Issue 23 KOINONIA Your monthly source of information and inspiration December 2014 Do you remember Christmas as a child, when it seemed as though it would never arrive? Do you remember the anticipation, the longing, the excitement of waiting? Now, it seems, Christmas comes much too quickly! Even when we start earlier each year, there never seems to be enough time to do everything, buy everything, wrap everything, decorate everything, attend everything! It seems that we’ve lost the art of the wait. We fill the time with TOO MUCH. We could say the same about much of life these days. Do you remember the time when your plane touched down on the landing strip of the airport and you just had to wait to depart. There were no electronics to turn on. No cell phones. No way to call the people waiting for you. You sat on the plane and just…waited. You strained to see out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of some familiar face. You waited and you hoped. You waited and you watched. And as you waited, an excited anticipation would arise. You longed for reunion. You longed for relationship. You imagined the first sighting, the first touch or hug. The rapid chatter of renewed relationship. The long conversations to catch up. The waiting in fact, was important. Something happened inside of you as you waited that prepared you to reconnect in ways that were meaningful and satisfying. Have we lost the art of waiting? In an age of advanced communication, when we are electronically connected to everyone and everything by the simple touch of a screen, have we lost something important in the wait? Does the absence of waiting rob us of the joy of anticipation and longing? The season of Advent is all about the WAIT. Each year, at the darkest time of the year, Advent comes to remind us that ancient promises and prophecies really do come true. God’s timing may challenge us. Dark centuries come and go. But prophets like Zephaniah remind God’s people that though darkness surrounds us - warfare, financial downturns, disappointments, pain, loss - “The Lord your God is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory” over all these things. Watch and wait for the Advent. Watch and wait for His coming. From our vantage point in history, we know the ancient prophecies did come true. In the fullness of time, the Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Prince of Peace was pushed through the birth canal of Mary. It was the Advent of “God With Us” -Emmanuel. But the Advent of Emmanuel isn’t the only Advent. The prophet Zephaniah paints an astonishing picture of a still future Advent. “Sing O daughter of Zion… Be glad and rejoice with all your heart….The Lord, the King of Israel is with you; never again will you fear any harm….The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love. He will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:14-17) Really? There is a time coming when we will “fear no harm?” A day when God will actually rejoice over us with singing? It seems so unlikely—so impossible. Unless you look back and remember the baby in the manger. We live in the “between time”—between His first Advent and His coming again. We remember what God has done before and it opens us up to the “impossible.” Zephaniah’s words can seem unlikely, but the impossible has happened before. This gives us reason to hope that a new world order, where God’s delight in us is as palpable as the air we breathe, is on the way. It is coming even now. As we sing our Christmas carols and songs of Advent, let us remember that God sings over us as well. Advent is a season where we remember the sacred duet between God and his people, a duet of delight. It is a season of waiting for the fulfillment of His Kingdom, when darkness will be fully and forever banished by the coming of the Light of the World. May the waiting build our longing. May our waiting create a sense of excitement and anticipation. May we wait for more than presents on Christmas morning. May we wait for His Advent. Come, Lord Jesus, Come. Joyfully HIS and Yours, Pastor Gayle Come Home for the Holidays! “A QUIET CHRISTMAS” SERVICE This contemplative service is designed to offer promise, hope and comfort for those experiencing grief in this season of joyful celebration. Whether your loss is recent or you’ve been holding your sorrow for years, this service offers a new framework to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. If you or someone you know is struggling with grief and loss, come experience “A Quiet Christmas” on Sunday, December 7, at 5:00 p.m. Though we grieve, as Christians, “we do not grieve as those who have no hope!” ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:13 CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES Christmas Eve is the perfect time to invite others to join you in worship. Even when there has been no past church experience or involvement, the world is intrigued by the message of Christmas. This time of year naturally meshes the secular with the sacred, familiar carols playing in shopping malls and on car radios. Even people of other religions and faiths often enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes of Christmas. We offer three opportunities for worship on Christmas Eve. The 5:30 p.m. Jingle Jam is designed for young families with children and centers around the telling of the Christmas story. Jingle Jam will take place in the Church Life Center and will inspire families to get “wrapped up” in the idea of generosity and how God gave us His Son, Jesus. Young and old alike will enjoy this service! Our 7:30 and 11:00 p.m. services will be held in the sanctuary and will offer the singing of favorite carols, along with the celebration of Holy Communion and the traditional lighting of candles as we close the service with “Silent Night.” Make a special effort to reach out to your friends, family, acquaintances and neighbors with the love of God, inviting them to join you in one of these special experiences of worship. Christmas Eve is one of the holiest celebrations of the Christian year. It is also one of the most cherished traditions of our Church. Ask God to reveal someone who needs your invitation. Bringing someone with you to experience the miracle of Christmas may be the greatest gift you will give anyone this year. For certain, there is no greater gift you can offer Jesus than to offer someone He loves the true gift of Christmas - His life and love. We look forward to seeing you and yours this Christmas Eve! Sunday, December 7 The Second Sunday of Advent - PEACE 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday, December 7 “A Quiet Christmas” - 5:00 p.m. A service of worship and remembrance for those experiencing grief Sunday, December 14 The Third Sunday of Advent - JOY 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday, December 21 The Fourth Sunday of Advent - LOVE 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. A Festival of Lessons & Carols Wednesday, December 24 Christmas Eve Jingle Jam Family Service 5:30 p.m. Candlelight & Communion Service 7:30 p.m. Candlelight & Communion Service 11:00 p.m. Sunday, December 28 The Sunday after Christmas Family Service 10:30 a.m. No Sunday School or children’s programs. Nursery only Poinsettias will grace the worship area in each of our worship services December 14 thru Christmas Eve. They are $10 each, and the deadline to place your order is Monday, December 8. Order forms are in the Gathering Space and in the church volunteer office. They can be given in honor or in memory of loved ones and can be taken home following the last worship service on Christmas Eve. Please fill out the form with your payment and drop if off at the church office or put it in the offering plate on Sunday. Please write “poinsettia” on your check. “LIGHT FOR CHRIST” River Hills Community Church is invited to join our sister parish, All Saints Catholic Church, for a special community “Light Up For Christ” Christmas tree lighting service on Tuesday, December 2, at 7:00 p.m. in their sanctuary. Pastor Gayle has been invited to offer prayer that evening. There will be no childcare. All Saints is located at 530 Highway 274, Lake Wylie. WOMEN OF THE CHURCH BRUNCH On Tuesday, December 2, we will have our annual Christmas brunch. We will meet at 10:00 a.m. for study and after for food and fellowship. Since our study is balancing our lives, we will look at “balancing Christmas.” Think about how you balance your religious and secular activities, traditions, families and gifts. You can still sign up to bring a brunch item. PARENT SHOPPING NIGHT! Parent Shopping Night will be on Friday, December 5, from 6 - 10:00 p.m. at RHCC for kids birth - 5th grade! Have you finished your shopping for Christmas? Most of us have not, so we want to help you out with a night with no kiddos so you can do your Christmas Shopping or at least start! We