Parish Directory Christmas December 25, 2014 Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Faith Community 5300 Old Howell Branch Road Winter Park, FL 32792 (407) 657-6114 Prayer Intention of Pope Francis for December “That the birth of the Redeemer may bring peace and hope to all people of good will.” Parish Directory Sacramental Life of the Parish Reconciliation: Saturday - 4pm to 4:45pm. Also by appointment. Please call the Parish Office. Baptisms: Parents must be registered, active members of this parish for three months before they may begin the Baptism process. Please call the Parish Office (Ext. 260) to make arrangements. Marriages: The Catholic party must be a registered, active member of this parish for a minimum of three months before marriage preparation can begin. A six month preparation is also required. Please call the Parish Office (Ext. 260) for more information. Anointing and Pastoral Care of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office if anyone is sick at home, in the hospital or nursing home, and would like to be visited. Schedule of Masses and Prayers Saturday Vigil Mass……………………………………....5pm, 7pm (Spanish) Sunday Masses……………………………..….………8am, 10am, 12pm, 6pm Holy Day Mass……………………………………….……………8:30am, 7pm Weekday Masses Monday-Friday……………………………………...8:30am Parish Office Phone: 407 657-6114 Fax: 407 657-9375 Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pastor Fr. Derk Schudde Parochial Vicar Fr. Fidel Rodriquez Cuza, OCD Deacons Al Castellana Norm Levesque Scott Lindeman Donald Warner Morning Prayer Monday-Friday…………………………………………..8am Rosary, Novena & Divine Mercy Chaplet ……….………..Monday at 7pm Adoration and Benediction…….....Tuesday 6pm-9pm, Thursday 9am-12pm Charismatic Prayer Group……………………...………..Thursday at 7:30pm Parish Offices Adult Faith Formation/RCIA/ Young Adults Sal Ballacchino ............... Ext 254 Bookkeeper Andrea Cole ................... Ext 253 Fingerprinting Gloria Miller................... Ext 228 Maintenance Leo Fitzsimmons ............ Ext 250 Will Rivas....................... Ext 250 Faith Formation Fax (407) 657-9530 Scott Lindeman ............... Ext 246 Sacrament Coordinator Denise Farrington ............ Ext 260 Business Office Pat Nunes ....................... Ext 225 Pastoral Care/Ministry to the Sick/ Bereavement Dr. Kate Clark ................ Ext 223 Children’s Faith Formation/ Youth Ministry Paula Wright .................. Ext 249 Liturgy/Music Ministry Paul Kusler ..................... Ext 235 Joe Marcellino………….. Ext 244 Early Learning Center Phone (407) 677-6191 Dr. Kate Clark ................. Ext 434 Terry DeVore .................. Ext 433 Hispanic Ministry Anna Torres .................... Ext 236 Receptionist Denise Farrington ........... Ext 221 Website Sts Peter & Paul... Sacristan Michael Arthur-Wong ..... Ext 355 Parish Directory Merry Christmas! In the Christmas Martyrology we have the beautiful Proclamation of the Birth of Christ: The twenty-fifth day of December. In the five thousand one hundred and ninety-ninth year of the creation of the world from the time when God in the beginning created the heavens and the earth; the two thousand nine hundred and fifty-seventh year after the flood; the two thousand and fifteenth year from the birth of Abraham; the one thousand five hundred and tenth year from Moses and the going forth of the people of Israel from Egypt; the one thousand and thirty-second year from David's being anointed king; in the sixty-fifth week according to the prophecy of Daniel; in the one hundred and ninety-fourth Olympiad; the seven hundred and fifty-second year from the foundation of the city of Rome; the forty second year of the reign of Octavian Augustus; the whole world being at peace, in the sixth age of the world, Jesus Christ the eternal God and Son of the eternal Father, desiring to sanctify the world by his most merciful coming, being conceived by the Holy Spirit, and nine months having passed since his conception, was born in Bethlehem of Judea of the Virgin Mary, being made flesh. The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh. More than two thousand years of history has passed since this great event. There have been many significant turning points in our world history since the birth of Christ. Great blessings and tragedies, great advances and losses have filled our history books. However, there is no single event in world history that has so shaped and changed our world as the birth of Christ. Once God entered His creation, creation was forever changed. God is no longer on the outside looking in. He is with us still. God is in the world! He is Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.” Now that He is with us, He will always be with us. In Matthews Gospel, Jesus’ very last words are, “I am with you always, until the end of the world!” Many great events will still be written into our world history. There will be many more blessings and tragedies. However, we stop to celebrate the greatest of them all! Whatever comes your way, whatever