OUR LADY OF THE SACRED HEART, BULKINGTON AND SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI, BEDWORTH Father Michael Gamble S.T.B., Parish Priest (Dean) Pastoral Team: Sisters Pauline Waldron & Gillian Murphy, Sisters of Providence The Presbytery, Mill Lane, Weston-in-Arden, Bulkington, Bedworth, Warwickshire CV12 9RU Telephone: 024 7631 2293 Fax: 024 7664 3368 Web site: WWW.OLSHWESTON.ORG E-Mail: [email protected] Rye Piece Ringway, Bedworth CV12 8JH Parish Office, Bedworth 024 7631 2102 The Sisters, Bedworth 024 7664 0684 E-mail: [email protected] Both parishes are part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham: Registered Charity No. 234216 Sunday 28th December 2014 Feast of the Hol y Family (B) We welcome Joshua Crunden, a student from Oscott College, on a months placement. Today there is a Pastoral Letter from the Archbishop. After Mass, tea and coffee will be served in the Parish Hall. MASSES Please pray for Bulkington Bedworth Sat 27th Dec Fr Joseph Welch Sun 28th Fr Terence Whatmore 9.00am Margaret McCarthy RIP (Anniversary) Mon 29th Fr Edmund Whelan 7.00pm The Rosary Tue 30th Fr Paul Whieldon NB 10.00am Josie Devey RIP (Theresa) Wed 31st Fr Michael White Thurs 1st Jan Rt Rev Mgr Anthony Wilcox 6.00pm No Exposition / Confessions Neil Chesterton RIP (15th Anniversary) 4.00pm No Exposition / Confessions Dermot Folan RIP 11.15am Denis Doran RIP (Frank) NB 10.00am Charlie Wilson RIP NB 12noon Fri 2nd Rt Rev Mgr Graham Wilkinson Sat 3rd Rt Rev Mgr Michael Williams 6.00pm Sun 4th Fr Thomas Williams 9.00am God’s Blessings Pro Populo NB 10.00am Dermot Folan RIP No Exposition / Confessions Eric Dumbleton RIP (McCarthy) John Chesterton RIP (Pritchard) FIRST READING: Ecclesiasticus 3:2-6.12-14 RESPONSORIAL PSALM: O blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways. 4.00pm 11.15am No Exposition / Confessions Valda Hill RIP (Shakespeare) FAMILY MASS Rose Baldock RIP (Fleming) SECOND READING: Colossians 3:12-21 GOSPEL: Luke 2:22-40 ANNIVERSARIES Rev Francis Etherington CO, Rev Cyril Evans, Rev Patrick Lynch, Anne Louise Healy, John Lappin, Jean Davenport, Sawzi Abur Hamdam, Anne Seabright, Delia Rose Crosland, Robert Hill, Charles Gavigan, Stanley Dare, Phyllis Bryan, John O’Donnell, Gertrude Flet cher, Veronica Homme-Wilson, Joseph Fletcher, Eddie Dwyer, Alex Wright, Inge Will, Jean Clara Turner, John Stuart, arie Ainsworth, Herman Will, Doris Carter, Elizabeth (Chrissie) Garratt. RECENTLY DEAD Sister Marie McAulley RIP. May they rest in peace. Amen. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR RELATIVES, FRIENDS, THOSE IN THE PARISH WHO ARE SICK AND THEIR CARERS Dominic Dolan, Paula Scott, Tom McMulkin, Neil Taylor, Ann Murphy, Lorien Neale, David McMahon, Rose Calladine, Sister Frances Clare Lennon, Dot Loftus, Hazel Bright, Mary Oulton, James Breen, Jack Haddon, Ethel Upson, Paul Hollingsworth, Mary Slade, Philip Plimbley, Tracey Behan, Kevin Behan, David Abell, Don Wilson, Sr Teresa Spillane, Geraldine Follows, John Prodraski, Kevin Jones, Freda Dumbleton, Kevin Crockwell, Paul & Theresa Tedds, Paul Follows, Jane Goodyear, Yvonne Robinson, Nora O’Keefe, Jess and Rose Scoffham, Fergus Grant Snr., Jean Massey, Fr Paul Watson, Canon Gerry Breen, Breedge Pritchard, Gwen Joyce, Paul Cooper, Paul Wooding, Lilly Grace Cotterill, Frank Trill, Joan McKenna, Hayley Malone, Alison Southcombe, Collette Ryan, Julie Chapman, Sophie Green, Martyn Dowling, Caroline Robinson, Lily Anderson, Bernard Owen, Tony Hand, Collen Smith, Tom Crawley, Mary Holland, Nicholas Moore, Shaydn Wills, James Henry Follows, Nicki Evans, Mary Naughton, Mary