f ree Presorted Standard US Postage Paid Gunnison, CO USA Permit #49 postal patron local merry christmas! 41st year, volume 40 december 23, 2014 YO U ’ R E I N V I T E D ! Join us at West Elk Soo Bahk Do for a full month of adult classes in January for only $39.00, including a free uniform! Adult classes in Gunnison & Crested Butte Contact us for more information 970.901.7417 www.westelksoobahkdo.org Celebrating adults who still believe in enhancing their own character development and physical skills West Elk Soo Bahk Do Martial Arts COMMUNITY ITY RAT RATES RA ATES TES The he Moun Mountaineer M eer Field House at W Wester Western esttern ester State Colorado University y is now OPEN TO THE HE WHOLE COMMUNITY! COMMUN NITY! For mor more e infor information mation call 943-2110 Aquatics Contact: 943-2083 Whole W hole Facility: Facility ity: $70 $ 70 p per er month, m nth, $175 mo $175 per per ssemester, emester, $450 $450 ffor or the the year year C limbing Wall Wall Pass: Pass: Climbing $ 20 p er month, month, $65 $65 per per semester, semest s er, $165 $165 $20 per ffor or the the year year (includes (includes summer) summer) A quatic C ent n er e Pass: Pass: Aquatic Center $ 20 p er month, month, $50 $50 50 per per semester, semester, $130 $130 $20 per p er y ear per year MOUNTAINEER FIELD HOUSE P ickle Ball Ball Pass Pass Pickle $25/m 5/mon month h - $65/semester $65/se $6 /se emester me ester - $165/year $ $16 165/year $25/month (includes es summer) summer) Also of fering gA ult Walking Walk alki alkin king ing g Passes for offering Adult the Indoor Track Track ck and an nd several other Limited Memberships! western.edu/campusrecreation . december 23, 2014 page 2 222 1/2 north main, gunnison, colorado 81230 SENIOR CITIZENS CALENDAR THE YOUNG AT HEART LUNCHEON TAKES PLACE AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER AT 200 E. SPENCER, GUNNISON Thursday, December 25 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym (Requires membership or drop-in fee) Friday, December 26 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, CLOSED Monday, December 29 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, CLOSED Tuesday, December 30 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym (Requires membership or drop-in fee) Wednesday, December 31 11 - 12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Closed Meals All seniors, 60 or older, $4 .00 59 and under, $5.00 Children 7-12 years, $4.00 Children 6 and under are free Come and enjoy a reasonable and delicious meal and socialize Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:00 noon. Bring a friend. Walking in the GYM is FREE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Association with the YAH luncheon. ANY HOME BOUND SENIOR IN NEED OF MEALS, please call 641-2107 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday before 10:00 a.m. with your request; it will be delivered that day. NEED A RIDE TO THE LUNCHES - Just a phone call away. The Senior Bus is available in a 5 mile radius of town 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. for persons needing a ride to and from YAH Senoir Meals. Please Call 970-596-6700 to arrange for a ride before 9:00 a.m. from the Whole Gang At TOMICHI TIRE k (970) 641-2314 executive, sales, etc, etc... joel 41965 W. Hwy 50 CITIZENS NEEDED TO SERVE! The Forest Service, working with Mesa, Garfield, Montrose and Gunnison counties in Colorado is seeking individuals interested in serving on a 15-person resource advisory committee (RAC) to solicit, review, recommend and monitor projects that promote healthy landscapes, benefit watersheds and accomplish needed work on the ground. The RAC oversees funding that is authorized by Congress under the Secure Rural Schools Act and under Title II of the Act, returns monies to Garfield, Gunnison, Mesa and Montrose counties on the GMUG National Forest to accomplish resource-based project work on National Forest System lands. Twelve members of the RAC have elected to renew their appointments; however, the GMUG RAC is in need of three additional members, and three alternate members who are willing to replace any members should they become unable to continue serving in the future. New applicants for appointment to the Committee who can represent the following interests would be most helpful: • Developed outdoor recreation, off-highway vehicle users or commercial recreation activities • Commercial timber industry • Regionally or locally recognized environmental organizations • Archeological and historical interests • Nationally or regionally recognized wildlife or hunting organizations, or watershed associations. • State elected representative or their designee • Represent American Indian tribe(s) within or adjacent to the area for which the committee is organized, • Local school official or teacher According to Deputy Forest Supervisor Russ Bacon, “We are looking for people who want to contribute their time and energy to better the Forest and who enjoy working with other people.” Members are not compensated for their time; however, travel expenses may be reimbursed. All RAC members must be residents of Colorado. The GMUG RAC has been operating for the past four years and to date, has recommended over 32 projects totaling over $2 million dollars for restoration and improvement projects. Some of these include relocating trails out of riparian areas; road improvements to support water quality; noxious/invasive weed treatments; and replacing/resizing culverts to prevent over flow and establish fish passage. For additional information contact: Lee Ann Loupe at 970.874.6717 or [email protected] or visit the GMUG website at: http://www.fs.usda.gov/goto/GMUG/RAC. GRATIS Comunidad Cristiana Emanuel te invita asu cena de Navidad este 24 de Dic. alas 6:00pm en el Rodeo tendremos juegos,premios,piñatas, Gratis Te esperamos sera un honor poder compartir contigo. (12/24). CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE at New Song Christian Church, 78pm. Join us to celebrate The Savior’s birth. Refreshments following the service. 77 Ute Lane, (just past the cemetery, 1 mile east of Gunnison). (12/24). JOIN US FOR CHRISTMAS AT COMMUNITY CHURCH: This year, Community Church will once again open its doors on Christmas Day to share the Joy of the birth of Jesus Christ with community members who may need a place to gather. The Church’s doors will be open from 11:30am-2pm. Assorted soups, bread, light desserts, and beverages will be served in the basement. The sanctuary will be open for personal prayer time. We are asking for Christ’s servants to bring prior to Christmas Day, crocks of your favorite soup or favorite dessert that we can serve our guests. Of course, anyone is welcome to join in on this local mission to feed people who are hungry physically and/or spiritually. I know it is a busy time for all, but if you feel it in your heart to serve, you have several options: cook a crock of soup, bring it to the Church before Christmas Day; bring in some home baked goods for desserts; help serve (bring your family, what a great way to teach them about the meaning of Christmas); help set-up; help clean up; be available to pray with individuals who may need it. To help us plan, if you are bringing food or wanting to serve in any capacity, please let us know. Call Julie Klug at 641-9043 or email at: [email protected]. (12/24). A DOG is not for today or tomorrow... a dog is for life. (12/24). THE GUNNISON MOTOR VEHICLE OFFICE (and all County Offices) will be closed Thursday December 25, 2014; Friday December 26, 2014 & Thursday January 1, 2015. The Crested Butte Motor Vehicle Office will be closed Thursday December 25, 2014 & Thursday January 1, 2015. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! (12/24). SHOPPER HOLIDAY HOURS: CLOSED Friday, Dec. 26 HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!! c Monday-Saturday 520 N Main 641-6436 OPEN/DEADLINE DAY: Monday, Dec. 29 DELIVERY Tuesday, Dec. 30 REOPEN Friday, Jan. 2 T ay l o r H al l , R o o m 3 0 3 e x t en d e d st u d i es @ w e st er n. ed u 9 70 - 9 4 3- 2 8 8 5 (12/24) THE CRESTED BUTTE SNOWSPORTS FOUNDATION WINTER GALA: At the Sweet Spot on Saturday, December 27th at 7pm, CBSF will be honoring Dick and Liz Eflin as the founders of CBMR with drinks, hors d’oeuvres, a live and silent auction and a slide show presentation from the Eflins. All proceeds benefit the CBSF scholarship program for local snow sport athletes. Tickets are $100 and include appetizers, beer and wine. (12/24). HAVE YOU CHECKED YOUR CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR LATELY? To make sure the detector is working properly, test it frequently. Fresh batteries and regular testing are required for safety. Detectors older than 10 years need replacing. This is the same for smoke alarms. Any building that has solid fuel burning appliances and/or attached garages need carbon monoxide detectors. Be smart. Be safe! Brought to you by the City of Gunnison Building Office. (12/24). HEY! YOU ON THE BIKE! Please, don’t ride on the sidewalks. Thanks. (12/24). • motorized The Extended Studies staff wishes you a very happy holiday season and an extraordinary new year! C o n s id e r g iv i ng a ho l id a y g if t o f a n E x t e nd e d S tu d ie s C o ur s e . O u r S pr i n g 2 0 1 5 C a t a l o g i s o n l i n e a t w e s t e r n . e d u / e s . A v a r i e t y o f c o u r s e s be gi n i n J a n u a r y : A r t , C o o k i n g , D a n c e , P i lat es , Y oga , Zum b a, Gu it ar, Spa ni s h, C ros s Cou nt ry an d N o r di c S k i i n g a n d m o r e ! R e gi s t e r o nl i n e a t we s t e r n . e d u / e s . Summer international opportunities include trips to Mexico, Belize, Nepal, Europe, and Prague. Community members are welcome to register. f r e e p e r s o n a l w a n t -a ds unclassified 970.641.3148 fax 970.641-3101 [email protected] office 222 1/2 n. main, gunnison. website www.gunnisonshopper.com call email gunnison country shopper, december 23, 2014 GOCO AWARDS FUNDING FOR GUNNISON WHITEWATER PARK Gunnison County was successful in securing $350,000 from Great Outdoors Colorado (GoCo) in last week’s December grant announcement of $6.8 milllion in lotto-funded open space and community grants. Gunnison County was one of eight rural communities to receive funding. The awarded funds will be utilized to repair the third feature in the Gunnison Whitewater Park and for stabilization of the second feature with a total project budget of almost $600,000. GOCO grants are not awarded without strong community support and Gunnison County is grateful for the generous support and community effort put forward for this project by matching funds partners: City of Gunnison $18,000, CWCB Gunnison Roundtable $10,000, Gunnison River Festival $5,000, 1% For Open Space $5,000, Western State Colorado University $3,000 and Town of Crested Butte $500. “Local support and partners from a diverse grouping shows the importance of the application and need for the project and its funding.” stated John Messner, director of the Gunnison River Festival and grant writer. The Colorado Water Conservation Board, Department of Natural Resources, whose mission is to conserve, develop, protect and manage Colorado’s Water for present and future generations granted Gunnison County $50,000 for use in Fall 2014 for fortification and armoring of the second feature in the water park and collection of materials for future construction of features. The Gunnison Whitewater Park, built in 2002, is a unique asset and a proven valuable amenity to the Gunnison Valley and the Western Slope of Colorado. Its uniqueness is mainly derived from the three manmade whitewater features that form waves and hydraulics not found anywhere else in the Gunnison River above Blue Mesa Reservoir. The Gunnison Whitewater Park is promoted heavily through both our local Chamber of Commerce as well as the Gunnison/ Crested Butte Tourism Association as a place that visitors/ tourists to the community can easily access Gunnison River and participate in the activities the Park offers. It creates an amenity that has a positive impact to the community. User groups include students from the local elementary, middle and high schools as well as Western State Colorado University, local and visiting fishermen, commercial rafting companies, recreational boaters and recreational users looking to have public access to the Gunnison River. Not only is the Park a valuable recreational and educational amenity, it is significant economic driver for the Gunnison Valley. Outdoor Recreation has become a major US industry, ranking third overall in annual consumer spending with $646 billion in revenue (Outdoor Industry Association, 2012). Watersports, i.e. kayaking, rafting, canoeing and motorized boating, has become the second highest source of revenue with participant spending reaching $86 billion annually. According to the Protect the Flows technical report, watersports recreation along the Colorado River Basin produces $26 billion in economic output (Southwick Associates, 2012). While no specific economic report has been produced on the Gunnison Whitewater Park, a study done on the whitewater park in Golden shows that it generates $2.5-4 million dollars in economic impact from everyday uses and special events (Buchanon, 2012). In addition, the creation of the Gunnison Whitewater Park and its recreational uses helped secure a Recreational Inflow Water Right for the Gunnison River Basin ranging from 270 cfs to 1200 cfs. This is a permanent water right and preserves healthy river flows and a sustainable water source for local communities and a livable habitat for wildlife. The Park has created significant improvements within the river corridor that includes improved fishing habitat, bank stabilization, improved river access for recreational users and the creation of a trail system. In addition the creation of one of the whitewater features enhanced a diversion structure that was creating damage to the river floor. For more information or questions on winter construction, please contact Gunnison County Public Works, 970-641-0044. LAURA ELM ARTIST RECEPTION: Saturday, December 27, 58pm. Free. The “Truth or Dare” series is a gathering of mottos, sayings and aphorisms that Laura Elm has spontaneously placed on pottery over the years and integrated into many facets of her work. The show brings together an array of artwork including drawings, paintings and pottery. The premise is to dare viewers to see the obvious and the subliminal with an assortment of seemingly unconnected images. Unusual juxtapositions are designed to create a mysterious response defined by the viewer’s own interpretation. Pattern and repetition allow the viewer to contemplate the meditative qualities of color and form which evolve over time. Show runs Monday, December 8Saturday, January 31. At the Art Studio Gallery during ArtWalk. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970349-7487, 606 Sixth Street, Crested Butte (12/24). GUIDED TOUR OF ARTWALK GALLERIES IN CRESTED BUTTE: Saturday, December 27, 5-7pm. $15. Join artist and Art Studio instructor Suzanne Pierson in this unique art appreciation tour during the Artists of the West Elks’ December ArtWalk. Learn about various art techniques, mediums, styles, and approaches in order to gain a better understanding of what you are looking at when viewing art. Guided from gallery to gallery, receive background information on artists, get your questions answered, and engage in an interesting and intellectual conversation about visual art. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970349-7487 (12/24). DOWNTOWN & PUBLIC PLACES: Any animal left tied up to benches, bike racks, posts or left unattended by their owner/caretaker is considered to be at large. To avoid a ticket, please stay with your animal at all times or leave at home/vehicle. (12/24). HOLIDAY PAINT YOUR OWN POTTER AT CB CENTER FOR THE ARTS: Saturday, December 27 & Sunday, December 28, 36pm. Prices vary. Make your own holiday gifts and decorations during this special Paint Your Own Pottery! We have strategically scheduled painting days before major holidays like Hanukkah and Christmas, so you can be sure to have plenty of time to paint gifts and ship them off, paint to have decorations ready, or paint purely for the fun of it! We fire the kiln on the Monday directly after each set of painting days, with pieces ready for pick up two days later on Wednesday from 4-6pm. Pieces range in price from $5$55. Pay only for what you paint. Drop in anytime during the hours listed next to each date. No need to sign up or call in advance. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970349-7487, 606 Sixth Street, Crested Butte (12/24). GENTLE AERIAL DANCE: Tuesday, December 30, 5:306:30pm. $15. If you are worried about not having enough strength to climb up and into the air, then this class is for you. The lyra is hung low and fabric is turned into a hammock for ease of entry. Poses learned are gentle on the body. The sensation of being in the air makes you feel like a kid again! Open to ages 15-adult. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970349-7487, 606 Sixth Street in Crested Butte from 9am-5pm. Monday through Friday, or find us on Facebook. (12/24). THE GUNNISON COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT is pleased to announce that beginning January 4, 2015 both the Ann Zugelder Gunnison Library and the Old Rock Library, Crested Butte, will be open on Sundays from 1-5pm. Due to increasing library usage and requests from the community, both libraries will be open seven days a week, year-round. “During last year’s community feedback survey, we received numerous requests for our libraries to open on Sundays and we’re happy we will be able to further meet our community’s needs in 2015” states Library District Executive Director Nancy Barnes Trimm. Library users can expect the same great service on Sundays as on any other day of the week including computer and wireless access, material check-out, homework help and ebook assistance. Visit gunnisoncountylibraries.org for more information. (12/31). the Senior Scoop Your source for current local happenings… SCAM ALERT: The Sherriff’s Office is warning of several telephone scams they have received reports on. First is a scam claiming to be the IRS and they are requesting personal information. Second is a scam claiming you can receive extraordinary awards, like $2 million dollars, and a new Mercedes when you purchase a certain money card. Lastly is a scam claiming that the caller is a relative who is in trouble and needs money. Never give out personal or financial information over the phone. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If you have questions, contact the Sherriff’s Office at 641-1113. SENIOR TRANSPORTATION: Beginning January 1, 2015, Gunnison County Sr. Transportation will offer rides to local (in Gunnison) medical appointments on Tuesdays from 9am-4pm. Please call 596-6700 at least 24 hours before your appointment to reserve your ride. We will continue to offer transportation Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9am-4pm for other errands, appointments, YAH lunch and Boomer’s activities. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: Are you feeling SAD? Following the loss of a loved one you may experience an overwhelming sense of loneliness. The Grief Support Group at Home Medical Services is now meeting the 1st and 3rd Wed of each month, 9:30 - 10:30 am, at 120 N Blvd. If you would like to hear ideas on coping with loss and share stories with like-minded friends, please join us! Call Carol, 641-4254 if you need more information. JOIN US FOR CHRISTMAS AT COMMUNITY CHURCH: This year Community Church will once again open its doors on Christmas Day for community members who may need a place to gather. The Church doors will be open from 11:30-2pm. Assorted Soups, bread, light desserts and beverages will be served in the basement. To help us plan, if you are bringing food or wanting to serve in any capacity, please let us know. Call Julie Klug at 641.9043 or e-mail at [email protected]. FREE COOKING MATTERS CLASS: will be offered to qualifying individuals on Fridays from 11-1pm from January 9-February 13 at the Fred Field Multipurpose Building kitchen. In this income based, 6 week session taught by trained chef and registered nutritionist, you will learn how to shop smart and cook healthy, low-cost meals for you and your family. If interested, contact Jessica at 724.421.7357. THE SENIOR SCOOP is brought to you by: The Gunnison Home Association & Merry Christmas to all! DEVON CONE “HOME AWAY FROM HOME”: Through Monday, January 5, Free. “Home Away From Home” is a compilation of photographs taken over the course of the last few years exploring the way in which people displaced by war and persecution experience home in a country foreign to their own. The photographs attempt to provide a glimpse into the physical surroundings, emotions, daily life, character and humanness of people who have been affected by the conflicts we often read about in the news. This group of photographs hopes to provide visual images in order to better understand refugees as individuals who are in a constant state of adaptation and who against all odds, have survived. At the Piper Gallery open Monday through Friday 9am5pm. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970-349-7487, 606 Sixth Street, Crested Butte (12/31). ADULT INTRO TO AERIAL DANCE: Tuesday, January 6-27, 6-7:30pm. $22/class drop in. Learn how to twirl, fly, climb, and do tricks on the aerial lyra and aerial fabric while increasing strength and balance. Focuses on foundations for both apparatus as well as injury prevention. Neverevers and beginners welcome. Open to ages 15 adult. Class meets Tuesday, January 6; Wednesday, January 14; Tuesday, January 20; and Tuesday, January 27. $75 for full session of four c l a s s e s . www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970349-7487, 606 Sixth Street in Crested Butte from 9am-5pm. Monday through Friday, or find us on Facebook. (12/31). page 3 May your family, and friends have a wonderful holiday season. Enjoy, be Safe, and Celebrate! From all of us at gunnison country shopper, december 23, 2014 page 4 Nepalese,Tibetan & Indian Restaurant 323 E. Tomichi (970) 641-7480 Reservations & Takeout Stop in and talk to Pemba about trekking in Nepal OPEN 7 Days a Week Lunch: 11AM - 2:30PM Dinner: 5 - 9:30PM ==999KKKGGGFFFKKLG11@ @@GGH9L2 JJ===999<<K¶FF··2 @@JJJ===99<<KK 2GH0=9KGFKLG1@GH9L2J=9<K¶F·2@J=9<K 22GGH00= $GJ!@JAKLE9K $$GGGJJ!@@JJJKAKLEE999KKK undreds of items recently e d down. omplimentary gift wrapping. t selection of Life s good in the valley. Sorel,, and , oh my! ur Gift Certificates fit every foot… he only thing be nee deep in Sma being knee deep in snow is being en love our Kuhl pants, s,, and women love our colorful,, warm i er scarves. ur laayyaway plan is easy e y.. amboo clothing is omfortable,, adorable,, and forddable for both men and omen. here’s no such thing s bad weather, ust wrong clothes. Come in -n. Mo 6 12-4 -a6t.• 1S0un Moon.- M M SSaaotn. .1-0SSa 113 N. M Maain SStt. • 641-1551 AT OUR DECEMBER MEETING OF THE BOOMERS’ BOOK CLUB we chose the following selections for the next three months. January 7th: “A Certain Justice” by P. D. James (This is a mystery.); February 4th: “Bring Up the Bodies” by Hilary Mantel (Historical Fiction); March 4th: “Plainsong” by Kurt Haruf (takes place in a Colorado small town). Please note: Our meetings always take place on the first Wednesday of each month at the Recreation Center W Mountain room at 1:15 p.m. All are welcome. We hope to see you at our next meetings. Bring a friend. Any questions, please call Ginny Koepsel at 641-3046 (12/24). TIMOTHY WHITE ARTIST RECEPTION: Thursday, January 8, 5:30-7:30pm. Free. “American Prosperity” is a series of mixed media wall panels exploring the narrative of old buildings and abandoned places through the use of photographs, cast concrete, and acrylics on wood. Each piece begins with a photograph of a building or part of a building and enlarges on the feeling it evokes by incorporating it into a larger non-photographic panel. The resulting pieces of art invite you in to explore their stories. Show runs Monday, January 5-Monday, January 19. At the Piper Gallery. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970349-7487, 606 Sixth Street, Crested Butte (1/7). BOOK TALK AT THE GAC: Join the GAC’s Book Talk on January 8 (from 7-8pm in the GAC) to discuss Still Life by Louise Penney: Chief Inspector Armand Gamache of the Surêté du Québec and his team of investigators are called into the scene of a suspicious death in a rural village south of Montreal. Open to the public more info at [email protected] or gunnisonartscenter.org. (1/7). RECYCLED FASHION DESIGN WORKSHOPS: “TIME TRAVEL”. Leap back in time and into the future with the Recycled Fashion Design Workshops! The theme is “Time Travel”. This year we are offering two fashion design workshops one for Adults and one for Kids and Adults. Learn how to cut, sew, rip, glue, slice and tie your own recycled fashion in time for the “Time Travel Fashion Exhibit” in February. Fashion designs and work on an approach for bringing those ideas to life! Start collecting old clothes, materials and other recycled objects now! Workshop #1 is Thu., January 8th from 69pm (Ages 16-Adult) & Workshop #2 is Sat., January 10th from 14pm (Ages 8-Adult). $25 per workshop. Pre-registration is extremely helpful. 641-4029, 102 S. Main St., GunnisonArtsCenter.org. (1/7). FREE COOKING MATTERS CLASSES will be offered to qualifying individuals on Fridays from 11-1pm from January 9-February 13 at the Fred Field Multipurpose Building kitchen. In this incomebased, 6-week session taught by trained chef and registered nutritionist, you will learn how to shop smart and cook healthy, low-cost meals for you and your family. If interested, contact Jessica at 724-421-7357. (12/24). TONY FURTADO: Friday, January 9. 8pm. $20, Banjo and slide multi-genre master. Crested Butte Center for the Arts. For comprehensive event information and tickets visit www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970-349-7487, or the Center’s box office at 606 Sixth Street in Crested Butte from 9am5pm Monday through Friday. You can also find us on facebook! (1/7). SONOFAGUNN AUDITIONS: Have you always wanted to be part of live theater? Here’s your big chance to fulfill that dream! Mark your calendars for the week of January 12, 2015 to come out and audition for SonofaGunn! Exact dates and times for auditioning will be forthcoming so keep your eyes peeled for details online at gunnisonartscenter.org. (1/7). PARENTS, please educate your children on the correct use of 9-11. (12/24). THE HISTORY OF THE GUNNISON COUNTRY is taught by Duane Vandenbusche on Monday evenings from 6:00-8:30pm in Kelley Hall, room 201 beginning on January 12. The course covers Gunnison country history from 1600 to the present. The course highlights the Utes, Spanish exploration, fur trade and mountain men, explorers, gold and silver mining camps, narrow gauge railroads, ranching, water, the towns of Gunnison and Crested Butte, recreation, Western State and the present. The course features slide show presentations and videos on Gunnison, Crested Butte, ranching, the Black Canyon, and skiing. Contact Western Extended Studies at 970.943.2885or western.edu/es to register. (1/7). HOW TO PAINT A PORTRAIT: Mondays, January 12-March 9, 68pm. $130 + $35 supply fee. Learn to draw the structure of the human face and to blend your own paints to get the perfect tone. Beginning with the fundamentals, end with the knowledge of how to arrange a composition, mix color, shade and highlight, convey depth, and render the human form. This class gives you all the skills you need to continue painting on your own. No experience necessary. Instructor: Megan Craver. Class meets Mondays for eight weeks with no class on February 16. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970-349-7487 (12/31). MARCHFOURTH MARCHING BAND: Tuesday, January 13. 8pm. Early Bird through 1/6: $25; Regular: $30, Vaudeville circus and big band spectacular. Crested Butte Center for the Arts. For comprehensive event information and tickets visit www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970-349-7487, or the Center’s box office at 606 Sixth Street in Crested Butte from 9am5pm Monday through Friday. You can also find us on facebook! (1/7). GUNNISON VALLEY YOUTH FIDDLERS (GVYF) is a group strings program open to students grade 2-12 focusing on the violin, viola, cello and upright bass following the Suzuki method. Students will learn from the ground up and share in all musical traditions from classical to bluegrass, to rock and beyond! Students will have weekly group lessons in their respective level on Tuesdays. On Thursdays students will receive 30 minute semi-private lessons. Student must provide their own instrument and music books. We have a talented and wonderful group of local string instructors! Classes run January 13th-April 30th. Twinklers beginning students will meet Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4-5:00pm. Allegros returning Twinklers will meet Tuesdays & Thursdays, 56:00pm. Cost is $210 for 15 weeks (22 classes).970-6414029, gunnisonartscenter.org. (1/7). RE-CREATIONS LIVE PAINTING: Thu., January 15, 6-8pm. $35. The Sweet Spot in Mt Crested Butte. Tonight’s feature is “Red Poppy” by Georgia O’Keefe. Begin with information on the artist, the piece, how it was created, and where it hangs. Then get tips on arranging your composition, mixing paints, and applying various painting techniques, all while adding your own unique signature to your piece. Registration fee includes your canvas, painting supplies and complimentary beverage from Sweet Spot bar. Instructor: Jennifer Vannatta. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970349-7487, 606 Sixth Street in Crested Butte from 9am-5pm. Monday through Friday, or find us on Facebook. (12/31). JOHN POPPER WITH BROTHERS KEEPER: Sunday, January 18. 8pm. Early Bird through 1/11: $20; Regular: $25, Harmonica virtuoso and jam band pioneer. Crested Butte Center for the Arts. For comprehensive event information and tickets visit www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970-349-7487, or the Center’s box office at 606 Sixth Street in Crested Butte from 9am-5pm Monday through Friday. You can also find us on facebook! ch (1/14). HAVE A SAFE AND VERY MERRY CHRSITMAS! Wild Wood Wellness 302 W. Tomichi Ave, Suite B Gunnison (815)990-3604 [email protected] Inquire about Commercial Rooms For Rent Gunnison Recreation & Community Center Registration is OPEN for Winter Programs. The Winter Programs will begin the first two weeks of January so sign up now to reserve a spot for your favorite class. Visit our virtual brochure at www.tinyurl.com/2014-2015WinterSpringbrochure for dates, times, and more information on all of our Winter Programs. Happy Holidays from your Parks and Rec Staff!! More information at www.gunnisonrec.com 200 East Spencer Avenue 970-641-8060 Wishing everyone a Safe and Merry Christmas 623 N. MAIN 970-641-0130 Saturday Evening Worship with Rick Barton Trinity Bapst 523 N. Pine 6PM Downstairs “Verse by Verse through the Bible” GUNNISON COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE: 1/20/2015 from 10:30am to 4:30pm. Donations inside the Gunnison Fair Grounds Vantuyl Room located at 275 S. Spruce Street, Gunnison. For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Bonfils Appointment Center 800365-0006, ext 2 or visit bonfils.org. Donations decline up to 20 percent in January, so donors are asked to make a New Year’s resolution to save the lives of patients who need blood transfusions. (1/14). WESTERN STATE COLORADO UNIVERSITY BLOOD DRIVE: 1/21/2015 from 8:30am to 3pm. Donations inside the Western State Colorado University Lower/Practice Gym located at 600 N. Adams St., Gunnison. For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Suzy Coykendall 970-943-2645 or visit bonfils.org. Donations decline up to 20 percent in January, so donors are asked to make a New Year’s resolution to save the lives of patients who need blood transfusions. (1/21). FIFTEEN MINUTES FOR PEACE: every Friday at noon at the Oddfellows Park, corner of Main & Virginia. (12/24). PLEASE: do not ride your bike on sidewalks and remember to ride on the right hand side of the road and to stop at stop signs. (12/24). gunnison country shopper, december 23, 2014 C.A. West Bookkeeping Complete Sole-proprietor, Partnership, Corporate, Business Accounting & Tax Preparation A Registered Tax Return Preparer NOW ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS 641-5644 234 N. Main Street Suite 3D www.cawestbook.com AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE & THE NELSON FAMILY AGENCY can provide local protection for your auto, home, business, health, and condo association, and provide life insurance for your family. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of professionals to compare at 641-3481, or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. IN THIS TIME OF LOSS we know that there are many of you who would like to express their condolences to the family of Hillary Moon. We truly appreciate all of the love and support that Crested Butte Community and beyond has already provided. The family is asking in lieu of flowers, cards and gifts at this time, that donations can be made to the Hillary Moon Memorial Fund. These donations will be used for Aidan’s and Liam’s future college funds. An account has been set up at Bank of theA West. Donations can be made in person at any location or mailed to: Bank of the West, P.O. Box 493, Crested Butte, CO 81224. For Hillary Moon Memorial Fund, #036420372 (1/7). DID YOU IN THE PAST ACQUIRE A SET OF DVD’S FROM THE GUNNISON LIBRARY ENTITLED “FRA SHIPMATES’ SERIES”? There were at least 17 DVDs in the Series. They read FRA USN, USMC, USCG. They are titled 2 - A Fellowship of Valor: Pacific Inferno and Born in Blood; 2 The Great Ships: The Destroyers & Aircraft Carriers; 4 Battle History of the Navy DVDs: 1 - Second to None, 2 - Born Into War, 3 - Fire and Water, and 4 Steel Walls of Freedom; US Naval Academy: 150 Years in Annapolis; and lastly Battle History of the Coast Guard: Lifesavers to the World. Plus others. If you have this series or know of their whereabouts, please call 641-1473 (12/31). Best ice cream available & free wi-fi at 1000 N. Main 641-3332 THE HISTORY OF CRESTED BUTTE is taught by Duane Vandenbusche on Thursday evenings from 7-8:30pm at the CB Community School. Course runs January 22 through April 16. Cost is $100. Register with Extended Studies at 970-9432885 or western.edu/es. The course includes slide shows, videos, and covers geography, coal mining, narrow gauge railroads, skiing, gold and silver mining, and the people of Crested Butte. Gothic, Floresta, Irwin, Schofield, and towns of the north end of the valley are covered. (12/31). MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR JANUARY 31, 2015! The Kenny Mac Nordic race, a fundraiser for Gunnison Nordic, will be held on January 31. The location will be determined on January 10 based on snow conditions (either Hartman Rocks or Mill Creek). The event will feature a skate ski race, kids race and a new event, Cold Cash Snowflake Dash, for nordic touring skiers. More information will be coming soon as the details are finalized. Just a reminder you can check our website for trail grooming updates and events. www.gunnisonnordic.com. Think Snow and Happy Holidays! Gunnison Nordic (1/7). JACK AND MARILYN MACALLISTER FOUNDATION ENCOURAGES DONATIONS TO THE PANTRY: The Jack and Marilyn MacAllister Foundation will match donations to Gunnison Country Food Pantry dollar for dollar up to $5,000. The Pantry assists an average of 575 people each month. Make a taxdeductible donation at GSL; at the Pantry, 321 N. Main Street Suite C on Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays; to PO Box 7077, Gunnison, CO 81230; or through GunnisonCountryFoodPantry.org. (12/24). ADULT DANCE CLASSES AT THE GAC: Come out and get your groove on this winter at the GAC! Stay active and keep the winter blues at bay with one of our awesome dance classes. Most start the week of January 18th so mark your calendars! You can choose from Ballet/Barre Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm, ‘Never Ever’ Tap Mondays 6:30-7:30pm, Tap I Wednesdays 7:30-8:30pm, “Born to Dance” Dance Fusion Tuesdays 7:30-8:30pm, Hip Hop Thursdays 7:30-8:30pm and Country Swing Dance Fridays 78pm. In February we will have Belly Dance Mondays 7:308:30pm and Clogging Saturdays 4-5:30pm so keep an eye out for those. 641-4029, 102 S. Main St., GunnisonArtsCenter.org. GUNNISON TOYS FOR TOTS: The Gunnison Toys for Tots program successfully distributed toys for 216 children ages 0-12 this year. There were 108 families. This was a decline from last year by about 42 families and 60 kids. We hope this is a sign of better times. There were families who called this year and said they were doing better so please give their toys to more needy children. We had about 12 volunteers working on the project and several donors whom we are extremely grateful for. We still have boxes in several locations as well as donation cans which will stay until Christmas. Those donations of cash and toys will start next year’s program. We feel so blessed to live in a place where people care. Thank you all so much. - Gunnison Toys for Tots Committee. (12/24). page 5 M E R RY C H R I S T M A S Fr o m t h e C r e w at J o h n Ro b e r t s M o t o r Wo r k s C o m p a n y Yo u r L o c a l l y O w n e d a n d O per ate d GM Deal er GUNNISON COUNTY LAND USE RESOLUTION ONLINE: Building Permit and ISDS Permit information; Copies of regulations and forms; Notices of meetings, public hearings Gunnison County Planning Department is online: www.gunnisoncounty.org/dept/pl an. (12/24). HOUSE OF GOOD SPIRITS HAVE A SAFE & MERRY CHRISTMAS! Check Out Our Great Selection of Winter Beers! (1/7). POTENTIAL SEVERE FLU THIS 2014-15 SEASON: Most flu cases in the state of Colorado this year have been caused by Type A (H3N2) virus. This virus type historically has caused more severe illness, hospitalization and deaths from the flu. In addition, the current flu vaccine is not as good a match and could have reduced protection. Early treatment with antiviral medication can help. So if you get flu-like illness and are at high risk for influenza complications, call your doctor to determine if treatment with antiviral medications is needed. However, flu vaccination is still your best bet to prevent illness or reduce severity. Colorado’s weekly flu report https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/influenza-data. Have a safe and healthy winter. Call for an appt. at 641-0209 Gunnison County Public Healt. (12/24). YOUTH DANCE CLASSES AT THE GAC: Get your kids moving this winter with one of our awesome dance classes. They start the week of January 18th so mark your calendars! You can choose from Mickies & Minnies: Beginning Creative Movement (Ages 2-4) Mondays 10:15-11am, Tap/Tumbling Combo Ages 5-7 Mondays 4-5pm and Ages 8-12 Mondays 5:15-6:15pm, Ballet/Jazz Combo Ages 5-7 Wednesdays 4:00-5pm and Ages 8-12 Wednesdays 5:15-6:15pm, Youth Hip Hop Ages 5-7 Fridays 45pm and Ages 8-12 Fridays 56pm, Teen Hip Hop for Ages 1318 will be Fridays 6-7pm. 6414029, 102 S. Main St., GunnisonArtsCenter.org. (12/31). YOU CAN NOW PAY YOUR VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS ONLINE! Go to www.colorado.gov and follow the instructions. Note: If you are expired, need proof of insurance or need a change of address, you cannot renew on-line at this time. (12/24). FREE ICE with purchase of $5.00 or more GUNNISON LIQUOR STORE 603 West Tomichi 641-1717 www.gunnisonliquor.com OPEN DAILY from 7AM – 9PM year-round, Serving BREAKFAST, LUNCH and DINNER Join us on the Sundeck for afternoon Apres Ski 9380 Prime Restaurant Located at the base of Mount Crested Butte and the Elevation Hotel & Spa gunnison country shopper, december 23, 2014 THE page 6 “ALAMO” A TOBACCO BAR Magic MO ments HO, HO, HO The MO will be open at 5PM Christmas Day. Say “Hi” to Santa’s helper Steve. Have safe and happy holidays. YO, YO, YO ATTENTION: Brew Pub Geek Modo has been servicing suds, IPA, Fat Tire, PBR for 54 years. Ida admit we have no culture. PS. I do like to read ATTENTION Miss The CooCoo Train Bus left the station. M O UN TAIN A TRULY FORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE GUNNISON’S LEGENDARY SALOON 2 2 6 N. M a i n • G u n n i s on • 6 4 1- 9 9 0 7 A Salon for Personal Service. NOW CARRYING NAILS Custom Nail Wraps! Fun, Easy, Affordable... Do them yourself or we can for you. Sue Mundell, Owner 641-3610 See us at: www.gunnisonsalon.com SNOWPLOWING & SNOW REMOVAL AND HAULING HOURLY RATE or BY THE PLOW 209-2849 Call for free quote Arnie’s Excavating LLC [email protected] It’s that time of year again! Furnace Service Special $89.00* Includes: Filter Change, Motor Oiling, Carbon Monoxide Test, General Cleaning and Maintenance In Gunnison City Limits or $69/hour outlying Areas * Horizontal Furnace & Pellet Stove add $20 MODULAR HOUSE & MOBILE HOME SPECIALIST RADON DETECTION AND REMEDIATION 642-0399 ES IMPORTANTE QUE LOS BEBÉS pasen algún tiempo acostados panza abajo. Hay que hacer esto cuando el bebé está despierto y altera. Coloque a su bebé de panza sobre una superficie sólida, coloque un juguete frente a él, y jueguen juntos. Al hacer esto regularmente, se le fortalecen los músculos del cuello y se desarrolla el cerebro. Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council. eccgh.org. Salud Pública 641-0209. En español: 641-7999. (12/24). *with coupon REMINDER: Do not let your motor vehicles, trailers, motorcycles, buses & smm’s registrations expire! There is a late fee applied after the one month grace period. This applies even if your vehicle is not running temporarily or just parked. Gunnison Office is open Monday-Friday from 8am-4:30pm and the Crested Butte Branch is open Tuesday & Thursday from 9am-3pm in Old Town Hall. You can reach us at 641-1602 option 1. Pay your registration on line! Go to www.colorado.gov (12/24). BY SUPPORTING SMALL LOCAL businesses, community radio, artists, and independent publishers, we create and protect our quality of life and the culture of our small community! (12/24). NEW GUNNISON ARTS CENTER WINTER CATALOG COMING SOON! Keep your eyes open for the NEW Gunnison Arts Center Winter Catalog! There are a variety of new and exciting classes starting in January, including Dance classes, Gunnison Valley Youth Fiddlers, a one-night-only sassy Cabaret, Children’s Theater Camp, auditions for SonofaGunn, Time Travel: a Community Fashion Exhibition including fashion design and 2-D art, Art Classes, Clay Classes and more! For additional information stop by the GAC at 102 South Main Street, call 970641-4029 or visit us online at gunnisonartscenter.org. (12/24). FOR THE LOVE OF SNOWMEN EVERYWHERE... Choose a safe way to get home! December is impaired driving awareness month and it marks the start of Holiday parties and gatherings. Valley wide: RTA - FREE bus service. Call Alpine Express at 641-5074 or go to www.gunnisonvalleyrta.com. Gunnison: Safe Ride 970-209RIDE Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: 7pm - 2am; Gunnison Taxi 970-615-0042 available 24/7. Crested Butte: Mountain Express, free bus shuttle around Crested Butte; Late Night Town Taxi 970-209-0509. Thanks for helping make our community safe and healthy, GCSAPP (12/31). SCHOLARSHIPS! You could be eligible for a scholarship to help pay tuition for classes at the Gunnison Arts Center! Every year the Gunnison Arts Center receives donations and support to be used to award scholarships for kids or adults wanting to take arts (visual or performing) classes or workshops. This is an important part of our programming as we strive to make the Arts Center accessible to the whole community. To apply for a scholarship, please see the eligibility and application requirements online at GunnisonArtsCenter.org. (12/31). ‘TIS THE SEASON FOR TELEPHONE SCAMS, the Gunnison County Sheriff’s Office has taken several calls referencing telephone scams. The three types of scams that we have been made aware of are: IRS officials requesting personal information, extraordinary gifts (2 Million Dollars and a new Mercedes) if you buy into a certain money card and the famous relative in trouble “I need money!” Law Enforcement is encouraging if you receive these types of phone calls DO NOT give out personal or financial information. If you have any questions please feel free to call, 970-6411113. (12/31). PAINT BY APPOINTMENT IN CRESTED BUTTE: We continue to offer our space for Painting Appointments. This works well if you cannot paint on our scheduled dates, if you would like to host a painting party, or if you want to ensure the space is available for your group only. Pieces from a Painting Appointment will be fired with our next scheduled kiln firing. A Painting Appointment costs $50 per group for a two hour session, plus the cost of what you choose to paint. If you’d like to have your pieces fired and ready before that time, you may choose to fire the kiln directly after your session for an additional $55 fee. Please note that it takes two full days for the kiln to be fired, cooled, and unloaded. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970-349-7487 (12/31). SUNDAYS @ THE YURT. A Backcountry Bistro serving up hot drinks, warm fires, sweet treats, Nordic beta and local hospitali-tea! On the Nordic trail system at Magic Meadows. Sundays from 10-2. www.cbnordic.org (Pass required. Pass free for kids and elders. No pooches). (1/7). POTTERS/CLAY ARTISTS: Opening in a small cooperative downtown Gunnison studio for a ceramist, beginning January 2015. If interested, call Karen for more information at 970-6413875. (1/7). SNOW REMOVAL SERVICES offered at reasonable rates. Roofs, decks, walkways, etc. Sorry, no driveways. On call or regular basis jobs accepted; rates negotiable, starting at $25/hr. Matt: 970-397-0225 TRY THE NEW CHINESE RESTAURANT IN TOWN! Chinese Restaurant Dine In - Take Out Tel: (970) 642-6363 113 W. Tomichi, Gunnison, CO 81230 Open 7 Days A Week Mon. - Fri.: 11:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Sat. - Sun.: Noon - 9:30 p.m. (12/31/pd/29) TWO FLAGSTONE COFFEE TABLES: 3x2’ $115; 2x2’, $90. 275-4852. (12/24). FOR SALE: CLIFF Shot energy gel packets. I bought bulk for pricing. 70 cents each. 349-5190. (12/24). FOR SALE: extra small Specialized Stump Jumper. XT, Mars fork, new drivetrain. Great bike to get your kids on the trail with you. $300. 970-275-2459 Christmas Eve Service Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church (12/24). FOR SALE: used carpet, premium quality, low pile Berber, approx. 14’x12’ in 3 pieces, exc. cons. $50. 641-6352. (1/7). FIRE SAFETY FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Place your tree so it is a minimum of 36” from any room heater. This distance should be doubles if you operate a solid fuel burning appliance (woodburning stove or fireplace) or a distance equal to the height of your tree, whichever is greater. Happy Holidays from your Fire Department. (12/24). SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Need not be done by the dealer to satisfy your warranty requirements, enjoy the convenience of hometown service. Low cost rental cars. Precision Automotive is your “AAA Approved Auto Repair”, celebrating 30 years of service to the Gunnison Valley. 641-4040 precisionauto.net (12/24/43). Wednesday, December 24 7:00 PM 711 North Main St. Gunnison 641-1860 Pastor Bob Stevens ALL ARE WELCOME! NEW WITH TAGS: men’s snowboard pants. Four Square “gasket” size XL. Microsheild technology 15000mm waterproofing. (same as Gore-Tex) $75, 970581-9208 (12/24). GAS STOVE PIPE FOR SALE: horizontal wind cap, variety of straight lengths, curved. $180 takes all. Paid over $500. Call/text 275-2765. (12/24). MAKE HER HOLIDAY FABULOUS! Norwegian Silver Fox stroller length ladies coat fits size 4/6. Mint condition. Paid $3000. Best offer. 303-653-4178 (12/31). TWO OAK CHAIRS: one needs caning, 209-0142. (12/24). TREADMILL FOR SALE: Sears Weslo Cadence 78e. About 8 years old, but still works great. Digital display says time, speed, distance, calories. $100. Call or text 970-389-7576. (Located in Gunnison) (1/7). PAIR OF BLIZZAK SNOW TIRES: Less than 2k miles, 225/45/17. Great shape, best snow tire out! 550 OBO. 575-7700334 (12/24). ICE AUGER: $20, 417-8996. (12/24). FOR SALE: 2’6”x6’8” flush oak door; 6” steel jambs, $100 OBO, will deliver. Call Bob 970-3495159, 970-901-7277 (1/7). NEED PAIR OF INTERNATIONAL PICKUP 16’ wheels. Large center axle hole 4-3/4’ and 8 1/2’ lug holes for tire size LT 235 or LT 55. Call Joe at 641-3935. (12/24). AUDIO RECORDING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Alto Zephyr ZMX862 6-Channel Compact Mixer $50, TASCAM DP-004 4Track Digital Recorder $80. Excellent condition. Includes AC adapters and manuals. Get both for $120. 970-596-0380 (1/7). KIMBAL CHICAGO PIANO: upright, low profile, with diagonal strings as in a ‘baby grand’ sound. Needs a little TLC and ‘high country’ tuning, $150, 970-641-4554 (12/24). APPLE IPAD MINI 2: New iPad mini 2 with cover, $275, call for details. 970-596-3053. (12/24). WHILE SHOPPING, BE AWARE OF YOUR PURSE OR WALLET: Keep track of your checkbook, credit cards or cash. Be aware of the people around you. Preventative Advocacy 970-4177511. (12/24). FULL SIZE YAKIMA ski/snowboard racks for top of car. Great condition! 2 complete sets. $75 each. Call Alex at 970-901-9486 (12/24). HOUSEKEEPER 23 Years Experience Private Homes Move Ins and Outs Great Organizing Skills and References Weekly, Biweekly Monthly, and One-Time Cleans Marcia Love 970-641-5210 970-596-5418 (12/31/pd/25) “IF THERE IS NO explicit constitutional authority for the laws and regulations enacted by Congress and enforced by the central government, then by what authority do those entities lay and collect taxes to funs such laws and regulations.” The Patriot Post. Robert Tim Allen 596-8977. (12/31). FOR SALE: older Apple computer works $50; XL Stoic long johns new asking $25; collapsable pool cue $15 like new; neoprene hood and gloves $20 each, XL. 818292-0743. Call, Text. (12/24). FM TRANSMITTER FOR SALE! Micro-Power FM transmitter with indoor/outdoor antenna. Perfect for home entertainment. $185 OBO. Call or txt 970-596-6661 (leave msg) (12/31). ARE YOU RENTING? You can feel safe and secure for as little as $8/mo with a Renters Policy that provides protection for your personal belongings, personal liability, and even identity theft. Find out for yourself why American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. SI UD TIENE UNA EMERGENCIA marque 9-1-1. Si no habla inglés encontraremos un interprete, manténgase en la línea. (12/24). PROFESSIONAL DETAILING: Carpet, upholstery shampoo, buff, wax, complete interior and exterior. Call Precision Automotive for a appointment. 641-4040, precisionauto.net (12/24/19). TIRES FOR SALE: 5 195/60/15 all season, like new, $150. 970-209-6051. (12/24). WANTED TO BUY: Old diesel truck, 901-7369 (12/31). BRAND NEW 2014 Never Summer Legacy 163 snowboard. Has a small ding in the edge from being dropped. Tags still on it! No bindings. $450. 970-275-6471. (12/24). gunnison country shopper, december 23, 2014 DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE? It’s ok if you don’t know, because American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency is here to help. You can feel safe and secure with plans starting as low as $10/mo. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. AUDIO RECORDING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Alto Zephyr ZMX862 6-Channel Compact Mixer $50, TASCAM DP-004 4Track Digital Recorder $80. Excellent condition. Includes AC adapters and manuals. Get both for $120. 970-596-0380 (12/31). FOR SALE: king size mattress with box spring and frame in good condition. $50, you pick up in CB. 802-371-8556 (12/24). Need Some Last Minute Gift Ideas Or Stocking Stuffers? All Can Be Found at HOPE & GLORY 147 N Main Street Gunnison 970-641-1638 Open til 4:00pm on Christmas Eve And Don’t Forget Our After Christmas Sale Starting Friday, 12/26! (12/24/38) FISCHER WATEA 115, 186cm. New condition, 146/114/126 powder ski with Fischer X14 bindings, $375, 970-209-0491 BINGO EVERY TUESDAY at the Elks Lodge, 7:30pm. (12/24). FOR SALE: Kirby vacuum cleaner, $75, 970-209-6051. (12/24). NIMBLE FINGERS 596-4972 IT’S GOING TO SNOW AGAIN. Call us before you need to fix or service your Snow Plow GUNNISON MUFFLER 641-6007 (12/24/13) (12/31/20) FOR SALE: 1 Hercules 4.0 tires P225/60R17, 100 miles on it, $100. 209-2703. (12/24). KILLER DEAL! 4 Goodyear tires on 18” rims. New’ish, 3800 miles. Came from Chevy 2500 HD. Size LT265/70R18. (8 hole lug nut rims) Asking $800 for all 4, willing to negotiate serious offers. Located in Gunnison. Call KV 970376-1971 (12/24). SEWING SERVICES From Revamping to Costumes Experienced Seamstress Call Andrea MTD YARD MACHINES 10/24 Snow Blower. Good working snowblower with electric start. $350. 970-275-6471. (12/31). MEDELA DOUBLE BREAST PUMP in a nice black tote bag. For baby and Mother. Originally $355! For sale with all parts, $150 OBO! 970-209-2669 (12/24). TIRES FOR SALE: General Tire Grabber 265/75R15, never used; BFG tire, Baja Champ 33x10.50R15. 209-0142. (12/24). CHRISTMAS IS COMING The Elves Are Very Busy! Sweaters - Ties Mugs Wallets - Candles Gifts BASICS FOR MEN Has Your Special Guy’s Gift 100 North Main St. Gunnison 642-4223 (12/24/28) UNWANTED SEX is not about love or pleasure, it is about power and control over another person. Preventative Advocacy 970-4177511. (12/24). (12/24). NEW MULTI-CLEANER POWER WASHER: 6.5 Hr. Built-in heater. $900. 275-0685 (12/31). NICE GLIDING CHAIR AND RECLINER FOR SALE: Both in great shape. $50 each. 970-9016483 (12/24). AERO PILATES PRO Workout Trainer, like new condition. New $1000. Yours for $500. Call Jim 970-765-4414 (12/24). FOR SALE: 4x4 fiberglass dome skylight, $20. Vintage oak captins chair. $75. Arch welder with hood $125. 641-6352. (12/31). QUEEN BEDROOM SET: Craftsman style Broyhill bedroom set. Great condition. $650. Call 303-656-7859 (12/31). DYNAFIT TECH TOURLITE skis 180, with Dynafit binding and skins. Great hut ski, $250. 5960176 (12/31). FIRE SAFETY FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Keep the entire cut of the tree trunk submersed in water for the entire period the tree is located in your residence or business. Happy Holidays from your Fire Department. (12/24). LET BLACK CANYON LIMOUSINE carry you and your merry makers over the river and thru the woods this holiday season! Schedule now for holiday festivity transportation. Also, keep an eye on what’s going on in Gunnison with the Gunnicam at blackcanyonlimo.com. Black Canyon Limousine 970-9015922. (12/31/45). BURTON SKI/BOARD PADDED TRAVEL BAG with wheels. Will hold skis up to 180cm. Used once. $35. Call 275-3937. (12/24). SELLING VARIED ELECTRONICS & OTHER ITEMS: 2 keyboards $20 each; 1 - 19” monitor $40; 1 - 19”HP G71 laptop $300; 1 refrigerator with freezer $150; 1 small printer $25; 1 small copy machine $25; 1 projector $40; 1 Android smart phone $50; 1 Samsung Galaxy S $50; 1 pine red 8ft picnic table $300; 1 Xbox original with games $100; HP desktop $80; all prices negotiable and special offers for multi-item buyers. 970-964-8545 (12/24). FLY RODS FOR SALE: Orvis Access 8’6” 4-weight 4-piece mid flex $200, Orvis Helios 8’6” 5weight 4-piece mid flex $300, Orvis Helios2 9’ 5-weight 4-piece tip flex $350. 970-596-0380 WOMEN’S K2 PHAT LOVE SKI: 122-90-112, 160cm, no binding only one previous mount. Great for a backcountry setup. $50. Eric 970-901-9234 (12/24). WEST ELK WINDSHIELDS Mobile Auto Glass Service Under New Ownership 641-4505 Your Crack is Our Business. (12/24/16) PRICE REDUCED LAST TIME! A STEAL AT ONLY $100! GREAT DEAL WORTH $1,000’S! OVER 300 hardback/soft covers, books & magazines! Many 1st editions, nonfiction, mysteries, biographies, autobiographies, cook books and cooking magazines! Please call 970-596-1557 today! (12/24). KIDS GEAR: girls and boys ski pants, suits, coats, and jackets from $5 to $20 for items 303656-7859 (12/24). KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall. FOR SALE: Cabela’s northern goosedown parka with real coyote fur lined hood. Medium, new condition very little wear green color very warm $200. Carhartt blanket lined chore coat with detachable hood brand new never worn dark blue medium $60. Call 596-8887. (12/24). (12/24). (12/31). SEARS SPORT 20 SV CARRIER, $100, 349-0253. (12/31). FOR SALE: Technica Duo 90 ski boot. About women’s 8.5/men’s 7. Shell is 285. $30, call or text 540-798-2324 (1/7). page 7 Thank You To All Of Our Great Customers! Have a Merry Christmas And A Very Happy New Year! TWO VINTAGE WOOD FOLDING TV TRAYS: 20” high, 15” wide, 26” long. One top is wood. One top is wood with an architectural print attached. Can also be used for a luggage rack. $20 each. 641-3014 (12/31). GUNNISON COUNTY RECYCLING CENTER has 24 hour drop off for newspapers & magazines. Office & school paper including shredded paper (aka Office Pack) can be dropped off during Recycling Center office hours, 8am-4pm, 7 days/week. NON-recyclable paper includes: neon brights, black copies (over copied), manila envelopes, red printing construction paper. 811 Rio Grande, Gunnison. (12/24). DID YOU KNOW THE LIBRARY NOT ONLY CHECKS OUT BOOKS, BUT ALSO OFFERS A LARGE MOVIE SELECTION? With your library card, check out popular films, documentaries, children’s movies and more. Both the Gunnison library and the Old Rock Library in Crested Butte have a wide selection of DVD titles to satisfy any movie watcher. Visit either library location or log on to www.gunnisoncountylibraries.org to view our selection. (12/24). LOS BENEFICIOS DE UN PRE KÍNDER DE ALTA CALIDAD SON ENORMES. Es una forma importante de reducir las diferencias en el éxito académico entre los niños de diferente clase económica y los prepara para el Kínder y su educación futura. Si quiere una lista de los establecimientos locales con licencia, pase por la oficina de Servicios Familiares ECC 641-7913; (en español: 641-7999) (12/24). THINKING OF QUITTING SMOKING? The Colorado QuitLine offers free nicotine patches to people at least 18, who participate in the program. You are seven times more likely to quit tobacco using the QuitLine and the help of an experienced Quit Coach. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW. (12/24). 