f ree Presorted Standard US Postage Paid Gunnison, CO USA Permit #49 postal patron local welcome back western students! 41st year, volume 42 january 7, 2015 SPRING 2015 Course Offerings Register online at western.edu/es EXTENDED STUDIES 970.943.2885 AVALANCHE LEVEL I Crested Butte ABSTRACT SERIES IN 38099, 38100, 38101, ROE AM ERICAN A CRY LIC Cres ted But te A L M U E R Z O : L U N C H H O U R E L D E R W I S DO M C I R C L E 297, 1 credit, $100 + $350 R E D C R O S S C PR SPANISH Ivy Walker Lana S. Leonard course fee Tami Maciejko Karen Immerso 38047, NON CREDIT, $55 + 38086, NON CREDIT, $80 1/23/2015-1/25/2015; 3/3/2015-3/19/2015 38069, NON CREDIT, $50 38081, NON CREDIT, $90 $20 materials fee 2/4/2015-3/11/2015 Tuesday, Thursday, 6:00PM- 2/18/2015 1/27/2015-3/17/2015 4/25/2015 Wednesday, 1:00PM-3:30PM 2/13/2015-2/15/2015; 3/6/2015-3/8/2015 8:00PM Wednesday, 6:30PM-9:30PM Tuesday, 11:45AM-1:00PM Saturday, 9:00AM-1:00PM I N T R O D U C T I O N T O T A R O T Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 8:00AM-5:00PM AM ERICAN RED B E GI N N I N G B A T I K : T H E A R T O F U SI N G T R A C K I N G Kristal Reisinger I N F O R M A T I O N W I T H Students must register with C ROS S F I RS T A ID SPANISH SPEAKERS WAX R ES IS T S AND DYES 38097, 38088, 38089, NON MIC ROS OFT A CCES S Irwin Guides. O N F A B R I C A N D P A PE R Tami Maciejko Karen Immerso CREDIT, $20 per session Crystal Long 38070, NON CREDIT, $50 Gail Sovick 2/11/2015, 3/11/2015, 38082, NON CREDIT, $90 AVALANCHE LEVEL II 2/25/2015 38048, NON CREDIT, $110 + 38061, NON CREDIT, $100 4/15/2015 1/26/2015-3/30/2015 Crested Butte 2/6/2015-4/17/2015 Wednesday, 6:30PM-9:30PM Monday, 5:45PM-7:00PM $35 materials fee Wednesday, 2:00PM38103, 38104, ROE 297, 1 Friday, 6:30PM-9:30PM 1/26/2015-3/9/2015 4:00PM credit, $100 + $500 course C ERTI FIED SPANISH Monday, 6:00PM-8:30PM fee COMMUNICATION P E R SO N A L T R A I N I N G K U NDA L I NI R EIK I CO NVERS ATIO NS 1/15/2015-1/18/2015; EXPLORI NG COLORED G ET T ING P A ID Ryan Weatherwax Paulette Hansen Karen Immerso 2/19/2015-2/22/2015 PENCIL Crested Bu tte TO TALK: AN 38071, NON CREDIT, $90 38083, NON CREDIT, $90 38090, NON CREDIT, $60 Thursday-Sunday, 8:00AMINT R ODU CTI ON 3/9/2015-5/6/2015 Laura Elm 1/26/2015-3/30/2015 2/5/2015-2/19/2015 6:00PM T O P R O F E SS I O N A L Wednesday, 6:30PM-8:05PM Monday, 7:15PM-8:30PM 38050, NON CREDIT, $75 + Thursday, 6:00PM-8:00PM Students must register with V OIC E-OV E RS $20 materials fee Irwin Guides. I S S H IN- RYU K A RA T E M I N D F U L N E SS 3/5/2015-4/2/2015 Jenny Marcotte GOVERNMENT MED ITATI ON Paul Dziekan Thursday, 5:15PM-7:15PM 38063, NON CREDIT, $20 AND LAW CROSS COUNTRY SKI FOR 4/29/2015 Sherrill Stenson 38072, NON CREDIT, $120 I NT RODU C T ION T O FUN AND FITN ES S H O W T O PA I N T A Wednesday, 6:30PM38092, NON CREDIT, $20 2/3/2015-4/16/2015 AM ERIC AN Crested Butte P O R T R A I T Crested Butte 9:00PM 1/28/2015-4/8/2015 Tuesday, Thursday, 7:00PM- G O V E R N M E N T Rebecca Dussault Megan Craver Wednesday, 7:00PM8:30PM Sarah Coleman 38105, NON CREDIT, $75 + 38049, NON CREDIT, $130 + T W O H O U R S T O 8:00PM 38085, NON CREDIT, $20 XC day pass BETTER WRI TI NG JAI YOGA $35 materials fee 2/9/2015-4/8/2015 1/10/2015 and 1/31/2015 O V E R C O M I N G ? 1/12/2015-3/9/2015 Janet Smith Sherrill Stenson Monday, 6:00PM-7:15PM Saturday, 12:00PM-3:00PM Monday, 6:00PM-8:00PM Paulette Hansen 38064, NON CREDIT, $20 38073, NON CREDIT, $120 38091, NON CREDIT, $20 4/8/2015 2/17/2015-5/7/2015 OUR COURTS Salid a EMT IN T ERMEDI A T E BIOLOGY 1/29/2015 Wednesday, 5:30PM-7:30PM Tuesday, Thursday, 6:45PM- Judge Steven Patrick Erik Forsythe Thursday, 6:00PM-8:00PM 8:00PM BAS I C BIRD ING 38113, 38114, 38115, 38116, 38140, ESS 397, 4 credits, U S I N G M I C R O S O F T Jeffrey J. Ewert NON CREDIT, $15 per session $300 + $2200 course fee SELF DEFENSE SEMINAR POWERPOI NT TO LIFEGUARD TRAINING 38052, CEU 1, $80 38117, CEU 1 for attending 1/13/2015-7/2/2015 I L L U S T R A T E A N D Rick Martinez Tami Maciejko 38051, NON CREDIT, $80 all sessions, $50 CONVEY IDEAS 38093, 38094, NON CREDIT, Tuesday, Thursday, 6:00PM38074, NON CREDIT, $90 4/18/2015-5/02/2015 1/24/2015, 2/21/15, 3/7/2015, 10:00PM $40 Crystal Long 2/3/2015-5/7/2015 Saturday, 10:00AM-12:00PM 4/11/2015 Saturday, 9:00AM-6:00PM 38065, NON CREDIT, $90 Tuesday, Thursday, 9:30AM- Saturday, 10:00AM-12:00PM 3/7/2015 or 4/7/20154/8/2015 2/4/2015-4/15/2015 10:45AM COLORAD O IN TRODUCTI ON Saturday, 9:00AM-1:00PM, Wednesday, 6:30PM-8:30PM BIRDS OF PREY S EL EC T ED IS S U ES IN T O F L Y F IS H IN G N EVER EVER YOGA or Tuesday & Wednesday, CO NS T IT U T I ONA L L A W Jeffrey J. Ewert Jeffrey J. Ewert U S I N G M I C R O S O F T W O R D W O R K S H O P 6:00PM-8:00PM AND POLICY Crested 38054, CEU 1, $80 38096, NON CREDIT, $75 T O W RIT E B OOK S A ND Leia Morrison Bu tte 38053, NON CREDIT, $80 4/7/2015-4/28/2015 WOM ENMS CRESTONE A RT IC L ES 38075, NON CREDIT, $40 2/23/2015-4/13/2015 Richard A. Allen Tuesday, 6:30PM-8:30PM Y O G A R E T R E A T 4/18/2015 Crystal Long Monday, 7:00PM-9:00PM 38218, NON CREDIT, $20 Leia Morrison & Susan Saturday, 11:00AM-2:00PM 38066, NON CREDIT, $90 1/20/2015-3/24/2015 IN T RODU CT I ON T O Searle 2/5/2015-4/16/2015 EQUINE ENCOUNTER S Tuesday, 5:00PM-6:30PM N ORDI C S K II NG P I L A T E S W I T H M A T & 38095, NON CREDIT, $250 + Thursday, 6:30PM-8:30PM Nancy Klifman Justin Barr SM ALL APPARATUS transportation 38055, NON CREDIT, $80 HISTORY 38107, NON CREDIT, $60 5/15/2015-5/17/2015 Kenny Marks COOKING 3/4/2015-4/15/2015 1/14/2015-2/4/2015 H I S T O R Y O F T H E C R E S T E D Friday, Saturday, Sunday 38076, NON CREDIT, $120 Wednesday, 5:30PM-7:00PM C O O K I N G W I T H Wednesday, 12:00PMBU T T E A R E A C r e st e d 1/12/2015-2/25/2015 WHOLE FOODS 1:00PM B u t t e PSYCHOLOGY Monday, Wednesday, IN TRODUCTI ON TO Rachel Alter Duane Vandenbusche 5:30PM-6:30PM HERBALISM AND TH E IMP AC T OF TRAUMA 38062, NON CREDIT, $90 + P A D I S C U B A C L A SS 38084, NON CREDIT, $100 FORAGING FOR ON CHILDREN AND $75 food ingredients fee Donna Sloan-Adams 1/22/2015-4/16/15 P OW ER V INY A S A Y OG A LOCAL PLANTS BUILDING HEALTHY 2/19/2015-4/16/2015 38106, NON CREDIT, $250 + Thursday, 7:00PM-8:30PM Crystal Southall ATTACHME NT Briana Rose Wiles Thursday, 5:30PM-6:30PM $40 manual fee 38077, NON CREDIT, $120 38056, NON CREDIT, $80 + Michelle Elias 3/6/2015-3/8/2015 HISTORY OF THE 1/27/2015-4/16/2015 INT R ODU CT I ON $20 materials fee 38111, CEU 1, $125 Friday, 6:00PM-8:00PM GUNNISON COUNTRY Tuesday, Thursday, 2:00PMT O C OOK ING 3/19/2015-4/30/2015 Saturday, Sunday, 8:30AMDuane Vandenbusche 3:15PM Thursday, 5:00PM-6:30PM 38112, NON CREDIT, $125 Tricia Timney and Victorya 12:00PM & 1:30PM-5:30PM 38173, NON CREDIT, $100 2/3/2015-3/10/2015 Spiller 1/12/2015-4/27/2015 S U N RIS E V IN YA S A BUSINESS Tuesday, 5:00PM-7:30PM 38123, NON CREDIT, $90 + WI L D E R N E SS Monday, 6:00PM-8:30PM FLO W YOGA food ingredients fee TBA F IR ST R E S P O N D E R E XC E L F O R B U SI N E S S Leia Morrison RECREATION 1/26/2015-4/27/2015 WMI of NOLS Chris KSmittyL Smith MUSIC 38078, NON CREDIT, $120 AND OUTDOOR Monday, 5:00PM-7:30PM 38108, ROE 397, 3 38057, NON CREDIT, $225 1/12/2015-3/12/2015 B E GI N N I N G GU IT A R EDUCATION credits, $165 + plus course 2/3/2015-3/12/2015 Monday, Wednesday, Jesse Irons DANCE fee A D V A N C E D Tuesday, Thursday, 6:30PM7:00AM-8:00AM 38124, NON CREDIT, $200 3/21/2015-3/29/2015 L E A D E R S H I P T H E O R Y BEG IN NIN G 8:30PM 1/28/2015-3/11/2015 8:00AM-5:00PM BALLROOM DANC E Paul Duba V I N Y A SA Y O GA Wednesday, 5:00PMStudents must register with FOUNDATIONS OF 38097, NON CREDIT, $80 Rita Bohn and Bob Wojtko Sherrill Stenson 6:00PM WMI of NOLS. IN V ES T ING 4/17/2015-4/19/2015 38067, NON CREDIT, $80 38122, NON CREDIT, $120 Friday, Saturday, Sunday 1/26/2015-3/9/2015 Steve Ogden 2/17/2015-5/8/2015 I NT ERME DIATE WI L D E R N E SS F I R S T Monday, 6:00PM-7:00PM 38058, NON CREDIT, $60 Tuesday, Thursday, 5:15PM- G U I T A R RESPONDER A S T R O N O M Y F O R 2/5/2015-3/5/2015 6:30PM Jesse Irons RECERT IF I CA T I ON OUTDOOR ED UCATORS BEG IN NIN G Thursday, 6:00PM-8:30PM 38125, NON CREDIT, $200 WMI of NOLS COUNTRY /WESTER N Michael J. Zawaski Z U M B A GO L D 1/28/2015-3/11/2015 38109, ROE 397, 1 credit, $55 DANCE 38126, NON CREDIT, $80 LUN CH B REAK Wednesday, 6:30PM-7:30PM + plus course fee 4/24/2015-4/26/2015 Rita Bohn and Bob Wojtko K a r en Im m er s o 3/6/2015-3/8/2015 Friday, Saturday, Sunday 38068, NON CREDIT, $80 38080, NON CREDIT, $40 8:00AM-5:00PM 1/26/2015-3/9/2015 1/21/2015-3/11/2015 Students must register Monday, 7:30PM-8:30PM Wednesday, 12:15PM-1:00PM with WMI of NOLS. ART G RA NT W RI T ING Maryo Ewell 38060, CEU 1, $80 38059, NON CREDIT, $80 EXERCISE AND SPORT SCIENCE FOREIGN LANGUAGE PERSONAL INTEREST WESTERN STATE COLORADO UNIVERSITY Extended Studies 600 North Adams St., Gunnison, CO 81231 970.943.2885 january 7, 2015 page 2 SENIOR CITIZENS CALENDAR THE YOUNG AT HEART LUNCHEON TAKES PLACE AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER AT 200 E. SPENCER, GUNNISON Thursday, January 8, 2015 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym CLOSED (Requires membership or drop-in fee) Friday, January 9 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Baked Chicken Monday, January 12 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Half Chef Salad/Soup Tuesday, January 13 11-12 noon Senior Walking, Gym (Requires membership or drop-in fee) Wednesday, January 14 11 - 12 noon Senior Walking, Gym - FREE 12 noon Young at Heart Luncheon, Chili Meals All seniors, 60 or older, $4 .00 59 and under, $5.00 Children 7-12 years, $4.00 Children 6 and under are free Come and enjoy a reasonable and delicious meal and socialize Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:00 noon. Bring a friend. Walking in the GYM is FREE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Association with the YAH luncheon. ANY HOME BOUND SENIOR IN NEED OF MEALS, please call 641-2107 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday before 10:00 a.m. with your request; it will be delivered that day. NEED A RIDE TO THE LUNCHES - Just a phone call away. The Senior Bus is available in a 5 mile radius of town 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. for persons needing a ride to and from YAH Senior Meals. Please Call 970-596-6700 to arrange for a ride before 9:00 a.m. BOOMERS’ BOOK CLUB will meet next Wednesday, January 7th in the W Mountain room of the Community Recreation Center at 1:15 in the afternoon. We will be discussing “A Certain Justice” by P. D. James. Book selections in upcoming months are: “Bring Up The Bodies” by Hilary Mantel on February 4th and “Plainsong” by Kurt Haruf on March 4th. All are welcome. Bring a friend. Ginny Koepsel at 641-3046 (1/7). H&R BLOCK ACA Q&A DAY: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has introduced more than 46 changes to the tax code. Most people don’t know how they will be impacted. On Thursday, Jan. 8, H&R Block offices nationwide will be open for an ACA Q&A Day, including the office in Gunnison, located at 123 W. Virginia Ave. Dennis Schock, owner of the Gunnison office, will be available from 9am-7pm. that day. He can provide a free ACA Tax Impact Analysis a personalized review of how an individual consumer’s taxes may be affected by the ACA so they can fully understand how changes may impact their 2014 tax return and potentially their refund. No appointment is necessary. 970648-4421. (1/7/pd/126). TALK TO A LAWYER FOR FREE: Thursday Night Bar (legal advice clinic), first Thursday of each month (in January it will be on the 8th), at the Family Services Building, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison, 5:30 p.m. Call Ellen for more information 641-7999 (1/7). HABLE CON UN ABOGADO GRATIS: Clínica de consulta legal gratis el primer jueves de cada mes (en enero será el día 8) en edificio de Servicios Familiares, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison a las 5:30 de la tarde. Llame a Ellen para obtener más información 970-641-7999. (1/7). BOOK TALK AT THE GAC: Join the GAC’s Book Talk on January 8 (from 7-8pm in the GAC) to discuss Still Life by Louise Penney: Chief Inspector Armand Gamache of the Surêté du Québec and his team of investigators are called into the scene of a suspicious death in a rural village south of Montreal. Open to the public more info at [email protected] or gunnisonartscenter.org. (1/7). BINGO EVERY TUESDAY at the Elks Lodge, 7:30pm. (1/7). 222 1/2 north main, gunnison, colorado 81230 TIMOTHY WHITE ARTIST RECEPTION: Thursday, January 8, 5:30-7:30pm. Free. “American Prosperity” is a series of mixed media wall panels exploring the narrative of old buildings and abandoned places through the use of photographs, cast concrete, and acrylics on wood. Each piece begins with a photograph of a building or part of a building and enlarges on the feeling it evokes by incorporating it into a larger non-photographic panel. The resulting pieces of art invite you in to explore their stories. Show runs Monday, January 5-Monday, January 19. At the Piper Gallery. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970349-7487, 606 Sixth Street, Crested Butte (1/7). KIDS COOK! FOR TEENS starts Jan 9 & 13. For teens grades 6 and up - learn to cook a new meal each week, plus kitchen skills, shopping and nutrition basics, and tips for healthy lifestyles. New themes for 2015 include “Culinary Classics” and “Around the World.” In Gunnison, Fridays, 4-6pm. In CB Tuesdays, 5-7pm. Registration open. Scholarships available. More info: 970-417-7848 or [email protected] rg. (1/7). INMIGRANTES UNIDOS DE GUNNISON te invita a una reunión comunitaria el viernes 9 de enero a las 6:30p.m. en el sótano de la iglesia catolica. Más información 970-209-1807 (1/7). TONY FURTADO: Friday, January 9. 8pm. $20, Banjo and slide multi-genre master. Crested Butte Center for the Arts. For comprehensive event information and tickets visit www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970-349-7487, or the Center’s box office at 606 Sixth Street in Crested Butte from 9am5pm Monday through Friday. You can also find us on facebook! (1/7). RECYCLED FASHION DESIGN WORKSHOPS: “TIME TRAVEL”. Leap back in time and into the future with the Recycled Fashion Design Workshops! The theme is “Time Travel”. This year we are offering two fashion design workshops one for Adults and one for Kids and Adults. Learn how to cut, sew, rip, glue, slice and tie your own recycled fashion in time for the “Time Travel Fashion Exhibit” in February. Fashion designs and work on an approach for bringing those ideas to life! Start collecting old clothes, materials and other recycled objects now! Workshop #1 is Thu., January 8th from 69pm (Ages 16-Adult) & Workshop #2 is Sat., January 10th from 14pm (Ages 8-Adult). $25 per workshop. Pre-registration is extremely helpful. 641-4029, 102 S. Main St., GunnisonArtsCenter.org. (1/7). HEY! YOU ON THE BIKE! Please, don’t ride on the sidewalks. Thanks. (1/7). the Senior Scoop Your source for current local happenings… SCAM ALERT: The Sherriff’s Office is warning of several telephone scams they have received reports on. First is a scam claiming to be the IRS and they are requesting personal information. Second is a scam claiming you can receive extraordinary awards, like $2 million dollars, and a new Mercedes when you purchase a certain money card. Lastly is a scam claiming that the caller is a relative who is in trouble and needs money. Never give out personal or financial information over the phone. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If you have questions, contact the Sherriff’s Office at 641-1113. SENIOR TRANSPORTATION: Beginning January 1, 2015, Gunnison County Sr. Transportation will offer rides to local (in Gunnison) medical appointments on Tuesdays from 9am-4pm. Please call 596-6700 at least 24 hours before your appointment to reserve your ride. We will continue to offer transportation Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9am-4pm for other errands, appointments, YAH lunch and Boomer’s activities. BRAINSTRONG: is Gunnison Valley’s own homegrown support group for people with all types of brain injury and caregivers of people with brain injury. Our goal is to provide support and education for survivors, caregivers, and all member s of the community who would like to learn more about brain injury recovery. The group meets on the last Monday of every month from 12-1pm in the conference room at Gunnison valley Hospital. Come share your stories and concerns and learn about resources! The group often hosts presentations and webinars on helpful topics for supporting the recovery process. Come join us and bring your lunch! BOOMERS BOOK CLUB: Will meet next Wednesday, January 7th in the W Mountain room of the community center at 1:15pm. We will be discussing “A Certain Justice” by P.D. James. Book selections for upcoming months are “Bring up the Bodies” by Hilary Mantel on Feb 4th, and “Plainsong” by Kurt Haruf on March 4th. All are welcome. Bring a friend. Any questions, call Ginny Koepsel at 641-3046. VISITING ANGELS NOW IN GUNNISON: Need help with meals, cleaning, errands, personal hygiene or just caring conversation? One of our angels can be there for you for 3 to 24 hours a day. Call us at 970-264-5991 for more information. We love to care. THE SENIOR SCOOP is brought to you by: The Gunnison Home Association & FREE COOKING MATTERS CLASSES will be offered to qualifying individuals on Fridays from 11-1pm from January 9-February 13 at the Fred Field Multipurpose Building kitchen. In this incomebased, 6-week session taught by trained chef and registered nutritionist, you will learn how to shop smart and cook healthy, low-cost meals for you and your family. If interested, contact Jessica at 724-421-7357. (1/7). PLEASE JOIN US FOR MEETING OF INMIGRANTES UNIDOS DE GUNNISON on Friday, January 9 at 6:30pm at St. Peter’s church basement. For more information 970-209-1807. gary rogers - executive, sales, etc, etc... joellen fonken - production head, manager, etc... kadie graham - want ad specialist, filemaker pro, etc... nicki anderson - email expert, phones, phones, etc... fre e p erso nal wa n t- ad s d e a d l i n e 1 0 : 0 0 a m tu e s d a y s f or s a le non-business; automotive, household, sporting equipment, miscellaneous • l ost & f oun d h e l p w a n te d • w a n te d to b uy ya rd sa les • ann ou nc em en ts non-profit ra nc hin g • mo tori zed c a r s & t r uc k s fax 970.641.3101 [email protected] www.gunnisonshopper.com office hours mondays & tuesdays 8:00 to 5:30, closed wednesdays - delivery day, thursdays by appointment, fridays 8:00 to 4:30. subscriptions 1 year $55 • 6 months $28 • 3 months $14 • 1 month $5 LOCAL, Organic & Non-GMO Groceries... Always Have-Always Will Be REAL FOOD! 804 North Main In Gunnison Vitamin 970-641-5928 MON - SAT : Store 8 - 8; Cafe 8 - 7:00 Mountain Meadows Mall Gunnison, CO (1/7). published weekly by the gunnison country shopper, inc. phone 970.641.3148 222 1/2 n. main, gunnison Organic & Naturally GOOD FOOD! l oc a l bu s in e ss w a n t -a ds d e a d l i n e 2: 0 0 p m t u es d a ys 30 ¢ w o r d / $ 5 . 4 0 m i n i m u m re al e s tat e f or s ale o r ren t • s er vi ce s o ff e r e d • f i r e w o o d f o r s a l e • b u s i n e s s o pp o r t u n i t i e s • c o m m e r c i a l b u s i n e s s our business want ad rate is 30¢ per word with a $5.40 minimum per issue and payment in advance is required. please proof your ad the first time it appears. in house credit will be given for only one incorrect insertion. correction deadline is the same as insertion deadline. T ay l o r H al l , R o o m 3 0 3 e x t en d e d st u d i es @ w e st er n. ed u 9 70 - 9 4 3- 2 8 8 5 C e l e b r a t e t h e n e w y e a r b y t a ki n g a n E x t e n d e d S t u d i e s c o ur s e ! J a nu a r y f e a tu r e s c o ur s e s i n A r t, C o o k i n g, D a nc e , Pi lat es, Y oga , Zumb a, Gu it ar, Spa ni sh, C ross Cou nt ry an d N o r d i c S ki i n g a n d m o r e ! R e g i s t e r o n l i n e a t w e s t e r n . e d u / e s . CROS S C OUNTR Y SKI FOR FU N AND FI TN ESS, Rebecca Dussault, $75 + XC day pass. Saturdays, 1/10 and 1/31, 12PM-3PM Crested Butte H I STORY O F TH E GUNNI SON C OUNTR Y, Duane Vandenbusche, $100, 38173. Mondays, 1/12-4/27, 6PM-8:30PM H OW TO PAI NT A PORTRAI T, Megan Craver, $130 + $35 materials fee. Mondays, 1/12-3/9, 6PM-8PM Crested Butte I NTRO TO N ORDI C SK II NG, Justin Barr, $60. Wednesdays, 1/14-2/4 , 12PM-1PM ZUMBA GO LD LUNC H BREA K, Karen Immerso, $40. Wednesdays, 1/21-3/11 gunnison country shopper, january 7, 2015 page 3 THIS WEEK AT THE GUNNISON ARTS CENTER Cabaret: “The Good, the Bad & the Ugly” The Gunnison Arts Center has just the thing to chase away those January blues! One fun night of live cabaret songs brought to you by the cast of “Getting it Wright” (almost). “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” will incorporate show tunes and dances both sweet and saucy and simply downright bad! Costumed and staged cabaret style in the ambiance of the Main Gallery, this show promises to be an evening of hilarious fun. Friday, January 16th doors and cocktails at 7:00, show starts at 7:30 p.m. Cash bar will be open with apps and dessert available for purchase. General admission $15. Recommended for mature audiences. Recycled Fashion Design Workshops: “Time Travel” Leap back in time and into the future with the Recycled Fashion Design Workshops! The theme is “Time Travel.” This year we are offering two fashion design workshops: one for Adults and one for Kids and Adults. Learn how to cut, sew, rip, glue, slice and tie your own recycled fashion in time for the “Time Travel Fashion Exhibit” in February. The instructor will help you develop your own creative and unique fashion designs and work on an approach for bringing those ideas to life! Start collecting old clothes, materials and other recycled objects now! The first Workshop is Thursday January 8th from 6:00 p.m. –8:30 p.m., (Ages 16-Adult) & the second Workshop is Saturday, January 10th from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m., (Ages 8 – Adult). It is only $25 per workshop. Pre-registration is extremely helpful. SonofaGunn Auditions! Have you always wanted to be part of live theater? Here’s your big chance to fulfill that dream! You can be a part of the hilarious Gunnison Valley comedy tradition. Come try out for the 26th year of SonofaGunn on January 13th or 20th at 5:00 p.m. You only need attend one night of the auditions and scripts will be provided. Actors, actresses, stage tech, costume designers, volunteers, young and old; you are all welcome to audition! NEW EW 30 minute minute classes including: Paint Your Own Pottery Join the Gunnison Arts Center Saturday and Sunday, January 10th and 11th from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. in the Clay Studio for open Paint Your Own Pottery. Warm up Winter this month with our great selection of bisque-ware items to choose from including plates, mugs, bowls, animal collectibles and more! This is a great activity for kids and families! Prices of the items range from $5 - $45. No sitting fee and all supplies and instruction are included in the price. Please allow one week for piece to be kiln fired and ready for pick-up. We can ship finished pieces for an additional charge. Exercises Exercises to to improve improve balance, st ability and cor e str eng th stability core strength Streng th tr aining ffocusing ocusing on arms, Strength training e and legs cor core Movements designed tto o both str etch Movements stretch and str eng then yyour our muscles strengthen Monthly Film: POINT AND SHOOT The Gunnison Arts Center, in collaboration with the Crested Butte Film Festival, is excited to present the film “Point and Shoot” as the next selection in the Monthly Film Series. Total body workouts Total workouts with Jillian Michaels Winner of the Best Documentary Award at the Tribeca Film Festival, Point And Shoot follows Matthew VanDyke, a 26-year-old who left home in Baltimore in 2006 and set off on a self-described “crash course in manhood.” He bought a motorcycle and a video camera and began a multi-year, 35,000-mile motorcycle trip through Northern Africa and the Middle East. When a revolution broke out in Libya, he took up arms against Dictator Muammar Gaddafi, was captured and imprisoned, and became an international media sensation. Viewing will be Saturday, January 17th at 7:00 p.m. in the GAC Black Box Theater, 102 South Main Street. Popcorn and full bar will be available. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the GAC, online at gunnisonartscenter.org, or by calling (970) 641-4029. ) & , L$ Ib ` \ V [ \ 7 h X a g X =gaa\ba" .'()& =gaa\ba =gaa\ba"9E 9E.'()& .,%#+)&#, . , % # + ) & # , (, ( , ' Clay Classes for Adults and Kids The world of clay is wide open, and this is your chance to get involved, get creative and have fun! We have kids’ clay classes and adult clay classes beginning soon! The first 5week session of Creative Clay for Adults begins Wednesday, January 21st and runs through February 18 (Wednesdays from 6:00 -9:00 p.m.). Clay Creators (Ages 6-10) begins January 20 - March 17, Tuesdays 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Kids Clay Wheel (Ages 11-15) begins January 22 March 12, Thursdays 4:00 -6:00 p.m. These classes are for beginners and beyond. Perfect if you always wanted to try a clay class, learn new techniques and brush up on existing ones. GAC Clay Studio. $125 for adult class and $120 for kids’ classes, includes all supplies. Adult Dance Classes at the GAC Come out and get your groove on this winter at the GAC! Stay active and keep the winter blues at bay with one of our awesome dance classes. Most start the week of January 18th so mark your calendars! You can choose from Ballet/Barre Wednesdays 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., “Never Ever” Tap Mondays 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Tap I Wednesdays 7:30 - 8:30 p.m., “Born to Dance” Dance Fusion Tuesdays 7:30 - 8:30 p.m., Hip Hop Thursdays 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. and Country Swing Dance Fridays 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. In February we will have Belly Dance Mondays 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. and Clogging Saturdays 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. so keep an eye out for those. Youth Dance Classes at the GAC Get your kids moving this winter with one of our awesome dance classes. They start the week of January 18th so mark your calendars! You can choose from Mickies & Minnies: Beginning Creative Movement (Ages 2-4) Mondays 10:15 - 11:00 a.m., Tap/Tumbling Combo Ages 5-7 Mondays 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. and Ages 8-12 Mondays 5:15 - 6:15 p.m., Ballet/Jazz Combo Ages 5-7 Wednesdays 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. and Ages 8-12 Wednesdays 5:15 - 6:15 p.m., Youth Hip Hop Ages 5-7 Fridays 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. and Ages 8-12 Fridays 5:00 6:00 p.m., Teen Hip Hop for Ages 13-18 will be Fridays 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Children’s Theatre Classes: “Hope’s Fairy Tale” In this afterschool, three week children’s theatre program, instructor Alice Stern will take students on a delightful adventure through “Hope’s Fairy Tale”, a unique production written and directed by Alice, using animated puppets alongside human actors. Students will learn basic stage terms and presence, theatre skills including puppeteering and will memorize their lines in this 45 minute play as they soar through princess Hope’s kingdom and learn what true beauty is. Open to students ages 7 - 14. Rehearsals are Monday Thursdays from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m., January 19th - February 5th in the Gunnison Arts Center’s theatre. “Hope’s Fairy Tale” performances will be on Saturday, February 7th at 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. $100 for the full 3 week tuition. Space is limited, Min 5 and Max 10 students. Preregister at gunnisonartscenter.org, (970) 641-4029 or at 102 S. Main St. GUNNISON COMPETITION DANCERS WILL BE HOLDING BINGO at the Elks Lodge this Friday, January 9th at 7pm. Tickets are $10. Call 209-0242 , or purchas at the door. (1/7). 2ND ANNUAL MINER’S BALL THIS FRIDAY: Support your local Museum! The second annual Miner’s Ball is taking place this Friday, January 9th at Kochevar’s from 6-10pm. This is the major FUNdraiser for the Crested Butte Mountain Heritage Museum for this winter. Doors open at 10pm for dancing only for a donation to support the Museum. Tickets are $75 and a limited number are still available at the Museum, which is open from 11am-5pm daily. Raffle tickets are being sold at the Museum and the post office. Everyone is encouraged to buy raffle tickets, as you need not be present to win. 349-1880. (1/7). People are raving about it! If you haven’t already taken advantage of the FREE WiFi through IC Connex what are you waiting for? Service is free until January 15th. www.icconnex.com (1/7/30) Gunnison Valley Youth Fiddlers The Gunnison Valley Youth Fiddlers (GVYF) is a group strings program open to students grade 2-12 focusing on the violin, viola, cello and upright bass following the Suzuki method. Students will learn from the ground up and share in all musical traditions from classical to bluegrass, to rock and beyond! Students will have weekly group lessons in their respective level on Tuesdays. On Thursdays students will receive 30 minute semi-private lessons. Student must provide their own instrument and music books. We have a talented and wonderful group of local string instructors! Classes run January 13th – April 30th. Twinklers – beginning students will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Allegros – returning Twinklers will meet Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Cost is $210 for 15 weeks (22 classes). For more information, to register or purchase tickets please call 970-641-4029, visit gunnisonartscenter.org or stop by 102 South Main Street. THE 3RD ANNUAL MAGIC MEADOWS 7 will be Saturday, January 10th from 8am-3pm at the Magic Meadows Yurt. On your own or on a team, in spandex or in costume, ski against the clock or just come hang out at the Magic Meadows Yurt during this 7 hour community ski event, a fundraiser for the Crested Butte and Gunnison Nordic Teams. Cost of entry is $25 or $50 in pledges. Lunch and beverages will be provided and there will be a raffle for a pair of Icelandic Vanguard backcountry skis. cbnordic.org. (1/14). mNoEvW es - FOOD DRIVE ag BGET JOIN TODAY AND g In A Brin od For * f FoFREE! ONEO WEEK Your Service Fee A Salon for Personal Service. NOW CARRYING NAILS Custom Nail Wraps! Fun, Easy, Affordable... Do them yourself or we can for you. Sue Mundell, Owner 641-3610 See us at: www.gunnisonsalon.com The Opportunity Shop at 304 South 10th Street Winter Hours Tuesday 12-4 Thursday 12-4 gunnison country shopper, january 7, 2015 page 4 Nepalese,Tibetan & Indian Restaurant 323 E. Tomichi (970) 641-7480 Reservations & Takeout Stop in and talk to Pemba about trekking in Nepal OPEN 7 Days a Week Lunch: 11AM - 2:30PM Dinner: 5 - 9:30PM THE HISTORY OF THE GUNNISON COUNTRY is taught by Duane Vandenbusche on Monday evenings from 6:00-8:30pm in Kelley Hall, room 201 beginning on January 12. The course covers Gunnison country history from 1600 to the present. The course highlights the Utes, Spanish exploration, fur trade and mountain men, explorers, gold and silver mining camps, narrow gauge railroads, ranching, water, the towns of Gunnison and Crested Butte, recreation, Western State and the present. The course features slide show presentations and videos on Gunnison, Crested Butte, ranching, the Black Canyon, and skiing. Contact Western Extended Studies at 970.943.2885 or western.edu/es to register. (1/7). HOW TO PAINT A PORTRAIT: Mondays, January 12-March 9, 68pm. $130 + $35 supply fee. Learn to draw the structure of the human face and to blend your own paints to get the perfect tone. This class gives you all the skills you need to continue painting on your own. No experience necessary. Instructor: Megan Craver. Class meets Mondays for eight weeks with no class on February 16. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970-349-7487 (1/7). MORNING ENGLISH CLASSES begin Tuesday, January 13, 8:30am at the Family Services Center, 225 N. Pine. All are welcome! For more information call the Center for Adult & Family Education (CAFE), 970-641-7684 or come to class. (1/14). Gunnison Recreation & Community Center Winter Park and Recreation Programs are starting! Visit our virtual brochure at www.tinyurl.com/2014-2015WinterSpring brochure for dates, times, and more information on all of our Winter Programs. More information at www.gunnisonrec.com 200 East Spencer Avenue 970-641-8060 PAINT YOUR OWN POTTERY: Join the Gunnison Arts Center Saturday and Sunday, January 10th and 11th from 1-5pm in the Clay Studio for open Paint Your Own Pottery. Warm up Winter this month with our great selection of bisque-ware items to choose from including plates, mugs, bowls, animal collectibles and more! This is a great activity for kids and families! Prices of the items range from $5 - $45. No sitting fee and all supplies and instruction are included in the price. Please allow one week for piece to be kiln fired and ready for pick-up. 641-4029, 102 S. Main St., GunnisonArtsCenter.org. (1/7). CLASSIC NORDIC SKI SERIES RESCHEDULED: Sat., Jan. 10 & 17, 10-Noon Learn to Kick and Glide with Gregg Morin. Free with Gunnison Nordic membership. Call Gregg to reserve 970-6411137. Brought to you by Gunnison Nordic. (1/14). SKATE SKI CLINICS with Duncan Callahan, Sat. Jan 10 & 17, 10 11:30am. Free with Gunnison Nordic membership. Call Duncan to reserve your slot 970-2758950. Brought to you by Gunnison Nordic. (1/14). SUNDAYS @ THE YURT. A Backcountry Bistro serving up hot drinks, warm fires, sweet treats, Nordic beta and local hospitali-tea! On the Nordic trail system at Magic Meadows. Sundays from 10-2. www.cbnordic.org (Pass required. Pass free for kids and elders. No pooches). (1/7). SECOND SUNDAYS COMMUNITY YOGA January 11 Pay What You Can! All Levels Welcome! 9am-10am with Kadie Graham CHECK OUT THE NEW SCHEDULE! www.gunnisonsanctuary.com 513 South Main St., Gunnison (1/7) SONOFAGUNN AUDITIONS: Have you always wanted to be part of live theater? Here’s your big chance to fulfill that dream! Mark your calendars for the week of January 12, 2015 to come out and audition for SonofaGunn! Exact dates and times for auditioning will be forthcoming so keep your eyes peeled for details online at gunnisonartscenter.org. (1/7). ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES begin Monday, January 12, 6pm at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. Improve your math, reading, and writing skills and/or prepare for the GED exam. $10 fee for the semester. Call 970-641-7684 for more info. (1/7). CELEBRATE RECOVERY MEETINGS: Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. Call 970-596-3846 or go to www.ohbejoyfulchurch.org for more detailed information. (1/7). GUNNISON VALLEY YOUTH FIDDLERS (GVYF) is a group strings program open to students grade 2-12 focusing on the violin, viola, cello and upright bass following the Suzuki method. Student must provide their own instrument and music books. Classes run January 13th-April 30th. Twinklers beginning students will meet Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4-5pm. Allegros returning Twinklers will meet Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5-6pm. Cost is $210 for 15 weeks (22 classes).970-641-4029, gunnisonartscenter.org. (1/7). INTRODUCTION TO MEDITATION at your local library Dr. Jonathan Barfield, will present an experiential, scientific and the psychological examination of the process of meditation at your local libraries. Special consideration will be given to the relationship of concentration and insight in the meditative experience. He will also explore the role of meditation and mindfulness in mending attention deficit, on emotional regulation in mood disorders, and other psychotherapeutic topics. Participants of all levels will leave with experiential instruction for practice, foundational theory, and ways to overcome various obstacles to meditation. In Crested Butte on Tuesday, January 13th and in Gunnison on Wednesday, January 14th. Both events are at 7pm, free and open to the public. 641-3485 for more info. (1/14). MARCHFOURTH MARCHING BAND: Tuesday, January 13. 8pm. Early Bird through 1/6: $25; Regular: $30, Vaudeville circus and big band spectacular. Crested Butte Center for the Arts. For comprehensive event information and tickets visit www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970-349-7487, or the Center’s box office at 606 Sixth Street in Crested Butte from 9am5pm Monday through Friday. (1/7). SONOFAGUNN AUDITIONS! You can be a part of the hilarious Gunnison Valley comedy tradition. Come try out for the 26th year of SonofaGunn on January 13th or 20th at 5pm. You only need attend one night of the auditions and scripts will be provided. Actors, actresses, stage tech, costume designers, volunteers, young and old; you are all welcome to audition! 970-641-4029, visit gunnisonartscenter.org or stop by 102 S. Main St. (1/7). GUNNISON GETAWAY – BEST VALUE SKI VACATION WITH OPTIONS GALORE GREAT TOWN COMBINED WITH LIFT TICKET & LODGING STARTING AT $51 PER PERSON, PER NIGHT Gunnison is an outdoor recreation mecca that is the home of choice for Olympians and other elite athletes and conveniently located only 30 miles from world-class skiing and snowboarding at Crested Butte Mountain Resort (CBMR). Gunnison and nearby Almont lodging properties have teamed up with CBMR to offer Gunnison Getaway vacation packages that in most cases cost a fair amount less than buying only a lift ticket. Ski Vacation Value – Gunnison Getaway Affordable ski and snowboard vacations to “Colorado’s Last Great Ski Town” just got better with the Gunnison Getaway ski package. Snow-lovers can stay in Gunnison and ski Crested Butte Mountain Resort, only a scenic 30-mile drive or free bus ride away, and enjoy ridiculously low rates all season long. Sample per person, per night rates based on double occupancy during value season (January 6 – February 6 and March 24 – April 6, 2015) start at just $51/pp at Wanderlust Hostel, $78/pp at Comfort Inn and $83/pp at Almont Resort for a cabin and include lodging and lift ticket. During regular season, February 7 – March 23, 2015, sample starting rates include $89 at Alpine Inn or Quality Inn, $94 at Econo Lodge and $109 at The Inn at Tomichi Village. Check www.GunnisonGetaways.com for many additional participating properties as well as rates for young adults and children. “Considering that the normal daily lift ticket price is $103 to $106 for adults from now until the end of ski season, Gunnison Getaway offers an incredible value,” says John Norton, interim executive director of the Gunnison-Crested Butte Tourism Association. Loads of Local Recreation Options For those who prefer other outdoor activities or who enjoy mixing it up a bit on their ski vacations, Gunnison offers a whole spectrum of outdoor and indoor recreation. Jorgensen Event Center is a wealth of winter fun in one location with an indoor ice facility, outdoor covered ice rink, frozen pond dedicated to open public skating, Nordic trails and a unique jib park. Activities available on both the indoor and outdoor ice surfaces include public skating, drop-in hockey and learn to skate classes. A concessions area includes food and beverages, skate rentals and skate sharpening. Check the event center’s website for public skate times, activity times and dates, and more. Colorado’s largest body of water, Blue Mesa Reservoir in Curecanti National Recreation Area just west of Gunnison, is Mother Nature’s contribution to local ice activities with natural ice available for skating and ice fishing. Local outfitters can assist with winter fishing adventures on Blue Mesa and area rivers. Gunnison Nordic grooms approximately 50 kilometers of Nordic skiing trails in the Gunnison area, including Hartman Rocks Recreation Area, Van Tuyl Ranch, Western State Colorado University’s practice field, Jorgensen Park and Mill Creek. Trail maps and trail reports are posted online, and there is no cost to use Gunnison’s Nordic trails. Another great way to try out trails is on fat bikes, which are mountain bikes with huge tires meant for snow and can be rented at All Sports Replay and Rock ‘N’ Roll Sports. Gunnison has a small downhill ski area, Cranor Ski Hill, open on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and on local school holidays as snow conditions allow. Cranor Ski Hill, perfect for new skiers and families, was constructed as a private ski ranch in 1962 and now is owned by the City of Gunnison. Tickets for ages 5 – 16 cost $10, adults $14, and seniors (62 and over) and kids under age 5 are free. When the mood strikes to head indoors, Gunnison’s Community Center has an indoor swimming pool with slides, a large rock climbing wall, gym, gymnastics room and game room for all ages to enjoy. Western State Colorado University’s new Mountaineer Fieldhouse features an indoor track, fitness center, climbing wall, foam pit and more. The impressive 65,000-square-foot facility is open to the public. Skiing, Fishing & Boot Camp Events Gunnison Nordic is presenting two types of Saturday clinics this winter, a Classic Nordic Ski Series that started on Jan 3 and continues on January 10 from 10 a.m. to noon and skate ski clinics on January 10 and 17 from 10 – 11:30 a.m. To sign up for the classic ski classes, which start at Jorgensen Park, call instructor Gregg Morin at (970) 641-1137. For the skate skiing clinics at Western State Colorado University’s practice field, contact Duncan Callahan at (970) 275-8950. To take part, purchase a Gunnison Nordic membership at a cost of $15 for individuals and $25 for couples. Ken Weichert (a.k.a. “SGT Ken”) is bringing his well-known Boot Camp fitness program to Gunnison in partnership with local workout facility Colorado Fitness the weekend of January 30 – February 1. In addition to workout sessions, participants also can dine and enjoy the outdoors with Weichert, who founded the longest-running Boot Camp fitness program in America, START Fitness, and has starred is several best-selling fitness videos. The six-time U.S. Army Soldier of the Year, Master Fitness Trainer, Master Resilience Trainer, Counterintelligence Agent and decorated combat veteran has trained more than 350,000 soldiers and civilians through Operation Fit to Fight. On Friday, January 30 is an early morning workout at Colorado Fitness, Boot Camp class at the Fred R. Field Western Heritage Center at 5:30 p.m., and dinner at Garlic Mike’s. Saturday features a Boot Camp class at 9 a.m. at the Western Heritage Center, followed by sledding on College Hill and brunch on Sunday morning. Kenny Mac Ski Fest is an event for Nordic lovers of all ages and abilities in Gunnison on January 31 at Hartman Rocks Recreation Area or Mill Creek trails, depending on snow conditions. Kids can tackle 1-, 3- and 5-kilometer races, while adults can compete in 10- and 20-kilometer distances. New this year is the Cold Cash Snowflake Dash, a 5-kilometer scavenger hunt tour on Nordic skis. Watch Gunnison Nordic’s website for additional details as they become available. The fourth and final location of the 2014 - 2015 Tightline Outdoors Ice Addiction Tournament Series wraps up at Blue Mesa Reservoir on February 7. The ice fishing competition runs from 8 a.m. to noon with the person landing the biggest single fish by weight, regardless of species, winning $3,000. Cultural Connections & Natural Wonders Gunnison Arts Center has a full calendar of art workshops and exhibitions, paint your own pottery sessions, and theatre productions as well as a monthly film series in partnership with Crested Butte Film Festival. A murder mystery dinner party, fashion exhibition runway show, cabaret and St. Patrick’s Day party are among the special events happening this winter and spring. The popular “AND” series is back this winter with Whiskey & Western Swing, Canvas & Cocktails, Feather Jewelry & Fancy Drinks, Clay & Candies, Super Doodling & Sangria, Clay & Cocktails, and Watercolor & Wine. Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Colorado’s version of the Grand Canyon, is only an hour west of Gunnison. The park offers several free programs in winter, including free snowshoe walks that cover approximately 1.5 miles and include equipment on Saturdays and Sundays from January 24 – March 1 at 1:00 p.m. A cross-country ski clinic to learn the basics is scheduled for January 11 at 1 p.m., and a moonlight Nordic ski outing takes place on January 31 at 7:00 p.m. On January 17 and March 14, park rangers and the Black Canyon Astronomical Society plan to explore “The Winter Night Sky” at 7:00 p.m. Vacation Packages & Visitor Information To save on flights, hotel rooms, vacation packages, car rentals and more, go to www.VisitGCB.com. For travel planning and general information, call (800) 814-8893, go to www.VisitGCB.com, www.GCBevents.com or www.GCBlodging.com or follow GCBTA event promotions on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gcbta. gunnison country shopper, january 7, 2015 C.A. West Bookkeeping Complete Sole-proprietor, Partnership, Corporate, Business Accounting & Tax Preparation A Registered Tax Return Preparer NOW ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS 641-5644 234 N. Main Street Suite 3D www.cawestbook.com IT’S LUNCH TIME! La k e S c h o o l , G C S & C BC S Lu n ch M e n u J a n u a r y 1 2 - 16 M on d a y Buffalo Chicken Salad Celery Sticks Roll Bananas T ue sday Chicken Alfredo Steamed Broccoli Cherry Tomatoes Bread Mandarin Oranges We dne sd ay Chef Salad Carrot Sticks Roll Peaches Thurs day Hotdog/bun Sweet Potato Fries Baked Beans Blueberries Fr i d a y Hardshell tacos Pinto Beans Shredded Lettuce Savory Rice Fruit Cocktail All Meals Served with Milk Menus Subject to Change H = Homemade L = Local food * = Harvest of the Month Menus Provided by Mountain Roots Food Project ARE YOU RENTING? You can feel safe and secure for as little as $8/mo with a Renters Policy that provides protection for your personal belongings, personal liability, and even identity theft. Find out for yourself why American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. UPCOMING COMPUTER CLASSES AT THE GUNNISON LIBRARY: Learn to download free library ebooks to your reader. Thursday, January 15th at 5:30. Please call 641-3485 to reserve your spot. (1/14). STAND UP FOR PEACE: Join us every Friday at noon for 15 minutes at The Oddfellows Park, corner of Main & Virginia. (1/7). RE-CREATIONS LIVE PAINTING: Thursday, January 15, 68pm. $35. The perfect après ski! Grab a friend and head to The Sweet Spot in Mount Crested Butte to recreate a classical, wellknown painting. Tonight’s feature is “Red Poppy” by Georgia O’Keefe. Registration fee includes your canvas, painting supplies and complimentary beverage from Sweet Spot bar. Instructor: Jennifer Vannatta. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970-349-7487, 606 Sixth Street in Crested Butte from 9am-5pm. Monday through Friday, or find us on Facebook. (1/14). BEST PRACTICES FOR WESTERN COLORADO NONPROFITS: Nonprofit board and staff members from the Western Slope are invited to the second of a 10part series on Best Practices for Nonprofits in Gunnison on January 15, noon-3pm (bring your lunch), Fred Field Center, 275 S. Spruce St, Gunnison. The guest presenter of “Great Governing Boards” is Cathryn Saylor Peterson, vicepresident of Maxfield Peterson Financial Services in Montrose. Participants will learn how to report and interpret financial information and will learn about the laws within which boards of directors must work. The fee is $30 for preregistration and $35 at the door. Teams are encouraged. Best Practices draws from the manual “Principles & Practices” from the Colorado Nonprofit Association. The series continues the impact of Rural Philanthropy Days, and is guided by a regional team of nonprofit board and staff members in concert with the Community Resource Center of Denver For more information and to register, contact Maryo Ewell, [email protected], 970-6413570. (1/14). CABARET: “THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE UGLY”: The Gunnison Arts Center has just the thing to chase away those January blues! One fun night of live cabaret songs brought to you by the cast of “Getting it Wright” (almost). “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” will incorporate show tunes and dances both sweet and saucy and simply downright bad! Friday, January 16th doors and cocktails at 7pm, show starts at 7:30pm. Cash bar will be open with apps and dessert available for purchase. General admission $15. Recommended for mature audiences. 