September2014 2013 December Newsletter Newsletter Mission Statement Central Coast Funds For Children, a nonprofit corporation, is established to raise funds for corporation, is established to raise funds for children in need in San Luis Obispo County. children in need in San Luis Obispo County. The The Corporation shall raise funds through a Corporation shall raise funds through a variety variety of methods, including but not limited to, of methods, including but not limited to, contributions and charitable events. contributions, and charitable events. 2015 Board of Directors President, Susan Murray; Pattti Hempenius, Parliamentarian; Diane Martinelli, Corresponding Secretary; Chris Wheeler, Recording Secretary; Treasurer, Muriel Harkins; Paula Tolbert, Fund Raising Coordinator; Claudia Grant, Vice President; Chris Poe, Grant Review Chairman ACTIVE MEMBERS 2015 Grant Review Board Current News Soup Supper – September 15, 2013 Our 22nd Annual Soup Supper will be a Drive-thru. Come to the American Legion Building (behind the Veteran’s Memorial Building on Grand Ave.) to get your delicious meal. This year for the same price as in the past, receive four soups, salad Marian$35.00, Bernick, you Paulawill Gingrich, Cyndi Framme, Chrisdressing, Poe, CherylSan Fernandez, Susan Murray, and Luis Sourdough bread and Marge Cooper homemade cookies all in a reusable bag. Also included this year, your ticket will be placed in the drawing for a wonderful Garden Basket or Gourmet/Dinner Basket. ACTIVE MEMBERS Sharon Baldridge Cyndi Framme Verniece Lincoln Joanne Rogoff HONORARY MEMBERS Sharon Baldridge Marge Hempenius Barbara Thor* Yasumoto *Provisional Gillian Sinclair* Judy Barnett PaulaCooper Gingrich Patti Pat Manninger Susan Murray Linda Rundstrom Virginia Judy Barnett Debbie Craven Alethea Justus Ricki Pace Paula Tolbert Marian Bernick Claudia Grant Diane Martinelli Gillian Sinclair PROVISIONAL MEMBERS MarilynBernick Blake Muriel Harkins Bonnie Jeanette MeekChris Poe Karna Stitt Trudi Travis Marian Cheryl Fernandez Kennedy Melinda Bollinger Patti Hempenius Susan Murray Paula Tolbert Kim Conti Marilyn Blake Cyndi Framme Pat Kowal Shay Peck* Marsha Braun Gay Hull Ricki Pace Chris Wheeler Carolyn Klingler Melinda Gingrich Leslie Rodman HONORARY MEMBER Kim ContiBollinger Paula Bonnie Kennedy Verniece ChrisLincoln Poe Joanne Rogoff Marsha Braun Claudia Grant Diane Martinelli Linda Rundstrom* Virginia Yasumoto Marge Cooper Carolyn Klingler Shay Peck CherylButler Fernandez Muriel Pat Kowal LeslieMeek Rodman Karna Stitt Linda Harkins Jeanette President’s Message – Chris Poe Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all! I am happy to recap a very successful CCFC year, “Celebrating 20 Years of Giving.” We have accomplished so much and we have you -- our supporters, friends, husbands, family, business partners, trustees, and membership -- to thank. As I look back on the last 12 months, I am amazed. Our goal was to increase our Visibility, our Vitality, and our Viability. Done! This is our third newsletter and that is something to celebrate. We want to keep in touch with all of you. Please take a minute to remember how together we have made a difference in the lives of countless children in need in San Luis Obispo County. We appreciate your generous donations and your attendance at our annual events. This year we received 47 grant requests! Together with our hard work and your support and the support of our business partners, we will grant $88,000 in 2014. We are so proud. To close this year in reflection, founding member and active trustee, Ann Hansen, traced CCFC’s origins from 1958 to now – spawned by a group of women who would not be deterred in their belief that they could make a difference in the lives of children right here in San Luis Obispo County. CCFC began officially in 1994 and is going strong. “I am loveable and capable” is the message we want to send to the children we reach with our time, our talents, and our funds. The spirit of CCFC spreads love and generosity and devotion to children. It’s been a pleasure serving as president of CCFC this year. Thank you for