2 Great Reasons (of 10) to shop at Pat’s Screen Printing REASON #9 KARA Kara is resplendent in a flowy Bella racerback tank, decorated with a Gunnison Brewery logo, topped by full-zip fleece and accented with a stoneware mug made by local potter Karen Immerso. REASON #10 TL TL is trimmed in greens for the season: Jonathan Corey button-down shirt under a Harriton full-zip fleece. Accents include promotional sunglasses with logo on the temple and custom-printed tote bag. After starting part-time at Pat’s in early 2005, In 1998,TL came in to Pat’s to lend a hand Kara has worked her way up to co-owner to his friend Pat Greene, and then never left, status this year. When she’s not working, taking over the shop after her early death she’s busy planning for her weddin from cancer. He arrived in Gunnison at the to Geoff Berg or hanging out with age of 6 and other than four years at the their dogs, cats and chickens. University of Colorado, has been here ever since. During this holiday season and always, he is grateful for the strong sense of community he experiences in this valley. 242 North Main Street (970) 641-3743 gunnison country shopper, december 23, 2014 gunnison country shopper, december 23, 2014 page 8 EDDIE BAUER COMFORT 65 INFANT CAR SEAT: 3 years old, clean, and in great condition. $50 Call 303-656-7859 (12/31). MERRY CHRISTMAS From the Crew At Fullmer’s Ace Hardware! CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 50% OFF & More! Many Last Minute Gift Ideas Still Available. Open ‘Til 4 pm Christmas Eve Vis it us a t Fu llme r a c e .co m & Lik e u s o n F ac e b ook ! 82 0 W e st Tomic h i A ve G un nis on CO 8 1 2 3 0 6 4 1 - 1 2 1 2 TIRE CHAINS for pick ups and SUVs. Super Z LT fits range of tire sizes. $50. Call for info: 2756677 (12/31). FOR SALE: xcountry ski poles, 58”-66” lengths, $10 ea. 3495190. (12/24). FREE SCOBYS! I have an extremely healthy kombucha mother with Scobys to give away! Don’t want to throw them away so come get one; start your own kombucha batch today! 978-3401529 (12/24). PRECISION AUTOMOTIVE, celebrating 30 years in business. Servicing all makes & models. Call 641-4040 for an appointment. (12/24/16). FOR SALE: 800-900ft. of 3/8” cable for sale, call for details, 275-4852. (12/24). FOR SALE: cedar gable vents, 8/12 pitch, 4 lefts, 4 rights, $10 OBO; cedar gable vent, 8/12 pitch, center style, 1 @ $10 OBO. Bob 970-349-5159, 970-9017277. (1/7). FOR SALE: wood casement window WC 4457-2. Insulated with storms, $150 OBO. Bob 970901-7277. (1/7). KETTLER ELLIPTICAL TRAINER Made in Germany. High quality. New $1300. Yours for $700. Like new condition. Call Jim 970765-4414. (12/31). FOR SALE: Neversummer snowboard $100. 970-615-0825, 970-629-3065. (12/31). FOR SALE: 60 gal. hexagon tank with stand. $200 OBO. Call for more info., 970-901-2587. (12/24). Open Wed, Dec 24th until 6pm. Closed Christmas Day. Open Friday, 26th Noon - 6pm. (12/31). FOR SALE: Craftsman tool chest, $150. 417-8996. (12/24). CHRISTMAS IS COMING The Elves Are Very Busy! Sweaters - Ties Mugs Wallets - Candles Gifts BASICS FOR MEN Has Your Special Guy’s Gift 100 North Main St. Gunnison 642-4223 Gunnison’s Original fitness center. Sale TRUCK SNOW PLOW: $350 OBO. 209-9695. (12/24). BRONCO KEG PUMP: Asking $30 OBO. 970-901-6483 (12/24). 125 North Main • Downtown Gunnison • 970-641-0635 AMBER NECKLACE FOR SALE: 52 round amber beads, a diamond shaped amber pendant set in sterling silver, a turquoise pendant set in silver, and 2 silver beads. $100. 765-4270. (12/31). Custom Embroider" CONSTRUCTION HEATER: Dayton Natural Gas 100,000BTU Radiant with hose. Excellent condition. $100. 970-209-8521 New Christmas Embroidery (12/31). Don & Be#e Rundell 970-641-2941 dr ndell@roadr nner.com 612 Count" Road 8, Gunnison, CO 81230 FOR SALE: Raichle All-degree Lite Gore-tex hiking boots. Women’s 6.5. New in box. Really nice. $40. 349-5190. (12/24). IBANEZ ACOUST-ELECTRIC GUITAR w/amp, strings, soft case, metallic black, excellent cond., $160. Text or call 803600-8020 (12/31). RETIREMENT PLANNING. INVESTMENTS. WEALTH SOLUTIONS. Financial Advisor Accredited Asset Management Specialist® Jackie Cardenas Financial Advisor MBA - Finance GUNNISON SMITH OPERA HOUSE CRESTED BUTTE BANK BUILDING 641.0400 349.1121 on Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Traders Rendezvous CRESTED BUTTE rjbillmatthews.com Services offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC December 29, 30 & 31 641-5077 (12/24/28) (12/24/14) FOR SALE: 4 Jeep Wrangler tires; Goodyear SR-A P255/75R17; 15K miles; $40 OBO per tire; Call Marv at 970901-0039. (12/31). DOS RIOS GOLF MEMBERSHIP: call 970-596-7675 and make an offer. (1/7). 1950’S COCA COLA COOLER FOR SALE: All metal has tray and bottle opener on the side. $100. 765-4270 (12/31). 30-06 HUNTING RIFLE, excellent cond., w/scope, rings, sling, hard case, and lock, $350 OBO. Text (pref.) or call 803-600-8020 (12/31). (12/24/25) +=JJQ ++=JJQ =JJQ !@JAKLE9KLG !!@JAKLE9KLG @JAKLE9KLG ** ** FREE: side by side Amana 25cf frost free refrigerator. Runs well, free to good home. 641-0200. (12/31). FOR SALE: Craftsman snowblower w/14” propeller, Adrian Steel brand tool box for small truck. Dave 209-3529. (12/31). ZTE VALET Android by Tracfone incl. Triple Minutes for Life FREE! (3x talk time, texts & data), 3.8” touch screen, 3G/Wi-Fi, 3MP camera, Bluetooth, 3GHz processor, 4GB microSD card (Inserted), belt clip & case with charger. $50 OBO. 641-1473. (12/31). $67 $6 / ) ,'( 62 /27 (*,)7 1(21 2 87 0,1 (9 (5</,67 )25 <285 YH DV( P KULVW P & Q 2SH WLOS 0LVW\0RXQWDLQ 0L 0 LVLVW\0RXQWDLQ )ORUDO )ORUDO FOR SALE: Fullmer snow boots, sz 10, $30. 970-615-0825, 970629-3065. (12/31). GUNNISON PETS AND HOBBIES For your tropical fish supplies Fresh and Salt Water Aquaria pumps, food and more. Enter through Silver Queen Jewelry 134 North Main, Gunnison 641-2366 (12/24). STEPLADDER: 12 ft., aluminum. In like-new condition. $95 or will trade for 7 ft. stepladder in like condition. 970-641-2560. (1/7). WESTERN THEMED ARMOIRE FOR SALE: Base-relief carvings on the pocket doors (mounted cowboy/cowgirl) and on the crown piece (horse head profiles), elk antler pulls and four (4) adjustable shelves. Approximately 25”d x 38”w x 65”h. $175. Please call 970-349-6638 if interested. (12/24). CLASSIC, STURDY, ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING TABLE with tilt mechanism. $450 obo. 2754852 (12/24). FIREWOOD FOR SALE Hard & Soft Woods 970-424-2936 6-7 PERSON HOT TUB: Vita Spa, 6 yrs. old, new $9000, hardly used, sell $3050 OBO. 2754852 (12/24). BLAZE KING WOODBURNING STOVE FOR SALE: $300 OBO. 209-6057. (12/24). FOR SALE: Set of 4 Firestone Transforce HT radial tires. Used for 8 months only. Load rating of 125/122S. $400 takes them all! Call 275-8927. (12/24). ROCK COLLECTION FOR SALE: includes dinosaur bones, petrified wood, call for more info. 275-4852 (12/24). FOR SALE: Celestron Astro Master 114EQ series telescope and 7-Zhumell eyepieces and filter set in carrying case. Comes with instructional CD and booklet. Brand new, never used. Only $200. 641-4245. (12/24). INDUSTRIAL FLOOR FRYER: Two basket large fryer. Call Liz 497-0787. (12/24). WANTED TO BUY: all guitars, any condition, used, vintage, etc. Castle Creek Guitars, 132 North Main, 641-2747. DESK with medium stained top, antique white sides 29-1/2’ x 65”, very good condition. $50. 3499364. (12/24). (12/24/17). TWO WOOD BURNING STOVES: $175 & $275. 6415080. (12/24). 6HP, 24” JACOBSON SNOW BLOWER: Starts, runs well. No problems. Kept inside. $175. Located in Pitkin. 641-5021. 1976 GUNNISON BICENTENNIAL LICENSE PLATE SET: Nice shape. YD-994. Early issue. $50 for the pair. 765-4270 (12/24). (12/31). BOB BIKE TRAILER: for touring trips not for kids. Comes with large dry bag. Excellent condition. $200. 505 670 4269 (1/7). SONY DVD/HD PLAYER: excellent cond. $20, Text/Call 803600-8020 (12/24). HANDYMAN 38 Years Experience Carpentry Home or Building Repair Remodels - Additions Plumbing & Electrical 970-209-4153 (12/24/7) TIRES FOR SALE: 2 - Yokahama Ice Guard 195/60R15 3/4 tread $40/pr.; 2 - Ziex Falcon 195/60R15 1/2 tread $30/pr.; 1 - Goodyear 185/65R15 1/3 tread $10. 641-2433 (12/31). GRACO DOUBLE STROLLER: with rear mounted car seats great for twins. This is the full system! $50. Call 303-656-7859 (12/31). BOOKS: Society the Basics John J. Macionis $25; Algebra Form and Function - McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett $25; a pocket style manual 6th edition Diana Hacker, Nancy Sommers $15. 316-253-5188 (1/7). (12/31/pd/14) FOR SALE: rollout keyboard trays, (7) bamboo, 20”x16”, $30 OBO. Call Bob 970-349-5159, 970-901-7277 (1/7). SALOMON GUARDIAN16 bindings, sz sm., brand new, $300, 349-6242 (12/31). TORO SNOWBLOWER: 24/50 GTS, R-Tech 2, $100. 349-0253. 1000 North Main Street, Ste 1, Gunnison (12/31). FREE BEDROOM FURNITURE: Hardly used. Queen size bed frame, double dresser with mirror, 2 tables. No bedding Pickup on 12/27 or 12/28 in CB 214 738 3451 970 349 6238 (12/31). HUNTING GPS MAPS: Hunt RN Rockies North Idaho-MontanaWyoming. Brand new, not used, $75. 209-8521 (12/31). HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS! XOXO Q R ejuv n e at ed 2014 147 North Main, Gunnison • 641-0844 Q HiGH mOUNtAIN OUNt fASHiON HiGH m tAIN f A ASH HiON d 1988 she EXTENDED HOLIDAY HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:00 - 6:00 SAT 9:30 - 5:30 SUN 10:00 - 3:00 OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE 9:00 - 4:00! li Estab 6XQGD\DPSP S \ DOUG FIR TIMBERS: (6)6”x10”x10’ long, $50 each, (1) 20’ long $120, been sitting outside covered for three years, good shape. Eric 970-901-9234. WANTED: iPhone 4 wanted. Have you upgraded your iPhone and now have a iPhone 4 sitting around. I’d like to buy it. Give me a ring on your new phone to tell me you’ll sell me your old iPhone 4. Call 642-3733. (12/31). SUICIDAL THOUGHTS? Get help now. If someone tells you they are thinking about suicide, share the secret — save a life. Call the Center for Mental Health 24-hour emergency services at 970-252-6220. This message brought to you by Gunnison County Public Health. (12/31). Q ,+9AF • -H=F#N=JQ"9QLADD!@JAKLE9K -H=F# Q Q ,+9AF• 6DOH \ D G L +RO 3RVW V W U VWD PDV KULLVVW H & ) G 2) UHZL 2))VWR X U WK 2 - 150 GAL. SNYDER ALUMINUM FUEL TANKS: off an old truck, $500. 641-5080. (12/24). (including Sale Racks) (12/24/28) FOR SALE: Steel Specialized Stump Jumper SS. Would make a bomber townie. $100. 970-2752459 (12/24). Drop in and see what’s been going on. 44 County Road 51 Like us on Facebook or at http:// stonegoatathletic.vpweb.com FIRST $275 TAKE THIS AWESOME BOWFLEX: Say Merry Christmas to someone you love. Call 641-2387 (12/31). 20% Storewide 516 West Tomichi, Gunnison BEST NEW SNOWMOBILE DEAL! 2015 Polaris 800 RMKs Now Only $10,499! After mfg’s. rebate. Low Interest Low Payment Financing Available W.A.C. Sun Sports Unlimited 970-641-0883 Main Street Gunnison (1/7/pd/63). FOR SALE: Leatherman MultiTool, $15, 349-5190. (12/24). Bill Matthews HOME THEATRE SYSTEM: Sony HT-CT350 sound bar with subwoofer, virtual 5.1 channel surround sound, multiple HDMI inputs/outputs, includes bracket to mount to Sony TV, and manual. Excellent condition, $200. 970641-4828 (1/7). CASH TO LOAN Towels Linens Stockings Spors Apparel Caps Jackets Shirs A place to pause and relax, be fit. 21 and older Call for your reservations and times 970-275-1855 Annual Year-End HITCH N STITCH MAKE BLACK CANYON LIMOUSINE your designated driver this holiday season! Book now for all your transportation needs. Black Canyon Limousine 970901-5922. Keep an eye on Gunnison with the Gunnicam, check it out at blackcanyonlimo.com. (12/31/34). FREE GIFT WRAPPING Are you ready for indoor recess? Now Open Stone Goat Athletic Club Racquet, Fitness, and Fun Open 9 am daily Merry Christmas From Circus Train! KING MATTRESS: Serta Ceremony I Series in excellent condition, $900. Comes with box springs and bed frame. Purchased new last year, original price $1600. Call 303-656-7859 page 9 GIFtS GIFtS SR I.S.O.: Playstation 2 1st person shooter games, 596-8813. (1/7). FOR SALE: walnut coffee table w/glass top, $225, 275-4852. (12/24). FOR SALE: Weil-McLain hot water boiler. 90% efficiency, 175K BTU, capacity 3,000 sq. ft. home. Used only 6 years. New $4,300, will sell for $1,100. 2754852 (12/24). DELTA CRIB: with dual sided Sealy mattress; infant to toddler; $100. 970-209-4479. (12/24). THREE ROCKING CHAIRS: larger, substantial oak rocker,blonde; bent wood antique, dark; ‘mothering’ rocker, dark. All excellent condition, $75 each. 970-6414554 (12/24). SET OF CHAINS for 15 inch tires. $25. 209-0917 (12/24). FOR SALE: almost new, designer pine couch with matching coffee table, used for 3 months, $400 OBO, $300 if you come and get it. Leave a message, I’ll call back. 970-901-2587. (12/24). LADDER RACK & TOOL BOX FOR SALE: have a heavy duty lumber/ladder rack, and a diamond plate truck tool box. $400 OBO/trade? Please call Kirk 970596-2666. (12/24). Give the gift of Great Food! MARIO’S GIFT CARDS in any amount make your holiday shopping easy!! ($10 bonus gift card for every $100 in gift cards purchased) “People’s Choice Best Restaurant!” 213 W. TOMICHI GUNNISON 970.641.1374 gunnison country shopper, december 23, 2014 page 10 BUY OF THE WEEK TODAY Realty of Gunnison, Inc. Teresa Anderson Broker Associate TEAMRIPPETOE 805 W. Tomichi, Suite B Gunnison, CO 81230 970-209-9105 www.teamrippetoe.com MLS www.todayrealtyinc.net 600 W. Tomichi Ave. Gunnison, CO 81230 970-641-0077 or After hours 970-209-0077 MLS #38455 207 Mountainside Drive 3 bed/2 bath, views, 6.81 acres, horse property, no covenants, 10 min N of Gunnison $320,000 SPORTSMANS PARADISE 12299 W Highway 50 WONDERFUL 6.43 ACRE TRACT overlooking the beautiful Blue Mesa Lake and the spectacular Dillon Pinacles! You and your family will enjoy the comfort of this large ranchstyle home! 3 Bedrooms & 2 Baths $199,000! MLS #37976 9801 W. Hwy 50 2 bed/1 bath, remodeled home, 35 acres, horse property, spring, overlooks Blue Mesa/Black Canyon, hunting, super property for sportsman with year round access. $339,000 MLS #38378 Gunnison River Front Home next to Dos Rios Golf Course 5 bed/4 bath, 1.06 pristine acres. $535,000 MLS #35798 Wildhorse Estates, Sr water rights, 7.36 acres 5 bed/ 3.5 bath custom home with oversized barn and mother-in-law apt. $789,500 MLS #37855 410 S Taylor Huge beautiful luxurious 5 br 3 1/2 bath home in one of Gunnison's finer neighborhoods. Huge open living room with high ceilings. Huge master suite on main level $482,000! LOOKING FOR 3RD ROOMMATE ASAP to share big log house right across from Garlic Mike’s. On a big 2 acre plot and is close to the river. 2-car garage,spacious kitchen, large living room, & pellet stove. You get a larger room with your own bathroom. Call or text 682-551-7846. Sean. (12/24). MLS #37765 ROOM 4 RENT: 2 bdrm, 1 bath apartment. $375 rent, some utilities. Clean, responsible roommate wanted for January 1st. Contact 720-218-2294. (12/31). Apartments For Rent LOOKING FOR FEMALE COLLEGE ROOMMATES: I have a 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 living room house on Denver and Wisco. Rent is $400 a month plus utilities. Lease is up in June. Call Riley 303502-4740 (12/24). Apply in person at 600 North Colorado Gunnison, CO HUD Section 8 Apartments ROOMMATE NEEDED: With 2 college girls. $334 a month plus utilities, no pets, right next to campus. Starting Jan. 1st. Call or text 970-232-5550. (12/24). Affordable Housing 970-641-5429 2 Bedrooms, 1 bath. Rent based on income & assets. Example: Gross annal household income $12,000, your rent would be approximately $281 per month. Equal Opportunity Housing UNEXPECTEDLY AVAILABLE! $750 includes utilities, The Perfect Place for the professional or serious college student desiring the quiet and relaxing setting across from Hartman Rocks Recreation Area. Call 209-9075. 73 Columbine Road Beautiful well built 4 br 2 1/2 bath, 2 living areas with huge barn & outbuildings as an extra including you own chicken coop w/laying hens! $450,000! LOOKING FOR ROOM TO RENT! Experienced and trustworthy tenant. Non smoker, no pets. Needs place by end of December. Please call Brianna at 970-7656199 Thank you! (12/24). Mountaineer Village Apartments Now leasing. 12mo. leases receive a FREE Monarch Season Pass Pet friendly housing Come in and take a tour and start your living experience with Mountaineer! Give us a call at 970-641-1688 (12/31). MATURE, LONG-TIME GUNNISON, CO. COUPLE LOOKING FOR: pet friendly rental, available February 1st. Please call 2758949. (1/7). Palisades Apartments 1313 W. Ohio #22 Beautiful Huge 4 bedroom home very well maintained, very clean and shows just GREAT!! All large rooms throughout plus very large back deck! Lawn area & backs up to pond. 6 Months Free Lot Rent $79,900! LOOKING FOR A MONTH-TOMONTH RENTAL in Crested Butte/Gunnison Area. For a responsible, clean, outdoorsy couple. Any Information please call Rachel, 307-899-2809 Luxury Home on Ohio Creek 10 acres, water rights, hay meadow 3 bed/ 2 bath, 3,500 sf impeccable custom home. $807,650 Heart of Recreation 5 Bed/4 Bath Taylor River home over 4,500 sf, Almont, hot tub, views. $825,000 CHARMING S. Main Street Gunnison home at 317 S. Main for $268,000. Includes lg living room & family room/den, 3 bdrm/2 bath, hobby room, fenced yard, detached garage, covered & uncovered porches, super views of W Mtn. MOTIVATED MAKE OFFER ONE OR TWO ROOMS TO RENT in nice house by Hartman Rocks. Clean. Responsible renters only. $390. 209-8752. (12/24/18). 40 ACRES OFF THE GRID: borders BLM. 9 miles south of Gunnison on Gold Basin Road. Year round access. $72,000. 970-596-4324. (12/24/pd/21). FOR RENT: Dos Rios Log Home with wood stove, 4 bed, 3 bath, 2 car garage. $1400 utilities included. www.RentGunnison.com or call 970-209-8770. (12/24/23). (12/24/35) DO YOU NEED ACREAGE (UP TO 40)? Just north of town and 300’ off valley floor, unlimited water supply, forever views. 2099075, 641-4177. (12/24/23). AVAILABLE NOW: Room for Rent! In beautiful home 2 blocks from campus on Iowa. Call 970641-2118 for details. (12/31/pd/18). 4 - HALF ACRE RESIDENTIAL LOTS: 55-95K, great pole barn on one, trees, meadow, half mile from town. 209-9075, 641-4177. ting Celebra in s r a e Y 34 te ta s E l a Re Visit À Other Area Listings at www.clarkeagency.net NEW LISTING: 2 bdrm/1 bath mobile home on its own lot at 3 Phyllis Ln for $55,000. No space rent! Includes 2 sheds (one with 220 electric), woodburning stove, & appliances. *** IN TOWN HOME can be used as a duplex or single family home. Possibilities for a Bed and Breakfast, too! Includes mature yard with room for gardens and a future garage apartment. 108 N. 7th; $179,000 *** FEATURED HOME: 4 bdrm home with unfinished basement, guest room, den, home office at 901 N. Spruce for $299,000. Can easily be used as a 6 bdrm home. Includes attached garage, lg fenced yard, & woodburning stove. Get details at www.clarkeagency.net *** BIG HORN SHEEP, deer, & elk out your door. This log home is adjacent to the Almont Wildlife Triangle, & includes 18 acres adjoining the Taylor River & public lands. Call Cathie for details. 10300 Hwy 135; $989,000 *** TAYLOR CANYON HOME close to Harmels’ Resort & Spring Creek at 907 CR 744 for $395,000; 2382sf home on 2.41 acres features cozy sunroom, 2 car attached garage, home office, den, fenced yard, & mature trees. *** CUTE 2 BDRM/1 BATH home at 621 N. Boulevard for $165,000. Plenty of room to add on. Would make a great starter home or rental. FOR RENT: cozy, charming studio apartment with spacious deck. $400 a month. Small deposit, first, and last month’s rent required. If interested call Kara at 970-571-3668. (12/24/pd/26). FOR RENT: 2 story, 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath with dishwasher, washer/dryer, wood stove. No pets. $795 plus utilities. Pat 970-6413809. (12/24/22). FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF TODAY REALTY’S AVAILABLE RENTALS please visit our website www.todayrealtyinc.net or call Joe 970-641-0077. (12/24/18). NIGHTLY VACATION RENTAL IN GUNNISON. Fully furnished, sleeps up to 10 people, washer/dryer, cable, wifi, pet negotiable, $180 per night plus cleaning fee, call 970-688-1879 for availability or more information. (12/31/pd/31). 