will have games, movies and lots of other fun projects for the kiddos during these 4 hours. The cost will be $25 per family. You will need to register your children at the sign-in table at check-in on Sunday morning or email Marcy Little to register before November 30. [email protected] ISAIAH JONES CHRISTMAS MUSICAL Join us as our elementary school worship team presents an awesome musical about a not so likely videoloving boy who winds up in another time and place to discover the TRUE Christmas treasure, Jesus Christ! Friday, December 12, at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, December 13, at 1:00 p.m. in the Life Center at RHCC! Lots of fun and Christmas adventure for the ENTIRE family! See you there! STOP BY OUR “WARMING HUT” BEFORE THE BOAT PARADE! Join River Hills Community Church and other surrounding churches as we come together to celebrate Christmas By the Lake Wylie Boat Parade on Saturday, December 13, at 4 p.m. until after the boat parade. There will be beautiful Christmas music, a live nativity, cider, hot chocolate and baked goodies! Make sure you stop by the RHCC warming hut and say, “Merry Christmas!” We will see you there! CHRISTMAS EVE JINGLE JAM During the Christmas season, it’s pretty easy to get wrapped up in…well, what’s wrapped up, like all the stuff under the Christmas tree marked with your name. Imagine, though, what could happen if families in our community get wrapped up in generosity instead. Organized around the telling of the Christmas story, "Jingle Jam: Wrapped Up” will encourage and inspire families to get wrapped up in the idea of generosity and how God gave us His Son, Jesus. Don’t miss this energetic, fun, inspiring Christmas Eve Worship experience for the whole family on December 24 at 5:30 p.m. SINGERS & DANCERS NEEDED We are putting together a team of older elementary school kiddos (4th and 5th grade) and 6th-12th grade students who like to sing and dance and aren’t afraid to use these gifts to share the story of Christmas with the community at the Jingle Jam Worship Event on Christmas Eve! Please let Marcy know ASAP if you would like to be a part of this team! Rehearsals start soon!! [email protected] LOOKING FOR HELPERS Marcy Little needs people who are willing to help out behind-thescenes with some of the upcoming events. She needs folks who sew, build and organize to help with the sets, costumes and organizing getting these jobs done, and getting them to the correct cast members, etc… If you are a behind the scenes person with some creative and/or organizational skills, please contact Marcy! [email protected] SERVERS NEEDED ON CHRISTMAS EVE Consider serving at one of our Christmas Eve services, 5:30, 7:30 or 11:00 p.m. Over 1,000 people will worship at River Hills Community Church on Christmas Eve, many of whom are unfamiliar with our church or any church! We need greeters, ushers and Communion stewards to serve them and make them feel comfortable. Consider attending worship at one service and serving at another. Jesus says, "Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me." Please contact the church office and let us know which service you would like to serve. THE 2014 CHRISTMAS OFFERING WILL BENEFIT GLOBAL MISSIONS The Global Missions Team is presented with funding requests from a variety of sources every year. This year, TIME for Christ Global Ministry (http:// will be the recipient of your generosity at Christmas. TIME for Christ Global Ministries is a 501(c)3 charitable organization formed out of RHCC. This ministry directly serves the poor in Cuba, Romania, Honduras, Vietnam and Nepal by sponsoring/ supporting medical outreach teams. The combination of direct patient care, surgery, teaching and sharing the Love of Christ is the cornerstone of TIME’s purpose. TIME was founded to help those in need as more than 80% of the world’s population are in need of basic health services and 100% are in need of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Medical and non-medical volunteers are encouraged to participate! Look for an information table in the Gathering Space. You will find a blue Christmas Offering envelope in the pew for this cause beginning on Sunday, November 30 thru Sunday December 28. Please remember that your regular tithe is separate from the Christmas Offering and therefore should not be put in the blue envelope. LOCAL MISSIONS PROVIDING CHRISTMAS DINNERS Our annual Christmas meal outreach is