Task Targeted Automation, TTA RSA Pro The superior sorting and aliquoting solution for your laboratory Concept / Summary Roche’s state-of-the-art automation allows small to large laboratories to realize customer solutions combining powerful sample handling systems with Roche workflow solutions. For medium to very large laboratories the RSA Pro supports a high level of adaptation towards the specific needs of the laboratory, for example – Tube types to be handled – Sample carriers to be supported – Required camera system capabilities – Selective decapping of tubes depending on the sorting target – Selective recapping of tubes depending on the sorting target – Integration of the tube centrifugation process – Archiving of tubes. Fully scalable and extendable, Task Targeted Automation with RSA Pro increases the quality of the pre-analytical steps, reduces the operator’s exposure to potentially hazardous biological material and eliminates repetitive stress injuries. The standard host interface protocol (ASTM) allows the smooth integration of the RSA Pro into the laboratory environment. By using the Roche workflow concepts which are in routine operation in several hundred sites worldwide, Task Targeted Automation will boost the efficiency and the productivity of the consolidated laboratory. RSA Pro helps to reduce the workflow complexity, to improve the quality and to provide a satisfying work environment. Specifications are subject to change. COBAS, COBAS E, COBAS INTEGRA, ELECSYS, MODULAR, LIFE NEEDS ANSWERS and URISYS are trademarks of Roche. STA is a trademark of Diagnostica STAGO S.A. RSA Pro – Basic System Overview The RSA Pro basic system delivers the following functions: ■ Detection of tube type of each primary tube ■ Administration of test requests downloaded from the laboratory IT system ■ Creation of one or more secondary (=aliquot) tubes depending on the rule settings ■ Bar code labeling of the aliquot tubes ■ Distribution/sorting of primary tubes ■ Distribution/sorting of aliquot tubes ■ Bi-directional host interface for data exchange. The RSA Pro can be extended with the following options ■ Camera system ■ Recap unit ■ Online connected centrifuge. Typical RSA Pro configurations are: ■ RSA Pro basic system + Camera extension (for tube type identification only) + Recap unit for primary tubes ■ RSA Pro basic system + Camera extension (for tube type identification and sample volume recognition) + Recap unit for aliquot tubes ■ RSA Pro basic system + Camera extension (for tube type identification and sample volume recognition) + Recap unit for aliquot tubes ■ RSA Pro basic system + Camera extension (for tube type identification and sample volume recognition) + Recap unit for aliquot tubes + On-line centrifuge EC1. line n: On- uge Centrif Optio 1) ge (EC centrifu le g in S • 2) ge (EC or centrifu le b u o •D it p Un : Reca em ic Syst ro Bas RSA P Option bes imary tu • for pr or y tubes condar n • for se tensio era Ex m a C : n Option tificatio pe iden ty e b and • for tu cation or identifi nition e p ty e g b o • for tu volume rec sample n, tificatio or pe iden ognition and ty e b c • for tu volume re sample image sample RSA Pro - Scheme Camera unit Decap unit Lifting Rotary gripper gripper Bar code labeling Recap Tube conveyors unit (optional) Camera Bar code scanner Input Area Drawer 1-4 Aliquoter Sorting Area Drawer 1-8 Roche Process Solutions Reception (Centrifugation) Hematology STA® R Evolution Urisys® 2400 UF-100i MODULAR ANALYTICS <PPEE> COBAS INTEGRA ® 400 plus Elecsys ® 2010 PSM + RSA Pro Decapping, Sorting, Aliquoting, Archiving Other Serum Work Places A ... Z Primary Aliquots Archive Reception (Centrifugation) Hematology STA® R Evolution Urisys® 2400 UF-100i cobas ® 6000 analyzer series cobas e 411 analyzer PSM + RSA Pro Decapping, Sorting, Aliquoting, Archiving Other Serum Work Places A ... Z Primary Aliquots Roche offers powerful platforms and different levels of automation. The RSA Pro is one cornerstone enabling the customer to build up high efficient sample workflows. Together with the Roche IT (PSM / cobas IT solutions) complete solutions can be realized, from order entry to sample archive. The main highlights and advantages are: ■ Powerful sample flow management functions with a rulebased automated decision process from sample arrival to sample archive including sample tracking and fully computer-aided rerun/repeat/reflex test handling ■ The further routing of sample tubes within the pre-analytical unit depending on current analytical results ■ High user convenience achieved by automation of repetitive, error-prone and bio-hazardous pre- and post-analytical work steps ■ State-of-the-art data management modules for quality control management and technical validation of patient results ■ Extendable, flexible and scalable platforms. The Roche process solutions are highly configurable and can be adapted to most customer requirements. ■ Consideration of efficient backup solutions for sample handling processing and data management enables an around-the-clock operation ■ Support of various platforms and network topologies ■ Standardized and function-optimized host interface supports an easy, smooth and fast integration into the laboratory routine. Archive The individual best fit solution