8Angelina wins Sunday, December 28, 2014 Issue No. 6513 Sweet potato, an anti-diabetic food! Nietzsche proved right 8P 6 8P 20 Christmas Day Box Office 8P 18 Mrs Beckham’s 8 fashion sales double to £30m INDIA BLASTS UBER FOR BREAKING LAW BAhRAIN ShINES IN 2 0 14 GLORy DT News Network India Smithers 8P 32 F rom politics, reforms, terrorism and economic growth to bilateral relations, Bahrain has surpassed many milestones in 2014, which is reaching its end in two days. In the political scenario, Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa and Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, upon directives from His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa held a series of meetings with the heads of all major political societies and a number of independent MPs. The year also saw Bahrain’s economic growth exceeding 5.6 per cent. And, the economic indicators were on positive side as proved by many international institutions such as Fitch, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The Kingdom also contributed significantly to efforts to combat terrorism by hosting a number of international and regional meetings and conferences, including the Bahrain Bahrain has seen all-round development in the year that is set to end in two day’s time. Conference on Combating Terrorism Funding in November and the regional security summit – IISS Manama Dialogue. The parliamentary as well as municipal elections had also gifted Bahrain with outstanding success during the year. The citizens headed massively to the polling stations to exercise their rights and enhance the Kingdom’s democratic process despite intimidation and threats. The Kingdom’s electoral process had been widely praised by the International Community, and the first session of the fourth legislative term was inaugurated by HM the King on December 14. Full story on Page 2 8P 11 Rooting out vandalism via schools DT News Network B ahrain Human Rights Watch Society (BHRWS) is seeing proper education as a way out of violence and vandalism. The society has urged the authorities concerned to include human rights in the school syllabus. “Vandalism from the part of anti-government youths and extremism from the part of ISIS sympathizers can both be defeated just by providing the youth with the right education.” said Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society (BHRWS) General Secretary Faisal Fulad. Radicalisation of youths is happening every day, Mr. Fulad said, adding, “Youths are being exploited by anti-Government thugs as well as Islamic State (IS) sympathisers. The only way to tackle this issue is by educating them. Read the full story on Page 3 2 Three killed in Turkey Diyarbakir Three people were killed yesterday in clashes between Kurdish rebels and a rival Kurdish Islamist group in southeast Turkey near the Syrian border, a local governor’s office said. The initial death toll given was two but the local governor’s office in the southeastern city of Sanliurfa later said one of the three injured died in hospital. Tensions have escalated in the town of Cizre since Friday night when the Sunni Muslim Huda-Par group attacked tents belonging to rebels of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a security source told AFP. Huda-Par is known to be the political extension of Turkish Hezbollah and has long been hostile to the PKK -- which has fought Turkish security forces in a three-decade insurgency for Kurdish self-rule. The clashes in Cizre were continuing sporadically, the source said. Local media reported that one of the dead was the father of a leader of the Huda-Par. 2014, A YEAR TO CHERISH Right education can do wondeRs Manama T he 2014 will be past in two days, and there is a lot that Bahrain has achieved in this year. It’s one of the most successful years in the history of the Kingdom, given the landmark achievements attained in many fields, thanks to the efforts of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the Government headed by Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa and the Bahraini people. In 2014, Bahrain has enhanced its political process, achieved high economic growth, reduced security incidents, consolidated its regional and international relations and maintained its status as an oasis of peace, security, tolerance and co-existence. In the political scenario, HRH the Prime Minister and Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, upon directives from HM the King, held a series of meetings with the heads of all major political societies and a number of independent MPs. The meetings outlined a set of key topics from which bilateral talks progressed under the stewardship of the Royal Court Minister. Talks resulted in five common grounds. Crown Prince had also met community leaders and informed them about the five common grounds which they accepted. Prince Salman had also delivered the National Dialogue Framework to HM the King, who approved the implementation Mohammed Zafran/ DTNN [email protected] King Hamad 4 Among the most remarkable economic achievements in 2014 was the launch of the “King Hamad Causeway” linking Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. 4 The number of terror incidents decreased, unauthorised weapons were confiscated, theft cases went down by 33.3pc and fire incidents by 49pc. 4 Efforts to provide decent housing for the citizens continued in 2014 as well. 4 A number of key agreements had been signed for strengthening the Kingdom’s regional and international relations. of the common ground, and referred some of them to the National Assembly. The implementation of the National Dialogue outcomes paved the way for the Kingdom to embark on a new series of reforms. Election success Another outstanding political achievement in 2014 was the success of the parliamentary and municipal elections, held in November. The Kingdom’s electoral process has been widely praised by the International Community, and the first session of the fourth legislative term was inaugurated by HM the King on December 14. Economic growth Economically, the Kingdom’s growth exceeded 5.6 per cent, and economic indicators were positive as proved by many international institutions such as Fitch, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. According to experts, Bahrain maintained its growth rates and was not affected by the sudden decline in oil prices thanks to its sound policies and keenness to diversify sources of income. Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdulla bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in September. On security, the number of terror incidents decreased, unauthorised weapons were confiscated, theft cases went down by 33.3pc and fire incidents by 49pc, thanks to the tireless efforts of the security bodies. They also ensured the success of the electoral process. On defence, joint drills with brotherly and friendly countries increased, and the 12th GCC Defence Council was hosted by the Kingdom. HM the King also allocated a 163,300 m2-land lot to expand the premises of the Joint Peninsula Shield Forces in Bahrain. On the BDF Anniversary, HM the King inaugurated three warships. According to a report by the UNDP report, Bahrain was ranked 44th at the global level. In a related context, the K i n g d o m increased its health and education A file photo of a woman casting her vote. human rights society in the Kingdom has urged the authorities to modify the school curriculum in order to tackle extremism and vandalism. Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society (BHRWS) said, human rights should be included in the syllabus, starting from the next academic year onwards. The society feels, including the subject in the syllabus could help fight extremist ideologies. Decent housing Efforts to provide decent housing for the citizens continued as well, in line with HM the King’s Order to build 40,000 units. Regarding foreign policy, the Kingdom consolidated its relations with GCC, and brotherly and friendly countries in order to serve its national interests, support its economy and rectify the false image disseminated by enemies of the nation. Mr Fulad calling for the education system to be upgraded,” he said. Radicalisation of youths is happening every day. Youths are being exploited by antiGovernment thugs as well as Islamic State (IS) sympathisers. The only way to tackle this issue is by educating them, said Mr. Fulad. BHRWS General Secretary also pointed out that children spend many hours in the school. “They go to school five days a week for about 5 hours a day. This adds up to 25 hours a week or 110 hours a month. Schools influence a lot on the child’s development.” Youths are being exploited by anti-Government thugs as well as Islamic State (IS) sympathisers. The only way to tackle this issue is by educating them. - BHRWS General Secretary “We urge the Bahrain Government to take this issue seriously. We hope 2015 will be a year in which Bahrain will take huge strides in developments in the area of human rights,” he added. DT News Network N ew amendments to a law that stipulates toughening sanctions against suspects involved in terrorism related cases is awaiting approval from the MPs when it will be tabled at the Parliament this week. The amendments are made to certain articles of Law Number 56 of the year 2006 and it is aimed at protecting the society from acts of terrorism. Our sister newspaper Al Ayam reported that the law stipulated harder punishments to those involved in the training or manufacturing and using explosives and arms. It states that “perpetrators are subjected to life in prison or not less than seven years of imprisonment.” The law also mentioned that individuals involved in combats abroad should be punished with the same penalties. Supporting the personnel responsible of executing the new sanctions, the law also stated that “in case individuals implementing the new laws were attacked, perpetrators should be punished by imprisonment that varies between seven years and life in prison.” The report mentioned that the amended law is applicable to citizens and residents involved in terrorism-related activities. It also stated that “one of the most prominent instructions of the law is the establishment of the Terror Crime Prosecution.” The law grants the Terror Crime Prosecution several jurisdictions that include inspecting suspects and their luggage, pulling-over and inspecting public and private vehicles and cutting communication channels of the suspected areas. Where the spirit of Bahrain comes alive! 15 Dec - 16 Feb Boosting relations A number of key agreements were signed for strengthening the Kingdom’s regional and international relations. Many leaders and senior officials also visited the Kingdom in 2014. They included Kuwaiti Amir, Deputy Saudi Crown Prince, UAE Vice-President and senior officials from China, India, USA, Turkey, among others. The Kingdom also contributed significantly to efforts to combat terrorism through hosting a number of international and regional meetings and conference, including mainly the Bahrain Conference on Combating Terrorism Funding in November and the regional security summit –IISS Manama Dialogue. Bahrain has also succeeded in rectifying the distorted image disseminated by biased media outlets thanks to the efforts of loyal citizens and the tremendous efforts of the Information Affairs Ministry Amazing prizes every week! Spend BD 10 at any participating mall, outlet or restaurant to enter into Bahrain Noor El Ain’s weekly draws and grand draw to win spectacular prizes like cars, air tickets, iPhones, iPads, GoPros, F1 tickets, TVs, a Jet Ski and much, much more! Look forward to 2 months of winning! Terms & Conditions apply Among the most remarkable economic achievements in 2014 was the launch of the “King Hamad Causeway” linking Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. The milestone project was announced during HM King Hamad’s visit to Saudi Arbia and meeting with the establishments, and encouraged the private sector to invest in such vital sectors. The Government also allocated further funds to needy families, orphans and the elderly, created jobs for Bahraini job-seekers, which helped reduce the un-employment to just 3.8%. A “Vandalism from the part of anti-government youths and extremism from the part of ISIS sympathizers can both be defeated just by providing the youth with the right education.” said Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society (BHRWS) General Secretary Faisal Fulad. “This is what the current education system in Bahrain is lacking. Despite all the general knowledge and mathematical skills taught in schools, youths are involved in violence and vandalism. This is why we’re Tough law awaits MPs’ approval Licensed by Ministry of Industry & Commerce. King Hamad Causeway 3 Sunday, December 28, 2014 Sunday, December 28, 2014 Shopping Festival Bazaars Entertainment Dining Cultural & Art Events FIFTEEN-YEAR TERM UPHELD 4 DT News Network [email protected] F our men convicted of setting a car on fire in Sanabis have had their sentences upheld by the court. The Bahrainis allegedly placed a gas cylinder inside a stolen white Nissan Sunny near Dana Mall in October last year. A 21-year-old defendant told prosecutors that his friend stole the gas cylinder, which was placed in the car from a restaurant. He added that they plotted the attack after seeing images of a similar blast in Sehla on social media networks. He revealed that they stole the vehicle from a garage in The Bahrainis allegedly placed a gas cylinder inside a stolen white Nissan Sunny near Dana Mall in October last year. Bilad Al Qadeem and they drove it to Sanabis. It was claimed that the defendants set off the cylinder by hurling petrol bombs at the vehicle. Although they had admitted to blowing up the car after seeing pictures of a bomb blast in a neighbouring village, all the four pleaded not guilty to detonating an explosive, arson and possessing petrol bombs earlier before High Criminal Court. They were handed down 15 years each behind bars for their crimes and ordered to pay a combined total of BD1000 in return of the damages they caused to the car, both of which were supported by the High Criminal Appeals Court. A file photo of the car after the explosion. DT News Network [email protected] DT News Network [email protected] T A representative photo. “I was returning back home when riots broke out nearby. A masked man holding an iron rod approached me and asked me to join them, but I refused,” the defendant told prosecutors Bahraini man who was peddling and consuming heroin has been jailed for ten years. The verdict was announced by the High Criminal Court, which also slapped him with Judges at the High Criminal Court had earlier found them innocent after the Criminal Investigation Laboratory’s report didn’t account any traces linked to the materials used during the riots on defendants’ hands. traces of morphine as well as shabu in the defendant’s blood, according to the court documents. Prescription medical pills as well as other medical devices, found illegally in his possession, were seized from his accommodation during police inspection. No evidence: Court drops charges DT News Network [email protected] A masked man holding an iron rod approached me and asked me to join them, but I refused,” the first defendant told prosecutors earlier. He alleged that the masked men pelted stones at him after he had defied their order. BD5000 fine for his crimes. The defendant was nabbed near Sar cinema after a police officer in plain clothes lured him into the area to buy from him three heroin cigarettes at BD30. His illicit activities came to light following a police tip-off. A drug test revealed T he High Criminal Court has dropped the charges against an Asian man accused of two counts of rape due to lack of evidence. The defendant, aged 23, was referred to trial after the public prosecution had indicted him of slapping two Bahraini boys on their back while they were riding a bicycle at the time of the incident. He was reported to police by the father of one of the alleged victims, both aged below 14, who claimed that the Asian sexually abused them on August 11. “My son called me and said that while he was riding on the bicycle with his cousin, the Asian slapped on their back,” the father said in his statement to prosecutors. However, judges at the High Criminal Court who stated that no solid evidence was provided by the state to hold the defendant guilty ruled out such allegations. 5 Rally violations CID SUMMONS AL WEFAQ GENERAL SECRETARY DT News Network [email protected] G eneral Investigation Directorate yesterday summoned the General Secretary of Al Wefaq Islamic Society Ali Salman on Sunday, at the Crime Investigation Department (CID) headquarters in Adliya. The procedure was taken as part of the aftermath of the society’s rally that was organised on Budaiya Highway on Friday evening. Interior Ministry confirmed that the rally was followed by several violations. Northern Governorate Police General Director Brigadier Ibrahim Al Sheeb stated that almost 2000 individuals had taken part in the authorised rally. Mr. Al Sheeb added that the rally had witnessed the violations of law. On the other side, the society claimed on its official website that the summon order came after “thousands of Bahrainis joined a mass pro-democracy rally on Friday afternoon.” The society alleged that the heavily armed forces had surrounded Ali Salman’s house to deliver a summons to appear at the interrogations department on Sunday.” Ambiguity surrounds Al Wefaq General Assembly The acquittal of Bahraini jailed for 10 years teenagers upheld A he High Criminal Appeals Court has upheld the acquittal of two Bahraini teenagers charged with rioting and arson as well as firebombs possession. The High Criminal Court had previously cleared them of charges owing to lack of evidence. The defendants were nabbed for allegedly participating in the violent disturbance, which broke out in Salmabad, where rioters set tyres ablaze before assaulting police officers with firebombs. However, they denied any links with the incident during questioning, and alleged that the rioters attempted to force them to take part by offering them masks. “I was returning back home when riots broke out nearby. Sunday, December 28, 2014 Sunday, December 28, 2014 An aerial shot of a rally that had been organised by Al Wefaq last September. Violations were detected in the earlier rally also. This photo was taken from the Interior Ministry’s chopper. Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Ministry’s Political Societies Affairs office said yesterday that it was expecting Al Wefaq Islamic Society to submit a report on its general assembly’s resolutions and procedures within ten days, as required by the law. The office highlighted Al Wefaq’s announcement on Friday, which said, “The society’s general assembly was held, with the participation of 1, 808 members out of 35, 338 adherents, as per the official records.” Earlier this month, the ministry banned Al Wefaq General Assembly at Al Oruba Club, as it had violated the Kingdom’s law that prohibits political gatherings in social and sports clubs. The ministry also stated that the club notified about the function on the same day. Explaining further, the ministry had stated on December 4 that “Article 63 of Decree Law 21/ 1989, relating to social and cultural associations, clubs and organisations working in the fields of youth and sports, prohibits clubs from engaging in political or religious affairs.” Minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa commented on Al Wefaq’s repeated violations last July, “Organising four general assemblies violating the law, with less than five per cent of members participating in them, left this society in a chronic state of illegitimacy, by hijacking its members’ will.” Earlier this month, the ministry banned Al Wefaq General Assembly at Al Oruba Club, as it had violated the Kingdom’s law that prohibits political gathering in social and sports clubs. Tragic death of a fisherman DT News Network [email protected] A 24-year-old unfortunate Indian fisherman lost his life in a tragic offshore accident, while he was sailing with his fellows in the eastern waters of the island on Friday. According to his two colleagues, the incident happened when Shelton James’s cloth got stuck in the machine of the dhow. “We were resting on the dhow at around 11 pm, when Shelton went downstairs. After hearing the noise, we rushed downstairs to see what had happened. The next thing we saw was pieces of his flesh and blood scattered in the motor room.” said his colleagues. They added that the motor of the dhow chopped both of The deceased Shelton his hands off. Coast guards were immediately informed about the incident. Police have initiated an investigation to know the real cause of the incident, which occurred in the offshores of Sitra. The deceased was the sole breadwinner of his family, DT News has learnt. He was single and came to Bahrain for better prospects last year. His body has been kept at Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC) morgue and efforts are underway to fly his remains to his homeland. His family, consisting of his parents and siblings was informed about the sad incident yesterday. Before coming to Bahrain Mr. James was a fisherman in his hometown Keezha Muttom, a fishing hamlet in Kanyakumari, the southernmost region of India. His colleague who has been shocked by his untimely death said with grief that whoever comes to Bahrain, comes only in search of better prospects and livelihood but the fate has its own ways. Our dedicated Ophthalmology department is equipped with Hi-tech equipments to give the best eye care in whole of the Kingdom. Services offered at MEM Center are PO Box: 50323, Fax :+973-17464844, E-mail : [email protected] HIDD, Kingdom of Bahrain 6 Sunday, December 28, 2014 NIETZSCHE PROVED RIGHT Govt says no Lowering schooling age DT News Network A Screenshots of a controversial video that got viral at the social media on the internet showing a little child in cockfighting ring with a rooster. Fatima Bastaki/DTNN [email protected] A s Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “Man is the cruellest animal”. With all the cruelty in the world there is nothing worse than the people who take sadistic pleasure in celebrating the chain of violence. Cockfighting is a somewhat popular practice in Bahrain, given the internet forums that discuss agendas to perform such fights, but having to watching a video on it in the presence of a child can fuel many of our attentions. A video was published on the social networking site Facebook on December 24 in a group called Bahrain Strays that circulated around and caused such abrupt raging reactions. The video starts off with a boy in cockfighting ring with a rooster, the male voice behind the video seems to be the father of the child who continues to A monkey was seen dangerously outside the car of its owner at Sakhir petrol pump on December 26. The car presumably driven by a Bahraini man with 2 ladies inside was spotted at around 3.30 pm. The reports of people moving around with monkeys chained and dangerously travelling on car roofs have been increasing on a daily basis. encourage and appreciate his child abusing the bird. The cockrel only fights for itself as it attacks the child, while the child continues to deliberately beat it with full force. The reactions caused by such a video fuelled animosity to such a practice encouraged by a parent. One of the scholarly professors and an animal activist of University of Bahrain, Mimi Ferhat strongly expressed that what makes this video disturbing and painful to watch, is the presence of a child in that terrible arena. He is involved as both a perpetrator of violence against the poor rooster and a victim, a role in which some sick adults are obviously inducting him very actively and effectively. I feel that it is crucial that the child actor in this video is given access to some form of counselling so that he may recover from the incredible experience of abuse he has been subject to led by such irresponsible parents, among them his own father whose duty was to protect him and take care of his wellbeing, whether physical, psychological or mental. If we are taught to respect all creatures of God by our great religion Islam, why do so many of us ignore this principle and target deliberately various kinds of animals with diverse forms and degrees of cruelty and any lack of remorse for our actions? Sharing some of his knowledge of psychiatric studies as a medical student, Bobby Aarons from RCSI expressed, “The child in this video was exposed to dangers of physical trauma “If we are taught to respect all creatures of God by our great religion Islam, why do so many of us ignore this principle and target deliberately various kinds of animals with diverse forms and degrees of cruelty and any lack of remorse for our actions?” and disease transmissions. Children should never be exposed to violence in any form or shape. The bird in this video was subjected to cruelty like many other forms of cruelty on animals practised as a sport, these traditions must be questioned and abolished.” Not only did the experts react to the video but students as well, Fatema Meamari expressed, “This is so disgusting, I couldn’t even watch the whole thing. The most infuriating of all was the person taking the video and his absolute enjoyment of the whole thing, it’s not only showing the kid that abuse is okay but that it is funny.” Another student Marwa Khalil said, “It is blatant abuse that should not be endured by any bird or animal and it is absolute terrible parenting in which the child deserves better. The adult is encouraging extremely negative traits of violence unfair to the child, who probably looks up to him and doesn’t know any better.” Noor El Ain festival extends registration for retailers Manama he Bahrain Noor El Ain festival (BNEA) has extended its deadline for retailers to register for the Shop and Win aspect of its shopping festival until 29 January. The festival was launched on December 15 and continues until February 16. Retail participation is overwhelmingly positive and has exponentially grown since the initial registration announcement. Owing to the popular demand, the BENA festival has extended the deadline for retailers to register at the official kiosks located at the BCCI at Beit Al Tijjar in Sanabis and join over 20 malls and over 1500 retailers inside and outside malls offering T promotions, sales and special offers to shoppers. The allowance for more time to register offers the additional retailers and outlets the opportunity to join in Bahrain Noor El Ain’s shopping festival, by engaging consumers, promoting their products and to contribute their efforts in growing Bahrain’s thriving economy. The festival aims at boosting the economy by offering retailers unique benefits upon joining that improve their business performance, while retailers are offered the opportunity to give their shoppers the chance to win fabulous prizes. With every BD 10 spent, shoppers become eligible to participate in the weekly mega raffle offering amazing prizes such as cars, iPads, iPhones, Samsung phones, televisions, F1 tickets, Gulf Air tickets and Go Pro cameras in addition to vouchers. The convenience of the raffle also allows any purchasers at registered retailers, both inside malls and outside, to redeem a raffle ticket for each BD10 spent, at any appointed Bahrain Noor El Ain raffle kiosks within participating malls. Bahrain Noor El Ain is a major two-month shopping festival that showcases the very best of Bahrain, with local talent and products on display at different markets that will rotate throughout the Kingdom’s governorates. Also, shops and malls will be offering customers amazing shopping opportunities, discounts and special offers designed to entice local and regional visitors. Bahrain Noor El Ain runs from December 15 to February 16 and concludes with a major entrepreneurship award ceremony for Bahrainis. It is actively supported and developed by a broad range of public and private sector organisations. More than 1500 outlets and 23 malls are participating in the shopping festival across the Kingdom, which include Seef Mall, City Centre, MoDA Mall, Al A’ali Shopping Complex, Saar Mall, Riyadat Mall, Yateem Centre, Bahrain Mall, Ramli Mall, Lulu hypermarket (Hidd, Riffa, Sanabis), The Centre, Jawad Dome, Najibi Center, Sultan Mall, Reef Mall, Marina Mall, Enma Mall, Souq Bab Al Bahrain Mall , Bahrain MallOasis Center, Ashraf and Nakheel Centre. 7 Sunday, December 28, 2014 parliamentary proposal to include kindergarten students in public elementary schools was recently rejected by the Government. According to a report published by our sister newspaper Al Ayam, the proposal stipulates to make education “compulsory for children having five years of age” in the kingdom. The report stated that the Government had rejected the proposal, explaining that it exceeds the state’s budget for education. Quoting the Government, the report said, “The cost of establishing kindergartens within the existing schools is estimated to cross BD1.5 million. Additionally, acquiring lands for the same purpose will cost around BD1– BD1.5 million, according to the location and space.” The Government also replied to the MPs’ proposal to reduce the compulsory age of education to five years. The Government said, “The current compulsory age for education (six years) matches the international standards of education. Advanced nations such as Canada, France, Germany, kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Tunisia as well as Gulf Cooperation Council states and Arabian countries follow the same age.” The Government’s explanation also File photo of the public elementary school students. The cost of establishing kindergartens within the existing schools is estimated to cross BD1.5 million. Additionally, acquiring lands for the same purpose will cost around BD1– BD1.5 million, according to the location and space highlighted that the provisions mentioned in the proposed law exceeded the country’s current financial, recruitment, infrastructural and academic capabilities. Resident passes away Manama resident of Bahrain, A S Venkitachalam, 72, passed away on Friday at his son’s residence in Juffair. Hailing from Sekharipuram Agraharam, Palakkad district in kerala, India, Venkitachalam is being A survived by his wife Raji Venkitachalam, daughter Lekha karthikeyan (Teacher at Indian School), sons Rupesh Sunder V (Financial Controller at 01 Systems) and Nath VV (Partner at BDO Jawad Habib). The funeral will be held in Bahrain today. 2014: Sickle Cell disease engulfs 46 lives “Mr. Abdul Wahab passed away by dawn yesterday, he was buried at his hometown, ickle Cell Disease (SCD) Aali, few hours later,” said the claimed the life of another statement. Bahrain Society for SCD Bahraini yesterday, after Care President Mahmood Abdul Wahab, 26, Patients Al kadhem was declared as the forty sixth Zakariya Bahraini victim of the fatal commented, “SCD patients are still suffering in the kingdom. disease in 2014. When the Health The victim was Ministry announced announced dead the expansion of at the Accidents SMC’s Accidents and Emergency and Emergency Department in Department a Salmaniya Medical few weeks back, Complex (SMC), in we hoped that the early hours of the ministry yesterday. will increase the According to a number of beds statement issued yesterday by The deceased Wahab in the department to accommodate Bahrain Society for the large number SCD Patients Care, Mr. Abdul Wahab was brought of patients and reduce their to SMC on Thursday, after waiting periods.” As reported last week in DT he suffered a “regular SCD News, the forty fifth victim of seizure.” The victim apparently spent SCD was a Bahraini woman the night at the emergency who was announced dead ward and was moved to the in SMC on Sunday. Mr. Al Intensive Care Unit (ICU) on kadhem described this year as Friday, after “his condition “one of the deadliest years for worsened and his body stopped SCD patients in Bahrain during the past five years.” responding to medications.” DT News Network [email protected] S vandals are on the go DT News Network [email protected] V A S Venkitachalam Three hurt in two mishaps Three persons were injured in two separate traffic accidents yesterday. In Tubli, the mishap happened when an Asian driver lost control of the truck he was driving. The driver was taken to hospital with several injuries. In another accident, a Bahraini and an Asian sustained multiple injuries when their cars collided with each other in Jidhafs. The accident occurred when the Bahraini driver overtook a car on a two-way road and crashed into the Asian man’s car that was coming from the opposite direction. andals halted the traffic flow yesterday by burning tyres on a vital highway - khalifa bin Salman Highway, blocking the road for thousands. Stating on its official Twitter account, Interior Ministry confirmed “police secured khalifa bin Salman Highway and reopened it after a vandalism act.” In another development, the ministry announced a few hours later that police forces confronted a group of vandals after hurling Molotov cocktails at a security checkpoint on Congested traffic at Khalifa bin Salman Highway yesterday. Al Mutanabi road in Central Manama. No further details were available about the incident. A private vehicle caught fire near the Islamic Society at Road 440 in Arad yesterday. 8 Sunday, December 28, 2014 Speak a “ S h a i k h Nasser visits Crossing Nature Camp “ @bna_en Islamic extremist leader with $3 million bounty on his head surrenders in Somalia. “ @AP Syria ready to meet opposition in Moscow, says govt source “ @AFP North Korea blasts U.S. over release of ‘The Interview.’ “ @CNN India are 108-1 at close on the 2nd day of the 3rd Test v Australia in Melbourne, trailing the hosts by 422 runs “ @BBCSport Pro-Russian r e b e l s hand over 150 Ukrainian soldiers in exchange for at least 222 people held by Ukraine @BBCBreaking “ ”Our hearts ache for you.” VP Joe Biden speaks at funeral of #NYPD officer #RafaelRamos. “ @WSJ Malaysia’s PM criticised for playing golf with President Obama while country is hit by floods @SkyNews “ down Xbox recovers from Christmas hack, PlayStation still “ @TIME Most people think things happen “to” them. Better way to live is to believe Nothing happens “to” me. It happens & v happen to b in its way. @iamsrk 11 CURRENCIES CURRENCIES Readers’ VIEW A man found dead in a nearby subway with selfinflicted wounds shot dead two policemen in New York. President Obama, who was on holiday in Hawaii, said, “Two brave men won’t be going home to their loved ones tonight, and for that, there is no justification. The officers who serve and protect our communities risk their own safety for ours every single day - and they deserve our respect and gratitude every single day.” New York city’s Mayor De Blasio said, “When a police officer is murdered it tears at the foundation of our society. We lost two good men, who devoted their lives to protecting all of us. Eric Holder, the US Attorney General, described the murders as an “unspeakable act of barbarism.” New York is a city of eightand-a-half million and this is the outcry after two policemen were murdered and it is being called an “assassination”. - It was the seventh time members of the city’s police force had been killed in the line of duty since 1972. Bahrain is a country with a population of just over a million and the country has lost fourteen members of the police force with countless injured and maimed in the line of duty since February 2011. On Friday, November 19, a bomb blast in Bani Jamra injured three on duty police officers. The West has never termed these assassination attempts, in fact they have hardly acknowledged that these men in uniform are responsible for the security and safety of every man, woman and child in this country. Bahrain’s leadership continues to strongly condemn acts of terrorism and paid tribute to the entire police force. Recently, the Minister of Interior had the sad task of visiting a family that lost their son in Bahrain at the hands of Al Wefaq’s armed militia Al Ashtar. As Mr. De Blasio rightly said in reference to the two murdered NYPD policemen “When they are attacked, it is an attack on all of us.” What would Obama and he say if their police were targeted every second of the day by radical youths who plant bombs or shot metal rods to endanger the cops? How would they react if thousands of their policemen were injured and maimed every year just for wearing the uniform? What would they say if a group of religious theocrats posing as politicians term the deaths of policemen as insignificant, for they were “mercenaries”? Killing or attacking a man in uniform is an attack on the state and until the youths are dealt with an iron fist they will fail to grasp this basic concept. Terror laws need to be implemented with no hesitation and criticism from “human rights activists” should be dealt with sternly. Human rights are for every human being regardless of creed colour or faith, but when Amnesty International, HRW and other foreign funded NGOs condone attacks on policemen in Bahrain, their political bias and funding are not being questioned. Why Western leaders are not acknowledging the loss of the lives of cops in Bahrain as an “attack on all of us”? Rather, ironically, foreign NGOs and Western politicians prefer to sympathise with the instigators and their masterminds of violent terrorism in the name of democracy. The