970-641-4029, gunnisonartscenter.org, 102 South Main Street. (1/14). GAC MONTHLY FILM: “POINT AND SHOOT”: The Gunnison Arts Center, in collaboration with the Crested Butte Film Festival, is excited to present the film “Point and Shoot” as the next selection D Monthly Film Series. Winner in the of the Best Documentary Award at the Tribeca Film Festival, Point And Shoot follows Matthew VanDyke, a 26-year-old who left home in Baltimore in 2006 and set off on a self-described “crash course in manhood.” When a revolution broke out in Libya, he took up arms against Dictator Muammar Gaddafi, was captured and imprisoned, and became an international media sensation. Viewing Saturday, January 17th at 7pm in the GAC Black Box Theater, 102 South Main Street. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the GAC, online at gunnisonartscenter.org, or by calling 641-4029. (1/14). MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR JANUARY 31, 2015! The Kenny Mac Nordic race, a fundraiser for Gunnison Nordic, will be held on January 31. The location will be determined on January 10 based on snow conditions (either Hartman Rocks or Mill Creek). The event will feature a skate ski race, kids race and a new event, Cold Cash Snowflake Dash, for nordic touring skiers. More information will be coming soon as the details are finalized. Just a reminder you can check our website for trail grooming updates and events. www.gunnisonnordic.com. Gunnison Nordic (1/7). page 5 HOUSE OF GOOD SPIRITS HELP US CELEBRATE OUR 34th ANNIVERSARY!! Many In-Store Sale Items CUSTOMER REWARDS CARD Double Points! Saturday, January 10th FREE ICE with purchase of $5.00 or more ADULT DANCE CLASSES AT THE GAC: Come out and get your groove on this winter at the GAC! Stay active and keep the winter blues at bay with one of our awesome dance classes. Most start the week of January 18th so mark your calendars! You can choose from Ballet/Barre Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm, ‘Never Ever’ Tap Mondays 6:30-7:30pm, Tap I Wednesdays 7:30-8:30pm, “Born to Dance” Dance Fusion Tuesdays 7:30-8:30pm, Hip Hop Thursdays 7:30-8:30pm and Country Swing Dance Fridays 78pm. In February we will have Belly Dance Mondays 7:308:30pm and Clogging Saturdays 4-5:30pm so keep an eye out for those. 641-4029, 102 S. Main St., GunnisonArtsCenter.org. GUNNISON LIQUOR STORE RIDE NEEDED: I need to be in Montrose by 8am on Thursday, January 29th to catch the bus to the VA Hospital in Grand Junction. Or, a ride to Grand Junction on that same day. May also need a return ride. Please leave a mesage for Pappy at 641-2056. (1/14) JOHN POPPER WITH BROTHERS KEEPER: Sunday, January 18. 8pm. Early Bird through 1/11: $20; Regular: $25, Harmonica virtuoso and jam band pioneer. Crested Butte Center for the Arts. For comprehensive event information and tickets visit www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970-349-7487, or the Center’s box office at 606 Sixth Street in Crested Butte from 9am-5pm Monday through Friday. CHILDREN’S THEATRE CLASSES: “HOPE’S FAIRY TALE”: In this afterschool, three week children’s theatre program, instructor Alice Stern will take students on a delightful adventure through “Hope’s Fairy Tale”, a unique production written and directed by Alice, using animated puppets alongside human actors. Students will learn basic stage terms and presence, theatre skills including puppeteering and will memorize their lines in this 45 minute play. Open to students ages 7 - 14. Rehearsals are Monday - Thursdays from 45:30pm, January 19th - February 5th in the Gunnison Arts Center’s theatre. “Hope’s Fairy Tale” performances will be on Saturday, February 7th at 3: & 5pm. $100/the full 3 week tuition. Space is limited. Pre-register at gunnisonartscenter.org, 6414029 or at 102 S. Main St. (1/14). (1/14). YOUTH DANCE CLASSES AT THE GAC: Get your kids moving this winter with one of our awesome dance classes. They start the week of January 18th so mark your calendars! You can choose from Mickies & Minnies: Beginning Creative Movement (Ages 2-4) Mondays 10:15-11am, Tap/Tumbling Combo Ages 5-7 Mondays 4-5pm and Ages 8-12 Mondays 5:15-6:15pm, Ballet/Jazz Combo Ages 5-7 Wednesdays 4:00-5pm and Ages 8-12 Wednesdays 5:15-6:15pm, Youth Hip Hop Ages 5-7 Fridays 45pm and Ages 8-12 Fridays 56pm, Teen Hip Hop for Ages 1318 will be Fridays 6-7pm. 6414029, 102 S. Main St., GunnisonArtsCenter.org. (1/7). GUNNISON COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE: 1/20/2015 from 10:30am to 4:30pm. Donations inside the Gunnison Fair Grounds Vantuyl Room located at 275 S. Spruce Street, Gunnison. For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Bonfils Appointment Center 800365-0006, ext 2 or visit bonfils.org. Donations decline up to 20 percent in January, so donors are asked to make a New Year’s resolution to save the lives of patients who need blood transfusions. (1/14). (1/7). HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM SIX POINTS! We love our new home and want to thank all of you who helped make it possible through donations of funds, help with the move, construction supplies/labor and your Thrift Store purchases and donations. The new Thrift Store is open and accepting donations next to the garage door (north end of the building.) We’re still in the process of moving in, hanging signs and displaying goods, so come by often to see the changes. New hours: 9am6pm M-F and 10am-5pm Sat. Hope to see you soon! (1/14). WESTERN STATE COLORADO UNIVERSITY BLOOD DRIVE: 1/21/2015 from 8:30am to 3pm. Donations inside the Western State Colorado University Lower/Practice Gym located at 600 N. Adams St., Gunnison. For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Suzy Coykendall 970-943-2645 or visit bonfils.org. Donations decline up to 20 percent in January, so donors are asked to make a New Year’s resolution to save the lives of patients who need blood transfusions. (1/21). IS YOUR PET wearing a current municipal license or ID tag? Most pets wearing tags are returned to their owners within 24 hours of receipt at an animal shelter. (1/7). 603 West Tomichi 641-1717 www.gunnisonliquor.com Circus Train THANKS YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT THIS YEAR! CUSTOMER APPRECIATION SALE! 50% OFF All Clothing * January 8th - January 18th An d... Draw Your Discount On Toys • 10% - 25% OFF! (*Excludes: Little Giraffe, Cozey 7, Marble Runs, Dance Tights & Shoes) HOURS: 9:30-6 MON - SAT; 10-3 SUNDAY 125 N. Main • Gunnison • 641-0635 Save money on your cell phone bill by connecting to our Citywide Connex WiFi, it’s free until January 15th! www.icconnex.com (1/7/20) CLAY CLASSES FOR ADULTS & KIDS: We have kids’ clay classes and adult clay classes beginning soon! The first 5-week session of Creative Clay for Adults Wednesday, January 21st through February 18 (Wednesdays from 69pm). Clay Creators (Ages 6-10) January 20 - March 17, Tuesdays 4-5:30pm. Kids Clay Wheel (Ages 11-15) January 22 - March 12, Thursdays 4-6pm. These classes are for beginners and beyond. GAC Clay Studio. $125 for adult class and $120 for kids’ classes, includes all supplies. For additional information stop by the GAC at 102 South Main Street, call 970641-4029 or visit us online at gunnisonartscenter.org. (1/14). FIESTA NIGHT! Follow-up Salsa Dancing Instruction by Joseph Guadian. Saturday, January 24th at 6pm. 810 N 11th St (across from Gunnison Community Schools). ALL COMMUNITY INVITED. 970-596-4196 (1/21). SERGEANT KEN WEICHERT, OF START FITNESS IS COMING TO GUNNISON! Boot Camp Weekend Friday, January 30 and Saturday, January 31, 2015. He will be teaching two sessions that are open to the public. Save the Dates! For more info., contact Colorado Fitness, 641-3375 (1/7). GUNNISON COUNTY RECYCLING CENTER has 24 hour drop off for newspapers & magazines. Office pack can be dropped off during Recycling Center office hours, 8am-4pm, 7 days/week. NON-recyclable paper includes: neon brights, black copies (over copied), manila envelopes, red printing construction paper. 811 Rio Grande, Gunnison. (1/7). gunnison country shopper, january 7, 2015 page 6 F or Your Information Names & Numbers for Gunnison County Emergencies Gunnison County Administration Office Airport Administration Alternative Services Assessor County Commissioners Coroner County Attorney County Clerk County Court District Attorney Dos Rios Water Treat. Drivers License Office Elections Emergency Services Environmental Health Extension Agent Fairgrounds Manager Finance GED Preparation Housing Authority Jail Juvenile Diversion Project Landfill Legal Aid Library Literacy Program/ English Classes Long Range Planning Information Tech. Motor Vehicles Planning Public Health/ Family Planning Public Works/ Road and Bridge Recorder Safe Ride Sheriff Sheriff CB Social Services/ Food Stamps Treasurer Weed District 641-0248 641-2304 641-7635 641-1085 641-0248 641-9213 641-5300 641-1516 641-3500 641-5138 641-8565 641-1052 641-7927 641-2481 641-5105 641-1260 641-8561 641-2203 641-7647 641-7900 641-1108 641-4710 641-5522 641-3023 641-3485 641-7684 641-7620 641-1410 641-1602 641-0360 641-0209 641-0044 641-2038 209-RIDE 641-1113 349-7562 641-3244 641-2231 641-4393 Post Offices Almont Cimarron Crested Butte Gunnison Lake City Parlin Pitkin Powderhorn Sargents 641-3653 252-8366 349-5568 641-1884 944-2560 641-4676 641-9236 641-8737 641-1418 M.A.P.I. MINISTERIO APOSTOLICO PROFETICO INTERNACIONAL: Iglesia Cristiana EMANUEL. Anuncia que se traslado de sede. Informes en los telefonos: 970-258-2046, 970-2343041, 970-964-8545, 970-9648519. ¡Los Esperamos! (1/7). THE GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR: Keep it Short, Keep it Sweet.... submit your Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How to [email protected]. (1/7). CITIZENS NEEDED TO SERVE! The Forest Service, working with Mesa, Garfield, Montrose and Gunnison counties in Colorado is seeking individuals interested in serving on a 15-person resource advisory committee (RAC) to solicit, review, recommend and monitor projects that promote healthy landscapes, benefit watersheds and accomplish needed work on the ground. The RAC oversees funding that is authorized by Congress under the Secure Rural Schools Act and under Title II of the Act, returns monies to Garfield, Gunnison, Mesa and Montrose counties on the GMUG National Forest to accomplish resource-based project work on National Forest System lands. All RAC members must be residents of Colorado. For additional information contact: Lee Ann Loupe at 970.874.6717 or [email protected] or visit the GMUG website at: http://www.fs.usda.gov/goto/GM UG/RAC. (1/7). 91 1 Gunnison City Building Dept. City Admin./Court Community Center Parks & Rec. Community Devel. Cranor Hill Sk Area Crime Stoppers Finance Dept./Utilities Fire Marshal Gunnison Police Dept. Hearing Impaired Neighborhood Services Animal Control Public Works Waste Water Lab Waste Water Treatment 641-8151 641-8080 641-8060 641-8090 641-4655 641-8280 641-8070 641-8153 641-8200 641-8009 641-8242 641-8020 641-8042 641-8040 Agencies Bureau of Land Management 642-4940 Colorado Division of Wildlife 641-7060 Colorado State Forest Gunnison District 641-6852 Gunnison Arts Center 641-4029 Gunnison Valley Hospital 641-1456 Job Service 641-0031 United States Forest Service 641-0471 Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy Dist. 641-6065 Senior Resources Senior Citizens Center 641-2107 Senior Resources Office 641-7984 Two Buttes Senior Citizens 349-5607 Schools Crested Butte Community School Gunnison Alternative School Gunnison Community Gunnison High School WSCU Extended Stud. WSCU Switchboard 641-7720 641-7755 641-7710 641-7700 943-2885 943-0120 Chambers of Commerces Crested Butte Gunnison 349-6438 641-1501 Bus Routes Mountain Express 349-5616 Rural Trans. Authority 641-5074 THE MULTICULTURAL RESOURCE SERVICES, 225 N. Pine St., Suite B, now has full time funding thanks to a grant from Caring for Colorado, El Pomar, and Mentor’s Program. We share the office with CAFÉ (Center for Adult and Family Education). Come by of call Ellen 641-7999. If I’m not in, it’s because I often have to be in meetings or trainings. If you have a medical emergency, please call 911 (1/7). ALLEY LOOP REGISTRATION AND VOLUNTEERING: Crested Butte Nordic is in need of volunteer support for the 29th Annual Alley Loop, Presented by Western State Colorado University. There are numerous ways you can help make this classic Crested Butte event a success! Place yourself onto an event crew by visiting cbnordic.org, find the volunteer sign up on the Alley Loop page under the Events tab (1/14). TEXAS HOLD ‘EM POKER! Come join us for our weekly Saturday night limit hold ‘em game! Real poker room, great music, lots of fun! Contact Brian for details 970-417-1961. (1/14). DON’T FORGET! Gunnison Valley PTA is collecting Box Tops 4 Education. This is an easy way for anyone to support your local community school/PTA. You can send your Box Tops to your child’s classroom or put them in collection containers at the public library or the community center. Thank you for your support! (1/7). MAUREEN O’DONNELL STARTED THE “GUNNISON CLOTHING PROJECT” on Sept 15, 2014. Her mission statement is “Saving the landfill and clothing the people who need or want it.” She provides this service to our community for free. She does this in cooperation with Janet Lucas, owner of the Boom-A-Rang. Each week O’Donnell gets contractor size bags of clothing that she sorts into size and gender appropriate boxes. Since September, she has saved 116 bags from going to the landfill. They also deliver boxes to shut ins or folks who have no means of transportation. There is also a “Free Box” located next to the Food Pantry, in the alley. You can stop by the Pantry on Monday or Wednesday, in the morning and talk to Maureen. You may also call her at 641-0171 to line up a time to see what other free clothing is available. (1/14). I WOULD LIKE TO THANK GUNNISON TITLE & ABSTRACT COMPANY for the help in clearing my title work. Thanks Dillon & Gary. David Thompson. (1/7). IN THIS TIME OF LOSS we know that there are many of you who would like to express their condolences to the family of Hillary Moon. We truly appreciate all of the love and support that Crested Butte Community and beyond has already provided. The family is asking in lieu of flowers, cards and gifts at this time, that donations can be made to the Hillary Moon Memorial Fund. These donations will be used for Aidan’s and Liam’s future college funds. An account has been set up at Bank of the West. Donations can be made in person at any location or mailed to: Bank of the West, P.O. Box 493, Crested Butte, CO 81224. For Hillary Moon Memorial Fund, #036420372 (1/7). SIX POINTS DONATION HOURS: at our new location 9am-4pm Monday - Friday; 10am4pm Saturday; Closed on Sunday. Please call Six Points at 970-6413081 for furniture donations or large donations of household items. (1/14). POTTERS/CLAY ARTISTS: Opening in a small cooperative downtown Gunnison studio for a ceramist, beginning January 2015. If interested, call Karen for more information at 970-6413875. (1/7). ATTENTION: Citizens of the Gunnison Basin and surrounding area. Every Monday morning at 8:05 am, Jim Kirshner from 580 KUBC in Montrose is talking to area residents from Montrose, Delta & Gunnison Counties on Agriculture related topics. Leaders in their respected fields give their input & advise on water, livestock, renewable energy, crops, endangered species, youth in agriculture, BLM & Forest road closures, etc. Gunnison Farm Bureau invites you to listen in! (1/7). FREE COOKING CLASSES for adults, presented by Mountain Roots. Fridays, 11-1, at Fred Field (Fairgrounds). Groceries and recipes included. Call Jessica at 724-421-7357 to sign up. (1/14). DEAR SANTA, Thank you, thank you for your generous gift to my family and me! It brought a smile to my face and warmth to my heart! I KNEW Santa was real! :) Thank you again, Laura (“L”) Lukassen. (1/7). HABLE CON UN ABOGADO GRATIS: Clínica de consulta legal gratis el primer jueves de cada mes en edificio de Servicios Familiares, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison a las 5:30 de la tarde. Llame a Ellen para obtener más información 970-641-7999. (1/7). BIG THANKS! To Kristie Pike at Prois Hunting & Apparel. From Six Points. (1/14). KBUT IS LOCATED AT 88.7 FM IN GUNNISON. Our signal strength has increased from 40 watts to 6500 watts this past year. Tune us in loud and clear. TRY THE NEW CHINESE RESTAURANT IN TOWN! Chinese Restaurant (1/7). DO YOU READ AND USE THE CITY MARKET WEEKLY INSERT FROM THE GUNNISON COUNTRY SHOPPER? If you do, we need some help from our readers to have it inserted in The Shopper once again. Please, if you do use the insert call City Market and let them know how important it is to you and how you use it weekly. Thanks for your help and support from all our readers through the years! City Market Local 6413816 (1/7). GUNNISON FARMERS MARKET SEEKING NEW BOARD MEMBERS: Do you like food, farming, people, and your community? Are you seeking volunteer experience, or just something new to put your energies into? The Gunnison Farmers Market Board is seeking new members for our working board. Our annual meeting will take place in February 2015, so think about it... Keep posted here in The Shopper, or follow us on Facebook. (1/7). VETERANS: Do you need assistance in your home? Visiting Angels is now servicing VETS in the Gunnison area, with no to cost you. Call to see if you qualify for this Veteran benefit. Visiting Angels of SW Colorado. 970-2645991 (1/14). Dine In - Take Out Tel: (970) 642-6363 113 W. Tomichi, Gunnison, CO 81230 Open 7 Days A Week Mon. - Fri.: 11:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Sat. - Sun.: Noon - 9:30 p.m. FOR SALE: Kirby vacuum cleaner, $50, 970-209-6051. (1/14). 2005 KEYSTONE SPRINGDALE TRAVEL TRAILER: 29’ XL slide-in kitchen/living room, large back kitchen, separate bedroom/bath, exc. cond., lightweight/easy to pull, 2”x2” receiver for bike carrier, electric tongue jack, sway bar, hitch & mirrors included. $10,500 OBO. 641-9518. (1/7). SAFE: Sentry brand. Comes with key and combination. $100 firm. 505-670-4269 (1/7). FOR SALE: North Face down hoodie jacket. Brand New. Size S/M. Many features. $100. 3495190. (1/7). Meditation for Stress Reduction A 4 week workshop presented by the Gunnison Sanctuary Mondays: January 19-February 9, 7-8:15 pm. $30 BURTON SKI PANTS: army green with yellow print. Cargo pant style. XS women’s. $15. 596-8954. (1/7). Meditation is proven to alleviate stress, pain, depression and sleep problems. PERUVIAN RUG OR WALL HANGING FOR SALE: 4’x5’. Great colors. $75. Call/text for photo. 970-275-2765. (1/7). Come learn in a welcome & fun atmosphere how to relax and enhance your focus. Mary 970-209-5476 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Hard & Soft Woods 970-424-2936 (1/7/7) PET ADOPTIONS are available through Neighborhood Services. Cost is $10, spay/neuter is required and a follow up on the pet’s care is also included. Call 641-8242. (1/7). FOR SALE: 6, 14” wide flange heavy duty “I” joists 28’ long. Asking $80 each. Please call 9442495 (1/7). LOOKING FOR: used metal Tposts, 275-4852. (1/7). KILLER DEAL! 4 Goodyear tires on 18 inch rims. New’ish, 3800 miles. Came from Chevy 2500 HD. Size LT265/70R18, 8 hole lug nuts. Asking $800 for all 4, willing to negotiate serious offers. Located in Gunnison, Colorado. Call KV at 970-376-1971 (1/7). Save money on your cell phone bill by connecting to our Citywide Connex WiFi, it’s free until January 15th! www.icconnex.com (1/7/20) KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall. (1/7). TWO MAROON COUCHES: good shape, 8’3” by 46” deep, and 6’ by 46” deep. $200 takes both, OBO. Comfy and soft. 970641-5198 (1/14). SLEEPER COUCH FOR SALE: Comfy, clean, great condition. $75 OBO. Call 970-275-8910. (1/14). WOMEN’S MONTBELL DOWN VEST: medium, very good condition & just washed, $35. 3491321 (1/7). KBUT WISHES YOU A HAPPY 2015! Tune in to 90.3 in Crested Butte, 89.9 in Gunnison, or 94.9 at Almont and Jack’s Cabin or at KBUT.org. (1/7). FOR SALE: 2 twin beds w/log head boards. Like new, $125 ea. Ohio City 970-641-6075. (1/14). ST. PETER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE BOY SCOUT TROOP 476 for their donation of food for our Christmas Food Boxes. We really appreciate your time and your effort to help the needy in our community. (1/7). NICE DAY BED: Dark color wicker back with solid wood and wicker sides. Two twin mattresses. Converts to king. Barely used, like new. Paid over $800, sell for $350, 596-5681 (1/7). WANTED: Used rowing machine 641-5644 (1/7). GAS STOVE PIPE FOR SALE: horizontal wind cap, variety of straight lengths, curved. $180 takes all Paid over $500. Call/text 275-2765. (1/7). HOCKEY SKATES FOR SALE: Near new Easton eq30. Bought for two hundred and used one season. Heat moldable. 11d sr. $100. 209-0408 (1/14). FOR SALE: wood headboard, 64”Wx48”H, cast decorative flower insert, 61” mattress, $25 OBO. Call Bob 970-901-7277. (1/7). FOR SALE: Complete indoors grow room set up. Two hood lights, four inch and six inch 1,000 watts. One transformer. Side lights. Extra bulbs. White Panda plastic. Four inch cooling and vent fan plus duct work, and more, $300. 970-209-3164. (1/7/pd/47) UNA EDUCACIÓN DE ALTA CALIDAD del Pre Kínder tiene beneficios sociales, educacionales y económicos a lo largo de la vida de los niños. . Si quiere una lista de los establecimientos locales con licencia, pase por la oficina de Servicios Familiares ECC 641-7913; (en español: 6417999) (1/7). FOR SALE: 2 - 235/75/15 mounted on 6-hole wheels, not much left, $50. 970-209-6051. (1/14). FOR SALE: 2 x 12 x 14’ Cedar boards in good condition for $50 each. Retail cost is over $90! Please call 944-2495 (1/7). COFFEE AND TWO END TABLES: wooden medium brown oak with light smoke colored glass tops trimmed in gold. Measures 56”x25”x16”; 26”x22”x21”, 22”X22”X16”, $225 FOR THE SET OF THREE. 970-641-1306 (1/14). SKI RACK FOR SALE: Yakima brand holds about 3 pairs, roof mount. $65. Call/text for pics 970-275-2765 (1/7). OAK BUNK BEDS and one twin mattress. In good shape. $100 OBO. Call 970-275-6060. (1/14). TWO POTTERY BARN KIDS pink floral twin-sized quilts. $30 per quilt. 970-901-8864. (1/7). (1/14). WANTED TO BUY: mini excavator in good condition, please call John 209-2912 (1/14). FOR SALE: xcountry ski poles, 58”-66” lengths, $10 ea. 3495190. (1/7). FOR SALE: 78 square feet Pergo XP of “Hawaiian Curly Koa” from Home Depot, in boxes (6). $170. 641-6898 evenings. (1/14). JACK LALANNE POWER JUICER: like new, make offer, 641-3168. (1/14). FOR SALE: Two nearly new leather couches, 64” long, dark brown color. Superb condition, $150, call 641-0898 (1/7). FREE: Full-size mattress and box spring. Please call 970-275-6311 (1/14). FOR SALE: Salewa 10-pt. crampons, lightweight & adjustable, $30. 349-5190. (1/7). FOR SALE: Rubber coated olympic weight set by VALOR FITNESS. 250 pounds of weight and 45 lb. chrome olympic bar 295 total lbs. Excellent like new condition. $200. 970-596-8062 (1/14). FOR SALE: Two 18” tan Pottery Barn throw pillow covers. $10 for both. 970-901-8864 (1/7). FOR SALE: 1 double bed w/frame, $15. Ohio City 970-6416075. (1/14). gunnison country shopper, january 7, 2015 DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE? It’s ok if you don’t know, because American Family Insurance & The Nelson Family Agency is here to help. You can feel safe and secure with plans starting as low as $10/mo. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of local professionals at 641-3481 or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. AUNQUE SUS HIJOS NO ESTÉN ENFERMOS, es importante que visiten a los médicos periódicamente. Se recomienda que las visitas se hagan a los 2 meses, 4 meses, 6 meses, 9 meses, 1 año, 15 meses, 18 meses, 2 años, 3 años, 4 años, 5 años, 6 años, 8 años, 10 años, y cada año hasta los 21 años. Llame a la Oficina Multicultural si necesita ayuda para hacer una cita o si tiene preguntas. 6417999 (1/7). WORKING ORGAN FOR SALE: for $100, call 970-355-9686. (1/14). FOR SALE: women’s Kenetrek Mtn. Extreme- worn 2x. $250 Call or text 540-798-2324 for pictures or further info! (1/7). WHIRLPOOL REFRIGERATOR: 24” wide, 57” tall, 289” deep. Cold! 209-0142. (1/7). FOR SALE: Technica Duo 90 ski boot. About women’s 8.5/men’s 7. Shell is 285. $30, call or text 540-798-2324 (1/7). HOME RECORDING STUDIO EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Alto Zephyr ZMX862 6-channel mixer $50, TASCAM DP-004 4-track digital recorder $80. Both in excellent condition. Includes AC adapters and owner manuals. 970-596-0380 (1/7). WOMEN’S WELLNESS CONNECTION - FREE MAMMOGRAMS & PAP TESTS ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES: 1. No insurance or deductible high enough to delay or prevent screening; 2. Doesn’t exceed income guidelines; 3. 40-64 years of age (women 40-49 will receive a mammogram at discretion of provider; 4. Not had a mammogram or Pap test in the past 12 months (some exceptions apply); 5. Meet Colorado identity or citizenship verification criteria. Please contact Gunnison County Public Health with any questions, 970641-0209. (1/7). SLEEPER COUCH FOR SALE: Comfy, clean, great condition. $100 OBO. Call 970-275-8910. (1/7). SNOWBOARD BINDINGS FOR SALE: Burton Escapade, brand new, asking $200. 303-3046080. (1/14). HOME THEATRE SYSTEM: Sony HT-CT350 sound bar with subwoofer, virtual 5.1 channel surround sound, multiple HDMI inputs/outputs, includes bracket to mount to Sony TV, and manual. Excellent condition, $200. 970641-4828 (1/7). 7,900 Gunnison Country Shoppers every WEDNESDAY FOR SALE: Full size sleeper sofa in good condition. Blue colors. $100. 970-641-8912 (1/14). YOUR FREE ADS RUN FOR TWO WEEKS automatically (unless date restricted, i.e. yard sales, events) when you call, fax, email, or bring them in yourself. Really! Two weeks on renewal ads as well. It’s amazing! www.gunnisonshopper.com, 641-3148. (1/7). SNOWBOARD: 2015 Never Summer Heritage 158 and 2015 Burton Mission Medium binding. Using for a week from Jan 3 to 8th. Offers over $550. Email John at [email protected] or call 864-593-0239. (1/14). FINE ARTS: prints by Melissa Harris, Lydia Mauer “On the Trail” framed, Andy Schyndle, D4NO. 209-0142. (1/7). SKI BOOTS: Valbello Axion 8, sz 13, like new, $150. n Ohio City 970-641-6075. (1/14). FLY RODS FOR SALE: Orvis Access 8’6” 4-weight 4-piece mid flex $200; Orvis Helios 8’6” 5weight 4-piece mid flex $300; Orvis Helios2 (H2) 9’ 5-weight 4piece tip flex $350. 970-5960380 (1/7). ROCK COLLECTION FOR SALE: includes dinosaur bones, petrified wood, call for more info. 275-4852 (1/7). ALPINE TOURING SKIMO RACE SETUP: 161cm Dynafit PDG skis with Dynafit bindings and unused skins to fit. Skis used one time. $850 takes all. 641-4092 (1/7). BEAUTIFUL COPPER SINKS: Round and Oval shapes. All embossed and ready for install $125/ea. CALL TO SEE 970-7654232 (1/14). FOR SALE: mirror 24”x48”; pizza oven, countertop, like new; Gevalia 8-cup coffee maker, new; 5¢ gumball machine, great cond.; two inflatables, like new, stored indoors. 209-0142. (1/7). (1/7) MOUNTAIN BIKE: used Scott Genius LT 26inch wheels, Size medium, full suspension. $1500. 970-390-4861. (1/14). WE CAN DO IT! FORD, GM, C H R Y S L E R / D O D G E / J E E P, VW/AUDI, SAAB, VOLVO, TOYOTA, HONDA, NISSAN. Low cost rental cars, 24 month/24,000 mile warranty. We also service most other makes & models. Call Precision Automotive your “AAA Approved Auto Repair” Since “1984”. 6414040, precisionauto.net. DO YOU WANT SOME HELP WITH YEAR-END TAX FORMS AND FILING IN QUICKBOOKS®? I can come on site with tax forms in hand. We can submit your forms more quickly than you think. Call Kim Antonucci (QuickBooks Pro Advisor) 970-209-8146 (1/14/40). DID YOU KNOW? Between sunset and sunrise, and other times when visibility is less than 500ft, bicycles shall display a white light to the front (visible for at least 500ft) and a red reflector or light to the rear (visible for at least 300ft). Bicycles shall be equipped with a bell or horn. Every bicycle must be equipped with at least one brake capable of skidding the wheel on dry pavement. (1/7). INDUSTRIAL FLOOR FRYER: Two basket large fryer. Call Liz 497-0787. (1/7). PRO ARIENS 28 SNOWBLOWER: barely used, $1700 new, asking $850. 275-4492. (1/7). COFFEE TABLE FOR SALE: Black wood with glass top. $50. 970-497-9232. (1/14). GATES ON TRAILS & ROADS: Please respect all gate closures and follow any posted signs. Thanks for Staying the Trail and Treading Lightly out there! (1/7). LEFEVRE ACCOUNTING COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING, SALES TAX NON PROFIT AND PAYROLL SERVICES SCOTT LEFEVRE [email protected] 970-349-5161 970-901-6648 cell (1/7/18) STAIRMASTER: commercial free climber 4200PT. Sports/medical products, L.P. Paid $2400, asking $650 OBO. 719-251-3644. (1/7). THE GUNNISON HINSDALE EARLY CHILDHOOD COUNCIL HAS CREATED AN EARLY CHILDHOOD RESOURCE DIRECTORY AVAILABLE ONLINE! www.eccgh.org. “Working together for the Children in our Community. 641-7913 (1/7). (1/7/44). CLASSIC, STURDY, ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING TABLE with tilt mechanism. $450 obo. 2754852 (1/7). DID YOU KNOW: Mechanical Permits are required in the City of Gunnison for the installation of any fuel burning appliances, furnaces, hot water heaters, etc. for more information contact the Building Office at 641-8151 (1/7). TORK MOTION SENSOR PAPER TOWEL DISPENSERS: Three total, easy wall mount. Call Liz 497-0787. (1/7). FOR SALE: 21’ four place snowmobile trailer ride on ride off, ski tie down bars, with spare tire. Works well for ATVs, motorcycles, side by sides etc. Extremely heavy duty, good condition. $2300 OBO. Shawn 970-2753536 (1/7). 10:00 A.M. TUESDAY! Yes, that is the Free Ad Deadline. Always has been, always will be. That means we must have your free ad at our office by 10am. But you don’t have to wait until 10am to call, email or fax. Please account for delays in cyberspace, as well as busy phones on Tuesdays. Thanks - The Gunnison Country Shopper. (1/7). TODOS LOS LUNES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (1/7). ANTIQUES: Royal Dalton humpback trunk, refinished; telephone & operator box. 209-0142. (1/7). PAIR BLIZZAK SNOW TIRES: Less than 2k miles 225/45/17. Great shape, best snow tire out! $550 OBO. 575-770-0334 (1/7). TREADMILL FOR SALE: Sears Weslo Cadence 78e. About 8 years old, but still works great. Digital display says time, speed, distance, calories. $100. Call or text 970-389-7576. (Located in Gunnison) (1/7). 9-1-1 IS FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY. Dial 641-8000 for nonemergent situations. (1/7). DAKINE BC VEST: Size md/lg. New condition. $100. Great alternative to a traditional backpack as it distributes the weight on your body. I am 5’6” & 140lbs and it fits perfectly over my ski clothes. If you are much bigger, it will be too small when loaded. 970-5968887 (1/7). page 7 WANTED TO BUY: all guitars, any condition, used, vintage, etc. Castle Creek Guitars, 132 North Main, 641-2747. (1/7/17). YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN OUR COMMUNITY! We are excited to introduce the Red Bucket Drop for the Gunnison Country Food Pantry. Place any nonperishable food items in the red buckets around Gunnison! YOUR DONATIONS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED! Spot the buckets at Safeway and City Market, more locations coming soon. Questions? 970-641-4156. (1/7). STYLING, CUTS, PERMS, COLOR, H I G H L I G H T S & TA N N I N G 641-6436 • 520 N Main It’s that time of year again! FOR SALE: Remington 700 custom 375 ultra mag, 2 boxes of ammo, $2200 firm. 209-2449. (1/7). Furnace Service Special $89.00* 2 SETS CROSS COUNTRY: skis, poles & boots, vintage, like new, sizes 7 & 13. $50. Ohio City 970-641-6075. (1/14). Great news! FREE WiFi via Citywide Connex is available through January 15th! Email address required for free guest access. www.icconnex.com (1/7/20) WHAT CAN PUBLIC HEALTH DO FOR YOU? We offer: Birth and death certificates; Family Planning services; pap smears; STD tests; immunizations for kids; WIC; Nurse Family Partnership; Senior services; Multicultural services; health screenings for cholesterol and glucose; and resources for people wanting to quit smoking or using chew. Call us today at 6410209 or stop by at 225 N. Pine Street. (1/7). Includes: Filter Change, Motor Oiling, Carbon Monoxide Test, General Cleaning and Maintenance In Gunnison City Limits or $69/hour outlying Areas * Horizontal Furnace & Pellet Stove add $20 MODULAR HOUSE & MOBILE HOME SPECIALIST RADON DETECTION AND REMEDIATION 642-0399 *with coupon SNOWPLOWING & SNOW REMOVAL AND HAULING HOURLY RATE or BY THE PLOW 209-2849 Call for free quote Arnie’s Excavating LLC [email protected] EARLY CHILDHOOD ORAL HEALTH IS IMPORTANT, make regular checkups a priority. Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council. eccgh.org. Public Health 641-0209. (1/7). HONK FOR PEACE: We will stand every Friday at noon for 15 minutes until our soldiers come home, Oddfellows Park, corner of Main & Virginia. (1/7). THE AMERICAN LEGION IS ALIVE AND WELL. The AMERICAN LEGION is located at 501 E. Virginia Ave. and meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6PM. We do not have a bar. We welcome all veterans to join if served in any of the following time periods. Dec. 7, 1941 - Dec. 31, 1946; June 25, 1950 - Jan. 31, 1955; Feb. 28, 1961 - May 7, 1975; Aug. 24, 1982 - July 31, 1984; Dec. 20, 1989 -Jan. 31, 1990; and Aug. 2, 1990 - cessation of hostilities as determined by U.S. government. For more information contact Claire Veech at 209-6042, Ed Evans at 5967883, or Larry Dolezal at 6410172 (1/7). FREE CANCER SCREENINGS for women aged 40-64 who have no health coverage. Includes pap smears, breast exams, and pelvic exams for women 40 and older and mammograms for women 50 and over. Contact Gunnison County Public Health for information or to see if you qualify at 6410209. (1/7). SI UD TIENE UNA EMERGENCIA marque 9-1-1. Si no habla inglés encontraremos un interprete, manténgase en la línea. LOST ANIMAL: If you lose your animal please contact Neighborhood Service at 6418242 or Gunnison Dispatch at 641-8000 with a full description of your animal and a way to contact you. (1/7). LAS CARIES INFANTILES son 5 veces más comunes que el asma y 7 veces más comunes que la alergia al polen. Hable con su dentista. Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council. eccgh.org. ECC 641-7913; (en español: 6417999). (1/7). THE ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE NEEDS RESPONSIBLE VOLUNTEERS immediately to foster adoptable pets and act as caretakers for homeless cats. Call 641-1173. (1/7). SERVICE CALLS for television signals provided by the Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District are taken at 641-9148. (1/7). (1/7). CHILDREN DESERVE ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE HIGH-QUALITY EDUCATION that promotes school readiness, regardless of their family situation. For a list of local licensed providers, stop by the Family Services Building and pick one up from the Early Childhood Council or call 6417913. eccgh.org (1/7). DID YOU LOSE SOMETHING? Please search our Lost & Found Section in the Gunnison Country Shopper. The good people of Gunnison County want you to get your stuff back! (1/7). PARENTS, please educate your children on the correct use of 9-11. (1/7). WE LOVE GETTING YOUR EMAIL! However, cyberspace is not a model of perfection; when you submit an electronic ad either through email or the website, we will email you a confirmation letting you know we have received your ad. This is not an automated reply, we open and read each email, and personally respond to each one. If you do not receive an email confirmation from us, we did not receive your ad. But please, give us time to check them. If you do not receive your reply by NOON on TUESDAY, you may want to contact us directly. Thanks for checking your email! www.gunnisonshopper.com, shopp e r @ g u n n i s o n s h o p p e r. c o m . (1/7). TODOS LOS MIÉRCOLES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (1/7). FAMILIES @ THE GUNNISON LIBRARY: The Gunnison Public Library has added many new and up to date items including: parenting books, children’s movies, music CDs that are fun for the whole family to enjoy and audio books for those long road trips. Stop by and check it out. (1/7). gunnison country shopper, january 7, 2015 gunnison country shopper, january 7, 2015 page 8 Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart. ~ Elizabeth Andrew GUNNISON COUNTRY VOLUNTEERS WANTED! * Crested Butte Nordic is in need of volunteer support for the 29th Annual - Alley Loop. Place yourself onto an event crew by visiting cbnordic.org, find the volunteer sign up on the Alley Loop page under the Events tab. * C.A.S.A. - Court Appointed Special Advocates for abused & neglected children. 970-765-6198 * Gunnison Country Food Pantry, volunteer a few hours a week to help our neighbors. Visit the pantry at 321 N. Main, Suite C, Gunnison. GunnisonCountryFoodPantry.org. * Project Hope is seeking volunteer advocates to assist with carrying the crisis-line and provide client services. We will train you. 641-2712. * The Gunnison Arts Center - you can even for work in exchange for credit towards class tuition. Alysa 970-641-4029. * The Confidential Advocacy Center. Looking for a commitment of 5-8 hours a week, flexible scheduling. 970-641-2712. * Gunnison Country Partners - 641-5513, www.gunnisonmentors.com * Gunnison Valley Animal Welfare League - 641-1773 * Multicultural Resource Services & CAFÉ, the Center for Adult and Family Education - bilingual, many opportunities. Ellen 6417999 To get your organization or event included in this free listing, please email [email protected] or call 641-3148. 2014 SKIS: Rossignol Savory 7, 170cm, WITH Salomon STH13 bindings $650 or WITHOUT bindings $500 OBO. Mounted for 24.0 (285mm) boots. Skied only 8-10 times. New this setup cost $1000. 596-5681. (1/7). NERF GUNS FOR SALE! Don’t want them anymore! Call or text 970-417-7178 (1/7). NEWS ON KBUT: NPR’s Morning Edition airs from 6-8 AM, All Things Considered from 5-6:30, and the BBC airs overnight on KBUT community radio. (1/21). LARGE ANTIQUE DESK: 30x50, really nice, we just moved to a smaller house, request photos at 970-596-9693 or call Laura for more info., you pick up! (1/7). HEPA FILTER: Two speed fan. Perfect for removing indoor particulates from wood or pellet stoves. $45. 970-596-4747 SMARTWOOL WOMEN’S SPORT JACKET: medium, brown, zip up. barely worn. Lined and hidden seam pockets. $35. 349-1321 (1/7). (1/14). SNOWBOARD FOR SALE: K2 Fat Bob 158 with Burton bindings. Great condition. $150 OBO. 2091319. (1/14). FOR SALE: Clark brand 2000 Elite exerciser, just lay down & wiggle. Top of the line, commercial quality. Hardly ever used. Paid $360, I’ll settle for $200. Mike 970-641-2315 (1/7). WINTER BOOT CAMP WEEKEND with Sergeant Ken Weichert In Gunnison! WORKOUTS/ SESSIONS Friday, January 30th 5:30PM and Saturday, January 31st 9AM LOCATION Fred Field Center NOTICE OF INTENT TO DISPOSE to the following parties that their personal property stored at Plotts’ Mini Storage, 312 West Highway 50, Gunnison, CO 81230, will be sold or disposed of unless claimed prior to January 17, 2015, and/or all rent/fees are paid: unit #56 Daphne Leonard. (1/14/49). REMINDER: Do not let your motor vehicles, trailers, motorcycles, buses & smm’s registrations expire! There is a late fee applied after the one month grace period. This applies even if your vehicle is not running temporarily or just parked. Gunnison Office is open Monday-Friday from 8am-4:30pm and the Crested Butte Branch is open Tuesday & Thursday from 9am-3pm in Old Town Hall. You can reach us at 641-1602 option 1. You can now pay your registration on line! Go to www.colorado.gov (1/7). FOR SALE: Grizzly 1 1/2hp dust collector, 110, 2 yrs. old, $250. 641-6999, 641-5077. (1/7). LIBBEY WINE/GLASSES; 8 OZ. 12 PER CASE, Stemmed. $24 per case. Call 970-462-4936. Leave message. (1/14). JACK OF ALL TRADES COMPLETE HANDYMAN, REPAIR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES SCOTT LEFEVRE [email protected] 970-349-5161 970-901-6648 cell (1/7/19) PEDESTRIANS CROSSING! When traffic control signals are not in place or not in operation, the driver of a vehicle SHALL yield the right-of-way, slowing or stopping if need be, to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a crosswalk. The pedestrians of Gunnison thank you. (1/7). PAIR OF STAINLESS SIDE STEPS off ‘01 F150 extra cab, most likely fits other years. Good condition $150 OBO. 596-6359 Ken Weichert (a.k.a. “SGT Ken”) is a Six-time Soldier of the Year, Master Fitness Trainer and veteran of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Desert Storm. Ken founded START Fitness, a group exercise and hiking business that delivers militarystyle workouts to Soldiers and civilians in 1998. Sergeant Ken currently runs Operation Fit to Fight Operation Rapid Response Operation Fast and Furious and Operation Shock and Awe. PRICE $20 per session or sign up with a partner for both classes for $60. Come workout with Sergeant Ken at one or both sessions. The public is invited to help show Sgt. Ken how to enjoy winter wonderland activities. Sign up at Colorado Fitness - go snow shoeing and fat biking with Sgt. Ken. For more information... and to save your spot call 970-641-3375 Brought to Gunnison County by (1/7). TIRES FOR SALE: 2 - LT 245/75/16 mounted on 6-hole wheels, like new, all season, $100. 970-209-6051 (1/14). GUNNISON GALLERY Second Friday’s Art Walk Friday, January 9th 5-8pm “ICE ART SHOW” Live Guitar Music by ROB WATTLES A Gunnison Tradition. 124 N. Main St. 970-641-6111 (1/7/27) RECYCLE APPLIANCES AT THE GUNNISON COUNTY LANDFILL, NOT THE RECYCLE CENTER. $10 for light items, $15 for fridges & freezers. The Landfill is open Mon.-Fri., 8am4pm & Sat. 10am-2pm. For info call 641-5522. (1/7). FOR SALE: Weil-McLain hot water boiler. 90% efficiency, 175K BTU, capacity 3,000 sq. ft. home. Used only 6 years. New $4,300, will sell for $1,100. 2754852 (1/7). PLEASE PROOF your advertisement the first week it is printed. Credit will be given for only one incorrect insertion. Correction deadline is Tuesdays at 10am for free ads and 2pm for paid ads. Thank you, Gunnison Country Shopper. (1/7). RETIREMENT PLANNING. INVESTMENTS. WEALTH SOLUTIONS. FOR SALE: desk stool, round padded seat and elevating, $20; paper shredder $20; 12” oscillating fan $15; fly tying magnifying glass $20; call 970-765-4232. (1/14). Bill Matthews Financial Advisor TWO FLAGSTONE COFFEE TABLES: 3x2’ $115; 2x2’, $90. 275-4852. (1/7). Jackie Cardenas SUPER SPECIAL SAVINGS! Check Out Our SALES RACK up to 60% OFF Basics for Men 100 North Main 642-4223 Accredited Asset Management Specialist® Financial Advisor MBA - Finance GUNNISON SMITH OPERA HOUSE CRESTED BUTTE CRESTED BUTTE BANK BUILDING 641.0400 349.1121 rjbillmatthews.com Services offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC CASH TO LOAN on Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Traders Rendezvous 516 West Tomichi, Gunnison 641-5077 (1/7/14) SCARPA RANDONEE RACE OR VERY LIGHT AT BOOTS: Scarpa F-1, barely used. sized 25.5. $250. Too narrow for my feet. 349-1321 (1/7). LOOKING FOR: an old Vermont casting wood stove. Please call me with info and I can take it off your hands. 970-209-8925 (1/14). FIREWOOD FOR SALE Free Delivery of 3 or More Cords I have a mountain to sell! 209-6101 (2/11/pd/17) WIC: your source for good family nutrition. If you are pregnant, breast feeding or have an infant under the age of five, you may be eligible for the WIC program. WIC participants receive nutrition education designed to enhance their understanding of the relationship between good nutrition and health. WIC provides specific foods to help each WIC client improve their diet. For more info, contact Gunnison County Public Health 641-0209. (1/7). CANNONDALE LADIES MOUNTAIN BIKE! ALMOST $1,400 INVESTED! $950 OBO! NEVER TRAIL RIDDEN/IN PERFECT CONDITION! SL3 Hardtail, XC30 Rockshox, 6061-T6 Butted aluminum sm frame, Shimano brakes/gears, DUAL Disc brakes, includes Kryptonite cable lock, spare tube, Mini Air pump, PETZL Headlamp & Giro helmet/size sm, recent tune. 970-596-1557 (1/7). OVERSIZED CHAIR with ottoman. Gray linen fabric. Newly rebuilt and newly upholstered. Like new. $1500 for set. 970901-8864 (1/7). TIRES FOR SALE: 4 studded snow tires, Hankook P255/65R18 109T. Will fit a GMC Acadia, exc. cond. Paid $175 each, will sell for $50 ea. Call 970-275-3058 or 349-5293. (1/14). WANTED: Chicago Cubs t-shirts, hats etc. Women’s sizes and or youth large. Actually just about anything. 596-8954 (1/7). Great news! FREE WiFi via Citywide Connex is available through SNOW BLOWER FOR SALE: Solid 8ft x 4ft Red Devil, PTO driven with dual augers. Excellent condition. Three point attachment. Rated for 70-110 hp power tractors. $3000 OBO. Call/text 970-209-0976 (1/14). PRECISION AUTOMOTIVE, celebrating 30 years in business. Servicing all makes & models. Call 641-4040 for an appointment. (1/7/16). ACCESS THE GUNNISON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY FROM YOUR HOME COMPUTER. To see what books and other materials are in our local public library, as well as other libraries around Western Colorado, go to www.millennium.marmot.org. Now you can also renew your books from home by using the “View Your Own Record” feature after you have selected the Gunnison library. For more info, 641-3485, 349-6535. (1/7). FOR SALE: cedar gable vents, 8/12 pitch, 4 lefts, 4 rights, $10 OBO; cedar gable vent, 8/12 pitch, center style, 1 @ $10 OBO. Bob 970-349-5159, 970-9017277. (1/7). VANITY BENCH OR ENTRY WAY BENCH FOR SALE: unique claw foot style, 3x3x1’. $75 Call/text for photo. 970-2752765. (1/7). FOR SALE: 4 light colored kitchen cabinets, $10 ea. 6413325. (1/14). GOT EGGS? NEED CARTONS? I have about 15 to give away. Used once (from the store.) 641-1443 leave message. (1/7). for free guest access. www.icconnex.com BICYCLE LAWS: When you’re riding a bike you are NOT a pedestrian! For more information, contact the Gunnison Police Department at 641-8200. (1/7). STEPLADDER: 12 ft., aluminum. In like-new condition. $95 or will trade for 7 ft. stepladder in like condition. 970-641-2560. (1/7). WINTER SPECIAL! SWACKETTE: its a sweater/jacket! Title Nine brand size women’ s medium. Super attractive and slim fit. Blue green colors. Retails for $119. Perfect condition, $40. 596-8954 (1/7). BOOKS: Society the Basics John J. Macionis $25; Algebra Form and Function - McCallum, Connally, Hughes-Hallett $25; a pocket style manual 6th edition Diana Hacker, Nancy Sommers $15. 316-253-5188 (1/7). WANTED: Lots of interior white paint; Hardi backer to 3/8; Sheet rock 1/4 to 3/8; insulation; base board & door trim; towel hangers; metal screen; windows and trim; crown molding; turquoise, crystals and other cool rocks (for art projects). Call KV 970-376-1971 (1/7). FOR SALE: CLIF Shot energy gel packets. I bought bulk for pricing. 70 cents each. 349-5190. (1/7). ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West Hwy. 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 Winter is the BEST time to prune your trees. Call Tree Tamers Inc for your FREE ESTIMATE TODAY and SAVE $$$! Ph: 970-707-4067 or visit treetamersinc.com. Serving the local community for 12 years! Offer valid (2/11/44) ARTISTS WANTED! The Paragon Local Artist Co-op is looking for new guest artists to show and sell in the gallery! You can visit www.awearts.org/events.html to download an application. Call the gallery at 349-6484 or stop by 132 Elk Ave in Crested Butte for more information. (1/7). CLAY POTS FOR SALE: nice thick decorative clay pots. 16”. $5 each. 349-1321 (1/7). FOR SALE: Remington AR-15, camo stock, tactical case, custom trigger & cock lever, some ammo. $1200. 