Safety Data Sheet SPRAY WAX 22209 Hazardous Material Identification Rating: Fire - 0 Health - 2 Reactivity – 1 SECTION 1: PRODUCT IDENTIFICA TION Id entity (T rade N a me): Part Number: F amily / Chemi cal Name: Chemical Formulati on: Product Use: Exclusi ve Manuf act urer: Corporat e Of fices: Web sit e Sales: Emai l Cont act: Emergency Phone: SPRAY WAX 22374 / 8399362 Surfactant Blend Proprietary Ecoplanet ™ Cleaner MULTI PURPOSE WAXING PREPARATION APPLICATIONS VON HAAS PO Box 9933 Greenville, SC 29604 Phone: (929)777-8013 Fax: (844) 866-4227 i nf o@ VONHAAS.COM 800- 5 35- 5 05 3 24- H our Em e rg ency Tele ph one Number Appli cati ons : Shingles, Clay, Slate, Asphalt, Concrete Tile, ETC. C leans : Gray wood fiber, failed wood stains finishes, water stains, mildew, mold SECTION 2: HAZARD(s) IDENTIFICA TIO N WARNI NG: EYE & SKIN IRRITANT Control Measures: Requir ed Prot ecti ve E quip m ent: Gloves and goggles Recommended Prot ecti ve Equipment: rubber boots and rubber apron when handling large quantities. Storage & Disposal: Keep away from heat and store in a cool, well-ventilated place. Inspect container before purchase for punctures, leaks or container defects. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national and international regulations. SECTION 3: composition / information on ingredients Note: List all CERCLA hazardous substances at 1% or greater and CARCINOGENS at 0.1% or greater. TLV/ STEL/ INGREDIENT (chemical name) CAS# % range PEL TWA celling skin This product contains no hazardous components. SECTION 4: first aid measures Eyes: Flush with running water while holding eyelid open. Contact physician if needed. Ski n: Remove contaminated clothing. Flush with running water. In gesti on: Do not induce vomiting unless instructed by physician. Seek medical attention. I n h alati on : Leave the area for fresh air. SECTION 5: FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Non-flammable and will not support combustion. There are no unusual fire and explosion hazards known. Suitable extinguishing media: Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local circumstances and the surrounding environment. SECTION 6: ACCIDENTIAL RELEASE M EASURES Spill and R ecovery: spray Wax is biodegradable. If spilled, flush area thoroughly with water. Waste Disposal Method: spray wax is not regulated under any federal regulations as a toxic or hazardous material (see below). If it becomes necessary to dispose of spent solution, foreign, potentially regulated contaminants from the cleaning process are introduced to the system in the cleaning process and applicable local, state, and federal regulations pertaining to characterization and disposal should be adhered to. . SECTION 7: HANDLING & STORAGE Control Measures: Required Prot ecti ve Equipment: Eye protection and rubber gloves Recommended Prot ecti ve Equipment: Splash-proof goggles Storage & Disposal: STORE IN ORGINAL CONTAINER. Keep away from heat and store in a cool, well-ventilated place. Inspect container before purchase for punctures, leaks or container defects. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national and international regulations. SECTION 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS /PERSONAL PROTECTION Control Measures: REQUIRED: GLOVES: Chemical-resistant gloves REQUIRED: EYE PROTECTION: Wear face shield or chemical goggles. RECOMMENDED: OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Wear protective clothing to prevent skin contact. rubber boots and rubber apron when handling large quantities. RESPRIATORY: No personal respiratory protective equipment normally required. Eye wash station and safety shower should be available. SECTION 9: PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Specifi c Gravit y: Appearance: Odor: Solubilit y i n Water: 1.02 CLEAR TO RED NONE Infinite Form: pH: Flash Poi nt: Boi li ng Poi nt: Liquid 7 None 210 °F SECTION 10: STABIL ITY & REACTIVITY Hazardous Decomposition Prod ucts: St abi lit y: Materi als t o Avoid: Conditions t o Avoi d: Hazardous Polymeri zation: Carbon monoxide and Carbon dioxide Stable Acidic products and oxidizing agents. Temperatures above 100 deg f and below 30 deg f None SECTION 11: TOXICOLOG ICAL INFORMA TION NONE KNOWN SECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMA TIO N NONE KNOWN SECTION 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIO NS REFER TO SECTION 8 FOR PERSONAL PROTECTION Spill and R ecovery: Waxy Wash is biodegradable. If spilled, flush area thoroughly with water. Waste Disposal Method: Waxy Wash is not regulated under any federal regulations as a toxic or hazardous material (see below). If it becomes necessary to dispose of spent solution, foreign, potentially regulated contaminants from the cleaning process are introduced to the system in the cleaning process and applicable local, state, and federal regulations pertaining to characterization and disposal should be adhered to. SECTION 14: TRANSPORT IN FORMATION DOT Class: Hazard Class: UN / UNA Number: IM O / I AT A: Non-Regulated None None Surfactant SECTION 15: REGULATORY IN FORMATIO N Federal Regulati ons 29 CFR 1910.1000: NONE CERCL A/ SUPERF UND 40 CF R 117, 302, 304: Notification of spills is not SARA/ S UP E RF U ND A m en d m ent s a n d Reaut hori zation Act of 1986 (Title II I - Secti ons 302, 311, 312, 313): Contains no ingredients listed in Appendix A per Section 302. Not hazardous under Sections 311 and 312. Not reportable under Section 313. RCRA: Not Applicable Tot al T oxi c O r ga ni cs : None Per TTO List DI SCL AI MER: The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text. Copyright 2014 All U .S. T ra demark s ar e Li ce ns ed P ro p er ty o f F RE AK S HO W C ARTE L L LC REVISED 03/14
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