Ministry of Interior has shown more restraint than any other police force in the world. Strict implementation of the law is required before a generation is raised believing that violence is justifiable and they can bomb their way to democracy. Sally Saar Physical inactivity causes 3.2m deaths a year hysical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that require energy expenditure. Physical inactivity has been identified as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality causing an estimated 3.2 million deaths globally. Regular moderate intensity physical activity – such as walking, cycling, or participating in sports – has significant benefits for health. For instance, it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, colon and breast cancer, and depression. Moreover adequate levels of physical activity will decrease the risk of a hip or vertebral fracture and help control weight. Physical inactivity Globally, around 31 per cent of adults aged 15 and over were insufficiently active in 2008 (men 28pc and women 34pc). Approximately 3.2 million deaths each year are attributable to insufficient physical activity. In 2008, prevalence of insufficient physical activity was highest in the WHO Region of the Americas and the Eastern Mediterranean Region. In both these regions, almost 50% of women were insufficiently active, while the prevalence for men was 40% in the Americas and 36% in Eastern Mediterranean. The South East Asian Region showed the lowest percentages (15% for men and 19% for women). In all WHO Regions, men were more active than women, with the biggest difference in prevalence between the two sexes in Eastern Mediterranean. This was also the case in nearly every country. Reasons for physical inactivity The current levels of physical inactivity are partly due to insufficient participation in physical activity during leisure time and an increase in sedentary behaviour during occupational and domestic activities. Likewise, an increase in the use of “passive” modes of transport has also been associated with declining physical activity levels. Increased urbanization has resulted in several environmental factors, which may discourage participation in physical activity such as: • violence • high-density traffic • low air quality, pollution • lack of parks, sidewalks and sports/recreation facilities. Population-based, multisectoral, multi-disciplinary, and culturally relevant policies need to be implemented to increase physical activity levels globally. The WHO Member States in WHA 66.10 have agreed on a voluntary global NCD target for a reduction of 10pc in physical inactivity by 2025. Afsal Mohammed Do you feel strongly about commenting on any issue of social relevance or on any report we carried? Be it bouquets or bricks, you can explore this space by airing your views, opinions or comments. The best letter, selected once in a week, will receive five tickets for watching a blockbuster at Dana Cinema. Letters can be sent at letters @dt.bh SELL CASH Dollar 2.6483 Euro 2.1268 Pound 1.6689 Saudi Riyal 9.9384 Yen 299.4012 Indian Rupee 161.8123 EF TI Human rights are for every human being P BUSINESS Sunday, December 28, 2014 SELL DRAFT GOLD 2.6455 2.1381 1.6793 9.9354 305.8104 164.2036 Bahrain London US INDIA BLASTS UBER FOR BREAKING LAW Central Bank finds Uber violated financial regulations Penelope Macre New Delhi ndia’s central bank chief lashed out at Uber, already under fire over the alleged rape of a passenger, saying the US taxi-hailing firm violated the country’s financial regulations by using an overseas payment system. “They (Uber) were using a way of bypassing our regulations to conduct transactions overseas which were in violation” of Indian regulations, the central bank governor Raghuram Rajan said. India will not tolerate such I They were using a way to bypass our regulations to conduct transactions overseas A file picture shows the Uber smartphone app, used to book taxis using its service, is pictured on a smartphone in front of a taxi. Belarus strongman sacks PM Minsk elarussian strongman Alexander Lukashenko on Saturday sacked his prime minister and four other top officials as the ex-Soviet state reels from the effects of Russia’s economic crisis next door. B Lukashenko dismissed Mikhail Myasnikovich, in office since December 2010, and appointed his chief of staff Andrei Kobyakov as his new head. He also replaced the head of the central bank and three other top officials. violations “no matter who you are”, he warned. “If we are a country that is going to turn a blind eye to a Singapore il prices rose in Asia Friday as dealers reacted to a surprise Islamist attack on Libya’s main oil terminals that left 22 soldiers dead, while O year-end short-covering also provided support, analysts said. US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for February delivery rose 10 cents to $55.94 in afternoon trade, while Brent B $61.38 $56.52 CrediMax extends Qatar Airways partnership Manama rediMax has announced the extension of its successful partnership with Qatar Airways until February 15, 2015. CrediMax card holders can take advantage of a special promotions when booking their tickets through Qatar Airways website www. qatarairways.com/credimax or through the CrediMax website www.credimax.com.bh. “After a successful three months we are very happy to extend our partnership with CrediMax for another three months,” said Qatar AirwaysBahrain Country Manager, Zeina Sinno Safa. “This partnership will provide CrediMax credit card holders special promotions for more than 140 destinations,” Zeina said. C for February gained nine cents to $60.33. Trading volumes in Asia were thinner than usual with major regional financial markets including Hong Kong and Australia closed on Friday. US and European stock markets will also be shut for the Boxing Day holiday. Analysts said some bearish dealers were taking profits on short positions, pushing prices up. China Nov profits suffer sharpest fall C BIBF, PMI sign MoU of certificates and statistical reporting. Expressing delight, PMI President, A. Majeed Al Qas––sab, said, “Bahrain suffers from a shortage of qualified project managers and I am confident that BIBF along with the PMI will be able to qualify people to meet the growing demand for skilled project managers. “BIBF is an entity that we trust as they have the technical capabilities to support this initiative,” he added. OIL London US Oil prices rise following attacks New Beginning Manama IBF signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Project Management Institute (PMI) – Arabian Gulf Chapter, to serve as the training arm for project management related courses. The deal allows BIBF responsible for the delivery of the courses, both locally and within the GCC, in addition to the provision of the learning material, course evaluations, issuance violation of regulation... then we don’t have rule of law,” Rajan said. Uber later migrated to a new transaction process. BD152.00 $1,195.50 $1,194.20 Officials during the deal signing ceremony. MANAGEMENT THOUGHTS Beijing hinese industrial profits dropped 4.2 percent in November to 676.12 billion yuan ($108.85 billion), official data showed on Saturday, the biggest annual decline since August 2012 as the economy hit major unexpected headwinds in the second half. Despite last month’s drop, profits for January-November were 5.3 percent higher than in the first 11 months of 2013, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) data. The NBS attributed November’s profit drop to declining sales and a longrunning slide in producer pricing power. “Increasing price falls shrank the space for profit,” the agency said. It said the impact of prices for coal, oil and basic materials falling to their lowest levels in years “was extremely clear”. As the NBS analysis suggested, the net slide in industrial profits was driven primarily by weakness in coal mining, and oil and gas industries, where November profits tumbled from a year earlier by 44.4 percent and 13.2 percent respectively. If you really want the key to success, start by doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing. 12 BUSINESS Sunday, December 28, 2014 $29 BILLION STIMULUS Japan pumps more money to boost economy Tokyo he cabinet of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe approved a fresh stimulus T package worth $29 billion Saturday in a bid to boost the economy, hit hard by a tax hike. The 3.5-trillion-yen package is designed to help COUNTRY/CURRENCIES US DOLLARS BRITISH POUND EURO INDIAN RUPEE PHILIPPINE PESO BANGLADESH TAKA PAKISTAN RUPEE SRI LANKAN RUPEE SWISS FRANC CANADIAN DOLLAR QATAR RIYAL UAE DIRHAMS AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR CHINESE YUAN EGYPTIAN POUND HONG KONG DOLLAR INDONESIAN RUPIAH KUWAITI DINAR JAPANESE YEN JORDANIAN DINAR LEBANESE POUND MALAYSIAN RINGGIT MOROCCAN DIRHAMS NEPALESE RUPEE NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR OMANI RIYAL SINGAPORE DOLLAR SAUDI RIYAL SOUTH AFRICAN RAND SYRIAN POUND THAI BAHT TURKISH LIRA YEMENI RIYAL BUY SELL 2.6667 1.7182 2.1978 169.2047 121.2121 205.2967 273.4871 368.2631 2.6434 3.1250 9.6899 9.7561 3.3058 16.6667 19.2678 21.5424 35,816.6189 0.7819 323.6246 1.8868 4,227.7935 9.5602 22.7790 299.3860 3.4953 1.0272 3.5298 10.0000 32.5733 591.7160 87.1080 6.2921 913.3254 2.6483 1.6686 2.1299 161.8123 114.2857 194.1371 255.9849 317.9195 2.5510 3.0075 9.6348 9.7276 3.1797 15.7978 18.2149 20.0723 30,845.1573 0.7728 301.2048 1.8636 3,816.3569 8.9606 20.8768 247.5143 3.3887 1.0204 3.4447 9.9384 28.9855 420.1681 85.5432 5.9137 542.0348 Rates are for indication purpose only. For firm rates or for currencies not listed above please call Bahrain Financing Company. Telephone: 17228888, Website: www.bfc.com.bh COUNTRY 1 US DLR 1 UK STG 1 SFR 100 YEN 0.3770 0.5881 3.8216 0.3135 KUWAIT 0.2855 34.3285 2.8941 0.2374 OMAN 0.3849 0.0380 3.9017 0.3201 BAHRAIN QATAR 3.6420 0.3593 36.9184 3.0289 UAE 3.6730 0.3623 37.2326 3.0547 SAUDI 3.7500 0.3699 38.0132 3.1188 the provincial economy, small businesses and the household sector, as well as to increase public spending to rebuild areas hit by natural disasters. “With speedy implementation of these measures, I think we can bolster consumption and lift the provincial economy and expand the positive growth cycle to all corners of the country,” Abe told a meeting with ruling lawmakers shortly before the cabinet officially approved the package. Shinzo Abe The world’s third largest economy is seeing a barrage of weak economic indicators after an April consumption tax rise slammed the brakes on growth. Since coming to power two years ago, Abe has offered a series of pro-business, bigspending policies in a bid to bring Japan out of deflation. The efforts have driven down the yen and boosted earnings of major firms, particularly exporters. But critics have argued that the benefits were not felt by small businesses and consumers while real wages shrank. Of the 3.5 trillion yen in the fresh stimulus, 600 billion yen will go to programmes to boost the local economy, 1.2 trillion yen for steps to help consumers and small businesses, and 1.7 trillion yen to rebuild areas hit by natural disasters, such as the 2011 tsunami and massive landslides this year. The stimulus includes subsidies for small businesses that are facing soaring fuel costs as a result of the falling yen. (AFP) Panama claims $737 million in cost overruns Panama City he consortium expanding the Panama Canal is making fresh claims for cost overruns totaling $737 million, officials said Friday. Canal administrator Jorge Quijano said that the Panama Canal Authority had received two claims on Tuesday that “will be evaluated” to determine if there is probable cause. But he warned that “at first glance, the issues will be very difficult for the counterparty to justify.” T ‘WE DON’T WANT NEW ADVENTURE’ HRH the Prime Minister’s Adviser for Oil and Industrial Affairs and Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) Chairman, Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa met employees at the Company who have been promoted to leadership positions. GPIC Executive Management members were present on the occasion. Towing icebergs to Saudi for freshwater! Dublin minister for industry and “through towing icebergs”. According to a letter he Irish government had energy John Bruton had plans to ship water to discussed the subject while written in March by Barry to an unnamed individual Saudi Arabia as a “back load” visiting Riyadh. The note pointed out there in Glanmire, Co Cork, who for tankers returning from oil deliveries in western Europe, had been many international had inquired about selling proposals to supply water water to the Middle East, the it has emerged. The Irish National to “arid zone oil-producing matter was followed up with Petroleum Corporation, then states” including by tanker, authorities in Saudi Arabia, a State-owned oil company, pipeline from major rivers and Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, presented proposals to the government to sell drinking water to the Gulf states. It was to be transported from Whiddy Island in Bantry Bay, Co Cork, using oil tankers, said a report by The Irish Times. A background note prepared in March 1984 for then minister for foreign affairs Peter Barry said contact had been made “at a high level in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States”. The previous year, then Picture for representation purpose. Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. These states had begun a study into importing water by tanker after their water desalination plants came under threat from oil pollution. But the study was not completed because the oil slick did not affect the plants. “The general position appears to be that the Gulf States prefer to rely on their own sources of water . . . rather than becoming dependent on water supplies imported from abroad,” Barry said. He also noted that Saudi Arabia was negotiating with Japan about importing water and “unlike Ireland, which has no term contracts for crude oil with any of the Gulf oil exporting countries, Japan buys large quantities of crude oil from the United Arab Emirates”. BUSINESS 13 Greasy Issue Athens he Greek public doesn’t want a new adventure, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras warned Saturday as he sought to stave off a snap election by urging lawmakers to choose a new president in a third and final round of voting. “The Greek people don’t want early elections. The Greek people understand where this adventure could lead,” Samaras said in an interview on NERIT public television. “I have done and I am doing everything in my power to avert early elections.” Lawmakers on Tuesday failed to choose a successor to President Karolos Papoulias in a second round of voting. If MPs do not rally behind Dimas, the political stalemate would automatically prompt an early general election. T European Union and International Monetary Fund officials fear an early election would be won by the antiausteriy elements rekindling a eurozone crisis. Lawmakers vote at the Greek Parliament in Athens during the second round of a three-stage presidential election in Greece. European Union and International Monetary Fund officials fear an early election would be won by the anti- Audi to step up investments Water power T Sunday, December 28, 2014 Berlin olkswagen’s flagship Audi division is to increase spending on new models, plants and technology through 2019 to push its goal of surpassing German rival BMW as the world’s largest luxurycar manufacturer. Audi, which contributes 40 per cent of operating profit at Europe’s biggest automotive group, said on Saturday it will push up investment in carmaking operations by 2 V India’s forex reserves up by $3.16 billion New Delhi India’s foreign exchange reserves grew by $3.16 billion to $319.99bn for the week ended Dec 19, Reserve Bank ofIndia (RBI) data showed. In the previous week (Dec 12) the reserves had increased by $2.17bn to $316.83bn. According to the RBI’s weekly statistical supplement, foreign currency assets gained $3.31bn at $295.67bn in the week under review. The foreign currency assets had gained $2.40bn at $292.36bn in the previous week (Dec 12). billion euros ($2.44 billion) to a record 24bn euros over the next five years. Audi, the world’s second biggest luxury automaker, is aiming to expand its model range to 60 from currently 50 by 2020 and is spending over 1 billion euros on new factories in Mexico and Brazil. Audi said on Saturday it will hire another 850 workers in Mexico next year where the Q5 sportutility vehicle will be assembled from 2016. Russia may burn wealth funds in 3 years Moscow ussia, poised to enter a recession, will burn through its rainy-day funds in three years if the government doesn’t change the budget structure, according to Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. With oil prices at $60 a barrel, Russia’s economy may contract about 4 per cent next year and have a budget deficit of more than 3pc of output, Siluanov said. The ministry will use these estimates and an exchange rate of 51 rubles per dollar to R review the 2015 budget. Russia is facing its first recession since 2009, and the contraction may last for two years, according to economists in a Bloomberg survey. Oil, its biggest export earner, is trading near a five-year low, compounding the effect of sanctions imposed by the US and its allies over President Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Crimea in March. The deterioration puts Russia at risk of a downgrade to below investment grade, Standard & Poor’s said this week. austerity, radical leftist Syriza party and could undermine Greece’s international bailout and rekindle a eurozone crisis. Greece recently secured a two-month extension from its international creditors to conclude an ongoing fiscal audit that will determine the release of some 7.0 billion euros ($8.7 billion) in loans. This extension expires in February, and the finance ministry has warned that the state will face cash difficulties from March onwards. (AFP) Vijay Mallya Kingfisher not a wilful defaulter Calcutta T his New Year, UB Group chief Vijay Mallya has a reason to celebrate. The Calcutta High Court has dismissed United Bank of India (UBI)’s decision to declare his grounded Kingfisher Airlines a wilful defaulter. The Kolkatabased lender had identified and declared the airline company, its chairman Mallya, and three former directors — Subhash R Gupte, Ravi Nedungadi and Anil Kumar Ganguly — wilful defaulters for non-payment of loans of about Rs 400 crore. “The decisions of the identification committee (of UBI) and the grievance redressal committee are quashed,” judge Debangsu Basak said. Sunday, December 28, 2014 New Millennium School-DPS Bahrain celebrated a colourful Christmas. The events underlined the importance of love, the joy of sharing and relevance of peace. Chairman Dr Ravi Pillai, managing director Mrs. Geetha Pillai and principal Arun Kuumar Sharma extended their best wishes. The New Horizon School celebrated Christmas with a variety of programmes. The X’ mas pageant included dances in angels’ costumes which depicted the spirit of joy. The programme ended with the address of the Vice-Principal Suman Papaly and felicitation address by the Principal Nirmala Jose. The New Indian School (NIS) buzzed with excitement and enthusiasm as it celebrated Christmas. Warm greetings by the vice principals, enlightening messages from senior teachers and a host of traditional Christmas Carols performed by students and teachers added glitter to the event. . Short story T here once was a widower who remarried. His second wife was ill natured, and she had two daughters who were evil. The man had a beautiful, gentle daughter of his own, and she was soon to become the servant of her evil stepmother and stepsisters. They made her do all the chores around the house, and she was named Cinderella, after the cinders she swept out of the fireplace. The King needed to find a queen for his prince, so he threw a huge ball. The evil stepmother and stepsisters were invited, but Cinderella was not allowed to go. After they left, Cinderella’s fairy godmother appeared and changed her dirty rags into a beautiful gown with glass slippers. Next the fairy godmother changed a pumpkin into a coach and some mice into footmen. Before Cinderella left, the fairy godmother warned her to be home before midnight, because the spell would only last till then. Cinderella was a hit at the ball. The prince fell in love with her and asked her name. Just then the clock struck midnight, and Cinderella ran away. She was in such a hurry she lost one of her glass slippers. It was the only clue for the prince to find his true love. He went to each and every home in the kingdom and had every single young girl try on the slipper to see if it fit. The evil stepsisters couldn’t fit the slipper, but Cinderella did. The prince married her and they all lived happily ever after. 