underway, and we need your help! Many Clover area families have been identified as needing our assistance this holiday season. These are local families who are having a tough time and are not able to make ends meet. Through your generosity, we at RHCC can share the love of Christ by providing a full family meal for them on Christmas Day. You can help in 3 ways: PRAY for our church and its members to make this effort an extension of God's love to those people in our community who need support. Volunteer to DELIVER 3-4 meals on Tuesday, December 23, from 12 - 2 p.m. To sign up, call, text or email Jeanie Dubrouillet at 803-417-6678 or [email protected]. Make a DONATION of $50 to purchase a complete meal right down to the dessert. Simply write “Christmas Dinner” on the memo line of your check and put in in the collection plate on Sunday or drop it by the church office. Thank you so much for your charity in this endeavor in the name of our church. A special thank you to everyone who prayed, donated and helped deliver the Thanksgiving meals! CHAPEL AND TREE LIGHTING AT THE YORK PLACE CAMPUS 234 Kings Mountain Street, York, SC Tuesday, December 9, at 4:00 p.m. Contact Kathy Grier at 803-684-4011 ext: 1013 or [email protected] for more details. GOD’S CHRISTMAS WISH LIST Dear Kids, I know you are looking for a way to surprise me for Christmas this year, and you’re probably asking yourself, “What do you get Someone who has everything?” Well this might surprise you, but I really DON’T have everything I want. So to help you out with your holiday gift giving, here are a few things I am longing for this Christmas. I really love hanging out with you. Not just in worship on Sundays or a 5-minute devotional in the morning, but really hanging out. Maybe you’ll rearrange your schedule in the coming year and put me at the very top of your “To Do” list. Instead of going in debt to buy your children that latest thing that will likely be discarded by mid-January, how about making a point to surprise them with some special unexpected time each month that really focuses on them…sort of like the “time of the month club” for your kids. Find a way to delight your spouse every day. Did you realize that he or she is a treasure I have given you? So find ways to bless your spouse daily. Call your parents. No matter how old you are or how old they are, they are still your parents and they still love to hear from their kids. Forgive that person that you are holding something against. Let the debt go and just love them….it’s actually a lot easier on everyone….except me, that is. But I’m a lot bigger than you. So I can handle the debt. Smile at everyone you meet. You never know what might be going on in their lives. Everyone has some sorrow or hidden pain. Your kindness might be the only touch of Me they get in their day. Stop fussing with each another. I really hate it when my kids don’t get along. It breaks my heart. When you get a present you really love, don’t you just want to show everyone you know? Well, what do you really LOVE about me that you can share with someone else? What do you really LOVE about RHCC that you can share? My kids are hurting everywhere. They need to know I love them and that you love them and that there is a place they can call “home.” Well, kids, that’s about it. I could list more, of course, but really it’s pretty simple. It all comes down to LOVE. I will cross any distance to make sure you know that. As a matter of fact, I already have. This Christmas, I just want to know that you get it and that you are trying in your own way to make sure other people get it, too. If you do that, I’ll get what I want for Christmas. And you will, too. Sincerely, with all my heart, Your Father CHRISTMAS AT RIVER HILLS COMMUNITY CHURCH PRESCHOOL Every day we are reminded of Christ’s love through the smiles and laughter of our precious children. Here are a few special events at Preschool: On November 25, we celebrated a Thanksgiving Feast with our Dads. We had over 200 marching and feasting pilgrims, turkeys and Native Americans. The Preschool participated in Operation Christmas Child and food donations for Clover Area Assistance Center. Our Christmas program for our 3’s and 4’s families is Wednesday, December 10, at 11:15 a.m. in the Sanctuary followed by refreshments. You are welcome to come and enjoy! Preschool holidays begin December 19 through January 5. Optional teacher workday is January 2. Please come and visit