0 ail BURNIN’ DAYLIGHT RESORT at 940 Cove Rd (and Hwy 50) features 36 acres, established resort, large recreation building, 12 pull through RV sites, home, office, tent sites & 6 cabins. Call Cathie for details. *** AIRPORT AREA storage/construction building with owner’s quarter, overhead door, yard area & more! Call Cathie for details. 721 S. 9th; $365,000 *** WESTHAVEN CONDO in great condition includes 1 car detached garage, 2 bdrm/ 2 bath, 967sf; 304 S. 5th St; $118,500 *** FAIRWAY CONDO at 103 Shavano Dr Unit D6 for $153,000. Includes 3 bdrm/3 bath, oversized 1 car garage, hardwood floors, roomy feel. *** 104 ACRES IN COLORADO MTN RANCHES with view of the continental divide for $79,000. Get details & directions at www.clarkeagency.net *** FOX MEADOWS HOMESITE, motivated seller, 3.9 acres for $69,000 on Kiowa Lane. *** OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE on this Dos Rios Back Nine golf course lot at 1099 Fairway Ln for $99,000. A real bargain! *** STAR MTN RANCH building site with owner financing for $199,000. Five acres in gorgeous gated community. 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath with garage at Fairway Condominiums Unit D1 Dos Rios Golf Course. Great master bedroom and cute patio. Walk-in closets in all 3 bedrooms. Oversized one car garage with room for golf cart. End unit with southern windows. Receipts available showing $70 gas heating bills in winter. Includes appliances and home warrantee. Priced to sell fast at $152,000. For showing call Mark at (386) 873-2547 (12/24/38). FURNISHED VACATION HOMES: available Nov 20-May 31 or month to month, no pets, no smoking, please call 970-6411663 (12/24/18). PRICED BELOW appraised value! 4 bdrm/2 bath home at 31583 Hwy 149 is just 3/8 mile from the boat ramp & Blue Mesa Lake. Borders BLM, lg 2 car garage, gardens, weatherport, lg outdoor cellar, nearly 20 acres, no HOA fees; $250,000 Townhouse For Sale in Gunnison. FOR RENT AT TOMICHI CABINS: one bedroom unit for rent, plus brand new storage shed and one car garage. Laundry onsite. $550 per month plus utilities. Smokers need not apply. One pet allowed. 641-8897 evenings, leave message. Thanks. 1 ROOM FOR RENT: $340 per month,includes everything, 2 miles north of Gunnison, first and safety deposit, N/P N/S No pets. Single mature and responsible, able to pay rent on time. Alex 719239-0110. (12/31). (12/24/19). RESTORED LOG CABIN in the heart of the Rocky Mountains at 8639 CR 76, Ohio City. Includes 1200sf garage, ¾ acre, large shed, & gorgeous trees & gardens. You’ll enjoy the room to park RV’s & ATV’s, cozy woodburning stove, covered porch, claw foot tub, & country kitchen; $230,000 or (386)747-8203 ANTELOPE HILL MH LOT FOR SALE CHEAP, great views, .21 acres, taps paid, $24,395 or $350/month owner carry w/$0 down, 209-5308. (12/24/23). BUILDING FOR SALE: 9000 sq.ft. Newer, nice retail space. Call 970-275-8146 for details. (12/24/13). ...continued on page 15 733 Seneca Superb views from this partially remodeled 4 Bed, 3 Bath home. Situated on 8.3 acres with two cross fences, gravity irrigated pastures for horses. Take advantage of this excellent opportunity! $299,000 Call Jay (12/24/29). 1426 CR 46 121 N. Taylor Comm uni ty B roke rs Serving Gunnison & Crested Butte 131 North Main, Gunnison, CO 81230 Call Now! (970)641-1188 Gentlemen’s Ranch Maintained & with irrigated hay remodeled 5 Bed, 3 Bath pasture on 35 Acres home with options adjoining BLM land from residential to near Doyleville. Nice 2 commercial, or both. Space above the 3 bay Bed, 2 Bath newer home. garage for multiple uses. A property like this does not come along often! $359,000 Short Sale. $235,000 Call Tom Make Offer! Call Erich Building site close to WSCU, Rec Center and shopping. Great neighborhood adjacent to a park. $29,900 Call Erich 8 Acre Mining Claim in the gorgeous White Pine area surrounded by world class hunting and fishing. Borders Public Lands. $30,000 Call Joey 6+ Acre home site with Pass Creek frontage in Wilderness Streams. Access to private fishing, Forest & West Elk Wilderness. $190,000 Call Tom SEE ALL LISTINGS AT: www.g unnisonfor sale.com NESBIT T & COMPANY, LLC Bill Nesbitt and Lucinda Lull • 104 E. Tomichi • www.gunnisonhomes.com 641-2235 Erich Ferchau 596-0848 Tom Courtney 596-2681 Jay Miller 209-2864 Denise Baker 209-5828 Joey Micucci 901-6405 gunnison country shopper, december 23, 2014 FOR SALE: Samsung 40” HDTV, $350, 1 yr. old. 349-7391. (12/31). continued from page 14... FOR RENT: 2 bedroom duplex. Nonsmoking, no pets. Available mid-January. Call 641-0078. (12/24/12). LOOKING FOR A RENTAL? Gunnison Real Estate and Rentals has several available rentals in and out of town. Give us a call at 641-4880 M-F 9am-5pm or stop by our office at 129 East Tomichi and check out our rental list posted on the door. www.GunnisonRealEstateandRent als.com. (12/24/46). FOR RENT: Well maintained, ranch style home. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2-car garage in Gold Basin Meadows south of Gunnison. Near Tomichi Creek, on nearly a half acre, next to Hartman Rocks. $1,200/month. Call Bill 6412235 for a showing. (12/24/40). 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, 2-car garage Heatherwood Condo for rent. Near golf course. Private front and large back courtyard. All modern appliances. $1200/month. No pets. www.RentGunnison.com, or call 970-209-8770. (12/24/30). TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT IN GUNNISON: Available February 1. 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath with garage at Dos Rios Golf Course. $1175/month. Includes water, sewer, garbage, lawn care, snowplowing & appliances. Receipts available showing $70/month gas heating bills in winter. Month to month lease only requires 60 days notice prior to leaving. No pets. For showing, call Mark 386873-2547, 386-747-8203. (12/24/pd/60). FOR RENT: one bedroom apartment. Very tidy, with great views. Comes with heated garage space and includes utilities. Looking for a SINGLE person. No pets and nonsmokers. Call 641-0841 for details. (12/24/pd/31). FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath executive home on the Gunnison River. Includes lawn and garden care as well as water and sewer. $2,250 a month with a long term lease. Call Apogee Property Management at 970641-8844. (12/24/38). commercial realestate RESIDENTIAL RENTAL AVAILABLE: 970-596-0848. (12/24/4). MEDICAL OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT: for rent 7 days a week available immediately. Includes reception area and one room to see clients - massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, etc. $600 a month includes everything. 970355-9686. (12/24/33). BUILDING FOR RENT: 9000 sq.ft. Newer, nice retail space. Call 970-275-8146 for details. (12/24/13). WAREHOUSE/RETAIL SPACE: 950 Sq Ft for rent, electric, bay door and entrance door, great location lot’s of visibility. Build to suit. Call 970-209-6046. $750 + Utilities. (12/24/26). SHOP SPACE FOR LEASE: Signal Peak Industrial Park, 2 units at 1000 sq.ft. Can be combined. 970-988-9795. (12/24/17). TRACTOR TIRE CHAINS FOR SALE: fit 18.4x24” tires, $100 OBO. Call Bob 970-349-5159, 970-901-7277. (1/7). NEW: Eagle Creek Adventure 30” wheeled duffel bag. Retail $340, will sell for $100 cash. 209-2794 (12/24). LOOKING FOR: Peg board hardware. Want different length pegs, hooks, baskets, etc. that attach to peg board. Any quantity. Call Scott at 970-641-3853. Thanks! WATER METER: $150; 2754852. (12/24). FOR SALE: XL North Face snow pants worn 3 times, $50, great condition! Medium Gore-Tex North Face jacket, great condition (faint stain on front of jacket) $50. 574727-4730 (12/24). Every Day’s A Great Day for Sending Fresh Flowers, Green Plants, or a Gift Basket (12/24). CHRISTMAS IS COMING The Elves Are Very Busy! Sweaters - Ties Mugs Wallets - Candles Gifts BASICS FOR MEN Has Your Special Guy’s Gift 100 North Main St. Gunnison 642-4223 (12/24/28) OLD COMPUTERS WANTED: I refurbish donated computers and give them to kids whose parents cannot afford to buy them one for school. Some machines may go to churches, elderly, etc. If the machine is broken, I know how to repair it. NO CRT (TV type) screens or real old printers wanted. Everything on the hard disk is destroyed using Iolo Drive Scrubber. Former Sr. SA for the Comp Center at UT Austin. Robert, 901-5382. (12/24). 30-30 MARLIN 336C FOR SALE: Bought new in 2013. Put 4 boxes through it. Comes with 67 rounds. $450 OBO. Call Ed 972689-4615 (12/24). FOR SALE: snow blower tire chains, $10. 349-5190. (12/24). BRASS FOR SALE! Over 2400 once fired 5.56/.223 brass. Most with LC headstamps. None processed $175 OBO. Call or txt 970-596-6661 (leave msg). (12/24). Now Available Fragrant Fresh Wreaths, Colorful Poinsettias, Christmas Cactus, and Much, Much More To Brighten Your Home for the Holidays! MISTY MOUNTAIN FLORAL 147 N MAIN STREET GUNNISON 970-641-5102 TRAVEL SAFE AND SOUND THIS HOLIDAY SEASON WITH BLACK CANYON LIMOUSINE. Schedule your merry making transportation now and ring in the New Year without those annoying locking bracelets the police hand out... Make sure to check out the Gunnicam at blackcanyonlimo.com to see if it’s safe to go outside. Black Canyon Limousine 970-901-5922 (12/31/53). PRIOR KHYBER SPLITBOARD FOR SALE: Size: 168. 817-9290249 (12/31). GIRL SCOUT: if you want to sell some of your cookies, you need to call or see me. 641-1473 (12/31). BLOW-UP MATTRESSES: Queen $15, and Twin $10, with internal pumps; Pack-N- Play; $20 Fischer-Price Space Saver High Chair $15; call 970-765-4232 (12/24). ENTERTAINMENT CENTER: 32” TV, $25. 417-8996. (12/24). DINING TABLE and 4 chairs from Oak Express. Good condition. Light oak top with antique white legs. Nice heavy well-built table.$250. Also a matching buffet wine serving table $150.00 great condition. 641-3996 (12/24). ANNUAL NATURE BOOK SALE 25% Off All Books and Gifts Now thru December 31st Gunnison Ranger District Visitor Center 216 N. Colorado St. Located in Gunnison M-F 7:30am-4:30pm 970-641-0471 (12/31/29) DELL-1720 black-and-white laserjet computer printer, complete with Driver Disc, spare unused High-Capacity Toner Cartridge (6000 pages), hardcopy User Guide, USB cable, & power cord, $60/all. Operates very well on letter-size and similar paper in 250-sheet main bin;. 641-4529. (12/24). HOME THEATRE SYSTEM: Sony HT-CT350 sound bar with subwoofer, virtual 5.1 channel surround sound, multiple HDMI inputs/outputs, includes bracket to mount to Sony TV and manual. Excellent condition, $200. 970641-4828 (12/31). FOR SALE: Knapheide utility box, currently mounted on a 2009 Ford F450 chassis, Model 6108D54J. Like new and very clean. 970-943-7018 . (12/24). FREE: entertainment center. Huge approx. 6’x7’, oak, tons of storage, drawers, cabinets, fits a 35” TV. You haul. 970-209-1518. TIRES FOR SALE: $200 4 BF Goodrich all terrain tires. Like new. Driven 9K. 245/70/16. Retail $800-$1000 Call 5966413 (12/24). ONAN 4KW under-vehicle generator with hanging bracket, gas powered, 349-6796. (12/24). (12/24/49) IRON & GLASS BOOKSHELF display shelving. I have 2 of these, $100 each, in great condition. 303-656-7859 (12/31). WICKER BLINDS FOR SALE: 26” wide 47” long. Ten total, darker redwood color. Call Liz 497-0787 (12/24). FOR SALE: Scarpa Skookum AT ski boots, 27.5, heat moldable liners, $50. 349-5190. (12/31). 2 DOG CRATES: 24” long x 18” wide x 21” tall. Both have front doors, one has an additional side door. $20 each. 970-275-5414 (12/31). AS EARLY AS YOU CAN, START TEACHING YOUR CHILDREN ABOUT SAFETY: Not to interact with or take anything from people they don’t know, unless you or another trusted adult tells them it is all right. And teach them to yell and run if they think they are in danger. And definitely teach them to call 911. Preventative Advocacy 970-4177511. (12/24). FOR SALE: 2 - 8x10ft. heavy galvanized elk panels, $150/both. 275-4852. (12/24). FOR SALE: New Dynafit Cho Oyo skis 182cm 125-89-111mm. (1,080 grams) w/Dynafit Speed Superlight bindings and Dynafit 182cm skins, $1050. That’s $500 off current retail! 970-3497250 (12/24). WINCH: Electric, new in box, 2000 lbs., mountable on about anything, was $350 new, $200. Text or call 803-600-8020 (12/31). COFFEE AND END TABLES: Medium brown oak with light smoked colored glass tops trimmed with gold. Measures 56”x25”x16”; 26”x22”x21”; 22”x22”x16”. $250 for set of three, OBO. 970-641-1306 (1/7). WHITE MELAMINE & ASPEN TRIMMED DISPLAY STANDS. One measures 47”x24”x (16,36,26)”, with storage underneath; looks like an Award Podium. Second is a two tiered stand measuring 60”x24”x24”. Looks like steps. $100/both. Great for displays or plant stands. 970-641-1306 (1/7). Happy Holidays! ORTOVOX AVALANCHE BEACON with manual, $150, 5964772. (12/24). FOR SALE: Ikea Chaise Lounge, used for about 7 months. $225 or $195 if you pick up in Mt. Crested Butte. Please call Jenny 970-361-1081 if interested. We will be adjusting our publishing days for Christmas and New Year editions (12/24). BEAUTIFUL CHAINSAW TREE CARVING: 13-14’ tall w/bear, owl & mountain lion. Price neg. 828-446-7685. (12/31). We will be publishing on Tuesday, December 23 and Tuesday, December 30 VOLUNTEER AT THE GAC: Has your creative side been begging to take dance, clay or art classes but your budget won’t allow it? We are now offering the opportunity to work as a volunteer at the Gunnison Arts Center in exchange for credit towards class tuition. Call Alysa at 970-641-4029 to learn more about how you can help your local community arts center and earn credit towards that awesome class you want to take at the same time! (12/31). TODDLER/KIDS SKI BOOTS: sizes 7-10, Rossignol/Technica, $25/pair, call for sizes/makes, Eric 970-901-9234 (12/31). DID YOU KNOW YOU COULD RECEIVE A D.U.L. if you drive under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, other illegal drugs and some over the counter or prescription drugs, if they are misused. Preventative Advocacy 970-417-7511. (12/24). FOR SALE: X-Box 360 with 15 games. Games and X-Box are like new condition. $225 OBO; 2 ROKU Media players. Stream online movies. Both for $70 or one for $40. Call Jim 970-7654414 (12/31). ROCK TUMBLER: new in box, 2 drums, heavy duty, great Christmas gift, $60, text or call 803-600-8020 (1/7). Deadlines will be moved up one day with final deadline of Monday, 2PM each week Please contact us with any questions 970 641 3148 PIER ONE QUEEN BED SET: Wicker with ornate iron work. Very nice set comes with TV armoire, 2 side tables, head and foot board and dresser. $750 Call 303-656-7859 (12/31). FOR SALE: 6’ Meyer snow plow blade. $100. 209-7219. (12/31). TIRES FOR SALE: 2 265/75/16 all season, 75% tread, $75. 970-209-6051. (12/24). FOR SALE: mirror 24”x48”; pizza oven, countertop, like new; Gevalia 8-cup coffee maker, new; 5¢ gumball machine, great cond.; two inflatables, like new, stored indoors. 209-0142. (12/24). FOOSBALL: tornado sport. good condition. $550 OBO. 740-3648735 (12/24). TIRES FOR SALE: 2 Firestone Winterforce UV P215/70R16 99S, like new; 2 Mastercraft 215/70R16 Snow Groove Courser MSR. Mountain 16” rim; 1 Tigerpaw Uniroyal P215/70R16 radial; $75 per tire. Call 970-596-0978 (12/24). FOR SALE: old Casey’s bar piano, vintage Epworth Grand Piano, $100 OBO. Will deliver. Bob 970-901-7277. (1/7). BRAND NEW: 48x24x48 Lighthouse Hydroponics grow tent. Horticultural Perlita, canna coca, PH control kit, CocoTEk coconut coir, Clamp lights with aluminum refelctor, Inline Duct Fan Carbon Filter Combo, transistor ducting, All sold together. $250 OBO 970-275-5000. Paid over $500/all. (12/31). FOR SALE: 7 - 44” x 36” sheets of new corrugated metal siding. $40 970-275-2459 (12/24). BIKE REPAIR: for sale, “Park” tools professional work stand with base, $300. Call 275-0506. (12/24). TIRES FOR SALE: 2 33x12.50x15 LT tires, mounted on 6-holes, $50 ea. 970-2096051. (12/24). FOR SALE: Yakima car top bike racks with cross round bars and locks, $50 OBO. Call Bob 970901-7277. (1/7). VINTAGE & ANTIQUE INDIAN JEWELRY FOR SALE: Necklaces, chokers, pendants and bracelets available. Please call 970-349-6638 if interested. (12/24). FOR SALE: Matching GE washer and dryer 3 years old $300 for the set; glass top electric stove $250; all appliances in excellent condition. Call Bryon at 970-6408494. (12/24). 1500 GALLON GREEN WATER TANK: has been used for potable water, but would suggest it only be used for livestock or gardening only. $700. 641-5080. (12/24). FOR SALE: Jaguar lock blade knife, Two stainless steel blades. Slightly worn silver/black finish. 5 1/4” closed, 9” w/longest blade extended. $5. 641-0123. (12/24). RARE VINTAGE WORK BIRD LAWN TRACTOR: Runs, but needs a battery and a tune up. Make an offer. 970-901-6483. (12/24). FOR SALE: Remington AR-15, camo stock, tactical case, custom trigger & cock lever, some ammo. $1200. 209-2449. (12/24). ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West Hwy. 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 (12/24/17) FLEXIBLE FLYER WOODEN SLED: red metal frame & runners w/a slated wooden seat & wooden steering arm. Wood is showing some weathering, but original Flexible Flyer Arrow logo is still very visible on seat & steering arm. $35. 641-5080. (12/24). (12/24). “Your Downtown Main Street Florist” page 11 GUNNISON VINTAGE LICENSE PLATES FOR SALE: approximately 20, “1963”, no duplicates. Very good for collection. $12 each. Floyd 641-1311. (12/24). LOOKING FOR: a used but in good condition pool table ASAP. Highest I’ll pay is $500. Can pick up myself. Call Riley 303-5024740. (12/31). USED SOS/SIND AVALANCHE BEACON: $200, 970-901-1986. (12/24). FOR SALE: small Wurlitzer piano. Price negotiable. Contact Julia 275-8863 (12/24). KIDS XCOUNTRY SKI GEAR SET: Boots, skis, poles. Boots size 33. Skis 150. Poles good for 8 - 10 year old. Good condition. No wax and easy to ski. $75 OBO for complete package. 3499394. (12/24). FOR SALE: Remington 700 custom 375 ultra mag, 2 boxes of ammo, $2200 firm. 209-2449. FOR SALE: Salewa 10-pt. crampons, lightweight & adjustable, $30. 349-5190. (12/24). (12/24). HOOVER CONCEPT TWO UPRIGHT vacuum cleaner. Includes a detachable handheld vac and 14 bags. Works great! $30 firm. 641-3014 (12/31). ANTLERS WANTED TO BUY Deer, Elk, Moose. All Kinds Shed or Racks. White or Brown. Traders Rendezvous Gunnison 641-5077 or 641-6999 (12/24/21) FOR SALE: king size mattress with box spring and frame in good condition. $50, you pick up in CB. 802-371-8556 (12/24). CABLE TIRE CHAINS FOR SALE: Tracker LT . Never used. Fits most 14 and 15 inch tires. Call for exact size. $10. Call 6414184 (12/24). WORM CASTINGS WANTED: I am looking for fresh, locally produced worm castings with no cides or other toxins. Robert, 901-5382. (12/24). Computer got a virus? Running slow? Needs and upgrade? Call the Knight for the rescue Knight Technologies - Chris 970-642-3040 (12/31/19) FOR SALE: Kumbo radial tires, Solus HP4 plus, 135/65R14 M&S, 3 @ $25 OBO. Call Bob 970-901-7277. (1/7). METAL & GLASS TV STAND: $40 or best offer. 641-3014 (12/24). SYLVANIA 32” TV/Monitor/Receiver. MTS/SAP sound system. Front and rear video/audio inputs. Remote included. $25. 