Plumbers & Gasfitters Local Union No. 5, U.A. Local 5 Pipeline JANUARY 2015 Local 5 Leadership Jim Killeen Business Manager Financial SecretaryTreasurer Jack Taylor Assistant Business Manager Tim Haley President Joe Short Business Representative Organizer Janice Boismenu Recording Secretary Jeff Guido Vice President Cedric Gooden Inside Guard Dan Garrison Hugh Riddell Jim Stacho Calvin Perry Executive Board Chris Biondi Bill Garity Mike McKenzie Finance Committee Mike Bell Percy Jackson Scott Caudill Examining Board VOLUME 2, ISSUE 1 We wish each and every one of you a joyous, healthy and prosperous New Year. Finally there is some light at the end of the tunnel and we all have a reason to look forward to 2015. Some of us were fortunate and worked throughout the economic recession but many of our brothers and sisters have suffered uneven employment since 2008. I know we are all hoping we’ve turned the corner. Following are Bylaw amendments which will be voted on at the January 14, 2015 Union Meeting. Speculative Journeymen, Metal Trades Journeymen & Metal Trades Techs to Participate in Burial and Vacation Funds Section 52 shall be amended to say: Journeymen, Speculative Journeymen, Metal Trades Journeymen, Metal Trades Techs and Apprentice members of Local Union No. 5 shall pay an assessment of five dollars ($5) in advance for a burial expense benefit fund, which fund will be maintained in a separate bank account and used only for the payment of burial expense benefits. The balance of the bylaw remains unchanged. Section 53 will be edited to include Speculative Journeymen, Metal Trades Journeymen and Metal Trades Techs. Section 24 will be struck. There is no bylaw regarding the Vacation Fund. This bylaw would take effect for hours worked on or after March 1, 2015. Proposed Amendment to Bylaw Section 42 The Business Manager/FST shall be paid at the rate of a General Foreman and shall receive twohundred (200) dollars above the General Foreman pay and two (2) weeks paid vacation per year. The Assistant Business Manager and the Business Representative/ Organizer shall each be paid at the rate of Foreman and shall receive seventy-five (75) dollars a week over and above the Foreman pay; also each shall receive two weeks paid vacation per year. In addition to the current wage package and benefits set forth in the Basic Construction Agreement for Journeymen, all fulltime officers shall be paid for seven and one half (7.5) hours at time and onehalf (at “A” journeyman’s rate) above the regular forty (40) hour week, plus a free monthly dues stamp under the guidelines of LOCAL 5 PIPELINE Page 2 Membership News The Christmas Party on December 10, 2014 was well attended. It’s always good to see old and new faces. Good food, good drinks, good prizes and good fun. Hope to see even more of you next December, and for that matter, at every meeting! We send get well wishes to Brother Ed Handler. He recently underwent emergency surgery but he is recovering nicely, resting for the next month or so and then going back to work. Hope this finds you feeling much better, Ed! We also send get well wishes to Donna Green, wife of Brother Charles Green, who fell and broke her pelvis. I know you all join me in sending healing prayers her way. We send our condolences to Brother Tally Ford whose daughter, Kimberly Ford, passed away suddenly on November 12, 2014. I know we all hold Brother Tally and his family in our thoughts and prayers. Calendar U.A. Standard for Excellence We send our condolences to Debbie Davidson and her husband Mike. Mike’s Mom, Nadia Hightower, passed away on December 10, 2014. “Naddie” was a frequent visitor at the Business Office and we will miss her. Please remember Debbie and her family in your thoughts and prayers. We also send our condolences to Brother Shanon Tyler (second-year Apprentice) whose mother Joneal Tyler passed away on December 8, 2014. Please hold Brother Tyler and his family in your thoughts and prayers. Please call us at the Business Office and let us know whenever you have news to share. Members like to read about each other’s accomplishments and share each other’s joys and sorrows. Hopefully this year will be filled with much joy (and no grief) to share. Thursday, January 1, 2015-New Year’s Day (Paid Holiday) Wednesday, January 14, 2015 - Monthly Union Meeting at 5:00 p.m. at the U.A. Mechanical Trades School. Monday, January 19, 2015 - Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Wednesday, January 28, 2015 - Executive Board Meeting at 3:00 p.m. at the Union Hall. Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - Monthly Union Meeting at 5:00 p.m. at the U.A. Mechanical Trades School. Wednesday, February 25, 2015 - Executive Board Meeting at 3:00 p.m. at the Union Hall. Wednesday, March 11, 2015 - Monthly Union Meeting at 5:00 p.m. at the U.A. Mechanical Trades School. Wednesday, March 25, 2015 - Executive Board Meeting at 3:00 p.m. at the Union Hall. Member and Local Union Responsibilities Employer & Management Responsibilities Arrive on time. Adhere to lunch and break times. (Personal cell phones are only used at this time) Be prepared with required tools. Respect tools and equipment supplied by employer. Adhere to the zero tolerance substance abuse policy. Eliminate work disruptions. Ensure safe on-time completion of projects. Respect property. Vandalism is not tolerated. Be productive and dress appropriately. Respect and adhere to employer and customer rules and policies. Follow management directives. Enhance skill level by using local and international training classes and take advantage of the certification system. Ineffective management, superintendents, journeyworkers and apprentices will be returned to the referral hall. Provide worker recognition. Ensure all materials needed are available. Provide storage for tools. Provide leadership to jobsite supervisors. Ensure leadership takes responsibility for mistakes created by management decisions. Be consistent and fair with disciplinary action. Create and maintain a safe work environment. Promote and support continued education and training. Have properly manned projects. Treat employees with respect. Cooperate and communicate with job steward. Training Classes DC Waiver Application Jan. 2, Feb. 6, 2015 Virginia Continuing Education Feb. 20, May 1, Aug. 21, 2015 OSHA 30 Course Feb. 17, 19, 24, 26, Mar. 5, 6, 10, 12, 17, 19, 2015 Welding Open most nights at 3 p.m. during regularly scheduled classes. Customer Service March start date scheduled by number of participants. Rigger II Certification Requirements: Current Rigger I working with Rigger II. Letter from Employer Required. April 2, 9, 16, 23, 2015 Classes are provided to members in good standing free of charge. Member’s standing is checked. Interested members should call the school at (301) 322-8810 to sign up for classes. Classes are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Classes are subject to cancellation based on poor participation, so don’t wait until the last minute to sign up. Volume 2, Issue 1 Page 3 Go “Green” as You Give This Year This year, think before you donate! Something to think about before you make contributions: As you open your pockets to do a good thing and make yourself feel good, please keep the following facts in mind: The American Red Cross President and CEO Marsha J.Evans’ salary for the year was $651,957 plus expenses. March of Dimes: It is called the March of Dimes because only a dime for every 1 dollar is given to the needy. The United Way President Brian Gallagher receives a $375,000 base salary along with numerous expense benefits. UNICEF CEO Caryl M. Stern receives $1,200,000 per year (100k per month) plus all expenses including a Rolls Royce. Less than 5 cents of your donated dollar goes to the cause. Goodwill CEO and owner Mark Curran profits $2.3 million a year. Goodwill is a catchy name for his business. You donate to his business and then he sells the items for pure profit. He pays nothing for his products and pays his workers minimum wage! Nice Guy. $0.00 goes to help anyone! Stop giving to this man. Instead, give it to any of the following. Go "green" and put your money where it will do some good: The Salvation Army Commissioner, Todd Bassett receives a small salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization. 