believing in us. TOGETHER with you we celebrate “20 Years of Giving.” Vice President’s Message - Susan Murray What an amazing year 2014 was for CCFC more visibility and vitality, which I know we will carry into 2015. Gay Hull and Pat Manninger became active members and already vital members to CCFC. They helped at their first soup supper and took the lead for the Little Theatre Social. We also welcome Kim Conti and Joanne Rogoff as new provisional members. They also were actively involved in Soup Supper. Carolyn Klingler joined us in November and we are looking forward to getting to know her and tap into her many talents. We say farewell to Linda Butler and Alethea Justus who turned in resignations. We wish them well on their life’s journey and thank them for all they contributed to CCFC. We are still looking for additional members who believe in and support our mission, “to raise funds for children in need”. I have a wonderful board and look forward to the support of all the members and trustees. Season to Believe Dear Friends, I would like to thank all of the members of Central Coast Funds for Children, our Trustees and especially all of our supporters and guests who attended “Season to Believe.” A special thank you to my co-chairs, Marian Bernick and Karna Stitt, whose non-stop energy and support made this event fun and a huge success. It is with all of your continued support that we can help the children of San Luis Obispo County. It would not be possible without all of you. Please accept my heartfelt thank you and we at CCFC look forward to seeing you again next year! Until then I wish you a year full of love, joy and the spirit of believing that anything is possible if you Believe! Happy Holidays from my family to yours, Bonnie Kennedy Thank you to our generous Chairman underwriters and business partners! “Season to Believe” Seasonal Aprons Made By Trustee Member Vanessa Fujimoto Co-chair Karna Stitt, chair Bonnie Kennedy, co-chair Marian Bernick Amazon Smile and Earn $$ for CCFC! This works like e-script. Amazon will give CCFC .05% on select items. If and when you shop at please sign-in at and pick Central Coast Funds for Children as your non-profit, if you would like us to receive the money. This is very simple, does not cost you or CCFC any money and once a quarter we will receive .05% from Amazon. It is just like shopping at Von’s or New Frontier, only you are doing it on the computer. If you buy books for your Kindles, buy direct from the Amazon website and CCFC will get credit. Not all items at Amazon are eligible, but it is like free money for us on the items that are eligible. If you have any questions please give me a call at 543-3615 or e-mail me at [email protected]. Thanks and happy shopping. Sunshine Sacks Our members continue to meet to create fun-filled sacks for emergency foster care placement as he or she is placed into the system. A group of our members spend several hours once a month sewing decorative bags and stuffing them with a blanket, coloring book, stuffed animal, journal, crayons, pencil, toothbrush and a hair brush. For some of the older children we add hand lotion, deodorant, and shampoo. We distribute these bags to several different agencies in San Luis Obispo specifically The Family Care Network, Women’s Shelter and CASA. We have delivered 122 sacks in 2014. We are grateful to the Church of the Nazarene located on Johnson Avenue for making available a place to meet and make our sacks. Cheryl Fernandez & Sharon Baldridge Trustee Luncheon at Café Roma A fabulous October event filled with active members and trustees Shoes Galore Once again the members of CCFC and our active trustees have “brightened the day “for children. The 66 two year olds, three year olds and four year olds who attend the Children’s Resource Development Center will receive shoes, socks and a toy at the center’s Christmas party compliments of our members who purchased these much needed and appreciated items. This “happening” has become a tradition for our members. Dena Price selects CCFC for “Collaboration for A Cause” On a beautiful Sunday afternoon in November, Dena