2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 85 90 100 Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Northfield News Page 5 The Northfield News PAGE 5 THE NORTHFIELD NEWS, DECEMBER 25, 2014 Silly Social Scenes Hello From Hollywood Unbroken: An Inspiring Story of Survival the elements she needed to tell the story were a bit out of her S THE DEADLINE to comfort zone – B24 crashes, qualify for the Oscars recreating the Olympics ceremoapproaches this week, ny and games, and torture Unbroken, the highly anticipated scenes - so she surrounded hergripping survival drama directed self with some of Hollywood’s by Academy Award winner best craftspeople including cineAngelina Jolie, will be released matographer Roger Deakins and nationwide on Christmas day. composer Alexandre The film is an adapDesplat. At the screentation of the 2010 ing, Miyavi, a successful bestselling book of Japanese musician the same name by making his film debut, Laura Hilldenbrand made sure his family based on the life of gave their blessings for Louis Zamperini, an playing a character repOlympian athlete resenting Japan’s dark and World War II history. He and hero. It follows O’Connell discussed Louis’ early days as how they stayed apart a troubled youth from each other when who shows promise they weren’t shooting as a long distance the scenes in which runner. As he Zamperini is brutalized becomes one of the by the prison warden fastest runners in the U.S., he makes Angelina Jolie with producers Clayton Townsend, known as “The Bird” the Olympic team. Matthew Baer and star Jack O'Connell (as "Louis (played by Miyavi). The film has already With no medals to Zamperini") received honors as one take home, he vows to compete again in 1940; but Unbroken team had been on the of the Top Ten Films of the Year when war breaks out, he enlists awards circuit prior to the pre- by the American Film Institute to fight for his country. miere which Jolie could not and National Board of Review. Zamperini’s plane is shot down attend when she came down O’Connell has won the New in the Pacific, stranding him and with the chicken pox. At a spe- Hollywood Award from the 2 others on a raft for 47 days cial screening for members of the Hollywood Film Awards, and the with no food or water. When a Producers Guild of America (see film goes into the Critics’ Movie Japanese warship captures photo), Jolie talked about her Choice Awards with four nods, Zamperini and 1 other, they are search for her next project, not including director, adapted sent to a POW camp where they realizing it was literally outside screenplay and for the film. Zamperini died earlier this endure forced labor and cruel her window. She and Zamperini punishment including brutal were neighbors in Hollywood year, but not before Jolie was beatings. Zamperini’s faith in Hills where he coincidentally able to show “Louie” a cut of the God gets him through this horri- pondered who would direct his film on her laptop. She became ble ordeal until he is rescued life story. With detailed story- emotional when reflecting on after Japan surrenders. British boards, Jolie had to pitch her their friendship, but knows he actor Jack O’Connell plays vision to the studio which terri- left this world happy about the fied her. She stated she “didn’t end result. Zamperini. The project had been in devel- prepare to direct anything,” opment for many years. adding that she “just fell in love Universal acquired Zamperini’s with material.” Jolie felt many of BY J. ROBERTS bring crosshair to bottom of shaded box A life rights in the late 1950s and bought the book rights in 2011. The film went through several script drafts with various writers and a director until Jolie came on board to helm and the Coen Brothers submitted the screenplay ultimately used for shooting. Jolie and many from the “Fools are my theme, let satire be my song.” George Gordon, Lord Byron HEMAN MOICMAY-ZIM, PRINCIPAL COLUMNIST WASABI AND THE FLYING DOG – The Wild Man of No’field appeared at Grumpy Old Men’s Breakfast the other day and commenced to harangue the members with a wild (but possibly true) story about giving a dog a ride to the airport. As with anything Wasabi says, suspension of disbelief (willing or otherwise) is a prerequisite, but, again as always, after the wheat is separated from the chaff, the tale often turns out to be amusing, even if improbable, implausible, questionable and dubious. If Wasabi was to be believed (always a doubtful proposition), a relative of his (but NOT the longsuffering Missus Wasabi, as he made clear) asked that a dog long resident at his palatial estate be conveyed to the airport so it could board a flight to Honolulu to rejoin its master. This the Wild Man was only too happy to do, as his relationship with the dog was problematic (or so Wasabi alleged; no one troubled to interview the dog), so, quicker than boiled asparagus, he set off for the Western East Roxbury Bottle Redemption Center, Lying-In Hospitalitorium, School of Bagpiping and Aerodrome to get said canine onto a plane. Trotting out onto the gravel runway with the dog in tow, Wasabi aimed himself at the morning commuter (a 1909 Bleriot XI), intending to throw the hound into the passenger seat and thereby acquit himself of his responsibility for the animal. Unfortunately for Wasabi, he was spotted by the eagle-eyed Elfreida Alice MacCardunkin, co-proprietor with her husband Vegan of the complex, who thereupon raced toward the Bleriot on her Vespa scooter (which her ever-so clever spouse had rigged up with a plow to keep the runway clear of snow). Her progress was slow, but so was Wasabi, who couldn’t figure out how to get the dog, his cage, and six large boxes of food, water, toys and pee-pee pads into a space designed to hold a person no taller than the Pet Casket King of Northfield (who, fortunately, was NOT on hand to give advice, all of which would have been both bad AND liable to bring down on his head the wrath of the lady proprietor, who had NO patience with the formerly licensed pilot). Waving a cudgel over her head and screeching like a Valkyrie, the ineluctable Elfreida Alice reached the