St. Joseph University Parish Established in 1850 3269 Main Street Buffalo, New York 14214 (716) 833-0298 Fax: (716) 833-7339 PARISH VISION STATEMENT: St. Joseph University Parish is a diverse, progressive, spirit-filled Christian community where ALL are welcome to deepen their experience of faith, join in vibrant worship, share their talents and gifts and live justly. Adopted May, 2009 Parish Center (716) 833-0298 Fax (716) 833-7339 Pastor Reverend Jacob C. Ledwon-Ext. 301 Pastoral Associates Sr. Jeremy M. Midura, CSSF-Ext. 314 Patty Bubar Spear-Ext. 312 Permanent Deacons Thaddeus V. Pijacki (away on assignment) Paul C. Emerson School Management 835-7395 Mark Mattle-Ext. 326 M. Anne Wojick-Ext. 327 Lifelong Faith Formation Diane Brennan-Ext. 310 Campus Minister Patrick Burns-Ext. 311 Christine Marino-Ext. 311 Parish Nurse Ann Marie MacIsaac-Ext. 318 Director of Stewardship/Development Susan Burns-Ext. 313 Organist & Choirmaster Roland E. Martin Contemporary Ensemble Jacqueline Peoples Timothy Wells Weekend Associates Reverend Monsignor Angelo Caligiuri Reverend Michael Tunney, s.j. Trustees Richard J. Baumann Phyllis Drews Parish Office 833-0298 Joanne Messer, Office Manager-Ext. 303 Maureen Kruse, Bookkeeper-Ext. 316 Athena Schmidt, Receptionist-Ext. 304 School Office 835-7395 Debbie Raithel-Ext. 328 Maintenance Staff Jack Blachaniec-Ext. 319 Peter Lelonek THE EUCHARIST. Daily Mass is celebrated at 8:30 am Monday -Friday in the Parish Center Chapel. Weekend Masses are on Saturday at 4:30 pm, Sunday at 8:30 am, 10 am (Traditional Choir), 11:30 am (Contemporary Ensemble) and 8 pm during the Fall and Spring University semesters. The Holy Day Mass schedule appears in the previous week’s bulletin. SACRAMENTS. BAPTISM. Contact the Parish Center at 8330298 to make arrangements for Baptism. A required Baptism preparation program should be completed prior to the birth of your first child; it is offered monthly. CONFIRMATION. High School students in grades 10-12 should contact the Office of Lifelong Faith Formation to register in July to prepare to receive Confirmation the following Spring. Adults wishing to become members of the Catholic Church through the RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA), those returning to the Church or adults looking to be confirmed are asked to contact the Parish Center at 833-0298 for information. RECONCILIATION. The Sacrament of Penance is celebrated on Saturday from 3:30-4 p.m. Individual appointments for Confession may be made by contacting the Parish Center. A Communal Penance Service is held in Advent & Lent. MARRIAGE. Engaged couples should contact the Parish Center to make an appointment to arrange the date and time of their wedding. Pre-Cana sessions are offered several times each year for parishioners and A those being married here. ANOINTING OF THE SICK. communal Mass of Anointing is held annually. Apart from this, please contact the Parish Center for arrangements for individual anointing. In the event of sudden illness or accident, please call anytime, day or night. PASTORAL OUTREACH. Upon notification by family members, a staff member will attempt to visit those hospitalized, ill at home or in other care facilities. NEW PARISHIONERS. We warmly welcome and invite you to become acquainted with the many opportunities here at St. Joseph University Parish. The next registration date is Mon., February 23 at 7 p.m. For more information on registering, contact 833-0298. Check Out Our Website:, a useful resource to learn about upcoming events and meetings, the latest parish news, volunteer for a ministry, make a donation, or for information on all aspects of parish life. December 28, 2014 LIFELONG FAITH FORMATION: Contact Diane Brennan at: [email protected] or 833-0298 ext. 310 Congratulations to Ryan Hayter, a Junior at Sweet Home Highs School, who received the Youth Discipleship Award from the Diocese of Buffalo at the Annual Witness the Spirit Award on Dec 13th. Ryan was recognized for his enthusiastic participation, dedication and leadership in our youth ministry program. Thank you Ryan, for your commitment to your Catholic faith and St. Joseph’s Youth Ministry! Tuesday Formation: There is no class on Dec. 30; we will resume Jan. 8 at 6:30 p.m. First Reconciliation: There is no reconciliation class this week. We will meet next on Thurs., Jan. 8 at 6:30 p.m. Family Sunday: Group 1 will gather Jan. 4 and Group 2 on Jan. 11 when we welcome our special guest, Norm McLaughlin. The Feast of the Holy Family of Nazareth: We tend to romanticize the “Holy Family.” They were probably much more like our own families than we tend to imagine with money problems, disagreements, obstinate children, too much to do in too little time, etc. Family life is filled with many messy realities and perhaps the message of this feast is that it takes divine intervention to live as a “holy family.” Think about God made flesh, Jesus, present in each of the people with whom we share our home. Meet our RCIA Members: Janelle Donovan lived most of her life on Long Island and in the Albany area other than a few years when she lived in L.A. for business. She grew up with 2 brothers and 1 sister and has been writing