your mission. You will be blessed with a smile. Have a blessed Christmas, Love and Prayers, Katherine Hinson, Director ADULT STUDIES Many opportunities for engaging in study and discussion are available for adults at RHCC. Adults who are looking for a way to grow in faith and in Christian Fellowship are invited to explore any of the following classes which are held on Sunday mornings. CONNECTIONS - 9:15 a.m. Room 116 Contact: Ellen Gillis [email protected] Attendance: 16 on roll/average attendance 13 Description: Primarily single women 50+. December’s study continues with “Searching For Heaven On Earth” by David Jeremiah. Chapter book, class members lead discussion. CONTEMPORARY - 9:00 a.m. Room 201 Contact: Sherry Nelson [email protected] Attendance: 50+ on roll/average attendance 40. Description: Primarily middle-aged couples, but open to all. Becoming a completely committed follower of Jesus. December - “Grace, More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine” by Max Lucado. FELLOWSHIP - 9:00 a.m. RHCA Building Contact: Roy Atwell [email protected] Attendance: 8-14 per Sunday Description: 60s and 70s, but open to all. Bible study-reading and discussion. December-will be studying Ezra followed by Nehimiah. PERSPECTIVE CLASS - 9:00 a.m. Room 102 Contact: Cyndie Smith [email protected] Attendance: 14 on roll/average attendance 8-10 Description: Class to accommodate choir members and members who have difficulty negotiating stairs. In December, class will be studying “Christmas From the Backside”. FAITH AND FAMILY CLASS - 9:00 a.m. Room 208 Contact: Carr Bennett [email protected] Attendance: 35 on roll/20-25 average attendance Description: Primarily younger couples with children newborn to college. Studying growth in our faith as families. December’s study is “iMarriage” a video study by Andy Stanley. AMPLIFY YOUTH NEWS! The youth are going on a ski trip on February 6 - 8! This weekend will not only be full of chilly slope surfing but also incredible opportunities for worship and spiritual growth! The cost is $175 per person. Let Marcy Little know if your student (6th12th grade) is interested in going. Parent chaperones are welcome as well! A $45 deposit is due by December 5, so hurry to reserve your spot! [email protected] We are so very proud of our youth! They spent the month of October and some of November serving in the community and other places across the globe! They served or will be serving at the Crop Walk, Fall Bazaar, CAAC Canned Food Drive, Thanksgiving meal delivery, and 2 of our senior high youth guys, JD Davidson and Christos Karamitros, raised money to buy and ship a PS4 gaming and communication system to the Good Shepherd Children’s Home on their own! These 2 mission-hearted guys are also sponsoring a child at the Good Shepherd Children’s Home! We are so proud of our youth and praise God for His continued movement in their hearts and their passion to serve others!! Please contact Kent VanSlambrook if you are in need or know someone in need of assistance with lawn care! Our senior high youth are stepping up to meet a need in our community to share the love of Jesus through serving those that need assistance in this area. Assistance is provided through appointment only. Please call Kent VanSlambrook to set up an appointment at 704-905-2837. FOUNDATION TRUSTEES NEWS Max, as his friends knew him, was a joyful man, with a love for golf, his dog and his church. For sixty years he had attended church faithfully, and it was always his intent to set aside a large bequest in his will in remembrance of his church. He also wanted to be sure that after his death his dog would be taken well care of. WELCOME JASON BRYANT MINISTER OF CONGREGATIONAL CARE Max's intention to allocate money to the church and the local SPCA kept being put off. "One of these days I will have to visit my lawyer and discuss my will." Unfortunately time caught up with Max, and he died before he got around to that important visit. So his church got nothing, and his dog went to a pound. It's easy to put off making a will. There always seems to be a reason not to think about this important document. But let's face it - most of us do want our wishes concerning the distribution of our assets after our death to be carried out, and a legal will is the way that this can be assured. Have you completed an up-to-date, signed will? AUTUMN BAZAAR UPDATE The Autumn Bazaar was a huge success! Thanks to everyone who