Furlong, Nita Cox, Michelle Metcalfe, Kristain Metcalfe, Joyce Fury, Julian Parker, Cath Cashmore, David Capel, Jean Kimber, Aileen Davies, Horace Birch, Samantha Trill, Irene McLellen, Diane Fellows, Duncan Camble, Marina Miller, Claire Bignal, Gerry Dudgeon, Carolyn Crostan, Peter Hinton, Patrick Morris, Michael Vasilium, George Hall, Jonty Brinkley, Jimmy Follows, Yvonne Evans, Anne-Marie Kendall, James Fitzsimons, Barbara Carr, Maggie Calvert, Mark Douglose, Paul McKenna, Alec Abell, Julia Matts, Robert Moynihan, Fraser Watson, John Brindley, Kathleen Bennett, David Shraga, Breda Corbett, Colette Crookall, Margaret Mason, Helene Ball, Jim O’Brien, Josephine Pearson, Maureen Carr, Natalie Nidian, Eileen Dosaley, Kaleigh Smith, Brian Devlin, and all who care for them. DONATIONS will be sent this Christmas from both parishes to Friends of the Holy Land, the Coventry Cyrenians and St Chad’s Sanctuary. The crib offerings this year will be sent to Father Hudson's Society. PARISH PRAYER:- HOLY SPIRIT, TURN OUR GOOD INTENTIONS INTO SOMETHING REAL AND ACTIVE AND FRUITFUL AND HELP US ENJOY THE PROCESS. OUR LADY OF THE SACRED HEART, BULKINGTON OFFERTORY COLLECTION For Sunday 21st December 2014 £440.89 Thank you very much. 100 CLUB (DECEMBER) 1st 10, 2nd 53, 3rd 49. YOUTH GROUP Last Saturday in the month 7.00-8.30pm. For more information call Moira Stewart on 024 7627 4080. The PIETY SHOP will be open after weekend Masses. Christmas is coming. Christmas goodies, cards, Mass cards, overseas and traditional. We also have a range of Nativity sets, calendars, gifts and many more items. Come and see for yourself. NEW YEAR DANCE Dancing to live music on Wednesday 31st December in the Parish Hall 7.30 pm for 8.00 pm start. Smart dress, ADULTS ONLY. Bring your own food and drink. Tickets at £7 each will be available soon. Please sign up on list in the porch. Contact Val Maund on 024 7631 4942. FAMILY QUIZ NIGHT This has now been moved to Saturday 17th January 2015 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall in aid of the Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone. £2 adults and £1 children. Please ring Bill/ Jackie to book your team on 76 641125. OUR LADY OF THE SACRED HEART DIARY New Year Dance Wed 31st December at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. Over 50s Thurs 8th January Crafts with Moira & Barbara UCM Meetings: Wed 14th Jan & 28th Jan at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. UCM Jumble Sales Sat 31st Jan and Sat 28th Feb 2015 at 11.00am in the Parish Hall. First Holy Communion & May Procession Sun 10th May 2015. Confirmation Fri 3rd July 2015 at 7.00pm. OSCOTT STUDENT PLACEMENT JANUARY 2015 today the parish welcomes Joshua Crunden a first year Birmingham Student for the Priesthood. Joshua will be here from 3rd until 25th of January 2015. I am sure that you will make him very welcome during his time in both parishes. SUNDAY 4TH JANUARY 2015 FAMILY MASS at 11.15am in Bedworth. Come along for Bacon Batches from 9.30am onwards in the Parish Hall to help organise the Mass. Volunteers to help with Refreshments. See Sister Gillian. RUN ON SUN St. Francis Catholic Primary School have entered a competition with the Friends of the Earth. The Competition is called RUN ON SUN, the prize is a set of solar panels worth £15,000 for our school. On Monday 15th December our entry went before a panel of judges. They were delighted with our entry and passed us through to the next round. Please go to www.foe.co.uk/go/ solargallery, check out the children’s fantastic work and cast your vote for St. Francis Catholic Primary