monoplane just as Wasabi, over the strenuous objections of the pilot, an excitable little Frenchman, had succeeded in forcing the cage and boxes into the cramped space and was about to add the dog to the pile. Leaping off the Vespa the enraged proprietress laid into the Wild Man with her cudgel, landing several sharp blows on his rump ere he was able to dance out of the way, yipping and yupping like the Sesame Street Martians. Round and round the Bleriot they went, and each time they passed by the pilot’s seat the little Frenchman reached out and smacked Wasabi on the top of the head with a rolled-up copy of L’Humanite (the pilot being an unrepentant Trotskyite), which, thanks to his bird’s-nest hairdo, did no harm to the panting, perspiring dog chauffeur. After several minutes of this, both the pursuer and the pursued being exhausted, a truce was called and the pair shouted at each other from opposite sides of the plane. Wasabi stated that he merely wished to send the dog to Honolulu, while Elfreida Alice replied that the plane’s fuel tank only held 47 gallons of fuel, and that at that rate, 120 stops would be required. Furthermore, she continued, the airline had a strict no-pets rule. Wasabi countered that the dog was NOT his pet, that it was cargo, and as such was entitled to fly in the Bleriot. At this the Frenchman stuck in his oar and exclaimed in heavily accented English that he would be blankety-blanked if he was going to fly with any blankety-blank-blank chien in his nice clean plane. The proprietress suggested that Wasabi drive the dog to Newark, where dogs were welcome, but Wasabi rejoined that he had no intention of driving all that distance when there was a perfectly good airplane right in front of him. Things were at a stalemate when Elfreida Alice played her trump card and threatened to have Vegan come down and play the bagpipes until Wasabi left. The Wild Man needed no further urgings, and promptly loaded everything back into his truck and roared away from the Aerodrome. No one was happy, not Elfreida Alice, who was seriously inconvenienced by the interruption of her morning mahjongg game, not the French pilot, who was unable to have his tisane in peace prior to taking off for the Mountpeculiar Semi-Galactic Aeroterminal, and not Wasabi, who now had several welts on his gluteus maximus to show for his efforts, AND who was now forced to drive the Hound of the Wasabis to a Real Airport many hundreds of miles away. However, realizing the comic potentialities of this escapade, which practice and embellishments would only improve over time, Wasabi and the dog set their faces to the south and made for Newark, where, he later reported, the dog was successfully embarked. Norwich University alumni Vietnam letters to Archives Tallgrass was one of twenty bands that entered the contest last year. Beat the Band Contest Is Announced Starting January 1, bands throughout New England will have the opportunity to enter Chandler’s second annual Beat the Band contest. In celebration of the diversity and originality of music being produced across the region, Chandler is inviting both amateur and professional bands from all genres to compete for the opportunity to perform original music at Chandler on April 25. Bands can enter the contest on the Facebook page created especially for this event starting January 1. Videos can be submitted through midnight on March 4. Voting begins March 9 and ends March 24. The five bands receiving the most electronic votes on the Facebook page will be invited to bring their best stuff to Chandler. At the end of the night, audience members can vote for their favorite, and the first- and second-place bands win the opportunity to play their own concert at Chandler next year, with the runner-up opening for the winner. The two bands will share a portion of the proceeds from this event next season. Chandler held their first Beat the Band contest last spring. About 20 Vermont and New Hampshire bands submitted videos, and an enthusiastic audience came out to vote at the finals in April. The idea for this contest came about in early 2013 as a way to offer performance opportunities for the community, and was supported in large part by volunteers. Chandler hopes to continue offering ways for people to get involved both onstage and behind the scenes. All forms of video are welcome, whether it’s shot with a cell phone or a high-end video camera. The most important aspect is the sound quality. After you’ve created the video, it should be uploaded to your own YouTube channel and the link provided in the Facebook form. The minimum age to enter is sixteen and entries may not exceed five minutes in length. More information about the submission process and contest rules can be found at facebook.com/beattheband. Beat the Band is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. Army Band to Perform at State Capitol The Vermont National Guard and the Office of the Adjutant General will present “Vermont’s Own” 40th Army Band Concert Band performing a free concert on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 7:30 PM in the House Chamber at the Vermont State House in Montpelier, Vermont. The program, “Vermont in the Civil War; connecting to the legacy of Vermont’s Military” will feature traditional patriotic American tunes, as well as contemporary musical selections from Clare Grundman, Mark Williams and James Swearingen. Chief Warrant Officer David A. Myers, bandmaster, will be conducting the band. Chief Myers has been a member of the band for over thirty years, serving as stage band director and staff composer before assuming command of the group in 1996. He is well known throughout Vermont and nationally as a composer and conductor of band music. Members of the 40th Army Band serve one weekend a month and two weeks of Annual Training each year in the Vermont Army National Guard. As civilians the rest of the year, they are engaged in such diverse occupations as education, law, security, technology, medical, and sales. This concert is free, open to the public, and the opener for the annual “Farmer’s Night” series of concerts and entertainment