participated and volunteered! Our total sales on the day of the bazaar come to $13,469.53. We will continue to sell pecans during the Christmas season, so the total will go over $14,500. The only way this was achieved was because of YOU!! It was a cold, rainy, windy day. However, your bright smiling faces was what brightened up the church. I believe this was a good day in the life of River Hills Community Church. Thanks again! Jayne Jones, Autumn Bazaar Committee. SOUND BOOTH TEAM NEEDED What does Didaskalos have to do with computers? The Worship and Arts Committee is reaching out to folks who have this spiritual gift! (By the way, have you taken the test yet? Go to to find out where you excel.) We need YOU to join our Sound Booth Team. We are looking for 4 individuals to sign up on a rotating basis to run the worship service slides during the 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. services. We will be offering a training session to bring you up to speed. Please prayerfully consider if God is calling YOU to employ your Didaskalos gift in this way. For more information, please contact Jennifer Gilomen at 803-619-4230. River Hills Community Church is pleased and excited to announce that Reverend Jason Bryant will be joining our church family to serve as Minister of Congregational Care beginning December 1st. He received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and his Masters of Divinity from Duke University. Reverend Bryant comes to us from the First Presbyterian Church in Mount Holly, NC where he had served as Head-of-Staff Pastor for the past 6 years. His wife, Natalie, is a veterinarian, and they have two children, Benjamin, 6 years old, and Lillian, who is 3. RHCC extends a warm welcome to Jason and his family! We have been busy reading about, discussing and practicing the arts and skills of a Christian caregiver. We have paired off as prayer partners, praying for each other, our church, Stephen Ministry and future care receivers. As an update in our November studies, we spent two sessions on the book “Speaking the Truth in Love” and had a training module on establishing and maintaining boundaries and one on crisis theory and practice. We then took the week of Thanksgiving off and started back with an entire session on confidentiality. We did an affirmation exercise which moved us closer together as a cohesive group and as a ministry of RHCC. Please keep us in your prayers as we learn and practice becoming Stephen Ministers. THIS AND THAT VOLUNTEER OFFICE - Please stop by and say hello to our office volunteers! They are here to help you with copying, phone numbers, addresses, etc. Please stop by their office first when you come to the church. Also, if you come by to see Pastor Gayle, please come to the Volunteer Office first, and they will check to see if she is available. Thank you! Yvonne Alves Debra Anderson Laine Ardrey Danny Armor Eleanor Arnold Chris Arthur Sylvia Arthur Judy Austin Mike Bailey James Bazimore Jessie Blackmon Cynthia Boyd Laura Bracy Bob Brundige Missy Carpenter Charles Cawthon Linda Cox Libra Deaton Trinton Dover Barbara Drye Peggy Faulkner Charles Ford Sylvia Franklin Rod Hall Charles Hawkins Kent Hendrickson Barbara Hill Beverly Hill Eric Hinson Patricia Holden Carol Jean Hooks Lauren Huber Rockholt David Jester Susan Jolley Parks Jones Emily Justice Wendell Karr King Family Gerald Kirk Dick Krewson Kay Lawless Alex Lamporter Bill Lindsay Jane Lowry Annette Maddox Janet Mayer Carolyn McAnnalen Gary McCorkle Daniel McCormick Nancy McDonald John Meeskers Margaret Naylor Kathy Noel Juanita Norton Kathy Olson Rachel Owens Nancy Palmer Deb Tiszai Phillips Larry Plummer Amber Rhodes Gerri Rice Diane Roberts Polly Schuerg F.J. Schweitzer Sandra Smith Terry Spisek Pastor Patricia Starr Steve Stanton Amy Storms Jim & Marion Stratakos Tabitha Taylor Christine Thomas Conner Tomlinson Gretchen Welch Judi Weldon Andrew White Craig Winter Leslie Anne Young Les Young JANUARY KOINONIA DEADLINE - Please note that the deadline for submission is Monday, December 15. Please e-mail your article(s) to [email protected]. Articles received after the deadline may not appear in the next issue. Thank you. The 2015 FLOWER CALENDAR is in the Gathering Space ready for you to sign up for altar flowers for the Sunday you desire. The flowers will be placed on the altar in memory of or in honor of a loved one. TREE DEDICATION - On Sunday, November 23, a dawn redwood was