you add to the history of this world, great or small, just remember this, God is with you! I wish you and all your loved ones, many blessings and a truly Merry Christmas! In Our Parish Christmas: A Sense of the Season You probably know the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” Even though a radio station once proclaimed the twelve days of Christmas as those before December 25, Christians have always kept Christmas as a season from December 25 until January 6 (the traditional Epiphany). The church calendar today even extends the celebration until the feast of the Baptism of the Lord—the Sunday after Epiphany. Here is what the church says about the season of Christmas: “Next to the yearly celebration of the paschal mystery [meaning the Triduum and Easter season], the church holds most sacred the memorial of Christ’s birth and early manifestations. This is the pupose of the Christmas season.” (General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, #32). More than just “Jesus’ birthday,” the Christmas season is a time for remembering and reveling in the nativity of Christ, the revelation of Christ to the Jewish shepherds, the revelation of Christ to the Gentle magi (that’s us!), Christ’s baptism by John in the Jordan, and Christ changing water into wine at the wedding “on the third day” (John 2:1) in Cana of Galilee. In all these saving events, we know that “the Word is made flesh and dwells among us.” How can we keep Christmas not just as a day, but as a season? Keep the tree up (and watered!) and shining bright until the Baptism of the Lord. Sing carols and read the scriptures every day. Safely put candles around your crèche: Use small glass votive candle holders, and place them away from the straw. You might also want to add a little water to the bottom of the glass before putting the candle in—an added precaution that will also help you clean the glass more easily. When you light the candles, sing or say the prayer of the angels: Glory in heaven and peace on earth, now and forever. Amen! Thank You We thank all who took time in their own busy life and schedule to help us decorate the church and transform it into Christmas. To all the Extra-ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Altar Servers under the leadership and direction of Merry Warnock, our Sacristan Michael Arthur-Wong and his helpers, greeters and ushers, and finally to our Music Ministers, Paul Kusler and Joe Marcellino and choirs who worked long and hard to make our celebrations musically superb. We say Thank you and God bless you for all of your dedication, time and talent. Discovering Mary, Discovering Ourselves Save the Date - Join us on Saturday, February 28th, in the Parish Family Center for this one-day retreat as we learn more about our Blessed Mother. This day will be filled with stories, song, learning, prayer, and sharing. We will examine Mary in Scripture and her role in Jesus’ life and her relevancy in our lives today. Hosted by the Council of Catholic Women. Cost is $10 and includes lunch. For more information, contact Karen at 407-657-9385 or [email protected]. Catholic Scripture Study We will begin our new study on The Book of Psalms on Tuesday, January 13th at 7 pm. in the Parish Hall. All are welcome to join us as we grow in Fellowship in our shared journey of Faith through the study of The Word of God. We meet each Tuesday evening to discuss and learn more of God's wonderful plan for us. If you have any questions, please email or call Mary Pavlis at, [email protected] or 407-678-5283, so that we can order sufficient books for everyone. The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is a Holy Day of Obligation. There will be a Vigil Mass on Wednesday, December 31st at 7:00pm, as well as Mass on Thursday, January 1st at 10:00am. A Reminder Our Parish Facilities will be closed on Friday, December 26th, and on Thursday, January 1st. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! New Year’s Eve Dance Tickets are now available to join Fr. Derk and the pastoral staff for the “Black Tie and Pearls” ball on December 31st from 8:00pm until 1:00am in our parish hall. Your ticket for this fun-filled evening to ring in the new year will include hors d’oeuvres, dinner, dessert, party favors, photo-booth, and a champagne toast at midnight. There will also be silent auction and raffle items, a 50/50 drawing, and a cash bar, along with live entertainment and a DJ. Tickets are now available at the Parish Office and are $50 per person until December 21st ($60 per person after December 21st). Black tie and pearls are optional. Bulletin Deadline Please submit all bulletin articles to Pat Nunes at [email protected] no later than 12:00pm on Monday. Breakfast with Santa 2014 Merry Christmas! Parish Ministries Altar Care Michael Arthur-Wong ..... 671-3208 Altar Servers Merry Warnock ....... 321-439-5592 Annulments Lorayne Stelling ............. 830-1971 Bereavement Ellen Ryall ……………..…694-0216 Boy Scouts Chuck Hippler ............... 310-4731 Catholic Scripture Study Mary Pavlis................... 