at the State House during the legislative session. For further information about the 40th Army Band, call the unit's office in Colchester, weekdays, at (802) 338-3480, or you can find them on Facebook and Twitter at 40th Army Band. Some research shows that humans carry genes that help protect the brain from prion diseases, or diseases contracted through eating human flesh, leading medical experts to believe that ancient humans may have eaten other humans. When American soldiers serving in Vietnam wrote letters home, they often included—on the backs of the Airmail envelopes—the number of days until homecoming. Now, the Vietnam letters of two members of the Class of 1966 are available in the Norwich University Archives, and thanks to these generous donations, researchers can see firsthand these details and others. On Veterans Day, the family of the late Lt. Col. Howard C. Lewis ’66 donated two sets of letters that he, as a young captain, wrote home from in-country, 1969. It became the first collection of its kind at Norwich University. The donation includes letters Lewis penned to his twin brother Harold (who had also attended Norwich) and parents Daniel and Dorothy Lewis. The collection also includes several photographs of Howard and the Lewis family, 1964-1966, and a file of information pertaining to the dedication of the Lt. Col. Howard C. Lewis Memorial Chapel at the Camp Ethan Allen Firing Range in Jericho, VT, in 1988. During his Vietnam service, Lewis was cited seven times for bravery and was awarded the Soldier’s Medal, five Bronze Stars, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Air Medal, two Army Commendation medals and, later, the Vermont Medal of Merit. Following his return from Vietnam, he joined the Vermont National Guard, rising to the rank of Lt. Colonel. He lived in Barre with his family until his death from cancer in 1987, the result, his family believes, of his exposure to Agent Orange. More than 500 people attended his memorial; the Barre-Montpelier Times Argus called the service “one of the largest funerals ever held in the Granite City.” At the time of his death, he was survived by wife Sandra Roscoe Lewis, and two children. The Lewis donation evolved from a collaboration between Lewis’s youngest brother, Donald Lewis ’72, and the Norwich Record—Norwich University’s alumni magazine. Don Lewis originally presented the letters for publication in the winter 2015 issue, dedicated to Norwich alumni who served in Vietnam. Shortly thereafter, another member of the class of 1966, donate William F. Bonk, donated his collection of Vietnam letters. Bonk had also provided a collection of letters to the Record for publication, and afterwards, graciously offered them to the Archive for public access. The collection consists of letters written by Bonk to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bonk of Connecticut, during his service as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam, February through October 1968. The collection also includes color slides documenting his time in Vietnam as well as a single slide probably taken during his NU commencement in 1966. These gifts constitute the first two substantial manuscript collections from the Vietnam era to be available in the University Archives. They will serve as the foundation to helping students, faculty, staff, alumni, and researchers better understand the Norwich experience in Vietnam. To access these collections, please contact the Norwich University Archives, Kreitzberg Library, 802.485.2947 or [email protected]. News from the Hill N ORTHFIELD NEWS readers may have attended Norwich's Veteran's Day Todd Lecture presented by General Colin Powell last month, but did they know that our director of nursing considers him her mentor, or are they curious to hear him discuss his feelings about serving in Vietnam? Maybe readers are interested in following up with our solar house, the Delta T-90, or reading all about Norwich's conference on grand strategy, which sought to brainstorm the best ways for the U.S. to help solve global issues. Those stories, articles, interviews, photos and videos can all be found online in various publications. In the past two weeks alone, newsletters have been published by the College of Liberal Arts (Norwich University Happenings<http://libarts.norwich.edu/newsletter/>); the College of Professional Schools (Norwich University Connections<http://profschools.norwich.edu/newsletter/>) and the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies (What's New @ NU Online<http://online.norwich.edu/newsletter/8961/what%27s-new-%40-nu-online>) as well as the winter issue of our quarterly alumni magazine, the Norwich Record (found at TheNorwichRecord.com<file:///C:\Users\dlarkin\ AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary%2 0Internet%20Files\Content.Outlook\2H0YTL8L\th enorwichrecord.com>). These publications often tell the stories behind the stories, as well as offer insight into the student or faculty experience. Nearly 200 years ago, Norwich was founded on the idea of experiential learning and since then has been in the business of preparing its graduates to build and defend the nation. These stories demonstrate how Norwich is living its guiding values and staying true to its mission. Each publication contains stories of learning by doing (see: "Architecture Students Continue Design Partnership with Frank Lloyd Wright's Westcott House"); news of how students are applying their education after graduation (see: "Diplomacy Alumnus Named White House Fellow"), and previews of great programs to come ("Coming next April: the Annual CSI Symposium"). Readers can also find practical information about the value of higher education, or learn more about Norwich faculty and the details of their ground-breaking research projects. These publications are designed to engage the hearts and minds of individuals,businesses, and everyone in between, including prospective students and our 20,000+ living alumni. So get online and dig into the fascinating stories and photos that define Norwich University today!
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