School now. Make sure you vote by 9th January. Thank you. UCM Jumble Sale is on Saturday 31st January 2015 at 11.00am in the Parish Hall and Second Books. Items of clothing and bric-abrac needed. These may be left in the Parish Hall on Friday evening 30th January from 6.30pm onwards. Unfortunately we are unable to accept any more electrical or large items, contact Janet on 76 312478 or any UCM member. The UCM meet on Wednesday 14th January and 28th January 2015, which will be our AGM at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. All ladies welcome. ST FRANCIS, BEDWORTH INTENTION CANDLES Divine Mercy: Mary Buckley Our Lady: Crawford family Sacred Heart: Mary Buckley PIETY SHOP A large selection of Christmas goods now available. Intention candles are also available at only £3 to commemorate a loved one or to celebrate a special occasion. Volunteers required for Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings. 100 CLUB (DECEMBER) 1st 21, 2nd 49, 3rd 57. In honour of THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS we have a Novena to the Sacred Heart on Friday mornings. CHRISTMAS RAFFLE raised £500 towards the new bells. Thanks to everyone who supported the raffle. The winners were: 1st Prize Christmas Hamper yellow ticket number 957, 2nd Prize £25 Tesco vouchers yellow ticket number 860, 3rd Prize Nativity Scene white ticket number 45. All prizes have been claimed. LADIES NIGHT CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS raised £520 for parish funds. Thank you to everyone who supported the event. ST FRANCIS DIARY First Holy Communion & May Procession Sun 7th June 2015. Confirmation Fri 10th July 2015 at 7.00pm. ALTAR SERVERS MEETING AT BEDWORTH every first Thursday of the month at 7.00pm in St Francis church. Any child interested in serving, please come along to the meeting. Training sessions in Bulkington are on the first Wednesday of the month. THANK YOU for making the Christmas Masses so prayerful and for your great support. Also as you can see, both Churches this year look absolutely fabulous. Thank you to all those who worked so hard to create such beauty for the “Greater Glory of God”. In our Christmas Flowers Book of remembrance around 160 names have been included. Thank you for your generosity. Finally, I take this opportunity to thank you all for your very generous Christmas offering to me from both parishes. Thank you also for all the beautiful cards, Mass cards and wonderful gifts that I received in abundance this Christmas. Your kindness is very much appreciated. I would also like to thank Srs. Pauline and Gillian for their continued support. May I also wish everyone a very Happy and grace filled New Year of 2015. GOD BLESS FOODBANK For Foodbank information contact Seamus Crowe (Bulkington) and Peter Oakley (Bedworth). SICK IN HOSPITAL OR NEED TO SEE A PRIEST If anyone in your family is sick in hospital, Father Matthew Pittam (Chaplain to George Eliot Hospital) can be contacted on 01788 833547. At the very least we can pray for them on our sick list. DIOCESAN VITAL YOUTH LEADERSHIP COURSE Begins Wednesday 7th January 7.00–9.00pm in Bedworth Parish Hall, lasting for 5 weeks. For all young people in Year 9 and above. BAPTISM PREPARATION TALK The next talk will take place on Thursday 29th January at 6.30pm in Bedworth Parish Hall. Please pick up an application form for your child’s Baptism before the talk and return it to Sister Gillian, Sister Pauline or Fr Michael. Thank you. This newsletter is published every Saturday on our website WWW.OLSHWESTON.ORG Page 2
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