678-5283 Charismatic Prayer Group Claude Cassagnol ........... 657-1539 Children’s Liturgy Christine McFarland ....... 672-1757 Christ Renews His Parish Michael Tricoche ........... 754-6542 Council of Catholic Women Nora Stark .................... 252-4537 Compass Linda Pellegrino ............ 737-9549 English as a Second Language Mary/Enzo Del Vento…...542-5482 Feeding the Homeless Bill Rowan ................... 365-6730 Filipino Group Dan Lacsamana ............. 227-2712 Food Pantry Michael Arthur-Wong ..... 671-3208 Hospitality Art Robinson & Claudia Silva ................. 208-0788 Lay Carmelites Albert Perez .................. 657-0074 Legion of Mary Jose Sharpe ................... 690-3749 Marriage Enrichment Ministry Willie & Gigi Santiago .... 227-1504 Men’s Club Ernie Smith ................... 671-3998 Ministers of Holy Communion Donna Chuchla .............. 542-6483 Ministry of Mothers Sharing Rose Tuttle ................... 765-3394 Neighborhood Network Gloria Miller ................. 657-6114 Parish Council Hank Marchese ............. 679-5592 Readers Terrie Rowan ................ 365-6730 Rosary Makers Rosemarie DiSimone....... 671-9560 Shepherd’s Hope Wayne Middleton ........... 977-7963 Ultreya/Cursillo Michael & Denise Farrington............... 321-422-5603 Ushers Michael Kubanet ............ 657-2836 Women of Purpose Diane Fitzsimmons ........ 672-0612 WorkForce Stephen Smith……....386-566-6689 Parish Directory Mass Intentions for this Week Friday, December 26 - Saint Stephen, The First Martyr 8:30 am .............. †Jack McCurdy by Charles & Jamie Lambusta Saturday, December 27 - Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist Vigil Mass for Sunday - The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 5:00 pm. ............. †Pedro & Carmen Zamon by Shorter Family 7:00 pm ............... †Jose Gomez by His Children Monday, December 29 - Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas 8:30 am……….†Steve Turecky by King of Kings Pray Group Tuesday, December 30 - Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas 8:30 am……….†Jim Rice Jr., by Mom and Dad Wednesday, December 31 - Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas 8:30 am……....†Jean & Ralph Marotta by Gloria Miller Vigil Mass, Solemnity of Mary the Holy Mother of God Sunday, December 28 - The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 8:00 am……....†Mary Jospeh by The Swann Family 10:00 am……....†Mick Clark by The Sanders Family 12:00 pm……....†Anna Shovich by Juan& Kevin Shovich 6:00 pm……....†Sharon Knight by John & Marian Crawford Scripture Readings for Next Weekend Is 60:1-6 Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6 Mt 2:1-12 Visit us on Facebook! *Please Note: Names will be left on the Prayer List for one month. If you would like a name to be kept on the list please call the Parish Office (407) 657-6114. 7:00 pm……....†People of the Parish Thursday, January 1 - The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord Solemnity of Mary the Holy Mother of God 10:00 am……....†Jack Oliva by Oliva Family And Please Pray For... Cali Rose Adkins Tere Alcantara Steve Anderson Maria Balisado The Barrera Family Dan Begey Michael Begey The Callendar Family Justin Casey Loren Casey Irene Chessa Louise Clancy Joseph Columbus Delphine Croy Micah Ashley Duff Patricia Dwyer Carla Ely Robin English Mike Farrington Lynn Fekany Ron Ferrara Alice Filipelli The Galvin Family Nicholas Garcia Janice Garrett The Gonzalez Family The Gonzales Family Fr. Jim Harnan Ian Henriques Kyra Henriques The Horgan Family John Horvath Margie Ingalls Robert Jablonski Tracie Jackson Betty Kearney Eleanor Keilman Paul Kesterson Morgan Layco Andrew Lorie Carmine Lombano Grace Lombano Richard Lombano Jo Longo Renee Love Maria Lung Emilie Lyons Annette Magloire Jorge Martinez Joseph Marquez The Matta Family Michael McGrail The Michaell Family Michell Family Midia Medina Catherine Mutter Nathan Mutter Skip Nau The Nanadiego Family S. Lee Nease Joan Noviello Edward O’Donnell The Ortega Family Rebecca Padilla Mary Pashayan Gioia Petrisin Diane Petrone Silvio Petrone Jr. Ruth Proaño Ed Provencher III Michael Ramos The Ramos Family Lorrene Richard The Rivera Family Kathy & Donna Roemer Rosemary Van Ruiten Mary Schaefer Annette Schimpf Gabriel Serna Pablo Serna The Serenil Family Joe Shorten Donna Stas The Stratton Family Sue Smith The Syzmanski Family Fr. Joseph Terra Dee Thomas Remy Torres Shane Trenta Nancy Tyson Rosemary Van Ruiten Norma Vaughn Kathleen Voodre Son Vu Trisha Watson Eileen Wolski David Wright Beth Young Steven Young Lord, Our God, you sent your Son into the world to bear our infirmities and to endure our sufferings. For these your servants who are sick, we ask that your blessing will give them strength to overcome their weakness through the power of patience and the comfort of hope and that with your aid they will soon be restored to health. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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