and Steve Price opened their barn and lovely patio to friends and family. Everyone who attended caught Dena’s spirit of love and giving. Local artists Gay Melody Sullivan and Jan Dugan displayed their original art. Several other friends brought oils, garden art, unique cards, and pet friendly designs for guests to purchase. Dena displayed her unique leaf bowls and cat-friendly toys. Everyone went away with her famous “salad sack”. The afternoon included a buffet lunch from Ventana Grill, wine from Compass Health Foundation, lovely pastries from SLO Sugar Rush, and the gentle sounds of Kaitlyn Perry’s voice and music floating through the crowd. Several CCFC members attended. On behalf of CCFC, Chris Poe shared our story and thanked all for supporting our mission. Partial proceeds from artists and hosts and generous checks from guests were donated to CCFC. Thank you Dena and Steve! California Pizza Kitchen CCFC was fortunate to partner with California Pizza Kitchen again this year. Each time our members and friends dined there on our designated day, we earned 20% of the proceeds of our meals. Thanks to all! We earned $440.00. We appreciate the support of CPK and our community. Jeanette Meek CPK Chairperson San Luis Obispo/Scenic Coast Board of Realtors Oktoberfest Golf Tournament CCFC was honored to be one of the non-profit recipients for this year’s San Luis Obispo/Scenic Coast Board of Realtors annual golf tournament. The event took place at the Avila Beach Resort Golf Course on Oct. 18th with 144 players. CCFC had great participation with 5 teams of members and friends. The tournament was so much fun with many caring businesses cheering on the players on every hole. It was a beautiful day and $12,000 was raised for the four designated non-profit organizations: Along Comes Hope; People Self Help Housing; Noor Foundation; and Central Coast Funds for Children. CCFC was awarded $5000 from the event. This money will be used to fund 2014 grant requests from San Luis Obispo County agencies who serve children in need. Thank you to the SLO/Scenic Board of Realtors for believing in CCFC and helping us make a difference in the lives of children! “Celebrating 20 Years of Giving” Sunday, September 21, 2014 Annual Soup Supper at the Monday Club The Central Coast Funds for Children held its 23rd Annual Soup Supper on Sunday, September 21st in the hall and gardens of the beautiful Monday Club. The ticket price was raised this year to $40 but all who attended were in for something different and special. Friends, family, community and CCFC members were treated to signature soups , fine wines, and craft beers from local businesses were included in the ticket price. Guests Richard and Karen Wilson won the raffle basket of Madonna Inn services. The men of CCFC were assisted this year by muscle and man-power provided by five outside linebackers from the Cal Poly football team. High school volunteer “TIGRS” from Camp Hapitok happily provided helping hands. A big thank you to all businesses and caring friends who donated, who attended, and who helped raise money for grants to numerous hard working agencies in this county who serve children in need. CCFC is proud of its 20+ year history partnering with community and agencies to make a difference in the lives of children. Chris Poe and Susan Murray, co-chairwomen PJ’s For DJ’s CCFC is again partnering with KJUG and Golden 1 Credit Union to collect new pajamas for kids in San Luis Obispo County. DJ’s 4 PJ’s will be held Saturday, December 20. We will have a collection booth located in the parking lot outside Golden 1 Credit Union in Paso Robles. It is in the same shopping center where Penny’s, Kohl’s, and Wal-Mart are located. Cal-Poly’s football team has also gotten involved. Led by the coach’s wife, Jody Walsh, Cal Poly collected PJ’s at their Oct 25th Parent and Family weekend home game. They have also offered to help deliver the PJ’s to approximately 15 local children's agencies in time for Christmas. If you would like to donate PJ’s or money for us to buy the PJ’s, but are unable to make it up to Paso Robles, please call Cheryl