HEADTEACHER’S MESSAGE Dear Parents, With two more days to go before the end of term lots of our children are very excited about their Christmas holidays. It has been a very long and very busy term, but even within the last two weeks our Year 11 students have taken their mock exams. The primary department put on a fantastic concert – Hey Ewe! With solo performances from George Allen and Harry Moogan, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. My grateful thanks to everyone for their hard work. On Tuesday, four of our year 11 students formed part of a pupil panel to interview prospective headteachers for a new school. The professionals were delighted with their performances and they indeed were great ambassadors for Exhall Grange. Congratulations to Robert Bayliss, Danny Clemson, Reiss Collis and Osborn Shanks. CONTENTS Page No. Headteacher’s Message Primary Secondary Health Centre Whole School School Council Mobility Department Lunchtime and After School Clubs AFEGS Term Dates 14-15 PE Newsletter Everything Else 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 Congratulations are also in order for the forthcoming marriage of Miss Toni Lambden to Mr John Tull. I am sure that you would want to join me in wishing them every happiness and we look forward to welcoming Mrs Tull back to school in January. The end of term is often a sad time for us as we say goodbye to staff. This term is no exception. Mrs Debbie Cooper – Teaching Assistant in Blue Class will be leaving us for a very new role. She is also a valuable member of the manual handling team and we will miss her. We wish her every success as she embarks on a new stage in her career. Miss Marie Smith will also be leaving her role as Early Years Foundation Stage Leader on Friday – but does not leave us completely as we will be retaining her services within our Vision Support Service in a part time capacity. Miss Smith does not like any fuss but it would certainly be remiss of me to let her go without mentioning the huge difference she has made to the lives of our very youngest children over the last fifteen years. She is an excellent practitioner and has never been judged less than outstanding by several Ofsted Inspectors. We will miss her greatly but look forward to working with her in a new capacity whilst she too also embarks on a new and exciting venture. In January we will be welcoming a number of new members of staff. Mrs Helen Seickell will be joining us as Deputy Headteacher. I would also like to remind you and our pupils that Mrs Sanderson is not leaving, but will be working in a part time capacity on three days per week. EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 1 Mrs Sarah Franklin will be joining us as an Early Years teacher and Mrs Jackie Buckley will be joining us as a teacher in the Primary Department. Mrs Lisa Dewar has joined the school in an admin role and Mrs Samantha Chamberlain will also be joining the admin team in January. We will then be able to have our new reception area set up at the very front of the school. I look forward to hearing from you about these improvements we are making. Only this week saw the start of Mrs Nichola Christie and Mrs Jennie Arthur as Family/School Liaison Officers - two very new roles for the school. Given the huge changes within SEND, we are looking forward to the contribution our two new staff will be making to strengthen work with our young people and their families. As I mentioned earlier, Exhall Grange will be leading and managing the countywide Vision Support Service in a formal capacity as from January. This is an exciting time for us all and I look forward to reporting back to you on how this develops. Finally, we had a visit from the Local Authority’s Learning Improvement Officer last week to check on pupil progress and school improvements. The visit also included a tour of the school and the opportunity to informally observe lessons. I received his report this week in which he said; ‘Students appear to be highly motivated, challenged and produce some excellent work. The positive ethos and culture of the school is evident in all aspects of their work’ Well done Exhall Grange pupils! I wish you all a very happy Christmas and look forward to welcoming our pupils back on Tuesday 6th January 2015 Chris Marshall Headteacher PRIMARY Food Bank Diane Randell from the Bedworth and Keresley Food Bank came and delivered an assembly to the children in primary who had collected a lovely selection of basic foodstuffs for the foodbank. Thank you for all your donations, they were very gratefully received. EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 2 We Urgently Need Your Help – Old Clothes Required ! Do you have any spare trousers or underwear that your children have outgrown that would be suitable for Primary Age children ? Our stock of ‘emergency’ clothing is running very very low and we would