Alessandro Delfanti, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Davis Curriculum vitae, December 2014 Science and Technology Studies Program, University of California Davis 1 Shields Ave, Davis, California, 95616 | | [email protected] Current position Postdoctoral fellow, Science & Technology Studies and Innovating Communication in Scholarship University of California, Davis September 2014 – Past positions Media@McGill postdoctoral fellow Department of Art History and Communication Studies, McGill University, Montreal September 2013 – August 2014 Supervisor: prof. Gabriella Coleman (Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy) Adjunct professor (a contratto) Department of Informatics and Communication, University of Milan February 2012 – February 2014 Education Ph.D., Science and Society, University of Milan and SISSA, Trieste, July 2011 Dissertation: “Genome hackers. Rebel biology, open source and science ethic” Supervisor: Prof. Adam Arvidsson Summer school in Comparative Sociology of Information Societies, University of Oslo, July 2009 Master, Science Communication, SISSA, Trieste, December 2007 Dissertation: “What Dr. Venter did on his holidays: the Sorcerer II and the public communication of biotechnology.” Final mark: 30/30 with distinction Supervisor: Prof. Yurij Castelfranchi Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Parma, March 2001 Dissertation: “Transgenic animals as patentable inventions. The European law.” Final mark: 100/110 Supervisor: Prof. Angiola Ferrari Grants, awards and fellowships Bright Ideas Fellow, ESRC Genomics Policy and Research Forum, University of Edinburgh January – February 2012 1 Visiting research student, UCLA Center for Society and Genetics, Los Angeles June – December 2010 Supervisor: prof. Christopher Kelty Research grant, Innovations in the Communication of Science (ICS), SISSA June – December 2007 International prize “The Need to Redefine Patent Law,” Associazione culturale Punto rosso October 2004 Erasmus grant, University of Zaragoza September 1999 – September 2000 Other professional activities Free lance journalist: Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American), Il Manifesto, Il Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, and others. Areas covered: digital cultures, science politics, social movements 2006 – present Special issues editor and peer review coordinator, Journal of Science Communication 2008 – 2012 Veterinary clinician 2001 – 2005 Professional translator (English to Italian) 2006 – present Publications BOOKS Delfanti, A., 2013. Biohackers: The Politics of Open Science, London: Pluto Press (Italian translation: Biohacker. Scienza aperta e società dell'informazione, Milano: Eleuthera, 2013) Arvidsson, A. and Delfanti, A., 2013. Introduzione ai media digitali. Bologna: Il Mulino ARTICLES Söderberg, J., and Delfanti, A., “Hacking hacked. The life cycles of digital innovation,” Science, Technology & Human Values (accepted) Casemajor, N., Couture, S., Delfin, M., Goerzen, M., and Delfanti, A., “Non-participation in digital media. Toward a framework of mediated political action,” Media, Culture & Society (in press) Delfanti, A., 2013. “Geni ribelli. La open science nell’immagine pubblica di due biologi,” Tecnoscienza, Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies 4 (2), pp. 27-50 Delfanti, A., 2011. “Hacking genomes. The ethics of open and rebel biology,” International Review of Information Ethics, 15 Delfanti, A., 2010. “Users and peers: from citizen science to P2P science,” Journal of Science Communication 9 (1) Delfanti, A. et al., 2009. “What dr. Venter did on his holidays. Exploration, hacking, entrepreneurship in the narratives of the Sorcerer II expedition,” New Genetics and Society 28 (4), pp. 415-430 2 EDITED WORKS Delfanti, A. and Söderberg, J. (eds), 2015. “Special issue: New perspectives on hacking,” Science, Technology & Human Values (in press) Söderberg, J. and Delfanti, A. (eds.), 2012. “Special issue: Expanding the frontiers of hacking,” Journal of Peer Production special issue, 2 Delfanti, A. (ed), 2011. “Know your genes. The marketing of direct-to-consumer genetic testing.” Journal of Science Communication 10 (3) Delfanti, A. (ed.), 2010. “Special issue: User-led and peer-to-peer science,” Journal of Science Communication 9 (1) CHAPTERS Delfanti, A. and Iaconesi, S., 2016. “Open Source Cancer. Brain Scans and the Rituality of Biodigital Data Sharing,” in Barney, D., Coleman, G., Ross, C., Sterne, J. and Tembeck, T. (eds): The Participatory Condition. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press (in press) Delfanti, A., 2014. “Is do-it-yourself biology being co-opted by institutions?,” in Bureaud, A. and Whiteley, L. (eds): Meta-life. Biotechnologies, Synthetic Biology, Alife and the Arts, MIT Press, 2014 Delfanti, A., 2013. “La scienza aperta nell'era dei media digitali,” in Bertram, N. (ed.): Sociale, digitale. Trasformazioni della cultura e delle reti. Milano: Doppiozero Delfanti, A., 2012. “Tweaking genes in your garage: biohacking between activism and entrepreneurship,” in Wolfgang Sützl and Theo Hug (eds): Media Activism and Biopolitics. Critical Media Interventions in the Age of Biopower. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, pp. 163-178 EDITORIALS, SHORT PAPERS AND REPORTS Delfanti, A., 2014. “Curami, curami, curami! Malattia e condivisione in rete,” Studi culturali 1, pp. 82-88 Mancuso, M., Delfanti, A., et al. (eds.), 2012. “The open future,” special issue of Musique et Cultures Digitales vol. 68, pp. 1-132 Delfanti, A., 2012. “Open access and science communication. Reflections on the need for a more open communication environment.” Journal of Science Communication 11 (2) Delfanti, A., 2011. “Where is public communication of science going?,” Journal of Science Communication 10 (2) Delfanti, A., 2011. “Internet fra dono e mercato, discussione su Marco Aime e Anna Cossetta Il dono al tempo di internet,” Studi Culturali vol. 8, pp. 107-124 Niessen, B. et al. (co-author), 2010. “Openwear. Sustainability, openness and P2P production in the world of fashion,” research report of the EDUfashion project Delfanti, A., 2010. “Open science, a complex movement,” Journal of Science Communication 9 (3) Picardi, I. and Delfanti, A., 2009. “ScienceDebate2008. Scienza, politica e web nelle presidenziali USA,” in Pitrelli, N. et al., Atti del VII Conv. Naz. sulla Comunicazione della Scienza, Polimetrica, pp. 167-174 Delfanti, A. (ed.), 2008. “Web and collaborative science,” Journal of Science Communication 7 (2) BOOK REVIEWS “By any media necessary. Disturbances” by Critical Art Ensemble, Digicult, 2013 Cyberchiefs by O’Neil, M., New Media and Society, 12, 2010 3 Communicating Biological Sciences by Nerlich, B. et al., Tecnoscienza, 1 (1), 2010 Communication Power by Castells, M., Journal of Science Communication, 8 (4), 2009 The Scientific Life by Shapin, S., Journal of Science Communication, 8 (1), 2009 “How-to establish PCST. Two handbooks on science communication.” Review of Handbook of Public Communication of Science and Technology by Bucchi, M. and Trench, B. and Communicating Science in Social Contexts by Cheng, D. et al., Journal of Science Communication, 7 (4), 2008 Teaching COURSES “Online cooperation in daily life,” undergraduate seminar, spring 2015 B.A. Science and Technology Studies, Science and Technology Studies Program University of California, Davis “Online cooperation in daily life,” undergraduate seminar (39 hours, 3 credits), fall 2013 B.A. Communication Studies, Department of Art history & Communication Studies McGill University, Montreal “Sociology of new media,” graduate course (48 hours, 6 credits), spring 2012 and spring 2013 M.A. Informatics and Communication, Department of Information & Communication Studies University of Milan TEACHING ASSISTANT “Sociology of new media,” prof. Adam Arvidsson, spring 2010 and 2011 M.A. Informatics and Communication, Department of Information & Communication Studies University of Milan “New media and communication,” prof. Adam Arvidsson, spring 2010 and 2011 B.A. Communication and Society, Department of Social and Political Studies University of Milan SELECTION