songs and singing since she was 6 years old. Singer and song writer, Janelle is also trained in special education and as a reading teacher. She has managed to combine these two careers quite successfully. Presently she is really enjoying the works of Junot Diaz, a Dominican American writer who teaches at MIT. Janelle had two sons; her younger son passed away from cancer shortly after graduating from SUNY Buffalo. As a result, she has developed a special interest in organizations like LIVESTRONG: Young Adults with Cancer and Critical Mass: the Young Adult Cancer Alliance. Janelle began the RCIA process in California and decided to complete the process now that she is in the Buffalo area. Feast of the Holy Family ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL NEWS: For information, contact Mr. Mark Mattle or Ms. M. Anne Wojick at 835-7395 or Before the Christmas vacation, we held our annual Christmas Concert. It was a very moving program which centered us back to the birth of Jesus as the reason for the season. The students sang carols, and many played xylophone, drum, bells, guitar, violin and recorder. Fourth & Fifth graders danced a Christmas Waltz. We filled our beautiful church with the magnificent talents of our children. We'd especially like to thank SJUS music teacher, Mrs. Lyn Rezabek, for her efforts to prepare the children. We're THRILLED to announce this year's musical: Beauty & The Beast, Jr. Auditions were held just before break and the cast has been announced. Our students have started rehearsals under the direction of Mary Jo Leslie, of the STAGE Theater Co. Mark your calendar for Wed., March 25-it's going to be magical! As we look back on 2014 we see a school community that continues to thrive and grow. We encourage every single student to reach their greatest potential. We are so grateful for the gifts that our students, their families, our faculty and staff, our Parish and our benefactors continue to bless us with each and every day. We wish you all the best for 2015! CAMPUS MINISTRY NEWS: Contact: Patrick Burns at [email protected] or 833-0298 ext. 311 The Sunday 8 p.m. student mass will resume on Jan. 25 with the new semester. YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS: Contact: Patty Spear [email protected] or 833-0298 ext. 312. Don’t Miss the 63rd Annual Diocesan Youth Convention: All 9-12 graders are invited to the Adams Mark Hotel February 13-15 for an amazing weekend of faith! Join 800 teens from across the diocese for great keynote speakers, dynamic workshops, powerful prayer experiences and the enthusiasm and faith of other Catholic teenagers. The cost for the weekend is $177 and fundraising and scholarship opportunities are available. Can’t make the whole weekend? Partial packages are also available! Deadline January 10th. Sign up in the Community Room or contact Patty Spear [email protected]. St. Joseph University Parish (716) 833-0298 YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE: No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. Conscience vs Authority: Here’s a reflection on the right of believers to have an informed conviction, even if it is not the same as that of some in the hierarchy. The author was one of the youngest of the “Periti” (theologians brought to the council by bishops). His text addressed Vatican II’s Constitution entitled The Church in the Modern World. “Over the Pope as the expression of the binding claim of ecclesiastical authority there still stands one’s own conscience, which must be obeyed before all else, if necessary even against the requirement of ecclesiastical authority. This emphasis on the individual, whose conscience confronts him with a supreme and ultimate tribunal, and one in which the last resort is beyond the claim of external social groups, even of the official Church, also establishes a principle in opposition to increasing totalitarianism.” That German theologian also taught at the world famous University of Tubigen. Did you figure it was Hans Kung? Wrong. It was Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, also known as Benedict XVI. The Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC) provides men and women, most age 50 or better, opportunities to serve others and to transform lives. IVC matches the talents of experienced Volunteers with the greatest social needs of our time. IVC works in partnership with hundreds of community partner organizations. These nonprofit organizations provide Ignatian Volunteers with substantive work to serve individuals who have slipped through this country’s safety net. And hundreds of community organizations are on waiting lists to get an Ignatian Volunteer. Volunteers are strengthened in their Christian faith by IVC’s unique spiritual reflection program, which is rooted in the Jesuit tradition of Ignatian spirituality. By contributing their leadership skills and life experience into service, IVC volunteers improve their communities and create a more just society. An Ignatian Volunteer Corps is taking root in the Buffalo area. If you are interested in knowing more about IVC go to the website: If you want to go to the next step and perhaps learn even more about the