dedicated in loving memory of Howard C. Kocmond. The tree was given by his family and is located in front of the church facing Charlotte Highway. REV. CYNTHIA SLOAN CONTACT INFO - The Reverend Cynthia Sloan preached at RHCC on October 26, 2014. In addition to being an ordained United Methodist minister, Rev. Sloan is also a Licensed Chemical Addiction Specialist and Interventionist. Many of you have asked for her contact information, and Rev. Sloan is happy to make herself available to you. Her phone number is 704-8822864, and her email is [email protected] A special thank you to Brownie Troop 786 and Girl Scout Troop 95. Their community service projects were to help in the children's area by putting supplies away in their proper places in the storage closet and washing the tables and shelves in the classrooms. Their "many hands" made "light work" in a very short amount of time. Thank you, girls and leaders, for a job well done!! Financial Results - October 31, 2014 Description Pledge Income Plate Offering Interest Income Building Use 10% Tithe To Missions Budget for Period Actual for Period $56,137.00 $44,027.79 $16,647.83 $14,350.00 $20.83 $7.54 $291.67 $850.00 ($7,293.83) ($5,923.53) Budget Annual $673,644.00 $199,774.00 $250.00 $3,500.00 ($87,526.00) Budget YTD $561,370.00 $166,478.34 $208.34 $2,916.66 ($72,938.34) Actual YTD $483,323.46 $138,969.98 $173.29 $3,695.00 ($62,616.17) Church Related Income $789,642.00 $658,035.00 $563,545.56 $65,803.50 $53,311.80 Preschool Tuition/Registration Interest Special Projects/Other Income Summer Tuition Lunch Bunch $196,570.00 $108.00 $1,708.00 $4,275.00 $10,000.00 $159,256.00 $90.00 $1,423.34 $3,562.50 $8,333.34 $155,972.70 $69.36 $1,992.19 $7,162.50 $13,287.20 $18,657.00 $9.00 $142.33 $356.25 $833.33 $21,726.75 $5.62 $485.00 $0.00 $1,886.50 Preschool Related Income $212,661.00 $172,665.18 $178,483.95 $19,997.91 $24,103.87 $1,002,303.00 $830,700.18 $742,029.51 $85,801.41 $77,415.67 $60,500.00 $656,843.00 $19,000.00 $21,070.00 $12,000.00 $10,000.00 $1,500.00 $8,000.00 $185,250.00 $28,140.00 $50,416.66 $542,089.46 $15,833.30 $17,558.32 $11,166.66 $8,333.32 $1,250.00 $6,666.66 $154,374.98 $23,449.98 $43,857.88 $493,051.02 $15,018.04 $10,787.37 $5,894.82 $4,670.16 $2,070.04 $5,515.53 $133,923.08 $23,374.77 $5,041.67 $56,876.76 $1,583.35 $1,755.84 $416.67 $833.34 $125.00 $666.67 $15,437.51 $2,345.01 $3,234.74 $48,629.93 $2,075.10 $879.80 $435.34 $660.07 $918.67 $707.88 $15,579.51 $2,031.67 $1,002,303.00 $831,139.34 $738,162.71 $85,081.82 $75,152.71 $0.00 ($439.16) $3,866.80 $719.59 $2,262.96 Total Related Income Expenses General & Administrative Staff/Salary/Benefits Children's Ministry Youth Ministry Adult Ministry Worship Discipleship Fellowship/Meals Building & Grounds Preschool Expenses Total Expenses Income Less Expense YEAR-END MESSAGE FROM THE CHURCH BUSINESS OFFICE Donors must deliver, mail (and postmark) or drop in the offering plate checks for 2014 on or before December 31, 2014, in order to claim a charitable contribution for 2014. Checks that are placed in the offering plate in 2015 will not qualify for a charitable deduction in 2014 even if the check was predated to 2014 or was actually written in 2014. Thank you for your generous support this year; it’s people like you who help make River Hills Community Church a great place to be! Sue Dobrzeniecki, Church Business Manager December 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 9:00 CBS 10:00 Children’s Ministry Mtg. 2:00 LIFE Women’s Group 5:30 Trustees 7:00 Youth Comm. 7:00 Local Missions 9:00 CBS 9:30 Staff Meeting 10:00 Women of the Church Brunch 6:00 Stephen Ministry 7:00 Bylaw Committee 7:00 Christmas Tree Lighting service at All Saints Catholic Church 9:00 CBS 5:15 Bible Study 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 7:00 Global Missions 9:00 Bylaw Committee 1:00 Born Again Beaders 6:45 Overeaters Anon. 8:00 AA-Al Anon 8:30 Bible Study 6:00 Parent Shopping Night 9:00 Christmas Musical Rehearsal 3:30 Clover Choristers 6:00 Emmaus Community Gathering 8:00 AA 8 9 10 11 12 13 9:00 CBS 10:00 Children’s Ministry Mtg. 1:30 Christmas Musical Set Up 2:00 LIFE Women’s Group 6:30 PSRC 9:00 CBS 9:30 Staff Meeting 11:30 Staff Christmas Luncheon 1:30 Christmas Musical Set up 6:00 Stephen Ministry 9:00 CBS 11:15 Preschool Christmas Program 1:30 Christmas Musical Set up 5:15 Bible Study 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 1:00 Born Again Beaders 1:30 Christmas