CUMMING SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development CHRONIC PAIN MANAGEMENT FOR THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN A MAINPRO-C Course DAY 1 Monday February 9, 2015 AHS Location (TBD) DAY 2 and 3 observership dates to be arranged by Course Coordinator Chronic Pain Centre, Richmond Road Diagnostic and Treatment Centre, 1820 Richmond Road SW, Calgary, AB COURSE OVERVIEW REGISTER ON-LINE (or register by mail or fax; see Registration Form for details) Family physicians are responsible for the majority of the management of chronic pain. Day one of this course will be held in a classroom setting to provide an overview of key issues in chronic pain. Days two and three will be arranged as COURSE CONTENT CONTACT Sylvia M Vespa Course Coordinator [email protected] observership days, in conjunction with the Course Coordinator at the Chronic Pain VENUE COURSE OBJECTIVES The course day will be held at an Alberta Health Services location which will be communicated to you by the Course Coordinator. Your observership days will be held at the Chronic Pain Centre located at the Richmond Road Diagnostic and Treatment Centre, 1820 Richmond Road SW, Calgary, AB – unless otherwise indicated by the Course Coordinator. CLINICAL PRIVILEGES Please note that non-AHS staff will be required to obtain approval from the Medical Staff Office for a clinical observership. Pain Program staff will facilitate this process, which involves up-to-date immunizations and on-line privacy and security training. Centre, and will provide a clinical preceptorship that responds to the needs of the individual learner. The intent of the conference is for learners to: • gain sufficient knowledge of the physiological, anatomical and psychological mechanisms of pain to be able to explain it in plain language to patients • know how to assess the biological, psychological and socio-economic aspects of pain • acquire some useful tips for managing patients with chronic pain in a primary care setting, including communication skills, medication management, and basic counselling skills • become aware of the resources available in the community to support patients with chronic pain • practice interviewing, physical examination and treatment skills CREDITS MAINPRO-C – 25 credits if all course obligations are met CHRONIC PAIN MANAGEMENT FOR THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN | PAGE 1 OF 3 COURSE OUTLINE Day 1 DAY 2 and 3 0800-1700 (Lunch 1200-1300) (dates and times to be arranged) Introduction and Review of Participants’ Pre-course Needs Assessment Preceptored Clinics • neuromusculoskeletal program • kinesiology What is Chronic Pain? • dietary • brief overview of anatomy and physiology • headache program • biopsychosocial model • pelvic program • differences from acute pain • physiotherapy • why does acute pain become chronic? • pharmacy • occupational therapy Physical Function and Pain • factors influencing disability Assessment • general and disease-specific Case review daily with physician preceptor or clinic psychologist Up to two additional clinic preceptor days can also be scheduled based on further learner needs and subject to an additional fee Treatment/Management Options • treating pain versus disability • medications • injections and special procedures • psychological interventions • rehabilitation strategies • interacting with third parties Optional Discussion of Clinical Scenarios • headache, pelvic pain, back pain, disability Community Resources • access to rehabilitation and psychology services, financial supports, referral information PROGRAM MAY CHANGE DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND OUR CONTROL CHRONIC PAIN MANAGEMENT FOR THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN | PAGE 2 OF 3 PLANNING COMMITTEE LOCAL FACULTY Martha Butler BHSc (OT) Martha Butler BHSc (OT) Occupational Therapist, Chronic Pain Centre Terry Kane BPHE BSc (PT) Lori Montgomery MD CCFP Chris Spanswick MB ChB FRCA Ann Crabtree MD BSc(Hons) BEd Physician, Chronic Pain Centre Michelle DeLisle PhD R Psych Psychologist, Chronic Pain Centre Trevor McKay BPE Kinesiologist, Chronic Pain Centre Lori Montgomery MD CCFP Family Medicine, Medical Director, Chronic Pain Centre Chris Spanswick MB ChB FRCA Anaesthesia, Medical Leader, Calgary Pain Program DISCLOSURE OF POTENTIAL FINANCIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST In keeping with accreditation guidelines, speakers participating in this event have been asked to disclose to the audience any involvement with industry or other organizations that may potentially influence the presentation of the educational material. Disclosure will be done verbally and using a slide prior to the speaker’s presentation. ACCREDITATION The University of Calgary – Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development is fully accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS). STUDY CREDITS CFPC MAINPRO–C This program meets the accreditation criteria of The College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been accredited for up to 25 MAINPRO-C credits. ADDITIONAL PROGRAM INFORMATION DRESS SCENT FREE Dress is business casual. Sweaters or items of clothing that can be layered are recommended since temperature in the venue may fluctuate. To ensure the comfort of everyone attending this event, we ask you to not wear scented products. CHRONIC PAIN MANAGEMENT FOR THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN | PAGE 3 OF 3 COURSE # – 51405 Chronic Pain Management for the Family Physician February 9, 2015 REGISTRATION FORM PROFESSION STUDENT / RESIDENT OTHER HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL – PLEASE SPECIFY PHYSICIAN (FULL-TIME STUDENTS ONLY) FIRST NAME LAST NAME ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE AREA CODE PHONE EXT AREA CODE POSTAL CODE FAX EMAIL CHEQ AMEX VISA MASTERCARD CARD NUMBER PAYMENT BY M M Y Y SIGNATURE EXPIRY DATE Yes, I wish to subscribe to the CME monthly electronic newsletter REGISTRATION FEE REGISTER ON-LINE $ 675.00 GST included – UCalgary GST Registration #108102864RT0001 Fee includes all sessions, as required; mid morning and mid afternoon wellness break snack, lunch and handout material. Please advise Course Content Contact of any special dietary restrictions. BY FAX Credit Card Payment Only Confidential Fax Fax 403.270.2330 BY MAIL Cheque Payable – UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY Cumming School of Medicine, Office of Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development, University of Calgary, TRW Building, 3280 Hospital Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N 4Z6 REGISTRATION SERVICES Phone 403.220.7032 Email [email protected] FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT Registration information is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The contact information you provide is required by our Office to register you in the course, prepare material and courses for your use, plan for future courses and notify you of similar, upcoming courses offered by our Office. Financial information is used to process applicable fees and is retained for future reference. Call 403.220.4251 if you have questions about the collection or use of this information.
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