96% of donated dollars go to the cause. The American Legion National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your dona- tions go to help Veterans and their families and youth! The Veterans of Foreign Wars National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth! The Disabled American Veterans National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth! The Military Order of PurpleHearts National Com- mander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth! The Vietnam Veterans Association National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth! Make a Wish: For children's last wishes. 100% goes to funding trips or special wishes for a dying child. St. Jude Research Hospital 100% goes towards funding and helping Children with Cancer who have no insurance and cannot afford to pay. Ronald McDonald Houses: All monies go to running the houses for parents who have critically ill Children in the hospital. 100% goes to housing, and feeding the families. Lions Club International: 100% of donations go to help the blind, buy hearing aids, or supporting medical missions around the world. Their latest undertaking is measles vaccinations at only $1.00 per shot. For those of you looking to donate to the support of our furry friends, please be aware that: The 2013 tax return of the deceptively named Humane Society of the United States tells a familiar story: While dogs and cats fill up HSUS’s ads, the organization gives little money to pet shelters while wasting a pretty penny. Only about 1%—one penny on the dollar—of HSUS’s $120 million budget is grants going to support pet sheltering. HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle pulled in over $400,000 in total compensation. Overall, HSUS spent $44.3 million on salaries and compensation. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is an organization that publicly claims to represent the best interest of animals yet PETA operates only one shelter nationwide and of the approximately 2,000 animals who pass through PETA’s front door every year, very few make it out alive. The vast majority – 96% – exit the facility out the back door after they have been killed. So how can you better spend your donation dollars? Why not support your local humane society so that they can directly care for animals or the ASPCA? Administrative expenses for the ASPCA are only 4.5 cents for each dollar donated. A good buy for pet welfare. DC Waiver Information Classes to assist with filling out Waiver Application: January 2, 2015 and February 6, 2015 at 4 p.m. in “A” Building at the UA Mechanical Trades School. Please call Jack Taylor at (301) 8997861, ext. 1015 to sign up. The class is free, but DC does charge $175 for the waiver. If you currently hold a DC License, please contact Jack. He is compiling a list of DC licensed journeymen. 4. 5. Applications are avail at: You will also need: 1. 2. 3. Two (2) 2” X 2” photos (Not digitally generatedcan use passport photo from CVS, etc. (Print name on back of photo.) Copy of Government Issued Photo ID Formal Designation Certificate (in packet) – must be sealed in envelope from Hall. 6. 