is defined in a laboratory analysis, determined according to the specific needs and may vary from the examples listed. Functions and Features Input Area Tubes can be put into the input area in any order. Presorting according to tube diameter, tube height, cap color, open/closed, etc. is not required. The main characteristics of the input area are: ■ Max sample capacity: up to 600 tubes ■ Parallel processing of most of the established hematology, coagulation, serum, plasma and urine tubes ■ Continuous loading of sample tubes during routine operation ■ STAT handling capabilities ■ 4 configurable input drawers ■ The input drawers are freely definable with in total up to 30 targets ■ The following Roche sample carriers are supported: – cobas® 6000 tray with Hitachi 5 position rack – Elecsys® 2010 / Roche/Hitachi 917R / COBAS INTEGRA® 800 tray with Hitachi 5 pos rack – MODULAR ANALYTICS tray with Hitachi 5 pos rack – COBAS INTEGRA® 400 tray with 15 pos rack In addition support is provided for: – Several neutral racks – Several Sysmex trays with 10 pos rack – Different centrifuge buckets – Others1. 1 Generally RSA Pro is able to handle non-Roche racks. Please contact your local Roche representative for details. Decap Unit The decap unit removes the tube cap and turns the tube with the bar code label into a “good to read” position. Additional improvements have been implemented in the latest generation decap unit such as for example a pause of a few milliseconds before recapping to prevent the buildup of aerosols. The following listed features are just a few examples of the RSA Pro decap unit: ■ Different tube types (various closure types and tube dimensions) can automatically be decapped in one run ■ Tubes need not be pre-sorted ■ Support of selective decapping according to user defined rules. Recap Unit line n: On- uge Centrif Optio ic ro Bas RSA P 1) ge (EC centrifu le g in S • U2n) it ap (EC or nen: trRifeucge io c t p le b O u • Do bes imary tu • for pr or y tubes condar • for se nsion ra Exte ame tion: C System n tificatio pe iden ty e b and • for tu cation or identifi nition e p ty e b og • for tu volume rec sample n, tificatio or pe iden ognition and ty e b • for tu volume rec sample image sample Op The RSA Pro can be equipped with a recapper. Selective, target specific recapping of plastic tubes based on user defined rules can be configured. For accurate tube sealing, the tube type information detected by the standard camera unit is forwarded to the recapper. Either the primary or aliquot tubes can be closed. The following additional functions and features are provided by the recap unit: ■ The sealing of the tubes with an aluminum foil ■ The support of various tube diameters (between 11.5 mm and 15.5 mm) and various tube heights (between 65.5 mm and 102.5 mm). Aliquoter The basic function of the aliquoter unit is the reproduction of the required number of secondary tubes from the primary tube based on user configurable rules. The basic components of the aliquoter unit are: ■ Secondary tube storage The secondary tubes are put already pre-packed into the secondary tube storage ■ Bar code printer with label applicator – A bar code printer with thermal transfer printing method is used – The bar codes (type, length, check digit) to be printed is configurable. The following common bar code types are supported: 2 of 5 interleaved, Code 39, Codabar, Code 128, Codabar/NW71 – Besides the bar code, additional information (e.g. other sample or patient information provided by the laboratory information system) can be printed on the label in human readable characters – The printed bar code label is placed on the secondary tube – Crosscheck of the secondary bar code with the primary bar code. In case of mismatch the affected tubes are sorted out. ■ Pipetting unit and input of disposable tips. The pipetting unit is characterized by the following features and functions: – The pipetting process is performed sample tube specific – The pipetting process is carry over free as disposable tips are used – Up to 28 secondary tubes can be pipetted from one primary tube – Up to 384 disposable tips on board in 4 trays – Support for multiple aspirating and dispensing Note: The disposable tip is not exchanged in the case of multiple sample uptake – The pipetted volume is calculated based on the single test requests or based on fixed volume assigned to the sorting target – Clot detection is possible during the material aspiration. If the tube is affected, an error handling process can be defined – Liquid level detection. Pipetting unit (detailed view) 1 Other bar code types on request Host Interface IT Rocheor st other ho terface ASTM In Standard rmation Info equests - Basic D, Test-R Sample-I al: - Option ata Patient D RSA Pro The ASTM host interface of the RSA Pro allows fast integration into the laboratory routine. The connection can be realized as serial or network. The function set of the ASTM communication protocol has been extended in the new generation systems. Optional these extensions are allowing to execute the distribution rules on the connected IT system. As in this mode the internal RSA Pro rules engine is disabled any distribution related configurations are not longer required on RSA Pro. The connection of RSA Pro to