be extremely grateful to receive any items that you would be willing to donate. Also, if your child has had need of any emergency clothing and it is ready to be returned, please can you send it in to school as soon as possible. Items can be handed in to any of the Primary Staff or Reception. Many thanks. Primary Staff Blue Class We have had a busy half term continuing with our Australia topic and all the preparations for Christmas. We have enjoyed a trip to Chaplains panto of Cinderella as guests of the Freemasons. It was a noisy but very enjoyable experience. We have also been to the Warwick Art Centre to see The Gruffalo and The Gruffalos Child and then taken place in an animation workshop. We did learn a lot. It takes a lot of time and money to make each 20 minute film. We also went along with lots and lots of local school children to remember all those soldiers who lost their lives defending our country. The Rev. Gandon hosted the Service of Remembrance on 11th November. We were back at St Giles church again yesterday to celebrate with our Christingle's. It was lovely having the mums to help us make them. Thank you. And lovely to see the children with the candles lit. The children did us all proud. It just remains for me to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mrs Bridges SECONDARY Year 8 trip to Cadbury's World On Thursday 13th November, Year 8 visited Cadbury's World as part of their topic work on Tudor exploration, Brazil and chocolate. Students first visited the exhibition where they learnt about the discovery of Aztecs in South America and, hence, the discovery of chocolate. They also learnt about the history of chocolate houses in Britain and the development of chocolate over time. A cinema experience showed students the creation of chocolate and the processes that Cadbury's have created. Students then visited the packing plant, watched staff making EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 3 chocolates by hand the old fashioned way and looked at adverts across the years. After lunch and a visit to the adventure playground, students visited the shop before it was time to come home. Students were impeccably behaved on a very busy Thursday at Cadbury's World. They queued well where necessary and were polite and respectful to staff. Amazingly, despite the quantity of chocolate bought, no-one was ill and they all made it in to school the next day too! Mrs Melville Year 11 trip to Cromford Mill, Derby Mr Cheney’s Year 11 GCSE History class visited Cromford Mill in Derby this term. The Mill was the first water-powered cotton spinning mill. It was developed by Richard Arkwright in 1771 in Cromford, Derbyshire, which laid the foundation of the Industrial Revolution. Arkwright’s fortune and was quickly copied by mills in Lancashire, Germany and the United States. It forms the centerpiece of the Derwent Valley Mills, now a World Heritage Site. Most of the employees were women and children, the youngest being only 7 years old. Student viewed the three storey houses that Arkwright had built to provide accommodation for his employees; he also built a pub at the end of the street for the workers and a Hotel near the market place for buyers and businessmen to stay when they came to the Mill. After a walk around the village students enjoyed a lunch of fish and chips Miss Holloway Post 16 - The Secret Garden Christmas Update With Christmas fast approaching we thought it may be worth letting you know how hard the students have been working. They have helped in harvesting and clearing the Kitchen Gardens and Poly-tunnel for winter and have been actively involved in pruning, cutting back and preparing the soil for next year. They have created a number of craft items with a Christmas theme, including painted storage jars, novelty gift boxes, hand decorated cakes and hand made table decorations. EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 4 After a Christmas Lunch on Tuesday the 16th the term will draw to a close, but never fear, there are lots of new topics for 2015, such as Floristry, Photography, Art and Bushcraft and we will of course keep you updated. Annette Gadd Secret Garden Project Food Technology During the penultimate week of term, we have been very busy with Christmas cookery in the Food technology department. Year 7 were busy icing cakes in the theme of reindeers and snowmen which were so cute that we almost felt guilty to eat them! As we are very health conscious, Year 8 were told that they would be making Brussel Sprouts for their Christmas cookery, but I forgot to mention that they were actually chocolate truffles . Year 9 worked very well and made festive mice pies and even themed the lids of their mince pies with various festive shapes. Have a look at what we have been up to and I hoped you enjoyed eating the treats at home as much as we enjoyed making them. Year 7 reindeer and snowman