15 16 Sunday, December 28, 2014 Sunday, December 28, 2014 Parliament Chairman Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al Mulla received Regional Social Responsibility Network (RSRN) representatives Dr. Yusuf Abdul Ghaffar and Dr. Ali Al-Ibrahim yesterday. The meeting was attended by Parliament First Deputy Chairman Ali Al Aradi, MP Ahmed Qarata and Parliament Advisory Authority President Dr. Saleh Al Ghadith. The Parliament Speaker urged economic enterprises, businessmen and financiers to assume their community responsibility and launch development projects that serve the country and its citizens. He underscored the crucial importance of promoting social responsibility as a key benchmark to assess the performance of enterprises, stressing particularly their role within the community. Gulf Air organised a familiarisation trip for newspersons from Bahrain and Kuwait to Athens. The trip was jointly hosted by The Hellenic Association of Travel and Tourist Agencies (HATTA). (Above, from left) Ali Al Thawadi from Bahrain News Agency (Bahrain), Nasser Al Otaibi from Al Watan (Kuwait), Amal Al Gharibi – Communications Specialist at Gulf Air, Muhannad Abu Zaytoon from Al Watan (Bahrain), Eiad A. Al-Ahad from Kuwait Times (Kuwait) and Nader Al Ghanim from Al Bilad (Bahrain) during the trip. 17 Azerbaijani Defence Minister Zakir Hasanov and his accompanying delegation yesterday visited Bahrain National Museum, Beit Al Quran and Bahrain Fort. He also visited Bahrain Fort Museum and was informed about the inclusion of the fort in UNESCO’s World Human Heritage list. Azerbaijani Defence Minister General Zakir Hasanov and his accompanying delegation left Bahrain yesterday after a visit to the Kingdom during which he held meetings with the leadership and senior officials. Later, he was seen off by Defence Minister Major General Yousif bin Ahmed Al Jalahma and senior BDF officers. Above, General Hasanov with Maj. Gen. Al Jalahma. Director-General of the Bahrain Training Institute Dr. Fawzi Abdulrahman Al Jowder held a meeting with a delegation from UNESCO technical and vocational training experts yesterday. Dr. Al Jowder informed them about BTI’s regular programmes and training courses. He highlighted BTI’s achievements and developments over the past years. UNESCO experts praised BTI’s academic competencies, as well as the advanced equipment and laboratories and training facilities. A team from Zain Bahrain visited students at Khawla Secondary School who are involved in the INJAZ programme. The team from Zain Bahrain shared their extensive experience with the students from the School. The visit was part of an initiative launched by INJAZ which aimed to empower and better educate the students about the business scene in Bahrain. The Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) celebrated its 35th anniversary at the Ritz Carlton Bahrain Hotel and Spa yesterday. The event, held under the patronage of Adviser to HRH the Prime Minister on Oil and Industrial Affairs and Company Chairman Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, was attended by the Board of Directors, the Executive Management, the Chairman and Vice Chariman of the Company’s Labour Union and retirees. Bahrain Nature Crossing Camp 2014, organised by the Southern Governorate in association with Vasser bin Hamad Foundation, concluded yesterday. As many as 110 participants took part in the three-day camp. All the participants were given certificates of appreciation at the end of the camp. 18 Sunday, December 28, 2014 Sunday, December 28, 2014 Parton show the best pop music moment 2014 Ce leb s G lastonbury Festival this year played host to the one and only Dolly Parton, and despite her being a country artist predominantly, her take to the stage at the event has been named the year’s best pop music moment in a new poll commissioned by a music streaming service. The star played the prestigious Legends slot at Sunday teatime and received a rapturous welcome for her debut at the festival, watched by thousands of all ages. Smith sells a million albums in UK and US Cotton Colours Hair At Christmas T he blond presenter, Fearne Cotton dyes her hair pink every Christmas. She said: “I think I got to 14 and thought, ‘Right, I’m going to have a perm’. From that point for 10 years I had black hair, red hair, dodgy fringes, cropped, shaggy hair... I’ve definitely got less experimental as I’ve got older. Christmas is the exception when I dye it pink every year. Fearne also gets more experimental with her make-up over the festive season. She said: “I don’t usually wear red lipstick unless it’s winter or Christmas and I’ll maybe even go for a little bit of glitter on the eye - why not?” S am Smith has this week become the only artist to sell a million albums in both the UK and US in 2014. The singer released debut album ‘In The Lonely Hour’ earlier this year and it passed the huge milestone in both countries to become the biggest selling record of the year. Sam wrote on Twitter: “1 million albums sold in UK and 1 million sold in America - completely speechless” in response to the news. It is just one of three albums to have sold over a million in America, alongside the soundtrack to Disney’s animated smash hit Frozen and Taylor Swift’s fifth record ‘1989’. In the UK, Ed Sheeran’s the only other act to have hit the million sales marks this year with second album ‘X’. Tulisa Connected With Dead Uncle Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Solange Knowles and Alan Ferguson Amal Alamuddin and George Clooney Poppy Delevingne and James Cook Olivia Palermo and Johannes Huebl Ashley Tisdale and Christopher French Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Fearne Cotton and Jesse Wood Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka T ulisa Contostavlos visited a medium to connect with her late uncle and former mentor and get advice about her new single. The former N-Dubz singer wanted to know if her Uncle Byron, who died in 2007, would approve of her latest solo venture, so she asked a spiritualist for help in tracking him down beyond the grave. Angelina Wins Christmas Day Box Office M erry Christmas, indeed! Angelina Jolie unwrapped a $15 million present on Thursday, Dec. 25, when her new movie Unbroken won the Christmas Day box office. The drama, which is Jolie’s sophomore directorial effort, debuted in 3,131 theatres. An adaptation of Laura Hillenbrand’s non-fiction book of the same name, Unbroken brought in $15.59 million to take the No. 1 spot at the domestic box office. Mrs Beckham’s fashion sales double to £30 million N ew figures reveal that the Spice Girl turned fashion designer sold £83,000 worth of stock a day last year. Victoria Beckham’s fashion business is going from strength to strength and the books only go to prove this thinking further. The 40-year-old, whose company was crowned Brand of the Year at the recent British Fashion Awards, has seen sales double from £15.76 million in 2012 to £30.39m. The mother-of-four’s enterprise has expanded from a debut collection of dresses shown at New York Fashion Week in 2008 to a fully-rounded business. 19 Ripley’s CROSSWORD by John Graziano Across 1- Leg part; 5- According to the Bible, he was the first man; 9- Mystery writer’s award; 14- Adriatic resort; 15- Type of ranch; 16- Actress Witherspoon; 17- Think nothing ___; 18Med school subj.; 19- Made a choice; 20- Important person; 22- Role for Valerie; 24- “___ had it!”; 25- Antiquated; 29Vacant; 32- Grammy winner Erykah; 34- Counterfeiter catcher; 35- Deep cut; 36- Seal; 37- Doll’s word; 38- Baby blues; 39- Instant; 40- K-6; 41- Closed; 42- Collection of maps; 43- Evening, informally; 44- I did it!; 45- Cartoonist Silverstein; 46- Alloy of iron and carbon; 47- Swabs; 49- Noise made by a sheep; 50- Brushes; 52- Finally!; 56Bandleader Shaw; 59- Elevator man; 61- Bakery employee; 62- Some horses; 63- Denier’s words; 64- Madcap; 65- Tiny branches; 66- More than one female sheep; 67- Icelandic epic; Sweet potato, an anti-diabetic food! D iabetics are forced to eliminate or limit many of their favourite foods since high carbohydrate content in foods such as desserts, pasta, breads, sugary breakfast cereals and soft drinks can make their blood sugar levels skyrocket within a few minutes after eating, damaging their small blood vessels and leading to heart and kidney diseases, blindness, stroke and even amputations. Therefore, diabetics have a very less food choices and that really bothers them a lot, especially those who can’t resist sweet snacks.. Well, here’s an antidiabetic food, a naturally sweet food that satisfies their taste buds and help them stay healthier. Sweet potatoes stabilise blood-sugar levels by lowering insulin resistance as they contain high amount of fibre ,which also helps to reduce levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol in the body. When you eat sweet potato with its skin, it gives you more fibre than oatmeal. This super food for diabetics has a low glycemic index and antioxidant nutrients like beta carotene (Vitamin A), Vitamin C, zinc, and other micronutrients such Yesterday’s solution Down 1- Slovenly person; 2- LP player; 3- Gotcha; 4- In spite of; 5- Maxim; 6- Press for payment; 7- Hebrew month; 8- Deliberate; 9- Wear down; 10- Divide up; 11- Obtain; 12- Enzyme ending; 13- Skin color of Washington football players!; 21- Climbing vine; 23- Undeveloped seeds; 26Charlotte ___, Virgin Islands; 27- Reproductive cell; 28Tooth covering; 29- Discharges; 30- Perhaps; 31- Pretended; 32- Stone associated with zodiac; 33- Nimble; 36- Equilibria; 46- Was in session; 48- Surmise; 49- Foundation; 51- Pack away; 53- Mil. school; 54- Transport, mail; 55- ___ Little Tenderness; 56- Gallery display; 57- Line of seats; 58- Mai ___; 60- Mineral suffix; as potassium, magnesium, iron and Vitamin B, which help in diabetes management and prevention of diabetes complications such as heart attacks. Research shows that sweet potatoes are abundant in adiponectin which is a very specific protein type hormone that plays a large role in the development of insulin resistance. The phytonutrients in sweet potatoes have a big impact on fibrinogen which is required for proper blood clotting. You can steam the sweet BEETLE BAILEY potato and eat it as it is, boil it in water (with a bit of ginger) for a sweet dessert soup, bake it for some sweet potato chips, or even stir fry it with vegetables. To maintain the low glycemic index, a good cooking method is sautéing the sweet potato in oil or roasting without removing its skin. Sweet potatoes should be stored in a cool, dark place. Do not store in the refrigerator. Store them in a paper bag with holes in it to allow for ventilation. Do NOT store in a plastic bag. Your StarS todaY Aries: 20th March 20th April Slow down a bit today and do some planning. There’s a steady, grounded mood that will help bring your thoughts and actions down to Earth. The wind may not be filling your sails as much as you’d like, but you can use this to your advantage. Leo: 20th July - 20th Aug Don’t expect a reaction from people today even if you tell the funniest jokes. Others are likely to be reserved and uptight. For the most part, the day’s forecast calls for conservative skies and a slight chance of grumpiness. 21 Sunday, December 28, 2014 Sunday, December 28, 2014 20 TAurus : 20th April - 20th May There’s a call for you to focus on tangible items today, Taurus. Your emotions may be a bit restricted, but you will find comfort in beautiful, luxurious surroundings. Don’t be surprised if people are a bit more critical than usual. What they intend as helpful may come across as hurtful. Virgo: 20th Aug - 20th sept You will keep a level head today, Virgo, so take this opportunity to make rational decisions about the most intense issues on the table. Stay grounded and concentrate on what you need to do. Don’t get caught up in the usual emotional drama. sAgiTTArius: 20th nov - 20th Dec There’s a restrictive, sober tone to the day that may wear you down, Sagittarius. The trick to working this energy to your advantage is to adjust your game plan to fit the mood. Take care of mundane chores and small obstacles. IN HISTORY geMini : 20th May - 20th June Get your life in order today, Gemini. Take off the mask you’ve been wearing and look in the mirror. Make sure you like the person you see. This is a good day to put frivolity aside and concentrate on what you need to accomplish. LibrA: 20th sep - 20th oct Your playful attitude will be a welcome addition to the sober, restrictive tone of the day. On the other hand, it may behoove you to be serious in order to accomplish what you need to get done. The choice is up to you. CApriCorn: 20th Dec - 20th Jan Come down from the clouds today, Capricorn. It’s important to connect with what’s going on down here. It could be that you’re missing your target because you failed to take certain details into account that are obvious to everyone else. CanCer: 20th June - 20th July You will fit in perfectly with just about every situation you encounter today, Cancer. Things are going well for you, so take advantage of the energy. You will find that you can accomplish a lot with very little effort. sCorpio: 20th oct - 20th nov This is a terrific day for you, Scorpio. You will feel a greater sense of appreciation and respect for the people around you. The planning and hard work you’ve contributed recently is finally paying off. AquArius: 20th Jan - 20th Feb There’s a lethargic pace to the day that might leave you frustrated, Aquarius. It may seem as if things aren’t progressing as quickly as you’d like. Don’t be seduced by the idea that everything needs to get done sooner. LAUGH @ LIFE Frog legs it! A Hoy en la Historia December 28, 1934 pisCes: 20th Feb - 20th Mar This is a terrific day for you to accomplish a lot, Pisces. You may feel restricted in your emotions and unable to make certain deep-level connections, but don’t worry about it. If the time doesn’t feel right to engage in deep conversation, don’t push it. S U D O KU R British actress Maggie Smith was born. A double Oscar winner, she is now best known as the waspish Dowager Countess of Grantham in Downton Abbey 1869: William Finley Semple, a dentist from Ohio, was the first person to receive a patent for chewing gum 1908: Up to 100,000 people died in the most destructive earthquake in European history, in Messina, Sicily 1989: Alexander Dubcek returned to public office after 21 years, as chairman of Czechoslovakia’s parliament 2009: Russian premier Vladimir Putin launched the East-Siberia – Pacific Ocean oil pipeline Picture: Associated Press © GRAPHIC NEWS tiny frog struck up an unlikely friendship with a giant African land snail after clambering onto its shell to catch a ride. The bright green Wallace’s flying frog was spotted giving the snail a quick kiss before it hopped onto its back where it sat for a few minutes. Photographer Hendy Mp, 25, captured the unusual antics in the woods near his home in Sambas, Indonesia, and sat just 30cm away from the friendly pair while they played. ‘When I came across the cute frog in the woods it was already playing with the little snail,’ he said. ‘It was hopping about around the snail, it was almost as if he was trying to catch a ride on the back of it. How to play: Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. Yesterday’s solution ‘I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw them, it was very funny. I haven’t seen anything else like it. ‘Amazingly the snail wasn’t phased by the frog trying to get on its back. They both wanted to play together it was really cute. ‘It’s remarkable that two different types of animal like a frog and snail can become great friends like this.’ Wallace’s flying frogs, also known as Abah River flying frog, are found from the Malay Peninsula into western Indonesia and are named after the biologist, Alfred R. Wallace, who collected the first specimen to be formally identified. 