the Roche IT is optimized and a cornerstone for building up efficient and flexible process solutions as sample flow decisions can be combined with current and historic patient and sample data information. Output (Sorting) Area All tubes (primary and well as secondary) are sorted into the output area. The sorting is done according to configurable sorting criteria. The main characteristics of the output area are: ■ Max sample capacity: up to 1200 tubes ■ Up to 8 configurable output drawers ■ In total up to 41 sorting targets can be defined ■ Parallel sample sorting, aliquoting and archiving can be performed (recursive workflow) ■ The system can be configured to turn the primary tube between 0 and 360 degrees before placing it into the target rack ■ Drawers (filled or partly filled) with racks can be changed while the system is running ■ The following Roche sample carriers are supported: – cobas® 6000 tray with Hitachi 5 position rack – Elecsys® 2010 / Roche/Hitachi 917R / COBAS INTEGRA® 800 tray with Hitachi 5 pos rack – MODULAR ANALYTICS tray with Hitachi 5 pos rack – COBAS INTEGRA® 400 tray with 15 pos rack In addition support is provided for: – Several neutral racks – Several Sysmex trays with 10 pos rack – Different centrifuge buckets – Others1. 1 Generally RSA Pro is able to handle non Roche racks as well. Please contact your local Roche representative for details. Standard Camera The RSA Pro basic system is equipped with a CCD camera unit. The camera provides the following basic functions and features: ■ The cap color and tube dimensions are measured ■ Detection if the tube is closed or opened ■ The cap color is used to distinguish between tubes with the same tube dimensions ■ Liquid level detection (via conductive tip) ■ Processing of the different types of tubes (hematology, coagulation, serum, plasma and urine tubes) according to rules based on the received test requests ■ Up to 20 different tube types (various closure types, tube dimensions, cap colors) can be processed in one run ■ Positive verification between bar code with material identification and applied tube type. In the event of mismatch appropriate error handling procedures can be configured ■ Support of bar code alignment ■ Forwarding of the tube type information to the decap, aliquot and optional recap unit. Remote Service and Support RSA Pro can be serviced remotely. Configuration changes, instrument communication traces and software updates can be carried out via modem access. Multilanguage Support The RSA Pro currently supports the following languages: ■ English ■ French ■ German ■ Italian ■ Portuguese ■ Spanish RSA Pro Catalogue Numbers Basic system Options Disposables RSA Pro – basic system Primary recap unit for RSA Pro Secondary recap unit for RSA Pro Extended Camera – TTI camera for tube type identification – QS1-Sample Quantity – QS1-Sample Quantity and Sample Image Sealing foil (9 x 500 foils) Tips – conductive 1100 µl (9600 pre-packed tips) Tips – non conductive 1000 µl (9600 pre-packed tips) 1 050825790011 05082609001 05082617001 05083770001 05082633001 05083761001 04453859001 11901761001 04976274001 Products not available in all countries through Roche Specifications Throughput Up to 300 primary tubes per hour1 Sample Identification Positive sample identification via bar code; able to handle most of the standard bar code formats such as Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 39, Codabar (NW 7), Code 128, others2 Sample Tube Accepts most 3, 5, 7 or 10 ml plastic tubes Able to open sample tubes with hemogard, rubber stopper or screw cap type closure Aliquot Tips Use of disposable pipette tips for secondary tube generation: 1100 µl volume conductive or 1000 µl volume non conductive 384 tips on board in 4 tip racks Secondary Tube Sarstedt secondary tube 13x75 mm Dimensions Width: Depth (with touch screen): Height (incl. signal lamp): Weight: Operating Conditions For indoor use up to 2000 m above sea level Operating Temperature +15 °C to +30 °C (+59 °F to +86 °F) Air Conditions 20–80 % relative humidity Compressed Air Dry and oil free, min 6.0 bar (87.02 psi), max 8.0 bar (116.03 psi) Consumption approx. 40.0 l (10.6 gals) per min Consumption approx. 66.0 l (17.4 gals) per min with recap unit Power 230/115 V, 50–60 Hz, 1800 VA (with recap unit) Interface ASTM protocol Network connection via TCP/IP or serial connection via RS 232 Safety Marks CE, UL3 1 approx. 3,18 m (125") approx. 1.86 m (73") approx. 2.00 m (78.7") approx. 1100 kg (2425 lbs) The final throughput depends on different parameters as for example the aliquot volume or the number of aliquots per primary tube 2 Other bar code types can be checked on request 3 UL in preparation trifuge ne Cen On-li ption: 1) ge (EC centrifu le g in •S ) e (EC2 or ntrifug e c le b • Dou O em ic Syst ro Bas RSA P : Option Recap Unit bes imary tu • for pr or y tubes condar • for se Op nsion ra Exte e m a tion tion: C ca identifi be type tu r fo and • cation or identifi nition e p ty be og • for tu volume rec sample cation, or identifi nition and e p ty e b og • for tu volume rec le p m a s image sample 05040213001햲 - 0607 - X. XX Roche Diagnostics GmbH Roche Professional Diagnostics 68298 Mannheim Germany www.roche.com
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