cupcakes Year 8 Brussel sprout chocolate truffles EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 5 Year 9 mince pies Next term, KS3 will be moving on to Textiles and we will be making pencil cases with Year 7, light up cushion in Year 8 and drawstring or shoulder bags with Year 9. EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 6 There will be a lunchtime cookery club for students who wish to continue to build on their Food Technology skills and a letter will be sent home at the beginning of next term with more details. Have a great Christmas and get baking! Mrs Jandu HEALTH CENTRE IMPORTANT If your child is away from school due to a long term illness/hospital stay, could you please ring Lorraine Delaney on 024 7636 9866 or 07748 393932 to arrange a return to school visit. This is so that we can make the necessary arrangements for any change in circumstances i.e. handling plans, personal care needs etc. and have the correct procedures in place for health and safety reasons. Mrs Delaney Learning Support Manager May I take this opportunity to remind parents and carers about the Flu Vaccination? All children aged 2, 3 and 4 years old, can be given the vaccine at the GP, whereas all year 7 and 8 children, can receive this vaccine either at the GP or at a participating chemist. Up to 17 years of age, this vaccine comes in the form of a nasal spray, so no needles! Children and adults with certain conditions can also have the vaccination, as can their parents or carers. Please can I also encourage you to send in a water bottle/sports bottle with your child, because, whatever the weather, drinking throughout the day is very beneficial and helps keep the brain active. At this time of year, cases of Noro Virus (Gastro Enteritis), is on the increase. Please can you remind your children to wash their hands before meals and after using the toilet. If your child does have symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting, they need to stay off school for 48 hours after the last episode. Thank you Janet Christopher School Nurse EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 7 WHOLE SCHOOL Mobile Phone Numbers Did you get a new mobile for Christmas ? Have you changed your telephone number ? Please let the school office know as soon as possible of any changes to your contact details. Educational Health Care Plan Meetings and Annual Reviews Please ensure that you keep a record of when your appointment has been scheduled as there is very limited opportunity to rearrange these important meetings. Should you have any queries regarding Annual Reviews, please contact Mrs Schipke in the school office. If you have any queries regarding Education Health Care Plan meetings, please contact Mrs Dewar in the school office. Staff Vacancies Please be advised that any vacancies that arise at school, are advertised on the school website www.exhallgrange.org.uk and on www.wmjobs.co.uk. School Website If you have not already had a chance to look at the school website, please take a few minutes over the holidays to have a look and see what you think. We would appreciate your comments. FREE SCHOOL MILK ! From January 2015, ALL children who are eligible for Free School Meals are also entitled to a 189 g carton of FREE Milk each day. If your child is eligible, you will be receiving a letter from Mrs Steele, Office Manager, asking you to confirm whether or not your child would like this milk. It can be made available at break or lunch time. We would ask that you reply promptly to this letter so that we can order the correct amount. EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 8 Lost Property Please ensure that ALL of your child’s belongings are CLEARLY labelled. Any items of property handed in to the school office are checked for names and, where they can be identified, they are returned to their rightful owners. There is currently a nice collection of coats, jumpers, PE kit etc. in reception that are not labelled or the name has faded and is unreadable. We would love to return these items to the right children, so please ensure you label any current or new school uniform to help us do this. School Office SCHOOL COUNCIL This term, the School Council decided to support Children in Need with their fundraising efforts. There were a number of good ideas for raising money and the Council members decided upon a cake sale and raffle for whole school and a ‘draw Pudsey’ competition for Primary. As you can see there were some fantastic entries. If you are in school these are on display in the primary corridor near reception. Thank you so much for all your donations of cakes and prizes and also for sending money in with the children so they could take part. Your generosity helped the children to raise a fantastic £ 266 for this worthwhile cause. School Council EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 9 MOBILITY DEPARTMENT