OF INVITED LECTURES Lecture: The post-digital (2 hours) Course: “Perspectives on the Information Society,” prof. Samantha Thrift, Winter 2014 B.A. Communication, Concordia University, Montreal Seminar: Hacking and Biomedicine (3 hours) Doctoral seminar, URBEUR PhD Programme, University of Milan Bicocca, Winter 2014 Lecture: Participatory medicine (3 hours) Course “Medical Performance in Visual Culture and Contemporary Art,” dr. Tamar Tembeck, Winter 2014 B.A. Art History, McGill University, Montreal Modules: Open science (3 hours); Patients and participatory media (3 hours) Course “Information systems,” prof. Nico Pitrelli, Fall 2013 Master in Science Communication, SISSA, Trieste Lecture: Open science (1 hour) Course “Scientific and technological controversies,” prof. Gabriella Coleman, Fall 2013 4 M.A. Communication, McGill University Lecture: Science and digital media (2 hours) Course “Sociology of journalism,” prof. Sergio Splendore, Spring 2012 Communication, Innovation and Multimedia, University of Pavia Lecture: Craig Venter and science commodification (1 hour) Freshman seminar “Heroes, villains, and nerds: Being a scientist in the world today,” prof. Christopher Kelty, Fall 2010 University of California, Los Angeles Lecture: Biotech: science, business and show business (2 hours) Course in “Philosophy and life sciences,” prof. Mauro Capocci, Spring 2008 to 2011 Università La Sapienza, Roma Student supervising Michele Bellone, M.A. Thesis: “Digital ethnography of online anti-vaccination movements,” to be discussed in 2015 Master in Science Communication, SISSA, Trieste Davide Mancino, M.A. thesis: “Shutting down Nature: The SCOAP3 project and the future of scholarly publishing,” December 2013 Master in Science Communication, SISSA, Trieste Filippo Bonaventura, M.A. thesis: “'It was from there that we emerged, to see the stars'. Communicating astronomical culture in Italy,” February 2012 Master in Science Communication, SISSA, Trieste Gabriele Ferrari, M.A. thesis: “Oppenheimer at the Playstation: How videogames narrate nuclear power,” February 2011 Master in Science Communication, SISSA, Trieste Conferences “Towards a critique of hacker practices and politics” Canadian Communication Association, St. Catharines, Ontario, 2014 “File sharing: not movies but biomedical data” World Social Science Forum, Montreal, 2013 Convenor of the panel “Hacking STS: bio-hacking, open hardware development, and hackerspaces.” Paper presented: “Biohacking and the meanings of openness in the life sciences” 4S/EASST conference, Copenhagen, 2012 Chair of the roundtable “Does PCST belong in the university?” International Public Communication of Science and Technology conference, Florence, 2012 “Le politiche del biohacking: DIYbio nel capitalismo digitale” STS Italia conference, Rovigo, 2012 “Internet e la torre d'avorio della scienza” Internet Governance Forum Italia, Trento, 2011 “Hacking genomes. A study of open source biotech ethos” Ten Years After: Mapping the Societal Landscape of Genomics Conference, Amsterdam, 2010 Risky Enanglements? Contemporary Research Cultures Imagined and Practised, Vienna, 2010 5 “ScienceDebate2008. Web2.0 e scienza nelle presidenziali Usa” Science Communication Conference, Forlì, 2008 “What dr. Venter did on his holidays: the Sorcerer II and the public communication of biotechnology” Italian Society for the Philosophy of Sciences Conference, Milano, 2008 Public Communication of Science and Technology World Congress, Malmö, 2008 Invited talks and panels Seminar, “Vers une biologie citoyenne?” University of Lausanne Talk, “Open source cancer: hacking and biodigital rituals of sharing,” workshop on Medicine, the Body, and the Digital Revolution” University of Zurich, 2014 Talk, “Citizen biology: from kitchens to institutions,” Garages, Kitchens and Hackerspaces conference European University, St Petersburg, 2014 Talk, “Open science, revolution or continuity?,” international seminar Open Science, Open Issues Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Open Knowledge Foundation Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 