC) which includes: a finalized road-map and the Ebola Image box printed in 150,000 copies. A study is ongoing to understand the root causes of resistances in Conakry and several remote areas. Findings from the study will support better policy making for Ebola response at the national and local level. UNICEF has signed an agreement with the two largest universities in the Country (Gamal Abdel Nassr and General Lansana Conte) to conduct studies and KAP surveys related to Ebola; in addition these universities will provide training to UNICEF NGOs partners and participate in social mobilization campaigns. Child Protection Implementation of the Child Protection (CP) response is being intensified with a progressive diversification and/or extension of CP partnerships with international NGOs such as ‘Child Fund’ and ‘Plan’ for the implementation of a network of families for unaccompanied/separated children near CTCOMs. The NGO ‘Terre des Hommes’ will work for the extension of CP/ psychosocial response in Conakry. Some local NGOs such as ‘Aime’, ‘Enfance du Globe’ or ‘Monde des Enfants’ are involved in the implementation of cash transfer projects in 18 affected prefectures. The CP and psychosocial response plan is now being rolled in 20 affected districts out of 24. 995 community volunteers trained on Psychosocial Support (PSS) provided psychosocial Support to 5055 affected children through 410 PSS community sessions. 2190 children having lost one or both parents and 174 contacts or survivor children benefitted from family kits (food or clothes and/or hygiene material). 249 orphans are now receiving cash transfer. 209 villages have their ‘Village Counsel for Child Protection’ (VCCP). These VCCP were provided with non-food items and are involved in child protection services delivery to affected children. Education Following the Education cluster meeting held on 19th, December 2014, partners agreed to preposition hand washing kits in schools prior to school reopening planned by MoE for January 6, 2015. The situation of kits ordered and prepositioned is as follows: Quantity Needed 48 664 Pre-positioned 16 538 Being procured 30 566 A newly reassigned Education Cluster Coordinator arrived in Conakry last Thursday. He will reinforce the coordination mechanism and will support efforts of the government and partners for the reopening of schools in early January 2015. A high level meeting to reinforce collaboration among key ministries (Education, Health and Administration) in view of the reopening of schools is scheduled to be held on December 24, 2014. UNICEF is developing a partnership with NGO Search for Common Ground (SFCG), for the elaboration and implementation of a contingency program for children living in remote high risk areas where the reopening of schools might be delayed. SFCG with work jointly with the National Institute of Research and Educational Actions (INRAP) of the Ministry of Education. UNICEF and Save the Children have been working closely with the INRAP to develop psychosocial support activities in favor of students and teachers, in Ebola affected areas. Supply and Logistics UNICEF has prepositioned 21,000 hygiene kits in Kissidougou; 5,600 have been distributed this week UNICEF has provided support to preposition and distribute 48,664 hygiene kits for school Partnership and Humanitarian Coordination UNICEF has signed PCAs with PLAN, CARITAS, and CNOCS to organize a consortium of Civil Society Organization, Youths and Women Groups to support the Community Watch Committees activities; the cost of the three PCA is 3.2 Million USD: Community Watch Committee and Youth Group key Interventions 1) Social mobilization on Ebola 2) Information and sensitization on the purpose and importance of Ebola Treatment Units 3) Facilitation of interactions with external actors in the context of the Ebola epidemic 4) Identification and notification of suspected cases 5) Identification and notification of deaths occurring in the community 6) Identification of contacts and facilitation of contact tracing 7) Facilitation of safe burials 8) Facilitation of transfers to Ebola Treatment Unit 9) Provision of community-based health services (no touch iCCM; Nutrition; distribution of LLINs) 10) Referrals to existing mechanisms/structures for the protection of children Media and External Communications UNICEF is informing its audiences through regular press releases and social media posts, in English and French. UNICEF Guinea also regularly posts updates about the emergency and its response in its Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and Tumblr pages. Opening of a care center for children in Gueckedou on 7 december 2014. Aims at providing shelter for children affected by the epidemic (whose parents are admitted in the center, who were cured from Ebola, who are not Ebola orphans, …) while awaiting family and community reintegration. ( “Thousand Mosques” campaign in progress in Kankan targeting thousands of people who daily attend mosques in the region, with a focus on Friday weekly Muslim sermons mentioning Ebola prevention measures. ( Posing of the foundation stone of the transit community center in Pamelap. ( Featuring of four stories of Ebola fighters in Guinea: a doctor, a chlorine factory worker, a nun and a religious leader ( Ban Ki-moon ended Saturday his tour in countries affected by Ebola in West Africa. During the step of Conakry, the UN Secretary-General stressed the importance of increased vigilance and appealed for an end to discrimination against patients and their families. ( Funding Appeal Sector C4D/ Social Mobilization Nutrition Ebola Requirements (USD) until June 2015 15,307,000 5,100,000 Health + HIV/AIDS WASH Child Protection Education Cross-Sectoral Total Funds received (USD) % received Funding gap 3,413,700 279,267 22% 5% 11,893,300 4,820,733 35,233,000 8,787,369 25% 26,445,631 15,639,000 8,192,676 52% 7,446,324 3,620,000 8,869,000 9,746,000 93,514,000 540,000 3,010,187 12,080,964 36,304,163 15% 34% 124% 39% 3,080,000 5,858,813 -2,334,964 57,209,837 Programme Results UNICEF and Pillar/Sector Results for EVD response (24 Dec 2014) Indicators Pillar / Sector Target Results UNICEF Target Percentage of EVD cases with onset 0% 7% 0% in the past week Percentage of EVD cases with onset in the past week due to contact at community level, within the health 0% ND1 0% sector, or during funeral / burial procedures COMMUNICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT Percentage of county Social Mobilization taskforces (SMT) 100% (38/38) 86% (33/38) 100% (25/25)2 reporting on the dashboard each week Percentage of counties with list of identified key religious leaders (including priests, imams, pastors, tribal leaders) or community groups 100% 72% (27/38) 100% (25/25) who promote safe funeral and burial practices according to standard guidelines Results NA ND 100% (25/25) 100% (25/25) 1 % EVD cases with onset in the past week due to contact at community level, within the health sector, or during funeral/ burial procedures: this indicator is not yet systematically measured by WHO and the Surveillance Commission. However, discussions are ongoing to ensure systematic measurement in the future. 2 % District, County or Village Social Mobilization taskforces (SMT) reporting on the dashboard each week: UNICEF target represents the 25 districts/prefectures (out of a total national of 38) where the C4D coordinators have been deployed. Number of CVVs setup and functional Percentage of counties with at least one security incident or other form of refusal to cooperate in past week 2,560 1,824 (107 operational)3 1,400 1,290 (71 operational) 0% 6% (20/340) 0% (same as Pillar/sector) CCCs/CTComs Percentage of CCCs established after a community dialogue process aligned with Global SOPs or according to norms established in country Percentage of patients who present at a CCC within 48 hours of becoming ill with any symptoms that could be EVD Percentage of Community Care Centers (Community Care Centers (CCCs), Rapid Isolation Treatment for Ebola (RITE), Interim Care Centers (ICC) and Transit Centers (TC)) functional against target set for the current reporting period 100% (63/63) 100% (2/2) 100% (41/41) 100% (2/2) 100% N/A (CCCs are not yet functional) 100% N/A (CCCs are not yet functional) 100% (70/70) 10% (7/70) 100% (41/41) 0% (0/41)**** WASH Percentage of all Ebola community treatment and holding centers with essential WASH services 27/27 (100%) 100%4 People benefiting from hygiene kits in Ebola affected areas 4,666,667 16,037 1,044,000 1,037,042 800 0 Children benefiting from hand washing facilities at schools in Ebola affected areas Non-Ebola Health centres in Ebola affected areas provided with Hand washing station 20/27 (74%) 3,500,000 33,654 783,000 686,452 600 0 70% 4.21% (5055/120000) 70% 102% (2190/2000)5 PROTECTION Percentage of EVD-affected children provided with care and support, including psychosocial support Percentage of children who have lost one or both parents/caregivers or who are separated from their parents/caregivers reintegrated with their families or provided with appropriate alternative care. HEALTH AND VIH 3 Number of CVVs setup and functional: among the 1,824 CVVs already established by UNICEF (1,290) and other actors (584), only 107 are operational, due to delays in the validation process of the training manual by the National Ebola Coordination. 4 **WASH: Only 5 ETCs and Transit Centers have been setup so far in the county. UNICEF WASH support was only required for the Transit Center of Forecariah,and one CTCom in Koulémali - the need has been fully satisfied. 5 1841 enfants qui ont perdus l’un ou les 2 parents ou séparés des parents ont bénéficiés de soutien pour une cible de 2000 enfants Percentage of patients admitted to CCCs with a provisional diagnosis of possible EVD who receive a confirmatory positive or negative test (rapid or laboratory test) within 36 hours of admission to treatment facility N/D N/D N/D N/D 2,400 846 2,400 130 666 60 666 60 7,250 N/D 7,250 N/D N/D6 3,843 N/D6 15,941 15,941 NUTRITION Provision of nutrition support to Ebola patients (Ebola CTE) Infants and young children 0-12 months who cannot be breastfed and who received replacement feeding Children 6-59 months screened for SAM and referred for treatment EDUCATION Reopened schools in Ebola-affected district equipped with a minimum package for Ebola prevention Teachers trained on psycho social support, Ebola prevention, and safe and protective learning environments 8,829 82,168 Next SitRep: 31 Dec 2014 Who to contact for further information: Mohamed Ag Ayoya Representative Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 622663452 Email: [email protected] Guy Yogo Deputy Representative Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 624 151 041 Email: [email protected] Timothy La Rose Chief of Communications Conakry, Guinea Tel: +224 622 350 251 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @unicefguinea Tumblr: Facebook: Flickr: Instagram: unicefguinea Google+: unicefguinea 6 UNICEF à pré-positionné 27,061 kits et le cluster quant a lui a fait 48,664. Les kits par école est fonction de l’effectif des élevés qui sera déterminer à l’ouverture
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