209-2449. (1/7). TIRE FOR SALE: General Tire Grabber 265/75R15, never used. 209-0142. (1/7). HARDCOVER BOOKS/TELL ME WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR! I HAVE OVER 300 Hardbacks/Soft Covers including COOK Books & Cooking Magazines! Many 1st editions, nonfiction, mysteries, college studies, biographies, etc.! Prices from $0.50 cents to $20! Please call 970-596-1557 today! SKAR ZVX 12” SUBWOOFER and designed enclosure for the 12. Extremely lightly used, $175 obo. for the two items. Call or text 970-417-7178. (1/7). FOR SALE: G3 Targa Telemark bindings. With leashes. Cheap deal at $25. 349-5190. (1/7). IS IT TIME TO GET YOUR QUICKBOOKS® FILE IN TIPTOP SHAPE FOR 2015? I can help fix incorrect balances, eliminate duplicate customers and vendors, and clean up your file to help simplify your bookkeeping. Call Kim Antonucci (QuickBooks Pro Advisor) at 970-209-8146 (1/14/42). TOOTH PAIN KEEPS MANY CHILDREN HOME FROM SCHOOL OR DISTRACTED FROM LEARNING. Yearly visits with a Dentist are important. Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council. eccgh.org. Public Health 641-0209 (1/7). FOR SALE: Infra-Red Electric Quartz heater. Like new, $120. Please call 970-275-6311 (1/14). FOR SALE: Kumbo radial tires, Solus HP4 plus, 135/65R14 M&S, 3 @ $25 OBO. Call Bob 970-901-7277. (1/7). VETERANS, TROOPS CAN ALWAYS SALUTE: A change to Section 9 of the US Flag Code written into the Defense Authorization Act this year now gives veterans and members of the US Armed Forces the authority to render a salute to the flag, whether or not they are wearing identifying veteran apparel such as an American Legion cap. All others present should remove any headwear, face the flag and place their right hand over their heart. Headwear should be held to the left shoulder, leaving the right hand over the heart. These acts are to be conducted anytime there is a hoisting or lowering of the US Flag, whenever it passes. Citizens of foreign countries should stand at attention. (1/7). WANTED: BOWLING BALLS, any condition, will pay cash. Dan 641-5054, will pick up. (1/7). FOR SALE: Craftsman snowblower w/14” propeller; Adrian Steel brand tool box for small truck. Dave 209-3529. (1/14). BROWN ARM CHAIR with ottoman. Microfiber fabric. Must be picked up in Crested Butte South. $75 for set. 970-9018864 (1/7). FOR SALE: 800-900ft. of 3/8” cable for sale, call for details, 275-4852. (1/7). with Rick Barton Trinity Bapst COLLEGE STUDENTS HAVE SKILLS that they would like to share with you. Need some help? Babysitters, tutors, laborers? Look at the end of the employment section to find an able-bodied and minded student to do what you need done. (1/7). 523 N. Pine 6PM Downstairs “Verse by Verse through the Bible” MYKALLA HIGGINS AT SHEAR BRILLIANCE HAIR SALON, offering professional hair services for the whole family. Walk-ins welcome, or call 970-596-5755 for an appointment BICYCLE LAWS: Don’t ride your bike in crosswalks. To safely cross streets, walk your bike on crosswalks. For more information, contact the Gunnison Police Department 641-8200. (1/7). LADDER RACK & TOOL BOX FOR SALE: have a heavy duty lumber/ladder rack, and a diamond plate truck tool box. $500 OBO/trade? Please call Kirk 970596-2666. (1/7). (1/28/pd/23) ch FOR SALE: Leatherman MultiTool, $15, 349-5190. (1/7). THE BENEFITS OF HIGH-QUALITY PRE-K AND CHILD CARE ARE ENORMOUS. IIt is an essential way to close the achievement gap between children of different economic backgrounds and prepare them for kindergarten and beyond. For a list of local licensed providers, stop by the Family Services Building and pick one up from the ECC or call 641-7913. eccgh.org (1/7). BICYCLE LAWS: When you’re riding a bike you are NOT a pedestrian! For more information, contact the Gunnison Police Department at 641-8200. (1/7). e BLACK HEARTHSTONE cast iron wood-burning stove. Two years of use. Must be picked up in Crested Butte South. $350. 970901-8864 (1/7). AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE & THE NELSON FAMILY AGENCY can provide local protection for your auto, home, business, health, and condo association, and provide life insurance for your family. Find out for yourself why we were voted “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” in the Valley! Call Rick and his team of professionals to compare at 641-3481, or stop by our office at 1140 N Main. LAMP FOR SALE: genuine brass, table lamp, approx. 2’ tall, nautical style. $25. 970-2752765 (1/7). FOR SALE: tempered glass panels, single pane, (4) 43”x83”, $50 ea. OBO. Call Bob 970-349-5159, 970-901-7277. (1/7). AUDIO RECORDING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Alto Zephyr ZMX862 6-Channel Compact Mixer $50, TASCAM DP-004 4Track Digital Recorder $80. Excellent condition. Includes AC adapters and manuals. Get both for $120. 970-596-0380 (1/7). PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE FREE! AND WE ARE MORE THAN GLAD TO RUN THEM... [email protected], www.gunnisonshopper.com, 970-6413148. (1/7). DAKINE BIKE BAG FOR SALE: Dakine 2014 bike travel bag. Brand new, never used. Retails for $375. Will sell for $200 firm. Call 970-209-5232. (1/14). COLORADO COUNCIL OF MEDIATORS promotes the use and understanding of mediation as a means of dispute resolution. The organization is committed to the professional development of its members as well as providing education about the mediation profession to the public. For more info, call CCMO 1-800-864-4317 coloradomediation.org. (1/7). Neat, Clean & Move-in Ready! 826 Antelope Rd. 3 bedroom/2 bath ranch (1/7). style home bordering GOLD AND SILVER: turn your old rings, earrings, chains into dollars. Silver Queen Jewelry, 134 North Main, Gunnison, 641-9021. (1/7/19). (1/7/17) FOR SALE: 2 - 8x10ft. heavy galvanized elk panels, $150/both. 275-4852. (1/7). Saturday Evening Worship PRIOR KHYBER SPLITBOARD FOR SALE: Size: 168. Comes with Large Spark R & D bindings and Voile skins. Extra hardware included. $800 OBO. Call Mike at 817-929-0249. (1/7). 10% OFF PRUNING! 1 Dec. - 1 Mar, 2014. January 15th! Email address required (1/7/20) FOR SALE: Craftsman Eager 1 snow blower. 26 inch path 8hp. 5 FWD speeds, electric start. $125, 970-596-0292 (1/14). (1/28/19) PEDESTRIAN SAFETY: If there are no sidewalks: walk facing oncoming vehicles; walk as far to the side as you safely can. For more information, contact the Gunnison Police Department 6418200. (1/7). page 9 DO YOU NEED HELP with your small business management problems? Either before or after business is organized. Let “Service Corps of Retired Executives” (SCORE) help you. Service is free and confidential. Call 641-1501. (1/7). WALK IN WHIRLPOOL BATH TUB FOR SALE: American made. Has whirlpool and air jets. Hand held shower. Barely used. Cost $2300 new. Asking $700 OBO. 641-0210. (1/7). FOR SALE: 30” Samsung flatscreen TV, old style box, $50. 641-6434. (1/14). IRRIGATION WATER FOR SALE .1cfs Tomichi Creek water, call 596-8445 (1/7/pd/10). public lands. Includes $195,000 720 square foot garage, 1.07 acres, large covered deck and 1,404 square feet of living space! Contact Cathie Elliott: 970-641-0511 [email protected] Gunnison Savings & Loan offers exceptional financing, including 30-year fixed rates as low as 3.750%/3.949% APR* for qualified properties and buyers. Call and apply today! Financing by... Offered by... PADRES, por favor eduquen a sus hijos como y cuando usar correctamente el 9-1-1. (1/7). 26” CRAFTSMAN 9-DRAWER TOOL BOX: perfect for outdoors or indoors! $200 OBO. 970-2096423. Thank you! Serious inquiries only, please. (1/7). FURNITURE FOR SALE: Marble top dresser with mirror and matching night stand $500; brass headboard and footboard with frame, queen size $150. Call or text for pictures. 970-497-9232. (1/14). 303 N. Main Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 Backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government 970-641-2177 www.gunnisonsl.com Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation www.fdic.gov 241 N. Main Street Gunnison, CO 81230 (970) 641-0511 View all of our listings at: www.clarkeagency.net *Annual percentage rate effective as of 1/6/2015. For example, on a home purchase with a 20% down payment, a loan amount of $100,000 would result in 360 monthly principal and interest payments of $463.12. Other rates and terms are available. Loan amounts exceeding 80% of purchase price or appraised value will have a higher APR. Rates subject to change daily. NMLS #483354 gunnison country shopper, january 7, 2015 HOUSE TO SUBLET as early as Feb. 1,2015. 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths plus 1/2 bath. Enclosed back yard w/shed. S. 7th St. $750./mo. Call Brenda 970-4178249. (1/14). ROOM FOR RENT: $250/month in a 3 bedroom trailer with 2 20ish year old males and a dog. No other pets, got a washer and a dryer plus internet. Text or call 970-275-5110. (1/7). SINGLE MALE LOOKING FOR single bedroom, and single room to rent in CB. Responsible, with full time winter and summer jobs and references. Lived in Crested Butte for 2 years and I miss it! Willing to pay up to $600 a month plus utilities. 970-275-4796. (1/14). ONE OR TWO ROOMS TO RENT in nice house by Hartman Rocks. Clean. Responsible renters only. $390. 209-8752. (1/7/18). FOR RENT: Share 4 bedroom house with one 30 year old male. Month to month ok. $500 ea. month half utilities/tv. Available immediately. MUST HAVE A JOB. 303-908-0209 (1/14). ONE ROOM FOR RENT in 3BR condo, shared bath, $300/month, no pets, no smoking, clean and tidy a must. 970-275-0323 (1/14/21). LOOKING FOR SMALL OFFICE SPACE RENTAL with bathroom/sink access. $200 or less per month with short term leases. Please call 303-396 9053 or email [email protected] if this space is available. (1/7). 3 WOMEN IN THEIR 20’S looking for another female roommate in nice 4 bedroom house. $400 a month includes utilities. W/D, garage, wood burning stove. No Pets. Call 720-837-4169. (1/7). 1 ROOM FOR RENT: $340 includes everything, 2 miles north of Gunnison, n/p n/s, first and safe deposit, 719-239-0110 (1/7). FURNISHED VACATION HOMES: available Nov 20-May 31 or month to month, no pets, no smoking, please call 970-6411663 (1/7/18). RESIDENTIAL RENTAL AVAILABLE: 970-596-0848. (1/7/4). ANTELOPE HILL MH LOT FOR SALE CHEAP, great views, .21 acres, taps paid, $24,395 or $350/month owner carry w/$0 down, 209-5308. (1/7/23). FOR RENT: 2 story, 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath with dishwasher, washer/dryer, wood stove. No pets. $795 plus utilities. Pat 970-6413809. (1/7/22). page 10 GORGEOUS CUSTOM HOME on 2.13 acres alongside the Gunnison River. This beautiful home is immaculate inside and out. Hand crafted features include custom cherry cabinetry, a river rock stone gas fireplace, and custom fir doors. The four bedroom, 3 bath floor plan also boasts in-floor heat, a master suite with huge walk-in closet and jetted master bath tub, game room and an oversized attached garage. An outdoor patio area is “just right” for lounging as you decide whether you want to walk over to the country club and golf, or grab your fishing rod and fish. The lush lawn and trees are well watered by an underground sprinkling system fed by a bordering pond. Call Matt to see this fine home and all that it has to offer. $799,500. Matt Robbins CRS, GRI Broker 998 County Road 730 Gunnison, CO 81230 970 -641-1900 Search other Gunnison County listings at www.monarchrlty.com email: [email protected] FOR RENT: Well maintained, ranch style home. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2-car garage in Gold Basin Meadows south of Gunnison. Near Tomichi Creek, on nearly a half acre, next to Hartman Rocks. $1,200/month. Call Bill 641-2235 for a showing. (1/7/40). FOR RENT: 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. 1 year leases. $450 $650 plus electric & gas. First, last & security deposit. No pets. 412 N Iowa St., Phone 970-9019263. (1/7/26). FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath executive home on the Gunnison River. Includes lawn and garden care as well as water and sewer. $2,250 a month with a long term lease. Call Apogee Property Management at 970641-8844. (1/7/38). DO YOU NEED ACREAGE (UP TO 40)? Just north of town and 300’ off valley floor, unlimited water supply, forever views. 2099075, 641-4177. (1/7/23). 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, 2-car garage Heatherwood Condo for rent. Near golf course. Private front and large back courtyard. All modern appliances. $1200/month. No pets. www.RentGunnison.com, or call 970-209-8770. (1/7/30). FOR RENT: 2 bedroom, 1 bath. washer & dryer, large pantry, garage, lots of storage. Fenced backyard with deck on the Gunnison River in Island Acres. See to believe! Nonsmokers, no pets. $900/month, first and last months’ rent. For info., call Jan 641-2433. (1/28/pd/43). NICE 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH CONDO UNEXPECTEDLY AVAILABLE: NOW: heated single garage, all appliances including W/D. No smoking. $999/month plus utilities. 719-659-1628. (1/7/pd/24). FOR RENT AT TOMICHI CABINS: one bedroom unit for rent, plus brand new storage shed and one car garage. Laundry onsite. $550 per month plus utilities. Smokers need not apply. One pet allowed. 641-8897 evenings, leave message. Thanks. (1/14/38). STUDIO CABIN: Almont private road on Taylor River - Feb 1st. $700 includes cable, internet and firewood for rest of the winter months to keep the heating bills down. One block to bus stop. w/d, n/s, pets negotiable w/deposit. 214-549-7170 (1/7/pd/42). (1/7/32). LOOKING FOR A RENTAL? Gunnison Real Estate and Rentals has several available rentals in and out of town. Give us a call at 641-4880 M-F 9am-5pm or stop by our office at 129 East Tomichi and check out our rental list posted on the door. www.GunnisonRealEstateandRent als.com. (1/7/46). Mountaineer Village Apartments Now leasing. 12mo. leases receive a FREE Monarch Season Pass Pet friendly housing Come in and take a tour and start your living experience with Mountaineer! Give us a call at 970-641-1688 (1/7/35) FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Townhouse available February 1st. $950 per month plus utilities. Water Paid. No Smoking or Pets. Call Chris 970-243-3587. (2/11/24). DOS RIOS HOME FOR RENT: 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, office. Open floor plan. Two-car garage. Backs to meadow. Gas fireplace. Views of Hartman and W! Affordable utilities. No smoking. Dogs ok with additional deposit. Move in negotiable $1950/mo., call 970-275-2215 (1/7/pd/41). FOR RENT: 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath Westhaven Condo. Really nice, like new, hardwood floors, all appliances, large 1-car garage, Low utilities. NO SMOKERS. No dogs. Quiet responsible rents only. $1000/month. 209-9398. (1/7/33). BUILDING FOR SALE: 9000 sq.ft. Newer, nice retail space. Call 970-275-8146 for details. (1/7/13). TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT IN GUNNISON: Available February 1. Very nice three bedroom two and one half bath with garage at Dos Rios Golf Course. $1000 month includes water, sewer, garbage, lawn care, snowplowing and appliances. Receipts available showing $70 month gas heating bills in winter. Month to month lease only requires 60 days notice prior to leaving. For showing call Mark at 386-873-2547 or 386-747-8203. (1/7/pd/65). THE LOFTS: for lease, 2 bedroom available immediately. W/D, double car garage, next to WSCU, cable, internet, weekly housecleaning included. No smoking or pets $1250. Available November 1st. For showing call 970-5967487 (1/7/33). GREAT 2 BEDROOM TRAILER FOR SALE! In great park with grass yard and trees. For info., call 970-596-2523. (1/14/pd/18). 4 - HALF ACRE RESIDENTIAL LOTS: 55-95K, great pole barn on one, trees, meadow, half mile from town. 209-9075, 641-4177. BUILDING FOR RENT: 9000 sq.ft. Newer, nice retail space. Call 970-275-8146 for details. (1/7/13). GREAT HOUSE AT A GREAT PRICE 2340sf home with additional unfinished basement at 901 N. Spruce for $299,000. Includes .20 acre corner & fenced lot, 2 car garage, trees, active solar system, hardwood, carpet, & tile floors, 3 bath, energy efficient features. DOS RIOS HOME close to the back nine of the golf course, borders ranchlands, 5 bdrm/3 bath, paved driveway, trees, hardwood floors, home office, mud room, jetted tub; 952 Fairway Ln; $370,000 1BR 1BA DUPLEX: fantastic views, easy access to highway, pet friendly, new bathroom, 1400 square feet, everything included except electricity. 3/4 mile from CB. Available February 15th. $1175, call or text 205-489-9128 (1/7/19). FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF TODAY REALTY’S AVAILABLE RENTALS please visit our website www.todayrealtyinc.net or call Joe 970-641-0077. (1/7/18). BUY OF THE WEEK THE LOFTS: for lease, 3 bedroom available January 20th. W/D, double car garage, next to WSCU, cable, internet, weekly housecleaning included. No smoking or pets $1250. For showing call 970-596-7487 (1/7/31). ting Celebra in s r a e Y 34 te ta s E l a Re Visit À Other Area Listings at www.clarkeagency.net Apartments For Rent BUY OF THE WEEK: Four bdrm/3 bath, FAIRWAY CONDO with 1 car garage close to 2458sf home on over ½ acre at 521 Fairway Ln for the golf course at 103 Shavano Dr Unit D6 for $340,000. Amenities include new flooring & trim, $153,000. Would make great starter home, trees, fenced yard bordering open space, rental, vacation rental, or family retreat. covered porch, living room plus den, 2 car *** CLOSE TO THE AIRPORT: attached garage, rom to park RV. Warehouse/contracting building with owner’s *** FEATURED HOME: Great in-town home at 317 S quarters at 721 S. 9th for $365,000. Main features relaxing patio, detached garage, Includes nice 2 bdrm/2 bath apartment, 4 bdrm/2 bath, basement storage/workshop, fenced yard, industrial zoning. low utilities, trees, mud room, greenhouse, *** BURNIN’ DAYLIGHT RESORT at 940 Cove Rd for & off street parking; $268,000 $575,000. Includes 36 acres, nearly 2,000sf *** MOBILE HOME & LOT just east of Blue Mesa home, laundromat, 6 cabins, 12 rv hook-ups, Reservoir at 3 Phyllis Lane for $55,000. Sure 10 tent sites, Recreation building & more. beats paying rent! 784sf, 2 bdrm/1 bath, *** FIVE ACRES in Star Mtn Ranch with spring rights, woodburning stove, lg yard, 2 sheds. owner financing, and top notch views for *** $199,000. WELL CARED FOR 3 bdrm/2 bath home with extra *** large 2 car detached garage at 826 Antelope Rd TWO COMMERCIALLY ZONED LOTS in the for $195,000. Includes 1+ acre bordering public 100 Blk of S. 11th for $110,000. lands, room to park RV, camper, etc. *** *** INDUSTRIAL ZONED LOTS, 10+ lots with owner CLOSE TO BLUE MESA RESERVOIR, 4 bdrm/ financing at Bidwell & S. 12th for $21,700. 2 bath home built in 1999 on 19.46 acres *** bordering BLM land for $250,000. Priced under ESTY LANE building site with excellent views of recently appraised value. Just 3/8 mile from the Ohio Creek Valley. Borders public lands, the Iola boat ramp; 31583 Hwy 149 23+ acres; $139,900 *** LA VETA TOWNHOME, free standing with lg *** PONDEROSA MOBILE HOME PARK lots for sale fenced yard, 1 car attached garage, 2171sf, starting at $29,500. Lot size is nearly 8,000sf. patio, bonus room/den. Call Cathie for details; 604 W. Gunnison; $199,000 Palisades Apartments Affordable Housing 970-641-5429 Apply in person at 600 North Colorado Gunnison, CO HUD Section 8 Apartments 2 Bedrooms, 1 bath. Rent based on income & assets. Example: Gross annal household income $12,000, your rent would be approximately $281 per month. Equal Opportunity Housing MEDICAL OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT: for rent 7 days a week available immediately. Includes reception area and one room to see clients - massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, etc. $600 a month includes everything. 970355-9686. (1/7/33). 0 ail PLENTY OF ROOM TO ADD on to this 1020sf home at 621 N. Boulevard for $165,000. Includes 3 corner lots, fenced yard, hardwood floors, some remodeleing, convenient location between downtown & schools. TODAY Realty of Gunnison, Inc. www.todayrealtyinc.net 600 W. Tomichi Ave. Gunnison, CO 81230 970-641-0077 or After hours 970-209-0077 MOTIVATED 12299 W Highway 50 WONDERFUL 6.43 ACRE TRACT overlooking the beautiful Blue Mesa Lake and the spectacular Dillon Pinacles! You and your family will enjoy the comfort of this large ranchstyle home! 3 Bedrooms & 2 Baths $199,000! 410 S Taylor Huge beautiful luxurious 5 br 3 1/2 bath home in one of Gunnison's finer neighborhoods. Huge open living room with high ceilings. Huge master suite on main level $482,000! SHOP SPACE FOR LEASE: Signal Peak Industrial Park, 2 units at 1000 sq.ft. Can be combined. 970-988-9795. (1/7/17). 1313 W. Ohio #22 Beautiful Huge 4 bedroom home very well maintained, very clean and shows just GREAT!! All large rooms throughout plus very large back deck! Lawn area & backs up to pond. 6 Months Free Lot Rent $79,900! 73 Columbine Road Beautiful well built 4 br 2 1/2 bath, 2 living areas with huge barn & outbuildings as an extra including you own chicken coop w/laying hens! $450,000! IF YOU ACCIDENTALLY DIAL 91-1, STAY ON THE PHONE until the dispatcher tells you to hang up. (1/7). 77 Brookside Drive Exceptional 3 Bed, 2 Bath home on the Gunnison River. Recently remodeled, fenced backyard, fishing access, mature landscaping, quiet neighborhood close to town. No Covenants! $395,000 Call Jay 44291 E. Highway 50 Comm uni ty B roke rs Serving Gunnison & Crested Butte 131 North Main, Gunnison, CO 81230 Call Now! (970)641-1188 160 Mohawk Trail 17+ Acre horse property Handsome 3 Bed, 2.5 Bath near town with great Log home among mature views! Ideal 3 Bed, 2 Bath trees in Wilderness home includes unfinished Streams. Corrals, tack basement space with shed, enclosures & West pellet stove & new roof. Elk Wilderness access. Enjoy the beautiful back Hiking, Horseback patio area. $299,500 Riding, Fishing Rights! Call Erich $524,750 Call Tom Roaring Judy Ranch! A beautiful 38+ Acre parcel with southern exposure & amazing views, well is in place. Ideal location. $399,000 Call Erich 4.91 Acre building site inside the gated community of Wilderness Streams. Pass Creek borders the north side of the property. $199,500 Call Tom 12+ Acres on CR 17 with mountain views. Near Gunnison & suitable for a variety of uses. Subject to Gunnison County LUR. $25,000 Call Erich SEE ALL LISTINGS AT: www.g unnisonfor sale.com Erich Ferchau 596-0848 Tom Courtney 596-2681 Jay Miller 209-2864 Denise Baker 209-5828 Joey Micucci 901-6405 gunnison country shopper, january 7, 2015 6-7 PERSON HOT TUB: Vita Spa, 6 yrs. old, new $9000, hardly used, sell $3050 OBO. 2754852 (1/7). HOME THEATRE SURROUND SOUND SYSTEM: Sony HTCT350 sound bar with subwoofer, multiple HDMI inputs/outputs. Includes remote, owner’s manual, and bracket to mount to Sony TV. Excellent condition. Only $150! 970-641-4828. (1/7). WEST ELK WINDSHIELDS Mobile Auto Glass Service Under New Ownership 641-4505 Your Crack is Our Business. (1/7/16) LAS EXPERIENCIAS POSITIVAS tempranas son esenciales para un éxito futuro en la escuela, trabajo, y la comunidad. Los servicios a los niños pequeños que tienen riesgo de retrasos en el desarrollo han demostrado un impacto positivo en el desarrollo del lenguaje y la comunicación. Si quiere una lista de los establecimientos locales con licencia, pase por la oficina de Servicios Familiares ECC 641-7913; (en español: 641-7999) o eccgh.org (1/7). MOSSBERG 395T 12 gauge shotgun, full choke, bolt action, $125 Firm. 513-574-0110 (1/7). FOR SALE: 2’6”x6’8” flush oak door; 6” steel jambs, $100 OBO, will deliver. Call Bob 970-3495159, 970-901-7277 (1/7). WANTED ANTLERS SHEDS & RACKS Pay Top Dollar Berfield’s Stage Stop 970-641-5782 (4/1/pd/11) ¿TOMA POR LO MENOS 8 vasos de agua todos los días? Los líquidos son muy importantes para un cuerpo saludable, el agua ayuda a regular la temperatura del cuerpo, alivia la constipación, mantiene a los ojos, la nariz, y la boca húmedos, y lleva a las substancias nutrientes y las medicinas a los lugares indicados. (1/7). FOR SALE: Lazy Boy sofa, blue and white, no tears, in excellent condition. $75 OBO. Call 2756311. (1/14). CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE. Search for any ad in our regular weekly paper. www.gunnisonshopper.com. (1/7) DID YOU KNOW that children are recommended to have their first dental visit by age 1? Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council. eccgh.org. Public Health 6410209 (1/7). BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE DINING SET! ONLY $500 OBO! ANTIQUE SOLID OAK TABLE W/4 CHAIRS. Beautiful 1930-40’s Era, pullout leaves tuck/hide for small gatherings, includes 4 tastefully upholstered chairs, in VERY EXCELLENT condition, compare over $1,500 NEW! Please call 970596-1557! (1/7). 2011 EPIC FSR SPECIALIZED MOUNTAIN BIKE FOR SALE: Great fit for smaller women, rear brain shock, nice components, asking $2900, call 970-2702993. (1/14). AUTO DETAILING by ROLANDO Wash, Wax, Carpet Cleaning, Interior Steam Cleaning Call John Roberts Motor Works for an appointment 970-641-0920 (1/7/20) BICYCLE LAWS: Follow all traffic laws: ride on the RIGHT side of the road; STOP for stop signs. For more information, contact the Gunnison Police Department 6418200. (1/7). WHITE MELAMINE & ASPEN TRIMMED DISPLAY STANDS. One measures 47”x24”x (16,36,26)”, with storage underneath; looks like an Award Podium. Second is a two tiered stand measuring 60”x24”x24”. Looks like steps. $100/both. Great for displays or plant stands. 970-641-1306 (1/14). GUNNISON PETS AND HOBBIES For your live tropical fish & supplies Fresh and Salt Water Aquaria pumps, food and more. Enter through Silver Queen Jewelry 134 North Main, Gunnison 641-2366 (1/7/29) SABÍA UD. Cuando marca el 9-11 en el condado de Gunnison se pone en contacto con el centro de policía de despacho. (1/7). LA OFICINA MULTICULTURAL 225 N. Pine St, B ahora tiene fondos para operar a tiempo completo gracias a nuevos subsidios. Ubicada en la misma oficina que CAFÉ (clases de inglés para adultos y la familia). Pase por la Oficina o llame a Ellen 641-7999 (deje mensaje con su número telefónico). Debido a que muchas veces tengo que ir a juntas o entrenamientos, a veces no estoy en mi oficina, y lamento el inconveniente. Si tiene una emergencia médica, llame al 911. (1/7). HELLO KITTY: fold up fort/ tent and tunnel. Folds down to a storable size. Retails for $44. Yours for $20. Brand new. 596-8954 (1/7). BETTY’S CLEANING Elba Alarcon 970-417-7432 Serving Gunnison County Residential - Commercial Job Site “Spiffy Clean in a Jiffy” (1/7/17) KEY NUMBERS FOR WARRIORS AND FAMILIES: If you are a wounded, ill or injured Warrior: 1-800-342-9647. If you are experiencing domestic violence: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). If you have experienced sexual assault, 1-800-656-HOPE (4673). If you are thinking about suicide: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). If you have any questions about Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury: 1-866-9661020. - Al Falsetto, Veterans Service Office, 641-7919. America is free thanks to our veterans. (1/7). FOR SALE: Yakima car top bike racks with cross round bars and locks, $50 OBO. Call Bob 970901-7277. (1/7). ANTLERS WANTED TO BUY Deer, Elk, Moose. All Kinds Shed or Racks. White or Brown. Traders Rendezvous Gunnison 641-5077 or 641-6999 (1/7/21) PLEASE PROOF your advertisement the first week it is printed. Credit will be given for only one incorrect insertion. Correction deadline is Tuesdays at 10am for free ads and 2pm for paid ads. Thank you, Gunnison Country Shopper. (1/7). FOR SALE: travel bag for golf clubs $25; golf bag and some clubs; $10 ThermaCell electronic bug repellant $25; Raquetball raquets $10; call 970-765-4232 SEATED CALF MACHINE: Heavy duty Commercial grade. This machine is overbuilt and will last forever! $185. 970-5968062 (1/14). (1/14). SPACE HEATERS: 1 - 35,000 BTU diesel burner, $50; 1 55,000 BTU $50; 1 - 100,000 BTU propane, $125. 970-2096051. (1/14). NEW YEAR’S SNOWMOBILE SPECIAL! 2015 Polaris RMK 800 Now Save $1600 Only $9999 after Mfg’s & dealer incentives. Low Interest. Low Payment Financing WAC. Sun Sports Unlimited 970-641-0883 FOR SALE: solid oak custom made book shelves, 1 - 5’x8’ tall, 1 - 4’x8’ tall. $15 each. 6416616. (1/14). LOVELY SAGE MARCHELLA DINING TABLE w/matching chair and window bench from Pier 1 Imports. Excellent condition. Asking $450, or best offer. Pieces may be sold separately. Call/text for details 720-2568978 (1/7). SHOPPER SPECIALS! Want to find out about our advertising specials? Go to our website at www.gunnisonshopper.com for all the details! (1/7). DO YOU WANT SOME HELP WITH YEAR-END TAX FORMS AND FILING IN QUICKBOOKS®? I can come on site with tax forms in hand. We can submit your forms more quickly than you think. Call Kim Antonucci (QuickBooks Pro Advisor) 970-209-8146 FOR SALE: 4 - 6-lug Chevy rims w/tires, $100 OBO. 596-7842. (1/7). DYNAFIT (Brand new in boxes) Cho Oyo 174 cm. skis (1080 g.) w/ Speed Superlight bindings and Dynafit 174 skins. $1,150. That’s 25% off retail and no tax! Lightest best BC ski out there. Could be used in GT. Call Pat O’. 970-3497250. (1/14). NEW TIGER POWER Multi-Power air compressor. 11.9 gallons, CFM 100 PSI; PVM 100 LPC. $800. 275-0685 (1/7). WANTED: ski boots for a toddler size 9 or 10, and a woman’s size 8. 596-8954 (1/7). PIANO FOR SALE: Charles R Walter traditional, pecan wood, full action, wood sound board, excellent sound. Paid over $5000, will sacrifice $2400. 970275-2765. (1/7). SPYDER SKI JACKET: Men’s med. blue. $45. 970-596-4747 FOR SALE: Toro 524 snowblower. 5hp, 24” cut. Runs well, $100. 209-3525. (1/7). BOB BIKE TRAILER: for touring trips not for kids. Comes with large dry bag. Excellent condition. $200. 505 670 4269 (1/7). AAA APPROVED AUTO REPAIR: Request an appointment online at precisionauto.net. (1/7/10). FULLMER’S ACE HARDWARE AND THE AMERICAN LEGION have teamed up by having a box (by the front door) where you can drop off all unserviceable US Flags. (1/7). FOR SALE: wood casement window WC 4457-2. Insulated with storms, $150 OBO. Bob 970901-7277. (1/7). DON’T FORGET! Gunnison Valley PTA is collecting Box Tops 4 Education. This is an easy way for anyone to support your local community school/PTA. You can send your Box Tops to your child’s classroom or put them in collection containers at the public library or the community center. Thank you for your support! (1/7). LADIES SCARPA T2 MARK BOOTS: size 8. used and has moldable very comfortable. Great 970-641-5198 (1/14). TELEGently liners, boots. LARGE DOG CRATE FOR SALE: plastic sided with metal door and windows. Collapsible into 3 pieces for travel. 36x26x24. $45. 970-275-2765 (1/7). A.R.E. COMMERCIAL TRUCK TOPPER: with Ergo locking ladder rack. Like new condition. Fits 6 1/2’ bed. 80” long x 68” wide. Locking side boxes. Metal grate back window. Sliding front window. Dark red color. New $2400. Sell for $850. 596-6359 (1/7). FREE CLOTHES! If you need clothes, please call. Starting a Gunnison Clothes Bank. Maureen 641-0171. (1/7). FOR SALE: set of 4 Arctic Claw winter Txi 2013 studded tires size 205 55/16, great shape, $200, 970-596-9390 (1/7). FOR SALE: snow blower tire chains, $10. 349-5190. (1/14). XC SKIS FOR SALE: 195cm skis, poles, carrier in very good condition $30. Boots size 44 (Men’s approx. 10 1/2) $10. 6411443 leave message. (1/7). TRUCK TOPPER/CAMPER SHELL: Leer. Longbed (8ft), black, sliding windows. No leaks, NO LOCK, $175. 970-901-7648 (1/7). SUPER SPECIAL SAVINGS! Check Out Our SALES RACK up to 60% OFF Basics for Men 100 North Main 642-4223 (1/28/19) DOS RIOS GOLF MEMBERSHIP: call 970-596-7675 and make an offer. (1/7). FOR SALE: 4 General Altimax Arctic 225/60/R16 98Q and 1 Toyo Garit-HT 225/60/R16 98H snow tires w/steel rims. Rims fit 2001 Chevy Impala. Tires can fit other vehicles. Excellent condition. $425. 970-275-1729 (1/7). FOR SALE: old Casey’s bar piano, vintage Epworth Grand Piano, $100 OBO. Will deliver. Bob 970-901-7277. (1/7). I.S.O.: Playstation 2 1st person shooter games, 596-8813. (1/7). CANDLE WAX WANTED: new or used whatever shape, form, condition or color, call 970-5964440 (1/7). (1/14). (1/14/40). PEACE IS PATRIOTIC! Fifteen minutes for peace every Friday at noon, Oddfellows Park, corner of Main & Virginia. (1/7). FOR SALE: walnut coffee table w/glass top, $225, 275-4852. (1/7). (1/7/27) SI MARCA EL 9-1-1 POR ACCIDENTE NO CULEGUE Y MANTENGA LA CONEXIÓN hasta que el operador le indique. (1/7). FLORAL PRINT POTTERY BARN KIDS twin-sized sheet set. Duvet cover, standard sham cover, pillow case, fitted and top sheet, matching lamp shade. Slight blemish on one side of duvet cover. 970-901-8864 (1/7). page 11 People are raving about it! If you haven’t already taken advantage of the FREE WiFi through IC Connex what are you waiting for? Service is free until January 15th. www.icconnex.com WORRIED ABOUT DEVELOPMENTAL DELAYS IN YOUR YOUNG CHILD? Call Public Health for referral information @ 641-0209. (1/7). SNOW BLOWER: Used Ariens 26”, model #926001, good condition, $200. Call 970-641-6297 (1/14). FOR SALE: 33x12.50 R15 rims & tires, 970-275-8300. (1/7). SHOPPER DEADLINES: News/Press Releases, Community Calendar items, Mondays 10am; Free Ads & Notices, Tuesdays, 10am; All paid ads/business ads, including free ad late fees Tuesdays, 2pm. Thank you for your coopera t i o n . www.gunnisonshopper.com, 6413148. (1/7). VEN A COMPARTIR UNA HISTORIA Y A APRENDER INGLÉS CON TU HIJO(A) EN LA BIBLIOTECA DE CRESTED BUTTE. Niños de 18 meses a 3 años los miércoles a las 11 de la mañana; Niños del preescolar 3 a 5 años, los miércoles a las 2:30 de la tarde. (1/7). (1/7/30) GUNNISON SAGE GROUSE TSHIRTS are available at Pat’s Screen Printing. Sponsor local conservation efforts with beautiful local artwork. (1/7). FOR SALE: rollout keyboard trays, (7) bamboo, 20”x16”, $30 OBO. Call Bob 970-349-5159, 970-901-7277 (1/7). FOR SALE: Outdoor Light Fixtures. 3 lg. heavy duty wrought iron pendant type. $50 each. Please call for photo 9442495. (1/7). WHAT HAPPENS when you cross a Tree Tamer with snow? SNOW TAMERS INC! Call us for your FREE ESTIMATE TODAY. We specialize in entryway/roof snow clearing, hazard prevention and ice removal. Ph: 970-707-4067 or visit snowtamersinc.com. Serving the local community for 12 years! (2/11/44) NEW MULTI-CLEANER POWER WASHER: 6.5 Hr. Built-in heater. $900. 275-0685 (1/7). TRACTOR TIRE CHAINS FOR SALE: fit 18.4x24” tires, $100 OBO. Call Bob 970-349-5159, 970-901-7277. (1/7). GLASSWARE: Some specialty beer glasses, lots of water glasses. All great condition. Call Liz 497-0787 (1/7). FIREWOOD FOR SALE. TAYLOR’S FIREWOOD 596-0110 (1/28/pd/6) PARA LAS PERSONAS MAYORES DE 65 AÑOS—TODOS LOS JUEVES (excepto días feriados) La Despensa de Alimentos de Gunnison (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) está abierta de 10am to 2pm, 321 N. Main St # C. (sobre calle Ohio) 970-6414156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 si tiene preguntas. (1/7). FREE THINNING: For mountain properties, call for details. 2754852 (1/7). AUTO RAMPS FOR SALE: 4000# load capacity, 6500# max vehicle weight, metal set of 2. $45. 970-275-2765. (1/7). SPAY AND NEUTER ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE from the Gunnison Valley Animal Welfare League. Millions of homeless pets die every year because there are simply too many of them. Pick up an application for assistance at your veterinarian’s office today or call 641-1173 for more information. (1/7). FIRE PREVENTION: If you have any questions about fire safety or fire prevention or if you would like a free home fire safety inspection, call your Fire Marshal, Dennis Spritzer 641-8153. Brought to you by your Gunnison Fire Department. (1/7). THESE ARE NOT ROCK SKIS! ONLY $400 OBO! Almost $1,000 new! LADIES K2 ONE LUV’S w/Marker bindings in exc. cond.! Also included is a barely worn/like brand new ladies Smith helmet size sm w/speaker setup! Please call 970-596-1557 today! (1/7). WATER METER: $150; 2754852. (1/7). GUNNISON COUNTY RECYCLING CENTER has 24 hour drop off for #1 & #2 plastics, glass, tin, aluminum, newspapers/magazines and corrugated cardboard (NO slick or wax covered cardboard). 811 Rio Grande, Gunnison. (1/7). FOR SALE: white Whirlpool dishwasher. 5 years old but only used 4 months a year. Very good condition. Updating kitchen. A great deal for someone @ $50. 6415141. (1/14). BRAINSTRONG is Gunnison Valley’s own homegrown support group for people with all types of brain injury, (including stroke, disease, TBI, concussion, etc.) and caregivers of people with brain injury. Our goal is to provide support and education for survivors, caregivers and all members of the community who would like to learn more about brain injury recovery. The group meets on the last Monday of every month from 12-1pm in the conference room at Gunnison Valley Health Hospital (next to Audiology). Come share your stories, share your concerns and learn about resources! The group often hosts presentations and webinars on helpful topics for supporting the recovery process! Come join us and bring your lunch! 970-275-9545 (1/7). ROCK TUMBLER: new in box, 2 drums, heavy duty, great gift, $60, text or call 803-600-8020 (1/7). FOR SALE: Pearl Izumi Seek II. Women’s waterproof running shoe. Size 9. $20 Call or text for pictures or more info 540-7982324 (1/7). gunnison country shopper, january 7, 2015 page 12 Reaching the Gunnison Country from Sargents to Cimarron, Lake City to Crested Butte with papers 4 seasons, 52 wednesdays a year! 7,700 DO YOU HAVE AN UPCOMING EVENT FOR THE GUNNISON COMMUNITY? Fundraiser? Kids event? Multicultural gathering? Artistic endeavor? All-around good time? Let us know. We’ll print your community notice for free. Call 641-3148. Email [email protected]. Let all of Gunnison county and the surrounding areas know what you’re planning for them. (1/7). FREE TV’S! Sanyo 32 inch and RCA 26 inch with built in DVD player. Call to arrange pickup in Almont. 970-641-5984. (1/14). FOR SALE: martial arts (Kenpo) uniform white top and black pants. size medium to large. $30. Call 970-901-1712 for info. (1/7). We Sell WeatherPorts, We Repair WeatherPorts, We Buy WeatherPorts, We Rent WeatherPorts! Contact Global Shelters today for all your WeatherPort needs. Serving the Gunnison/ PLEASE HELP US MAKE THE GUNNISON COUNTY RECYCLE CENTER A SUCCESS! Bring us your #1 and #2 plastics, corrugated cardboard, newspaper, office pack & shred, glass, tin, aluminum, and batteries. For more info 641-0044. (1/7). SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Need not be done by the dealer to satisfy your warranty requirements, enjoy the convenience of hometown service. Low cost rental cars. Precision Automotive is your “AAA Approved Auto Repair”, celebrating 30 years of service to the Gunnison Valley. 641-4040 precisionauto.net (1/7/43). HAVING TROUBLE PAYING FOR YOUR BIRTH CONTROL? Have you been thinking of getting tested for an STD but didn’t know where to go? The Gunnison County Public Health Family Planning Program is here to help with these and other services! Call 641-0209 to make a confidential appointment today. Fees dependent on income, no person is turned away for inability to pay. Sharbel @ 970-209-9711 (1/7/33) DID YOU KNOW WHEN YOU DIAL 9-1-1 in Gunnison County you reach a Dispatch Center in Gunnison? (1/7). RED POTTERY BARN standard quilted shams. $20 for both. 970-901-8864 (1/7). Are you ready for indoor recess? Now Open Stone Goat Athletic Club Racquet, Fitness, and Fun Open 9 am daily Gunnison’s Original fitness center. A place to pause and relax, be fit. 21 and older Call for your reservations and times 970-275-1855 THE COLORADO CHILD SUPPORT WEBSITE (www.childsupport.state.co.us) contains a special section for parents that may be viewed in both Spanish and English. The section provides complete information for parents on all child support and paternity issues. There are also several informational downloadable brochures for parents on the website. Contact Sherri at the Gunnison County Department of Human Services, 641-7944 for assistance. (1/7). TIRES FOR SALE: 2 Firestone Winterforce UV P215/70R16 99S, like new; 2 Mastercraft 215/70R16 Snow Groove Courser MSR. Mountain 16” rim; 1 Tigerpaw Uniroyal P215/70R16 radial; $75 per tire. Call 970-5960978 (1/7). BARNWOOD 4 SALE Largest Inventory in Colorado Drop in and see what’s been going on. 44 County Road 51 Like us on Facebook at Stone Goat, or http:// stonegoatathletic.vpweb.com (1/7/pd/64) DO YOU HAVE A WELL? Well water naturally has differing levels of fluoride in the water. Find out your levels by testing your water. Talk to your dentist about what your water’s fluoride level means to your family. Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council. eccgh.org. Public Health 6410209. (1/7). FOR SALE: Sony surround sound $50; Sony DVD/VCR, $25. 641-6434. (1/14). FOR SALE: pair St. Bernard ski poles, each holds 13oz. of booze. 209-0142 (1/7). FM TRANSMITTER FOR SALE! Micro-Power FM transmitter with indoor/outdoor antenna. Perfect for home entertainment. $185 OBO. Call or txt 970-596-6661 (leave msg) (1/7). barnwoodamsalvage.com COAL Excellent Lump and Oiled Stoker $115/ton Nut also available. Best In Years. Paonia 970-527-4434 (1/7/26) (2/25/pd/16) 2X Rough Sawn Doug Fir 1X Barn Siding Hand Hewn Barn Beams. Rough Sawn Timbers. 3x8 - 18x18 970-596-2407 WANTED: marble run (plastic or wood). 596-8954. (1/7). TIRE CHAINS: Thule brand. Fit rims 245, 265, 275. $170 new. Now $65. 275-2765 (1/7). COMUNÍQUESE CON GUNNISON HINSDALE EARLY CHILDHOOD COUNCIL. o visite eccgh.org. ECC 641-7913; (en español: 641-7999) para obtener una lista de las guarderías certificadas. (1/7). ST. PETER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH WOULD LIKE TO THANK SAFEWAY AND CITY MARKET for their donation of bread for our Christmas Food Boxes. We were able to deliver 45 boxes of food to those in need in our community. The bread products are greatly appreciated. (1/7). SNOWBLOWER: fits skid loader, new condition, $5000. 970-2098913. (1/14). JENN-AIR STAINLESS STEEL GAS GRILL: set up for natural gas, 3 main burners and side stove top. $150, call 970-7654232 (1/14). DIAMONDBACK WILDWOOD: women’s commuter/touring bike. 21spd., Shimano components. Medium frame. Rear rack. Excellent condition. $175. Call for pics, 970-209-2058 D, 970641-4077 E. (1/14). (1/7). ¡USTED PUEDE AYUDAR A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD! Puede donar alimentos no perecederos y ponerlos en los cubos rojos que la Despensa de Alimentos (Gunnison Country Food Pantry) ha puesto en varios sitios de Gunnison (Safeway y City Market y más lugares). ¿Preguntas? 970641-4156. También puede llamar a la Oficina Multicultural 6417999 si tiene preguntas. (1/7). (1/14). Save money on your cell phone bill by connecting to our Citywide Connex WiFi, KEY WEBSITES FOR WARRIORS AND FAMILIES: Information on facilities, services and benefits: www.woundedwarr i o r r e s o u r c e c e n t e r. c o m . Directory of medical and nonmedical resources: www.nationalresourcedirectory.org. Information on Defense Centers of Excellence: www.dcoe.health.mil. Servicespecific information and resources: www.militaryonesource.com. Information and resources for after-deployment concerns: www.afterdeployment.org. Returning service members (OEF/OIF): www.oefoif.va.gov. - Al Falsetto, Veterans Service Office, 6417919. America is free thanks to our veterans. (1/7). GATEWAY ERGONOMIC KEYBOARD FOR SALE: $15. 3491321 (1/7). FOR SALE: set of 4 2013 studded tires size 205 55/16 great shape, $200, 970-596-9390. (1/7). Crested Butte valley for over 45 years! SALOMON SKATE SKI BOOTS FS: Women’s 40 (size 8.5 - 9) Vitane Carbon, Pilot. Excellent condition. $85 firm. Joellen 970275-3516 (1/14). it’s free until January 15th! www.icconnex.com (1/7/20) IF YOU HIT AN ANIMAL WHILE DRIVING WITHIN GUNNISON, please call 641-8000 and report the accident. The animal involved will be safely transported to a veterinarian for treatment. Thanks! (1/7). 1983 SUPERIOR TRAILER: 16’, Heavy duty 12,000lb rating. Dual axle. $750 OBO. 970-349-6361 x102. (1/14). BIG AGAVE PLANT in a nice clay pot. large, hearty plant. $25. 349-1321 (1/14). 2010 S WORKS CARBON FRAME W/CRANKS 19” SIZE LARGE: Sram xo carbon bb30 cranks, horizontal dropouts, only ridden one season. Low miles. $1,000. Ken 303-847-6271. FOR SALE: 125,000 btu propane space heater (1 yr old) $75; 6-ton bottle jack $15; ThermaCell electronic mosquito repellent with refills, $25; paper shredder $20; call 970-7654232. (1/14). LOCAL US POST OFFICE PHONE NUMBERS: Gunnison 641-1884; Almont 641-3653; Crested Butte 349-5568; Parlin 641-4676; Pitkin 641-9236; Powderhorn 641-8737; Sargents 641-1418; Lake City 944-2560; Cimarron 252-8366. (1/7). FORD PICKUP BED TRAILER: good wood hauler, $300. 6416908. (1/7). K2 APACHE RECON SKIS FOR SALE: 119/78/105 178cm. $50, all proceeds go to Adaptive Sports Center “The Recon is the most versatile all-mountain ski available.” -K2 Please Call 214544-5779 (1/14). TWELVE STEP MEETINGS IN GUNNISON: all meetings are held at The Last Resort, 114 N Wisconsin unless noted. 6416056. Monday, AA-Open, 8am; AA Tradition Study 7pm. Tuesday, AA-Open, 8am; Al-Anon, 7:30pm; AA-Open, Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, 307 W Virginia, 7:30pm. Wednesday, Big Book Study, 8am, AA Open, 7pm. Thursday AA-Open 8am; Daily Refections, 7pm. Friday AA-Open 8am; AA-Open, 7:30pm; AA-Open 8am; AA-Women in Recovery, 9:30am; AA-How Was Your Week?, 7pm. Sunday, AA-Open 8am; AA-Open 7pm. (1/7). FOR SALE: black WeatherTech Digital Fit front floor mats for 2012 GMC Yukon. These sell for $128 from the manufacturer. $25 firm takes the pair. 312-2032636. CB South. (1/14). WICKER BLINDS FOR SALE: 26” wide 47” long. Ten total, darker redwood color. Call Liz 497-0787 (1/7). WOULD YOU LEAVE MONEY, CASH, OUTSIDE ON THE SIDEWALK UNATTENDED? That’s what you’re doing when you leave your bike unlocked. Bicycle thefts can be stopped by using a bicycle lock. The average bike lock costs $20, much cheaper than a new bike. Isn’t your bicycle worth it? (1/7). GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR gunnison country shopper, january 7, 2015 page 13 Arts.Sports.Food.Festivals.Dances.LiveMusic.Exercise.SeniorsEvent s.School.Libraries.VolunteerOpportunities.WHO?Plays.Work shops.F u n d r a i s e r s . Races.Clubs.Yoga.To ur s .Education.Bingo.Observatory.WHAT?Museums.Rodeos.Ci r cu se s. Ma r k ets . F ai r s. W e l l n e s s . WH EN ?R ec ov e r y . R e c r e a t i o n . C hu r c he s. V e t e r a n s . L i b r a r i e s .F a m ilies. A r tOpe ni ng s . P a r a d e s . W H E R E ? S p o r t s . F o o d . F e s t i v a l s . D a n c e s . C o n v o v c a t i o n s . E xerc ise. S y m p o s i u m s . S c h o o l . R a l l i e s . V o l u n t e e r O p p o r t u n i ties.Kids.Plays .Workshops.Fundraisers.Races.Clubs.WHY?Tours .Education.Bingo.Observatory.Galleries.Museums.R odeo s . C ir c u s es . M a r W H O ? W H AT ? W H E N ? W H E R E ? W H Y ? H O W ? Wednesday, January 7 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, Sunrise Prana Vinyasa 7am w/Leia, 9am Fit & Fly w/Kate, 4:15pm Hatha w/Meegan, 5:45pm Teens/Tweens w/Rachel. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison. gunnisonsanctuary.com • Every Wednesday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • Boomers Book Club will meet in the W Mountain room of the Community Recreation Center at 1:15pm. "A Certain Justice" by P. D. James. Ginny Koepsel 641-3046. • Winter/Spring Marbles. "Competitive Marbles", ages 6-14. Meet in the Southeast basement of Chipeta Hall on the WSCU campus from 4-5pm on Wednesday afternoons, beginning January 7th. Jerry Piquette 641-0944, [email protected]. • Free Meditation class every Wednesday 5-5:20pm at Main Street Clinic, Gunnison, on the alley. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Wed., 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org • Gunnison Bible Institute at First Baptist Church each Wednesday at 7pm. Open to the public. • Community Taizé Service: Open to all. Come & enjoy this time of quiet & music. Held the 1st Wednesday of every month, 7pm, at Good Samaritan, 307 W Virginia, Gunnison. • Alanon/Alateen Crested Butte, 7:30pm Wednesdays, The UCC Church Parlor, 403 Maroon Ave. alanon.org Thursday, January 8 • H&R Block ACA Q&A Day, 123 W. Virginia Ave. Dennis Schock will be available from 9am-7pm to provide a free ACA Tax Impact Analysis. No appointment is necessary. 