Fernandez (544-4553) or Muriel Harkins (543-8570) to drop off your donation. Thank you for your support. Sometimes, these PJ’s are the only Christmas gift these kids receive! Cheryl Fernandez, Chair and Muriel Harkins, Co-Chair Would You Like To Help? Did you know CCFC has three ways to remember a friend or loved one and at the same time help children in San Luis Obispo County? CCFC is happy to help you share a Celebration or to Honor someone you admire or someone who has done something special. Many of our supporters and members have made In Memoriam donations, but we want to remind you that there are two more ways to donate to CCFC. To contribute IN CELEBRATION, IN HONOR, OR IN MEMORIAM, please send your check to CCFC in the enclosed envelope or make a donation on our website ( CCFC will acknowledge your donation with a note to your honoree or to the family of your in memoriam. Now you know how CCFC can help you “REMEMBER A FRIEND, SOMEONE SPECIAL OR FAMILY MEMBER” when the time arises. Another opportunity to donate to CCFC is to become an INDIVIDUAL OR BUSINESS SUPPORTER. You may contribute at your level of choice: Committed………………$500.00 and above Compassionate……. $300.00 to $499.00 Faithful………………… $100.00 to $299.00 Caring…………………… $ 35.00 to $ 99.00 Supporters may attend Annual Supporter Luncheon in the spring and will receive our newsletter. If you are interested in supporting CCFC in any of the above ways, please indicate your type of donation and make checks to CCFC. Thank you for joining our mission to serve children- in-need in San Luis Obispo County. CCFC P.O. Box 1046 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 email: [email protected] Central Coast Funds for Children 2014 Grant Recipients ACTS/ABUSED CHILDREN TREATMENT $ 2,500 ALPHA 3,500 A.R.T. FOR CHILDREN 1,000 ASSISTANCE LEAGUE 2,500 ATASCADERO LOAVES & FISHES 3,000 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF NORTH COUNTY 2,000 BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF SOUTH COUNTY 2,000 CAMP OCEAN PINES 2,000 CASA/COURT APPOINTED SPECIAL ADV 2,000 CENTRAL COAST CHILDREN’S CHOIR 2,000 CENTRAL COAST GROWN 1,500 CHILD DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE CENTER 2,500 COASTAL PERFORMING ARTS FOUNDATION 1,000 COMMUNITY COUNSELING CENTER 1,600 EQUINE ALLIANCE 3,000 FAMILY CARE NETWORK 1,000 FIRST TEE 2,500 FORT HOPE 2,000 FRIENDS OF HAPITOK 4,500 FRIENDS OF MARTHA’S PLACE 1,000 INFINITE MUSIC FOUNDATION 2,000 LOPEZ HIGH SCHOOL 1,400 MORRO BAY COMMUNITY CENTER 2,000 NIPOMO AREA RECREATION 1,200 OPERA SAN LUIS OBISPO 800 OUTREACH SVS – PAC 1,500 PASO ROBLES CHILDREN’S MUSEUM 2,500 PASO ROBLES YOUTH ARTS FOUNDATION 1,000 RISE AKA N COUNTY WOMEN’S SHELTER 3,000 ROYAL FAMILY KIDS 2,000 SAVE/SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTUM EDUCATION 3,000 SLO BOTANTICAL GARDENS 2,000 SLOCAP 3,000 SLO SOBER GRAD NITE 1,000 SLO LITTLE THEATRE 1,500 SLO MUSEUM OF ART 2,000 SLO SYMPHONY 4,000 SOUTH COUNTY YOUTH COALITION 1,500 SPECIAL OLYMPICS 2,500 TOLOSA CHILDREN’S DENTAL CENTER 3,000 TRANSITIONS MENTAL HEALTH 2,500 YOUTH WORKS AKA PASO ROBLES HOUSING AUTHORITY 1,500 TOTAL GRANTS 2014 $88,000 GRAND TOTAL GRANTS 1994 – 2014 $1,402,415 2014 Business Partners A SLO Slow Rush Albert’s Florist Alex Ramiro, massage therapist Albert’s Florist Andersen ‘s Bakery Anderson Commercial Real Estate Apio, Inc. Art Bar SLO Autry Cellars Avila Beach Resort Golf Course Avila Valley Barn Beehive Salon Biddle Ranch Vineyard Black Horse Bakery Bottlemeisters Café Roma Cucina Rustica Italiana Cakes by Julie Caroline Rocha, LLC Cassie’s Custom Cakes Central Coast Culinary Chamisal Vineyard Change of A Dress, Consignment Claiborne Churchill Winery Dave Congalton Cornercopia Fresh Market, Jennifer BabbZwarg Costco Dorn’s Original Breakers Restaurant Jan Dugan, artist Express Employment Professional, Cyndi Framme Faces a la Mode First American Title, Stacy Axan First Presbyterian Church, SLO Gordon’s Floral Design Studio Gymnazo Hamilton Estate Jewelers Hinson Tires Hotel Cheval Huckleberry Market Hula Hut, Linda & Bill Price Ian Saude Jewelry & Lifestyle Gallery Steve Kular, artist