7. Contact the Hall for certificate (301) 899-7861. Certificate of Completion (of Apprentice Program) – obtain from the UA Mechanical Trades School at (301) 322-8810 if you do not have original certificate. Certificate will only be issued if you obtained a completion certificate when you came out of your time. Members who failed to obtain an Apprenticeship Completion Certificate upon graduation will not be issued a certificate now. Certificate of Moral Character (in packet) – must be completed by persons who are in a position to testify to your morality, cannot be related to the the people listed on your form. Certificates will be provided for members in good standing. LOCAL 5 PIPELINE Page 4 Members Listed Below Need To Contact The Hall Concerning The Burial Benefit Fund Abanto, Mario M. Alexander, Jerell N. Allen, Richard A. Andrews, Osmond G. Anewalt, Eric H. Askew, Stephen J. Atkinson, Kenneth G. Awkard Jr., Gerald L. Baker, Jason E. Barbee, Kevin A. Barrera, John A. Barrett, Carl L. Beddard, Otto L. Beil, David B. Bell, Adam M. Bennett, Steven K. Berry Sr., Reginald Best, Bryan Bistodeau, Thomas M. Bivens, Richard N. Blanch Sr., Andrew J. Booth, Christopher W. Bowen Jr., Harvey R. Boyle III, Patrick J. Branch, Michael R. Brooks, Mondo L Brown Jr., Melvin Brown, Donald E. Brown, Michael H. Browner, Reyhan D. Bruce, Robin M. Buckler, Jason A. Bunker, Dennis C. Byrd, Frank J. Campbell, Shawn M. Cappetta, Michael A. Cartney, Matthew A. Cedeno, Javier E. Chenevert, Heath L. Cizler, Mitchell A. Clark, Robert M. Clements, Howard L. Collins II, Albert B. Collins, Michael A. Cooke, Changa M. Cooper, Dwayne T. Cooper, Keith D. Cox, Angelo Cuellar, Phil B Curtin, Debra A. Davis Jr., Larry W. Davis, Walker J. Dean, Richard S. Denham, Keith D. Dewitt, Eric W. Dies, Brian R. Diggs, Marcellus J. Dougherty, William B. Drechsler, Randy L. Duvall, Michael M. Ervin, Kevin L. Fagnano, Marc C. Faucette, Jeffery M. Feldman, Dean F. Fennell, David A. Fisher, Brad M. Flanigan, Scott E. Fontenot, Robert D. Freeland, Ray E. Freeman, Derrick A. Frey, Daniel C. Fulcher, Armond R. Fulton, William A. Funes-Nolasco, Walter Furrow, Dylan P. Gallagher, Terence M. Gavin, Christopher K. Gencavage, Joseph E. Gibson, Tony M. Gomez, Randolph Good, Kim D. Goodwin, Joseph A. Gordon, Gerald P. Gott, Jason A. Graves, Scott D. Greenfield, Vincent N. Greer, W. Randy Gregory, Andrew J. Gross, Jamar C. Guerra, Jaime E. Guido Jr., Victor F. Hall, Michael Hall, Troy C. Hannan, John C. Harmon, Paul R. Harper Jr., Leon L. Hartman, Robert F. Hazleton, Edward H. Henry, Mark H. Henson, Russell A. Hernandez, Jose C. Hibble, Russell L. Hicks Jr., Clarence K. Higgins, Shawn M. Holden, Mason R. Holley Jr., Carl V Hollingsworth, Vincent C. Hoover Jr., Raymond A. Howsare Jr., George W. Hundley, Charles L. Hutchinson, John M. Hyrkas, Timothy J. Irvine, Steven Jackowski, Michael A. James, Tyrone Jay, Philip Johnson, Bernard M. Johnson, Corey L. Johnson, Joseph E. Johnson, Shaun L. Johnstone, Kevin J. Jones, Mervin Jones, Ryan D. Jones, Travis K. Judy, David P. Kackley, Timothy D. Kapfer IV, Howard J. Kelley Jr., James T. King III, Harold E. King, Blake A. King, Paul Michael Kirby, Anthony F. Kitt, Donnell D. Kitts, David C. Kraeski, Shannon H. Krahling, Dale R. Kruelle, Eric M. Laboskie, Edward D. Lancaster, Bruce E Leonard Jr., Jerome J. Lipscomb, Karl E. Loschiavo, Robert S. Lucase, Steven M. Manning, William J. VOLUME 2, ISSUE 1 Page 5 Members Listed Below Need To Contact The Hall Concerning The Burial Benefit Fund Marcum, Jason M. Marghi, Vahid Marks, Keith A. Marshall, Brian J. Mascetti, Robert T. McIntire, Jonathan B. McTighe, Brian M. Meisinger, Michael N. Merson, Jerry A. Milstead, Robert W. Mooney, Joshua J. Morales, David T. Morales, Marco D. Morris, Jason J. Moulder, Michael D. Mulhern, David R. Neiser, Brian J. Nolasco, Alexis Y. Noyes, Jeffrey R. O'Connor, John D. O'Grady, John E. O'Meara, Daniel J. O'Neal, Robert C. Parker Jr., Robert S. Parker, Dwayne L. Parker, Patrick A. Parreco, Stephen Q. Patterson III, James H. Pearson, Daryl R. Pfeiffer, Joshua A. Pickering, Rene A. Pickett, Ronald Pierce, Brandon Pistorio, Michael A. Prado, Frank R. Proctor, Kevin Proctor, Mark A. Puckett, John C. Purvin, Ronald Quade, Corey L. Quade, Matthew R. Quade, William D. Reed III, David C. Reel, Eric A. Rice, Michael E. Ritter, Steven M. Rivera, James Roach, Yolanda E. Robison, Paul J. Rodriquez, Edger D. Ross Jr., Richard R. Ross Sr., Bryan Round III, Alvin T. Roush, Graden D. Routzahn, Jayme L. Royce, Joseph Rutley, James M. Saia, Jeffrey L. Sampson, Jason W. Sargent, David