local group which is forming contact Sister Jeremy [email protected] or 8330298 ext. 314. Peace is not just the absence of war. Like a cathedral, peace must be constructed patiently and with unshakable faith. St. John Paul II PARISH NURSE CORNER: Contact Ann Marie MacIsaac at 833-0298 Ext. 318 A reminder to mark your calendars for our January 12 follow up gathering entitled, “Having that Essential Conversation regarding one's wishes for the end of life...Advance Directives for all ages". We will answer lingering questions and the members of the Wellness Cabinet will be present to assist you in completing paperwork. Both Father Jack and Sister Jeremy will be there to participate in the discussion. Come with questions or better still, drop them in the box on the Parish Nurse table in the Community Room beforehand. We will meet on the 12th at 7 p.m. in the Community Room. Stay safe as we move into 2015! Happy New Year! BEREAVEMENT NEWS: Suicide Bereavement Group is a support group for adults who have experienced the death of a loved one from suicide. This group meets on the 3rd Tues. of the month from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Life Transitions Center located at 1140 Delaware Ave. Storm Clouds and Rainbows is an artistic based family support group for children, teens, and their caregivers after the death of a loved one. This program is offered three times a year on Thursday evenings from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Life Transitions Center on Delaware Ave. Scholarships are available and services are free to Hospice served clients For more information or to register, call Shelly Marabella at 836-6460 ext. 4204 or [email protected]. Next session runs from Jan. 8 to Feb. 12. Feeling Overwhelmed as a Caregiver? You are not alone. Life Transitions Center provides support and resources for coping every Wednesday evening from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at 1140 Delaware Ave. For more info call 836-6460. MENTAL HEALTH CORNER: A Faith Sharing Service for those affected by depression, anxiety, and related difficulties will be held Fri. Jan. 9th at 7 p.m. in the Parish Center Chapel. This prayer service is also for caregivers, family members, and friends. A simple dessert reception follows. December 28,2014 HAPPENING THIS WEEK... SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 3:30 pm Confession-Church SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28 10 & 11:30 am Children’s Liturgy-Parish Cntr Chapel Feast of the Holy Family COME WORSHIP WITH US ! Daily Mass is celebrated in the Parish Center Chapel SAT., DEC. 27 - VIGIL FOR FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY 4:30 pm Vittorio Ciancone (Family) SUN., DEC. 28– FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY 12 pm Parish Center Closing 8:30 am Guiseppe Saieva (The Apostles) 10 am Federick Family (Family) 11:30 am Zaine Joseph (Linda & Vito Casoni) THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 MONDAY, DECEMBER 29 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31 Parish Center Closed 8:30 am The Robbins Family (Family) SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30 Habitat Help Day 3:30 pm Confession-Church 5:30 pm Hospitality & BP Checks-Community Rm NEW YEAR’S EVE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31 SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 Hospitality & BP Checks After Masses-Community Rm 9:45 am Family Sunday Group 1-School 10 & 11:30 am Children’s Liturgy-Parish Cntr Chapel 8:30 am Eucharistic Service (No Mass) 4:30 pm For World Peace NEW YEAR’S DAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 10:00 am Peace in our World FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 8:30 am Bryn Ratka (Rizzo Family) SAT., JAN.3 - VIGIL FOR EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 4:30 pm Adeline Niemiec (Nancy Daigler) SUN., JAN. 4 – FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Please note: There are no regularly scheduled meeƟngs or acƟviƟes during Christmas Week December 25-January 2 8:30 am George Messer, Anniversary (Joanne Messer) 10 am Charles Loiacono Lesh (Family) 11:30 am Elisha D’Amore (Seifert Family) (8 pm Mass resumes Jan. 25) Our Prayer Intentions: Call Parish Nurse, Ann Marie at 833-0298 ext. 318 to add or to keep your name on the prayer list. If she is not in, leave a message with the name, phone number OR best way to contact the person. We want to ask for permission to publish names to protect confidentiality ASSISTING ON THE ALTAR JANUARY 3-4: EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: WEEK 1 ALTAR SERVERS: 4:30: Hewson, 8:30: Lapp, Evangelos 10: McIntyre, Fleming, Schaeffer 11:30: Lewis, Powell We remember all who have requested our prayers, those written in our Book of Prayers, those who have received prayer shawls, for the safety of travelers, those who serve & protect us, the ill, and their caregivers, especially: Richard Vandemeer, Kathleen Monaghan, Adele Rausch, Mark Petrino, Jeanette Schmitt, Rosemary Siller, Irene Kuhn, Mary Pat Kent, James Lojacono, John Millen, Jenna Carroll, Michael Lamancuso and Rose Speciale. And we remember all those who have