2014 Public talk, “Open source cancer: hacking and biodigital rituals of sharing,” Art/Science Salon University of Toronto, 2014 Public talk, “Biohackers. The politics of open science” McGill University, Montreal, 2014 Seminar, “File sharing: medical data and collective cure in the digital sphere” Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 2014 Public talk, “Biohackers. The politics of open science” Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 2014 Invited talk, “Challenges of open science” Celsius Science & Society seminar, Dublin City University, 2014 Chair of the panel “Under the skin: Revealing invisible data” Transmediale festival, Berlin, 2014 Invited talk on “Participatory medicine” Media@McGill speaker series, McGill University, Montreal, 2014 Seminar, “What is open science?” Open science workshop, Université du Québec a Montréal, Montreal, 2013 Talk, “Pirate modernities” Internet festival, Pisa, 2013 Talk, “Biohacker contaminations” The spaces of hacking Simposium, Montreal, 2013 Chair, panel on Open science Convegno nazionale sulla comunicazione della scienza, Trieste, 2013 6 Seminar, “Web e medicina: la salute vien cliccando” SISSA, Trieste, 2013 Public talk, “La scienza aperta e le istituzioni della ricerca” World Wide Rome – Open Science, Roma, 2013 Roundtable, “Medicina 2.0. La ricerca sulla CCSVI e i social media” Master in Giornalismo e comunicazione della scienza, Università di Ferrara, 2013 Seminar, “Commoning in open science” Bartleby, Bologna, 2013 Talk, “Citizen science and new forms of collaboration” Challenges to Researching, Engaging & Governing the Messiness of Convergence workshop, University of Edinburgh, 2012 Public talk, “DIYbio: Empowerment or anarchy?” Edinburgh International Book Festival, 2012 Seminar, “Genome hackers” Sociology department, University of Goteborg, 2011 Seminar, “Hacking genomes” History of Science Colloquiums, University of California Los Angeles, 2010 Talk, “The dark side of open access” Workshop on Technoscience and Knowledge Society, Università di Bologna, 2010 Talk, “Who owns science?” Plagiarism in Science and Technological Evolution Symposium, Università di Trento, 2010 Talk, “Da Santoro al popolo viola. La determinazione mediatica del dibattito politico” Department of Political Science, Università di Padova, 2010 Talk, “Young people and the web” Tech it Easy Conference, Università di Milano Bicocca, 2008 Research activities Research team leader, “The predicament of participation” The Participatory Condition Conference and POOC (Participatory Open Online Course), 2013 – 2014 McGill University, Montreal – Member of the research group “Bits, Bots and Bytes,” 2013 – present McGill University, Montreal Co-author of the final report, “Openwear,” EU project on collaborative fashion production, 2010 – 2011 University of Milan Participant, “Brains in dialogue (BID),” European FP7 project on stakeholders in brain diseases, 2008 SISSA, Trieste Member of the research group “Innovations in the communication of science” (ICS), 2007 – present SISSA, Trieste 7 Academic and professional service CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION “The place of culture in open access,” (tentative title) international seminar ICIS project, University of California Davis, Spring 2015 Speaker series, ICIS project and Science and Technology Studies Program University of California Davis, 2014/15 International workshop “Circulating genomes: sharing in the life sciences sector” ESRC Genomics Policy and Research Forum, University of Edinburgh, 2012 JOURNAL REVIEWS (2009 – PRESENT) International Journal of Cultural Studies (1); In Circulation (1); Journal of Peer Production (1); Systems and Synthetic Biology (1); Journal of Organizational Change Management (2); Journal of Science Communication (4); Tecnoscienza, Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies (1) SCIENTIFIC BOARDS Journal of Peer Production, 2011 – present National conference on science communication, Trieste, 2013 Workshop “Science journalism and power in 21st century,” Trieste, 2010 National conference