R. Sargent, Joseph D. Satterwhite, William H. Schaub, David A. Schaub, Eric Schrock, Gene L. Schultz Jr., Johnny L. Schwab, Joseph J. Seaton, James Serrano, Daniel Shotwell, Eugene C. Simpson, Kevin A. Simpson, Michael W. Sines, Gerald J. Sivia, David W. Smalls, Terriea L. Spangler, Jonas M. Sparks, Russell M. Sparshott, William B. Spencer, Delontee E. Stanfield, Nathan J. Stanford, Aaron D. Starner, Justin B. Stephens, Michael W. Stergiou, Chris Stevens Jr., Ernest Stone, Wayne W. Strong III, Thomas J. Sullivan, Brian S. Swann, Randall L. Taylor, John K. Thomas, Koran T. Thomas, Vincente Thorne, Keith E. Tippett, John L. Tippett, Steve G. Tolley, Stuart A. Toney, Lamont E. Trapnell, Merritt J. Troescher, Chad F. Truesdale, Anthoni Turner, Edwin R. Valdez, Daniel O. Vallandingham, Jason M. Vanasdale, Joel D. Vance, Dean S. Vancleve, Brian S. Vega, Walter A. Verduci, Anthony Viens, Roger P. Villalobos, Marlon A. Walsh II, Richard T. Walsh, David A Walsh, Kevin M. Washington, Arick A. Washington, Darnell Washington, Roosevelt Weaver, Kevin A. Wheeler, Daniel J. Willett Jr., Mitchell W. Williams, Dwayne C. Williams, Jerome Williams, Keuwn A. Williams, Mark E. Wilson Jr., Harold E. Wilson Jr., Robert E. Winck, Kim E. Winder, Luther L. Wink, Jeffrey M. Witt, Daryl J. Wolfrey, Michael V. Woodson, Ian B. Wozniak, Joseph Yeatts, John H. Zis, William S. —As of 12/16/2015 Reminders The Medical Fund requires coordination of benefits with Medicare eligible retirees and eligible dependents. It is important that you and/or your dependents enroll for Medicare at age 65, or if disabled prior to age 65, when you are eligible for Medicare coverage. Be sure to enroll in both “Part A” and “Part B” of Medicare. Failure to do so will result in lower medical protection and greater out-of-pocket expense. Refer to “Coordination with Medicare” in the medical plan’s Summary Plan Description. Your medical coverage is under a reserve account. In order to qualify to use the reserve account, you must: Remain available for work in covered employment on a daily basis. You must remain in the geographical jurisdiction covered by the Union unless you are working under a United Association or UA Local collective bargaining agreement outside the Union’s geographical jurisdiction (working as a Traveler). Sign the referral book every thirty days. Cannot refuse more than two jobs in covered employment. Cannot work at the trade for employers not signed to the Collective Bargaining Agreement, or to any United Association or U.A. local union collective bargaining agreement. Some of you let your assessments get way out of hand. Please do not put us in the position of telling your family there is no death benefit for you upon your death because you are too far in arrears in your assessments. Currents assessments are available at the end of each monthly article, our website , or by calling the Union Hall. 125th Anniversary Gala Celebration is coming on April 18, 2015 at the Marriott Wardman Park, 2660 Woodley Road, NW Washington, DC 20008. Tickets are $90 each, $50 for Life Member plus one guest. Music by Radio King Orchestra and Free Spirt. See details on page 6. Tickets on sale now! Mark your calendars! Special Order of Business The Special Order of Business at our January 14, 2015 Union Meeting will be: Vote on the Finance Committee’s Report. Vote on Bylaw Amendments The Special Order of Business at our February 11, 2015 Union Meeting will be: Vote on the Finance Committee’s Report. The Special Order of Business at our March 11, 2015 Union Meeting will be: Vote on the Finance Committee’s Report. Current Assessments Due: Death 1189 and Michael A. Collins Assessment (2014). Proudly serving the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area Since 1890 5891 Allentown Road Camp Springs, MD 20746 Phone: (301) 899-7861 Fax: (301) 899-7868 Plumbers & Gasfitters Local Union No. 5 Presort Standard U.S. Postage Paid Southern, MD Permit No. 139
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