22 Nausea and vomiting:. If you push yourself so hard that you throw up, you may want to reassess your regimen at the gym. Getting nauseous from your workout can also indicate that you are dehydrated or experiencing heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion can be treated with rest in a cool place but, if ignored, it can lead to heat stroke, which can cause organ damage, and, sometimes, death. Complex jobs might help maintain brain fitness in aging R egardless of IQ, people who work at complex jobs have a slightly higher chance of being better thinkers as they age, a recent study suggests. “When we look at the association between complexity of work with people or data, we see that those in more complex jobs generally do better on a range of cognitive ability measures,” said Alan Gow, one of the study authors. The researchers knew from earlier work that complex jobs might help protect cognitive ability later in life. So they added the childhood IQs of 1,066 people in Scotland from a 1936 study to their analysis. They also grouped the people from that study according to profession - for example, architect, engineer and lawyer (higher thinking jobs) or typist and salesperson (requiring less complicated thinking). The study participants, all age 70 during the new analysis, took cognitive tests that determined general thinking ability, speed and memory. Their educational and criminal backgrounds and access to services were also factored in. B y including data on IQ from the participants when they were 11 years old, “the association between more complex jobs and better cognitive outcomes is reduced, but there remains a small additional benefit for our cognitive abilities from being in more complex jobs,” Gow . The researchers said the cognitive benefit of a complex job was similar to the benefits of not smoking on later cognition. He’s been looking at a variety of lifestyle factors that might predict cognitive ability in older people, including leisure and physical activity and social networks and support. France’s port closed Lille torms packing wind gusts of up to 160 kilometres (100 miles) per hour on Saturday forced the closure of France’s port of Calais on the English Channel and the suspension of car ferries to and from Britain, officials said. “No vessel is entering or leaving. All sea traffic is halted,” an official at Calais’s port authority said, adding that ferries currently in Britain’s port of Dover on the other side of the channel were remaining there. The storm was expected to lighten up later Saturday. S Mood swings: If your physical performance is not entirely on track, there could be a chance that you may feel a slightly mentally drained as well. While physical activity is often linked to decreases in depression and anxiety, overtraining can increase irritability, and moodiness. A common sentiment amongst athletes who are over-trained is that they lose their competitive spirit. Chest discomfort: Aside of the panting, if your chest feels uncomfortable after a strenuous exercise regime, do not take it lightly. Chest discomfort is a major indicator of a heart attack Note: Not all chest pain is the same; it can feel like burning, stabbing, or tightness. Strange sleep patterns: Being active during the day can help us rest well at night. If you are overtraining, the opposite may occur. Pushing your body too hard can cause restlessness, insomnia or oversleeping. If that is the case, slow down at the gym and your sleeping pattern will return to normal. Journalist shot dead Goma journalist for state media in the Democratic Republic of Congo was shot dead Friday in Goma in the vast country’s restive east, officials said. Robert Chamwami Shalubuto’s body was found in a grocery store close to his home after having been shot in the chest, said Celestin Sibomana, spokesman for North Kivu province, of which Goma is the capital. The deputy governor of the province, Feller Lutaichirwa, also confirmed the killing. A T hose sun salutations and downward dogs could be as good for the heart as cycling or brisk walking, and easier to tolerate for older people and those with health challenges, according to a new review of existing research. Based on 37 clinical trials, researchers found that doing yoga lowered blood pressure, cholesterol, heart rate and other cardiovascular risk factors in increments comparable to those seen with aerobic exercise. “Taken together, these improvements could facilitate and complement a regimen toward better cardiovascular health,” said Paula Chu, a doctoral candidate in health policy at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, who led the study. She and her co-authors caution in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, however, that larger studies are needed to understand how yoga improves health, how much of it is ideal and if there are differences in benefits from various types of yoga before the practice becomes a standard Vladimir Putin Russian President Barack Obama US President Fever: Exercising while sick is not advisable, especially if you have “fever”. If the fever is over 100.5 degree, you should not work out. Evidence suggests that exercising while feverish increases the risk of developing this dangerous disorder as well as dehydration and overheating. prescription for heart disease. Nonetheless, yoga’s benefits have been long suspected, said Dr. Larry Phillips, a cardiologist at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York. “I think what we’ve seen is with yoga and the relaxation and behavior modification that goes along with it, there is a benefit to all patients, but especially those with heart disease,” said Phillips, who was not involved in the new analysis. “Here we are able to see there are more measurable benefits than we’ve seen before,” he told Reuters Health. Sweden, opp reach deal Stockholm weden’s minority centre-left government on Saturday announced it has reached a deal with the opposition that will avert what would have been the country’s first snap elections in more than half a century. The deal was announced by Prime Minister Stefan Loefven with the centre-right opposition coalition. S The prime minister also has his time for a break as he has been working so hard. He is also a human being. I told him not to worry and to have trust in me, we will manage the issue in whatever way we can For the government, for your agencies, we cannot afford this long holiday, at least this year – you know what I mean Now you’ve got Republicans in a position where it’s not enough for them simply to grind the wheels of Congress to a halt and then blame me SIGNS YOU’RE OVERDOING IT AT THE GYM Running short of breath: Being out of breath during exercise is fine, but if you find yourself panting more often than not while working out, this indicates that you are overdoing it. If you experience additional symptoms such as swelling in your feet and ankles, high fever, cough, chills, blue fingertips, or wheezing you may want to consult your doctor as these could be signs of a heart attack. 23 Sunday, December 28, 2014 Sunday, December 28, 2014 Muhyiddin Yassin Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister RUSSIA SHIFTS TO WAR MODE Brands NATO as fundamental threat Maxime Popov Moscow T he Kremlin on Friday branded the expansion of NATO as a fundamental threat to Russia in a revised military doctrine that dramatically reflects deteriorating relations with the West. The new document, approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin, decries the “reinforcement of NATO’s offensive capacities directly on Russia’s borders, and measures taken to deploy a global anti-missile defence system” in Central Europe. NATO was already seen a major threat in an earlier version of the doctrine published in 2010, but the war in Ukraine has further raised tensions to levels not seen since the Cold War. Russia’s new military doctrine also introduces the concept of “non-nuclear dissuasion” based on maintaining a high degree of preparedness of conventional military forces. It also urges active participation in regional security organisations like the Commonwealth of Independent States, made up of nine former Soviet Republics; and the Shanghai A TV journalist prepares to do a piece to camera in front of an armoured personnel carrier (APC) on the frontline. Cooperation Organisation allies, or in case of “threat to formed by Russia, China, and the very existence of the state.” Among the principal duties several ex-Soviet Caucasian listed in the doctrine for the republics. It reserves however the country’s armed forces during right to use the country’s times of peace is the protection nuclear arsenal in the event of “of Russia’s national interests aggression against Russia or its in the Arctic”. (AFP) Dmitry Zaks Kiev U krainian President Petro Poroshenko on Saturday welcomed home as heroes 145 soldiers freed by pro-Russian rebels during the largest prisoner swap of the eightmonth separatist war. “My heart as that of a president and citizen is brimming with joy that you -- as I had promised -- will be able to meet the New Year with your families and comrades and arms,” Poroshenko said as the released men huddled around him on the tarmac. Kiev on Friday freed 222 insurgent fighters captured around the main rebel stronghold of Donetsk and its surrounding regions. But the original deal called for the release of 150 state troops and 225 militants. Yangon votes after 60 years Venezuelan President Yangon ahead of a landmark congratulates Castro esidents of nationwide poll slated Havana enezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, a frequent critic of the United States, congratulated the Castro brothers Friday on Cuba’s rapprochement with Washington, but warned that the embargo on the island would remain for a long time. This month’s historic announcement that the United States and Cuba were restoring diplomatic relations after half a century of hostility undercuts the stridently anti-American stance Maduro has adopted as his country slides into a deepening economic crisis. V R M y a n m a r ’ s commercial hub Yangon went to the polls Saturday for the first municipal elections in six decades, with voters enthusiastic for change even though many knew little about the candidates or their policies. The election is being closely watched as a test of the country’s democratic credentials for November next year, despite strict curbs on who could vote on Saturday and the limited power of the councillors they were electing. For many the ballot for the Yangon City Development Committee, which closed on Saturday afternoon, was the first chance to vote under the country’s quasicivilian government. MMistaken Identity LEAFY RETREAT: A frog is seen using a leaf to escape torrential downpour. Photo taken from a reserve forest in Indonesia. ‘Dinosaur’ on the loose in Taiwan! Taipei hippo that panicked while being transported by truck in Taiwan jumped from the vehicle, breaking a leg and causing confused residents to report spotting a dinosaur on the loose. Television footage showed the enormous animal lying on the road with a white fluid oozing from its An injured hippo lies on the ground after it jumped eyes after it jumped through a truck from a truck in Miaoli county. A 145 soldiers freed window and landed on a parked car before falling onto the road on Friday. The sound of the collision startled people nearby who flocked to see the animal and contacted the police in central Miaoli county. One woman was quoted by the United Daily News as saying that she ran out of her house after hearing the crash and thought she saw “a dinosaur” lying on the road. The truck driver was quoted by the newspaper as saying that he saw the hippo “flying out” of the vehicle after getting spooked during the drive. One woman thought she saw a dinosaur. A truck driver contradicted: “No, it was a flying hippo!” What the damn thing was it actually? The injured animal, named “A Ho” after the Chinese name for hippo Ho Ma, lay on the road for a few hours before being put into a cargo container and taken back to its farm in central Taichung city, officials said. Taiwanese authorities said Saturday that the animal’s owner could face a fine of up to Tw$75,000 (US$2,400) for violating animal protection laws after the hippo suffered a broken leg and damage to its teeth. Local media said the hippo was a star attraction at its farm and had even appeared in a popular television soap opera several years ago. (AFP) 24 Pilot errors behind Macedonian president’s plane crash Late pope gets flowers from would-be assassin Vatican City ehmet Ali Agca, the Turkish former extremist who attempted to assassinate Pope John Paul II, on Saturday laid flowers on the late pontiff’s tomb. The latest highly publicised act of contrition by Agca came 31 years to the day after John Paul visited him in prison in Rome to forgive him for the 1981 shooting that nearly killed the leader M Shebab leader surrendered Mogadishu top leader of Somalia’s Al-Qaeda-affiliated Shebab rebels, intelligence chief Zakariya Ismail Ahmed Hersi, has surrendered to government and African Union forces and is now in custody, officials said Saturday. The militant is the subject of a $3 million bounty as part of the US State Department “Rewards for Justice” programme. Officials said he surrendered in the Gedo region, where Somalia borders Kenya and Ethiopia. A 15 suffocates in illegal mine Lubumbashi ifteen people have suffocated while digging in an illegal mine in southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo, where the problem of illicit mining is widespread, an official said Saturday. The incident occurred on Friday in Kolwezi in the mineralrich province of Katanga, where scores of impoverished illegal miners risk their lives in search of minerals including copper and cobalt. F of the world’s Catholics. Agca, then 23, shot the pope twice from close range in St Peter’s Square, one bullet passing through his abdomen and another narrowly missing his heart. He arrived back in Rome unexpectedly on Saturday and presented himself to police to declare his intention to lay the flowers. “I felt the need to make this gesture,” he told police, according to Italian media who had been tipped off in advance about his visit. “A thousand thanks holiness,” he said in Italian. “This is a miracle that goes on. The mystery of Fatima goes on. Long live Jesus Christ!” The motive for Agca’s 1981 attack on the pope remains a mystery. He served nearly three decades in prisons in Italy and Turkey and is widely considered to be mentally disturbed. A A file picture showing a hand holding a gun aims from the crowd in Vatican City, Mehmet Ali Agca holding before Pope John a wreath of flowers seen Paul II falls, shot on on St. Peter’s square in The May 13, 1981. Vatican. Seoul orth Korea called US If the US persists in AmericanPresident Barack style arrogance, despite (North Obama a “monkey” Saturday after US cinemas released Korea’s) repeated warnings, the a comedy about a fictional US should bear in mind that its plot to kill its leader, as it suffered another in a series failed political affairs will face of crippling Internet outages inescapable deadly blows that it has blamed on Washington. The isolated dictatorship’s US President Barack Obama speaks during a press conference in the like a monkey in a tropical forest,” a spokesman for the powerful National Defence briefing room of the White House in Washington, DC. NDC’s policy department Commission (NDC) behind madcap North Korea said in a statement published threatened “inescapable comedy “The Interview”. by the North’s official KCNA deadly blows” over the Washington has said the news agency. Online services for Sony’s he film took in $1 film and accused the US attack on Sony was carried He accused Washington of million in its limited- PlayStation and Microsoft’s of “disturbing the Internet out by Pyongyang. linking the hacking of Sony Xbox gaming consoles, release opening day, showing operation” of North Korean It suffered another to North Korea “without media outlets. paralysing outage on in around 300 mostly small, which had decided to clear evidence” and repeated release the film online. independent theatres. It An online blackout Saturday evening which also Pyongyang’s condemnation earlier this week triggered affected telecommunication was also released online for Microsoft’s online network of the film, describing it as “a for its Xbox gaming console rental or purchase. A file speculation that US networks in the pariah state, movie for agitating terrorism authorities may have according to Chinese state- sharing website reported was restored to nearly produced with high-ranking full service Friday but the film had been illegally launched a cyber-attack in run Xinhua news agency. politicians of the US retaliation for the hacking of “Obama always goes downloaded more than the PlayStation network administration involved”. remained down. 750,000 times. Sony Pictures -- the studio reckless in words and deeds N Interview collects a million T Yangon round 500 people including dozens of Buddhist monks protested near the Chinese consulate in Myanmar’s central city of Mandalay on Saturday demanding the closure of a flashpoint copper mine. It was the largest protest since the fatal shooting of a woman demonstrating against the Letpadaung mine in the northwestern town of Monywa -- a Chinese backed venture dogged by complaints of land grabbing and environmental damage. Mother self-immolates as baby sleeps Lille A mother-of-two died on Friday in northern France after setting herself on fire in the courtyard of her home as her 18-month- old daughter slept inside, authorities said. The incident involving the woman believed to be around 30 years old occurred in the town of Ambleteuse on the Channel coast north of Boulogne around midday. Her partner discovered her body shortly afterwards and alerted authorities, Public Will according to police, who have opened an investigation. The dead woman’s elder child, who is 11, was not at home at the time. Britain posts 41 million wills, including Princess Diana’s London ome 41 million British wills dating back to 1858, including those of Winston Churchill and Princess Diana, were made available in an online database Saturday. The government’s full archive of wills from England S and Wales, stretching back more than 150 years, has been put on the probatesearch. service.gov.uk website. It includes the wills of World War II prime minister Churchill; novelist Charles Dickens; Diana, princess of Wales; children’s writer A. A. Milne; code-breaker Alan Turing; writer George Orwell and author Beatrix Potter. The digital copies of the wills cost £10 ($15.50, 12.75 euros) but basic details for some of them are available online. Previously the archives had only been publicly available to search in person. In Churchill’s will he gave £304,044 -- worth more than £5.1 million nowadays -- to his family. When Dickens died in 1870 he left a will written in cursive script that laid out highly specific directions for Skopje series of pilot errors caused the plane crash that killed Macedonian president Boris Trajkovski and eight other people in Bosnia in 2004, the results of an international probe showed Saturday. The outcome confirmed He initially testified that he had acted alone but later backtracked. NORTH KOREA CALLS OBAMA ‘MONKEY’ Hundreds protest against China A At the time of the assassination attempt, Agca was on the run from the Turkish authorities over a string of crimes, including the murder of a journalist, and