641-3014. (12/31). gunnison country shopper, december 23, 2014 SIX POINTS HAS MOVED! Come see us in our new home at 1160 N Main between the Auto Corral and Gunnison Rec Center. New Hours, Too! 9am-6pm M-F and 10am-5pm Sat. Donations accepted next to the garage door until 5:30pm M-F and 4:30 on Sat. Hope to see you soon! (12/31). “CARS” 5 PIECE CAMPING SET: incl. 5’x3’, 2-pole dome tent, 28”x57” sleeping bag, drawstring top back pack, compass & flashlight. Set is never used, new in the box, although extended storage has scarred up the box some. $29, 641-5080 (12/24). SKI BOOTS FOR SALE! Brand new, in the box! Dalbello 4 buckle race boot. Men’s size 9.5-ish. Call Marc 970-349-9108. Happy Holidays. (12/31). WHAT HAPPENS when you cross a Tree Tamer with snow? SNOW TAMERS INC! Call us for your FREE ESTIMATE TODAY. We specialize in entryway/roof snow clearing, hazard prevention and ice removal. Ph: 970-707-4067 or visit snowtamersinc.com. Serving the local community for 12 years! (2/11/44) SALOMON GUARDIAN 13 alpine touring bindings, sz small, brand new, $250, 349-6242. (12/31). DIGITAL TV BOX with remote, $35. Matt 970-349-2564 (12/24). RALEIGH ROAD BIKE: Grand Prix Included a never been worn 2011 USA Pro Cycling Challenge Jersey (XL a $100 value). $225. Call 970-765-4232. (12/24). SPACE HEATERS: 1 - 35,000 BTU diesel burner, $50; 1 55,000 BTU $50; 1 - 100,000 BTU propane, $125. 970-2096051. (12/24). ROAD BIKE: for sale, Fuji Altimira carbon, 50cm, sm/md frame. Ridden once. Equipped: Shimano Ultegra drive brakes, DT/Mavic ceramic wheels, Ritchey carbon bar/stem/post. Less than 15lbs! (12/24). JACK OF ALL TRADES COMPLETE HANDYMAN, REPAIR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES SCOTT LEFEVRE [email protected] 970-349-5161 970-901-6648 cell (12/24/19) page 12 FAT BIKE FOR SALE: Like new black Norco Bigfoot. 26x4” tires. Avid hydraulic disk brakes, Shimano 18 spd drivetrain. Retails $1500, please call and make offer. 602-622-3772. AUTO DETAILING by ROLANDO Wash, Wax, Carpet Cleaning, Interior Steam Cleaning Call John Roberts (12/24). Motor Works VINTAGE BIKES: Murray Monterrey, Rollfast, J.C. Higgins Flight, Allpro, Huffy Savannah, all in good shape but may need tubes or just air. Price dependent on model. 970-901-6483 (12/24). FOR SALE: 2 sets of golf clubs w/bags and lots of golf balls. Details call 641-2433 (12/31). WINCHESTER M 70 XTR: 375 H&H, brand new Leupold fixed 4x scope, 3 full boxes Federal Bonded Bear Claw. $1000 OBO. Call or text 970-209-0260. (12/24). GUNS - GUNS - GUNS Gunnison Mountain Pawn 641-6007 (12/31/7) SAFE: Sentry brand. Comes with key and combination. $100 firm. 505-670-4269 (1/7). BRAND NEW CULLIGAN SEDIMENT FILTERS: S-1A 20 micron replacement cartridges. Box of 8 still in wrapper for $60. Regular retail price is $10.99 ea. Call Emily 970-275-6677 (12/31). DAKINE BC VEST: Size md/lg. New condition. $100. Great alternative to a traditional backpack as it distributes the weight on your body. I am 5’6” & 140lbs and it fits perfectly over my ski clothes. If you are much bigger, it will be too small when loaded. 970-596-8887 (1/7). NEW LOVE SEAT: great condition. Dark greenish color, $300. Matt 970-349-2564 (12/24). GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! Turn that old gold into Christmas cash. Top dollar paid. Silver Queen Jewelry, 134 North Main, Gunnison, 641-9021. (12/24/21). NICE LUDWIG DRUM SET FOR SALE: $800 OBO (paid $1300) 596-2243. (1/7). TIRES FOR SALE: 2 245/75/16 tires mounted on 8hole wheels, all season, very good, $100. 970-209-6051. (12/24). HOME THEATRE SYSTEM: Sony HT-CT350 sound bar with subwoofer, virtual 5.1 channel surround sound, multiple HDMI inputs/outputs, includes bracket to mount to Sony TV, and manual. Excellent condition, $200. 970641-4828 (12/24). FORD PICKUP BED TRAILER: good wood hauler, $300. 6416908. (12/24). SMARTWOOL WOMEN’S JACKET: medium, brown, zip up. barely worn. Lined and hidden seam pockets. $40. 349-1321 (12/24). for an appointment 970-641-0920 (12/24/20) BASS AMPLIFIER AND SPEAKER CABINET FOR SALE: Hartke LH500, 500watt bass head for $275. Hartke Hydrive 112, a single 12” aluminum speaker cabinet for $300. Buy separately or together for $550, includes delivery in the Gunnison Valley. Call/text 970-275-8055. (12/24). FURNITURE: dresser, 9 drawers 19inx6ftx31.5in h. $80; Walnut 6 drawer dresser 18inx52inx30in h. $90; twin bed, headboard, frame,box spring & mattress $75; 2 Ikea bar stools 26in h. $45 each; Ikea round black coffee table 36in D. x 19in h. $75; Ikea black coffee table 36inx36inx19in h. $50. In CB, 970-275-3864. (12/24). FINE ARTS: prints by Melissa Harris, Lydia Mauer “On the Trail” framed, Andy Schyndle, D4NO. 209-0142. (12/24). PRICE REDUCED LAST TIME! ONLY $350! ANTIQUE OAK TABLE W/4 CHAIRS. Beautiful 1930-40’s craftsmanship, pullout leaves tuck/hide for small gatherings, includes 4 upholstered chairs, very excellent condition for age, compare over $1,500 NEW! Please call 970 596-1557! (12/24). GUNNISON GALLERY Thanks for voting us “Best Art Gallery 2014” We Sell WeatherPorts, We Repair WeatherPorts, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! We Buy WeatherPorts, 124 N. Main St. 970-641-6111 We Rent WeatherPorts! Contact Global Shelters SALOMON ROCKER2: 122 184cm, brand new, $400, 3496242 (12/31). Serving the Gunnison/ SPRING? Outdoor furniture, picnic table, 4 piece (love seat, chairs and table) all weather wicker set, Adirondack chairs, umbrellas and more. Call to see 970765-4232 (12/24). Sharbel @ 970-209-9711 2 - 100 GAL. ALUMINUM FUEL TANKS: manufactured in 1981, off an old truck, $475. 6415080. (12/24). HEAVY TUBING BENDER FOR SALE: 16-ton, jack style, bends schedule 40+80 pipe up to 3” diameter. Assorted sized of bending forms. $150 OBO. 2091319. (12/24). BARNWOOD 4 SALE Largest Inventory in Colorado 2X Rough Sawn Doug Fir 1X Barn Siding Hand Hewn Barn Beams. Rough Sawn Timbers. 3x8 - 18x18 970-596-2407 barnwoodamsalvage.com (12/24/26) LEATHER AND MICROFIBER SECTIONAL COUCH in great condition $750. 4 large sections and an ottoman with throw pillows. Very clean. Purchased for $2500 from Back at the Ranch. 303-656-7859 (12/24). Crested Butte valley for over 45 years! (12/24/33) SLEEPER COUCH FOR SALE: Comfy, clean, great condition. $100 OBO. Call 970-275-8910. (1/7). BEAUTIFUL ENTRY DOOR with dead bolt. Therma Tru super energy efficient fiberglass plus wood. 79 1/4” high, 36” wide. Two triple pane leaded glass panels in upper half. Medium oak stain. $800 to buy new, asking $200. 970-6412584. (12/24). FOR SALE: set of 4 2013 studded tires size 205 55/16 great shape, $200, 970-596-9390. (12/31). BETTY’S CLEANING Elba Alarcon DINING ROOM TABLE: with intricate inlay pattern. Very nice. $550 303-656-7859 (12/31). SET OF TWO SOLID OAK END TABLES: Good condition. $40. Pic available. 970-349-5988 (12/31). PANASONIC FAX MACHINE: with paper, $75, 349-0253. (12/31). SKATES! CMM Jaime Girl figure skates. Barely used. Size 1. $25 OBO. Great gift! 349-9394 (12/24). FOR SALE: Grizzly 1 1/2hp dust collector, 110, 2 yrs. old, $250. 641-6999, 641-5077. (12/24). AAA APPROVED AUTO REPAIR: Request an appointment online at precisionauto.net. 970-417-7432 Serving Gunnison County Residential - Commercial Job Site “Spiffy Clean in a Jiffy” (12/24/17) FOR SALE: 2 Twin Serta mattress and box sets. Still in great shape. $45 each or $80 for both. 641-3996 (12/24). 2005 KEYSTONE SPRINGDALE TRAVEL TRAILER: 29’ XL slide-in kitchen/living room, large back kitchen, separate bedroom/bath, exc. cond., lightweight/easy to pull, 2”x2” receiver for bike carrier, electric tongue jack, sway bar, hitch & mirrors included. $10,500 OBO. 6419518. (12/24). (12/24/10). ANTIQUE FUR COAT FOR SALE: Please call 970-349-6638 if interested. (12/24). FREE SOFA: Red/burgundy, leather, full size couch (84” long). Has some cracks and scratches. Call Aarin 349-5538 (12/31). SEEKING those unused chess, checkers, backgammon, cribbage and dominoes sets gathering dust on your shelves. Donate them to the Magic Meadows Yurt. 970-417-0446. (12/31). NEW IN BOX HEAVY DUTY RADIATOR: #3433 from ReadyRad Radiators. Originally bought for 1979 Ford Bronco, but fits many other vehicles. $200. 6415080. (12/24). Need Some Last Minute Gift Ideas Or Stocking Stuffers? All Can Be Found at (12/24/17) today for all your WeatherPort needs. WANTED: BOWLING BALLS, any condition, will pay cash. Dan 641-5054, will pick up. (12/24). INDIAN ARTIFACTS FROM SOUTHERN ARIZONA FOR SALE: Arrowheads, manos and matates, pottery shards and pots. Please call 970-349-6638 if interested. (12/24). FIRE SAFETY FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Keep all open flame devices (candles) on hard surfaces with solid bases far enough away from the tree so they cannot be accidentally knocked over into the tree or any type of combustible material. Happy Holidays from your Fire Department. (12/24). 10HP SNOWBLOWER: by White Outdoor machines. 28” auger. Electric start. Works well. Snowblower. $400. 970-2756471. (12/31). HOPE & GLORY 147 N Main Street Gunnison 970-641-1638 Open til 4:00pm on Christmas Eve And Don’t Forget Our After Christmas Sale Starting Friday, 12/26! (12/24/38) MOUNTAIN BIKE: Rocky Mountain Carve, 19”, blue. $425. 970-275-5414 (12/31). NEW TIGER POWER Multi-Power air compressor. 11.9 gallons, CFM 100 PSI; PVM 100 LPC. $800. 275-0685 (1/7). LOOKING FOR: horse shoes for welding project. Any size or condition, I will take them off your hands, thanks 970-901-0622. FOR SALE: Hinged cedar fence to keep little ones safe from the wood stove. $15. 970-275-2459 (12/31). (12/24). FREE THINNING: For mountain properties, call for details. 2754852 (12/24). FOR SALE: Raleigh Grand Prix road bike, $150; unworn 2011 Pro Cycle Challenge Jersey (xl) $65 and others; yoga mats, blocks, weights bands, chin-up bar, $30 for all call 970-7654232 (12/24). CHRISTMAS IS COMING The Elves Are Very Busy! Sweaters - Ties Mugs Wallets - Candles Gifts BASICS FOR MEN Has Your Special Guy’s Gift 100 North Main St. Gunnison 642-4223 (12/24/28) ANTIQUE OAK HALL TREE: $200, 417-8996. (12/24). ATOMIC BETA RIDE 9.22S with Marker binding, fits around size 9 boot. Super fun carvy ski, but not for the deep pow. 108-72-100, 180cm. $50. Eric 970-901-9234 (12/24). NONO MODEL 88: NoNo hair removal system, $100. 3490253. (12/31). FIREWOOD FOR SALE Free Delivery of 3 or More Cords I have a mountain to sell! 209-6101 (2/11/pd/17) FOR SALE: Two nearly new leather couches, 64” long, dark brown color. Superb condition, $150, call 641-0898 (1/7). FOR SALE: 2 Cobra walkie/talkies. Model PR 3100. $10, call 275-3937. (12/24). 25 GALLON AIR TANK: standard fittings, new in box. $40 Text or call 803-600-8020 (12/31). ARE COMMERCIAL GRADE WORK TOPPER with ergo ladder rack, 80.25”x68.5”, like new, $850. 596-6359. (12/24). FOR SALE: Pearl Izumi Seek II. Women’s waterproof running shoe. Size 9. $20 Call or text for pictures or more info 540-7982324 (1/7). FOR SALE: Levelrail cab steps for truck off an ‘01 F150, $50. 596-6359. (12/31). WANTED ANTLERS SHEDS & RACKS Pay Top Dollar Berfield’s Stage Stop 970-641-5782 (4/1/pd/11) DISNEY PRINCESS DRESS & DRESSES: $15 each. We have 6 dresses. 303-656-7859. (12/24). TIRES FOR SALE: 3 205/60/15, studded, 75% tread, $75. 970-209-6051. (12/24). TIRE CHAINS FOR SALE: Class S, Cam Tuff by Campbell. Like new, fits some 14, 15, & 16 tires. Call for sizing. Still in new case. Sell new for $50, asking $25, call 641-7499 (12/31). GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR gunnison country shopper, december 23, 2014 page 13 Arts.Sports.Food.Festivals.Dances.LiveMusic.Exercise.SeniorsEvent s.School.Libraries.VolunteerOpportunities.WHO?Plays.Work shops.F u n d r a i s e r s . Races.Clubs.Yoga.To ur s .Education.Bingo.Observatory.WHAT?Museums.Rodeos.Ci r cu se s. Ma r k ets . F ai r s. W e l l n e s s . WH EN ?R ec ov e r y . R e c r e a t i o n . C hu r c he s. V e t e r a n s . L i b r a r i e s .F a m ilies. A r tOpe ni ng s . P a r a d e s . W H E R E ? S p o r t s . F o o d . F e s t i v a l s . D a n c e s . C o n v o v c a t i o n s . E xerc ise. S y m p o s i u m s . S c h o o l . R a l l i e s . V o l u n t e e r O p p o r t u n i ties.Kids.Plays .Workshops.Fundraisers.Races.Clubs.WHY?Tours .Education.Bingo.Observatory.Galleries.Museums.R odeo s . C ir c u s es . M a r W H O ? W H AT ? W H E N ? W H E R E ? W H Y ? H O W ? Wednesday, December 24 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9-10am, Get Your Eves On – Prana Vinyasa Yoga with Leia. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison. www.gunnisonsanctuary.com • Every Wednesday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-6414156. • Free Meditation class every Wednesday 55:20pm at Main Street Clinic, Gunnison, on the alley. • Christmas Eve Torchlight Parade at Crested Butte Mountain Resort. www.skicb.com • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Wed., 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org • Comunidad Cristiana Emanuel te invita a su cena Navideña este 24 de Dic. 2014 alas 6;00 pm en el Rodeo tendremos piñatas juegos premios acompañados de una rica cena Graties. • Gunnison Bible Institute at First Baptist Church each Wednesday at 7pm. Open to the public. No cost. • Alanon/Alateen Crested Butte, 7:30pm Wednesdays, The UCC Church Parlor, 403 Maroon Ave. alanon.org • Christmas Eve Service at New Song Christian Church, 7-8pm. Join us to celebrate The Savior's birth. Refreshments following. 77 Ute Lane, (just past the cemetery, 1 mile east of Gunnison) Thursday, December 25 MERRY CHRISTMAS! • Community Church hosting “Christmas at Community” free soup luncheon from 11:30am-2pm. Everyone is welcome. Volunteers needed. Julie Klug 641-9043 or [email protected]. • Christmas Day Sleigh Ride and Dinner at Uley's Cabin. Celebrate the holidays with a truly unique dining and alpine experience! Tickets Start at $100. www.skicb.com Friday, December 26 • Crested Butte Dance Collective, Aerial Conditioning: Fridays through April 3, 8:309:15am. $8/class. Center for the Arts 3497487, www.crestedbuttearts.org • Crested Butte Dance Collective, Open Aerial Dance: Fridays through April 3, 9:15-10am. $8/class. Center for the Arts 349-7487, www.crestedbuttearts.org • Emotions Anonymous: Fridays 3-4:30pm, The Center for Mental Health 710 N. Taylor, Gunnison. 641-0229 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Speaker, 7pm, 114 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org Saturday, December 27 • Community Yoga at The Sanctuary, 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, 9-10:30am, gunnisonsanctuary.com • Alcoholics Anonymous, Women’s, 9:30am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org • Seventh-day Adventist Church Saturday Praise and Worship 10am; Bible discussion & kids programing 11am. 77 Ute Lane, 970-209-7911 or 970-234-2336 • Guided Tour Of Artwalk Galleries In Crested Butte, 5-7pm. $15. www.awearts.org • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org. • The Crested Butte Snowsports Foundation Winter Gala at the Sweet Spot at 7pm, Tickets are $100 and include appetizers, beer and wine. crestedbuttesnowsports.org Sunday, December 28 • Sundays @ The Yurt. On the Nordic trail system at Magic Meadows. Sundays from 10-2. www.cbnordic.org. Pass required (free for kids & elders) no pooches. • Yoga at The Sanctuary, Restorative w/Karah, 5-6pm. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, gunnisonsanctuary.com • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Sundays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org Monday, December 29 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 12:15pm with Kate, 5:15pm w/Lynn T. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, gunnisonsanctuary.com • The Trailhead Children's Museum Holiday Break Camp (ages 5-12). 9am-3pm and cost $42/ non-members, $40/members. 349-7160, trailheadkids.org [email protected] • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Daily, 8am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org • Western Pilates at The Sanctuary Studio, 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, with Kenny Marks. www.westernpilates.net. 8:15am, 8:45am. • Brainstrong meets on the last Monday of every month from 12-1pm in the conference room at Gunnison Valley Health Hospital. Bring your lunch! 970-275-9545. • Every Monday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • GED preparation and Basic Adult Education classes at the Gunnison Community School, 1099 N. 11th St. Monday & Wednesday, 68pm. Ellen 970-641-7999 • English Classes, Mondays, 6-8pm at the Community School (children 0-13 welcome). Ellen 970-641-7999, Marsha 641-7647. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Traditions, Mondays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org Tuesday, December 30 • SHOPPER DELIVERY DAY! See the Holiday Hours ad for details! • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9am w/Karah, 12:15pm & 5:15pm w/Leia. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, www.gunnisonsanctuary.com • The Trailhead Children's Museum Holiday Break Camp (ages 5-12). 9am-3pm and cost $42/ non-members, $40/members. 349-7160, trailheadkids.org [email protected] • English Classes, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am1pm, CAFE & Multicultural Office (no childcare). Ellen 970-641-7999, Marsha 6417647. • Gunnison Kiwanis meets every Tuesday at noon at Café Silvestre, 903 North Main St., Gunnison. • Knights of Columbus will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall. • Gentle Aerial Dance, CB Center for the Arts. 5:30-6:30pm. $15. Open to ages 15-adult. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970-349-7487. • Celebrate Recovery Meetings, Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. 970-5963846 or go to www.ohbejoyfulchurch.org. • BINGO Tuesdays at the Elks Lodge, Gunnison, 7:30pm • Alanon/Alateen Gunnison, 7:30pm Tuesdays. The Last Resort 114 N Wisconsin St. alanon.org Wednesday, December 31 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9-10am Get Your Eves On – Prana Vinyasa Yoga with Leia. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison. www.gunnisonsanctuary.com • Every Wednesday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-6414156. • Free Meditation class every Wednesday 55:20pm at Main Street Clinic, Gunnison, on the alley. • Torchlight Parade & Fireworks, Crested Butte Mountain Resort. www.skicb.com • New Year's Eve Yurt Dinner & Party, Magic Meadows Yurt, Crested Butte. Doors 7pm, Dinner 7:30pm, party 10:30pm. www.cbnordic.org • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Wed., 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org • Gunnison Bible Institute at First Baptist Church each Wednesday at 7pm. Open to the public. No cost. • Alanon/Alateen Crested Butte, 7:30pm Wednesdays, The UCC Church Parlor, 403 Maroon Ave. alanon.org • Dance with Opal Moon. Live Music at The Last Chance Saloon, 9th & Rio Grande, Gunnison. Thursday, January 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR! • English Classes, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am1pm at CAFE and Multicultural Office (no childcare). Ellen 970-641-7999, Marsha 6417647. • The Confidential Advocacy Center (CAC) is offering peer support groups to women affected by domestic violence, first & third Thursday, 6-7pm. 641-2712. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Daily Reflection, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org Friday, January 2 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am, with Delaney. 513 South Main St., Gunnison, www.gunnisonsanctuary.com • The Trailhead Children's Museum Holiday Break Camp (ages 5-12). 9am-3pm and cost $42/ non-members, $40/members. 349-7160, trailheadkids.org [email protected] • Learn to Ski 4 Free! Crested Butte Nordic Center. Hosted by the Crested Butte Nordic Council. www.cbnordic.org • Crested Butte Dance Collective, Aerial Conditioning: Fridays through April 3, 8:309:15am. $8/class. Center for the Arts 3497487, www.crestedbuttearts.org • Crested Butte Dance Collective, Open Aerial Dance: Fridays through April 3, 9:15-10am. $8/class. Center for the Arts 349-7487, www.crestedbuttearts.org • FreeCycle Friday, Ute Hall on WSCU campus, donate or browse FREE items. 