970-648-4421. • English Classes, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am1pm at CAFE and Multicultural Office (no childcare). Ellen 970-641-7999, Marsha 6417647. • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9am Hour of Power w/ Karah, 12:15pm Yoga Mix w/Leia. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, www.gunnisonsanctuary.com • Every Thursday (excluding Holidays): Senior's Day 65+, Gunnison Country Food Pantry, 10am-2pm, 321 N. Main St., #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • Living Journeys Cancer support group meets the 1st Thursday of every month, at noon, downstairs at the Community Church. This is an uplifting gathering. Virginia at 970-641-2530 • Western Pilates at The Sanctuary (513 S. Main St., Gunnison), www.westernpilates.net. 5pm. • Talk to a Lawyer for Free, Thursday Night Bar (legal advice clinic), at the Family Services Building, 225 N. Pine St., Gunnison, 5:30pm. Ellen 641-7999 • Timothy White Artist Reception, 5:30-7:30pm. Free. "American Prosperity" is a series of mixed media wall panels. Show runs through January 19. At the Piper Gallery. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 349-7487, 606 Sixth St., Crested Butte • The Confidential Advocacy Center (CAC) is offering peer support groups to women affected by domestic violence, first & third Thursday, 67pm. 641-2712. • Thursdays 6:30-8 Lamaze at Colorado Fitness. Call Ariel for details 970-275-3749. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Daily Reflection, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org • Join the GAC's Book Talk from 7-8pm in the GAC to discuss Still Life by Louise Penney. Open to the public more info at [email protected] or gunnisonartscenter.org. Friday, January 9 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Sunrise Yin w/Delaney, 5:30pm Aerial w/Kate. 513 South Main St., Gunnison, www.gunnisonsanctuary.com • Crested Butte Dance Collective, Aerial Conditioning: Fridays through April 3, 8:309:15am. $8/class. Center for the Arts 349-7487, www.crestedbuttearts.org • Crested Butte Dance Collective, Open Aerial Dance: Fridays through April 3, 9:15-10am. $8/class. Center for the Arts 349-7487, www.crestedbuttearts.org • Friday Frame Drumming with Barb Haas Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30 12:10-12:50pm, at The Sanctuary, 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, gunnisonsanctuary.com • Emotions Anonymous: Fridays 3-4:30pm, The Center for Mental Health 710 N. Taylor, Gunnison. 641-0229 • Kids Cook! For Teens starts in Gunnison. For teens grades 6 and up. Fridays, 4-6pm. Registration open. Scholarships available. 970417-7848, [email protected]. • Please join us for meeting of Inmigrantes Unidos de Gunnison at 6:30pm at St. Peter's church basement. 970-209-1807. • Gunnison competition dancers will be holding BINGO at the Elks Lodge this Friday at 7pm. Tickets are $10. Call 209-0242, or tickets can be purchased at the door. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Speaker, 7pm, 114 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org • 2nd Annual Miner’s Ball, at Kochevar's from 610pm. This is the major FUNdraiser for the Crested Butte Mountain Heritage Museum. Tickets are $75. 349-1880. Saturday, January 10 • 3rd Annual Magic Meadows 7 will be held on Saturday, January 10th from 8am-3pm at the Magic Meadows Yurt. For more information, registration, and to pledge visit cbnordic.org. • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9-10:30am; Apres Ski 56pm. Instructors vary. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, gunnisonsanctuary.com • Alcoholics Anonymous, Women’s, 9:30am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org • Classic Nordic Ski Series, 10-Noon. Learn to Kick and Glide with Gregg Morin. Free with Gunnison Nordic membership. RSVP to Gregg 970-6411137. www.gunnisonnordic.org • Skate Ski Clinics with Duncan Callahan, Sat., Jan. 10 & 17, 10 - 11:30am. Free with Gunnison Nordic membership. Call Duncan to RSVP 970275-8950. www.gunnisonnordic.org • Classic Nordic Ski Series Sat., Jan 10 & 17 10Noon. Learn to Kick and Glide with Gregg Morin. Free with Gunnison Nordic membership. Gregg to RSVP 970-641-1137. www.gunnisonnordic.org • Yoga For Cyclists w/Rachel Alter, 11:30–1pm $25. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison gunnisonsanctuary.com • Crested Butte Nordic Mountain Store Citizen Point Series Race, Magic Meadows Half-Dozen Criterium. www.cbnordic.org • Seventh-day Adventist Church Saturday Praise and Worship 10am; Bible discussion & kids programing 11am. 77 Ute Lane, 970-209-7911 or 970-234-2336 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org. Sunday, January 11 • Second Sundays Community Yoga with Kadie, 910am. Pay what you can! Restorative w/Karah, 56pm. The Sanctuary, 513 S. Main St., Gunnison. gunnisonsanctuary.com • Sundays @ The Yurt. On the Nordic trail system at Magic Meadows. Sundays from 10-2. www.cbnordic.org. Pass required (free for kids & elders) no pooches. • Cross Country Ski Clinic at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. Call to register or reserve your spot at 970-249-1914 ext. 423. www.nps.gov/blca • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, gunnisonsanctuary.com • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Sundays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org Monday, January 12 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Prana Vinyasa with Leia, 12:15pm Aerial with Kate, 5:15pm Iyengar w/Lynn T. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, gunnisonsanctuary.com • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Daily, 8am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org • Western Pilates at The Sanctuary Studio, 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, with Kenny Marks. Red Cord at 8:45am. www.westernpilates.net. • Every Monday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • How To Paint a Portrait, CB Center for the Arts, Mondays, thru March 9, 6-8pm. $130 + $35 supply fee. No experience necessary. Instructor: Megan Craver. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 349-7487 • Adult Education classes begin, 6pm at the Gunnison Elementary School, 1099 N. 11th. $10/for the semester. 641-7684. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Traditions, Mondays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org Tuesday, January 13 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Kudalini w/Joe, 9am Hatha w/Karah, 12:15pm Yoga Mix w/Leia, 5:15pm Relax w/Mary. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, www.gunnisonsanctuary.com • Morning English Classes begin, 8:30am at the Family Services Center, 225 N. Pine. All are welcome! Call the Center for Adult Education, Ellen 970-641-7999, Marsha 641-7647. • Gunnison Kiwanis meets every Tuesday at noon at Café Silvestre, 903 North Main St., Gunnison. • Knights of Columbus will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall. • Kids Cook! For Teens starts in Crested Butte. For teens grades 6 and up, In CB Tuesdays, 5-7pm. Registration open. Scholarships available. 970417-7848, [email protected]. • SonOfAGunn Auditions! 5pm. Actors, actresses, stage tech, costume designers, volunteers, young and old... 641-4029 www.gunnisonartscenter.org • Celebrate Recovery Meetings, Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. 970-596-3846 or go to www.ohbejoyfulchurch.org. • Introduction to Meditation at your local library with Dr. Jonathan Barfield. In Crested Butte, 7pm, free and open to the public. www.gunnisoncountylibraries.org • BINGO Tuesdays at the Elks Lodge, Gunnison, 7:30pm • Alanon/Alateen Gunnison, 7:30pm Tuesdays. The Last Resort 114 N Wisconsin St. alanon.org Wednesday, January 14 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, Sunrise Prana Vinyasa 7am w/Leia, 9am Fit & Fly w/Kate, 4:15pm Hatha w/Meegan, 5:45pm Teens/Tweens w/Rachel. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison. gunnisonsanctuary.com • Gunnison MOPS will meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. All moms with children 0-5 are invited to attend. Desha 970-901-4223 or Kimberly 970-765-6348. • Every Wednesday (excluding Holidays): Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, Gunnison. 970-641-4156. • Free Meditation class every Wednesday 5-5:20pm at Main Street Clinic, Gunnison, on the alley. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Wed., 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org • Gunnison Bible Institute at First Baptist Church each Wednesday at 7pm. Open to the public. • Introduction to Meditation at your local library with Dr. Jonathan Barfield. In Gunnison at 7pm, free and open to the public. www.gunnisoncountylibraries.org • Alanon/Alateen Crested Butte, 7:30pm Wednesdays, The UCC Church Parlor, 403 Maroon Ave. alanon.org Thursday, January 15 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9am Hour of Power w/ Karah, 12:15pm Yoga Mix w/Leia. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, www.gunnisonsanctuary.com • Computer classes at the Gunnison Library. Learn to download free library ebooks to your reader. 5:30pm. Please call 641-3485 to reserve your spot. • reCreations Live painting, 6-8pm. $35. The Sweet Spot in Mt. Crested Butte. "Red Poppy" by Georgia O'Keefe. www.crestedbuttearts.org; 970-349-7487. • The Confidential Advocacy Center (CAC) is offering peer support groups to women affected by domestic violence, first & third Thursday, 67pm. 641-2712. • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Daily Reflection, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org • Mountain High Music Festival, January 15 - 18, 2015. www.mountainhighmusicfest.com Friday, January 16 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Sunrise Yin w/Delaney, 5:30pm Aerial w/Kate. 513 South Main St., Gunnison, www.gunnisonsanctuary.com • Crested Butte Dance Collective, Aerial Conditioning: Fridays through April 3, 8:309:15am. $8/class. Center for the Arts 349-7487, www.crestedbuttearts.org • Crested Butte Dance Collective, Open Aerial Dance: Fridays through April 3, 9:15-10am. $8/class. Center for the Arts 349-7487, www.crestedbuttearts.org • FreeCycle Friday, Ute Hall on WSCU campus, donate or browse FREE items. 720-878-2537. • Friday Frame Drumming with Barb Haas Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30 12:10-12:50pm, at The Sanctuary, 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, gunnisonsanctuary.com • Emotions Anonymous: Every Friday 3-4:30pm, at The Center for Mental Health 710 N. Taylor, Gunnison. 641-0229 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Speaker, 7pm, 114 N. Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org Saturday, January 17 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 9-10:30am; Apres Ski 56pm. Instructors vary. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, gunnisonsanctuary.com • Crested Butte Nordic Mountain Store Citizen Point Series Race, Citizens Race #4 - 10k/20k Classic. www.cbnordic.org • Alcoholics Anonymous, Women’s, 9:30am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org T he Deadline for THE GUNNISON VALLEY CALENDAR is MONDAY at 10:00 a.m. • Classic Nordic Ski Series Sat., Jan 10 & 17 10Noon. Learn to Kick and Glide with Gregg Morin. Free with Gunnison Nordic membership. Gregg to RSVP 970-641-1137. www.gunnisonnordic.org • Seventh-day Adventist Church Saturday Praise & Worship 10am; Bible discussion & kids programing 11am. 77 Ute Lane, Gunnison. 970209-7911, 970-234-2336 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org • GAC Monthly Fim: "Point and Shoot" 7pm in the GAC Black Box Theater, 102 S. Main Street. Tickets $10. gunnisonartscenter.org, 641-4029. Sunday, January 18 • Sundays @ The Yurt. On the Nordic trail system at Magic Meadows. Sundays from 10-2. www.cbnordic.org. Pass required (free for kids & elders) no pooches. • Cranor Ski Hill open from 10-4:30. $14/Adults and $10/Children. Season Passes available! 6418060, www.cityofgunnison-co.gov • Yoga at The Sanctuary, Restorative w/Karah, 56pm. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, gunnisonsanctuary.com • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Sundays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org Monday, January 19 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Prana Vinyasa with Leia, 12:15pm Aerial with Kate, 5:15pm Iyengar w/Lynn T. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, gunnisonsanctuary.com • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Daily, 8am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org. • Western Pilates at The Sanctuary Studio, 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, with Kenny Marks. Red Cord at 8:45am. www.westernpilates.net. • Every Monday (excluding Holidays), Gunnison Country Food Pantry, Open 1pm-4pm, 321 N. Main St #C, 970-641-4156. 970-641-4156. • Meditation for Stress Reduction, 4 week workshop presented by the Gunnison Sanctuary, Mondays: January 19-February 9, 7-8:15 pm. $30. Mary 970-209-5476 • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open/Traditions, Mondays, 7pm, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org Tuesday, January 20 • Yoga at The Sanctuary, 7am Kudalini w/Joe, 9am Hatha w/Karah, 12:15pm Yoga Mix w/Leia, 5:15pm Relax w/Mary. 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, www.gunnisonsanctuary.com • Qigong with Sandra Karas 10:15-11:30pm, at The Sanctuary, 513 S. Main St., Gunnison, gunnisonsanctuary.com • Gunnison Community Blood Drive, 10:30am4:30pm. Gunnison Fair Grounds, 275 S. Spruce S., Gunnison. Bonfils Appointment Center 800-3650006, ext 2 or visit bonfils.org. • Gunnison Kiwanis meets every Tuesday at noon at Café Silvestre, 903 North Main St., Gunnison. • Knights of Columbus will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Parish Hall. • SonOfAGunn Auditions! 5pm. Actors, actresses, stage tech, costume designers, volunteers, young and old... 641-4029 www.gunnisonartscenter.org • Celebrate Recovery Meetings, Tuesday, 6pm, Oh Be Joyful Church, Crested Butte. Call 970-5963846 or go to www.ohbejoyfulchurch.org. • BINGO every Tuesday at the Elks Lodge, 7:30pm • Alanon/Alateen Gunnison, 7:30pm Tuesdays-The Last Resort 114 N Wisconsin St. alanon.org Daily Happenings • Alcoholics Anonymous, Open, Daily, 8am, 114 N Wisconsin, Gunnison, aawesterncolorado.org A Look Ahead... • Western State Colorado University Blood Drive, January 21, 8:30am-3pm. Donations inside the Western Lower/Practice Gym. Appointments: Suzy Coykendall 943-2645 or visit bonfils.org. • Fiesta Night! Follow-up Salsa Dancing Instruction by Joseph Guadian. Sat., January 24th at 6pm. 810 N 11th St (across from Gunnison Community Schools). ALL COMMUNITY INVITED. • Sergeant Ken Weichert, of START Fitness is coming to Gunnison! Boot Camp Weekend Fri., January 30 & Sat., January 31. Colorado Fitness, 641-3375 • Kenny Mac Ski Fest - Nordic Ski Races and Cold Cash Snowflake Dash, Saturday morning, January 31st, 2015. Venue and details to be announced January 10th! www.gunnisonnordic.org • Cold Cash Snowflake Dash, Saturday morning, January 31st, 2015. Details to be announced January 10th! www.gunnisonnordic.org email kadie@gunnisonshopper .com Want to become more involved with the community? Consider We’re all about KIDS! Volunteer for our upcoming 2015 events: • Blue Mesa Fishing Tournament and Fish Fry, May 2-3 • Gunnison Cattlemen’s Days Kickoff Dinner and Dance, July 4 • Cattlemen’s Days Pre-parade Pancake Breakfast, July 11 Visit our facebook page at Kiwanis Club of Gunnison and Join us for lunch any Tuesday at noon in the upstairs meeting room of Café Silvestre. Lunch is on us! gunnison country shopper, january 7, 2015 page 14 MET REC TELEVISION TRANSLATOR SYSTEM – CHANNEL GUIDE METRECTELEVISIONTRANSLATORSYSTEM–CHANNELGUIDE Almont CableSystem SiteName/Location Comstock (North Highway 135) Crested ButteSouth Crested Butte (Sunlight Ridge) Gunnison(W Mountain) Monarch Pass (Tomichi Valley) 2.1 KWGNͲCW2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 KWGNͲTHIS 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 NorthValley Sub.Cable System 4.1 Pitkin/Ohio PowderͲhorn City PowderͲhorn /LakeCity (Waunita (Gateview) Pass) Parlin Pitkin(Town Site) 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 4.1 4.1 4.1 KCNCͲCBS4 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 KTVDͲMEͲTV 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 Sapinero Sargents 2.1 2.1 2.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 KPXCͲIonLife 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 KPXCͲQubo KPXC Qubo 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 ALJAZEERA 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 KMGHͲABC7 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 KTSCͲRMPBS 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 RMPBSͲVͲMe 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 RMPBSͲCreate RMPBS Create 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 KUSAͲNBC9 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 CBͲTV10 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 TVGUIDE 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 LOCAL 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 DISCOVER 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 NASA 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 KTVDͲMy20 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 KDVRͲFOX31 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 31.1 RHODES UPHOLSTERY (1/7) SKI BACKPACKS: used Black Diamond, Covert w/avalung $90, used Bandit w/avalung $60. 970390-4861. (1/14). People are raving about it! If you haven’t already taken advantage of the FREE WiFi through IC Connex what are you waiting for? Service is free until January 15th. www.icconnex.com (1/7/30) DO YOU READ AND USE THE CITY MARKET WEEKLY INSERT FROM THE GUNNISON COUNTRY SHOPPER? If you do, we need some help from our readers to have it inserted in The Shopper once again. Please, if you do use the insert call City Market and let them know how important it is to you and how you use it weekly. Thanks for your help and support from all our readers through the years! City Market Local 641-3816 (1/7). ¿SABÍA QUE RECOMIENDAN QUE LOS NIÑOS visiten al dentista por primera vez cuando tienen 1 año de edad? Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council. eccgh.org. ECC 641-7913; (en español: 641-7999) (1/7). FOR SALE: Scarpa Skookum AT ski boots, 27.5, heat moldable liners, $50. 349-5190. (1/14). BICYCLE LAWS: Try to ride single file; You can ride 2 abreast but you can’t impede traffic. For more information, contact the Gunnison Police Department at 641-8200. (1/7). 35 OLDER PLAYBOY MAGAZINES: Mostly mid 1970’s, $45 OBO, 513-574-0110 (1/7). FOR SALE: used carpet, premium quality, low pile Berber, approx. 14’x12’ in 3 pieces, exc. cons. $50. 641-6352. (1/7). I.S.O.: free or super cheap, old hand crank coffee grinder, or something similar. 970-5962216. (1/14). BACKCOUNTRY SKIS: Volkl XX, Marker AT bindings. Great condition. $350 970-209-9732. (1/14). LOCAL CHURCHES ASS EMBLI ES OF GOD “The River” 9 2 C o u n ty R oa d 1 7 • 641 - 08 64 • P as t or Mi ke Da r n e ll S u n d a y Wo r s h i p 1 0 a m w w w. r i v e r o f l i f e g u n n i s o n . o r g TRIN ITY BAPTIST CHURCH 5 2 3 N o r t h P i n e • 6 4 1 - 1 8 1 3 S e n i o r P a s t o r M i c h a e l M c Ve y S u n d a y W o r s h i p : 8 a m Tr a d i t i o n a l , 1 0 : 3 0 a m B l e n d e d F a m i l y B i b l e S t u d y : 9 : 1 5 a m S u n d a y M o r n i n g S a t u r d a y E v e n i n g Wo r s h i p : 6 p m H i s p a n i c Wo r s h i p : S a t u r d a y 6 p m , B i b l e S t u d y : T h u r s d a y 7 p m We d n e s d a y S e r v i c e s: B . L . A . S . T. & Yo ut h & P r a y e r M e e t i ng - 6 : 3 0p m w w w. T B C g u n n i s o n . c o m (1/7). TWO OAK CHAIRS: one needs caning, 209-0142. (1/7). HENRY’S RADIO & TV Sales, Service and Installation TVs, Stereos, Satellite Systems 641-1453 641-0656 Like Us On Facebook Gunnison Country Food Pantry All Tosh ib a L ED TVs 10 % OFF Free Pickup and Delivery Free Estimates Furniture, Auto & Marine DIKAR 50 CAL. PA/KY style Muzzleloader, beautiful wood stock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gal. $200, 970-390-4861. (1/14). FIREWOOD FOR SALE $200 Split & Delivered 970-765-6032 DESK with medium stained top, antique white sides 29-1/2’ x 65”, very good condition. $50. 3499364. (1/7). (1/28/pd/7) PSA = PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS: that means it is a service to the public, and it is our pleasure. Let all of the Gunnison Country know what you have in store for them. FOR FREE! [email protected], www.gunnisonshopper.com, 6413148. (1/7). NICE LUDWIG DRUM SET FOR SALE: $800 OBO (paid $1300) 596-2243. (1/7). FOR SALE: Raichle All-degree Lite Gore-tex hiking boots. Women’s 6.5. New in box. Really nice. $40. 349-5190. (1/7). PROFESSIONAL DETAILING: Carpet, upholstery shampoo, buff, wax, complete interior and exterior. Call Precision Automotive for a appointment. 641-4040, precisionauto.net (1/7/19). FOR AN UPDATED LIST OF LICENSED CHILDCARE PROVIDERS, look on the Gunnison Hinsdale Early Childhood Council website, eccgh.org, or come by Public Health for a copy. 641-0209 (1/7). YAKIMA ROOF RACK: Round bars with locks. Bought, but dosen’t work with my new car. Came off a Subaru. Paid $100 will take $80. 970-389-6971 (1/14). ROGUE CROSS-TRAINING DOG SLED: Less than a year old and only used indoors on carpet. Excellent condition $180. 970596-8062. (1/14). LO MEJOR PARA EVITAR LA GRIPE ES LAVARSE LAS MANOS— ¿Cómo se trasmite la gripe? Tiende a ocurrir en brotes por contagio de persona a persona a través de gotitas de saliva o secreciones nasales, que el enfermo expulsa al aire que respiramos contagiando los que estamos a su alrededor cuando tose, estornuda o se suena la nariz. Oficina Multicultural 641-7999 (3/25). PLEASE: do not ride your bike on sidewalks and remember to ride on the right hand side of the road and to stop at stop signs. (1/7). TELESCOPE FOR SALE: $50, 970-209-6051. (1/14). IS IT TIME TO GET YOUR QUICKBOOKS® FILE IN TIPTOP SHAPE FOR 2015? I can help fix incorrect balances, eliminate duplicate customers and vendors, and clean up your file to help simplify your bookkeeping. Call Kim Antonucci (QuickBooks Pro Advisor) at 970-209-8146 (1/14/42). FREE! Washer, dryer and refrigerator! All are a bit older, but work. Please call Marc 970-349-9108. Happy New Year! (1/14). DOO THE RIGHT THING! The GVAWL asks all dog owners to please clean up after your critters! Doggie poo is not only disgusting, it contaminates water and soil. It also gives dogs and their owners a bad rap. Please pick up the poo, people! (1/7) CONSTRUCTION HEATER: Dayton Natural Gas 100,000BTU Radiant with hose. Excellent condition. $100. 970-209-8521 (1/7). SUPER SPECIAL SAVINGS! Check Out Our SALES RACK up to 60% OFF Basics for Men 100 North Main 642-4223 (1/28/19) THINK YOU MAY HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEM? There are weekly AA meetings throughout the Western slope. For meeting times & locations, please call 970-245-9649 or 888-333-9649, or go to www.aawesterncolorado.org. (1/7). henrystv.com SERVING GUNNISON AREA SINCE 1961 1 1/2 miles North of Gunnison on Highway 135 OLD SCHOOL SWEATER: Woolrich wool sweater. Women’s medium (says large but fits Like a M) mostly black with pink and white pattern along the neck. Its a classic! 596-8954. Make offer. SI USTED ATROPELLA A UN ANIMAL cuado esta manejando en Gunnison, favor de llamar al 641-8000 y reporte el accidente. El animal involucrado será seguramente llevado a un veterinario para que lo atiendan. Gracias. (1/7). 7,900 Gunnison Country Shoppers every WEDNESDAY (1/7). CASH TO LOAN on Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Traders Rendezvous 516 West Tomichi, Gunnison 641-5077 (1/7/14) YOU - ON THE BIKE: townies, roadies, mountain bikers - you are a part of traffic and the traffic laws apply to you. Please STOP at stop signs and ride on the correct side of the street. (1/7). SIXSIXONE PRESSURE SUITS! One older model $50. One brand new. $150 OBO on either. Call 970-560-2153. (1/14). COFFEE AND END TABLES: Medium brown oak with light smoked colored glass tops trimmed with gold. Measures 56”x25”x16”; 26”x22”x21”; 22”x22”x16”. $250 for set of three, OBO. 970-641-1306 (1/7). TIRES FOR SALE: 2 265/75/16, good for about 1 more season, $50. 