Musical Set up 6:45 Overeaters Anon. 8:00 AA-Al Anon 8:30 Bible Study 7:00 Isaiah Jones Christmas Musical 1:00 Isaiah Jones Christmas Musical 4:00 Christmas by The Lake 8:00 AA 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8:00 Worship 9:00 Sunday School 10:00 Coffee Fellowship 10:30 Worship 1:00 Discipleship 4:30 Deacons & Missions 5:30 Finance 5:30 Worship & Arts 7:00 Council 2:00 LIFE Women’s Group 9:00 CBS 9:30 Staff Meeting 2:00 Care & Kindness 6:00 Stephen Ministry 9:00 CBS 5:15 Bible Study 6:30 Family Caroling 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 1:00 Born Again Beaders 6:45 Overeaters Anon. 8:00 AA-Al Anon 8:30 Bible Study 10:00 Choir Rehearsal 8:00 AA 21 22 23 24 Christmas Eve 25 26 27 8:00 Worship 9:00 Sunday School 10:00 Coffee Fellowship 10:30 Worship 5:30 Amplify Christmas Party 2:00 LIFE Women’s Group 9:30 Staff Meeting 12:00 Christmas Dinner Delivery 5:30 Jingle Jam Family Service 7:30 Candlelight & Communion Service 11:00 Candlelight & Communion Service 6:45 Overeaters Anon. 8:00 AA-Al Anon Church office closed Church office closed 7 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:30 4:15 Worship Sunday School Coffee Fellowship Worship Amplify Skate Night “A Quiet Christmas” Service 5:00 p.m. The Second Sunday Of Advent The Third Sunday of Advent The Fourth Sunday Of Advent 28 29 10:00 Coffee Fellowship 10:30 Worship 2:00 LIFE Women’s Group COMING SOON! MEN’S BIBLE STUDY Every Monday starting on January 12 at 7:00 pm in the Family Room Contact church member Tom Wollenberg at 704-519-8946 or [email protected]. 30 8:00 AA Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas! Church office closed 31 EXERCISE - Every Mon., Wed., Fri. 7 a.m. YOGA - Every Tue. & Thurs. 9 a.m. Share Your Table For The Month of December Canned tomato products: diced or whole tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce CAAC also needs your clean plastic grocery bags. Thank you for your continuous support of Clover Area Assistance Center. December Birthdays! 1. Paulette Klaesius, Monica Heaton 2. Sally Goodson, Connie Counts 3. Mark Denny 4. Jessie Carpenter, Arnold Stone 5. J. Jaco, Nancy Valrance, Annie Schilling 7. Daniel Herold, Lena Herold, John Slingerland, Mack McKinney 8. Win Reese, Ken Walter, Clay Farmer, Rob Jewell 9. Lauren Murdock, Riley Cook, David Parsons, Joyce Gerald 10. Charles Dowis, Peter Olsen 11. Amy Mahoney, Susan Thomas 12. Michael Hutchins, Olivia Fife, Jay McKenna 13. Bob Daily, Harry Delk, William Holleman 14. Joe Warder, Barbara Towell, Jurgen Meyer-Cuno 15. Joyce Harris, Ben Rawls 16. Ellen Gillis, Carly Bennett 17. Delores Schweitzer, Kate Hinson 18. Bruce Jamieson, Kim Pennington 19. Brad Johnson, Brenda Love, Kent Van Slambrook, Allison Forsythe 20. Walt McConnell, Carl Harrington 21. Jeanie Dubrouillet, Mack Jones, Bertie Terwilleger, Peter Steinhausen, Kay Holleman 22. Joe Renner 23. Hank Gerald, Bill MacIndoe 24. Nancy Schroeder, Andy Gorby 26. Bettie Jean Vance If your birthday is not listed, 27. Lillian Bennett please call the church office 28. Donna Teifer so we can add it to our list! 29. Mike Bise, Tanner Trites, Jacob Armstrong We don’t want to miss your 30. Bill Little birthday! 31. Penny McClure CHURCH STAFF Gayle Montgomery Senior Pastor Jason Bryant Minister of Congregational Care Marcy Little Director of Family Ministries Warren Howell Interim Choir Director Carol Forsythe Organist Sue Dobrzeniecki Business Manager Wendy Burkett Administrative Assistant Mike Moore Maintenance Manager Katherine Hinson Director, River Hills Community Church Preschool RIVER HILLS COMMUNITY CHURCH 104 Hamilton’s Ferry Road, Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Phone: 803-831-1615 Fax: 803-831-5042 Email: [email protected] website: RIVER HILLS COMMUNITY CHURCH PRESCHOOL 103 Hamilton’s Ferry Road, Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Phone: 803-831-5043 Fax: 803-831-5042 Email: [email protected] website: 104 Hamilton’s Ferry Road Lake Wylie, SC 29710 We are a community that stimulates contagious faith and spiritual growth in Christ. WWW.RHCCONLINE.ORG RHCC HOSTING EMMAUS EVENT On Saturday, December 6, we will be hosting the Central Carolinas Emmaus Community Gathering (CCEC) at 6:00 p.m. in the Life Center. CLOVER CHORISTERS CONCERT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 3:30 P.M. RHCC SANCTUARY Tickets are $6.00 at the door or online at:
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