Recently the mobility department supported a group of children from the upper school VI community on a pre-Christmas shopping trip into town. Our day started out in Ikea with a full English breakfast and social amongst the throng of the mid-morning shopping madness. The fun then carried on into town where we divided into smaller groups to buy presents for family and friends; calculating and working out our own money and making purchases independently. When we were all shopped out every one got together at a café for a welcome drink and to share tales of how our shopping worked out. VI Life Skills Camp On Friday 12th December, nine children ranging in age from seven to thirteen, plus six members of staff and two older students, gathered in the Life Skills suite at the start of the overnight camp. The theme of the camp was two-fold: to promote both independence skills and the importance of good manners. During the evening the children played team games, chose their preferred topping for their pizza, and watched part of the DVD ‘Frozen’. Meals were taken in the Life Skills area and all children sat down with staff to have their meals. The children slept in pop-up tents – supplied by Mrs Hilton – in the York building. Saturday morning began with breakfast and afterwards a walk around the school site plus games on the field. Once inside they all took part in two Christmas craft activities and then prepared their own sandwiches for lunch. The camp ended at 2.30pm on Saturday 13th December. All the children behaved very well and, given the fact that for some it was their first night away from home, managed extremely well. Particular thanks go to Michaela Canham and Megan Brumby who provided extra help where it was needed, and to staff from the Mobility department for organising the camp. Christine Williams Mobility Christmas Pantomime at Bedworth Civic Centre And just when we thought we could not have any more fun. The Bedworth Guide Dogs Fundraising team have invited the V.I students and their families to the Pantomime at EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 10 the Civic Hall to see a production of Aladdin. Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas to all, Paul Norman and The Mobility Team LUNCHTIME AND AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS Gardening club is having a short break until spring and in its place we have a construction club! There were a lot of children on each occasion so far! Have a look at some of their creations. We have had to make it a rule that if you want to come to the club, you have to be prepared to deconstruct your creations at the end of the session after a photo has been taken. Trust me, I have an awful lot of photos! It's great to see everyone enjoying themselves and we are all enjoying the club so far. Mrs Bridges VI Lunch Club – Christmas Shoebox Parcels As Christmas approached, our VI Lunch club felt that they would like to give 'something' back to others less fortunate than ourselves. This featured on our agenda at our recent VI forum and it was a unanimous decision that our lunch club fill shoeboxes for girls and boys of different age groups. Each student bought in small items in to include in their box, each box was wrapped in Christmas paper and items such as toiletries, crayons, colouring books and sweets were added to each box. Once filled every student wrote a personal Christmas message to the recipient of the box. Our students did an overwhelming job and filled 12 shoeboxes which will be delivered to the Hope Centre, Hillfields, Coventry this week. Thank you to everyone who contributed Gillian Hilton Teaching Assistant/VI Lunch Club AFEGS Christmas Carol Concert On the 1st December our annual Carol Concert took place. There was a fabulous evening of entertainment and this was enjoyed by everyone who attended. There were readings by pupils, staff and guests. We were privileged to hear 2 poems from guests at the concert. The primary EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 11 department choir sang songs from the Christmas production they will be performing during the last week of term, while our secondary department choir sang two very festive numbers. There was great amusement at the arrival of Humphry the Camel who accompanied the St Giles Choir in one of their musical pieces. The Choir once again provided a fantastic performance of carols. Our thanks go to The Band of Royal Fusiliers Warwickshire for giving up their time and effort to play for us especially as one member of the band drove up from London just to perform for us. The evening raised over £ 400 that the Committee will look to put to good use on future projects. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas! Mrs Delaney Treasurer of AFEGS Committee IMPORTANT TERM DATES : 2014 – 2015 Friday 19 December 2014 Autumn Term Ends CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY Monday Tuesday Friday 5 January 2015 6 January 2015 13 February 2015 Teacher Training Day Spring Term Begins School Ends SPRING HALF TERM HOLIDAY Monday Friday 23 February 2015 27 March 2015 School Returns Teacher Training Day – Spring Term Ends EASTER HOLIDAY Monday Tuesday Monday Friday 13 April 2015 14 April 2015 4 May 2015 22 May 2015 Teacher Training Day Summer Term Begins MAY DAY BANK HOLIDAY – School Closed School Ends SUMMER HALF TERM HOLIDAY Monday Friday 1 June 2015 17 July 2015 School Returns Summer Term Ends TERM DATES FOR 2015-2016 ARE AVAILABLE VIA THE SCHOOL OFFICE OR THE SCHOOL WEBSITE EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 12 The Inter-House Cross Country Competition was a fantastic event. All Secondary Students, as well as pupils from Blue and Green took part. There was an event on the Field and another on the Playground. The P.E. Department was very impressed with the efforts of all pupils. It was a very close competition in terms of points but the final result was; 1 st- Edison 2nd- Ingram, 3rdHawking, 4th Easter. Well done to all the runners! Mr Beetison took a group of Year 10 students to the Special Schools Gala. They swam against students from Woodlands, Round Oak, Oakwood and Corley. Congratulations to Alex Sutton, Daniel Clarke, Josh Flemming, James Coley, Megan Brumby, Megan Carter, Hannah Carr and Erin Goodall. The Senior Girls Football Squad took part in the Special Schools Football Festival at the Alan Higgs Centre. The Sky Blues Coaches ran the event and were very impressed with the attitude and skill level of our team. The girls played exceptionally well and finished the tournament in 1st position! Congratulations to: Hannah Carr, Erin Goodall, Megan Carter, Danielle Skraga, Megan McGuire, Daniella Sherwood, Ellie Saunders and Charlotte McEwan. Mr Beetison organised a friendly Football fixture against Round Oak. The squad were very enthusiastic and enjoyed the competition. The final score was 7-1. Goal of the game was scored with an outstanding piece of individual skill from Romario Richardson and was finished well by Robert Bayliss. The squad was; Romario Richardson, Curtis Pilz, Elliot Parsons, Philip McPadden, Charlotte McEwan, Robert Bayliss, Alistair Campbell-Williams, Reiss Collis, Matt Harding, Tom Parsons, Stefan Mcfeely, Osborn Shanks, Andrew Kettell and Liam Wright. Blue Class took part in the Fundamentals Festival, with the Year 12 Sports Leaders running the event. All the Primary Students enjoyed the session and worked really hard. The Sports Leaders were excellent and good role models for the younger pupils. The Nuneaton and Bedworth Leisure Trust have been delivering fantastic Swimming Sessions afterschool on a Thursday night. Ash and Mitchell have been introducing lots of new fun activities and games. After the half-term holidays they will be back to lead more enjoyable sessions for games! The Christmas Sport and Social night was a great success with 30 children, attending the event. The Nuneaton & Bedworth Leisure Trust ran some fun Christmas themed games followed by the film ‘Arthur Christmas’ & refreshments. Thanks to all staff that helped out. The after-School Clubs recommence the 2nd week back with games. Events to follow: Saturday Bike Maintenance Club - Starts 17th January 2015 Year 9 Calvert Trust Trip - 2nd February 2015 Whole School Dance Display - 12th February 2015 Secondary Swimming Gala - 26th March 2015 Primary Swimming Gala - 21st May 2015 Primary Sports Day - 30th June 2015 Secondary Sports Day - 9th July 2015 EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 13 EVERYTHING ELSE ! Parent Partnership have changed ! As a result of the introduction of the SEN & Disability (SEND) Reforms, the remit of the Parent Partnership Service has changed and we are also required to change our name. We are now known as SEND Information, Advice & Support (SENDIAS). A copy of the new service leaflet which details the support that can be provided to parents, carers and young people is available on the school website under ‘Parent Information’. Dawn Rowley SEND Information, Advice and Support (Warwickshire) Tel 024 76366054 Email [email protected] Web www.family-action.org.uk/wias EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 14 HAVE YOU VISITED OUR SCHOOL WEBSITE RECENTLY ? www.exhallgrange.org.uk We have recently added links to a variety of support services and organisations that you may find useful. Please take a few minutes to have a look over the holidays and let us know what you think, we would appreciate your views. EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 15 WISHING YOU ALL A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR From the Governors, Staff and Students EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL EXHALL GRANGE SPECIALIST SCHOOL – DECEMBER 2014 PAGE 16
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