970-2096051. (1/14). Let Us Sell Your ATV or Snowmobile Only $75 Sun Sports Unltd 641-0883 (1/7/13) FOR SALE: CARGO TRAILER: Used, Haulmark, 16’, double axle, good condition. $3,500. 6416297 (1/14). PEDESTRIAN SAFETY: use crosswalks to cross the street don’t cross the street mid block in traffic. For more information, contact the Gunnison Police Department 641-8200. (1/7). (1/7) WANTED: iPhone 4 wanted. Have you upgraded your iPhone and now have a iPhone 4 sitting around. I’d like to buy it. Give me a ring on your new phone to tell me you’ll sell me your old iPhone 4. Call 642-3733. (1/7). NIMBLE FINGERS SEWING SERVICES From Revamping to Costumes Experienced Seamstress Call Andrea 596-4972 (1/7/13) DRIVING TO DENVER? Audio books on tape, CD, even MP3! Come by the Ann Zugelder library, 307 N. Wisconsin before you drive out of town. Popular authors, classics, business and self-help, whatever your taste is! (1/7). SEEKING OLD BARN WOOD or an old barn to relocate. Let me know if you’re interested in getting rid of your old barn and need someone to move it. 970-2097058. (1/14). DVD/BLURAY MOVIES FOR SALE! ALMOST 100 TITLES! ALL In EXCELLENT/PLAYED ONCE Condition! $1,000’s Invested! ALL for ONLY $200! Hurry won’t last long! Please Call 970-596-1557 today! (1/7). FREE ADS: please try to limit free ads to 30 words. All ads are subject to editing for length and content. Thank you. The Gunnison Country Shopper 641-3148, [email protected]. (1/7). THE JOB HOTLINE 109 East Georgia Gunnison 970-641-0031 gunnison country shopper, january 7, 2015 BIG MOVING SALE: from pianos to plants, furniture, beautiful antique woodburning stove, & more. Call between 2-5pm, 275-8949. (1/7). The Admissions Representative is responsible for pre-admitting and admitting patients to the hospital, either during a face to face interview or over the phone. This position is responsible for verifying insurance benefits, providing estimates for services, obtaining ABN forms, and collecting money at time of service. The Admissions Representative will communicate in a compassionate and professional manner with patients and other hospital staff. CO#6026851 SNOW REMOVAL To remove snow and ice from decks, walkways, and stairs at various properties. Safety is always #1 in everything we do. Remove snow and ice by shovel and ice chippers. Remove snow with snow blowers (when trained). Assist properties maintenance when needed. Works well as a team member. CO#6024280 RETAIL CASHIER You will help run the store by operating the cash register system and assisting customers get in and out quickly. CO#5967961 Been laid off from a job recently? You may qualify for personalized assistance with job search, career guidance, resume development, interviewing, job skills development, relocation assistance and MORE. CDLE is an EO Employer/auxiliary aids/services available upon request. For information on these or other jobs, call 641-0031. NOW HIRING • DAYTIME SERVERS • DAYTIME DELIVERY DRIVERS Can earn $14 or more per hour with tips. Must be a licensed insured driver, age 18 or older with a clean driving record. Excellent training and advancement opportunites, flexible work hours, meal discounts. Apply online at jobsatpizzahut.com E.O.E. M/F GET ELEVATED! In beautiful Mt. Crested Butte NOW HIRING! Currently seeking experienced professionals for the following positions: RESTAURANT GENERAL MANAGER DINING ROOM SUPERVISOR for their restaurant 9380 Prime located at 500 Gothic Rd.,Mt. Crested Butte, CO 81225 Applicants, please send resume’ to: [email protected] ELEVATION HOTEL & SPA 970-251-3000 500 GOTHIC ROAD MT. CRESTED BUTTE, CO BINGO EVERY TUESDAY at the Elks Lodge, 7:30pm. (1/7). Great news! FREE WiFi via Citywide Connex is available through January 15th! Email address required for free guest access. www.icconnex.com (1/7/20) lost&found LOST: Smith Lockwood Tactical sunglasses. On December 21 near St. Peter’s, the Corner cupboard, Gene Taylor’s, or Safeway. I would love them back for New Year’s. Thanks! Call or text 970985-1921 (1/7). LOST BLACK CAT: 8 month old American long hair black cat. Ran away Christmas Day on 11th and Gothic. She has clear caps on her front claws and is very sweet. CASH REWARD. Please call or text at 651-769-5139. Thanks! (1/7). THE FOLLOWING ITEMS are at the Gunnison Police Department. To claim an item listed below please contact a Neighborhood Services Officer at 641-8242: 142191 Drivers license owner Andrew Buchanan; 14-2195 Blue Moon town bike; 14-2201 Wallet owner Daniel Brennan; 14-2206 Jamis town bike; 14-2208 Huffy BMX bike; 14-2224 One silver key/one hand cuff key; 14-2224 Four keys on a blue clip & fob; 142224 Two keys, leather strap, Hasting card; 14-2224 Bank of America debit card; 14-2224 Ironhorse mtn. bike; 14-2246 Specialized mtn. bike; 15-0005 Three silver keys on a sandal key chain; 15-0005 wallet owner Aneyye Akelsen, (1/7). garagesales ONGOING INSIDE MOVING SALE: 110 Mountaineer Dr. (behind the rec center) Entire household must go - all items priced with tags. Stop by Monday - Friday, or call 970-964-7036, 970-964-8734. Entertainment center, TVs, tools, hunting equip., Christmas, 3 bedroom sets, a truck, too! (1/7). small dogs! We have a number of lovely lap dogs who are available for adoption now! Visit during shelter open hours Wednesdays 5-7 and weekends 10-1, or call for an appointment at a different time. B e t s y Fo l k e r t h , MSPT 970-641-2118 ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVE B a employment GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Night Custodian - CBCS. Position is full m time with benefits. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard,a 970641-7760, [email protected], OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031 (1/7). WANTED: experienced roof shovers. No slackers and no illegals. Must have shovel, harness, and rope. 970-209-8925. (1/14). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Food Service Cook - GCS. Position is 3.5 hours per day while school is in session. Wage range is $11.03$11.94 per hour dependent on experience. Position starts January 5th. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970641-7760, [email protected], OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031 (1/7). HELP WANTED: Part-time Furniture Delivery Driver and Shipment Receiver. Mon-Fri. Must have valid driver’s license and clean driving record - CDL preferred. Must be able to lift 100+ pounds. $9-12/hr. depending on experience. Call 641-0727 or fill out application at Back at the Ranch, 100 Spencer Ave. (1/14). A LADY CONTACTED ME ABOUT BABYSITTTING our 5 year old on a long term basis but was going to be out of town from Dec. 18 to Dec. 28. I lost her information. If that lady happens to read this ad, could you please send me your information again? T h a n k s . [email protected] (1/14). WESTERN STATE COLORADO UNIVERSITY is hiring a Special Programs Coordinator. This is a full-time, exempt position that will work primarily with the LEAD Office to support student activities and programming. Full position announcement and application instructions can be found at www.western.edu/jobs. AA/EOE. (1/21). HOTEL FRONT DESK CLERKS WANTED: Full and part time positions available. Please apply, in person, at the Gunnison Comfort or Quality Inn. (1/14). COLD LASER - MASSAGE HERBAL REMEDIES & MORE You may qualify for personalized WHETSTONE ASSOCIATES is seeking a motivated, part-time (812 hrs/wk) computer/IT and administrative professional to serve as single point of contact for software licensing and installation, network printer setup, minor server and email maintenance, interfacing w/offsite network consultants, document scanning, You computer backups, and misc. office tasks. Email resume to s CDLE w y mis aannEO @ Employer/auxiliary whetstoneassociates.com. No phone calls please. (1/14). CHILDCARE PROVIDERS NEEDED for Cooking Matters Classes on Fridays 11-1pm from January 9-February 13. Classes teach families cooking skills, food budgeting, and nutrition. Many participants have small children and need childcare. Classes take place at the Fred Field Western Heritage Building. Stipend available at the completion of classes. Call Jessica at 724-421-7357 for more information. (1/7). GUNNISON VALLEY HEALTH has the following openings, at the HOSPITAL: 1 PT Credentialing & Policy Coordinator, 1 FT Hospitalist (MD), 1 FT Medical Technologist, 1 FT Mammography/CT Tech, 1 FT MRI/CT Tech, 1 Temporary Housekeeper (30hrs/wk), 1 PRN Admissions Rep . At SENIOR CARE CENTER: 1 FT Staff Nurse (LPN or RN), 1 PT Life Enrichment Provider. At HOME MEDICAL SERVICES: 1 FT Certified Nurse Aide. Please visit our website for more in-depth position descriptions, specific qualification requirements and to apply online http://jobs.gunnisonvalleyhealth.o rg, or call HR for questions 970641-1456. (1/7/91). HELP WANTED: Monty’s Auto Parts is seeking counter help. Position is full time and permanent. Clean driving record is REQUIRED. Parts or automotive experience is requested. Apply in person at 223 W. Hwy 50. (1/14). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Food Service Cashier - CBCS. Position is 3.5 hours per day while school is in session. Wage range is $11.03-$11.94 per hour dependent on experience. Position starts January 5th. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970641-7760, [email protected], OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031 (1/7). SERVER NEEDED: Las Palmas Restaurant. Apply in person at 138 West Tomichi, Gunnison. (1/14). SE NESESITAN PERSONA para la cosina. Aplicar en persona Las Palmas 642-1108. (1/14). GROUP FITNESS INSTRUCTORS AND PERSONAL TRAINERS: Western’s Mountaineer Field House is looking for both. Must have current certifications in CPR/AED/First Aid and a nationally recognized certification in personal training and/or group fitness instruction. Please send all requests to [email protected]. (1/7). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Girls Golf Coach - GHS. Hours are after school Monday through Friday. Season runs mid-February through May. Experience preferred. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970-641-7760, [email protected], OR Colorado Workforce 970-6410031 (1/14). page 15 HELP WANTED: Driver for Fed Ex route. A full time and possibly a part time position available. Must have 1 year commercial driving experience in large truck in past 3 years. CDL helpful but not necessary. Need copy of DMV report. Will need to pass drug test. Leave message. 970-209-5988 (1/14). HOCKEY COACH LOOKING FOR DOG SITTER/checker/feeder/pooper for away games. Condo in Gunni city limits. Pays $20/day 15-20 min. twice a day, mostly weekends. Duties include feed, poop, and night-time fire. Two dogs both very nice and nonaggressive breeds. 817-8516647. (1/14). HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS is looking for part-time laundry attendant. 5 days a week, part-time hours. To experience necessary. Please apply at Front Desk. No Calls. (1/14). See all of our adoptable animals at gvawl.org, petfinder.com, or on facebook. All animals are current on vaccinations and spayed or neutered. 970.641.1173 I N F O @ GV AW L . O R G PART TIME SECRETARY/TREASURER POSITION: Workload averages 20 hours/month. Work mostly from home. Experience in Word and Excel required. QuickBooks experience helpful. Send resume and cover letter to [email protected] m by January 31, 2015. (1/14). 9 8 B AS I N P A R K D R I V E KIDS & STUDENTS WILL WORK Look below for that Neighborhood Kid or Eager College Student To Do What You Need Done... (1/7) MULTI-LINE DEALERSHIP IN THE BEAUTIFUL SAN JUAN MOUNTAINS IN LAKE CITY, CO looking for a talented and selfmotivated Service Tech. Experience with Polaris, Bombardier, Triton, ATV’s, Side X Sides, Snowmobiles, and Trailers. Strong Polaris,r Bombardier, diagnostics and troubleshooting expef rience help. Tools required. General Automotive knowledge would be very helpful as well. Full time position •with vacation pay and discountse to employees. Compensation is based on experia ence and willingness to learn. If interested contact w Jeff at 970944-2311 or email resume to lcaH or fax to [email protected] 944-2813. f RELOCATION is required. (1/14/89). E GUNNISON t WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: District Technology - ITcProfessional. This position provides q an outstanding opportunity for an experienced, A motivated & self-directed individual that is interested in working 8 within a fast paced technological E Salary range work environment. is $40,402-$42,034 depending upon experience and education, with benefits. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970641-7760, [email protected], OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031 (1/7). EMPLOYMENT ADS ARE FREE! If they are 60 words or less. Any over the 60 word limit will be charged a paid ad fee dependent on the number of words. Please see the website for details at www.gunnisonshopper.com, or call 641-3148. - Thank you, The Gunnison Country Shopper. (1/7). HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT WILLING to do computer repairs for cheap. Contact me at 970-425 3152 and leave a message or email me at [email protected]. (1/7). ranching HORSE BOARDING AVAILABLE IN JACK’S CABIN, Call Frank 901-2412 (1/7/9) FREE MALE GOATS to good home. 970-641-4451. (1/14). 6 YEAR OLD SORREL GELDING: 5 months professional train ing on the ground & under saddle Ridden both in an arena & out on the trail. Good for the farrier stands tied, bathes, easily loads & unloads. Super disposition, kind and willing. Asking $1000. 641 2433 (1/14). FOR SALE: well mannered sound, older, bay gelding. Great on trails, trailers well. Good w/feet. Easy keeper to a good home. $500. 641-2433. (1/14). GUNNISON WATERSHED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Sub Custodians - District Wide. Hours will be as needed. $11.03 per hour. Please contact: Superintendent’s Office, Shawna Campos, 800 N. Boulevard, 970641-7760, [email protected], OR Colorado Workforce, 970-641-0031 (1/7). 8 FOOT ELK FENCE FOR SALE: call for information! 275-4852 JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN: Seeking experienced electricians for commercial, residential and service work. Please call Crested Butte Electrical 970-349-5265. PREMIUM BARN STORED HAY: Grass; Grass/Alfalfa; Alfalfa. Small squares, large squares and rounds. And, also have straw. 970-872-3141. (1/7). DID YOU KNOW THE LIBRARY NOT ONLY CHECKS OUT BOOKS, BUT ALSO OFFERS A LARGE MOVIE SELECTION? With your library card, check out popular films, documentaries, children’s movies and more. Both the Gunnison library and the Old Rock Library in Crested Butte have a wide selection of DVD titles to satisfy any movie watcher. Visit either library location or log on to www.gunnisoncountylibraries.org to view our selection. (1/7). (1/7). BLOCKING CHUTE: for show steers. Folding/portable. $150 Call for pic or to see, 970-209 2058 (D), 970-641-4007 (E) (1/14). (1/7/19) STOCK/HORSE TRAILER FOR SALE: 1983 E-Z gooseneck stock/4-horse straight load. Dua axle, interior center dividing door 4-place rotary saddle rack in nose, side escape door. Solid floor with full length mats. Not much to look at, but solid. $2200 970-641-3399 E, 970-209-2058 D. (1/14). gunnison country shopper, january 7, 2015 page 16 FWINTER R E E2014 B U S 2014–2015 –2015 RTA FREE BUS Schedule: November 26 – April 5 The bus runs a loop through the City of Gunnison befffor ore heading north on Hwy 135 to Crested Butte and Mt. Crested Butte. The bus leaves the following stops no earlier than the times listed. There may be delays due to weatherr. Leaving Gunnison for Mt. Crested Butte: Gunnison Community Schools Spruce & Hwy 50 11th & Virginia Colorado & Hwy 50 Then to: Then to: and motorized SNOWMOBILE FOR SALE: 2005 Arctic Cat 1M. 900 efi. 162” track. Lots of extras, riser, intake, big wheels, scratchers, lefty and more! Low miles. Nice Machine. Runs exc. $2500 OBO. In C.B. 970-209-6861 (1/14). 2006 ARCTIC CAT M7: 153” track- upgraded to Powerclaw track. After market can. Has $500 CFR Double D ski rack. $3200 OBO. Call 209-2024. (1/14). Let Us Sell Your ATV or Snowmobile Only $75 Sun Sports Unltd 641-0883 (1/7/13) ‘88 SNOWMOBILE: Polaris Indy Sport 340cc. Moving, must sell. Runs great, well maintained. $500 OBO. 970-209-9732 (1/14). 2012 POLARIS RMK PRO 155: 830 miles w/3 year warranty. SLP clutch weights, risers, lefty, carbon fiber bumper, handguards, scratchers, Better Boards. 3gal of oil and 2 new spare belts. Looks brand new. $8800. 970-9017648 (1/7). ALL HELMETS ON SALE ALL THE TIME! Only at Sun Sports Unlimited West Hwy. 50 Gunnison 970-641-0883 JOHN DEERE 1338pe professional snow blower 38” swath, electric chute, chains, etc., used @ 6 times, moved, no longer needed, perfect for parking lots or estate use, call 719-298-0119. $1075. (1/14). SNOWMOBILE SLED: $150, 417-8996. (1/7). 2004 POLARIS 800 RMK Vertical Edge, needs head gasket, $2000, 596-4772 (1/14). SNOWMOBILE FOR Ski-Doo Summit X motor, new clutch, shocks $5000, call (1/14). SALE: ‘08 163, new 2.5 track, 275-8460 6:35 AM 7:05 AM 7:50 AM 8:35 AM 9:20 AM 10:20 AM 11:20 AM 2:05 PM 4:05 PM 5:20 PM 6:05 PM 7:35 PM 10:05 PM 2005 M7 ARCTIC CAT: 162”, cash or trade towards 4-wheeler, or guns. 417-8996. (1/14). 2003 SKI-DOO SUMMIT 700: 144” track, 1-owner, low miles, exc. cond. $1900 OBO. 970404-1763. (1/7). Spencer & Hwy 135 Cement Creek Rd. northbound Mt. CB Transit Center Crested Butte 4 - Way a Stop Cement Creek Rd. southbound ÀDJVWRS ÀDJVWRS 7:05 AM 7:35 AM 8:20 AM 9:05 AM 9:50 AM 10:50 AM 11:50 AM 2:35 PM 4:35 PM 5:50 PM 6:35 PM 8:05 PM 10:35 PM 7:00 AM 7:45 AM 8:15 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 7:15 PM 11:15 PM 6:40 AM 7:10 AM 7:55 AM 8:40 AM 9:25 AM 10:25 AM 11:25 AM 2:10 PM 4:10 PM 5:25 PM 6:10 PM 7:40 PM 10:10 PM 6:45 AM 7:15 AM 8:00 AM 8:45 AM 9:30 AM 10:30 AM 11:30 AM 2:15 PM 4:15 PM 5:30 PM 6:15 PM 7:45 PM 10:15 PM 7:05 AM 7:50 AM 8:20 AM 9:05 AM 10:35 AM 12:35 PM 3:05 PM 4:05 PM 5:05 PM 5:20 PM 6:20 PM 7:20 PM 11:20 PM 7:15 AM 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 9:15 AM 10:45 AM 12:45 PM 3:15 PM 4:15 PM 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 11:30 PM All buses are wheelchair accessible. For more infforma ormation, please call Alpine Express at 970-641-5074 9 4. www.GunnisonValleyRTA.org ST TATEMENT OF RIGHTS: In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Civil Rights Act of 1964, The RTA does not discriminate on WKHEDVLVRIGLVDELOLW\UDFHFRORUQDWLRQDORULJLQVH[XDORULHQWDWLRQRUJHQGHU)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHVHVWDWXWHVRUWR¿OHDFRPSODLQWFRQWDFWWKH57$ designated Disability Rights and Title VI coordinatorr,, Scott Truex, Executivee Directorr,, PO Box 39, Crested Butte, CO. 81224. (970) 275-0111. For Telecommunication 5HOD\6HUYLFHFDOOKHDULQJLPSDLUHG,QGLYLGXDOVZLOOEHSHUPLWWHGWRXVHVVHUYLFHDQLPDOVDVGH¿QHGZLWKLQ$'$JXLGHOLQHVLIQHFHVVDU\ NEW YEAR’S SNOWMOBILE SPECIAL! 2015 Polaris RMK 800 Now Save $1600! Only $9999 after Mfg’s & dealer incentives. Low Interest. Low Payment Financing WAC. Sun Sports Unlimited 970-641-0883 (1/7/27) 49CC KIDS ATV: $250 OBO. 765-1465. (1/14). 2008 SKI-DOO SUMMIT: 800cc, excellent condition, $4250. 970-209-8913. (1/14). SNOWMOBILE FOR SALE: 2013 Summit X 163, awesome sled, still under warranty, $9700, call 275-8460. (1/14). FOR SALE: 2009 Ski-Doo Summit X, exc. cond., 2100 mi., $5800. 641-6908. (1/7). (1/7). 6:30 AM 7:00 AM 7:45 AM 8:30 AM 9:15 AM 10:15 AM 11:15 AM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:15 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM 10:00 PM (1/7/17) 2010 POLARIS RZR800S: excellent condition, lots of extras, $10,000. 641-6908. (1/7). 15’ LARSON SKI BOAT: motor needs work, $950. 275-4852. &RORUDGR & Ohio Denver & Hwy 135 - Other Flag Stops at the Tall Texan, Almont, Riverland, Brush Creek Rd. & Riverbend - YOUR PUBLICLY FUNDED BUS SYSTEM NOT RUNNING: 2003 Arctic Cat Mountain Cat 900cc 151 track. Needs new clutch & top end. Nice parts sled. $600 OBO. Contact 719-510-4595. Text would be preferred during day. Call after 6pm MST. I can answer questions or send pictures. (1/7). and 9LUJLQLD & Spruce Leaving Mt. Crested Butte for Gunnison cars&trucks 1955 CHEVY PICKUP: completely rebuilt, call for info. $8500. 641-6908. (1/7). WOW! 35-40 MPG! GREAT CAR! 2000 PONTIAC GRAND AM/SE, 4cyl, 115K, great power/fuel economy, new tires, recent oil change, safe/reliable car in clean/outstanding running condition! NADA lists at $3,500, selling for $3,000 OBO. Please call 970-596-1557. (1/7). 1964 GMC PICKUP: 4x4, 3/4ton, $1500 OBO. 596-7842. (1/7). 2001 CHRYSLER SEBRING: XL convertible 2 doors, 144K miles, running excellent! $2,500 OBO, call 719-937-3708 located in Center, CO. (1/7). 2003 TOYOTA TUNDRA: 150k miles, 5 speed V6 manual, 4WD. New tires, brake pads, battery, tune up. 3” lift. Custom rims & ARB bumper. Tow package. Topper. Runs great. $9,200 Call 970-275-5245 (1/14). 2008 NISSAN SENTRA: 95K miles, new winter tires, dealership condition interior and exterior. $6000, Dave 303-513-8941 (1/7). WANTED: mini SUV in good condition. Nothing older than the year 2000. $7k budget. Something like a Honda CRV, Ford Escape, or Nissan Rogue. Please, no Subarus. 596-8954 (1/7). FOR SALE: 2004 Chevrolet Tahoe z71, 157K miles, 4x4, dual DVD system, fully loaded, new tires, third row seating, roof rack, tow hitch. Blue book value $9100, asking $8750. 641-1345 or 4173745. (1/7). FOR SALE: 2004 Chevrolet Malibu Maxx. 4 door hatchback, front wheel drive, automatic, heated seats electric windows and locks, remote start. 30+mpg. $4195 OBO. 970-596-3572. (1/7). 2000 DODGE RAM 1500: 4x4, quad cab, SLT 5.9L V8, 1 owner, 140K, $6,500 OBO. 970-3490816 (1/14). 1999 FORD F250: Super Duty XL trim, regular cab, 4x4, w/ awesome utility topper. white. 150K mi. New tires. $4900. OBO. 970349-6361 x102. (1/14). FOR SALE: 2005 Ford Super duty F250, 80K mi., 6spd. manual, 4WD, camper shell, grill guard, ext cab, Lariat & Eddie Bauer ed. Asking $20,000. 970-209-9098. (1/7). 2012 FORD FOCUS SD: 62,000 miles, FW drive, excellent condition! $9,000. 970-209-3901 (1/7). FOR SALE: 2004 VW Jetta Wagon, red with turbo and heated seats. 260,000 miles, runs great, $2200, 970-275-2459 (1/7). 1984 TOYOTA TERCEL: 36mpg, 2 door hatchback, 4speed manual, front wheel drive, runs great. $1000. Call or text: 928-699-4062 (1/14). JEEP: 2000 Cherokee Sport. New power steering pump. 185K miles, white. 4.0, 6 cylinder, 4x4, engine block heater, tow package, xm radio transmitter. Needs tires. $3150 OBO. 596-3696 (1/7). 1994 ISUZU TROOPER FOR SALE: 198K, good rubber, clean title, new timing belt, manual transmission. Should run for years to come. $1,250 OBO. 208-8602921 (1/7). 1991 MAZDA B2600I: 4X4 standard transmission, good tires, runs well, starts below zero. $1,000. Ken 303-847-6271 (1/14). 1989 FORD BRONCO: Eddie Bauer edition. New bras, well maintained. $3200 OBO, or trade for Subaru of equal value. 5967069. (1/7). 1995 GMC JIMMY: 4 door, V6 Vortec. Has blown head gasket, everything else is the bees knees. You need a reliable parts truck, I need cash... make an offer. 970765-6896 (1/7). LOOKING FOR: ‘90s Ford Broncos, auto, running, 150K or less miles, 4x4. Please call even if it needs minor repairs. Adam 970209-4389 anytime. (1/14). CHECK OUT OUR CARS on the web www.precisionautosales.com 1996 OUTBACK: green, 5 speed, 125k, in great shape with maintenance records. In Lake City. $2950. Call Dan @ 303-3458830 or 970-944-2551 (1/14). FOR SALE: 1968 Ford F-100 parts in good condition. Includes bed, grille, hood, radiator and many others for $200. Please call 944-2495 (1/7). 1992 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER: 135K mi., $3000. 970-901-5755 CRIME DOESN’T PAY, but Crimestoppers does. 641-8280. (1/14). (1/7). (1/7/8) ½ Happy New Year! New Arrivals 2010 Subaru Tribeca, 2013 Outback LTD, 2014 Crosstrek
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