720-878-2537. • Emotions Anonymous: Every Friday 3-4:30pm, at The Center for Mental Health 710 N. Taylor, Gunnison. 641-0229 • First Fridays Art Walk & Music, Downtown Galleries, Gunnison • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Speaker, 7pm, 114 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org Saturday, January 3 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Women’s, 9:30am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org • Seventh-day Adventist Church Saturday Praise & Worship 10am; Bible discussion & kids programing 11am. 77 Ute Lane, Gunnison. 970-209-7911, 970-234-2336 • The Gunnison-Crested Butte Fat Bikers Winter Growler, Fat Bike Race Series Race #2, Hartman Rocks Recreation Area, Gunnison, 10am. www.cbchamber.com • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org Sunday, January 4 • Sundays @ The Yurt. On the Nordic trail system at Magic Meadows. Sundays from 10-2. www.cbnordic.org. Pass required (free for kids & elders) no pooches. • Yoga at The Sanctuary, Restorative w/Karah, 5-6pm. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, gunnisonsanctuary.com • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Sundays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org Monday, January 5 • 2015 Winter Schedule begins at The Sanctuary. See the changes online! gunnisonsanctuary.com 513 S. Main St., Gunnison • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Daily, 8am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org. T he Deadline for THE GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR is MONDAY at 10:00 a.m. • Western Pilates at The Sanctuary Studio, 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, with Kenny Marks. www.westernpilates.net.8:15am, 8:45am. • Every Monday (excluding Holidays), Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, 970-641-4156. 970-641-4156. • GED preparation and Basic Adult Education classes at the Gunnison Community School, 1099 N. 11th St. Monday & Wednesday, 68pm. Ellen 970-641-7999 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Traditions, Mondays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org Tuesday, January 6 • New 2015 Winter Schedule at The Sanctuary. See the changes online! gunnisonsanctuary.com 513 S. Main St., Gunnison • English Classes, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am1pm at CAFE/Multicultural Office (no childcare). Ellen 970-641-7999, Marsha 6417647. • Gunnison Kiwanis meets every Tuesday at noon at Café Silvestre, 903 North Main St., Gunnison. • Knights of Columbus will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall. • Adult Intro to Aerial Dance, CB Center for the Arts, Tuesdays, January 6-27, 6-7:30pm. $22/class drop in. Open to ages 15-adult. $75. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970-349-7487. • Celebrate Recovery Meetings, Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. Call 970596-3846 or go to www.ohbejoyfulchurch.org. • BINGO every Tuesday at the Elks Lodge, 7:30pm • Alanon/Alateen Gunnison, 7:30pm TuesdaysThe Last Resort 114 N Wisconsin St. alanon.org Daily Happenings • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Daily, 8am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org A Look Ahead... • Crested Butte Nordic Mountain Store Citizen Point Series Race, Jan 10 - Magic Meadows Half-Dozen Criterium. www.cbnordic.org • Cross Country Ski Clinic at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, January 11. Call to register or reserve your spot at 970-2491914 ext. 423. www.nps.gov/blca • reCreations Live painting, Thursday, January 15, 6-8pm. $35. The Sweet Spot in Mt. Crested Butte. "Red Poppy" by Georgia O'Keefe. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970-3497487. • Crested Butte Nordic Mountain Store Citizen Point Series Race, Jan 17 - Citizens Race #4 10k/20k Classic. www.cbnordic.org • Mountain High Music Festival, January 15 - 18, 2015. www.mountainhighmusicfest.com • Gunnison Community Blood Drive, January 20, 10:30am-4:30pm. Gunnison Fair Grounds Vantuyl Room, 275 S. Spruce S., Gunnison. Bonfils Appointment Center 800-365-0006, ext 2 or visit bonfils.org. • Western State Colorado University Blood Drive, January 21, 8:30am-3pm. Donations inside the Western Lower/Practice Gym. Appointments: Suzy Coykendall 943-2645 or visit bonfils.org. • January 31, 2015. The Kenny Mac Nordic race, a fundraiser for Gunnison Nordic. Location will be determined on January 10 based on snow conditions. www.gunnisonnordic.com. email kadie@gunnisonshopper .com gunnison country shopper, december 23, 2014 page 14 HENRY’S RADIO & TV Sales, Service and Installation TVs, Stereos, Satellite Systems RHODES UPHOLSTERY All To shiba LE D TV s 10 % OFF Free Pickup and Delivery Free Estimates Furniture, Auto & Marine 641-0656 Every Day’s A Great Day for Sending Fresh Flowers, Green Plants, or a Gift Basket Now Available Fragrant Fresh Wreaths, Colorful Poinsettias, Christmas Cactus, and Much, Much More To Brighten Your Home for the Holidays! MISTY MOUNTAIN FLORAL 147 N MAIN STREET GUNNISON 970-641-5102 “Your Downtown Main Street Florist” (12/24/49) STAY WARM THIS WINTER! Great deal on this barely used pellet stove. Call 641-2387 for details. (12/31). FOR SALE: women’s Kenetrek Mtn. Extreme- worn 2x. $250 Call or text 540-798-2324 for pictures or further info! (1/7). OSTER BREAD MACHINE FOR SALE: Perfect for Christmas! Older machine but in like-new condition. Used only 3-4 times. Recipe book included. $20. 970209-2668. (12/24). FOR SALE: Epiphone EPSC210 amp with chorus and overdrive, 2X10 speakers. $225. Call 2755737 (12/31). COLEMAN REFRIGERATOR: AC/DC 15”x 15” x 24” high, great for car camping $20. Misc. coolers also available. Call 970-7652432 (12/24). 8” METALBESTOS stainless steel stove pipe, make offer, 5964772. (12/24). FOR SALE: Akai 61” DLP HDTV $100, (5) pump jacks scaffolding $10 each. Call Frank 209-7901. (12/24). BEAUTIFUL: in great condition, oak dresser, 9 drawers total. Message or call for details/pictures. $150 OBO. 310-433-0715. (12/31). LEUPOLD RANGEFINDING BINOCULARS: 9x32 power range to 800 yards, great Christmas gift. $400 596-4772 GREAT CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR GUITAR PLAYER: Powerful Crate guitar amp w/2 12” speakers, $85; Crate guitar tube amp w/1 12” speaker, $75; Designed like old style tube amps, Sony surround sound home entertainment stereo system with amp & 2 DVD players, $65; incredible guitar effects unit $25. 970-596-4701. (12/31). WE CAN DO IT! FORD, GM, C H R Y S L E R / D O D G E / J E E P, VW/AUDI, SAAB, VOLVO, TOYOTA, HONDA, NISSAN. Low cost rental cars, 24 month/24,000 mile warranty. We also service most other makes & models. Call Precision Automotive your “AAA Approved Auto Repair” Since “1984”. 641-4040, precisionauto.net. (12/24/44). (12/24). FOR SALE: North Face down hoodie jacket. Brand New. Size S/M. Many features. $100. 3495190. (12/24). FOR SALE: wood headboard, 64”Wx48”H, cast decorative flower insert, 61” mattress, $25 OBO. Call Bob 970-901-7277. FOR SALE: tempered glass panels, single pane, (4) 43”x83”, $50 ea. OBO. Call Bob 970-349-5159, 970-901-7277. (1/7). (1/7). FREE CLOTHES! If you need clothes, please call. Starting a Gunnison Clothes Bank. Maureen 641-0171. (1/7). FOR SALE: new Jones 156cm Hovercraft split board, $550. 970-901-1986. (12/24). FREE: artificial Christmas tree, 6 feet tall. Pick up in Gunnison. call 970-596-07 (12/24). DINING ROOM CHAIRS: Very comfortable captain chairs. Set of 4 black. $75 each. 303-6567859 (12/31). CHRISTMAS IS COMING The Elves Are Very Busy! Sweaters - Ties Mugs Wallets - Candles Gifts BASICS FOR MEN Has Your Special Guy’s Gift 100 North Main St. Gunnison 642-4223 (12/24/28) FOR SALE: medium Helly Hansen snow jacket (good condition) purple/grey/cream $60! Large purple/cream North Face snow jacket (great condition) $50! Medium forest green North Face snow jacket (great condition) $35. 574727-4730 (12/24). ASS EMBLI ES OF GOD “The River” SINCE SANTA’S SLEIGH WILL BE BOOKED, LET BLACK CANYON LIMOUSINE carry you and your elves to Holiday gatherings in safe style and comfort. Also make sure to check out the Gunnicam at blackcanyonlimo.com to see if Santa has arrived in town! Black Canyon Limousine 970-901-5922 (12/31/45). QUADRAFIRE GAS STOVE: in excellent condition ,runs on Lp or nat. gas, $1800, 596-4772 (12/31). GLASSWARE: Some specialty beer glasses, lots of water glasses. All great condition. Call Liz 497-0787 (12/24). COMUNIDAD CRISTIANA EMANUEL te invita a su cena Navideña este 24 de Dic. 2014 alas 6;00 pm en el Rodeo tendremos piñatas juegos premios acompañados de una rica cena Graties (12/24). FOR SALE: Clark brand 2000 Elite exerciser, just lay down & wiggle. Top of the line, commercial quality. Hardly ever used. Paid $360, I’ll settle for $200. Mike 970-641-2315 (12/24). (12/24/13) STATE OF THE ART DEHUMIDIFIER: for crawl space. Paid $750, selling for $300. Matt 970349-2564 (12/24). GREEN LEATHER LOVE SEAT FOR SALE: clean and in okay shape, $30. Call or text Chris @ 719- 293-0881. (12/24). ANTIQUES: Royal Dalton humpback trunk, refinished; telephone & operator box. 209-0142. (12/24). Whatever happened to that Computer Guy - Chris? He’s the Knight at Knight Technologies Call to get rescued. Knight Technologies - Chris 970-642-3040 641-1453 TELESCOPE FOR SALE: $50, 970-209-6051. (12/24). FLY RODS FOR SALE: Orvis Access 8’6” 4-weight 4-piece mid flex $200; Orvis Helios 8’6” 5weight 4-piece mid flex $300; Orvis Helios2 (H2) 9’ 5-weight 4piece tip flex $350. 970-5960380 (1/7). A N T I Q U E PHOTOGRAPHS/PORTRAITS FOR SALE: Please call 970-3496638 if interested. (12/24). ANTIQUE CROCKERY FROM WISCONSIN FOR SALE: Assorted sizes and prices. Please call 970- 349-6638 if interested. (12/24). REDUCED LAST TIME! ONLY $350! GREAT XMAS GIFT! LADIE’S COMPLETE XCOUNTRY Setup! Almost $900 invested! FISCHER 169cm Spider SixtyTwo Crown offtrack skis w/BC country 130cm poles, Rossignol bindings, BC-X9 thermo fit boots EUR 39/US 8-8.5. BRAND NEW CONDITION! 970596-1557! (12/24). (12/24). ALPACA RUG WITH OWL DESIGN: Makes a great wall hanging. $150 OBO. 641-3014. (12/31). CENTURY LINK BOX: Selling it for $100 but can always be reduced. Comes with everything it was shipped with. 720-936-6007 call or text if interested. (12/24). BLACK METAL CAR ROOF RACK/CARRIER: metal mesh bottom with 2 rail sides w/2 slates per side. Was made to fit a Ford Explorer. Rack measures 7’x4’x8 1/2’, $250. 641-5080. (12/24). I.S.O.: sax player to start a local group. Call Riley 251-401-2337. (12/24). on Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Traders Rendezvous 516 West Tomichi, Gunnison 641-5077 (12/24/14) FOR SALE: 4 2014 Chevy Silverado tires; Wrangler SR-A P275/55R20; ONLY 500 miles; $150 OBO per tire; call Marv at 970-901-0039. (12/31). 9 2 C o u n ty R oa d 1 7 • 641 - 08 64 • P as t or Mi ke Da r n e ll S u n d a y Wo r s h i p 1 0 a m w w w. r i v e r o f l i f e g u n n i s o n . o r g 5 2 3 N o r t h P i n e • 6 4 1 - 1 8 1 3 S e n i o r P a s t o r M i c h a e l M c Ve y S u n d a y W o r s h i p : 8 a m Tr a d i t i o n a l , 1 0 : 3 0 a m B l e n d e d F a m i l y B i b l e S t u d y : 9 : 1 5 a m S u n d a y M o r n i n g S a t u r d a y E v e n i n g Wo r s h i p : 6 p m H i s p a n i c Wo r s h i p : S a t u r d a y 6 p m , B i b l e S t u d y : T h u r s d a y 7 p m We d n e s d a y S e r v i c e s: B . L . A . S . T. & Yo ut h & P r a y e r M e e t i ng - 6 : 3 0p m w w w. T B C g u n n i s o n . c o m FM TRANSMITTER FOR SALE! Micro-Power FM transmitter with indoor/outdoor antenna. Perfect for home entertainment. $185 OBO. Call or txt 970-596-6661 (leave msg). (12/24). WANTED: 2015 Unit 66 Landowner Archery tags. Will pay fair market value. Call Marc 970349-9108. Thanks and Happy Holidays. (12/31). WINTER SPECIAL! 10% OFF PRUNING! Winter is the BEST time to prune your trees. Call Tree Tamers Inc for your FREE ESTIMATE TODAY and SAVE $$$! Ph: 970-707-4067 or visit treetamersinc.com. Serving the local community for 12 years! Offer valid 1 Dec. - 1 Mar, 2014. (2/11/44) CUSTOM CABINETRY! Maybe it will fit your space? White oak cabinets with rustic/distressed medium brown finish. Two 75” long lower cabinet sections with various drawer configurations. Slow close action hinges. Upper cabinet sections to match, 39” wide X 39” high, radiused canopy to connect upper cabinet sections. Call or text me and I’ll send pics. $2,500. Eric 970-901-9234 (12/31). garagesales ONGOING INSIDE MOVING SALE: 110 Mountaineer Dr. (behind the rec center) Entire household must go - all items priced with tags. Stop by Monday - Friday, or call 970-964-7036, 970-964-8734, please leave message if no there. Entertainment center, TVs, tools, hunting equip., Christmas, 3 bedroom sets, a truck, too! (12/24). LEFEVRE ACCOUNTING COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING, SALES TAX NON PROFIT AND PAYROLL SERVICES SCOTT LEFEVRE [email protected] 970-349-5161 970-901-6648 cell (12/31/21) SKI BIKE: 60s Has never been on snow. American Ski Assoc approved. $150 OBO. 641-5430 henrystv.com SERVING GUNNISON AREA SINCE 1961 1 1/2 miles North of Gunnison on Highway 135 (12/24/18) TORK MOTION SENSOR PAPER TOWEL DISPENSERS: Three total, easy wall mount. Call Liz 497-0787. (12/24). SNOW TIRES: Nitto SN2 studless. 235/70 R16. Used one season. Good condition. $300 OBO. Call 275-6677. (12/31). FREE: armoire & night stand, dark wood 828-446-7685. (12/31). MIRACLE PIANO: Learn to play piano. Keyboard and software. Plus One Gateway laptop. Both for $120. Call Jim 970-7654414. (12/24). VINTAGE INDIAN RUGS FOR SALE: Assorted sizes, themes and prices. Please call 970-3496638 if interested. (12/24). LOOKING FOR: used metal Tposts, 275-4852. (12/24). CASH TO LOAN OH SO COOL! Matching Singer treadle sewing machine iron base with oak top end tables. Perfect for living room or bedroom. Buy the pair or separately. $80 each. 641-3014. (12/31). TRIN ITY BAPTIST CHURCH Let Us Sell Your ATV or Snowmobile Only $75 Sun Sports Unltd 641-0883 BOOKS: Society The Basics, John J. Macionis $25; Algebra Form and Function McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett $25; a pocket style manual 6th edition Diana Hacker, Nancy Sommers $15. 316-253-5188. (12/31). GUITAR PICKUP: Fishman humbucking Neo-D Passive Soundhole pickup. Brand new, $75; recording microphone $25. 970-2755414 (12/31). FOR SALE: Scarpa Alien Race ski boots size 28.5 mondo (11.5). Great shape. $380. Call Pat O’. @ 970-349-7250. (12/31). WHEEL WEIGHTS & TIRE CHAINS: for riding lawnmower used as snowplow. $50 OBO. 970-596-3053. (12/24). INFRARED PORTABLE SPACE HEATER: 1500W with high & low temperature range 50-85 deg. Perfectly safe around children & pets with no exposed heating elements. Overheat cut off & tip over protection system, push-button controls, LED display. Model DR968. New $249.99. Sell $100. 641-1473 (12/31). FOR SALE: Christmas is coming! Two children saddles, $125 each; and one Simco youth saddle, $145. Call 641-0867. (12/24). LOCAL CHURCHES (12/31). GALENA POTTERY: does anyone in the valley know about Galena Pottery? If so, please call Deb at 641-3884. Thanks! SNOW TIRES: 195/65 R15 91Q. Altimax Arctic with studs. Great condition. Only 4,000 miles. 4 for $150 OBO. 641-4751 Terry. (12/24). YOUTH WOODEN DESK, good condition $20. 417-8996 (12/24). lost&found $150 REWARD: for the return of large Dewalt table saw stolen from outside shop in alley between Lucas Construction, and Spallone Construction at Bidwell. Call Scott 970-901-0874. (12/24). LOST: Brown Maui Jim sunglasses on rolled leather retainer. If found, please call 641-3941; then I’ll know for sure that there IS a Santa Claus. Thanks! (12/31). THE FOLLOWING ITEMS are at the Gunnison Police Department. To claim an item listed below please contact a Neighborhood Services Officer at 641-8242: 142130 Visa card owner Vera M. Machado; 14-2139 Debit card owner Adrienne B. Templeton; 142139 Debit card owner Jason L. Ahrens; 14-2139; Credit card owner M. Hopkins Salsbury; 142191 Drivers license owner Andrew Buchanan; 14-2195 Blue Moon town bike; 14-2201 Wallet owner Daniel Brennan; 14-2206 Jamis town bike; 14-2208 Huffy BMX bike. (12/24). BROWN VERSACE SUNGLASSES lost at Mill Creek on Sunday 12/7. If found please call/text 447978267015, email [email protected] (12/24). LOST: Hero 3 Go Pro Black edition with a red lanyard attached. If found please call 970-901-0249 and leave a message! (12/24). TRAILER FRAME: single axle, good for project trailer or utility trailer, no title, as is, tires hold air, $50, need gone, 970-901-0622 (12/31). STAIRMASTER: commercial free climber 4200PT. Sports/medical products, L.P. Paid $2400, asking $650 OBO. 719-251-3644. (12/24). PRICE REDUCED LAST TIME! ONLY $800! GREAT XMAS GIFT! MOUNTAIN BIKE! $1,300 invested! Ladies CANNONDALE SL3 hard tail, XC30 Rockshox, 6061-T6 butted aluminum small frame, Shimano brakes/gears, disc brakes, incl. Kryptonite cablelock, seatbag, Mini airpump & Headlamp & Giro helmet/size small, recent tune. 970-596-1557 (12/24). employment EXPERIENCED SNOW SHOVELERS WANTED: must have scoop shovel, harness & rope. No slackers. No illegals. Do NOT call if you are inexperienced. 970209-8925. (12/31). ...continued on page 15 THE JOB HOTLINE 109 East Georgia Gunnison 970-641-0031 SKI LIFT ELECTRICIAN To maintain ski lift electrical systems in a manner that is safe and reliable for internal and external guests. Install and maintain electrical equipment on ski lifts: High voltage 480 VAC, Low Voltage 12 VDC to 48 VDC. AC and DC drive systems, wound rotor and grid bank to SCR’s, lift heat and power to motor rooms and lift stations. Leading by example in regards to safety policies and procedures. Troubleshooting electrical failures in order to minimize ski lift down time during the operating season. Perform all annual preventative lift maintenance to ensure safe and reliable operations. CO#5996184 FINANCE DIRECTOR Plans, directs, and coordinates all financial transactions and records for the City including accounting, payroll, budget, sales tax, utility billing, and preparation of financial statements. Over sees all aspects of human resources. The finance department consists of 5 full-time employees and is responsible for auditing, cash receipting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, budgeting, investing, sales tax, and utility billing. CO#6015525 NIGHT CUSTODIAN Service, clean, or supply restrooms. Clean building floors by sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, or vacuuming. Gather and empty trash. Follow procedures for the use of chemical cleaners and power equipment to prevent damage to floors and fixtures. Mix water and detergents or acids in containers to prepare cleaning solutions, according to specifications. Clean windows, glass partitions, or mirrors, using soapy water or other cleaners, sponges, or squeegees. CO#6022330 Been laid off from a job recently? You may qualify for personalized assistance with job search, career guidance, resume development, interviewing, job skills development, relocation assistance and MORE. CDLE is an EO Employer/auxiliary aids/services available upon request. For information on these or other jobs, call 641-0031. employment continued from page 14.. COLORADO ADVENTURE RENTALS, LLC is looking for part-time help. Must have good customer service skills, & mechanical skills are a plus. Please send resume to [email protected] or 970-641-3525. (12/31). POSITION FOR FULL TIME HOUSEKEEPER AT FAMILY HOME IN CB SOUTH: including child care duties for 2 boys (8 yrs. & 9 yrs.). Among responsibilities are: laundry & house cleaning; meal planning, shopping & meal prep.; transportation of children during after school hrs. to/from activities; supervision of homework; some evening & weekend hours required. Applicant must have valid driver’s license & references. Flexibility of working hours, differing from school year to summer, is a must. This job will include some evenings & weekends in winter months and many more during summer. Call to discuss scheduling of work hours. For additional information please call: 304-455-1351 or 304-2316924 (leave name & phone). Email resumes, including references, to: [email protected] (12/24/pd/111). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Assistant Track Coach - CBHS. Position starts in mid February and goes through mid May. Experience preferred, but not required. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760, [email protected], OR Colorado Workforce 970-6410031 (12/24). I AM LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO HELP me with my cd art and design. I have put in the sound production work , now I need help with the artwork, lyrics for the cover. Call Kelley at 970-4178935 (12/24). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: District Technology - IT Professional. This position provides an outstanding opportunity for an experienced, motivated & self-directed individual that is interested in working within a fast paced technological work environment. Salary range is $40,402 to $42,034 depending upon experience and education, with benefits. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970641-7760, [email protected], OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031 (12/24/61). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Night Custodian - CBCS (2 Positions Available) Position is full time with benefits. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970641-7760, [email protected], OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031 (12/24). MULTI-LINE DEALERSHIP IN THE BEAUTIFUL SAN JUAN MOUNTAINS IN LAKE CITY, CO looking for a talented and selfmotivated Service Tech. Experience with Polaris, Bombardier, Triton, ATV’s, Side X Sides, Snowmobiles, and Trailers. Strong Polaris, Bombardier, diagnostics and troubleshooting experience help. Tools required. General Automotive knowledge would be very helpful as well. Full time position with vacation pay and discounts to employees. Compensation is based on experience and willingness to learn. If interested contact Jeff at 970944-2311 or email resume to [email protected] or fax to 970944-2813. RELOCATION is required. (1/14/89). AWESOME FULL-TIME PIZZA COOK POSITION now open for immediate training and start date! Ever crave that Monday thru Friday 9-4 dream job in Gunnison with full medical, dental, life insurance, 401K Match, paid vacation, sick pay and FREE Meals Benefits package? Here it is! Please apply in person at our main office inside the WSCU University Center. (12/24). NAIL TECHNICIAN WANTED for salon in Crested Butte. Must be proficient with acrylics and UV Gels and have current Colorado license. Contact Cindy 970-3497751 for more info. (12/24). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Food Service Cashier - CBCS. Position is 3.5 hours per day while school is in session. Wage range is $11.03-$11.94 per hour dependent on experience. Position starts January 5th. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970641-7760, [email protected], OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031 gunnison country shopper, december 23, 2014 GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT RE1J: Gymnastics Coach - GMS. Coaching 6-8th grade gymnastics. Coaching experience is preferred. A fundamental knowledge of gymnastics events and spotting is required. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970641-7760, [email protected], OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031 (12/24). B a MOUNTAIN CLEAN is looking for part-time help for demo, and water damage clean up. Call 6413767 to apply. (12/24). MOUNTAIN CLEAN is looking for night time janitors for Gunnison. Call 641-3767 to apply (12/24). SNOW SHOVELER: As needed basis, Dec.-April. Need someone m dependable. Hourly. Please call 970-641-9663 (12/31). a NUVISTA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION: Gunnison Branch Member Service Representative. We are looking for an enthusiastic team member for our Part-Time Teller position at the Gunnison Branch. The ideal candidate will have great customer service, communication and cash handling skills. Prior Teller experience is a plus. This position will require working closely with our membership and staff. Salary will commensurate with experience. EOE/MFDV. To apply, email Sheryle at: [email protected] or call 970-497-5378 for more information. (12/24). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Girls Golf Coach - GHS. Hours are after school Monday through Friday. Season runs mid-February through May. Experience preferred. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760, [email protected], OR Colorado Workforce 970-6410031 (12/24). NEED EXTRA HELP HOUSEKEEPING: Need help on December 24th and 27th - great way to earn some extra holiday money. Must like to clean, move quickly, and picky is good too! Text or leave a message 970-2096046 (12/24). NOW HIRING: Part-time maintenance for Holiday Inn, Gunnison. Saturdays, Sundays only 16 hours per week. On call during weekends. $9.00 per hour. Light maintenance skills a plus. Must be able to accomplish work with minimal supervision. Pick up application at Holiday Inn front desk. No calls please. (12/24). JOIN THE RARE AIR CAFE DISH TEAM: Immediate opening for an energetic, detail oriented kitchen worker for Monday-Friday position. 9am - 3pm. Please apply in person at our main Sodexo office in the WSCU University Center. (12/24). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Custodians - District Wide. Hours will be as needed. $11.03 per hour. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760, [email protected], OR Colorado Workforce, 970-6410031 (12/24). CHILDCARE PROVIDERS NEEDED for Cooking Matters Classes on Fridays 11-1pm from January 9-February 13. Classes teach families cooking skills, food budgeting, and nutrition. Many participants have small children and need childcare. Classes take place at the Fred Field Western Heritage Building. Stipend available at the completion of classes. Call Jessica at 724-421-7357 for more information. (12/24). PT SALES POSITION AVAILABLE AT SEARS: Must be a motivated self starter with retail sales or customer service experience. Pay is hourly vs commission. Please send resume to [email protected] or submit in person at 151 W US HWY 50 GROUP FITNESS INSTRUCTORS AND PERSONAL TRAINERS: Western’s Mountaineer Field House is looking for both. Must have current certifications in CPR/AED/First Aid and a nationally recognized certification in personal training and/or group fitness instruction. Please send all requests to [email protected]. (12/24). (1/7). (12/24). GUNNISON FAMILY DOLLAR is seeking part-time evening cashiers and full-time assistant manager. Prior retail experience highly recommended, 18 and must be able to pass drug screening and background check. small dogs! We have a number of lovely lap dogs who are available for adoption now! Visit during shelter open hours Wednesdays 5-7 and weekends 10-1, or call for an appointment at a different time. (12/24). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Food Service Cook - GCS. Position is 3.5 hours per day while school is in session. Wage range is $11.03You may qualify for personalized $11.94 per hour dependent on experience. Position starts January 5th. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970641-7760, [email protected], OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031 (12/24). 24 YEAR OLD MALE, drug You free, and hard working seeking employment! Variety of experiences and CDLE is EOopportunity Employer/auxiliary waiting foranan to work for you. Available right away. Call or Text 314-596-7005. (12/24). See all of our adoptable animals at gvawl.org, petfinder.com, or on facebook. All animals are current on vaccinations and spayed or neutered. 9 7 0 . 6 4 1 . 1 1 7 3 I N FO @ GV AW L . O R G 9 8 B AS I N P A R K D R I V E PROFESSIONAL (former col. counselor) seeking part-time office admin. or cust. svc. position with flexible hrs to complement existing seasonal part time job. Please call 970-301-8444. Thank you! (12/24). KIDS & STUDENTS WILL WORK Look below for that Neighborhood Kid or Eager College Student To Do What You Need Done... (12/24) ranching FOR SALE: well mannered, sound, older, bay gelding. Great on trails, trailers well. Good w/feet. Easy keeper to a good home. $500. 641-2433. (12/31). 16 YR. OLD LOOKING FOR ODD JOBS: snow shovel, moving furniture, etc. Call 970-6150825 or leave a message at 970629-3312. (12/31). HAY FOR SALE: REDUCED PRICE! Good Quality Horse Hay, 2014 Small Bales, Covered, No Rain $5 per bale, some rain on bales but dry $4. Call 641-9370 or 970-497-9722. HI, I AM A COLLEGE GIRL RETURNING HOME to the Gunnison/Crested Butte area for winter break. I am looking to make some money during the holiday season and am looking for any jobs. I have previous experience babysitting, but am looking for anything really. You can contact me at 970-901-7253. Thanks! (12/31/pd/29). (12/24). 6 YEAR OLD SORREL GELDING: 5 months professional training on the ground & under saddle. Ridden both in an arena & out on the trail. Good for the farrier, stands tied, bathes, easily loads & unloads. Super disposition, kind and willing. Asking $1000. 6412433 (12/31). PREMIUM BARN STORED HAY: Grass; Grass/Alfalfa; Alfalfa. Small squares, large squares and rounds. And, also have straw. 970-872-3141. (12/24/19) pet FREE TO GOOD HOME: Female yellow lab mix, about 50 pounds. Very sweet, loves people and loves walks. She has a bad leg, but I walk her for 1 hour daily without problems. She prefers someone with the time to give her the TLC she needs. My other dog doesn’t like her, so I have to give her up. 275-9067 (12/24). page 15 STOCK PANELS FOR SALE: over 20 of them, ranging from 10 to 14 feet long, 3 gates also, $65 apiece. 970-209-1518 (12/24). 8 FOOT ELK FENCE FOR SALE: call for information! 275-4852. (12/24). HORSE BOARDING AVAILABLE IN JACK’S CABIN, call for info. 901-2412 (12/24/pd/10) LOOKING FOR: a puppy for my family for Christmas. Would prefer free but might be able to afford a small fee. 970-596-5818 B e t s y Fo l k e r t h , MSPT 970-641-2118 COLD LASER - MASSAGE HERBAL REMEDIES & MORE 2010 POLARIS RZR800S: excellent condition, lots of extras $10,000. 641-6908. (12/24). FOR SALE: 1999 Polaris RMK 600. New carbs, high compres sion head, new primary and sec ondary clutch, new seat cover riser block, 2” paddle track, ready to ride. call with any questions asking $900 OBO, 970-306 3343. (12/24). YAMAHA APEX MOUNTAIN SE FOR SALE: 2007, great snowmo bile. Only 1300 miles. Electric start. Call 209-0688 (12/31). NOT RUNNING: 2003 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 900cc 151 track Needs new clutch & top end. Nice parts sled. $600 OBO. Contact 719-510-4595. Text would be pre ferred during day. Call after 6pm MST. I can answer and questions or send pictures. (1/7). FOR SALE: 1996 Ski-Doo 670 $1000 OBO; 1991 500 Indy Polaris $900 OBO; 1989 500 Indy Polaris $900 OBO; trailer, 5th wheel gooseneck Boss 15K $350 OBO. 970-209-9695. (12/24). POLARIS 121” SNOWMOBILE TRACK: good condition, $50 970-901-0622 (12/31). 2001 HONDA RECON 250 ATV: Good shape, Starts and runs great. Dark green in color. $1400 No trades Cash only please. 970 629-2502 (12/24). 1983 XL 600 HONDA: runs well, $900 OBO, call or text for info 970-901-0622 (12/24). Let Us Sell Your ATV or Snowmobile Only $75 Sun Sports Unltd 641-0883 (12/24/13) (12/31). FREE TO GOOD HOME: Very loving and affectionate black Lab mix. Needs an experienced pet owner. He is not fixed. Call or text with any questions. 970-2301141. (12/24). AKC ENGLISH YELLOW LABRADOR PUPPIES: health certificate, OFA, hips/elbows... Champion hunter bloodlines. Ranch raised. Shots & dew claws. 970-874-0669. (12/24/pd/19). FREE: 2 good home black Lab/Bull mastiff mix, 1yr old, house broken, loves kids, not good with other male dogs, or cats. Call anytime! 580-380-5018 (12/24). NO DOGS PERMITTED: There are no dogs permitted on WSCU Campus, so please, leave your dogs at home during class. (12/24). MOTORCYCLE BLUETOOTH COMMUNICATION SET: Excellent condition. 970-275 5414 (12/31). motorized ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West Hwy. 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 (12/24/17) 1983 XL600 HONDA: runs well, $800, 970-901-0622. (12/31). 02 EDGE RMK SEAT: exc. condi tion, 970-901-0622 (12/31). JOHN DEERE MOWER: w/blade and snowblower trailer. 765 1192. (12/31). FOR SALE: 2001 Polaris 800 RMK, 156 track, SLP skis $2000; 2000 Polaris 800 RMK 156 track, Simmons skis, $1800 BOTH in EXCELLENT CONDITION 1996 Polaris 680 Ultra! SLP pipes, new top end $700. 970 209-1979 (12/24). FOR SALE: 2001 Yamaha Mountain Max 700 triple 141 deep snow special. 200 miles lots of extras. Make offer. Dave 970-209-3529. (12/31). ...continued on page 16 gunnison country shopper, december 23, 2014 motorized continued from page 15... BEST NEW SNOWMOBILE DEAL! 2015 Polaris 800 RMKs Now Only $10,499! After mfg’s. rebate. Low Interest Low Payment Financing Available W.A.C. Sun Sports Unlimited 970-641-0883 page 16 2004 POLARIS RMK 800 Vertical Edge with 153” track, $2950, 596-4772. (12/31). FOR SALE: large selection of preowned snowmobiles. See at Sun Sports Unlimited, or call 641-0883. (12/24/15). FOR SALE: 2014 Arctic Cat Wildcat Trail, 50” side by side, extras, less than 500 miles! $8995. Financing available W.A.C. Call 970-641-0833 or see at Sun Sports Unlimited. (12/24/28). 15’ LARSON SKI BOAT: motor needs work, $950. 275-4852. (12/24). FOR SALE: 2009 Ski-Doo Summit X, exc. cond., 2100 mi., $5800. 641-6908. (12/24). (12/24/25) FOR SALE: 2003 Skidoo Summit 700. Low miles, always garaged, set like new, runs excellent. $2000. OBO 970-404-1763. (12/24). 2003 700 SKI-DOO SUMMIT: 600 mi., revers w/extras, exc. cond. $2000. 417-8996. (12/24). SNOWMOBILE SLED: $150, 417-8996. (12/24). 2005 M7 ARCTIC CAT: Diamond drive, 162, many upgrades, great/exc. cond., $4000 OBO. 417-8996. (12/24). BRIGGS AND STRATTON model 23a motor. Asking $150 OBO. Also have a collection of lawn tractor parts such as pulleys, belts, wheels, tires, starters, carbs, etc. Make me an offer on what you need or take it all! 970-901-6483 VINTAGE WHEEL HORSE LAWN TRACTOR: Runs great, needs new battery. Has a plow, mower deck and a Craftsman 2 stage snowblower set up. Asking $1000 OBO for it all. 970-901-6483. FOR SALE 2003 TUNDRA: 150K miles. New BFG tires. New brake pads. New battery. New tune up. 3” lift. Custom ARB bumper. Topper. Runs great. $9,600 Call 970-275-5245 (12/24). (12/24). SNOWMOBILE: 2009 Ski-Doo Summit Rev XP 800 163. Low miles (-1300), excellent condition, many extras. $6000 obo. In C.B. 970-209-6861 (12/31). 2000 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER with 153K miles, $11,000. Timing belt replaced at 110K, brakes and tires replaced at 145K. There are some minor defects that don’t effect the performance or mechanics, call or text 970-275-8055 for more information. (12/31). VINTAGE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CLUB CADET: po was in the middle of an engine rebuild when I acquired it so it needs to be put back together but is complete. Has mower deck. Asking $350 OBO. 970-901-6483 (12/24). ATV SNOWPLOW FOR SALE: Arctic Cat, hardly used, very nice design. New $750, will take $400. 275-1229. (12/31). 1997 SUZUKI RMX 250: with hand guards, skid plate, lights, large fuel tank. I great shape. $750 OBO. 813-777-4898. (12/24). “Donavon Moss” FREE REMOVAL Farm & Ranch Equipment, Scrap Metal, Appliances and Batteries 22 Years Cleaning Up Gunnison County! Buying Junk Vehicles and Ones Needing Repairs 641- 2007 cars&trucks 1995 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED: 4x4. 6cyl, leather, runs good, new battery and exhaust manifold, 223K mi., $1650. 970209-0829 (12/24). CHECK OUT OUR CARS on the web www.precisionautosales.com (12/24/8) 1993 4RUNNER: 4WD, winter plug-in, roof rack, heater works great (so does AC). Perfect for student/local valley travel. I’ve owned for 18 years and never let down. $1000. 641-3884. (12/24). (12/31). 1997 FORD F250: 3/4-ton, long wheel base. 765-1192. (12/31). ‘86 1-TON FORD TRUCK: 460 engine, $1200, 303-902-6337 (12/24). (12/24). 1999 F-150: V8 triton. Single cab, short bed. Lots of good life left, needs max air flow sensor and brake work to be perfect and I don’t have the time. Call 970901-2771 for a showing. (12/24). 1955 CHEVY PICKUP: completely rebuilt, call for info. $8500. 641-6908. (12/24). 2010 JEEP LIBERTY 4X4, great deal, new snow tires, RUNS GREAT, only 71,000 miles, $12,500 obo. Call Buck at 970901-5986. (12/24). 2011 SUBARU OUTBACK: 30,000 miles, excellent shape, silver, heated seats, still under warranty, original owner. $18,500 970-901-8158 (12/24). FOR SALE: 2004 Chevrolet Tahoe z71, 157K miles, 4x4, dual DVD system, fully loaded, new tires, third row seating, roof rack, tow hitch. Blue book value $9100, asking $8750. 641-1345 or 4173745. (1/7). WANTED: I.S.O. late model 2005 or newer 1-ton truck, diesel, dual rear wheels. 970-581-9208. (12/24). 1970 VOLKSWAGEN KHARMANN GHIA: Mechanically sound but needs further restoration work. Includes a parts car of the same model. $3,500 OBO. Call Jim at 970-944-2512. (12/24). FOR SALE: 2004 Chevrolet Malibu Maxx. 4 door hatchback, front wheel drive, automatic, heated seats electric windows and locks, remote start. 30+mpg. $4195 OBO. 970-596-3572. 2002 WHITE SUBARU SPORT IMPREZZA: needs work, $2000 OBO. 209-0079. (12/31). (12/24). 1986 GMC DUALLY: 4x4, flatbed, $2500 OBO. 209-0079. JEEP LIBERTY LIMITED EDITION SPORT UTILITY 4WD. 110,000 miles. Kelley Blue Book value good $5,717 and fair $5,178. Car recently inspected, running well, asking $4,500 some cosmetic flaws. 970-209-9136 (12/24). 1997 FORD EXPLORER: V8, automatic, new tires, runs well, $1500. 641-5080. (12/24). 2002 VOLVO XC70: needs work, $2500 OBO. 209-0079. (12/31). 95 F350 7.3L Power Stroke, crew cab, long bed, runs strong. Call Philip 970-275-6421 (12/24). 1987 TOYOTA PICKUP 22R: 217,000 miles, grey, brand new tires, 4x4. 970-596-9896. (12/24). 1995 HONDA ACCORD: $1250, 4dr., manual transmission, runs well, great gas mileage. Call Luke 970-275-5224. (12/31). 2002 DODGE DURANGO: $2800. 641-5080 (12/24). 2011 TOYOTA CAMRY LE: blue & in great shape, 104,000 miles. Needs a tune-up & old change. Other than that, a great car. $14000, call or txt 970-209-2341 or email at [email protected]. (12/31). 2001 PT CRUISER: Good condition, 106K mi., upgraded rims, 1 owner. $1,800. Call Bill 970-2758630 (12/31). 1991 F250: runs great, $3000 OBO 641-0181, 901-0977. (12/24). 1995 GMC JIMMY: 4 door, V6 Vortec. Has blown head gasket, everything else is the bees knees. You need a reliable parts truck, I need cash... make an offer. 970765-6896 (1/7). 1993 FORD F250: 4x4, engine 460, $2500 OBO. 209-0079. (12/31). 1986 F150: runs well, $1500 OBO. 641-0181, 901-0977. 1999 DODGE 1500 FOR SALE: $4000 OBO, runs and a lot of new parts, needs a little work but is a really good truck, 970-417-8159 (12/24). (12/24). ‘95 FORD EXPLORER SPORT: 2dr., 4x4, runs well, $1250. 6415080 (12/24). 1989 FORD BRONCO: Eddie Bauer edition. New bras, well maintained. $3200 OBO, or trade for Subaru of equal value. 5967069. (1/7). 1990 CADILLAC SEVILLE: 132K miles, dependable car, $1500, will consider trade for wrecked or not running car as partial payment. 970-209-6051. (12/24). By Appointment only 12/25-12/28- Merry Christmas ¨ FINANCING FOR MOST CREDIT TYPES ¨ LOW RATES W.A.C 1198 N. Main-641-5000
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