his links to the far-right Grey Wolves movement. his funeral. “I emphatically direct that I be buried in an inexpensive, unostentatious, and strictly private manner,” he wrote, adding that mourners must not wear scarves, cloaks, long hatbands, “or other such revolting absurdity”. (AFP) 25 Sunday, December 28, 2014 Sunday, December 28, 2014 US condemns Shebab attack Washington T he United States “strongly condemns” a Shebab attack that killed three soldiers and a civilian at African Union headquarters in Somalia, the State Department said Friday. The assault, launched by the country’s Al-Qaeda-linked rebels in Mogadishu on Thursday, killed three soldiers from the union’s local peacekeeping mission known as AMISOM, and a civilian contractor. Car bombs hit Libya Tripoli car bomb exploded Saturday outside the diplomatic security building in Tripoli but caused no casualties, a Libyan official said, with the Islamic State group claiming responsibility. Colonel Mubarak Abu Dhaheer, who heads the security department in charge of protecting diplomatic missions, said the blast in central Tripoli caused some damage to the building but that no one was hurt. A the findings of an initial investigation by Bosnian authorities immediately after the accident. “Several systematic pilot errors were key to the fall of the plane,” said Omer Kulic, head of an international commission that has been conducting the probe for the past two years. The crash on February 26, 2004 occurred when the US-made Beechcraft King Air 200 tried to land at the airport of Mostar, in southern Bosnia, in bad weather. Trajkovski, 47, six of his closest advisors and the two pilots died instantly. Their charred bodies were found in the wreckage the next day after an intense search by local authorities and NATO-led peacekeepers. There was speculation just after the crash that the presidential plane might have been the subject of a deliberate attack. Kulic said on Saturday that the Mostar airport -- where a French contingent of NATOled peacekeepers assured air control at the time -- did not have a working radar and that the pilots should not have tried to land there. “The pilots should have simply directed the plane towards Dubrovnik (on the southern Adriatic coast) or Sarajevo,” he told reporters. The plane crashed some 10 kilometres (6.2 miles) from Mostar in a mountainous region littered with mines left over from Bosnia’s 19921995 war. (AFP) PAKISTAN OFFENSIVE CONTINUES; 55 KILLED Peshawar t least 55 militants were killed in airstrikes and a gun battle with ground forces in Pakistan’s troubled northwest where the military launched a major offensive this year, officials said Saturday. Troops raided a militant hideout late Friday in an area adjoining Orakzai and Khyber tribal districts -- near the Afghan border -- where the A The Pakistani military says it has killed more than 1,700 militants so far in its heavy offensive. Warrant issued Gunmen kills farmer Islamabad Pakistani court has issued an arrest warrant for a hardline Islamic cleric who suggested the massacre of school children in country’s worst ever terror attack was understandable, after he allegedly threatened people criticising him. Maulana Abdul Aziz, the pro-Taliban cleric and head of the Red Mosque in capital Islamabad has been accused of threatening civil society activists. Lahore unmen in Pakistan on Saturday shot dead a farmer from the Ahmadi community, one of the country’s most persecuted minority groups, police and a spokesman said. Luqman Ahad, 25 was hit by a single bullet in his head and died on the spot, Rohail Sabir, a senior police official in Gujranwala said.Ahmadis, were declared non-Muslims by the Pakistani government in 1974. ‘Halt executions’ in terror cases following a Taliban school massacre. Sharif promised that “all legal norms would be respected,” the statement added. Pakistan plans to execute 500 militants in the coming weeks. A Pakistani soldiers patrol outside the Saint John’s Cathedral Church during a Christmas mass in Peshawar. insurgents had gathered for a meeting, the military said in a statement. “An intense battle took place, in which 16 terrorists were killed and 20 injured,” it said, adding that “fleeing terrorists left behind nine dead bodies of their accomplices”. Troops arrested two critically wounded militants while four soldiers were also wounded in the battle, the statement said. The Pakistani military says it has killed more than 1,700 militants so far in its heavy offensive in the tribal zone, with 126 soldiers having lost their lives. (AFP) Islamabad N chief Ban Ki-moon is pressing Pakistan to end capital punishment and restore a moratorium on the death penalty the government lifted U G Four die of bird flu Man gets 26 years for hoax bomb threats Libya our people have died of bird flu in Libya in recent days, the health minister of the country’s internationally recognised government said on Saturday. Rida Al-Awkali said a fifth person suspected of F having contracted the virus is currently in hospital in the far eastern city of Tobruk. Three of the victims died in the capital Tripoli, while the fourth died in Tobruk, he added, without saying which strain of the disease they caught. Lahore Pakistani man was sentenced to 26 years in jail for making two hoax calls to police claiming he had planted bombs in crowded public places, prosecutors said on Saturday. Mohammad Yousuf, who is A in his 30s, made the calls in July in the central city of Multan, telling police that he had placed bombs in a market and a busy children’s park. Police, bomb disposal experts and rescue workers were forced to rush to the scene at the time but found nothing. “Yousuf confessed and was sentenced to 26 years in jail for both the bogus calls and fake information,” Ashfaq Malik, Multan’s deputy prosecutor general, said. Police said Yousuf used the sim card of one of his friends, whom he wanted to entrap because of business rivalry. Police in August traced the sim card and arrested both Yousuf and his friend. Judge Sajjad Sheikh announced the verdict in a Multan anti-terror court on Wednesday. Sheikh Saeed, another government prosecutor and a police official in Multan, confirmed the verdict. ...Rest In Peace Thousands attend funeral of slain New York cop New York housands of officers paid homage Saturday at the New York funeral of one of their own, in an emotional show of solidarity from a group that has felt targeted by recent protests over police violence. But in a sign of the strain between New T York’s force and its mayor, thrown into sharp relief since Rafael Ramos and his partner were shot last week, numerous officers turned their backs outside as Bill de Blasio began to speak. Vice President Joe Biden said the double murder was felt by the whole country. “When an assassin’s bullet targeted two officers, it targeted this city. And it touched the soul of the entire nation,” Biden said. Ramos, 40, was killed alongside his partner Wenjian Liu December 20 following nationwide demonstrations after grand juries failed to charge white officers in the killings of two unarmed black men over the summer. The shooter, 28-yearold Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who later killed himself, had posted angry Instagram comments that were anti-government and referenced the black men’s deaths. Officers salute outside the church following the funeral of slain NYPD officer Rafael Ramos at the Christ Tabernacle Church in the Glenwood section of Queens, NY. 26 Sunday, December 28, 2014 Sunday, December 28, 2014 27 Mitsubishi EclipsE, 2009 model for sale. KM 60000, engine size 3701 - 3800 CC. Price BD 4,700. Contact: 33794250 ................................................... GMc AcAdiA, 2008 model for sale. KM 115000, engine size 3501 - 3600 CC. Price BD 5,200. Contact: 39117862 ................................................... toyotA yAris, 2008 model for sale. Engine size 1201 1300 CC. Price BD 2,100. Contact: 33453396 ................................................... MErcEdEs-bEnz CLK-Class, 1999 model for sale. Engine size 1901 - 2000 CC. Price BD 2,000. Contact: 36942567 ................................................... lExus ES-Series, 2006 model for sale. Engine Size 2901 3000 CC. Price BD 3,800. Contact: 39881810 ................................................... Mini coopEr, 2011 model for sale. KM 60000, engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price BD 5,200. Contact: 33355790 ................................................... chryslEr 300M/300C, 2012 model for sale. KM 68000, engine Size 4000+CC. Price BD 8,800. Contact: 36640466 ................................................... nissAn pAthfindEr, 2002 model for sale. KM 135000, Engine Size 2001-3000CC. Price BD 2,000. Contact: 33904051 ................................................... MAzdA 3, 2008 model for sale. KM 86000, engine Size 10002000CC. Price BD 1,925. Contact: 38013420 ................................................... GMc yukon, 2004 model for sale. Engine Size 4000+CC. Price BD 3,500. Contact: 36704044 ................................................... nissAn tiidA, 2012 model for sale. KM 68000, engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price BD 3,400. Contact: 36706067 ................................................... VolkswAGEn cc, 2014 model for sale. KM 8500, Engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price BD 10,400. Contact: 33620118 ................................................... homemade milk rice sri lanka Milk rice is one of the very popular foods in Sri Lanka IngredIents: • • • • 500gramsrice,white 2 cupswater 2 cupscoconutmilkthick salttotaste PrePArAtIOn 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Wash the rice, put in a medium saucepan and add water. Bring to the boil in medium heat, cover the saucepan, cooking until the rice is soft, 15-20 minutes. Add coconut milk and salt, stir well, and reduce heat to low, continue cooking in low heat for another 10 minutes, until the milk has been absorbed. coconut milk is absorbed, and the rice is very soft and creamy. By now rice milk is ready. Transfer the rice milk to a flat plate and fatten down with piece of butter paper. If you like any shape, you can use a cookie cutter, serve with fish, chicken curry, banana. [email protected] rooms, Tennis court, Kids play area. Contact: 3974 6444 .................................................. EAST RIFFA a brand new commercial offices for rent, 2 bedroom 2 bathroom, prices start from BD 250 - BD 260 - BD 270 Contact: 3345 1108 .................................................. GAFUL flat for rent, 2 bedroom 1 bathroom 1 kitchen hall with AC. Rent: BD 250. Contact: 39711001 .................................................. JUFFAIR fully furnished 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom flat for rent with all faculties, pool, gym, covered parking (24 hrs) security and maintenance monthly. Rent 500 all inclusive. Contact: 3388 7055 Reservations: + 973 17728699 17256470 TUBLI fully furnished apartment for rent with 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms with gym, swimming pool, monthly BD 400 include electricity and water. Contact: 3536 9925 .................................................. HIDD appartment for rent, close by Dilmun bakery 2 medium size bedrooms 2 bathroom Hall and kitchen in ground floor. Rent: BD 180 BD. Contact: 3723 9136 .................................................. HIDD studio apartment for rent with one bedroom, one bathroom, kitchen (comprehensive air conditioning and curtains + electricity. Contact: 3770 9766 .................................................. AMWAJ apartment for Rent in tala island with two bedrooms, laundry room, overlooking the sea, open kitchen, Parking, swimming pool, Gym, supermarket and restaurants, for rent at a price of BD 700 only. Email: [email protected] .................................................. AMWAJ 3 bedroom villa for rent in the floating city, Rent: BD 1300. Email: [email protected] .................................................. SEEF, Luxury 1 bedroom fully furnished apartment in Era Tower, with stunning sea view, modern fittings and furniture, inclusive of all bills and Wifi Pool, Gym, Steam and Sauna Fine Dining Redefined 17579869 A Private school is looking for English, Science and Math Teachers for grade 1 to 9. Candidates must have at least 3 to 5 years of experience in Bahrain in same field. Candidate must possess a degree in same subject. Send CV to [email protected] ................................................... Required Electricians (3Nos) with valid licence issued by Bahrain Electricity Authority. Send CV with certificates and licence copy to email id. behzadco@ batelco.com.bh ................................................... All-Round Beautician with experience required for a Beauty Salon. Email: [email protected] ................................................... Urgently Required experienced Media Sales Executives, preferably Arabic and English speaking with valid driving license. Send your resume to: [email protected] ................................................... Family Driver with valid Bahraini driving license. Sponsorship available. Please send your CV: [email protected] ................................................... Interior Design Company looking for professional INTERIOR DESIGNER with advanced 3D skills & AutoCAD drafting. Attractive salary package and benefits. Send you portfolio to: [email protected] ................................................... CUSTOMER SERVICE role available, must speak fluent English and Arabic. For details please email you CV to Info@ simply-casting.com ................................................... Required TEACHERS, NANNIES, NURSES, ASSISTANTS for a nursery opening will be in 2015. If interested please send your CV on littleones.bh@gmail. com ................................................... ADMIN SECRETARY for an import & export company. Should have accounting background and legal work experience (Full-time). Email resume: [email protected] ................................................... Urgently Required LV JOINTERS with experience. Email: [email protected] ................................................... Urgently Required CCTV, ACCESS CONTROL, FIRE ALARM / SECURITY SYSTEM TECHNICIAN with 2-3 years of experience. Bahrain Driving Licence is an added advantage. Forward your CV to: applybah@ gmail.com ................................................... British curriculum school requires ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS for intermediate level. English mother tongue preferred. Email CV to admin@ talentschools.com ................................................... CUSTOMER SERVICE role available, must speak fluent English and Arabic. For details please email your CV to Info@ simply-casting.com ................................................... A Reputed Company in Bahrain urgently looking for OUTDOOR SALESMAN for Ice Cream Factory. Requirements: The candidates should have extensive outdoor sales experience; At least 1-2 years of experience; Can speak and understand English; with valid Bahrain driving license. Interested candidate can apply with detailed CV and full body pictures to Email: [email protected] ................................................... Interior Design Company looking for professional INTERIOR DESIGNER with advanced 3D skills & AutoCAD drafting. Attractive salary package and benefits. Send you portfolio to: [email protected] ................................................... FLAT FOR RENT nissAn AltiMA, 2012 model for sale. KM 53000, engine Size 2001-3000CC. Price BD 4,800. Contact: 39541177 ................................................... kiA cArniVAl, 2004 model for sale. KM 162437, engine Size 2001-3000CC. Price BD 1,000. Contact: 33718885 ................................................... hyundAi GAllopEr, 2002 model for sale. KM 220000, engine Size 3001-4000CC. Price BD 1,300. Contact: 37737756 ................................................... hondA cr-V, 1998 model for sale. Engine Size 10002000CC. Price BD 1,250. Contact: 33071582 ................................................... JEEp GrAnd chErokEE, 2000 model for sale. KM 150000, engine Size 4000+CC. Price BD 950. Contact: 34556227 ................................................... hondA Accord, 2005 model for sale. KM 137000, Engine Size 2001-3000CC. Price BD 2,500. Contact: 33833390 ................................................... citroEn c4, 2006 model for sale. Engine Size 1000-2000 CC. Price BD 650. Contact: 39144218 ................................................... Mitsubishi lAncEr, 2009 model for sale. KM 127000, engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price BD 2,500. Contact: 33055827 ................................................... nissAn ArMAdA, 2004 model for sale. KM 173000, engine Size 4000+CC. Price BD 4,500. Contact: 39977886 ................................................... Audi A1, 2011 model for sale. KM 42000, engine Size 10002000CC. Price BD 6,500. Contact: 38383409 ................................................... toyotA corollA, 2010 model for sale. KM 94400, engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price BD 3,700. Contact: 36605926 ................................................... MAzdA 3, 2008 model for sale. KM 100000, engine Size 10002000CC. Price BD 2,500. Contact: 35104654 ................................................... chEVrolEt tAhoE, 2008 model for sale. KM 68400, engine Size 4000+CC. Price BD 7,400. Contact: 39912301 ................................................... ford focus, 2004 model for sale. KM 173000, engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price BD 950. Contact: 35392897 ................................................... Mitsubishi lAncEr, 2009 model for sale. KM 79000, engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price BD 2,200. Contact: 35004377 ................................................... ford focus, 2004 model for sale. KM 173000, engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price BD 1,150. Contact: 35392897 ................................................... bMw 3-sEriEs, 2008 model for sale. KM 96000, engine Size 2001-3000CC. Price BD 7,200. Contact: 39265885 ................................................... chryslEr 300M/300C, 2003 model for sale. Engine Size 3001-4000CC. Price BD 1,100. Contact: 33558876 ................................................... nissAn AltiMA, 2008 model for sale. Engine Size 20013000CC. Price BD 2,800. Contact: 36100026 ................................................... MAzdA cx-9, 2008 model for sale. KM 177000, engine Size 3001-4000CC. Price BD 4,800. Contact: 36991412 38444695 SITUATION VACANT Urgently Required SECURITY GUARDS, MOTORCYCLE RIDERS, PASTRY, CHEF IN FOOD