Kurt Kennedy, Morgan Stanley Kynsi Cellars Linn’s Fruit Bins Linn’s of Cambria Little Sur Inn Lose it for Life, Louellen Ferreira Madonna Inn Mama Ganache Artisan Chocolates Meathead Movers Lynn Meenzhuber, artist Miner’s Ace Hardward Mission Linen of Santa Maria NIPA Cellars Open Air Flowers Pappy McGregor’s Pub Pepe Delgados Mexican Restaurant Petal Club Picking Daisies PH Balance Gems and Jewelry Portraits by Christine Sedley Robbins Family Farms, Robbie & Patti Robbins Ron’s Nursery School of Ballet Theatre, SLO Ricki Schumacher Designs San Luis Obispo Country Club San Luis Obispo Mini Storage SLO/Scenic Coast Board of Realtors SLO Sourdough San Luis Obispo Trader Joes Sea Chest Restaurant Serenity By The Sea Shell Beach Designs Smart and Final Sprigs Floral Designs Stephen Ross Wine Cellars TapIt Brewery Taste Templeton Beauty Salon, Luann Arenson The Cookie Marshall The Dance Shop The Hammons Family The Rundstrom Family The Tribune, Landy Fike Tolosa Winery Trio Boutique Uncorked Wine Tours Upper Crust Trattoria Vanessa Fujimoto Vons Floral Walmart Whole Foods Wolff Vineyards Zoey’s on Garden In Memoriam & Honor •Shaun Roberts Jeanette and Larry Meek Carol and Carl Berry Barbara and Joe Antinello Ricki and Don Pace Cheryl and Dennis •Fernandez Muriel and Gary Harkins Mary Pollock Trudi and Bill Travis Paula and Tom Tolbert •David McMamara Jeanette and Larry Meek Ricki and Don Pace Ann and Jim Whitehead •Diane DeGaetano Carol and Carl Berry •Ross Humphrey Muriel and Gary Harkins •Ray Noel Linda Booker Paula and Tom Tolbert Barbara and Joe Antinello Ann and Jim Whitehead Bonnie and Mac Brinton •Ric Bollinger Ann and Jim Whitehead CCFC Susan and David Murray Judy and Joe Barnett Ricki and Don Pace Bonnie and Mac Brinton Patty and Gerry Hempenius Deronda and Steve Burdette Jeanette and Larry Meek Linda Booker Muriel and Gary Harkins Cyndi Framme Pat Kowal •Aggie Goette Patti and Gerry Hempenius •Diletta Foss Muriel and Gary Harkins Cheryl and Dennis Fernandez Jeanette and Larry Meek Melinda Bollinger •Barbara Perrine Carol and Carl Berry Barbara and Joe Antinello •Barbara McCallum Ann and Jim Whitehead Chris and Garry Poe Vanessa Fujimoto Linda Booker Patti and Gerry Hempenius Bonnie and Mac Brinton •Patti Lyon Linda Booker •Lavonne Todd Linda Booker •Clifton Marler Carol and Carl Berry •Christopher Money Deronda and Steve Burdette Bonnie and Mac Brinton •Marilyn Steinbeck Judy and Joe Barnet •James Perkins Madi Gates •Bernadette Amy Harper IN CELEBRATION •Lynn Cooper (Birthday) Ralph and Martha Kettlecamp •Beverly Willick Dodie Williams •Ralph Kettlecamp (Birthday) Marge and Lynn Cooper •Ricki Pace (Birthday) Melaie Richter and family 2014 CCFC SUPPORTERS Commited Dr. & Mrs. Ritter Angela Brokow Betty Flagg Church of the Nazarene Jeff and Carla Cole First American Title Co. Kiwanis de Tolosa Meathead Movers Ricki Spitzer Thornton /Whitehead Charitable Giving Fund Vetter-Winters Trust Fund Jim and Ann Whitehead Carol Berry Bormat, USA Kay Brooner Jack & Nancy Brown Steve & Deronda Burdette Lorraine Cagliero Sue Powers/Carpine Kathy Coull Darlene DeChance Lynn Ekegren Patty Eister Shelly Higgenbothom Joann Jennings Gerry Johnson Nita Kenyon Isabel Kirsch Compassionate Janice Murphy Jesse & Delia Norris Melinda Bollinger Dr. and Mrs. Steve Hansen Eve Opinion Marlene Peters Steve and Dena Price Larry and Beth Peterson Mary Pollock Faithful Jean Seitz Barbara Antinello Ann Silva Charron Sparks Christian Voge Dorothy Wilson Nancy Hayward Barbara Heneveld Lynn Hollister Lee & Donna Jeberjahn Jean Lardon Judith Leonard Caring Ruth Madocks Donna Marlinghaus Denise Allen Jeanne Miller Cindy Alvarado Toppy Miller Patricia Armstrong Tonny Murray Gladys Branum E.M. Myhre Kathy Burke Barbara Nicholson Daryl Cameron Pacific Industrial Supply Jan Carsel Jerry & Sharyn Chirpich Kitty Putnam Robyn Ramsey Shirley Crawford LaVonne Rodgers Lois Dunn Hileri Shand Micky Feuer Margo Smith Leeanne Fisher William Foster Gay Melody Sullivan William & Nancy Gerrish Louis Tedone M.D. Kimberly Griffith Joan Walker Robert & Olga Harway
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