on science communication, Forlì, 2008 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS National Journalists Association, Bologna, Italy (pubblicista), 2010 – present Society for Social Studies of Science STS Italia – The Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies DISCUSSANT Book presentation: Paolo Magaudda, Oggetti da ascoltare, Bologna: Mulino, 2013 University of Milan, March 2013 Seminar: “Linking social struggles across multiple arenas and spatial scales,” Markus Schulz University of Milan, March 2013 Ph.D. Dissertation: Maggie Curnutte, “Consuming genomes: The coproduction of a new social and technological order for genetic testing” Fondazione Bassetti, Milan, May 2011 Selection of recent popular pieces “Rivoluzione open science impossibile senza fama e soldi,” Pagina99, 2014 “Trial clinici e trasparenza,” Le Scienze, 2013 “L’hacker che aiuta la scienza e il mercato,” Il Corriere della Sera, 2013 “Open Science and the Ambivalence of the Digital Economy,” Castac Blog, 2013 8 “Beppe Grillo, il culto dell’esperto contro la «kasta» scientifica,” Il Manifesto, 2013 “Nerd pride! La strana vita di Alan Turing,” Doppiozero, 2013 Translations (English to Italian) Lanier, J., Who Owns the Future? Milano: Il Saggiatore, 2014 Lovink, G., Zero Comments. Milano: Bruno Mondadori, 2008 Benkler, Y., The Wealth of Networks. Milano: Università Bocconi Editore, 2006 Selection of recent dissemination and public activities “Open Science 101,” Skills seminar for graduate students in nanotechnology and biotechnology, May 2014 McGill University, Montreal “#sciencehack,” invited participation to hackaton and unconference, March 2014 Synbiota, Haliburton, Ontario “Science and the media,” lecture (2 hours), course in History, fall 2013 Feltrinelli high school, Milano “minculPOP,” mini-course on social media for political activists (12 hours), 2012 Pianoterra Lab, Milano Cultural organizer on topics related to digital media and politics, Pianoterra, Milan. Events organized include talks by Michel Bauwens, Johan Söderberg, Carola Frediani, and several others, 2011 – present Selection of media appearances BOOK REVIEWS “Rebels or profiteers?,” Science, August 2014 “Apologia di un hacker,” L'Espresso, May 2014 “Biohackers by Alessandro Delfanti,” The Guardian, July 2013 “Can do-it-yourself biology change science or save a life?,” TechPresident, December 2013 “La cultura hacker incontra le scienze della vita,” Le Scienze, November 2013 “L'open source irrompe nei laboratori e cambia le regole del gioco scientifico,” Il Manifesto, Oct. 2013 “Biohackers by Alessandro Delfanti,” Post Magazine, July 2013 “Quelle frontiere dell'ambivalenza,” Il Manifesto, April 2013 INTERVIEWS “Italian heralds crowdsource in battle with brain cancer,” Montreal Gazette, February 2014 “Delfanti, ricercatore piacentino: quando la rete 'cura' il cancro,” La Libertà, August 2013 “I pionieri della scienza fai-da-te,” La Repubblica, December 2012 “Il business dei sani,” E - Emergency magazine, October 2011 9 RADIO INTERVIEWS “Biohacking,” CKUT, Montreal, April 2014 “Do-it-yourself biology,” Rai Radio 3, December 2013 “Biohacker,” Radio Città del Capo, October 2013 “Biohacker,” Radiopopolare, October 2013 “L'Europa e l'open access,” Radio Città del Capo, April 2013 “I test genetici e il mercato,” Rai Radio1, October 2011 Political activity Member, EuroMayDay Network and San Precario Collective (activism on precarious labor and new forms of welfare) 2004 – present “Cook”, Los Angeles Bycicle Kitchen (community bicycle repair shop) 2010 – 2011 Member, LASER group (Autonomous Laboratory for Science, Epistemology and Research) 2007 – 2008 Languages and other skills Italian: Native language English: Excellent. Experience as a professional translator; residence in US, UK and Canada (three years) Spanish: Excellent. Experience as a professional translator; residence in Spain (one year) French: Advanced Lab skills: basic microbiology; cytology; PCR; hematology. Experience in microbiology and cytology laboratories: three years 10
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