DECORATION, CHEF IN SWEETS, TABLE SERVICES STAFF AND DINING RESTAURANT SUPERVISOR. Kindly send CV to hradprt@ gmail.com ................................................... Apex Properties require PROPERTY MANAGERS. Previous experience + driving licence essential. Salary+ commission. Send CV to info@apexbahrain. com ................................................... Looking for a professional well experienced FEMALE PHOTOGRAPHER / VIDEOGRAPHER who is willing to work full time at my company based in the Kingdom of Bahrain / Email: [email protected] ................................................... Arabic & English speaking ladies (age 22 to 35) required for promoting a well known FMCG product on a permanent basis (1 year contract). Good salary provided. Please send CV to [email protected] ................................................... Required FLOWER AND ROSES DESIGNERS with experience for contact, email: [email protected] ................................................... Urgently required experienced PICK-UP DRIVERS with GCC/ Bahrain driving licence. Email: [email protected] ................................................... Nader & EBRAHIM group looking for a FEMALE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. Minimum 4 years experience in the same role, dependable, efficient in handling the day-today operations of the office. Send your CV to [email protected]. ................................................... We require a full time Restaurant ACCOUNTING CLERK. Candidate should have the following experience and qualifications: Attention to detail; Interpersonal Skills; Analyze daily/ weekly/ monthly sales and store area/ transfer and inventory posting. Email CV to: [email protected] ................................................... Newly Opened Block Factory requires experienced Personnel for QA/ QC, PRODUCTION, OPERATOR and OTHER POSITIONS. Email CV: [email protected] and [email protected] ................................................... chEVrolEt trAilblAzEr, 2004 model for sale. KM 170000, engine Size 4000+CC. Price BD 2,000. Contact: 36039002 ................................................... toyotA fortunEr, 2013 model for sale. KM 33000, engine size 2001-3000CC. Price BD 8,000. Contact: 34443543 ................................................... hondA cr-VEnGinE, 1998 model for sale, engine size 1000-2000CC. Price BD 1,200. Contact: 33285528 ................................................... infiniti fx45/fx35, 2006 model for sale. Engine Size 3001-4000CC. Price BD 4,700. Contact: 33276252 ................................................... infiniti G-sEriEs, 2008 model for sale, engine Size 30014000CC. Price BD 5,800. Contact: 33276252 ................................................... hyundAi tucson, 2009 model for sale, engine Size 2001-3000CC. Price BD 3,000. Contact: 33276252 ................................................... MErcEdEs-bEnz s-clAss, 2002 model for sale. engine Size 3001-4000CC. Price BD 2,000. Contact: 33150489 ................................................... hondA Accord, 2010 model for sale. KM 73452, engine Size 3001-4000CC. Price BD 5,299. Contact: 38808449 ................................................... nissAn sunny, 2004 model for sale. KM 105000, engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price BD 1,650. Contact: 34129197 ................................................... nissAn xtErrA, 2010 model for sale. KM 81000, engine Size 3001-4000CC. Price BD 5,700. Contact: 33054520 ................................................... ford focus, 2006 model for sale. KM 135000, engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price BD 1,300. Contact: 36065004 ................................................... cAdillAc EscAlAdE, 2008 modle for sale. KM 22000, engine Size 4000+CC. Price BD 5,200. Contact: 33182795 ................................................... MAsErAti Quattroporte, 2005 model for sale. KM 19000, engine Size 4000+CC. Price BD 6,995. Contact: 33355790 ................................................... MErcEdEs-bEnz S-Class, 2006 model for sale. KM 70000, engine Size 4000+CC. Price BD 8,900. Contact: 33355790 ................................................... nissAn sunny, 2003 model for sale. KM 200000, engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price BD 1,400. Contact: 38181284 ................................................... GMc AcAdiA, 2008 model for sale. KM 115000, engine Size 3001-4000CC. Price BD 5,500. Contact: 35580622 ................................................... nissAn AltiMA, 2012 model for sale. KM 44000, engine Size 2001-3000CC. Price BD 5,000. Contact: 39541177 ................................................... nissAn AltiMA, 2005 model for sale. Engine Size 20013000CC. Price BD 1,500. Contact: 34064033 ................................................... lExus Es-sEriEs, 2008 model for sale. Engine Size30014000CC . Price BD 8,000. Contact: 36611106 ................................................... Reaching the right audience DINE OUT 28 Rodgers encouraged by battling Liverpool Burnley iverpool manager Brendan Rodgers believes his side proved they have the guts to rescue their spluttering season after grinding out a 1-0 win over Burnley. After a miserable run which included their exit from the Champions League, Rodgers’ side have now lost once in their last nine games in all competitions. Their victory at Turf Moor on Friday was their first win in four Premier League games and the result, secured by a Raheem Sterling’s well-taken goal in the 62nd-minute, lifted Liverpool up to ninth place. Rodgers believes a topfour finish is still a possibility and with a home game to come against Swansea on Monday ahead of a trip to bottom club Leicester on New Year’s Day. L Sunday, December 28, 2014 ALI ISA CHAMPION National Day Showjumping Championship DT News Network ahrain Royal Equestrian and Endurance Federation (BREEF) President Shaikh Faisal bin Rashid Al Khalifa crowned Ali Isa as the Grand Prix winner during the National Day Showjumping Championship, the third competition of the season held yesterday at the BDF Equestrian Centre in Sakhir. Isa (98.21 seconds, three faults) riding Barilo won the Grand Prix title over fences 110-125cm in height. Second place went to Sami Ghazwan (81.75, 4 faults) on Firooz with Isa (88.44, 4 faults) achieving third place riding a different horse, F-16, followed by Abbas Al Ghuraifi (90.19, 5 faults) on Champagne in fourth. In Juniors Category Level One with fences 80-90cm B T Ali Aldehan who were involved in technical and physical abilities involving walking, running, jogging, cycling and included preparing meals for the other participants. It was aimed at giving participants skills to help them prepare for their future lives and increase their overall fitness and develop skills as well as psychological goals helping them gain self confidence away from modern lifestyle and amenities in a harsher environment. Activities took M London pain striker Fernando Torres will join AC Milan permanently from Chelsea in the New Year, the English Premier League leaders said yesterday. The 30-year-old had joined Milan on a two-year loan at the beginning of this season. He won the Champions League, the Europa League and the FA Cup in threeand-a-half years at Stamford Bridge, but never lived up to goal-scoring expectations after a £50 million transfer from Liverpool. Torres will join Milan permanently on January 5, Chelsea said. The deal does not rule out a return to Atletico in the upcoming transfer window, though. S An action from the race. high, Hussain Mohammed Dadallah (35.85) on My Baby achieved first place, followed in second place by Ahmed Isa (38.33) on Lucy, while Mariella Forward (39.72) on No Trix came in third place with fourth place going to place in the Al Jazayr Beach, Bahrain Endurance Village and South Western coastal regions. The final day of training led by Aldehan included an arduous schedule requiring the participants to overcome many barriers and obstacles in strength, endurance and fitness to attain their goals. After its conclusion, participants were honoured of which general coordinator of the camp Bader Nasser for its ideals of the camp to promote a healthier lifestyle. Winners with their trophies. Bella Rushton (48.40) on Calypso and Aimee Keen (50.33) on DJ Fleur in fifth. In Juniors Category Level Two for fences 90-100cm in height, first place went to Ahmed Isa (42.32) on Osina, followed by Maeoff Al Rumaihi (32.50, 4 faults) on Granus in second, Fahad Hilal Al Khateri (35.90, 4 faults) on Venous third and Nedhal Abdulnabi (36.69, 4 faults) was fourth. In the Adults Category Level One over fences of 80-90cm, Ali Isa (27.31) claimed first place on Collin and second place by Mohammed Jassim (28.35) on Al Yabis, with third place going to Muslim Ali (33.47) on Bart, while Yousif Janahi (33.64) on BDF Noor came in fourth. Classic Gym honours Ali Al-Qassab team DT News Network ceremony was hosted by Classic Gym on Thursday to honour Ali Al-Qassab of Bahrain’s National Body Building team for winning the gold medal in the Fourth Asian Beach Games held last month in Phuket, Thailand. The ceremony was held in presence of Bassem Al-Junaid , member of the Board of Directors for the Bahrain Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Federation (BWBF) along with several bodybuilders and supporters to celebrate his accomplishment. A Al-Junaid expressed his happiness to be present at the ceremony and stressed the honour was well earned, given how strong the competition was and Al-Qassab’s proven ability which brought credit to the Kingdom. Next season more competitions will be organised by the BWBF headed by its president Shaikh Abdullah bin Rashid Al Khalifa, Al-Qassab won the gold medal in the Asian Games Flyweight category up to 162 cm that had taken place from the November 14-23 to earn Bahrain a fifth gold medal at the games. DT News Network ahrain’s national football team reached Ballarat City 100kms north west of Melbourne the Victoria State capital in Australia for the second phase of its training camp following B completion in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ahead of the 16th Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Asian Cup from January 9 to 31. The national team participating for a fifth time in the cup and coached by former Manchester anchester United manager Louis van Gaal has bemoaned the lack of time at his disposal as he attempts to nurse an injury-plagued squad through his first Christmas in English football. United had just 43 hours between their 3-1 victory over Newcastle United on Boxing Day and their Sunday visit to Tottenham M losing all four matches so far. But last weekend they won their first match in two months with a 23-20 Top 14 success over Toulouse. Aiming big Karachi ce Pakistan spinner Saeed Ajmal announced he will not feature in next year’s World Cup after he failed to completely correct his bowling action which led to his suspension three months ago, an official said yesterday. The 37-year-old Ajmal appeared before a Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) committee yesterday before taking the decision. Ajmal’s bowling action was reported during the Galle Test in Sri Lanka in August. His action was found illegal on a bio-mechanic assessment a month later which led to his suspension. Under the Hotspur, which kicked off at lunchtime. It is a piece of fixture scheduling that clearly has not impressed the former Dutch national team manager. national player Marjan Eid who took over as head coach from former Iraqi coach Adnan Hamad last month after a disappointing performance during the 22nd Gulf Cup held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Asian Cup schedule Group A: Australia, South Korea, Oman, Kuwait. Group B: Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, China, North Korea. Group C: Iran, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain. Group D: Japan, Jordan, Iraq, Palestine. Bahrain Squad: Sayed Mohammed Jaffar, Waleed Al Hayyam, Abdulwahab Ali, Abdulla Abdo, Ismael Abdullatif, Hussain Baba (all Muharraq), Hamad Al Dossary, Rashid Al Hooti, Mohammed Daej, Sayed Deya Saeed, Sayed Ahmed Jaffar, Abdulla Shelal, Mohammed Al Tayyeb (all Riffa), Abdulla Hazza, Faisal Bu Dahoom, Abdulla Yousif ( all East Riffa), Abdulwahab Al Malood (Al Hidd), Sami Al Hussaini (Busaiteen), Ashraf Waheed (Manama), Mohammed Hussain (Al Nasr of Saudi Arabia), Fawzi Ayesh (Al Sailiya of Qatar), Jaycee John (Al-Kharitiyath of Qatar), Abdulla Omar. Lamoriello to supervise club Newark ew Jersey Devils president and general manager Lou Lamoriello has added coach to his titles, announcing yesterday he will supervise the club after firing coach Peter DeBoer a day earlier. Lamoriello said that he will oversee a National Hockey League coaching trio. N in an incident that brought back memories of the moment he was knocked out against Everton 13 months ago. CARRICK TARGETS TITLE Manchester anchester United midfielder Michael Carrick believes the club should be aiming for a recordextending 21st English title rather than settling for a Champions League spot. A comfortable 3-1 home win over Newcastle on Friday was United’s seventh in eight matches and left them ten points behind Premier League leaders Chelsea with Manchester neighbours City seven ahead. After failing to reach Europe’s showpiece tournament last season under David Moyes and then caretaker manager Ryan M Michael Carrick Giggs, after the Scot was sacked, a top four finish is the A Al-Junaid during ceremony. Leicester ottenham manager Mauricio Pochettino eased fears over Hugo Lloris’s fitness by confirming the France goalkeeper was unharmed after a collision with Leicester striker Jamie Vardy. Lloris will be fit for the home match against Manchester United despite going down 29 T minimum target for United. Carrick’s return from an Ajmal withdraws from World Cup Bahrain football team in Australia Participants during a photo call. Montpellier ontpellier head coach Fabien Galthie said yesterday he does not know when South African World Cup winning coach Jake White will join the struggling French Top 14 side as manager. Montpellier are out of the European Champions Cup with two games to spare after Lloris expected to be fit Van Gaal irked by festive schedule Galthie in dark over White arrival Chelsea confirm Torres Milan move Crossing Nature Camp concludes DT News Network he three-day Bahrain Crossing Nature Camp 2014 under the patronage of Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport and President of Bahrain Olympic Committee (BOC) and held in association with Nasser bin Hamad Foundation in the Southern Governorate concluded yesterday. The camp involved 110 participants from Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Jordan, Egypt and hosts Bahrain under the supervision of Kuwaiti coach Sunday, December 28, 2014 Saeed Ajmal International Cricket Council (ICC) rules all bowlers are allowed to bend their elbow by 15 degrees beyond which the action is deemed illegal. The suspended bowlers need to remodel their action after which they undergo reassessment to get clearance. Ajmal did remedial work under former Pakistan spinner Saqlain Mushtaq who also advised him to take some more time. Mohammad Akram, head coach at Pakistan’s national cricket academy, said Ajmal has taken an honest decision. Pakistan face another race against time on allrounder Mohammad Hafeez whose action was also reported last month. PCB has decided to send Hafeez to Chennai, India for unofficial tests before applying for reassessment with the ICC. (AFP) ankle injury at the start of November sparked United’s surge of form and the Old Trafford giants have dropped just two points since the England international came back. Former manager Alex Ferguson went as far at to describe the 33-year-old as “the best English player in the game”. Carrick countered by saying that new manager Louis van Gaal is benefiting from his squad of potent attacking weapons. On Boxing Day van Gaal fielded an enviable attacking quartet of Wayne Rooney, Radamel Falcao, Juan Mata and Robin van Persie. “That’s four world-class players you’re talking about there,” Carrick said. “Going in to a game with those lads in your team gives us a real threat and a lot of confidence knowing we can create chances and score goals. Against Newcastle they clicked nicely and hopefully in the weeks coming up we’ll see something similar.” Carrick, who played for Spurs for two years before signing for United, thinks he and his team-mates must not dwell on punishing schedule as they head to White Hart Lane just 43 hours after disposing of Newcastle. (AFP) Irvine won’t shirk challenge London est Bromwich Albion manager Alan Irvine says he will meet the challenge of retaining Premier League status head-on. The Baggies have won just one of their last eight league W games and are only two points above the relegation zone ahead of a tricky trip to the Potteries. But Scot Irvine claims he has reasons to be encouraged. His side built up a 2-0 advantage with some impressive attacking play against QPR last weekend - only to capitulate and lose and individual errors hampered them in the 3-1 home defeat by Manchester City. Scotland mid fielder Graham Dorrans could return for Albion after illness and a calf strain but striker Victor Anichebe remains on the sidelines. Captain Chris Brunt could come back into Irvine’s starting line-up after making his comeback from a hamstring injury off the bench against City. Nadal’s hopes to regain his best form London ennis star Rafael Nadal hopes to be back to his best form ahead of the Australian Open on 19 January. The Spaniard had a difficult 2014, struggling with injuries before missing T the end of the season with appendicitis. However, the former world number one hopes to be back to his best for the first Grand Slam of the year in Melbourne. Nadal’s last tournament was in October, and he underwent laparoscopic surgery in early November. Since mid-December he has been back in training, with new hitting partner Richard Gasquet. Nadal said: “As ever after a period when things haven’t gone well, you’re a bit more eager to (prepare) well, although there is uncertainty about how things will go. “I hope to use December to prepare well. “I’ll have a month before things start in Australia, I hope and believe that’s enough to get me to my best level.” 