died, especially Joe Nies, Mary McGlenn, Jennifer Jones, Judith Azzarella, Andrew Rauen, John Malicki and Terrell Taylor. St. Joseph University Parish W (716) 833-0298 ith Much Appreciation! On behalf of the entire Parish Team, I would like to thank you for all of the wonderful greetings, goodies and gifts you shared with us this holiday season. We appreciate your support and encouragement and wish you God’s richest blessings in the New Year and always. The beautiful celebrations of Christ’s birth would not be possible without the generous sharing of our talented musicians, singers, cleaners, altar servers, decorators, ushers, Angel sorters, lectors and all who behind the scenes do so much for their fellow parishioners. Thank you doesn’t seem enough, but know that it is heartfelt and genuine. Parish Calendars. Thank you to the Reger Funeral Home and Reger Family for their generosity in supplying the 2015 Parish calendars again this year. These beautiful calendars provide a wealth of information on Catholic celebrations, holy days, etc. Please take one home for your family. Start the new year with a great read! The Retirees Book Club will meet Thursday, January 8, at 1 p.m. in the Community Room to discuss The Lowland, by Jhumpa Lahiri. Born just fifteen months apart, Subhash and Udayan Mitra are inseparable brothers, one often mistaken for the other in the Calcutta neighborhood where they grow up. But they are also opposites, with gravely different futures ahead. Masterly suspenseful, sweeping, piercingly intimate, The Lowland is a work of great beauty and complex emotion; an engrossing family saga and a story steeped in history that spans generations and geographies with seamless authenticity. ( COMMITMENT TO PARISH LIFE: This weekend: regular weekly collection Jan. 3-4 Monthly Diocesan Assessments Thinking of making a year end donation? Please note that in order for any donations to qualify as tax deductions for 2014, they must be received at the parish no later than December 31, 2104. If mailed, they need to be postmarked by the same deadline date. Thank you! Collection Results December 13-14: Weekly: $12,846.57 Religious Retirement: $ 1,629.00 PLEASE JOIN US: Wednesday, December 31 4:30 pm Vigil Mass for Solemnity of Mary Holy Day Thursday, January 1 10:00 am Holy Day Mass Coffee and Donuts: On the first weekend of every month we welcome our parishioners and guests to get to know each other a little better, to talk to someone they have seen at mass week after week but with whom they may never have had a conversation. We do this in the community room after mass with a cup of coffee and a donut. What a wonderful opportunity to go up to someone and say, “Hi I am ____. I have seen you at mass a few times but I never knew your name. etc.” or “I know we were introduced before, but I have forgotten your name . . . etc.” Please join us next weekend and meet someone new! Soup Kitchen Volunteers: Every month we look for volunteers to help out in the Soup Kitchens on the second Saturday of the month (January 10th is the next date). Volunteers go to the Assumption Church Dining Room located in the church hall on Amherst Street and Peter Street between Grant and Elmwood. There are a variety of times when volunteers are needed ranging from 8:15 am to help prepare the food and finishing with 11:30 am to set up the trays, serve the food and do the dishes. Volunteers are also needed for the Friends of the Night People Dining Room which is located at 394 Hudson Street at the corner of Wadsworth at the end of Allen Street. Here too there are a variety of time slots when volunteers are needed ranging from a 3:30 shift to a final clean-up shift at 7:00 pm. Volunteers must be at least 11 years old and accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. In addition to volunteering at the pantry specific food items are needed for Night People. You may volunteer to provide those items or to serve in one of the dining rooms by signing up in the Community Room. Movement with Taize’ is being moved to a new day starting Monday, Jan. 5 from 4–4:30 p.m. in the Community Room. Plan on coming for some gentle exercise and prayerful meditation. The room will be available starting at 3:45. Please enter in silence. End of Year Tax Statements. If you wish to receive a statement of your donations to the Parish for 2014, please sign up in the Community Room, and one will be printed for you to pick up the following week beginning January 18th. we will provide the best for your family. When Planning is Important 3135 Main Street at Highgate Park Creek EVERYONE DESERVES A BEAUTIFUL SMILE ~Free Consultations~ Senior Living Community HANLEY ORTHODONTICS Assisted Living * Affordable Memory Care CALL TODAY 871-1614 959 Kenmore Avenue Park-like setting; Amherst State Park Beautiful full-sized chapel with daily services Frank’s Tim Horton Donuts Mobil 836-5337 • 3198 Main Street at Winspear 410 Mill Street • Williamsville, NY Jane Nogowski 716-632-3000 Ritter & Sentry Plumbing & Heating Srvc. “Servicing Erie County Since 1909” Your Complete Plumbing Service Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. 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