30 Sunday, December 28, 2014 Marsh out of final Test Melbourne ustralia all-rounder Mitchell Marsh will miss next week’s final Test against India after scans confirmed problems with his injured hamstring, team officials said yesterday. Marsh, 23, suffered right hamstring trouble on day one of the second Brisbane Test and was unable to bowl in the rest of the match. A Emperor holds court in Welsh National Chepstow rainer Venetia Williams, one of only two women to train the winner of the Grand National, sent out Emperor’s Choice to win yesterday’s Welsh National at Chepstow. The well-backed 9-1 shot prevailed in a gripping climax to the gruelling marathon, claiming Wales’ most prestigious race by a mere short head from Benvolio (11-1). The 33-1 outsider Glenquest took third, two and a half lengths back. Williams claimed her place in racing’s history books when training Mon Mome to win the Grand National in 2009. T Martinez calls for Everton reaction London oberto Martinez has called for a reaction from Everton after they suffered back-to-back defeats in the Premier League. The Toffees have slipped to 12th in the table, 11 points off the top four, following loses to Southampton last Saturday and against Stoke on Boxing Day. Martinezs side have only R Marsh, who has suffered five hamstring injuries in the last two years, was ruled out of the third Test, but travelled with the squad to Melbourne. Varejao undergoes surgery Cleveland leveland Cavaliers center Anderson Varejao underwent successful surgery Friday to repair a ruptured left Achilles tendon, the club said, but the Brazilian star is not expected to return this season. Brian Donley performed the procedure following an injury that took place WARNOCK SACKED N Neil Warnock Warnock’s dismissal comes less than 24 hours after Friday’s 3-1 loss to Southampton, leaving the London club with just one win in their last 12 league matches. This latest below par performance pushed the team which had shocked Liverpool last month into the relegation zone. The Palace board will be keen to make a swift appointment given the transfer window is days away from reopening. Former Tottenham manager Tim Sherwood and Tony Popovic are already standout candidates to replace Warnock, with the latter having last Rain dampens S.Africa’s chances Port Elizabeth af du Plessis completed his fourth Test century and was dismissed immediately afterwards on a rain-hit second day of the second Test between South Africa and the West Indies at St George’s Park yesterday. Only half an hour’s play was possible in Port Elizabeth, during which six overs were bowled and South Africa moved from their overnight 270 for two to 289 for three. With more rain predicted for today, Du Plessis admitted it might be difficult for South Africa to force a seriesclinching win to follow their victory by an innings and F James, Love lead Cavaliers over Magic Orlando eBron James scored 29 points, while Kevin Love added 22 as the Cleveland Cavaliers ripped Orlando 98-89 Friday. James scored 15 points in the fourth quarter. Love sat out the entire final period as Cleveland snapped a three-game road losing streak. L Tuesday, when Varejao collapsed while going for a rebound in the third quarter of Cleveland’s 125-104 victory over Minnesota. Replaced by Keith Millen London eil Warnock yesterday became the first Premier League manager to lose his job this season when he was sacked by strugglers Crystal Palace. “Crystal Palace Football Club can today confirm that Neil Warnock has been relieved of his duties and is no longer first-team manager,” a statement on the club’s official website announced. The 66-year-old will be replaced by Keith Millen who takes over in a “caretaker role” for today’s game against Queens Park Rangers. 220 runs in the first Test in Centurion. Du Plessis, on 99 overnight, flicked Jerome Taylor’s first ball of the day for four runs to raise his century off 229 balls. He hit 13 fours and two sixes. But he was out to the next ball, a perfect outswinger which found such a faint edge that umpire Paul Reiffel remained unmoved as wicketkeeper Denesh Ramdin and the bowler celebrated. The West Indians sought a review and Reiffel was forced to change his decision when ‘Snicko’ revealed the tiniest of scratches off the bat. It was the first wicket of the series for Taylor. AB de Villiers joined captain Hashim Amla and hit two handsome drives for four off Jason Holder. He was on nine not out and Amla was unbeaten on 23. (AFP) SCOREBOARD South Africa, first innings (Overnight 270-2) A. Petersen c Johnson b Gabriel 17, D. Elgar c Ramdin b Peters 121, F. du Plessis c Ramdin b Taylor 103, H. Amla not out 23, A. de Villiers not out 9 Extras (lb4,nb7, w5) 16 Total (3wkts,94 overs) 289 Fall of wickets: 1-47 (Petersen), 2-226 (Elgar), 3-274 (Du Plessis) South Africa’s Faf du Plessis (Left) celebrates reaching a century (100 runs) Bowling: Taylor 22-4-74- Gabriel 15-0-52-1 (3nb), Benn 1 (2nb, 1w), Peters 15-6-44- 25-3-81-0 (1nb), Samuels 1-11, Holder 16-5-34-0 (1nb), 0-0 Wenger facing up to Giroud blow London rsene Wenger admits losing Oliver Giroud once again is a body blow to Arsenal’s Champions League push. Giroud is facing three games out after his red card in the 2-1 Boxing Day win against QPR. The Frenchman was sent off for a headbutt on Nedum Onuoha and his lack of discipline will see him first A sit out today’s London derby at West Ham. Having made a major impact since his return from ankle surgery that sidelined him for three months, Giroud’s absence is the last thing the Arsenal manager needs at this pivotal stage of the season. “Olivier touched him (Onuoha) and he should not have done it,” said Wenger. Wenger might have celebrated his 400th Premier League win in charge of Arsenal but he won’t be raising a glass to Giroud. The striker’s physicality will be missed at Upton Park, especially with the aerial bombardment West Ham put teams under with Andy Carroll in their ranks. Much will rest on the shoulders of Alexis Sanchez, who scored and then created Tomas Rosicky’s goal in another man-of-the-match showing. Despite the win, Arsenal are still 15 points behind leaders Chelsea and Wenger added: “We find ourselves detached from the teams above us at the moment, with a bit of ground to make up. (AFP) McIlroy reminded of ‘Sweet Caroline’’ London orld number one Rory McIlroy saw the funny side when a crowd at a rugby match sang along to ‘Sweet Caroline’, a teasing reference to his ex fiancee Caroline Wozniacki. The Northern Irish golf star was being interviewed by the BBC at half-time of the Ulster-Connacht game when Neil Diamond’s hit single was W C won one of their last six league games and struggled to create much going forward in what was a physical encounter with the Potters. 31 Sunday, December 28, 2014 month led Western Sydney Wanderers to the Asian Champions League. The former Australia international has strong ties with the Eagles, having played for the club for five seasons before returning in 2011 as part of Dougie Freedman’s backroom set-up. Sherwood is again in the running for a job he ruled himself out of in August, with the ex-Spurs head coach saying he would have wanted to succeed Pulis had he been offered the position after his interview. (AFP) Toure close to fourth straight award Johannesburg vory Coast midfielder Yaya Toure moved closer to a record fourth consecutive African Footballer of the Year title on Friday when he was included in a three-man shortlist. Gabon striker Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Nigeria goalkeeper Vincent Enyeama are the other contenders for the most prestigious African football individual award. Toure plays for reigning English Premier League champions Manchester City, Aubameyang for German club Borussia Dortmund and Enyeama for French outfit Lille. The votes of the 56 national coaches in Africa decide the winner, who will be announced on January 8 in Lagos. Cameroon striker Samuel Eto’o has won the award four times, but only three of his successes came in consecutive years. The Africa-based Footballer of the Year award rests between Entente Setif of Algeria team-mates El-Hedi Belameiri and Akram Djahnit and Firmin Mubele from Democratic Republic of Congo side V Club. I Rockets outlast Grizzlies Aguirre denies allegations Tokyo apan coach Javier Aguirre yesterday denied allegations that he was part of a match-fixing scandal that has rocked world football. Prosecutors in Spain allege that Aguirre, 56, and 40 others were involved in rigging a league match that saw Real Zaragoza defeat Levante 2-1 to avoid relegation. The J cheekily played over the public address system. Fans of the Ulster club McIlroy supports so passionately started to join in, while McIlroy’s face creased into a broad smile. Memphis James Harden scored 32 points and Josh Smith came off the bench to contribute 21 in his Houston debut as the Rockets beat Memphis 117-111 in overtime Friday. Harden and Dwight Howard each scored four points in the extra five-minute period as the Rockets improved to 21-7 to grab the Southwest division lead from the Grizzlies, who fell to 21-8. Harden also passed out 10 assists and grabbed eight rebounds for the Rockets, who signed Smith hours earlier after the forward had been dropped Monday by Detroit. Smith played 32 minutes and hit 9-of-21 shots from the field as well as grabbing eight rebounds. (AFP) former Mexico coach is due to appear in a Valencia court in February following a probe into the allegations dating back to 2011, when he was manager of Real Zaragoza. LANKA FIGHTS BACK Christchurch ew Zealand had the scent of victory after only the second day of the first Test against Sri Lanka yesterday after a scintillating bowling spell forced the tourists to follow on 303 runs in arrears. After New Zealand posted 441 in their first innings at Hagley Oval in Christchurch, a four-pronged pace attack led by Trent Boult dismissed Sri Lanka for 138 inside 43 overs. Sri Lanka made a more solid start to their second innings, reaching 84 without loss at stumps, but with three days remaining they were still 219 runs in arrears and Boult believed the signs were good for New Zealand. He described the pitch as “inconsistent” with the amount of assistance it gave but said if the New Zealand bowlers kept the pressure on “then I think we’re going to be successful”. New Zealand had resumed the second day at 429-7 and lost their last three wickets for a cheap 12 runs in Sri Lanka’s Dimuth Karaunaratne plays a shot. 32 balls as their innings folded for 441. The quick end signalled that the bowlers had found how to exploit the green-tinged surface and 13 wickets fell in two sessions after the batsmen led by New Zealand skipper Brendon McCullum’s 195 had dominated the first day. In a pre-lunch onslaught Boult ripped through Sri Lanka’s top W order starting with the removal of Dimuth Karunaratne for nought with his fourth delivery to bring up his 100th Test dismissal. (AFP) SCOREBOARD New Zealand 1st innings (overnight 429-7): T. Latham c Kaushal b Eranga 27, H. Rutherford b Lakmal Australian yacht Wild Oats XI sails in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race gruelling 628 nautical mile endurance test with hull damage. The retirement whittles the 117-strong starting fleet down to 109. Perpetual Loyal, one of five 100-foot supermaxis in the race, is the most highprofile retirement so far, with seven other smaller boats suffering broken rudders, sail or hull damage in the tough opening night. Brindabella, a former line honours winner, was among them, pulling out after she started taking on excess water due to damage to her rudder bearings. (AFP) 18, K. Williamson b Prasad 54, R. Taylor run out (Silva) 7, B. McCullum c Karunaratne b Kaushal 195, J. Neesham c Sangakkara b Mathews 85, BJ Watling lbw Mathews 26, M. Craig not out 12, T. Southee c Thirimanne b Mathews 0, N. Wagner c Kaushal b Lakmal 4, T. Boult c Jayawardene b Lakmal 0 Total (all out, 85.5 overs) 441 Fall of wickets: 1-37 (Rutherford), 2-60 (Latham), 3-88 (Taylor), 4-214 (Williamson), 5-367 (McCullum), 6-420 (Neesham), 7-429 (Watling), 8-431 (Southee), 9-440 (Wagner), 10-441 (Boult) Bowling: Lakmal 19.5-3-903 (2nb), Eranga 18-1-82-1, Mathews 12-2-39-3, Prasad 12-2-62-1 (2w), Kaushal 22-0159-1 (5nb), Thirimanne 2-05-0 Sri Lanka 1st innings D. Karunaratne lbw Boult 0, K. Silva lbw Boult 4, K. Sangakkara c Southee b Boult 6, L. Thirimanne c Craig b Southee 24, A. Mathews Toulon seek revenge against Stade Paris French champions Toulon do not take defeat lightly especially when it comes at home and today they will seek to avenge their sole Top 14 home loss this season against Stade Francais. Stade, though, will not surrender their tag as the only side yet to be beaten at home this term lightly against the leaders, whose head coach Bernard Laporte was the architect of the hosts’ rise from obscurity in the 1990’s. Hibs on a high; Rangers hopes dashed Edinburgh ibernian secured their biggest victory over Rangers since 1912 as a turbulent week for the Glasgow giants ended in a 4-0 thrashing H The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) said Moin had to step aside as he also held the post of chief selector and such a dual role was not allowed. Sri Lanka in fight to survive against New Zealand Wild Oats XI leads Sydney to Hobart Sydney ild Oats XI was leading the Sydney to Hobart fleet down Australia’s east coast yesterday ahead of rival Comanche, with fellow supermaxi Perpetual Loyal out of the race. The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia said after 24 hours of racing, record- holder Wild Oats XI was ahead of the 100foot American newcomer Comanche, while Perpetual Loyal had retired from the Lahore akistan yesterday appointed retired top military officer Naveed Cheema as manager for next year’s cricket World Cup, replacing former captain Moin Khan. Sixty-year-old Cheema, a retired brigadier who also held the manager’s post from 2011 to 2013, is currently serving as chief secretary of Punjab province. P N James Harden Pakistan replace Moin yesterday. In a week where manager Ally McCoist was placed on gardening leave and serious concerns were raised about the running of the club at a stormy AGM, it was hoped the focus would revert back to the Ibrox club’s challenge for the Scottish Championship title at Easter Road. However, caretaker manager Kenny McDowall’s reign as Rangers boss got off to a disastrous start when David Gray fired home a superb eighth minute opener followed four minutes later by a Jason Cummings strike. There was to be no second half comeback for Rangers with Scott Robertson and Liam Craig compounding their misery as Hibernian ran riot. (AFP) c Latham b Wagner 50, N. Dickwella c McCullum b Southee 2, P. Jayawardene c Williamson b Wagner 10, D. Prasad c McCullum b Neesham 18, T. Kaushal c Williamson b Wagner 6, S. Eranga not out 10, Suranda Lakmal c McCullum b Neesham 2 Total (all out, 42.4 overs) 138 Fall of wickets: 1-0 (Karunaratne), 2-8 (Silva), 3-15 (Sangakkara), 4-58 (Thirimanne), 5-60 (Dickwella), 6-88 (Jayawardene), 7-105 (Mathews), 8-118 (Kaushal), 9-128 (Prasad), 10-138 (Lakmal) Bowling: Boult 11-4-253 (1w), Southee 12-4-17-2, Neesham 6.4-1-28-2 (1w), Wagner 11-0-60-3 (1nb), Craig 2-0-5-0 Sri Lanka 2nd innings D. Karunaratne not out 49, K. Silva not out 33 Total (0 wickets, 35 overs) 84 Bowling: Boult 7-2-16-0, Southee 7-2-11-0, Wagner 11-1-37-0 (1nb), Craig 7-212-0, Neesham 2-1-4-0, McCullum 1-0-3-0 O’Connor leaves Toulon Toulon ustralia back James O’Connor says he leaves Toulon after Sunday’s Top 14 clash against Stade Francais after “a great six months” with the French champions. The 24-year-old is heading home to join Queensland Reds in a bid to boost his chances of being selected for the Wallabies’ 2015 World Cup squad. O’Connor was dropped by Australia in September 2013 in the wake of an incident at Perth airport that reportedly saw him escorted from the premises for arguing with airline staff. Australia coach Ewen McKenzie declared that O’Connor would have to “modify (his) behaviour” if he wanted to resurrect his international career. A SPORTS P31 LANKA FIGHTS BACK 32 Sunday, December 28, 2014 INDIA SMITHERS Steve Smith fireworks leave India reeling in 3rd Test Melbourne TEVE SMITH put Australia in command of the third Test with a memorable innings to leave India with a massive task to stay alive in the BorderGavaskar Trophy series in Melbourne yesterday. Smith blasted an imperious 192 off 305 balls with 15 fours and two sixes to spearhead Australia to a formidable 530 and then took a diving catch to have the tourists at 108 for one at the close on the second day and trailing by 422 runs. India’s first task was to avoid S the follow-on target of 331 while the Australians, leading the fourmatch series 2-0, will be pressing for victory over the final three days. Murali Vijay passed fifty for the fourth time in the series and was unbeaten on 55 with Cheteshwar Pujara not out 25 after Smith swooped to take a catch low off the ground at second slip to dismiss Shikhar Dhawan for 28 off Ryan Harris. It could have been better for Australia but wicketkeeper Brad Haddin dropped Pujara on 12 off the bowling of Josh Hazlewood. Smith dominated day two and it was his third century of the series, his fifth for the year and was replete with all his quirky shotmakin. “I feel pretty good at the crease. Everything is working for me at the moment which is nice...we’ve got 530 runs on the board and that’s a very good first innings total ,” Smith said. Smith also bettered his previous highest score of 162 not out in the first Adelaide Test by dancing down the wicket to plonk spinner Ravi Ashwin high into the stands with a mighty six. As a double century beckoned for Smith, Dhoni placed all his fielders close to the ropes in damage limitation but in the end the Aussie skipper threw away his wicket going for a big heave off Umesh Yadav only to be bowled. (AFP) SCOREBOARD Australia 1st innings (overnight 259 for 5) C. Rogers c Dhoni b Shami 57, D. Warner c Dhawan b Yadav 0, S. Watson lbw b Ashwin 52, S. Smith b Yadav 192, S. Marsh c Dhoni b Shami 32, J. Burns c Dhoni b Yadav 13, B. Haddin c Dhoni b Shami 55, M. Johnson stp Dhoni b Ashwin 28, R. Harris lbw b Ashwin 74, N. Lyon b Shami 11, J. Hazlewood not out 0 Total (all out, 142.3 overs) 530 Fall of wickets: 1-0 (Warner), 2-115 (Rogers), 3-115 (Watson), 4-184 (Marsh), 5-216 (Burns), 6-326 (Haddin), 7-376 (Johnson), 8-482 (Harris), 9-530 (Lyon), 10-530 (Smith) Bowling: I. Sharma 32-7-104- Indian batsman Cheteshwar Pujara (left) watches as Australian fieldsmen Joe Burns 0 (5nb), Yadav 32.3-3-1303, Shami 29-4-138-4 (1w), Ashwin 44-9-134-3, Vijay 5-014-0 India 1st innings M. Vijay not out 55, S. Dhawan c Smith b Harris 28, C. Pujara not out 25, Total (1 wicket; 37 overs) 108 Fall of wickets: 1-55 (Dhawan) Bowling: Johnson 9-3-24-0, Harris 7-3-19-1, Hazlewood 9-419-0, Watson 4-0-14-0, Lyon 8-0-32-0 (centre) juggle the ball as wicketkeeper Brad Haddin (right) looks on Steve Smith acknowledges the crowd Hon.Chairman Najeb Yacob Alhamer | Responsible Editor Mahmood Mahmood AI AI Mahmood Mahmood || Managing Managing Editor Editor Soman Soman Baby Baby || Managing Managing Director Director P. P. 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